THE NttRTH CAROLINIAN FAYETTEV1LL^iJ*■ ^j 11^ '.■rms:- 'f5\::.'' ,1’ the jiufhcr-s First tifti She sits beside the cradle, And her tears are streaming fast, for slie sees tiie present onl\, While she thinks of all the past; Of tlie days so full of gladness, hen her livst horns answering kiss Filled her soal with such a rapture That it knows no other bliss. Oh. those happy, happy moments! They but deepen her despair, For she bends upon the cradle. And her baby is not there. There are words of comfort spoken, Anil the leaden cloinls of erief Wear the smiling bow of promise, .And she feels a sad relief; Ijiit her wavering thoughts will wander, 'Till they seitie on the scene Of the dark and silent ehaniber And of all that might hare been; For a little vacant garment. Or a shining tress of hair, Tells her heart in tones of That her baby is not there! b-Ue sits beside tlie cradle, But her tears no longer flow; For she sees a blessed vision. And forgets all earthly woe; Saintly eyes look down upon her. And the voice that hush’d the sea, Stills her spirit with a wliisper, “Suffer them to come to me!” And while her soul is lifted On the soaring wings of prayer. Heaven’s crystal gates swing inward. And she sees her baby tlicre! i NEW YEAR’S CALL TO 0.NR AND ALL. OA lilMHY respectfully ternlers histbanks fo-a gouerous public for the liberal patroa- , aQ:e he has n ceivod from them since he has coulmen- c (1 busiiies.-i on his own hook, and hopes by strict at- ! tention and untiring industry, to merit a ooutluuance ! of :lieir favors. i He has now on hand and will constantly keep a i good as.sortiiient of Saddles. Bridles, Martingals. Also I L'arrla::e. Buggy, and Su'ky Harness, of all varieties i and of his own nianufactiire. Having in his employ 1 tirst-rat'd workmen in the dilfcrent branches ol bis bnsiiH'SS. he m)t under the necessity ol keeping ^ Northern work for sale. He bus also on band tor ; sale Wagon and Carriage Collars; Wagon. Carriage. ‘Buggv.and Drorer.V Whips of every discription, and i everv otlK'i' articles usually kept iu his line, i Uepairing attended to as usual—done neatly and i with despatch. . . i * i 1 \ B He earnestly requests all tbosi ludepted to ’ tlK- il.te linn' of n.ust..n & Overby to cull lunl settle : tiijelium.s he licilils ac'idnst them, ns the sottlcmeat of the eo-purtner.'liiii requires it without decay. I January in, l.s.iT. 32-3m AH About Hoops. BV 31.VXY-L.4VER.S. “It cannot be—it cannot be; Fain would I grant tite claimed kiss, But, dearest, you must surely see It never can be done in thisP’ She pointed to her bristling dress. With flounced outworks bracking off, Proof against every fond cares—• A silk and velvet Alalakoff! Full fifteen paces round about, Aud full five paces tlirongli and through. Ah me, she looked so very stout. The slender one that once 1 knew! I paced my lady round and round (Which seemed an endless task to do,) In hope some loop-hole might be found. Which storming love might struggle thro.’ In vain, in vain,—’twas perfect all; She stood “the fashion of the day,” AVhose rampart, bastion, tower and wall, Alight hold beleagiifing hosts at bay. Curtained, and fringed, and fortified, A whalebone “harness on her back,” And tlio’ hemmod in on every side, lutrenched securely from attack. I compassed her about again. Resolved to prove a firm adorer; Found force and strategy in vain,— Laid seige to and sat down before her. “Starving,” I said, “wont make her thinner. Sapping and mining must not be,— Alas, I’ve little hope to win her, Unless she saiies out to me!” So Ilium holds my llclen-kiss; I, Greece will ne’er retire without her, But, battling daily for uiy bliss. Will lie encamped ten years about her. Finding as fails each desperate cast, That patience is the better force, I trust to win the town at last— The changing modes my wooden horse! FAYETT&lVIiaLK TOTiiTAT?? nr.'l.U QaWiff, The E.ijercises of the Fourth St*sslo;i of thU In.stitii- tioH will commence on Monday the 2d day of March, and close on Friday the l7tb July next. Faculty and charges the .‘iauie heretofore* ed. Father particular.s will be promptly furnished on application to the Principal. WM. E. PELL. Principal. Fayetteville, Feb'y 7, ls57. SG-St W .VXTED an active, honest man in each .section of the State to take orders bv sample for “Mc- ALLlSTEiFS HOMtEUPATiUC'REMEDIES.'' To active men a liberal monthly salary aud fair commis sion will be paid. Addrcs.s (with stamp to prepay answer) Du. J. S. McALLISTER. Feb. 7, 1857. 36-4t Jersey City, N. Kl'CjOOl) dollars,—Agents wanted, . either Ladies or Gentlemen, in every town and coun ty in the United States, to engage in a genteel bnsi ness, by which they can make from one thousand to two thousand dollars a year. For particulars aihlress enclosing a stamp S. A. DEWEV & CO., Feb. 7 36-St Box 151, Philadelphia, Pa. C.AX EPIUPSEYBE CURED? VTe thing the following letter from a respectable citizen of will answer the question, and remove all doubts from everp unbia.scd mind; Gue.vada, Ml.-vj*. June 5.1855 Dr. Seth S. Hance, Baltimore Md.—Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in relating a case of spik^rus or fits, cured }>y your inualvaMe Pills. My brother J. J. Ligon, has long been aMIctcd with Ibis awful disea.‘»e. He was fii'stattacked while quite young. He would have one or two spasms at one attack at first: but a.s be grew older, they S'" emed to increase likewise. Up to the time he coniinenced taking your had them very often aud quite severe, prostrating him body aud mind. His mind had snfFcrcd seriously: but now; I am happy to say he is cured of those'fitd. , He A;ii 1(1(11 Seeds!! Warrented the Groicth u/1S5G. rFNlIIi .S'lGi-vi'flwr Ininjunt received a lar^e supply H (if (iuv'iliMi .Seeil.i, comprising every variety. from till'celebrated Garden-of Joii.vsox, Uoniiixs i Co.. Wethcr.'lieid. Seeds have been sold here t'.ir tiie last j years and always piven perfect satisiac- tion. For .sale by J.VS. X. SMITH. Druggist. Catalogues will he furnished gratuitously upou ajipiicalioii. .SPRIXG SUPPI-V. DR. JAMES F. FOULKES, Corner of Hay aud Donald.son rirccis, opposite the Fayettevillv Hotel, Would respucttally call the attention of bis friends aud customers to his com- plcle stock nj‘ DKUO.S. AIFDICIXES, OILS, PAl.VrS, ANO I»VE-STtFFS, Whicli he is now receiving, and will oiler at prices as low as thev can be bought at iu this market, 11 is ob ject is to sell medicines that can he depeiulud upou, as he buys none but the genuine article. Constantly on baud Burning Fluid, Caiiiplieiie, Spirits Turpentine, Alcoliol, Brandies and Wines, (for Medical purposes,) Congress Witter, Citrate Magnesia, India Castor Oil. March 15, 185G. M .33-2m .At an adjoiirnetl iMeetinir of ll‘o Commissioners of the Town of hayctteville. held^in the Uiliee of the Town this day. 7 o'clock. 1’. M.. 17lh Jan y ls.-i7, the lollowing Ollicerswerc elected: Jolui W. liaker. Jr.. Ta.v Collector, commissions .5 [ler cent, on Town Taxes and 4 per cent on Rail itoad. Joim l‘. Leonard. Special .Instlce—Fees. J. D. Callai.s. Town Con.-table. Director cf i'atrol for Cpper ami l.ower Fayetteville. Lamp Tender, Stan- daril Ixeeper. and Street Commissioner—.-alary So'J-V. J. 1>. Leonard, Clerk of the Market—salary $2oU. Warren Prior, Keeperr of the Town Clock ilo. $'0.0. J. .\. Worth. “ “ Powder Magazine-^i fees Wni. Williamiion, Sc.xton to the Grave Yard- salarv ioO. , t t, 1 :\L'Faulk. H. I.oekaman. J. Branch and J. Lrad- .shaw. Town Guard.—each salary S'i.iO. A. M. Campbell, Rsq. was ap’fd Chief Fire M ardcii. ST Hawley, 1st Ass t “ “ .\mos Wiltiara.stfu “ “ “ 2d 0 “ Jas MePher.sou, " ” “ 3d “ J .M Williams, “ “ “ 4lh “ W. McLMcKay, “ “ “ 5th “ “ “ J D Williaiu.s, “ *1 *■ nth *■ ‘ JFFoulks, “ “ “ 7th • Ordered. That regular meetings of tins board be held on the first .Saturday in each month. (From the Minutes.) ‘ Jan'v 25. All j'll W. G. M.VTTHEW3, Clerk. 34-fit All iiulebtetl to me either by Note or Account, are hereby notified tliat I am great ly in want of money, and if they wish to save costs and confer a favor on me they will call and make im mediate payment or I shall be compelled to put ray claims in the hands of an officer, as 1 am determined to wait no longer. tv, C. H.-VLL. Jan. 24, 1S57. tf Rome. L. SCOTT & CO.’S REPRINT OF THE BRITISH PERIODICALS .V.VD THK F A Ell’S GUIDE. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF THE L.\TTER PUBLICATION. L. SCOTT & CO., NEW Y'OUK. continue to pub- the following leading British Periodicals, vis: THE LONDON QU-NETERLY (Conservative.) 2 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (AVhig.) 3 THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church.) 4 THE WEST.MINSTEU REVIEW (Liljcral.) BL.VCKWOOD'S EUINBl’rGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) i Valtmlilc Laud fov Sale. The subscriber offers for .sale bis entire hinds, inclu ding about eight hundred ai res. lying fifteen miles above Fuvetteville and live miles fLom the moulb of lower little river. The land is level iiiiii healtliy ami well adapted to farming; there is about nue hiimiivd aud fifty acres cleared aud under a line state of eiilti- vation. I will .sell it all togethej or iu small tracks to suit purchasers. For further parlictliirs apply lo the subscriber oil the premises. Ale.vander walker. July 19. 7-tf Thio largest Carriage Fattory ist tltc SoatK. • A. .A. ResWectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has Imilt up'large substantial Brick Buildings at his old Stand cxpresslv for manufacturing Carnages. Thankful for the vervIBteral patronage he has received for the last 21 years.,he hopi* by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisf^tion, tomerit a contimmnee of the same. He w-arralTfS hiswifft; to be made of the best material and liy experienced workmen in each tiranoli of the bu.siiicss. Hi.s work will compare favoralily witii any made in tiie United States, for neat ness ami duraliility. He is ilclcnnine-l to sell and do any work in Ins line on as good terms as any work done els"wbere that is as well done. Ho now lias ou liimii. liuisbeii. the largest stock of GARRIA(7ES.BAROUCHES. UOCKaW.V YS, .VND liUGGIE.'^. ever o.ftered in tliis place, aud a very taree stuck of work nearly liiiisheil. which will be sold very low for Cash, o)' on short tinm to imaclual euistom- ers. .4777-111' has on hauil more than ONE HUNDltF.D .and FIFTY Vehicles liiii.shed ami in course of coii- etructio.u. . , „ .'iT-^-.Vll work made bylnm is warranted 12 moulns with fair usage, and should it fail liy Ijad workimiuslnp or material will be repaired fn-b of charge. Persons ivishing to Imy would do well to call and ex'amine I'o.themselves. Orders tluinkfnlly received and promptly attended to. Ropairine' execiiteil at short notice and on very rea sonable terms. Favetteville. Oct 1 Ufoti. IIAilPKlfS WEEKLY. A JOVRSAL OF CIVILIZATIOF. Neither labor nor expense will be spared to mu!." FAIL & VVINTKK STOCK.; I J have juBtiWeived in full my FALL and NVIN- ; TER Stock Of Silk, Staple, and Fancy Dry Goods,! (|iiite a variety ol .stylre, i|uahtu's. Ac., Ae. . ir5^ig°alUtyles Ladies' Dress Good- and 'f.-in,- mings. to wit: Striped Plaid and Robed S.lks. p.a:. . striped, aud printed all wool Dela.ns, all colors; so - ; ill all wool do. French .Mcniios. all .“hades and ors iirinied and old. low priced .Alpaclias and Dc.-ams. q,i, -uons: lu dilluse nsdul 11 '\L) a handsome assortment ol Cloaks ami 1 alma-, ; mue the grre - and amenitiei U'ls. jjnibnl. Uullars* J. S. BANKS, CO.alallSStON AA'D PORWARDIXG MERCH ANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jtinuarjl. 185G. ly-pJ STARir& WILLIAMS^ DRY GOODS AT WIIOLESALF. WE are now receiving a very largo STOCK, em bracing every thing in the Dry Goods line with lints. Caps, Boots, Shoes, Silk anil Straw Bonnets, Uiiihrellus, and Ready Made Clothing, &c. Which they will sell CHE.VP for Cash or approved Notes, at ' iVlIOLhlSALl'Z only. We invite Mer chants vi.siting this market to examine our stock. J. B. ST.vitR. J. -M. WILLIAMS, Aug. 30. 1850. 91:i-tf D. M'. C. REN BOW, D. D. S., Graduate of tike Buitiiuore College of DEMAL SlRCEllY. Oftice hours from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. 3 P. M. TO 5 P. M. DR. BEN'BOW muy be found at his suit of iloom.'^ near the Market, wiierc all wlio are in need of the services of a Dfnti>t are re.'^iiectfully invited to cull. All operation.'' performed upon tiie lat.est aud most approved plans. To those in need of ArtUiciai Teeth, he would simply say that he is liehind in no improve ment. He iiLserts from one to an entire ."et upon line Gold or Flatina plate, which he guarantees to be equally a.s serviceable as the natural organs. lie spends nine months of each year in thus place, (from first of October to the first of July.) Oct. 25, 185(5. 2l-tf F OR S .V L R A T II E D U C E D V R ICES, For CASH or on SUorf Time, Cal l itiSPS, BaroucliPS, RtlCK.AW.VVS -.t BUGGIES of every description. Many of which are lin'mlicd. aud the balance being liulshc-il daily; among w'liicli are many new and (ic«»f/Ai/stylcxs. and one eery fine Carriage. Some of ihein verv light, and all made in ihe liest manner aud pf t'"' '"'I'l materials. My facilities for doing I'arriULi'C work are greater than any estalishmelit south aud 1 can ati'iir.l and am determiiieil to .-ell work of fre hest quality as low as it can be built lor by auv one. ’r-'S'Tliose who are iiiilobleil lo me will please pay iin as mV business requires ui'v' oiit-.-tauiliug debts to be cilk'cteil. ' A. A. McKETHAN. .August 25, 1S5G. tf .Made ciothiii.g. Boots and slmes. Av- Ac- _ Buvers generally are ri sprettullj ” my stock a look, as I shall sell ou short Nov. 1st 1850. lillL w- ov’Kiinv, SADDJ.E AND IIARSESS WtJL'LD Respeetfiilly iufonn the publu ijl.l eustomws of Hou.slou ami Overliy. tliat continues to carry ou the Saddle aud liar qusim'ss iu all it various braiielies. at th makin: Id .luiid i.r floustou anil Dverby. where he will be happy ’o liir- tiifh them with any arliele •liicli they may need m a.- Igini*. ^'•Strict atteution paid to j^y 0-m the be.''t Family XtA\>papcr in the Morld—oue chcertul and ucniul chaiiictcr will render ila > • '• \i;^ilor To every huuM.’l!t)ld. while its constant dt-yii-m to (Ilf principle:; ol right aud ju;liCe ^huil in ih-' >»I - proballon ot the wise and (he good. I:.- objtcl v d > • to set foiih sound vieu> on Political, h>ocial. and -Mt'iai inlormaiioii; and to culii- .- of liic. llavpt r's \Vtfkly will coiilain a lull ami imiiaitm Funiuiaiy of tl.. I'uiillcal Irtcnii. iNiigiou.'. ( t-n.m i eial. am'. I.i'.i rai \ \( w > (.f ilie day. h v. ill i liren:*':'’ ' the leadhig mos vim ii!.*: of the ag- : r« coni il*'- in^ - n- , t!*Aim of geii'.n-; ibe lii.-co’. frifs of scit uce, ami li-'* cnalionol tmi. It v.iH in a word, aim toprt’-*ut a'* aci uratc ami ci i.i.pieic p.cuuc ol the a^e in >\liich we ! live. I ll will ai.-o g!^ e a tbif >'.;ai-e c; alleiition to Hi-- Ui'tc- ! (he imagiiiutit-n. and (iif Ici/n.;... li... r,-i;lai’ c U ; i,'i,t.'V-ill cHP race ’labs. Jiubbi m itf'lraxe! aitd Ad- I venture. Sketch's ol • bar.ten r .'‘(.( '.ul Idle, ai:d 1 IN.-^aNs u]Hn AM iitn'ai.-. IT'J'J'J* I 'I li‘-i‘u!dish'U-s have mane a; ran^t mviiir. with tli*' j/. i A-l:./», ' _^jj,i-r!can wr.ii-rs. wi.o will ((iLiril to (li and all the x ariuiis tb parJim nt; of ll,.-imp. r. '11..' >pae. ai ll;, ir tii>0(jsal w ill eiiubb.'ih. CvhuUk toi> lo ;i\ a;i • . - ' *. . I . • ,. c. I. I . lie tiif .(1 Hi.di. Aug. 18, 1856. Just received, a few doz. India C-V.STOR OIL, (for my retail.) of .Magnesia and Congress Water. J. F. FOULKES April 2. 135G. NOTICE. .-Vll p'trsons yiilebted to the firm of IV. F. .t. E. F. Moore, are requested to come forward and make payment, as their copartnership ceased ou the 1st of March Ihoti. * W. F. .t. E. F. MOORE. Juno 9. 185fi. 2-tf. Miles Costix &. COm James C. Smith. JAMES C. SMITH Commission Merckants, Have removed their olfieo to the second story of the building formerly occupied by the Teb-irraph Company where they are prepared to attend to all business in the Commission line. AH business entrusted to thorn will be punctually atteudeil to. Wilmington. October 1, 1856 y .17'DAVISON, M. 0. S UR GE ON DENTJS 'i\ Intending to locate Fayetteville hopes to make it the interesi of all who need the scr- ; vices of a DentUt to give him the cure of tlieir Teeth. , , , z Ai X. . i Having had eighf year's experience, ami being ac- These Periodicals ^ably represent the three gr^aM quainted with the work of the best Dentist North or political parties of (xreat Britain whig, dory. j youth, he pledges himself to give ali operations en- ibtdical,—but politics forms only one toature of their . his hands that careful thorough work and character. As (Jrgaiis of the most profoiind writers complete finish, that it cannot be bettered by any Den- on Science, Literature, Morality, and UeligioH. they j United States. stand, as they ever have st‘>'jd. unrivaled la the world | persons having teeth that are considered liopeles.':. of letter.s, being iudispeasible to the ^holar and thej^^j^j past i*edemption. will do well to gi\ e him professional man, while to the intehgent reader t>f j ^ them extracted, as thousands of every cla.s3 they furnish a more correct and satisfac-' tory record of the current iitcrature of the day, throughout the world, thau can be possibly obtained from any otherisource. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the Brit ish publishers gives additional value to Reprints inasmuch as they can now be placed in the bands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERRS. rSiP Flintstupc & Fixtures of the F.lYErrEVlLl^E IIOTF.L FOR SALE, The Subscriber having fully determined to sell the above named jiropm ty. now olfer it to any enterprising man upon liberal terms. This Hotel enjoys a largo custom from the adjoining countHN', and from the travelling public, with a pro.s- ])ect of future increase. M liat it has done and is now doing, can be seen by any one wishing to purchase, by r!fi*rring to our books. The situation ol the Buihl- ing is such .A" will command the groater part of the custom cnniiigto. and. pas.^ing through this place. For tii'e amn’rit of I'apital invested., tlu're is no busi ness that a person could engage iu that wouhl pay as well. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. Sept, 11. 1856. l5-tf. Per ann. For any one of the four Reviews $3 00 For any two of the four Ueviewa 5 00 For any three of the four Ueviewa 7 00 For all four of the Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews 10 00 Payments to be ntade in all cases in advance. Money current in the State where issued will be re ceived at par. CLl’SBITfi. A di.scount of twenty-five per cent from the above prices will he allowed toCuuns ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus Four copie.s of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one‘ for $1); four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for S30: and so on. POSTAfiE. In all the principal Cities and Towns; these works will be delivered. FREE OF POSTAGE. When s**nt by mail, the Po.stage to any part of the United States will be but '^'\VENTV-FOUR CENTS a year fur Blackwood aud out FOURTEEN CENTS a year for each of tlie Reviews. N. IJ. The prict in Great Britain of the fine Periodicals above-named is about %S\ per annnni. THE FzVR.VlEll’;^ QUIUE. To .Scientific and Practical Agriculture. By Henry Stephens, F. R. S.» of Edinburgh, and the late J. P. Norton Profe.ssor of •'^cieiitiOc Agricul ture in Yale College. New Haveu. 2 voU Royal Octavo. JOUO pages, and numerous Wood and Steel Engravings. This is, confessedly, the most complete work of Agriculture ever-published, and iu order to give it a wider circulation the publishers have resolved to re duce the price to Five Dollars for tbe tvo Yoluraes!! ^Vhen sent by mail (post-paid) to California and Oregon the price will be 7 dollars. To every other part of the Union, and to C-.inada (po.‘?t-paid G dollars. Tills work is not the old ‘‘Book of tbe Farm.” Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed post-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 54 Gold-street, New York. teeth are sacrificed that the knowledge ami skill would save lUid make useful. Please give him a trial, and if he does not redeem his pledge will forfeit his work. Office at Fayetteville Hotel. He will wait on Ladies at their residences if desired. Jan'y 3.1857. 3l-tf NEGROES WANTED. The undersigned will pay tbe highest cash price for YOUNG NEGROES. Letters addressed to either of us at Laurinburgh, Richmond county, will have prompt atteution. D. C. McINTYIlE. DANIEL M, McLAURIN. Laurinburgh. Jan’y 3, 1857. 3l-tf OS .>a A M14)OI> lAD ITS PREHATI RE DEC USE. Jnst PnblishciW Gratis, 4Ue 20Hi Tiioasaiid : I —„ A FEW Words on tub IUation-al Tjibxt- without Medteino, of Spermatorrhea or Local W'eakuess, Nocturnal Emissions, Gen* itai aud Nervous Debility. Impotoncy, and Impedi ments to Marriage generully. nV li. DE L.^.\KY, M. p. ROBBIIT 1). IJilEHN. (LATE GREEN A IVEAR.) irj TCJI-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, Fayetteville, X. G. R. D. G. begs (o ridurn his sincere thanks to the public lor thkf kiml patronage .*0 liberally bes'owed upon the late Firm, ami informs them he has bought the interest of J. S. Wear, and will continue the busi- ne.s in all its branches at tbe old stand, under his entire super!nt(“in!eiicc. N. B. .Ml Watches left with him for repair will be takeu apart in the presence of the owners, and the uecessarv vejiairs pointed out to tliem ami a writtmi eonlracl'given for the same, which work will be war ranted for (wo years. On haii'l ami for sal-’ now. the most vari'-d and choice selection of CL(b -KS a:ni other time pieces that liasevcr bi-eii olfen'-l i.o the public ill Norih Carolina which he will sell at New York prices, and also war- lor two years. All d'dns due to aud by the late firm will bo paid and received by R. D. GREEN. August 28, 1856. lo-tf .1. C. POE. IIEALKR IX STAPLB AND FANCY' DUY' HATS, CAPS, HOOTS. SHOES, Rcudy-Mude Clothing. Particular attention paid to Liidies Goods and 'rriinniiiigs. HAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. November 3d, 185G. tf (l>t( !i(?s ! ! Ufdsicads! B received from the Manufacturer. Ira Hersey, a supnly of BEDSTEADS of various patterns, aud made of irood seasoned 1 iiuher. These Bedsteads arc manufactured iu this jilace. aud can be sold to dealers aslow as they can be got from the North. Call aud e.xamiue. A. M. CAMl’BELL. April 9. 1S5G. y BOWAIAN, SELLERS A CO., GKSERAli COVI-XIISSrOA' ME It CII.VA'T.S And Cation Fur.tors, 34 1-3 Pluo street, NEW 'H'OHK. 1). W. lUlW.M.tN'. W. H. .Mir.I.Klt.s. May 1, 1S5G. EDW "D. Mel’HLRSON. N. B.—Particular atteution paid to consigmuenie of Naral Stores. elri-s tjf ample seleeti-iiis tioiii heuithl'iil Ll- railin' m th. (dd M i rid a vigihml eve Kliim ih.' i.sMies ol li;e and Geltu i.u Pi liudieal pre.-s. the I.e.-t proi.iut.. in ..f uliieh aiilla' ti austerred lu the jiaper uumr their charge. . , , - Harper's IVe. klv IS not M.lenihd III an,' any I'l nei>ide or lake lil^ pi-vf of lluriM-i ’ N« w M. :,(l.! y.— ' MngGziiK’. Eiuh reiiuilical vili cmdiiie ib-cll lu n- renuiP.e Fust ! proper -pLere: ui.d m» j.ei iion of ih«‘ ii*^ • ^Also,Citra( I uill tipp’tu- in ihe other. Haipi r kl-; j will contain sixt'-en puge.- ul tliC Fi/e ol the yLi-u- I don Ilinsti'utcd News, each Nunifu' coii.pi inug Mnneh niailer as an ordiimry ui;ckeil)H> Mnuiiie. i will be priuteii in a Ibim aud nio-n i-opcr .'-uiluble i* i j binding: and a.''ihe pjig' " will he elcclj'oiv pcd. tii'- 1 l.m-k Numb. j> ( i 11 olwe:..- »-e .Miiiplb d. mi .ebM-ri ■ bers wiii Ik- able yl iiiiv limr l« c U:pi* (e their 1:1: ! At ihc close ofvu^h Yoinme. utui and : p)>ioprlRr 'c.tYerswill 1 jGirt d P-r the eou\eiiicnce of tie. who wihh lo bind the pap* r. TERMS. One Copy for Twenty Weeks SI 00 •• (ine Year - 50 *• o Tw o Years ‘1 00 F'ive Coj-i' s for One Viar 9 0” I'weh e i.M']*ies fer ■Gm* ^(ur 20( 0 Twenl3’-1i\e Cojiies lor Ciue ^ tar lO 00 GOODS, AN'i> Dress ('k*r”yiiicn and Tenehers snpjAlie.l at tlio U-we.'-t Ciub Prices''" HARRUI A 1>RUTJ1ERS. Fi'.ii.kl.n Square, New "iork. Jan. 17, 185* ■" TO tkavp:l,kus. The Subscribers convey the Mai! between Fayette- j ville and Barclaysville in a Buggy, and can accominn- ^ ' date one or two jiassengers. The route is: by way ol Kingsbury, Bunn’s Level. Summerville and Nidli s Creek. The clays for leaving Fayetteville arc TiU Hlays. Thnrsday.s and Saturdays, at (5 o'clock, a. m.—Relnrns .Monday. Wednesday and Friday evenings. Fare from Favetteville to Summerville 82. J. R. H.VRRI.'^, Aug. 2.5. 1856. A. I’ARKER. receiving cousislinij his FALL AND of every Oasb. Ftircsiasers- CAllROLL & PETERSON, Clinton N. C., M’ILL pay the Highest Cash prices for likely Young Negreos, "Tho.e wishing to .sell will Had us ready purchases, on the best business terms. S‘?pt.L>. 1856. 15-6ra FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL. The Subscribers having this day fjTsKr lea.sed this Hotel for a term of years, will be lj5j|£^pl(‘ased to see their friends and the traveling .4fe^^Lpublic at this House. At the same time we hope they will be patient and bear with our imperfec tions until we shall have put the House in such repair as we desire. J. n. ROBERTS & CO. J. 11. RorcriiiTs. F. N. Robkkts. March 1, 1856 35-tf MtlRB INEW GOUDiS. fg^lIE Sub.scriber is WINTER STOCK, thing in the way of G R O C E R IES, HARCtV.iRE A.Xn HULLO iVGV.lRE —ALSU— Boots and Slices, Saddlery, I'isii Ac., Any of wbieli he'vill sell clKa]i fur L'a^h, baiti'i' for Produce or ou short time. Store receiitiy occupied I x Trov A Marsh, ucar the Dobbin House. G. \V. I. GOLUSTON. Oct. 18. 2U-tf OLD KY'E WHISKEY'. The Subscriber is the only authorizi-ii aeeiit iu I’a'- ette'llle lor tlie sale of lae Lou. it. L. Puiy.ur s C'.le- brated (tld I4)C Uliiskc-y. He will be supplied wub this superior 11 hasltey to meet demaud. W. DRAUGIION. April IG. 91-tf J.iCOB OTTAilUUliG K e])K consfanllv on Inu’.d at his oM stand, a ' ^tock of (H.'GCERJES, LlCbCRS. and Omnliy ii-.- duc'U Yvliieh ho will di>poso of on lim eLee.pi >t toriii; for cash, lie invil'->lb'' jiuldic to iry his .^'louk. Bniter Eggs, ami other household cominedilie. ai- wdvs on hand. j‘uii. 17. it57. :::Mf oi: I c r. ATio:» iu'MjS Of tJic Town of for Salt-. Agreeable to an a\et of the General Assembly ol the Stall ol North Carolina, ratified 1 ee. ‘-5. 1 auil.oi ing the 'J own of Fa\(. t i'W ille to isMie her Bonds lo the amount of $l(i(.‘.(dH). in the aggn’gatu for (Ik* inii*- jiose ul ]>ay iug her ^uo.-el ipiioii to the \\ est* rn lluil lioad Company. ii is ojibred by the Commis.sIoiuTs ol FayeMevilie. l!;u( the Tn hmii'v r of (he Tow n receive s'-ah’d pr ]Hwal>. until the Jst of November next, lor ilie pureluiM' of .'lU’iO.nut'i. in miiu"- f j-oOtJ aeh of.-aid Bonds, or any jiarl ihtrt.of. Bends to run twi niy years, with (’«npoi:> attach'd.— iiileresl ]'ayal le mi annually. Tin* sahl Bonds shall be nmb r the .•seal oi the Corporation, ami Idmiirg cii Ilie laith of the s; me. IV.M. \t ARDEN. Town Tnasurer. Get. 1. 1856. If FOR SALE CliEAF. ‘'ti.-C 7 SECOXD HAND BUGGiLS in goon repair. A. A. .UeKBl LA^n. April 20, 1856. 42-tf jSgf" 2,000 Spi fit Barrels for sale by McLAURIN AbXRANGE. Juuc 17, 185G tf Kl?FTf;nT AM> r.\* r.ij.fiR i.i:»K in:- i \V Kin A \V1 L. .M l-\ Ci '1 ; X 45c 1-A\K'l'IJ.Vnn.K. Sli-.RHx r . !• .1 Vvy (■ttevin,- on Mc/udnv iind Tbi’.r*-* it',y iiDGit:: ii.iiiM ■ Dill ■ .-1; 1. • 2 ■ ( i.cDA. Vv tlm'.j:;rt'i:i •. 11 ” D- M 1: \ 111 c 1 J hU \ tiif 1 uir.j:>^. Mcauu'v I siuDV Lull! r’oli. 1 ijMfF I-:-3't :■( % j!i( (n ’ Uid Irii.fiv iL«.n. t. J iiii’itu (.- L.'tcr ,-nii-i'irf t Ciu .-‘.'■i.} aud ^:lluruci■ uiori.itj^is in til crirrviuji l-n-iklit a iitl I ii.- ■ :i'j( r linui'T h ■ Y..;i. viiii lull M ■t^ of Lij-Ltii.-. runs rtgular'.y HAVE VOU SUB.SCillBED IN THE Co.'mo'joritan Art .Association EOSl THE 3il. VB.VR. SEE THE RARE INDUCEMENTS! The managers have tlie leiisure of announcing thai the collection of Works of Art desiguod for dis tribution among'the snbscribcr.'j, whose names are re ceived previous to the 28th of January, ’57, is much The important fact that the many alarming com- and more costly than on any previous year, plaiubs, originating in the imprudence and solitude of Among the leadiin " youth, may be easily removeu without Medicine, is in finest Marbie- this small tract, clearly demonstrated: and tlie entirely p,,, new and highly successful vi’eatmeut. as adopred liy ! ‘-WOOD NV.MFXt,” the Author, fully e.xplaiued by means uf YvliicU every i one 13 enabled to cure himself jiei feotly and at tlv FOR SALE. TWO THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND, nine mile from FayetteYillc, lying directly on the SoulliCri; Plank Road, and ou each side of Big Ruekfish. Om of the best Turpentine sections in the cmnity. wiii. convenient improveineiil.s for a family residence; with a small corn mill on a never failing stream, ami a firs; rate situation for a Turpentine DDtillery and Stm-'*. A. A. McKETHAN Feb'y 9, 1856. tf Tworks in Sculpture—e.xecuted -is the new aud beautiful Statute po3sible thereby avoiding all ihc advertised mostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gaatis and post free in a scaled envelope, by remitting (post paid) two po.stage slauip.s to I)k. B. D"e La.ney, i7 Leonard Street. N. Y'. City. Dec. 13, 1856. 28-ly AND CEMENT. Just reccired and for sale 250 Casks Lime, fresh from the kiln, lUO Barrel.s Cement 50 “ Calciucd Plaster, 300 BusbeU Plastering Hair, 75 Barrels (Mackerel and Herring, 300 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 200 “ Alum Salt; 2 bushel Sacks. J. W. POWERS. Oct, 27, 1856. 69-tf DON’T ALIj come at ONCE I J. W. I.KTT enjoyed fine health for the five menth.s past. His i Has just received a large aud-general STOCK OP miod has also returned' to its original sprightliness. ^ ^ * '/y rAt? tn. i^aii nn.i AU thi.s I take great plea.3nre in communicating, as it may be the means of directing others to the Remedy that will cure them. Y'oursrespectfully. 4c. \V.‘P. LIGON. No person who is srATering from Fits, or Spasm.s, should neglect sending to Dr Hance, after this fora supply of his incA^tlmable medicine. His prices are as follmvs: one box $3; two 5, twelve S24—sent by mail free, on the receipt of o remittance. Seth S. Hance, 108 Baltimore, Md. GOODS suited to tbe Fall and Winter trade, consisting of a choice selection of StAI’Ie and Faner DEY GOODS* Boots and Shoes, with almost everything desirable in that line. PRIME FAMILY GROCERIES always to be had IT LETT’S. Goods sold at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex changed for country produce YALUABLE LANDS FOR SALS. The subscriber oilers for sale the following tract of land: •^One tract containing 1200 acres, 600 of winch is as good swamp as there is in the county of Bladen, about two hundred acres well drained, and about thirty acre? cleared and under fence, adjoiniug the lands of J. G. Sutton and T. C. Smith. Also, 15J acres joining the lands of D. Johnson and Win. Bord.aux. 150 joining the lands of John Cain and E. Dowaan. 200 acres joining the lands of George Cain a.(l Elizabeth Melvin. The above lands I will sell and give good time for good notes, or wdll take young ne groes and give the best of prices. For further information address the subscriber at Elizabethtown, N. C. Jan 10. 1857. 32-3ra R. P. MELVIN. Wilmington Herald copy 3 months and scud bill to subscriber. Goods at Wliolesale. The suijscriliers beg leave to ailvise their customers The Busts ol' three Groat American Statesmen, CLAY, ffUBSTER. AND CALHOUN. Also, the o.xquisise Idea! Bust, “STRING;'’ ATOLLO AND DIANA, in Marble, life size. Together with the I'ollowiug Groups and Statues in Carrara. .Marble of the Struggle for the Heart. 'Yeiuis aud .Apple; Bsyche; .Magdalen; Child of the Sea; Inno cence: Captive* Bird, and Little Truant, with numerous works in Bronze, and a collection of several hundred I' .ne Oil Taiutings. liy loading arti-sts. 3’he whole c f which are to be distributed or alloted among the subscribers whose names arC received pre- viousli) tlie f.veuty-eigluh of January, 1857, when the distributiou will take place. TBR.MS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Every subscriber of Throe Dollars is entitled to .A copy of the .“ideudid Steel Engraving, -iSaturday Night,” "or a copy of any of the following S3 Jlaga- ziiies one year; also .A copy of the -Art Journal one year, and A ticket in the Annual Distribution of M’orks of Address Sept. 14, 1856. ly-pd Art. Thus, fo every $3 paid, a person not only gets a beantiful^'iigraving or ilagazine one year, but also receives the Art Journal one year, and aTicket in the Annual Distribution, making four dollars worth of reading matter beside.s.the ticket, by which a valua ble paiutiiig or piece of stationary may be received in addition. who prefer Magazines to the engraving ‘Sat urday night;'can have, either of the following one n . i vear: Uai per’s Magazine; Godey's Ladys Book; and .Merchants generally, that they have received a; Slates Magazine; Knickerbocker .Magazine; part and e.xpect to receive tbe balance of their recent | Alagazine- Blackwood’s Magazine, Southern purchases iu a few days. Their Stock will be much I y *1 restricted to a single share. Thoso taking five memberships, remittiirg S15, arc entitled losix engravings, and to six tickets in the feistribu- tion, or any five of the Magazines, one year, and six ickets. Persons in remitting fuhds for mcml)ership, will register the letter at the Post Office to prevent loss; on receipt-of which, a certificate of Meral>er.ship togi'ther with the Engraving or .Magazine desired, will be forwarded to any part of the country.^ For further partictulars, see the November Art larger and more complete than they have ever offered, embracing o general assortment of GROCERIES, Together with Hardware and Cntlery, Hollow Ware, Saddlery, Shoes, Diet'her, ^c.. All of which have l)een bought by one of the firm ex- pre.ssly for the Wholesale Trade, Their terms will lie a« heretofore, on the usual time to prompt dea!er.s. Journal, sent free on application. To cash buyers a reasonable discount will be made. , For memlicr.ship address C. L. DERBY’, C. A. A., GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. i 348 Broadway, N. Y'.. or Western Office, 166 Water , Fayetteville, Aug. 13, 185C. 11-tf I street, Sandusky, Ohio. • ' 1 Jan. 31, 2857, SfcSt P. TAYLOll is :;cw receiving his FALL STOCK, embracing a large an ' general Stock of Dry Goods, Cap'-'. 11a. . ..d Shoes, Groceries, hollow-ware. Crockery and Gla.«s-ware, which will be .sold upon favoraV-ie ternu or e.\'changcd for produce, hoping to see his tVieud.s and customers before tlier suiiply thcinschcs. Sept. 6.* 14-6m. ciiiiyiB): l-ri ii-fit oiuy i iiK rivitl.'iriiy ..1 (-Ul-Ucat.'(’ll Jill ttJipcs ♦•f thv liiver. md-1 tie ni-d i-.j-l’-' • iu C( lit ci ilj, Cr. a v li i> wi-Ji Ktt'YVH tiiri'iuin t• lutll■ !lT 'I t> i.ur !intr(.ii.8 \v- t(i:(krV'Mr tl utjks 1(t the T( ry liUcrul i ;iirGU!.;;c litM( loJert- li :-it.\\( d, ct n a^.'li^(• .-ul ^l.iJ j-i j? lluiL jio ( fl‘ ri.- V ill 11 .-] ju vi 1)1 ]i > ut'i . jtiHi ! (1 c i i iJ i t li j.i t j SucUilio f-'T d(':-{)r,i( Ii urc ttjUal ij ijtl njMid to ri j lie« i. Li.i>«*Lvur llivci*. W . }‘. t.1.1 .( 'a'J . .Agoil fer I.utltJ'luL ik t o. Fa3ctt4'TiIle. X. C.. Oct. 2.t. ISDO. A. 31. CauipbcIJ, VUCTIONEER .L MEISCII-VXT, Ea.M side of (Hlltepie street. F.yyutteyju.k, N. C. October 1. 1855^ AGi NT WAISTED. The f ub.-criber wi‘h( s to einplcy a responsible and imlu.'-lrious luaii. to act as u ;j,eiii ial tra\« lliiig airi nl in M lling Jiauiit ri;4hls fir ihe eonslniclton ol ll-.« .-e Iron buggies, so ceb braUd. iu lids 8la(e tr out of It as may b‘ agreed ou. A ineclianie preteVred who vill be allowed lo choose Lisov.n liebl ot labor. Address IIFNRY BHULr.'^, ■White ITalBIVavne co.. N. C. Or GEO. C. POTTS. Gold.-'boro’. N. C. Jan 17. 1857. .13-ir m>ro A e aid. M.VCRAE has retnruMl and resum'd his High Sclu'ol. Jan. 17, 1857. 33-41 Cjipe Fear Land for Sale. The Ribucribcr otrers for sale THREE HUNDRED and liilGIiTY-FIVE Acres of Laud on Cape Fear River below Smith’s Ferry, in Cumberland county, running witli the river to tbe lands of Mis B\rd. A portion of the land is cleared and fenced. It is well adajded to the cultivation of corn, oats, and the usual crops of the river lands. The part uncleared has on it some good swamp, which may be easily pre pared for use. it will be sold on a credit of twelve months. Per sons wishing to buy can call on the ownm* at tins place. J. G. SilEPHERD. April 8. C. GOLDEN MURRAY, C03H11SS10X SIERCHiXT, AGENT FOR MURRAY’S ‘-REGULAR LINE” OF WILMING TON PACKETS. 62 South Street, NEW YORIi. The undersigned maybe found at the Office of C CoUlen Murray, 62 South street, where orders for every description of Goods will receive his prompt aud per sonal attention, P. MALLE TT. ^March 20, 1856 y A. L. ARCHAAIBAULT, POR.T4.BI.E STEAM EXCIIA'E BUILDER, S. E. corner \5th and Hamilton ■’Is., Phitad., Pa. Portable Steam Engines, on larg.-) wheels,^ with a tongue fora team to he attached to move them about. These engines have two cylinders, making 10 to 30 horsepower. Orders are filled in from 3 to weeks. Engines always on band' for sale. These engines have been in use seven years, and in every instance have givengeneral s-atisfaction. Descriptive circulars will be sent when applied for. Jan. 10, 1857. 32-tf A C&Be. THK undei’Hgiud wtmid iu>jeclfully inform hiF »ld friends ami custoiueis that he can Ik.* lound at the Store of C. E. Leete, where be will be glad to see thim. J. u. McDonald. Jan. 17, 1857. Cu-tf rEAE scBoeSt. The 4th session of this Institution will coniinenee on the 1st Monday hi January. It is loeatid in Bla den county, two miles ficm the Cape Fear, in mavkabiy liealthy jilace. Suitable airaugeliients have been made for a male and female department. The Prineijial. Mr Angus Muun, a graduate ol the Univer sity of N. C., w ill give his personal attenlion lo the juipils; assisted by as many teachers us may be no* ees.sary. The young ladies will be especially under the care of Miss Murphy, former^' of Floral College, a 6ucce^a- ful instructress iu French and Music. TERMS PER. SESSION. 1 Priniary Class $6 00 2 Higher Eugirsfa Branches, 10 oO 3 Geometry, Surveying. Algebra, Jc. 15 Ou 4 The Languages 18 00 French 5 Ou Minsic with use of iriftrninent 20 00 Board in good and respectable families can be obtained at 88 and 9 per month. Letters de.'iiring iulorn.atton may be addressed to J. C. Baker or B. Robeson, Prospec t Hall, Bladen Co.. N. C. JOSEPH LYON, Sec'v. Jan. 10. 1857. 32-tf DISSOLUTIOX. DRS. MeSWAiN & McDUFFIE have this day dis solved copartnership by rautual consent. Dr MeSwain will attend to settlements and collec tions for the firm. Dr. McDiiflie will continue to occupy the former office. H. McSMTAIN. 'WM. C. HcDUFFIB. Not. 1, 185S. 22-tf MOATGOMEUY MALE ACADE.- Y. R. A. CHAMBERS. Principal. ISA.YG ElVING. JR., A.vaVfant. .The sevcnlh .Sewion of this lustilution will com mence on the first Monday iu Jainmiy. 18.77. Any further information can Im oMained by address ing the I’riucipa! nl Pekin.Moutgcinery County.N. C. Tuition. _S8, S12. and i'lC per Session. Board, washing, and fnel'Sf per month. Pekin. Dee. 26, 1S66.. 30-64 WM. F. WIGHT.MAy fEj smscfiip riox 'ingle copy, if paM ini J No inb^ription will l>c i ban one year nnl paid 19 With the view of cxt»‘B9 haocing the U’*«filn'*» of ' ^ors the following remark^ CLUB Rjres, /.vr.fjj i copien of tbe Cafoll 10 ■* •t Sixty cenU per square and 30 cent* for each sah advertisem^'nt ie pubUihcJ when it will be charged For three moulhs. For »ix months. Ftyf iwclva meuths. AU advertisements must bij sertlona marked on them, aerted till forbid and ch is directed to i WM. F. bSOtAlb CIaKHKNT] .% tiei’ury at at the corner - Veb T 3. U56. ~ J. A. atturni .YTTENDS the Coufj llVuke »nd Johnston. Addre.-u. Tooiner, lUi^ Feh. 16. 1856. njiii'iri Attoi'id K A A' K T T I Mavjie consulted at Iha herd. E.q.. on Green .Sf July 19, 1856. ANDREW Alt* Raving removed to 1 regularly the Conrts olj Counties. April 14. 1h.56, - *b'.T DR. Kl ;£ Front Rod and Drug .StoB 7. 1856. FOl ill AcresofLa il. Ij Dwelling. Gat H'ju* Is At » fine busii>"s« std nod i* nrtt to be evc-H Any per.son d*‘sirmg pArticuUr, re-ip ’cting either of n» at Willis’ ‘ 15 miles Irom Fa.TCttt Oct. 4. 0. A and three door* alK Se gladto all his I on hand a good a**!Mi and every thing ia 1 N. B. He will atf ness, «tc., and his ch September 13, !8* COP.AUTN The undetsignedj Ves together under r 8. M. For the purpose i De«8 at tbe Store o Square) where wej large and well seW bracing, Suple Dry _ Shoes,' ware, sii'.'i (I ■We rewpectfull;^ generally to call i' king their purch* vNoKiisoi.o liy Prompt »nd j Favetteville, Fl I return my sid ers and the publiJ heretofere exteow stgemeht from mi give everybodyl THOMAS. I h»Tj this City,, and ef* age of my IrieiK to the cooeem Feb'y 7, 18571 .YDAMAjmj end common T Grocery line. Fab’y 7, 1857] fgg‘ McLi edt c»fh price fi Sep'- 3. 18501

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