. ! ;. 4- '■ i 7 OHM ;Tiii« *>** snd ')’* C J6,1862. Llo 'toBat her Bonds to eg»tt. for the pur- I to the Western Kail the Commissioners of m of the Town receive I of November nest, for Ls of *500 each of said [ Bonds to run twenty Untercst payable semv ' ill be under the seal ol I the faith of the same. Town Treasurer, tf XCER MNE FAVETTEt I1.LE. aUU on Monday and Than.' tri»r- ^nd Friday inortiinyp. W/. t«yettrTiUr on Tuesday t and Saturday mornjnf*. : Lifbtcra. mn.-t regularly m stacss of tho r.iorr. and Kwoiius »« 1 thanks for the v. r J lihoraj Id can assnic all 'hippc” that laud fc.t cufid.ul ih’t ““t I-' \arrA for Luttrrloh St o ■ 2l-tf mpbell, ISSIOX yfEliCHANT, lillespie street, Vk, I«. C. p'spi'etfully inform his old 1 be can lie found at the he will be plad to see J. K. JicDOXALD. Inest man in each section l|.(li»rs bv sample tor “Mc- iTUlC'KElltmES." To |y salary and fair conimis- 1. (with .stamp to prepay [j. S. Mc.M-LISTKR. Jersey City. X. J. -Agents wanted, L. in every town and coan- f engage in a genteel busi Like from one thousand to tr Few particulars address f ' S. DEWEY i CO., koi 151. rUiladcli'hia. Fa. ;ted. -men. boys and girls. Ibv calling upon ■ J. U. FeOEEUTS. Tie I Oats, just received W. U. C.kRVER. just received anti W. II. CARVER. les, just received and ■ IV. H. CARVER. Its just received and * ’ IV. II. CARVER. busli. I’or sale bv IV. H. CARVER. lACKliKKL. Itorf. and for «al^ l»v W.n. CARVER. psc, just received and ' IV. II. CARVEF.. fjTtl EMPORll ->1. ppened an Auctic>n Sale^R r Wpiit of ihe Cape Fear Ran t. I be plad to receive con«i}rn f or MorebanUize. pion piifl !•' of STO^ K.t. i E^T\TK. I C- E. LEETE. Auctionetr. 37-4t )ws:! PLOWS !:: ■I'lorr?, lastinjr* to match. T-;ALS0:— SE.'n* Flanicr:*' ?;cel and Lali ^ale bv C. E. LEETE. 37-3t lesl Pol a toes!! FOT.ITOES. just rreeiTcdl' r. E. LEETE. 37-2t n NKPSHIP. A. Jr.. Lavinjr a.'iOciated with Jkil! continue the I)ll\ GOODS ■and. under the name and style fow. * ALEX'R vTOIINSOX, Jr. FCTER CROW. 4t jXD SETTLE. |•d to Ale.x'r Johnson. Jr., either ViU please call and make immc- crest will be charg'd on all ac- 0. thoJ^e that are still in arrears |.S[ Co., will find it to their advan- ‘ up by the l5th of March.—aft^r Ld their claims in the hand.s of an .VLEX. JOHNuSOX. Jr. L' 4t fcoriCE. ! in biHincH-s, it is nece.«ary that t should be closed up All those I'ir bilJ.s made out and ready for Iv atleiiding to. they will mu?h P' GROW.. |.\IeTT Johnson A Crow's. 38-4t f'or Sale. Lcentiy occupied by B-4t P. CROW. nCES OF IIARSETT Jto meet at the Court House in ■Second Monday of March next,for lactiDg Ci untT 1 usiness. GEO.' W. PEGRAM. Chairman of Countv Court. 3S*2t HATS. I another Lot of superfine CASI- 0. on hand a j^oojI supply of Silk, |ofaiT own make. 0.\Vir> GEE. 3l-tf * E FACTORY, |geo. lagder. W. Willkinjw’ Auction Sloro, Jetteville, X. G. # Devoted to i^ewsj Political and Business matter, Agriculture, and J'amily Heading. PUBLICATION OFFICE,] INMEPENDEJ^K IS THE SOUL OF DEAiOCllACY ! iDONAl.DSOX STDFRT. WM. F. WIGHTM.tN, Editor. [ FAYETTEYILLEs N. G:. SATUKEAY, MARCH !4, 18.57. hobUMi: XIX—NO. on. CAnOI.ISIA3l. terms OS’ SUSSORIPTIOH TO THE For a singlo copy, if paid in advance, per annum, $2 00 «* >• itt Uie end of 3 months, «. 2 50 « ft $x the end of 6 months, 3 00 •* ** “ at the end of the year, 3 50 Xo sabscrlption will be received for a Sorter period than one year anless paid in advance. With the view of extending the circulation and cn- Aanciag the usefulness of the paper, the proprietor of- /ers the following remarkably low CLl/B ILITES, LYVARIABLY FV ADVA.XCE: i copies of the Carolinian, 1 year, $8 00 10 u « »» ** 15 00 Rates ®f IdTertlsIng: ^ alxiy ecats per square of 16 Uaes, or less, for the first '&ad 50 oente for each sabseqaent insertion, unless the advertisement is published for more than two months, when it will be charged For three months, ... - - $4 00 For six months, - - - - $ 00 For twelve months. ----- 10 00 All advertisements must have the desired number of in- oertions marked on ttiera. ortherwise they will be in serted till forbid and charged accordingly. Special attention u directed to this requisition. WM. F. WIGHTM\N&CO. iiSSkAZi sroTioss. CI,B.nEXT «. WRIOIIT. Attorney at IaAvt, Fayettoirlllc, 2f • C« , Office at the corner of Bow and Green streets. Feb'v 3, 1856. J. A. SPEARS. ATTORNKY' AT LAW, THB FI.OATIXa BAI.I.S OR KiroCKI.E WASHING MACHINE. The Bubscribet- hHvlrig purchased the Right of the above Machine fHr the Counties of Cumberland and Harnett, is how reddy .lp furnish such as may be desirous of obtaining a Hight, The machine is simple, both in its structure and oiierations, and should any portion of it fail, can be easily itnjl sjieeilily rcphirml by any person having the use of tdcls. I do not claim for this machine thcEe than w^at it is sblo to perform with that dhMrtUtio4 ,«jf litVoi, whic]i every family is ilJ’e ,tc supply; without at all iiiicrfcriiig with the crhiiiary diitifs. , In . the,first pl'^e a child 12 or 15 years of age can fierform all the labor, after having seen it operate a few times, and if the direc tions are adhered td, ifill do as much work in one day as three dr four women in the ordinary way, and the work Will be much better done. Below will be found a certiBcate from those who have purchased and now have in use one of these machines rlAKE. Apfii I2; i856. JSrtf FitETTEViLi.B, ll. (X^-Afiril 9. 185B. ITe, the nndersigned. having purchaaeit of .Mr Ishain Blake one of the above machines, cordially recommend it to the favor of the Pulitio. It wishes very rapidly, and the Work isniuch bettrf ddije^thaa is usually done in the old waji anil, .pita,^ess.wear.fo the Clo.biiig. It fir exceeds bur eipectatioils; and has only to be seeri in operation to s^sfy the nibst skeptical of its litilily and econbidyi We have no dOuht of its being generally itsed wherever introduced. B. G. McRae, Jno. D.. Williams, W. J. Asdersox, Jobs D. Stark, YVm. McLaurix, Joseph A. Worth, A. P. Hurt, A. J. O’Haxi.ox, Jas. G. Smith, David Weuy.«s. We in company with several other gentlemen, saw four dollar bill which was very dirty and ranch ATTE.X'DS the Courts of Cnmberlaad, Harnett ! jeikced, put in and washciloutbythi.s machine.re- ■ - - • ■ moving all the dirty appearance of the bill, and leav- ■ perfectly legible, which shows there IS little or .ins nroUttced in washing fine articles. K N. Robi Jas. G. Smith. Maryland Lotteries CORBIN & C6 iGENtS; A FORTUNE FOR THE TRIAL. “ There is a tide in the affairs of man, ihiicll, if Liken at th^.fibbd, leads to fortune.” ONE Tlilit Mlt iiAiE YCU RICH FOR LIFE Splendid Schemes Drawing Daity. SEIiD YOUR ORDERS TP CdUBIN & CO. The Oli festablished Authorised Agents who have SOLD MORE PKiZES Than any other office in the glite of Maryliipd. all PRIZES GUARANTEED RY TUB STATE. SINGLE TICKETS i IITioles il Halves 5i) eta.,, Quarters 25 ots. CERTIFICATES OF PACK.AGES. 26 Whole Tickets 26 Half Tickets ^.0 26 Quarter Tickets ‘-h” iJoTHING VENTURE. NOTHING GAIN. Tlctiets Bought bv the Package pje always the most Profitable to the Fuicnascfs. TRY PACKAGE. For 32^ we send package Whole, Halves A Quarters. For 310 we send package Halves & two Whole tickets For 35 we send package Quart's & one Whole Ticket. Look at the following splendid SCHEMES. One of which are drawn at 12 o’clock each day of the I week. fililLLIANT. 474267 Mttllars. MAHyLAND CONSOLIDlirED LOTTERY Cljlss 310. corbIn & CO., Agents, scheme: A'OitTH CAll.0IjIN2V-**it01SES0^» CUUiWTY. Superior Court of Law—Fall Term 1856. Churchill Walkley & Johnston ’’S Joniu W. Regan. OR.IGINAL ATT.-veUMENT. Tfe anncarin«T to the saiisfactioii ot the Court that the It appear,n, to i„habitanl,of this State, it is OAYKTTICVILLK. .V. C i Saiibr’s Bream, A iiantical fricml of ours, iiii clil .ten enpini related of'the ft"rth ' ta. a few months since. The storv lose.s in oiir on at the Court House in Liimberton. on me imii tu —. ■■ ■- , , Ilonday iu-Ilarchnext.,(in3thc«Badtherctoplead or|h,j„(js^ l,is wonderful descriptive ])OW,T, luit _ , > ...11 1,0 .n-nin-i.mm. howeveT, as neaflv as we recollect it, runs th,— replevy, dr liiial .indgeinent will he against hmi. WiT.xESS. Alexander McMillan, Clerk of said Cour at office in Lumberton, the fourth Monday in septem This Dec. 22. '856 A. McMILL.YN, C. S. C. 32-6t A Dish ftir Tobarea th.-wers and Snia'aers. The ‘‘.Scalpel!" a medical paper, contains r lull"- and hilmied article upon the use oi liduiecr from ivliie!; it nppvnrs lhatthemorefashiimal.lt use of t.ili'fco in the form of .clears is worse, m fact, ’'iaii ehewinjr. Theaiticlo is Tiither highlj seasoned, hilt we make some e.xtrm ts: ‘‘What is lohacco? Wh.v, simply a mi root ic --i. e. .'see the dictionary ) ‘a stnpelitr: a dead lier of r.ervouo null niiiseiilar eiierg''! l! man di.spntes this, and asserts that he a 11Y iiiid.' tier, .A. D. 1856. ■Ian. 1»,1857 STATa OP JiOHTk C.VItOLlMA—ttOBEsOS COUNTV. Havins toriehed at St Ileleiir., to ‘‘wood iiimself more eap.ible of iiitellectmil or miiseui.ii .and water,” as they say on the Western rivers, effort wi.eii ho has a i,‘.!;d in tiis month, we eon he went on shore one afternoon, and partook, at tile house of a hospitable friend, of tlic many I good tilings : j of 1 j some Madeira, ratuiatc him on his imjiroved a'Uiieness. “We may lielr-iy our own want of tiie precions the V»ke aad Joha5tOQ. Address, Tooaer, H&rnett Co., X. G. Feb. 16. 1S56. 85.y BdRTirW FULLER, Attorney at Law, PAYETTEVIIjI^E, N. Cm M*y b« coasuUed »t the Law Office of Jese G- Sh«p- h«rd. E«j.. on Green Street. July 19. 1S5S. 7-tf ANDREW J. STED.MAN, Attorney at Law* Having removed to ?PCRO, X. C.. will attend regularly the Courts of Chatham, Moore and Harnett Counties. April 14, 1856. tf ing it ^ , no rubbing produced in washing Frank N. TIoberts, DR. K. A. BLACK. ,, ??FFlCfi Front Roonw. over Dr. S- J. Hiasdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb'v 7. 1856. 84-tf FDR SALE. Arret of Land, lying o.TCape Fear River—Store, Dwelling, Oat Uoiwesall In first rate order. The Store at a die bnsiuet^i stand at the Cross Roads and the an I is not to b^ excelled by a.ny in North Carolina. .■V.ny per.so.i desiring to piircha.se can obtain further particulars respecting the property by calling cn cither of as at vrillU' Creek ou the VlTHmingtoa Road 15 miles from Fayetteville. SARAH WRIGHT. Oct. 4. iS-tf J.AME.S WRIGHT. 0. HOUSTON IVOULD return his thanks to public for the lilicral patron- ^ age he has received, and hopes, by yiiriciiiaiity in business, for a continuation of the same. . . He ha.s commenced busineps on i purchasing elsewhere. his own responsibility, on the South side of Per-son street, two ddttrs bolbw the Caffe Fertf Bitrtk toUd three tloors above hi.s old .•ftand where he would be glad to see all his old friends. He expects to keep on hand a good assortment of Saddle.^. Bridles, IV hips, and every thing in his line ofbusiness. X. B. ' He will attend to repairing of S.xddle«, Har- t*es5, Ac., and his charges shall be moileratc. September 13, 1856. 15-6m FJLL TRADE, 1856. B. F. PEARCE IS ’OW OPENING, a large and d«»irable Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of Black and Colored .Silks, English and French Merinos, Plain and Fig’d DsLanes, some bcautifal patterns, Black and Fancy Alpacas, Edgings and Insertings, Collars and Undersleevcs. Cactus and Whalebone Skirts, , , , , Jaconet, Nainsook, Swiss and Plaid Miiilins, French. English and .American Prints, Cloths and Caasimeres, Satinetts, Jeans and Tweeds, Plaids, Liuseys and Kerseys, . Carolina and, Miirlbovo .Stripes, ,i ■. Bleached strid Eyoijn,Shirtings and Sheetings, White dnit.Cetored Flannels, Drillings and Tickings. Iri-.h Linen.', good a.s,sortinent. IJnen Tably,Cloths, Towclings and Napkins, Sbawl.s, pioajss and Mantillas, Exttalii2Ut.y bfBe.d Blankets. • Riljlibns. Belts, Gloves. lIo.siery, Ao. —ALSO— , Hats.Caps, Bonnets, Boots, Shoes and Umbrellas; general assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, and every v.aricty in the Y.ANKEE N-OTJON^JNE which will be sold at a small advance for CASH, or «n time to punctual customers, either jOt Wholesale or lietau. All are respectfully invited to give mt a call before B. F. PEARCE. Il.ay St.. Fayetteville, Sept. 1, 1856. 14-tf 24,861 prizes amounting to $u:267 CAPIT-AL PRIZE. Dollai'S. ?^ooo P.h.PSCO IN’STITUTB LOTTERY; Ci-iss 102; fcdRBIN 4 CO., AGENTS. SSUKUK. 1 p: :\te c 10 do 1 do 8 do 200 do 63 do 63 do 126 do 3,906 do 23.436 do Superior Court of Law—Fall Term Wh^ William Boyce &Co. vs. Jonathan W. Regan ORIGINAL ATTACH.»lejXT ! the famous a-»uLi sv.... - , i!r,Sa!“nh^lS infermrity; Hiivin, fri!ir l,isfre,neiili,olrtio„s wlmn yon I'l-st feU -itU^ffea^ Kvery m - yef^i l^ilmoL^ that Putdication 1. ^ot “comfortably drunk, clean tlirongli,” l.o im.st remember the hrst . S^SvliR;t^rr:i::Sot^^ proceeded to return to the quay, (to his bon.,) Xansen. vertigo vomiting, mii fving the c-aifi J,ouatliaij w. Regan to siniear at the aecomplislied after sundry feats of ,he citiic muscnl.i. sys cm, \ „ next Term cf Die Superior Court ot Law tor ihi Conn t,,,,,!,liner in-i short sn-u'C of i ffccts: If tlierc be a vice more prostrating I fir nf RiihoQnn at the Court House m Luiuberlon on . q-roniui and lofty tiimoling, ui a siioiipp.uc oi ^ • ir. w ii.z. .i-n . m- the fourth Monday in March next, and then amt there reaching his ye.s.sel, he the body and more cinci \ mg a .. ■ > to plead orrvplevy or linal judgment will ne gnen • ,. - c 11 -f’/on oml now for thies of Ilian's spirit and nature, we hate tel 10 a-r-iinsi him--Witness .Alc.xander McMillan Clerk ol “turned in,” and soon fell antep, ami non loi 1 .siTid Coiirt at office in Lumlim-lnii the foiirtllMo.ulaj' M,C convinced of if. _ septemi«r A. D. 1856. 2'.'''’’yjSfLl!AN,'G:’s G. j He ,vas-“i.i Ids mind’s eye, noratio”-i1ead; , ‘'U'jr remarks npply m a mne 1 more fo.u i . Jan. 10, 1857. 32 6t ! and in the dominions Bf Ids Satanic majesty, manner to smoking tian state oe NOR*.! cMLOLiNA .-itOBESO.x ‘ ,1,;^ „o ham. can COU.XTV. ^ I tioas, Arriving at the portals 0, the mansion of ^ ..emember that the oil Superior Court of Law—Fall /erz/i iSoO. ' j^jg invijt*sty, lip foniul iuni, and impurcd Vihat, * - Churchill IValkley & JohnscH p..Toaathan W. Regan, to bc Ids hlte after a (JRIGIN.AL ATT.AC1i.MENT. I earth, in his services? It appearing to the Sati.sfactioii of the Court thr.i lie turned to his “Ledger, said defeudent is not an inhabitant .be nnmte 0 Ion,’ life spent on of tobacco; which contains tl.e deadly nicotine The" “little man in (equally deaiil^iiid almost ns rapid in its act,ni dger.” and peering .‘m stryciinii.e,) is volatilized ami circulates will orderem^by*the Co"urt that Piiblicatioa be made in the „p. over his spectacles, inquired the name the applicant. Our hero answered him r the siid JoaatUaii W. Regan,•o appear at the iie.xt 5.,,,^. team of the Superior Court ol Law lor the countj ot IlobcPOli at tlie Court ilonsc in Liimberlon on the 4lli Monday in March iie.xt, and then and Uiere plead or | replevv. or final Judgment will bc giv.-u against him. Witnes-’ Alexander McMillan. Clerk ol said court at o fice in Lutnhei-oa the fourth Monday m SrptemWer , 'MCMILLAN. C.S.C. i 32-(;t i Jan. 10, 1857. i>^ -ItCJJElsO ’ 1 \TE OV' YOUTH CAltOJalY.^ COU.XTY . Superior Court of Low—Fall Term 1856 L. B. Godwin vs. C. IV. Crawford ‘•My name is Bob Tompkins. “Occupation?” “Sailor.” “Residence?” “Boston, Mass., Unifed Staies of America.” After these questions were replied to by Bob as he tlioiiglit, in a very satisfactory manner, the devil turned over the leaven of his record book until his eye rested on the page devoted to the luckless Tompkins, and cast up appa rently a balance—and in an.'wer.to his rcitcr 27.814 prizes amounting to Cl..V!iS 253i coftniN t CO.; agents. SCUE^'E* NOTICE. COPARTNERSHIP NOTiCE. $47,247 $8,0v l,6iM lu ORIGINAL XttXCIIMFXT . ^ ; y q, 11 It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that atcrl qiiostion of what hm I cntit.cf to bawled ihe^aid (Iff'^iKlant is not an inluibitunt ol this State attendants in the ImoK prronnH— . ;5,s;ss,Ska:'i'Js.;?fs?:iEhS -m-u —.f»e™v» ■« fown of Fayetteville, for the space of .six weeks noti- ving tlie said C. W. Crawford to appear at the m xt i'erm of the .‘Superior Court of I.aw Im the (..oiinty ol iobeson. at the Court House in Lumberton. on rmirlh Monday in March next, and thon and Tompkins, Sailor, Boston; do him brown!— the i’nF. IxFLUE.xcfc OK .t Good Life.— Inc fm- lowing admirable testimony to the value and the smoke throng!, the delicate lining memt.ranc of the mouth -at eiicb whiff' of tim cigar, und is absorlicd by the pxteiisivc coiitinuation of this membrane, that lines the nostrils and acts upon the whole tiody. 'I'he smoke of loliaceo is in deed much more fajiid in its stupefying effect, n.s everv professed .smoker knoivs. It is iisuiiily called ‘soothing’ by its votarie.s, but this is, of cuiirso, onlv the frsl sta.ge of stupefaction; it acts precisely as opium or oilier narcotics do. , KoEsr-T-H AND Louls Nai'Oi.f.ox—In the course of an address recciilly delivered at Ed- iiilnindi Kossutli held this remarkable Ian- gmig- . , . What .stands between the rising of the world’s arm ami its falling upon the neck of despotism 1 It is the inomeiitary success of one iijjjn—a pool' worm of the dust, doomed to return to dust, ami liLs name is Louis Napob on iionapartc. (CIicLV.) Sir, I do not believe in •.ssfiil crime. (Benewed prospectus OF THE SOUTHCUN LITERARY JfESSENGEK For the Year 1856. July to December. •rWJBSTY'—THIRD VOI»V»fE« In issuing the I’rospectiis of the pHtY,']!' urae ofihe SOUTHERN LITERARA MEss^GLR, commencing with the July No., the solely on the encouraging lctt«s ,aiul piom^s o^ friends of tlie Meicsenger 30.3lC hfiic's, amounting to S.')3,2.i.. Tickets SI—Shares in prof pit,on. We invariably answer letters by return mail, en closing the ticket.s in a good safe envelope, and alwa.v observe the strictest confidence. After tlie ilrawmg o over, we send the official drawing, a written e.\ planation of the result of the venture. Ah Frizes bought at this office are payable imraeaiatel v after the drawin}? in Curreut .Money, and we t^Ke L.ank Notes of any State, or Bank (Irafts^iiujayutent lor tick ets at par. For odd aroounts in ihaking chan^a* we re ceive postage stamps, (Hey being more convenient than . . ^ . . A .... ...... .. ..In.... 4lvA IV l-lllVKf I’lYlt nClf’ IIC(‘ Th'.- liifdcf Mg.ned have this day assdeiiite.i tlfenfscl vestogetlier under the name and style ot S. -XI. THOM.YS m BllO., . For the purpose ofearrying ou tl.e Mercantile Bnsi- | ‘”,'’Ji®J.7‘'J*J[,^,[“l?Jcti’onartdew"s!f!k^^^ been alone -- southern STATES. to* aid them Tnextending it.s ! silver. Correspondents may place the utmost confidence hii-'cnjdtiori .mid they beg to assure the public that no | in ih„ rcgularitV and safety of the mails, as very tmi 7iSSs ivilf tm remitted on their part to maintain I or no mi.sca,nages of Mmmy ^ tk . hiri. ,.li.\rapter of the werk. and to challenge the directeil to us. Be caietul tliat; , . ■ thchi,,hc. . valne stcHing literary merit, office. County and State. Give us at least one . mg e P-Sv One A-ears. the MeL‘:ngc?r ha.s endeavored YrUL yon cannot lose nuieh, if not gffitt: One smglc 1 wwilbY _ . AIcAoitiiiifr 1 Square) where we will keep cunstuntly, ou hand t large and w«ll sclectod STOCK. OF GOODS. Em bracing, Staple Dry GooJs, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Y'ankee Notions, Hard ware, Cutlery, Hollow-ware, anti a large and choice ^'election of GRO CERIES, (Liquors e.Aceptcd,) We respectfully invite our ftiends and the Public To this office it will bc devoted, and will he prompt to repel assaidts upon the .South, ‘.'''y'i?”® under the specious garb of fiction, or in the direct loi m of inti-siavCTy pamphlets. At tills critical junc urc. while our enemies are employing ““‘opie most potent weapons of attack, the Soutliern will surely not withhold their encouragement liom a work whie aim it shall be to strike blows m their de- ^'"The Mes-senger will, as heretofore, present its readers Historical and Biographical trial may make you independent for life. TRA Ub. There shonld be no such word as fail. Address CORBIN & CO, Box 190 Post Office, Baltimore Md. 2 l-6m Jan. m. 18.57. 3‘2-fit ■ATllAltlNE McTJlAN ) vs, 1 AT! TI. McI.EAN. andoliievs.J PetMion for Do^ver It aoP'-armg to the salisl'aclioa of the C'liirt. tliat jt ,i|,p..i.i Walk",-. Elly V.a k- (JenriTi' Mny ami Murtlia. tlu! dcb-a‘iiintj« in Ibircv Lockiuirt ,li,0 Mock and wife liary. Ri.tus Hooks and w k a ,-il, resi.io bevond the liiiii's ot III',! .'■■late. On mo- orl,''red that mildioalioi! be -nude m the tioii. it is ordered that pii .Voi lli Caiolinian. a iiewsii.viK-r pabli.shed m I' 1; ^ ofFavetteville. for .six saccessive weeks. “- “' v il,e sa'id defendants to be and app.-ar at the next ter of the Court ot Pleas and (iiiartev sessions, to l,i hel.l ■ cvefjT hOiiselibld “The beauty of a lic'Iy life coii.stitntc.s the most eloquent and effective persuasive to relig ion wdiich one luimitn being can -jddress to : anotber. We Imvc many ways of doing good j to hilr fellow creatures; but nciic so efficacious : lot as leading 1. ^ivtnons. upright and wcll-ordere.L of even my sms, nevM life. Tlierc is an energy of mornl suasion in a good mnii’s life, passing the Lighent efforts of tlie orator’s gcnitis. The soon bnt silent (,.t„eeo,m,vorna™;,L';VDmCmmrilonse in ,,canty ofhcli,less speaks more elm,uently of .slmum-rville.'oT, the-Id Monday in March next (Joil and duty tlmii the tongue:. 0. men and angels Let parents remember tbm. ^best roHfr-sAiD. bDvuntluiv^a against tbiMD. v inheritance H parent can iicqncath . - andinfhe81stye'.u-of.A.m‘br'ii. lmlep.M, m^^^^^^ remembrances and a.s.snciatuins. ihc be.int} D. 1 throngli the life of a loved is more effectiinl to slreiigtli- Jan. 17.18 by A.B.ilOUTUN, D. CPk. Oct. ll GOODS. genvraliy to call and cxrtnlirie dur Stock before ma | Reviews, Hisloncat aiM niograpui„ king their purcha.ses, a.s we are determined not to bc . ,^/;^ii:hes. Novels. 'Pales, 'Prnvels, Essays, Poems, U.XDiiiisoLD by any house for CASH. . Promot and personal attention paid to orders. S. M. THOMAS, HENRY T. THO.MAS. Faycttcvific; Teh'y 7. 1857. Ske,tches. -— , . - , Critiques, and Papers on the Army, Nary and other National Subjects. With a view to ensure a larger circulation of the MESSENGER, the Proprietors though they intend greatly increasing the siic of the work, have reduced a the price df Stfp.'Hiriptiou, Which i.s now only irai Tlirec Dollars per. annmn, in Mvante, I return my sincere thanks to my friend.i. custom- r,nr r VRS lE :&OT P.AID BEFORE THE ers and the pill,lie generally, far the literal patronage OR FOUR DOLLAKb m AUi ,-ai. - - ,l to me. As I h.ave ample cncour-i . FIRST OF JUL\ IN ANA AFAR. it' ’ ‘ heretofore exteoIcd .. ^kgement from my friends, .«shoiild i remain, and to j^vc cverylMMly the opportunity of tradi^ THOMAS. I have concluded to contidde buslnca? m thia City,, and solicit the continuation of the patron- nrre of my friends, customers and the public generally to the concern of Thomas and Bro. S. M. TiiOMAS Feb-y 7, 1857. 36-6t AD.AMANTlNE and TALLOW CANDLES: fine __ and common TOB.VCCO; and almost anything in the , ture must te addrea'sed.^ Grocery line. Cheap as the ehea^stt ‘ CLUBS—Remitting Dollars in one fett*T will be entitlerl to Si..^ I'-uj 5» jij The Fjlitorial and Critical departincM 6f tKe Ales- sen^^er witt continue under the charge of ° JOHN R. THOMPSON, Esq.j , And will erabraco copious notes on cnrreiit literature Ind rev^ws of all new American or Foreign works of tenerki Wterest and vMne. The Editor s opinions will Se always fcarlc_jily k‘, NEW AND CHEAP James Kyle Ha^.S ju^t received a very largo -tiid general as*>o.t ment of GOODS Among Yvbich arc, French and English Merinos; Do. Dclaius. Plain and Fig«rei; Dress Silks. Fig*d and Plain ^ Black Fillet Mits; Sleeves and Collars; Cloths, Casslmcres and Satins ; Bear and Negro Blankets ; , 3-4 to 12-4 Bleached and Brown Domestic? J Gontlemen^s Ready-Made Clothing, Carpeting, Good and Common ; Boots and Shb'^P . Anchor Boliing Cloth ; Kerseys aud Lin.«eys ; Irish Linens, Crash : Table Diaper and Napkins. ,. , v • With mqey cJtHct prticies, all of whicii beiu (phased by the Package, will he ottered at. low i by wholesale or retail. Nov. 8. 1856. will be ottered at. 1 23-tf pnr- prices. OF NORTH G VHOUINA- COr.NTV superior Court of *1 ^ Nicholivs Fewe! vs. Steptien il. .dm ORIGIN.VL ATT.’iCllMENT __ rebitive or friend, iioirKSCX gii siicli 113 do .stand in virtne'.s wny.s and raise up those that are bowed down, than precept, command, entreaty or wnriimg. FnU-'FirB 1856 tin of lioinele.s,sness—I am staggering joyless t3- ivarils an ob.senre grave. l‘or inheritance, my children may get a legacy of sorrow, yet de votion to their country's cause. Such is my Ijiit whatever may he my faults, my errors, have I broken oaths, never Imve 1 deceived iiatioms. never tfifled Mitli the duties of an honest patriot. (Loud cheers.) [i.maprrto, on the contrary, sits high in I'ower, dazzling the eyes of .sl.ort-s'ghled iiieu wTh the brightness of Ids proiiilious .star. Still I do net lielievc in the stability of sne- ces.sfiil crime. (Lotid cheers.) 1'roui deptiis ol my desolation I turn my eyes ifiiiverse, and from the stars in the down to the atom of dn.st at my feet, I see creation crying out aloud that Ine-re is a God. Tlie feeble spark of Ilis eternal spirit gliui- a.son revolts against the to the firmament to the satisfaction of the cmirt thaUbc I ijg ,„oral pcffer not to precepts 01 pai^ ^eptoteber A. D. 185(>. Jun. lO. 1857. Thi«« Dec. 22nd l85f>. A. McMlLLAN 0. S. C. 32* 61 Cliristianitv ' mering in my hra.n, my rea, , - ,„,.t of Hionill't tl'dl it i'® “t the merc_)‘ of itself, I believe, owes by fai the,le. j ..q venturous crime to break the eternal ebaiii of morn! lawr wiiieb; by tlie sovereign decree have and My vorm tlie oft'sjti-in;4 vi' ikc dust, can, wiin impunity, tliunuil the Oliver agencies put logLLULi. -- . which the eternal Lawgiver ; has done more to spread his ^ „ot only the llnetuations of human Mvorld tlmii all that has ever leen prea own immovable will. th'c evideiiees of Ciii'istianitj . j DOBBIjY HOUSE! Powers p*. troy, Pi-oprietovs; The Froprictor.s of this Establishment an- nounce to the public, that owing to the con stantly increasing patronage extended to Sftthem. they have been induced to enlarge tne • always Toanusstj 4*t4v» k.v."'----v - . .. rtC(50iTiff*o*(ta;idsi by the addition ofan extepsiyc ■The B'lisiiiess Department is comliicted by the under- t^c lower floor, and suite of Rcolfis-on the Court of Pices and Quarter Sessions Term, ISb^- Pilot Fry, vs. Stancil R. Scarbrough. MONTGOM- Jannarv STATE OF m I Original attachment of^rst^; ncl^ of knowing wl.eii it^^was : written on I T.iK Dk-if Acron.-Mr F. II. Hodges com-! ' mnnicates a good anecdote of oid Ifeeriiig, who ; with his daughters, played at the L'lica Muse- ; nm a eonifo of years since. Dcering was trm:- ! bled with the iiiifortnmitc nuilmly of (ie.;rtiess; nch so, indeed, that the only method he that so m On mitiou ckrolb,ia,ra nc'vs- j speak, wa.s uy o papCT pubi'i'ted fudie town ''''' ..pace ..fsix ’’acces.so-e u;e^ • ,,,,„.„ed that during ,h bis tarn to of bis fellow Fdh'v 7, 1857. S6-tf sigucHb trwhrmatr communication* of a business na- re must l>e addre8.sed. tnrDrT’ci^snX Ik CO M.ACFAULANE, FERGtSSON a au. Law Building, Franklin Street, Richmond, A .. Jflne 1, 1856. M. EAULKh^^lioTrstee lestablksliment to the corner of Gillespie and Franklin streets. Five sevenths of the FARMING AND 'TLRPEN-' TINE LAND in Harnett county, knoWif its the Barker ; UppeSll Rivek'’"ThcreT3 ' opposite the State Bank. S'dS onte Itey^ttevilirlr i IMPORTED ’ •' n Mc-ARTHUB.' . fiifctnrc all articles in his line in the best style at snort J. V. ROPER, police. Thankful for past favors, he solicit.* a, coii- Fer particulars apply to Nov 29, 1856 . 26-tf S. W. McKAY. ti’nuation of the liticral patronage heretofore b^towed D'ec. 19,lSo6' 28-tf second floor; thus enabling them to accommodate all wh^may favor them with a cflll. And they pledge themselves to an iacrea.sed exeftio'n to give satistaction ^°SpSoas Stables attached and careful Ostlers in "'^TF'foB^ble location of the Establishment, with the exoerience of the Proprietors in providing for the comfort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them « lllwral share of the travel. . . The Western aud Southern Stages arrive ff! end depart '^^'^rida'.^'in attendance on arrival and departure of Stteim iToats, for the accommodation ot passengers, floree, ami Carriages famished at any notice for carrying trpveltos^toanypartoftheadjacm ' Tayet^vlire.May 1'J.1A56. fS-tb cll R.Scarbrm.ghtote and appemat o» of Plca.s and Quarter be was by watching lUe lips lien they stopped. It so bc engagement cf some .ssioas!’‘to 06^0^ at the Court ; ^.gig^jrated star, “old Peering” as he was com- st ami cost. of f.m- said Court at Witness, John ^IcLenian Clerk of ou. sai.M. a. .fficc.lhefirstMo'i'lay inlanuiu-v.-A. D. 18.r,, office 26th day Iff Jdiuiary Jan 31. 18,57. 1 JOHN Mctat'TNIAN. C. C. 35-6t Eiiiott, M EH CHANT, cither COMMISSI ON f^AYETTEVILLE, TV- C AcTPiitforLutterioh & Co.-p Steamboat Lln^ . - Will attend promptly Uall b«.in«in.Btrutted tj^h.^ar., Ort. -21. ISIVI i I'o whicli the worthy Dvering had to rejily ’ “He is ray lord, and at this moment ' breakfast with his uncle;” but the .'Inr, j 'hrJugh accident or de.sign, put the quc= i :tl...s:'“My son. George IlaroUl, "U tdl -0. i sir! is he dead?” To tvhieh old r eering J, V *‘IIr is niY lord, aim t- {iroinpt y with his uncle!’’ this moment taking Dreahias. CcKiofS Gekm.vx Fiiovf.i'.bs.—M’omcn have long hair und short wits Tlieru is only ore !:ad rvifo iii the world, hut every one thinks he huo ije^- ^ M’heo the man siiooiis in ar.d tiie woman shovels out the li-:us»liold most soon la.i tnro'. A' woman spills more with i’. thimble than the I mail can draiv with a biiekcv.^ ^ ^ ^ I A woman always keeps secret whet sn: d'Ji s not kiio'-v. Bieh' wives make poor e'>ildrcn. Tliere ore oul* l«c' good women in tlie world; the one is dead'and the other is not to be found. -r r I'lelio in the woods, raiiibarv in taa sky, A'ml woman's beauty soon pass by. e»-A Y'anVec editor says—'”!'li3 march of civilization is onward—onward—like the slow but intrepid tread of a jackass towards a peek of oate " Ir

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