3HiM «-tm *01-« f> r fiw ^ Education. N. C. i Anyi pi«.5;>i’s Faovv'‘«^ ,.«e v'*'.''’ ,ed liiB capture of Ids enemy, the Duke of Buckimihani hiid a i-raUi iil ,i’“ 'll >um !> eml X, ,1 u>-' It , » ! UOi^ (1 upon u'- : have taken ci,„ue short off hia head!” l,i,s doue ' Poor Macready xastm roup .:se.. ,,„ite forgot ,0.ell t.,elV!i.-.opu,H.m,._ aid hi'- ' heiTi ir,e that ho 111 at \\ llifil '' uiiiU-r t' \T--1 r.T.t ;..i!; \Vi.> li thou aiXthcTipoti Miapirioa—-at last I oat, we, like a vs Hi raiuy 1 pet e circeiiii: ■J .Aunt Pearl i’V aiiii'.h strviio'ih olaVi'd, i'lOr, iii our I'to'aeo if had lior helm m 111,rul'd hy a lira.-ta iiirer.euorato da uirksaver put into a 'tot .. D.rk.j Our- Ills ao. devil ' i- ,! i.-irk joke 'hr ^loik- , AiiSiOU. tot'S wliiMi cl Newton, inou tlie ,1,1 hoiTOi' Eu,-;„or:u,ei.t. XVhatwasour «vini^' frc;!! to reaa l;c: ;l.e Qiici U, is doomed j when sue rr of I'’"’ i eoiikiur.! wouUl iiiako eeor.d tat u'as our ol Si'.v.' licv favoriie es. u as tlioi’.gii t'iey Female Edutation ^ This is a sulvjeci that has elicited much aO Wh’a’is ,,,iml is ihorou-hly awake. hat 1,1 v.lmt does it cousisl? How can Itlaiaed? -ere tpiosiious of ' To ,„ost, the term is, douhtlcTiS, suggestive ot ii.-iries and hoard.ug schl.ol^ whvro vouug tine of stud., uepninug lu Suished erh’.oati-)U,” ami are prepared for their tafert to Stmiety, to art their tiarl .u tlie drama ol Ide. For the Carolinian. j T Tiromised a friend one day to give him an tl^ r^ U, verseofthe liberty and lieeuse of 'the Mowing lines' you will pev- ds of the verse.s, al- rhynVc , leeive that the final - .. .yg,.,, dissinii- . cousisl? How can tt j tiiongh Spelled proc.se y ; f miKd, importance, lar in prouum'iaUou t m ,,^.Ji,j,j,,.ipUical wonti seiiiii hidii'S pursue u rim two. or tore'.' yours at a lb.ss for au^ ap- 1)110. I’octS make frctptcut use similarity when they are a, nothing! I.n,.i..l I lyi „„ verv iugouious in tin. vei ,ceve to a.uu.se some od y^ “• A thoWi'a ricasac. r serve to a.uu.se TMK Nt)n'ril f'AKOI,lMi" Sal it ft! a y, A! ay 2. i S- ■ ^\’M. F. w i:;it r KDi r* llioin HI IS imr tlulv H illioi-i/. • \h\>. ofiiH'-- 5ut is Hiis j , . . 1 we-trv the night hours grow, ■ .,11? Do we find that pupils there reah.y recehc, T;ri : „s',s .p ■".n.ur. •' that diseipliro which is necessary to dove op j creaking couplets ■ ra ADVtT.rSMlUS,. ,le nature and Iii.ike them usolul , J^,;p nnwavd through dull h | .i^.^ii-ous ot die iir.mvilmte Hrsertimi of-m m cquiro muoh kiiowle-uge, hut | niu.st go _ [1,,. bidding to do. i•.•■inwar until ,, ,„i„.c eee- tic and vigorous? j Mv luiipnig I egasus t . |’d shew .vM wuN't will ulc'.'.c- I'oui really resoliue, sue.,. .Ol- , I , -i.i Veu remember, in verses 1 d snow 1 nucoemlmg lOt what do they know. bn. 7ake all the scribbling crew. tln>ir wiioi wiC-i'.. . fti-e thev n?. ler 'HlC (if practical jokes Lei ms define the A; ex'.^- j touuik- mt'.i, “ > i sc‘ieiu-1*, |i>is:vjuiv. ■ '.111 V>i not 11 111! i'llS. Ivi iillpO.'s ])Uy onv :iiu „„„ i,e a pr.iolical joke lol iswd ii, what everybody i >01 ;i' ',■■■,1 -Jill—a roil of I'vu.g a liu ca'drt-.'V s'lO. ies of canine pVactiea! ... ,d Murlord had a joke of the reverse ,,,i.,i, him the ether dayatSavirys ,;,',,;„cv Dodng Umamj but as fi'isi;’ and Ir.iiidso'^tV*, k .,f Itis caiulai l,v,l U'.at hi?, c*.?at wa? iii. inuN 1 'iav !t ii! Wllltt A-V V.. J ,• j rule with As'.i>iial 1 ?rvotM-r> t'o ti p**’-'’'’- tavelia. j ' ' tar IV of lifi^ 1,,- t.r! li the ll^■lJc^ e took iiiv A .V a "‘"“"rriiruii:; v. rheevi-r. pulpit pncH'iuH'u ,sva»oi-.ai wiien Car d.iy, was afraid io lac.' insi: lauglu'd at; lie, iner-c- IH- bought .11 tin' enriier: hi-rr.ngs, wine!. !’'• im.k i |„„,hcd in llrrlcm lliver! ivdi, I Xi"-'"'' p. r „I tlie g.mim.t H, ■ ks. Hi bi toe O'.cx'cr Ilf Den ;,l|.ivh:lt too pi- ■cT'cali aaotii'f, r-spc'-ialiy whose best p'kcs are pcVform.'.i in \\\' will, however, give H of a praetioal joke, liy 'Pi.e cuesl.oo IS not, wnai uo n..-; j g,n,,.,,g „n uie seio,u....a , hat ean ll'.ey d./? We have a threCfol'd mi- you’ve but palienee HI oeum^^^^ Ivc. Body, mind, and spirit, ail vcHuire early. can be done m a mtiueal , intellect is arou.sed must be cultivated. 1 y til- '■ .r.,ppo.-a' \vilC;(* j'ikrS Hf t })!-«) f)f the Hlirhi'V La\\ thr ad--r a Mu: ouv a.' . iiial ve la ' Lomd, I sappos'c ha-' .:ot b ;i i,,fr liuv'.i v,e .he I’l'.ilosopl ,.i .I'j'.i i.vdiier. b'at sldl 'l•'.. t'j enrich the .-and hdi- . c-'i 1 a.i 1 B-icXgond, a.id inske tne ('] ’ 'In! i', i tl.-* .-tt'ihi.i hs oi ‘'f-'t rii ^ y. ,, , , . . ly'-.-;. '.v:-:cn we . , . - , . 1 .Vi- ,l -iO ! • . .villi'.) I W.ll iiitere-t in rin* - • >l 'i uall liii • • ; -Xi al.il jiiivl li■ e ivei vivcp h - 1; lusnure a -vent m **1 c _:;et or.r r::M I'-nul, I will siiu worn oui, of editorial scissors cat only discovered when about aa Uou.^' came over with a smab Our bed to think that the ladies tans to retaliate on. So.ae years lent fellow, the Cnevalief de 1' an nved his Ir.e.ids .. m.ad; f'jr the a pair a loss iie afterward, a darke.y ^ _ ^(.arcel enclosiag the divO'.eed e.vtremd.es. uereaved IVieod sig 1 iuui lU* eoal on excel /lu- as we Will call hnu, ' which aeurly drove Mataran ■rerted ail advertisement announcing \'r ,51 •. 11 ' iMl'C. '* il.ii- F : and quickened, the heart ■ the alfi'clions e.dled forth and n,ght!y directed, ' the "on-cience euHgi.tcned and made to perform ;i,spurt as supreme director of Umnght, wp'd '-ir.d dcc-l. >'or must tlie iiody oe negleetea. 1 t'n'aior was ph ased to form in ns a ;„ns nmon of the mortal with the immor- liie with t lie ineorruptible. He like "a harp of a tiionsand ‘.trings,” but ivc us la.vs by which we may he kept Tin.' qu"slinn ihen arises, what sys- besl? We answer, that the greatest stres'glli, of endurance'. There is to ciO. Her spheve is on's | To prove Oar iny.-tC! ;,d, the I nrriipt m.Kl'- V ' ^ ‘ ‘ kunliy ill funo. 7 in; cpi' tb'in of eiliicn! ion i;S ! system vvhi'-'h will ensnic 'eitci'g'V n'lcl povvef ; uiuvli for woinnn iTor s-ntinicnt surely you tare not a ; Th'i7rBl7'v' Hie helmEUian decidedly damp, j £'s7l conceive that If J Avhiit't write on some ninlltta, 51 And rhapsodise just as a Wdl rave when ‘‘'V''‘'"'‘Av7ueT-scannot move And all his entreaties ana puue.soa her. ' i o, ,0.1. ni ..»t I advorlii^uig ] ' \ ■'sUUvs, •• . , -i» . 1 .. .. ai >t>iusu«li !ns. 'J'hini l)Mrii->. WARHEN WINSLUlt. Fuurih Diftnct. IIOX. H 0'1>. BRAACH. Sink FUrict ali-rhh m scales Cerenlh Fist rid. nox. ISURTOX CRAIGE. Ei'hJh J)idrid. HOX. THOS. Ii- Cl.INGM-lN. HOX. Me to write of mankind in fools in one way For grave— that oil men are I ,hat requires eons Bh- must fail of rigr.tly performing her duties satisfactorily to herself or faithfully to others : joke Ids i F.uroiic, marriage. His plans were XOT Qcii'K.—There hnb been excitcriu'iit occasioned in a cer- ; Citvdnrin?.' the past week by an me off. The beantifn! ^oihan may set u ■ t; i she canitet abound in good tVerkS. ■cfl gVi-MnsT i^t. 1 something of X tain circle in thi elopement that did iml coi I daughter of a Broadway restannint I virhled to the persuasion'; ! Frciiehiiian to forsake all and lly wit.i witiiout waiting for liim the ctremony well matured; aaci'i he i^i.air Xew York) I start fioui ! street. pnii! to Itaraiia, whence ed to Spain. , ,rwell'“known Uble! in Beckman i ^^ij^^vlio’had charge of the get.Hemnn’s sleep- , era , I- ..f v„ _Broadwav when she saw a 1'• ; ing room the ^afkllriimilUaps and Sunlnri'n Hiiaw ’'utliingf 'Ae'-e is a singular iinaiiiiiiity in t.iU clauioi ings of the Black Repnblicitns north and tne uuothoi be a sad botla-r: I liiiow nothings south lor the proceci » o ' . 1 tne7'icpi«^'^h‘' sleep under ground | And yet we should not call . Slant effort, .and without health j All as t P mayhap I i u, ,,),,,., for are they not engaged m Urn s. • "vound .. . , ; crusade against democracy? The ; Thfe feelings of some l.vmg fool, -vl ch j „ow be snceinctly and bi.eGy sla u' it me -a witlin'-r who libels the dead; j „.j thus; Black rcpubllcan:^m goepu - r 100. t"\ was L,, ontslavery; Democracy supports the ns - Rian precept; my sanction ,t has. ^ „„dcr .the constitntion-t ere- the proud and the j ./re the black republicans abomumte ^m c a- ^ ‘ !vy. Knew iiothing;sm priipo.'.e., -J ni. Ii....ehi.- great, Kdr the mighty once and eqna 5li' FiltEH'jrc’s Soiitlici'n Aolet V.’hether well or ill foniidod, W'e do not say Mr Fillmore Viry clieap, as - lei'l a | ijanihice was astonished at the p,„t,,„,ior pr withering, and catching the chorus of _pmor of femi 'V'’’ i;;.^f.'l!owlso he m gone at last!” W e.l-r X not nght a ! ti, ..K till-' sCii .s nvi I , .,,1 a hitter man! ! ,vl,i,.h ed ti '•'foreigners; democracy declares all cilizeu, free iand equal—therefore know nothings hate dem Xor'wma\th‘s sordid worstiippcrs seeking Eepubiicans ^ay, JeVeidhre Xo.—Broadway w-heii she saw '.‘‘y,”', I'l'po’-’eTf and any northern Democrat, thU j fi-oiil their calenders )'‘'® 1 dcinoci^^^ ^ 'nackimr nvo lalge trunks with Xorth Carolina, Tciine.ssee, Kentucky ' I'ninine'aliparel snsjiectcd that all was i p,„,Louisiana and perhaps Georgia, would, ii,,.; fellow! so .'.! 40 acres broad i could ha’, c Wh Cii tVf i and Other wei meat. If t.irr-s w;;! be iioei hammock, soil, we can Imi u np a couniry i anus yesterday very iiappy fi’ume of mind. iiovl if tiic reuit'tlv t uvets no ciuc, iimm hitherward. When the wiregra ,nd hills, and the fields, eovered 1 mo.i, fail to yiehl Siipplic.-, then let them tskr the lioc, sing the parting songs i faihvrs, and journey ; Silence by saying *"■ i vet the fact is uiideaiahie', that ■w”y;,S“nX;,irv">'/ "=v.-ii!.r.','. contest at that time be- j,„.,vc, . , 1 '’■•“'-•’hne they blot _ front tlieir ca.encers Xolhings throng ,Kcr£HaJ7^f ambition who toil to neth Uayner. tay ^enhrew^^ocracy^^by . .. , .ol guve tongue to Hmt all bf them-sotoe | clustered to ern'h with ‘’'uir 3. ,0 that •hcend V better sp-ared a bitter man! i which led to the dnscovery o, the plot 1 . t , ^ ^ vvUigUt; . „,,.,int lay to a close, j he attained of eomiuering dcrn'ocl'acy. Both veil known hvpocrieies. fOr it is now ; (o gave th.c young lady Iron’, hecoming ’ ^ (,,j,,,tion? How '^h but one ^ ’‘‘T mV for'a hi .t^’'ill I >“'-«• -ire 'ttmin-v at the same chject-nnd wl.cn tha- .1.1. , . , 7 Vnlrns for a man but; t;,,, of misplaced confidence. The argnmon , , in the bonre .^but tme ^ ,PanCe IW a hmt 7" s Ml have been oblaiucd, and the aboli- U’,1 1,11 advertise-1 admitte. t la ua i e sinqile-rainded girl was seduced . ''ttuitlmru SP.itc voM ^ painfully thought M-- flrS^lC the first ti^^^^ Cheva-p,othcs,iarewmr-thi,tamarnageherewonK..,ct.o,.^U.eMt^s.^^^^^,^^^ ■“"aur''" n^re W'oMipping fanaticism and know noth- ,,-e can l.ni u np a country there .t ' yesterday at ten „ot be legal in Francei ! him in AHrgiiiia, fifteen thousand in Xoit Cm for however indd.elu t ' . ■ x„to,^.,..,,00, should that unlmppy era ever f-i a™ Aetkes its own : over, the j>iuu^n Tlie ,!'7ierewd was bm-oming impatient for tlife cere- ‘ to proceed, when, to the speechless as-j exchanges I tonishnient of all. the corpse walked among ■ them in a new suit ol over the ir riM'hle however entailed serious consequences ou 1 .^xhe tide of einigr, towards Egypt. Here the birds sing blithely , ,„,t his two favorite wid-1 ,o swiftly thron.gh al ,h', soil yields bmi,.eons,y. and the air ,s purest ' One hei^ | .nntry^js M^mg ui. AiJairs i» Eiaus; From the ccnen'.'rent slatelnenls of emr wes-j i-n exchan-es it would seem that the lerrilo-- i \Vc do nOt iirete.nd to giv I'V of Kansas is now in the eonrse ot pacme j i,y,v.ever, we will gi'e, .. sCO... - "ri;;oke"M!--P-tion by honest and enur,,rising meditation for ivsnie ut.WaeU, and j every section ot the Fmoii. il.e C.eic ; ring;- ‘Boys-lct’s have a drink., remarks: ^ _ ^ that this hr.miliatiOn lias niuler llm face of Heaven. We hiive no fahulou.- strcanii, and for nv;:’.pas t.) revel in; hat the sm green’ woo-is-the glimpse of the 'blush of the ilo-wer—and the hamnioek with its.pife; nirigi.oiia, iit cedar t-.m! ids vii.e,—all th ha’-'f -i id W’dl more ..'j wc ask? 1- of all the reasons. ; vv i; U-- Uk/l, l'» -ev-e.. c, course of isin.a: em!;j:ViiiitS eve' 11 paltieS. emi-ration which noW iiows! We answer then, that llnS ” the ihoronghfares of the | pren brought upon .Mr Fnlmoae by lim oni. into Kaiisa.s a wealtli ot ; sepulchral experiment | which any State might . q’lieii.palnablewaiitbfpatriotRmhascHver- ! a muterhiiist. denies his ide itity now, but "J" are welcomed not‘by bloody nan|E U this disgrace. When Bolts, m the Resurrection, while the | ...ave.' Init withh^. |y |j-,rner, in Xorth Carolina, and roaii?; build saw-; i,i|,j,.cd spirits in Georgia, TeiineB.'-ee, and , _ . and all ,-j,„jyrkv, fell to abusing the Kansas-Xebraska .•ialionsof liolitiea! and soe rroves fit de of the! does not believe in , • , , ..leoiLUBi . .;tt,p,. o stiecter or a vam-1 .pe settlers, and deer—the | other insists he is eitliei -! . assistance t’J open st a=- 1 i mdls 'put in efopf', ui’ganrje townsldps, i i*. in ■ . ' * • ,.r ,./vltru.n1 snui socinl lilc, nud I \ ni‘actic«l joke was played last SummeiS m | ^ .,,,,i,tions of political and soc:i It * nt’le vill'i’^e of Fqnnshollnw, upon a worthy tlie valiie ot Hie ni.brokei. i ffniirishing place Larry The dnt.es of A mermm, eituens an wilderness. ire loo well of Fremont, -The anuitoi' . .Councilman of that 1allow a neglect of those . ° “l A'an Tster—so we will re-ohn-sten hitn k . .lireelly upon tlie ulsti ms unde hi.- report o:. liie grain stati.-lies ol is. always likes to . that State for ISiVii to tne Legislature. Ihe although S’-mkespeare rey- v.-ith wheat was 1,401.- „ „ xrorUVs one.” He therefore .availed offer made by a friend to give him he jnniped into Ihe.cart, and sat down on a small log. which 500,’dffO; the aver The whole number i!"imbcr of acres sown y.?;; bushels gatiiered, 19 are vield Id,SI bns'iels. o^icr.s of corn p!ant*.’d was 1,205, 2S2; bash Ms gctiiered, S5,-IS2.434; tlie average yield. 89,71 'uushels. .-n'itou.’ M.vn-fs!—The Bersian Am- himsolf of an n lift to a tieighboring toam- a small nf a State. Out of Kansas, none but men who ren'ard a civil strife there as necessary ^ al.o.i- tion struggle here wisli the peoiile to loiego heir political rights-to stay away Irom tne -.-11- and allow the laws to be made without Of Hie qeiitly heard. Where knowledge And the verse license law I a AVheii of a square foot in a hi vows rank as a Mnssiilman’s I’ari.s, Feronck Kiian, has just [,oil’s Xapoieon ftmr .\rab lioi.-ic.s, liJRSES V» cassador at prescuLcd to of Thv-w I--- , ‘ any blood horses hitherto seen, and ■ manes. Paris was vei cov being warm expression of the whole pulilic sentimelit. In’ connexion with the above, we make rooiii- for tiiB following extrajt from an editor,al ar tide in Hie Aibany Atlas and Argus on the same subieet; ' - , , ,1 ..'I’l,,.,.,. are laws on the statiitc-l.ook ot Kaii- the natural heat of Larry s Uody if it liecOme a free Slate will have ,1.0.1, .1- ! low had half an inch pitch on d, which oe ' ^-ered with dust was not visible. le a. to neinu: wui ui. • , , sas \\ men, “ , . , Mued him as tightly to the log as though lie , ,.„,v a.-c no lawa ti at ol - . ,.,,.tnfit Arrived at the village mu. I ,,,rnci the right Ot any res.dent to v jti , a-. . ,7the purest blood, from his master the Shah. got ’ ’ T.iirrv ; teet him in his ll'ane us, , m.. es- Their peculiarities are two-that tncy are a -, -, Larry made an effort to rise, but get-than any blooa norses ......e..-. —; p-isihle powe’r kept him down. Another that thev have no manes. Pans "'“'■'/''P'1' , is eff'.rt succeeded-all m vain mudi delighted with the beauty of these animals. ^ ,,ied Larry. TT .Aiinltcration. j At last he collected his energies, and es inform ns that a ha-'iiUe Sabrina from the enchanted chair ol ™, ,.d orr....i t. X a Wei! -UHTiU'd H^ainst aiu! pnii’slird bill, and, in view of the flection preLciiing submission “at every hazard and to simple j iho last extremity,” .whai else was to be expect tutioiisl_j ^1,^,;,. ,„L.r vepii.liatioii by the Southern people? While he was administering to Black RepnldHanism the sternest rebuke.s, his south ern supporters were fni'nishing to the black Uepnldlean organs arguments against the sout 1. Wiiiie.ss the spee-ches of Bolts, of \ irgiuia piibhsiied in Xew York, an 1 the If he spiiineth much UibsoM, of Georgia, blazoned foith by the hie numtersofConnecticnt! Mr Fillmore, speak.' ,x'ith his Iciig-wmcicd iroin a native manly instinct, (for whieli we give him credit even during the canvass,) said We sontlierii Stales would not submit to Frc. n,uni’s rule. Leading southern Know Xolhuig editors siiitl otherwise, and deiionnccd as dlsnii. I iuldsts those who advised the South to do only ,J, what Mr Fdlmore liad said he!’ self-respect re- The Bewal'd leaders n- j ipured that she should do! 1-fullv^id'wiioip,-aiui ampiy enough ' Enion for which our forefathers fo-aght ami To water and fructify every .sqn-are oot ) national peace, pnpn.iif 7 their minds where dame mature h.-.s p...ntcd , . ^ i listen for’the tocsin Of civil war, and look lor- \ siinati-fooi of mind!—-n'ow methuiks Hint ^ ,,,,(1 iroublous years. Vonr ■idughtnr , i,,.,. i The Xew Yoik L’.gislatnre tlie v WilUqnal the mirth of «L Momns daM of abolition buiatics that were When told, at lus death, .aatlht . U.oavukcd north of .Masou’.s and Dixons Said^wa, an odd fish but would shortly j recently jmssed a rescdnHoni.mLW H-^ .. . ! pveseutatives ol that state i.i e.oil. .e a But a sqnare foot of mind is no metaphor won- j ,,isiribntion of the v,'- ■ if., mouioiitvon’ll ponder; X'Tiipts from tlie pob'ie lands. All soiUliera of thought” yon have fre- know .iothin,gism is agog on the same -ubjcct lint bolitioiiists f'i) irlcr anu more 5ioney Onr liomlon oxcliuu. ker in that city publicly advertises a reward five hundred dollirs for of t'-vo llionsanii d bakes and sells; the rose. Go of his ine.ttpressihles. mn=, but alas! at expense , for there, incorporated with the pilchy log, was tecti'in of anv adnlteratinii in the bread he j eovering to his seat of honor. and that since nobody has Larry now thinks it better to pay Jake Mer- reward by discovering this sM’c of Hie method of getting rich in a harry. is that the baker, grocer or other been able to obtain the the least impurity therein, the baker is ot coarse m'aking a great and rapid fortune. _ VVe vather wonder than no imgeiuons Y ankee rater, has hit npoa Hus simple hiii-rv Certain it erhockcr ye iradi'.siimn'ton iisci to start from whose goods and manni'actnres com-.i be reiied noon as utterly free from adulteration, would su-m iv cnaWed to retire niion his property. yViO-■■' 1 not send or go a mi!'.' to ce sui’i’ i,i-...i,: bi.senit. .ijronad sjoces, flour, ( -X-, - I'lW, ''''ffirc/&c. -vis 'i.’id'hy.unre, mu '■'% ■ ‘'k ^’-'r o!•r-x'nini.*t'i'':is, iinf» ^ a , r H. U,.e‘J lumself C';’. a -family? "Tiy . . laa Whu c.-nid safeiy uiVer a reward lor ,v :rv t he Hie Lo’idim foAcr. ’''’n'd "love , , a t.fowu stu’ie ti'c; ' noase c: Fifth aveiou' a iHi:-.: n. .V'ho will be the rii'.-t to try it? VTlio will . 'T'r a luindsonie reward to test the honesty ol ir-J goods? rather than get one, eiless six cents for a riue, r, and a drink, for nothing. Some practical jokes are ocea.sionlaly necessary as was that plaved upon an ohstinate old Kiuek- ,,rs ago, when the Stages for bos- the corner of Bine and William streets in the cvenin.g, and were about a week getting to their destination, ... to fraud i.s thei-e as iiere. . “The question ofgoOu government in ! rests wifa itspeopic. T: .u , vile thco' irie ids to stay away trom ...e p '1..- ; i’Pe adv ee, wiueh A .s luahgaant as u u oM-, l>^ fullowt'ti. 1‘ OlUl'.-Hlt Yohi ihv j I rt>rr|H't I ihrv me biike will »>ot !)t'lot'll on ^ ^ i Let not nieu ‘.ignin exiu’Ct, wit!i lilipUii: ^ therefore cut loose from ami cusregani me »d-' Reason to their homes, and offer to le- the demagogues wlio are m.s-j interests Of those amid Their punishment has been >ll, will lU't make .Aiiiencaa eiHzens stay away uulU i iiev believe ill their pow'r t* Yiatiswi'uacby the suffrage am! .ecuslomed to act on Hus 'ftith. 1 h.y li'oui uiHi clisrcjTHru the ice of lead them.’ is It s’.rau’ge then that patriotism Wan out- 1,i .Ojii thill an indignant southern pedple ruYrmim .i 1" rebuke these orators and editors? tsiuely aot. And lelns liope them that the ffe- nor on others. The wild elalliorings of the the public plunder are not 1 ,„velv doiit break i fierce than the iniportnnate demands of Font... field i speak. lerii know nothings for an cuq,tying ol the tc. i cral treasiirv into the lap of the north, lor sm n Bnteiioii”h I’m afraid tlmt the tjpograpl/p, Um case in a pro -rufa di- fieiuL , nl vouriRibntion. The .S.u'/A .SiJr speaking Yclept ‘piinters devil. Will S^o * . Bus New York legislature, says: Lieoif - ■ so lie’ll i “That such n body should revive ary lieri-.sy iii, polities, is surely not a m.'iller of .surpru’^ 1 m ms ,ui."-““.“— wonderful i.„„i in .selecting Hie dogma of distill,ntion, ,lH, To a close^w.tli n.s .oi,„““.v 1 p„t afford another evidence of that keen pas- will O’THE fYISP. Uion for pnhlic pUuuler which caused Hire.' ot .T-i-l.-- their delegation to he expelled from the la - Ti>c American Assault «n the tUinese. I Congress on charges of bribery and v«"np' '' Armstrong in 1 Now that they luiva been driven from th not 1 federal treasury, it is natural that they should endeavor to establish a fund of corruption a I liomc. to compensate them for the loss ot oiu portuiiily abroad.” Ye.s, the know notlungrp and “uswhigs’ a:v not alone in that struggle for treasury pelf. Their good friends thfe black rcpublicun- would have a finger in the same pie, but we are greatly deceived if Hit democracy consent to longer lus verse. ! tray I whom they dwell. I severe. '.vith Strain l^i'csiarcii tor War. The Madrid corresiioniieiit ot the Liariode la Marina turiiishes that paper ^ SO never a list containin’i the fullest infonnation of the Spaui.sh Xavy, names of vessels, their class, guns I Jim! present slHlion. i i- . or^ovo c-AVfMitv vessels. In Their cSample Will be saltitart. j if never liefofd was Witnessed snfih dis'oya ty-; The conduct of Commodore the assault on the Chinese at Canton is universally approved by the American mer chants located at that place. A coi respond ence has been published between Silas L. Bur rows and Commodore Armstrong, u, which he condemns Commodore Armstrong’s condnet throughout, -and says the Chinese were justified ill firing uiion him, on the ground th-at Commo dore Armstrong had previously taken part wit, the Fnglish against the Chinese in the attack on Canton, and that the boats fired upon had been engaged in eonveyiug troops to Canton for that purpose. A letter iron, an American nierehunt, received in -Xew York, alsosays'- givc np their old and cheri.shed principles to leiigne with the partizans of Gilbert. Mattesou & Co. on the one hand, and Rayuer, Bolts -. brothers on the oilier. The cool impudence of these half starved cormorants is marvcllcns. box or a uarri ,'liver the hot’urn V on Bloatefswili having occasion to go Bi5.s'oii, went to the agent, who told him that all the idacex were taken inside. There was room outside, qnoth the coachman, hut none in Xow Bloaterswill was a very shrewd and positive fellow . and, knowing that possession is nine points of the law, he got into Hie coach •ami said he would not get oat. The weathci being sultry and the Dutchman tired, he soon fell into a profound slumber. _ _ The coachman was a smart Xew Y oVKer, and secimv the luiwelcome passenger asleep, he put tlie Imiwes to another coacli, received his otlier ■ leavinjr Bloaterswill The list contains some seventy ves.sehs. aiUlitiOii to these there are nine slore.ship.s, car ryiiig twenty-; the uanat si..a The navy mounts nine from the niortifiea- his meagre sustained Evki.y PoT.truns.—How TO H.usr—Take a e! (a iireail liox is liest,) and |iasseiigi’rs and drove oH, v.'tlli -table uiaiuire and eartii t.,|oiie in his glory. When he awoke nextmoin^ whiMi place the poiofm-a . two or threiH pis eves and hy degrees realizcu rt -111.! covi-r-six uniu'S of tlie com- , , ,, ,r.' iCei’d in Bus marrm-r until the box orlhow he had been sold. U'.jOU iiK'hc tnHfiHt'r un ijarrel is lilted. N. xi dig .mt a space in tlie of voar miiiutre or ron,post heap wffi eh is f-nneiiH.:.- with a mouerafe heat and insert the box and eovr W ill the ni'iiuire. Hu- niiriulli will be sitffieient to Start the imtiitoes and it is iio.ssib'.e too roneb so, in which case removf* !bc •ii-mnro fren tbe tr.p, and wntcr i. (,)(, ,|,-y.—Triey w.ll send out a mav.s of roots ".Mich "'Will so :id;i''re-to the compoiit in which thev '.vtro planteil that when the land is pre pared, and the teniiier.ito.re will warrant pnt- li'.i I- them int'j the ojieii gi’onnii, tliey may be taklm out suig'y lui't trau.-ulaiited with ease and -safety, esiieci'dly if the whole iiis.ss he urevioiisl-r wet. Potatoes started in this way 'will he from two or three weeks earlier tlian pi'ac-ts’j ill t'ce ordinary manner. Aetorsare sometimes exposed to these prac- tieal fa.eliee,” as when a Roman sofdiev at the Broadway Theater, nftder cover of lus shield, tickled liie dead tlcesar’s sole, till at last the defunct emperor, unable to. endure the torture -.1117 hmger, let fly so vigorous a kick that he pitiTifd tiie Forum over, and brought Mark An- tonv on bis nose, to the horror-of the audience. The Doerfor tells a good story of Macrcady, whose pomposity and arrogance, had made him many,enemies among his fellow prnfessionaU^ One of his great points in Richard III, is ' with lus head! so much for Bnckinghaml” Ou the pieseot occasion the actor, who :■ licforc was witnessed such a reproof. Mr Fillmore ought to kitoW these facts -tnat he may be relieved, in part t.ion which he doubtless feels at southern vote. 'The truth is, neither, M ash- Kwe are nine slorestup.s, eai-1 popularity, in the days ying twenty-'T- ht gnus, several | greatest glory, could have s ,11,.T eratt belonging to ^ fleet. The navy mo,lilts,line hninired and to, ^ sentiments of many of lus five t4«-^ ■'e^ae Msii-pover is 1 ,„ntl'.ern supporters. Just think of Mr Bolts file Hio,.sand si.x hundred'and ninety-six. and yy, L^y„er advising afoulcoal.tionbe- is in every department in tlie highest sta.e i ti,e Americans and Black Repuhlitans efficiency. i ’ J Peiinsylvaniat It is strange that such can- The army at the present time numbers about; pjeeters hare been overwhelmed by one hnndre’d and sixty thonsand men. 'E'"® i indignatum of those whose votes they arc on hiiiid al home abonl three hundred thou-, p^^, pi^in that their desire, like sand modern perenssian mCiskeis, and one ‘""'-j .p.J” ii,o„sands ot their followers, ’vas not so dred and fifty thousand flintlock, all m good Fillmore elected, as to have Ro- eoiiditimi. The light regiim-nts are, of c-ourse, j dpfp.ated. Hence the quick . and dam- armed with the Minnie rifle. The artdl.vy .s | ,1^,. juagment which has fftllei. upon one of the finest in the world. Each biltevy ^ lias six pieces bronze twelve pounders, ani I'., oj. poiicede then that the vote of twenty-four i,>oniidevs—eiglit pieces in all. j ppppore is not a fair test of the estimation There sfe also light batteries of six pcander gp,,jp Running un- and one mounted battery ^^ler circumstances, and supported by oth ‘•Residing as I do in Hong Kong, under British proleetion and laws, I do not consider itcousisteut with my duty to give the history of the present British and Chinese war, which 1 liave no doubt will end in the annexation of the Southern part of China to the' British Crown, The part acted by our Xavy here is most humiliating, and at present, and for some time past, all the protection afforded American in terests on the Canton river has been from British men-of-war. , , - “I hope this state of. things will not last long and that the poor Chinese vnll have ample satisfaction given them for the gross outrawes committed on them by the American forces'! The Chinese were perfectly jusiitiable in firing on the American flag. lironze pieces. hu'.vit-' er n>en, the result lui'^ht hi i'VQ b?en fur differ. welve ponmler.s and twenty-four ponnd ,ei's, in wliich every man has a hor.-e, an! Hie Georgian. ■ ' ...-o li-renessed with horses instead ot) ... Off aU' ' 1 ftftv cases of searleV fever and small ^ eat mnles, [‘^^Ywith yeast IL-s dose for an adult ts u regiment, armed with liowitzers. monnU’d on the backs ofgre; . ,,,p.ed with yeasi tti-s aose lu. , - and carbines slung at tfe shoulders of the men. ,,^p, oouful Hmes a ‘l“y; '^7hfthroat 1, a"-; l,., n,.t..l.l oulO,'» c«.r...d, tor . ..goro.o ^ ' campuigP' ^jr.' . The Bifoes of EESTUCKy-M^e have al! heard of these, and of the efficient manner the.v are used by the sharp-shooters of that proud °*^We have been show‘n a beantiful specimen of this class of “protective armor,” selected by one of onr sterling Democrats, to be presented as a mark of personal esteem and resjiect to the Hon. Barnes Gnthrie, late Secretary of the Treasury. The worthy Bi-Secretary will , . „ , r ,..,,11 doubtless sp soOn as be gets a sighl of the afti- j,ey will remember, by the B K cie, ma'ke of its efficiency, and fond the . . -i„.-tmns worthy donor With his compliments and high '^-^1 prati OTt. “ainst the TiiE Big Dixcit.—We are in a etate of siege; we are blockaded, investe.t, moated, ditched to death. M’e have an idea of establishing a line of ferry boats, or building a suspemsioii bridge in front of our office. The huge trench is ope ning a mighty gash in the narrow street, and it is a terrestrio surgical operation which we arc confidenff will produce a radical cure of the l or- poration cancer vrhich has so long afflicted thi-i portion of the town. If the other operation in the vicinity of our down-town neighbor will cure that know nothing ulcer of his, the town commissioners will deserve well of their conn- trj’. But we arc afraid that its dimcl'.sioll^ ar not sufficient to carry off all the virus, ami the disease will remaiif unchecked. a®^Ate are are requested by the democratic committee cf ways and means to notify the re spective committees, appointed in each Cap tain’s district by the Buchanan & Brcckenridgc Club to have delegates appointed from each dis trict’to meet in Fayetteville on ’Wednesday of JuneGourt, for the purpose of nominating can didates for county offices. We hope the com- irittees will attend to the matter as it is one 0 importance and interest. There is a standing committee of two in each district, apiiointed — ■ ’ witu special reference to the^Angiist elections. Snow in Hemphls. ^ M-e learn that there was a heavy fall o. in Menipbis, Teun., on liours the 17ih uL W'hich bvaxer Mr Isham Blake, ofj —..«ioii a French td r.ilher by General iJ iiified his.winir.giieRS *.| -f i.c ' .aFaycitc i-iigl -nir./r. cn the atYi*-noc| Conipa' y I’ara'ie'i in where the Ininncr wa- c,l by the ."ps with j and ceremony, in the 1 Wage of ladies and “q From what W“lear| cc;.;, aside f;'’m Mr Bll aiivply sufficiei.t 1; was in all pruiia-iility •given to Geiur;': Lu -ented it a ■red I iind fchhc.v :■ ■Ulier, V cll.en / •-• : silllj ; reserve “ a • pre, J I'hc'.i. hu : '• A-i s ./ t'amib. fiH' ' ■ I'.an Hint at th'. '. h of d ;-,-ni..i-! w ;i lUOlir he pr. .'c-s'," n whiehl -titlU''.! 1 h.ir.'J he eitize' • .1 Fa' j ■ iroprialely e iii^i'jnej ..liaii^ii'p ol '■ h L .i a will t: V ■ ;■ cure. bi^;l■l■v. ' Mv fattier, the | aiUbcr 'j'f i'e.' L-i'i d "l til’.' -5^ :•? ii bony guij i,.'’!i where Cor united nne- of Ami "1 L z.i, 1.” L' f a ,:etul _ lU fill 1 enage and v.i liberH'^h'-; ,ia\- jf hi.s ; '”.ilh| ■'Ip tlia*. more i this c-’iiiitry, he • hen tlial my fat8 lake le. the l'’tni| lov. I co'.npaiiioiil I’e’.asioii that L;^ his n -rard. iir’’- 'lag ul Lit.el I•, •iced not w it :e.i'i with what I tl V hi- a ‘ ' L,!'’ '-el '■vt’u;— ■‘Kigiily yc I he .M'■tiler hrna'ai' wliicii kind Hieilld wi pro’.lein in C t process of solij crnnieii*. had rt trieiiti'-’fS flialy v> '-'k, a^ the iP'.il' ’''r.l ‘1; was till fired with inij liberty, dctcij consccratc'l following Hit l,.;fo;'c him. th- i-ights .honor. ' The -Maij adventurer, secure the the bubble month-” be a worthy “For bin yet all this| but aid and “Death him, “whiltj and the flc receded fro fall! He rinmortal r| altar wort survive aiii needed 110] would be life The his praise; do him ho| lions, he winds, and addressed I onr shori-s The coij smocth': jilenty sn chiiftaiii I to enfran( our rising at the to'j here deui iiigs of ini w ho ill fq arms. this UiC3