Vi-a. e ■ ■• ktc Celebration* tt Western Democrat a dc- |e festivities incident to the Twentieth. The oration of entire in the columns of Ln able production, settling Itions concerning the Meek- on bevond controversT, and jthe very large auditory as- lior to the occasion. It is I least si.\ thousand persons upon the celebration and loir pleasantly enongli. c I. si>eakcr's is to be nlct form, and tre shall take |to n:ake such extracts from it ove intere-ting to the mass of I are indebted to the editor cf till extra issued in advance of The press, we are g'ad to Jcsciited on that occasion, and Id Adoni mentioned by the Dd we are led to imagine that lyes looked glaring onf' } manly beauty presented by |e North Carolina press. We « could have been there to act eu that this will not l>e the Itive festival of tiie glorious jimbn ancestry—and that for Inie the twentieth of Jlay will Lnd solemnized ns the birtli- independenee. Ittcvillc Cadets celebrate Ihcir to day. The exercises will , target firing in the rooming. Lion of the prize tothe.sncccss- ] the afternoon. The prize is bvernment edition of Conimo- Ipedition to Japan, in two vol- [ hound and illustrated, and is ; all the 1 2 oimce silver enp.s lille this year. It is presented J the Hon. Warren Winslow, |aiid approprinte present to the Its make qnitc a handsome ap- leir rifles, but it strikes as that arm is entirely too eumber- jaller members, being licavicr service muskets. The cadet tch they have been negotiating, lilt barrels and glistening bayo- litly cnbance the appearance' of besides being mncli more conven- Fvvftig dclegatc.s were appointed ■ at Flea Hill, to attend the Ion in -June; In Taylor, Jno. S. Gainey, If. pi King, Jr., Jno. hlcFhail, J_ Lawrence. We were not fur. [with the proceedings of the om the appointment of dele- J that the committees in the dis- Iraeetings have been held will lives delegates and nttend in |Oor know nothing friends are I prevent a convention, and we or two on hrnd which if pnb- lect no credit on the wire work- pniination will settle tlic busi- nr exclianges announces that a : in Venice, rennsylvania, was fed in ids own bed by some one get his money. Tlie editor adds liMr White had lieiioaitcd his Jink the day before.'' 3Ir Widte ld.« life I S. Cent.—The coinage of the ' mint in I’hiladetpbia, is pro- ly, but the pieces will not be pile three raslUons cf them This will probably be in three I from Havana state that prepa- invasion of Mexico was still in loth Side Democrat gets off a cy little desyrates” among ■the following; leoT A SisTFie?—An exchange [the above question, and then Id cherish her with a holy fricud- Ic yon have’nt got a sister of hd'iit some other fellow's sister Its ‘yes', and adds, “the effect is I sometimes better." ■lowing beantifol extract is taken tss recently delivered at Cam- j Philosophy of Life, by a young |Winter, Esqr. |ldom found a passage containing j and elegance than the following: kndc.vt human intellects tlicre is no Im the common doom. I have liight how sad yet how sublime ien the emotions of that nian, ■e it was to stand by the coffia of- ukI gaze on that sweet and noble ktli had called oat all the strange ticrcr lived til! then. Ijt was le to have stood there one minute I your hand on that 'oyoad- brow I the cold chill, and, so pausing, to p ill memory all the magnificent is genius, 'and. worshippad bim icnee aad the gloom lie is tiead arM gone; head a gras.?-green turf,_ iis heels a stone. CO. Man dies, but nature is . seasons keep their appointed irns with its golden splendor, and ; eloquent mystery. The same the ghastly battle- field of Troy the dead bodies of ancient lic- otie oil the marble streets of Im- iiid on the sad eyes of T irgil, ; living glow of in.spiration—the :lie angels, which through ceiiv notation aad change have still casiiigly—speak to as as they ami Sbakspeare and Milton, of y, the oroaipotence and the cver- aad love of God'" THE NORTH CAROLINliAN, FAYETTEVLLE. N C S&'We igain request the writer of a -latter to ns signed A — and dated at Kenan^ille, Jf. C., tc send ns his proper signatur^. We Cannot comply with his wishes unless lifi does so, and we feel quite tiicliuca to favar him he deserves. S^'The delegates to the county convention as far as we have been enabled to get their names are Messrs Wni. Overby, H H Depo, Ilogli Gilmore, B Sedberry, A P Hobbs, W T as i Fritzell, D McDuffie, Bobt Mitchell, J E Bry- j an, J H Cook, R W Kinlaw, H M McDonald adjudge Person has appointed A-B Par-'® ^ T.. n.... n \\r i^afl-rence, Jas m F kcr, I sq.. Clerk of Harnett Superior . ® Ii«wrence, J and C. II. Cofield, Esq., Clerk and Master •’i^ ^ ennitv. : Butler, J T Tolar, N Marsh, C D D.irke, J equity, S^Thc Washington Union speaking of the i f-avat VataUb ®ftDdant and navy-agcnt of Gacli Station will have a Bobbers’ CaVe-Diseovery of ercat Weaitb. ^ schedules of the other yards, for examina- It has been known to a very few > persons in j a ion only, from a-hfeh it may be judged whether it this city for some time that a di.scotery of great; will be de.sirable to make applicatioii for them. wealth has been made in the interwr of Ken-i '’e^nuide ior the whole of a clas,s at any weaitn nas tieeii inane in ine inieiwi oi^v | yard upon one of the printed schedules, or in strict tuckj, oil the line.of the ljOuisvuic(aim coufsidorwi. ville Railroads, by a poor family ifho formerly' lived in this a young man, six months sin along, the earl feet,''aiid lie was precipitated iiitiJ an immense j the entire satbfactioii of the commaiidaiit Ihcrcof. I cavern. Much injured by the fa/1, the young | bidders are rcloned to the yards tVir samples, and a Alasonic Srrvict'.s. A Masonic funeral Rer. P. J. Ciiraw county, on the th of the late Col. Neill R**gan. Member's of SI. Albnu'^ Lod^e. and all other Rreihren who can make it con- j iMAR R1FJ>. lii-d Salibatb iii .tune, over the remains *• ' frF \f : rr Ann KniTu- Ibis t’Mii. Mid i'. Ilf il-UrjiiGn, V. O.. It has been paid-AT froud Is n lett fo*/ j particular description of the article.^; and. all other written witli a needle iiiem In-tiatU-lotII.’ i r j-f credit i.tI IK. "'ll' • f'-' b.- ^{ ( li* Amekic.v.n- Onn.tx, the national paper of the : £@"Tits Oxi.v Way.—The only way for an I.,.™ • 4 11-1 , • -nr ,. : editor to jrgt along, and preserve his own self- know nothing part^published m Washington i respect,is to pieasc himself, and let the of city, says: ■ mankind take care of themselves.—Exchange “This establishment is offered *for sale by | In course it is. As to the idea of pleasing public advertismeiit. Hit‘‘shall not be sold‘^just the way to di-please by the 25th in.staiit to some person who will ‘ 'curse, ineliidcs the editor ■continue the publication, the last iHimbcr of the ^ nmstif. 1 here are a great many people who paper will is.siie" two days thereafter, and the ;‘y®,could conduct an edi- materials be disposed of'iii lots to suit purclin- ■ Itwier than he can do ,scrs. ' j It lor himself, A trial would convince them This adverti-semeiit is the closing chapter icdiild do it at least for fifteen iiiinu- ithe history of tlie know-nothing party in this d?®-" toown eiiUre satisfac- x-itv The p,ai>er was coinmcnced by a joint ‘ “o"- Gne whole day would, almost to a cer- stock company and was issued daily. It dwin- j ‘“'oy- S‘''® t 'om reasons for thinking some re- ■dleddownto a weekly, and became the sole I ‘o tl'cr health and property of Jndge Ellis, who, to say notliing j "''’1""®^- EccAmg BiiUelin. of the principles of the organization, was aj 0"e week they would tboronglilj zcalou.s, laborious editor, and has been a lo.scr , hate tliemselres, disgust tlieir readers, drive by the .speculation. ; off their printers and break ('nwn the paper. It would be a good thing if tacli of these ‘grumbling, growling, fault-finding newspaper I readers could be made to a.ssume all tlie duties j and responsibilities, undergo all the vexations THE COBET. The comet and its predicted coming, with the general smash up and universal demolition to accompany its visit, has calk'd forth divers, , , , and annoyances, the thousand and 'cxpre.sjions of opinion relative to the celestial ■vagabond. Philosophers have speculated, a,s- tronomers cjcnoniiced, sceptics satirized, the ■credulous bewSife.!, and all classes have .said ■or thought something about it. Tlie otlicr day a loquacious rustic, who was chippi ig tnrpen. tine trees in this neighborhgod, gravely assured The following Delegates was appointed for a rrieiul of onrs that the threatened irruption Rockfish District: of the comet was all “owing to ihe transit of! David Jlurphy, Alex. plantation treasure was found does not lylong to the for tunate discoverers, who only l/ase the properly and from motives of seeurily/they have kept the secret of their gtjod fortijie to themselves. All eminent legal gentlennn of this city is about inicresting himself to secure the fortu nate family in tiie ownershp of these treasures the re.sult of whose labors pid other particulars we will give in a few dayiif PROSP4iIt!TLS CiF SrORTIl CAROUNA PRESBYTERIAN. IhtTcafler as'privcticalilc, which tlinv will be reqiiir'a! e.vecute within ten Uay.s after its receipt at the post office or navy agency mimed by tiicm. Sureties in the fiiii amount will be required to sign the contract, and their responsibility certified to by a United States district altoriie.v. collector, or navy- agent. .-Vs additioiiai scenrity. Iwent.v per cenliim will will be withheld from the amount of ilie hills imtii I tiie contract siiall liave i«;en coiiqjleted: and oigiity i per centum of eac'i liill. approved in ‘rijdieale in- tlie i respective yard^. will be paid by llio navy-agent within I thirty days after its presentation to him. I It is stipulated in the contract that, if default lie j made by the parties of tiie first part in delivering all I or any of the articles mentioned in any class bid fin- in I this contract, of Ihe qiialitv and at the time and places : above provided, then, and in tliat ease, the contractor ' and his sureties will forfeit and pay to the U. States ice tlie amount of from time to lime, according to tin: act of Congress in tiiat case provided o h !i-r l;i:lit,v a,-:nia','i‘ '■ - a tond wife, a kind i .'loled einlsiiail. ll’’ 1 l■'al■.■■ She leaves one aaxic- j ties and perplexities of an editor’s sanctum, for one week. It would be a radical cure for the grumbles, and would take the starch out of their conceit, like a thunder shower on a dan dy’s shirt collar, most effectually. dermaii, 15. Sims, John Black’ McCall, Venus,” whieli liiminmis idea somcwiiat bewild ered our friend, who, however, assured bis in formant that the conut bad already pitchsd in to tbe transit of Venus and tom it to frag ments, tbrnwing a large piece into the sea near Xew York, wbicli greatly impeded tlic naviga. tioii of tbe great Boat Ferry lino and fisbing smacks. Wberenpon rustic expre.sscd uverywliere applicabi " • . -1 ,• 111 Cbfh’tm''civi'izution and niipara William A'- E. S. Ilobb.s, ' I D. C. currie, J. J. Begister, T. H. Massey. The Hon. AVarren AViiislow will address the citizens of Harnett on Wednesday of their June Court. Jiiiicb tribulation and trciiidation and hoped that it would strike some other “tran.sil" and “bust" before it reached Xorth Carolina. One erudite philosopher has made a chemical analy sis of the comet’.s component parts, respecting •wliicli he of course knows not half as much ns the man in the moon. Another astnte sage •declares that the i.ssnc of a meeting between the earth and comet would greatly resemble that of a cannon ball with a cobweb, tiie earth Jteing the cannon bail—while others contend with great theoretic force and hypothetical jterspicnity that the nnclens of the comet is a luminons gaseous concrete, and its tail an Meucaxtii.e Hoxoit,.—There is abundant mutVei' in this brief phrase for any anionnt of bio in an age of pa railed eominer- ciiil activii',:. But the Avhole matter i s so sim ply presenteu in an often quoted historical rem iniscence that it would part of its force by comment. It is tainted that the Spanish gal leons, destined to supply Terra Finna and the kingdom of Peru and ciiili with almost every article of necessary eoiisbinptioii, used to toncli first at Cartliageiia and tliew at Porto Bello. In the latter place a fair opened; and unriiig its prescribed term of Im-tv days, the rieliest traffic on tlie face of the ct-rtli was be gun and fini.shed with iinboniided confidence aiul honor, and the utmost simplicity ol trans action. No bale o( goods was ever opened, no chest of treasure examined; both were received i on the honor of the person to whom they be- ' lunged; and only one instance is recorded du- ■tenuated, elastic seriforni fluid, nearly impon- long period in which trade was carried olerablc and in consequence ab-solntely iiicapa-.on with tliis liberal confidence. All the coined bleofcoiicnssive force. &e, &., all of which is' silver which was brought from Peru to Porto known amon" ■ RvRo >“ year 1G54 was found to bo.adultcr- °|atetl, and to be mingled willi a fit li part of ' ba-e metal. The Spanish inercliants, clinging soling to their appreliensioii.s. M'e .see by a to their old Spanish honor, sustained the whole Xcw York paper that the poor deluded disciples los.s, and indeinnilied the foreigners by wliom of Joe Miller arc looking forward to the collis-1 they wore employed. The fraud was detected, ti lt n nrivrrr ' “"t* K'o of I*'® revenue in Pern, the ' ' author of it, put to death. The Presbyterian Clinrch in Xorth Carolina i a fum of innney not ex-eeeding twic has long labored unqer a serious disadvantage | from Uic \vai\t of a journal to advocate lier claims and i*e|jrcseiic iici* interests. It is esti mated llun only lObO rresbyterian Weeklies arc taken in the bounds of our three Tresbyie- ries.; We 13,000 Communicants, and it is safe to infer i^at there are 30,000 Presby- teriaiis in priiicipU ju the State. Our Synod stands fifth in tlie i\don in point of numbers, and her membership u greater iliiin that of any Synod South or West of rennsylvania. bur sister States on th', North and South, neither of wliieh has a meni\)ership so lar^e as THE SECnrTT INFIIOIITIRS OF iirriD Just Pnplidird, drali * the Taausand : A FFW iViaiw ox 'rTiK Ration vi. Thtat- .j^^5>.^rKXT. T.-idiont Mcdiciiu*. itf.^jifrinatGrrii* ;s «ir i.ocal N’in'fiipoal (lun- ital and Nurvou? Diddlity. luijiut’.MiuA. aiii] Impt'di* inciits to Marviu”:!* gt'niMnllv. I'.V H. or: /.\NKV, M. i>. The important fact liiaf. tlie many atarmirik: rom* pla!nt«i. orij'inatin.;; in thr im]Ti'iid'’ner nridstdiliidu of youth, may ho ea.dly nMiiovfil willumf Mutlicijiis in this small tract, clearly dvmoiistratctl: ami th«* rntif'dv new and lujfhly succcssfu! trcatnii'n*. :ts ado]):-.'.-! l>y the Author, fully explained hy m'Mins 'if which fvry one isenablet.! to euro himsidf iM‘pft*cfiy ami iit tin least possible cost, thereby avoidhiir all ihe a«lvu ti.'fti inostruins ofthe dav. apiu'oved M-arch o. IS-i Nos. 1. 2. 4. (J. 7 to ho delirored ono-fourth ’ onvolnp*, hy remittln.e; (post jtaidl two povtiiHc i:i part on or before the lotli May. ono-fmirlli part hy the j to Du. Jl. I‘k Laxkv, J7 Leonard Su eet. N. V. (.'ii 2pth July, one-fourth ])art. by tlie 2Uth September, ami • Lee. 13. ISMI. 2S-ly the remainder by the 1st December. IS-lS. Cla.sses 3 ; - - - - and 8. the whole by the 1.5 .May. 18.58. Tlie remaining classo.s JO he delivered one-fonrth part on or lM*fore tbe 1st September ne.xt. one-fonrth part on or before the 1st December next, one-fonrth part on or before V 1 the 1st April, and the remainder on or before .the 80th tfiinO. unless earlier required with a notice of ;;ii iilaes.' .\rD.iir .Mfi\:n. t'-rr;.. Ii- mt‘!:ilK‘r ol’ lie I’.i 1 I lit-r and iit n niwriiility. .'lie i pan 111. ami a \\ -■ Ntt four. hu>imiul aii'l eiphi dual' childreii to niMiI u paialdf Iti s. — "T hey m'nirn not a> thoM' ■\%ho I'av*' no Her solemn fTv;fDs w.-v i>.‘r*"i’n 23«1. and atliscouise il« !iM it d by the . 1 mdly, of the Dap«‘ Ft ar A^M'e^ali'^t^ 'I h*' I’a \ t Ite lille. l.’ab i;jii luul Wil;;!.::;: pb‘,'..-L' VO).) . Ai !!'■'• Vf-i.'b'A ‘ • of l.:-^ Ltif-T. in Jh's p. •biy tlif lih •! iil’l'T ;i I.-ii;^ and Mr A. i'rarnb.-iT. ii; thu 33d \"ar '.i I'm-ilay. hi' r’anaiii'. v>ei'i'ivl l.i) !‘!ar. I, U. F.. aiol a niumToU'^ prov '-i : oi i« .aiivvsand fVinpativstnj; friend.-' pfi iliviv la>t re.‘'iiui: pbic. and inieirvd wiili :i i ami inijircssi'. A'rites of Odd r€Huvt>Uip ( l'«.) Ji:uriiai. TKll’.rTE OP P.P.-^PPl'T ,V a rrcnlnr n>eel.'",g nf I'.ni'eka I.'" - .Vi, 1 (>. O U, |K■■'1 -Mav ihe litli I' (lealli (if Pro. ,\vgntn' . Lranili' rl niallv :;niioni’‘': a hereiiptii i!..- I i'l'soiulioiis *veru tt:r '•hi i.*. Mib'iiin I-'(17 fllvUU' ordered to• lU'S. Common Schools. TMfil UJl- iie d 'v'ease , ‘ liint it t’lnl it is ehrislian.s, nrd ^ub• i ’ro\ i(U lieu oiir.'i. pablisli the Central, icd the Soutliorn theroin are demaiuled; tlie.v are to be Aii-iiieliea ■ Presbvterian, for tlie benefit or their people, i rt I " I I *1 I 1, ! ot the year. npon*reeeivlng a untice of lilte llio time has come alien the 1 resbyterian i (Piysfroin tlie bni'eaii, the comnnnnlant ofthe yai-iL Sent In any addrets. grali-- and jiosi Tree in a -eale ' ' til lie enleri u iipuii lerun peil. That We have leafne'l feianei-' regret ninl pnifotinil .■■-.■iiliieys t ol O'V esieeliii'il brelher. We know is.ippointed iinUi men once to die,'' l.nir (Inly anil privilege as nien--as Office df T.iiccary Ijiianl) Inmi as Odd Eellows, loliow in ;iwe llaloigh. May 1S57. I j mission to the dispensiUi;ns (f tliat twelve Uay.’. conipvising at cacli delivery a due pro-1 The President and Dircetor.t of the Literary ' wliose » isdoni noi.e n ay iiiitsl ion: Init oni sor portion of each ai'*'e,lc. Class in and all following, if - Eiiiid, having made di.strilmtion of tlie dieoine row is qiiii li'.ncil, and mir grii I sliarj'eii'il when additional quaiititicH of ?nv of the articles named ! i]|p|.j,of^ (qj. (he six nioiith.s of Jie year i the iiital shaft descends npvn the '((■rtiiv iivd ’ 1857, among the several Counties of the Etnte i the loved —upon mnnliood in its ]n inie- epon fifteen ■ Common ISehool.s, direct tlie fol-, the bright Unpes of life ludl realized, t.ed tlm or i lowing tabular .statement to be pniilislied, j noble a.siiiial.ons ol a geiielous iiiae- isho'ving the amount .set ainirt for ench County. | conipbslied. Form of Offer. These aii'.pnnts will be paid at the Treasury: Be.solved, That in the death of'drother I. . of .iatiic.8lalcof i Department ofthe State, on compliance wilii : gii.stiis A. Erainbert. we liave a fiiend and le nt. tisemeiit ofthe Ciireaii of Consiniction. Ac., of ilm Poll; and Harnett will |•eceivc their respectiva i prii.ei|)los of oar Order. W bo in all the leia- oitdof.May. I.S.-.7. Shsiild an- ofl'er lie aecepbai. I nortioas Out of the aiiioiials distributed to the i tiona of life descfffil, ■"”! received onr eoiiU- ■ - ■ Theideiiecaiidadniiralioa, andwbo.-elos.sweeannot hereiij agree to farni.^iind deliver, ia the respective ' (|,g provisions of law bv tllP parties ciititleil to ■ a member of our Lodge, who in his eliaract navy-yards, all the artaclc.s named in the classes here- | ,, • ' jntercoiilse If fleeted the nrtiifS ol jlio el unto annexed, ajrtceably to the proviruons of the i ,i • ' i i n .,..i niiwii-Mirw! ilie Iwiici.ilo wjbednle therefor, and in conformlt with the advor-^ Tlie Conntie.s of Jnekson, Madison. ViKikin,; vatcd ^-cntUMuan, an 1 u , , or to - of "uaranty tlmt for the in cast* th. anv of th«* cla>'i* — slrill f«il to unniiitv to make tin! said - - enter "ood very edifying, and, if generally the crediilons, would probably prove very eon ion as the final fnlfilment of tnropaet’.s prediction, and are settling up t er •worldly concerns in preparation for the great event. We only wkli that some of our remis.s subscribers would imbibe the same delusion and settle up their printer's bills before the si.v- tcenth of .June—and we assure them that we ITTEBESTUE FKOII S1C1B.4UC1. ! One of our reporters, on Wednesday cve- niitg bad a feiv moments conversation with Col. Frank Anderson, who came from .Vfpinwall, a : passenger per steamship George Law, and who ■ is still sull'ering some considerable inconvenience woiild’nt be at all surprised if tbe comet should feom tbe wounds and injuries he received at Iiappen along about that time. j explosion of tlic Steamer Scott several ' . 1 ’ i „ weeks since. From the colonel we learn the \V hile science u id pmlosophy are viraiigling i - ii • ...i„,... ‘ ' • , . f 1 following highly important particulars: about the matter, theology thundering from ! wUen he left Aspiiiwall, on the 3d instant, pulpit, and every other ology bringing its bat-1 Walker was still in Riva.s, with some 300 men. teries to bear upon the unfortunate comet, an ! A day or two previous to his (Anderson) thus addresses his “mooz" on 1 ''“''‘'‘S Isthmus, a letter was received from I a private source ill Sail trancisco, retiiiesling pome from an ex- B'aiker to be sure and be at San Juan change altered and amended to suit: del Sar (on tlie Pacific) three or four days in OWD TOO THE KO.MMIT; ; advance ofthe usual fiine ofthe steatner’s arri- TT- -1 1 •let va! at that iilaee from San Francisco, but “not Walk up ole raooze, ail kum towad too stri ke ■ “ t . . The baiijow, fur an’ orplinl, skarin fenominy enquiring poic the subject. M'e clip tlie .\m riz—a ravin koinmit bnzzin threw The skize hie konkave, an’ haz tariial fare Uv druppin douii frum Zeiiitz too N'idan, Ail’ stronainyzers sez heze going to bite; an’ Then sum uv uss will smel vvullin, I reckon, Or sutliin wnss, if wuss kan bee. Were bee to have his expectations raised loo high;” and ! he wouid there find something to benefit him I and his cause. The colonel also informs ns I that he heard from another source that the j proposed “benefit” was in the shape of a small i sailing vessel, fitted up by private enlcr[irisc, i having upwards ef one hundred and fifty men. Yu now ole blazin meter? I haiiit seed yu yet . "'t'' S”od >^«l>l>ly pt provisions, arms, aniuni- Praps I had’i.torter look on vnre n,iclus .svMe, on board, wnich Anderson thinks Fur I mite bnze mi ize‘ an the'n lie filled. ' j ““-t ‘'p'® ®‘®. ^ ‘"“®> ''“'■® ''®®" j5ut yn kant skeer me, fur line the ivnn ' lak(;n eliargc ol by \A alker or some one of his Wat seed the siiaike in Silver Laik, an lyvcd! j repre.sen tat ires. Hooseed yu fust, yu orphul mass ov fyre? Taint Hirshell, fur Hirshell iz ded. An’ kant stroiiyniize, he kant. Bceyn “Erreek’s,” “Biel’s,” or “Halley’s” kominit Kum back tu skare sinftill people, an’ maik nm Bleere in murliniuins an’ all sicli? If yu iz, Juss flopp yiire fiery iiarritive an’ ile kave. 0,'yn globulin mass uv waper, ynve Puttiu on ayres now, an’ tryin tn kompose Onr Soler cystuin an pass yurcsef oph I’m-a heavenly bodic—I sea yuretaiitrims, Ole bag uv trickity kombnstion, I dew. Werciz your afelikon, so I kan kalkulate Were yure goin tu lile, an were yu haiiit? Going tu lyte on Faitvillo? Se here, ole Hoss, yude betterlook afore yn leep, .sur praps T ude git ketched bi owre pnrlise, an Then yude git ramed intoo the kolc hoal, Fur they doan’t pay re.spek tii anybodie, I’ur were bin thar. Juss faul on Campbcllton, Cross creak, Ijootiiet Ran, or sum nlher part L'v dezzart kuiilry, were you doiit kill So many, an’ vvatyu due doiit matter! H yure goin tu strike on I'aitvili, juss lyte Xeer the Argns olis, an smash that no iiutliin denn. But if yure a babolitionist, yu wont. Bee yu the kommit of ’70 wat got tangled Ypp in Jubiter’s Slattelytes an’ hung yoursef? Or’ are yu the wiiii wat skeered ole Pope Ca- lixtas The tliyrd, an maid hym kri, “Lord, saiv uss Frum Dislribushun, the Devil ar. tlie kommit?” Or, bee you the wiiii wat got so alfired mad An deluged N'oar an drowned thp World? AVat’s goin to happin now? Iz Judgnient 4 Kummin on no nuthins, or is yu a syne Tu let ns no that Kanz's is goin to bicde? f think ole fellow yude better stopp yure Monk! shynes^fur wee dont live in dark Xges, an haint goin to bleeve yure orphul, But iff yure goin tu lyte in this Kokayde, Ynffe better not stryke the Carolinian Offis Turededi ^ I Col. Anderson says that Walker, by means I of sjiie.s, iseiialiled to keep up an active com- ; inuiiication vvitli the sloop-of-war St Mary and i with Juan del Sur. By these means he was en abled to keep “posted up.’, The colonel thinks i his star still in the ascendant, and that the geii- : eral can work himself and army through the : enemy to San Juan at any lime he; I blit as he is still quite at Rivas, he prefers for the present a “masterly inactivity,” ia or- ' der to deceive the enemy as to his real intent j and purpose, until he shall have snffieienJy re- i cniited his force to insure success. ! The colonel further says that he came down ; the river to Aspinwall at the same time that Lockridge’s party did, but that be lias remain ed on the Isthmus so as to commun ieate with and satisfy himself of Walkers position. E’rom all he was enabled thus to learn, he gives little credence to the report from New Urieans by telegraph, that “Walker had c.seiiped and taken refuge on board a man ol war.” He thinks it is a fabrication. One of the officers of the George Law says that, on leaving Aspinwall, the report was cur rent there that Walker was completely hem med in on all sides by the enemy in Rivas, and that the allies were about bringing their guns to bear opon him, in which case there w'ould, he thinks, be little if any hopes for him or his men of whom he had about three hundred, all tolj’- In the event of this rumor being true, telegraphic report from New Orleans may/’’)’'® ssmethiiig more than a draft on the ’ tion, notwith.staiiding Col. Frank ® ; contideiice to the contrary.—ffxprc^t \ The 'Rev, W. H. l^Iburp, .-thP iptcpeytlng i blind preacher and former Afliupluin of Jpg I United States House of Reyfesentatives, is )n the way of accomplishingAong-chcrislied vj’ijp Jo visit Europe. He sailed from this pprt i^ibont a week ago in the steamer Ericsson, for j Liverpool. ' Churchill North Carolina shoulii |j|;qwisc do ; navy-agent, her duty to her children. It is a conceded and iinportaiit fact, that hundreds of our members wiil take a State paper who will take iii other, 'i'he Paper is needed to be the organ af our Synod and*Presbyteries— to elevate and en- lightuiithe piety of our memtiership by diffabiog evangelical knowledge—to promote the eau.^ of Education—to devclope the talents of ouf'i re'iae-‘‘t *> be aiWrcssoil at — Ministry, t:-;! to strengtlien the attachment oar peoide ta ti.e soil and .sanctuaries of their ‘ q-fi^ sriUlnlc which fh.' i,i,hlci' own State. If Churches bers A talent, energy and patriotism to their neigldiors ■ • *"'1 on the .Xorth or South, or to Chrislians ofj other denominations ••t home? With Re . therein named be acccpt'sl. that he or tiicv wiil witlfn same or better opportnmtiqs of aceomplisliinr ■ ton days alter lUc v„4.oi,.i of the eoniraet'at tlie imd this work, shall we leave it iiiidoiie? In the"™'”’dosignatoil. cvecnti'. tlm language of one of onr moa able and nscfid .Mini-sters, an adopted son O' onr State, “It Um eonfraet'as afiiresrid. wo ought to have been uiitlertake* op years ago, : th* diireveneo iiotwoon tin* ofi'er of but it is not too late to begin to\lo right.” | ■>'« '>tat whicli;may ico aecoidod. In the last two or three mouths, a fund of' Siguatiiro of two guaratitm-s. ^ j’ about §5000 lias been subscribed as a perma- nent capital. At a meeting of the cantributors : Wrdoss. held at Greensborough on the 14th of Mav,— : I Inyobv certify tlmt the almro named Rev. A. Baker, Chairman,—t!ie Paper was' un-! ‘"'"I’'''''.''- =‘"1 animtnisly located at Fayetteville, miikr 'he .Si-nalniv. name and title of the N'outh C.vkoi.i.v.v Piies-■ To tie signed hy the United States dis riot .ladge. BYTKRlAX. Kuv. Will. N._ Mcbinie and Ucv-. Cr.Uo'! .‘Suites dislrict attorney, collector, or na\v- UcorG-e MeNcill were elected Editors: 'Mhors. Messrs. George McNeill, Win. N. NIebane, A. "''®'’'® ’■®' Raker and C. II. Wiley, and Messrs. George, ; ■ ' iciTTl'RV. M.viXE. •McNeill, Sr., John 11. Cook and David Mur-: x„ i. tvhile oak loir.'. No 0. Vcllow-p'iu' piiy were appointed an Executive CoiniuiUeu, jilimkyoek lo"?. No. in. White pine. No. il. Ash. to establish the Paper and manage its business ' r.W'Awiiitc oak hoards. No. l:i. Locust. No affairs ' v!”TT"; r,'f : Coliimbtis ‘ . , , , . . 1 .1 -v- -'0 2.t. lioid. zinc, and tm. No oj. JIardware. ' ■ It IS our Wish and design to make tlie Nonrii j:(_ C.VROLIN.V PuESliYTF.RiAS ti joiiriial of the first ; GII.Vki.ESTOIVN'. MASS.VCBUSKTT.'^. class, equal to the best in llie country in typo- Claioi N'y 1. wiiite oak logs. No. .q. Wliitlioal, graphical appearance and in adaptalion to the i«i-ciioas tiinhe-. Xo. 4. White oak piee'is and wants of oar Churches. Itseoiumiis will afford the latest intelligence, both foreign and domes tic, and special care will be taken to give a lull and accurate summary ol State iie'vs. The name of the Paper is designed to be an expo-, nent of Its character and contents. 1* rom con-; Xe 22. Spikes and nails. No ‘2;!. Le,-.d. zinc victioii, it will advocate the conservative, or-1 am tin. No. 2.5. Hanlwarc. No 27. I’aiufs. oils. Ac. thodox, Old School doctrines and order of the ; No28. Fl.ix canvass. No 2.0. Cotton c-mvas. No 80. ('’Iini’oh ; Flax and cotton twine. No. 8i.'fDas.'i. No 82. Lea- ^ 1 • i. 1 4 x' (the*. No 83. Hose. No 3-t. No 3.>. Ihintinsf ^ f' Our first appeal is to our own people—to N. _y„ 3- ,,1,^,1,. tar. rosin. No SS'.,, * C. Presbyteniins. Whilst we rely confidenlly ^ Tilloiv. roap, oil. N'o :t:i. Ship chandlery. No ,'U. j upon llieir favor, wc trust that the native sons Kstitionary. .N'o. 41. Fire-wood, ol North Carolina who have found homes in LROOIvLVN. NK'.V YOItK other Stale.s, and the adopted citizens ot onr Class No. 1. Wliite oak logs. No. If. Wiiile rak pro- k iogi 1 An- ■j Counties out of wliieh they were formed. Signaiiii'e.' ' Ciiiiiity of Wilson will receive 27q jier cent, of'too dtc.i'y deplore. doscB mnsf lie llic amount allotted to Edgecombe; 12J per, Resolvid, '1 hat we te Pl'i..\sei Cowi’EK, Scey. Coun/ics. Alamance .Vlexander -Anson Ashe Reaulort Rliideii Brunswick Buncombe Burke Cabarrus (.hiidwell Camden Cnrfcret Caswell Catawba Clltltiitlin Chci likcc Chowan Clevela iid derstoeks. Not. Yellow pine ])lank stock logs. No. 7, Yellow pine b-aiiis. No. •'. Yellow- pine mast ai.d , spir finiber. No 10. Wliife pine. No It. .\s!i. cy- tif-ss. wliite-oak tioanls. No 12. itiack wabnil. clierry. : No Id, Locust. No I t, \Viiit; as'i oars and liiekory iia-s and Initts, No Id. While o.ik st.-’ves and iieading. No l.S. i.igminivitie. No 21. ‘ ' I Craven I Ciimlierhiiid pro-' Currituck '•'■ni- Davidson Davie Duplin Edgecombe For.sytfn: Franllin G;iS.'OII triltes Griinvillc Greene Slate who form so important an eiement in our nisenstimber. Non. Veiiow-pine plank steak iog.s. Ministry and inemberslni., will take a deep -•7- 1 • . ■* *1 ■ iiul Spar tinibi’i*. No 10. White pine. Nr IL Asli. II ay wood lluiidcrson licrtfonl ilyiic Iredell and it No 12 Llack wvinul. chcr-: , , No. 13. Locu.'t. No W'hitc ut^h ; Joiiuston ak : interest in lids enler|»rise, hearty support. ry. mahogany. Tekms: $2 per annum in advance, or on de- oars an«l hickory hars mul huit.«. No to. WhU livery of the first miniber; §2 50 in six moiiti.s ami hea.Ln(^ No l(i. OUick s,n;c(a No IK. | Jones „ .1 rr t I r )- ,Liarminivna'. No 21. Iron. No 22, jNp:M‘ and nail.s. i j ~ $3 al the end ol tlie year, lo clnUs of 2.) zinc, and tin. No 24. Pi; iron. No 2.5. ,i ^ more, paying in advance and when the l.*apcr f!;rs\hvare. No 27. Paints, oils. Ac. No 28. Flax csin- issent lo one address, a di.seonnL of 10 per vtrss. No 23.Cotton canva.«. No 80. Flax and cotton will be allowed. Onr MinDters and ''Cm'- J® f b y.--NoHose, j McDowell . , 4 >0 dl. Hraslna. No .•.) Lniitiiig and (.ry goods. No \I..t‘on Elders are earnestly desited to act as Agent.s, tur,rosin. Not>(). 7'ailinv. soap. oil. No No It). .Stationary. No 41 Fire- Lilieoln ; .Madison Fed. Fop. 10,1(1(1 .■>,ou;> 10,7.',(1 8,530 1 1,710 0,073 8,004 5,951 I 2,33S 0,0 If 8,071 5,830 .■•J74 (i.-208 Dd.lOI 8,234 1 0.0.75 0,703 5,352 0,007 5,308 12,320 17,723 0,257 14,123 (i,008 21,1 11 13,770 10,027 0,510 7,228 0,878 17,30.3 5,320 18,480 13,007 0,007 0,883 0,05(1 0,585 13,002 11,.801 3,935 0,182 0,924 iiiicr the family of oiiv ; lit'balf, tlie fo.stering c-aoe of “ILm wliotempers (the wind to liie shorn l-.iinb,' iiiid who has 7)is. .Shore. "lo 1„,. Father to the VatlierU'ss." §1219 92j lias,lived. That a copy of the above ' ic.solii- 000 30 i-tions lie transniilteil lo the fiimily ol the de- 1290 7-2 j eeased; aiuMurnisheil the Farmville .Linrnal, 1024 08 j jeu-jiiiUl.t-aijoii. 1405 92: W. AV, II. T1I.\CK.8T().V, 1 190 70; J, \v. BRIGHTWEJ.L, 902 88 I W 1’, WAl.KER, 714 12: Comndllcc. ]4i0 A#? KI«M riO.\ NOTH KS, I ttj’ Wcarc ;iiilliorizoil Ut ;inii(Uin‘t . .1 \.Sa »F. .'sTI? D.*;: a candiilaJu f ;'l''rk of’th'* Counly runri Inr tlic (’tu i liiiid. iij' ’iJiiil'Dr- tkss 0,'^ j V\ illiatii MiiW will !)c siisI;hiuhI no : ifi n riUidiiLitc Im (Morksliijnd liic County Ctunl, 804 30 i JipproiU'hinrr Auifusi 4d’-t.inri. 030 24; itj= T’lif rriciidb (if (1. 'Y. 1. (ioltl- 1103 04 j .stou will siipjKirt him for Clerk of the Coifuty Court of 030 DO Cumbcrliiutl. iu the cnsiiiiijr election. suhj«ct to iho 1 47 M 48 ' ^louiity convmilion. 2120 70! \Vl' are aiilliorisi'il (n aninumct' “TiO ^4 ; ,K‘5«c T. Wimlou as a Candidate for Clerk uf 1 70 ■ iho County Cotirt, 70 ; ' J333 32 ira” The trirutls ol' Phileiiioii Tax lor J 0;72 40 anu'cvnee hiiti asft raiHliiUite iiir C'(:‘k (O' liie Cnmity j a-, (..Tfirt, snliit.-t (u (tn- a.’linil nf liie l.■I]vellI inn. JI4I 20 fegyXVe are wpic.sted to aiiiioiinee Duiienii 807 36 Shaw a-s a caitdidale fur 825 36 i Court ClerSt. tbe office of Count V 2070 36 il»38 52 221 7 (0(8 4560 84 cent. are earne.stly desired to act as Agent.s, and all others friendly to tiie cause will please , aiauulery. assist ill procuring as many sub.seribers as jiossi-i woud. ble, and forward the iiame.s, by Aiigusl l.v2, to j rillL.tULH'in.V to this Ofiiec. As soon as 1500 subscribers arc ^ Cla.',s No 2,\VIiite oak plank. No li. Yellow iiiiie ' obtained, the first iiumoer will be issued. If a faithful and vigorous effort is made in the next two months by those who take a lively interest ill this work, vve will without douiit, be aide to begin the publication at the end of that time witli a paying subserip'ion list ol at least , r. I- JdS^.Vddrcss, Editors of the Aorth Carolina I’resbyteriaii Fayettev/llc, Y C. Fayetteville, May SO, 1857. .Martin .Mcekienburg .Montgoiiiery Moorc ADVmX^EMNTS. Just Rrccivcd at VVilcj’s BOXES ('resh crackers, assorted; BOSTON, SOI).'. niiTTKIl. /IMC-NIC. CIIK.VM, LK-MON. and FANCY. 1857. It ^rOSALS FOR NAVAL SUPPLIES NaWV DEPAMMEXT, Bureau of Construction. Equipment, & Ru^airs. May 2;L IK57, Sealed Proposals to furnish naval suiiplie.s for tV? iscal year ending aoth .June, 18.58. will iw received at this Bureau until 3 o'clock, p. m., of the 2'^d Jane plank stock logs. No 7. Yellow nine bi’ams. No 10.) White pine. No 11. .-Vsh, cypress, Mhito oak boards, j New Ilnnover No 12, Black‘x-alimC cherry, imihopaiiy. No 13, Lo-1 cu.«t» No Ha^Vhite asii oars and jiickory lia; s and ■ butts. No 1§ Lignumbitvo. No 21. Iron. No 22.; S))ikes and ntu. No 23. Lead. zinc. tin. No 25, Hard- i ware. No 27|'’‘aints. Ils. e\:c. No 28. Flax canvas. . No 21), Cottonkinvas. N’-o 30. Fl-.’.x and coltou twine, j No 31, Glass. No 32. Leatln*r. No 33. ilnse. No 34 Brushes. NoBo. Bunting and dry goods. No 37,; Piieii, lar.rosi;L No 38, Tallow, soiip- oil. No 3i) ' Ship cli-andlcry ; nVASITINGTONM.'. C. ^ Class No lolwhite pine. No 1 L Ash. cyiiross. No ; 12. Black walukt. No 21. Iron. No 22. Spikes, nails, i No 23. Lead, inc. tkl. No 24, I’ig iron. No 25. Hardware. N(^27. Paints, oils. At. No .31 Glass. .soap, oil. rallev iron. No 37. Pitch, tst, rosin. No 2.'’^. Tallsvv No 33, Ship clnidlery. No 43. Tank and No 44, Cliaia iion. No 45. Ingot copper. No 4(;. Sand, straw. Aci No 47. Miscellaneous. I ’ GisPOUT. VIRGINIA, j Cla.ssNol. \Uito oak. Nod. Yellow pine plank , ‘stock logs. No io. M’hito iiine. No 11. -Vsh. cyjiress, - ^ : white oak board4 No I'i. Bl.ick walnut, clierry, and I mahogany. No 14. Wlifte ash oars, and liiekory bars - and biitts. No ii. Black spruce. No 18. Liganinvifje I No 21. Iron. Noe2, spikes and nails. No 23. Load, jzinc and tin. No|2-4, Hardware. No 27. Paints, ; «^c. No 2.8, Fluxyianvas. No 29. Cottim carj^'as. No j 3n, Flax and cott^i twine. No 31. Gja-'-i?! No 32. j Leather. No 33.‘ No'3-1. -ijru.^hcs. No 35 ; Bunting and dry ' No 37. Pitch, tar. ro.sln.^ No 38. Tallow. so4ip, ail. No .39, Ship chandlery. No 49. Stationary. May 30*, 1857. 52-4t Xorthampton Onslow Grunge Dasquotank Ferquininns Dersou Tilt i’olk R in lolph Richmond Robeson Ixockingliani, Rowan Rutherford Sampson Stanly Stokes I'ho friPJids of ILilu-rt (iilliaiii ' ansiscfinee lji«i A ca»»lid.*jlff? Tw the oOkre uf Clfi k of tlw .'^n^torior C-fiurl of CiiwlieriaiKl L^toiWy. l'dccli»'H in Augii.'^t next. U'.» are atniiiris«'l Ik iikikjiiiicc Jwlw( W, Baker, Jr., .-ik ;i -;ii((ii(latc lor the ofllcc of Clerk of (be Fujicrior Court for the CvMiity of CHmixwlsKivi. UKt.TOU HA.MILTO.V .ARKT Mc- DI ARM I a will Iw stqiportcd for the Clrrk.^hin •aCrke SvajverHir O.iirl Tor tlie Coniily uf ’.'ittiilierlaiai. April 2.5. i'UO.S. .1. iMIlVls will l)f .'Up- v-i'i [verhups elecfvd to tbe ofliee ol'Clcrk of v.-oo •o-t- ; .Snpcrair boon lor Ojonty. 1 Aiu'i3 I8tb 1857, 45-*'' K588T)2i -■ 'DhiT'fjih DoC'j’ ly-LMJuW takes ideasuie in giving tliis £ 4UG Ac*ojinimnity timely indiee that, as usual, he iuLnids 73t4 /)>(* j leaving Fayeiie\ ille betwef'n the and .'iili f:f djiily. 2 02(,5 2t» j Jtbsent uu?il the Jst of OcIoIkt.—and tlios" 1 ns:i nw ! pr»fo*isiviial services will uldtge him as well as bonehl theiBftselve.*^. by not postponing their call until ihe last week of !li^ slay. MuY 1C. ob-4l tisC: this Bureau next. These propo; P- ' must ifc A DIRECT REFUSAL: ryrrell Union XX'akc Warren XVashingtoii Watauga XX'ayne Wilkes Wil.soii Yadkin Yaiiev 1 eiulorred ‘Troiiosixls ; -X man mice stiiii.g '>y a serpent is apt to avoid ; !.5,176 1,956 11,080 12,368 12 329 12;388 12,311 6,348 8,490 17,643 4,4 52 9,25S 21,123 10,366 4,780 3,.348 11,478 11,642 8,068 753,542 Fisii: F.'snn RBLS. extra No. I Herring, jiisf rc * *-^ceive(l on eoiisigiimen and for sale by E. F. .MOGRE. .Mav 30. 52-3t The .lastices of the rcace of Harnett Comitv arc licretlr iiolilici to Httenil nt tlie Court TI'oiisc io 8ani- 1483 56 I nierville, on the 8tli of June next, for die tramaclion 1479 48 ! county business. 1821 952 1329 1486 56; Mttv lit) It G. W. I’EGUAM. Ch'i 1110 96; Bacon 2534 76:Loffee 1-243 92 I Cotton 573 60j ^'’iFaniily 1377 36 I Sun, Fine 1397 04 Fine FAYETTEYILLE MARKET. Corrcclcd rcceh/y for the JVor/h Vartdinian. ^I.vv 30, lS57t 15?, 14 13| Fi.our 068 16 ! Cross Corn Oats Gr.V!X. §90,425 04 : Peas for N'aval Supplies- llureau of Construction. Ac.” that i .snakes ever aflenvarrt.s. Having been wounded once j Raleigh Register, Wilmington Journal ! Flax Seed ilwo,' mav be aistiiiKuished from ether business letters i by a r^dilc of .lescription vviiose den is not many i j Commercial Fovetteville rarnliiiinn Demo. I miles frem Fayetteville—I absalately refuse lo take ‘“m ^ tboy iipiy hb distill; The materials apil aftlolfss uinhrated in the classes natned are parfi0u|arty 4ee(:r(be4in planted schedules, iiiv'of •^•'hi(ih will be fUtnished tp such .e desire to ofiec. qn appliqatipn tq tt,c cpnjinaBfl^nU fbe ye. siieijtive yards, of tp ffie npvy-ijgeuj; nesr.est lOeretp. ami those cf all the yards upon application to Mg This division into classes being for the con venience of dealers in each, sucli portions will bo tur- i.'i '4 ar ar c aetua lly rcriuiied for bids. refuse to take charge ot any more watclies (ir jewelry of any des cription for the purpose of repairs (nii'cas tt he for a lady). A man who is uii.tiistly dealt witli and forced to pay for which he never liad an equivalent, ks apt to avoid the phci't thereafter and to notify his friends the con-aiffhc sauic. ‘.i - ' S. M, TIIOM.V.S. avettcvillc Carolinian, Demo-! Lard 14 Molas.scs 14 ;Salt ( Spirits. 8, ♦Sf’Peat-li Brandy 8 35 Apjile “ 8' 25 (Whiskey 8 00 ; Do. northern 1’ Tcrprntixk. 1 25 Raw 2 00 75 /Spirit.^ 1 15 ,S"ceds Iron 1 30 ■Hides The Xi.„ .70. .'r2-lt era tic Pioneer, Goldsborough Tribune, Xcwbcrii | Union, AX'^arrenton Xew'.s, Salisbury Banner, | Western Sentinel, Charlotte Democrat and ; A-slieville Xcw.s, will publish three times weekly i WILMINGTOX and forward to this office. Rate adopted by Board for advertising—$12,00 • Mav 30, 1857 i 52-3t r ' . KEM.ARKS:—Bacon meets with ready sale. Lard—In demand at qiiotatinns. Flour and Corn contiimes to advance. New virgin tiirpe Pliiiils tt. No 1 sosin Tar 1 3,'i, I M A RKET, Mav 21, 185Y ntine t 2,7. yellow ■' 7.1. Iiaifl'iTn. Coiinaon 1 M lo‘7 5U.

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