/> Ibkr ms® [rATETTEVIM- ® F M ilonda/ and 111*'* Friday siariiiiigF. iFayattraille on Tnesdaf "r Mill-rise. S«t«rda7 *BOTn»r*i iLisIiters. run* regoUrl/ ages mf tb» Bircr. avd srisf goods, are to* weU rffc* for the rery liberal Eib assare all sbippars that S feci confident tbat out r snpericr to any line on V. P. ULLIOTT. fei ibr LuttcrloU to. Co. Sl-tf ibell, m aiKRCHAXT. pi* street. Is. C. ctfullT inform ki* old can be found at the ■will be glad to fee j. R. McDonald. ™ man in each section ^ by pample for "Mc- ilC KEMLDIES." To lenlary and fair commis- I (with itamp to prepay I. S. Mc.t.LLlSTEB, . Jersey City, S. J. -Agents wanted Id CTery town and cona- hgage in a genteel buei- ' from one tboaeand For partienUr? addreM Is. A. DZWEY & CO.. \ 151. PhiUdelpbia. Fa. 0, boya and girla. Tke I calling npon J. H. ROBERTS. bats, just received ' W. n. CARTER. lust received and W. H. C..^VEK. , just received and W. n. CyRVER. I just received and I W. P. CARVER. thr for sale by W.n. CARVER. [cKEKEL.” ■c. and for sale bT W.H. CARVER. p, just received and ’ W. H. CARVER. i^PORri'>E Sned an .Auction Sales Rocn yest of the Cape Fear Banr. i glad to leceive con.ien I Merchandize, p paid to sales of STOCKS. [iST \TE. E. LEETE. .Auctioneer. 37-4t rs:: plows ::: lings to mate it. |LSU:— >■ i’lanters' Steel and iai be C. E. LEETE. 37 3t larrels for sale be cLAUKIN ASTUANGE. P C T O R 1', LAUDER. I VTillltings' Anctioa atore. Vile- N‘. C. Ua'D oils. hite Lead, [ Oil. Copel Vafai«h, Liiberagc, Ziac White. Chrome Yellow, Japan Varnitb- Lamp Oil. Vandyke Brown, Terra de Sienna Black Varnish, Rose Fink, Sand Paper, m-h****. For ^al*^ br SAM'L J. HINSDALE. 40-41 'ICE. . C. McEacbla, as Guardian risen, dcc'd. are hereby rt- i aaid guardian has in a great lor&ed and iran.'^feirod their Ai.'K). that our urgent ne- Kjt irtment* of the endorser. ee«U}y a? possible. All tbofo Ijlige u.-s. and thmseWes too, We muit and will cue b>ftbcomIng. A. D. .M0RRI30N. J. M. MORRISON. N. A. MORRISON, larch 7. 1&57. 40-tf ttnal Propertv of the JlcNeill. ' I John McNeill, dec'd I shall |i= late residence in Harnett I the 2d of April next and con- , till all is sold, the whole of kcepting Negroes and the por- Ld to his widow for her year 's lo be sold are,— forses and Mules. ' Corn; aeon, of superior quality; ff Fodeer; ’ Cattle; lof UoEs: J, and Bjgg-y; orher Wagons; lio.tbe Cumberland Acade- epical Apparatus belonging t variet=?of other valuable pro- rill i-e given,—the purchaser led security. ■11 shall hire out at Auction [year, the NEGROES belong- *ns made known on the day of bees appointed Adminis- Ihe will annexed, of John ■eby not fies all persons having late, to present them duly au- liine prescribed by law, other- pleaded in Ijar of their recov- I indebted to either estate to fly day. Stock Ac., on the Intestate's r river, will be soW where they I o1 the sale at the home plan- JONATHAN WORTH. 1411? \ • Devoted to Aews, Political and Business matter, Agriculture, and Family Iloading. PUBLICATION OFFICE,] INAIEPESDENCE IS THE SOUL OF DEMOCllACY! rnuN AI.D^ON s>TnKK l'. WM. F. WIGHTMAN, Editor. FAYETTEYILLE, N. C., SATURDAY, APRIL 4, [857. \0!.r>lK Xi\—ML 9P. TEftMS 9VSSORlPTIOar to TH* CAROmCIAII* a single cepy, if paid in advance, per aunum, $2 Oil M at the end of 3 monthly 2 50 M M * at the end of $ nionths, 3 00 M « w at the end of the year) 3 50 Jr# snbeeription wHl be received for a shorter petiod Ikad dde year nalees paid in advancei With the view of extending the oireuUtiOtt find cn- haneing the nsefuluees of the paper, the proprietor of* f«rs the following remarkably low , , _ CLUM RATXS^ iJ>ffrARlASLlt APP’AJ^^CS: B copies ef the Caroliaian, 1 year, S8 00 ' ** ** “ •* M 00 latca ef idTcrtUDgl Silty oents pef square of 16 lines, or lesS) for the first and 30 eente for each snbseqneat iili^rtidnt unless the hdvertisement is published for more than two menthS) When it will be charged Per three months, ----- $4 00 Per six months, - - - - 6 00 For twelve months, ----- 10 00 AR advertisements must hare the desired number of in- ■ortiems marked on them, ortherwif»e they will be in serted till forbid and charged accordingly. Special mitentUn is directed to this requisition. WM. F. WI6HTMAN & CO. assAa s&Tiosa. CI.BX1EXT C. WRICHT. Aft-rnoy «t L.avr, Fay«tt*vlU*, M. C. Olte« at the corner of Bow and Greon etreete. Tob’y ». 145*. J. A. SPEARS. ATTORNBT AT LAW. ATTBNDS the CoarU of CumberlaBd, Harnett, Wake and Johniten. Address, Toeaier, Haraett Co., N. C. Teb. 1*. l*5t. S5-y BARTH'W FULLER, Attornej at Law, FAYBTT«TIldL E, If, C ., May be consulted at the Law Office of Jese G. .Sh ep- htrd, Bsq., OB Green Street. J*ly 10, 1856. 7-tf TUB FIdOATINCt BAbltS Oft KNVCKIdB A8I1I-\G MACHINJE. The subscriber hiring purchased the Right of the above Machine tbr the Counties of Cumberland and Haraett, is now ready to furnish such fts may be desirous of Obtaining fi Rightt The tuachine iseimple, both in its structure find Operations, aud should any portion of it fail, Can be easily and speedily repaired by any person having the use of tools; I do not claim for this machine more than what it is able to perform with that description of labor which alitldst every family is fibie to supply, without at all interfering with the brdinfiry duties. In the first place a child 12 or 15 years of age can perform all the labor, after having seen It operate a few times, and if the direc tions are adhered to, will do as much work in one day as three or four women in the ordinary way, and the Yrork will be much better dbnc; Below will be found 1 certificate from those who have purchased and now have in use one of these machines. ISHAM BLAKE. April 12, 1856. 93-tf Fatettevillk, N. C.; April 9. 1856. IVe. the undersigned, having purchased of Mr Isham Blake one of the above machines, cordially recommend it to the favor of the Public. It washes very rapidly, and the work is much better done than is usually done in the old way, and with less wear to the Clothing. It far exceeds our expectations, aud has only to be seen in operation to satisfy the most skeptical of its utility and economy. We have no doubt of its being generally used wherever introduced. I). G. McRae, Jxo. D. Williams, W. J. AyoEusoH, Jonx D. Stahr, Wit. AJcLaurix, Joseph A. Worth, A. P. Hurt, A. J. O'Hanlox, Ja8. G. Smith, David Wemvss, We in company with several other gentlemen, saw a four dollar bill tvhich was very dirty and mnch defaced, put in and washed out by this machine, re moving fill the dirty appearance of the bill, and leav ing it perfectly legible, which shows there is little or no rubbing produced in washing tine articles. Frank X. Hoberts, Jas. Q. Smith. ANDREW J. STEDMAN, Attorney at Law. Harinr rtm.Ted to FITTSBORO, N. C.. will atUsd r.joUrlj th« CoarW of Chatham, Moore and Harnett Coamties. April 14,1836. tf FOR SALE. 444 Aerea af Land, lyins onCapeFenr RiTcr-..Store, Dwellinit, Oat Houzea all in first rate order. The Store is at a fine business stand at the Cross Roads and the and is n»t to be excelled by any in North Carolina A.ny person desirioj to purchase can obtain farther particulars respecting the property by calling cn either of ns at Willis’ Creek on the Wilmington Load « miles fr.m r.yetterille. ^ Oct. 4. l«-tf JAMES WRIGHT. TOW Tr* Jt je: • On the 7th April Ig.'iT. I will pell to the highe.st bid der the following property, being in the Tbwn of Fay etteville. to-wit; . One House aud I^ot (containing two acre?.) in Low er Frtyettevllii;, sitilatL’d on Water street, on which Louis A. Ni.xon no>v reside?- The libnsc l.s netv and in good repair, and the location very healthy. One vacant Lot .also in Lower Fayetteville (con taining i acre,(known in the plan of said town as Lot No 98, situated on Front Street. The above property will be so?d at the Market House on the day above named, without reserve. Terms accommodating, and made known at prIc? DLdJ.kll F. MOOllE. Bv C. E. LEETE, Auc t. March 28, 43-2t ADAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLE.S; fine and common TOBACCO; and almost anything in the Grocery lin*. Cheap as ‘1>« eheapesC S6-tf f»b’y T, 1857 S'®® Fir. sevenths of the FARMING AND TCRFEN- TINE L VND in Harnett county, known as the Barker and McNeill lands, joining Wm. Harrington's land on Upper Little Rir.r, There is some 200 acres ef the best quality of low grounds on the River. The up lauds are heavily timbered with pines, and within six miles of the Fayetteville and Western Railroad. For particulars apply to D ^Mc A ^TU L K. J. W. McKAY’. Not. 185* 29. 26-lf TRUSTEE SALE. By virtue of a certain Deed of Trust to me. executed by Louis A. Nixon, I will also sell at the same time and place, all the stock of Goods in the Store House now occupied by Louis A. Nixon, in Lower Fayette ville. consisting of a general assortment of DRY' GOODS AND GROCKRIES. .\ni will rent for the balance of the year 1857,^ the Store House and Dwelling House which said Nlxod now occupies. Terms made known at sale. B. P. MOORB, Trustee, By C. E. LEETB, Auc’r. March 28, ' ■4a-2t Maryland Lotteries. CORBIN & CO agents. A FORTUNE FOR THE TKLCL. “ There la a tide in the affairs of man, Which, if taken at the liood, leads Id fortune.” ONE TRIAL MAY MAKE YCU RICH FOR LIFE. Splendid Schemes Drawing Daily. SEND YOUR ORDERS TO COKBIN CO. The Old Eslaiilisheil Authorised Agents .who have SOLD MORE PRIZES Than aiiv other office in the State of Maryland. ALL FRIZES GUARANTEED BY THE STATE. SINGLE TICKETS: Wholes &l Halves 50 cts. Qiianter.s 25 cts. CERTIFICATES OF PACKAGES. 26 W’hole Tickets SIC.00 26 Half Tickets 8.00 26 Quarter Tickets 4.00 NOTHING YENTURB. NOTHING GAIN. Tickets Bought by the Package are always the most Profitable to the Purchasers. THY PACKAGE. For S25 we send package Whole, Halves A Quarters. For SIO we send package Halves A two Whole tickets For So we send package Quart’s A oae Whole Ticket. Look at the following SPLENDID SL'HE.MES. One of which are drawn at 1'2 o’clock each day of the week, BRILLIANT. 47,267 Dolliir.’s. MARYLAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY Class 310. CORBIN A CO., AGENTS. .SCHEME, P, Elliott, 1 prize of 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do ItiO do 64 do 64 do 64 do 4.328 dd >2,176 dd C O M M I s S I ON .’ll iiit C 14 A S T , FAVKTTEVILLB. N. C. \cent for Luttcrloh & Co.e Sti-nniboat Lin« tt«nd urouiDtJy to all businpps culrusU-i UjInsrart-. Will attend promptly to al Oct. SJlinl ('AHOLi.;: lAVKrTEVlLl.K. C. llAItUISOX’S CO lIJIBiAX H A I It t>Y I’- SIZE ENI..4RGED, STYLE IMPliOVEP. It has double IBc qdanlU) and streng h of any It gives a perfect natural color* it colors every shade from light brown to jci blacti* Its use is easy and rapid* It b perfectly harmless to the Skin* Its erfect is instantaneons and pcrniKn:^aG It b the iwL add sdfest iiyk -n MADE. iu* t'ollnwin,!: coi.'ii -ri il:" M;s;; Ui.v in li ptiN'i’d tii"o:ii:li =1 i:i'11m iii aiui a yoiiii-Li ;:'.iij:ltUM‘ ‘'•T -’ii:’ is- stur'ed in lur ieen~, mml? oiiu oi a calicJ l)v il:c u. Lii.-^^on. franibs for A Ql-F.^rToN IN niaiiY (i:;vs siiu-r l ronlv jji-i’. e iu 1!k‘ la- i’U *,M‘ hvi" ‘Til’- , iii’-fi.t (E-I—AViiO svii.-s thu hilly wiiiMn wc s.iw with t!). i Lady—Tiiut wes ^i :'? ]> :t tj;' pi.i I Gil'!—What is a philaiitiiiTi|iisT, !' La.ly—I’lii! iliiriijiist, niy licar, j [;■ 'ill two Greek woids, signifying i men. Girl—AVell then, arc not u!i OJ.i'lB rAiiiiv Axri Lawyer Snap.—At rd JEiT'Direction.s for use accompany each Price—loz. SI l—i or. SI 5U I =>•* ’ [Entered acC'.r.Tmg to the Act Ot Coiigve.«s. ui ihe^ vear 1S.>5, bv A. W. Harri.son in the Llerk s Office o. i Girl — U e. the District CoUrt of the U. S. for t!ie Eastern District j of 1*01111.1 . VT o ! ——.*-0 a- b Forsale by J.VS.F.FOULKKLFay^^^^^ rAimv AXn Lawyer Snap.—At a .riinninl Manulacturer, Al OLLOb \\. IIAKRI.'nON, ^o. 10 . , , i r .1 ,i IT • court lately, the counsel, (lis.satislicii ni li.s want of succes.s with an Irish wilnc'ss, couiiilain- iicvcr SI-.'. ".'iis! I," sni't ;.‘'i .in!'''i- ’ I'v 'vliicii I ■i'Tc c," n I'l' no i c ws so fast tl.iit sun cyors i itl" '■tln-a' me,,,' n_>' A ..-to inci:. II' lioly luiliir.: ms on greatness is more than v.'ji-lh. F'lr our own |kii; v. H’.nri'v with t'ani Wcliri , Wc had wh: corr'-e’ n ,' an'l hcii'f: ,|, lIT.e, l.C tlie ].ro_,irty i-' w.,,,:,! ra::,..' ie than dismal wiiii I'!ato. South 7th St., riliLAiiELriiiA. Feb. 21. lo57. ly tidecd, A country cotcmiiorary iintfs He Paddv went in with ed to the court. Here j geiiuiiie Irish hroiigc: I “Air sure I’m no lawyer, ycr Ilei.or, aiT the j spiilpane w.'int.s to )inv2!a nre.’’ Lawyer Snap.—Come, now, do you FOR. SALE. Heavy 4-4 Beaver Creek Sbeetings. Colton Yarn. Warp and Filling, Nos. 5 to 10. ALSO, , Belt, Picker, Roller and Lace LEATHERS. Oils and Mailiiraclurer's Findings. . Winter str'aiiu’d, .Sperm. Lard and Linsood Oils. I ' i SUuttlie’s Isingglafs, French Glue, Emory. Roller ■ you are no lawyer. Cloth and Glass Steps. ^ “Witness.—T’aix. all' I do; an’yo nmy .swear J. U. HALL. I ios.J,.^C. M. Co. | [],g too, witiioul icar of t!,e iiiaii, ar.'l ins ■'Cap, ct.in iiniing n,= !,)'.!o"s: rnuniifaetirror of lire ’le't soap ever 't'e! clensing a dirty man's lace, ^ e have in tiicrefore we haow. Jnlv 26. 1856. 24,861 prises amounting lo $47,267 CAPITAL PRIZE. 5,000 Uttlliti’E. PATAFSCO INSTITUTE LOTTERY. Class 1G2. CORBIN « CO., AGENTS. SeiiKue. NOTICE The Superintendents of Common Schools in and fof the County of Harnett, N. C., are requested to meet at the County Court Clerk's Office, in the Towu of Toomer, on the 3d Monday in April 18.57. B. h\ SHAW, Cl'k B’rdS’pts Common Schools, Harnett County. 1 prize of 10 do. 1 do 8 do 200 do 63 do 63 do 126 do 3.906 do 23.436 do & C3filK»n II. M. B.YU.SIIER, Professor of modern Languages and Teacher of Music, would rcsiiecIl'uUy inloi ni the- Ladies and Gentlemen of Fayolle.viUe and vicinity, ,•! I [lerjuryl I StRIK!' TI' iu Li ,R.—They had a Freuioiit soug _ Califo.-iiia, daring tlio late I’rosidential ttiat be iiaspermincntly located hiniseU'in this i j gj;,,,, ,v!iieh liC'>an llnis: fortlicpurposcofgivinglesron.si,HheLanRn',.gesand|'-iection M.iiei. - Music * llaviiiT already-formed a Class in Ireiieh. - “fetrike tlie Ivrc and sound hi-, laiue. and having so.nc leisure, would he willing to giyo in structions to Ladies on the Piano and krencli at their residences. Pcr.cns requiring his services will plea.se leave word at the Office of the ”g P. •■;. Plano* tuned at moderate charges. Eeb'v 7i 1.857. 86-;5m If cverv Freiuoiit liar lind bofii S'trnclc in this count!'}', who atU’inpted lo ‘Sonud 1i;.s f:nnn** during the laic canva.S'j th -re would have '.i • :. more sore headed HUu-lv UepiiMicanp in I tliiin would have filled lliat huniing lake, “wr ! I'cad about;” 27,814 prizes amounting to $47,24’. CLA;i8 255j COUBIN A CO.t AGENTa. SCUKMK. 1 priz® of Common Schools. fclectiona will be held at the District School House... or at such places as the Schools are taught, for Coni" mittee-men for the year 1857 and ’58, on tne first Sat urday in April next, (that day being the 4th day ot the month.) iu the following Districts, which are 8u^ posed to be in the county of Cumberland, and exclun* those believed to be in the countv of Harnett, un der the direction of the loliowing persons: Districr No 13—Daniel Bain, David McNeill 14— John McPhail, D McPhail 15— Ezekiel King. John McPhail. 16— Robert Williams. James Guy. 17— John Holmes. Hector Strickland, 18— Newsom Autry, Wilson Faircloth. 19— John Mnrphy. J T Blue. 28—John McDaniel. Randal McDaniel. 31—Joseph Bullard, m H Seawell. 22— Thos Teabout, Jos Downing. 23— D L Smith. W Daxis. 24— Jno P .McLean. M J Buie. 25— John Colvin, N McFaydeui 26— Benj Smith, W M Giles. 40— John McDonald, A C Buie. 41— Rob’t Smith, Arch JIcCollum. 42— Roderick McCrnmraen. Neill Patterson. 43— Alex Camqbell, John L Campbell. 44— R D Cillis, Ko6t Graham 45— W L McDiarnfid, PMlip McRaej 46— John McKellar. Dan’l MUnrOe jf 47— Neill Ray, Duncan McLanchlin 48— Chas Monroe, Joha Brown 49— Neill McGugun, Wm MfffLauchlin 60—Arci’d Ray, Gilbert Munroe bl—D S McColemaii, Neill R Bloe 62—Arch’d Buie, Neill McQueen S3—Alex McDonald, Wm Adcocks 84—John C Ellis, Jas A Byrne fo—Neill G McNeill, Jno .McDonald 66—Wm Butler, Isaac Hoilingsworth 57—Angus McGill, Jesse Eliis. 68— James G Cook, Joseph A Worth 69— ^Dnmran McArthur, John Gardner 60— W J Andcreon, Isaac B Hawley 61— E W Barge, J T Warden 62— T J Johnson, Joseph Arey 63— Jas Sandy. C D Nixon 64— Andrew C Ray, Roderick LcRae 66—Wm McMillan, Ach’d McLean 08—Sreh’d Ray, Malcora Gillis 70— Chas Mutfroe, J -A McKethan 72— Enoch Herring, Jas McKay, Sr 73— Arch’d McDngald, Alex Darrach 74— Wm A Kin3, John Cashwell 75— N H Jones, James Cashwell 77—Henry Averitt, Wm Carter •1116 Committee-men elected are required th make return of the number of Children in their Districts re spectivfily, in one month after their electioll. Chil dren not under 6 years of age, and not over 21. Where no elections are held, the Board will appoint the Scoool Committee-men. EOW’D LBB K'INSLOW, Ch’n, 4c. Fayetteville, March 1857^ 43-2t Land for 8ale. I wi?»h to sell my lands on the Cape Fear, 15 miles al>ove Fayetteville, containing 55U acres on each side of the-River, of which I wll sell all or any portion. There is upon the said land is a beautiful residence with a dwelling and out btlildnga. ^. A. R. SMiTt!. March 28. 43-5t SPRUNG TR.1DE, 1857. $53,233 Editing a Paper out West.—The cilitOT o! a paper, pnlilishcd nt Lake SiijHi'.or ali'-r having lieeii without a mail tlirci' wt-i-ks, say:: “Should tlic mail not arrive next wi-ek, wv sliall make our regular issue next Tin sday; for II from an oM maga- Ranaway from the siiliscribcr on the 9tli of Dccein- j her last a ilavk copper colored bey. weighs about 14o ; pounds, is rather spare built, and has the end of the j tore nii'.er o:i the left hand cut olf. He is probably j lurking”betwi'en Fayetteville and Lumberton. ; I wiil give the above reward for his delivery to me : at my plantation in Robeson co., or for bis lodgment : in any jail so that I can get him. t i H_BLLLOCir. Jr. I this uumiier was ma ^Urysvillc^N’ C- Feb y 8. . ^ ,.6 3iii pd— , ^ religious almaiiae of last year, and i^rofpssur Wood’s Hair vp, j "’A‘ug!.30. 1856. S13-tf ' ' i iudepeudert of the mails.” ,0,000 llx. Tan.m- | j^Bosu^T^^^ki^i .lohusoi, if there For which the highest cash price wilt b“ paid. ; , , -i (let 1 1856 A- T.. (iAitl'BET T. ' w.i.s no possilile eireumstaneo under w.ik Ii TU i P S’.iV'I'i V K ! VS P KG LOSS. ; suicide would be jusiilialdo. “N'l," was tlie Having been appointed Inspect.ir of N-aval Stores ' |.yp|y I am prepared to perform all ''"'’"T;" "k'’ “\Vell,”said Hoswell, "suppo.se a man has Inisiness either at tiio Kiver oi in loan, i n.n e a , convenient and commodioiis WARE-liot SE on the l,eeu giiiltv of a Ifaiid that lie was ceriaai corner of Gillespie Street, and can Iw found i |„ .Store of .\. M. Campbell s when u:\titGd. | • a , , .• i *. I will tak'3 jtleasiire ill attendinir to the bns:nr.«> of : liy, llieii, said in ihnt OISG my country frieaids. and here hy a strict aiiention to , coiiiilrv wiierc he is not husifu*s.s to merit a share of the pilbliG .Mv : i -T i , • i r char«-es shall bo a;5 moderate, as any one can C-vpecl. knowtij and Jivt ‘o lue d'-vi , wlu-re Ik* is kiio'vi.. ] wifi do my duly to both buyer and seller. The siibstaupp of u _vt*rd:'t ot a rooont coio- iier's iury, on a man wlio died iu a state of iiie'd'ialion, was, “Death Lj’ haiiwmg loimd a rumshop.” nM tO' - ^ O- r>t:KNIN(i OF THE Wri.DON I Ir.lUG t.A oeS- jiatcli was I'eeeived liere yesterday, a lil'le afier n o 1. stutiim ttiat the I’etershiirg DaiL 1 road Lridje over the Uoniioke river at \V iddoii j lind iieeii des’royed liy fire Tlie enuse of llie j lire is nltribiiieil to aeei'leiil, W'ueh is do lotlcaS I more tliaiMirohahle, as it is very en.sy f'lr a S',ark fnvii'ihc loeo-U'div- t., loede In a eis'Dre ill tlie. lirid ■.i', wliieii is of wooii, jO'd grow r ipid- ly into ll-imes irider sue', M wiml as was then Tin' '*0!='* tl'!-' i dfliv.’i-n 1 gli0,0i)'t, w-iinderstau i I’r si.hut jtPiul-'ll S;i:idr'>i‘ti r;^r)0 000 ani doVMPS and ^Snperini has' d ly onT, upC! .•”1 30.316 prizei, amounting to Tickets $l—Shares iu proportion. AVc invariably answer letters by return mail, cn closing the ticket.^ in a good safe cuvclopcj and alwavL'- observe the strictest coutidence. Aft*r the drawing i.v over, we send the official drawing, with a written ex planation of the fc.sult of iho venture. All Frizes bought at tbi^ office arc payalde immediately after the dfawing in Current Money, and we take liaiik Notes of any State, or Bank drafl.s in payment for tick et* at par. For odd amounts in making change we re ceive postage stamps, they being more couvenient than eilver. Correspondents may place the utmost contideuce „ „ Utrinrir in ibe regularity and safety of the mails, as very few !>• 1? • I Hi A Ifi V/ 1.4 or no miscarriages of Money happen when ])ropru\ IS NOW OPENING, a large and desirable Stock of directed to us. Be careful that you mention your Post Office. County and State. Give us at le-ast one single Dec. 20. 1856. fill. J." 29-tf WM. 11. ^yILEY. Ki?"“Sniulio, Tpo?'.- dar is rix dare isd de uuin .c*l!.s thrcL, A fresh assortment of Harrisons anrivalled Perfamcra, juSt received and for sale Ibe Drag Store of - DR. FOULKES. Kavfiii U, 1857. 41-4t m FALL A^"D WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of Black and Colored Silks, English and French Merinos, Plain and Fig'd DiLanes, some hcantifal patterns, Black and Fancy Alpacas, Edgings and Insertings, Collars and Undersleeves, Caetns aud Whalebone Skirts, Jaconet, Nainsook, Swiss and Plaid Muslins, French, English and American Prints, Cloths and Cas.simerc8, Satinetts, Jeans and Tweeds, Plaids, Linseys and Kerseys, Carolina and Marlboro' Stripes, Bleached and Brown Shirtings and Shearings, White and Colored Flannels, Drillings and Tickings. Irish Linens, good assortment, Linen Table Cloths, Towelings and Napkins, Shawls. Cloaks and Mantillas, Extra quality of Bed Blankets. Ribbons, Belts, Gloves. Hosiery, 4c. —ALSO— Uats.Caps, Bonnets, Boots, Shoes and Umbrella.s; general assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, anil every variety in the Y'.ANKEE NOTION LINE, which will be Boiil at a small advance for CASH, or by wholesale or retail, •n time to punctual CQ-stoiners. either at Wholesale or Retail. All ate respectfully invited to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, B.,F. PEARCE. Hay St., Fayetteville, Sept. 1, 1856. 14-tf Iflni. yon cannot lo-.e «Uch, if not gain. One singk trial may make yon independent few life' TRY U3. There should be no such word as fail. Address CORBIN & CO. Box 191) Post Office, Baltimore Md. Oct. ll 21-6111 NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. James Kyle HAS just received a very large and general assort- menf of GOODS Among which arc, Frcnck and English Merinos ; Do. Dclains. Plain and Figured ; Dress Silks, Fig’d and Plain ; Black Fillet Mits *, Sleeves and Collars; Cloths, Cassimeres and Satinii ] Bear and Negro Blankets ; 3-4 to 12-4 Bleached and Brown Domestics ; Gentlemen’s Ready-Made Clothing, Carpeting, Good and Common ; Boots and Shoes; Anchor Bolting Cloth t Kerseys and Linseys ; Iri.sh Linens. Orash ; Tabic Diaper and Napkins. With manv other orticles, all of which being pur chased by the Package, will be offered at low prices 1 now rcc'Mvins lli" SI’RIXG I 1 consisting of a large assortment of Pnigs niul Moriicines, Oil?, I’aints, Dye-stiiff.s Fancy Ariiolcs. Fer- fiimery. Inks, (a largo assort- mont.) Alcohol, I5nrnin£^ Fluid, Wines and B'-an- dies for Medical pur poses, Congress water, Ac., il'c. He would particularly call tin; attention of country Merchant? to his Stock, as it is his intention to.-ell hnv for Cash or on time to punctual custonn’i's. March l4, 185e. _ G -V R D E X S E E n S . A Fresh supply jm=HT«iyMlj>' ^ ^u^-spALE. S A rONIFl E R, OR COUfESTUATE!) l YF. 25 Cents per Canistrr. Out- F’^nistor will rnake^ 1- gallons of .Soap^ For.salv by .S. J. Hl-\,^nALL__ Palm OIL SOAP la the best for Chapped Hands. March 14, 1257 “Wiiat time ob iliiy it?’* “Whnt I'lib flat got tu df; w. ‘‘A good deal. If ’iwus i;i lOlL w onld paE.s (laf are ‘■Look iio or Fll .sliovc ob vonrn.” i-ri. :i{ von hiii’fci.i'O lu •ill V fotlee-coloiv J 'l lii-lp vou to some of the tomO' tns.s!1 ',11. . . ’-J vniiit.:' 0l a vene- rnhle iihysinniii, as he •'Ul uiiposit'; lo iiiin nl one I'f onr lintf! tni'H’s. “Xo, sir, I tli.in!: voil" i-.;).!;!'; tiie Iri.ri.cf snvi.:', “Init Pi! trou'Dle you r,ir s'l.iv is'i-.tiiss's if you iiivase.” 'Ccnie, ITII, it's tin oMu' k, and I I'li:'• better bu t-'oiu.:?, I’m' tiide ii.'fni'.s 41-3t &n)'- we imi folks were nt liome. was tlie .answer; “I mus'. be oil', M ¥ ATTT IT removed . I! A U DA his Boot & Shoe I establishment to the corner of Gillespie and Vraiiklin streets, (Tppesito the State Bank, in and under the rooms formerly occupied b»4be 3 oT T. He has on hand a first rate stock of BL^IN and FANCT, HOMS dttd IMPORTED Boots, Shoes; Gaiters. fee., and will'manu facture all articles in his line in the best style at short notice. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a con- tianation of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed Dec. 13, isae. 2«d;f Nov. 8. 1851). 23-tf SPRING n A E. J. LILLY arc now oponiE . variotyof Spring and .Slimmer Goods to nhieli ..le, invite the attention of wholesale binors. March 14, 41-Ct ‘Wei^yc.s,’’ SrM3IKR OOOIIS. J „ theiv n^nal : but YOU iicedbit hurry on tmit afcoum. Tiir. Gi’.ack Piiru'Ti Tnr.rT. —Ln,-:;is a boy ofs'.mc 14 y.mi's of u'jrc, was nrrTu'.' t! lu'l'ori'iiic Mayor yiTt'Tbny, incompa iy v.Uli a younger brotlier, clinrged with brenkiii'y into Grace Chnivli, Obi stn et. niiil rolihing :l of a small nnioniit of money, on Snim'ilav last, "'c ^lOt:.•e l tli'> cirei’instmi'P in .1 form-r is-ic. j Four iuteligent lUtle hoys were witnesses to ■ the inis.'h'evmis charaeter of the ebler of tie S.ovs, ami tii.it.al in establishing the ii.noermo of llii‘ vounger. : Lucius was reniaiu'iecl, it being the inie.,ii„ii Lof Iho Mayor to get liini in some .sjinnlioii when the npi ortnnity offers itself, .lolin was ; kindly warned and dismissed. Litlie buys, take ! eare.—Ejyrtss. ' Mimir.ii, Gii.MnATI’S.—Tile followirg C'l tk- mneii fioiii Xorlli I'aroHnn are among those . whose ijaines apiiear in the list of at the .1 Ik rson Mrdien! College r' '■enIly juil.lislie i: IV S .lord.,n,.I G Camp .1 H M'-Aden, J Ma.li.son L.irl, G'-orr.' 'v') I’arker, E P llollingswonh, U L Pavne. W H 11 •I’.vertoii. Jiio A\ ‘•.and- ford, jr , .ill.) T Hull!, li'kiiuml Strudwick, A i licniiing .lohns, .Ir., 1 ,1 M atliiigton. At the New 1'ork rniver.'ity were ilic ful- lowing grodmite.s also from this State: Doiig- las 1’ Pearv, Is:in.- 4Y .limes, IVin L Erown, .I,.:a.s MeGiiire. .1 P. Clifio:,, It P l.'i-s, Jno r Dirkens, J L Teal, Itn|;oneean lloi'i'cr, F A Toomer, W L.l'.rdiii, D'l.-.aht Wiil’s’iis. ^ ■ag«g> .»■ ' Tli.'re was onee a elergyimtn in X'”’’ Hatiip- sliire, noted for his long sermo’is ai.'! indolent tw'j thing.- irreeoneiliible. “How is it," said n man lo liis neighbor “Ilia's 1, t'le h./.:esl man living can write 11 m b't 1 i «i I'l^ 1 c»*rinr»n2’ ^;;i 1 li;s nc pTiHiuillP''. of IMiilmh.l- Hrvnn, .1 C '111' p: .John I*. Sadupsoii. COSIMISSION A- FORW VKDIXG MKROH.'NT. ■iVILMIXGTON N. C. W'ill give part’cular attention to the fy" o4„ Arrt Miirch 21 4_-()t > one who saiil, ’*1 ilo not b^Iiev^j ' there is an honest man in the \\'orid, nnoihei I replied, “It is ini}iossib!e that one man should i hnow ail the world, but quite possilile .llml ; (;(,iv.5n(Teini telU the bob ! one mav know himsidf.'’ long sermons ■Whv,' -;dl his nei.-jldior, ‘ lie probably gets to wril.iij:, and i> toL’’ eoidbiinded la?:y to stoji.'' -d'he eiiilor of M.m Toledo torv on Lis Stores Ccttoii Ac. A CARD. THE undersigned would rcppectfully inform his old friends and customers that he can be found at the Store of C. £. Leete, where he will be glad to see them. J. R. McDonald. Jan. 17, 1857, 3Mf DOBBLY HOUSE! POVVEIlS & TllOV, I^i-»pi’it‘tors. The Proprietors of this E.’4t;ibli-«hmont an nounce to the ffublic, that owing t«# the con stantly increasing patronage extended to tnoam they have been induced to enlarge the accomiffodation' by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on the lower floor, and' suite of Rooms on the second floor; thus enabling them to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. And th*;y pledge thenrselves ter aw increased exertion to give satisfaction fd their patrCPs. ^ Spacious Stables att'Oehed and careful Ostlers in attendance. The eligible locaUpn of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the comfort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them 9 Bb^tal share of the travel. The Western and SouthernSta^ssTf i ve at and depart from thix Carria^’es in attendance on arrival and departarc oi Steam i^oats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horses and Carriages furnished at any notice^for rirrvinff travellers to any phVt of the adjacent cm?nSry. carrying tr^ ^ c. TROY. F»y»tt*Tllle, May I8,1856. 98-tt A^Er.Y LI.SF.FTi..—111 !i I'l’i'i ui'i'uss a road i: Lie (•ouiiiy of Tiiiporury i.s stiu-k uji a pole, having affixed to il a board with tlii.s iiism-:])- i.s still fou sale . , . At lessthan ono-tbird its WiftimH cost, one of tin-■ tioii: “Take notice, that wlieii Lie water bout. 30 bbl. STILl.S in the county. J*,| over this board tiie road i.s impa.n.sable.” Uy establishment. A. A. .McKLlIl--.. friend ‘rioliimon: ‘Ver see,’ said ’he gallant Fi.loir.o out in I he woods one day. and I > somi'thing limt r.iltle.l. I saw my kiot was on a treim. s:inkc. Ami,' seal Mr voice, if ‘ver ever sceil .a .! iil'i:..! and T '..as I siijii'cd on k down, :..id leg r.iltic' a, III a 1 old criinr, 'Iwas yiarcli '41, 1857. 42-4t Tehi'TI.vg Offer—Ax advertisement reads! that ere nittlosnal:!' ns follows:' “Stolen, a watch worth a hiimlre.l! Idolhirs. If the thief will retiini il, he .snail be! informed where lie may cd.” IiLw"b:S;f^ndln;i^od bniJ^^^ id ! inlbrnied where he mapteai one wortl, two of DHeswIlhi^^mileaiida liMf of SI Fauls. and,.t, and no question a.k' ioins the lands ot Rev. W. H. tVil.i.s..n o ’ r.. j The terms will be lilieral, and can iio known bv no-1 Irishman meeting a euun’.rvmaii, inqair- dressing tlio subscriber ai Laurel Hill. N L or qy ap-1 ■; “Walsl.,’’said the geiyenm,,. Laurel Hitl N a J. D. Mcl’lILKSON. | “W'.ilsli,” responded Faddy, “areye ii'om March 21. 18.57, 42-21 i Dnbiiii? I knew two mild maids there ol tmit was either of ’em y ki- take NOriCK. All those indebted to James McPherson a-e r'eqnes-1 -Soloiuoii, 1 ted to come forward^and^ray March 21, 1857.- 42-6t RAeVii; rDT’-CK’’' -At thi OFFICE nr nii'liier. I'l- fi'i-giTlhi:: me," er lover, the other fear yon said a bright eyed giri to day. „ , “Yes, Soe,” sai'-J sb'"' S'"!, oxciisi’ig “I Imvc been for getting yen theselwo yeur.s. Iiini.seir, ■, sahl a O' lil'eman to 'i.s i V i\ k-ii.-i oi I'.isi-a'-L* iMil t‘i sun !- sine there is,’ m piieil Gah, iiave got it,” Mi"l the jiniiei j places.” I Vfhv is a Toll t'.l'.clii r l.ke a g i ' .-‘i i’O ! cc.'Jse ho doe.s notiiiiig b'ul plaeareis i )..iay-c:ii'.:: i

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