tISE BE- j^^TTEV I1.I.E. a MCAtlaj and Tbura p«dB7 wr-rniafES. IrtK-aill' •“ Taffdar p«-ri?r. Sa»»nl»y morniDpf l|rbter}». TUB? regularly ef tbr RiTor. and ■«g are '«»«' ’*^11 for Ibe TPTT liberal 1 a«8?ur«‘ nil ^hipJ^T.« Ib*^ free! e^nfidcnt lh;:t ear Superior to noa line on \V. P. KLUIOIT. nt fi»r I.utti'ilob ic t o. 21-tf >ell, [>y 3fEUCHA3^T« pie street, C. ; T O R Y, Ipkr. \inss* Aiaction Store, E. C. IcEacliin, as Gnanliaa Jec M. arc hereby re- luarcliari has in a great land transferred their b. that eair urgent ne- tntents of the endorser. I as possitde. .til those Is. and thent.selve-s loo. must and will sue uing. I V i> xnnni.^ox. Ij M. MOURl.^CN' |v A. MOKIUSOX. i»-tf CO.’S kF THE tIODICALS GUIDE. IN THE IT.JCE Ittji.ication. jrOKK. eontinoe to pnb- |ti?h reriotiicals, vi?; Ly {ConstrTntive.) (Wliig.) fcviEW (Free CfcurcB.) IIEAV (Eiberal.) kcIT MAGAZINE (Torv.) tprf-cnt the three srreat ■ritoio—Mhijr. Tory, and I only one feultire of their ]>ro!«‘nnU writer."* ^lity. and Religion, they hI. unrivaled in the world r to the scholar and the [ the inteligent reader of »re correct and sati.'^fac- liferalure of the day. lean he po-.-ibly oblained OP-E!t. • SliFKTS from the Rrit bal value to lht*>e Reprint fc placed ill the band.s - ftbe original editions. of ieview s It Reviews Ter aim. 00 5 OO 7 0t» S 00 ot) D 00 10 00 all ernrs in o/frnnrr. : tchtre i^M/ed will ht rt^ ^nc. ■ percent frem the above t Ds ordering four or more laf the airfare work.*. Thu# f T of one Review, will )>e four copie# of the tour ami so on. « and Town.-: the.'C work^ |E of I'O.STAGE. When Ito anv part of the L'iiiie*l STV-VtilTl GENTS a year FCURTtEN CENTS a year Britain of the fief- ' is aht ut ^31 j>er avinum. fcER»S GlIDE. ■ladical Agriculture. R. S-. *d Ediuhurgh. and It -ror of i^cientific Agricul- iNtAv Haven- 'i vol* Royal [ riuin‘‘rou> W ochI and steel j. mo#t c«*n»plete work of ^1. ami in order lt» give it ii §li>ber> have re^oIv(d to re- 1 Ibe ftro Volume^!! Ut-puid) to CaIifoi*nift and J dollar;®. To eyery other Iranada (po>t-p»id b dollars. Lid -Rook uf the Far®'*' lbi*al>ove piiUieatmDf* should >paid. to tlu*ruldi-"-hers, ;aRI) SCOTT A CO.. 71 Gold-street. New York. ^01)S. fTKYLE ring and .Summer sapply ®f (tS, boots k SHOES, all of which, being pftrehased f-d t*v AVholeMile or Retail xt 4r,-tr STOCK. 0 WilllAMS SECOyP Slots »t Sea- ey will tot ti*; W hoFesalc h. »r OO ibe a^oal time to d. MTLLlAMaS. -l.'-if f.SY BE CURED Jotter from a |1 answer the ^lACstjoD, Iverp m»b?i."*t‘d uiiodi iSo3 ptlipore Md.—Dear Sir: I tako ; a &:*€* of-'‘pa.’am# or $i#. cure^l My brother J. J. Eigon, iritb tbi# awful di5ea.‘*e. Ho IlUite young. He would bare \ attack ut tir^t; but 91 Jic 110 ipcreaif^ likewise. Vp to [taking your Vnis.hehad Ueta lere. prpstratiog him body pud blfereA sertouMy; tpt npw: I mred of those Hr.#, He baa uc tive months paift. His [ to it« original ?prlgbtUpc#s, ft.-ure >n cpoimuoicating. a.s it cling others to the remedy |ur."*rei-i»e^tfallv. Ac. ^ . W.*P. LIGQK, Spring from Fita. or .Spa^^ms* > Dr Uance, after tpi^ f®r a • medicine. His prices are a-n » .'t, twelve $:;4—5€ot by of o remittance. Addfeea ignore, Md f f i rfllinia Devoted to ’News, Political and Business matter, Agriculture, and Family Heading. FEBLICATION OFFICE, ] INDEPENDENCE IS THE SOUL OF DEMOCRACY! [BOX.\I.DSOX STBEET. TVM. F. WIGHTMAIi, Editor. FAYETTEYILLE, Y. C., SATTJEDAY, JUNE 6, 1857. voi.rMi: XIX—xn. 9.3a. CAKOI.XSI-VJI $2 00 TERMS or SBBSCRIPTIOX TO THE For«in^e«py.ifpaidin^^K~^ , ,0 .. . at the end of 6 months, 3 00 „ u .. at the end of the year. 3 oO yo subscription will be received for a shorter per.or than one year unless P“f *“ ^rbyeirculation and en- s. ;sx:« SZiS JvrSEiJSTr p.v..Dra.vc*, - S «pies of the Carolinian, 1 year, S8 00 10 “ “ ‘ ^ Rates of idTertbing: . of 16 Fines, or less, for the first Sixty cents per ^ gnt insertion, unleas the and 30 cents for more than two nisnths, advertisement is published tor moiv when it wi\n>« charge _ _ ^ For three months. - - _ g gg ; ^,r;, ZZ of in. ;;i“S:^iBo.:7;;i..;‘;5';e;i^..t;-as may be jnd^d All advertisements mast have will be in- Ldient to secure the public interest until snch difficult sertio.s marked on “;‘!‘"*eTrd „"ly. Sf.cia, Sr ions lie delivered. The remaining 85 per cent, or aerted till forbid and charged aceornin,.iy ShVr proportion of each bill, when approved in tripli- Proposals for Live Oak. 3VAVY OEP.kRTJIENT, 1 Dnrean of Conatrnctlon, &c. 1 May 2. 1817. Sealed proposals for delivering 50,000 cubic feet of promi.scuousSve oak in MChof "■« Charleston. Massachusetts; Brooklyn, Xew 1 ork, I hila- (iclpliia, and at Gosport, Virginia, w-ill be received at this bureau until the loth June, 18;)7. , , The proposals must be endorsed Proposals for Live Oak,*- that Ibev maybe distinguished trora other business letters. The offers may be tor one or all the vards but must bo for the whole quantity at any yard, and. as required by law. must be accompanied by a suitable guarantee, the form of which i.s herewitli °‘Sties in the full estimated amount will be required to sipn the contract, and. as additional and collateral secunty. 15 per cent will bs withheld on the amount of each delivery until the contract is completed. In all the deliveries of the timlier there must be a dne proportion of the most difficult and crooked pieces, otberwire there will be withheld 3'"='' 'tmonnt. x»ent,»« « directed to Ms requisition. WM. F. WIGHTM.tX & CO. CLEHEXT G. WRIGHT. V.tor»e, at La«, Fayottevillv.X.C. Office at the corner of Bow and Green streets. Feb'y 5, 1S56. ct:brtr;t—nroVYheyard,'^ paidby such navy agent as the contractor may name within thirtv days after its presentation to him. Itwill be stipulated in the contract that if default be made bv th« parties of the first part in delivering all or any'of the timber named ot the qna'dy “"'I the time and place provided, thou and m that case the contractor and his sureties will forfeit and pay to the United States a sum of money not e.xceedmg twice the total amount ' yard upon one of the printed schedules, pr >n conformity therewith, or they will not be All articles must be of the best quality, contomabie tosaruDle size, to be delivered lu good order, and in sucif suitable vessel-s and packages*, as be, at thl expense and risk ot the W, and 1 n all respects subject to the inspection, count, weight, &c., of the yasd « “> the entire Satisfaction of the commandant 'I'creof. Bidders are referred to the yards lor samp es. a. d a particular description of the articles; and, “ things being equal, preterence will be given of American manufacture. g-wnai Every otter, as required by the law of lOtb August. 1846. mast be accompauied by a written gu.viantee, the form of wliicb is herewith given. Those only whose offers may be accepted will be notified, and the contract will he- lorwarded as soon thereafter as practicable, which they will be execute within ten days after its receipt at the post office or navv accncy numed by tnem. . . • Sureties in the full amount will be required to sign the contract, and their responsibility certified to by United States district attorney. agent. As additional secnrity, twenty per centum w I will be withheld from the amount ot the '”^ “1111. the contract shall have been comple ed, and eighty per centum of each bill, approved in triplicate by the re Yective yards.'.will be paid by the navy-agent within thirty davs after its presentation to him. , , , It Is stipulated in the contract that, if default be made by the parties of the first part in or any of the articles mentioned in any class bid for in this contract, of the quality and at the time above provided, then, and in that case and his sureties will forfeit and pay to the U, States a sura of money not exceeding twice the amount of sneh class, which may be recovered from time to time, to the act of Congress in that case provided Ko 10, IVhito pine. No 11. Ash. cvpress. white oak boards. No“l2; Black walnut cherry, and mahogany. No 14. Vhfte ash «a''S;,wio\>'ic'iiry and butts. No !». Black spruce. No 21. Iron. No, 22. spjkcs and ars No 18. Lignumvita? nails. No 2H, Lead, zinc and tin. No 24. Hardware. No27. Paints, oils. I'e No 28. Flax canvas. No 29. CotSm eanvi^s No 30,Flaxand^co«oa^t^nne.^No^.B.^G^^-^ >» ^5 oods. No 37, Pitch, tar, rosim No No 39, Ship chandlery. No 4U, NORTH CAROLl.Ni.l.X. i-.iVETTKrir.r.ic. .v. c. Leather. Bunting and dry go 38, Tallow, soap, oil. Statloiiarv. May 30, 1857. 52-41 J. A. SPEARS. attorney at law, .ATTENDS the Courts of Cumberland. Wake and Johnstsn. . Address, Toomer. Harnett Co., N- C. Harnett, 1 ssiSJ! “i- p"I rs3-,7 “rsss 41..X „.a.>x.v‘5n.ifvr hv ihn l.nt December, 1858. Classes The remaining fourth part on or before i-fourth part on or before the 1st December next, one-fonrth part on or before Feb. 16. 1856. 85-y BJRTH' IV FULLER, Attorney at Law, FAYKTTEVILIjE» consulted at the Law Office of Jese G. 7-tf ^ he herd. Esq., on Green Street. Jnly 19. 1336. Shep- andrew j. stedmax, Attoruey at l>aw» A tft PTTT^BORO. N. C.. will attend ° UHltuTcI-tforcLtham, Moore and Harnett regu Counties. Aoril 14,1856. and ’o”iiiches, and hcoks siding 14 and 16 inches. ' These pieces to he in number m the propoi tioii. whlch'tluly enter into the construction »' re.sponding siding, the moiild-s of whicli can be ecen .it anv of the yardi'named. ^ ^‘> 000 cubic feet of the Ruling of 13 and l.-> in a'l^nt equal quantities of each, and o.Utffi caiac of a sidiipr 12 inches; all these pieces being in length ?‘ t a to 17 feet naving a natural and lair curve ot fi-oui 13 to 11 ^ length; and two- and 15 inches, in length Irom 11 to -0 leer, i VU to he sided straight and fair: the 15-.nch timber i and 1 iider showing a lace of not less than three-lour hs Ihe iling. to be cut from trees giowa wUl.,n_3.m,l^ of the se the 1st .-kpril. and the remainder on or before the 30fh June, 1858. unless earlier required with a notice ot twelve days, comprising at each delivery » P''*?- portion of each article. Class 10 and all to low mg. i additional quantities of any of the articles named therein are demanded: they arc to be fijrniehed on like terms and conditions previous to the expiration of the fiscal vear, upon receiving a notice ot liltei ii days from the bureau, the commandant ot the yarn, or navy-agent. Farm of Offer. T of — . the State of hereby agree to furnish and deliver, in the respective navv-vards. all the articles named in tlie classes here- unto Common Schools. Office of Literary Boaril\ Raleigli, May 9, 1857. ) The President and Dircctor.i of the Literary Fund, having made distribution of thereof, for the first six months of the year 1857. among the several Counties of the bta e for the use of Common Schools, direct the fol lowing tabular statement to be publislied. showing tlie amount set apart for each Louiity. These amounts will be paid at tlic Ireasnry Department of tbe State, on compliance wUli the provisions of law by the parties entitled to receive the same. , „ . The Counties of Jackson, Madison, Ladkin, Polk and Harnett will receive their respccUva nortious out of the amounts distributed to the Counties out of which tliey were formed. Ibc Comity of Wilson lyill receive 2 i \ per cent, ot | the amount allotted to h.idgecotnbe; ^“2 E cent, of tl.at of Nash; 10 1-9 per cent, ol tl.at of Wayne; and an amount of Johnston to he agreed upon by their Pres’t ex officio of Literary Board. PcLASEi CowrEP., Scc’y. Old before tf FOR SALE. on Cape Fear The Store 'a'of which satiefactory evitlencc will be re- • 1 Kv*th.‘*poinra‘iU(lant of the vard, to be delivered ri';::^^relpect-ve^ ‘he risk and expense of the 111 the ‘®'P- , u„ual inspection, to the entire contractoi . s bject to the u ^ the llt^a; of AugnsL 1858. and the re- before the 1st day ot Julj, Ko9. nnro "iniiexed. agreeably to the ,provisions of Siedulc tlierafor. aiidineonformlt with the adver- Cabarrus 7; r.t-ibp Uiirean of Construction. Ac., of tho (Jaldwcll on or maindcr on or hereby S4t \cre3 of Laud, lying - . The Voads a^Ih; L North Carolina. is at a fine business stand at the ( and is not to be excelled hy any Any person desiring to purcha-em ^Uhelof as alTyTHis’-’Creek on the IVilmingtoa Bead 15 miles from Fayetteville Oct. 4. SARAH MT.IGHT. l8-tf J-VME-S WllIGllT. P. Elliott, C09I3I1SSIOX MBRCH-kNT, F.A.YETTEVILLE. N. C. Agent for buttrrloh Si C„p. StoainW^^ wun attind promptly to all basin, ss tntrn.i Oct. 21.1556. Form of Offer. , of the State ■ tisement of the Curean of Constr,,.- 23d of May. 1857. Should my otter be acccptcn. I request to be a.Wressed at , or to for signature and certificate. .Signature: Tlm«.hedule which tbe bidder encloses im.sf be nasted to his oHor, and each ol them signed bv ripposite each article in the schedule the price he Ut, the amount likewise written in words. him must vard at • fifty thousand cubic 'oak timber in cooforinity with the advertisement ot the Bureau of Construction ot the date ot May 2, 185(. '"'"s 000 cubic feet, suitable for principle pieces, sided IS riid 20 inches, at——pej loot. (too cubic feet curved timber, sided 13 and 1. inches, length 13 to 17 feet, at per foot. 5 000 cubic feet timber, siding 13 and lo iiichca, length 17 to to feet, at per toot. '‘0“\ml'd my offer he accepted. I request to be , 1 and the contract lorwarded to the ed at - . Form The unpersigiied, State of- Staty of fere Counties. Alamance Alexander Ausoii Ashe Beaufort Bertie Bladen Biuibswick Buncombe Burke Gimkaxtee ^ of , ill the i . of , in ‘he hereby guaranty that in ca.se the of' for any of the classes and - Sllrahi mimed be accepted, tha't'lielor they will within len dayrafter the receipt of the contract at the post ten days . , office named, or navy-agent designated contract for the same, with ties: and in case said execute the ood and sufficient siire- shall (ail to enter S'®®, lill RW^r'” Tl""reTs"son""Io^ " ‘he s rmrFjffSf... w.«n, For particnlars apply to ^ ^ ROPER- J. \V. .McKAY. navy agent at [Date.] For signature and cei titicate. Form of Guarantee. of - Not. 1856 29, 2a-tr into contract as aforesrid. "■« tiT make good the (lilferenee between the olter of the lyaid and that which may be accepted, ^ ^ ^ Signature of two guarantor?. - q D. PROSPECTUS OF THE SOUTHEUX I.lTEKAllY 3IESSEXGER For the Year 1856. July to December. TWEXTY-TIURD VOliYME. ume of the SOD I u - proprietor-s rely '’TlTon'thc encouraging liters and promises of the f "^t. Ythe Mesenger to aid them in extending its friends of the Meseg circulation, and ‘hey ^ ^ ^ maintain riLtV o” he wTrk and to challenge the theh.ghcharacter ot the wor^^^^.^^ ^‘orTve^ty-OnUYars. ihe Messenger has endeavored frfrf'flect faithfully the Southern mmd, whiledijdaining SOUTHERN STATES. To this office it will be devoted, and w-ill ^ of anti-slavery pamphlets. . *h‘... j as their while our enemivs are ''‘^C ^ra people most potent weapons of attack, the So ithern pcop, 3 surely not withhold their oc* 7ork whose aim it shall be to strike blows m then dc Messenger will, as beretofore, present its readers ■with Reviews, Historical a.nd Biografhicnl Sketches. Norels, Tales, Travels, Essays, Poems, Critiques, and Papers on the Army, Navy and other National Subjects. with a view to ensure a larger circnlation of the xcpVaFNOFR the Proprietors though they intend MESsENG the size of the work, have reduced the price of Sapsc'ription. which is now only Tbrec BalJars per. annum, in idvanee, OR POUR DOLL.YRS IF NOT ^ first of JULY IN ANI TEAR. US Fifteen Dollars m one , . , Ol 1 iLe The undersigned. —^ race the -.a . hereby guaranty th.it, in ca. c iul ?"7?aft.w'’tbVrec“p?Inh^^ tract to .shall fail to enter into contract between the otter ot th*. -aid ^ may be accepted. ^ ^ (Date,) Witness: T hereby certify that the above named C D, mu'E f . J. » to me^as men of property, and able to make good their guarantee. iffo be^i-ned bv the United States district judge United Staples district attorney, collector, oi mtvj j ao-etit. and no other.) I ^'.May 16, 1857 Date. certify that the above named ^ are k^m^ n^^me L men of eroperfy, and able to make good their guarantee. “ Signature. True signed by tbe United States dis.rict Judge, UnAed StiUes district attorney, collector, or navy- otr^'iit and no others. , , ..rv ®Tlie following are the classes required at the KITTERY. MAINE. Cla.ssNol. IVhite oak log.s. No 6. Yenow-pme lont stock toes. No. 10. White pine. No. 11. Ash. express, white oak boards. No. 13. Locust. No 18. nruumvitm. No. 21. Iron. No 22. Spikes and aads. No 23. Lead, zinc, and tin. No 25. llanhva 43 Hose CHARLESTOWN', MASSACHUSETT No. Class No >• ra^ Her stocks "Nofi. Yellow pine plank stock logs. No. f \“pi;.e beams. No. 8.. Yellow pmo niast ami No 10. \Miite pmo. No K- Ash, cy No 12. Black walnut, cherry. o-r>t spar timber. ^1^:Lomi:;?“ widlTaSi-oars and hicUry VDVMVNTINE and TALLOW CANDLES; fine and common TOB.DCCO: and almost anything m Grocery line. Cheap as ' goLD.STON., F.ib'y 7, 1857. 3C-tf Pro(e.ssor for sale by Aug. 30, 1856 Wood’s Hiiir Hestorative, S. .1. HINSDALE. 913-tf \ anted, 10,000 lbs. TalloAV For which the highest cash P-'l^ "'''^’^'i^^ELL Oct. 1, 18.)6. .... A CARD. store ot C. E- Letto, where ^ McDONALD. No28. Flax canvass. No 29. Cotton canvas. No 30. NO 3L Bra^e^ ' No 35.-l^tW Statiomry. No. 41. Fire-wood. BROOKLYN. NEW CORK. Class No. I. White oak logs. No. 3. White oak pro- miscus timber. No 0. Yellow pine^pbuik tock logs, pine mast mahogany. No. 13. Locust. rv. mahogany. - oars and hickory bars and bntt». Camden Carteret Caswell Catawba Cliatham Clicrokce Cliowaii Cleveland Columbus Craven Cumberland Currituck Davidson Davie Duplin Edgecombe Forsythe Franklin Gaston Gates Granville Greone Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood lieiiderson Hertford Hyde Iredell Jackson Johnston Jones Lenoir Lincoiu .Madison .McDowell Macon Martin .Mecklenburg Montgomery Moore Nash New Hanover Northampton Onslow Orange I’asquotank I’crtiuimans I’ersoii Pitt Polk Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockingliam, Rowan Rntlierford No.25, No 28, Flax can- i Sampson them. Jan. 17, lS5i. 33-tf Bureau SUPPLIES ARTMEKT, of Construction, Equipmonf, & Rapnirs. Mity 23. 1857, proposals FOR NA\ AL ‘ ‘ say y depj No 14. tVhite ash No 15. tVliitc oak Staves and heading and^naut vm7s!"'Nr29JC0Uon cn^as”' 'no 30. Flax and coHon | g,„,;|y No 34' lWnsh!;.;.'^’'No 3.5^B"«ntiug'aad dry' goods. No Stokes rniL.YDELPHIA Class No 2. 'White oak plank. No 6, v P'r,; e"il!‘“?"Cit''Aih™!;;^rwhitrm:k boards. C L UB S—Remitting tier, will be entitled to .,ix —i— j the Mes- The E-litorial and Critical .onai uuuv>i*»*'e— - , seiigcr will contiuue under the chargu JOHN R. THOMPSON* Esq** And will embrace copious notes on ^ w^Irlc ”of and reviews of all new American or I;orci„ . _|,t eeneral Interest and value. The Editor s,opini Sp alwav.s fearlessly and honestly avowe*!. The riusinoss Department is conducted by the Bigned, to whom all oommunicatious of a business na- turei FERGUSSOX & CO. Law Building, Franklin Street, Richmond, Va. June L 18.56. sealed I>rop;.aUJo f«rnmh naval^8nr^i^^;be fiscal year fS ’ p ' of the 23d .lane The materials and , j ,rhedules. named are particularly '''de-ire Ito anv of which will be furnished to such a- desire | offer, on application to the commandants of the re sp^iive yards, or to the navy-agent nrarest there m and those of all the yards upon =‘PPeoi bureau. This division into elas-ses being '“V 'b® >," veaience of dealers in each, such portions " [ nished arc actually required for bids. The com mandant and navy-agent of each station will have a L'nv of the schedules of the other yards, for examina- b.n only- from which it may he judged whether it “ -11 he desirable to make application for them, "offers must be made tor tbe whole ot a cla-ss at any No 11. Ash. cypress, bara and {fb Lignumbiue. No 21, , ,t C -L/lis-»nfl nVil No 23, Lead, zinc, tin. No io. Hard ware N^2L l’aiat.s. ils. Ac. No 28, Flax canvas. Siin-y 'i''yrrcll Union M'ake Warren IVnsliiiigton Watauga Wayne Wilkes IVilsoii Yadkin Yaiicy Ship chandlery Class No 10 .J, Black wall No 23. Lead, zinc. WASHINGTON, D.C. White pine. No n, Ash, cypress. No .^rmack walnut. -^m 'n^I: Hardware. No 2,.^aints^ oiU No 37. Pitcb, tar. rosiii. i o-allcv iron. 5"f4- Ch^:ifTrom'''ko-45.''in copper. No 46. t°nd straw. Ac. No 47, Miscellaneous. GOSPORT. VIRGINIA. . Class No 1. White oak. No 0. Yellow pine plank Fed. Pop. 10,166 5,000 10,756 8,539 11,716 0,073 8,0-24 5,951 1-2,338 6,919 8,67 4 5,836 5,174 6,208 12,161 8.234 16,055 6,703 5,252 9,697 5,308 12,329 17,723 0,257 14,123 6,998 21,111 13,770 10,627 9,510 7,228 6,878 ' 17,303 5,320 18,480 13,007 6,007 0,883 6,056 6,585 13,062 11,861 3,935 6,182 6,924 5,741 6,169 6,901 11,724 6,163 8,552 9,034 14,236 10,731 7,040 14,957 7,708 6,030 8,825 10,745 15,176 7,936 11,080 12,363 12 329 12,388 12,311 6.348 8,490 17,643 4,452 9,258 21,1-23 10,366 4,780 3.348 11,478 11,042 8,068 stealing Waler-.llclons. A man n a countvy town took great iilcasiire in liaving a neat garden. He bad all kinds of vegetables and fruits cariior tban h's iifig!iboi-.s but tliievi’ g boy.s in tbe iieigliboriiood annoyed Iiim; damaged bis trce.s, trainiiled down bis flowers, and '‘booked” bis cboiecst fruits. He tried various ways to iirotect Ids groniubs; but bis wateb-dogs were fioisoned, and .set trap.s eaugbt notbiiig but bis fattest fowls and favor ite eat. One afternoon, iiowcver, just at nigbt fall be ovcrlieard a couple of misebievous boy.s talking togetber, w-ben one of ibcm said: “Wbat do yon say, Joe? Sliall wc come tbe grab over them melons to nigbt? Swipes will be snoring like ten twelve o’clock.” Tbe otlier objected, as tbere wa.s a high wall to get over. “Oil, psliaw!” was flic reply; “I know a! place where you can get over just as ca.sy— know it like a book. Come, Joe, let's go?” Tbe owner of tbe melon patcb didn’t like tbe idea of being an eaves-dropper; but tlie conversation so intimately concerned bis mel ons, whicli lie liad taken so much pains to raise tliat be kept quiet and listened to the jibins of tlie young scapegraces, so that lie might make it somew-iiat bolbersomc for tiicm. Ned proposfd to get over tbe w-all on tlie Vis. Share. | Uy tiic great pear tree, and cut di- $1219 92 rc^-tly across to tbe snmmcr-bou.se, just iiorlb 600 36 were tbe melons. clever fellow, who loved good 1290 72i 1024 68 Joe was a i405 92 I frnit exceedingly, and was as obstinate as an 1196 76 ! ass. Set him once started to do a llimg, and 962 88 I |,g would stick to it like a miul-tnrtle to a Zi !!inegroe’s to.-. Tbe other didn’t care so mncli 830 28 ! foi- Ike ‘“ekins as for tbe fan of getting them. 1040 88 1 Now- bear tlie ow-ner’s story: 700 32 j .‘1 iiiailc all needful preparation for the visit; ‘■>20 ' put in brads pretty tl.ick in the scantling along , Irf, qo ^ tiie wall wlicrc they intended to get over; un 088 08 ■ covered a large water-vat that liad been filled 1926 60 ’ for some time, from wbicb in dry weather, 1 804 30 I gj-customed to water my garden; ing. a Ureiicli a foot deep or so, and placed slei ^036 96 ‘ boards over it, which were slightly cove 1479 48 ! with dirt, and just beyond them .some little cords, fastened tightly, .some ei.gbt inches from tbe ground. I picked all llie melons I cared to preserve, leaving pumkins and .squashes, about the size and shape of ineion.s, in their places.” The bo\-s w-crc quite riglit in supiio.sing it Did Swipes .sent lo Rhode Island for the seed last spring.’- ‘■Weil, then, all I've got to say, is that '.bo old fcilow got stickcd in—that’s all.” “I'm going to gouge into tlie water-melons; hullo: there goes a half a dollar! I've broke my knife. If 1 didn't know that it was a water melon, 1 .-^lionld .say it was n pnnqikin. Fact is, I believe, it i.s a piiinkin.” Wbat the bov.s did besiiies, wliile tbe owner , went to tbe .stable and iiiimazzlcd tbe dog. ami led him into tbe garden, be conbln t say: but ! that they took long steps, the onion and flower beds revealed in the morning, j They paid |iretty dear for the whistle. They j luul not t;islcd ;i .single melon; they bad got .scratebed, and lorn their clothes; were as wet, as ilrowned rats, and ball .-eared oat of tboii ' wits at vlic ravenous di'g, and the apprebension j of being di.scovered. I The next night tbe owner of tbe melon-patch I invited all tlie boys oC tbe village, ineUiiiin,g I ' Ned -and Joe, lo a feast ot uicions, on ilm |irm- eipb; ol “returning cm d i.o- ' this e:'.' enmstanee eb-.o. ■ ■ ' ' ■ ; Go.. Sw-ities,’'and '•n.swe;'. :ievi ;' o..-ui; ___ ■l.ra fcmli.-r FoiifiL x.tnr.ow Esc.ti'n or ..x oiJ’ Old Bell Vi'bealon, who lived ill Brier 4 al ley about two miles from tbe Snsqnebaniiali River, was aa inveterate lover of forest sports. He like mo*t of tlie early settlers of Ostego, bad selected a farm from the bill lands. Icav- -,„,r the broad swamp flats for Imi.ting grounds. '’llis shanty was erected ot. a small stream in Brier Valiev, wbieb is now called after his W lieatoii Creek. 'I'lic most'of bis time was c.xpended ill jom-i.eys tbrongU l'‘= rreqnenlly in eomnany with a far-famed Mohawk 2126 750 1694 839 1333 1652 1275 1141 [I i would be quite dark; bat they missed it a little 867 36 called 825 36 ' ki inferring that “Old Swipes,” as they 2076 30 , him, would be in bed. The old man liked a 638 52 : -i little fun as well as they, and when tbe time 22!'* ‘>‘’ ' came, from bis biding place be listened: j “Wliist, Joe! don’t yon liear somcliiing?” tbink Jbat it was very probable that tliey ■ did, for hardly were the words uttered, than ! there came a sound of forcible tearing of fus tian. “Get ofl' my coat-tail!’- whispered Joe. ‘There goes one- flap, sure as guns! Why, get ‘ oil’, Ned.’’ And Ned wa.s off, and one leg of liis breoeOies I besides; and then be was ab-iiig and ob-iiig, 688 S2 ' and telling Joe that lie “believed tiiere was :-!0 ! nails in the .side of the wall, for .sometliiiig bad ' .scratched him tremeiidonsly. and torn his , ‘ brccelies all to pieces.” Joe sympathized with Iiim, for be said 1560 84j 828 84; 825 96 ; 798 72 ' 790 20 1567 44 14-23 32, 472 20 i 741 84 ; 830 88 : WJianruff'tt®'! A..tone; but sometimes Ben loved to pursue bis si-oris without a eosipamon. .\nd well be might, for lie did not need a guide. Fvcrv nook, dell, creviec, and cave from the Otsc'o'Lake to tbe moiitli of the Delaware lUver, was familiar to Ben Wl.eaton, and ho had often pursued Ids g.ame to almost every orrtoftbateonnlry. He el,icily bunted tbe wolf as well for Uic profit as for sport, lor Gov’crnmei.t paid a si'vor dollar, ill the sbano nf a bouiitv, on every skin. . Bent upon increasing bis store of com Ben one fine summer morning, shouldered bis i-ille,’ and taking liis knapsack, containing a snffieieiit supply of corn-cake -“1^ 1,0 crossed the Snsi„ebannab, and took ^ wav towards Franklin Mountain, wbicl between the villages of Ostego and 1-ranebn The day was saltry. and by the tune be had aeeomplisbed one-l.alf tlie aseent of tain, lie eonelnded tliat lie needed a rest. He therefore took a seat upon a moss-coverc^ og near a si,ring, and ate Ids Inricbeon. Ibc st solitude, the balmy air, togetlier witli the sin i„. of birds, and the lazy bum of the bee film- K-'lnilcd tlic hunter to repose. He must sleutloim for when be awoke tbe sun was de eliiiing faT westward, and a few ripples o golden 11,.-lit limrared on Hie tree-tops, wliieb be first li after clearing a mass of dry le.aves^ fr^^^ I-, 1, he tlioiin-bt bad blown there, his face, wbitli lie o , . pg Jiscov- iitiemutiiiff to rise, bowitci, 835 32 1406 88 739 56 1020 26; “luilf 1084 08 : his coat was luing-ing np there soraewbtTe. 1708 32 1287 72 844 SO 1794 84 924 96 7-23 60 1059 00 1289 40 Tliev now started liand-in-liand, for Ned be lieved‘lie “knew the way.” They bad arrivet a little beyond the trees, when sometb.ng wont swash! swash! into the wiiter-vat. A sneeze ensued, then tbe excb.ination; “TImnder! that water smells rather ok . I Ned wanted to go lionio at once, bat was too much excited to listen for a to sneh a propo.sition. “Never beard aiiylbing about 1479 48 ; before; the old fellow must 1486 50 i „„|.,,o.se to drown people in. , ITT QO ‘ ‘ . ,, , .-..u 1018 80 I They pn.Hied on again ‘"c melon-,. 2117 16 ' Ibey but in attempting 1 ered C't'tbat tlic panther ivi^-;j;asfr;;S or dead body amiieave. i - .rhlal that inoinenl be fearful spring. ' ift ti. large itli ^ irce and waked patiently Jle bad not to wait bieast inig wutebiiig him, He aro.‘e 1821 1--2: 952 33, 1329 60 1483 56 Joe momeul that ci.stcrn have fixed it on Cnrions, tbongb, that we slionld both bill in it. „=bed on again for tbe melons. 7 16 ' Ibev were canglit by tlie cords, and bead 534 24‘ 1110 96 2534 76 ready ‘o‘'.''’’ko ‘’'® against quickly f'‘''I,|,/tO'rctber sonic lal tree, -and liastd} '"-V^^vered tbe-mw liiecesofdcc-.uw w o leaves, lie clmibed a tree i u llie pantbei = ,,|,e onc-steal- long. 1 ^.„„1 witi, two i-nbs be- ;;;:^;^;;wbS she md^ Dropping herself on t, ,- • ■ slowly t iwnrds her :i; j ■■ ‘/j earlli witli her ta,-. ■' coals of fire! 'I’k” H’kv:':;;’.,,, ever did not seen ‘o ’ “ ■ . . , no clevutcil her back, a "i l -'c ■ I ciinnosed victim witli a. wild toodS leaves new about in eyery and for a moment the pan creje isbhig the ■v.ing like ma:s, bow- e •ij rang iseU upon veil, 'ilie lono- they went into a heap of briars and thus, ties" and tbe like, wliicb bad been j,laced tbcic loj-j qo for their express accommodation. ‘R^3 60i “Sneh a gettin up stairs!” ntntfrtredmim 401 76j ‘,>[ettle-s and tliistlcs: bow they pra-. 1377 36; the other. . , 1397 04 1 ^letcrmined to go more eantious.y. , i At length they arrived at the imteb. ^ 96S 161 “How thick they are, Joe? C-om® 1. dozen fat oncsrigtit here. direction, Iber seemed palsieu wood; mining ’she circoimtercd With anollicr teariiv was fatal. Our adventurous barrel, and 1 Tlicre's more than a 753,542 $90,425 04 I And down they satin Raleigh Re; rister, AVilinington Journal j seemed the midst of tiiem, 1 to conclude that they were amidy Ijfsr- ivaie,i;i. -‘-s'- ' (-....olinian. Demo-; nd Commercial, 1 ayetle -(..mc Newbeni | GnU sboroiigb tiui.mc,- eratic Pioneer, Goldsbor....,,-- Banner,, . Union, Warrenton and melon; isn’t tt a ronser. Western Sentinel ,veeklv Asheville News, will "‘^opted by and forward to this office ^ 1-“= 1 Board for advertising—8‘-W'’ May 30, 1857 ewarded for all their mishaps. “Here, Joe,” said, Ned “take tills inns- Sia-sli into it.” “Tt cuts tremendons bard, Ned. Ned sqna.sli!” ^ “No it isn't, 1 tell yon: its a It s a kind- .sparks of fire in her ‘"'S®’’-/ the iimiter’s tbe first, she prepar- seree.Ti more lei nblc ti ed to spring I m red and s!ie fell, that seldom buled.^oW ,ho‘i, = l.n„ter reloaded the cmidy .iilurousbn t to come ,,,,„cd foi h® fiibs and lip, blit none aiij"-"- ' ......essary proceeding, built a fire. Zlt'nnd the darkening shadows for Hi® ^^euiii'- ''iH> "'® „r "V'-.e.-oofls rndaeity be relied np- ^Vi‘b the fiinher qnadrii- pedal prowler-. f ,ves that bad ,cet to tbe ,„pre resisned bnn- heforc covered bun. lit pfieii

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