h HE N0 n I fi CAROL! NIAN, E A YETTEUiLLE, N. Cj F VKMKRS’ DEPARTMENT. eiROPEAS ALLIASCES. I Tlic great war ia Europe will uiiqucs- j the '■class of very foolish yomig VOIXGJIEA'S fHRISTIAS ASSOCIATJOASi I BAROS HUSCHACSEI i# AMERICA. There is a large, and we fear, an ihereasiiig j A correspondent of Harpers W eekiy com- 1 irt several of i iminicates ft conversation bettveen Iiimseif and interest diplomatists, but can hat'dl.y rouse enthusiasm of the masses. Tfie balance MISCELLANEOUS if feMS. M&ico.-It is suted that Pn^sitieht Cbthbn- gai» confidence. JJcco.ne and.itcu. fort, ill view of the fact that he is Sbrrdttii'ded ti-n»blv involve princiiiles far deeper than ine’-'a=oui j .-..-ft - . fi.ni- tRuv »a-t The road to India and the Imlancc of i our northern cities who have und'ertaken to, Baron Mantlmnsen, deritig which that 1^5- ‘ ^ ‘ ’ ; V finite i.ietv with politics—Christianitv with tri'ous nobleittan coiife.ssed the autholrsldp of the | with difficulties, ha.ssought for means to seSture : power ...Europe are abstractions / "j';;.; veracious report of "Georgia |.t least some future for Mexicb, a.fj has „ro,K,. ^ ’ ami the same lime amoim the spiritual and j Railroad DocHiug.”—The Baron's iio.xt ICttcV | sed to the United States an alliance whfch shall manners your ainbi ion, ^ . , , , „oiitieai I,^-ithcns tnets-uni Testaments, Gar- (he has beOh ■engaged and sent to America a.s I strengthen his government and bring the infill- •lOO''of‘'cmg one among it.n. European prepooderauoefsnbotU to be settled, poht.cal huithmcs, t, ac ts ami t c , t " mnde.it of a distingnished i enoe of our own to bear upon the teH,rga.,iza-; «o.nc faded cloud pass over your h, Icome disinrited, and let imaginrry it^aw TO “ I’f.o Oct'’ I’nCM.iTrni:i.v.—Btin life with flattering prosiicct.-: ; w ...rl har.' ^ d yourself forward to accomplish s.mic cs , will make you popular and hdii your (im - ■, ........ ... into what are called •‘Vouug -Men’s Ohri.stian thentic and not less interesting ncconnt of a and if the ...tatemeids of the Hteambont Race on the Mi.s.sissippi. We give to be credited, iwta few of. it to the readers of the Georgian i Journal in j de with the emiiieiit and honorable, am; l,v ■ ill- back and forth to include the town of Rolgrad and the Isle of Serpents^ in the udjivstments ot ^ :tlie diploinatist.s of the Paris Coufereuecs, it will A.ssociationss; Reai; Sin:—In coniplinnce with your request; ‘ for information on the Cultivation of tlic Vine, ’’C last of that porteiitious phiase. 1 will rospcctfullv state that inv experience: That the next European convulsion will in- , , convinces !i.e that a rich, deep dry soil, is by vclvc the antagonism of principles, is seen to Mered most oUiclcnt service far tlic most conducive to the vigorous growtli •’Onie extent in the hostile ,, •. r*i • rpi and Elu'-Iaiid. and the «iaiiner in which the , and lon;ovit V of the irrnpe vine. trie nnmer- ‘ ^ ’ ous vineyard's in various situations in the Viciii- Sreat jwwers range themsclvis in NenfoliaWl difficulty. The that city: ‘Oil Mondiiv evciiimr last .Analyze iii u fi iiQv^.p around von. the New Orleans Chief of Police has adopted | „,ay 1,..,;^ the plan of affixing placards upon the breasts ; , ” friends, and disc.; ^ and backs of notorious thieves, burglars j them a fluent duplioity, dislike and irony—1^, pickpockets, on which is printed, in large let- ^ hypochondriacal ideas whiii: „ ■ Tovawe was ..i.iei i ' your brain., turn' cold as icc to friends, be till we had passed I‘'Tl'iic exhiW- b-od will, (thoimh still reference to Persian war Transplanting and Treafnmnt of Grapr Ttacs. T.. K., .t..iAiia.-.A : wt VI.V w tvi -- opposition pressure . the iiicutbci's of these ussociutions iiavo i-cii-iadvanceofthenextstetimer: to the viiusoof black “I started from tjonisViiie, on the sp-lendid attitude of Ku.ssia ' unti-alavery eniit^-saries and steamer Great Blowet*. Our voyage was quiet |. amlists. Tlie introdiietion ol aiiti-slavery ; and iiiwuarked by incident untill wo had passed i guj made a ])ubiic exhibi resolutions into the Young Men’s A-s-soeiatfoii Cairo, when on one line morning, we sa* n of New York is tlius noticed in the Tribuiio of Jafge steamer close ib our wake, whrcli proved i —- t i ■ i I be tlie Screamer, of St. Loui.s, bound for New | Accounts from COjiei'hwgen speak of fresii i member of the | Orleans.—It was a fine sight to sec her plow j obstacles in the seUldnimit of the Sound dues As.sociation of tliiscity, ‘ up the water, and bellow from her great stcam- olfcrcd resolutions pipes as she rapidly gained o. us; but, from the enlarge the ' deelaring slavery to be a sin against God, and i ineroaBi.ig .speed of both boats, and the excite^ h rolutioiifi to mOiil aVnoiig our two hundred jia-ssengbrs, X soon discovered that we were raciNg. You u sub-soil j)loui;h at louch less cost. plants (two vears old, if possible) arc better , fll>i'’»Mer, or annexe,s on the la for planting than cuttings, as they arc more ;>’«that tlie policy of both gov- bear a testimony onssihlc certain to "row, and boar one Tear sooner. tTiiments is continually aggressive is taught the resulutioiis was o;.posed, not on the gioiind di.id Jt 1 . AVhen the vdiierlrd is in bearing, I'fiiid it to be every jnige of modern history. tliat slavery is not a sin, but that it was not a good practice t'o maiinrc well every other year. ' 1» ‘lie last war Russia luid tlic sympatliy of sin for whieli the Chnstians ot New \ork are I ajiply 20 two-!ior,c loads to tlic acre, and t''e people of the United State-s, not because directly responsible. That, it seems to us, is spade it in G inehes deep', this covers it lictter ll'e Czar was the leader of European absoln-' liardl.y a good reason against tiie ^ resolutions, than the plow, and iiiake.s it look neater. I ti.sm, not that the struggle was between the CerUiinly it is proper lor an individnal Chris- i.vnnc cirioc !n ,li.v n.|.nilicr in Kcbriiarv ! cross and the crescent, not tiuit Russia was tiaii to utter ids abhonenec ot an.y aiili- piuiic close 111 dc.ir diy weather in i-ebruary, , , , , i ,i , ,i ci,,.! ,1.,,. oi-u licc or iiistitiilioii even thou'di it' tlien both captains rilslied below, leaving one cane of 10 or 12 eyes to make ' ■‘*lvong and lurkey weak, but solely tliat the Cluistian piaetiee oi institnlioit, even uiou„ii ii, i bearing wood for tlie next vear. i bend down j banner of the Muscovites, thongli liastciiing to may nut tlourish in ins iiiiinedialu viciniLys i Vet .mni-c the canes and tie tlicm to tlie stakes in Marcli overthrow tlie Ottoman dyr-i-sty, was .still main- it would seem to be equally proper for an | "''y t .i,,. -..im- whcii tlie buds are fully swollen ami near break-'tainiiig the iiielependent exercise of the sever- ciation of Chnslians to do the .same. Especial ,y , e c lee oi i in lea .y vo urn ill" out; by deferring the tying until tliis time, ; oig>‘ty whieli belongs to National existence. the breaking of tlie terniiiisl buds is insured,! In a contest in whieli Russia represents the ; and, above all, ot icll,,iuns opinion i i. . rr,,nl n-itl. in.-nn and the vines remaining free to the agitation of .spirit of aijsolutism, and the question does not and tlic iictu so ci) iiift as » iin it^.iiu lo sia m > , from frost tnfn on tiiat of non-intervention, wlieii France , in this country. W e would suggest, tlicn, itv of Ciiicinnati afford good opportunities for ^ observation and eonipar'i.son. Tlie i.s ! ““I' involve England and Russia in hos tl.e varietv eldefiv cultivated. I eoiishfof the ti'itiv'S, but lids is not bceansc one of tlie.se best mode'of prcparii," tlie "round for a vine- I'O've'-s constitutional and the oilier absolute, , \oiiiig Mens Christian yard is to trem-ii it with the Spade to tlie but because they are rivals for the scepter ot ; at a meeting of that body, dci.tli of two feet, widcli costs about J200 |ier ‘I'c Kasb and both anxious to acre: altliomgh good preparation Is made with ;-T’l'cre of tbeir pofitieal and comnieredal iiiflu- a .sin ot such a eharaetcr and sue 1, Stroll'*- dice ill Asia. Wliieli of the two is the i^reater the American jicuplu as lu| make it the ciiiky ,. * h le.ss cost. . tron„ organi/at.oi. of American Christians to j may imagine my fear. Sir at this di.scovery, and of both gov- bear a testimony against it. The |ia.s8age of! iiow gladly 1 would liave got ashore, if that qlfostiort. Tlie Uiiited States object to tlie Ca|>italization plan; England seeks to .spread the payment oVer a latgti period, and Riusia hesitates on a definite decision. It is stated that the Bessemer iron process does not fully ansitef the expectations that were at first cnteiTai'iicd of it. Tlic Binning- K by tlicdr iutnginary liatred,) and feeling '' a! 4 drown your de.solating .sorrow in thcbowl. 1,^ till A'our brain i.s bursting willi joyful ext ment, and defy your fancied ciicmici to [ from your lips so sweet a friend. Drink j after day, until your libations are oiiservi ■ otiicr.s—till yon win tlie name of a ' fellow”—till yon stagger in tlie .street. In till tlie eyes are swollaii and red, ami ih-, i., puff out ill full, round, roseate .'1.,/. M|.; tlien, with tlie low—drink witli tlic n;e::i,. 'repul.se tlic liaiid that would redeem von. W. Our rival was now directly oppbsite ns; the bam (England) Jonrnal does not aatm‘l>““= j gdves out, tell your cim. a. t, s nearly lonelied( ll.c captain of tl.e Sream- , iiye speak of life as a miserable burl.. -,: 1 , if ' a better jilace, and that better piaco _ The Ciheiiinali Times computes tliat between your.self. : sixty and seventy tliousand liogs have falleii , boats ... V-——, —, — . ^ er shook ids first tliree times at tlie captain of "* consequence o 1 . j the Great Blower; the captain of tlie Great Blower sliowed ids teeth, with a lialf bitten Immediately and i I saw tlie liaivds rolling barrels of lard itlid tar I is this the case where the iiiflncnce of opinion, ^ ncys; tlie steam-pipies groaned hoarsely; making Old above all, of religions oihnioii, is so strong I tlie va.st forests on cither side roar with the oath and a quid of tobacco between tliein, and (q what is called tlie liog cliolera, du- the winds, are les.s liable to injure from frost turn on that of non-intervention, wben i ranee . m inis couiui.j. ,, e ,,o,ou ....... to eePable velocit} dimiig our sharp prows and sleet tlian when tied earlier. I keep tire : and Russia unite to keep down tl.e rising liopes those membois ol the . uung Men s Assomaum, th'-ougl. the placid a ate. at a rate of t r y ground clean and loose with the hoe and foe-.;■of Europe, this eoiiiitry may direct her syni- who have hitherto resisted the adoption ol llio nil es an loiii. ic earn ga quent use of the one-horse harrow, bv wIiMVpathy ia a different quarter than at any pre- resolutions in qnesl.on, that it might perhaps mt it is only a momentary ad antage for means I ensure an earlier and vigoron.s'growth vions period. ; be better to allow them to pass. It is by no ands of the Great Blower, leaving the he vy When the shoots have grown from 10 to 15; England has up to the preset moment been means clear that oppo.ouon to .so simple aa log.s of wood, are sotJU Inmg.ng down tables, inchesinlength, Itiefl•om2to4totl.estake^itbeopenfoe or se.et rival of this Republic e.vpre.ssio., of .lenl.ment on .such a subject can clia.rs, lookmg^Ws, and wbat.ver else was wben bound in ll.c closest commercial conduce to the nscliuiie.ss of their society. If light and dly, dipping them ...to the tar barrel.s tlie uiieonipro- tiie resolutions bore aiiylhiiig of a political or and thrusting them into tlie furnaces The has prevailed secular cliaraclcr, sncli opposition might be Great Rlowcr now shoots aliead a foot or two; j.sli jiisliticd; init as tliey are confined to a deciara- i)nt tiie noise of axes is lieard; tiie Screamer tioii of Christian fueling and Christian duty, we men arc cutting away tlieir liurricaue deck, and pitcliing tlie White, dry pine into the glowing the meeting ol tlie as.sociation Ihis evening.” grates. The pipes are red-hot; the safty-valveS It would seem from tlie above that tiiese are fastened tiowii, wlien suddenly tliem, have de- The liarCn wiped his forehead and grOaiffitJ: summer. I : general' alliance of European despetisms airainst ‘ in qblc of the greatest presumption and ^ Suddenly, ^ir, tl.cre came a deep, heavy ebtnid ■ as of rumbling under the crust of tlie earth, wliich, quick as a Hash, burst into a loud feport and at the same instant (how long that in from which I select bearing wood for the fol- tiven lowing year. I tlicn piiicli off all the Iwtcral tie*. Two terrible war* attest shoots, as soon as tlic tliird leaf is devc-loped misiiig political liostiiil.y wliicli lias jire beyond the last biincli of grapes. I avoid dis- against this country on the part of the Eii tnrbing the foliage during tlie time of liloomjng.: goveninient, and if tliis is not sufficient, the nid When the frnit is Well set, 1 watch it etosely.; , and eomGjrt given liy Engli.sli public opinion ■ liardly sec why lliey .sliuidd not be adopted at if the weather is showery atwl mildew appeaV-s the Abolitionists and disunioiiists here, will it is best to roll tlie ground with a heavy loller persistency and .vtubborn nature of and make it as solid and iiiipervioiis to rains as ■ tliis opposition. Rut at tlic moment wl;cn a men, or at leiist ti portion ot possible, and let it remain so a also make shallow cross drains to lead tlie w'ater into drains, wliich are made at every 4 or gieat war, England appears ready to begin a 6 rows, through wliieii tlie water pa.sses into real enlente cordiak toward iicr eid colonies tlie liberal element in England may rc.sult in n ‘'rrogaacc, that it i.s tlie duty ot every organi zation of American Clirisliaii to bear testimony agaimst slaverv as “a sin against God.” As one large deep ctt).5S drain, at the end of the! Tlie return of tlie Resolute was a beautiful the iramers ot onr constitution regarded slaveiy vineyard. AVhen tlic foliage becomes injured national eoinpiiment tliat will lie one of tile ino.st ^'"’1’*-'’cstab- by frequent showers and scoreliiiig .snnsliinc, I i graceful acts of the Brcsidency of Gen. iMcrcc, ub'disiied in eacli State by llio suiei- allow the laterals to make more foliage than while tlie assertion of the pelfect freedom of eigii wdl ol the people; as the inotitiitioii is ^ usual, with a view to keep up a Iicaltliy eircii-: the seas as a pendant to the propositions of tlie ai'P>oved of, prolectcd, and sustained by Chiis- at least .ne lation in the fruit branches, and also to afford ' Paris Confci-ciiee, is tlie nio.st important. It I'vople and Christian associations whose Higlit was .so rapid, bir, that 1 voluntarily put sliadc and protection W the fruit. lam care-' would be strange if Great Britain .sliould adopt numbers caii only be estimated by millions; and niy li.ind to my 1.11 to 'eep it rom Jitig o ful to keep the vines tied to tlic stakes to pre-j tliis principle wliicli takes from licr so much of birlitiition, not in a declining but a piu staiit!) I .saw the liurricaue deck whcte I was standing rise slowly at first (tliough all ill liic same .second of time,) and then shoot With great velocity, carrying myself and fifty others inndred feet into the aif. Our vent tiie wind.s from breaking the shoots inteii- tiie pzesfige of her naval supremacy wliilc vailing condition, was in existence while our ill doing which, it came in contract With a A'ankcc’s nose, and would you believe it, Bir, lie drew ids revolver, and ejecting a hugh lump Ids moutli, said ‘dafn Jour ■is .in Savior was upon tins eartli, and yul lie, llie , great liead of the Churcli, did not recognise it of tobacco from . , ^ tlie minds and eon- eyes, 111 fix your hash when we git down ngim” ‘As you may imagine, I endeavored to get ded for tlic year’s bearing-, and to give a free accepts tlie return tf lier Arctic flotsnni circulation to the air, as Well as a neat appear- offering of eternp.I national amity. Tliis w onld ance. By this mode of cultivation I saved | be astVatige alimnec, bdt we live in an ago b, I as a sin against his I'athei one-fifth of my crop of grapes the pa.st season, i Wliich the pfogfess of centuries seem to shrink I",. i.,. which was an average of more tlian one htlin : Within a few years and tlie cour.se of time we tliiiik, have rested satisfied with tlie present O" " ‘ret, nt, on a ig itiiij,, *'|S dred gallons per acre. One bushel of bunches , ries along as if hastening to the World’s great,As to tlie abstiact qnes- iaiiei,sa 1011 ac rasca np “ of grapes yields nearly four gallons of wine.! period. j i"' oinntary servitude is expedi- _ tl.e swamp, with ins revolver cocked, «Hd Wait- Much difference of opi don prevails »s to the' j ent or inexpedient, profitable or Unprofitable, mg for me. He threw me another kevolver cause of the rot, and some gentlemen of much i . Hie Sewly Invented War Ma^foes . or whether it can be introduced into this or with an oath, telling me to say my jirayers practical experience now declare tliat vineyards ' ,, ' tliat degree of latitude will, advantage, wc l.ave ' quick, and fire as soon as he I.ad-connted three, planted on a drv gr-arelly subsoil will escape i -^“‘-'‘"“’’’nothing to say; but when foolisl. and pliarisai-! “1 "as resigning myself quietly to my fate ring the past six months, in tliat city and the surrounding region. The Buffalo paper.* notice tlie appearance of two new bogus bills—counterfeit thrccs Du thb Connecticut Bank, of Bridgeport, dated•jliiie 1, 1856, and fives on the Ontario Bank; altered from ones. The fifth annual meeting of the U. States Agricnltur.vl Society will be held at the Wdms of tlie Smithsonian Institute, in the city of Washington, danuary 14, l85T. A Louisiana correspondent Of the ilotlrnal of Commerce says the sugar CrOj) Of that State Will fall short of 100,OOt) lihd.s. thb present year. In 1853 the yield was 435,000 lihds. It is snggsstcd, in an English jiapcr, tliat the llittlb of the Arctic vessel, tteSDliite, should, in aekiiOwlcdgcnient of her restoration to England by the United States, be bhanged to Anglo- Ataerica n. planted on a dry gr-arelly siilisoil will escape the rot. Tills has proved to be the case the past season with many vineyards tlius planted, bat it is not invariably so, Thd vine in its native slate twines aroniid our forest trees, and fionrislics and bears fruit be neath tlieir sliade on onr leold swampy clay: lands. I consider the rot to be caused in some ■ degree by the iiiflncnce of tlic atinospliere, the Assassi.n.vtIox;—Uctails have been received of the eXccuHOi! Of Mclano, the soldier who at tempted the life Of the King of Naples. He maintained liis bOtltagc to the last, denied reso lutely that he belonged to any polilicnl l>arty; said that he had meditated the act “ever since the King perjured biniselt,” and finally, on Ids vvay to cxeeution and on the .scaffold repeated tlie plifaSB; " It is glorious to die for our countty Hild for liberty.” It is ft singular fact that wlieii the Indian swears he swears in English. There afe nO oaths in tlie Indian vcriiacniar. Breach of Puomisk.—A lireach of promise Of a very aggravated character ia published in the Newark papers. A young man eiilpioyed iit a clothing establishment in that City seduced, under promise of marriage, a respeetablc yonng lady, and tlien declined to fulfill tlie engage ment. importunities of the marriage. But in the itieantimc lid liad paid his addresses to a wealtliy cousin in New Totter along—reeonizc cc On .yoarway—still drinking, on lioi row ed I:; and on some cold morniiig, wlieii tlie cock- crowing and lionest, sensible people are l j to work, doing tlieir .share of llic dc>ti creation, be found lying nji in lliu corm r b.y some protuberant gable ti d, .■,icip:i,;. sleep that knows 110 waking. That’s tlic way—w e've .seen it tried. IQ Fxn.osiox or-v Lahv.—M. Bragtlicc u story of a young Englisli lady who liaii pretension to believe tliat she knew i. jw .speak Frencli n In mode: Slic bonglit one of tho.se air crinolines, ovili ed it liome, and put it on, for the fir-t t iic ,f soiree. But the cloth, it appears was dvfc. ;;v for tile first time slie sat down after the ar'iv of the party, a formidnble noise .slartv’ • people present, and the lady sprung to b:' '• flat as a balloon collapsed. Like a Inre ■ slie did not lose lier presence of mind, ■*■! tranquilly, “Oh ! that is iiotliing at al!'—it only my meeanique tliat is denrugi'l' ' A.\ Eminent Max Dkai>.—Ov? ve "tc"ti changes record the dentil of Elder ■). T. .i:.'> ■son, of tlic Cliristian denoniinalioii, one of'.1 most estimable men and eloquent and I, tingiiislicd divines of tlie Western Stales, ll was a brother to Col. Bichard M. Joii'iits Vice-l’resident of the United ‘5!a‘'es, and r.: at one time, before entering the :‘’ini.sTy a;, of tiie Judges of the Court of Apjica'' . Kentucky. He served in viirioss -leiiar'.'fiviic of public duty, and always willi the lliglie.vt Iran ors. 'The papers unite in according fo ]ii:n possesion of tlie noblest traits tVe't ado.va l.i;. ; inanity. Tlie loss of such a man, “lev .vay i, ' indeed a public misfortune. He lea .Vs hast ' friends and admirers tlironghout the IVcslvni uad Southern States, 'Tiie Wages of Treason.—Tlie thhac infe- inOns apostates of the Pennsylvania Legialat rx have probably secured wliat tliey bniYaiic'' . He, however, to relieve himself Of for, but they have no idea of the piinislinn a rtunities, fixed on tl.e 26t.h ult. as the day : ^ ... sudden changes from heat to cold, and freqnent -a ■ , , , , . , ... , . ... ease as u common rifle is haiidicd. showers alternately with liot snnshine, which; . 1- , . . . . . Tlie inventor, a 1 ahkee, iS now injures the foliage and thereby impairs tlie cir-! which Gen. Walker’s friends liave recently pur- ....[ voung "enllcincn undertake to denounce as ' wiieii—and would you believe it, sir—a liuge | York, andon Tuesday the.V were married. His chased for his army in Nicaragua, tlius c-x- sii,fu| ,i„°,^titution wliich has been legalized piece of the boiler, which had been driven up victim, however, was aWare of his treaclierV; plains its efficiency and deadly instrumentality: j.. lifteun States, and wliiciris ex- Idsher than ourselves, came down upon his head i ami o" the very evcuiug Of his wedding the de- In form it resembles a common grindstone, jp.j c,,nsiilution wliich ' and ernshed tils varmint into the swamp. j ceiver was arrested nill! locked np in the Tombs, turned by a crank, and will discliarge 300 one ! .'..g i-espcct and support, wo arc “I thanked PiXJVilfencc for m.y deliverance, : wliere he still reitWitis, and where liC sliOuld ounce balls every minute, -atteiidcd by only tiyo i disposed to regard their opiiosilion, not j and was glad to get Oil ailotlicr StfeUmer that \ 'PC'd the reiuailltler of lii.s^ wretclieJ life, men. Every machine is caictllatcd to destroy ! .^. the service of " as passing " ' : three regiments of soldiers in the same space but as one of the atte.idiii" .symptoms of: “And what became of the Other boat?” I of time. It can be directed With tl.e -same i.^litical disrasc which a few weeks ' naked. DiscovirY Of a buried City.—Tlic London Atlienamm annOlinces the discovery of a btified i Greek City in the Levant by Mr Newton, Hrit- crlation of the sap. The rot soon follow.*, and continues its ravages as long as the weather; remains wet and unfavorable. I know of many | instances where branches of vines liaving been ! experiraeiitiiig before the Admirality, and great many old Geiicnils, of al evince much interest, and have written liim let. ters expressive of their wonder and astoiiisli- i . ago prevailed to sncli a serious extent in so ^■*'■‘^1“'''^ j many of the iiorllierii States. i Rut, say the apologists of tlicsc yonng gen- eouiitries, who .1’ • ’ tleincn, llicrc is not whiijli is to follow tlieir offence. To-niglit :1j.' Dcniocratic Union Club of New ^ ork ■.■. ■ cxpre.ss tlieir .sentiiiients of tiiis atrocious pi' • of political Simony. -Tiie rising voice of i!i Democracy will ovcrwlielm tlicse tliree t:.:; wretciics, and wc Iiope tliat even Siiiion (':ire ron, wiio.se name is synonymous witli all '-1:;'‘ is Corrupt and profligate ill politics, may I'. I tliiit tiie seat in tlie Senate wliicli lie lias uaw cliasedi Only elevates liim to be tlie sure;' of popular exeenitioii. As U-VroiitiNATE Man.- -Sherilf A sonic'. and cannot be an.ytliiiig political ill tlic .simple anirmation that slavery “They were both blown up, Sir. and one of | jg,, Cos.—The Gordon steam lliem sank; but tlie two ca|)taiusfell down upon i frigate has been sent out with tlie necccssarv ' Wright, of Nortiiampton, Mass, is the same wrCcfi, A quarrel immediately ensued, , apparatus for c.xcavations toiretlier with camera's | of a Wag, A few days ago. a scurvy-looking stranger presented him with a paper, earnc.-tiv Dangerous Counterfeits.—We leant from apparatus for c.xcavations togetlier with camera.* | of a Wa** each swearlhg the boat was his. They were | p,,„tographic chemicals, both pointed to a shattered plank with the I accidently protected from the sun and wet j meiit One distinguished I’olisli General ex-; weather, have borne fine, perfect fruit, while j presses himself to the inventor, “that as soon is a sin against God. 'The ,,lnlosopher of the j letters ER upon it, and gestienlating foriously.” ; ; Tribune, wlio appears to‘jscillute between Eoiir-' fool, says one; don t you see ER stands 1 other branches of tlie same vines that were ; as this deadly weapon becomes in n.se, wars and ierisin, suiritiialisiii, free-loveisin, biack-repnb- l^^r Grcnt Blow EliP exposed lost nearly ail their fruit. I would ; rumors of wars must cease.” suggest to amateur cultivators to erect copings of from one to two feet in width over their grape trellises; they will also protect tiie vines from the late spring frosts and doubtless einible them to grow the Herbemont, Ohio, and Other tender varieties with better snccess. 'Tlie co ping should be proportional to the heiglit of tlic trellis; a high trellis will require a broad coping. Yerj respectfully your.*, ROBERT NEALE. Patent Office Bejiort.'] : chine discliarge.*, witliout report, and sends the ; ball tliree times tlic distance of tlie lieanism, and the gospel aecoidiii" to Beecher, I " •Villiani’says the other, gna.sliing ids teeth. The gnii, or ma-, alternate witli tlic iiegro and ll.c strong ; A-an’t you sped S-c-r-c-a-m-E-R—N'rre7»ier.' N. C., was flooded a few days ago with couti- ; terfeit notes of the denomination of Sixe.s, and minded woman in Ids daily worshipiiing, assures ; “Out came the bonie-knives .„ , his disciples of the Yonng Men’s Ulirislian As- nfle or oniinon, as the ca.se may be. 'The! Rritisli government lias offered the inventor £200,000 sterling, if lie can enlarge ids ma- A fearful lungo from soeiation tliat tlierc is iiotldii" pblitical or seen- i Captain of the Grtat Bkieir reding Overboard, lar in the aiiti-.slavcry re-suiutions spoken of, at i ^ few ndiintes we were- far away from soinc 'Tens, on tlie Farmers Hank of North .Carolina, As a large quantity of North Caro. , . . „ !'"» money Circulate! 111 Fetdsburg, it won d be Ins adversary sent the, „ „ , 1 Weil for oUr subscribers to read ddne to diseiiarge a 04 pound sliot, Tliis he;. ' the same time intimating tliat it is tlic duly of i «"f“l scene, wliich is of almost daily oc- is now doing, and informs ids agent here tliat individual Cliiistians to hold slavery in utter j rii, . . . , abhorrence as on anti-Cliri.stian praeliec. 'I'liej hesliall accomplish it. llie llnssiaii minister ; [1,^ [in.;,, ; at London is anxious for the patent, blit !‘C ; tiigiy cy,, gonlradietioii. If it be admitted tliat says to his friends, ^“1 mean no other natio.K 3,,,,.^,.^. jg ^ .si,, against God, if lids dogma sliall liatc it, Uut England and my own conn- Ug suecesslullv engrafted upon the Cliris- try.” tian iidiid of tlie nortli, we create at once a Previous to his going to Europe, lie offered j sectional politico-religions party which no effort the right to tlie American Government At; qJ could resist, and wldeli would Washington. Experiments were made with |. ciirrcnce on the MIssippi river!” EiXperiiueiits were matic wiiii: pj^gg y wjii, onr nationality, glory, jioivcr, one and seven lb. carronades, b«forc our n-aval ! pro.sperity. Jf slavery be a .*di against Hr. HaclMDaB aad Kaang. Some of the Know nothing jiapcrs (says the Nashville Union) profes.* to belicTc that Mr Buchanan will not be true to the South on a"d other officers, by order of the Secretary of; t,i,e gj,, y^fj, foy g Kansas matters. We tell tlicsc papers tliat to "’fimfi proves all I have related uhovc, | fo,. offlee who hold.s tliat tlie institu- I, • .1 • . , and to the entire satisfaction of those iircsciit.; tion is eiidiienllv eiviliziing and Clirisliiinizing be true to the south, it is only ncees'-arT he* 1 . s, = ) ■' I One of these “infernal machines,” placed upon in its effects; or to iiave feilowsldp witli the shou.d be true to the constitution. Tlie dmu'; the deck of a vessel, one of the Commodores! ministers or member-of a eliurcii who eoniitc- ocratic party does not expect nor desire that j remarked, “would sink a frigate in tliree min- naiiec tlie sin; or to liave social, jioliticul, or the incoming adiuiidstration shall Jo anything ; utes.” Such a constant discliarge of balls, just | coinincrcial intercourse witli a people wlio cling to make Kansas a slave or a free State; that is I “s fast as they can be handled and rolled in, be-j to this sin? Mr Greciy recommends a very exactly the policy we'oppose. Nor do they | distance and out of reach of the ; simple and very direct plan lor making tliese enemy’s guns would destroy a siiip. • ; Young Men’s Christian Associations most efli- ' cient recruiting sliops for the cause of black,- care wliat Mr Bnchaiian’s private views may be on the abstract question of slavery, so lie recog nises and enforces its constitutional rights. 'The Democracy stand upon national, not sec tional priiieiplcs: and nil they ask for is that no outsjde inflnence sliall be brought to bear upon this question, bnt that it sliall be left solely to those wiwni it concerns, viz: The jieopk of the Teritort! themselres. A small pocket telegraph apparatus lias been j invented, not longer than a tobacco box wliich 1 can be attached to the wire at any point along j the line, at the instant and a message sent as desired. Sitav has fallen to the depth of five inehes on a level nnd four feet in biiuks,—in Fayette ville. repnblicanism; and, allhougii many of its mem bers have patriotism enough and Christian spirit enough to prote.st against all attempts to unite the political w.ith the religious element, there is too ranch r^oii to fear that they have been inveigled into associations witli many peo ple disposed to regard as mission schools the churches of the political priestiiootl. loiverstty of Nortb Caroliaa. IVc learn that at the late meeting of the Board of 'Trustees, iield in tliis city, the follow ing appointments were made: .Mr John Kimberly, Profeesorof Agricultural Cliemistry. Mr H. H. Smith, Professor of Alodcru Lan- "uages. carefully ' the following “Detector,” which we find in the News: We have compared a genuine and counterfeit six together, and find this difference: On the left of the eagle, on the genuine, are the words. “Elizabeth City,” and on the right is the date. The counterfeit is blank on each side of the eagle; 'The genuine reads “will pay six dollars to bearer on demand at Greensboro. The counterfeit reads “will pay six dollars to bear- on demand, BiiilaBeth City.*^ Such is a rep. resentation of the notes shown ira. -Gentlemen of tlie Ju^ Mr Bamuei S. Jackson and Mr Peter E Spruill, Tutors AfftALTO A Jury. DiiiECTons OF THE Insane Asylum.—The , ^ fr®™ wfi®" I suy to you, following gentlemen hare been appointed by : "To be or not to be licked—tbat’s the ques: tlic Legislature, U rectors of the Ingaue ; tion.” My client is a national stump macliine; .•\sylura : Dr. Columbus Mill.*, E. J. Erwin,! he ffings bis wrath in paiisful, and it is danger- Dr. N. J. Blow, Joiin. A. Taylor, A, M, Lewis,' obb to run a snag against his interest. Let me Dr. Ciuis. E. Joliiison, W. W. Holdew, £d.; br lasde fodder for a fool, and chowder for a Cantwell, and Kemp P. Battle begging for money. Believing him an iniposior Mr. Wright liaildcd back the paper saying ’ “ I presume yon tVouldn’t liave asked me if yon* had known my situation ; for wliclhcr you be-' lieve it or nOj every bit of tlie property I liavc in the world is in tlie hands of tlie Slicriff. ’ The astonished stare Of the fellow’s eyes at tliat moment was a sight to see. Jiistirr n-ent an i;;nrnij. The New 'I'orfc Tribune rejoices over tlio election of Gen. Canicroti in Pennsylvania, lint lakes tlic occasion to rebuke tlic meanness of those tvlio have indulged in personal assault* on Col. Forney. The TribaHC say.*: "Wliile we rejoice in this resalt, wc cainiut join in tlie personal try against hi.* iirincipal competitor. Col. Forney. Forney committed some grave errors in early life, but he is still a young man,-and We trust, riiougli dcfcattd now, fete has sett honorabie career yet before Idni. He is- a most thorongh-going partisan of pro- slavery democracy, and for twenty years iias devoted ali his energies to the elevation of Mr Buchanan to the presidency—a resulk wliicli he has done more than any other man to achieve. He fouglit us with desperate cflicien- Sad Casualty.—'Tlie Bedford. Seyitinel states that on Sunday the 38tb, Jir. Wm. Gibbs, was violently thrown from his boggy, and hinfeot becoming entangled in the foot-board, he was dragged some two hundred yards—his horse having taken fright and ran away. He was shockingly mangled about the head, besides Iiaving Ids leg broken, and sustaining other injuries. Medical assistance was immediately rendered, bnt death terminated his safierings on the Thursday following the accident. ey tSiroughuut the late canvass, and wc tldnk powdermiU, if be is guilty, notwithstanding «fie “l^ays fairly i hut since we did wlmt we criminal absurdities alleged against him. £»■ you believe tbatay client is so destitute of the common principles of bitBsaity^=--8o foil of the fog of hi»«an natttfe-=so wrapped in the moral insensibility of his being, as deliberately to pick op a tater and thresw it at the nasal pertuber- aiice of the prowewtof? No, not while yon can discena a sta* in tbe Northern sky while the waters of the Ohio roll, and the race of buf faloes nestle on tbe Rocky monntains, this im mutable principle will remain—that my client is a gentleman, tater or no later! honestly could on the other side, and lie lias jnst enjoyed a defeat, *rK will consider the amount sqared nnd Sturt afresh. It gives ns pleasure at this time to remember and attest that tlirongh tlie long and trying conte.*t for Speaker of the present House, Col. FoViic; presided Ovef the disorganized, anarchical, often tnmnituons assemblage^ with eminent dignity, ability, and strict Impartiality. His position for eight weeks was one of the most trying we ever observed, and bo met its rcsponsibilitie* with wnswerving fidelity.” •iill