u . - / M «t»oa. * choise ^ wd Coun'.rJ 1I0-, 1^ ebe»5«’' tciinc %tU hi* Stock. coiBDXxiitic? at" 33-tlr OK OS vUIS 0>r Sale* maml ASfCioitiy t>f pec.25.1S52, authorit- |tb issue her Bonds to ^ercgath. for the pur- |to the Western Kail the Cbnitnissioners of JCT of the Toirn recctre I of Noremlier nest, for ! of S600 each of said I Bbnfls to run twenty Motere^t parable scmi,- ^1) be under the seal o! I the faith of the same. Town Treasurer, ’tf ^ille on Monioy and Thun r^TFriday ““"'"f “• „*.i [“KaaottniUe on TuMda^ rint'jSioUy tooruiot- ^f*L'ShttT*. ra”« regnlar'J 1 stages of »' S""- jeering goods, are too ast- thanks for the Vny lil^r*i «'■■^r^.‘KLh”rorT'..'’= AgrntforI.nUerlohkCo. a-tf Jmptoenj . . ,, IISSIOK MERCHAKTt tille^i'c street; , S. bi IRD. ^Illr ■ respectfnllT inform his old he can he found at the he will he glad to *ee J. R. McBOAALD. X /' : *•« s'S. d- y Devoted to ^'ews, Political and Business matter; . xlgriculture, and t aiilih} I^e PUBLICATION OFPICi:, ] IXDEPKNDKXCE IS THE' SOUL OP'' DPI3IOCIIACi ' :1)0X.\> ttON SniKIvT. [r WM. T. WIGHTM.\N, Editor. I EAYETTEYILLE, li. C., SATUEDAY, EEBEUAEY 28, 1857. VOI-l'Mi: XIX—NO. 009. \ tERMS OP SUB-tCUlPTIOK T9 TUE C.VROI*!-' - Forasingle epP.v,if P^id*2 50 ,1 „ “ atthc end 6f6_mouttis, a 0 .. at thi; end of the year, 3 50 will he received for a .shorter period THE PIi().k.TI\C! BAI,I.S Olt KXBtRTE WASIWXG aiACHIXE. The Biibscrilior having pliffe^lhscd the Right of the alMjve Afachine tor the Counties of Cumberland .vid Harnett, is now ready to furnish such as may >e dc=ivpus of chtaining a Right. The tnaebine is simple, w , • lion will he rcceiTou .o. r ■ BrUft, iu i?5 structure and operatid^, and should an; Mo subscription will „a„,o,.e. portion of it fiikean Vr easily and speedily repaireu ■than ®“« FL,,„a;n.r fl* circulation and cn- i„. person hadiig the use of tools. I do not claim With the '■‘*7he o tp^r. the proprietor of- I fi'r this machine more than what it is able to perlorm haneing the usefulness ol tne P P® 1^ I ... ilescriirtion of labor winch almost every fers the following /.V .4 j^lN^sVCF» j fomHe ts, able to siipplv. without at all interfering ^^^Afjp-Ifo?'thYc«olS lV' tso? ! will.-Ito.ordinary duHcs. in the hist.place a child 10 “ “ Rates ^ Mvefl^gt dfe ;SSeSairSrs£' when it will Hi charged _ S4 80 Fcr three months, - : - ' - 1 ao w, Ror six months, - ‘ • For twelve months, - - - loo 411 aiveFtishments must have the desired number of in- sertlOTS marked OH them, ortherwise they will 1« in serted till forbid and charged accordingly^ ,, Sj,!-ciat a tUntion M dlrrcted to this riqnisition. WM. i. WIGHTitXX & CO. . . liEG-ASi ClaEMEXT G- AA'llIGHT, . aV«tori4ty »t Lawv, EayctlevHle, X. C. Office af tbe coruor of Bow and Green streets. Yeb'v 3. Ti.^6. seseeii- atution will commenee It is located m l>-'* ,e Cape Fear, in a re- itable arrangements have ■male department, in. gradnate of the lo'^U' rK.nal attention to tbt teachers as may be ne peciallT under the care Floral College, a succes*- 1 Music. SESSION. $6 00 ■hes. I» ®« Algebra. 4c. '5 00 *■ IS 00 5 00 rument 20 00 Kjtable families can be tk. j . t ,n may be addressed to J. |Co..N. C. JOSEPH LYON, Sec t, 32-tf ItEVIL.L'K ,i2GH SGHOGL 'ourth Session of this In^ lloaday the 2d day of Ma*> the samel.s°herctofore publish^ will be promptly fnraisUed on \VM. E. TEEB. Principal. 1S5T. 36-gt Te honest man in each section tkc ociers by ra™r’|5 tOPkTIHC REMKPIES. Tn bnthlv salarv and fair commis- flre-s' (with sump to prepay ri)s. J. S. Mc.bLLl.^tTER. 41 Jersey City. N. J. I ' ^ |nrst---.Xgents ivantea, Umen. in every town and coun ts, to engage in a gcot®®}, L- make from one thonsani t, favear. For particulars address 1 ■ Is 4. BElb E4 4 CO.. Box'lol, Philadelphia. Pa asted ls._nien.hoV5 ahd girls. The dd by calling npon^j.^.^g .1. A. SPEARS. ATTORNEX' at law, attends the Coirls of Gamherland, Hifnell Wake add .John.ston. Address, Toorder, itarnstt Cc., >'. C. ^eb. 16. 1856. !bi-V 12 or 15 ■ liud of age can Jicrfm-m all the labor, after having Sta n it operate a few times, and if the direc- tiens arc adhered to, will do as much work in one day as three or four women in the or.linary way. and the work will be n.nch better done. Below will be found a certificate , from those who have purehaspa and now have in use one of these ihachineif. ’ IhllA.ii BLAlvh. April 12, 1856. 93-tf F.tTETTEVIl.I.K, N. C.. .\pril fl. 1,8.56. We. the undersigned, having puroha.sed of Mr Isham Blake one of the above machines, cordially rceommcml it to the favor of the Public. It washes very rapnlly, and the work is much better done than is usitail.v done in. the old way, and with less wear to the Clotliing. It far cSceeds' our expectations, r.iln I® seen in operation to satisfr-rtie most sRcpticM Pf its 'utility and economy. We have no doubt of its being generallv used wherever introduced. D.'G. McIUe, -Ibo. P- Williams, W J. Axuep.son-, John D. SiARn, >Vm.' MoLAOft'.N. - ,io4Rri( A. XVJMri, A B.TIlut, a. j. O LIaNlon, Jas. G. Smith, D.l'id W emyss. We' in eontpany with several ether gentlemen, saw a four dollar bill Which tva.s vvny dirty and nmcli i defaced, put in and washed out bV this machine, .e- i Bloviu"- all the dirtv appearance ot the bill, and leiiv- : 1,1* if perfccily legible, which shows there is little or I no'ruliliiilf Pvrtitfre'ii i* w-asUng fine articles. '^n-AXK ^y. llOUEP.TS, I Jas. 0. SiUTii. Maryland Lotteries. CORBIN' & CO AGENTS. A. FORTUNE FOR THE TRIAT.. “■ There is a tide in the alfairs of man. Which, if taken at the Hood, leads to. fortune." ONE TRl.VL .MAY MAKE YCU lltCH flVll LIFE. .SplOjUdid Sehcines Drawing Daily. ■SEND YOyK ORDERS TO CORBIX & CO. The. Old E.stablished Authorised Agnr.ts who have SOLD .MORE PRIZES Than aiiv other othce in the State of Maryland. ALL PRIZES OU.VR.VNTEJvD lt\ THE ST.bTE. SINCLE TICKETS: IVioles A-I • Halves 50 cts. Quarters 25 cfr. ' CERTIFXC.A'I ES OF PACK.VGE3. 26 Whole Tickets S16.C0 26 Half TickeLs 26 (juaeter Tickets NflTHtNU VENTURE. NORTH OAROIJ.SI.AN F.lYKTTKTH.lA:. V V . 'of Mio lioat, mill in .atliev uiiplcasiiiit iiro.xiliiiiy, and before wo liail begin! to realize our situa lion tlic woiiinleil beast, uiialile any longer to .'day boiieatli llic .surface, came up to broat'-o just alieail. 'i’lill ahead a little: let's get out of tais l.av the boat around—so—now, B'.or;-. •STATE OF KORTH CAROUK.V ROBESON ' ■ corsTV. _ _ 1 Superior Court of Law-Fail Term 18.TG. | Clmreliill Walkleyi .Tohnslon ' s.'o'ubll. Regan. , ^ OBK JINAL gVTTAClIMBN r. llliHiopotuiims Hunting It iippi-ariiig to tlic s'.iii.'^iaeiioa ol : To cut a stUMilV of wood for a wlialiiiir cniiM‘, oral.redl!y'd'ie^ il"it"p'iiLl'ic’'itioii be '•R "is a work requiring some day?:, and often even North (Jandiiiiaii. a Newspliper pnbli.'hed(ktcrmiiied that ihb ^ snarl. slid^onruian ae-'l 7'''“ i first, and if need be the next day likewi.-e, al;," and the iron was idaiitcd deep in the neck 111 Ihe Siipeniaav.aiU >fl aw I'w.^e , .should be devbtcd ti) a tliorongh inspection o|' of onr victim. 'Witlr-v leTr, louder than^ a Mondnv'in M'a'iVliViI\d.\iii'7ihMm the facilities of the place, in order that .we dozen of the wild bulh: o' .'taa.igarea.-. he replevy, or final jiid.geiiieiil will againstjiin'-. .^ ^^ . at as little xlisadvantape as possi-; nbiv kmildened beast made for tile Ima. \ViT\K.s.s. Aii-.N-Aiifl'T .MfMnlun. u «i.. ii , ‘ at ofliee ill bninlierton, the fourth Monday m Septem- , This Dec. 22. A. McMH.LA>. C. S. ( . :'52-(;t her, A. D. ISgTi. .Ian. 1H, 1S.")7. ST-VTiS OF BAR TJr f r F ULL ER, AttorRfj at Law, FA YKTT EV^ i! I. K , K, C May be coasaltcd at tfie Eaw Office of Jesse G. Shep herd. EsqlJ oii*Green Street. '■Julv 19. 1856. 2-tf ANDREW J. STED.MAN AltorlieS at Ifntb. Haring removed to PITTSBORG. N. C.. will attend regiilaOy the Courts of Chatham, Moore and Harnett Counties’.' ' April 11, IS5C. tf Dll. K. A. BLACK. ■■ OFFICE Front’.Rooms, over Dr. S J. Hinsdale s ' Sl-tf ^:Ue[ni.n aiiJ Dru«r .Store. Fvb'y 7, lSo6. siV^ FOR 1>-U 'Acres of Land, lyin.g on Ca^c Pear Ririw--Store. I V'llini.. Tat Uouse.s all in first rate opder. ■ The .Vpp JTt-a fine business stand at the C'ros.s^ .Roads and the adi 'H'ne't to be excelled by any in North Carclinae , Anv perSdn’de.siringto parchase can dbWiA tgrthei particulars res’|?ecting the projlerty, by ealling cn eith.>r of us at Willis' Creek on the \1 ilmingtcn Road ,5 miles Iron, Favcttovillc. ^ wRIOilY.^ ' JAME.S WRIGHT. • Oct. 4. 18-tf HOUSTON WOULD return Ills tliaiik-s to ■ !he piihlig.for the liberal patro^L- age he li.lg'.'received, and holies, by punetuatity in business, for a continuation of the same.^ He hits commencerl busin‘'s.5 on his"6vyn re.sponsibility. on the Soutli'sidc of Person street, two doors Ivelow the Gape Fear Bank and three doors above bis old be gladto see all his old friend^s. expwts to keep on hand a good a.ssortment of .-saddles. LrnUe.v, W hip:;, and every thing in his ime of business. N-. li. lU rfilt attend to repairing of .saddles, liar- lieas, Ac., and his charges sliall be moder.ate. .September 1.3, 1856. R.-hm,, FJIL TRAP.E. 1«56. B. F. P E .4 R C E IS NOW OPENING, a large and desirab’.e Stock ol 'fall axv winter goods, consisting in part ol Black and Colored Silk'. Fnidisli and French Merinos, I'piln and I-ig'd DsLane.s. some bcantifsl pat.crns. iilack and Fancy Alpacas, Edgings and Insertings. Collars and Undcrslcevos. Cactus and Whalebone Skirts, . ... Jaconet. Nainsook. Swiss and I laid MusUl. , French. Bn.alish nod American Prints, Cililtlis anti GilSsimefi-S. .Satinetts. Jeans and Tweeds, plitid.s. Lin-sevs asd Kerseys. Carolina an j M6rlboi'p'.Stripes, Bleached and Brown .Shirtings and SR.eeting.., White and Colored Flannels, Ufilliilgs and Tickings, irisf Inilerls; good assortment. RinL-ii Table Clctlis. TdvVclii'gs and Ndpktns, .Shawls, Clonks and Mantilla.s, Extra finalitv ufBed Blankets. Kibboiis. Belts, Gloves. Hosiery, Ac. —ALSO— Huts C.ads, Boimcls. Boots, Shoes 5iul rinbrellas: ' ,, general assortment ot READ Y-MADE CLOTHING, ‘and ctefV variety in Ibc YANKEE which will be sold at a small advance frr CAbl. , o. on time to punctual enstgmers, eithei at Whoitsaii or R'ctntl. .411 are respectfully invited tfi give me d tail b'cP'l'e purehafiiug.elsewl'ert. ^ PE.4RCE. ■ H.vy St.. Fayetteville, Sept. 1, 18.56. ,-r. yuos PECTUS OF THE SOUTlIF.llN I.lTEKAItY .MRSSKNCJER ; : IMr the Vear 18.i6. July to December. ■ TH'ENTV-TlilRt* A'OI.V.hlE, s.tfi ■ I .1)0 NOTHING GAIN. Tickets Bought bv the Paykage are always the m«>t 'Profitable td the Piirehasers. TRY PACK-VGE, For .-fin we sfind package tVliolo, Halves & Quarters, For 319 a'e send pucka.ge Halvestt two \V hole tickets onkMed For 35 we send package Quart's & one \\ liole Ticket * v 'e - ,i Look at the folldwing SPLEND!b .SL HE.M F-S- One of ahieh are drawn at 12 o'clock each day of the week. BRILLIANT. 47,2G7 Hollars. MARYLAND CONSOLID.VTKP LOTTERY CI..VS.S 310. CORBIN A GG., AGENTS. ■ SCHEME. 1 prize of ■ 1 ,io RO' i 1 do 1 do '.7 ^ Ol' (M G4 do ^ Gi du ■ »2.S do 17G do • ItOliKisO A Xi, It '1 H V '■ > ^ A ' COUNT V. Superior Court of Law—Fall Term l8o(5. William Boyce A Co. vs. .lonallian M . Regan (Ht'O'N'AL '.•■-TT.VCIl.MENT It appearing to llie Satisfaction of tlie Court the saol dct'iMidcnl is not an inhabitant ol this ..t.it' it is bvihe Court. Hint Piiblieaiion he made m I Jlae:. wfiftrl—back, 1 sayl Take down thus Cons'Sqb'cntly we, the mate’s boao.? crew, j bHnt.sail, ami .stern all! ' ''I'terti for your 1:'::*, had been ordered to prepare for a generar niciiU ids two more aiipeared by the bravs, ■ ' eriiisc. We jirovidcd oi'.r.s,gives with, .it ,store of acidly prepared to as.sist their comrade. He bread and beef, filled the boal's brea’ser with | was making the water tly in all dircctioifr, a:m water,'kpvund our sail to the light breeze, and Imviiig failed to reach the boat, was now ■. ami. iiOinted the boat’s bow toward tlie iiealiest is-' eS'E-iyiiig to g‘-asb the iron, which the mate had land Landing here, we found iionght but a purposely put into his short neck, so close to wilderiic.ss of low jungle, which was .scarcely i his head that he could not get it in hlsiiiOi'ih, peiictrablo, togetiicr «ith.a,.nopr Jaiidiiig We] "Stick out line till we get clear of the school. .i the Ninth'Carolinian, a m-w.-iiapor piibli.died .H-" p.p.i ,i.|.(;e or four of iiie iilieU, a,ml having I and then we'll pull up on the other side of this a suitaUe place where to ! IWlow, and soon settle him with a Hi.ee ” ‘ai me'coilYiR'o Y'lnnd^llvr commenee dperations. were about to return bn i tiio Moiuhiv ill board. wIk'H liie ir.rite .‘’^aid, ^ i tlr to idiGid or ruiili'vy 'tr lilt'd rL.H' oTi ‘-Trim aft, Tom, tluiru'.s a •^oed breexe, fair|i„. S?i"('bm'r't"at oiKwi'ill Runibi’i'toii di.i Inuuh .Mi iida';,- ; cdiiiiiig and going, iihd we’ll take a IbbH.at the jui iviil Court :it olfic' ill sS' iilcmbuu* D. 1 Jan. 10, io.')7. . 22iul Dog. A. McMIl.LAX, C. S C :i2 «;t This .was done, and-'nn vre a-fai'n iiauieit upon 1 the slid i’liiioiis beast, the mate poised his iglit lance for a moment, then feciit it deep into his heart. With a Iremeudous roar, anu i mainland." Accordingly, the boat's head was Jfinal stnwglc, of scarcely a miu- i laid shoreward, and we spread ourselves out at | duration, our pi'i.:^ gave up tlic gho^ STATE OF north C ROl-irK-'-'-“*liORESO COl\1V. -F«// Term i85C.. ; full length upon the thwiu'ls, enjoying aii bib j jpiq .q',er sinking for a moment, ro.se again to ' iLsmii preat if spin,e cigars wliieli onr chief ullicer j ,1^. sm-facc, lying upon his side, just as docs had .good-iiatnrediy bron.glit With him. When within about a mile and a half of the e found the water shoaling, being than thvcb fathoms—eighteen mainland, we 2.1,861 jiriz.cs amounting to CAPITAL PRIZE. .J,00() IHillius.. PvTAPSOO INSTITUTE LOTTERY. * Class 102. CDPBIN & CO., AGENTS. SeiiEJii:. 1 nrizvof H) ' ■ do t (i'j 8 do 200 ilo 63 fill i;'i do ig'i" I'oj, 3.006 do" 23.436 do 2r,of4 nrizes am,Hinting to Ci -vss 25,'», CORBIN A CO., ACENTvS. Scheme. 1 f.'iap ■nf.. Superutr Caurl of Law Cliiuchill Walkli'V A Jnbiison vs.Joiiathaii W. Rcgaii OKKHNAL attachment. , II aiiiioaring to tlic Sai'a-faciliOil nf tlic Court tliat tlic t icn t.Oi. . - - raid dcfcniUiit is not an ililiaWilalit Ilf tills Stjili,. ills feet deep. ' - . ordered l.v tlic Court tliat I'nblicalioii lie iimde iii 1 ic „.]istoii in tiiC snii .ptst then, .317.267 1 tiic said.Riaiit'lian W. Regan, to appear at the next j ,;t,.,,.^.hed him.self npon the b'J'.v thwart ' Imiiisl^'abtc to take a nap. _ __ . ' Mmidiviii Mai'itrnnx;;'an-i tiien and tiiere plead ei ‘If was iiCtliing blit a pulling P'.g, sa"! ■ or final .lildgm.-lit wilHie given agaliiM linn ''here it is again, a'.Rl no puffing pig cithci 1,0—110," .said bo v.-ilh roiiie dc- Moml; Mfvan.ior MoMillaiL C Icrk m s-.m! cpuvt ai dlOWMl} • olliecin Imiiiherto'.i the r.iurtli Moaday in .Sri-leiu -er .\. 1). I.S.71!—Dec 22n't' !S,)6., the whale when dead.. His eompaiiions had 1 eft ns, and v.'C now, gioilig -ihive ehcers for onr victory, towed thd Anireass to the not far distant shore. It^was luckily high tide, and we got the body up to high water mark, where the speedily receding waves left it ashoic. When we here viewed the giant, and thought of the singular agilily jie laid displayed in the water,' ’.Irfe could not help acknowledging to one another that to get ainoiig a .school ef Hippopotami would be rath er a diAperate game. 317,217 $8.0(1 l.olKi l.OuU 7.;)U oDO ll»0 yicMll.t-AN. C. .S, C. Jan. 10. 18.'.7. 32.61 ST VTE rit' A'ORTll f VRALIX A“-"RtlEES(>X -Dt XTV . tiup'-rior Crii.rt. of Law —Fall Term iS.)'.) 1,. B. Godwin \ C. 'V. Crav.l'ord G1!IGI N-'I: TTCUMI-iNT It aiipcaring III tin-, satii-fact'.i-n _i)l li"' *"■nii’ -'V tlic raid di’f.’iidanl is iml an iiilu'Jn-.iit nf Un,' " it is ordered liv llic Court that Pu.dieiilion 1',' proV- ,;e'-siou. in the North Cat, liviali. a newspaper pii,'lirae.lui»' Town of Eavetteviiie. Bn, me space ol wei ks no,.- , uor |»orj)0!.sc gree cf ar.imatioii—"nor anything ei.se that "wears black .skin that I ever .saw licfore.'’ Thus had the efi'eet of rousing us up, every liiie carting hif cyog nhe.dd tc eftcli a .sight ol the questionable ‘ blue.; .shin, "There ho lilows!"—"and there again!"— "and -eve!' here too,’’ .said scvertil voices in sne- jll, bovr: let's pull np ain't a spout at a W. Craivford |o niip-av at the in xt what it is! ’ . feriit of the .Siiiioricr Court of l.a'V loi- llni County o, ^ Boat wa.s soon •’''"’'■"“''Ma^n:x^''an^:^c^;;a,r';h:;:,^p,ni,,glbr^^ at good speed towards the thO ebasf fown ol fving til', said ( against liinn- said Court al in Septeniljer A. .Tan. 10. U.'fr . A. McMli.L.'tN.C. 3'2-i'it obleel of onr SO.'J 16 prizes, amooiting tb ■ ,.o.> Tickets 31—Slia-cs in prorortion. Wc itivnriaiily an.^wer htters liy return mail, cn closing the tickets in a poo(.,Si!fe„envclopc. and always dhsei-ve the strictest conliit'eme. AUi\v tlie driiwing is over: vve scud the Official diAwing, with a written cx- tlio result if llic venture. .411 itolK-^on fonrlh Monday in ... el.,7k of ^ plaee w here we had last seen t! aklV'onrtal..niceinlnn'l,e,,lon the fourth Moaday enriosity. ■ - D. 18,56. 'I'hns Deg. " “Stern all!" smiiieiily slionted the mate, as ; the boat brought np ‘all standiLg’ against sonic ' object which wc liad not been abl-e to see on CATHARINE McLEAN ) | .,peouiit c!-the innrkint-s of the water, the cob • • . V • . -.5. — backs into . (*. All H.McLKAX. and oil!, vs. isiou iicnriy tlirowing u.s upon on \s’?.'e backed oH; an It apnoavin^^ti^ tho satisfartio:. nf tm* tVpH lha- : of U.c boat. As-e baekea oil: an thudGiiGiaaat.-^ in t.liisLHi>o : riuUip \\ alkot. i.t!.- ■' V ' slowly raised lns head altove w;f^Ma;■v:■t^.ffiHIonh‘ -I : tl,c wa.er, gave a loud snort, and incontinently •I ii\j .'i - ^ V -■.> I . iI \ IV v-'v >v_ ' , , ’ll Oat.s,just received Nv.n. CARVER. r just received and W. II. CARVER^ txes, iust received and TV. 11. CARVER. lets, iust received and ’ IV. 11. CARVER. d busli. for sale by TV. H. CARVER. mackereI. in store, and for sale by 4V. U. CARVER. I I ese, just receix'-ed ffrit! W. H. CARVER. -3l e.niporiu-xe ipened an Auction Sales Room rVest of the Cape Fear Bank, be glad to icceive consign ion^^id to sales of STOCKS, EST .\TE. . . - C E. LEETE. Auctioneer. 37-4t NOTICB3. COBAllT-NF.IiSHlP XO'tlCIi. The nndersigned Jiave Ihi.s d,vy associated tllemsel ves together under tlie name and style of V.S. iM, TIIOM.XS iC BRO.j For the pursue of carrying on the Mercantile Bii.si- nes.s at the Store occupied by S. .M. Thomas, (Market Square) W-ficre wc Will keep constantlv on band a large and well selected .STOCK Ol GOODS;, l^ip- bracing, , Staple Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes^ Yankee Notipn.s, Ilaril- ■ ware, Ciitlery, Hollo>v-warc, r . . and'a larwq and choice-v r , ■' selection of GRO- ■' CERIES,., (Liquors,- tWcfipted.) iVe respectfttlly invite our friends and the I’ublic; generally to call and examine onr Stock beljjro, ma king their purchases, as we are determ.ine(l,„ii-t to be , vxoEBsoLD tiy any honsc for CA.SH. Prompt and personal attention paid to orders. , .S. M. THOM.V.S, HENRY T. THO.MAS. Fayetteville, Feh'y 7, 1857. alone ' trial may null patron ForTvi I to reflix:t faithfully th . ^ SOUTiiEllN -state rah. resill,, bi-ymi'l th'- liiuiis "f Ihc Sle'e. _ (In mo- tinn. it is iirili’ii'd tliat piildicatii.ii , ‘I! ; N.irth Caridiniali. a newsp.-.per piudisiuii in l,ii .o"ii _ j-.ij,. i,,,,]; «( j ;,fFavi,tt.,villi,. fin- six suec-ssive w-.-'-ks, nnlityiiig Ih-saii! ilefendanls to li" and ai'p-'-ar at af.tlieGi-.nrt.-f and tiiiarmr s.,-,, lor tin* cuiiiity g| IturiD'lt. u _l- .SuniHH'rvillD.'^u tin' 'id Moudjiv it' dove down iigaili; almo.st before "'c could get a H'-xt iciin .lolic lU'ld C. ib.msG in .\|',n'(.'!i Hf.M. llicii . TIm* in .Ifrira. Wl* ;i'.c pcnuittnl (.says the Uo.Nton Tost) tb make the .sii!ijyineibex'tr.qet from a letter writ- Ion tiv an oilicer of tlic United Etafc2 .vav;: to a friend in this city. The writer is a son of a late distinguished senator from one of tlie New Kiig'and ClafeS. the letter is written from on Hoard the United States ship St. Let:!;, and dated October l.o, 1856, ht “Little I'ish Bay, west coast of Africa; ’ * * * “There is very little variety npon ,’^iifrgl‘vsl' slaves! ‘niggerst’ is the crv. This to,in is like most otiicr places upon the coast, madcap of a few people, ‘ealled’ wliile. and a eiowd, a mass of miserable, filtlt}, wanhless, i'Ul'jfrt’.^ (ni;gger^) nati'jes. If Charles Sumner, Jack H-alo, or any other sen- silile man, who wislics or is willing to be per- inaiieiitly eured of ids inoek pliilanihropy a.,£l siekiy seiitimentality in regard to tlie tiiiiversa. n.'n-ro race lie lias ciiiV to make a six monllm endsc npoi’i the const of Africa. If tliat will not cure liiin, and eoiivincc li'.m tliat liissympa- vhv for three and a iiaif millions of the liappi- . cst negroes npdii 1 he face of the earth is mi.s- ^ lilaeed. tliCii 1 liave only to cay he is past hope .riuid })t‘ tliiui ti; iliis cffiCC it will be devote,1. and will be prompt to'rerfei assault.in-Fon the South. '".''"^'"'' *.'1'-’.^ uad.-ir the speciodAgArb df fiction, or in tne ilireet to m of anti-slavery pamphlets. At ,■ 1 whilv onr enemies are employing liteiatiue a.> lffi.;i The Messenger will, .as with Reviews, IfiRoriitd and Biographical ^hmes, NoreD.'Talcs, Trarels, Essays, IWmf Critiques, and Papers on the Anmj, JSavy and other National Siibjcds.. With a view to ensure a larger circulation of tile MESSENGER, the Proprietors though they ih'teiid ei«at|[,-dnareasing the size of the work, have reduced tilt ptice.ofvSupscriptiun. which is now oiily tilrec Boiiafs peri .annum, in .Idvance CGRBIN g CO. Box ion Post Oflie,. Bal'amore Mil. 2l-l)iu vrs '.! PLOWS 11 f J, lows. itines to match. ALSO;— , , , JS- Planters’ Steel and half . C. E. lecte; 37-3t i\ Potatxjes!! P0T.4T0ESJurirec^eHedhy 3T-2t I return my sincere thanks to my , frienns. cufiton:- ers and the public generally, far the liberal patronage herctofefe extended to me!'. .4s I have ample cncquce a-'cment from my' friends, should I' remain, d(;d to g?vc evervlvodv" the op|)ortilnity ' of triuHiig with TUO.MASf HidVt? concluded to continue ImsintjSB ip this City,, and .solicit the conti'n'ifdti'on of the patron age of my‘triend.s, custonlors ariil‘the public generallv: to th^'ooncerft of ThOmas and Bro. „ 1 S; M. THOM.4.S Feh'y 7, 1857. . 96-60 OK FOUR DOLLARS IF NOT P.AId'BEFORE XllE • :FIUST OF-JULY IN .4NY YE.4R. Cf Eiftcen D’dliafs jn one ipHef wilt He entitleil'to Six Copies. ' ' 'f ho Editorial anil Critical department Bf the .Mes- sen-'cm vviU.continne nndef the charge cf “ , joiiK «•' THGaiPSo?); Effii-i Aiid vvill embrace co'pioh.s lifi'tcs on current litefnlure and reviews of all new American or F ove^n works ot l"'„eral interest.and v.alne. The Editors 3irfnions will he always feartessty Biul honestly av owe,1. ^ ' The B'usincss D'epaftirient is conducted by tne iindcr- rnod to whom all coinmimications of it biisihos? it..- iuremasth,^ld^8se^^ FERGfJSSON 4 CO. Law BuildiKg.Fran'klia SUcef, Kichmond, Va. JHncrlv 1B56. Oct. II _ NEW AAD CHEAP GOODS. James K'yle 1I.VS jn?t recrived a very lariat* aiil L^encral assnrl- SK'^vCkS and Collars; ciorhs, Cas.siuioi'es.and .Satins; Dear and Xc«;ro I»lr-nkil5 : - .3-4 to 12-4 ineached aiwllirown Domestics y (vontlemcii*s Ucady-Mmle Cletldn.!^. Car|lethyd^ i Boots ami Slioes: Anchor I>oltin,i; Cdoth ; Kerseys and Idnsevs ^ , Iri.rih Linens. Oi'fiYii•. TaWlc Dia]1ct* and Xapkhl:^ , . AVith many otliev orticle.s. all of 'i^diieh heih?: Mh' ciiased bv the Dacka^e, will be otfered at low prl-c.-' by's\hole.-ale,oi’retijU. ; , Xov. 8. loot). 2.j-lf "SSijlfSSSfaUi'f":,,'I;,, at om.,|’ in SMinin'rviile.'iilM'.aday in li.-.-.-ml.i-i.L'.d'. , •uid in thi- 81st vear nf .Vm-i'ieaii I iid.,|,.eii.leiii,|,. ■ 11 franklin SH.Gi.'ClLl'K. , V.r A. B. llOItTUN. P. Ci'k. .fan. 17. ls.57. ' ' 33-i;t ST ATI' or Ml.T Til f AKOl'IV.V—IIOHISSOA Siiprrior Court of La w—Fall Tern IS-'A. Viehidas Howel v.s. ,Slevi"'nl“ 'li*''"" ORIGIN.4L ATT.VCHMFNT It ann-aring ti. ll"' satisfacti-n n!' Ihe conrl Ilia! tTn,, said d'-femh-nt is not an lulialntaiit ol lais i .s ord. i,,,! tiv th', ciitii't tliai Norlli (^'.u-idinian a ili w-ipaper imMls.ii d in of Favetteville for the sjiaee ol si the sa'id Sh-lilnm II. Ma-tin toappi of the .Superior, I'imrt of 1 av. tt-r t- . SMI,, at th', Coiiit Uonra in l.nmlK'rloii on tlu to ,.It M.'jida-,- iir Mi'ri-li in-xt, and tlu-i, and to p .-ad or replVvv 111- final iedgmeit' will f' . '..-'j:.;,, liim.-kWi-tness Ah-xaiiilia MoMiHan "f" T'k Bumb.-rloa. Hie !onri“ M"nd,'.' 1,8,56. This He,,.'d-iiid If-'".. I - ■ ' A. McMlIiL.IN C. .3. (. - I T.v.v 1(1 IV.7 “What is it?'’ was now tlie ijuc.stion no one could answer. “Wiiatever it is,” said tlie iuate frhoso wha - • ’ H ing blood was up, “if it comes with,,. I'enc.i o j uiau.sniid upon the coast of Africa, by iron, ni make fast to i., a, s '' j,, „.^,i morally, physically, or so- ahead." We a ero :’g'Mii niKkr leadu a v, Keep ^ ing a liright look out lor the reaniic.ii.i.icc 0 | cQaverv hcro is slavery indeed, and o‘. the sli'aiiger. “There thev arc, a whole school :! ’ said the mate, eagerly pointing in sh'ore, wlicrc the glislcuiing of wiiile water showed that a iiiimbei' of th’j nondescripts were evideiitl; cnjoyiii.g (hemsclves. ' -Apw, boys, pull hard; til'd Well soon try tbcii’ '•Tlicrc’s sonielliiiio, broke water, just ahead, the most hbi'i'ilile kind. Crielty practiiicd here bv -black’ slave-owaei's is lieart rending to wit- !tTfs. Sonteeliiefs (black) own thomsancls— ; they sell tnitiirc, hr kill Iheml at plcaeiirc. ■ Siiiety-nine of every hundred negroes, slaves ' Of free, even in town.', would gladly exehaiigo ' ilieir.fonilitioii with, tiie meanest, most ill Ircat- I cd slave in the L nion. It is imiiossible to pie ivcfks ni’tiiyinji' nr nt tho m‘xl 'r'‘rm l'i*r till' GGiuily ni' Ky'"‘- -lltcrc—wny .' ture the miserable enndition of the native ' r’eaii npbn his cwn soil (HHiri lit "til'.'.' .Si'ptGinbor D. Jap.. M>. is.'n Af- Civali/ation, or even is an ad- -.WONTGOW. .TATk OF ,1 (hir.rter Sessions—Jannaru ADAMANTINE and TA^iLOW CANDLF.S; fine and conMon TOBACCO; end alino.“t anythingqn the Grocery line: C'heap as thedfcaptest! iho, G W. I. GOLDSTOff. Fob’y 7, 18.57. ■ 36-tf NOTICE. McLaurin & Strange will pay the Kigl v',t cash price for Turpentine until further notice. " Sept. ■3. 1856. 58-tf DOB BIX HOUSE. POWIpllS dt TUOY, Pi()|uii'toi8 The I’l-efrictet'.s cf this Estal-Tishment an- i' Hie saii'l ilefeinUint i- lud an "“'"I’] mute io the puiilic. that owing to tUe ren- | On motion it i." ‘i",''"!”''" ' oiiilv inoi-iovsiti,, oatronaee extendeil to nuldii.-alion 1',,-inaiic m tlie - , Court of Pie Pilot Fry. VS. Stancil U. .Scarbr-Higb It app-Birln.? ti) tbt* T''nii, IBxtT. ^ Oi'i^riuHl aitiu-IinioiH. said the Ijoat-sU-ercr. “I’nll easy, lads—I sec him enough--there's his liaek:-’-- ^ i ,mrtiareullnre. with thc iimss Of natives, “Stent i,lil".sl,cute,t he, a.s hc tUu .ed h s i.^^ ,1^^^^^^ into a back as broad as a .'in.i spot m . ' ■ j- ,1 j With ll'.e coiobiitcd effort.s man'” ami the tiileriatcd y'severing philanthropists, with millions of raon- ^ lunges ill every direeliOiL miiMiig ic v 1 i ^ e.xiteiided to the best possible advan- ; vra'i r lly almost equal to a whale. I - - - develop cite ■ .. o, , i ,, , \V,. .,11 recO'i- aeeoniit to the world at laige. himself high above tne snrlm,.. W c all .-, ; , negroes at home , iii/.ed at once the liippoi,taunts, as he ts icpie-^ iHocB ' -ranted ill books of nalnral history 1 >" So much for rers.' HavingraCen ov.r negroes 'oulhern S',atcs, and having .seen them BI. TAULKiIwTSS establishment tK'tlie' corner of Gillespie and Frankjin streets, opposite the State Bihlt. in and under the rooms formerly occupied by the S of T. He hiiS oh ’hind a first rate stock of. PLAIN aniL FANCY, ItO.ME.iand IMPORTED Bools,-Shoes, Gaiters, ^c., and vvill manu- facture all arttclcs in his line in the .besl style at short notice. Thankful for past favors, he Kollicita* a con tinuation of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed lice. 13, 1856. AS-tf nounce - istautly increivsiiij; patronage extondvd th4*m.Yh(tv have been induced toenlai'e:c the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Bininj; Uooiu on the Ib'i^cr iloot, ftiul suite of Rooms on ibe second floor; thus enabling them to-ace^mnlddate all who may favor them xvith a call. gVnd they pledge themselVes tcaii incre^tsed exertion to give satisfaciion ' to their patrons. . Spacious Stables attach'cd and careful OT^tlers m attendance. . v *1 The eligible location oT the Establishment,-with'tno experience' of the I’rc'TrietSrs in proviiting for the comfO'rt of their patrons, they hope will secure te theut- a lilieral.share ot the tpivel. _ / , , ,.i The Wc'sjfcrn'and SoutheraStages arrive atana acpai' *''^Gvrriiv''^^t' attendance on arrival and dep-.irUire of' iToats 'for the .aecomraoilation of passengers. Horses and Carriages famished at any notice lor earryit^ part of the aJfficmvt^ot^n. Fayetteville, May 12. 18j6.‘ 98-tf. i ‘ satisfacfion nf the Coii:,|. inat li.ihilai.l ot lliis .Stale. , till- riiii|,|. tliat .irobiiian. a iiews- f Fav-i-iteville. for tli" Gllf siilijeet giving a savage he gi'iisiicd tlie shank ol , ot n.i„..a. Ill-- .. I i„sut.ition-as a benign, nay, f' /’n :^-^knlv bietitetioi,. and dHr'^onthern brethcr- , ruai', ben - his luad loi.n-. n , ^ Christian slliink ol the JVOU bclU.OLMJ - ■ _ ,.^....*^,1 t-.mb cirik-inf** paper rnt.lislieil ill Hi" ^;(|iy”:',Vi;,'':ui,'rSt space ol six Slu’cessi, e vv", Ks. iiotii.' , ci! R. Scarlirmigh to Ii" Court 'llmisYi, Wevl''oa tiieGir.st Moinlay in .\pril '-'"-ri:(wo fathoms deep, ifr aad there to plead or replevy or final .I'"' tie given ugaiust him to satisiy Pl-unun ., deht, Hit,. ‘'^Vblni^;: John MeLemaii. Clerk of om-aid rour, at ofliee, the first Moinlay in Jauu,,u,;., ... J - !“• , ■ - 2Gtli day bt'Jauuary, y^-EMAN. C. G. C. Jan 21. 1857. iUj-Ut Elliott, c O AI 31 I S H 4 ^ ' ’ KAVLTTLVILLK. n. c. \-.T.t for I-iutcrlvYli & StGiimUriat Lint' wmi attimi! praimal), to aU bu.durs. rntravl-eij !n i,,srare, Oct 1^5^- ' * . teeth. With one jcrl: ho ilrevv it cut of Irs bleeding quartet', and slmkiiig it savagely, devc down to Hie bottom. 'I'iie water wa:; here but t'. along the bottom bv a line cf blood, as vvell ,E:5 by the air bgb bles w'iiieh niss to ll? surfueo as ,he b'rc.athed, ' “(.live me another iroiq Charley, and "'bb j ;iot give him a eha'.iee to ptill it out ne.xt tnne. j The iron was handed np, and. wc s sailed ill tho direction which our prize "a' lowing along tlie bottom. ^ '‘Here's kwo or tiiree of them astern o. GaiJ the lioat-steercr. _ ■ _ Jns'. then two mere rose, cue cn eitne, ' world, lor having anieliorated, in such Etrikinm eontrast witli their brelhcren liere, three and a * 4; * » halfniiiiloH ncgT'-Ci. Yon may imagine that, although never a. democrat, 1 pray for the election of Mr Buch- and mainly because upon this negro ques tion the denipcratic parly is riglitv’ “Mv brndders,'' said a-waggish colored ma;! I to a crowd, “in all uffltclion, in all ob your ' tro',;bles,.dai'is one place yop. can always find s'ympathy." ' “Whar? Whar?" shonted .several. ■ “Indc dictionary,'’ he replied, rolling h s eves 4kvward. side

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