THE NORTH C A R 0 LIN1 A N Y K .\ n ji''" V \ K k-'-'J i- ^ *’• S^'lfT ■’■if a-v44-i For the CaroVminn. COLPORTKR’S REPORT' FOR CVMBERLANO COUNTY, N C. SiliCf my first annual report made in Man 1'. 1st 18o(). I ha'.-c lal.ored 10 •mmtl.s ami 22 (lays ■ for ' am 1 #ow Old Reed was Reformed. 1 We once? knew a man by tlie name of Reed, 'commoalv known a» ‘old Reed,’ cpiitenotorious it be so? MISCELTAfROFeS ITEMS; -We find the following ill tlie edigioos belief js, that! Appeal. That paper gives it as an StN-Grb.\R VEIIIFICATIGN GE A DRE.VM. A let'orfrom llan.lmrg contains the follow ii,-onnens story rchitive to the .ntn o.^^^ ^ a drecni. 1l apiiears that n ioksinit i r j ,,,.,]] r^.^ippaar in tl'e shfljle of of a letter from Herkimer county, New laU'iy, inl\>nnetl. t's j |,e will be a horse-j Yo,k^ to a gentlemen in that city: •' hard man, and ( One of Mr Cain’s little boys was They raked the canal '”Vd"y I I'l:' {tniir^i' - Kiiow ine: I cthimr '-vl.ich b.iiiiiimlly ncalcct all e'ai ^ ^ laVc fimml -11 families de.stitnic ot tin- wit!* till' lioiiks, \ stipplii’i! hnvin.iT ■U’lons tifp, OIK* tvioruini’: .. .. ' .t • ... H./a Ivl'OVirtH'l U'ttltt IIU feed’ has beeii a hard man, anu | q|,(, the habit of treating.hi.s family j „.ppP onr canal. an .should. One day, after his : i-amion over the water, all to no purpose, d from neglect, and borne his.j rp|,(.y ft;,] ,,ot succeed in finding tlic body, patience was . completely c.\- till a young lady on a boat rccomtnended them ■.|i haiistcd, she determined to give him a plain to. take a loaf of bread, make a hole in it, pnt C lecture, and to loneh him iipon his religiotls some (ini;ksjP.'er, and fasten it in, and tlien : belief .“O resolntelv sealing herself by hi.s side ;-yt the bread on the water, and it would float his brother-in-law who resnled m pj,,, f„|| i^jpe face,' while a tear-; „„tii it came tO the child. She said she had 1 POSTHA8TER P618EAED B» HI* WR'E. The friends of the late Hosea Gardner, Postmaster at ningham, having had their sus picions strangely aroused by various cirenni stances that his sudden disease was caused hy tiie action of poison adminhsteved by his v ife. ■ prove insisted npnn sending him to llorg.sdrrdT v (one hnn(lr(d and forlv-six dollars which S ;,';'r Millet -- At 'i" ;- 11 (viag rcct :vis: fr.- r (tf these-. ’. I !'■ iir .cs ty, thong]' not ■ ; ■ ■ I'.U'.t il',] i'--. f , .se-'ds and .staias s ■ iiimon broom i.-'irn .".ro that they were iii I pianted it in hills, .■> ti) 10 seeds in a hill. .1 during ii.s growth v. orthlessiiess. .Some time in -\.t \,-hi(:h ne.-iriy i fact, completely d ■gro'.viiig ill the .sairo ■,;.t luitting foi tli iG li,,. Ihble. mu! have addressed 01 pul'b-e i The apoientice, iifler m vain "'’P'''’'’'"- eommenced: ‘Reed; |,,„i se,,,, it operated with sueees.s. No one jhis nia.ster to ehiii.gc Ins "‘'‘'"I"”'’ 'j-talk with you; ■ i,i,d a„v faith, but they tried it; and sure tl‘C ^ and 22 days : gelled to set out at about 11 o’clock. On ar-: ^ s,p,.i,thi„g to say to yon, and ybii must p,.y,id ,io,ted a few rods a'ld then stopped. .-V : ' ,oI l>.lI\Micn PI, Ml ; i-oiii’-'l Muive.**. tlnty to perform, and I shall j came alone and drove :t from its [dace, i ^ ^ )1]PC' Hths r.A^-ioui m(\‘{ii'.'r"- 1 hate liming ill-' Id I’''”" 'hi li'sC, voliinis, eoniprisii'g a littie iiioie ; riving at the \iitage lOC'.h'-O pages of religions reading lUetweeii nanibnrg and l.cigsdoiff. lie andthcii, if yon are inisel'.'ii'ie liereafier, i p^t as soon as the boat pas.sud, it returned i e.Yperteiiced some nausea .n.niiutit.g to8:3dl,lS. 1 have given to the i ted his dream with terror, but „,3t p’c my’fault. . Voii believe, Reed j the same spot, and they tdok a hook and found ■.-.'.itiite ion volumes eomprisiiig 01020 haiHie of Uie village at a little f’'’’'””'’';y.],y„ die yon will turn into some ani--tPe child in that place: He had. been in the rlhtd tiip society $iol,41 ■ to some of Ids «vorkmen, he accosted luin ^*'k ,'K* Ill.* iVcl (plitp fect apart, witli uTvatlv ni'u-k‘ct- nf rcadimj: matter wort 1 regret to slate that only $13,50 have been received by me as donations to the society since March 1st 1850. Those in onr midst pos.sessiii! the m'enns I the niab and voii.think you will be a liorse. Now, ; two days. and con. acquainted him with liis .singular dream, at ... saiiietiiue requesting that, as he had to neglect aiui abuseyonrfaiiiily. ,.sqnan- aboiiMiis person, one of his woi kiilen migiit .le , allowed to aceompaiiy him for prnteeti E.'.r.TIIOl'AK.E IN L’.vi.u-'uuNiA.—The earth- fi'OM an iinpi e.ssi( 11 of its ^ ^ ^ privilege to frin-j „ small wood whieli lay in Ins Way ^ hoi'Se aiid'snm thing which Will be properly ap. j smiled, and in obedience to Ins orders, oiirt ol ."the knowledge of Christ to; his men sot out witli tlie ynnng aprmentiee.— The next day the corpse bl the latter was con '.dering voiir money for.drink, when yon die you ; quake in California, on the 9tli ii t., seems to Irn'T’-i-r will turn into .some poor old twelve shilling ; have been general tlironghont the State. ‘"'"''horse and'some old elaiiipediar will get yon, occtircd about 8 o’clock in the monniig. i. n ai^, coii.sec] p iiowevcr, wt-rc !'• Octo!)er, when- all [ there was a cnam’C its orovNth ami. • •-J r-.'aic sv.eeicorit ti-n. rho ifiiilet was k, and tlie seed If.strovcd. The stalks, 1 Irilinte some plied in carryin, Mic pool'and ijiTioranl. Siihli friemlo tti tlie society's work are imu-h needed. I could not . have been persuaded before engaging in this : work that there exist so mileli tnoral degradi.- : lion 'it riiif very doors, many aroniul ns arc lading until some time in , ^prislijns- for lack of knowledge, they vre still sapposing then to 'w Pnow not veyed bv some ivensants to tlie baiilie. with n reaping-hook ivhicli liad been fonnd by tiis side, and willi wfi'ch tbe thrnnt of tire mur dered youth had been ent. The hailiio immedi ately recognized the instfiiment ns one whieh. 0 : ho liad on the pfevioiis day given to the work- become of! man who had served as the apjireiitice -s giiidi, f nniniiig some willows. Ihc and vou will be hara-worked and Imlf starved, ; San Francisco one or two framed hous^ J'^re , il, a" rieitetly;' old pitched from tlieir tonncUations and theie was a . Rut now, Reed, it need general rattling of crockery, etc. ' the phy.-^ieian.’ On arriving, he found his pm ! tieiit sitting tl|i in bed, retelling violently, am and i'll .see yon every .day * have taken measnres to have the matter thor investigated. The particulars of th alTdir, a£ We learn from the Traveller, arc that .Mr Gardner, Who for several years has snffered from a diseased leg, on the 21111 of last Deccra- ; her fell upon tt store step, striking upon the hip of the diseased side. This accident occa sioned much pain, but the family physician could discover no fractuie or dislocation or cv- idenee'of iiilernal injury. Mr Gardner was attei.did in the illness by his wife and mother, litter acting a.s nurse.—On A\ ednesday his death, the pliysieiaii ordered a of salts, and on Tliursday morning the pa- but it was at tribiited to the action of the medicine. On Thnr.May night, Mrs Gardner endeavor ed to persuade Mr Gardner’s mother to leave his bedside, alleging that there was no neees.>i ty for a watch, but the mother refusing put ont all the fires, and thus compelled her to retire. Between one and two o’clock in tlie g she was called up by Mr Gardner, and otlicr alarm- ptoms, wflieh -iiidileed her to send for he Manv y waaon, full of clams. Your future mav be even aecordiii,g‘ One of tlie papers says: o„e—for if throughout the lower eountry were tuin.-d lioni cliaiiiiels. At Santa Baibaia—I had tliciii eet am! '-I>r>ivii into yyimt will piles, to get them out c.f the way. ; j (.3,.,„nt tell what have been iny feelings i for the purpose of pihn .After they had Iain njioii tlie ground 5)1' some j looking upon tlie scenes of poverty and i workman nppreliemlod. and on beiii-g ('onfioi.ti ( time, I took a nandfni of llie stalks and gave | ^,uj| whieh I have often met—Tlieir with the body rtf Ins rieti them to inv horse, who ate them greadly, eating . lig bettered. Tliero is a t>o'.ver Yio„ of his crime, mlibn ns truth to do it, shall tliey not' have i ,ireani had alone prompted him to eoniinil the to vout* ilieory—a brigkt—a Itappy -.011 will reform, and turn right about; and be- tlieir usual kine a better „ia„-be kind and affeelioiiate to ' shocks were felt. Ihe lirst was at si.x your faiiiilv, be kind and treat them as you : niorning; the second at nine. 0’“^ should, wl,.;„ yon die yon will turn into a five minutes in ditratiOii-Uie mos I ^jp^med to the contrary. Thft barning iuiiidred dollar horse, and some West End buck: ever felt 111 this part ol 110 com } the stomach and bowels was c.x- busliel of oats a ; a house in town escaped oaniag > 1' 1 I „,.k. . Mr Gardner said to his moth. six ! complaining ot severe pain in the stomach and tlieMibwels. It was now ascertained for the firs* a hall time that the Salts he had taken iiad not bpt-rr. shot'k itedj or but very slightly, nlthough the wife Scar will get you and give you a made a full eoiifes iiiiit the i'Bcilal of the and I 1'- 1 I t * r 1 have : animals wore thrown dowii-ti.e earth opened ! tremely imin u ; er. I believe my wife has poiseued me, and I in-inv iilaees—water gushed up in some ^ all the wells I believe she will poison yon. both leaves and stalks. : in religions ' About this time ,f saw .a statement >» i-''e: / ]„ ,„y fidd of labor I have been treated A,on-ible act. The assassin, who is S.n nt papers that some pef.son lia'i iiinde some iiieias-; and T do verily be-; ni.e, is a native wf Bill'vaerder. and, prev ifm.-,,\ ses from this plant, This led me to make the , people are ready to contribute to my ; to the pernetratbni of the innrder, liiid^ iilwajs following c.xpprimeiit with iniiie, altlioiigli I the work in every posible way; I Iwit'ne an irropl'oacliable eharactoi.—l-.rc/.'.'Ngr. fr'arai^rs' Dauir2s*i?v?i fair ecirres]'0ndent nf the Ohio Ciiliivalnr ii'g sensible remarks to the f" had-reason to tlnit the frost and the ■ ti,3t good in many places and exposn-e on the groiiiid would iiave destroyed - n,a„y families has already been aecomplislicd. anv'good qualities which it might have origin- yiv heart has often b!;«'>il gladened wlieli I , r ti possessed. ' b^;.; ,,3r,.ed that the books aiul tracts eisfrib-; nddtosscs the fo lowing s I took .sonic of the canes and cut them mto affected g.rnd, I feel more and more i "• pieces about three inches long, I auNions to _he^ ^ Hf, as well as the pride of the -oiintry: a glo ibiy, rub you doivn wiiii pea straw, voii docked and tail sot up.” Old Reed was , in ^ '■i-ted—has reformed—and is patiently I places seven feet—the water ... - - i- teu to twenty feet—people frigloeiied | ’ badlv at every slioek. •Third stock at ten, , . , , , i ic I sliglLtlie three last this eve.iiug-lwo sliehl,; the deecnsed wished to have preserved lor the Sni-NEY SMITH ON SwEAUiNii.—SidiicY Smith, I one lieavy. when traveling in a stage coach one da\, long- A quantity oi dark fluid which he had thrown I ui) 'i.i'cvious to the Doctor’s arrival, and which waiting for death to iiitroduee him into iiis con- ^ rose from verted horse lieuveu. 1- ! » .1,-. tJi’.c /•» v'*‘n: n(r__j \\ 11 hiin-.i. Doctor’s inspection, the wife persisted in throw ing away contrary to the solicitations of the The Smiths.—From what has hitherto been f,i,„iiv, Mr Gardner died on Sunday, in before railroads w ere dreamed o aj,,.overeJ. it appears that me great anu lurm- - Jisir,.ss. Jt is Saul mai me ueeeaseu .lau ucc. Miumyea by ayoii'ig .1 laable family of the Smiths are the veritable ] to c.Ypfess the belief that hiS wife would •oi.te ill o siM-i ng aescendonts, in a direct lb -, from Siicm, tim ; ,,oi.eoii him. In view of all theSe eireumstancei .-ouid no le p in c .i - . " tlie^N'''Oc - Shemiltish tribe ■ 1,;^ f.-ieiids caused his body to be disiiitered; ainl jrcut discoverL'J, it appears that llie great and torin- - jjg It is Said that the deceased had been riic fiirmers’ dau'aliters are soon tin lers, and , ,1,^ „.ho are now living in sin, ! f'”"’' '■S’-tt***-''-!:.. : „.„1 wrM'cbcrbm®. j I wish not to flutter Hicin; fur before they, "a_ can become this, tliev will have lo make earnest admirers called him, a.sked permission to leffin-tsoftinetirtwo kinds. There are some the eompuny a little anecdote, and thus com I who depiwate thcil* cbnditioh, and ?^r)nie who ' uieiujed! “Oiiuc upoii :i time { )oo{ ! h.ive a false pride in it, tiiev demaniE tongs and tinder boxes) tliefe was a I more consideration tlian they merit. A want i (bools, sugar tongs and Under bo.xes) England aeadily ground tliroiigli one of ble Cider Mills, with cast-iron grinders tiien pressed with the po',verfiil presscr eJ to the mill. The quantity groniiil was about i half a bushel of the pieces, and tlie juice ex-1 pressed was about seven fpiarts. This juice, : when evaporated, made .one quart of molasses, ] that is pioiioiiiiced, by those who have ta.sted i of it, to be superior to the New Orleans molas- ■ ses, and some say, equal to the fiavor of the , maple syrup. It i.s, at all evciit.s, good mo lasses. t From an estimate made, I judged that the square rod of ground planted—if tlie canes n.-.d ' all been u.scd—would have produced four gal-; .Ions of molasses, or at the rate ot (MO gallons ; something that will iiniirove temporally and j rions race of women which no other land can tlie wit I'.nd wicar,” as one il it ULie a eoii.stituuR ‘bus derived— the brgans of vicera submitted to the e.xamitia' ' Utermidnriii"' ^beiu, .--..emit, Siimlt, Sinit!i. Another leiiriied ' tjo,, of two.mcdieal gentlemen of Boston. ‘ “ pnndit, ill the riiiladelpliia Gazette eoiileiidsj \Vo nndcKstaiid tliat the exainiiiutioii of the i‘»‘noram.'e and wretcbeducss. JAMES CAIX, Colporter lor Ciiniberlanfl Co. Favcttcville, March l.stlSol. For livi-'CaVobnian. iirave in FioriUa. Bcsiile the sloping hill, oh! lay me there,— tVhci-e llic waters of the lake will wash my gra Then h.-t tlee matron at e'vcii i-epair. Ami niingle her tear with the rippling wave. When the wild trippling deer shat! visit the sp"t, And quench his thirst in the lieautifill Inkc; — Be still—be silent oht whisper not. Alone let the wave the .silence break. per acre. Such a eroii would have proved val-1 ,i,epn-seneebi ineii. liable the last year, since sugar and iiiolas.sei ! gml the frightened deer far away has fled.— are so high. ! Repair, old matron, to the spot a.gain;— Tlierc is little doubt in my mind tiiat any j Toll them its .sacred.—where rests the dead. Aboard ' The Everglade.” K- li lt, a.s lliuug ianguago. As there was a matter was doubly annoying. the young man s di.-plais tot j',,,. tl,e universality by the name of John Bmith j stomach of Hit; deceased waS cOndueted yester Ij.j'l Hot Only ill Great Britain and America, hut it.,,, amt that truces of arsciiie were discovered - among all kindred and notions on the face of Tlie result will Of course he withheld from sim-ar-' ‘■be earth. Beginning witli llie Hebrew, llie | tpe p-jblie until it is m;.d: known to the jury of iii'r” of uamd stood simply Sliem or Biicniitt; but in jnqnest. No arrests have yet been made, and the other motions John Smith is found in fnil, pone probaljly will be until the jury make up : ■ - ’ 1 . q Cl t" sii"'ar tones and one and indivisible. Thus, Latin, Johannes Abeir verdict. The feeling in tlie town of I of li-glit upon ol! subjects of the day, and 11 ''‘‘MSiiiitliiiis; Italian, Giovanni Smilhi; Spanish, lli,igi,am as the sad .suspicions be- I fiiic'l cdn(‘:i aro no more cxciiPoMc in a tinuti i.>oxe^,) 1*'^ ^ ^ VI ^aid' Iloni Smitidas, Diituli, Hans, Selimidt; French ■ more generally known; and us is usual in jconiitry than in a town-iired girl, in this age ofMigar lough aiKtim Jean Saieets; Greek, lok Skmiton, Russian,' such cases, all sorts of minors are in circulation. I ninny hool;.« and many new.^paporv ; qiiii mal } sn„.u^ on h ant in t g[-,uiito\vski; rolish, Iran Scimiittc-l • Que is, and il is said to be well authenlieated I “Maiiv -eirls are di.sconrii.ged becatise t!,e} bo.xt>) pdiM., w ne i me, o > ' lypjjjijj, Qjijuose, Jalion Sliimmitt; leclaiidic, t t.hat the wife of the deceased was sjen a day or Jiilui Smithson Welsh, Jihon Seiiniidd; Tii.sear- two before his death to go and throw some- ora, Ton Qa Smitta, Mexican, Joiitii F’Sniitti .tliiiigiii a snow bank in the rear of the lioiise, ii-ear tongs and tinder boxes) Order of person who has a small piece of land may iiiaiiii- factare his oivn tnclusses, and, perliai-s, sugar. If cultivated on so small a scale a.s not to i . ERlTiSH FiLLiBlSTEil!.yG. The capture of Bii.shire in Persia by the Warrant the expense of erecting the rollers for, British, recently excites hardly any attention expressing the juice from tlie cane, tliey may j either from the press of this country, or those be cut lip in a straw cutter, and ground is one I nf En'>-land, althougli 've cannot iniHgine tt liV of Hickok’s portable cider mills, with such I those presses who so deeply deplore tlie ‘‘filli. facilities that two men could obtain five or six ] blistering” tendeney of tlid democracy of this barrels of the juice per day by hand, and pro-1 country liaVe nothing to .say in condemdatioii lionally more if or other power it used, i of whatever act for tlie acquisition of territory This juice could be ehenply boiled in one of the I England iiiay engage in. Through the last evaporators with whieh yon are acquainted ■ Pi-esidciitial campaign, the black republican without biiriiiiig the .syrup or wasting any-fiiel.' press of this country and tlie abolition jiresses Besides, tlje, mola.sses obtained from the ; of England prufer,.sed to look with holy horror stalks, tlie leaves will make good forage, the | on the doctrines contained in the Ostend Maiii- seed will nearly ecpial that of a crop of corn or festo, so called. The people were fvarned that oats, and the tops will make brooms , if Buchdilaii was elected, this government With all of these advantages, may not the i would become one grand fiiiibusteriiig agency, sugar millet prove of great value to the com-Jam! various homilies were written on the iiioral- muiiity? Every family in the country can make i ity of iillibusteriiig in genera!. Even now, if tiieir own sugar and molas.sos, wliilo, at the J Walker in Nicaragua succeeds in gaining the same time, the s-jed, forage, and bru.sli for iiiak- i mastery over Ida enemies and hapens to kill a ing broom.s, will pay ail of the expenses of J few of the iiative.s, these same pre.sses .set np a raising the crop. i howl of iiidigiiatioii and horror over the "out- Tliose having seed to .spare, will do well to! rage.” England however, may in her intense make it public, tliat more experiments may be : greed for territory stretch.lofth her hand and made during tbe next sniiimer. ! blot out an empire from existence; and annex H. G. BULKEY. ! its territory to her own; she may seize upon Kalamazoo, Midi., 18.11. Uiiid appropriate a:i extent of eoiintry compared [The e.xperimciits of our eoiTcspoiulent are with whieli Nicaragua and Cuba, are pla.aes of certainly valuable fact.», not only to our far-!-small importance; she may do all this, and it liter.*, but our whole people. IVe hope that fair | will hardly call fort a word of ccmnient either and full experiments will he made witli this , of eoiiiniciidation or ot indignant protest, millet during the next season, and now i.s the; 1 here is no mistaking tlie real dosign.s ol time farmers to prepaTe and lay out tlieir work. I Bugiaiid in the Ber.siaii difficulty. Although — Scientific American. ' J she may .silceeed in eoiicealing for the present ; what she intends to do, it will, we hare no Eattenifg Ducks.—Diickiing.s intended for ! doubt, before long be made manifest that slie tiie table should be eoiifiiied in a warm lionse ; ’‘S tmt content with the extent oi her doininions never to be allowed to swim, and Imre an nii-1 in A.sia, and since slie has gobbled up the limited rnpply of food. A mixtufe of three 1 greater part of India, it will not be surprising parts of Indian corn meal and one jiart jiotatocs, j ‘o see her making preparations to swallow Rer- moisteiied slightly with the Wasliitn-r.s of dishes, : ria, and the .smaller provinces oi Asia. 'VI ith the Honor ill wliich meat has been boiled, or " e have nothing to milk, witli a few uiidergroiiiid grains of barU-y j do only we may be allowed to that as |£e^daily, fattens them qniekly. ; tillihnsteriiig i.s not confined exclusively to the " ‘ ’‘inited States, iieitlicr is VV’alker the only one ;aged ill it, certain presses would do a.s Well So divide their indigiiiitiyii hetweeii Walker and tngland. i cannot be sent away from lioiHL' to hoiirrliiig 'scbools; blit men of .enperior iniiids and knowl edge of the world, wrinid father have for wives woincli well and projierly educated at. home, i tiie garter. And this ediiciilioii can be had wherever the : W iled Sidney ,‘Sinith liad concluded, de.sirc is not wanting. A taste for reading does ' y-.iiiMg aentleman. said ‘.‘A very good story wondel'S; and an earnest tliil'st after kiio'Wledgc j —ratin r old—hut what the devel has Is certain to attain ii sweet dr.mglit of ] sugar tong.s and tinder boxes to dotvilli il? the “Pierian sprirm.” Tiicrc is a farmer’s' “1 will tel! yon, my yoniig'rieiid, wlion yon! --’Ac., have to do! light from D.riiK Pi.aces.—“Sam Joiisiiig,’ old ; and carbfiilly cover it up; and that two cats .beioiigiiig to a neiglibor were afterwards seen todig up and eat tliis substance, and that tliet -Sam Joiising I s eircnm.slances arc ‘an I’ll tell daiHrhtcr in tlii.s very room in which I am wri-: teJ me what ‘d—m my eys,’ Ac., hare to do . iv]iv. It's becase I wants de Inecrdations ting, a beautiful, refined and iiifellcetnal no-:In the^uieanlinic, a ; q„ ^ man, ill -whole girlhood, books were not so;”’'' me to say-, s my sty o c sweaiin,,. 'ject dal’s,^lost in do mazes oh doubt and per-; j pleiitifill as now, and wlio gained her fine edii-1 ^ j r ♦■- tl ldt-‘-Yi‘y ‘o me. I a.Yes you, now,-avot are ; 1’‘'‘®‘‘‘‘1’”” “"'I bravely .sli.ircJ i.i cation iiinloi'diiliciiitics which would have dis-' C ai'i-.k, tuf. * iiuii.kfi,. meant by de dark ages ob whieh we hears , , . . 1 1 , 1 1 nini-derer of the late W arden of the State 1 rr, , - " ■ 'Coura‘'*c'’l iinv’ one but one wuo iiail as fond a • . • itiuch^ , ; . i ison ill Charlustowu, Mass., IS now in sate con-, * .. love for stnily. , , , Dc dark ag:cs nb Jk worlds Pete? “I will .state w y think te country „,„rchaiiied to the roar: “Ezaekly s.. «i,m. ■ are yet to prove the hope of tlie eountry. . 1 lie ; ^ -Wat yon t.nks ob den, yourself,, Pete?” women in towns and eilics are become so uni-1 wt v. , said Pete Gumbo last night, a.s he met his , friend just before gun fire- mighty glad to sec you. , force the mind to the belief that •‘Yon is, ell?” queried tlie philosophic Sam, i committed. ‘Distinctly I i.s,” retorted Pete, i Fearfal Incident of Wan A young, daring, open hearted New \orker, oined Walker in the early days of his ciiter- ver.sally extravagant, foolish,and fashionable, | that tflen afe almost in despair of obtiiiiiiiig ! "‘W’ wives who are not invalids, and of providing I so ; the first bloody and disastrous attack upcii i Rivas. Before that time neither friend or foe ! had learned to estimate, as tliey since have, I the power of tlie rille in American hands, and i the native troops abandoned Walker just as Wall, sdmetimes t tinks dey has deferenf.e = '''“‘•‘“‘‘s*- Thus left umsiip- atc Prison ti few days: to de times afore gas, and de roarin’ tiorailis, or two sa-! “'“I *18 oder new liglits ob skyence I to allow hiiii to lav down on his bed. While them with what they want after they have I married them. Ltiiless the young man has the loons which had been opened duriii. his con-:inwented, and den agin I’s lost in de dark- liiiemeiit in the State Prison. ninrrK.’ii mcni. »- mi. jwuu^ mcwi *.f«o mv I . 1. lint mv fortune, (irood or bad) to be ill the po.sse.ssioii;urn in t le can lage lenmi ect , of wealth, he must spend the best bloom of l,is j'm s!'ould think that liis-lioiygriits wftild be fix-, An officer who ;''6-“'® "’'“'oh de lights aforesaid has giben me But niy ’pillion is notin: I axes yoh to .spinti-' youth in aeqniring ciiongli to ‘ start upon,” a.s pc-oiilc are expected to begin ilow-a-days.—Meii even in high places, would go to the enuiili'y for their elioice, if they met there equal refine ment and iiitelligeiiee. 'Women are preparing to take a noble stand in hi.stoiy, and they | i”"!? cannot do it in ignorance. ed on something entirely different from .saloons,! ''Wall, Pete, accordin' to tjie lights afore to whieli Cater made a rcekle,ss reply, and. ad-j‘"8 I tinks dat de dark ages yon delude to ded that no one would ever see him shed atear,; "'as de times wen dar.’t no one but niggers ' Wiihiii a day or two it has been discovered, shni .spore ob onrs-^de times wen that he had busied himself in picking and sera-] “’'^t® folk’s tt’asn't no whar!” the cement from the joints between tiie I Dat’s de trnt, Sam, de trut; I knows it ij '..-(tones which form the wall's of his eeJI.s, ab J '‘t "P de darkness heeahr’ and Pete ' though he had net made sufficient progress in | struck his forcliead a heavy blow with his open Sheriff Clark, Iiav- ika>'d, turned upon his heel and marvelled. ported, M’alker was forced to retire and leave his worst wounded on the field. The Costa Ricans fell upon tiicse unfortunates with brutal ferocity, and stripping them of every vestige cf clothing, and in inany cases hacking and muti lating tlieir lielpless bodies. After these sav ages had satiated tlieir muligitaiit halted of the A mericans—or a.s they even (hen began to call them, the “Rifles”—they dragged the bodies to the nearest Wells and plunged them in, without distinction bettvecn the “ the dead. Among the wounded was this young New Yorker, who bore tli*! name and shared the blood of Dewitt Clinton, the illustrious father 1 of our State Canal sy-stem. The brntal usage “Town girls have the advantage of more polished niaiiiicrs and greater aecnm-j k's labors to do any luinii. plislinieiil.s; blit country girks have infmit.-ly | I”'®" '““Ij Excellent ftEPARTEB. The Rev. Mr Me- ‘I’® Costa Ricans recalled the fainting suf- more to recommend them as rivals of tlieir fair J " l‘‘' Catei, who piomi.-ed to tioin mrt ler ; gf Pongiaf. j„ Clysdesdale, i f®®®*" consciousness, and on the brink €>f tkc city .sisters. 'I'iiey have more truth, hoii.seliold [''1'®''““””® ‘I'®‘'H' ‘‘''J- "as ‘iioimec, j lyg,, o„g j,,y ^ ^],g j well he murmured some words of borne, aud knowledge and economy, health, and!'1®®”^®*'‘I”'*'® "’j' honorable Henry firskbie and .some other ! s”PpI‘®‘*R“>l for a glass of water. “Shall we A great dish of cresses '■o’' spare this poor woniided ‘RifleT ’* pleaded quenllv more bcautv, simpliejli’, affection and whatever at renewing that sort of " ®vk, I”® | '■ - . ' . f -A... . luuids would be iJaeed 111 irons beiuud his back. !‘‘‘"I®'” "®v® Pv®’’®‘”- riie hardeiied wretch does not manifest the ,I"'®®®”l’Cd after dinner, Dr McC., who contrition for having Committed the awful I fond of vegatabfes, helped crime for which he is now in close confinement, ‘‘‘“self much riiore largely than any other pc-r- tresi.iiess of iiijiulse and tlionglit. NVhen they have cultivated minds there, are more elnmees ill their favor of good sense and real ability because so i!int-li is not detnanded bj tiie frivol- ilie.s of society. The added lustre of foreign aeeompHslimeiits could easily be cunglit by .sneli a mind from a very little .eoiitaet with the . , . , „ , I social oartv was urged to sing a sOiig. lie i “.'jjved to give him a hit for the apparent gros.s- ■‘1 winild not speak as tiiongli onr farinei'.s’! i -> ,, ,. . ,7 ‘ . j r .a ‘ „ , roiil-ied that iic would first tell a story, and i »ess of his taste and manner of eating, the marefonndj I ■ awaiting the doom whieh is surely pending over him. "Too OooD t(3 HE Lost.- son, and as lie ate with his fingers, with a p'e* culiar voracity of manner, Mr Erskiiie wU.s struck witji the idea that he resembled Nebu- A yoniig man at a i bhadnezzer in his state of condemnation. Re- wit demand he would ' addressed him with “Dr McC. ye bring me in brilliant .scholars and talented wome , , - X- I- I 1 ,r- ■ ■ li ' : then if they persisted in their ainoii"'ihem; in New England tins IS CK|)ee'.a!!> • ' ■ a f n . -fc^- x- u u 1 i ■- ’ . I endeavor to execute a .song.—M hen a boy he , miud of the great King Nebuchadnezzer;‘’ and so mt won t see ■ aw i J "C am .iMoii 0i , lessons in singing, and on Sunday fthe company were begining to titler at the lu- all to oecome t lat ai Iii.ief am a*®'®'- " qg „.e„t „„ to Ilfs father’s garret to (dicrous allnsioii; when the reverend vegatabie which they ought to be, il tlii-v Will unite re- j ' I pi aetiee bv himself an under officer of the Costa Rieau arwy. “No; Death to all Americans !’, thundered MS supe rior; and then iie added in Ixmla) jest, "Hurry him in; he will find water enoaglf tu drink -at the bottom of the well.” The wounded man was tbcW talst in, aaii other wounded men -werii fhirowu upon him.— His body went down,- enrging and striking against the stony sides of the deep well, and that was tlic last sei'tt {(f young Dewitt Clinton’ —New York Snw. A Bitter Rebtke-.—Oencral Quitman, in his late celebrated Speech iu tbe House, in speaking of th« resolution declaring that siig- ,,. .... ........... When ill full piny he was I devourer replied, “Ay, do I mind ye o’Nebu lined cult lie ;,.p «iii| I'oses'and lion-i suddenly sent for by the old gentleman, i Chadnezzer? fhat’ll be because I’m eating'gestioiis to revive the slave trade are shocking This-is pretty conduct,”’said the father, I among the brates!” A .sweet ebuii eysuekles trained climb over it, with good taste, \ hey have been Using a intelligence and beauty within, toil enough to ;‘ pretty employment for the son of piojis parents court, aefjnaintaiiee with books and flowefs, | to be sawing boards on the Sabbath morning, and the of nature; with peace, plenty j loud enough to be heard hr all the ne :iHd love, is surely one of tlie paradises whieh The young man tie proposed soiig. A Sail Slejcu. tail .sleigh, as a ferry boat across the, ice, on Ithc Mississippi river at Davenport, Iowa,- tliis [winter. 'I'lic Gazette, of tiiat place, says: 'I’lie sail sleigh is doing a good ferry hn.siiiess I carrying passengers across the river at five cents [per head. We venture to say not many of [these passengers ever crossed the river in quiek- ler time. It has two short stationary rUnner.s [in front, and one movable rniiiier, acting as a I riulder, in the rear, by whieh the boat or sleigh [can be whirled around in a moment. The rao- 1 tive lanehiuery is a big saili Heaven has left for the-attainrnent of man.” DisTiNGrfs.vit.h AHHiv,tL.—George reabndy, Esq,, nf London, the wealthy banker and gene rous bein-fi.etor, was in onr town ycsterdiiy and pnt up at (lie CaiVjiiia Hotel. It will be i other things slie said she had remembered that he reeentiv gave $300.(i0fi to | One of the -servants asked her: “Sister, you „ , . , c .• - see any blaek folks in heaven?” the Citv of Baltimore, for the purpose of loiiii -t ■ • j , i j, ■ „ , .. - Yi . 1 Oli’e-etaiit—’spose I go in de kitchen'when ding an institution of learning m that city.— " - Meriild. " j ' 3'lAiLDEPRF,n.ATons AUR'ESTEn.—In September ighbors! i-tnion) the mails-bc- , . , , I ), ” ' tween Memphis and tiouisville and between Sit down ana take .YOiir book.” |. m # -n oeiwcen was excused from singing j “'”1 Clarksville were robbed, and fp.soo taken front letters contained therein ■ .t i - . i . . - x - 1 f 11 t p -1 3 •, the last trrbmials to which questions of public The indefatigable agent of the denartment * ri 1 in ..1 .MCI 1 ' p morals or private honor should be referred. Colonel Barplay Martin, has been for .some . ^ ^ time in seafeh af the depredators, and has a^, - “Ah, my good fellow, where liave you been length succeeded in discovering them. The j oT a week b ack?” “For a irnol'iflp/.! I have A negro woniaii wa.s relating her experience to a gajiing congregation of color. Among been in heaven. to the moral sense,- Ac., made this witty and severe remark : ‘It is vain' asd pharisaical arogance’ of superior virtrfo iff us to assume such censorship. I intend no personal disrespect when I say, that this House, constituted as it is, is one of robbery occurred at Holyoke, Henry county, ! not been troubled with a weak back, I thank and was perpetrated by negroes. Of the money | you!” “No, no, where have you been long $1,400 was recovered. The negroes were ' back?’’ "Long bnrJA—Don’t yon call mo long severely punished.-. } back, yon scoundrel!” FAn SnfuivI* .*^c. a .wj ajpnt for tbe colli Personp doKiroul •dvertifing farnriL AFTEK.VlHI.V. oq the Kupcpcding or this ill mind—an i exrrptioii. The friend.s ' ing to the peo)i| them ill its prl serious coiisidq ments, one of' this Road »ill ] of land in tlie ' the value oflail able value of itq only proGtah docs not redt*-: road ami lac ‘-ommtMiity, a ' not felt ill the speaks anotherj 4Ve believe ' the wealthiest I of t'.tis road; pjueuces, wLick | and comiuereu anflueatiai tha|t otisni lead tiiea andertaiing. willing t»8ire«t - •ccifsnrre which they fafi Te cml Tie The ptemxT Flvery sectiu our interests al ■nate lo every | ■eonteraoed:; ' pitiful boarti “it any other'i list of doo'ited] ' Trcfch forth : and>critJ and stand iiie| iffuence the { mate or uioq •emotioii tliat i {leopic to cart 4-f tite -retel 'scriptioii, the j Tax thcinseh'c fae siicccs^tl i ■a doubt,) t4e?!l tion their owa TiiteHigeiit ga the SIkCc, al iStatcE, who a| w oiider why ■eiicti a work. There shoull the people to| The great' not only of 1-^ tiguous count Tor ewergy, tcom»e«dnblyl iff that princin iby -which alonl •guments writd fore the eyes ( preteri f6 exp need not (irg^ \V« earne pedi^Tc 'fa tl tione, tfat win do her duty il Iu everythingl Welfare of th/ Congress lij for sonic tiiiifl Members imp and other inti science. It thieves, wbici decency to tl .always uiianil ting Rieir ah baseness ctd and their co bert, Matte three first expulsion, hiiosclf to s^ hope soon Scoinidrels, i hbt fur dist 8 HibHiber will be cons hundred dol| tOrSee : the cost of! “From Reading find that th 19. Its eal 321,193 81 Net pro paying inb the stock, but alarge| for paying i Tbe roa the gross 2,213,292 and passen^ The Tail i charged on | 54-100. porting it tl lO^of a ce

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