(. V/ /, Ibkr ms® Y ETtB V1M-* ' r OB Viondoy »b4 HlBti 14 Fri4»y iDorBinp«. jT'»T«ttrTine OB 1 ■•fwy kfiiD*ri5v. . isnd FatBrJoT moiBiBja Ji.ishtfr>- r*”’ |>UB» of KriSg goods- or. «•• Lakii the Very ka tfsnrt all shipP**" I feel eonfidePt that oar V. p KLLICTT. Mt for Latitrleh k Co. »bell, SIOS' mbrcIiasst; ^ic street, S. C. I c T O R T, ktDEK. llkinps’ Auction Store, s. c. 5E. , JlcEacbin. a3 Guardiaa L dcc'd. are hereby re- I ciiariliaa has in a -d and iransfertca their kloo.tbat our urgent ne- tirements of the endorser fclT as possible. All those Ee'n.s. and themselves too. T IVe must and will she '"T li. MORKISOS. J M. .MOKRISCN N. A. M0nRISD5; |hT,*is57. 40-^ XcoT^ OF THE IIODICALS J THE PS GCIDE. )\ INTHEI’KICE : rCBLlCATIOS. B YORK, eontinue to pab- iBritish Periodicals, vis: RLT (ConsetTative.) I jlEW (TThig.) 13 I REVIETV (Free Church.) IeVIEW (Liberal.) |URGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) "TTpresent the three great Britain—Whig. Tory, and rm.. only one feature of their tftfae most profound writers torality. and Religion, they [stootl. unrivaled in the world iible to the scholar and the Ito the inteligent reader of a more correct and salisfhc* ^rnt literature of the day, Ian can he possibly obtained toriEs. KCT SHEETS from the Brit- Ational value to these Rrprint-s Kw lie placed in the hands of t as the original editions. r Reviews ““ r Reviews f lur Reviews 7 00 Tiews ® JLine * ®® Jee Reviews 3 00 four Reviews 10 00 4r in ell ca^fs in bdtanct. flalc irhrre is’ntd trill *e ec- ..BBIIC. _r-five per cent frc-« Ififr Shove ■oCuss ordering fotit or more ire of the above WtiTBS. Thus sal. or of one Review, will be JU; four ct*pies of the four I for ?30; and so on. posncE Icitiesand Towns: tliesc works JtREE OF I'O.sTAGE. When lawe to anv part of the L nited lwENT7 -FOVR CENTS a year liii FCUUTEEN CENTS a year RS. list Great Britain ef Iht Jirt \med isalavt jai/er annum. iRMEBiS GVIDE. ^ ..i Practical .-Cgrictiltur?' . F. R. S., ot Edinburgh, and I'rofei^eor of .-^cieiitittc Agricul- New Haven. 2 voU Royal I and numerous Wood and Steel the most complete work of fiished. and in order to give it a fpubli.-hcrs have resolved to re- Ifer tbe (*• Tolnmes!! (post-paid) to California and ["lie 7 dollars. To every other ^ to Canada (post-paid 6 dollars, ■ibe old “Book of the Farm.” T of the above publications should ^i.f-paid. to the I’ublisbers, lEONARD SCOTT A CO.. S'o. 54 Gold-.street. New York. GOODS. IrT^KYLE Ispring and Suntnier supply of lATS, BOOTS & SHOES, |., all of which, lieing purchased fcred by Wholesole or Retail ut 4S-tf TICE. till of Common Schools in and fot* it* N. C., are requested to meet T Clerk’s OfiBce, in the Town of londar in .-tpril 1857. 3. F.'SILWV. CrkB‘rdS'pt§ immon Schools, Harnett Coonty* for Sale. nd8 on the Cape Fear, 15 mile® totaiuin^ 550 acres on eacb aide ilwill^ellaU or any portion, lid land is a beautiful residence utbuildnga. ^ sj„Tn. 43-5t mer goods. ; & BRO., :cw York, theij recent er Goods, consisting of , Hals, Bonnets, ?s, &c. than usual, which they eir friends, customers, IAPGOOD.S, to call and king their purchases. I CASH, or they will ecstUe prompt paying I .V I I'l .M , It.J '.-‘J \y V ^N li m m m- ' ^ m Devoted to .^ews, Political and Business matter, Agriculture, and Famil,> Heading,. EUBLICATIOA OFFICE,] IiViJF’ICESDIIACC iS TiJFI SOUL OF lYEMOCilACa ! [DONALDSON’ STKKirr. WM. F. WI6HTM.VN, EdUor. 1- FAIETTEYILLE, N. C., SATURDAY, APiiiL 25, 1857. ] vdLi5n- XIX—NO. b47. —*.-.n;rON McK. -Mt ©S’ T E li Itl S SI BSCXIIPTIOA TO THE c.vtioL.isi.vj: S'ur a single copy, if paid in adv.iLiec. per aaiiuin, S2 Olt ;; u .. at the tUlll ot tl IltOlttllS, t .vh ;. a nt thu Pitt! of H UlontltS, ,t OO .( it tt tjg end ot the \*ewr. 3 50 Tita PliOATISG I!.i.r.I,S OR KNUCKIiK U ASJlING MACMIXK. The pubscriber having pm-cha.scd the Right of the above .Machine for tiie Counties of Uumberhuid and lianiclt, is now ready to. furni.sh such as may be desirous of obtaining a Right. The muohine issintple. No uhsc-'nlioa will be received for a .shorter period ; butli in its striictiire and operations, ami should any than OU-- v--tr unless paid in a.lraacc. | portion of it fill, eait be civsily un.l speedily repaired With tlie view of e.xt.-udiiig the eircul.ition and en- : by any person having the use ol tools. I dp not claim hatteing the iiscfnlae:S! of the paper, the proprietor df - for this luaehi.te more than whal it is -..lile to pertoriu fers th^ following remarkably low I"''', CLUB K-trus. /.vr.i.is/'/eLr/.v./Dt'if.rcE;: 5 copies of.the CaiMtiuiait, 1 year, 00 10 “ o .i 15 00 R.atcs of .4*fsrfMagt SirtT ceat.s per square of IB liii -s. or less, for the first »nd 3i>'cenis for each subsetjaeat ^ insertion, nnless the aivertis-M 'ut Rs publislied for idofc th;t;i two atsaths, '.vhea u wii'i be charged For tiir.-e moaths, pd M yor si.x months. - - - - B 00 For tw.dve moaths. 10 00 t-H a lvertisemcntsmast Uave tit ■ desired natuh-r efin- sertiia.s aiavked on them, orthsrwise they will lie in sert .'d till forb'd a:id charged accordingly. :>pecjai ■attfntlon .s directed to this requlMtion. WM. F. WIGOTM.IN & CO. familv is aid-.’ to supply, without at all interfering Uvith lie ordinary dutii-'s. In the lir.st pl.ace a child 12 of 15 ycar.s of age c.vn perform all tlic lalmr. after havinr seer, it, operate a few times, and if the direc tions are adlicivd to, will do its ninoli work in one day as tliri-u or font' women in the ordiit.iry way. and tiie work will be miicli Iwtter done. ISelow will be found Certificate from tlldse who have ptirchased and now one of thc.se machines 1.SIIAM BLAKE. April 12, lS5!i. !):!-lf ClaE.'IK-'vT o* V.'lilt-wllT. Attenitt} at I.a .v, Faye11e viII. , X. C. Office at the corner of Row and Green strecG. Feb'y lidS- J. A. iwPCARi^. ..VTTOLINEV skT LAW, -VTTFls'!).? the C-t-rfSs of Cum'i.'rla.ul, VTiks and .fohnst.n. A-llress. Too.iur, ILirnelt Co.. N: C- !S.l-r Favkttkviclk. X. C.. April 0. IS-'iB. Wo, tho uiuliTsigtied. having purchased of .Mr Ishaiii Ulakc one oftlio ahovc ipaehiiie.s. PordiaU.v recounioud it to the favor of the I’lildib. it wii^lius very rapidly, and the wwli is much bvtlvr done than is u.'ually done j ‘ in ilie dh.i way. ami with les.s Nvear to the Clothing. It far exceeds our cx’pechitidni?, jiud has only to he >ceu in operation to satiry ihe most skeptical of its utilitv and ccomnny. We- have no doubt of it.s being f^eiierally used wherever introducev 1>. G. McU.^p, iXEW AKD CHEAP GOODS. James lEyle HAS iust received a very large and general ass-ori- meut of’goods Among which are, French and Fnglish Merinos: Do. Dclaius. Plain and Figured ; Dress Silks, Fig’d ami Plain : Black Fillot Mit? t Sleeves and Collars; Cloths, Cassiimu'cs and Salius : Bear and Xegro BlaiiUcts : 3-i to I2*:i i’doaehed aud pniwn Domestics; (Jentleniod’s Itcedy-Miide Clothing. ' - Carpeting. Good and Coiiiinoii ] Boots aiul >lu»os; Anchor JioUirig Clotli ; Kerseys and Bliiseys : Irish Linens. Orash ; Table Diaper and Napkins. AVith inauv oth'-r ortlcles. all of which being pur- chased by the Raokage, will be ottered at low ijricc.s. bv wholesale or retail. 'Nov. -S. 1B.5B. 23-tf c o 31 1 s s X ox AironI for Lultcilch sii ' >• Vv'ill i.r.juipc’y to nil I ’.isi . -ri,.Cl. iN-Si; Eiiioit, ;.i toii c II .V j?.' T , i suiMioricil for the Clci kship .VB lor Court lor 'iLe Coun'v of .April '-0. Juinberlund. int Line* -tt kl lo I’.i'carr. •it-If lle-SJ"*' ■’ ‘ 'f-iA ' jiUiilv-'.lIl lias nuilt Up iar.'o N'ibslauLial Brick Buildings ai his ^ ex i - Old Stand. e.\jb\>:slv fdr maintfaeturing (.’arriages. >> Ul DC SUp- ’ ’ ‘ ;,iul p.-rhaps ricctcd lo the oUiee «f Clerk of il.A Cl) ili A 5 1= L V SUE KKL.^.nG!:!*, STVI-E i:virKOVED. ; ijus double Ihp qiiiijitity liiS'Ptig.Jj "f -'>-5 oI-ht* , i: gh ; :-u pf-ripii R color- ; i i -vt:: y sliadK Sroiii Bga’ brown w) jt'l black. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for Bd' last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to bu.-iiiess. with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same., Dc V'arrauts his work to We made of the best nlaterial and by experienced workmen : in each branch of the business. IPis work will compare favorablv with anv made in the Cnited States, tor iKait* ess and duribilitw. He is determiued to sell and do any work in his.line . 1 1 «u... : 'tupinor Louri U-r Gumberlaud Louniy. pi ll Iftlil ifco7 . i-etc 105 HAY! II A V :: l..\Ll'.» ta.lvrii Hay. A goad article ju-l received. Oil coli?igenK-lil._aud_ for 1'. 1'. JUIl.NiUN. DOBBTX nOUBE! POWERS A: 'S'ROV. The Pniiirletni-.s of this I-Nlabli.-hmcat an- W. J. A.N’llKK^O.X, Wm. -McL.tfr.is, A. F. llfUT, J:XS. D. SmSTH, .jxo. D. Wii.i.iAJis, .John' D. ST.titn, ,)oBF.i'ii .-V. Woiri'ir, A. J. O’H.t.vi.ox, I).win We-MYss. aad carcfii! O^xtiers in Haraett. Feb. Hi. 1S56. BdllTiriV Aitornty feller, at L;i\TY F.\ X'E T PE V t 1. T. K , X, t: Mav be eoamited at the Law U-T’Ce of Jese G. fbJT- i-ei-d. F.vq.. oil Ofoea .Streel. July 1!). lA'.U. 7-tr ilavin ANDHKW j. STED.HAN .kttorucy Jit l/akv. removed to I’ITT.-^RlH!y,-N gii'larly the Courli of Ch.ith.tai, Jioore .'BUilti'-?. Aliril il, 18.51I. If Pda s.\iE. .f r.n-vl Ivia-X »:i0.iqehi'.\r C.. will attend iiad llanielt (( Y-r-5 of Laud, lying a:i G-'lw Fear DweUi’g.nat H:,uv«yna nvet rate^-w llF .yo- ■' V m beT'db'l bv aav ia iorth Garoliaa “"In’v w’7xOa desh-iug to V-luiag ea 15 m'.les Ironi Fayotteville. Vj e in romptmv with several other gentlmnen. vaw ! n four dollar bill whieh hus v« iy dirly and much •loiae.al. jnit in and wa.sh('d out by this machine, rc- ; moving all th-' dirUvapiiearaiice of the bill, and leiw-- lUd it perfia-tly legilile. which show.- there is little or ; ; lie: nib'oing produced in v.asliing tine articles. j FitANK N. i^OBF.UT.-^, I \ ,}XH. G. Smith. : S.:W YriAiVfs C.YEE TO OyiK AG) ALL. W fki. res])ectfully tenders hislhank.'> to a gi-ucr«)u-i public tor tho liberal piitron- a-r.v he ha> reedved from them since he has cummen- cmI bu'ines oil his .'.wn liook, and lu»pe^ by .-trlet at- tentio:iaud iuitiriiig iadu-try. to ii'cnt a ccutinuaneo Of til e'r favors. }I'has now on li\nd and will constantly keep a -oml assortmeat „r.-la.hib-.. Rriclle:-. MartingaG. -VGo thirriage. Ba.gg.v- and Sa'ky H-ai-m-ss. of a l ' an,•tie. and of hi- own manulacture. il-TVing in 1 .> t.i) I'H lii'-t-vato wtirUm™ in the dafcrmit nt lu.-t ! badae.-^s. he i-not aadvr tim m-e.;.-dty or kee|>,i'g ^ N.-.i-:h.Tn v.-oi-k for sab-. Ho has eUo on hr.ml lor ' 0,1.- Wa-mi and Carriage Coil.trs: Wagon. Carriage Vii,,.,xT ■'unll'ri'W.s' Whips of every dism-iptioa, and i OV.MW other articles n-il.tlly kept in his li.io. ' uep.jth-in-r uttcuded to im u>ili’d-done i.ea..\ and N U ^ He eaim-'s-tlv renaests all thosi liub-pted to the late linn of ll-mston .'v Overby tii call and settle Ih.DcItim- he hohis a-rabist tliem. as tlie seitlem-nt the eo-partiier-hip iwqiiires it without dev.iy. •ianuarv 10- l-s.j". noiince to the pui,lx. that owing f) the coil- siaiiily iii,.o-easiiig patinnago cxteinb-d to them, thov liav-- been indnee.t toetihirge t’le accommodation by tin- addiiion ol aa ext-;:isive Dining Room on the low-'-r llnor. a:i'l suit.- ot Rooms oii itie s,-eoiid Hoor: thus eiia'iding them t,’e.eeommmlate nil wild mav I'aver then' \vitli a ea'.i. .'Cid tl'.ey pledgi- Ihi-ir.serves t,i an inct easeil ox-.n-liu.i to give satislaellon to their patrons. .‘tpacions .Stal’ies attached ^llikidtincc. ... • I , Tlie (di"'ibl'* location of the l^stv.bltshr.mnt. wi(h tho cxin-rience of til- l’rop-.-i-.-toi-s i:i provi-iiiig for tin- c-imfort i.fliieir patrons. Ih.-y hope v. iil sc-ture, to liiein -a iiltefal share of tiie travel. Tlie Wertet-Ii and .Sdaliieri! .Stager,arrive aland depart friim this HonsH. . . Carriae-es in attendance on nrriv.il an-1 ilepartnre oi Steam IbKits. for the ai'e.o nmo.l-.iiion of pas.n-ngers. Horses and Cain-inges rnr.ti'iied at any iiotiee l-ir e-irrvi'iv travellers to any paf i of tiie adjacent eomitry. ■ ,i'; W I’llWKR.S. iV. SS !! !■ is easy ail I t apid. ! is iJxej-faj'.Jy hat-diD.-ss iu i!ii' M-in. Sis sRieet i-s i:ir-taul;::iruu.s ait-d itet iiiniiettG si ;iK‘'/l/iCiVe-R, (-.'iei/yo-s/, and sajcsl ni B errr .V.iJ)!-:. /^C’-Directioiis lor tise aeeemjinny each bo.x. 'fi'S j l',.:,.|._lo::. SI : —2 oz. .Si .5.1 —1 oz. s:l s oz. s.> rRatered arc-rding to tin: .\ct of Congre-s. in ui.‘^ Tear l.s.'i.-,. bv W. ilarrisoa in |■ae - ierk's (iliice (d the liislriet court of tlie C. H. for tin Raslei-n Disn-iet "'Le'iaie bv .i.'xS. F. F-ti l.KFS. l-'avettr-villc N. C. Maaamrtnier.-Al'Ul.LDS W. li.VRRi.-iCX. No. Id South Tih SL. I'iin.ADEi.l’iii-V. Fob. 21. l^’oT. )y on good toi-iUvS as any work done cl.-^owhcre that is as wtdi dorm. He now has on hand, (inislmd. the lo.g'st St ock of G .vn 1^ IA(;E?;. B .MU) F0 H ES. 1D )C K A W A V S. 4y-:,t AND BFGGTFS. over oiiyiod in this iju'go slock of work uoariy Imishml. which will be sold vorv' low forbhi.sh. or on short time to punctual cu-tom- C-Y,--, 'd?*'!!'* ha-' on hand more th:$n(3NE HUNDRED \piil AN!» riFTV Vehicles liiiishcd and in course of con struction. » ■» • c=3'S'*An work n-adi* bvhim is warranted 12 monihs with rail- usage, and shon'i-l it fail by l.dd workuitinship or nialerial w di '.e r--i;,ir.-il free of charge. Rtrsdas wishing to hay would do well lo call and cxnniinc «’o thpui COFxN! CO UN!! COF. N!!! BUSH EES Uorn ju>t received. Ou cou- .-iiiumeul and tor sale by R, ■■ 4l>-ol 200 . ic JOHNSt-lN. Orders tha.fill IV r,-c.-iv -d a ul (ironiptly litteitded lo. ^.,ri....gnmeiii.s ol Naval bun es ji?d at short notice and thi vtlty rea- i:. ilrm.vgto-V, ut:iul CoiumUiiioift >ie»cUaut« NOUTH water SIKEET, ]fJ\ ri\c iH i>o:ial uUvUlion lotho sale or sbijmiont of ” ^ .X .....I .If couiiiry W. I’li WKR.^. F.xvetteville. May 12, Id.',,;. C. TROV. lid-tf. .-Vii iliose iiiiicttU'd io DR’ either bv Note or .Vccoiint. an- h- rebv notilied ih.ii I -am gr--’t- Ivin want of money, and if th-.-y wisii lo save e-ol, a'a.l eoii/or a favoi-'on in - ihi-y will eali and niak iii-.’-.lii’.te caynieiit or I shall be e'jinprlled claii’.t.sin Ihe hands of an od'ierr. as i am to wait no lona- r. L- C’- Jaa. 21. 1-S.5T. If iin- ti* ]iuf iiiy d':l''riuin'-.‘il ilAEE. Roiiio. THE u::dDr.ig!ii'«l Wfuild r friends and eu.-tomers lie.tl Stort' of Lh E. Lcetc. v. licrc them. •tan. 17: 1S.*)7. tf c.-iH'Ct rully infiirm hi- oh! he e.in be louM'l nr ih- be will bo chill to ^g•i- u. McDonald. of 52-:'.m yaldael: 1 A at; .O The subs-viber odors for sale iho fuliowing tnu'i of Wiiieli i' y^.\LK. .Heavy i-'i ib.iver Crt : x Elm.dings. CoUo.i Vi’.rji. Warp aiel Filiiug. No.s. 5 lo 10. A!a0. Belt, i’icker. Uolh.-r ami I^-ic; EE.VTHEllS. ()ii. and -Manu f;;..:! iI- iedhu-s. M'in-t'T .-iralii'.'d. S])eriu. I.aid and Einsi’ml Oils, bimullc’s Isiiice,!'!-.'. i’'r-..‘iich G-lu'.*, Eiiiory. IkOi'er Ulolii and. Giass i-vti ps. J. IE ii.VLL. IT-es. B. C. M. Go. .rnly 211, l.'Fdl. B-D" li. aXMir ]!. M. I’.Al'.'iiRR. Rroi'-- -or of inod 'rn Langnngcs a.id 1 i-aehor')f .'iu'ic, v,-'.,iid '.vxi.-i elfnlly inloiin the l.iidi-'s and (bmlleuien of I'ay.-tt-vilb- an-l vieiiiity. that h - Ila-P r.il in '1111V l-.ear -1 hiin-eif la this idaee d.rihe pari.o-e of giving !-xs-,as i:i the I-ingnrgeMonl 'du-ie iluvhig :'ir'‘ad.c iiiri!i ‘d a ^ h:-.- In 1 i‘‘iieli. and having svia - h-isare. o n.il-l he willing to give in- mniclions'to l.a-lles o.i lh- I'iaa., and I’r.-ncli at l.ieir ri-sub’aces. Persons re-ini ring his sni-vh’-s w iil pb-ase h ave v.'or.l al me U.-iee e-f -he f e.e Hole,. 11. :-.i. D.-.L'.dUihl. rale chai Reimirhig I'Hibl t-'nn.-. Fiivetluvi'lo. Oct 1. 1856. A T R E D U C E D F R I C E S. For C 'Vli or on Sli?>rt Time, Carria^res, SJaroBcIus- ROCK.VWAA'S A BUflCHES of every ile.scn^Jiion, Many of which are iiuIsht’A. and the batrlrice being daily; itnioag duce.'aiid any oilier Imsiliets enlru-.-ted lo his ear. 1 he pronip-ly alu-nded lo. ..pril lb, RG7. ly • manv new Si.utiU ;Oii: > .7iC . he cvU-iuiK-r James R. t-n t. w ith Lighter.s. haying ujicu 4»H 11' rs. ml \ lile anu U uuuu^t' iito..J!nu4 lo lull M IVecu Lay- Be ana U 4.111111^.101.. sioppl. ^ . ^^^.Hiaigs. i rumpi pei-amiul tiuealioa will be U'ler vi.uu>ld to u.y euve. DETER lini.-fied daily; among whivdi ^ .hfaiiiifii] style.'=. and on'’ v'^ry fine Carriage. of th(*m verv light, and all matle in the best n ami .;r the b.‘st materials. My facilitic.s for doing (.’arriage work are greater thaii 5^-'* estalishm*uit seutii and I can aiVord and am deti.hnlned to sell work ofni-f-e-’/yn t/Ry as Idw its it can be built for by ‘ j.” ,.,.j,„u,ou of the vU Livisioii of anv one. ’ v. V i..,-,. k-i i i -iad euibiaenig Twelve .diics. (tli- V -.s Th-ise w1lo are indebted to me will please pay ' >;■' ^ \viii he l-ee, ived al the Gfiice of n-|i as invbusUu’.ss roqnircs my mit-sfanding dehls lo he ' ' ,o i--xx'miei tile until tut 17'“ ■ .4. .V. McKETH.\N. iLouipa..., lU l .iixui'i'm JUHN^ON, .4gcul. .4pnl IB. lO in, K0.1I3 CONT R 4' *01iS. colU'Cieil. August ff vpnl 18, 1857 V. Fi.ino? taii'-d at mD-.B Ei.b V 7. 1857. di;-.d!: Uy i-7 .A • Bxiuawa'’ iV-->:n ih-.’ .siib-eriber 0:1 tii;.* Oili oi^ Hec'em- ie-r la( ci II k Oivr cobu’-al b-tiy. w.-i ili:- aooul lia p-.iiiMds. i.- r:dU *Y ; pai e lUi.It. ;U;d iias ID ;'orr; iiug'.'r o i Et • h-i'r ii i btrkiiig b-’i'.vi*'‘n Eev 'G-: j. u:';i ■ end of lie,’ 11 fill 0:1*. He is probably vili “ a:ul laiiuibeidun. •.vai'd, ibrliE- tb Every lo me bi '■t m.r El any jail .-o - nat 1 c.in n' ; N. C. Fel.dv Marv.- nF i'lir ;i.- I‘..'(E;nieiit IirEEUGlE dr. r. Ocd. 4. 18-tf SARAH WRIGHT. .JAMES WRif;:«iT. Vainabl El ]-urs!iauce fclJA.M-Uy and T.Vl.LDW C.VNDLLS; VJ) VM \NTINK . I'l om a lit T JR-VCCO: and almost any,lung in Cheap as the. ;iG-if tdroe -ry line; F,d,-y 7. 185' 1 Five sevenths of th,’F.VRMipd TiNi-- 1 VN.r) in Ilarn-tt county, kirnwn e- the I .u a-1 ! ^,”t 'I -\ -”1 1-vi ls joining M'ni. Harr ngtoirs U-nil o.i ■■EA ,-,‘AV,E“ There is soil,-.- 201) acres ef the groiimls o-i the R'ver. Ihe i.'i rovsis Propi-i-ty foi SiOc. r a f ti-c c-envt of Ennity for , til- e.onnlv ofi'i!;nh--rlan!l. hpon the p -iilion ot Mlizii ; livbart an-1 others. I will s-ll at the Market H'ni-'C Ri i f -fc-.v” of Favelleville. on Monday tlie nth day of V.,-'l n-xt. th-V.RlCiC TKNHMKNT now oe.-ui.n--l by i r.‘.i, d R. 11. .Jon -s, -a-ljoii-iuK D. -t W. MeLaurui and B. F. Feavee. Tie-abtive i>roi‘''^ ‘yupon a credit ot six ir.onfu.s. Bund and approved security required from the piircha.soix W. .A. IIU MrU’ch 7. l'^57 ijOTV’ r -KH. Ulorka-.d Master. •Beet AEL tO.lIJS -VT OACK; of land: One tract containing 12iat aeres. (.00 as gu'id .swamp as llier'" is in (lie co:i;:t\ • ol ijiay n. ab‘)ul two liuiulr'd aens wtdl draiueii. y-nd -i-.i- thirty iicr- .s cbmied ami Uiid. I fenc'. a ljuliung l.e hindsofd. (i. .Sntltm ami T. .^vnltli. Also. 15 > acres joining (ho lauds of D. .Jolinson am AVin. Bordian.v. ^ 150 Joining the lands or.JoIiu (.ani and E. Downiin. 200 acres j-.dning the lands of George Cam .vm EEzabeth Melvin. The above laml- t will sell ami giv-i good time for g'>o'l noies, ov \till take young jd'- groes and give ihe bi-Nt oj prices. ' For furtlnu-iiHbnnat ou addre.--.='- tiic .s-.mscrilior al Elizalielhtown. N. C. .fan III. lB.-)7. fi-i-dni R. 1> M .-.1.7 I V AVilmingtoii Hciaid c"py 3 months ami send oili lo sub.-'cribci. -pp .• : quail mviiv tim'iere-l with pin-'s. an.l with.ii s,.\ ' 1-IrevilU’ami ■iVest-.-rii PLa'ii-iv.id. L> M--VRTLI.'R. .j; [>. UOPl-ii’.. J. W. .McK.4V. apply to N-v. .l-'dS 2tl. -dC-tf riiosPEcrus OF THE si DUTir.’.RN I.U liKxViSY JJR'rfl'lNr. 5711 For the Year IS-IG. July to Det-eiiil.cr. T5VEXTY*TilII^D VOTj'i3rE. , To i-cuin* the Brosn ‘Ctus of the Twenty-rhn’e » id- j ame ofthe^SOUTHERN LITERARY ME.SSENtxEk, ■ “mnm-ncing will, the .fuly No., the Pi-opi-ictors re t sob-lv on til-.---agoiiragiiig y "'by fri.-iids'd-tiieM- s.-«’iigei- to aid them in e.\t-.id.n,g its ch-.-nlaliou. am! '!»-y '“-If *” '‘"E'" ' A "" e.\----ioiis will bo remitted oa ttieii- p.-rt -o ina.iitaai til-hi-ghcharact-w of the work, and to \V. LM« T If-isii’d-i-eocived a largo ni’d . .generrtl ST Of K ['F GUUDS siiiU d t.i the Fall and Winter trade, coiisisting of aeho'icP sebietion of SlaT.to and fawey OKV GOODS, B wL and tihoes. with almost cverythiiig dcsii-anlc in F VMILV aRnf'ERil-S -.Dwaj-s to be had .1 T I. E '!' T t S. Giind.s sold at th-.- lowest prices fer C-A.S11, or c.x change.i for eonnlry prodnec. .Si’id. 11. Is.'jB. Pr.ik’SSiif for •ah* bv .•Vu,:. Is'-'b 20,0^::]: 4 Eot’ which lh,' Oct. 1. IS.'bb 0.1- !'s lldii- mi'stunitifc, J. iiiX.sPALi-;. fpi-if sa'isaNW STOCK. STAKE fTAm LI AMS. .VRF now i-l--eiving their .SPRINtr .stTOCK. coiiipiis- lie l-as- i.ig a einiipl-;.-le' and general assartmen' '.’f ee.-j cfo.tds, Boiiupts, Roots; •dUr.ps tissil itciid.r m-.tflc. Clolliisi?, --Vhieii will la- olfi-re.l to tlm Wh-di-sale trade Rr Cash, nr on ihe nsii-al time lo proin|.l buyers. Those owing us noti-.s aii.l aeconntspast -'.le will please make imme- diale iia.vieeii*. d. B. STARR, J- M. M'fEEEVM.S.. i\la3‘ch I J. IS57 4Etf ■ tl into feciions. i' y iiexi. 'roldc?' and . pee ..iC Uompauj. ,cation? can be seen at the Oflici CiAA.' Li. M-vEiaEl 1 • Brett. ii £i-jTBUy UMLliOAD. lii-laUncLt on Hic .--loci-: ol (his Uouspaiiy cue 0.1 ;ii«: iex .iai’.uury iai-t. an«i all ant-.ir.tg^« ot-unag Uilcic.-^t,. Ti.om! who imve not paic up curm sitx rcquc-iivd o do i*K wc*; !; Oil ilie iiiouv' w.»iiUd to pi.y I O'.ti.t'_v'.'. •. .. v.‘ }.i. Rl.bvE, hi'ce-h’ . R. }i, Do. or.i iE ' GriiG?5 wiil i.'O iiaid. .M. CAMFBEiaE Havliig b--:i aiiiniini- ' rn-'i-i-et.ir of Xi prcjiaw'd to perform ' OR. i’ure riit ii.sii. lo!- salt’ hv B. J. lilNsDALK. Anri! i. 4-i-bt; lil-i il s in niy line oi . ..ther at the Riv-r (-rinTi-vii. llmvea „„., -,i,.et a-rl e.- iono Po::- WAPF ill trSF on Ae .-nrner of f:il!-'o'e .‘-'In-'l. nn-l e"-' 1-- l-mno a- ine stoie of M. ('ainj.oeli's wi)-n wanleii. . 1 '.vill tdv- i-l-as-:--., in I" Iin- linsHie.ss of vv eoonlrv rrion.!-. n-i-l !ml"- oyasiriel atl.’nfnn lo l-a-in-s tA in-ril e ion- - "f In- o'l'.Pe i>atr.-.nng-. .-ly -!iiV--es sii.ili I-ns ’ os.i-rnl- -is a-iy nn---..i-vp-c' .VO'H'SCIO. g.A’i” .I((-T-aiii-iii * Btnin.ire wiil pay the hig'i ,-i e-i'h in-iet- for Turpcnline nuiii further notice. s.-pt. i 1-S.7.;. oB-if G'oinl.s at YVHoIcsulo. Tile siibsci-ibi-rs beg leave to a*lvise fheii- citstomers [ ni’. l Morehants gi-m-iany. Hint tin-y havereceivc-l .a ' p.n-f an-l exp-.'ct t-) receive ... " '""""‘''.^“peiraiiaquilc severe, pl-ostraiiii;;him bo-l.v and ... . ■ ... 4. ....... 1 V ■ )llll IHlW! 1 t-A.S i-R'ILiP.-tV liECi- RFL , tiling tiic :oUo-.-.i:.s leiler from a rc.= iH-c'i.ble e.; or.l;ia-'i- I'Pi "i" “nmer tlu- .ptesLou. tad j.e all Ueaios iium everp tliimased -m-ll.:- (.tKKNaoa. -Miss*, t»aiie K.>u -. Seth .S. llar.ee. Haltiiuoi-e ,Md.- - Hear IBir: I take 1 p'ieasui-e in relating a eaBe ofspasm.s or Ins cuted oilrinvalvaUe !Mlb., •'long been “IHict.'-d with 'thia awlu! dis.-a^-. U» ,s lii-stallaekeU while quite touiig, He would l.a,e - or two spasms at one attack at lirsl; but as he Sw- older, iliev seemed to iiici vase likew ise. I p lo receive the balance of lln-ir recent 'Jj^^'iiedoMnimmi d akiiig your Pills.lie had tlieni I'urc ;•!a^".^s, in a P-w days. Tiioir Stock lariT'-r and nioro comphd^; than tlv'y have ever tflfvfod cnibracitig a irDiiornl assortment of id His mind had sutUTcd seriously: *'^1 hiippy lo say he is cured of those lit.. He liae yed line health for the last five months past His J 1 has also relumed to its origtua! spnghthues^ hi« I take great pleasure in coinmunieating, as it rT“ .J be the ineansof dii-cctiiig others to the remedy LLtnlirarr nilil (Jllilerij, Nolldtr iJ tire, enicui-e them. Tours respectfully.A-c GltOCEfltES Tog‘‘th(‘r with Sn/idlcrj/, Shoes, T.cn.th'cr, All of which Iin.vc been bought by one of Hie. linn ex- pi-.iss'v for tlie Wh'-'l'-ale Trade. Tiieii-terms will be as !ier--l-irii.e. i.n the usual lime io ’aVoinjit dealei-.s; To -'ash biivi-rs a reaso:iablc diseonnt will be maoe. Oi-.O. W. WILI.I.AM.S 4c CO. Favelteville. Aug.' lit. ifioB. .l-lr AV. J*. LIGON. . pet-.son who is aaffering from Fits, or Spasms - Id neglect sending to Dr Hanec. after this lor a .A;,. He Iinces are as of his inestimable medicine. x; one box S:i: two 5, twelve $2-1—w-nt by tree on the rt ceipt of o remitlance S. Haiiee. IDS Lallimore, Md His prices are ■ sent b Address DcGi-iilirs l-'.k-cific Oil, I'nr m:i1r l>y S. .1- illN-SDALE. ly-|id patr-inage of-tl! wlio value Htcrliiig rhalb-nge Hie ! literary im-rit. ; i--ofTwantv-OneA>.’.i-.5, the M-uss-ngew Inm cn-louvored - to retiect f-ilthriillv lh- SoiiHiern mii-.d. whiledisdivniing ; all n-arrov.-and sccti.iiml views, and has been alone i amo i" the lu-mthlv pcrimlkals rif .Am'-rica, in i.cb-iu-y S the PKCCLl.All lX.STn-L-Tl,U.XS StiL'TIIERX STATK-X. ' To this oH.-e it -.vill In d-vot.-L and ayill bp prompt t« r-p'-l assaults upon the South, w.iet i-r H,-y come and-r ilie sp-eions garb df fiction, or in Hu- dir. -.-l Ini m t-. -t; sbivl-i-v iianipblets. .-Vt Hits critical jiinctni--. wWleot^n-S^Ymploying lit-ratiirc as their most pot-nt weapons of attack, the Sootliern people , will snrelv not wilhliold Hieir work whoi-c aim it sitaU be to stv.kc blows in Hieti ^ Messenger will, as heretofore, pr.'sont its roaden-' tciUi lie-icics, Hislormil and ■Biogriiji/ncnl S.hctrhcs, Xoi-els. Taks, Tninh, Essaijs, Ponis, , I hr. Aral/, ATury and NO’fiCE. .STnCK consisting ot STAPI.:: A PAXt Y WUY GOODS, Bolds and Shoes, Vlolhing, Slrnir liaU, Boiuiels, and Fann/ Gunds. Also, JJnrd- ir'iirc. Groceries and Crocheni. S. \V. ERRANT. I, '2111. IlVisOI! HiH.l IltipA'fidl ”i t'll, lof sale !)\ S: HINSDALE. KCCLE-S'S Mll.r, II AS been newly i-fiiiiife-l. Beml vonr and hare it gi-omid. .April -I, Bend vonr i.oni .M. cLlNNON. 44 4t 1 wiil ' o.x ATS ITS Luin’.-.'i-ton, Afiril I 8 5 T. js AT.'w, C.-\F.N, ROOTS Si. 8310 508. ‘ .T..G. THOMSON, is now receiving one i.f Hie lei-gest and most complete assort ments and -style of GOOD-S in liis line Hiat he has ever --a.'/cd (lie att.-iiticn cf his fricmls find Hu- pub/icr to. vfliich ho intouil- sc//ing laOW lor C-VSH, or to yro.nid p.vying customers. t„om.SON. O/d Stdntl; .Market .SqiiaT-e. April 1. -U-it Dec. 2!l, l-'.'-B If'lj inv ;l*.nv D> iioth buyo 2i-(r ■ DiDl NOTICJE. CritiiineSi and Papers on ■ other National Svhkds. circulation .MESSENfJEil _ gi-atly iucr-asin.g the Hie price of -siipscription. HE sii’.scrib-'i- be-gs n-spectfiilty le( call Hie S tion of Hio citiz.-as of Faycl teville and tlie pub lic “cm-rallv to his -.veil sek-ctod stock of : & VKOyiSlO-NS,- W;,b a view IntmD ^ ,,agnira. size of H'c work, lu-.ve fedcced i>,.(,wii. .V. 1! an-l t. olle.-. t riisln d .,nd LcttI ..,..„a-., hidi is Row only ' Drimc Goshen an-l Clio-ci; Hairy - T.,n,,-v Vdiimaiiline and .-sperm (n-iiidles. Three Bolif.rs per. titimim, m .Idianre, [ aii-.l lliaci-' T'-nsr Ilntt-r, Soda and Milk Crackers OR FOUR DOLLAR.S IF NOT I’.UD UEFORElHE ^ iiola.s.ses. Syi-np. FIR-tT OF .lULV IN -TN\ 1 .E.VR. C-EGBS-R-.mtting us FRt.V’i. Dollars in «b^ -iEimU,; Catsup; Diekh s and I'reServcs, B-tt-r. will bo ontitlod lo Six r xv. xw..* Rpx^MlOvrrtof.^ TiiA Editorial ami CriUcal aepartmont of f-e M...-, EV ERV'U^I^G wiintcd by lIoa^o- ill contiiiii'- iiiulei- the cliarge of • ' Tt.-eper.-. r , i- • - - Ik intends also to ' eep Hie best al smdi _T as this nmrl.’eta!r->r4s. and hopes, by attention to th-. .Yii'k »• ill A lu./nvt; iiwi-Gu. w* . fj-r fvustoincr5. to bo able to plcio-c. and reviews of all new .Vnterlcan or I-'.)-.;ei,gn woi-ks o i w a-tk 01 cn..ioi WILEY. g-cnei-al interest and value. The Editor s opiiuons v. 1.1 . TODICCO CIIEWERS will lilid be alway.s rcai-lcssly ami lioiiestly avowe-.l. I ‘ anv grade.s of Hie -at-ticle at G c«..„4P tjuli* Hav street. must im mblresw^., feUGFBBON A CO, ' nd S OKERS will lind CiG ARS, from I.aw Ruilding; l-'raaUlin Street, Richmond, \ a. .Xj *. \-ViAen FiU'.untRE REfb:’.”. .Fast PablisUml, Grails, tUr 3U;!l -fimasaa,! : ,Y ri-.v W,.Ill’s ox -niK R.iTiox.iiiTiiH.ir- ^^^S^.sKN'i-, without Me-licine. of.siii-riuatorr!ii a -r ^S£?'l.oeai Wi-ak.i"ss, Nocturnal .Eini.-siiin.s. G, :i- ital and Nervous D--bility. Inipoteiicy. and liup.--li- m-;uts to .Marria,ci- generaHy. i;y 15. ol: l.xn'ky, .m. n; i The imporlaiit fact ihat Hie many al-.u-ining rnin-1 : plaints, originating in tl'C imiir-nkn-e "j 1 vouHi ,,1-av be easily ramov--1 with.-at .b-- ici-i-n ; ■ thissniairf.-a-l.c\--aVly.l-imm.-ti-ate,l: und llu^- -“"--'X - mnv ■'lid hi-dili- savcessful Ire-ainieiit. as a-lopi-d i.\ ^ Hie Autlim-'. fu'Hv expiained by means ol wnichever.t one is enabled to cur-; li:-,.iw-ll perlvct-y^ and , least po.ssibleco.st. Hi- irby avouLi'g aL l.io ad-e..'-. . ' mn,-triiras oftlie day. _ .r • ! -Sent lo any addr-'.-s. g.-mH--' ““A f"'™ ! ein elope. l,v'r--miltiag ipoR paid) two posing,’stamps : to Du. 11. dV: I-'.xky, 17 In-onar-i Street, X. A. I H)- j De-=. l:i. IS.J-B. 23-ly "negroes" wanteo. The undersigned wili pay ike lii.tdiest casli price for YOUNG NI:GR()ES. Letters aiblr4--ea to'eiTiiui ol u.^ at E.miinbar^h, llichiiioad couuty. Will aa^e prouivt utlcnlioii. ' D.- 0. MefNTYRE. D.VNIEE M. McljAUiHN. Eauriaburj’h. Jau'y 3, 1857. 31-tl' He woiihl par .M'-rehiiiits lo bo for CaBh or on t .Mareh i-1. 18.' WM. R. AVIEEV. ; I, izKEH- I.»! Him'reci-i vin^ bi.=^ iXt ■ ^1 i f E"^ ; oi'a le.r^e a'vorsiiu-ut of j mid 'liediciru s, Oi!>, 1 ainl.-, ’ I)ve-stulT^. Kiiney Arliidos, Vw- ; I'liiiK'rv. Lh’.il'''’ : liseiil.) Aleolio!, F)'irnip?v I'lnld, Wines nufl iiraii- dies for Medit-a! pmr- |ieGe5, (’impress \v:itrr, Ae., A;‘. I ihe uUendon ofcniintry In his ii*t‘iit;en to^bCll iOM' .J. S. KAVKS, j co.ii^ii?^sior% .^XD FoitWcMib^xta MLFHCIIANT, tt7a:u/ay;7G.v, .w C. , January 1. lS5i;; L^'‘Td A. 54$ AS^CiS A^HJ AL L 5', PO:lT.4ULK fiTKAM- KXv'-IXK JU. eonifp lotiiGml Flaiui/tfn Pf'.Udd.: /’d.'S I’ortabl-' Steam Eii.Ldnes,-on ];u jr.) \vhe4*ls. with si Bnibite f'.ir a le.im t b\n- Tiii'rf' en.^iin'-. hav hotve ]to E.i.xinuB ha VO bt iiav- FAYE'l’TEVILEE .M AR KET. orrected weekly far the Norik Carolinian, AritiL 25, 1£5". 13 ® 14 ‘ If) pnncttie.l v^nl .Jan. lO altaehorl to move tliein about, fuo cyliml'Ts. rm-.kinjr 10 to 30 Ordors an' lllle-l in from J td 5 ’^•eeks. alw'iiv;- nil liaiifl tf'E .^ab'. These cnijino.- •n In d.-r - Vi ll Veur-. and in Dvery instanee -i. rai --al :^i■aelion. Descriptive cirt’ulnrs '-.li •vvh-ni aiq.lied jSr; n.T. ‘-’*2^7 H-ii • 2 .k sr-Nt'-iSI': C r.-n.EV anMD’-.v OI'-'tb'.." D'-'t’ in-a! ij; ami S'Kii'noi'G. ro Nvhic’.i tiiey Eon oriY.ml-- ^nbe l-uycrs. -il-i't A - S & SHOES- CON. per lb -FFKE, per lb— Rio, Laguira, .lava. ■TTON, perlb TTON H.4.GG1NG, per yard— Gunny. Dundee, TTON I .XRN. i>er H>,Nuf. 5 lo 10 iMKSTIC goods, per yard- Rrown SliccUiigs, Osnaburgs. OCR. per barrel— Family, .Superune, Fine, Hi (S’ ^ 09 20 (2) W( 7i 8 1U(* lOi 7 .B« 00 6 76 (* 00 6 30 0 00 t 75 (o, 0 0# .loliG M'ill .A 8t«.re.' ! '.;f:rxr}i -vnt. Wli.'-ilXG'i'OX X- C. e pari cnlai- atl-nti,.:i b> Hic sal- of Xu M.-r-hi!, ■ G.'lHs-. Ladi--'. ii'iys'. M;S’- ;v-f r-'f'ivetl a lars^e porlioii of otir USG A.\l)" kiM.MKB STOCK; I ; 1 ag of a gy.-nei al -assor'nient of 1 ■iJ-'.ii ad Chiltl^en-s Hoofs, i; .0 -i-s aial Slae-w e.nbraeing a Vari.-ly of styles and on'i’itx-s. with a g-i,eral .i.-sni-l iin-iU of .servants .Shoes. ‘ ' - ALSU— T- --Iks- Calf Goal. I.h.iilg and Rinding Skins; l.a-ts; siej- Tiu-ea-l: i'-as. -Ic.. which we oiwr cbeajf tor Casa or topi'Minpl c’.n'tmnerr:. '!'.\KK XO ‘ H'c .Ml those indeidi--! to .rani-s Mcl’l-r-- ted to come for-ivard andy. \y ’yP • Mareh 21. I.v57, W. i. G'.HjD'.- .‘2-(3t 'A 010 reqnr?- Uely. ■!>i. ast'D'. Vslixi Abic IsAiS'.I f tc -ikl '. j Th--subscriber ,ynbrsibr.aiyXe^l.uisyncR the moiifh ot ami l.HX'R .rOllXSON -t CIDIIV h.avc just i-eceibed a conipii'te an-,1 w-.-l! s-’l-’ctcd .Stock of AHD fAKCT ding about eigdlt ir,-i:-ired a-r-’s. aiio-re Faveitcville aiul live , i,, .,’,!,,. and fifiy acresclcary^mbl -yyy;;;- For fni-Hii-r inu-ti-cHai’sapi'ly to the ‘ “I * ^ ■VThibro'.v’s I.ondon MiiKtar^t. ^ . HViip'-r aiui WorccsteiMdre Saueo; PpaniBh wil .lOIlX 11. TIi:)31PSON» ! And v.ill embrace copion? notes on ciirrent Btevalme .June E EY'nb eoAmn DGIUiSTXC to FINE nU’ORTED. April 4, D. IV. 0. BEN 150V,-. I). D. S., dilute of tiic Duttiiiiore Coilege o.f BETT.ir, -a I a RL ill. Office iioiirs from 9 A. Ti. lo 1 ] . a: 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. DR HKXHOW niav In’ found at liis .suit of Roents nch’V'ic .Market. w!i-Vc all wiio are in ii-ed of ihe s»i-vicc.s of a Deiit'st are rcspeiiUiilly inviti-d lo call- '.Cll ooerations p,;rl'orineil upon ttu; latest and annruved plans. To t'.io.sc in neeil .Vt-lificiai Ti-mh. iic woulilsimpl’.’ say that he is behind in no improje- llc inserts from one to an entire .'ct uii-ni a.ie - ■ wliich h- giiin-iuitecs tc vrition. ! suit pnl’diasers. siib-criber on the pn ra-.ses. ■Tilly 10. A i ,E .X,VN D Eil 7V .VfAx i-lR. tf STARR & WILLIAMS. 7VE are no v liracing evi-ry ment. Gold or Platiim idat er.ii-HIv a.s si’i’vic.mbb’ as Ihe natural organs. lie speii'ls nine months of cacli yo-.ir in this place (from first of October to the first of .July.) Oct. 2.0, 1S.7U. -!■!! nllY GGOtiS .\r WHOLES.\LE. reeeiving a v-i-ry large STOCK, ein- i’P;,.- in dm Dry (xoc.i^ lino w.t.j (-b,n, Bo'oL, Shoe-s, Bilk ami Straw "lo-st, . ■Uiiilirelias, aii-1 ix-emly Miulc Cl-Hliib,g. stf. . , ,,’11 -,.11 l-liEAP for Cash or approved Which ‘yM; 'oaly invite . Mei- y’'‘’r- ''-h-i'.,.,- ’hi-la.i-.-ket to c.xaminc our stoc'K. chaiil.s viswini- -b-,[ wiLLlAM.S. J. i>. >1 -x Aug. if), Ubi- T. ITAMLEV & -SON. Ap’-iin. to-M _ fixvi IsOOib. .A I BTX2L^. PHY €JOOD8, .x-ao’i-s-st which wiHb’ r.mnd -very variety and style ‘of -0,71-. called for in their line of trade. Ti’-ir St.i'ck ; r„-n’ and -Icisii-obl-. ami will lie dispri.s.-d ol at shott 1-r -liG to Cash or pi-ompt paying citslomers. i \ lOilNSUN. -It-. PETER CROIV. I Api-U4.' ^ i -UV) Busheis Corn in 2 hnsliel IdikS. --.^.-^whoic-ai*' A’urselei.v P. .V. WILFAL Retail, cl.oic 1-01 sab. bj •jK:_-.Vholc.salc -Mini !!• *'■ Retail i’TON ‘..VIN. per busiiel— Coni, Wheat, Oats, Pc-as, Rye. .RD, per lb, IRIT-S per gallon— I'eacli Hranily, 1 Apple no. new N. C. Whiskey, I R ye do. H-ctified do. :iLS, cut. pet- keg ON, per lb— English. Kweedcs, common bar, ' Do. wide, lOL, pci- lb Ll.OAV, per lb 0FJ5, p.-!- lb— Dry, Green, ‘.Ml. per lb ■i-'T— , , Liverpool, per sack. * ! Alum, (K-r bushel. tliA.SSE.S, pet- gallon— Cuba, New (irleoi.e, GAR. per lb— I .Tal and ^ , ^C. oia.PortcRieo.A-N Orleans @ 115 (a., 1 20 15 M (S 1(1« to t.,^ .0 55 («) to t>5 70 40 («> 45 4 7.5 fed 00 10 «2i -M a I'Ptiniiir ineelin't; of tlie missioners of Hie To-.vit of Fayetteville, lu-ld (!(i-|tl- at their Ii ARKS.—Sai,-s of Ps-.- f»-‘; DLi-tf nuiili' ‘'Thdn:b.wingWxAwmeassess,.yx^^^^^ l.ostRG'l'ON M A RKKT, Ai-i.i: 2E pnrpo.ses. O'u: Dollar 'j’.lyytp. for'Rail '-'oad Yelloo Turpcnline 2 SO. i.avd 1 every AiOh valuation oi i- . l - ■ Cevciilv-live irgiii al 3 50. F.. 1ran-.,ot.on m „„rpos, s. One I'.'! V,’Real E-lab’. , W" a, when sale.^ were made at f er} • A‘t:Kv!'To' LA.rkGt Idr CrnG 031 vve )'F Mton 1.3* IO 11^. market. iaadOvc.

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