: iftoMDS „.J1« Gentrri AsseftWy of lilt: 1 P«. 25, IS*- »oUioriz- le to is™cl>«rBoRgs,to Boegrogate.forthetnr i to tk« Western^ Kail liT the Coinmissioners of Inrer of the Town receive n-at of SoTember ne:^ w me of $-500 each of said Bonds to run twenty ■.—interest payable seroi- [sbaU be under the seal of “bn Ih? ftiith of the same. DEN, ttt’an Treasurer, tf Devoted to J\ews, Political aod Business matter, Agriculture, and Family Heading IF.SCS£R ItlUK f PAYETTKVU*!^* •rillr on Monday and Tlyirf- nnn-rvr. Lj and Friday FajeUeriUe on Taoway t after »an-ri?o. . _ soU S»Wrl«J aionilDf». portislltcn. ran' reg">“'j’ L >11 st.cfe ‘I the fdelireriliE SM"**, >re too wcU Lr iSanke for tbo oorJ 1^»? Imtid on »5pure >11 fbippoo tb> ,- t-ind fool ooofdon. tb.t onr t»nt for Lnttetloh fc Ct ue ■ 11-tf PUBLICATIOX OFFICE,] IJfDEPEXDEXCE IS THE SOUL OF DE.UOCilACY ruONALIlSON STKERT. inpbell, SIOS SIERCHASTi ICillcspie street, N. C. ^RD. A respectfnlly inform his old Lt he can be found at the he will be glad to me }. R. McDonald. hOncSt mn!! m each section t orders bv sample for *c- PATUIC'REMEDIES. To hlT salary and fair commis- M (with stamp to prepay . J. S. Me/.LLISTER, Jersey City, N. J. Agents wantiedi men, in every town and coun- Ito engage in a ghbteel busi ■ #?ike one tboa^ip^sliO l^or parricular? address F * 5^ A. DEM'EY & CO., Box 151. Philadelphia. Pa. vrt?£>. ■■ -men. boys and girls. Uv calling “PO" J. 11. K0BEKT&. The t)ats,just receiv W. II. CAST ER- etl r, just received and \V. 11. CARVER. lies, iust received and TV: H. C.VRVER. lets iust received and ■ W. II. C.VRVEK: bush, for s.ile by CAR-VEK. |!Nt.\ClAERRl5^ 1 store, and for sale W. II. C ^ER. lecse, just received anc ' IV. u. CAKnir,. b7-3t ' -E.UP0Blt3I. L opened an .luction Sales Room Lt West of the Cape Fear Bank, ill be glad to leceive consign , l. or Merchandize. . ttiOn paid to sales Of STOCKS, |L E.'T .v.TK. , C. E. LEETF.. AnctiBneer 3T.4t Lows:: flows PW5. f-riow?, lea^tingB to matet. SE5- Planters’ Steel and half Fsale by C. E. LEBTE. 37-3t Potatoes!! JT 4TOE.S. jnst received B C. E.LEETE. 37-2t riNKUsUiP- Wing associated with F. will continue the l)KV GOODS ■ Stind- .iaoder the name and style pOrow. AIaEX R. JOHNSON, Jr. PETER CROW. '-It Iand settle. ided to -Mex'r Johnson, Jr., either t will please call and make imme- interest will be charged on all ac- Llso, those that are .still in arrears bn i Co., will find it to their advan- klle up by the 15th of .March.—after rflnd IHeir clairn-s in the hands of an .ILEX. JOHN.SON, Jr. 33-t'. AOTICE. Lge in business, it Is necessary that Inis should be closed up All those [their bills made out and ready for 1 bv aftenaing to, they will much P. CROW.. kt Aley’r Johnson & Crow s. - 38-41 1 WM. f. WMIHTMAN, Editor. [ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SATUKDAI, MARCH 7. 1857. VOLUME XIX—NO. 910. TERMS OB' SUBSCRIPTION TO THE CalROI^INIAN. Fw» single copy, if paid in advance, per annum, $2 00 “ ** “ at the end of 3 months, 2 50 ** « . « the end of 6 months, 3 00 ■** ** at the end of the year, 3 50 No subscription will be received for a Sorter period than one year unless paid in advance. With the view of-extending the circnlation and en hancing the usefulness of the paper, the proprietor of fers the following remarkably low >CLCrB JLfTJBS, LVrARI.IBLr LV^iDr.I.YCE: & copies^the Carolinian, 1 year, $8 00 lO ** 15 00 Uat«« •f Adfertisiiig: Sixty cenU per squ;xre of 16 lines, or less, for the first and 30 cents for each subsequent insertion, unless the advertisement U published for mor^, than two months, when it will be charged For three months, ----- $4 00 For six months, - -- * - 6 00 For twelve months, - - i - - 10 00 All advertisements must have the desired number of in sertions marked on them, ortherwise they will be in serted till forbid and charged accordingly. Special attention is directed to this requisition. WM. F. WIGHTMAN k CO. the; Fr0.4.TlNG SAL1.S OR KNUCKLES W.ASHING MACHINE. The 8ub8cril>er having purchased the Right of the above Machine for the Counties of Cumberland and Harnett, is now ready to furnish such as may be desirous of obtaining a Right. The machiue is simple, both in its structure and operations, and should any portvon of it fail, can be easily and speedily repaired by any per^jon having the use of tools. I do not claim for this machine more than what it is able to perform w’ith that description of labor which almost every family is able to supply, without at all interfering with tbe ordinary duties. In the first place a child 12 or 15 years of age can perform all the labor, after having seen it operiite a few times, and if the direc tions arc adhered to, will do as much work in one day as three or four women in the ordinary way, and the work will be much better done. Below will be found a ccrriticate from thase wlio have purchased and now have tu use one of these machines ISIIAM BLAKE, April 12, 1856. 93-lf Fatettevillk, N. C.. April 9, 1S5C. We, the undersigned, having purchased of Mr Isham Blake one of tbe above machines, cordially recommend it to the favor of the Public, It washes very rapidly, and the work is much better done than is usually done in the old wav, anti with less wear to-thc Clothini Maryland Lotteries. CORBIN & CO AGENTS. A FORTUNE FOR THE TRIAL. “ There is a tide in the affairs of man, Which., if taken at the flood, leads to fortune.” ONE TRIAL MAY MAKE VCU KICil FOR LIFE. Splendid Schemes Drawing Daily. SEND YOUR ORDERS TO COKBIN & CO. The Old Established Authorised Agents who have SOLD MOKE PRIZES Than anv other oifice in the State of Marvland, ALL PRIZES GUARANTEED BY THE* STATE SINGLE TICKETS: Wholes &1 Halves 50 cts. Quarters 25 ct.s. CERTIFICATES OF PACKAGES. 26 Whole Tickets $16.00 26 Half Tickets M.ot) 26 Quarter Tickets 4.00 NOTHING VENTCRB. NOTHING GAIN. Ticket.^ Bought by tiie I’ackagc are iilway.s the Prolitable to the Purchasers. TRY PACKAGE. For $25 we send package Whole. Halves & Quarters. - ... , .it" For $10 we send package Halves ifc two Whole tickets It far exceeds oar expectations, and lia.s only to be we send package Quart s & one Whole Ticket. Look at the following liEa>A& CI.KMENT G. 'WRIGHT. Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C- Office at the cewner of Bow and Green streets. Feb’y 3, 1856. J. A. SPEAUS. ATTORNET AT LAW, ATTENDS the CoarU of Cumberland, Ilarnetti Wake and Johnston, Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C. Feb. 16, 1856. 8.5-y BARTH'IV FULLER, Attorney at Law, FAlfETTEVIl.1. E, N, C., 3t»J be consulted at the Law Office of Jesc G . Shep herd. Etq., on Green Street. Julv 19, 1856. 7-tf seen in operation to satisfy the most skeptical of its utility and. economy. We have no doubt of its being generally used wlierevor introduced. D. G. McRae, Jxo. D. Williams, W. J. Anderson, John D. St.\rr, Wm. McLauri-n, Joseph X. Worth, A. P. IIcp.T, A. J. O’HanloNj Jas. G. Smith, David M’'EMrsB. We in company with several other gentlemen, saw a four dollar bill which was very dirty and mUCh defaced, put in and wa.’^hcd out by this machine, re moving all the dirty appearance of the bill, and leav ing it perfectly legible, ' ' ‘^hows there is little or no rubbing produced in — -••.il-.Je.s. FraS Jpr Roberts, Jas. G. Smith. ANDREW J. STEDMAX, Attorney at IaAav. Having removed to PITTSBOAO. N. C.. will att-end regularly the Courts of ChatiiamJMoore aud Haruett Couutica. April 14, 1856. tf DR. K. A. BLACK. OFFICE Front ROom.^, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale's Chemist aud Drug ::>ture. Feb'y 7. 1856. 84-tf FOR SALE. SU Acres of Land. lying on Cape Fear River—Store. Dwelling, Out lia ises all in first rate order. The .Store is at a fine business sta id at tli* Cro^s Road.s aud the and is uofc to Ini excelled by any in North Carolina. Any p5rao.n ile.dringto purchase can obtain further particulars rip*ctiiig the property by calling cn either of us it Willis* Creek o.i the Wiluilngton Road 15 miles fr> n Fayetteville. S.VRAII WRtGIIT. Oct. 4. 18-tf JAMES WRIGHT. HOUSTON IVOULD return his thanks to the public for the liberal patron- age he has received, aud hopes, by punctuality in business, for a continuation of Ihe same. He has coraracneetl busiu* ss on hi.s own responsibility, on the South side of i*er.son street, two doors b»‘low the Cape Fear Bank and three doors above his old stand where he would be gUvlto sec all his old friends. lie expects to keep on hanu a gooti as.sortment of Saddles, Bridles, IVhiiw, and every thing in his line of business. N. B. He will attend to repairing of .Saddles, Har ness. Ac., and his charges shall be mmlerate. Septeml>er 13. 1856. 15‘6ni FALL TRADE, 1856. B. F. PEARCE IS NOW OPENING, a large and desirable Stock of FALL AXD WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of Bl.ack and Colored Silks, English and French Morino.s. Plain and Fig*d D^fianes, some beautifal patterns, Black and Fancy Alpacas, Edgings and Insertings, Collars and Undersleeves, Cactus and Whalebone Skirts, .laconet, Nainsook, Swiss and Plaid Muslins, Frencli, English and American Prints, Cloths and Cassimeres, Satinetts, Jeaus and Tweeds, Plaids, Linseys and Kerseys. Carolina and .Marlboro’ Stripes. Bleached and Brown Shirtings and Sheeting.s, White and Colored Flannels, Drillings and Tickings, Iri.sh Linens, good assortment. Linen Tabic Cloth.s. Toweling.s and Napkins, Shawls. Cloak.s and MantilUvs, Extra quality of Red Blankets. Riblmns, Belts. GIovc.«. Hosierv, d'c. —ALSO— Ilftts. Cxxos, Bonnets, Boots. Shoes and Unibrella.s; general assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. and every variety in the YANKEE NOTION LINE, which will be sold at a small advance for CASH, or on time to punctual cu.stomer.s, cither at Wholesale or Retail. All are rcspoctfnlly invited to give me a call before nurcha.siug elsewhere. B. F. PEAUCE. Hay St., Fayetteville, Sept. 1, 1856. 14-tf SPLENDID SUnEME.5. One of which are drawn at 12 o’clock each day of the week. BRILLIANT. 47,267 Doll* IS. MARYLAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY Class 310. CORBIN & CO., AGENTS. SCHEME, 1 prize of 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 160 do 64 do 64 do 64 do 4.H2S do 22,176 do 24,t)Bl prizes ttiuounf liig (8 CAi’ITAL I’RIZE. 5,000 Doll.i IS. FATAPSCO INSTITUTE LOTTERY. Cl-vss 102. 1 C3RB1N A CO., AGENTS. Sfe'ilK.MH. prize of S5,0t)i) 10 do 1 do Ml 8 do Oi' 200 do 26 65 do h- iio do ,s 126 do -i 3,906 do 1 23.436 do 1 27.814 prizes amounting to StT.vj-. For Sale. ; recently dttnpied by 38-4t P. CROW. FROSPECTUS OK THE SOUTHEUV IxITEUAUY aMESSEXGER For the Vear 1856. July to December. TWENTY-THIRD VOUVME. In i.«.suing the Prospectus of t!ie Twenty-Third Vol ume ofthe SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER.' commencing with the July No., the Proprietors rely sold}' on the encouraging letter.® and promises of the friend.® of the Messenger to aid them in extending its ciretdation. and they l>eg to a.ssnre the public that no exertions will be remitted on their part to Jiiaintain the high cliaracter of the work, and to challenge the patronage of all who valnc sterling literary merit. For Twenty-One Years, the Messenger has endeavored to reflect faithfully tlie Sofithern mind, while disdainin all narrow and sectional views, andhas been alone among the monthly periodicals of America, in defence of the PECULIAR INSTITUTIONS OF THE SOUTHERN STATES. To this office it will be devoted, and will be prompt to repel assaults upon the South, whether they come under the specious garb of fiction, or in the direct form of anti-slavery pamphlets. At this critical juncture, , A 1 /-xr* wrx/Yrx-x f whilc our encuiies are employing literature as their large and well aelectod SIOUK Or GOODi. Lni-| attack, the Southern people I I surely not withhold their encouragement from a work whose aim it shall be to strike blows in their de fence. The Messenger will, as heretofore, present its readers icifh Rrricics, Historical and Biographical SkeUhts, Nornls, Tales, Travels, Essays, Poems, Critiques, and Papers on the Army, Navy and other National Subjects. With a view to emsure a larger circulation of the MESSENGER, the Proprietors tbough they intend greatly inrrea-iing the size of the work, have reduced the price of Sapscription, wliich is now only Tbrcc Dollars per. aDDora, in IdTaoce, OR FOUR DOLLARS IF NOT PAID BEFORE TIIE FIU.ST OF JULY IN ANY YEAR. CLUBS—Remitting ns Fiflecn Dollars in one letter, will be entitled to Six Copies. The Editorial and Critical department of the Mes- I return my sincere thanks to ray friends, custom- continue under the charge ot ers and the public generally, far the lil^eral patronage i JOHN R. Trt03lPSON, heretofore c.xtended to me. Ah 1 have ample encour-1 And will embrace copions notes on current literature agement from my friend.s, should I remain, and to and reviews of all new American or Foi*eign works of give everylmd'y the opportunity of trading with | general interest and value. The Editor’s opinions will THOMAS. I have concluded to continue business in \ be always fearles.®ly and honestly avowed, this City,, and solicit the continuation of the patron-1 The l(a.sinc«.s Department is conducted by the under age of my friends, customers and the public generally i .signed, to whom all communication.^ ot a business iia- to the concern of Thomas and Bro. NOTICE. ':!OPAUTNERSHlP NOTICE. The undersigned h ive this day a-.sociat€d themsel ves together under the name and style of S. M. THOMAS a BRO., For the purpose of carrying on the Mercantile Busi ness at the Store occupied by S. .M. Thomas, (Market .Square) where we will keep constantly on hand a large '* *—* •.jevririr mr t.«._ bracing, Staple Dry Good.s, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Yankee Notioos, Hard ware, Cutlery, Hollow-ware, and a lar^e aud choice selection of GRO CERIES, (Liquors e.xccpted.) \Ye respectfully invite our friend., and the Public generally to call and examine our .Stock before ma kin*, their purcha.se,, as we are detennined not to be L'KOKiwoLD by any house for CASH. I’ronipt anil personal attention paid to orders. S. .\f. TiiO.MAS, HENRY T. TIIO.MAS. Fayetteville. Feb’y 7, 1857. Cl.As.s 25.). CORBIN A CO., agents. 1 prize of SCUK.ME. SS.tL 1 do l,5Di 1 do 1.000 2 do 7.50 2 do oOo 2 do iOu 211 do 25 66 do 10 66 do 4 4,224 do 2 35,740 do 1 30,316 prizes, amounting to $53,23:1 Ticket.^ $1—Shares in proportion. We invariably aiisAver letters t>y relurii mail, eii closing the tickets in a good safe envelope, and alwai’s observe the strictest confidence. After the drawing is over, wo send the official drawing, with a written ex- plarnition of the result of the venture. .\11 Frizes bought at this office are payable immediately after (he drawing in Current Money, and we take Bank Notes of any State, or Bank drafts in payment for tick et# al^ar. For odd amounts in making change we re ceive postage stamps, they' being more convenient than sili'cr. Correspondents may' place the utmo.st confidence in the regularity and safety of the mails, as very few or no mi-^cairiugos of .Money happen when properly directed to us. Be careful that you mention y'our Fosl Office, County and State. Give us at least one single trial, you cannot lose much, if not gain. One single trial may make you independent for life. TRY US. There should be no such word as fail. Address CORBIN & CO. Box l!)0 Post (Jffice, Baltimore Md. Oct. ll 21-6m NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. James Kyle IIA.S just received a very large and general assort ment of GOODS Among which are, French and English Merinos ; Do. Delains. Plain and Figured ; Dre.s.s Silks, Fig'd and Plain ; Black Fillet Mits; .Sleeve.s and Collars: Cloths. Cassiincrcs and Satins ; Bear and Negro Blankets : 3-4 to 12-4 Bleached and Brown Domestics ; Gentlemen’s Ready-Made Clothing, Carpeting, Good and Common } Boots and Shoes: Anchor Bidting (jloth.; Kerseys and Linscy.s ; Irish Linens, Crash ; Table Diaper and Napkins, With many other orticles, all of Avhich being pur chased i>y the Package, Avill be offered at low prices, by wholesale or retail. Nov. 8. 1856. 23-tf ST.^-TB Oie XOR'i’ll CAROIalN-A. rOUA’TY* —ROBK.SON '.Superior Court of LaW—Pall Term 1856. Churchill Widkley «fc.Iohustan vsJon.a. W. Regan. ORUaXAL ATTACHMENT, It app'*aring to tlie saiisfactlon- of the Court that tbe said dcf mdant is nbt an inhabilant of this Stute.-ft I NUHTll UAROLIMAN r.iYErrKviu.K. .v. c Sriitrnrr of lloaih npon a TaoDi; Hifv. Tlio contain a report of t;ic proccediops at tlic Court of Queen’s lleueli in that city on tire Occasion of tlie sentence of .Viiiiis Bisson, a young woman of about twenty two years, convietid of poisoning her husband , to wl.om slio bad been married hut a few sail! Jonalliau W. Regan to appear at tlie next p,,.,,, ; » ' " pioiitiis. ..f II,,. );,m„r;nr Court of Law for tlie coui'tv of Rolie- as t be en.sis ol US being IS to be sulvcil, and it , .1 ,■ • . . r .. ot the .superior yoiiii 01 uai. 101 uic . , 00 ^ , , \\ c „i;,ke the tollowiiig extract from tbe rc- soii. at the Court House Ml Lnmberton. on the fomtii ; jg jQ iig Iij. jli,. QQil ! . Moiiilav in March next.and then ami lliero to plead or ■ , ■ marks 01 the prc.sidllig judge 111 passing BCIl- replery. or final judgement will be against him. j tlie great and tiie true, or whctlltT he will sink ! *. .. ' . . X . .. M ^ \ * M 1 . .. >"’1 .._1. ,.f . . . _ . . . . . . ; ICll t L . .t« «■ Mc.ci...-... - ; iicj : anu licuinu lucn lu inm ordered bv the Court that publication be made in the 1 ’ xS-th Can.linutn, a Newspllpcr published in the Town , tlie young man IS entering upon Ii of Fayetteville for the space of si.x weeks, notifying the ; (.o,||,;g pg iiideiieiidniicc niid mnii’.s SIlKKUCi:.' .XN'thi’o never did betray the sotil that loved her; and nature tell.s men to marry. Jnst a.s fe—^jn.st ns he : peiidniicc nnd niaii’.s eslnte—just i find be lost forever- WiTN-KSS. Alex.andef .McMillan. Clerk of said Court. at oilice in Lnniberton. the fourth Monday in Seiiteni- , . , . her. .V. 1). is.)ii. This Dec. 22, iS.Mi | lust “nd right impulse. A. McMILL.VN, C. S. C. j gjjy ^ gm.g revenge. Jan. 18.18.57. 32-i;t ! inatriinony gives liim bnl-i War witli iialnre and Tell a voiing man I public generally ; .signed. t ture must be addressed. tSTlCE.^ OF HARNETT. |ted to meet at the Court House in 1 Second iilOutlay of March next,for atisactin- Conrtv husiness. GEO.' W. PEGRAM, Chairman Of County Court. ■ J8-2I ■ IE HATS. KWher-Lot of superfine CASl- on band a good supply of Silk, myowamake^_^^^ GEF. Feb'y 7, 1857. S. M. THOMAS 36-fit MACF.ARLANE, FERGUSSON & CO. Law llnildlng, Franklin Street, Richmond, Va. June 1. 1856. ‘Aiiiiis Bisson, in the midst of a poimlatioii eminently distingnislied for tbe mildness of its manners, and its deep religions sentiments, in a contitry wlicre tlie presence of tbe good Til ST.VTa OP NO tT!i c \ N . pg wd] have one tliat is vicious. ^ iftnons almost alone suliieed to Swvcrior CoicrfrNo—F,ni. Term 185G. | ' have tlie law respeeted and order maintained, IVilliara Boyce&Co. vs. .lonalhan W. Regan , j lie is nbont to marry, gives liim an ahcbor lor ^i,|g country, hardly passed ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT i heart; something pure and bciiutilui Qf And the woman, what-a purple light it It appearing to the SatiFfactioii of. the Court the i which to hibor and live. Paul (lefVmlent is not an inlrabitimt ol fliis Slat*.* it is ! onlorod bv the Court, that Publication be made in ’ the > ■ f fvii next Term of the Super ty of Rnheson. at the Court House in Luml.erton on I the fourth Monday in March next, and them ami them ^ J the North'(‘ai-oUnian, a newspaper jinbliMa’d in the j slicds UjioJl lierpiilli; it makes life for lier no iWn ofFuyettevilU^fW dies.ir.eeofsix weeks, , dav dream, iio idle hour, iio painted shadow, fviiig the said Jonathan \V. RDgan to a^ipeilr at tiie. « » , • t iiext'Termof the Superior Court ofLaw fortheCoiin i no paSvSing show; bat soinelhtiig real, earnc.st, Hut most of ns to ])lc-ad or re])l(?vy or final judgment will bo given against him.—Witnesn .-MexaiHb’r McMlliun Clerk ire coward?^ atjd dare not think so; we lack tlie gfeatc.sf nfrocity. A man of learning and experience has said ihut amongst crimes, there is one whiclt con ceals itself in the shade, which hover around tiie dotncstic hearth.- terrifies socity, defies by the cunning of itJ use find the subtility of its . r , . ax a- .1 "x f \ ‘ i • m Cl? I w c u fC of 111110 fu 11 It; onr inward eve is ‘ which .said Court at office in Lmaborton th'* fourth .Monday , ^ • ■bcitncL, >\un.n ill Septemlx.'!’A. 1>. 1856. This 22nd Dec.' i8.T(». A. McMillan, c. s c. Jan. lu. 18.>7 : 6t STATE OF XOiiTH COUXTV I marry in style; the modern yomig gentleman _ ' marries a fortnne. Unt in the meunwhilc the (‘\RoraiAA — ROBESON ! .n:ir! grows into an old nmid, and the youth be- C. Jan. 10. 1S5 STATE OF ?/'-a A'OJITII C \ \..o coi rrrv. -liOBESO.’ Superior CoUrl of .Lnv—Fill Term. 1856 L. B. Go Uvin vs. C. A. Crti ' .or.i !)iiI(4IN'AL attachment It-ii)iv‘ari'’g to He* .satNlaolioa of tli ■ (.'oirt tiiat .ipjvvri' said flvlV-ndant is not an onb.r»'d ' ababilant of .i Pnblicalio. .Stalo •11 ihc North ('aroliuian. a iicwspapiT ptil-iishi-il ;ii th nicti, with rare cxeeplions, i’ow0 of b a'.'t't t ‘r\ 11!«'. 1 or t li’.‘ f pilee ot siX 'A '.'ck'^ not i- ,. . i „ i _., i villa-thr sain tb \V. tb iuwfor.l t.i apijrar at Ilrr in-x! : N'OfilsworJl li.ill onl> I'.'rm of tin: ' .‘olir^on. at ' inirtii Monilav ipjilianccs and tbe analyses uf inliniidates wilb doubts tlie i (Jim and ilark.—The inodcni yonng lady must i of a„[i ^bich increases year by year at ;i friglitfully progressive rate Tbis« crime is poisoning, and tlie poison arsenic. It is of tills Clime tliat you have been found guilty. The victim was your husband, the man to wkoiii, but a few days before, at iho loot of tlie altar of your God, you had sworn love and ftidebty. It is painful to say tliat at tbe solemn moment wlieii the priest, in tlic lioly temple, raised bis bands to implore tbe Iteiicdiction of lieaveii upon you and upon your luisbaiid tiie dcalli of yoiir husband was inedi- tated. We are now aware that it was so, for on tlie very day s'libsetiueiit to the jiablicatioii for tlie llrst lime, of your bans of marriage, yon declared lo a friciid tliat if your liusdaiid did not jilease yon, you would jioi.son him. You have but s few tiays to live. I conjure yon to reficct upon the account of your sliort career you will be calletli upon to render. Wlialcvcr tlie enormity of your crime may be, the mercy of (-od is intiiiite. Fortbwitli •send fora jii'iest, and jint all your coiilidence in liim. The time is sliort, but it is suflicient, by a .sincere repenlence, to reeoncilc you to God. 1 will now pass niioii you tlic sentence of tbo law, wbicli is that you, Anais Tbossaiat, widow of Jo.sciib Bisson, be taken back from lienee to the eomnion jail of tliis district, wlicncc yon came; ami that on tlie tliird day of Aiiril next yon be taken tlicn to tlie ordinary place of cxccnlion, ami tiiere bang Iiy the neck until ^ conics a man tibout town, a man whom it is Superior Court of Law—Foil Term IS.'ifi. j dangerons to ask into yonr bouse, for Ids Ijusi- Chmebill Walkley k Jolia.son vs.Jonathan W. Kegun. | ness is intrigue Tlie. world miglit lir.ve liad a (JRIGINAL ATT.VCH.MENT. j liapiiy coniile; instead, it get.s a woman fretful, It nppearing to tlic Satisfaction ot die Court-tliat the 1 faneifni, a nlagne to all around licr. said ilcfeniioiit is not an iiih-.iliilant ot this St.itc. it is , . . oi-dci-cd by tlic Court that Bnldiration li.e made in the | lie itecomes a sceplic in a-11 virtue; a cor- Nm-lh Carolinian-.1 Xew.spiiiier imldished III tlie I ftwn ; , ff]| vonlIt of botli sexes; a ctirsc in ofFaveltcville. for tlie.siiace ot si.x weeks, notitymg! ' " ’ the .said .iounlhan IV. Regan, to a;)peai- at the iie.\-i : '.vbatever dome.sllc cTrele lie )ienelrales, team of the .Siiii.-riiir Coni-t of Law lor 'In- '"‘">1.' o'j result. Slie maybe deceived and Robeson at the Court liouso m Lundierton on the Itli ! , Monday ill MbvcIi next, mid tiien and llien- plead or ; may tlic of a broken licart replev.v. or final,iudgnient will he given against' him.- H,. n.gy rnsli’from 0110 foily to anollicr as- Wiliiess. .Mexaniler .McMillan, t.lvrk of said court at 1 ■' oilit-e ill Luiuberton the foiirlii .Moinhvy in .sirpieinVer ' .itociiile only witii tlic vicions and depraved; 1. 1.1. 18.56—Itec 22nd t8.'ifi. ! .X. McMlLLAN. C. I bring disgrace and sorrow on bimself and ad I aroniul, ami-sink into an early grave. Our : great cities show wiiat becomes of men and I women timt do not marry. Woildly fathers I am! motliers advise tlic-ir soils not to marry i until they can afford to .snpjKirt a wife, and tlie ■ hoys expend donijle tbe amennt in low eoinpa- j ny i'enco it i.s, ail wise men (like l-’rankliii) ' advocate early niarriagc.s; and timt all onr bave married one bnndred I potmi Is a vear wlicn first married. Lord ■ u|i ‘lanr Ci.mrt of La-.r tor tiie Cou.ily o: '''’''vL":"nLt;‘ a::d”;;::raa.i"lh!'n-; Kldun was so poor that be bad to go to Clare- t«i jilciul or rcjiU’vv. (»r final jmli>ni'“nt \\ ill be laOiulGH, to Luv for supper. him.—Witness Ale.xauil'r Mc-Mil'an clerk ol , /» » • i i .i . e.. -ai.i Uniirt at office in LuiuImtIo:!. the ruiirih Moielay ! ( Oierp.lge alul iiouthey we can t .a SeptcHihcr A. D. 1856. 'I’hi.-!>• c. tlie 22nI 1855; : -iP .,t the time of their marriage. ... .Mc..l 1,.,A-, c. s. . , Wo question wliellic-r Lnllicr at any time you Pc dead; and inay tlie Lord liave mercy on Jan. H). 1851 UATHARINK McLEAN ami other.s. PelHionfor Dowf had more than lifjy pound.s a year. We blast humanity in its very daivn. Fatlior.^^, yon say yon teaeli yonr sons prndenec—you do no sneli vonr \vor!lly-wise and clever son is al- rnined for life. Yon will hnd him at the vs. ARCH. McLEAN. It appearing to the saiisfaiUlmi at the Court, tlia*" , thing: the il femliints in thlsua.-'e : Philiip Walker. Elly W elk" . cr !*ni*cv I^ockhart. (Toorii'' Mav ami wile M.'.rlha. ' „ ' , , , /• i • t \' •Ian Mack ami wife Mary.‘Rams'lliH.ks and wilV- isa-; faro-talilc, and at ,rec-iovc circlc.s. \ oni rah. rcsid.i Ivyond the limits nf the .Stale. ()a mo-i „.j-|io„i tangbt liim to avoid tloa, it is ordi-red that, inibln-aiion be iiiinie in the , _ , i .. -r i : .! North Carolinian, a newsinin-r published in Ihe town ; tlic snare 01 marrying young, and soon ll he Is ; ofFayetieville. for six succe.s 111-.'said def.mdaiits to be nod ajip -ar at tin nolif'yiMg, II,-,involved in emljai-ras.snicnts wliicli will last ext. lel-Ill liim a life-time—lie is a lilaxc Jellow—Iicartless geiieron.s sentiment or ■ false without a sing yonr soul 1’’ 'I'lie pri.soncr .seemed mncli affected while tbe awful sentence wa.s being pronounced, and sob bed the whole time. Judge Dnvii! sjioke ivith ninch emotion, and many of tho.se pre.scnt in court .slicd Iciir.s. Wlicn tlic Judge bad concluded spetikiiig, llic Clerk of tire Crown asked the prisoner if she liiid iinytbing to .say why execution should not bo awarded according to judgment. The pri.soncr (wlio ivas .still crying) answer ed, ‘'I am not guilty,” (.fe nc pascoujiahle. I Tjie Sr.rTK.v Isi.xsn .MranEi:.—Tlie Gran.\ of til'* Court ol Pl»uis ami (Quarter sc.-^sioiis. to h(.‘ h'‘l for tlic county ol’ Harnett, at the Court iloui^c i Suniincrvillc. on the 2il Monday in March ne.xt. Iho.., ^ and there lo atii^Wer. plead or demnr the .^aid petition, ■ nmnlV aim; IlC tias or the time will he heard end Judgmeuts 2>eo \ “No GoR, no heaven, in the wiilc world.’’ ennfessio, he roiiderod airam.-^t tlu'ih. i -♦-♦,^4.^ Wilne.^'s. Benjamin F Shaw, ('lerk of our sitid Court. I H-JM.THUTBK l.V .iL.UMHA. at office iuSuiunierville. 2d Monday in December, 1856. I .\,lveftisei\ of liisl Wednesday J impannclled at the UmhmOMd County ‘ B. FRANKLIN .8HA\V. Ur.EHK. I contains the following: I.,„ 17 IS,77 by-VlUJ'IRTO.Ni 1). Cl k. j j paring Hill, on Snmlay niglit, shortly | I after 0 o’clock, a negro man, named ‘T’anI,” a STATE OF soiiTU^^ o^v^)LtNA™ito«K-80N' belonging to Col. J. .S Superior Court of Uw—Foil Term ISdO. ^ Dens, was kilicd on the road liy a citizen, mini* Nicholas I’owcl vs. .Sii-pln-n 11. .Marlin ' p,; pq.gd Fincher 'I'lie i-ircnmstanecs, we g.'itii-, OlliGlNAL aTT.’iCH.MKX!’ cr them Iroiii tiie neiglib'oi-s, wlio were ealled It ap;)cai-iiig lo tin.' satisfaction ol the com i that tlic ; | ,,| |,y J.'lnglici- for hul|), were materially lhe.=e: .«aid deleiuleiit i not an Inhalntaiit ol tuis Stale, it i> .1. . _ i ordered i>y the court that pulilication he made iu the Noi-lh Carolinian a m.-wspaiier piil.lislicil in the 1 own together, lieard tlieir of th; .Superior Com-t of Law foVthe county of Robe- roadiimMiic s|.ot, found tiie negro I’anl held tiefeml her on the trml. Ihe matter wa.s sent son. at Mic Court Uou>e Hi LumhiTtor. on the lotiith , ^ -r- , , „ , r.t.w, i^ndiw fn,. to the next Court ol Oyer and Tenuincr, wiiicli Momlav hi March next, ami then ami there to 111.-,ol down by !• inciter, wlio e.as ealling londly ioi - ■ -sistaiice and slrn hug with the ]n-ostrale ^ on the third I uesday of May next. Mra I.vn, wl-.o’ ho statc.r had as.sanlted him with Docker np|,eared in Court leaning on the arm a heavy hickory stick, wliiel, he (Finelier) had : of ker hnsbatid, ami attended by the Sltcr.fi, ' ■ Site was in full drc.ss and her face covered i B'jjsoils, after a full investigation and exaudnu- tioM of a large nninber of witne.sses on Wednes- ■ day, Tli'.ir.sdiiy and Friday of tlie jiust week, on the day last named presented an indictment a.eainst .Mrs Matilda Decker for nianslangliter, in causing the dcalli ol Anna Hilton, by cvnel and iiilitiman trcalnient. ' .Mrs Decker was arraigned and pleaded not -Mr Stein and Mr Tnt.ldll, whose residences i guilty. Site Itas been in Bienmond jail for sev-' names slioutcd e''al days, and i.s getting tired of her incarcera tion. George Wliite, Esq., of New York, will .tIUU'tUt 111 .IlilltJU liv-.\l.. evil'* V*.' «* ...... . . 1 ^ or x'eplevy or final jiiflginimt will he ^nven against him.—Witness* Aloxamhu- McMiilan clerk ol sum Court at September D. 1856. Tills Dec. 22ml i8.>ii, A. Mc.MILLAN G. .S. C. Jan. 10. 1.857. 32-i;t wrested from liim, and felled hini witli; nnd; wins then bolding bin. down, iest be shonld witl, a double veil. She is said to be enncntc., ,,i.aii, assanit him. On linding bcip arrived '>'M> “'.i apidication will be made as soon as Court of Flees Zirquo'fter S.rnous—.To.nuo,-y pq,,,,.osc up, bnt the negro, I’anl, was nna- possilile to release her on bail She has lost Term, 18o.. , mui ,|f,(.,. ^ „iomeiit.s of stnig. "Oo STATE OF NOKTtl C VA ——•'’rONTOO.’iI !tV C.tTN'i X AD.AM.VNTINE and TALLOW CANDLES; fine and common TOBACCO; aud almost anything in the Grocery line. Cheap as the cheapest! G W. I. GOLDSTON. F,»b*y 7, 1857. 36-tf M. rAULKh'!i\f~‘^‘' Boot & Shoe establishment to tbe corner of Gillespie and Franklin streets, opposite the State Bank, in and under the rooms ; formerly occupied hy the S of T. He has on hand a first rate stock of PLAIN and FANCY", HOME and i IMPORTED Boots. Shoes, Gaiters, .tc., and will raanii- I facturc all articles in his line in the best style at short MeLauriii k Strange will pay tbe higli ; notice. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a con rri.a.r.Ani:n.> ..r.*?! *: 1 F:nncifinn nf thc 1il>Gral natronaffft hnrf NOTICE. est cash price for Turpentine until further notice. Sept. 3. 1856.. 58-tf. I tinnation of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. Dec. 13; 1856. 28-tf DOBBIX HOUSE! POWEIIS & TIlOY, Pi’oprietDis. The Proprietors of this Establl.Miment an- Bounce to the pu'olic, that owing to tlie con- • iacreasSiug patronage extended to jlSaSSthein, they have been induced to enlarge thi- accommodation by the addition of an e.xtcnsive Dining Room on the lower floor, aud suite of Rooms on the . second floor; thus enabling them to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. And they ]dedge themselves to aa increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patron.s. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in attendance. The eli"’ible location of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the comfort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. The Western aud Southern Stages arrive at and depart from this House. Carriages in attendance on arrival and departure of Steam iToats, for tlic aecoi'i3m;6di,vtion of pa-sseugers. Horses and Carriages furnished at any notice fo' carrying travellers to any part of the adjacent country J. W. POWERS. W. C. TROT. , Fayetteville, Msjp 12,1856, ITS-tf. Original attachment. Pilot Fry. I vs. Stancil R. Scarbrough. ’ It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the said dofendaut is luitan iiihaiHtunt ol On motion it is ihcfcl'ore ordered bv the Imirt. that publication be made in the North Uarolinmn. ;i palter ]mbli.l!iMl in the town of 1-oyetteville. .sii-.ice of six successive weeks, iiotityiiig tlie sa:ii 7 b)”- cil Ii. Scarliroueli to tie anil ai>pear at onr next 1 enn of I’leas and Quarter Sessions, to lie !n-!d at tlie Loiirt House ill Troy, on the lirst M'Uiilay in .Ypnl next: t.ien and there to jjlead or replevy or linal judgment w ill be given agiiiiist him to satisty Blaiutill s delit. n.lei- gle, t-xjiiretl. ' In ex|ilnnutioL, Fiiu-lu-r ftateJ tliat arisen be- fm-niiig ti) ills iionie, lie met tliu negro o, ^rowing Mr TtithiH's fence —demanded wlio lie j],g and Wiis iiiiswercd liy some insoleiiee tbiit.‘|c]nt>ire. fullowed by a blow from Ids bludgeon, ' giierfod be, liowever, took from iiiin, and with it, ii,|,| moet- nc of luT boldness by ber confinement ,X' -*i * . , 00 tbe Grand Jni'v,'": ' 16® IT ,11 ® 17 SlG.aH. im-.ff'— . Loaf r.nd erusneu, , s:Croi.,r,ortoRico,iNOrlc«.Tie BEEF—WlioleL'le , Retail, ehoico PORK-—iVhole.'iile Retail ML'TTON 17 4® 4! 6 td 8 8 S 3 lOi 0 © 7 liEMARKS-—Bacon Kcceijits light. Cotton we ac oil Ii. Scurlirou.eli to tie and iqipear at our in-xt I enn of JMt-us and Quarter Sessions, to lie hi-id at tlie Lmii , , i- -t . 1 -vi - ■ ■ *- House in Troy, on the first M'uiday in .Ypt;'’ next: then defenee, knocked liiS a.s.siiilunt down. Ylr fa(;e,. ,.,^,,55 quotations. Sales made with animation. elier niiide no attempt to evade tbe result.' j yjo change in aiV offer a'nicle. to d(-ny tlie act, tboiigli ootb time and j, nieet- wonld liavo rendered it easy li-ad lie .so desired. From tbe est and cost. . , ., _ . , Witness, .lohn McLeman. Clerk of nur s.nid Cntirf at oRiC'-. the tir.st Monday in .fuunury, -V D- 18-17, thi.- 2(lth day ol'.laauary. 1857. .TOIIN McLEMAN. C. C. C. _Jan 31. 1857. 3-''-6'- to avoid diseo^^j,^j,^^|xv'ILMIYGTOX MARKET, Maboh5, 1857 ic nccoinit " 0 h . | Turi’^xtivk. Sales oti Tucwiay of 670 bbls. Tur- from Mr Stein, it appears the negro was at S2 50 a $2 60per bbl for Virgin and T **1- epberd, I $i 40 a Si 50 for Hard,? r 280 Ibc arnieil witli a large knife. Elimft. ‘ O •*! I ^ -5 2 , F ' . K'l '.. vr L- ' • rr.-nt for Lijrtt'rlnli X ti’amliDRl ’ ir-f U’ill att^n l promptly to all business vRlruFlid to'hifcarp.' T.vll Mkx.—In Bii'locli couiiry, Ga., is said to resUlc a lady who iias six sons, of whom is 6 feet 4j inches tall. Slie say.- Oct. 2J: 1554. i!-tf wav she drew them out so, was by feeding t on Shanglrai cbicken?. . offiidcd j on Monday afternoon of B9 bbls. aSpiritK Tur- !?etary, peatiiie at 44 cents, and on Tuesday 925 bbls. do,- sold at 44 a 45 cents per gallon. No t ransactions in either quality of RofIb. Sales on Tnesuay of 218 bWs. Tar at $1.30 per bbl On yesterday morning 125 do. £oId at same price.— OoMWliR'-IJ! , at Le- cipated ounded