THE NOKTH === , X.1U lai-gest Carriage raetoty ^IcKettoan I WoiLil >1®* Dcparl. Forinc.i' iiiny ilenv iiio Tiie ease that many Iuitp, She may dmiy the meaim to "spree, ’ Or eluini".' to ioin ii> revelry, May take biu k all she ^'ave. She may refuse for "'o to have A sltiLTle fr'eiiJ on earth — Befusc a help'mi; haml to save >Iy body from aa ley grave, When lingering in death. Blit while it i.s permitted me To tread the ilo'.very sod, To look upon llie billowy .sea. And hear sweet note.s of psaltery Burst forth in praise to God. And then behold caeh twinkling star, And view- the milky-way; Observe the snn in golden car, •Who marks in peace as well as war, To mail each passing day; This life will not a burden be: For with a warm true heart, I'll live, admiring earth and sea; And though mankind may frown at me, Still would I not depart. \ SEW YEAU’S CALL TO ONE AND ALL. : T nasna-hedfroinU.™. since lie has comme - : a.ite he !«■> i>c ^ .it- :r::r3Sh,u.,..„ the. i-OJil* ' Imsincfs. he is not j[. has also on , N.n-thera work for raj ■ , Wagon. Carnage I sate Wagon -o'; ofcvevy (tiscription, and "■fv-Srn-UemWm 'n ninat-done neatly and ,earnestly rennets aU tho^^b.dep^ to lie late linn the settlement of Spll.I5itw S>UPI*1jY DR JAMES F. FOUL EES. Corner ot Hay /, Would rc.spectfnllycall the att, :rt of liis frieud.s and customers h nilUGS, MKOICINKS, OILS, riisrsi ANt> IIVE-SI'IFFS, they can'lc lHmsi!l^tA!^hi^''naAef 'llis 'ot t mi^obie “that can W dep.mded upon, as he buys none hut tlie geiuuae artiC..,. Constantly on hand Burning Fluid, Camphenc South* it witlKiot ilo(‘ivy.^ ai-3in i Ihe lAio ‘ tiucUum^* hi* h - ; the co-pannership_.yf,mres ' .hinuary Uh I-'*-'.. ''' :m 1«50. ; ^:r la"" y-- j timi. ^ J V.S N. SMITH. Hruggist. i Catatognes will he funi'ished gratuitously upon ! application ■' g4 Medical purposes,) Congress AVater, Citrate Magnesia, East India Castor Oil. March lo. 1850. H.\rKISO:!I'S COfaVMniA?!' U A 1 It I> Y" E. SIZE KN-LARCKD, STYI.F. IMPKOVEP. It has doable the quaatKy and strength of any other. It ghosnperfett natnral color. U wlors every shade Rroa. light brown to jet Mark. Its nse is easy and rapid. It Is perfettl} harmless to the Skin. Its effeet h instantaneous and permanent. It is the best, quickcA, cheapest, and M IDE. 33-2m ■VI an atliouineil Meetinw of the C„,;ml:^ners o/.he Town of , U' Jr Tav Collector, commissions a Jolm r. beonard. ^»rcclor cfl’alrol for Warren frior, Kceporr of W„,’ MMliamson, .Sexton to the Grave lard ^‘‘^%!nm.H.Lochamim. shaw.^1 ea 1. Gjtard.^^^^ was “I’ Cd Chief Hrc M arden. ST Hawley, \fiiliiiiLlc Land for htalc. The suhscrihor offers for sale his entire hmds nudu- din" ahmit eight hundred acres, yc ‘ , ,u „(■ iihovc Fayettmdllc healtliy and subscriber on the ''‘““‘^y^'f Ex.vNUER W.\LKEU. JulvW. ‘‘C .T. S. BAXKtS, COMMISSIOtV .\v.T> FonV.'AnniViG merchant. WILATIMGTOF', F'. C. January 1. l.S.'ili. IstTkiTT IVTUO ,r lie informs his friends an?f the-public, that ho ,ii,S t K.;dn.g;;i;;r'SSS=;» i;.r the lastgl 1;^ ,’disfactiou. to merit a Pusmess. with nulls his work to lie 1 ..est maieriul and 'w ^M-eriouced^wor^n wim m,; mailGu dm United States, for ueat- ‘“7f;;r^teWnrj\osiMauddoauywo^ on a.=? irooii t^nns us an\ \\o\K , v lafirest i-'‘i'br v.iii j .• .rrf'IIo inis on hninl more thanONiJ UL. I A^i) ViFTV Vehicles linishcaaiul lU coiirse 0 j made bvhiui is warranted 12 mouths iriiirihW li-g^ and should U bd^hy .^ workmanship soimiile terms. i'^ivettcville, Oct i. l6.)h- Spirits T'm-pf'i'tinc, , ^.u-,,,, stock ot wora m-.u-i.v "‘“.l"''"; ,.,,.,11 Alcohol, i very low for Cash, or on ^ OXU HUNDUbH lirandics and AA ineP, rv^Ho Ims on, ^ ‘ ^r rtin- PALL & WINTER STOCK. I 'HAVE jn^t received in Glo'd";: TEH Stock of bilk, btap , qualitiee, dec., Ac. emhracing Goods and Trim- incUiding all styles Lad es iJr^ miiigs, to wit: btnped 1 laid “ u eolora; sol- striped, and printed all 'shades aud ool- id. all wool do. hreiich .jmd Uclaius. ors, printed niid pld. low pnee ^ Talmas, Also, a imbrd. Collars, and o.xtra heavy Bay St-'te » i,'iounciiigs; do edgings black Laeedo.,Siviasaud Jac l lounciig Made Clothing, lY“'rre“rcs,mcHuny ’ bwited to give J.“S rs'2 "3S'5 ™ .ioH rp.- 22-tf A'ov. 1st iS.ifi. CORPORATION BONDS Of thv T»w» wC FwycatbvIDa for Sa Agreeable to an Act of ^‘^t^^jljAlfiT.aulhorii- State of MwtliCarolm*,rati«^I)«-!»> »*?*: jj lag ih. Town of rayetteviUe to **“*’’" pur- thl amount of in the „„ Bail pose ofim^uighereahscTiption to the nestern “ TheVeto^ft t« ordered by FajetUTill^, thhl the TteRMircr of the Town r^ei eoAled propofiaU, nntil the let Of Tfovember ne . the purchaee of $50,000, in sunits of $500 each o Bonds, or any part thereof. Bonds to run t^e j veah'*. irith Coupons attached.—interest payable semi^ ammally. The said Bouds shall be under the seal^ol the Corporation, and binding on the faith of the same. * \VM. WARDEN, Toirn Treasurer. Oct. 1. 1850. tf MAKEH, w. OVFAIBY, SADDLE AND HARNESS WOULD Re.spectfnlly inform the public and all the r^n^tomerrofHonstPuand^O-rby, :;™‘i::^i:aS»usbreo.^-nt^-;;Y^ p OR S .V I. E at reduced prices, H’nr CASH or on Short Time, ■2.'»0 Ctti'i'i‘tSi‘^5 lit! ROCEAWAYS & BUGGIE.S of even, description, \!„ny of whicb are tinished, • r 1 1 mIv fimo!!**' Avluch me niAny -:;Y;;;Ai/sVyle;.a„d onZver.fin'-. Carria, bein ntiD and Some Line. Aiif Strict attention paid to . IS. 1856. O*"' Repairlng.*'^?^ \V. OA'ERBY. WlL»HNGTON ^ FAYETTEVIIaLE. r M.gnoli..l«Te« F.yrttcTiUc on Monday and Th»r.. a.Vm“rningt.*lt “-"^^“Fvid.y mornings. Lrav.aWilniinEtnnon 'lnrsd^y^^ K.yrttrTille on 1 Stt »in«*r I-annj ^“^J'A^niuutiF aJt*r mu-riM*. V.nm\^mn’ and Saturday mornin,. vnna nmlarly carryiuii Krt'iphl only- . sticrf ®f thr RiTfr. »nd :Pd:Sr.'^d;Urpf:r’Vma«avaringgoc.da, too w.P iiht’rii line with '.fent PTE rrt-r ^Directions ibr -e aceon.^aeh Imx.^;^^. Tricg—loa. »l . - *• ?, , ..,• in.noresa. in the [Entered accordiu year 18.15, by A. IN .\.rao.s Willi.amson " jus Mel'her.soii, " J" „ .. J M Williams, .. W. MelAlcEay, ‘ _ ■ ‘ .. J 1) Williams. “ •• , .. flrdmYllA’hat regular meetings "f held on the first .'Saturday in each month. ^From the Minutes.) ^ m.ATTHENVS, Clerk. . . .,- ill-fit Jan j_2n^ — \n those iiulebfed to me eithei by Note or Accm.ut, are ‘"'f'E'’l!"" Yosts ly in want dev goods-at wuolesale. WE lire now receiving a very large SlOCiv, bracing every thing in tin' Dry tm'"'- _ , , Hals, Caps, Root.s, Shoes, Silk n"cl ^o.i" Bonnets, Umlirellns, and Kcaily Made Clothing, Ac. Which they will sell ClHLyP for C^h Notes at VAIIOLESALE m\\y W e unit .n.i jlmnt; Vi.siting this market toe.xamine ■'"JYms J. B. STARR. -f- .,^Vr Aug. 30. 1856. ~ D. AV. C. BB^■BOM^ D. D. S., Graduate of tUc Baltimore CoIleBe of lIEliTAL SlRCEBV. Ofiice bonr.s from 0 A. .M. to 1 1'. M. , .1 .. •' 3 1’. .\1. to 5 I’. M. I DR BENBOW may be found at bis suit iil R'"'’m' ; near the Market, wbere all who are in m-ed w the sem-ices of a l>cntc-^t d''‘YY lYnu.'i ! .Vlt operations “bjl'j.Yj,,-V ' jipprovcu pliins. beautiful sty es J'(I,,;!,;- the beit manner of them very lijsht. mi 1 « f iciViticp tor iloin? JYjri^y'‘-of arYgree^^r than;a^ mrhy ; Those who are indebted to me will W I up as my requires m) "^•''^.‘"mcKETH.-N.N. .-ollected. An'j'UJ't h), 1850- tf 43.isc .Just received, a few doz gennitie East India CsVSTOR OIL, (for my rfeUtl.) Also, Cl of Mstgilesitt and Congress )\ ate ^ poULKES April 2. 1856. — POK. riEAI.ER IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, IIAT.S, CAPS, BOOTS* SHOES, AND 1\ eati y-J\Judc Clot hi Barticulnr attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. HAY STREET. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. November 3d. IS.ifi. the dA'p-tlb lied pn.niptuest i known to require comni. nu To our pHtrouN we a a^^pure all fhipIwrM that p, heretofore fel l confid. lit th.t o«r „oefforl««int.erl'.rtd 'o1otur«.mm f.cilitieeforderputct ore equal If not p^. j |otx, Cai>« Kesr Rltt**. Ag*nl for Luttcrloh St ( o- F.yettetill.. N. C., Oct. 2«.1«5« sLtf a7M. ilainpbell, AUCTioNEER Jfc COMMISSION MERCHA-NT, East side of Gillespie street, riTETTETlIJ.*, N. C. October 1, 1855. A CARD. V\i ' 1 r sr’. Tv Td • mviit! t-V Faxtuu's of the isorFera Fou sai*e. . now oiler it to any enterpn Tlr* :5ul.^crih')r uhovc iiaiitctl prop ''’TY''uotel’eAov-a'''wge custom from the adjoining --‘"Y,u:^'?n:;"'a""NVh'!;i?i::sd:n:::^^'no: P‘,WI J alia center a la^ or on U ,U.e vet of congress, in Hm i ' f&s of ai; oOlcer, as I - d^ermined H^Jisoj iu the Cterk-s^Rli^ of to^t no tm^- m HIM t- tNUksv... ' . year ' -T. ,• fnr the Eastern District the Dii=tnct court of the L. b. tor iul “VY’Yb- bv J AS F FOULKES. Fayetteville S. G. MaVnfIclurer", AFOLLOS W. HARRISON, No. 10 SouthAth St., rnii..ti>ia.i'Uii- Feb. 21, 1857. ly E. C. HALL. Home. ^ onaTT & f]0.’S. -• "-r-ettpville. M^afcn BRITISH PERIODICALS and the FAItM^nt’S GUIDH. G REA'l' REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF THE LATTER I’UBI.IC.VTION. I SCOTT A CO., NEW YORK, continue to ptib- Iisll'’tlie tbilowiug leading British I'eriodiculs, vis: the LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative.) the EDINBURGH REVIEIV (Whig.) I THE NORTH B. iTISH REVIEW (Free Church.) “ HNC VNl) TURPEN-ItUE WE3TMIN.STER REVIEW (Lihcrnl.) XI^^LaYS m « coUy, kimwn -‘b® Pa^r | ^.^^.^WOOD'S EDINBURGH MAG.tZ,NE (Tory.) ^^.^''J)0"aeres'cf the! p„:„,iie;.l, nhlT^cscnt the throe great ''"ronulttv oHow grmtnds on the River. The yi>! Great BrTtain-Whig, Tory and aG are heavily timlH-red tyith Radical.-^bnt (.olilics forms o»'y FOR SALE. H-avv 4-1 Beaver Creek .Slioetings. Cotton Yarn. Warp and Filling, Nos. to 10. -VLSO, Belt. Picker, Roller and Lace LE.VTHLR.'e. ') is and Manufacturer's Findings. Cloth and Glass dteps. !• r M Co J. U. HALL. Pres. L. C. .M. Co. July 2«, ISafi- riuiiiiv'i v..«. j To thoi^e in iieefl of irtiSDm! Tcriiiq i;:;‘nonididmply say that he U j"' ...pnt He inserts from one to ati imt.ic Kit ui>o. »n Gold or Platina plate, which lie guarantees to o' , ^ ” II„.. . ,.rriceahle as the natnral orgau.s. "''hI spends nine months of each year in this place. | (from first of October to the first of July.) Oct.-25,-1-0 I I .LvMFs“c7b^rTir "^ COSTIN . J.\>IES c. SMITE! ^ CO*, I^ItrcAonls^y i H'tvc removed tlicir ofiice to the second story of the j I biiilding formerlv occn])ied liy the Telegrap.i i ivherc thov are prepared to attend to all hnsiness in , ""‘In'imi^nel^'entrnstcd to them will he punctimlly i atteiiaea to. \Vilmin«ion, October 1. lSot> y F. 'DAVISON, -M. 1). 1 ii !■/ can b-'- seen liv anv one wishing to purchase, hy i[::SYiihY:Y:,r±n,an:;t^7‘gre:;te;v;^i^he '-7Y;v"Tn7::7Y’S7^:;ed7i7;: ^ bu.- ' n -YiY a perso.i conhl engage in ttint would pa; as "v"- J II. IIOBERTS A CO. l.)-tr. k, epl II. is.'ei Oasil Fcirc’-iasers. CAUUOLL A PETERSON, Clinton N. 0., . . „ wilT ,v\v the Hi--host priee.s for likely Tonng Tims!, wishing u/sell will find ns ready 1 I IS .1 o 1 th ; h :st basmess terms. I e-.,: l.’i-lim BPilsIemli*! Bi ! ! Just received from the Maimfaeturcr, Ira Ilersey, a bedsteads of various patterns, and made of good seasoned timber. These Bedideads are manufactured iii fYm'from cni.bcsoldtodealcrsaslotyasthey can be got from the North. Call and examine.^ ^ CAMPBELL. April 9, 1856. Y JIOIY.MAN, SELLERS & CO., gp-nbrai, commission meuchant.s And Cothm Factors, 3-1 1-3 Pill* Stveet, NSW rORK. D. W. BOWMAN, )V. H. SELLERS, May 1. 1S5B. EDW'D. MePUERSON. N. B.—Particular attention paid to consignments of Naval Store.s. the undersigned would respectfully inform his old frilndsand cummers that >’=/-,X^Yirad to «e .,t,oreofC. E. Lcete, where he^w.U “'jYm 17, 1857, 33-tf W anted an active, honest man in each twc‘mn of the State to take orders by sample for _ Jlc- AI 1 ISTER’S HO.MtEOl’ATUlC REMLDIE... o Active men a liberal monthly salary aud fair commis sion will Im paid. Address (wi.h^^^Pgto^Prcp.. “f:;^7,185L 36-4^’ Jersey City. N.J^ J3>2,0!)0 dollars,—Agents wanted, either Ladies or Gentlemen, in every town and coun ty Itt the tWd .States, to engage i" >* f;r"‘«U”t''o ness hv which they can make from one thousand to iw'e'thmisand dollars a year. For P^"'“TcO en^inps^ Boxt^’l^^i^^^^hU^a: WANTED. A fovr likeiy sftrvants.—men, Iwys and girls. Tie ' J • u FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL. The Siibseriliers having this day leased tills Hotel for a term of years, will he , ::??£ :-^nlensed to S'li: their friends and the tr.uelmg iliiiSS pnldic at this House. At the sameliinc^ luiv,.' tliev will be patient and bear witli onr tup. ■ Re- ; lY^ns nl.Dl we shall have pat the House m such repair ; as we ue.sire. ^ ROP.F,RTS & CO. I J. 11. RomiKTS. F- N. R«bb»7fi. I Maroii 1, l.'; 3.1-tf TO TRAVEIaERS* The Snhscrihers convey the Mail between ville and Barclaysville in a Buggy, and can accommo date mie or two passen.gers. Tbe route is l^ wwy o KincsbuiT, Biiiiu’s Level. Suinmeryillc .and Nellis Creek The davs for loavingFayettevillc arc Tuesdays, Thni sjavs anti Saturdays, at (1 o'clock, a. tn.-UvU^ns Monday,' Wednesday and Friday evenings. F are from Fayetteville to S.tmmerville $2. ^ uarRIS, Aiig. 25, l&7fi. A. PARKER. MORE NEW GOODS. highest price wilFbe paid by calliug Feb. 14, ol-tf 100 Busli. Seed Oats, just received and for .sale by U- CARVER. Vinegar, just receiving liis FALL AND con.sibting of almost every SURGEON DENTIST, i Intendin"- to locate permanently in I'liyetlevilln _ liiipes to iniike it the intere.-t of all ''■''“ .'■j’:'';, i vices of a to givchim ‘he rare ol the i lu. h. , liest , -.-.1- lamLs are heavilv tim!«‘reil with pi Miles of the Fay'ettevijlc and Western jj.,. For particulars apply to D J. Vt. McK-VY. Nov 20, ISofi. 26-tf ; .1.“.anSSA'SS i cvarhA unriv.1^1 iu thu uurlU vices ol a LK>nni*i'GO 55^'G unit - . i H-iving had oighf vear's experience, and lieiug in- , i imViiitcd with the w'ork of tlie best Dentist .North or , i rionlh, ho pledges himself to give ah opei.Rioim - . TruU'd to his hands that careful thoron.gli wmk ai.,1 , complete finish, that it cannot he bettered ii\ .m) 1 ■ SEE iiiaiiau A G&Ss^s. n M I! VUSHER, Professor of modern Languages and'Teacher ol- Mnsic. would respectfully intoi m the L illies and Gentlemen of Fayetteville amt vicinity, haspirmormitly located himselt m thu pl^e the'requisite knowledge and !* «i..• Hif.v tjirul'sh a more correct and salisiac-j .-ii muke u>eiul. ' reY' reemd of the current literature of the day j a ti'ial. and if he does not redeem throu"hout the world, than can he pos.sil)ly obtained | will torlcit his work. k„,„ ;.,v other source. Otlico at Fayetteville Hotel. ile will wait on Ladies at their vcsideaccs il dcsiuil. Jan'y 3.1857. 31-tf from any other__source. EAltLT COPIES. thathchimpiroiormR^^t—a;;®;;^-;^;;;— residences. P«sons requir^i^ TERS8. resUleuces. rerson^ re«iiiti iiifi ■ • Live word at the (.flice of the Fa.reUeyiile H^eL^ r. S. Piano--tuned at moderate charges. Eeb'v 7, 1857. Sfi-tim $60 3,'Biri.A'D. Runaway from the snliscrilier on the 9th of ber last a dark copper colored hoy, weighs ahoiit 14. ^uuiLs G rather spare hnilt, and has the end ot the ?ore finger on the Lit hand cut otf He is pruhahl; larking between Fayetteville iind Lmnberton. Per arm. $3 00 H 00 9 00 10 00 For any one of tbe fuur Revictts For any two of tlm timr Reviews For anv throe ot the four LcvieN>» For aU’ bmr of the Reviews For iUsvckwooiFs Magazine For Rlackwopfl and t!»rcc Reviews For Black>v6od and the four Reviews i Puytntnta to be made in a/l caites in adtxince. [Money ennent in the State where issued wiU he re- ■ ceived at par. _ CLEBBHG* rking between Fayetteville itna a discount of twenty-five per cent from the above I will give the above reward f®'''’‘"YF' ,'=. iV,,i "rat nt prices will Ik; allowed to Cm us ordering four or more «.a my plantation in Robeson co., or tor bi» y conies of any one or mure of the above ^y»rks. in any jail so that I can get him. j K„nr copies oj'Blackwood, or of one Review, ^willjc HAVE VDU SlIBSCUIBED IN TIIE CosmopaBtan .4fl .Asoriation KOlt THK ;iit. YEAB. THE RARE INDUCEMENTS! c the Icasure of announcing Vorks of .Vrt (lesigaed for dis- ih.JCi'ilier.s. w hose names nre rc- to til"'’filh of January. '-'>7, is much la, Vid more costly than on any previous year. .r,n„..o the l-ading works in Senlptnre--c.xcc.ntod in’tiie Marble—is the now and bcantifnl blatutc oWOOl) NYMPH." Thu Busts of thfcu Great .Vnierican Statesmen, CLAY. WEB.STEU, .4ND CALIIOLN. Also, the e.xqui.siso Ideal "SPRING; ’ APOLLO AND DIANA, in Marble, life size. ' Tot^Hhor wiih Hie niUo^tbt Greu^ tL:1h^L y1!L , Al'iit the-coll'-'olioll of £vLg S Hiat arc considered hopeless, , ’yBintion mmmg the i to'nm itoijr-mid the j :t,Li:11lll1g'*Lcl7xtttcY7s Iho.Isands of i " . it a- at... : 4..1 i rr411 f. ^ *'• fg7HE Suli.scriher is J. tVlNTER STOCK, ERIE S, HARO HARE AA'D HOLLOA-WARE —ALSO— Boot.s and Stioe.s, Saddlery, Fish &c., Any of which he will sell cheap for Cash, harter for Fro\linc or on sliort time. Store recently occupitd by Troy A Marsh, near the “^^oLDSTON. Oct. 18. 2U-tf received ami W. H. CARVER. Cider fof sale by Turpentine A.\es, just received and for sale by "'• H- CARVER. 50 Bbls. Mullets, jusi received and for sale by IV. H. C.ARVEU^ Seed Rice, 20 bush, for sale by \V. H. CARVER. NEW MACKEREL. 25 i bids, and Kits in store, and for j'j*'* 25 Boxes Cheese, just received and for .sale by ML 11. CARVER. Feb 14. 37-3t AUCTION EMPOKIU-M. OLD RYE 'WHISKEY The Sultscriber is the only authorized agent in Fay-^ ettevillo for the sale of the lion. R. C. 1 urycar s cm- ; yjie Subscriber has opened an Auction Sales Room brated Old Bj’C \Vhlsfet5'* >viU be supplied >^1111 | «y«o i/krtr nf ibp Chioe hear Ihi this superior Whiskey to meet i^fGHON April 10. negroes wanted. county, will have highest cash price for i MaitialmuChild of the Sea: Inno- Letters addressed to cither of ami f P? ’ • i „,,;i Little Truant, with numerous "voiks -m Bronze, aiid a collection of several hundred Finn Oil Paiiitiiiffs. by loading artists. i i ^ The whole cf which arc to be •imon-r the subscribers whose names are reced ed pro- vinnsTo tlie twcnty-cightli of January, 18o7, when the distribution w'lll take place. TERMS OP SUDSCRIPTION. Everv subscriber of Throe Dollars is entitled to A copy of the splendid Steel Engraving ' . I...-• (j^py Qt‘any ol the Iollo^Mng So .waga YOUNIt neoroks. US at Laurinburgh, Richmond prompt attention. ^ ^ MeINTYRE. DANIEL M, McL.VURIN. Laurinlmflvh, Jan'y 3, 1857. 31-tf JES- FOB SALE CHEAP. j 7 SECOND HAND BUGGIES in good j repair. A. A. McKETHAN. April 20, 185C. 42-tf in the building one door West of the Cape Fear Ban x. i up stairs, wbere he will lie glad to leceive consign j ments of Goods, Wares, or Jlcrcliandizc. nr-x-o i .£t9*Particnlar attention paid to sales of STOCK.b, RfiAL or PLR.SONAL ESTATE. ' C. E. LEETE, Auctioneer. Feb'v 9. 37-4t Bgy 2 000 Spirit Biirrcls for sale by ’ McL.AUUIN A STRANGE. June 17, 1850 tf at H BULLOCH, Jr. Marysville. N. C. Feb'y 8, 1857. 30-3m-pd^ Wood’s Hair Restorative, S. J. IIINSD-VLE. 913-tf Professor for sale by Aug. 30,1S56. 10,000 lbs. TnlloAV W anted. For which the highest cash P''f‘’\'.’wRi^yLL Oct. 1, ISoB. A. M. LAMl BW>1. turpentine inspector. Having been appointed Inspector of Naval Stores I am prepared to perform all duties m business either at the on the convenient and comiiiolious WiVHL-HOLSE corner of Gillespie Street, and can be fonml at the Store of A. M. Campbell's when wanted. I will take pleasure iu attending to the business of my country friends, and hope by a strict attention to bu.sine.s.s to merit a share of the public ])atronage. My charges shall lie as moKlerate as any one can expect. I will do my duty to both buyer and selkr.^^^ Dec. 20,1856. 29-tf * w,.. copies Wl -- . .. Si nt to one addrcsi for S9; lour copies ot Reviews .and Blackwood for S30; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and ‘I’®”'’ will be delivered. FULL Oh I’Os r.VGL \\ hen sent hv imvil, the Postage to any part "J.,*!’' States'will be but 'rA'bN 1 );hOL k L :.N b . ; m for Blackwood and but hUUalLL.N LL-Mii .i .-eai for each of the Reviews. N. B. The price in Great Britain of Hie Jne Periodicals aboce-nained isnboiU $31yer annual. tub F.VItMKIl’S GUIDE- To Scientific and Practical .YgricnltinrD. By Henry Stephens, F, R. S.. of Edinbn.'gh and the late J. P. Norton Professor ot '-cientihc .\oUCul- tnrein Yale College. New Haven. ''“’’'/'"A' Octavo. I ODD pages, and numerous Wood StLct ‘^'S^nfbssodly. the most complc^ w«k^ Agriculture ever pulilished. and IQ “>'’1’=''f'® w'nler circulation the piihlishcr.s have resolved to rt dace the jirice to * ■»,**««»» Five Dollars for tbe two Tnlnmes.. IVlieu seiitliy mail (post-piiid) *“ ,1!. Oregon the price will he 7 dollars. To ,, ,, part of the Uuion, and to Cau-ada (post-paid b dolUi. . *vx- ThU nnrk is not the old “Book of the harm. ON MANHOOIA iSD ITS PBEHATIBE DETl-lSE. Ja.tPabllslica, Gratis, tUe gOtli Thotisaiid : \ KKW WonoS ox TMK U.XTIOXAI. TKF..tT ^SJSbfxt. without Medicine. of-Spermatorrnca or Night. ^M^l .nriil Weakness, Noetunml Emissions, Gen- •'■"■‘se ital and Nervous Delhlity. Impoteucy, and Impedi- mont.s to Marriage geiicraily. BY* B. DK L.AXEY. M. D. FOR SALE. TWO TnOU.SAND ACRES OF L.AND, nine miles from Fayetteville, lying directly on the Southern Plank Road, and on each side of Big Roekfish. One of the best Turpentine sections in the county, with convenient improvements for a family residence; with a small com mill on a never failing stream, and a first rate situation for a Turpentine Distillerv 'a'ln St"r>x A. A. JIcKETHAN Feb'y 9, 185S. tf zincs one vear; also A copy’of the .\.rt Journal one year, and A ticket in the Annual Distnhntiou ot Moiks of ‘''Tiius, fo every S3 paid, a person not ^els a iiiiaitj B* — iipontlful cnffniving or Mugi^zino one juni. * ^ • rudeiice ami solitude of , the Art Journal one year, and a Ticket in Ihe :'mi't‘h’ 'nmv"be easily removed' without Medicine, is in ; i)isi,.;bution. mnkin.g four dollars worth bt tldi small 'tract, clcm'ly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly snceessful treatment, as lulopti.l by The important fact that the many atarraing com- nlaints orii'inating in the imprudence ami solitude of plan IS. origin, .„,i arlHmnt. Medicine, P. TAYLOR ‘r'A;;rho.': folly explnined by menus of which every one is eiiahled to core himselt perlectly and at the least pos.sihlc cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nio-truuis ot*tlio tiny• « . i Sent to anv address, gaatis and post free in a seated envelope, by'remitting (post paid, t'vo pmtagd to Dk. B. Dm L.VXEV, 11 Leonard Street. N. \ . Lit; Dec. 13. 185C. SAL l; :ict CAN EFILIFSEY BE CURED? ■We thin"' the following letter from a respectable citizen of .Miaaiasipp! will answer the qne'=l,.m, and remove all donbta j";;.';;!',. 1*55 great pl^anre m relating a ^ ^ £.c;‘Er« wa.q at Bat as he iHS ?o1mTnS\lkiL“ Pinfe 11eta.,t1virnrpa| Hi., "nV'ltle mInlof directing othere to the remedy ,he t will cure them. Vours respectfully^ yvM xT-y^n f« ^vfforin^^ from Fits, op Spasms, S's.”". St,;" f-\ xM- Seth S. Hance, 108 Baltimore. Ma. iiL This work is’not the old “Book “f •,.,,,,i uTniiit tances for any of the above !>«'’ always be -Pl-^d^posUpanl, to^the^l^u.distmre No. 54 Gold-street, New York. ■Viinnal Di.sliibution. miikin.g lour uollars "“‘‘B ^ rvadin- matter besides the tick'.'t, liy wliich a talna- •nle painting or piece of stationary may he received m "''■ihose wiio prefer Jiagazines to tiie engraving 'Sat- nidiivi.ight;-can have eilher of the Ibllnwi'.ig one Leni' H.i'pei-.s.Ma'gnzinr: Godey-s Liuly s Book: ■fiiited States-.Magazine; Knickerbocker .Magazine, j Grabain'.s MaiMizino- Uljickwood's MagrtzUie, Sontliern i’'7-Lp'Aso:;irf.'sGlcb.'d t,, « single share. Tlioso ! live im'mliei'.ships. vemittiii.g S15, are entit ed l!,.;xj.'ii"rav,i'.gs. ami to six tickets in the 100. or nay live oi the .Magazines, one year, and six - '"p,7on= ill remitting fnhds for membership, will r.■.r1sl(■l• i!;-' li tter at the Post Cilice to prevent '.‘--■ O i r^cei'.it ui'whieti. n eertificatc of Membership I, .. I iiei- wi 11> the Engraving or Magazine desired, will ■ i wanled to anv p'lrt of the country. For I'nriher jiarlictulars, see the November Art b.n-iial sent free on application. ■ 1';,,' membership C. L. DERBY, C. A-A-, is now receiving his F.YLT. STOCK, etnhraciiig a large and general Stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Ha. .d Shoes, Groceries, hollow-ware. Crockery and Glass-ware, which will be sold upon favorable terms or exchanged for produce, hoping to see his friends and customers iM'forc they supply themselves. Sept. G. 14-nin. bank checks for I.IME AISD CEMENT. Just received and for sale 25(1 Casks Lime, fresh from the kiln, lOU Barrels Cement 50 “ Calcined Plaster, 300 Bushels Plastering Hair, 76 Barrels Mackerel and Herring, 300 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 200 " Alum Salt: 2 bushel Sacks. J. W. POWERS. Oct. 27, 1856. 69-tf VALUiUi'La LuTUWO rUaA The subscriber offers for sole the foUowin "'ciue'traat containing 1200 acres, fiOfl of which i- a= "ood swamp as there is in the comity o; liia l-n. about two Imndi'cd acres well dram -b am. ;i ■" n thirty acres cleared and nmlcr tunec. adjo.mug iie land.sofJ. G-Sntlon and T. C. Smith \ 15 > acros joining the lands ot D. Jonnhou iiim ^ ^ "^i-SULthclands of John Cain and E. D„w,mn ‘ Westjrj'oSej 16G Water 900 icres Toinin«‘ the lands of George Cain aud sU* ^d. .'^aiulnsky. Ohi®. El“MSShe above lands 1 will sen ,Lui. 31, 285,. . 3o-ot give good time for good notes, or will take yoiin„ ne-, t"” »* Wilrainglon, Charlotte and Rutherford ilail Elizabetlitown, N. C. xiirrx’T’Y ROUd COlUpaBJi Jan 10. 1.857. 32-3ra «■ 1 • MLIA IN. Chi>c Fear Land for Sale. The sutiscritier otfers for sale THREE HUNDRED and EIGHTY-FIVE Acres of Land on Cape Fear River Ik'Iow Smith's Ferry, in Cumberland county, running with tlie river to the Innds of Mis Byrd. A portion of the land is cleared and fenced. It if well adapted to the cultivation of corn. oats, and the usual crops of the river lands. 2’he part uncleared has on it some good s'wamp, which may be easily pre pared for nse. It w ill be sold on a credit of twelve months. Per sons wishing to boy can call on the owner at this place. J. G. SHEPHERD. April 8. 93-tf PLOII'S ! FLO M’S ! ! PLOWS ! ! t Kf\ No. 9 Flows, civf 50 No 10 Flows, 50 No 11 •* 25 No 50 25 No 60 “ Ju*t receiv^'d. with castings to match. —:ALSO:— NE4V CROP ilOI.ASSES- Planters' Steel and half Steel Uoc'B. For sale by E. LEETE. Feb'y 14 67-3t Pot'dtoes! Potatoes!! 25BBLS PLANTING POTATOES, jnst rceeivedb C. E. IjEETia. Feb'y 14, 67-2t copartinp:rship. ALEX'R JOHN.SON, Jr., having him PETER CROW, will continue the DRi GOODS Business at the Old Stand, uuder^thc name and style of-Alex'r Johnson A Crow. i ALEX R JOnN.SON, Jr. PETER CROW. Feh. 21. 38-4t call and settle. All persons indebted to Alex'r Johnson, Jr., either bv mde or account, will please call and make inime- dkte payment, as interest will be charged on all ac counts till paid. Also, those that are still in arrears with Alex*r Johnson & Co., w'lU find it to their ad\an- tage to call and settle up by the 15th of March —after that time they wiH'fiud their claims i«»he hands of an officer for collection. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Feb 21. 38-4t WM. F. WIGHTMl? OF SCBSCRIPTIOX F or a single copy, if paid I No Bubacription iviU I than one year anlcsii paM With the view of extf .haaciag the usefulaesa /ers tbe followiag retnaij CLUB JL1TES. /.Vfi 5 copies of the Ca 10 “ ^ Rates ^ixty ccite per aqua f.nd SO oent« for each sal adrertii-m^nt is imblishf when it will be charged I For three monthsj For six months. For twelre montJ All AdTertit*‘TueDUmust| eertioQS marked on then serted till forbid and c> mttention is directed id WM. F.l asuaaj CI,EMBN| Attarucy ai I Office at the coruei^ Fob'v 3. 1856. AT.T« COM£ AT OKCE S J. w. LETT Has inst received a large and general STOCK OF goods snited to tbe Fall and Winter trade, consisting of a choice ' Stanle anI P-ancy DRT 6H>I>S. _ Boots and Shoes, with almost everything^esirahle m ‘’‘prImE family groceries always to be had 4T LETT’S. Goods sold at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex changed for country prodncc. Sept. 14, 18p6, 1?'?^ Jan 111 1.10I. -v--"" R.P. MELVIN. Wilmington Herald copy 3 months and send bill to jubscriber. Goods at Wholeifiolv. The subscribers beg leaw to advise their emdomers i and Merchants generally, that they have received g i part and expect to reemve ■ fare'eS more complete than they have ever offered, embracing a general assortment of GROCERIES, Together with Hardtmreand Cutlenj, Hollow IVare. Saddlery, Shoes, Lecher, tj*c., All of which have been honght by one of the firm cx- orcssly for the Wholesale Trade. Their terms will be as heretofore, on the usual time to prompt dealers. To cash buyers a reasonable discount xvill be made. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, Ang. 13, 1856. H-tf A Special Moetidg of the Stockholders of this Com- oa:iv is -appoiiiti'd to tic held in the town of IVilraing- ton.'o.i Tuesday, tne ITtli day of March next, to pass upon the a endraents to the Charter of the Company, liy order of the Board' Feb 21 18,57 38-4t C. GOLDEN MURRAY, consissioi nERCBlST, AGENT FOB MURR-YY’S “REGULAR LINE’’ OF WILMING TON P-YCKETS. 62 SoiUh Street, NEW YORK. The undersigned maybe found at the Office of C Golden Murrav. 62 South street, where orders for every description of Goods will receive his prompt and per sonal attention. , . . -r, P. MALLEPT. March 29, 1856 y NOITCE. Owing to a change in business, it is necessary that my individual claims should be closed up All those indebted will find their bills made out and ready for settlement,—which by attending to, they will much oblige I** CROMi.. I will lie found at Alex’r Johnson & Crow's. Feb 21, 1857 . 38-4t FOR RENT. A comfortable HOUSE, corner Mumford and Robe- sou street. Apply to A. J. O'H.YNLON. Feb'y 28, 1857 . 39-4t GUANO. 820 Batrs Peruvian.Guano just received and for sale by RAY & PEARCE. Feb’y 28,1857. 39-2t For Sale. The Store Hou« recently occnp'ied by Feb. 21. 38-4t P. CROW. A. L. ARCHAWBAULT. POlUTABIaE STEAM E^'fClXJIE BUlLZIERy S. E. earner loth and Hamilton Phitad,, Pa. Portable Steam Engines, on largs wheels, with a tonTje for a team to he attached to move them about. These engines have two cylinders, making 10 to 30 horse power. Orders are filled in from 3 to 5 weeks. Engines always on hand for sale. 'These engines have been in use seven years, and in every instance have wivengencral satisfaction. Descriptive circnlars will be sent when applied for. Jan. 10. 18.57. 32-tf DISSOLUTION. DRS. McSW.YIN A McDUFFIE have this day dis solved copartnership by nmtnai consent. Dr MeSwain will attend to settlements and .collec tions for the firm. Dr. McDuffie will continue to occupy the former office. H. McSWAIN. WM. C. McDUFFIE. Nov. 1, 1856. 22-tf TO THE JUSTICES OF HARNETT Ton are requested to meet at the Court House in Summerville, on the Second Monday ofarch next,for the purpose of transactipg County Lusiness. * ‘ GEO. W. PEGRAM, Chairman of County Conrt. Feb. 21, 1857 . 38-2t MORE HATS. JUST RECEIVED another Lot of superfine C.YSI- MERE HATS. Also, on hand a good supply of Silk, Fur and Wool Hats, of my own make. DAVID GEE. Jany. 3,1857. 31-tf atAB.Bl.K FACTORY, BY GEO. L.YUDER. Nearly opposite to E. W. Willkings’ Auction Store, Fayetteville, N. C. 1, IS5B. J J. A.I A'l'TORNI ATTENDS th. C«| 'ifake aad Johaston. Addreiis, Toomer, Ftb. 16. 1856. BAliTHl Atlorl P A Y E T 1 Miy Iw coniiilled at ( h«rd. Em].. on Greenl Jul.T IS. 1*56. AXDKKl A iiaring removed In regularly the Courts J Coi:ntip«. April 14, IbJC. l‘K. ..HffIcS Front rJ C herni«t and Dru^ Si Feb'w 7, 1856. FIH S4 4 A'*re» orLan.l.J Direllin^. Oit H'>a*e i% at * fine ftl an I it not to b * exeA \nr pm in paptlruUr^ r'?4p*ctid c'.ther of ji at tYilliJ li milci fro.n Fare! Oct. 4. 0. dnd ihrffedoorxab be glad to nee all hfl on hand a pood and every tliinp in f N. R. He will s Ac., and his cl .^ptember 13. if copartH The iiHdc1''*i». vestogether uuden S. -M. For the piirpiwl neg5 at the Store * Square) wliere wi larp ? and well selj bracing, l^Uple Pry ' Shoes, ’ ware, ntTiil Wc r«—poctfuUj j;en«raUy to calll king their purcbil t sTUiii.soLU by anl Prompt and p Fayetteviifc,' 1 I return my i ers and tbe pul»l beretofere oxte agement from i pve everyiKKiji TIIOM.VS. I ha^ this City., ami i age of my frion to tUc concern« Feb’y 7. IS-'l ad.ymantiJ and common T€ Grocery line. Fab’y 7. Five jieventj TINK LzVXD i aud .McNelU la I'piHjr Little 1 best quality i Land?* are hrav| tiiilejt of tlw Fa For particttlj Nov 29, 18

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