jkVF.l KLY. tlVlLIZATJO:^- -iriU be spared to make it in the W orld—one \\lio>e j Will render it a "vo lu me |b:le ilscoiisTaiiV drv. ii-'ii shall win ili- g -ot-d. l:?ohje-t Will h-* e^al. aiul Moral ■ilorn aiNai; and to culti- f. ol IIU’. . haiii a lull aiid in:]'artii«l c.ai. Ki l'iLA.n>. i i u-u^t v- u:iy. li V .11 I ,:v‘..:ele ie a.^'-: rt'.ord ih-. iu'''U" rrio oi seKia'O; aiol t-O' it u (>rd. aiw > v pff ■*« i.t an. §i-c oJ liio aj.0 ill which v ’■ uttvniion to tbs- la'te It. nj.Kiar t'U uod Ad- |ltT and i^oelai hiU*, and arrungi-mcnts ivith th“ will cwLiril ate to ll-' tp- r. 1 lie Uir*.;!; .-paec at ICouduclurs tu avail iheia- en tlie l.e>t and imvf |!u V>'. »!d. 1 hfv ■will keer e; u.e Kiicli.-h. Iri iich. . ’...f - . -1 kn iiuetieiis ot' the pe.v*-T uiider ilit-ir : in !'-»!’ wav to It liuiy.r's S’lW Moiitbl' |l V " i’.'t lt' to its ii'i’oiM: lii" e''i4'“nt> ■ cthvr. llaii.r- sV.hiklv oi Th^‘ the "Lea* eh Nun-/, r i •. n pris^n- a-^ rv ’.i. cr Mi'.t-,,; k- !■ ]•■.■;, lU" ; tl 'cr; tl ibeir t;!-. ' and i-iciiee of th' y. ar 4o m :>i ■' i-.’Wc>t t'ii'.L* kl.n Si!' arv, At w dt. ^lo:; i-tM.s a\rf!'V ilie* for Sale. I : ’ i I*.T’ T;i:- \ j 1 J T \ 11 : ii-VAT. i LD. \L,\ \ L ii- Lia- 1. y. C. >.v 'X. k. 'v. 3’ LK k V. ■■ n T.iil aom- l! Devotei to i^ews, Politibal and Business matteiS Agricultiihe; and Family Reading. FtiBWCATION OFFICE,] INDEPENDENCE IS THE SOUL OF DEMOCRACl ! [DOJsAT.t'SON STREET. WM. T. WIGHTM.tJfi Editor. } JAYETTEYILLE, I. C., SATUEDAY, EEBETJAEY 21, 18-57. VOLU.ME XIX—NO. 9384 I SUB'iCRIPTlON TO THE CAHOI*I?tIAK ^Ojgle copy, if paid in advance, per annum, S2 00 1 I* the end of 3 months, 2 50 it M at the wad of 6 months, 3 00 M ** “ at the end of the year, 3 50 , }r««Blneription will be received for a shorter period ~han one year unless paid in advance. With the view of exteuding the e'lreulatioa and en- 'iiMcing the nsefalness of the p.aper, the proprietor of- t^ers the following remarkably low CLUB R.1TiS, LXyARI-iBLr I.V ADVAA’CE: i copies of the Cafolin'iin, 1 year, $8 00 jQ n « « ” 15 00 ftatil idVertiiiag: sixty cinti per square of 16 lines, or less, for the 6rst and 30 eenU for each snbsequent insertion, unless the advertisement is published for more than two mmiths, when it will be charged For three months, ** For six months, - - - - 6 00 For twelve months. ----- 10 00 X\\ adveftiscnientsnlnslhiTe the desired number of in sertions marked on them, oftherwise they will be in serted till forbid and charged aceCrdlngly. Speciil tHention is directed to this requisition. WM. F. WIGHTM\N&CO. w } ^ i I I Vi y THB PI.0.4.TISG BAttS OK KNBCKtE WASHING MACHINE. The subscriber having purchased the Right of the above Machine for the Counties of Cumberland and Harnett, is now ready to furnish such as may be desirous of obtaining a Right. The niachiuc is simple, both in its structure and operations, .and shoul^.qny portion of it fail, can be easily and spe^Uy repaired by any person having the use of tool^ I do not claim for this machine more than what it is able tb perform with that description of laljor which aliriBst every family is able to supply, without at all iiiteffcring with the ordinary duties. In the first place a child 12 or 15 years of age can perform all the labor, alter having seen it operate a few times, and if the direc tions arc adhered to, will do as mucli work in one day as three or four women in the ordinary way, and the work will be much better done. .Below will be found a certificate from those who have purchased and now have id dse one of these macAines Apfil 12, 1856. 98-tf Fatettisvii.i.e, N, C., April 9, 1856. We the undersigned, having purchased of Mr Isham Blake one Of the above machines, cordially recomincnd it to the favor Of the Public. It w.ashes very rapidly, and the work is much belter done than is usually done in the old way, and with less wear to the Clothing. It far exceeds our expeclatiOns, and has only to be seen in operation to satisfy the most skeptical of its utility ana cCenomv. We have no doubt of its being cenerally used wherever introduced. D. G. McRaf., Jno. D. TS'^ii.i.iams, lV. j. ANDEitsoS, iJoitN- D. Starr, Joseph A. Worth, 6Ba*Aii ggigigsfl. CIiE.HKST G- WHIGHTi A«l«Vifccr »t F**yett«Vnife^ Nv Office at the corner of Bow and Green streelsi Feb'v 3. 1656. J. A. SPE.4RS, ATTORNEY -AT RAW, .K.TTEXD3 the Contis Of Cunkberland, HarnetE Wake and Johnston. Address, ToOmcr, Harnett Co., K. C. Feb. 16. 1856-. Wm. McLacrix, A. P. Hurt, Jas. G. Smith, A. J. O’Haxlon, David Wemyss. We in company with several other gentlemen, saw a four dallat bill tthich wa.s very dirty and much defacml. pilt id idi Washed out by this machine, re moving all the dirty appearance of tlie bill, and leav ing it perfectly legible, which shows there is little or uo%dbbirtg produced in washing tine articles. • Frank N. Roberts, Jas. G. Smith. Maryland Lotteries. CORBIN & CO AGENTS. A FORTUNE FOR THE TRIAL. “ Thete is a tide in the ittfaifs of man. Which, if taken at the flood; leads to fortune.” ONE TRIAL M.W MAKE YCU RICH FOR LIFE. Splendid SCllemcs Drawing Daily. SE.ND YdUR ORDERS TO CORBIN & CO. The Old E.stablishod Antlioriscd Agents who Iiavc SOLD .MORE PltlZES Than any other office in the State of Jfaryland. all FltlifBS GU.ARANTEED BY THE STATE St.VOLE TICKETS: Wholes A1 Halves 50 cts. Quarters 25 cts. CEFtTIFICATES OF ILYCKAOES. 26 Whole tickets 26 Half tickets 26 Odafter Tickets .r HdTHiNG VENTURE; NOTHING GAIN. Tickets BOdght by the Package ate dtweys the most Profitable to the Purnhasers. TRY PACKAGE. • For S25 we send package Whole, Halves & Qiierters. For SIO we send package Halves & two \y hole tickets For $5 we send package Quartos & one Whole Ticket. Look at the following SPLENDID SC!iEME.S. One of which are drawn at 12 o'clock each day of the week. BRILLLYNT. 47,267 Dollars. JIARY'LAND CONSOLID.YTED LOTTERY' Claiss 310. CORBIN & CO.. AGENTS. SCHEME. • 1"£”' ‘“« 1 r fs I do 1 10 do " )4 do id do ' id do IS do ‘ to do STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA—ROBESON COUNTY. Supenor Court of Lai’r—Fall Turn 185(). Churchill Walkley k Johiistcn K“gd‘'- original .YTTACHMLNT. It appearing to the saiUfactiou oi the Conrt that ihc said-defendant is not an inhabitnnt ot this State, it is . .. a 4.1...* .....Kiio.vitcin Ik* made in the ot the Superior Court of Law ior the counly Ct Ko.ie son. at the Court House in launihertou. on the fourth dead or north OAllOLliNIAN FA Yh TTE VlLL *t. - V. C Monday in March ne.xt.aiul then and there to pie: replevy, or final judgement will be against him. Witxess, Adexander MeMillwn, Clerk of said ( AX EXCLISH SRETft! OF JAMES Bl fllAX.lX. The current nnmbcf of the Biiglisli New Quarterly tlericw, cbiUains a paper upon oar new President. It is apparently from tlie pen of a brotiier diplomatist of tlie late American Ambassador to tlie Court of 3t. .lames. aVlter with a great evil already ei2s‘ing, he knows an^ feels tlie e.vtremc difficulty that practically sn.- roiinds the question. He may, like other sneu ill public life, wish to be on, good terms will,; many whose conduct or brinciples lie caimot wliollv aiiprovc. i The opinion formed of Mr Biichaiion in certain ministerial circles in this country was not favor aide. Nome of those liigh in office considered him a.s a sort of diplomatic Iiedgehog—jircin resume of the condition of tl.c Lmtcd Statc.s, ^ England, hs.slile to her Govern Jan. 16,185”. This Dec. 22. IT. yv « A. MvMlLLAN, C. S. C. 32-61 Those ; the writer tilUS portrays Air Buchaimn's cl.urac-j Unssian. ’ ■ .W c « r - Mi. Buchanan has one quality, and pelhaps I anticipating such violet.^ only one, in common with Loins Napoleon; he , predicted from the tenor of keeps ids own counsel. In both instances it has | ,„aidfesto. ilut tlie Radteritig at- STVTB OF NOLtTH C .V ItOLlNA—-HOBESiO N COTINTY. Superior Court of La w—Fnll Term 1850. William Boyce A Co. vs. Jonathan IV. I!c,gan ORIGINAL .-VTTACllMENT It appearing to tlie Satisfaction of the Court (ho said defemleiit i.s not an iiihid'itant oftlim State' it us ordered hy the Conrt, that Puh!icati»t, Ik- tiiade ,m been a source of power and a means of snccc.ss., sfiewefed upon him in St. Petersburg, It is easier to offer a negative than a ,,,. a.Tirmatioii as to llie policy ol the future 1 resi- all the nobility, may liiiyc rendered him Slive, dent.. He will certainly not be a h mg L coldness he experienced from cortaic He will be no puppet ill ths hands oHiis sup-: He was on very friendly porters; nor will he, knowingly, alloj Ins fnentlsi^^^^^^^ many poisons of distinction here. OnU-’lGU »»>• tuut^tntdu. VI- dirt 1.7.1 .J) -J - . . in til fvinv the said .lonathan W. Regan to appear at the j i)li|,aiy commit n'cxrTerm of th'i Superior Court of Law lor Die Conn ^ defiance tv of Robeson, at the Conrt IIon.se m Lnmher o , on , noi laslilj iuru ^ ' '* ’ xt-‘.‘nil t'-hd •‘ip.u j au'.l iroverniu'^uls \nIio ii'i-Kire tile fourth Monda.v in Maveb iie> Jan. 10; 1«5I; H2 Ot FALL TRADE, 1856. BAn tiryV FULLER, -Xttorney at Laxx', PAYETTEVIljliEf N* €•* Mavjre consulted at the Law Office of Jesse G. Shep herd. Esq., on Green Street, July 19, 1856. -tf ANDREW J. STEDMAN, Attorney at I*aw« tiavin- removed to FITTSBORO, N, C.. "ill attend regnlarlj- the Courts of CTiatham, Meorc dint Itahilelt Counties. April Id, 1856. tf DR. K. A. BLACK. iFlCfi Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Iliasdale s lu% and Drug Store. ti-y 7. 1856. 8d-tf 24,861 prizes atriouniing IS $47,267 I jiav'-ies am,' r civilization anil liuniaiiity. oiml and be formed j of Uie policy tlie President elect is likely to —V , pursue, liy giving our reud'TS a description, STATE OF NORTH cAROLiS-A—ROBEsON ; from lliosc wlio liavc long known O ■ n Fntl T-rmtSiY) j bim, inferences raiiy be drawn as to his [irobable Chmc™iLkl!^Akhns.;nvs.joi;.;.hanW. Regan conduct when the ORIGINAL ATT.YCHMLNT. j else the high powers With "Inch he has bet Pliysicallv, lie is a largo, powerlully aid dVfcndeiit is ms .-.t,.,,.. ,4 •) FOR SALE. is at a fine business stan'l at the Cross * *ttd is not to be excelled by any in North Any person desiring to parchase nxrticulars respiting the property by caHnlg cn either of ns at Willis’ Creek on the Wilmington Road 15 miles from Fayetteville. g wrigHT. 18-tf J.A.MB3 WRIGHT. Oct. 4. 0. HOUSTOxN WOULD return His thanks to the public for the liberal patron- he has received, and hopes, l^y punctuality in btisine-ss, for a Continuation of the siime.^ tte ha.s commenced busin‘ss on his own responsibility, on the South side of Person street, two doors below the Cape Fear Bank and three doors above his old stand where he would -e zladto see ail his old friends. He expects to keep on Lad a good assortment of Saddles. Bridies, \ p.. and everv thing in his line of business. a 4t,a.i N B. ^He will attend to repairing Of Saddles, Har ness, ic., and his charges shall be moderat^ September 13, 1856. NOTICE. COPART-NBRSHIP notice. The undersigned have this day associated thcmsel Vea together Under the name and style ot S. M. THOMAS M BRO., For the purpose of carrying on ness at the Store occupied by S. M. Thomas, (Mark Scared where we will keep constantly on hand a &ge and well selectod STOCK OF GOODS. Em- *'”'’steple Dry Goods, Hats, Cops, Boots, Shoes, A'aiikee Notions, Hard ware, Cutlery, Hollow-ware, iilld a large and choice selection of GRO CERIES, (Liquors e.xcepted.) B. F. PEARCE * IS NOW OPENING, a large and desirable Slock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, , consisting in part of Black and Colored Silks, Fnislibh and Frencli .Merinos. Plain and Fig’d DsLanes, some bcautifal patteriiSj Black and Fancy Alpacas, Edgings and Insertings, Collars and Undcrsleeves, Cactus and Whalebone Skirts, Jaconet, Nainsook, Swiss and I’laid Muslins, French, Eirglish and American I nuts, Cloths add Cassiittercs, .Satinetts. Jcaa.s and TiVeeds, Plaids, Lin-evs and Kerseys. Carolina and'Miirlboro’Stripes, BleAdhed drtd Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, YVhite And Colofed S'kiinclS; Drillings and Tickings, Irish I/mens, good assortntent. Linen Table Cloths. Towelings and Napkins, Shawls, Cloaks and .Mantillas, Extra quality of Bed Blankets. Ribbons, Belts, Gloves. Hosiery, Ao. —ALSO— - , ,, Hats.daps. Bonnets-, Bnots; Shoes and Lmbredas; gcnerdl dssbrtmenl ot READY-AIADE CLOTIIT^Cr, and every variety in the YANKEE NOTION LINE which W^t be sbld At a small advAnCe for CASH, o on time iB giliidtiiAl ertstoraers, either at Wholesale or Retail. cspeiffully invited tB give tnc A Call before B. F. PE.VRCE. 1856. Id-tf CAPITAL PRIZE. 5,000 Dollui’s. P YT Vr.3CO INSTITUTE LOTTERY'. Ci.-vs-s 102. CORBIN A CO., AGENTS. S«llEMK. .. whioli It appearing to the Satisfaction of the Conrt that the j 3Ul^bYtk'cLrttba'tlLum^^^^^ in 'hebuilt man; indeed, iieitlicr pliysital y, iiiOiiilly, NorthCafolinian aNew.ii.aiH-i pnblisb.'d iutlie Touiii inilitieally, is tlierc anytliiiig luHe about of Fayetteville, tor the space ”1;-' Inrge-limbed, altliougli past early days, oniI'\"rLn'mbm-'tc'nVl'e MBnday in ’srplembcr : aceldc in sneb mutters) call a handsome man. Jan. 10. 1857. :>2-Gt ; 27,814 prizes amounting to 847.247 CI.AS.S 2.= CdRBtN A CO., AGBNT.S. 1 prize of Scheme; STATE OF NORTH » AROLIN A ROBESON UOVNTY. invertor Cot-r! of Linr—Fall Term IS-fti ; could see a vast deal more L it. Godwin vs. C. \v. Crawfoid j than all oiif Ministers wlieii tliey opened both Ol'OGINAL frTACH.ME.NT jiieirs to the fnilcst e.vteiil: as they had to do tti^SSeL^snor^IrSnmnr'of dlls State! Uittn obee, ifall tales be true, dnriiig tlie C^rolmSrln^^s;;:" coarse of their ‘transaetion of bnsiness’with Mr Town ofFavetteville. for the space of six weeks noti fying the said C. IV. Ciawfoi'd tpfpncar at Bo\Ic.L*'L"the Court^House in l.iimherton, on the j conscientiously religions, a rresl)\ te- foarlh Monday in March nfxt oud thci. a.m tliere ; indnlgeiicc for IhCEC cf other McMillan clcTk of i creeds tlmn is sometimes found in persons of sJid Conrt at office in Lmnliertyii, Die foaOb 1 j ,,ersua.-ion; I'iii'.l-heari'.'d, generous, and in September A. D. I8.16. jj'-I .Jiiy instances reported by those Jan. 10, IS.'iT. 32-iit will i.rove: dislinguislied lor All arc VC purcbaslng clscwbcre. Ha-y St., Fayetteville, Sept. $53,233 PROSPECTUS ok fRE SOUTHEKV I.ITEKARY XtpSSI^NGEK For the Year 1856. July to December. T\VENTY»THXRI> VOLtJME. In h^su'mg‘he Prospectus o^the^Twen^^^^ umeoftli*; n,., r$.nnrii‘tors rely f |, ! Iiim best liked him most; but otherfi, esbficiiUy ° tl : ‘-•OUfttef I cial position, regarded him as Washington Irving describes the old Dutcli families of New, York to bare looked upon tlie Yankees, ‘with great respect and abhorrence.” ' Americans have informed ns that he left England, with feelings of the deepest respect and esteem for the highest personages c. the realm, but liad lost miicli of such feelings for liio.se who compose oiir Oovernment. pesiring Rs a man, all prosperity to our sovereign, nb. must naturally wish her a Ijcttcr ministry, while as President, in llic not improbable contingency- of tlie United States again retpiiring England to aliandan an island or give up a consul, he would desire the coiilinnauccs in office of tliosc now at the head of affairs, who have disUh guished themselves by doing sucii things with a jaunty, ut-lilushiiig grace that is inimitable; and have eaten eiiorniotis leeks, not only with gusto, bat to tlie sound of their own trumpets. Mr Bnclianaii’s reply to ilic hraiiklin and Marsha,I address confirms our anticipations of his coii- that lie will use bis power and great abilities to lead back giant licpulilie to the paths marked out so im- in be allowed to lie Ims the liabit of liolding his liee.d inclined to one side, and sometimes partially closing one ' eye, as if to iirovc, wliat was undonljtedly the ca.se during liis mission in tliis co'uitry, tliat he deal more with half an eye policy, and assures ns Biic’miian. He is hale and vigorous, of regiiiar and a-etive habits, and une.Nceptionalde moral bv its founder. Ills dc. 'dU.'JlG prizes, amounting to Tickets $1—Shares in proportion. lYc iiivariablv answer letters, by return mail, en closing the tickets in a good .safB envelope,, and A wa.ys observe the strictest confidence- After IHe di-awing is over, we send the official drawing, with a written ex planation cf the result of the venture. .All Prices bought at this Office are pAyebte immediately C.ATII.\RINE Mci-E.AN v.i. et, at par. 'For odd antOnnts in making change weic- ceive postage stamps, they Iieingmore convenient than .silver. Correspondents may place the utmo.st confidence in the rczttiaritT and safety of the maibs. as very tew ■We respectfully invite onr h„fnre ma generally to call and examine our Stock ling their purchases, as we are determined not to be CNDEBSOI-D by any honsc for C.4SH. Prompt and personal attention -tHOM-VS, HENRY T. THOMAS. Fayetteville, FeVy 7, 1857. friends and the Puidic I return my sincere th-anks to my ^friends, enrtom- ers and the public generally, far the libera! patromlg heretofere extended to me. As I have ample enco - azeme'nt from my friends, should 1 remain, and to gfve everybody^the opportunity of triwling with THOMAS I have concluded to continue ImsineiB m «,!»^tv and solicit the continuation of the patron age' S my Wends Lstomors and the public generally to the concern of Thomas and "''‘’•g THOMAS FeVy 7,1857. 36-6t to reflect faithfully the Southern miiul. while di«lamm all naryow and sectional views, and hasJ.ecn^^M^^^^^^ or?hY'B§CttK'‘"lNlVlTUTiON OF THE SOUTHERN STATES. To this office it will be devoted, and will be prompt to reiicl assaults upon the Soiitli, whether they m^ol’TpXuTrlporo/^S^^ »ni people ^*Thi Messenger will, as heretofore, present its refers Kith. Reviews, Historical at^ Biographical ■Sketches. Novels. Tales, Travels. Critiques, and Papers on the Army, Aaty and other National Subjects. With a view to ensure a larger circulatmn ?!Jh' MESSENGER, tlic Proprietors “‘““Sh they intenl greatly increasing the size of the work; haie reduced the price of Supscription, winch is now only Three Ocllars per> annum, in Advance, OR FOUR DOLL.YR3 IF NOT P UD BEFORE THE FIRST OF JULY IN ANY YE.4R. CLUBS—Remitting ns Fifteen Dollars m one letlcf Will be entitled to Six Copies. The Editorial and Critica department of the Mee- will contiiinc under the chaige of R. -rHOjWPSON, E»q., copious notes on cnVieiit literature . • nf all new American or I-orcign works nf ‘Lefa'l in'lrcst Ind value. The Editor’s opinions will ture FERGUSSON * CO- Law Building, Franklin Street, Richmomt, Va- June i. 18d6. ill the rcffiilaritj - . or no miscarriages cii* MOtieV happeu when properly (lirectfid to us. Be careful ^hat you mention piir I osl '- Pclilion fov Dovicr j (jisiouS, ARCH. McLEAN, and otliers.' ! when taken. It appearing to tlm satisfaction of the Crnirt.^^ that | , wlio knew liiin will .great [inideiice and sagacity in making and for firmness in tlieir c.xccntion lie lias forc'.li'Jiigiit mid too! ronseivative in opinirn and the soundness of liis jndg- t'j tlie Conservative th^d^&intJin thiscase : Pi.illip WalkerAOtty tValh- j self-possession er Puroy Lockhart. George May and wifi .M;--o-'-' policy, and proie-s Jno Mock and wife Mary. ‘‘b''''';."jj;' mo-j nicnt bv being favorable tlmi. hIs mS p^bbca'tio,. be made in the p, p;,,,,.,;,,). He iias been beard to say North Caroliiiiaii, a iicu'sp.-pcr imbhshi-d HI t m.^owii I o„^.o_‘It is reniarkalde that the to bej^lld'i^pmir" t tL next term ! Conservative leaders and party in England liave of the Court ot Pleas amt Quarter sessions, to 14 , inclined tO be friendly Wltli '^mnmmiTllc.'on Le 2dXnday iirMi.ld. .>-•( then > pr.pted States tban the Wliig.s.’ In tlii.s, Office. Connty and State. Give us at least one Ringlc TRY US. trial may make you independent for life. There should he no such word as fail. Address QfiRBiN & CO; Box 1110 Post Office, Baltimore Mci. 2 l-6m Oct. 11 or the. time - cnofessio. berenderod against tliciii. . M'itness; liciijamin F Sliaw, Clerk of our s.iid U m - at office in Summerville. 2-1 Momlay in Deeetnbcr, 18,-6. and in the Sl.st year of American B 1- U AN Ivf.lN -bll A iV . L i.r.r.k. ti-- A. li. HORTON, D. Cl'k. Jan. 17, 1857. ' 3:>-lit NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. James Kyle n\S just received a very large and general assort ment of GOODS Among which Are, French and Knglifsh MeHitBS ? Do. Delains. Plain and Figured ; Dress Silks, Fig'd and Plain ^ Black Fillet Mit-s; Sleeves and Collars: Cloths, Cassimores ond Satins: Bear and Negro Blankets f .j . 3-4 to 12-4 Bleached and Brow.H Domestics ; Gentlemen’s Ready-Made Clothing, Carpetinf^ Gopd a7id Common j Boots and Sboc.s; Anchor Bolting Cloth ; Kerseys and Linseys 5 Irish Linens, Orosh : Table Diaper and Napkins. , -^^nur- ■(V'ith manyiftbqr orticles, all of which being pnr chii.scdl>y the Package, will be olfcred allow piice.s. by wholesale or retail. Nov. 8. 1856. 23-tf ST ate" OP -NORTH c.vRObl-V R>«KSOX COUNTY. Superior Conrt of La w^ Poll Term 1856. Nichola.s Powel vs. Steplien H. Martin Happcar!it't?'l;^at^^S;f;^^'-‘;i;f>"'- said defendent is not an Inh.xbitahL. " p) Dm ordered by the conrt that pablica ion be ‘ uni” '1, North Carolinian a newspaper ‘I " ^ f..,. fl.« cnfifYe ot SIX WOCkS lioni'ing.^i lieiiril a similar opinion t.xpressed by Ollier Jui-j tal linrkc, in tlic tinguislieil Americans. He iias ■dcc'i from early life a successful ycr in exten.?ive practice, am! nior.t ably tliebigliest po.sts in the Government that of President, liaviiig .been State cr was married; an cariy pres.sively MioiifiAXiAXA.—Tlie Detroit Free Press relates tiie following anecdote of tlic Black Hcpiiblieitn Sebntor elected to succeed Gbit. Cass: '■During tlic late campaign, Mr Zacltariali Cliainllef, L'nited States Senator elect, improv* ed liimsclf in stump speaking by taking IcssotiB ■ of a recently graduated youth of tlie Unlvcrsity named De.xtcr. On one occa-vion Dexter, lisd tan-dit liini to recite an c.xtraet from Burke, wliicli wa.s intended to be brought in withgreRt force and trcinc-ndous applause. Having heard him recite, just before time for public speaking Dexter went down to hear and .‘'Oe ‘Znehanab climb the tree.’ lie t!id it well, the pas5ag->, from Burke was finislied. and drew down the Blaudits of the multitude. But, in order ‘t> give it still more force, Cliandler remarked, m Ids mo.st impressive manner: ‘Sucli-—sncli, i fwllow-citizcns—was the langnagc ofthc bnmor- Senate of tlic United States law-; filled I next to, Secretary ofin'Cu(?) Envoy to St. I’e'crsbnrg, Ac. He nev- ' ,Kl mutual attach-Uud resorts, ot a p- -Onr streets jgsterdn-y, A Novm. Exiiibitiox. were eitliveiicd liy an -exhibition cr.‘.irely new tit this locality—tiiree very decent looI i.”g g escorted tlirongli Boyal -nd hilrodiiced into several saloons isc.of our police. All of , . , , jiie individuais on exhibition displayed a large •" ”'51,'S—S' n-'t l«n. -'f f ” fcr-iwliieli was imseribed in large letters the bord tlie first two—John l^ig uiid ested as suspicious men was, by one of •vhieli certain, steadfast natures Hover can -rot, snatched from liini. Like another distiii- ofFayettcvillolbr the space ot six the said steph-m H. MaHm toapr^; I snfflrcd a s of the Sap-trior Court ot Law I" d-v ■ ‘ American, similar bereavement, of !i lie Ims rci whom lie Jan. 10,185’’. 32-6t senger - JOHN And will embrace ( j stances attendant on this deep a .montho.vi- 'outset of Mr Bnclianan's career . . have said suffices to show that no cold mscnsi Court of Pleas and Qu-arter Sessions—JoiCaey , condemned iiim to celibacy state of north C a 4 ery county- DOBBLY HOUSE! POWERS & TROY, l*ropi*ietois. The I’roprictor.s of this Estaldishmcnt an nounce to the puiilic, that owing to ‘be con- .stantlv increasing patronage extended to xoBKastbem, they have been induced to enlarge tnc accommodation tiy the addition of an Room on the lower floor, and suite of Looms on second floor; thics enabling them to accommodate all whd may favor them with a call. -And they thcniselLs to' an increased exertion to give satistaclion 1851. Original attariiment. Term riloiFry, t v*. r Staiicil R.-dcarbroagh. t It appearing to the ’’“‘"‘’‘'"*,“’1';”'., D,i the sai-1 defendant is not an iiiliabil.uit ^ In miinncr, Mr Biiehanan is courteous, and in ^ On mofivn it is thefefure ordered pnblieatioti be ffifitle in the North CiiMlm - , ^ ADAMANTIN'^TALLOW tUg and common TOBACCO; and almost anything in t Grocery line. Cheap as ‘be cheapest. Fob’y 7, 1857. 36-tf NOTICE. McLauriu & Strange will pay the high eAwh price for Turpentine until father notice. Sept. 3. 18o8-’ ■'*■■' M. FAULK his Boot & Shoe establishment to tlie corner ot Gillespie and Franklin streets, opposite Ibe State Bank, in and under ‘be rooms formerly occupied by the S of T. He has on hand a first ratLtock of i’L.AIN and F.ANCY, HOME and imported Boots, Shoes, Gaiters. Ac., and will manu facture all articles in his line in the best stylo at short notice Thankful for past favors, he solicits a con- finuation of the liberal patronage beretofore bestowed. Dec. 13; 4856, ?8-tf oil R. Scarbrongli to be mm .vi,,.-... the Couvl of Fleas and Quarter then House in Troy, on the first-Monday m-1^ and '“gp^ioufsiahles attached and carcfii! Ostlers m '^'^The eR"Vble location pf the, Establishment, with the pvTiprience of the Fropfietc-rs in providing for the COTifort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them “ The WeSern and Southern Stages arrive atand depart ‘"‘■^’/f’lagS'^aAtfondance oq aijfival dn'it departure of eiponi Ji-ite for the accommodation of passenger... u .?, and Carriages famished at any notice for farrying I''"'* "5^^‘-.Po”nv'''• I Fayctteviiie.May se in iruy. Oi f iudameiit will Iherejo p ead J,,Jehl. inter- be given against I.iin to satistj I laiium est and cost. L anU UURU , f _ -nJA { QU Witness, John McLeraan.Cleik o . - _Acc, the first Mor.day m_Januaiy, A. - 2Gth day of January, 18a i.^ Jan 31. 1857. thief. YVashingloii Irving, wl.o ! Adolplius Bisliop-were arres ^ f-ained cliaraeter.s, liaviiig been engaged in t! c, .Can foriiia ball game,” and having m their posiet. rnber of blank elieck.s; tlie last of derauck ^hooji; 'uy tlic 1,tie,ion in theway) was in ‘'lim'eo” as a suspicious el.aracter What we ; it apiiearing that he, in eoneert witn^ainnhct gent of the same stripe, liad it in contcmp-atio.. to rol) one of c'jr large jewelry establishments The evidence against them was not sufficient i- ■ to convict tliem o^f a I’cnitentiary b"’2nce, ye*- conversationihil’landdelibi-rale.inthasmaek antlioriUes that they. [■Die Court, llmt ; of the old seliool ILs bearing b. 9.m ‘ t -pi,g special object of thisexhibi- dignified, hi.s temper and langnagc undet com-, persons pletc control: although on occasions, lA's cotH-eived tliat -personal Or official sligh was intended, lie lias .shown tliat, although his, parents were Irisli, he eati vindicate Die claim ' ofliis family to a Scotch origin, by iclilig up | fo the niSttY; ''Nemo me impunc iaeessit.’’ | Tlie new President is designated by some as , tlie zeah u? leader of the Slavcocaaey, ajid re- j ported to be the warm advoenfe of fclavey. j i That this is correct in its f-U bJ-tent, we 9';« ' Mr Buchanan , prcvenis ind:gestipn; . ■Riit hft torifOt to ada Statu. ' Iho Court, thill i;;;biisim^in the town sp-MO of six successive wcek.=, "‘'“U T,,n-next Tei in P.il R. Scarbroni-li to be and app-'-n ■ . 4 ,L Ck E 4"»ll l‘t wlien he i tioii was to inform otir L Uhns honored would bear close watchi^ and 'Uhus to pi’.t tlicm on their guardagautst fliem. •How i6 it that Rome o .yo till 1 ,;r said Court at' this JOHN M^LE-MAN, C- C. C *25-61 How TO Look still look so .young While'S, tliongli so young must stilf look so old? 'I'hc cause lies very frequently in them- s’-lvcs. Mr Runt, once on. being asked the ’’"“t never ride when I can walk; I never eat dish at dinner; I never get drunk. My blood in.ogirculation; my and never fear AY. C. TROY. i)8-tf.' Elliott, C O M M I s S- I ON M ER E M ANT, K-VYKXTl-r/iL^LL, C. WSU attDud yrosTp. y .oci. if Oot.ilrl6»o- be perniittecl to doubt i^ative of a Slave State, but ^ who rever owned a slave in his bfe, nor m uc | , Nor do wa think mat he ; j pnenfions heart a Pennsylvanian^ nor is hb ' being, eaten up alive.” But he lorgot to likely over to oo I'.o. 1 is aa ap-prov.-r of SlaverV; 11 ui» ««•* • , -rrcatest causes of lasting youth, Ej:''y cm dig altho-jg:’, ia deaiiog l.dfceii into t'ae ImmaD face as tiffil itself ’