A NinV KAS It ONE THE i'AKL 'l O ALL, north GA ROL U i A H, F A YETTEVILLE, Nj^Il i hii !'.i:mlcs i cornel rlMllNC; jji;. j-\Ari:s ul' il.w !' ’■'= A. A. ^Iclietlian for maQiifactuniig Carnages. 1 Vi,h HcL..m,N1 niahe np Hi, mind. I wish he wolihl miAe np his miml, nW For I a..i|-t enre imich lonper to wait; I-m sure I have hinted puite stronglv Tliat I thought a'lout chaiigm" H'y WIiIpH be lo'.v a.' till' OILS, .- ,-;lll 1)>‘ l>"'. ; Inivs iuilie I'ti stiite For a sweetheart he's really so hackward, I can't bring him on, though I try; I own that he's very good tempered, But then he's so dreadfully shy. tVhen I speak about love and a cottage, die give.s mo a glance of surprise; And if I but hint about marriage. Tie blushes (piite up to his eyes! I can't make him jealous—I've tried it: And ’tis no use my being iinkim'. For that's not the way. I aiu certain. To "-ot him to make up his mind. V!. ovr.ititv re..lH'ClfH!l.v to a c.euerous public ter the lilwral patrou- Ilu' lias received from them sirn'e he lum commeu- ' kTl lunines, on his own Imuk. ami hoi.es liy stnet at- j toiuioa ami untiring industry, to merit a coiitimmnee l”'ue has''my.v on liand and will constantly keep a lod a.ssovtment ol'Siiddles. Itridles. Marinigvls. - so c.irriaee. lin.egy. and Sidky ilaniess. iib ‘ ; , and ofhis own nmiiul'actnre. Having li. ins i mp , , ! ^;’:,Ate workmen in the dilleivat hranehes o h,s j , l,„g.iess Im isiiot iimler the neeessity ol .o.ip.-■ ( ; NuHlmrn work for sale, lie has a so on ; j Burning TTuid ; with dosjiaich. . X W. lit? •'nvm'f'tly ^n Um' Intf Hrm ft’ Ihmstou >vt ib> llm claims he holds against them as llio ■.'bVp:\rUi'*r>!iip retiiuvt-*'^ 'f- i .}amu\i'y in. Wonlil resp- DVx'Ck :s. Mi-nn’i: sTiSs --li) I'j:. :i'p1 v.-'.il 'hT'I Carriages. I'liTw'■elihCvai patroifa.ge he ba.s received M -ra-i lie Inep.-S 1)« .strict attention to a a'.l -ii e to .g.ive satisfalition. Inlherlt ■■ '^'iL' .wiin'aut^ Ills i,v workmt ' lli WDvk will ci'nijKii-'' 1 ilie UiiitL'il .Sillies. lurn''at* t»» ho usual—done neatly tijosi iiH\(‘ple'l to to cv.il aii'i stM i t tiio .scttK-inoiit oT t it wUlioul dovay. :>2-3in Cuiui)hi-'nc. 1 Foil 8A.LE. ('LOTHIN’G- and Tvast March 1,'., nrpentino, .'rleohol, Braii'lies and d^'iue yi ed.ieal piirpo.-.es, Congres.s W ater. Citrate Tilagnesia, idia Castor Oil. ,.'iid Stam' alteuT lu'.i I Timnkfiil for Mr Uio la.-l :(U. ''n'‘SS. it i-oiitimia’i.-" made of the best m.i'.maa ,.,;h hrandli oflho ou.-niess. !'a\('I'a’ity witli nny nia;lc lU's.- a«d duraiiilily. Fie is determiiied to se .. .V • rriKi-l ti’i'M).'' as aav \vi)i'.- UynAoae, He now has o:, hambnnisi,od. the large: ! i„,.kor(' \i:i;i.vi;i'>.b.t!H)bwHn.a. h i \ Vi> lli:i IbtbS. ever olter.'d in this ph iia f'lLLWlNfER.STOClt. l full my FALL and TVIX- liAUPKR'S >Vi:i KfsA • JO UllXAL OF.Ci T ILIZA '1 lOA. ' Neither labor nor expettse 11 ami do any work in hi'' line .* ci-'i-v. li-Tc f !,:\t i as (for uiugs. to wn: ^ ‘V-A all cuh-rs: .«oi- ; nrohalion ..iriped. am. j>|'‘ all shades, and eol- : „.,t f..,nh ..onm;. viev, ei. all wool do. . :V', , ''rleed Vli.aehas ami Uelaius. ■ , timis: u. dilime u- ors, printed ami pid. ‘'j" J,-p-pjaks and TeMms, | ami an Also, a haudsonie a.ssm ,111 1.. Collars, j n,,, ,„.r s We,-kly w ill contain ami e.vira heavy bay ."eati , > ,i,, ..d.giiigs y.,j„,„.a,.v of liie I'.iliiical .^-oe.ul. licigioi.w •ioo Swiss ami .lao.,Jlou..c.^.^,^^^^,^,^ and i ,.a,i. and'bio vary N.ao enle .iav. H vdi ^ iijiiv (.'iji'i!is of ilic a.iii*: rccunl ’ ill I've .Sfiiig him love sonnets by doioiis, j jany ,S. ISdl Fve worked him both f!ip[iers and ho.w, Ami we've walked out by moonlight together, Yet he never attempts to propo-se! Mv entire ?t,.,ck of ('LOTH I.M.+ ami Furnishing . roi'iHs TImse whomay wish to got m to Imsuies., . , ‘ bv calling on the subscriber, as be mbn-y . .cllont.'andifihe whole .Stock ,s not sold bcue ' ne 1st of February lie will sell at ! N’ 1’. Vll persons .who arc indebicl to rne miher A.v iioteo. accmtnt. will pleivse call aud sc tie. and I s-'u-e "ost as I am deterniined to clos,; up my busin, sw I All those having claims against me will please present i tluuu to me for ivAViucut. Vith>.al>li- I.HJttl f'>v SaV- Th ’ subscriber oilers for salehis l•n^^,■e hni'l- diiie about elglil humlr'al aer,-.~. i\in.g o,''.e alaweFayetteeill" and live miles from the in iUtle river. '1 he lend 'S no el a.a. i.‘ ^ lowt' Wfll U'lliptCll AU'l litly arrrs vation. 1 ^vill iiit purcii;i>'i-; ul-lt You really must ask lii.s intentions, Or .some otlier lieuii I must tsnd; For, indeed. 1 won't tarry much longer. For one who can't make Up his mind. An old Poem. TYho shall judge a man from manners? IVho shall know him by his dress? Paupers may be fit for princes. Princes fit for something less. Crumpled shirt and dirty jacket May beclothe the golden ore Of the deepest thoughts and feelings— Satin vests could do no more. There are springs of crystal nectar Ever welling out of stone; There are purple buds aud golden. Hidden, crushed and overgrown; God, who counts by souls not dre.sses, Loves and prospers y‘ou and me, While he values thrones, the highest. But as pebbles in the sea. Man, upraised avovc his fellows. Oft forgets his fellows then, Ma-sters—rulers—lords, remember That yonr meanest hinds are men; Men by labor, men by feeling. Men by thonglit, and men by fame, Claiming equal riglits to sunshine In a man’s ennobling name. There are foam-embroidered oceans, There .are little weed-clad hills, God, w'ho counts by souls, not stations, Love.s and prospers you and me; For to him all vain distinctions Are as pebbles in tlie sea. Toiling hands alone are builders. Of a nation’s wealth or fame; Titled laziness is pensioned, Fed and fattened on the same; By the sweat of other’s foreheads, Living only to rejoice, While the poor man’s outraged freedom A'ainly liftetli np its voice. Truth and justice are eternal, Bora with loveliness and light; Secret wrongs shall never prosper, MTiile there is a sunny right; God, whose world-heard voice is singing Boundless Tore to yon aud me. Sinks oppression with its titles, As tlie pebbles in the .sea. Young Again. An old man sits in a high-backoil chair, Before an open door, While the snn of a summers afternoon Falls across the floor, And the drow.sy click of an ancient clock II.us noticed tlie hour of four. «» CaiHi n Stedsl! M^irrented the Grniclh of VI3YIIK Subscriber lias just received a lar.ge snpii ^ ofltardeii Seeds, cuni|insing every Miuei). tVeui ibe celebrated (bardens .,f Co., Welliersiield. These beeds have '”'7/'^:' ' for the last 5 years and always given peilict saa. lac tion. loi ealv ^ ^ SMITH, nni.ggist. CatiiIog«c.s will lie furnished gratuitously upon apijiicatioiu At an adjonnicd iMoctinif uf I lit* Coininl-sioners of the Town of ,‘,‘'-'''’^11’, ;i:5-2iu m-.'i'v is a'lfd!. ili-ar’.'-l I'.Hil Uivlpr a iiiv' M.ill it all to-vth- V or in ? For fiirthpr pariioiiars sahTcnkor on tlio iirpmis«'S AiaLX.VNPbib July 11). LO tilbl W.VlaK Elk. .1. i-'oi! \\\\ Million AYT, mL.MJSO'TOX, -Y. ICK.t AAY.b. •e. and a very oVaurii ueady finished, ivhi-h will be sold eerv low ,or Cash, or on short timi to iiimctualciidom- y.-t-j 1,; l!:i on !ian-l luoro \ iiau .)N is I. i • • ‘ W'i) r iFTT JUli^h^Ml ami-in course ol con- ,vork made bvhiiu iswarrauled 12 mouths wiih fair usage, aud should it I'ail by bad worKiiiaushir "Xslms Iv^lllng pbiy^'wouUl'Weil' to call dmi ‘ iirTri thiuikfi'ilv rreeivedauiliiromijlly attended to. ilepairiii.g exccuie.l at short notice and on very rea- soua'ele terms. Fayetteville. (\d 1. Is.ji.. ~ It* Oil S 1-* M A T Pv V 1) U c F. IT r 11. I C E S, p,,,- (. ASTI or on Sliort ’I’iiiir, 2.''>0 (Aifi'ia'g'fs, {Jtii-onchcs, ii-i 'F.VtVAY.S .t BUdlHB.S of cveri/ il,scr!ptio>i Many of wliicli are liuished. liii-simd daily; anion biniiiifiil styles, and one ecr;/ Il.rl.f n’Vtl Jill llliKHJ lU IM's ‘tv for tloin^ optiiliy^hniunt work s it can bo built ior by ijiaek 1-aee and insertiu.gs. I {iauntlefs. Hals. Caps, an Siieetings and .-liinin meiit of round, Slapb Clothing. Hoots and . h reiierallv arc re.speeUuUx look, as I shall se.l on Hi ell i'olit:eal..'-’o' iiil. and Moral iul iiilurinatiuii: uiid 'o culti ’•ili*’.' lif • . , full i’lii'Uituv . l:.' V Mil’ Uiivi' mv stock A 1 and lwi.-!"d , id Bmiiieis: Meae.. together with -a gooo dil.rmeslie COUOb, .V •a. r*vo.' i\s.~*rt- llouUy 1- i.f Xov. 1st u saddle WOULD ttO. iuvit'.Ml to •t pr.aits. 1-. uuov;. 22-1 f u'-iiin-; ills’ aUc' ..I'liiiT- It Mill : luiii ciuupl-jli.* p. i'.\ '-H- 'pi’Ii'r^ of Hj.knct. m.a t.’iO !i M'l/i-a. iiiiii tu I'W 111 ‘‘i*- ure ol the age ill uliieh ue (• U (ilH' aiiJ th' E p.r- of 11* • ippiiujis. , Jl.b »U-'llLb irapipr uiul tpiitT'U u t}." li> r«,i:uii.f cfoi «>1 Trux - 1 ui.«i A'i .S''C:al l.'.'v. 111.' 4> V AXD iy-lA’-VL’Y.S’ eti'uilv inform tlie juiblic of Houston and Overby yiAKJXl, aii'l I’ll Ei‘* ari'iiLiTPim-iii ihui 111- old eusteaiers o! llousiuu making L. -its":; ‘boL'l Stand.d lusuiess 1*1 all i. 1.11 ■* o ,,.:’i t,,. ii'iuov to Inr- 1. 1 ,, .a... V. !**-re 11,‘Miil 1*0 ii.'t'i'.' abl- iliet .;ip. c. .Tanaary I. lk.'*(i. >.v-I"l It t|I \ rj O fr h 1 -A Ik Ik ki; GOODS . WILLIAMS. Lt ]VilOLE^ALE. a viTy Tir.tri* S'fOCK, on\- Urv (iOihIis liiio v.'itli ami the lnUanco iM-iiiir wiiieli are many new ami f.nr CarrhiHir. i^oUlO ,*! lhemvery light, and all made in the best manner •ii''! of the T.'st material'. M} iacilitic Uarriao-e work are greater than any ami I can alfoi-a and am deteruuned to^ {\'i ri'A'. hi-fii '}vn^ity as liiiv "‘'■'S indebted to me will pleasepay 'nybUeti'"'""'''''""-k-^ '"‘''’“Tsfc 2.-*. ISdfi- “■ iiav need in his sliiess in all it various^ Honst*in am! Hvi.-rdiy. y. 1- ^ nish them with any Article'.\hm*i * . to Il.'pairing.-TA, fV. OVFlillV. Strict attention paid Aug. 18, 18jC. 0-111 coiiiuUsMens ;> Hail llotul. the OBice of the Town Ihis ilay. 7 o clock. 1’.^ Jaii'y l«d7, the billowing Ciiicers were eleciOd: Joliii \Y. Baker. .Ir., Tax Collector, coin percent, on Town Ta.xes ami -1 percent on John 1’. I.eoiiaril, Special Justice rce-s. J. 1). Calhiis. Town Con.stable. Director cf I n'rnl u Upper and bower Fayetteville. Lamp J en*h-r b.au- danl deeper, aii.l Street Coiiimissio.mr-si.luiy b.i-, . .I.F. Leoaar.l, Clerk of the Market-sabw .y o- >n. | Warren I’rior, Keeperr *if the Town I lack 'm-• J. A. Aorlh, I’nwder Magaz*ne-v lTs ! Win. Wliliaiiisoii, Se.xton to the t.raie i..iu , DRY ■Wl-j are ii'*xx’ receivini' bracing every tiling in tile Hats, Gaps, Bont.s, Sliocs, Silk ^ ami Straw ’.Bonnets, Umbrerm.s, anil Beady Made CL'lLin.g, Ae. Which thevwill sell CHEAl’ b.r UaA or approved N*,i*,s. at ' ]VI{OL'-:S.i!.‘C mily.^ We mvit chants visiting this market toe.xamitie our si**-.-.*,' J. i!. ST.vilil Aug. JO, idaO. An, ■■ ^ XOTICE. All per.sris indebted to Urn linn of dV. F. *t. K. F. Moore, are ri’qnestcil t*i piiyim' V.E F. A'. F. F. MOORE* 2-tf. coirtf^ fcrxvafd and make cupartiKiv.ship ceased on the Idt of March Juno 9. iS-'ti). pa^Ti^Treceived, a few doz [iidia CA.bTOi: OIL. (for m.v ret.ul.) -Y 'b -.lr. ofMagnesia and Congress Wuter^^ FOUMCKS AprU2. IPAn* 0. POF.. plt.tl.ER IK AYD FAYCY TTBY GOODS, CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES, AA:1» Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Ptess Goods and Trimmings. HAY .STREET. FAVETTEViELiE C. Xox'OD'ber 3d, IS.Dfn tf , ! f I cV' a’i'u apcui.il E\'. Ii -aIII a!.'-’-c:' R.t* i:!Ui.uiiiaU«ni; IfUl' '‘VRl eiu’ ra v*'iitnri'. Ski'll h* l-A-avs upon Art am! ♦Ii rals. Th'v I'ui.lislu r.- have nmm' best .Vim-ricnll wr.lcrs. nh* larious ,l*'i*nrtine!.l.- **1^11 tlioir , -clvoj^ of Hm-ple ; healthful lilcrali’.'. >■ ol th ’ avi'-'ih‘-iO pveiiiiioi '‘he I mui'e, rimiii ]'. i i**'!i'.:'! I , whieli N' iU )n' chariiov ! liar)*' . , j or takr iho pLa'-'; 1 .Ma-:t/in;-. Each Fcii I (tM'il •'^1 ^ the one x\ill oiipGar hi Uh *vill I’ontain si.vt' i-n pa-ei I don lUnstruli'd Y.ws.'; ouch ^J-'!;;'’’' 1 iiuK'li inalior as an orilniaiy ' i I will 1." iniutvl ill a form and iipoii p-yl j l.imlin”; and a^ tli'- p-igvH :h I liducHU'^ Ui .fk ’.ID fl.illi the bi'st ami 1* . (lid W n-lil. 'i In y nii; k , ol ti.e Uligiisli. 1 1* 1 ,. the bi'.-' fl' ImS'o. transferred to tbe I'ap* i i *:■■■ . . ^ We* klv is not intended in an.v v ay i , ■■ "artier s Ai'W ilieal will coniine U-^elf i* 'll:-aud II" I'ortion of the cmt'i.' othiT. Harper sM. of the size of till- .VI cr- J. M. Wtl.LI.vM.^. iilJ-ir SitCOVD STOCIl TlthS FALL. k rise idlst tiHlH*';: Li T r V iijIj Tim Subscriber bavin al.iive ir,u.>i'-'d prop'-rly iiuin upon 1123“ t r l.*!.S3«e**U.A. V tlie HOTi-:*:* I?OR .“ABE, fuilv doteriiiHied to sell the novv- ollVr it to any cuterprUinij kjY ■l.fin UH a- r ^u!l.dll‘' 1* 1 ill be electrolypeib th* y^:mb:;'sc;maIwJ\sbes,,pp.ied.ro.l,a.bn.;-vv ■aud apiiii i'iu.t.: 1 bers will lie abb' at auy'lilue to eoiiipb ie Ibeir STAPLE IIAT.S, liljeral terms. 1*1- Hotel oupiv* a lar.gc c istom from the a*ljOiiiing rlii's ami fr'oiit the travelliii,g public, with a pros- If* ,i t, 1.... . .vnH 13 IliYW mint pert of fntare inevas ri-alarv , M.'Faulk. ir. Loekaman. J. Rri\neh and sh-aw. Town (iuanl.—each salary 82.''ib V. M. Campbell. Ksq, was ap i d Chiei . .i S T Hawley, ; J Amos WiHiaiiusoU" *• -d J-as Mcl’hersoii, "'1 , , J M Williams, " “ H i " , W. McLMcKiiy, “ •• •>b' .1 1) William.s, •• •' “ bl.i ;■ ^ J F Foulks. ‘ ‘a ■ . Ordered. That re.gubar meetings ot tins held on the first Saturday in each month. (From the .Minutes.) J. lli-ad- : Warilen. SoCOllil r' lll sk' ''.ViilU'f Stock of 'roO'ls To wiiie.h ih".-,- c.'.ii ill ■ aitenti'iu of .Mercluiais u ing their prrcliase.s ia ibis maraei. Uel. 1' 2U-tt Ijoard be i S^ .-ST*- -. W, .Vili’d G. M.VT'i'HKWS, Clerk. :H-Gt Jan'y 2.1. All Ulose iii(!i'i)!ed to mh‘ e Note or .Vcctnnt, are h Iv in want of money “ither !;v i'ebv Iii-itllieil tiiat I am gieai- . and ir'thi'V wisiy to 1 and confer a favor on um limy will cull ant 1 mediate pavment or I shall be c.impelled to I claims in the bands of an oflicer, a.s I to wait no longer. I Jau. --t. HV.‘ C“7=t’' imike im- piit iny aui dftenuliiucl K. C. HAUL. Rmue. aN (Mj.TS OF THE L. Xetn'T UEl’lllN'l' BRITISH PERiOOlGALS AND THE FAIlAII'Ut’S GUIDK. GRE.AT BEDUC'l'lOY IX THE PRICE OF THE L.ATTEit I’UULIC.ATION. PIU i>i’A.’* b») iifup llm ?'lu;'kt.'' SDPYD.-cS ol 1 i All op’-'nitimi'. 1 :;].ui\>Vt-.l -tl.tiis i n..'ur.'‘'iV’t!;-:' lUoldor Tuimi, ' U»‘ 7‘pRUti> u' i (from lip>i D.i ^> j Oct. 2.T iv'.l' I .Tame C. 0. PKxno\v, oi' th’ !•!' hoiip.-s E'l'm - V (■!; 1). D. S., »• ( ..lU- c Y'h.-it it hiv done and is now anv ou!' v.’i“hiuir to purchase'-hy ‘Th ' ’ituatio'u ol‘ ihc' Raihl- iii'l the ^^n'atcr part of the ; thro’.i'A'li Ihi.' ])1:U’C. there is no ''•usi d*)iu—• call lie SeCU ijy r.-i'i‘i’piiiR' I'l our hook.'^. ii,--' -‘U.’li will comma c-ii'tom cominsrto. and fri^sii For ■’lA amouiiL ol* cai»:tal sms.' that a pcr.'ou could engage in that would pay as V, Tin* cP*''.: of'-acii vo]unD’..ncat C.wers will be prepan d for tbe convenience who wish to bind Ihei'cl**'!'. TEilM.S. One Copv fi.*r Twi-nty M eeks -■ •• One Year *1 o ." Tw o Veal'S Five (’"1*11 s ftiV One d I'cr 'J'weH e eo)iies tor t Ine d (‘tir Twenty-live Copie (Tergyinen ami ^ Franklin Siinarc, New f urk. Jan. IT, l.W,7. JJ-Jt- ' Cepies for One Year and Teaeb.'rs “‘,'''1'''.’"j' H.viti'hi; .V iiutniii-.K'. ! T?‘sl-ti af.s Jus! received from tlu! Manufactiirer. Ira Hersey. a SUI'DIv of ^ B E D s T E .\ !> s of various palter ns. and made of good scaseited timber These Beitstciuls are manufactured in this ,„tiv on iianil at his ..hi fi can be sold to .lealers as low as they can be g*d fiom jj' 'KijjE.'g. i.UiI'l Hb^. anil Call-and examine. r ' ' .A. M. CAMl’lIKLI. JACOB OTTAHBUim the Korth. April 1), ISdC. Store for Rent" i The Store on the eorii'-'f of Gillmpic * and Franklin Streets near the Dank of il" state appl.v !» ell. 18j! of Doom- Sept. 11 si V/ iJ :J M. j (l.-VTl'l 0 i C.l TCll-MA KJ-: r). I V i 'I’-n ivit-’d In HI ]). G. Fu til IS" in I 1 HI u » M I .-F.v ih '.i Id- iK-iiiiul hi iiu iiiipi’"'''.’- iVi'ia «:d' to an oiilirf s-t uputi li’c pmu’. Mhich 1d‘ guarantees tu he •.’iLl • a-’ ih'- natural nrgaii.’*'. .* ju-mihs t>r eacli year in thi.'place*, oi’u-r to the first "f July.) 21-lf J. H. Ur>BERTS & CO. l. ’.-If. LiiELXr 0 WEAD.) (■: WELLERS, A-r., Y. 0. S sineere thanks to the so iile vally lics-owed m. s them lie iurs bongiit i will eontiniie the bnsi- m old sie.'.i'.l. under his JibSEl'll ADEY. Ang2,'i. IJ-tf BOM'.MAY, t^EI.LKlIS A CO., C O .'I .'I T s S11 > X r-l E it c 11 A 'i , s And Cidhni J'oetorfi, Piua SJrocl, JVTST"/ 3rOHIt. iiic i.itl Fiahd; n cL*': '" ( tiuiitiy J’l"- dnee. which he will ilispo.se of on the clie.apest ten;, f.ir cash. He iin in s the pnhlie to try hm sbio' k. Iliilfer Eggs, and other household coniinudilU's al- wav.s on iiand. -e ■Ian. 17. I'S.-iT. oJ-t! C ttl! t“ O It .It 1 I A lICMfS :f Itic Toxtsi of Fayelteville for Kate. Agreeable to an Act of the General .Vsseiubly of il.e GEYEliAL. 31- I'lJ ; ■rith him f-w ri’]>: 1’^ 1 ill hr 1 llu I aM'rittc: II be war May 1, X. i;.—Farticular attention paid i»f Xaval Stni’cs, 1>. U*. liOW'MAX. M'. 11. SEEEEES. McI’lIEli.^OX. to C'lUsignnK'nt." r.i til.:: U’AYl' hulhli romnv--‘d ilmir n'.ii foriiD.-rly occapi ! cviu’ni ibey .ire ih-epari"! C-om’.uisi'n line. Jvli iiDisiiD atl'-udct‘H>- 1 ic- Wiluiington, OciniH'v I. IS- Co.-iTlN 1 SYTTTri (fc CO,, j n Mc.rcfiAuh, I fo !.> th" .''■cmiJ. rJory of th''' * 'dliythc J'c’.-’ ATai.a Unmiiany \ 1) a I c I'U d In all iiutlnc t’s hi l he 11’”^ iioiiitcil nui tti tlic! i for the same, which wc af far '111'' now. thn ino.'t varied ill oiEL'D iv.'^ ud other tinii’pD’fPs to t!u’ puf’lic in North Care fs-'ll at New York ]‘rloes. and also enlrnsted to them will 1*,. punctually SURGEOX Tatcndie.g to Iricnle p" hope to make it t viec.s ot a D ’•'dCl Having had elgli BLACKWOOD’S EDIYDURGII M.VG L. SCOTT & CO., NEW’ YORK, continue to imb- lish the following leading British I’eriodieals, x is. THE LONDON QU.-UITERLY (Conservative.) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (M'hig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEIV (Free Church.) 4 THE W’E3T.MIN.STER REVIEW (Liberal.) - . . , i niialnted witii tac iaAXLXU (Tory.) r^oaih, hv id‘’‘'g’ } tru-ted. to ill'' These Periodicals ably repre.sent the three great! political partie.« of Great liriiaui—W big, 3ory. and | Radical.—but politic.s forms only one tcature oi l.ictr character. As Urgaus of the mo.-^t profound writers on Science. Literature, Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever have stood, unrivaled ui the world of letters, being iudispcnsliile to the ^holar and the profes.'iionul man, wliile to the iiitehgeiit reailer ol every clius.s they furnish a more correct and sati.^iac- torv* record of the current literature oi the day. throughout the world, tiuui can be possibly oliuuu-ed from any otherjsource. E.IRIA COPES. The receipt of ADVANUL tiilULTS from the iliit- ish publishers gives additional \alue tu luesc IkCpiiiits iuasinach a.s they can now J>e placed ill the hands of subscribers about as soon os the original ediiioii.-r. TER.nS. uuo lo ail 18-‘>0. i.v 1 lule hrm Avill be paid IL D. GRLLX. 13-if n* TUAV1:T/T:I The ?)ub.-xcrlbcrf convey Ihi' .Mail ville and Ihivelay.'ville in a Ibiggy date oiD' or two pa‘’^seng‘r.’’= Kinudmrv. IbiniFs Level Fr -i’k. Tlie days forleaviii; ThuriTiays and Saturday Monday.' Wedno.-day Fayetteville to Sum Aug 18.a6. b'tween Fayett''- and eau accommo- The route i.-^ by muv ot SuniTnerville an-l Xvill s .•F:\velteville AVV Tu >d:iys. at (;‘o'clock, a. m.—Uelnnis ,..d Friday evenings. I are Irom ervillC .'?2. J. IL ITARRTS, A. TARKLU. State oiNoi th Carolina. rStilieil Dee. 2... D-.i- iiml:oi z in- the Town of Fayetteville to t.iism'her Je l o- the amount of eHill.nOO, in tbe agg po.TC of paying iier subscription to Ibiad Foni]>aHV. . . f. Therelore. it is order. *1 by the rominismot'.''- l-aveiieville. that. Hie TreiiRirer o( the'1 own f . i sea'leil iii'.'po-al ■■ nuHl the i.nl of November m-M, bi; The pureha-’-e o ibunF. or any j . , , VD’H-' V ill* ntUu’hed-—HitereM payiiid. .-x .. Ainnally. The raid DomL Aal! be ttii.ler the eeal thi’ Cu’eoralloiH and bindHii: «'n the laiih o. t.,* '.-i. \\M. \V-\Rl.'J-:X. TotMi Treu.'ur' r. : net. 1. 18,-ic. . If gate’, fi.r Jh " the M'e.'tcrn sr.n.OGO. in suiH" of Sdbd Y-aeb of xi.d ]iart thereof. Lomls to rr.iili'enty l''l>'F'TfTHT AM) PA ^ SI-KC'!* T.IT'Tw ***'." AVII..?1IN-TC;V FA'k K'l *11:-^ i tavi:i:a’ Mti’TiiHf’r VTHpiro* - E;*Y’« tti'vilb’ou Montlay aud llnir.'- MOHII Ai:w GOODS AVBO; 71'J. Gasli ParGb.asers. CARROLL A I’ETERSOY, , Ciinton X. G,, p.iy the Highe-t Cmih prices for lib DL xrrs T, plv in Fa>”i tA’vi HlL- llll wilO need the ser- rai’e of their Xo’. tii. nee. a'ld being ae- '.kt Demi.'t Xoi'ih or ali operations eii- ..•iids lliiu cirebi! Ihorongh woik end eoniiib'te iiab-ii. lioM iteaaaol lie lienereil by any Den- li.-t in the I ni'ed , -x i i,-,',. ’.'..' I’m-ioiif having imib that are cm;' den-I hop', b'Hr,ir;on. wFii lo woil to g.'«eh.ui^ having theiu C-Ktracted. as tiion.^and.-^: 4 •;;i.’i;d''ihat ih" r-'{UislLc knowlctlge and Li’.'f' and make u-^i'lul. him 0. trial, and if he docs not redeem Scpt.l: Tiiose wishing Lo sell i\iil ;t 1 the ))e..st business terni.s. Ls.'iii. 1.>-Gm dy Young liud us ready his FALL AXD of almost every f rAjIF jSutiscriber .is reccivinc Sl M-inter STOCK, cuusitilin E fl IE S, HIRVn'.iRE -l.VJJ IIULl.UU'DF.idlE AL.S0— Boots and Slioe.x, Sacldlcry, Fisli ko.., \MV of which he will sell cheap for Ca.-h, baiter for I’ri'iduee or on short time. Store recently oecuined by Trov it .Marth, near the Dobbin 1 louse. . Il HY »’.K d;,v ui..ri.inf.'.s. ).'j iHiuuUs nit* r ' M I n 'i u‘ kL'V ;ii:d 1 !*'.« ru.ups. l-Hyviiv*ill*- on Ju' ty . L’t iiiiMittF mih-iim’. '0011 Midin-’(!;’y nnd Suturdyv nK.Tu:Di:.K. ntni ra>'-i hju vn. (,f runs r;.:u!!iriY 1..-; -.t t tiiHi r !■ Hiiii * iukI tii-aij iHoinii-; I.HHTtN 'Wilniii noth curry; 1 :tn str.jjiP of the ItiV'T. ard jiot'ds. tii'o leo Yvill St>'5flUfr lo VYjlIl- Y'ilii lull c.’irrviii;: l-r- ikil'' only- 'J Ce n*s!ularay of «.i:r Boat the dc.'DHicb and ‘b inci kno'Wn to r« (|inr« rouuHcnl. 'j«j ouv DhH''lend*. -- ,, , • rntri.mipc In retefer,' l.i'.-t..-.'.. .1, a,.it ciii. r..->nr.' •'" ''■Tj;"; 1... .'lUl'l.Will he sl'lOX'll ill lUlllll'-lOol til l C'l.t.d.llt ill. 1 flU'ilhies for lUTIii.ti'l. are I'lpial it not set (' » > to n .' b; ' .teenFirbuUe'l'htil . - 'Zl-lf tlijiiiks for ilif v«‘iy G. and pa.'^c a GtiU bi.d'ii tofili a;\’ Si rikili won’d Fhm.' * give : hi.' work. A breeze blotvs in niul a breeze blows out From the scented summer air, And it flutters now on hi.s wrinkled brow, And now it lifts hi.s liair; And the leaden lid of his eye drops down, alud he sleeps in his high-backed chair. The old man sleeps and the old man dreams, His head drops on his breast, His hands relax their feeble bold, And fall to his lap in rest. The old man sleeps, and in sleep he dreams, And ill dreams agaiii is blest. The years unroll their fearful scroll; He is a child again; A mother’s tones are in eis ear, Aud drift across his hrain; He chases gaudy battcrfiics Far down the rolling plain. lie plucks the wild rose in the woods, And gathers eglantine. And holds the golden buttercups Beneath his sister’s ehiii; gViid angles in the meadow brook With a bent and naked pin. He loiters dow-n tbe grassy lane, And by tlie brimming pool. And a sigh escapes his parted lips As he hears the bell for school; And he wishes it were not nine o’clock, And the moriiings never were full. A mother's hand is pressed on liis head, Her kiss ia on his brow— A summer breeze blows at the door, With the toss of a leafy bongh. And the boy is a white haired man again, And his eves are fcar-lilled now. IVr ana. SJ UU r> 00 7 00 •S 00 S 00 9 00 10 00 advance. his pl.'ilge will foi'l'vi (llii.:i; at Fayett'.'viUe llinsl. ^ ^ He will wait on Ladies at the-.r I'c-me :i.l,s.-.7. Jl-lf iic'.'if I S-: M iJ ;jC H "ID i M SHf i-iS 10 .V'F ]■:XG E L L E Y T 0 H1 ’0 RTF Y IT X. The sali-.‘i’'iii ■]' b ‘ing de.-irons of closing out tlie bal ance of his \V:;ii,.'i' stock. Otk'rs his entire ulothing, Fnriiisliing Good.s, ilat.sj L'l'iiiiks, Giirjiet Gags .likI V sm-aU udvaiiceoii liriineCDSr. GEiiRGE. BRANDT. .Kiiiiih si'l ■ Hay SU'got, Fayettuvi'.le. Oci. 18. IV. I. GULDSTON. ' 20-If ll'vneiy- mail'. Citils, Irliiis sLOe Vulico.' at a cGi «l wiih nd W. DRAUGliOX All ]» Xiiv 2:) 1 LAS T LATsL. '.■sons inile’ite 1 to me by Note or aecnunt are re.iuested to call and mak.e immediate pay- riv Rooks must lie close I by the ist -Ian. next' G. BRANDT. 2ii-tr CoiEiilbbs OLD RYE WUI6KKY The Su'o.seviber is the only authorized a;gent in Fay stock of j (.ti.'ville for the side ot the lion. 1*. U. 1 uryea i brated 4!W Kye tthiskey. He will lie suiqil ! ;,his siqierior W hi-skey to meet dem .Vprii Hi. yi-tf fXr FOil SALE CJiiAP. -Tis,; 1 SECOYD HA YD BUGGIES in good ^ A. A. .MeKETlIAN. April 20, ISoG. -12-11 B©“ 2 000 Spirit Barrcl.s for .snlc by ’ McLAURlN & STRANGE, tf The undersigned oLts himself as a e;u,di.I;He bw the olliee ofHonstablo for the iayettev.Ue D.Ptr.ct. for the eiisning year, e-lection ii. I cdi x next. JOll.Y T. MiI.LlNS. For any one of the four Reviews For any two of the four Itevicw.s For any tliree of the lour Reviews For all four of the Reviews For Blackwood'S Magazine For lUackwcodaml three Reviews For Blackwood and tlie four Reviews Payments to be madG in ali cases tn Money ciin ent in the State where issued will be re ceived at par. A discount of twenty-live per cent from the above prices will be allowed toCixas ordering four or inore copic.s oi* any one or more ot tlic above A\orks. Ihus Four copie.’i of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be srnt toonc addres.s for $0; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for S30; and so on. POSTAGE.. In all the principal Cities and Towns; these works will be delivered, FREE OF FOSTAtM-L When sent by mail, the Fostage to any part ot the United States will be but T\VENT\-FOUR_ CENTS a year for Blackwo(Kl and bnt FOURTEEN CEXTbayear for each of the Reviews. JS'. 13. Tht price in Great Britain of the fee Periodicals above-named is about ^Ziper annum. THEj PAR.-MKK’.‘!9 CJUIDE. To Scientific and Practical A.gricnUare. By Henry Stephens, F. R. S., of Edinliiirgh, and the late J. P. Norton Profeasor of .-•cicntific Agricnl tiirc in Yale College. New Haveii._ 2 vuls Royal Hetavo: lO'Jb page-s, and luinieruns U ood_ and Steel Engravings. ^ ^ e This is, confessedly, the most complete work_ ot A'^'riculiure ever published, aud in order to give it a wider circulation the publi.'^hers have re.solvcd to le- duce the price to Five Dollars for the two Volomes! When sent by mail (post-paid) to California and Oregon the j»rice will be 7 dollar.s. To every other part of the Union, and to Canada (post-paid G dollars. :Sj^ This work is not the old “Book of the Farm. ' Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed post-paid, to ihe rubli.shors, LrOXAIU’) SCOTT & CO., No. 54 Gold-street, New York. -te Jan'y ‘>. 1^:?’>7. Yegroes Y)'aat]':d. The nmlerMgni'd will pay 11m iiiglmi't ca.-h price fov YOUN'G Ni'itlllOE.K. Di'itcrs iiiliU'i'wr-il lu I'itlter ol us at’ im'urinbnrgh, Richmeud county, ’ will have prompt attention. M'clNTYUH.i J D.VNIEL -M, .McL.YuRlN. Laurinbnrgh. Jan'y J, 1857. Jl-tf FOR SALE. V TIOUSE and L’Jt. TIha siilwcribcr wisb- inif to b'avc Favcfti'Ville. oilers lor sale her liLSiRiioorieaH-lLot: The situation of the above June 17, i'?5l> . . . .,,,,1 ‘ rlailK KOaa. UlKl Ull i-mv vj i>ij; ivwv. i.ropertv i.-it! a vt-ry tlesirable poriioii ol l ie toxui anu . turpentine sections in the C( a good comlilioii. f A' '"''“‘cv , j'„j.f.,,,,;),. ry,,; the }iroparIy is’rd?o in piirticulars addrerid the eubserrber. Nov. 29 18.511. 2tTi-2ri HELEN P. LAIN. FOR SALE. TWO THOHS.'VND ACRES OF LAND, nine iiiilc^ from Fcycttevillo, lying directly on the Southern Plank Road, and on each Fide of Big Rockli.di. One county, with 1 convoiiieut imjirovoiiieiits for a family residence: xvitl; i a small corn mill on a never failing rtream, ami a lirsl rate situation for a Turpentine Distillery and Store. A I \t l.'T'l I A V KajcttpvnU’. N. C.. Ccl .Vt:CTIONKl=3I? &. COJIJIISSIOX MERfHAAT, Fat side of fJillci-'plc street, Fatettktiu.]:, X. C. October 1, 1855. AGEY’rWANTED. The snl'scvilar wishes to employ a responsible and im'ii-lrious man. to act as a getieval traxilling agei.t in Mdliif-patent riahts for the eonsirnelion ol iku.-e Iron buggies, to criebratid. in Ibis Stnie or ont ol it- r.sntay be a.greeil on. -V ireehaiiic ineferred who xviH lie atl'oxved lo choose his own field rd lal-or. Addres.s lli.NBA PIlI.I.l ■ . While Hall. M avnc eo.. N. C • Or GF.O. C. POTTS, _ Goldsboro’. N. C. Jau 17, 1857. 33-lf G.VTilslRlNE McLE.VN vs. .VR JH. McLE.lN, and others.) It appearing tu the satisfiietion fov* l)o\vcr« of tbo Court, that DISSOI.U’I’SOIV. , DR.S. MeSWAIN & McDl’FFIE have this day dis solved coiiartiiership by mutual consent. Dr McS’>v.*-iii will aLLcud to sottrlomeiiTs and coliec- tion^^fer tbo lirm. „ Dr. M'cDaine will continue to occupy the former -WM. C. McDT:FFIE. FebX' 0, ISofi. A. A. McKKTHAX if ytii. V XJ Tract ice. High Fcbool. Jan. IT. 1S57. .4 M.'VCR.'lE fins rrtnrned and rcstitned doors below tlie F i m Ofiice two *S-It Oit'.ce. il. Mc^YAlX. Nov. 1, 1855 22-tf fayetteyille HOTEL. the d-feiidaiits in tliis ease : Phillip Walker. Efty W alk- er Purcy Lockhart. George May and wife M..nha, Jno Mock and wife Mary. Rnfns llnoks and wife Sa rah rc.sidc bevoinl the limits of the Slate. On mo tion it is ordered that pnidioation be made in tiie North Carolinian, a newspaper published in the town ofFavetteville, for .six suece.ssive iveek.s, iiotifyimg tlie said defendants to bo and appear at the next term of the Court ot Pleas and Quarter sessions, to he held for the eonutv of Harnett, at the Court House in Snmmerville.'on the 2d Monday in March next, then Eld t'mre to answer, jilead or demur the said petition, or tini tim'O will be lieanl exprirte and J ndgmeiiis pro confv.i'to: bo reiidorod a.gainst them. ... - .r. \Vitn«xs. B'Jiijaniiii I Sliaw, Alcrk of (iur?aid Court, •xt olli "oln Snmm.orville. 2d Monday in December, IdSb. knditt the Sist yo-jf l,y A. D. HORTON,. D. CFk. J-an, 17. 1857. ,'i^A , 9 i B ifiP-T S a«.xSfi Tiie SubscnLcrs having this day Ica.^i-d Ihi? Hotel fur a term of vearY. will be ideast'd to See tiieii' irioiidsuud the traveling ^^^Spub'lic al this House. At tbe same time we hop* they will be patient and bear with our iinpertec- tions until we shall have put the House in such repair aa we deaiie. J. IT. Robekts. March 1, ie5o P. TAYLOll is sew receiving his F.-ILL STOCK, embracing a large an' general .‘Stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Hat., r..d .Slioe.s. Crocerie.s, hollow-ware. Crockery nnd Glass-ware, which will be sold iqion favorable termi .orcxcbniigcd for produce, hoping to sec bis friends and customers before they supply fliemselves. Sent. fi. ll-fini. A CARD. THE undersigned xvonld respoctfnlly inform his old friends and ensiomers that he can be fontid at tiie Store of C. E. Leete, xvbere lie will lic gl-ad to see tbini. J- IL McDONALD; Jan. 17, 18.57, fi3-tf J. H. ROBERTS & CO. F. N. Rouebts. oo-tf xrr, A tv-x.iTi op WAATTDD. ’ A gentleman who has neither time, nor taste to undergo the usual routine of courtship, wishes to open a matriraoiiial correspondence with a L VDY not exceeding the age of 30, and possessed of a ciiltivatcd intellect and some share of personal attrac tions. The adrerti.ser is 33 years old, bears a fair moral character, is moderately good looking and has property to the anionnt of fifteen thousand dollars. Addre.ss M. FaTettcville. N. C. Jan. 17 18.57* ' 33-3t V J-i-i The subscriber olfers for sale tbe of land: I'^Ona tract containing 1200 OH m follovring tract , . L UOLt-JtA-i’o .FOR SALE. llnivT 1-1 Beaver Creek Sheeting.^. Cotton Yarn, Warp and Filling, Nos. 5 to 10. ALSO. Belt. Picker. Roller and Lace LEATHERS. Oils and Maimfacturer’s Findings. lYiuter strained, Sperm. Lard and Linseed Oils. 3!iuttlie'.s Isingglass, French Glue, Embry, Roller Uiotli and Glas-s Steps. J. H. H.VLL, Pres. B. C. M. Co. July 2fi, 18,50. S-tf Cape Fear Land for Sale. Tbo subscriber offers for sale TH RLE HUNDRED and EIGHTY-FIVE Acres of Lund on Capo Fear River below Smith's Ferry, in Cumberland county, running wilh tbo river to the lands of Mi^ Byrd. A portion- of the land is cleared and fcnccMl. It is well adapted to the cultivation of corn. oat.'^. and the usual crops of the river lands. The part uncleared has on it .«ome good swamp, wliich way be easily pre pared for use. It will be sold on a credit of twelve nionihs. Ter- sons wishing to buv can call on the owner at this place. J. G. SHETHER.D. April 8. f)3-tf acres, 500 of which is ^ ’u-ood.wnmp asthcre is in the county of Bladen, ■ .abo”uttwo hundred acres well drained, and ahont j thirty acres cleared and itiidcr fence, adjoining the lands of J. G. SiitlouandT. C. Sm'tli- Also. 1.51 acroifl’joiniiig the lands of D. Johnson and Wm. BordaiiN. . 150 ioinine- the lands of John Catn and E. Dqwnaii. 200 icros joining the lands of George Cain and EFizabeth Melvin. The above lands I will sell and give good time for good notes, or will take young iie- •iTocs and give the bc.st of prices. For farther information address the sntiseriber at Elizabethtown. N. C. „ Jan 10. 1857. 32-3m R. AVilminglou IXcrald copy B months and send bih to i snb.xcriber. AYIIREW J. STEDMAY', Attorney at tfiaxv. ^ llavin g removed to PlTTSBOROjN. C., will att-end regularly the Courts of Chatham, Moore aud Harnett Counties. April 11,18.50. tf I.IXIE .4sn CBJlBiVT. Just received and for sale 2.50 Casks Lime, fresh from the kiln, 100 Barrels Cement .50 '• Calcined Plaster, 300 Bushels Plastering Hair. 7.5 Barrels JIackcrel and Herring, 300 Sacks^jiverpool Salt, 200 “ Alum Salt; 2 bushel Sacks. J. W. POIFERS. i Oct. 27, 1856; CO-tf C. COLHEY MURRAY, coMHissios iir,Rrni.\T, AGENT rOR MrRRxYY’S ‘-REGULAR LINE” OF M'lLMlNG- TON PACKETS. 62 South Street, X'EW YOEK. The undersigned may lie found at the Office of C Golden Murray, 02 South street, wliere orders for every description of Goods xvill receive his prompt aud per sonal attention. P. MALLETT. March 20, 18.56 y cAiPi:; rsAR scaoosr. The Hli .“CSBioii of this Institution will commence on the l.-t Moniiay in January. It is located^ in Lla- den countv. txvo miles frem the Cape Fear, in a re markably'he-altliy place. Suitable arrangements bate been made for a male aud female de-partnienf. Tiir Prine!]iaL Mr Angus Matin, a graduate of tiie Uiiivea'- tiiv ol N. C.. xvill gix’c Itis personal atteut'ion to tbe ]inpils: assisted by as many teachers asmaylie u- cessary. The x-oung ladies will be especially under flic onre of iliss .Murpby. lo'nnei ly ol' Floral College, a success ful instructress in French and Music. TEIIMS PER. SESSION. 1 Primary Class _ $0 00 2 Higher Engirsh Branches. ^ 10 00 3 - Geometry, Surveying, Algebra, ic. lo Ou ■1 The Laiiguagt-s 18 00 Freneli ^ -5 00 ilnste with use of Instrument 20 00 Board in good and respectable families can be obtained at Sk and 9 per mouth. Letters desiring informattoii may be addressed to J. C. Baker or B. Rolieson. Prospect Hall. Bladen Co., N. C. JOSEPH LYON. Sec'y. Jan, 10, 18.57. 32-tf A. F. ARCH A MB AULT, i PORTABLE STEAM BXGIAE BUILDER, ■ . S. E. corner loth and Hamilton sts.. Philad., Pa. Portable Steani Engines, on largo -wbcols, -with a tongue fora team tol>e attached to move them'about. These engines have two cylinders, making 10 to 30 horse power. Orders are tilled in from 3 to 5 weeks. Engines always on hand for sale. These engines have been in use seven years, and in every instance have given general satisfaction. Descriptive circulars will be sent when applied for. Jan. iO, 1857. 32-tf 310NTGOiMP:UY 31ALK ACAUK>iY- R. A, CHAMP.FjRS. Principal. 1SAa\C EWING, JR., As-iUtant. The seventh Session of this Institution will com mence on the first Monday in January. 18.'»7. Any further information can be obtained by ad1res.«* ing the PHncipal at PeUiu. Montgomery County. N. C. Tuition, 58, S]2, aud $ifipcr Session. Board, washing, and fnel ^7 per month. Pekin, Dec. 1850, 30-!*’ WM, P. Wl| -1 ;tx; ui ;;;■ ilk-nlJ '.(•/; /I’./ rr'l W1 TUlLi cr,| A I loruFj Ollii e ut ibel ■. D'v .5. LV.ti.l .ik*' and Johua Tooq jv:. n.. Ir B.UA llauing r*'mot rt* jiji.irly the C4 r.iuiiJi’*.-. A:.r,i 11. I".'' 1)1 Ol-Kl-'t: Kroi and Drtf F . T. 1-^-. *? 11 .V''r*”s of Ij 1 ) kVdIi H r. O.jt IT L .iL .1 ii.i-* lui' I a.t { i' nnl to ‘ \:iy }»’i’-on ‘l-l i>T-:luiilar- r-’-pJ f ‘.I «>: ;i' i? ■ .’ iii'l -'i {fn:n ! ' 4. 0 ■ti’ On ih’i (’ HT'l xhi-'i* ItiMrsJ -’.ilM all on hani. % l a:i'l ’V'’rv l!iui’g| N. V,. ■ H • ue-'.. A-'*., a’l 1 hil S*'pU'inb.*r 13l oj»p«wit*? tlie r*rm *rly occiipil fir-t r.it” .-'t'Lik ol I \Ii»i HiTLD li'Hj f.urTiire all artlel notici*. Tli.iiiktf Viim •Don tiflb * D 13. 1- - Li3| OF" V SECOl iiiirt iloiis!^ d ’r«i.::iMl vvill 0^ \‘ar. •several t ii’-rlaml and Harj ()ii'’ tract o:i ■ ..;ver. le.’biw .SlO buritlp'd and •^ix^ lli’iiry Klliot. ft'i'l fifly aen'S t for sab’. Tbe I on tlie sale day,j JNantatiun. 59 acres on Ston place. 5(H» acres on of .Vlcv r Willia 4."> iuTes !i'‘ar| .">.50 aT**« on ' ;»’M) aer*.”* on jj M) iicP'S on t :',4u acres nea Mill rimb'T ou | 5(M» aer'‘ on Lbe S.fV MdlTiJ .j-Vl acres 11“ River. 4*Mi acres, iiuj Mills f'Tin -rlv :>(■(» acre- t»n Western IMa ik 1 5b acre>i on til ALo. an undtl L'it*i in ill-’ T"'4 known a th“ A.il on lb ■ .South Aa 1 .VI the gain*’ tl sold Li shares of S jMank lb -b ire'-' ijf S| J*l.> ID* id. - -bares Ilf tlj tion Conipa !}■. 10 ’kii.ircs in tl dividfi-l iul •r'’'^t| Th’*-e -ale the late Henry j Dec 2(1. t-Nifi.l

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