|iVEEKL.ir. jlVILIZATJO^r. |»\Ul)e spared to make it liattie World—one whose t will render it a welcome riiitp its constant devotion 1 jnstice shall win the ai>- K coed, iw ohject will ha fpolitical.Sc’Cial, and Moral I information: and to fulti- liesoflife. ,, , . : lutaina fall as-1 itnpartiat febrinl, rtelighms. kronimer- I the day. It will chronicle «hc age; reeonl the inven- Iveries of science, and the a word, aim to present an Itnre of the age in which we irp of attention to the taste, nhelings. Its regular con- ncideut-s of Travel and Ad- leter and Social Life, and ade arrangements with the Jrho will eoutrihute to the t paper. The large space at Conductors to avail them- ^ from the best and natst fold World. They wiII keep *ue3 of the English. French, rcss. the best productions of , to the paper under their I intended in anyway to su- 1 of Harper's Sew Monthly ical will confine itself to Us m portion of the contents of L other. Hari>er'sAVeekl* tes of the size of the - Loa- feaeh Number cr.Sprising as Wry di oflecinio volume. T1 a and upon paper suimble fot s will Ik electrotyped. the — 5 be suptdied, so that Sul>seri- Itime to complete their files, lolume. ne-at and appropriate 1 for the convenience of those ler. Jehms. |v Weeks SI ^1 Vear - lYears * ‘-'0 Vear » _■ Year 1’® |r One Y'ear lb Ob Jera siippiiet! at the lowest Club lAtlPtlt E BUOTHEliS. , f ranhii%,Niaare. New Fork. |3A-3t.'t ■ hTT.\RBlRG id at his old stand, a choice fl.HjroKS. and Country i’ro- Imse of on the cheap..'.st tcrm.s le public to try hi.s -‘^tock. ier h>ousi.-hold couinioditics al- rfiuulf lusliliitf. I announce to tie-ir fr.eiid.s and fct the nevt Session of ih:s Insti- Ithe Mb of Janr.ary under tuition [MissMarv E. Ilurasey. who are W ahililv.c.N;i''rii..ucc. and repu- il takeehar.e o: the literary and fats; ‘she i artieulaily excels in never fai'.-■; ypegi'C general -...aiv will i.ike charge of the lerainciitlv fisted. Imving both Vduiatioo M-eessary. piitv taught in the best .Vcademies 'Hates of Tuition as hereto- pd in irood families at front iT ^ding light, fuel^ Ac. ■ud esctedieglv healthy. JUIIN ?IIAW. Sec'y Board of Trustees. fct IrATIOX BCMIS , If Fayetteville for Sate. |;t Of the General Assembly of the —.a.ratified fiec.‘i.o. l.-.'g. auilio: iz (avetteville to i.ssiie her Bonds to _|Ui). in fae aggregate, for ibe pur- Ibscription to ibe lYest-.rn Kail Irdered by ihi Commis.sioncrs of Tr.nesurer of the Town receive ;;1 the Ist of NovemU-r next, for 1.01)0. in sums of #500 each of said thereid. Bond., to ran twenty •i.tcbed.—interest payable siini- Boitds shall l*e under the .seal of ^binding on the faith of the same. W AKBEN. Tow n Treasurer, tf PVSSEACKR I.IXE BE- VGTO.V F.AVErrEVlI.1.1.; f r j'clti,*”’'- '■-11 ilou'iiij and Tliurs- : jinU Friday irr'rui’iir*'. Ifst'e farfttfvjJIr CD Tuesday IminuTi.' .tun-riM*. int.-Uaj and Saturday niorBinf?. 5 Paw>' nr* r. ; sets of Lj'fiiterik. ran.' regularly ^'.atsooall «uire.« the RiTer. and |::-=3 in deliTcriug S'K-d.-^; are too "Well ■rr .^ur thaDlk? f' r the rery liberal Jed. a.iti can smirc yll shipper-* that in fuiurt'. atid feel confident that our Guaiii'not suTPrior to any line on tv. P. KLLIOTT. i - i-uttcrlt’b St Co. ■ ll-lf I attention cf ^llOLE- Lt DEALERS -k.—anfl W'j have receutl? re- ..iiru. Maricailjo aii'l Java CoEoe. b-r-ortetl ^ades, Crn^bed and iVjwdered ^ Adainantme and Tallow ^.nd ai£or:cd Candif?. T. Jnte and Manilla Eopp. Gannv. Dundee and Dar*ap= Cr.*'b. Soda, |u.‘- brands, -ALSO— i'njrer, Cloves. Nntmojis. Bora.v. bvnish Bro'vn. Drirasfone. P'ancy hurcb. DoT\rlcr. f^bot. liar L.ad, [ and Liiipeed Oil. Window Gla.-'S pie Mills db;. in ifalf BM.'?.: Green Wlow-Ware. Sweeds Iron, English. Ktecl: I’l.tws. Straw Cutters. Corn pndefs and Stuff'.rs. Trace Chains &f.. we offer on the mo-t favuraMc ne or ca>^b pnrehuHer®. D. * W. McEArrJX. 24-tf I. Campbell, ; COM.MI.SSIO?f MERCIIAA'T, of Gillespie i KTTErilXE. X. C. r WANTED. - t-zDpIoy a respotrsiWo and ■t a sfeneral traveHIng a;rcnt : for the construction of those liTated.]!! this State or out of it A no cbanic preferred who will ’ ‘sown field "■: IIKNUV PHELPS, riiitcllall. Wayne co.. K. C. Or GEO. C. POTTS, GoIdslForo*. X. C- 5-tf card. s fvtnrnod and resnmed his wo dors Ijolow the Female ZZ-it CARD. ivculu rc'pvtrully inform hi.-? oM r-tf;'' he cau 1^ found at the where he will V* ^lad to tiCO J. U. AltDOXALO. ?.%-*{ \V.M. F. WIGHTMIN & CO. Proprietors. W. F. Wiglitiilan, Editor.[ FAYETTEYILLE, N. C., SATURDAY, JAMEAEY 31, 1857.^ :■ VOLU.ME XVIII -NO. 935. lieTlOJSS. CI.E3IEXT G- WKIGHT, Attoriie}’ at Law, Fayetteville, X* C. Office at the corner of Bow and Green streets. Feb’y 3, 15uG. J. A. SPP^AR5^, ATTOHXEY' AT LA AY, ATTENDS the Coiirts of Cmu'jerlaiul, Ilaniett. Wake au4 Johnston. Address, Toomer, Ilaruett Co., X. C. Feb. 16, 1S56. ii.>-y BAlVrirW Attorney at l.aiv, FA i T TE VI L L E , X, C., ^lay be.coiirultcd at the Law Office of Jesse G. Shep herd. Esq., on Green Street •lillv ly, LS.)!!. ■-tr DR. K. A. RLACK. OFFICE Fro.it Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale's CheaiisE an*l Drug Store. FeVr 7. 1^.36. JI .V il ir L E P gV C T O II Y, BV GEO. LAUDER. Xeai'ly kippo.dte to K. W. Willkings' Auction Store. Fayett^rilU*, X. C. 0:t. 1. V Fi)[i ij.i u U. aft Acres uf f.v 11. lying u'l C.ip t I’eur liiror—Store, b.f -lUug. ‘t.it II )u-^--s.ill ill :ir-t r.tie or.l >r. The .-ttore i. at A tine b;isiues.s -sttiul at the Crocs Itoa-hs a;t,l the art I is not to ba eve tile I by a ly i:i Nortii Carolitta. A'ly p'rson 'lesiringto p ircii.ise Cevn obt.iin further partieubirs resp-.-ctiiig the property by calling cn e;t!i T of us at Ifillis' Creek o:i t!t; )Yuniiiigtd:i Koail to lu'.ies (roat Kayeiteville. SARAH tVRIGHT. Oct. 4. IS-tf J.V'.ILS WRIGHT. 0. HDUtSTON WOULD rotu.rii his thanks: tn th«r public r«?r the liberal patron age he has received, and liopei*. by pnnctunlity in lm?ines.«, for a continuation of the :anie. He ha=? commenced lmsln“s.'2 on his own responsibility, on the South side of Per.son street, two door.s htdow the Cape Fear Bank and three doors above bis rtld stand where ho would be gliito see all his ol.l {fiend.s. He e.vpeCts to keep on hand a gool a.sort:n'>nt of .^a ldle-:. Bridles, W hips, and every thing in his line of bnsine.ss. X. B. Il'i 'Till attend to rep.iiriiig of S.xddles, Ilar- ne^.s! cCc.. anl his charges shall be modernt-.-. September 13, i8.>6. l.d-bm McLauriii Sc Strange will pay the high est ca*h price for Turpentine until liirth'.’r notice. Sept. 3. 1836. o8-tt ”~ri M. FAULK illiLSS cstabli.siiiiieiit to tlie coriier of Gillespie and Franklin streets, opposite the State B-tak. iit anil tlrblof the rooni.s form tIv oocupif'l by the S of T. H'-h.is on haiul a fir^t rate stock of I’L.klN aifi F.VNOV. HO.'IK anil lUPDRTED Boots. Shoe.s. Gaitcr.s. Ae..an! will mauit- t'act'.ire all articles ill his line in the best style at short notice. Thankful fur past favors, he solicit.s a con tinuation of th-e liberal patro tug.- heretofore bestowej. Dec. 13. ISol). 2#-tf I..AIi€JE HAIaWj or V'aALlTABLE I. VXDS. On the SECOND .MONDAY in Fcbnuiry 1«:»7. at the Court Hou3-j in the town of FayetfeviUo. the im- d'.T.d med will offer ferr on a credit of one au(t two V >ar.4. .aovofal tracts of LAND in the countic:? of Cum berland and Harnett. One tract on the Western bank of the Cape Fear River, below Smith's Ferry, containing about fifteen hundred and si.vty-live acre.?—the Flanlion i»f the late .ftenrv Elliot. There is a life-estate in two hundred end fffty acres of this tract, which will not bo uffcroil for sale. The interest in reversion will be disposed of on th'^ sale day, separate from the utlier portion of the 1‘lantation. 50 acres on Lmver Little River, known a.s tho Gib- *0n place. bOG acres.on Lower Little River, funner residence bf Ale.\\r Williarn-s. .Jr. 45 acre.s near Elliot's Mills. 550 acres on the Juniper. 300 acre.s on Little Mill Crock. 600 acres on Gibsoa^s Greek—t!ie SiiicTuir place. 3t0 acres near Mc.Vrthur's Bridge. Also the Saw Mill Timber on 300 acrc.s adjoining. o00 acres on Black Branch, near M’. J. Kelly's. And ^ho Saw Mill Timber on 110 acres adjoining. 350 acres near .Munroe’5 Bridge, North side of the River. 400 acres, including the Mineral Spritig nea'r the Mills formerly Col. Murchison's. 3C0 acres on Grog Creek, near the Fayetb.'ville and Western Plank Road. 50 acres on the North Prong of Anderson's Creek. gVlso. an undivided interest, being one-third of two Lots in the Town of Fayetteville, ^ on Rowan Street, known as the Armstrong lots; and in 28 acres of Imnd cii the Soutb side of Ldttle iTiver, near Elliot s .Mills. --ALSO— At the same tirce. on a credit of si.T months, will be sold— 12 shares of Stock in the FayetteviHe and 'Western Plank Hoad. -10 shares of Stock in the Fayetteville and Raleigh Plank Road. — shares in the Cape B’ear and D cp River Naviga tion Company. 10 shares in the Cumberland Academy. And j^n un divided interest in the Chemical Apparatus tlierein- These sales are maile ulrler a power in the Will of the late Henry Elliot. ALEXTi ELLIOT, ) ,, . J. G. SHEPHERD. ( Dec 20. 1856, 20.tN TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO TtIF CAROUXIAX For a single copy, if paid in advance, per annum, S2 00 ** " “ at the end of 3 months, 2 50 ” ** at the end of 6 mouths, 3 00 ** “ at the end of the year, 3 50 No subscription will be received for a shorter period ban one year anles.s paid in advance; With the view of ext .•fi ling the cirdnlatioR and en hancing the u-»«fLil!ie.ss of the paper, the proprietor of fers the fcdlowiag remarkably low CLUS R.iTBS, LVrARIABLY LY ADVA.'VCE: 5 copies of the Carolinian, 1 year, $8 00 10 “ “ *' 15 00 Rat«s of zidvertLing: Sixty cents per square of 16 lines, or less, for the first and 30 cents for each subsequent insertion, unless the advertisement is pxiblished for more than two msfuths, when it will he charged For three mouths, ----- S4 00 For six months - - - - 6 00 ^or twelve months, ----- 10 00 aU advertisements mast have Bie desired niimlKT of in- eertloiisi marked on them, oriherwise they will l>e in serted till forbid and charged accordingly. Special dltcntion is directed to this requisition. WM. F. WIGHTM AN & CO. Professor Wood's Hair Uestorative, for sale by S. J. UINSDALL. Aug. 30, 1S3G. 913-tf THfi Fri0.1TISG B.VI)T.S OR KSTJCKLE WASHING M.ACHINE. Tito subscriber liaving purcbasctl the Right of the above Machine for the Counties of Cumberland and Harnett, is now ready to furnish such^ a.s^ may be desirous of obtaining a Right. The machine is simple, both iu its structure anil ciperatiou.s. anil should any portion of it fiiil, can he easily ami speedily repaired bv any persdn having the use of tools. I do not claim for this niachine more than what it is able to perform with that description of labor wiiich alinost every fainiiv is able to supply, lyithout at all interfering witli the ordinary diitie.s. In P'®?® ® I*’ or 13 years of age can perform all the labdr. aftei havin' seen it operate a few times, and if the dtroc- tioas are adhered to, will do as much work in one day as three or four women in the ordinary way, and tlie work will be iniicli better done. Below will he found a certificate from those who have purchased and now have in use one of these machiues loliA.U BLiAlVC*-. April 12, 1356. 03-tf F.vysttkvu.ee, N. C.. sVpril 9. ISfiti; IVe, the undersigned, having purchased of Jlr Isham Blake one of the aliovc machines, cordially rccoraraend it to the favor of the Public. It washes very lapidjy, and the work i.s much better done than i.s usuaUy done ill the old wav. anil with less wear to the Glothn,g. It far e.vcceds'our expectations, and has only to he seen in operation to satisfy the most skeptical of its utility and economy. 'We have no doubt of its being generally used wberever introduced. D.'U. McRae, .Tno. D. M'^illiams, TV. J. Axdeesox, John’ D. ST.inu, McLacrix-, Joseph A. M'orth, A. J. O’llAXbdx, A. P. Hurt, Jas. G. Smith, David WemySs. IVo in eompariv with several other gentlemen, saw a four dollar bil'l which was very dirty and much defaced, put in and washed out by this machine, re moving all the dirty appearance of tho bill, and leav ing \t perfectly legible, which shows there is little or no rubbing produced iu washing fine articles. FK-4b'K X. IvODEPTS, Jas. G. S-mitm. 1\2LL TRADE, 185G. B. F. P F A UC E IS NOW OPENING, a large and de.drablc Stock of FALL AND WIST Ell GOODS, eon.sisting in part of Black and Colored Silk.'. English and *'rench Merinos. l-ialii ami Fig'd D.Irvuc.', some boAiUif.U patterns, Black and Fancy Alpacas, E'lgings and Inserting''. (’tillar.s and Uinh.Tslecvcv.^ Cactus and WiialeboMU Skirt-s. Jacon- L .Nainsook. Swiss and Plaid Muslins, French, English and American Prints, Cloths and 'Car:.dm(Wt*s. Satinett.s. Jeans ami Twcdds, Plaids, Linse.vs and Kerseys. Carolina ami .Mai lboro Strip 's. Blt.-aobcd and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, IVlilte ;iml Colored Flauneis, Drillings and Tickings. Irish Linens, good as.-ortniont, Linen Tabic Cloths, Toweiings and Napkins, Shawls, Cloaks and ?>Iaatillas', E \tra {juality of Bed Blankets. Ribbons, Belts. Gloves, Hosiery, kc. —ALSO— lints. Caps, Bonnets, Boots, Shoes and Umbrella.s; general assortment of, REA V r-MADE CLOTJiTSG, and every variety in the Y.VNKEE NOTION LINE, which will be sold at a small advance for CASH, or on tiinu to punctual custoineTs, eitlicr at Wkulisak of Uetail. .Vll arc respectfully invited to give me a call before purcliasing elsewlierci _ ‘ B. F. PEARCE. Hay St., Fayetteville, Sept. 1, 18.')«. 14-tf to r'.’])i.d as.sauits upon tlie Soiitli, wlieliier they come iiniliT the snecious garb of fiction, or iu tlie direct form Maryland Lotteides. CORDIX & CO AGENTS. A FORTUNE FOR THE TRLVL. “ There is a tide in the affairs of man. Which, if taken at the flood, leads to fortune.*’ ONE TRIAL MAY MAKE YCU RICH FOR LIFE. Splendid Sclieuies Drawing Daily. SEND YOUR ORDERS TO C’ORBIBr & CO. Tho Old Established A.utlioriscd .Vgents who have SOLI) MORE PRIZES Than any other oilico in the State of Maryland. ALL PRIZES GHAR.YNTEEI) BY THE' STATE SINGLE TICKEi.S: MTioles iti Halves oO cts. Quarters 2.? cfe. ■ CERTIFICATES OF PACKAGES. 26 Whole Tickets $16.00 26 Half Ticket:! .s.O'j 26 Qitarter Tickets 4.00 NOTHING VENTURE. NOTHING GALNL Tickets Bouglit by tho Package are alw.ays the most Profitable to tlie Purchasers. TRY PACKAGE. For $25 we send package ^yhole, Halves k Quarters. For $10 we send package Halves it two Whole tickets For S5 we .send package Quart's &- one Whole Ticket. Look at tho following splendid SOTTEME.S. STaITE of XOilTIi CAR.OLi:?iA—ilOBESOX iJoUXTY. Superior Court of Law^—Fall Tznn I85G’, Cliurcliill Walkloy & Johnsto-n^isJona. V\. Regan. ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT. Tt appearing to the saMsfactlon oftiie Court that the said defendant U not an iidiaMlant'of thiff State, at is •rdered by theCourt that pi.^llc‘Uiou bo made, in the North Carolinian, a New.'^pfiper |>ubilidied in tlie Town of Fayeltevil^ for.the space of Mx weeks, uotUymg the said Jonathan W. Rogau to appear at the, next term of tlie Superior Court of La^v*for the county of Robe- .«ou, at the Court House in Lumberton. on the fuurUi .Monday in ?vlarch no.xt.and then and Uierc to liload c~ iN^plevy. or final judgement will be iigaiiif^t liim. WiToKSs. Alexamh r .McMillan, (Berk of r-aid Court, at office iu Luinbertou. the fonrtli Monday iu Seplem- ber. A. D. 18.5/;. This Dec. 22. 1856. A. MoMiLLAN, C. S. C. .Tan. 10. l85^. - 32*6t STATE OF NORTH CAHOllIX.i^^ROtjESON COUNTY. Canrt of Pteas Quorlcr Sessions ■ Svrt?nlc^ Tsrjn, 1850. Dr. It. McLean, v.". Malcom Baxter. Attachment Levy on Land. Judgment aisitfiir Sl.xty dollars and intere.-'l 22 December 1854 and costs. from ST OF XJAX I CA. —lt0BE30X C01U\TV. Superior Court 'of Law — Fall Term 1850. M'illlain Beyee t^Co. vs. Jonathan Regan ORIGINAL attachment It appearing to the Sali.«faetiort of the Court the Tt appearing to the. satUfacfion of the Court upon afihln.^•it filed by tile Plaintiff hlat the Defeiidant .Malcom Baxter is nd\ iididHlant bf this State or so absconds or eon'Ceals hiinself tihu the ordinary pnfcess of law cannot.he.scrvcd o.ihiin—ami William J. Brown Uoastabie velurtied into Court at this term an aitacli- iiient agaiu>‘t the said Malcom Ba.xier with the follow ing endofsemetit to wit: Levied on a tract of Land. Xuutaiaing Ninety-seven acres more or Ics? as ihc pro- P'-rty of .Malcoui BitxUuy Ij jng on liie wutcr.s bf Uich- Imsd Swamp about ifive mile from Philadelplms Church, aiidjoins the luud:9 of Daniel .McMillan. Mary Gra ham ami others on the east side cf .‘aid Swamp in Rnhe.=son Gounty'October 10th day 1S.5(!. It is Ihtrc- foreon motiui, ordered by tlie Court, that publ.cation be made in the North CiU’oUuiaii, a newspaper jirinted in the town of Fayetteville. for«1x weeks successively notifying, the said defendant to Ik2 ' NORTH ('AR0LlNi.4N Sessions to be held for sahl dofemlent is not an inhubilaui of iLis It is ordered In* the Court, that 'Piiblication be made in the Nortii Carolinian, a newspaper publisliod in tlie I Town ofFayttevilie. far the space.ofsi.v weeks, m>ti-_ I tying the s-aid Jonathan'W. Ro.gan to app(.'i\r at Hr* ’ he can. why jHdgmcTit One ef which are drawn at 12 o’clock each dav of the j next Term of the .Su])erior Court of Law for Ihe Conn- j him and the liuidj^ levied on cbndehmed U) be told to I ty of Robeson, at tiie Court House ia Lumbertnn on satisfy the plainlifis demand aiuleosts, 1 tlic fourth Monday iu March, nevf. and thru and tbes’e I AVitni^ss. Si!adi*ach Howell, Clerk of onr said Court lu iilenii nr ivplin y Of iiiial jniimiii'ut will Ini given [ :it oiiion iii Luuibertoii llie fourth Moniitiy of Novem- j--:i''’kTTE TILLS. .A*. C. Piikirai ispeti of (fic TForW. fiftheii yral's iigOi aiitl NIillcr, llic rrcpiict, or llic intci’pictbi' bf iifoplici'y, was dreuiiiiiii? that tli'3 Milleiiiiitim was ahb'it to dawn. Xow It seems,' instead, fis if Satan Wci'c about io rtl* loo.sed again for a season. little while ajro, and war was thought a liorrihle thing, and nit'i! seemed universally about to heat their swords into jilon;j:h shares. 15ut now tile jiruninir liooks are fiist Icirning the utilities ol the howi kn fe; China ia dc.so’ated liy civil war, and tlie ( a|>e of (iood it'ipjhy tile Iloticn ots. Bnrmah hat just been rent ill tn a h, and I'e;.sin, is at this moment the scat of active ihar JIiis.i'ii (iid England Seem as if about to fight a jiitelicd battle ill the heart of India, deeisite of tlie fate . ...... Fle!is auJ Qna'iun'>'■ Img-er portion of the world than that which till; cminty of Riiln-son at tho fyilowitt the fate of all Alexander’s battles. Jourt House ia Lniiiliertou'. on the fourth Aiouitay ol Fehriiaiw next, then anil ihero to show cayisc, if any final shall not lie onfereil against I’ROSPECrUS OK THK SOUTIIEItX 1.1TERAKY MESSKNGER For tlie Year 18-'i6. July to December. TWEXTY-THIIID VOI.rME. Ill issuing the I'rospoctiis of the Twenty-'fhivil Yol- nmo oftho SOUTHERN LITER.VR\ 31L-SSENGLR. commencing with tlie .Iitiy No., the Broprietors rely solciv on the encouraging letters and promises ot the frien’d.s of the Messenger to aid Ihem in extinidiiig its circnlation. and they heg to assnre the pnidic that no e.xertions will he remitted on their part to iiiaiiitaiu tlie liigh ciiaracter of tlie work, ajid to challenge tile iiatroiiage of all wlio vnlftc sterling literary merit. Fur Tw eiity-Gne Years, the .Me.isciigcr lias endeavored to reflect faithfully the Soulherii mind, wliile disdaining all narrow'and sectional views, and lias been alone amimisthe niontldv periodicals of .Viiierica. in dofenc ' of the PEUUIdAR IN.STITUTIO.NS OF THE SOUTHERN ST.-hTUS, To this o.Tico it will be devoted, and will he prompt t nndi-r the specioii: of anti.slavery iininplileta. .-Vt tliis hriticai jiinetitrc. wliile our eiicinle.s ar'e cirii>ioying iiteratiire a.s their most potent weapons of attaek. liio Sontliern iiuople will surely not witliliold tlieir eneoiira.goinent from a work wlio.se aim it shall he to strike iilows in their de fence. The .Messenger will, as licretofore, present il.srenders wUh llevieics, Tlislorwd nnd Ijingraphicnl S!.rlrhes, JVorrJx, Tah'.s, Travels, EsSaps, I’otms, Critiipies, and Papers on the Army, Nary and other NaTwaal Subjects. AVith a view to ensure a larger circulation of the ME'S.SENGER. tile I’roprictors though they intend greatly' increasing tho .size of tlie work, have reduced tiie price of Siipscrijition. wliicli is now oulyf Tbtcc Dollars per. annum, in Advance, (Hi FOUR DOLLAR.S IF NOT PAH) BEFORE THE FHl.ST OF JULY IN .VNY YEAR. CLUBS—Remitting its Fifteen Dollars in one letter, will he entitled to Six Copies. The Editorial and Critical department of the Mes- seilger will continue under the cliarge of •lOII-V 11. THOaiPSOBi, Esii-, And will emhracc copious notes on current literalnre and reviews of all new .Aiircrican or Foreign works of "■eneral interest and value. The Editor's opinions will be always fearlessly and honestly avowed. Tlie il'nsiness Department is cnnrlncted liy the under- sii'ned. to w'liom all coinninnications of a linsiiiess na- i tare ntu-rt he ddoressed. .w. . ...... MACFARLANE, FERGi-n.'^ON A CO. Law Building, Franklin Street, Richmond, Va. June 1, Ih3(>. Five seventlrs off thoFr\.RMING AND TURIUIIN- TINE LAND iu Harnett ccArnty. kn«wn as the rarkor ami McNeill laiid.s joining Wm. Hurriugtoivs land on Uni'er Little River. There is pumc 200 acres cf the best quality of low grounds on the River. The up lands an; hravily timlforeil with i>ines, and within six miles of tho FayettcvilVe and IVcstorn Ruilroji'l. For particulars apply to D Mi^TARTHUR. J. P. ROPER. J. W. McKAY. Nov 20. 1856. 26-tf ■'Veek. BRILLIANT. 47,267 Doliiirs. MARYLAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTEIIy Ci.-vs.s 310, CORB1N+ & CO.. AGENTS. SCHEMEi 1 prize of 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 160 do 64 '■ do 64 do (if do 4.328 eld 22.176 do $5,000 ].{JOO 50;) 1 50 1 :;7 0(i •JO fi against Ijim.—Witness Alexamier J.icMillau Cb-rk of said Court at office in TiUihii.Tton fhi* fourtii Monday iu Svplenibiir As D. 185U. Thi.s JJtid Dec. l85f;. A. Mc.MiLJ.AN,C. S C. Jan. lO. 1857. 3*2 fit STATE OF XOitTIS f A ROU IN A-— itOBESON COUNTY. Superior Court of Laic—Fail Term 1S5G. Cliuicljill Walkley k J.ikn.'OU vs. Jonatiiau W. Roo^** OiMGiNAL ATTACII.MKNT. Tt appearing to the Satisfaction of die Court thM the said dctbiuleiii is not an inlialiitant of this Stale, it is or.lered \>y the Court iluit Pubiii utlou be made in the { North Carolinian a Ncw.-^p’apT puiiHshed hi the A. D. IS56, and of .J-.riicfictiii Independence tlie Slst Veaf. issued the 27ni dilv of Dehetfiber 1856. EHA'D. HOWELL, Gkrk. By B. FREEMAN, D. C. Janv 3. 1857, 3I-6t CRAIN S CRKBK ACADEMY. JliOOA’ii COEMTY, JV' C. 24,S()1 prizes amoiiitliiig to PAT. CAPITAL PRIZE. 5,000 Dt>i!Jiisi. IPSGO INSTITUTE LOTTERT, CiJ.i.s 102. CORBIN & CO., AGENTS. StfilEMK. 1 prize of 10 do 1 do 8 do 200 do 63 do 6:j do 126 do ;.oo6 do i:i.43G do :7.814 jirizcp ai Ct.aj^s 2.55. rnrjuN .V CO.. AGENTS. , SCHEMR. 1 1 2 2 211 (Hi 1.224 35.740 1 prize of do do do do do dd do do do’ do $a,‘J00 5 no J4i 3'i Ji) D* 4 1 S17.247 es.ob i.5(:{; i.(mo 7,5U 300 DiO 10 4 1 Tlie TrusUies are happy to announce to'the public (bat llied'L/Session of this luolitution will open on Mnmlnv the }2th .lanitahv next, under the sunervlsion j of 51r ArohibiUd Mcljaiighlin rts ITinciffitL . Mr McLangblin is a graduate Cf the University of Town ) North f'arolinr. and his testimonials are of the highest ofUaveLteviUc. for tbe^pacc of .‘^ix weeks. noLifyiug j charaeCer, warranting the Trustues in giving assurance +1w.it iiie said J(.-iathim W. Rt gan, to appear at tho Iie.xl ! (o ail who may feel disposed to patronize the Inslltu- tliat know, On what side they Ulii team of tlie Superifa* Courl of Tiaw for tlie cminty of | thm. that th'‘y will liave the advantages of 8\-stehiatic Robeson utlhee’ourt house in LmiilK-rtou on the 4llt > and thorough instruction. Moiidav in March next, and ihcn and there idead or The Aea-K-iny is situated nine miles east of Carthage rejilovy. or final .rmlgoK’nt will b-> ■j:ivcn against him. I near tim Fayetteville and M'es'ern Plank Road, in the Wilne.ss. Al- xamb r .Me.Millaii. Cb rkofsaid court at 1 midst ofa very healthy.moral and irilclligent neighbor 'dfici* la Lninberton the I'oiirth Moiiday iu Eiptein'‘er i hood, and it will llier^-lore be Iree. Iroin iiiariy df tin viiiatluginfinenceswhich so much endanger thciieaUh .A. n. lo56- -De' .Tan. 10. 1,' S I'ATK ifl* _ ^ df Ihe 22nd !N56. A. AIOMILLAN. C. S, C. r. 3'(;t ^>iXTTi TTTtTTLixA-'--Tti.ui-iffoN CODaX'Tt. Siqjerior Court of l^aw—Fall Term 1S5G 1.. j;. GoIwiu vs. C. M'. Crawionl () RIGI A J. AT T fi 'RIM ri a i It appearing to t!i-* saiisfaeli'Di of (Id* Court that ‘die said def-ndani i.- nol ait inhabilani of this .'"^laie it is orticr-'d by (he U'Mf*. ihaL ibiidleaiio!! le; made ill tile Noi tli Cai’.'linlu!’. a m*-. sjeip-’r publish' .i ju the Town of raVeHL-ville. for iLe .M'ae.e of.^ix weeks noli- , , rvin'*-lim said C. W. Ciawfor.l aj'pearat the next ' “ ' ! CCfuiltry Can COllCeiVC, and HOnc cdn tell 11 \\ al- Tm-miii tho .Snp n-iiir Ci.ni't of ImwVoi- tim Coniity o;' HobeSOIl ItlStitllte ■ "'■■I '>B in powcr one week hence, or whnt' Ri.lvson, at the Uoni-1 House in Immliurion. on tiic j, ixci x j l u c,Vv. j ,‘ ' fourth ?>foiiday in Mt'iv!; n"x(. and liieu and there CUilRIE PKINCIPAL , he the result of hlS gOVCrilUlCIit, ultilUiliely to pleni Ol-leplevy. or iiimljnilgiivnl will lie gk eii ' ' ’ , dn the (Ic.stinv. iiot of Cciitnil America alone a'Min-'t him.— M'itaess A lexauder Me.Milian clerk of' i he exerei-ses of tins lii.ffitutiun will be resumed on , . . , said Court at offiee in Lnnibnd.m. (he fonriii .Monday ’ Monday (he 5th .luiuiary m-xt. | but of tins whole continent. Iherc IS IIO douhr in Eeptomber A. D. 185:. ThU Ih y. the JJnd^ 1855; j ,T)ih.iou per Session.* Pi^elling. $6. Common En- i concocted with him the selieme . . I r ... n ^7 .. r. ■* 4* ZW # ft I 17 ZX ((I and morals of students in Town ami Villages. Tn ord'T that the benolils of the Instilutiou may Ik; within tim reach of all. tho following l.ow rates of tui tion pel* *e.sssiun. payable in advance. IH'vg hben adopl- ed: ' English. Recording to ndvanc^'mcnl, $10 to 81.5: . Latin, Greek, Freueli, and Isigllei b!anchc.sof .\iathc- inath-s. 815. Exi’- lle:it Board can be oidained at Mr Arnold^ at 87. and oilier houses in the neigliborliood. DONALD McDONAl.D- TiocT 20, 18.56 2S-:lt liobeson Institute. .M. CURRIE, PRI.NCIPAL. Eilrope having wasted hnira iiiillioii of men. and hundreds of milHHiis of dollars in oiie war, S'tjnis gl'batfe’r i'li iini'cst tiian ever. Turkey, where the war hegitii; is worse off as to debt, as to iildojifendcnce; aiid as to territory, than Before the war legun. While the other great powers have been figuring in the Prineipalit ei Atistria liolds the stakes, and like the menjej tblth thfi cheese, tlibtvs it np, wliile the others (]narrcl. It used to bc-thoiight that the five great powers had the control,. at least of Rnro|ic, and yet little king IJomha laughs at them ail, liliigland Hnd France ineinded. The fact is, there is not one of tlib great powers that has the control of anything just now, oy he a montH hence on any great question tliat may present itself Take England: Docs she know wheth er or not she is drifting again into a war with Russia? i?he Itiis no' idea. Xot al all. Yor is there a Frencliaian who knows where France will be a month hence—whether in the arms of Pviissia against Fhigland, or with England egainst Russia. If we come over to this con- lineiit, ioolt at Mexied; witli civil d”;!; -aging internally. Like a regular volcano, it is deej) down in her heaving breast, and sending for I tliree tlioiisand .Americans, to come to her j succor. Central America is as badly off as any M!L1.AN,G.5. U. •Tan. 10. i.s, fiTXlii t;P 30.316 prizi;?, fimouutiug to $5;),233 TickcH SI—Sbai’DK in iiroport'on. AVc invariably aii^AV'jr letters by rcliirn mail, on clo.-ing the tickets in a good safe envelope, and al\vay.s observe the strictest confidence. Afier tire drawing i. over, we .send the official ilrawin.g. with a written ex planation of the result of tiie venture. All Prizes bought at this office arc payable iininedlately after the drawin.g in Current Money, and wc take Bank Notes of any State, or Bank drafts in pajmeni for tick- etB at par. For odd amounts in makingchange wo re ceive postage stainp.s. they boina- more ‘'onvenient than silver. Corrospoiulefilsiiiay place the utmostcontidence in the regularity and safety of the mails, as very few or no miscarriages of Money happen •wId'u pro}i-*rl v directed to us. Be careful thatvAm mcnliou \ o.ur J’o.st Office. County and State. Give us at loa^t tme single trial, you cannot lose much, if not gain. One single (rial may make yon independent for life. TRY US. Tliere should be no such word a.s fail. iUddreso CORBIN A GO. Box 100 Po.-it unice, Baltimore >Id. Oct. H 21-Gm L':i c itOBESOA COTN'TV. Superior Court of L-ne—Fall Term 1S50; Nichola.s Powel vs. Stoph-.m H. .Martin (jRlGlXAlJ ATT.VCa.MLNT It app-'‘aring {> gush. $12. Niituiai Science. 815. Aubieut [ - gna.ges, $18; Students arc ])ropared fur the Sbpli. : of some Southern COiileUoriU'y Lias.-- in Ihe Liiivor.sitv of N. C. I re-establlsh tliC slave I’latk Glass Holishing.—We had the pleas- to seize Cuba , A ias> iii tnu Ui .5. * and re-estiiblisli tlic slave trade an(J slavery : 1 lie principal liaa cjuugo ot the commodious Stew-' *. t • ct“ i i ’ ‘ ard Hall, v. licre Jmard can lie oblaiiiedat $8 per moiilh. ' They reckon on the sn|7j)Ort of the South, but i exclusive of unshingaiiil room li.irHs. ' tl'ith What reason is ii'Ot so plain. Such is tho I Buard a!id luiUoii payable ui Hdvantc. ii required, j . . . , . »• i i x ‘ • i } The traveling public av\: also iiiforined that cumforla-i situation of tilings on this little globe at the • bio acC'-nimodatiOiiP can bo obtained at the Stewards ,,rp..;„nt tiiiu» .suisfactiou of the court, that tl- tcrm.s. , said dcfi nfVMit I'' not an Tahaoitani ol (his .^latc. it is Pauls, Dec. 20, 18.5(;. 26-8t ordered by the cuuit that publication be made in the! _ ’ ’ ; Nm’lh Caiadinian a n ■’.v.-p.ii)ci'jium-siii d in the J own i ve^terdav, of witnessiHg the operation of of Favettcvilb* for tin* ppacD ol .ix weeks iFAiiym.g ,^a.llCi lOx 02.109 ' ' ‘ * the .said Stephen H.-Marlin toappear at dm no.vt Term ; The SnbsmdbDr ofi'or.^ for sale, his LANDS in Har- invented inaehhici y for grinding and of ll:; Suj»ur:or ? n'lrt ol laiA ‘bj’the counu ui Rooe- Nine nollishiiiff idate and fflass for mirrors and snii.attli.D.v.ir: House inLumiiiTtoa on tl.c lourtii.,^,,,;taati.I iiul lvi„.m the lork or:' . , 7 - . ,, r Monday ill Maivh iie.-vt. and tneii and th-re to pLad 'J j^n ' endows. It IS at Once Ji model of simplieiiy or repb vy or dual juugi:i-:;t vdI be given aga.r^'t yj. (he purchaser. Those wisli-, and eifectiveness. Tlie grindiii"’ apparatus cou him.—W itn-ss Alr^T vi I n* .M'/ .rii.an c i R of said 5,;^. will do well to c.xamiiic the Lauds, as ' • , . , C b, (.bjurt at '‘liice in J.'imberton. the fourth Monday iii ^ description here would bo usol“ss; j •‘**^^* e«reular disk of cast iron, ten feet in Sciiti.'iii'jcr A. I). L- iii. loi-Dm;, iioJ i S.ili. , I uiii s ill Hie aliove iiamcil Laiiil on the nreniiscson diinatel', revolving in a horizoiitiil plane, hy ,.y, 'DML-LAN C. L. 0. !'ri„;rs,i-.iy ihe l.-.Ui Jiuiiiai-y Jan. iO, U.>7. .D-iil; j Pur I'lirther partii'iilars, ;ip]*ly to Julia Small, or my- — Ronr..iiO-’j . se ; A. .SM-YLL. S-it S'rA'l'K OP SOlITfl OVllO.’.I • ct;>- 1' 19 Ou'irfcr Sessions Trrvi. 18.or.. Court o'iFleas art L, , seif at Owea&viRe, N. 0. Owonsvillc. Doc. 13, 1856. er. Wan ted w Dec A first rate SADDLE affid HARNESS >IAKER. to whom good wages and steady employincRt will be gi'vcu. Apply at this office, or addrcs.s J. IT. IIE.VTH. 1856. 28-tf Clinton, N. C.- NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. James Blyle H.VS just i-Dcdved a very larg* and general as.aort- ment of GOOD.S Among whicii are, French and English Merino.^ : Do. Delalns. JMuin and Figured ; Drcs.-s Silks. Fig'u and Plain j Black Fillet Mits; Sleeves and (collars ; Cloths. (Jassimeres and Satins ; Bear and Negro Blankets ; 3-4 to j 2-4 Bjeaohed and IDnwn Dbnic.'tlc? ; Gimtleiuen sReady-Mude Clothing, Carpeting. Good and Common : Boots and Shoes; Anchor Bolting Cloth ; Iver.Keys and Lin.cys : Iri.ffii Linens. Crash : Table Diaper and Napkins. M'ith many ot[n‘r orticles. all of wii'ch iioiiig pur chased by the Package, wUl be ofiered at low prices, by wholesale or retail. Nov. 8. 1856. 23-tf DOBBLX HOUSE! POWERS & TROY, Propriptoi s. The Pro])rietor.s of (his Establishment an nounce to tile public, that owing to the con stantly increasing ]»atroii:ige extended t" tlieni. tlit'y liave beeniinluced to enlarge the ftccomioodatio.i by the addition ofun extensive Dining lG>oni on the lower floor, and su'lce pf Rooms on tin second floor; thus enabling ihem to accoiuniodatc all who may favor them with a call. And they ple'lue themselves to an Increased oxertlo.i to give satisfaction to theirpatre/ns. Spacioi»s Stables att-aelied and careful Ostlers in attendance. The eligible location of the IDtabli.'hmont. with tlie experience of tho Proprii'tcV.s iu jiroviding fm* ll’c coiiUbrt oT their jiatrons. they hope will secure to them a liiicral sliare of tiie travel. The Western and Southern Sfcage.s arrive atand depart from this House. Carriages in attendance cm arrival and dejmrture of Steam Boat.-!, for tlic aecoininodatioii of pa.'^song'.'rs. Horses and Carriages fiirnislied at any notice for cirrryiir'tri^velters to anv part of tlie adjacent oountrv. .L W. POWERS.' W. (J. TUOV.‘ Fayetteville. May 12,1856. !).8-tf. B. Frccm-an >^cCo. vs. e.l.iIC'Diu B zVtiachiucnt Levy on Land. JudgmLMit i:Isi for iiiiivtovn a.dlarsaud twenly ccnt. and ii)ic*'i-.'* iRirc t!".' dany and co.sbs. it appearing to (Id-* sat'GactImi of .he Ci.iirl, upon afiidavii filed i>y the plainliff', lhai tiie il.-fendant .Malcom Baricr is nui an inli ibRani of liiis Siate, or •:o abscond.' or conc''aU hiniscir tliat (he ordinary proce.- c'f law cunnoL be sci ved on him—and WiHir.mJ. Br..\vn. Cou^lable. r-diirn-'J into Court ai uhis term an altachment again't t'la sa'd^ following cn.’orscin"iit to wif: “Uovii .i inus aTraoa-j inent on the lag.il and c.piib.hdD^ intcr-.j.-t tract of r.an4 siipjiO'-'d to e'iri!a;:i -seven acres 1 more or less, as ine land' ot -Mr.l'C'''in Btirfov. joining 1 tbe lands of Dan;. I .MeMillun. .Mary Gi'aiiam and i others, on Richland .S'.vamvi. al-mt on-,* niilc-ro-LU Plii | ladulihms 'Ciiuvch. this .Siii Novemb-T L;-^5n. \i\>, tlDTcfoi'D on Linii.i-; or'T-T.-’.i oy th'‘ Uonri jmldi- i cation ho mr.d'M'n Die North CarolinUn.y\ iD-.v-n-ap-n* ’ ] priiitcil in i.he lowu of r ayotteville. tor hix W'-vks sue- j ' C'.'sslvulV, iioiif'-ing tlic ^iiDt 'Ictendiiiit 10 bcaad aj*- ■ I pear b'.'fVirc th.* Justice-- of Ui.’ next Court of PhM. -xnd | j Uuartcr Scs:,io:is, to be litdd tor th'^ ■'b>iinty of Rooe- : >'.u al {!..■ \•■mrt Hoi'-'C in Lumbarion on Uie b^urth , Olonday ot Fubrnary ii.-xi. Hi-n and thfi’c^to sliow | causi* if anv 1d‘can, ^\‘hv judgtncnt fina. >l?a:l not be 1 cnicred again-!.: liim and iId- laiid levied on coudciiiiu'd ! to 1h‘ sold to iRnisfv tlic DlaintiJ’s ilmuaii-l ami Q0M6. '■ r su'd Court. K fi.vsPKCsou. I the usuai iiieciiaiiieal arrangements of ptilieys anti gearing. On this disk the frames conlein- j iiig th'j iif-ti6lf^ to' be polished aic placed, and ! cacli Di llicui Is held by two arms, to whicli an a.x is secured, leaving the frame free to revolve Sand cud water ttie filates arc worn coiiveuieut and vouimodious V7ARE-HGUSE on thi- to a level, the uiiformity of the motion securing sliaTof T MlTLiaiHiTw;":!, ^vea redaction of tl.^ surfi.ee; Wc 1 wili lake iiluii.^iii'e in aiteniiin;. to liie Imsineps.uf witnessed tlie grinding of One of t'le lliick slabs 6f ginss furnished bj the Williamsbnrgli Mann- liara'es i-iuill be us nimlerate Havl.i;": b."'u appoioieil Insjiactor of Naval .Stores., under llie action Of it'e disk. T air lui f-e’eil to nerfui-in ali ilutii.-s ia n'v line Of i: i ,...o it., business either at liie River or in Tinvn. I liavo a 't'Otien . pplied, . 3 my country i'riemts. an-I liojie by a strict ntteiitioii io business to merit 11 sli,are of tiie paiilie iialronage. .My any one can expect. I factory, a speeiinen resembling wliicli was ex- f.iii’eoni Harter vvitli llic ‘ [ qy j;,v duty to In^ bnver c.n'fl .Selier. : - Levie.l tli's attae.a-j ' ' M'M.R.IV ;ble interest in and to a ' Rec. 20, ibJG. 29-tl' ■| ILEY. i liibited for some time iu the vestibule tit Ihe 1 Gitv Hail. i 111 about two hours all the inequalities werr I reduced to a plane. The polishing apparatus I iiifolves the same gene al mechanical featu cs, t with certain modifications, which have bv';"' .r- I ' j Wirne-', Siia lra'*b il'Dvcl!. ( 'lyrkf»r''U ' at odice in i.unibcrliLi. tu-; fimrui .donda, iL'tA. n. 1'5;:. .Vm-n-ican Lulupciidcimc, the | t 81»fc year* Lsned the 27ih day oi D’C''niJiDr SDAD. HUWLioL. Cim-k. :.v B. FRUL.MAN, D. C. Jany 3. 1 > ’-6t W. p. Elliott, C O M !« I S S I ON I'l Eli c II A N T f fayettfahllk. n. g.- A«''nt foi* Lutterloh ac Co.'ft St«‘.'imboat IJnu, WiTT attiVh p'roin'ptly to all liusinusseutruKtuil to liis otire. OCL21.185G. 10,000 lbs. TalloAV U aiitert, For whreh the hlgbcst price will be paid. Cret. 185-6. A5 M. CAMPBELL SjT.VTE op .'.Oill’I! ’ Vll > t oi A’r V. A-—iioJir.'O-V oirm- The Petition of.Vmo.- Bath’ Rijs.'ud Hill by tlivir fa; Klia” Bnllo-rK and wi; , I Court of PJt'tis niul Oiinrl ^ h>-r Term, !Ri!okn*"i' B. 11:11 andi i l lic-vt Irieii I .Joiin Hill. ' expect t : Sp'ui-! \ ;ii-:;!P.n and ■ - . . dI John Hi'miPtVn nial wiibs'aiigiuHl i.-'b.uu iiutlc* and Nuury Jliitlcr widi.w of W illlain Bni!*T. Ag.iim^t r>!;..ffi:ah Butb'rcnd John Bndcr. Pctlr-ioD for a ^aio ffSl-ivc:!!. It a})p’ciiring lo th^ s»li---raCh;6:i of i.ic C-^iirr htt* Obcdhih Jlntii-r and .Ldin ITiLcr ihc .dohndaHt-m thi«casD boyniid tliD bind- .'(iit;*. D » jhciadbro o.; luoiifm oiab red by ihcCouri tliaf pn m.( a- tion be mad'.* in tin* Noi’ih Lan»JiLi:an, nrin(»*d iu tho tfiwu of 1* ayltcvilf. I'-i ; ii->tifyi;vg iho ^aid tb-foMcViir: of this petition aiid ilia I uni.Ary ai*iH'ar at \ -.iu iivxt term of th; Coiii-i of Pleas and Qn-wluiy held for the county id’ Robeson a^ liic Lonrt ibm-'r. m Lumberton. til" fo''.rth .Mouday ol i*(.mrnary uyxt and ani=werthe pDUti'm. or tliv .'!amc, yIU bu tuivcn pro co:ifessio ami lieard t'Xparte a*; thorn. Witness, Elmdracli Uowell. Gb-rk ol our snid’ourt at office al L'lnib -rton. tb bcr. A. i>. 1 5fi. nnd of 81st vear. OX 31 A.\ HOOD iv5> ITS nHUiri.Ui; fTECLlxr:; .Til-it Paoli.-iliD.l, OraJis, tlie Tliousaiid t .A H-'V.* M'onilS O.V THE R AT ION A1. TlJ E AT’. i-- K^p^^>n:xr. withi ut Medicine, ofSpenuatorrhet^or found iicee-'^pary It is impossible to explain Local Ucakiiv.'.s, Noctuniai JMitissbHUi,Gvu-^ various: ntivaiitnge.s of llie machinery. \t ital and Ncrvou.YDcbillty. Impotcucy. and Jiupcdi- ; „ meiits to Marriage ponvrniiy. i C'flH bC Seen at X0. 100 Walker Street, during nv 11. iiK I..INKV, .a. I). I tj,g present week, and those who are interested Tilt'iinrorlant fact tbat tlie iiiany aiarming com- . mechanical iniproveinentS will cniov „ plainls. iirigir.ntmg in flie iiniirniii'rico ami solitinic ot i i ^ J . ''oatb may 1)0 oasilv renioveii witlnmt Mcuicinf. is in | rich treat from witncs.sing its operations. ., andhlgfiv l m ordc- to show' the extent of the defniihd' || Novem- p,,, ^y,|jaur. I'ullv explaiii' il liy menus of whicliovei-y . fo,. pj;,te glass, we were informed that the su*., imporud m mu.-'.i nius ui the ilay. i thus port alone, hi ten months, was four uiillions 'iri h) anv ixhiit'ss.''Uatis and iKi.st fre C? in a scuIdiI . , ,, ^ ^ j-i-* I,y-,',.,n)ti;ng qiiot imi.I) two pietage sl.iuq.s ' of dollars. T he total importations fikr annum Lu Diu D. Du J..i.\Kv, IT l.eonai'ii Street. N. Y. (iiiy. I j|,,Q ,1^. Enited States cannot be less than Inc. I.,. Iseii. .J I eight millions square feet of polished gla.ss, I Witliont doubt the new machinery will effect ! The snb-!'.'il.crs le-g loavv to alvise tlieir enstomers I =>» revolution in the manufacture.- j a id Ab rclianr--? generally. th;H [b‘j liavp i''vMv*'d a | It is ptirclv onc of tfiGsc* gr^a- Americap tn- C'civc the ui'Clins^s in a i!'*v dtiys. Th dr f^tock will be mu G'ger and more cbmpleie than they have ever offered, j ED'i'acing a g'-'U'-iwl assuriiueut ut (.'ixxls al ’.Vliolcsttlo. GROCERIES, Together with Uardirari-finil Cullenj, Hollow Ware, Sadrlle.r''!, Shoes, T-iThtr, •juipur I Ap tifwbbh nave b''en lumght by onf* fff the fb'm ex- ; '.V.- i.:-y :d;- ■ b.r the \Vliol">aie Trale. ThcTterni': will be of Hv ji!:ng I ,,u (he u.'!!!?*! Jinie to prompt desiler.-’. To cash Imvors a reapohable diseount will be made. ""'"■I ' om tv. WILLIAMS .(• CO. J'nveiteviiie, -Lug. 13. Ibati. 11-tf Jany : '•i tb, 51onday ufNpvem- .•Vm'n’If-.'iT rnd''pDn(Tence, thy Issued the 2“th dav of Dowmbfr }8.)H. SHAD. HGWELL. Ulcrk. r>v B. FRFd-M.VN. D- 0. ]W,7 51-f A MORE •TUST DFUKIMUD'anOtlier Lot of siqicrfiiie CA_SI- Ml'iitL HATS. -Xipo. on hanfl a "OoU pnrply of Silk. Fur uuil Wool Hell JncT. "s ’83- 3I-tf : huLince ol liimr rccenl j snrprcniacv the world yields ' tribute and tliat works a revolution iii the branch of indn.stry it is applied to. It ranks in importance with 'V^’6odvr6rtb■3 I’lanintr Mechia* n^d McCormick’s Reaper. In perfect simplicity, ihe ease and certainiy will) wliicli it does its work, are the first itn- pressions renlized on viewing its operation, there is no intrrca{6 geafing and cogging ; nothing to demand any other attention llian a coinaioii laborer can give, nothing to prodffce wear and tear or derangement of the action. The natural, meclianical and nialhematita}, laws are allowed to do the work, and aS Li ail cases when nature works, the labor is performed witliont ih'c cost entailed where ariilicial means are rcserted to for attaining the resnlt. It.? action illustrates tlie simplicity and harmony D.VVID GEE. with which Kattrrc works oot griat resnlts. HATS. of mv own uiaKO.

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