THt UMTH eimitm AO ».6, LLE, C. rcli 14, ISSI- j is oar duW authorizcvl kl! claims due this office. nzoedtate insertion of their I them in by THUKSUAY ey will not appear unti friends will please l»ear I to make it a rule te it ISD TBE CABIXST* *ble imper before onr Te it to their own tsstes I as to its merits with bat ation oil onr pa?t The (lith it has been receired ! of ail parties in every Ibeapeak for it a more bf ability, constitutional Biuislralive policy as fore- gural address must meet on of every patriot. Eiaffected tributes of praise been bestowed upon it by If the opposilioiij among ’ elegant compliment from ; pen of the acoouiplisbed tl Intelligeucer. irror, one ol the ablest I, and which strongly ^fa- ruuisui in the late cam [f so highly pleased with Jlr Buchanan shall receive support during his admin- of other leading and infla- irCals, >'orth and Senth,- hearty approval of the and the policy indicated; m it as a rare instance of [s, wisdom and patriotisEOj laffection. jointmentS; Mr Buchanan lih the pupular approval. ■e ability, long exi^erience ;ed to the stations which npy. e need say nothing. His Identified with the history ore than forty years past eyend question; his integ- and bis patriotism unques. J Cobb has been prominently lal world since 1S42, and nceraeut of his congressional lb rank among the ablest Iniitry. His father was a He himself is a native of [youngest man in the Cabi-* aisofage. Ills financiering Ible, and the Secretaryship hid have been placed in no I Secretary of War, has been Lnr Tears and has filled a Binportant oBices than any he Cabinet. His e.xperienee Inder him fnlly competent to Ind character of the station I and able gentleman who . lately occupied with such ' by Mr Dobbin, Isaac Ttn- |t, late Senator from that Jrificed by the black-republi- Ihis nationality and refusal Isadc with them against the i be a worthy successor to (ary. Thompson, of Mississippi, I is a man of industry and em- Jtie.s. He brings to the ar- It important office great ex- liiergy and an unusual force the Post -Master General, note, distinguished for his r manners, varied knowledge IVe have spoken of him II J B Black, of Penn.sylva- plest and most accomplished He has occiqiied for many St in the District and then krt. —• FiyEBlL. conrse of citizens, including Irates, students of Donaldson Military companies, attended j the last token of re.spect to highly esteemed citizen of [was interred in the family »r his residence, and the ma- and tearful eyes bore sor- Ito the Dnirersai loss which I sustained. At a meering of 19th, a .series of resolution.s rsill be found in another col ons of the town and the jus- lalso passed resolutions trib- f}, but we were not advised KO late for insertion in this kou was born at Bennington, aed removed perma- llle about 18ft4.’' ktion that the new magis- Itd “for the purpose of dis- Ih” we prononnee a libellous ' and knowingly made, pur- ontrage the feelings of ■ no other reason than that crats. Spit out yonr venom! It It cannot kill. You are ; against a day of wrath,’ Vh, b CcBcrftI JwSKti And echo very qoeerly answers, ask the retks bf Mexico! The General’s nodding plume might iiavc been seen waving in the thickest of the fight had it not been that an unfortanate rock threw its .shadow iipon lus stalwart frame and his b'wn men fcould iiOt witness his deeds of glbrK That valiant warrior’s .sword might have been seen flashing and gleaming throngh the battle mist, like the fidgetty snnbeams striving to pierce the mnrky fog of aNewFoondland Behihg ground, had not a baggage waggon irapedfitl Ids mad career of slaiigliter and saved the Mexican host from utter destrnction, , Who is General Jones? Ask that stalwart scEiE nrtrai uaenkt- Editor busy writing: printhWidwmorona for copy: nearly time to go to press. ' Enter friend of the editor:—‘‘Good evln^ old fell How do you do? Tearin tip things f^r'AjPftlampbell, one of the Factttty of the generally, eh! That’s right, give ittoeml’’ * Editor—With an awful imprecation in his heart, a smile upon his face and a tongift! as oily as a Hay Street fup’s head—“Good eve ning 1 Ollad to See you. Take a scat aiitl look oVef the papers Until I finish this short article.’’ t'riciiti sits dbVi'ti tittWBiit&ll.y on editor's hat: apt)lt>gi:ses and wOnderk Vvliy the d-j^l peo^ pie will plil tiieir hats oh beh'ches instead Of under the tabl’e where they’ll be Out bf the way. Editor blandly remarks that it ir somewhat Editor groans in spirit and politely requests j friend not to spit on the fiobr. Friend.—“Excuse hiC: I did’nt mean to spit ' on the floor. I waS tPying to hit that old pa" soldier who approached the hero while he was ; marvellous. endeavoring to roll a rock down upon the ap-1 Friend takes a chair aud a quid of tobacco preaching enemy! Who is General Jones? Ask s begins to spit at a favorite exchange which admiring soldiers who watched his wea-| happens to be on the floor-, tied slumbers as he rested his war-worn linilcs iii-the shade of a friendly rock. Who is Gen. Jones? Enquire of those furiously charging Mexicans as they recoiled from his terrible glance when he peeped from behind that frown- j » Ing rock! Who is General Jones? his, ' Intimate friends, and they will tell you that he I Kdltor intimates that it is one of Ins file pa is a roeA-ribbed defender of his cbmitry’s flag, i I'^rs nnd otic of his most valuable exchanges. Ask those who only kitojc him, and they wilj j Frietid:—“Why that’s only the Wilmington fell you that he is a rocket which went up lately j Journal and besides that it comes every day. at Wilmington amid a multitude of sparkr, and | And wliat’s it layin about loose on the floor •came down to-day an empty stick. General j for any liOvv? Yon editors never take care of Jones forsooth. A pretty specimen of thfe. war-1 anything; and yon in particular, excuse an old rior and the hero is he to deal out covert insin-.j friend, are the most careless cuss I ever saw. mtions re.s|iectiiig the courage and patriiitisra of | Editor's ideas pretty considerably ‘mixed np’ ■a distinguished and veteran corps, tlie «o(dicr in whose ranks is a braver man, a better patriot and a more loyal citizen than this di- devaut General has ever dared claim to he. The Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry needs no defender from the a.ssaults of this valorous chevalier whose despicable cowardice on the field of battle in Mexico was the theme of army- conversation. We rejoice that so gallant a corps as the by this time, and article begins to read slip shod; Concludes'to try it down stairs, and af fectionately invites friend to make himself at home Until he returns. Friend elieei-fliHy agrees to do so, and kindly promises to Write ah article for him in his ab sence. Editor goes down, sits on a box with a book on liis knee and scribbles away at a 3. 40 rate . . i for about tWO mlhiileS and forty seconds. Wilmington Light Infantry has been the recipi-; „ , » ^ , ^nt of the battle-rent banner lately as.sig«ed to I Enter chap Dom the country:- Eren.n to doubt not that should 1* the Caleehmn ontf If it .« I wants their keeping, and w'e their country ever call them to the field they “Would bravely bear that starry flag To victory or death.” But we fee! a just indignation that occasion ohould have been taken to disparage the merits ■of other companies, who at least claim an equal flharc of courage and whose ranks contributed •quite as patriotically to the prosecution of the j last war. THE IKSESit. to borry a copy.” Editor!—“Ko sif! it Will not be issued till to-morrow.*’ Rnstic:—“Sothy foi" that. Why don't it come out sooner? 'Whar’s the editor?” Editor:—Yoii'il find him up stairs writing an article.** Rnstic goes lip and ii conver.sation is indi.s- tinctly heard for a riiiiiute or two, when friend’s voice i.s heard distinctly requesting country chap to go to Itife d—1. Rustic comes down This able Uloathly, wWdfcijire pleased to find On OUf table, is published in Au- glisUt-, the editoral sapefViSiOn of Ge'oVgm Medical College The JoUfilal is, aud hak been for many years, the leading organ of Southern medical jurisprudence; ailQ the emi nent ability which characteriseB its conduct, the choice character of its selected matter and the fact of its numbering among its contributors some of the first medical men in the country, recommend it to the patronage and persual of the fraternity. Most partidUlaHy do we con^ mend it to Soutlierii physieiatiS; as a home jour nal of medical science wottliy in every respect of their confidence and siippott; We shall he greatly pleased if a well desefVed word of com- iiiciidation on our part shall increase its circu lation in this state. Tefnis J3j00 per annum, ill advance. g^General Jones states that there afC omy three members of coiiipiiny O nUW liv‘"b' , |.„r,y pro.scfipiipn Whereupon he is rebuked for liis meiKi.iciiy i A'ler delibel-!*; y wiinuflV by a member of that cOrp-s who flatly reitises 1s,.,.jhi„:, ti, an oath, a be killed off in that style. By the way, we ifiight suggest to ilie Gener. al that had all the iiieinbers of ctlitlpuny 0 pos sessed his prudence and appreciation of the motto of self-presefVutioii, there would have been more than thfCd soldiers left Uuliurmed by the enemy’s balls. The Helgiit of Presomption. j FortlieCaraliuiaa. ^ ‘ The late action of the board of Magistrates j At a meeting oi the citizens of Fayetteville has caused a great splashing in the pool offield at the Town Hall, on Momiay the Uih Know Xothingisnl; a great caterwauliiig,a -won- j Malv-h 1857, for the of dcrful uproar, a nliglity commotion aiilciiig the dry bones. And What does it all amoiliit to? To the simple fact that the magistrates Of Cumberland Colinty, in the proper nnd legitF mate e.torcise of their duty and authority, lurve seen fit to Centove a few incumbents from nniin- porlant ofllces rilid lb place in tlieif stead other 1 men as welt qualified in Cvbfy fe.spect to fulfil! | the fnnclioi s of their predecessors. ‘ProsCfipt Dili Prosefiptibn for party's sake,’ is the hiie afid blqr faiSed Slid eehbed from mouth lb iiluiitli by the same men iviio, but a short time agti; were sworn upon the holt* evan gelists aud ill the presence of Higll Iieavcn neVA cr to vote for a democrat for Oiijl/ o^re civil, or munidpnlt It does scf-ni tt'ns that it is the height of the fidionh.'iis, i‘e' siibli-iiitV Of impn- dCiicCi the very etuiax ''f p'-e.s>iMpt;no in a Kni'iw Nbtjjihg lo ehnfe-e the nen’Oefacy With Jt@*'Tne new Post Master General, Gov A. T. Brown,of Tennesseej Was educated in Xdfth Carolina and graduated lit Chapel Hill in 1814 in the same class With Vlfillit 1*. -MangUm and ex-Governor Manly. He is ncal-'ly sixty two years of age and IittS beCh fit pHblic life fbf thirty years. Me is one Of the many distin guished statesmen WliO have gfadiiated at the University of Ndrth Carolina, and we may well be proud of art institution wliich has given so many able and Ciflinciit incii to the councils of the nation. nay clic.cff'iity, solf;nn, irrave liiid paying a tii- biite Of respect to the memory of their late feilbW^titizcn, Dr. Bex.i.amis Roiun-so.-v, wiiO depafted this life on SundayJhe 8th instant: On iiiction George -MeMcill, Esq. waseailtd to the Chair, and J. Atider.-on iiiiiKiinted Secretary The Chairman having slated the oi'jtel of the meeting, witli feeling alln.-'ion to tin. ehar- acter of the deceased: Ua moliuii, the foUow- ing Commiltee was appointed to drai't re.-oiu- lidns fo'r the uetidti of the iiierioig, vi^: .Vren’d McLean; C; T. ilulgli, Joiin Meit.O', E. J. Hale and D. A. Ray, Es|.s., wao rt jmrteu the following, w liieli w ere nnanimonsly auopled: Wliereasi the citizens of Fayetteville, cle.'ny feeling tile piddlL- loss tliey are called upon to deplore ill the deadi of Df Beiijainiii Koivooii, and db.sirous of ex)iressiiig tliuir liigii resi-eet for Ids eliaraeler, and Sense of ins eiiniieiil position among tlieiii; Tlierefore Resoived, Tliat in Ids deatli the couimuinty lia.s a member (iistniginslied nut only ill Ills pi'ofe.ssional eliai-aetui- a.s a I’ny.-ii ian ' SPdiNti THAU';, iSei. F. FK.aU.; . is U.J.V reei'ii-irtd a heantiful .'lUd well n . oFKl.S'U A.N'l) .Sl'MMEit ttUOd.-t. fmanr sing a generSl sssorinieiil nl uil t!ie l.^t.■^I >. ' • t ! a lies'Jlrese (tood-;. 1 Ante and isdk .Mivnii laeMsiies ofevery ,l,iscri[--^r. Grape 8havvls, i, ■ . dih'i'ai.-- Giuves. hells, flo-iv-y, .la —.Vl-Si- Wa t - aal enlerel Linen l)i;i!lir>- i..;-'. -.1 l-'lelietl !ll‘ap d Ll:'. its .i.'iie.i met!i .^iia'days an.. 8.-'’■.. ■. 1, aeli'.; ■:! Taiiio Gloliis. : a -i-.ias a:.a Natii-nns. I.";!:;'.-'':;. I':v lane.i. it.i.-siaivre and -Mot- -Ion ■■ idil..!'.'l at- Viet fara.-.-.s. SireV-e trad it.'a.iv'-t.l ta,: G'n lttii'a- .Vii 111'ntiiell ivi!> Si- Set,' n ' v df fash, ea ■ us:m! liiae le ii...iein-l eii't'.-n-v.-. d fi '- . nard.iid.lie- 1.1 l:- i s,...n,;vp:y r.■- 11.■ a c;di iifiore iii:ik..r,-tl'-'" -L. 1 e . F.iy.-ii-vlile. . il.vy .-i! .Miii'eii t' (■> iia.I •■ ■ ■• I am new ;■■■.■ d via-lily :Si,.e'.; .i, ('.'oeL-rv I n a few ii:iys i ; iin:l liav e a yo.i.'i a-.-nfllll' lll id e'.' : i iti ite ill '!i V line, -M;l.t-i.' 10 dll' - n y 11 an *. I'e.i.nry t-i.' i-.-iy e:i y. Ilniy y.e.d- :■ me ti 1 iielt-T t rrms litan iiv ,irtleri;iy fi’-i.n tli.- N' ■ W. .N. nLi.l.N-itll.V'i. Marobil. t!tp but one who, by Ins great hiiiducss of lieart ' binding OATH, that they would proscribe and l ;,iid nrbainty ot maiii.e!-, maiiirested litiiing iii exclude from any aitfl alt ofi'iccS ailV iintf all ! rcsicieiice oi iiiorh than lifiy years ainungsi us, 1 men who disagreed with them in political faith | “'O" j’*'® esteem and atieet.on ot tlie wiiole —an oath too which they have religiously ad- j hered to whenever a diseased state of political society has given them tlie power—they have the iinspeakiible audacity to charge upon the Demoeraev selfishness and party spirit whenev er one of their iiumlier is removed from office nnd a democrat placed in his stead. Truly The ajipropriation of $50,000 recently made , hurriediv, slid Vemarking, “editor's sor- Ly Congress for tlie purpose of making the U. S. •Arsenal at this place one of construction, and for which we are mainly indebted to the zealous exertions of oiir able and energetic representa tive, the lion. AVaireii Winslow, is but an enteviflg wedge. It is mainly for the land shipment of machinery, the e.\tensioii of the buildings for Uie purpose of work-vliops and 44ie {vrepavation of the premises for active opera tions. AVe hope ere long to hear the ring of the hammer and the roaring of the fiery forge answered by the locomotive’s scream and the tlwader iff the rushing train, and it is no stretch of fancy wiien we look forward to a day, not far distant, wiien onr good old town, waked from the lethargy whicli has .so long paralyzed ter snappifili this eveiiiri;'’ ineonfinently .slopes. Editor smiles (editor is qnite good looking when he .smiles, and anybody to hear him laSgh would take him to liC qflite a peaceable sort of individual) and proceeds with article. Begins to warm with his .stllijeCt aiid wax eloquent. Enter respectable old gent with a troubled look:—“Mr Editor, if you are not 1 would like to speak to yciii Bpoh an important subject, privately.” Editor a.ssnres him that lie has nothing what ever to do, and was just thiriiiiiig afiout takiilg a nap They walk out together, nnd old gent placilig his hand upon editor’s shoulder and looking him fixedly in the eye, toqiiUlIri-—“Do yon Irer energies, shall flourish with a vigorous, jt your candid opinion, aside Wom all healthy growth and become, as she might be •and as slie can be, an inland city, commanding eonimcrce in every direction, reaching out the arms of her eiiterprize tow-ards those vast min. eral resources almost now within her grasp, and BvafcSiiBg on with a steady step towards that •vtatien wiiich shall make her the metropolis of t-be State. This is no mere matter of imagina tion. It caa be done. Xnmbers of towns much party prejiidices, that it is right, proper, jUst nnd constitutional for the town commissioners to levy an extra tax upon dogs?” Editor, who had been expecting to tbe announcement of the loss of all old gents’ worldly possessions, nnd who was revolving in his mind a suitable expre.ssion of condolence, is somewhat “coflnmmiixed;” but re.-'overing his I presence of mind, answers with indignant em- jg^One of the difficulties df the English iaiignage may be illustrated in the following question and answer:—‘Did you evet- see a peer stand upon a pier and pare ii jjfe’iif tvUii a Ft*'*" of scissors!’ ‘Xo, but t have seefl it heav stand upon a bare bier alifl drink beer.’ The nicety of differ ence in the pronniiciation is one of the great difficulties a foreigner experiences in learning to speak our laUgUUgei SS^IIarper’s Weekly is out with a malicious and contemptible attack upon the Secretary of State, Gen. Cass; and wC are glad to find in a recent issue of tliet,WashingtdU Union a scath ing and bittef fejdindef to the Sfticle, from a writer Whose lash is none the leSs severe be cause its thongs afe silken. It f-'c-ally seems that no Xortherii pUblifUliorij litehirt*; scienti fic nor rcIigiOU.S, can refrain from dabbling in- pitltlics, and occasionally assaulting the cliarUt" ter, purposes Of abilities Of sOiUe good and great man, particiilrrly if lie is U soUtbefn Uiaii or at all friendly to the intefests of the south Is it beWHSe Xortherii society in the main is such a heterogeneous compound Of foljy; knavery and fanaticism as that everything con nected frith it is tinctured with one or tlic other of those elements? It must be so. Or religion would not be so desecrated, science sO pervert ed and litcratllfc sO pfOSlittitCd as is unq;ie.s- tioiiiibly the case at the Xorth. Thank hea ven, we of the Sonth have none of it save a lit tle paltry KiiOfr Notliiflgisilii harmless because of its exceeding freakiieas. Re.solved, That allhoiigli he was most en deared 10 us ill his rclaliou of Fainiiy I’iiysiuiaii yet we are not uniiiiliiiuil of Ins uiiweaned zeal and great ciiei-gy in the di.seliai'ge of lii.s various public duties, and in all that related to tiie prosperity and advancciuent of onr town. Resolved, That as a iiiark of lespect to tlie meiuory of the ileeeased, the eiliziii! lie I'l- ifluy it be said that their bigotry and intoler-! (|Uesieil to eiose liteir piaees of business unring atice is only equalled by their mea-stireleas pre-1 the hours of the funeral to-inorrow. ,, I Re.solved, That a copy of these resohitioiis J . . . . i be sent to the fiimilv of ilic deceased, logeliier Tiiet* have, ifl the face of the late action of sy,„j,atl.ies ot tiii.s the ffiiinicipiil board res])eetiiig Mr Mathews, ‘ niceting in Uieir bereavement. the effrontery to charge tlie board of iniigistra- Re.soived. ITiat the procecUiiigs n( tliis meet- tes with partizan action! '"F '*e published in the Town papers. ^ Several of the d3m.ocratic magistrates fOted * w t » w. >1. J. AaVokhsox, fccey. for Mr McLean f notone of the K. maj^is- trateS supported Mr Mathefrs. Party spirit p:niTu!i’s AumK.Nci-;.-“Who arc yon forsooth. talking to?” AViiy to a larger andiuiice tliaii Both gentlemen arc well qualified fO dis-' L-ould Iroast of, chafge the properly, ably, faithfully, and ; (j; more tiinil ever listened to liiiS during a that Mr Mathews will do so no one donbt.S: ' ]low few clergymen, how few Icctui- ATTH.ATi()N--L^ *At- ET'TE L-H.MIT 1N F.\ .NTU V, The at’.eiidi’.nt'C ’.i*' .A J -«. 'i' 1! .’i! K Vi P.KS of the ‘'orj'.- i i the r-giibii- ill’iH rf'i T'n-''a-.- i,:.:,li- is requested, as bnsiiit.-s ot ini;'*,-- taiK-c is to lie tniiisactcd reiiuiriiii. the atieiiilaiice of every member et the Corps. Rv order of the Cuiita'-i. C. K LEETE. t). r*. .M^i-eh 1 1, Is.'iT. It _ ” M/Ll rAt! r \yoT/( /:. Til*' fric'iuis fji ^’ I'kiOiint C. LiaKiK wiP. su]jjjni'i ii’iH lov (.’I'lfutcl «'} ibu K'';-ini'-’in N-M:' i. ar.tliiKA Kke^ou to Ik-lu-'u «>ii SaluriiuA lli-: J.I 5)av of'Maich 1?8.‘)7; March i4 i(i57. SPKiA’G STOCK, 1857. S. P. MOOHE. Whole?!ii:lc tirocer udiI CoDlIui^sioll jicrfhanf- ( Has ju>t received in Store. 1 21,5 fjaiTfls ^Vhi^keY l>a:uly. 1 -Jo •• and hhds. ab.-’td* ! 75 Sacks iiioCotiee, 200 •• Salt. I 50 b).\es ASotiit Biscuit. . ^ I Gandies. Soaps. CRiidles, Snuff. Ctgors, Ac. ic. I All ot'whi*-b l>e sold ou libiTuI terma. • March U. 1^57. ^d-tf Valuable lieal Estate FOR SALE. As to the displacement of Mr Deniing, thej* j jmijpg speakers of any deserijitiuii only complied with an old standing request of | epgp i,d(]ress an audience half so largo a.s that | his. Often has Mr D. besought tlicm in feeling ! fg which tlio editor of tlie smallest eonnli v pu-, TH-VT valmiW.i P1..VNT.\T10N mid desiralde .Suad J,.' iilii** ! i'ur aeouiiU'V Store, in ILob'.'Soa cu-anlv.. .'‘iluiiki-xi and moving terms not to elect him apin. ^ j j,,.,. ,,reaches? How many elergyiuen are there , miles .shutb oi Eiyett-viVle . on eitb'-r ^i^b■ oi And now when in the spirit of philantiiropic : ^vho are uecustomed to audiences of a Uiousaiid i th'i L'lUtbcui I’lauk Uoad, uccup'ivd l>y Mr Dunevu .\l. bdhCkolence, they listen to the entreaty and | i,g„ fg^^■ p,ij,ers there are which do not'fiouse. witb FuiiaWe out- strictly and liiernllv find more than a tliousano |'"iddn-iss. oid a •■'Oire ll-m.-v. uiUiaU-tl a.-i: i.i in ibi; I mtilsl i,r m, iiiiin.slrions and inurm iM-niile. niatni .t i thorough readers!—Ex. more nnpromisiug, much less favored by post.; p],gsi, “j^'g sip_ j fio not.” lion, net blessed by nature with half the resour-j “Xhat i.s enough” answers old gent as he CCS which lie unappropriated and seemingly | abstractedly awav. Mncarcd for all around us, have risen to opulent j 7;,]itnr retnrns to his office nnd resumes pen and flouri.shing cities in less than half a genera-i Has jnst gotten the thread of tion. A\ hy can we not do so? Is it lack uf; again, when he hears a migh- capital? 'Fhat is the shabbiest argument in ^ uproar iip stairs, and the voice of friend the world. Energy, and persever ance will »ia/;e capital—and in fact without tliose the capital of a hundred millionaires would not avail us one iota.' Public spirit, pride of eoni- ty uproar iip ri.sing high above the din:—“I say: why the deuce don't yon keep your ink in an inkstand? Here’s this infernal ink jng of yonrS tnCned over and .spilt out, and this article of mine one appoint in his place a staunch and oapalile citizen, a Wiiil goes up from the camp of I.srael, “PaffJ Spirit!”' As tO the intimation from a certain quarter that Mr Arey will permit im proper influences to govern him in the dischiir.rc | ygg ,„;,y talk us yon b A DurcHMAN’s Stohy.— Mine Cot, Unuiis, mind to about le iincall-; liog’s peing te conirariest animal, put te licii is j ‘.1“’,',' of his duty, it is as nnjnst, nrigenerons, ed for and mean ns any other piece of in the .same quarter could well lie. ft is said that tlie affair has “caused a good deal of feeling.” Xo doubt of it. Know X'otli- ings usually “feel” out of sorts when they j ^gt—J jam her town on te eggs, put she vill 'op ; the pi-'c.sf.ige of power Xo donht they are ■ ,.jgin gj, Den J make a Icctle pox, 'i.out sa j “very mhcii torn up in their minds” on tile sub ject, and we only hope tliat ill time.s to come j gg ijuigi, uigj.g contrary a cool teal. Vy, no I longer ago an todtiicr day, I try to make Ic I hen set—.1 put te eggs nntlr her—I make te ; nest all up cood—jiout te hen on, put slie nc (i ‘.-^Irable jibi'.’ii oi t'ffrt.D'aco, auil t»;t'.* o5 kin sla: *. lor a Couiili-y.SWrE* wAiiiu lUc t-amj dkluuce Inru town. it willbt? sold privately, and torms of paymunt inu.i li'uo' di.’'po>K.*l ol Booiior. it w.ll iic si>ld at uut^lori. lit the .Markvl House in FayeileviUc. o.i sduy ilit‘7ili of.Vpril ne-’it. • :>h- linio in re-'idiu;; on tbe premises snd \rik sboxv I the property to any t^ue do.vinug to view it. i’Or tur- ' ihor purlieular.s a[»jdv to JNU. H. j March ik Jb57._' I Uai riMiti’s tSiiliii ui' P|-;iirid k'liiuci-.', i at the lii-ii.i; .8t',n* of Itr. K()LLKK8. munity, energy and enterprise, properly directed | y,]gt j>g, :;p]atter dashed alt over, and and Wisely applied, are wortli more than tiie i gghgdy')] gypr steal this shirt I’ve gOt dtl, and Inert, nnilsed millions of a thousand Croesi. j ^ p^ ^g pgy generally!” The spirit hag been awakened, the right .sort j j;;iitor rn.she.s up stairs, and finds to his dis- oF spirit. Some of our citizens have set a noble i g,gy ),;g y,ooi;g_ papers and Mss are mined, example. The railroad is being pushed on | ^g g ^^gg^j ^,gtf]g gf Harrison's blackest vigorously. The comity, we doubt not for a j can aconiplish that end; and, in a paroxysm of moment, will generously extend iis tlie aid we j ggggg) forgetfulness, he addre.sses friend in a ask. Let us go on bravely, resolutely to the j gg^j pgpjggpg remarkably different from accomplishment of the great end ho|ieU for, and j fonnd in the Pilgrim’s Progress and fla Y succcss awaits us. j fer’a Saint’s Rest. I'riend leaves with ft face However, we do not by any means predicate : indignation and ink, and editor the destiny of Fayetteville upon the Arsenal of j walks down stairs in a state of mind bordering construction. We have been uiiconsciOdsly |ed ■ gpgg that usually ascribed to moon-sti-ickert iil- to say more than we at first inteiuled, although ^ we admit the great importance of the work in question and contend that it is still another incentive, were any other needed, t6 continued dividuals. Finds article unfinished; form not tfiade np' printers gone to supper, and office devil waiting to dun him for two dollars to biiy a palf of J®" AVe ate pb.Sitively aaiasperaUd. Some time ago we mis.sed our axe; we ififlUiilineilllj bought another. It freilt off without aiingour leave. We hesitatingly purchased a third, and we are now We lay it down ns an nziom'tliat the man who would steal u shivering editor’s in cold weather would purloin hi.- sweetheart’s hair pins and sell them for tooth* picks. KCW BOOKS. Peterson ha.s in two volumes from prom inent anthor.s, which are soon to be issued. The titles are, “A'ivia; ob the secret of POWER. By Mrs E D. B. X. Sonthworth”— and "TttE BoiwER Rover.” By Einer.son Ben nett. The first natned is bound in two styles. In cloth, one voluthej nt $li36. Two vols., paper cover, $1,00. The “Border Rover” is com plete ill two large volume.s, neatly bonnd in paper.—Price $1,00. The characters of the authors of these two works ate so well knoivn to the readers of romance that we need offer no commendation of their merits; That both books arc interestllig and instruc tive we have no donht, and Can recommend without having rend theifi, to the lovers of light literature. Copies of citiicf work will be sen- to any One, free of postage, upon remitting the price to the publisher, T. B Peterson, Xo. 102, Chestnut Street, PhiladeIpbiaJ ttict* (flay “feel” no better. AVe oiK-e henrd onr own views e.vpre.s.scd ili a speech relating to Know Xothing office liold- ef.S; and although we will not say ilmt they are applicable in the instance of Cumtierland office holders, yet we doubt if the public “feeling!’ would suffer much irt eOnscqiietite of their en forcement. The speaker snid:—“Away to the political guillotine with every mother’s son of them! Decapitate the whole squad! Then slia'll their followers cat the bitter fruits of their oWn doctrine, and experience a practical of their own pliilOsopiiy.” pig von way, (measuring with lii.s hands,) and 'punt so pig tother way—den I pools te hen on te nc.stj and jnst takes and pools te little pox to sec vether she pe setting, i pe lain If I tout find te tain lieO set a standing! exertions on onr part. To onr representative j g|,o„g Tell.s devil to wait til to-morrow. Locks nnd fellow-townsman, Mr AVinslow, Fayetteville I gp 1,is office, and wishing that he had’nt^a Is wholly indebted for this addition to her [ friend in the world, and that printing offices interests and importance, and oor ciliKens fully igjj iron doors nnd barred windows; proceeds appreciate the services. AVe freqtfently receive proposals from Yankee quacks and other impostors to publish their medicines or Wares at soeh rates as We wonld not allow to oar immediate patrons at home. And it is not unfrcqnently the case that ■we receive some such a proposal as thisi-*=^ “Will you publish the enclosed advertlse-- ment of iny Philo Sanative Elixir for one year nnd take twenty bottles of the Elixir id pay ment for the same? If so please insert imme. diately and send me your paper regularly.” AVe usually put sneh documents in the fire, or devote them to other uses not coiitmeplated by tbeir knarisb authors. gloomily homewards, before reaching which destination he is donned by seven different in dividuals whom he repels by se+en fierce and malignant scowls, and the aggregate amount of whose claims npon his parse is jnst three dOL lars nnd .seventy-five cents. Any other editor save him Who presides with meek and gentle grace over the cOlUmfis of the Korth Carolinian, and whose hiiinilitjr and forbearance have passed into a proverb, would undoubtedly have shot his friend; set fire to his office aud swallowed a spoonful of Strych nine. “Othello’s occupation’s gone” may now be rendered, the know nothings have gOne out Of office. sa: ^.w AUVERritSi-AIKNfS. SPBNLi STOUR. S&^D. M'i.X.;ill; hlsq., liK :>-eo-nc criitorlally ft.^sta-iated in tbe (";iro!i:.ii- Argus, AAe !i '.ft, t!;“ |ii(v!.snr.'; of a ])vr.'Oiiiil lu qiiain- ieiicf: friti) ?>ir McXi'ili, but leiifii tiiat lie i.s a yoitiig gontleinan of clever abilities ami a very decided turn for poetry. AVe lionht not that the Jnninr’s grneefni pen will add a ])iettiresqiie charm to the pOiiiiefofi!! cliis.sicality and fatli- omless profllfidity of the Senior’s style, and ns Scalds (a distant relative of Burns) say.s— “Will bring the cliiel o’niony a bonnie tho’t To be a lustie man or, to adopt the more Doric style of the eques trian Senior, Ui hoc hie et hnic hnjns Parvum in mnllu cujus! Aside From jesting, hoWeref, We arc pleased to see a decided iinproveiiient in the eolnmiis of our coteniporary, uufl Only wish it had been there before. STAKlt & AViLLIAMbb auk now rlcc’iving their SKlilNtx 8T^L'K. coniprir- •n«; a coinploto aud geaeral assaiTmeul of l>t'y OoiHir-, liuiillct.'s, fiuut.', Sii.JCs .i!ul iiCiitlr mAtlf. Ciotiuiig, Which Avill bf ciiVred to the Wholesale ti'ode I’or Ga.>h, or on the u.-ual lime to prompt huyei'P. 'j hOf-e owing us notes and accounts pa.-^t due will jilease make iuimf- diate payment. J. K. STAftU, J. M. WfIxIdAMS. March 11, 1857 41.;f Crystal M uciitige, al li.o Hrug Store of _ K'r. -‘(it •A I'resb sijpplv )! Klli.s’s ( itr.ilL* ol' Magnesia, a pleasant cathartic; at the Iirug 8iop’ of Dr. f'(it'l.K;;.8. A Tre-sh tiK.soriinoiit, of llarrisori.s' unrivallfii I’erfiinicro. just received ami for sale at tile Drug Storti of Dll. I-'On.ELS. Mai-li U, IS-IT. 41-.|t LrOOiiS. Tbs undersigned tiave received iiiln .Store iiieir r-'-- ceut purchase of GOOD.S. ciiibreciiig a larg.- nml general .Stock of t-KOKEilJiS .hSti IMRDH Vvliieh they will sell on tlie.r u.-iinl accmniiiodatiiig term.*. ' G. W. Wll.LLVMS &. GO. March 14. IS.'iT. 4l-il' ELECTION HOTiCE! The friends of .Maj. A .M CA.Mi’lsKLL recommend him us u suitalile person for Colonel of S^d Keg. aS'.C. Kleelion 2lst .March, ii?57. 41 It FOR SJJLF. Nortti C;irolina Bacon and tjaed, suitaiiic for fain.ty .Appiv to B. Muieh 14', 41-31 F .A V E L' r E V1L L E .\1 .V R K ET. CcrrccJed wccklv for the Sorlk Carutinian, March M, 1857. SPRING & SUMMBR GDOOS. H. &■ E. J. I,ILLY are now opening llieir usual variety of Spring and Snminer Goods to which they invite t'ne atleution of nholcMile Ijuyere. March 14, 4I-it |@r-Tlicre Ls a brick wail in the immediate vicinity of onf office which we intend reporting to the grand jury as a nuisance, for it is a most villianous One; AVliat with that Golgotha of a ditch and the accompaniments of the rniWed old Wall immediately beneath onr nose, we really cannot see how we shall survive the ap proaching summer. Perhaps it is in hopes of getting rid cfui sometime in July Of August that the Know Nothings are resolved to let these pestiferous scoiirces of mnlfttrs and efflu vium remain to infect tlie Whole neig'shorliood and poison the atmosphere of this quarter Of the town. p- S, Since writiUg the above the commis sioners 4iave comment'ed filling the ditch With Sand. We would return them onr hearty thanks for the sCSSonablc favor, were it net that those thanks are due the grand jury who have forced them at last to do what the citizen.S have vainly implored them for. Thanks, gen tlemen of the jury 1 tfS" Mr Donghiss ha.S commenred the fifth or sixth survey Of the works on Ciific i'ear and Deep riverS; and the stockiiolders .inticipate the shipment of regular cargoes witliin ninety days, throngii from the coal fields. AA’e liope they will not be disappointed. l^tock. TOOK & JOHNSON, Are now receiving antf opening their nsnal Spring supply of Gtiods. embfiicinga coinplei*? assortnienl Hardwai'e iind Cutlery, Condi nn«l iiuLrgy Trimmings. Spring.s nnd A.vles, various size.-iaiHl iiest f)Urtiity. Together with their usual variety, to' which they invite attention ?ff dcnlefs iu thi.-? market, both nt Whok-.«nle uiut Kdnil. March I4. 41-3t BACON, per lb COFFKK. per lb— IS @ Its tS? m iiio, 13 Luguira, 14 15 Java, OU (a> 17 COTTCN. per lb IS c-U I3i cijTTUN liA^iGING, per yard— (jiinny. 25 @ 00 1 Kindce, •22 Qa 25 Jbirlaps, COTTON V AilN. p-Tlb, No.«. 5 to l'.l 10, 20 ^ 00 00 DOMESTIC GOODS, per yard— i>rowu Sheetingf*,- 8 Osnaburg.**. 19® lOi FLOL'K. per bnrrel— Faiuify. ; 50 0 00 Siip'-riine; 6 70 (as « 30 (a. 00 0 00 Cre-r-tT: 5 bO («) 0 OU II-H. J. -E. FOELliESs L* now rec''iving Iiif* SI’KING Ll ITI.A consisting of a large assortinent of Druirs and Alediciiies, Oils, Paints, Dye-stulfs, Fancy Afticle.s, I’ei- furaery, Iiik.=, (a large a.ssort- iiieiit,) Alcolioi, Burning Flniil, AVincs and Bran dies for Medical pur poses,- Congress water, &e., Ac. lie wonlJ partieulariy call the attention ofconiilry GilAIN. per biishel— Corn. Wheat, Oat.s. I’eas, live, I..\UD. iier ill, Li’ililT.S p-r gallon— I'eaell lilalidy. Apple do. new .N-. G. Whiskey, Kye do. liectiiied do; N.tJL.S, vnt, per keg @ 1 I.-v (yi 1 21) fa'. Si) fa} 1 oa (a, 1 10- O A R D E X S E E D S . A tfesii supply jnst received liy .S. J. HINSDALE. S A PON I FIE li, OR COS4E.ATR1TF.0 LYE. 25 Cents per Canister. One Cunister ivill innkf* II gitllon;? bi' So»p. Kor .sule by S. J. ilIN8i>ALK. MECETTIOA of JIR. DOBBIX. At a meeting of the citizens of rayefteVtllc on Tlinr.sdny afternoon, Mayor McKctlinn in the chair, resolntio'iis were passed cOmpliracn ting Sit Dobbin upon the soeee'.ssffil sdminis-j n ,g ]g„ ffation of naval affairs under his direction, and j for Cash oron time to punctual customers. , . - M*ii*rh l4' 858. 41-U •a committee of thirteen appointed to arrange affairs for a^receptioii of welcome hack to the bosom of Ws people.- The arrangement as per fected is as follows: A procession will be for med at 8J O’clock this niornislg in .Market square and proceed to the Steamboat lamliflg. Mr Dobbin will then be escorted to the mar ket whefe he will be received by E. J. Hale on the part of the citizens; in an address of welcome'. He will then be escorted to his resi dence by the citizens and military. Maj. A. d. Odanitfn is the Chie'f Marshal on this oc- casion. | Lime, Plmler, Plastertn-x ’ V R Since flic above was in press we learn ■ HydrahiKe Cement, constantly on hand and l>‘- ■“ ! ,vti viiVfXTnv m T d t- i.”i’ \i Ta lor- 1.5. Since me aoo ki • . i i quantitie.-kositit. Apply to- t. i.Os-E. AA 1L.\1I^Q10^ M ARkLl. M.akch 12, 185 , that the prostrated state of Mr Dobbin’s health | ’ Will notpormif him to accept a public rcception.-i tRISH POTATOES. He was compelled to decline a similar tender i ^ supply, suitable for planting. For rale l.y oA 4FL-?atrpy'^jrhq. ’ TaeVdaj- cV '3- ? iti WilntingtoD owing to'his eitremo debility. I l^D-SE. r.bfE Tar at st 30 per bU!—Go?j*.' P.\LM OIL SOAP thfcJ /dr Chapped Hands. For sale by March 14, 1257 S. J. IIIN* 41-5t DALE. liiON, per lb— KT?gli.«h. 4i common bar, Si fa, Do. wide, 7 Wl'iOL. per lb TALLOW, per lU !7 (n, 11 (n: HlD.^bS. p.-r !b— Drv. Dt (St Circen. LE.AD. per lb s, (i SALT— 1 -2.4 (S\ LiverponL pf'rFRck.- Alum, tier bu-liel. 00 fa; .MOLA.-l.S1:.l, pi-r nallor.-v- Cuba. 50 (5 ^-vw OrU'sn*-. Ce (#; .srGAK'. per Ii'-'- i.oaf «nd cni-shed, ‘-^K.'roi.c. rortolLco. A NOrkaT'r. >1 (n- DEEP—Wlii>Ic.'a;c . 1 e Ketiiil, choice 6 \c rORIv—Whulcsale 8 Kclail 9 MI.'TTON r. fel KKM.VUKS,—Kacnn-—J’lj dumniid. We rrporl no eli:ini;e in (Mir m.Trkvt itltlionjrh. the lute r.CM's from- Kiiropv and New Y-rh boih frhoAv u decline. Fluur Dull. Cohi (juite firn!. Sales on Tuesday of 7SJ) bids Turpentine at $2 •!'’ per bbl for Virtiin iincl Yellow Difi. aud ?1.10 Hard. Sales ou Tuesday of 380 bbl.. SpiiiU Turp('r!- I ll

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