\v alcll lor AMr:un-^ [vp,.„..r -Abk:! cootsif-. La-‘yik^sik.un^u Jv; n€d ^T, >" is v.-Drt.i ■- . SOi >iiWOUTil. A-; ^ ’N*. uf Ti;;; ^•FKS IN \.'it-'.i:if-V r.. 1, , - , 1 KS Con- ijr> • TT W. lU-rfiert, ■ ’ W. Fosiiiv k, [ C. -V. Fii-c, i’.' C-.iss'.' lay, \V. V- t *. '*X * ' y»» ‘ \ A.rknk-.rai ' V ■■-- Uio nio>! ■' n..:,-b wiilv-ovi‘ o:' iu- -.u- t llic va:-u , - ’v-A ' .-i-s. Air.or. — ' y,- ' rht‘ Chrit, M o-d V’-J AVAL I'. WIGHTAIVN & CO. Proprieties. W. F. Wigliliiiaii, FAYETTjEt^ILLEi i. C., SATUEDAT, JAJJUAET 24, 1857. \ 0LI A1!: X\ili-NO. (KAl. T E R at s OF SfcascaiPTitJs to the caholinian ^ or a single copy, if raid in advance, per aimum, S2 00 ** at the end of 3 montiis, 2 50 “ •* at the onil of G nitmtUs, 3 00 ** “ “ at the enil of the year. 3 50 No snb^nptioT will be received for a shorter period ban one year unless paid iu advance. . ^^iththe view of extenlint? the eirculatioH and eu- bancin,^ the U'orilness of the paper, the proprietor of fers the followln.2 renaarkablv low CLr/J R.1TBS, LVr.ini fBLV I.\ 5 cop>s of the Carolijiim. 1 y -ar, 10 - » « iDTAyCE: SS 00 15 00 Rates of AdTPrtslns:! §i.xty cents p®r square of 16 lines, orless, for the first JiUi 3ft rents fnr each su'’i-*eqiient insertion, unless the advertisement is published for more than two m^atliju uiiep^jt will be charjjed Vor three mouths ----- $4 00 T'or si.x month.s, - - - - 6 oo For twelve months. 10 00 \ll advertisements must have the desired nuinb-„T of in_ .'ertlons marked on th»'m. orth-^rwise they will be in serted till forbid and charji«.‘d accordiriijly. Special aftcnl:on is directed to this requisition. WM. F. AVIGIITAI VX & CO. SfaWIOES. CT^K.nE.VT G. WRIGHT, -Vtlorncyat Ti;nv, Pnyetlc vi Me. X. C. OScc *t the corner of limv and Green rtreete. Feb'v 3. iS.VJ. .1. A. Si»EARS. ATTOIIXEY AT LAW, ATTKXD.S the Gjurt-. of Caiii'.oriaiid, ilarueti. Ti'ake and -Johnston. Addre.ss, Toomcr, Harnett Co,. X. C. Keh. 16, 18.J6. S.i-v Professor AVoud’s Hair ResU)i-ative, for .sale hy S. J. HIX.SHALE. Aug. 30, 1836. 913-tf I THE FI.O.VTIXG B.VIjIiS OR IvXUCKLE \V VSmVG 31ACMI\K, The sulweribor havin'^ purchased the Uighi of ihe above Machine for the Counties of Cunlberland and ITaructt. i.s now ready to furnish such as may be •desirous of obtainin.c: a Right. The machine issimplc. both^ iu its structure and operations, and should any portion of it fail, can be ea.sLly-and spepiiily repaired by any person having the use of tools. I do'not claim for this machiut? ;nore than Avhat it is aillc to perform with tliat description of labor which almost everv family is able to .supply, without at ail iutcricring with the ordinary duties. In the first place a child 12 or 15 years of age can perform all the labor, .after having' seen- it operate a few times, and if the direc- tion.-s are adhered to, will do us much ahtrk in one dav as tljrec cr four \vommi in the ordinary way. and th'e work will bo niiiCh 1>ctter done. 'Jelow will be foimd a certificate frorri thC.se who liave purchased ami libw have iu use one of those iiuielilue.s . : ISII.VM BLARI^. April 12, 1S5G. 9:i-tf F.\.rKTTEvi[j:K, N. C.. April 9. if\56. M'e. the iinder.sigued. having purcha.ed of Mr Islmm Rlake one of the itbove machines, cordially recommend it to the favor of the Public. It washe.s very rapidly, .and the work i.smiich better done than i.s usually done in the did v.ay, and with less wmar to the Clothing, ft far exj^eCds 'dur expectations, and lias onlv to be seep in opei iition to satisfy the most sk'.qitical of its utility and eciiuoiny. We have no doubt of its being generally used whervver iutrddqoed. STATE dF XORTH CAROIilNA—ROBESO-V COUXTY. Superior Court of Law—Fall I'crm 1856. Churchill Walklev & Johnston v.s Joint. .W. Keo-an. ORlGiNAL ATTACHMENT, it appearing to the saiisfnotion of the Court that the ^ said defendant, is not an inhabitant of this State, It .is OXE TllJAL MAY .YAICE VCC RJCII FOll LIFE, ''.V tlieC,,iu-tAI,«t pubHc-Uion be ly.a.le the Siilcu.li.l .Schemes D.-awi.ig D„i|y. Carolmian. a Xewsi.hixir published lu the low,, Maryland Lotteries. CORI3IX & CO AGENTS. A FOUTuXF. Foil THE TRTAI.. •* There ,.=, a tide ,„ th., affairs of man. IVhich. if taken at t!,e flood, leads to fortnue." I), G. MoRik W. .1. , .l.VtlKIlSOM, AVm, .McLAriii.v, A. 1>. IICUT, J-ta. G. StiiTH, .Tn'O. I). IViu.i.rite .Torn' P. Si.tnR, JosEi’ii .V. Worth, A. ,1. OTI.txi.oN', P.tvio 4Vejiyss. it.iji 777' ir F UL L i:n, .Attorney :vt Law, r r E V 1G E , X. c at the Law of Jesse (L Shop- F A 4 K ly b*’ cO'i'uiL* 1 hi-nl. Ksq.. o:* « Vr Julv ll>. ISoG. .‘U Street. -tf IM OFFI Ffo.it ChMii-it and Prug Store, Fc j'y 7. 1:^00. K. A. DLACK. kjLU-, over Dr. S. J. llin.'daleh- .y p t K F A c r o j RV liLO. LACDCIi. podte to F. W. Willkinirs' Far .ti *viU-. X. C. V, Auction Store. M -t. FOR o Atj h. 5:*tl -V T-?? of La;i 1. lying na Cap • Ke.tr River—Store. D.velliar. iVit K »h- ‘-tail iu firxt rare ord-T. The is at a bii^iaj'^i .'tand at tl:,? iVos.-; Road.s and tin- an i !.•? not to b ' c-c.-'dii-l by a ly in. .X-irth I'aroriua. A'ly p_n*so:i djriirinrto pnrehas? can obtain further rC'^^c.tiug ihc 4>rt»p‘?,-ty by (Mlliag cn -.*r’ ip \t w;li;.;' (• 'k o i ih .• Wilorirrton IFki-! 15 niC.'S from Fa^'Steviije. S.VK V!I WRICIIT. Ort. 4. lE-tf JAMFS WiUCHT. Wo iu eompunv %vlth several other gentlemen, saw a four dollar bill which ^\as very dirty and much defaced. i>iit in and wa.sheu out by this inacliine. re moving ml the dirly appearance of the bill, and leav ing it perfectly legible, which shows tlicre is little or no rubbing produced iu washing fine articles. Fn.\N'K N. RonKRTS, J.'.s. G. S>HTn. SLXI) YOUR ORDERS TO coiiniy & CO, The Old Established Authorised .-Vgeiils who have SOLD MORE l>Ri;5ES Than anv otli'U* cjJlicc in tlie. State of Maryland. AlA. PRIZES aUARAXTEEl) UY THE* ST VTE SINGLE TfCKET.S: M boie.s AT •Ifalves 50 cts; Quarters 2.'5 cts. cERTirrcArEs of pack.voes. 2fi Whole Tickets SIG.OO 2G Half Tickets ^s.0u 2fi Quarter Tickets 4.(}() NOTIUXa VfLXTURR; NOTlliNG GALX. Tickets iiought by the Package are always the most Profitable to the Purchaser.s. TRY PACrv.\GE. For $2.5 For Fdr Look at the following SPLF>'I)!D schemes. One of which are drawn at 12 o’clock each d?iv of the week. BRILLIANT. 47,207 Dollar.^. MARYL.VNl) CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY. CuA.s.s 310. CORBIN A CO.. AOEXTS. SCHEME. $.').000 5CU of Fayetteville for the space of sixweeks. notilyiiig the said .fonathan W. Regan to ap)^*ar at the next term of the Superior Court of Liiw for tli* county of Robe son, at the Court House in Luniberton. on the Fourtli Monday in March next,and then and thereto I'lc^A ob re])lcvy. or final judgement will be again.-si. him. WiTXKSs. Alexander McMillan. Clerk, dfsdid Court, dt office in .Luniberton, the fcurlii Mbnday iu Septem- bi*r. A. 1). l^G. This Dee. 22. I8.5(>. A. Mc.\nLLAN. C. S.C. JO, 1857. 32-fit STATE OF XOltTiI C\ I ItjlX V- — COUXT V. Superior Court of I^ow—Full Term 1850. M'ilUam Boyce & Co. vs. .Tcnatlian W. Regan ORIGINAL ATT.VCHMKNT II appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court the STATE OP NOUTH CAIiOl.iNA- corxTV. -liOPESOX J Caurt of Plem; Quarter Scssiou.s Term, 1856. Dr. If. McLean, vs. Malcom BavfY;-. ALtaciiment Lwy mi Land. Judgment ni.si j'or Sixty iolhu-s and inlvre.st 22 December 1851 and c(»sis. ^ORTIf /V7i/: i1 r.\!!l)Lf\lAN. r'r.’ii.i !■:. v afUdavit filed by the i’iaiutiJf liiai tise Maicoiu Baxter is not inlu.bi’aiit oi'ihi.s abscondsPf conceals h::!L-“lf tiial tli ! An indignant {‘o ,; b.^iiiU't neeord'iig ii i ocfiput, .sends ihe f poetic pi-ot,>t. w lau- or so : tiiu!'-: on I he 1« of law cannot be served o ihim—and iViiliam .1. Brown * Constable returned into (imirt ;it this ic-iii a: meat against the said .Malcnm Ba.\r--r wltfl t!- ing l•ndo^.senK*nt to wit: Levied on uti ■.?! containing Niuety-seveii a’ res mm-e m- le.-s tl: perty of Malcom B.-tx-tet*. lying om th-' iand Swamp ahtntonc mile from }’'Mta-’v'’ihiisf”l!in-eli. • ; and joins the lands of Daniel MeMillai!. .Mary (iro-’ j Irani and otber.s on tlie t'ast si'V -f said .Sv,a.-iip iu j Robe.'on County UctulK'V JtiMi day-^Seii. ll isihere-' j fore on motion, tirdcl'ed by tin* t hat inddi'-.aLioii ; ! be made in the North Carolinian, a itewspa7er jirird.- d ; I in th(^ town of Fayetteville, for six weeks >neee>-'!vel v. I notByiiig the said defeiulant to be ami aiJp- ar belbrc ll niqienrrd in »nsi* iiift. \\ (’ rainiol n -w r r " ’•'e cxtrtirTcti ili-: I::: L-rred to, But tiu.*:;. the jr«tl.-j" -vi!' v. Vrohinii irSi.dvrs so vofv :now 11 i‘ure ul Udl 1' ii'ii TT, D •. ll uiiiK. Ill me lo me o;ili}»iuc i u»u u i me v. ou 11 lue i - o * .. • “ . • • '*1 i •• • lilt I ."aid flctcmlciit is not „„ i.,hal„t,,nt of this .Stetc it is I•To^'t'ces of ti,..- next Co„rI of Pleas and i,„;,i-,c,- s lh Hcsenilpaukaso IIalves.tt,vo \V liolet,ckctSio,.je,.,,j bV ,1,0 Conrt. that P„i,licati.,i l.e m;,ae in i Se.ssious to be held lor tue county ol liobes.m at ,l,e n. send paekase Quart s ct one W hole Ticket. | Xorlh Carnlinian. a newspaper piililished i.Nlie i ^'’tirt Ili.nse ,n I.umherlon. on the lourtl, .Monday of i Town of Fayetteville, for the space ofsi.x weeks, noti- i I'ehruary next, then and there to sI,ow cause. ,1 any lying the sail! .Jonathan W. llegf n ho al.pear at ,he i !■« c^n, why.,miginenUiaal shall not he eat,Ted against ^; ne.'ct T-trm of tii.e Snpei-ior Chin t of Law for the Go,,,,-' an,l the laials ievie-1 on enidenined to i,c sold to ; tv of llolie.son, al tlie Court House in I.unilicrtou on : Pg"*''**'’. I the fotirtli Monday in Mareli next, find tlno, and there I ttness, .Shaili'aeli Howell. Clerk of onr stud Court to plead orreplevv or final judgment will he gjven : T, ! against him,—Witn.'ss .Me.xainier .MeMillan Clerk ofi&V-- ol Amenean J,„lei,e„diM,e_e the j said Crini t at office in Liiinlierton tl,s fonril, .Monday ' .year. -sMeu the i. tl, day ol IJeceinl'cr t in .September--V. IJ. 1856. Tiiis *i2i,d Dec. 1836. aHacIi loilow- ^ Jijijiself answered; t l-aiid. “You call till And lliiid; VO lint I liavt, .somethin Ahont til,! ox.|itlei;,rn ns w. il. You wear VO,if l;a r nil o'er y im- face -Anti tliinl; it gives voii .sin-h g oiaoe liilo we are incaiiliine taking note sVntl thiiiii s'oii look L'lorc like a gx.ai I Tiieii too von wear your oiieti blceves, j gkpeiiig llie laJie.s, if you jilease, I gViid coat aliiiost a yard too long, Cuiiiiiiete.s Hie ljui'Ueu of mv song.’’ n.sidi 0. IKHISTON 7./,. ^«>I'LD ndurn hi?! thanks tn ih‘'^ublle f'»r flio iilr ral palron- ptt Ygi hv-* lui- r:'C'.dvi’d. ii;;,! hope?. ■ ■^•ctnality in bii^iir'S.?, fur n coiuinu.-.tion of tlie i-aur*. ^ IL-liiv? C'juimontrt-ii balin's? le: , r 111? O'va respnrisii)iiity. on tli • ‘Jl* I’ersoa ?freer. two iloor.? bcloa- the Cap* Ft-ar Baak and thr-*-* ah iv old .-‘.rid wher; he wouhl b" udal tA -ice all hi' '>M fri-'ud-^. He e\p '-;ts to keep ■SHI h lid a ii'io I ;i'-«u;*Lai'.‘i*i ot 8.iddle~. Bi'tdl liip- “ki'i 'v--i‘yt’iiag in hi? Lr 3 o!’ba-dir''.-^. N. B. IJ-‘ ■.'^ill to repiiriug of .Saddles, ILir- Ac.. an.'I hi^ CJiV.i shall be mudfrate. Suprenib'.T 13. LB'.'L 15-i;m LAP-.M‘'Lau;iii A Sfr.inge will piny tim liigli •A ea h priee for Turo-iitiue u'llil fiirilior iiurlec. .Sv’rj;. 3. 18of». .5>-tf M. FAULivil'Andry;;:: Cj-laBlisinnent to tho corner of Ciiiic.sj>ie and Fimiilcliji .streets:, jppo-iitj thi! State Bank, in and und--r the rdom« for,iit-rlv oeeupi^'d bv flie S f»f T. H ■ h on h.iiid a fir-t rat-^:u.ek ef RL.VLN and FANCY. HOME and iMF >RT;-:I) B -;-s. s:ijue.. Gairen,. Ae..a.l l^vi!l•r. l;i^- fa•'lnl•*‘ all article'* in h:s line in tho be.st styb; lU .-ihort iiotiiv. Tiiankful fur ptwst favor.?, he ri«)liciL^ a coii- ■‘In'iation of the llb'ir.il patronage her ^tolBre besto vved. 13. iS'd). 28-t f OF VMLi; rsuj \ n L F r. ar ‘ )n the SECOND MGND.\.5' in Febniafy 1 Fie Court Hon?e iu the town of Fav'dreville. the nn- (bT?ign;? I will oJer for sale, on a credit of on** and two yvMr. several tracts of L.VND in the countie.? of Cum- i> *r!arid a ij Harnett. One tract on tlie Wc.?tern bdnk of the Cape Fear R'v-’r. below SmitiiV Ferry, containing about fifteen hundr- l and sixty-five acre*—the Rlaiition of the late Henry Elliot. There is a life-estate in two hundre*! and fifty acres of tiii.s tract, which adll not l.i * otf'Tud tbr sale. The int -rcst in reversion will be di.sposed of Oil the sale day, separate fr-iin the other portion of the Plantation. 50 acres on Lower Little River, known as the Gib son plioe. tiOfi acres on Lower Little River, ferificr icshleace of Alex r Wiiliani?. Jr. 4.5 acres near Elliot’s Mills. 550 acres »>n t!ie Juuipcr. n-)i) acre-' on Little ^fill Civet::. l> )0 acres on GitisOn's Creek—tlie SInclaii piece. :U > acre.s near McArthur's Bridge. Al tiie 8;uv Mill 1’irnber on 300 acres adjtLining.V-* -- 5;)0 acre? on Black Branch, near J. Ki.-iiy^s. And the Saw .Mill Timber du liU acres mfioining. .350 acre.? near Munro’e'.s Briilgoi, North side of tl\e River. •400 acre-s. inclu ling the Mineral Spring ne;ir tlie Mills formerly Col. .Murchison's, 3C0 acres on Grog Creek, near the Fayetteville and Westeni Plank Road. 50 :icri.*s on the North Prong of And-Tson*s Crock. Also, an undivided interest, being one-third of two Lots in the Town of Fayettevilie. on Rowan Street, known a.? the Armstrong lots: and in 28 acres of Land on the South side of Little i?ivcr, near Elliot's Mills. —AZ.SO— -V? the same time, on a credit of six nioritlis, will be S'jI'I-— 12 sh.ares of gtock in the Fayetteville and lYostern Piaiik Roaii. 40 shares of Stock in the Fayetteville and Raleigh Plank Road. — sliares in the Cape Fear and D .-cp River Naviga tion Onniiany. 10 shares in tlie Cumberland .tcadomy. .-'tnd an un divided interest in the Chemical Apparatus tiiorein- These .sale.s are maile uiidor a power iil th’o M’iil of Mio late Henrv Elliot. ALEX'U ELLIOT, ) J. G. SHEPHERD. D«C 20. IS50 F.ILL T/LIDE, 1850. B. F. F F A It C F rSNCW OPENING, a i:li-go find desiraJile Stock of FALL AXD TriGT7’i^/^ GOODS, consisting in je’.rt Of Black and Eolui-oil Silks. English an:l Fnau-h .Mvrinos. plain anti FigM D^lvanes. some beautifj.l patterns. Black an,I Fancy Alpaciis, J-hlgings ami Inserting^ Coilars and Undersleevcs. Cact’.■* ainl Whalebone .Skirts. jaconet. Nainsook. Swiss nml IMaitl 5fnslins. Freueli. English ami American Flints, ^'lt)ths and Ciissinivrfs. Safinetfs. J*‘un.s and Twt'eds, i’laids. Liust'vs and Kerseys. Carolina ami .Maidbor'>' Siript*.?. j'leaehetl tiuil Brown Shirtings and Shootings. Wliite and Colored Flannels, JR*iUiagaand Tickings, libh Liiieii.s. gt>ol assnrtinonf;. T’tnen Table Clotlis, Towt.dings and Napkins, Shawls, ClOfilv? and .ManHHas.* L.xtra tjUiHity ofibd Blankets. Ribbons, iSeMs. Glove.5. Hosiery, Ac. —ALSO— ‘ U:i4s. Caps, Bo-aiiets, lioot-s. Shoes anti Unibrollus: general assortment of 7?77.17>'r-driDF CLOTj/Lya, and ( -.■cry varit ty in the YANKEE NOTION LINE, 'vhicti will be ?oltl at -a small mlvance fier CASH, or oil iiitie to punctmil cusioui-'is, either at TT hxhisale. or liefail. .Vli are resp‘“.-rfuny invited to give me a call before uurOliasing elsewhere. B. F. PEARCE. llay Sr.. Fayi*Tt(“viI!e, .Sept. 1, 18'.;f>. ] 4-tf 1 priJ'e of 1 (IH I do 1 do 1 do IGO 1(> (M ih> 6-4 do G4 do 4.328 do 22.17G do Jan. 10. 18.57. A. McMlLL.VN, C. S. C. 32 Gt 1 50 1 37 SHAD. HOWELL. Clerk, llv n. FREEMAN. D. C. .Janv 3. 1857. 3i-Gt 2-4.SGI Frixes aniouniing lb CAPITAL PiaZE 5.000 5>oHais. PATAPSCO INSTITl'TE LOTTERY (M.as.s 102. CCUBIN A CO., AOrNTS: S-iiEMf-;. 2 iif in do 5(10 1 do Jll 8 do 30 2(’ft di' 20 G3 do io g:! do 12G do ‘1 3.!)d(; do 2:;.43G do 1 27.8U 2’irizi‘? iiiucuiMing to * 17.217 . .. , Ci..c.?s 255. OKBIN A CO.. AGF>''rc Sen j:\ii-:. PllOSPECTFS O?’ TflU s o { rH b; B .v i,i r k r a k v m liss kx g ii R For the Vear 1856. Julv to December. TtVKV ? V»TilIRD VOlA.'>I15, III issuing rlr* I’ru-ijx^etus of th“ Tw-nitv-Tliird Vol- nme.dthe .OFTHERN IMTERAl’Y MESSENGER, coniiui.nicing wirh tin*.Inly N'*.. rln.' Fn.'prietors r-dy solely on the eneonraging letters anil pro!iii.?fs of liu: fri'-n I.-'of th-‘M; >-‘-iig-T to aid tlnnn in extending its circulatiuii. and tli-'y I^-g {,> tlie piihlic that no tix* rtions V. ill be rcinitied on tlieir part te‘iiiaiiit.iin the liigh (diaraeter of tlie wtu'k. ami to rhalleiige the paironage of all who value sf' i ling literary merit, i'or'f/.'Mity-Oiie d'ears. the .Messenger has eiid 'uvoreil to refi.'et f.iithfuBy llie Southern mind, while dlsdliiidng all narrow and sectional views, and lias been alone among the imuitiiiv periodicals of .\nicrica. In defence ••>r the PECULIAit INSTITL'TION.S OF THE SOUTHERN STATES. To this fifiice it will b" devoted, ami v. ill be prompt to repel a-^sanlts upon tiio South. \*;iiether they come und-.T tin- .specious garb of fid ion. or in tiie dii cd form of anti-slavery j)ainphiet.. At th'us cidtiohl jiiiiciure, while onr enemies are employing lijeraturc as their mo.n potent weapons of attack, the Soiirherii peiiple will surely not witldiold their oiicouragenient from a work whose aim It shall be to strike blows in tiiidr de fence. The Messenger will, as heretofore, presmit its readers wUk Iterlnoa, HistdricaL and Biographical Sketches, yLd'dr, Taler, Travels, Fss iys; Poems, Crtfiqnv^] and Papers on the Ar7)nf, Akaiy and other j.yational Subjects. With a view to ensure a larger circulatiiin of the MESSE.NGER, tin* I’ropri'.dors though the;.' int'-ml, greatly iiici easing the size of the work, have* revluccd I the price of .Supseriptlon. whicli is now only ! I Thrift Oolhirs per. .annum, in Advance, | i OR FOPM DOLLARS IF NOT PAID BEFORE TIIE ' : FIRST OF JULY IN A>'Y YEAR. ! CLT'BS—Remitting ns Fifteen Dollars In onr : i letter, will be entitled .Six Copies. j Tlie Editorial ami Critical deparfnicht of the Mes- ‘ sengfir si ill continue under the charge of • > .jorrx U. THO.1IP.SOS, K.-tq., ' And will emiwace copious notes on current lilernture and revieu's ul’ali new Ameiietni or F»reign works of general iiite'rcst and value. The Editor'.-tjoinions will i>o always fearb.'ssly and honestly avowed. The Busines.s Department is coudutMed by the uipler- ' sigiiv't. tP whom all oommuiiicatious of a bu.sine.ss na ture iriu.st 1m.* address' d. .M.VCFAIiLANE, FERIH.LSSON A CO. Law Building. Franklin Street, Richmoad. Ya. June L 18.)G: S8.0U l.uUG :om) T,5bt 300 100 30 IG pri^ens!. amounting to Tit’fb*/..': 61—Shares in jiropoidion. IV e inlvf.vieibly answer letters lib i-eturu mail, eii closing tht: tickets in a g'iol safe oeA’elopc. and alu :t\s ob.-ierve the strictest cmfidcnce. After 4he drawing is over, we .scud the offieia! drawling, with a aritteu ex planation (if . the result of the venture. .VII I’rizes bt'dglil at this oilice arc j)ayalde immediately after the driDvii’g in (birnmt .Moncy.'and we talc* Bank Notes ot an; St:tie. er Bank drafts In parineiit for ti(;k- i*t- at par. Fm odil amounts in niaking chaugo we re ceive postage stainps. tliey iiring more convenhmt than silver. C(Ji re'^pr'mlents may place the utmost confidence in the regularity and safety of the r'afil.-;. as verv few or no miscarriages bf .Mbmry luippen wlieu properly directed ton-'' Bo careful tliat you mention your Post (Ullee. County and Sttiie.^ Give'us at least one sing].* irial. you cannot lose much, if not gain. One sinele Irial may n:ak(AV‘*'> independent for life. 'I'liY US. There siioiiiu be no .such word a.s fail. Add’-e.-^.s ( GUBIN CO, Box DO i'esi (Ifii'.e. Laltiimore .Md. Oct. 11 21-Gm NEW AND CIlkAP GOODS. ■James I£yie TIA.S just received a very large and gcileral J^sshft- ment ot GUtlD.S .Vmoiig whicli are, French and English Merinos : Do. Di'Iain-. Plain and Figitrt''^ : Diess .Silks. FIg'd (iiid I’lain : Black I’illet Mihs J S](‘ev'‘s.and (.b-llars : (ilotlis, Cassimeres and .Setin.s ; ]b*ar and Negro Blaiikefs i 3- 4 to 12-1 iUeached and Blown Domostic-s : (ientleirn'ii’sReady-Made Clothing, (iurpeting, (iood and Common ; Boots and Shoes:: Anchor Bolling (Moth ; Kers*‘y.s and Liuscys ; Irish Linens, Crash : Table Diaper and Na]>kins. Vrilh many otlnu- orticlv.H d’l Ff vihicn being piir- cha-(Hl by the Ibiekage. wBi be olfcro,! at low prices, by wliolesale or retail. Nov. 8, IS.'t;, 23-tf ST.VTE OF SORTff C A ROTHN A---ltOIii5SOX COUXTY. Superior Court of Lair-—Fall Term 1856. Clmichill Walkley AJohn.'^on vs. Jomitiiau VV. Rcc^n C R B: 1N A L A TT ACl IM EN T. j It appearing to tbe Satisfaction of the Court (hat the \ siiid defeiulent is not- an inhabitant of this State. R is ordered b}' the (’oiirt that Pub(icaii(in l)e iliade iii the North (.'arolinian a Newspaper publislnal in the Town of Fayetteville, for the >pace (jf .six weeks, notifying the said Jonathan \V. Regan, lo appear at the iie.xt team of the Superior Court of Law i'or tin* county of Robeson, at the (Yjurt house in Lumbertuu on the 4lh .Monday in .March next, a.ml tlien and liure jilead or repbjyy. or fimil Judgment a*iM be given against him. I\ itneKs; Alexander .McMillafi, Clerk of said court at offiee in Lumberion llie fourth Mdmlav iu Srpiemi-er .A. 1). 185G—Dec 22iul 18.VG. A. McMiLLAN. G. S, C. Jan. 10. G57. 32 fit .S TATK t>F XOH ril IW. JtO M \ An.i/U;:sux corxTV. ‘^upee’or Qourt of LoW—Fall 'Term 1806 J.. B. riodwin v.'. C. W. Cn-wft»i(I uI: IGIN.VL ATT.V('HMIhNT It appearing to th“ satisfietitm of the ('om t tlmt the said defemlant is not an inlnibilant of this Stale it is ordere.;! Iiy the (,’oiul that Publication be uRub,* in tile North Carolinian, a newspaper published in lli'.* Tijwn of FayetieviB**. for it«e space of .six weelcs noti fying the sdii’C; (JreAvfiu-d to apjiearat the next Ten.n of the Superi«»r Court ol' Ijiiw bn- the (.^ouiity ■.' Rol*eson. at tin; {’ourt House iu laimlnrrton. on *h.l‘ fourtlj Monday in .March next, ami (hen aP.d ‘here to pl(‘al in* ’-ejilevy. or linal jinJgm.eiit will Jk* given against liim.—Witness Alexander .Me.Milhin clerk of said C'tuirt at in Lumbeidoii. the fourth Monday in Sejitember .V. D. I his 1)( e. (lie 22ml !?55, A. McMiLLAN, C. .8. C. Jar. KR 1857. .32-tit GU A l NyS : il K R K A C A1) R AS A' MOORE COUNTY, N. C. The Tliistmrs ^va hap]n-to nnnoniice lo the piBd'ci lia (. tlie idh Se.s.-;ini- of rhis Lislitiitioii will on«>M ''trclV .STJ t)r soi riJ ( A ROLIX A«=. JlOr.MNOX COr.VTY. Superior Court of Law—Fall. Prut 185(1. Nicln.his Powel vs. Stojihen ll. Murtin OUUdINAL ATTA'diMENT U apj''-.'i.riiig 10 the salisfacticu of 'i'*- that the said ciereud"tit is not an lidiabitaat ol’ Ihis Suite, it is ordered by the eotirf tliat putdieaiinn be madt; in the North Carolinian a m-wspaper juildislicd in the Town of I’aA'ctteville for llie space of six Aveeks untilviu^- the said Srapiicn IL .Vartin toappear at the next Te‘ lix (if th'e StiE':rior (’I’urt e'f l.aw f«»r Ihe eouiily c f Rnlie- son. at I lie A>iirt Hfinsi.* in Lnmberloii on the fourth Monday in March n(‘xr, and then', and the’-e (r ple;id “I’CEI. F.imim-;” at the West.—Tlit ptixiiioi, iof Ci„oiii:i!,ti with i-c-spect to fuel is s,ii,l to >>'■ ;at present empliatietillj' tliiit ol'I'aiiiine. Thiriy jsix ceiils a husiiel is iioiv the price hp the load I for coal, and e-xccediiij- diffieiilt to olilaiii I that, tvhere.'is the usual price is iit'te,.,’ ; ! Ihe (r.axettc,. cf V, eduesday, eoiaiiieats se- tiiat the till, Sessioi,-ol'this Jiislitiitioa will ope,, upon the eoildlict of several railroad of Mr X,xihi«hl MeUa;^,Si”L’Sh';■.vho . Mr .>IeLaughUu Is a graduate ot the I niver.sity of ( 'bCe COfitiactciI to deliver coal iu the cilv at Nyrth raroliar. a,„i his testi„.oai„ls ,„y Pfll,.- hiyhesl ' ].h cents aud 18 cents uer bushel, ft adds- character, ■warranting the Trustees lu giving a.--u ’auce . ^ .»vauu.-5. 1-0 ail wiio miiv fee.l.(.U.'-liosed lb patC.iui/ft the •Li^litu- I ‘Hicsll i.s UlUcli SUVCl’C SuUbrillg on uccouut tion that they will hg-e the alvitaiaaes ot' syste.aatie of the fuel buiitiic. ]i, coUseoueiiee of the dif- and tliorou.gh instniciion. r i • •' . A 'J'lu* .Ictideinv is situated uiiio miles east (TCnrthage j kcultic.s lileulioiioJ above, aiiii l!:e failure of a „.-.ar thi! l',..velYvilI,- a„:l Woh,,.,-,, I‘h,„k I!oa,!. i,, tl,,. i coutractor to i„ llaiuiltoii to deliver throe midift ol a very healthy.m(»ral and int(*lli.gen1 ticigldHtr-j iii»gc hood, and it will therc-foi-e lie free inuii ina'iv iif the 1 luousnnd cords of wood puirchased of liini last aiffiaioi:,.: l-d yes-er.. In (*rder ihtir the lyuudiis of (he jiistnutnm may Jjc day no fuel whatever to .su])R!y the nuiuerous within tin* naieii ofall. ihe bilh.wing l.e.v rates of tiii- j de.stitute widows tion per sessi(ui. pavnblciu advance. Ih'.ve Ixam adoitt- ed; * ! Ihoin. The Englisli. according to advancement. 61u to 15. | \Y,it,rA..i i i jdes.eut ourselves when a poor, i weejiiiio- widow tisspred t!,c board that Iier '‘7 daughter was dying, could not live until uiyht; siiij was Wiiteliiii'j by the bedside wiiiiotil li:e I to keep herself tvariii, or furnish tfie iietessarv ahl to lier departiiig child, To meet e.xig-eiicies of this r-haracler some wood was bon-owed, and a small supply of coal obtained at tliirly cent a bushel. .Vl Jjoiiisvi.le tltere is also it ''f,,.rl famine," and coal lias advaeecd lo IC "enl a bushel. 1 he short sujijily is attribnled lo tlie low water in the Ohio Itiver during the .summer, tind the elo.-t; of navigiitioii soon after liiere was a rise and otiiers tleiicniling upon coii.sepitnces were mbsl paiul'iil. Latii’. QreeJ-. Ffench, ami hieJiei t,,-.' iiiatics. si.3, . Lxc'Hviit r.oai-ij ..‘an l-' n'ltainc.l at. .tir $7. amt utiier houses in tiii- Jieieiii.oi-iionil. ( JJQ.'.'.VI.I) M.iX.iX.'J.i). ! Hec’r-fo; iF.rn -tli-St I Robeson institute. ! V: CL’RltlK, rrj.XCIi’.M.. Tiic o\r-rei.svs of thi,« lii.-titiifleu will b,* nMimod en 3h»ndav the 51ii .Limmry ne.\(. 'riiitiiin tier Se.-i.don. .'-^pLiliiig. SG. Common J-hi- gjisli, -612. Njiturai Sci'Uico. .15, Aind' ii? I.tin- guago.s. .sis. 8iadtmis ar,.* }ir''pared for ii;e .oph. Cla's.« in tiie Uaivm-.'-ity of N. C. 'I’lie jirinelir.il lias clmjgt; of the eommodlon.-Stciv- ar«l Hall, wheri' board eun bo ofdained at $8 p'-r immlh, cX‘ hisive bf AV.Ch'i'g atiil room lights. llojirdiRid tuiiioii jKiyaljlein :i:lvance. if rfJiuirt d, Tl'(‘ (favj-liiig public ui*.* al.o informed that comrorta- ble accommotlathms can bo nbiaine.l uL the .sii-wat-d-'- Ila!!. on rea.^onable terms. •St. I’tL'.il.s. Dfc. 2(1, CC-^t liand for The .8iilis!;riber ofi'ers for sale, liis L.VNL.^ in llar- nrit t'liii'.Jty. con.'iistiug of Three liundrej atel Nb;'‘ .-\cres. more tir |es.. .sitmit.'d and lying it; (tie furk j'!' B.iriiaciie and Pjipcr Lirile Jilvei. ] -will s-ll uli logetiier or iu hds to ssiit ihe pifi'cAasej*. Th"e v. j-h- to purcha.e will do well to examine the Lamb, n.s or replevy or final jutlgment will bo givem again him.—\Yitness .Vle.xan ler McMillati clerk t)f said Court at '■‘Rice in Luniberton. th.- fnirth .Monday in SejiteiFiier A. 18.5G. Tills Dec. 22ml 185G. .V. McMiLLAN C. 8. C. Jan. JO. L'^57. 32-(;t STATl*: OF XOlil'H ’ V H O b IX V«—itO iSiiJSOX CHI .\T V, Coil'-i of J^leas and (finrt- r Ses.stons— her 'Perm. l8.aG. i' dt'scriplinn h'ere wbuld b-a li.^elei B. 'Fteeinen A('o. vs. Miileom Barter. ! .Mte.ehm uit I.evy on J>aiitl. , Jitdgment ni>i for nineteen dollars and twenty cents and interest since the fir>: .(;'.ny 18'>5. and cosl.-«. i Ll ap]n-ar!ng to the satl.-fm-Chn of tlic Court, upon affidavit tiled by the j'lein'.iifs. that t!ic (hdendant .Malcom Barle’’ is m’t en inliabitaiit of this .State, or ■:o absconds or cohociits himself that tin; i>rdinary proces- oflhvV eaunot be serviul on him—and William J. Brown. Consbdde. r'.'iurtn'il into Conn at thi.s l.-rm :mi ^ atttiehmeiit against the said Malcmn Barter with thC j following enddrx'iiuml to wit: • L'.'vied thi.s attacli-,' ! will sell th* above name*! Land on the prein!.'*s on Thursday (lie l.'dh .Luinary 1857. I'm* further parLicnlar.-, apply to John Sim'B. or ;ny- , .*elf at (.tAveiisviile. N. C. , W. N -SMALL. '’jaVrisvIlic. Di'c. 13. 1850. Js-ti '5 *;i{i‘s-;:v!'!Xi-; i.v.semc roa. Having been apptjiuted In.-^pector ofNiival .Stores, I am ju-ep'.ip'd f.i perform all dnrit s in my lino of bnsi!ies.s either at the Ui\'er or in ’fown. J have a coii\t'n;’‘;it and coiiitTiodlou.s WARi-i-ll(m tin' comer (d'(Jillespie Streiu, and CiMi .be f eRid ufih .Store of A.. M. Cnuipboi’*;- wi.^m wanted. I will t;ik“ p‘^‘a^ure in ati’Ciding to the bu-im s- nf my country friends, atid hoju; l>y a strict ntienfion t«> busine.-‘'s to merit a shnre of the putdic patronage. ,My charges shall l»e us mod'.Talo as any one can expi ci. I will do rnv diitv to liotli biiver and sidler. WM. R. V.'ILEV. Dec. 20. 2fi-tf Skatrus IJi:;wAjtj-:.—Oil Friday af.ernoou -ays the Ale.vundria Gazelt, a young man while hkuiing on the rivev opposite the loot nf I’l'inee .'ifeet, broke throngh the ice and for some lime liis situation wa.s verv pirilous. Al'ler several nn.sueecssful alteiunts t' rescue him, a sailor from one of the 'ie.ssels Iving at the 'vhiirf, sneceeded iii getting a, rojie to liim and lie was pulled out,- much e.xhansled aud nearlv r'',»ci,. pil ail.I siippos-'d t'-n-st in and lo, a ' lini’ty-seveii aces ' M.vicom Barter. Joining OS yi .\N Sf008> xvj ns FRE’TivnuE .DEfint:. .Just Ptil>!is!iO't, 1»|-51{ i.s, tlcC 'JCtii rtK-ii A iKW W'unos ox TAK R.^TfoxM.Ti ;:',:-- .^I^^^KKxr. witlii at .Medicine, (/f.^^p-u-mai-u rin a or t I 0 il- JaiU'-di* rnoiit on th tract of I more or less, as ti;i! lam!: Rje lands tif Dani-d .M'-'dillan. .Mary Graham ntnl (^llterH, on Riehlaml .Swnmj*. about one mile from PIFi ladelphiis Church, thi.- .'■^th Novemoe'* 1A5G. Il is tlicrefore on motion ordered by the Ct n-t that ]>ubli- Oition be mmlciu the North Carelinirn, a ne.w.--p:iper prin!i;tl in the town of Fay-'MeviBe; loj- t-ix A\'eoks sue cessivelv. notifying tlm said delcmlant lobenmlap- . ... , - , , , h(‘ar before the justices of the mext Ciuiri of Fleas and lilaint.s, origimiltng in tlie ini}.nidenee and.^diimle .. (Hairier .-Si-ssions, to i". |■l,!d I'ur the ('.iiinfv uJ I!..!),’- ( youth, may he easily reiiiove.l will,out Mv.lu'ia.'. isn, si'll at, IlieCoui ! 'ib.’iso in r.iiinlisriuii oa'the fniiril, i lliissmal! tract, elearly ihaaoiisl-atnl; aii.l th,. ■••ly Mon,lay ol Fehriiai-y next. Il.e!i am! there to shmv : new aiirt hiKhly successful t,'e,it:"eiit can.se ii'aay he can. whe iufU-ment linal shall not tje the .\uthor. iully e.xplaiueil enteretl against liim 'IaocuI Weakness, Nocuirnai J-hni-: ital and Nervou^ Debility. Iijipoteucy, au I ments to .Muniage generally. I BY B. UK L.WET. V. • Tilt*-important fact that the many ahirming com ]daint.s, origiiialing in tiie niijtn w!iv jiidgment Jlnai shall not be (ho Author, iully ('.xpiaim'U b\ mean.'- mI ami ii.e Itdnl I'-vied on etuulemiied , one is enabled to cure liim-^*df_ iierfecily^ to be sold to satistV the idaiid.iRs denniml and eu.sta. j least possible cost. tlioi’eUy a\uid:ng all ih obuih ! i>y .vliiel! every ■Old at t'le advert: Ex'rs. Five .seventh.s ,if the F.\P.M[XG .\N'n TL'UPEX TINE LAND in Ilarnvtfc countv, knoAvn u.s tin* Barker DO BELY HOUSE! POW'RJIS A; TJlOY, Erojfs-ieiOi’.s. 'I'he Bripriotors of tiiis Establishm'^nt an- nonneo to the pijolu;. that owing to the coii- sfanlly increasing patronage extended to (hem. they luive lieen induced to enlarge tlie {iccommodii-tio:-i liy tlie ;iddiri»ii ofan extensive IBning Room on the lov er llotir. and .suite of Rooui'^ on tiie r 'cotid lloor: thijs enabling tliein to acconimodtiti* all ! who limy favor them witli a caU. And fbev pledge tiiemselves to an increased cxm’tidn to give satisfaf tion j to their patrons. ; .Spacious Stables i Utteudance. 1 Tlie eligibli; location of the Flstalilishnleut. Avith tin* I expertoiice of the Brojudetors in providing for (he . cdiufort ol rheir patrons, thi.’v liope will secure to them I a IBmnvl share of tlio travtd,' j The Western and Southern SUige? arrive at and depart ' fre'm this House. Shadrach Howell, (dork of tmr .slid Court l.iiinbeidon. (he fourth Monday ol Novem-‘ 1S5G. and of .Vmerictin ludepemleiK-'*. the Lj-d“d HU' 27lh dav of December I85G. i F'lVj). liOWLLL. Clevlt. l . By B. FREE.MAN. D. C, | Jany 3, l.s57. .'i'-G, • ! \ViLll(‘'S ht olfice in ))er A. 1). 8Ist vea*’* iiUachcd and careful Ostlers iti I vT M. 1 -i • ' Tt A • > 1 1 EitiTiages in atrendance on arrival and departure of andMcNei!nanfl.s,.Trnnmg Wnt. ITarr ngtoii .s land on I Boats, for the accommodation of nassen-ers. L ppcrT.ittlcKiyer. Tliero is .-ome iOfl „c,-es cf the | Hoi-.ses ,ind Ciu-ria-os fnrnisheil a- any iiotic'e Jo,' -vstipiahty oriow gi-o,iml.s on the Kivvr. The ui)'ca;i-ryii,gti-avellvrstoanypV.rt.onh'c,i,liac'cntco„ntrv n.n,is are heavily tiiiMii-red with pinc.s. ami withiu six ) j v\’. powijlts. tV C TUO'F ' miles Ilf the Fayetteville ami tVestern ltai!i-oa,l. ' ' . . . • Foi-pai-tieiiliii s apj.jy to 1) .Mo.VRTHrR. •J. f. ROi’EK. J. tv. McK.tV. Nov 2!), lajij. 2C-ii Wanted. IJeo. .■k first rate, SAiJDI.E anil HAUMK.SR M.kKER, to whom prooil wage.s and steady cutploymeHt will be given. Apply at g!f this office, 01- addreks ■f. H. HEATH, 13. l'S3G. 2.S-tf Clinton, N, C Tiiyettovillc. .May 12, 1,5.56. !IS-tf. P. Elliott, C O ?I .’(I I s K I oy M Ell C II A A- T , KAVETTF.VIbLK. N. C. Agent for Lutterlnh Sc Go.*.® Steamboat Line Will atlenil promptly to ail business entrusted to bLs c.ire. Oct. Ul.lSob. 21-tf 10,000 ll)s. Tallow Wanted, For which the highc.st cash price will be paid, e'cl. J, 1?56. ' .-v. M. CAMPBELL mosiriniis of the il.iy. •Seat to any ffilrli--,..^-. .■raaii.i aiid post (',■■(' in a ■ eiiveio.pi'. Iiy I'emiitiiiy tP”.* pool' po.-ra.e''' to i-'i;. Ji. iti: t'ixf'', E l.'.'o'nprd .Sivci '. . V. tire. in. _ 2,,-l; 31oi*ey Vvauled. i T will sell my DM'ELIdNG Hid'.'lb :n.-i !( ■present occuj>iel by niysvll'. in lo.’vvr etii.'vi'Lc, on B'-rs"!! smT'ct. (.iju‘";dti‘ Mr (). ji-' = i (hvcBing. Tlu-L'ot coiitain.'^ ovr liaif itu : tlie Uou.-ci.'comfortable for a Miiail buiRiv. ;. The ]'efDi;M of Amo.w Buticr, Biiickiuy B. Hill and ; thie.; rooms aiul u gotid wc-il of water couveni*‘Ui liilli'T and m-xt friend .?olut Hill, j AppV STA l'K Ob' XOIH'fl f‘A- Ol .\ r i. Court cf Pitas and^ Quarter Scii.'iio'.is- her T'erm, IS.‘6. fXovem- i . A “jIilkv Wav " .ir Si;.4.—A bijy, on her voyiige to (.'iilcnttn, wrjte.s the I'oIIowing, wliicli' we nre jjvrmitleii to jjrint: 'U lici, in the Unll of Aclen, wy s;isv ii very f'em,likable sight, ft was a rough an,] blowy evening that we were ealleil on ileek to .see ihe “inilky Water,' which is only seen in tl;.:.. rooion, ft i.s .still ninleeiiieil Mhethor (he clfeet i.s jno. tbieeii iiy eleeliieity, by atino.'flieTie eanses, or by uninnilenhe. ft,of water, il.secinei! n.s if the ve.'.'e! were plunging tlirongh great drifts o.f snow; The appeiirancc c.xtenileil even to th’'horri/.on, ami if the air had been eolder, Ciel ■ '.•oiihl have caught 'he sbiind of sleigh- bell.;, I .diouM have lost all idea of tlie sea, and imagiiii d niysell enjoying a magnificent sieigli- ride. ft was spleinb'd sigiit; and it is very retinirkable that no chemical analysi.s can detect any jicenlninty in tlie composition of the water; A'.nil, as s'joii as dayliglit or moonlight eoincs it vani.siie.s. The niillty >vater lasted for three n. ght.s, atni liien suddenly stoppeil; ;ind cvery ,‘Veiling altei'warj the ivnter was as usual.'’ A'. 1'. Ohio r,-. \ \ iiTEUAX ;;o::o.v,—f),-. \'aiantiiie iiolt, o. New ^ ork, perlornn I the operation last month, for the forty-r .e-ih time, of tying the . carotid artetv in the living .snbjcet. Tae Nn- jjulcGii Ol iui'gcou.s i.s ijow Tl vc.tfs Obi, vol i.s , Bs a.; uvur, unu as young at heart as when 5U years younger. lie does :i';t eveii ; Wear glasses when he operatv.s aiui L.he man is , b'-L extant who ever Y-ys hi h;'.i:: U'eaDn:;. R. D. DA^ I.' er JUSEBH ( Tl lie uuciion. )cc. ('. 18”G. K. D.D. 27-lt Goods The f?nh«criUcvs I»eg t Whole leav-- to 'advisi ;-aS«; tticii- eii'.ti niers i ® R,is..td ilill t.y their I'afli" Elias Bullock and wife Xaiiey: .S],ii.r.s t ariiiim and wife Mai’y: Heni’y F. Pit,,!',',, and .Jidni Ihimiit-niyiud | ]> g. tf tlio aliove ]irnperty tie not j-iivat-elv di,- iviti; .Sally and Isliant Biifl-r. and Xancy ] tut hr wiiinw ; pi^^od of Ity l.st .fiinuary. it will then in* oii'e :■■■■! at pi;,;- of Williaii' Blitter. Agiiinst (Jliediali Bnller and .lohn Butler. Petition for a sale ol'.Slai'es, It appearing to the salist'iie'.ioii of t'li,; Corirf that Oliediali Butler and .loin, iiiith'r the defendants in this case fe-side l,eyond the limits ut thi.s .-state, it is therefore on iiiotion ordered Iiy tlie Court that publica tion lie nta,le in the North Cartdiniaii, a uew.spaper printed in the town of Fayttcville. lot six weeks .siic- eessivelr. notifving the .said defendants of tlie tiling of this p'clitioii and that ,iiih,.s.s tlwy appear at the ne.xt term of the Court of Plca= and (piarter Sessions to lie hold for the cminlv of Kcti'-son ai the Court .Hoiisc in I.nintierton. on tl^Gfoiiftll .Monday of Febriiai-y ne.\t and answer the fWltidn. or the same will he taken liro coui’essi.v and liear,l exparte as them. Witness. Shudraeh Howell, Clerk of onr said Court, at office at Liimlicrton, the fourth Monday of Xoi-em- ber. .4. D. 1...56, and of Ain'ei-ican luilcperplence, the Slst vear. T.ssned the 27th dav oflleccinbef 1856. SHAD. HOM'ELL, Clerk. Bv B. Pp.IMA!.'.N’'D:-C. Jany ?. 1337 "I I- KI.P'IOC ■b.’f sums religion in .s S."ATisr.'t .s.—'file f’uiitan Keeof- tip the statistics of evangelical the I'nitci .Si:!te.s as ''oliu'.vs:— Over thirty thon'sand iiorking miiii..,ters of llie go.spei, sUbliiineil by four millions of eommitni- bants; amt h'.-e.rd. by .si.vteen iiiillioini of ebnreb. |tGO|i!L‘. Cijuix-lt ijropci-ty, sevoniy luiL and .Moi'ohauts ^euuruUy. tUat they have rvei iv."! a {lion.sr rcLu :mih Iwciilv-four mil part anil expoefc to recoivc tht* (»alanc(3 of tlu::!' ivfviit purcliJ-soH in a few day.s. Their Stock jvlH bo mm ii largcp- ami more complete thaa they have ever olL» -jd. eirib’rac'mii: a general a.«;s(»rtnicnt of GROCERIES, lioiii ofauilar'; pcT um:iiin. Togeliier'with Hardware and Cul.lcrij, Ihllow. fl are, Saddlcrtf, Shoes, Lcai/n,r, A*.'., All of 'which have been b(»u,silit by one oi the ii; in . o.x- nrcaslv ("or llie Wholesale Trade. Their tiTfii- vkili be it.* i.i' L hcrite'fpre, bn the u.sual time.io prompt deal, ;s. (f'B'tW'! the Head of as o.d a man a,; "n-.iel:." To cash buyers a reasonable disi-our.t will lx; made. I She is alreadv cni'Onte I’or 1.],^ \ tkiutio Pt-i-i ■ OEO..W. 'AlLLIAMS A CO. j Wlmt oovf/' Faycftcvi’lP; .Auif. 13. I3;'b fV-.f V ArlER flni.—.V CaUfornia e.vciiange :ays; ‘•^Ye have the very best authority for stating that the -o-.iden relnrn of Lula .Monte i from ii.ttralia to (.’alii'orpia was eaitsei' her knoweilge of f!ic fact llmt James I’nohanaii i.s a b-achelor.” The fair, but frail and lierce LoU-.

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