KCEK T.1>K I’l:- FA YETI EVIL i.«. ItiIU' on Mor.Jnj ana Tl.ari Fr:dry inorntTic^ cn Tur>Jfly If Lighttr?. rt:n. Tvzu'-’-y stngi.'^ ®f the IJirrr. ani fiveriKg i'. tiis. arr U- hank.' iVr thf xpry ran a»5urr all jihsp-i i- i' i.i fu'i c«*iitiI{LZ :l *t -'ur t j-urexif-r to at y i-nr .-ii ■\\ J- MLiO'iT jAgrtjt fvr LiiUfrrlt'h Jy k^IOX MEItclIAXT, atrct-t, T. X. c. C T O R Ya iM'DtR. lllkine**’ Aiict:o*a Storo X. C\ m. >;cK-i"hiD. n? (.ur.rd^as V dcf'-l. ’htrcl'y . gu.'vr'iid-:-. h?- in a •• ar.d tr.in?tVnn d \\r ir ^l.'O. that our urirtiit rtv’ It :.t. ol fl-.i- jih* All t: -' ' ujj. ant] ibtTij.'fh c'* i. o. 1 We n'.nat ailrl ’.viil '^C^D. A[OnRT>OX. J. M. .MUR?n>iX X. A. MOKKL-OX. 7. & ro.’tS I OF THK lOiOALS [n GUIRK. lx IX -i HE PRICE IPriii-lCATluN. I 'i LRK. CfTiLliUa tc Irttivh rciiLalital'. ■ kl.V ',Con>-'. va-.;.;.' £VIEW (Vrte Clar,. riEW (Liberal.I LI! ” t/ V* t prf.-iT,l the thr-r-- c hritaiE—WLic- Ihev. recMy. .-IIEETS •..1 talti- t ■ILii- tr urtu j. r.'.' P OF J 'T \ F .-aijv Dar: r, ;i;r V.-.t-*! (.TV-Ff LK ( 1.N - fCl RTLEN CLNI.' a v. Ji.eal jjritci-t i f ihe j. > - ' Z?f‘h..-ut 'j\ i^.r c-'-r GVIDK. -lical Agric nlturo. K. S.. oi EdirbRis'i!. r.r. •POr of 'ClCTlUE'r A • ^ Ktw liaTen., 2 v(.i> j., -., |iiainfrou> Wood d : niOPt corn]; ^rrk ■- and in nnitr't r !• . li.'-bcrs Lave ititoivai w. i, I !he Tf'iuii.:-; ; i^t-jiaid I to (.’alitornia i-.i ' Gollur“. To evt-ry o'ln i jT’.t-R-Ja . j-c.-i j akl C do.-ai' fid "Look above pubi:. atoii> *L>' ni* Ipaid. to lit r-uxlN: . JARD STOTT & CO., i4 G^>ld-^trfrel. New York. KVLE pg and Summer supply o' BOOTS & SIIOKS, 1 of ublcb. lein? purtba-ed I I'j Wholo-ole or K-.’ kl -Bi y-f \Tc Jl . rommon School.- in and for . are reque-'-ted lo ui' t :*s OiJico. in the Town of I in April If'.jT. SilAW. Cl'k li'rd S’pt® School^'. Harnett Coi.nly. >i* Sale. I tbo Cape Ffur. 15 miles fing .5.'»0 acres oa each side |1 .-oU »1I or any portion. pd is a beautiful residence Iluiigs. A. ii. SMITH. 45-ot nnier goods. |AS & BKU., Devoted to j^ews, Political and Business matter, Agriculture, and Family Reading. PUBL1CJ.TIOX OFFICK, ] INDEPENDENCE IS THE SOUR OF DExMOCRACY! lROXALDSOX street. WM. F. WIGHTMAN, Editor. EAYETTEYILLE, N. C., SATUEDAY, MAY 9, 1857. terms SrssCllIPTIOK TO Till CAnOLIJ.'!** X»r a single copy, if paii in advance, per aonnm, $2 .. .1 it at the end of S aontha, z »» ■. at the end of « Months, 3 #0 .. „ . at tho end of the rear, 3 50 Vo subscription will ^ reeeived for a shorter period ikiQ one year anle.^ paid ia advaacc. th/ Tiew of extimding the ctrculatioa and en- hancing the usefuinefs of the paper, the prepr.etor of fers the following rem-arWablT low -nsr.vrP- cLua K.1TES, Lyy-iRLiBLY j.\ ^ior.ijycE. i copies of the Carolimam, 1 rear, 10 o “ $S 00 U 00 Rates of i4T«rtW«;! SirtT cent* per »f I® UBeB. or les.s, for Ute fi«t and SO^eeaM for each snbscqnent insertion, unless the aivertistnient is pablished for more than two mnuths. i^kcaUwiUke charged K»r ihro® moalhs, - - - - - y^r six months, . - - Far twalra moatUa. . AU advertis-msntemost have the desired numW of m- .ertion. marked on them, orth.rwis. they will be in- .erted till forbid and charged accordingly. attention U direeted to thh requisition. W5I. F. WIGHTM-AN & CO « 00 10 09 Sffcial HSTSOBS. ClaBHENT O- WRIGHT, Attorney at I.a„, Fayetteville,X.C. Odiee at the corner of Bow and Green itreots. Feb’y 3, TUB FLOATING BALliS OR KNVCKIeE WASHING MACHINE. The subscriber having purchased the Right of the above Machine for the Countic.s of Cuinlierland and Harnett, is now ready to furnish such ns may lie desirous of obtaining a Right. The machine issiniple, both in its structure and operations, and should any portion of it fail, can be ciisily and speedily repaired bv any person having the use of tools. I do not claim for this machine more than what it is aide to perforin with that description of lalior wliich almost every family is able to supply, ivithout at all interfering with the ordinary duties. In the first place a child 13 or 15 years of age can perform all the Inhor. alter havin" seen it operate a lew times, and if the direc tions are adhered to, will do as much work in one day ns three or four women in the ordinary way, and the work will be much better done. Below will he found a certificate from those who have purchased aud now have iu use one of these machines ISII.VM BL.YKE. April 12, 18,>6, 93-tf Fatettkvii.i.k, N. C.. .V.pril 9. 185(1. We. the undersigned, having purchased of Mr Ishara Blake one of the above machines, cordially recommena it to the favor of the Buhlic. It washes very rapidly, and the work is much better done tliau is usually done in the old way, and ivith less wear to the Clothing. It far exceeds’ our expectations, and has only to he seen in operation to satisfy the most skeptical ot its utility and economy. We have no doubt of its beiug •.cnerallv used wlierever introduced. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. James Kyle HAS just received a very large and general assort ment of GOOD.S Among which are, Fre»c/i and Knglisli Merinos; i>o. Delains, Plain and Figured ; Drc.s.'i Silks, Fig*d and Plain ] Black Fillet Mits; Sleeves and Collars; Cloths, Cassinieres and Satins ] Bear and Negro Blankets ; 3-4 to 12-4 Bleached and Brown Domestics ] Gentlomen-s Ready-Made Clothing, Carpeting, Good and Common ] ]loots and Slices; g\.uchor Bolting Cloth Kerseys and Binscys ; Irish Lincna, Ornsli; Table Diaper and Napkins. . . , ^ With manv other orticles, all of which bcinp pa chas«‘dby the Package, atHI be oflfered at low prices by wholesale or retail. Nov. 8. 1S5C. yv. P. Elliott, COMMISSION MEKClIAST, K.VYKTTCVII.I.E. N. C. for Liitt.rlob 5i Co.'s Stonmbont I.iiio Will l promptly to all bof ineiis i ntrusti-d to^ jsr.iro. Oct. -1 • A. .>JcR.cHinii hi.s friends nnd the public, tiini b; FOR SALE. Heavy 4-4 Beaver Creek Sheetings. Cotton Yarn. Warp aud Filling, Xos. 5 to 10. ALSO, Belt Picker, Roller and laice LE.VTIIERS. Oils and Manuraetnrer'sFindings. Winter strained. Sperm. Lard and Linseed Oils. Sbuttlie’s Isingglass. French Glue, Lmory, Roller Cloth and Glass Steps. „ „ ,r J. II. HALL, Pres. B. C. M. Co. July 26, 1856. 23-tf J. A. SPEARS!. .ATT O Pv X E T AT LAW, VTTBYD.S the Courts of Caraberland, Harnett, ■flfake and Johnston. Addreas. Toomer, Harnett Co.. N. C. 16. 1*56. *'’-J P. G. McK.ve, W. J. Axuekso.s, Wii. McLauiiix, A. P. IIcllT, Jas. O. Smith, ,7X0. n. WlI.LI.VMS, Joiix D. St.uib, Joseph A. Wop.th, A. J. OTIaxi.ox, David W emyss. Feb. B.i It TIP} r F UL LFjR, .Vttovney at LavY, F .\ T K T r \(av be coasuUed at lb herd. Ksii.. on Green .Street July 19. 1*56. V I L. t. R . * . ^ t Law Office of Jese G. Shep- We in eompanv with several other gentlemen, saw a four dollar hill which was very dirty and miicli deliieed. put in and washed out by this niiichine, re moving all the dirty appearance of the bill, and leav- iiij it perfectly legilde, wliicb .shows there is little or no rubbing prodiiceil in washing fine articles. FuaXK X. llOBERT.S, J.is. G. Smith. 7-tf ANDREW J. STEDMAX, ^Yttoriiey »t LeAW. 1 vttt^P.ORO N. C.. will attend U-Aviag removed to Vf ‘ i-ts of CUathaoi. Moor« NEW YEAR’S CALL TO ONE AND ALL. W >l, OVKKI5V' reppectfully tenders his thanks to a generou.^ pul>lic for the liberal patron- Y.,. iiAt n-ceived from them since he has commen- DOBBLY HOUSE! POWERS & TROY, Proprietois. The Proprietor.s of this Establishment au- nounce to the puiilic, that owing to the con stantly increasing patronage extended to them they have licen induced to enlarge the w^rm if bii-or' Oiem' wW. a call. ‘“Anr they pledge theniscdve-s to an inereased exertion to give satislactioii '"spacious'Stables attached and careful Ostlers iii “‘The'eibdbic location of the Estahlishnient, with the cxnerience of the I’roprictors in providin.g lor the comfort of tlirir patrou.s. Ihey hope will secure to them ThTwcsten^.^ud'southtTVl■stagosar at and depart '^"c'arri*i''6s"in attendance on arrival and departure ot :;:;^t»v^toa,iypartofthead^cm;^i^ry. Fay;tteviilo,Ma;i'2:i856. 98-tf. Profc.ssor ibi* sale by. Aug. 30. 1856. Wood’s Hair IJestonitive, .S. J. IIIS-SBALE. 913-tf 10,000 lbs. TalloYY- antert, For which the highest cash price w ill be paiiL Oct. 1. 1850. A. .\I. CAMPBELL ; Respectfully informs hi-. . . . : has built up large substantial Brick '’I,' ! iOld Stand, cxpre.s.sly for mannlacluring I.uiia ' Tliunkfnl for the very libera! patronage he has reee . a I for the last 21 rears, he liopes by si ne t alU i - I business, witli a’desire to give satistuetnm. to merit a continuanee of the same. He warrants li.s work lo bt made of the best material and by experienced w.a kmen in each branch of the business. His work will eompare , favorably with any made in I lie L in ted .-stales, toi in at- ness and diirahility. . He is determined to sell and do any work .'"n • on a.s goo.1 terms as any work done elsewhere that is,us well done. He now has on 'VwM'.r'VllnrrTlV ' stockofC.VRia.YGES.B.VilOLTCllL.',. bOClv.Mi At . . , AND BUGGIES, ever ottered in this place, and a l eiy lariee stock of work nearly finished, wliie.i will In sold very low for Gash, or on short /"JiV,' ,n vTil-FI) ' ers. Ttf^llc has on hand more than ONE 111 MBif-t ; ANIJ FIFTY Vehicles finished and in course of con-, "''.^^AU work made bvhim is warranted 12 months ! with fair usage, and sliould it fail by bad workmanship or material will tie repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to fmy would do well to call and examine fo llieiiiselves. )V0U’ME XIX—NO. 9i;>. Hals! ilalisl! Hats!!! I k'lrc nueivcd a t ttf my Sju in^ aud SuitiJnio' fonsi.\tiiip; of Mfu'> aii'l Imi\'* ill‘fU aiil v.’.iih- l.i'ghorti r-Mlu! X'-GHiliitfr-. !Du- 'style :im\ \kTy I’nllil LiRir. 5k' .: MoU-- •li.i'.Ft'Ul tiuulitie:7 atid .-ivi- Sufi haji'lsotn'L >kii5. laK-si >iyKs. ' Ai>«* on a MAM l'.Vi'Tl'K o ■ • IL ‘ ‘ii wliicL 1 will "I'U u.i ill- »iK(-l 1 '•n{‘pi t.r MV AVM all of I.J Wilt (;ki:. Al.ril 2.5 II. & i: s. 111. L V Aro iH.w t o lual cu-tom- * .sonaLlt* vUig ilu'if .STOC l\ oi OnllwsRmlkfulIvrecVived and pro,nptly attended to. , Apr Repairing executed at sliort notice and on very rea-, _ I>i%y liaoods, IIATS^ noxxKTs, floors A- rmUrelhu-. lU>n.ly-ni uIg Clutliinir. At-., all ofwlii.'h will 1m‘oif-nMl to* Con'.itry MTcliaiil:« at mt^oiiuMo prici-i-. lor I ;t^ll or guL**l iinp'T. il 25. llcpairing sonable lerm?=, Fayottevillc TUSt P^'jv rixio I XSPKC otl. Uavlii" been appointeil Inspector ot Naval Stores irod to perfonn all dutie. in my line oi bufjinc.'^s either at the River or in Town. I have a convenient and conimoclious WARF-iUH. SL on the l>c found at the Oct 1. 1S56. FOR S4I..E I ara A T' R E D U C E D FRIG E S. Fov Cz^SII o»* SDoi‘1 Ti»»i*» 250 Gill l iatjes, RaroucIiFS, , ^ e , ROriv-VWvVS *V: BUGGIH.S of tvery description., corner of GiUei-pie StrcM't. and can found at the k(,)LlvAHA ^ , y- Store of A. M. CanipbeU's when wanted. ^ 1 Many of which are linished. and the balance bein I will take iileasiire in attending to the business of r country friciuU. ami hope by a .strict attention to I wiirdo my duty to both buyer aud yy Dec. 20,1856 2‘)-tr Note ly iu All tliose imlebleil tn iite either by or Veenunt. are hereby notified that I am great- want of money, and if they wish to save costs regularly the Caiii' Couuties. April 14. IS56. and Haraett If FOR ^nd coufer a favor'oii me tltey ‘will call and make iin- mmliate pavmcnt or I shall lie compelled to put my claims ill the hands of an ollicer. as I am to wait no longer. ... Jan. 24, loot. tt he has received from the . • , ~d bnstness on liis ewn hook, and hopes by strict at tention and iiiitiriiig industry, to merit a coutimiancc "' h/Iuis^io'V on hand and will constantly keep a Jod aiortnicnt of Saddles. Bridles, Martingals. Also Carriage. Boigv. and .Sulky Harness, of a 1 varieties and ol-'his o« n manutacture. Having in Ins employ fir-t-rate workmen in the ditt'erent branches ot h.s "SHS: £ii"Er ESi f £ h..„.rv an,IDrovers' Whips Of every discription, -and j store of C. L. Lee.o, wheic ^ U 7other articles usiuiUy kept 111 his bne. them. dally: among whivh henntifvl stylos, aud one wry fine iro many neir and Cnrriofpe. Some bnsinaps-to inorit a share of the pubne patronage. My vorv light, aud all made in the be.^t charges shall be as moderate as any one can expect. j„.st materials. .My facilities tor uoiiv A CARO. .1. F. FStUl.KHS Is now receiving his SPRING STlPPLY consisting of a large assortment of Drugs and Aledicitics, Oils, Raiiits, Dye-stiilTs, Fnney Articles, Rer- fuiuerv. Inks, (a targe assort ment,) Alcoliol, Bni'iiiiig Fluid, Wines and Rraii- dies lor Nledieal jitir- poses. Congress water, Ac., Ac. He would particularly call the attention of conntey Merchant to his Stock, as it is liis intention to sell low for Casli or on lime to punctual cnslimters. Miirch |4, 1858. ‘G'd and of the best materials. .My Carriage work are greofer than any estalis.iminit smith and I can alford and am d-itermined to s.-ll work of flic last quality as low as it can be built tor liy '^'^vJ^'Those who arc indelited to me w-ill please pay- up as ray business requires my collected. ^ A. A. McKLllIAN. 18.56. tf August 25, mentor BOOTS W SHOES; Ladies Gaiters. Satin anti eobired : I.allies and (.ents BlYtlYt. Sllltr.S of a new and l>eautlful pattorn. and i-very style of ar ticle in bis line. His sloek is ehoiee ami eurefiillv selia-led by liim self, .mil buyers will find it to their interest lo eall be fore pureh;isiiig elsewhore. Corner of Gillespie and r'ranklin streets. April 22. Isf.7. 47-tr Nortli Cafolitiu Baccii; feve Imndred lbs. Las.siter'5 Dried Beef Hams. For sale bv 1’. A. 4VILEY. 111 Acres of I,and. lying •"Oape Fear XU Acre .in in first rate ortler. Jhe itore at the Cross Roads and the DweU'tn;. Out Houses is at a fiae in Sorth C-aroliua. and is n*t t» be exc.ll - v obtain further Any "t^m-tr'ev caUing cn !'iheroi-usHrwmis'°7eek on the Wilmington Roud ii miles from Fayetteville. g WRIGHT. iS-if JAMES WRIGHf. Oct. 4. Bug "'^ItJpai'ri'tig attended to as usual—done neatly and with despatch. requests all tliosi i.ulepted to Jan. 17, IS X. B. lleearnesl c«U and settle the late firm of Houston A OvcrI.y to hiclaims he holds against them, as the settlement of the co-partnership requires it without decay. '0. LS.'iT. t’- LAHDS FOB SALS. for sale the following tract January 10. C-VSDLES: fine in the VDYM YN'TIXE and T.V-LLOW aa.U-oaiaioa TOBACCO: and almost anythin; Grocery line. Che-ap as ' (;(JLD.ST0N'. • 7. 1657. SO-H Fsb'y ' I.AN'I) in Harnett county, known seventh of the FARMING AND TUUPl^'- -(intv. known a>the taiker \Vm. Harrington-ri laud on Therv ii* somu 200 acres cf thu i-nundjz on the River. The up WuL''are'heavilv HmVretl witli pines and within six M'lhe Favetteville and WesUwtl DON’T AGI. CO.MK AT OSCE: .1. W. gToCK OF Has inst received a large and general STOCK OF goods suited to the Fall and W inter trade, consisting ' of a choice selection of Staple auil Fanes' DRY GOOT>S, Boots and Shoe.s. with almost everything desirable “‘piaME FAMILY GROCERIE.S always to b. had Goods sold at th * Towost^ prices for CASH, or ex changed for country produce Sept. 14, IS56. YALLfAF The subscriber olVers «..s S'». «b..» 21)0 acres joiiiiii Hme goo^ notes, or will take young nc tot^iulbrm^l^'a^ss the snhseriber at ly-pd rive TINE ... anl .McNeill lands, joiiuii: Upper Little River, best quality of low cles of the Fayette For particulars apply to J P. ROPER. J. n. McKAY. Nov. 1856 26-tr FROSPECTUS OF THE SOUrllGRN I.ITHHAUY' ME!6;*K>'GKH For the Year 1S.)6. i»\y to December. TWENTY'-THIIIO Y'-OIA'JtE. Twenty-Third Vol LVRV MESSENGER. NOTICE. Th. S„l-.rll«r W I"--" !;'J Sits that he is now receiving lu.s bi KING AND bL .M.>lLU STOCK consisting of STAP1.E a. E-tNA'F DM'- GOODS, Fonts and Shoes, Clothing, Jlals, Bonnets, and Goods. Also, Hard- Groceries and Crockery. S. W. ERRANT. Luniberton, .\pril 4. *'^' R, P. MELVIN. For Elizabethtown. X. C. IlerJld el^y 3 months aud scud bill to subscriber. Straw Fancy ■waie^ Pure Potash, for .sale by ^ ’ S.J. HINSDALE. 44-3t. A pi'i 4. DeGralh s SPRING &. sf.MMER OOODS. H. *fc E. -T. LILLY arc now opening their nsnal ariety of Spring and Slimmer Goods to which they invite'the attention of wholesale buyers. March 14, -11-61 .Tolia P. SanupsDSj. COMMISSION & EOitW-VIlDING .\iERcii,tx-r. WILMI.NGTON N. C. ■ive part'cular attention to the sale of Nava Will Stores Ccttpii Ac. April 25, 47-4t ISisrlily jinpnrtiiiit to RrcTiflprs, Liiiuor Ml I'chaiits iiiid. n lioic- sale Ciiocers. Dr. Fenchttcangrr's Flavorings lo Product at a Llojnent's 'notice, every desired Liquor. The undersigned has lately made great improve ments in lliis tiranch of business, The F lavoriiigs arc put ur in packages of ,5. It), and 411 Gallons, and re- qliire tail the addition of Pure Spirts, either 1st or 4th ’ proof, and Liquors, siieli as Cognac, cither dark or VRE now rlceiving their .‘^I’RING STOCK, conipiis-: Holland aud English Gin. .lamaea ami .St Croix '■lie -v complete and general assartment of Rum, Miinuniralila. Bourbon. Irisli and .Senteb W bm- A* - iliiis, iJoillIfts, Hoots, I key. Apple, ^’emln i'berry and l.aspberry Brandy, g^TOCKs. ST AR R~F~W1LLT AMS, their l>py Gotuls, -ihops ;n»ii ilpatl. . Which will be od'er.ni to the Wholesale trade lor Casa nr on the usual time to pronqil bnyeiB. Those owing us uotc.s and accouiils pa.st due will please make imme- diate puvmont. J. B. STAUr J. M. W^^aL]A.^^^ March 11. 1857 41.If March 21 42-6t TAKP XO l'ICR. All those indelited to James McPherson arc reques ted to come forward and pay up immediately. G. W. I. GOLDSTON, Trustee. March 21, 1,857. 42-6t VaUiable Land for Sale. XOTICi’L JG@- .MeLatifiii A Strange will pay tiic hiwli est cash price for Turpe;itine unlil further notice. S,-pt. 3. 1856. 38-lf Goods at Wholc.solp- The .snbsci'ilicrs liog leav-i to advise their cnsloraers and Merchants generally, that they have received a part ami expect to receive tlie balance ol their recent purchases in a few .lays. Their .Slock will l,e much larger and more complete than thej have everofiered. em'hraciug a general assoriment of GROCERIES, TogvtluT with Uardtearo and Cutlery, Hollow Ware, Saddlery, Shoes, /.caJlicr, Si'C., All of which have been bonglit'by .me of the firm^ rwii ycilLW Hihl white, war- > any otli'T imptu-lcr charges , 1 lb. ex- Tin- subscriber offers for sale his entire lands. incU - | pm- the Wholesale Trade. Their terms will lie dine about eight liumlred acres. lying lifteen rntlea |,t.,.',qofofe. on the usual time to proinitt dealer.-. lilectric Oil, for sale b\ S. J. HINSDALE. above Fayetteville ami live miles from the month of lower little river. The land is level and healthy and well adapted to larming: there is aliout one hundred and fifty acres cleared and under a line sl-ate ofculti- valion I will sell it all together or in small tracks to suit purchasers. For further partietlars apply to the iubscriber on the premises. .---r-r. .-VLEXANUER WALKER. July 19. r-tr la issuing the Pt'ospeedus iff the rmtnlncing wuTthe'.J«l.v NoA tt.7 >roprie eRcuKHL.andUte^bflt >« -sure the public that no exertions will be remitted on their part to maintain the high character of the work. ®."‘* nitrona-e ef all wlio value sterling literary mint. For Tvventv-One T'ears. the Mes.Y;iig.’r has endeavoied SOUTHERN ST.VTE.S. To this olBco it will be devoted, and will tie prompt to r-pel a-saiilts upon the South, whether they come imJ"r the siieciou.s garb of fiction, or lu the direct lot m L'anti slavlrv pamphlets. At this critical junetnre. while our eneniics a’rc employing Ftterature as their most pofuit weapons of attack, the ^''’>•‘>'"‘1 -Till surely not withhold their ,K- wotk whose aim it shall be to strike blows in thiir ili ^"^'Ae Messenger will, as heretofore, present i Is rea.lers ■utPii Rerieics, Histoncal and Biographical Sketches, Akoccls, Tales, Travels, Essays, Poems, Pritiqnes, and Papers on the Army, LLary and other Xalionnl Subjects. NO'I'ICK; There will be an election onTaesday orJunn Court, Iherewm y _ ,,iie Poor, lor of the Poor cn are to ♦ « r„rxo*iii*r of the P>«v.\rJ of Warilei ?h Aouiitv of Cumberland, for a keeper of House and af the same Court several childri be bound out. By order ot .rreasT. April IS. 1857 . 40-5t N E W SPRIA'G AXD SUMLIER GOODS The Subscriber has just received and ofi'ers for s^e arge>t auf ever olfereA in Hvso'! and Imperial Tea, for sale by S. J. HINSDALE. kccles’S mill HAS been newly rei.aired. Send yoitr Coni and linTc it ground. M- XcklXNO- . April 4, 8TARR & WILLIAMS. To C‘ish buyers a reasonable discount will be iinid.*. GEO. W. WILLIAMS i. CO. Fayetteville, .\ug. 13. 1856. IMf ~J. S. BA.NKS, COMMISSION AND POUYVAUDINO MERCHANT, XVILMiyO'l OX, X. C. January 1. 1-856. ly-pil _ f'l’iii trniir’ l I'o’i'l ami Mmleria Wines vv’ill be instantly produeeil. ' ' " - no skill, but an addition of a good spirit. ' ‘ say 5'J gallons to each gallon of the respeetive Flavor ing. Tile best rogmic Oi! riiiil'-d genuine, as biw for lie* re-iieelive (jlliiiily. Essenees of every l.iqtior. Evirm-I of Cognac, of w bicli produces 2Iin gallons of ( ogmte. Raa whiskev niav by Dr F's age ami bo.ly prepara tion. Im nimie Miiootli with but a trilling expeiiK-. 'i'he price of Flavorings are extremely meiderato, and directions in full .supplied by IIR. I.EWLS FEUCHTWANREK. riiemist and Iniporler of Drugs. 1 sseiitinl^ Oils and Metals. Daguerreotype am! IMiolographicChemicals. No. 113 .Maiden Lane, New York. April 25, 1857. t'm. ^JIeXeCRET IXFIRMITIES OF YOL i'iS .VM> i>l.\ rUKi'l'Y. .Ills! Ptil>lisliet,«>-nlls, (lie aillli Tlioiisiill.l i .V iKW Wimns ON THK R vriox.vi. Tiikat- KKXT, vvilliotu Medicine, of Spermatorrhea or I,oeal Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Gen ital and Nervmis Del.ility. Inipoteney. and Impedi ments to Jlari-iage generally. BV B. LANEY, M. I». The important fact that the many alarming com plaints, originating in lit'' imprudence ami solitude of voiitli. mav lie easily reinoveii wilhoiil Medimiie, isili 'lliis small ‘tract, clearlvdemoiisiratml; ami the entirely new and liiglilv successful Irealmeiit. as adopted l.y the Author, fiillv explained by means of which ev ery one is enabled to cure liiins.df perfectly and at tile least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the udvei tised mostrnms ol the day. . Sent lo any addiess. gratis and post free in a sealed envelope, by'remitting (post pai.l) Ivyo postage slai.ps lo Dll. H. Dk Lanky. 17 Leonard Street. N. 5. City. dry goods at WHOLESALE. W’E are now receiving a very large STOCK, em- thing in flw b'-y Silk ami Straw NEGROES WANTED. e undersigned will pay the highest cashprice for NG NEGROES. Letters :vddressed to eithei ol * ^ 71.,1 /v,(,iTif\7 w'lii have .b. largest afr^b:L'‘:f ever Gentlemen: also. Saddles, or on time to promptjaying The YOU- us at Baurinbiirs;i, prompt attention. bracing every Hats, Caps, Boots, Slices, Boiiiiets, Umbrellas, aiifl Lcacly Malle Clothing, &e. Which they vv-iU sell CIIE.VP for Cash or appi'"^ At.- at \vHOLKS./ll.K only. We .nvite Mer- chaui.s visiting this market to examine onr stock.^ J. B. STARU. .\ug. 30, 1856. -8-ly J. M. WILLIAMS. 9i:i-tf Richmond county, will have j D. C. MeINTYRE. DANIEL M, McLAUKIN. Laurinhurgh, Jaii'y 3, 1857. 31-tl D. ’W. C. oujitomerfi. April 18, 1853. i»i:Tt:u V. jouxsox. 4G-3t Obs'r copy of the lhlv‘n«l the si^^e of the work, have reduced With a view to ensure a larger circulation MEHSEX7liU* ilje Bropnetorrt though they ffrcatly increasing t r, .vC 2nr»«Ti the price of Snpscription, vvliich is now only Three BoUars per. annnin. In Advance, or FOUR dollars IF NOT PAID BEFORE THE FIRST OF JULY IN' ANY YEAR. C/f/B.S'—Remitting ms Fifteen Dollars iu one letter will lie eiititled to Six Copies. ' The Editorial itiplCritipgl department of the Mes senger vv-tU continue under tue change ol ° JOHN R. THOMPSON, E»u-, And will embrace cqpious note.s on current literatarc and reviews of all new .Vir.erie.-aii or Foreign works of .seuer-al interest and value. The Editor s optnioms will be always fHurle.s.4y and honestly avowed. The Business Department Is conducted by the unuer- .»! rned, to whom all coramuiiication.s of a business na- fltre »aast h# addro.s.Hed. MACFAUr*AN'E. FEHOLYSSON & CO. Law Bttildinj, Kraaklla Street, Richmond. ^ June 1, I*'*®- B.VNKOF FrAYFTTEVILLK, ) 16tb April, 185(. ) The \nnual Meeting of the Stockliolders in thi.s Bank vv-m beheld at the Bank Hall, on Monday, the isth day of May nextmit U , April 16. MARRIAGE GUIDE, by DR. YV.1I. YtIGSG. Marriare Guide—Young^s Great Physiological " Work- The Boclcet Aisciilapins, or everyone his own Doctor, bv Wm. Young, M. D. BEXBOV,', D. D. S., Ci-adiiatc of (lie- B.altimoi-c College e E li T .4 L 81' IIG E R Y. Gllicc honrs from 9 .4. M. to 1 3 P. M. to 5 P. M P. M. DP BENBOtV may be found at his suit of Rd ml Vi.. \i'..,-ket vvliere all who are in need ol luv If a Dentist are respectfully invited to call. \'h onerations performed upon the latest and most ■rtvi.i'l nl-ins To those in need of ilrtilieial Teeth, approved pl-ins. iu _ ^ improve- upon fine •antees to be HARKtSOX^S COtsVMBIAX II A in IJY K. SIZF- ENI.APr.KP, STYI.F. IMPKOVEP. It has double the qaantity and strength of any other. It gives a perfect natiirai color. It colors every shade from ligUI brown to jet black. Ifc use IS easy anil l apid. It is pcrferlly harmless to the Skin, its effect is instantaneous and permanent. the best, quickest, cl,eaj,r.st,'MA .safest PVK ere, MrlVK. jrvr-Directioiis for use accompany each box.'TsSi .51 ;-2oz. St A. L. AUCIIAiUBAULT. PORTABI-E STEAM EXGIX'E BLTfaOERj ,S. K. corner 1.5/A and HamiHon stu., Phiiad.. Pa.\ PorfabU Steam Engines, on larg.i vvhecl.s, with -a tongne fora team to bo attaclied to move tliem about. These eif-ines have two cvlinders. making 111 to .>0 horse uovver. Orders arc tilled in irom 3 to .. weeks. Fngines always on band for sale. These engines liavm been in nscseven years, and in every instiiiuc have givengeneral satisfaction. Descriptive circulars will be .sent when applied for. Jan. 10, 18.57. 52-tf BOOT^ & t m ^;iXtr^JlAniER I Dec. 13. 1856. o¥e DULIAR ,4 YEAR, Circulantin, t>v« r Copie-s Wrekly -2.5 W TMhiSSi.S. or llic r (I R G E i: CO x V i c t e d . JOHN 8. HY'E IS THE Atl'HOR. Who has had lu years experience as_ a aliii t.'liiMl-eii s Bools. ly of styles and erv ants' shoes. STOCK, Consisting of a general assortment Gents'. Lailie.s'. Boy-.s'. Mesi-s G-Uters. and .6|ioes. embl-.icmg a var qualities, with a geneiwl assm-tment o. Tr-iiks-raif. Goat. Liniii.g and Bimling .‘skins: Lasts: Shoe Tl.read: Pegs, etc., which we oiler cheap lor Lash or to prompt customers. ^ gam'LEY .t .SDN. ApriHl. •il ill riiculalioii 1! that ndorcncc is fusy and Xo index 111 v.vaminc ! Xu Bill Ml >i!npli!i‘*d anl iirrungod. .XssA vYi ina To those 111 iieeu OI iiriiiiciai he would iimpiy say that he is behind in no in ment lie inserts tVoni one to an entire ^et up Gold or Platina plate, vv-hich he guarantee: ' rviceable as the iiatiii-al organs. equally as He spends tune months of each year in this place, Price—loz. first of Octoher to the Ihst^of July.) (from Oct. 25, 1S5G. this book. It -d^clo^s seeret^^^tbat every Qlie should be acquainted with; still it is ] taU that must be kept locked up, and not he alioutthehou.se. It will he sent to any oue on the receipt of twenty five cents. j^^^^-1;,'';;“yoUNG, 135 Spruce St., above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa. 18, 1851. ly 8®" 2,000 Spirit Barrels for sale by MeLAURIN k STRANQB, Jam 17. 1*56 tf « TO hail ROAD CONTR.4CTOUS. Proposals for the graduation of th^e 2d Division of H.,. Westcri’ Rail Road, embracing Twelve Miles, (di- V led into 8 sections.) will be reeeived at the (1 hce o the (Company in Fayetteville unt.l the 14th day ot "rtfiles and Specifications cau be seen at the Office r,() ;—1- (>z. S3 :—8 o/.. >•> ■thTDirtrictLurt of the U. S. for the Eastern ll.str.et of Penn.] ,, a p poULKE.?. Fayetteville N. C. For sale by u vrrISON, No. 1(1 Mamifactarer. APOLLOIs w . ii.y“‘ South 7 til .St., niii..voKLfina. Feb. 21, 1857. Iv SECOXD SPRIXG STOCK. of the Company. April 18, 18.)7. CHAS. B. MALLETT, Pres't. STARR AND WILLI AMS 2 - cini-p their SECOND STOCK of .Sea- adtieb they will ofier to the Wholesale Trade very low tor Gash', or on the tisual time to j^ew GJoods. t I EN'R JOHNSON' -t CRIlW liav-e just reeeilied a A "eoinplete and well selected Stock ol dry AiOODS, k Pir-o and desiroble. and will lie disposed of at short Adits to Cash or prompt paying customers. ' a JOHNSON. Jr. , RETER CROW. April 4. ano Bushels Corn in 2 Iiusliel buss. „ P. A. WILEY. For sale bv April n. Banker and Publisher and-Autlnir of a series of Liattures at tlie Broadwav 'i'alwl'uaclc when for 111 successive niglits, over jr”)'- 5U um) People 'W5 greeted him with Rounds of \imtanse, while he exhihiu-d Hie manner in winch ('oulitei-f.-iters ex'eciile their Fi-audK, aud the surest aud sh.irlest till alls of d'-ti-ctiug them: ■ . The Bank Note Uiigraveis all say that lie is the .rrcalest Judge of I'alier .Motley living. OltF ITKST niSCUt’EHy OF THK |> R F 6 E N T C K N T U R Y FOR D E T E C T I N G tillYTEKFEir Bt\K *OTES. D.-scribiii-'1 vet-v- Genuine Bill iu exi.sli-nce and ex hibiting at a gla'nce every Counfrle Al'i anged so a.lmiral>ly, detection instaiitam-ous. iiaees to hunt np'. But 1107 tlie Mei'chant. Banker and liuBiuess Man can atajilanco.' _ KNULU^H. fUKNCII AND GkKVAN. Thus each may read the same in his own native ■ perfecl Bank Xotc List published. Also, a Insi of all llic Private Bankers iu America. V complete summary of the Finaiiec of turojic and America will lie puldishcd iu each edition, together with all the important Newsof the day. .Gao, a senes of tales fi-olil an old mantlscripl found m ihe ho-vt. 11 Inrnishes the most complete history of ORIEXTAL LIFE, deseribing the mo'st iHiplexing positions in which the lawiie^a^ :m"nuiHnm throujhont the wlmle v-e.n.-. and will prove the most ‘’i''e''t''‘'[l|,".*^,i^p;^!d »'eekfv‘t’o'sib!^erilmrs only, at SI a . All Letters must le-addresM-d^to^^ prompt paying buyers. J. B. STARR. May 2, 1857. J. M. WILLIAMS. 4S-lf lUJJ .S TE RX RAIL ROAD. The last Instalment on the Stock of tills Company B.e t tlie isl Jannary last, and all arrearages "'“5«Ariit'' interest; Those who have out p-.itd up “ee ew iestiy requested lo do so. Tho work is goiug “ \nd the money wanted to pay Contractors on and the mom, ROSE, Treas’r W. K. R» Co. April U. TheXotcsandAociH«t.sreroaimai.Mlucio the late r J « A' B \V. lloliinson nni2»t now be settled. Th“s ins-mess will be attended to by Benjh, R. Iinsfee Esu John II. Robinson or myself. Huske, Lsq., -to ROBINSON, • Surviving Partner. May 2. 1857. -tS-St vear. Stcamlioat Xoficc- The Steamer James R, Grist, with Eikli'm;'- 'mvmF ebungod owuers. w-ill continue to cltcville and Wilmington, ,8’P1>"'1! "* Landings. Prompt personal attention will Is giv.n to all Freight PPH'«7,]?>^5;'j,"Y7johNSOX. Agent. April 16. . JOH.N R. lO'K. Broker. I’ulilisliei' and proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New i ork. April 25, 1SC)7. Ij. Vv. Ti.~ north WATKU strkkt, -V. (\, Will trive personal attention toib'‘ ‘-hI'* or .-l!;i*nir ni of Ml cousipninents ol Naval Sto.o nr otln r oonidry produce, and any oili-r biisiiicss olUru^U‘a to Lis cuPc, will be promptly nltemled to. April 18 185«- Ij

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