I THE NORTH ntROLINIAN, FAYETTEVIkkii-Jk^ '-Commodore A K-r:,ISDN'S’- i„; the Carolinian. Tin. Orav's Crctk Iinlepeiulant Liglit Infan. v rnaii.aiiv ccloiirated the birth day of Wash- nMu :ii the usual iilace of meeting, near i'. h, on Saturday last. The Cabin on Staten Island—White Slavery. Tragedies are not confined to I5ond street, nor are the yictini.s always the wealthy owners of houses, mortgages and bank stock. Idle i tlie city has been shocked, Staten l-sland ha.s irl was. " '■ • ... ^ terror.s; where a poor orphan girl was, the bady, con,on r n, Ti.cr, was ,p,nte a respectable turn out, and ; the incnicv.ts of the day were enlivene n,. |,o„ic to the A knowed jist whci-e trial at larcct tiling. iN i s.uic _ “ 'j.'.,t|,,,|. p. Heaven, and the poor look fur l’twas gone :.t 1 slu t k . .-ful ^c^^ ^1 I little emaciated body left as full of .sores as that; ,„a \V:b-A The skill d4lay-!'^''I^‘'"“'-''^’ ai,d not half so well fed and cove,-. ~ _ j cil, to apiieal to insl ice against a cruel m.sti cn.'. mcnibeis o t .c loinpany ^ jjut where are the drlinnciations of the Ida. k .•■ai.a would have done j ., ■ , n . f D.cnp i If thi.s had been a little black girl who had d tonimaa. Cl, i : l)ocn thus driven to death by he nii.sfrcs.s, the cxci-cises of the day weie, - Y . T-; a. i horror mongers of the Ijceclier fctowe sci.e. i \l0Irh, i.cnt. I kvouhl have seized upon the altrceities and Independant Light Infan-1 novels, plays and lee- the interest innniVier. As tins was only a white child of Irish parentage, the polit The Baby’s Shirt, or Hary Ann’s Wtdding, as Related by .Ilrs Jones. “We was all preparing,” said Mrs Jones, “to go the wedding. I was going, tlie gals was goin.g to take the baby. Lut con^ to dress the bade, couldn’t find tlie bady’s sjiirt! of the drawerS/a puifose, I’d i>nt it, but come to V 1 ®Swong*s®'nerTord"cr*^^^^ late Engage- ns«"^niP POBTSEOCTU, ■ 1 WHtnpoA, Cblna' Friday, Dec. 12, ’56. J SePoi-tsmouthand Levant dropped down the Harrier on Saturday eyenmgb but about miscellaneous items. “The Lost Son,.—Among the birds of Pe rn is one known as the alma, perdida, or lo.st sofd, for the following girl, while collecting balsam, the Purtsmontli got i alone in the forest, and on her return to r"'“ 1 receded, she | place where she had left it, she could not , ag,onnd.-As ^ .j, careened orei so ba .y ‘ ^ After a i received was the .singularly inounfu! note of two miles above this place i very badly reason; "An Indian left her child the find l,le to stand upright on her decks. li.rhtenin"’ lier.'sho this bird, wbich from that time was dcnomina aiui d safely anebored willi the ted “the lost,soul.” The legend is beautiful, and might have been invented far from the land of the Incas, in the rales of Hellas. Tlie poetical reader will recolleei that a similar idea istleveloped in the clodng part of “The llridc icrd^rvvill" go to: of Abydos,” the mo.st charming of all the le.sscr ( I'i from :ilul ,11,1 material of which it is compo-1 P*'®'' i;.:r to take a permanent jiositon c’d pinlantl,ropes to ” ' ■■ ;■ the niilitary companies of old Cnmber- , :.o ran bea,t of at least live volunteer j Miles, enough to form a volunteer re, and we hope the day is not far the I'evei'.se. i is represented, would not have slaughtered a distant! ebattel worth five hundred dollars. Had till' .. i vietim of harshness and neeleet been her pro- ‘Por mercy’s sake!” .says I, “gals,” says ^ . r, “has any one ye seen that baby’s sliirt?” ! hard k‘y’s work, am a y evening, a ‘■or course none on ’em had scon it; and I ; (loattd at the flood tu e o , , lookcl and looked, and looked and looked ,vas towed down an Whamuon. a'Miin Imt ’twant nowhere to be found. ‘It’, othrr ships of the squa ion . The Com- ,fi i» "11 li 'l'"« Il» ,-1" ,'‘"’1 ,l,Ll I had that shirt ill my hand not iiiore’n ten niodore, in the .Sun Jacin o, niimitcs ago, and now it’s gone, nobody can ; |.ei!iaiu at I\ iiampoa; the "''‘"T ^ ijyron The soul of Selim is repres till where! I never .-ec the beat. ‘Gals,’says | p^n,ton, and the ‘ ^ ’j ented as inhabiting the body of a bird, and I, 'do look iiroiid, can't ye?’ Hut j aSabiA the Monsoon, to h laiig la^ , ^ e^ering wonhlii't find it; so 1 give ii],, and went to the j On Monday bitt, by or >-‘‘1 read ^ “Zuleika’.s name.” The idea, however, is not bureau, and fiiii.iied iqi Iinotlier shirt, and pnt I Jore, the following genera ^ •• I ori'dnal with Byron, being old as the iiiii.s, a little older than the valleys, au.J ihc U. ^uaJurrii^ea’a/icommontomanyeoantries. The Peruvian L Levant: (gend is the best of all lliosc In the midst of peace Jjou have been called upon it.” assault iq.oii the Hag of your will si*c not 111 111*' f'H' tliciu [!ur[>ost‘.s ijut {pii t c i ^ ^it.u t. * .. , i. .... i„,r,/in/l t/v .All's D.-c lvor, even if bad as ,die ‘‘-FartlicrM harnessed up tlic douldc team— wo drove the old wliite marc then—and tlie gals and all was having a good time .going to would have fed iiiul nursed her with consideration, if not tenderness. v,l„ !■ this reeimeiit will be formed. Let ^ .,1,, il.e n,utter in hand and attend, P^‘'-'.va fee simple, • tbf* State has a volunteer e —no louiit.i tl ., f,-, , , How many of these hard masters and nii.s- .. |,.i It lie tlie nnde of C nmberlaiul to ■■ .,-.,.11 lu—let It je i t 1 ^ I tresse.s at ilie Aoath e.xaet troiii their aiipreiiti- _, ; ues an amoniit of lain r they ennnot liear, while ti.ev grinlge them food, elothing and the other i tiooe.^sai'ios ot lilo. We hope, for the honor of hnniaiiily, that it X. I'nr ill" I'ai oliiiiaii. ItK.rT TKX CF.XT IXSOLV’EXCV’’ ANSIVKIIEI). see Mary Ann married: but some how 1 eonliln t eit over lha’. shirt! ’Twan't the shirt so nmcli to liave iinythiiig sqiirited away, right from un der uiy face and eyes so, 'twas provoking. ’ “Vriiiit ye tliinking about, motlier?’' says S,"pliroiiv; ‘‘what iiiiikes ye so sober? says she. that have la Mr Kdifor:—I do not wish to enenmbor ymir I tiiu ti-eatnient which the dead child siilfereii! I'm sarlin,” .says 1. “Aow, ilia,’’says Sophroiiy, says s/ie, '!’!■: 1 ehariuing art is i by t ■■ !'!: tteation—arii wlint I'cr ■"■.!:! not b.i? Xnmerons i !.. - a oriuirose, with its Iiii :! !"okiag llowers, have be. lialit, to ub- co'nnins, and have no ineiiiiatioii to intrude my ■ ^.^5 not so altrocious as it lias been repre.sent- liimible ii.aine and person on the public: but as j ^,1 q'l.g ^ase is, however, a jiroof that a iree , 1 have lier'ii assailed personally, I claim a riglit, chilli in a free state may be starveil, striaed p, .rreal lo be heard in self defence at least. iiintl frozen to death pretty niiieh in the slyli- el to '"ive it time and' H Ib Havis has seen fit to publish a^,|,u ili.smal ernelties related in '‘Liiele 1 cm s ,fleisure and ta.stc ' card wlierein he displays so imieli littleness on ' p'ni.in" and siniilar earie.itiires of .Sontlierii life, viriet’es of the bis own jiart as scarecly to leave mo anything; I’uverty at the North we find makes slaves ■e double cheer- to .=av. Without having ever asked me for the j yj-,v|,jte man and ids eliihlreii, and tlieir 1 I'-owii in the vii.'t sum often cents, in which amount I "'as j oomiition ims none of those guaraiiteers of pro ■d bitter blasts GiidelPeii to him, he straiglit'vay i.ssties a "'ur- (-^.y^joii ,v]iieh the black slaves ■ ■ ■ to “fight the devil “you need’nt sav that, .says slie and as l’d,laid onto her a good many times, she was beginning to git vexed, and so we bad it back aiip forth all about that baby's shirt, till we got fo the wed ding. ; “Seeing eomiiany, kinder ]mt it/ont of my mind, and 1 was gittiiig good ntitur’d agin; though 1 eouldii’t liel|i saying to tuyself every few minutes, ‘What could a become of that the k>.)uth shirt?' till at.last they stood up to-be married, and I forgot ail about it. .Mary Ann was a upon to redress an . _ country. The necessity of such a step is much to be regretted by as all, even though the man lier in which your stem duty has been perform ed is so honorable to yourselves. I should omit an act of jnstiee to you, and those who have bravely fallen in the perfor- vou belong, if 1 hesitated to make this official aekaovvledgemcnt of the faithful and honorable „„-,„„er ill which all have borne their part The embarrassment has been to cheek the earnest zeal with which both officers and men I'm pestered to death thinking about that the service to which their prey. !iro shirt,'' savr; 1. “One of you must a took niaiicc of Ko n. Eloquent P.vss.vge.—The light ot the lamp was dying away in tiic socket; the niidnight clock swung lieavily aloft, and its brazen tones .sounded loudly on the frozen air. It was the hour when disenibodicd sjdrits walk and when murderers, like the .stealthy wolf, prowl for The lonely watcher shuddered as he heard a slight noise at the door. Big drops stood upon his pale brow, the door gently open ed—and in came a strange cat. A man narrow-soaled Pi-euren, will they attend souiewhal within view of •''PI”'*-''’'-'"’* i t ie beam in tlieir own. If Sonlhern soeiiu lile t’,-e--’owin-riti'-H-th- while heaths and or-‘‘'fi'-e cents and fifty iiiilis.” without having ever j j, it ecrtninly has, in no few ange trees add ri.-luiess to the blooms by their "-'-’cd him for it, and then bare-faced enougli 1 „nhat of the North, verdure. The lieile tiow- Ihuis no difiieulty procuring from tlie Ihyisl the brilliant camelia , unworthy even to sliiiio amid her r.iTen braiili; nor tlie [leiulant S”'*'" *'"” iHCeiuos of tlic bcHiitilui ii (. laitica, \\ uOm) r ^.t ’* HM A „-i :t 1 *1 i'lvoriU' rant for me, niul ilesirins: to the ‘'levii Uiir murulista Iuivl* pointAvl out with ,p.. .t.-iiei - iiiiou • \ ^ pu-iilo f*Uilors ' 'vith -his own weapons" 1 pnrsncHl the emirse ■ uPeruseoiiie lu-eurrauy ih- mete in the eye ot real modest ereelcr, and v.as iiioie n aa ni^i wn.tor aov.-erin l a -.s, n..,.^ card. A man narrow-soaled ‘ .tteiid souiewhal to : ened to death, when she came into the rooni Aon UnLO-'A--bominet.s, A w’ithin view of ^cn,nigh to apprehend anotlier for the sum of It,, peuni in tlieir own. IfSonlhern soeia. life ; with Stephen anil ‘“'l' i„to lio.stility, and thus to do the highest ' " - --■• ' ‘■-Tv mills,” without having ever j jj. ecrtninly has, in no few haiuls. she fust give her left ha.id to btcplien. . ) ^ __ ^ asked him for if, and then bart-faced ciiougli ji, to publish his own stinginess to the w-orld, ks A gcntloinan tlionglit he’d like something painted in the hall of a new house, and chose have sought to place themselves in t*‘e "lost. the Red Sea. He daring and hazardous positions, audio kceiR^g^g^j f(,r the job, who went to work thendit any duty, however necessary, j and painted the hall red. “Xice color,” said did not bring them in contact witli the enemy., “but where are the Israelites?” “Oh, Among the satisfactory results of the con-1 » llict in which you have been engaged is the; _ proof it presents of the intelligent subordina-i “Conscience!” sa.u Mrs Hopkins, indignant- tion so generally e.xhibited in this emergency, i ly; “do yon suppose that nobody has got any and also of’thc magnanimity which has cnaided | conscience but yoursell?”-My conscien^ is ■on. under aggravating acts, to respect the good as yours-aye. and better too; for it ha. iM.ts of the people whose authorities had forced Hicver been n.sed in the course of my life, while yours must be nearly worn out ” of the notice which I have d lieate greenish llowers 'bloom of the check; and many S'-ented blossoms iningflcd in her bouquet. It !.s another reniioiaent in iiixnry to cultivate lie'se plants in the parloi' or dining room. Time was, long ago, when it was uilileult to find anv fioral decorations fur windows or tn- 1-les, in winter. The seed vessels of the peony, or the lugill.t, or the scarlet berms ol the as paragus, the hollv, or the inonniain ash, i\e;-v.’ alone avoiiable. Even within car reeolleetion, braiiehes of the deiicnte foliage of the aspara- As to “insolveney,’’ Mr H lars where I ibi not owe one — owes ten dol- cent, and could eiihaiit'C tlie tender e t!io sweet-ti’c veil of futurity be lifted, hi.s own creditors niieht .see doeumeiits very similar to the one received by himself. I will not trouble you nor honor -Mr R. H. Pavis by any further notice of “so very small a potatoe.” Rcs])eotrnIiy, J. W. LARKIN'. A Bimiiwav .llai-riairc in Higii life. The liiuiii-; WoiiTii ^250,000.— A nnu-riage took place in Grace Ciinreh, on Monday last, ,savs a New York exchange, that has exoited no little interest in fashionable cirelef and caused quite a fluttering among certain weal liy families. It seciii.s the bride is an heires.s, anti worth in her own right §250,000. She was the inmate of one ofnur most exekisive female seiiiinaries, and is but 14 years and eight months ‘Your other hnntl,’ savs the minister, says he | I’onor to the flag you represent. _ and pour Steevo, he was .so bashful, too, he Your best rewards ,H. he - having well done your duty; but I should be didn't know what he was about; he thought ’twas hi.s mistake, and that the minisjer meant him, so he give .Mary- Ann his left hind Ihat weuldn’t do, any way, a.left handei marriage all round; but by this’ time they Jidii’t know wliat they wa.s about; and Mary Ann jined her right hand with his left, then the left with his right, then both their left hands agin, till ^ was all of a fidget, and thought they never | ■oiild get fixed. Alary Ann looked red as a i wanting in mine unless, in this pii'obc manner, I conveyed to you my eaenest thanks, with tlie hope that you will receive, as you have merited, the high honor of your country’s approbation Given under my hand, on board of the Unit ed States flag-ship San Jacinto, at liampoa, I i China, on this 6th day of December, 3 556, JAMES ARMSTRONG. Cominander-in-Chief of the U. S. Naval iMPOnr.vN'CE OF Runctuatiox.—In a list of the receipts of the American Tract Society, we find §11 credited to “Rig Flat Emily Smith. The printer who “set” tliat ought to be “locked up” and fed on “pi” till lie learns the use of ccmnias. A schoolboy being asked by the teacher how he should flog him, replied, "If yon please, sir, I should like to have it on the Italian system—the heavy strokes up wards, and the down strokes light.” Tiic Fafination of trimr. AYe no not know that our cajition fully or projierly pxpres.ses oar idea, which is, the .stnine-e faciiiation tliat gatlicrs nroniid tlie de- a.-i Iiave been sprinkled with beaten wliite .i,,,; (],, ."supposed partieipants in any egg, to-i”'”"cfl’ects ol blossoms at ii di.stauee. N'o'W we have rer.! living and fre.sh fiowei-5 wiieiiever we ehoo.se. The s'pleiidid C’iiiiiese ery-aiithemnm led the way in the gor geous iiiareii of the flower sjiint.s into our; home.s, to shed tlieir smiles and fragraiiee upon , us, when “the melaiu-Iioly days are coma, the ; saddest of the year.” We welcome the old. Her wealth and the high position of her j t,„.]iey ;’aiui to iiwke matters worse, she began j Forces in tlie East India and China Seas, lamily were of course known to her a.s-soeaites, j p q|]- j suppose, and called’ her aeqnaiiitaiiee was coiiseiiueiitly cO'Jt'K'd. j j-gj. .jf The ninister had jist Among the gentlemen she was-iiitrodiieed to tmidler stood right I U-IIS s K—, a well known habitue ! j ,, „„,.ous, and in such a hnr-^o a greater or ess extent dt Fifth Avenue saloons, but who had reached j ^-ith. I kotehed up tp, , each, and every one of s. ‘ the Iiialni-e age of tlfirty-one years. The iie-: mu with it to l.er; for I tliouglU i ' ‘Ilelloa! I say, what did you say your medi- fiS^Bnglish is the language of grumbling, cine would cure?” ‘Oh! it’ll cure everyll.ing- .sement in which we all heal any thing! ‘Ah! well. I’ll take a bottle; AVc,! may be it’ll heel my boots—they need it badly act of peculiar atrocity, especially if seasoned ; ijiiniiitiiuee ripened into intiiiiaey, and eveiitu-: i,., o-oing 10 faint. She with a sliglic spice of mystery, and perpetrated within, or close upon the confines of “good so ciety.” Bill Sikes mieht murder Nancy without ma- nv people, save the jiolice, troubling themselves I witli the inattnr, and many a seamstress besid- ; 03 Tom Hoood’s may sing the Song of the Kivaticc of tuts I v;pirt on her wav ton premature grave, and fertilizing taste. he pre.seiiee of-pots and bulb | „,|Pg{,qiii jrj put ivlien a glasses in halls and drawingrooms, is no annoy-1 Rm'del! of New aiice to us; and wc- hope ;t may be lullowcd liy ^ York is found murdered id a semi-fashionatile the iatrodneion of tanks, stocked wiili rirnrui i pp,f|,.,p„„. i,ouse in Bond street wliose cliaractcr till the fnrorc of Briti.sli ladies on the subject i „,hose ally the parties bee.iiiie engaged to be marrisil; |(p.,.p,o|; to drink—I don’t liiow how it happeit- but as the parents iiiiglit iiiter\iose an olijeel.oii j i.yj, ).],p tumbler slipped, and gracious me! it wus arranged that it should take I'h’ce | ;(■ i.ptween us butli we di:!n't spill the water all uiikiiowii to them or any of tiie young lady'. her collar and siewe. I was dredful friends. It was agreed that the happy event | (p,stored, for it lookel as though ’twas my slioiild eoiiie ofl'Iast Saturday (St. A'aleiitiiiL's f,,,|;t. am] the fust tlifig I did was to out witli day,) and the eliureh was opened, the minister ],aiidkerehief, an j give it to Alary Ann. ready, and few siieetators had also assembled : jt ^vas iiieeiv doiK^nji: she took it and shook to witue.s.s the marriage eeremoiiey which was i jj mp. The folks iijd held iii jiiitty well up to aiiiiouiieed fur 11 A. Al. But noon came and ! that time but then I'lieli a giggle and laugh went, and no.bride made her apiiearaiiee, and there was. I didn’t know what hud give the eliureh wa.s closed. It seems tliat the . y.h, ,i;ueh a start, t^l jJ^Boked and see I'd give principal of the .seminary in whieli the ^lury Ann that hiky's sh'irtP f molbasks and aiiemoiics siia!l_ become an ejii-j mP.iious with Buudell were more than etpiivo- imiy was a |uqiil, got wind that something 1111. | JoniA, who is a very fleshy woman usual was on the Uvpii, and she locked 3*'e 1 [[[.g mighty jelly with would lie bride ill lier room, and so I'l'eveiiteii; „.jjg time before she deniie thro’.ighoiit the length and breadth of; (.^1, then the whole newspaper and ncw.spapcr ti-.is Kepiil'lie. Oar nictropolitir.i lames espe-1 as it were, and the eraliy, need somctliing to tiiiiik of and to do, | .Mystery” is di3cus;.sed alike in wi.ieh may diV'crt their attention frem dress and , g,,,] londoir from one extreme of the liissipatioii, in some small measure, and at *”'’*-'f. to tha other, while the names of Air's Can- Inf-ervals. Iliisband.s will find their account >” j |,;iu,.ha„t and her supposed ]iaramoiirs and par- the fulfillment of her eiigageiiieiit. But '‘l"ve . |„.oppppi hpr narrative, laughs at locksmiths, and by some means Mr I ‘.\v|,y,” she fiiid, with tears of laughter vun- K was notified of the situ-ation ofalfaii-.s, j ..jng Jown her.elieeks, “Fd tucked it into my ... , ... and arranged matters ill such a manner tliiU | ^ i,,,jj[jp|.p|,ipf. That came ol being cultivating the acqnaiiitauee both ol tue pia..ts j (ipipauts in murder, Eckel and SriodgTnss, are p,p.,j,.„] .,„,.veillaiieo, and : „,i„ac4, and in a fidgil.” the couple were duly mar, led in one of our j “And .Maf\- Ann and Stephen—were they and uiiimals, and providing tiiem with aecoiii- modiition.—A’cic I'or.c iVpres.s. RzcF.iPTS OP Cotton.—The comparative ta ble of r-ecc-ipts and shijimeiits at all the ports, t.'f.ljlislied in the Chailtslon Courier ot loth Itrit., gives the iiie'reaseJ receipts of cotton, compared with la.st year at same time, 9, 0i4 bales. The decreased shipments to Great Bri- ta'ii, 250.000; to France, 42,000; and to for eign port.s, 77,000 bale.s. The mereased shi]i- laeiits to N'ortiicrii ports and 111,;)00 bales, and the increased stocks on hand and on ship board, 22.5,076 bak's. familiar as household words, from Maine to Texas, The writer who would attempt an analysis of tliis matter, must po.ssess an acquaintance with mental anatomy far cxceediiyg anything to which we can lay claim. It seems to be com posed in nearly equal parts of tlie spirit which leads to tlie persual ot the New.gate calendar, and tliat whicli induces our reputilicaiis to take such interest in tlie novel tliat details the loves and the .scandals, tlie fortanes and the misfor tunes of the aristocratic Lady Betty and Lord Adolphus Fitz Frizzle. Something of tlie cu riosity that tempted Eve, combined with tlie trneiileiico that eatisod Cain to shed the first blood. AVhat are these rather iiiqiroper and not very interesting people to us or we to them that, the pajiers most fashionable iqi-towii churches on t’se 15th !,carried aftii all?” last. The bride and bridegroom immediately started for AVashingtou and intended to siieiid the honeymoon on a Southern tour. This [ileasaiit little affair 'nas created quite an e.x- eitenieiit among tlie young ladies in apper-ten- Join, a id is to them far more interesting than tlie Bond street lra.gedy. The man who is too poor to take a paper lias bought a shili-.sid:.d dog, an old shot gun, and a twenty shilling gold watch. He educates his children i'.i the .street, and hi.s siiaiigha’.s board on his nci.glibor.s, tails coiiecriiiitg them, to an extent hardly AAYdows.—“If ynn ever think of marrying a eipialled liy the news of the Prcsideiitiai clee- widow, my sun,'’ s.iid an anxious imrent to hi.s | tioii? Perhaps the affair reveals a fhase of lieir, “seic-et one wliose-first hn.sband was hnng i Yew York life, and people have an interest in —that is the only way to prevent her throwing i it,. Perhaps, and this .seems t!ie true reason, his memory i,i your face, and making annoying ! t,i,e parties are tlie true sinners, and have dwelt eotapari.son.s.” “Even t'm.t won’t [ircvcnt it, | .j,, tpg (.onfiaes of “respectability.” Had they exclaimed the ernsty old baelielur, “.she’ll then i i-callv .good people, they •■vould have lived prai.se him and s iy hanging woidd ho too good j njjknowiug and unkiiown, as thousands and for vou.” AneefloSe cF .3Ir .tlarf}. The AVasliingtoii eorrespoiideiit of the Bos toil Post is responsible for the following: I do not think I sliall violote any contidenee ! the story.” in giving an anecdote of Air Alarcy, current in ; “and it I ever “Dear inf, yes!” said Airs Jones, turned outto be the gayest weddin ’tended.” “And tie baby’s sliirt, Airs Jones?” “Law .tlie,” said Airs Joiic.s, “how yonng folks do tsk questions. Everybody agreed I ought to make Mary Ann a present on’t—” “\Ak-l, Airs Jones?” “AVeJl,” said Airs Jones, ‘twant long ’fore she found a use for it. And that’s the end of society, though I believe it has never been in print. It is known that diirin.g tlie ciilistnient .^lonld be filled with their controversy, and consequent diffieufty with the narne.s, and the electric wires vibrate with de-j Kng''sli MUiisfcr, Mr Crampton, the French A iSn-.'.it!’ Yoi’xus -'A little be.v on :niliions do; and they might have perished in a railroad collision, their names forgotten the relm-n k.om Sunday School recently, addressed next day. Had they been in a more humble his i.TOtlter as follows; “Alamma!’’ “v\etl, my dear.” Alamma, the teacher says people are all rnade of dnst.” “i'es, my dear, so the Bible says.” “Well, mamma, are wli-ite peoide made of du.st?’’ “Yes.” “Well, theu, I s’jio.se colored peojde are made of mid dud ainl theyV' An eminent modern writer bea.ntifuliy says: “The found-jiion of domestic happiues.. is faith ill the virtue of woman. The foundation of political liappinoss, a confidence fii the integ rity of man. The foniulation of all happiues— teuqKiral and eternal—reliance on the goodness of Grid'’ - liositioii, even their crimes or supposed crimes would have won fur them no corresponding no toriety, for we will venture to say that Teague AleSialhers may any day knock in the crown of Ids long suffering wife Bridget’s head with an iron pot, and get his own neck streehed therefor, without tlie world troubling itself, al though, in fact, poor Bridget may have possess ed more of the trne virtues of humanity, and be more sincerely mourned by her little ones than all the Burdells and* Cnuninghams and Eekles, el id genus omne, in New York or ont of it, ever will be by any linraan being.— Wilming, ton Journal. Alinister AI. de Sartiges, exerted all his infin ence with Air .Vlarcy for the reiitention of Mr Crampton. On one ceeasion AI. de Sartiges was arguing hel'ore. the Secretary against the dismissal of Crampton, presenting the disad vantages of such an act in the stronge.st colors, represeating the desire of his government to prevent a rupture, Ae., in quite a lengthy ora tion; during the delivery of wliieh Air Alarey .sat perfectly silent, dangling his watch-seals as if ill profound reflection uiion the French ministers eloquence. At lengtli -when Sartige.s had quite exhausted his discourse and paused for a reply, the Secretary raised his shaggy eyebrows a little and quietly inquired, “M. Sartiges how is Madame tins morning?” The \ Wrinkle fob Young L.idies.—AVe know a buailing house keeper who saves twenty per cent, of her income, by telling the ladies at the breakfast table of an auction sale in the house of a bankrupt niercliant up town. They can never eat a moutlifnl thereafter. Beginners in the art of boarding house keeping will find it to their advantage to follow copy. Horrible Ckueltv.—ADlaiio, who attempted to kill the anointed King of Naples, suffered .saeh horrid punishment in this world that be a’eserves at least as pleasant a hereafter as his royal tormentor: “He was stripped, bound hand and foot, and hung to a beam with his head downward; he was tormented in this position for two hours, burnin wisps of straw being held under his head. He was also bonnd and hung up by the ears, causing him the most agonizing pains in ner of persons and tilings to return tlie comjdi- ment b}' finding fault with us, which they are pretty certain to do. The best grumbled at functionary in or out of the government is tiic Postmaster General, and if there be one office more tlianklcss than all otlicrs on earth it is that of the head of tlie Post Office Department “General satisfac tion” cannot be.given, the thing is impossible, so long as floods and frosts and snows and rail- rood accidents prevail, and the Department owns not a mile of Railroad, Canal, Steamboat Navigation, or Stage travel. Say that the mails fail between AA'ashiiigton City and Rieli- moiid, Petersburg or AVilmington, and forth with a disniai, universal liowl is set up against Air Campbell, and a paper in Petersburg thanks God in each nior-uing’s issue that that function ary will give place to another after the fourth of next month. If these good people who are so prone to abjnrgat'ion would only reflect that the United States mail is a ponderous matter and cannot be transmitted by telegraph, but is compelled to “wait for the wagon,” they might be led to the obvious conclusion that when the wagon does not get through the mails cannot The Department iias nothing-to do with the management of Railroads, is not responsible for the defects ol their machinery or the'ir failures to connect, and ought not tube charged with them. Still less is the department responsible for the state of the thermometer. The postmaster General in England and France is placed in a much more favorable pos. ition. In each English cliartcr or French “concession,” there is an e.xprcss proviso under wliicli the Company must carry the mails at a moderate stipulated rate. These roads are all set on foot under the authority of the General Government—ours are not so, and are totally beyond its control. AA^ith thousands and tens of thousands of miles of mail service extending over thirty-one States, with hundreds and thousands of lines operated by private contractors over whom the Department has no control beyond the feeble ‘1 say, John, where did you get that loafer's hat?’ ‘Plca.se ycr Honor,’ said Johj’ ® one of your’s that Alissis gave ^ wlieii vou were to to town.” ‘Alothcr,’ said a little square built about live years old, ‘why doii’l the taaeluA make me monitor sometimes? I can lick every boy in my class, but ouc!’ Tlie learned man who lately cut a slice off his thumb to see what his veins were like, is as sisted by a chap wlio contends that madness is a luiueral. Awful Thoughts.—“This had from the very beginning of their acquaintance in her tliat awe which is the most delicious feeling a wife lean have toward a husband” “Awe!” said I on hearing the above remark-“awe of a man who.se whiskers you have trimmed, who.se hair yon have cut, whose cravat you have put into the wash, whose boots and shoes you have kick ed into the closet, wliose dressing gown you liave worn while combing your hair; who has been down into the kitchen with you at eleven o’clock at night to hunt for a kitchen bone; who has hooked your dress, unlaced your boots fastened your bracelets, and tied on your bon nets; who has stood before your looking glfiss, with thumb and finger on his proboscis scraping his chin; whom yon have buttered and sugared, and toasted, and teacd; whom you have seen asleep with his mouth wide open! Rediculous!’ 8®”A man named Tracy whom the Syra cuse papers call the Plagupinkst, gives some curious exhibitions of his powers of endurance while sticking knives and pins in his flesh. He inserts the long narrow blade of a knife into the fleshy (laHs of Ills legs and arms also through his clieeks. He will drive pins into his limbs to their very heads, at a .single blow, without wincing. AVe arp told that he also practices the same feats upon otliers when he eau fiud willing sub jects, which is not often.—little or no blood guarantee which its contract gives it, what folly 1 fgHows the knife, and a slight scar is the only is it to raise a fuss over every temporary failure of the mails, when the editors making this fuss are in many cases aware that the cars carrying the mail, failed to connect, and that therefore the receipt of mails np to date is a physical im possibility.—; Wiimiuglon Journal, story goes no further in that direction, exccjit 1 the head and ears, and the ground beneath him as deponent believes tliat, AI: de Sartiges totfk; was covered with burning coal, so that with his his hat and never approaclied the subject again, I bare feet he conld not stand. He was also while as the world knows. Air Crampton was tortured with alternate applications of cold and disinis led. Lord Palmerston fumed and fretted, i boiling water, and his shoulder bones were and finally has appointed Lord Napier to come ; pulled ont of joint with ropes tied to his arms, over here in Craiuptoii’s place.' Lastly, he wa.s scourged; and those who saw his naked body declare that the skin was black, ened with green and yellow marks upon it; hideous to behold.” j@“The shoe business must be very good for not a pair are made and got ready for the market before they arc soled. Oh, Pshaw.—A good joke is told of a young couple riding home aftifr their marriage. Th^, day had been cloudy, and the young man seeing the clouds break away said—‘I hope we shall soon have a little sun.” The yonng wife repli ed very honestly, “As for me, I should rather have a little daushler. trace left of the weapon. r"Crow, I want to as you a connundcr- dum.” “Can you tell me why de art of self defence am like a river at low tide.” “No, Julius, I doesn’t see no similarity in do two subjects, so darfor I guves um up.” “Well, den. I’ll tell yon—it is simply bekasc it developes the muscles! You is the most ignumous Digger I nebber seed.” “Y'ah! yah! I knowed all de time what dat was. only I didnt want to say nuffin. Jist ak me agin, and see if I can’t told you.” Somebody sent a keg of oysters to the editor of the New Bedford Standard, with these touching lines on its head: “Remember the printer ‘ . This hard winter. A pretty pair of eyes are the best mirrors to shave by. “Yes,” replied a batchelor on read ing the above “many a man has been shaved by them.” F.WE'l] Sattii'riay, T’T- r. 1:. .Mi-c agulU Jor tli‘ ! ‘ IM lUi Tht Tra Nniiibi-rloss ei sciciitilic men as the siibniariiie cal on till tflcgraiihil maiiiK-r a to pro ml3.-'!on "f tlic elq lor.s. The ililiieii laying down tlicj genion.-s men to \l more efficient anj miinicatioii tliaii ol Lniii. Alanryi tiuiis in.uie, iiio.sd loo .-ipccuiative ll is otic by Prof, the Teicgnipii cll mnnication aildi'J can, the sliortcnj “By coiMtriii't to be located suitable ili:lance vessels traveiiiigl crpool- Tlie.se .‘q a in-enliar ami hiLy Ii ,‘-tury abo^ emergciii'y o cure 1 it ;i'- bot| :an-!i as sas),:- ting in every din clei!'-. oink in a I Prof. Hall prj Stafioi.-- shall ll ir.s, slljililicd . ..ges. and acl iiiiglil also ansi) marks for llic AVbctlicr lli^ jirovc a belter gciice of the wil the placid siirfJ merely conjeelij fic stoniis to wl Iv siiuject niima any one of tlieil and lofs of thej with a necessiil W-.nlld be eMji'.'lj reliiil'dine or rq tiinis, Lidil. Telegraphic p’ iilol'ioii -i-ldcli errs, an,; j,, ' as to .ut wliea it I i this telegriql Ciga soil, tile don, the iim-s should wc bcca tics with G rcii| being .seriously alnio.-f instant lioi'taut intcllia tlie home govcl anlieijiatc, siicl at all iinpossibl position and al nieiit towards] ca, it is- far governments upon questioni and policy, and powerful 1 not be iiermiti of national lie it strikes as tl ment tliat ond and caiitiou.slj tliou.saml caiiil dc.strnctive as| the lightniii;; coatinent to i iiing and cou stake. The snbjcc importaneg, to it again »| jgy-AVe columns cvei nature whiclj Ailinian. We inconI sort to bave| both sides 1 not permit parlies agaid grecabic to productive rioiis to all j umns arc cl(j ter. Owing to borrowed interesting I return it, w| readers this not be lesi #6rln ai Saturday ui| Holds and ! and mutilad liands of th^ vere and gh he is tcrribll

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