jltK to%- rEVIl.l.El toy and Tbars irBinjr^- on Tuesday ■day mornings I runs regularly Ithe Birer. and a. are too nell Lhe eery liVral Tall shippers that ktident *at our t to any line on |. KT.LIOTT. Xutterloh Si Co. kERCHAXT, Irect, I R V. Auction Slort, Ihin, as Gnardia* 1 are herchy rc- ii'an has in a great I transferred their It our urgent ne- Its of the endorser. To.ssil.le. All those Jnd themselTCs too. lust and will sue d) M0Kr.lS05. MORKISCN |\. MORrasoN. * 40-tf CO.’S Ithe IDICALS tllDE. r>- THE I’KICE Ilicatios. BK. continue to pub- Feriodicals. ris: (Const rvative.) [(■Vl'hig.) BEW (Free Church.) [vr (Liberal.) [ magazine (Tory.) Licnt the three great Li„_Whig. Tory, and llv one feature of their [n'ls-i profound writers Itv. and Religion, they ' unrivaled in the world o the scholar and the ; inteligcnt reader of ■ correct and satisfac- literaturc of the day. t be p05siblT cbtaised PIES. EhEETS from the Brit- B raluc to these Reprints placed in the hands of £e original editions. Fer ann. $S 00 5 00 7 00 8 00 a OO 9 00 10 00 Iviews ' Reviews all ca!'e.’ tn aiirance. [icAcre isiiied will be re- i per cent from the above Jens ordering four or more |f the above works. Thus of one Review, will be four copies of the four S30: and so on. i and Towns: these works OF FOSTAGE. Mhen 0 anv part of the Cnited TY-VoCR cents a year Cb'RTEEN CENTS a year 'redt Jjfilttid df the Jive isabcut ^SljDcr annum. ERSS GCIDE. aciical .Xgricuitnre. K S.. ot E.linbnrgh. and ;ssor of .-'cicBtific Agricul- S'fW- Haven. 2 voli Royal numerous M ood and Cteel ’ most complete work of fl and in order to give it a i...htrs have resolved to rc- e two ToluDies!! paid) to California and ollars. To every other lada (post-paid f. dollars. ■•Book of the Farm. ' above publication? sbonla iil. to ibc Fublbhers, RD SCOTT A CO., Gold-Street. 5cw i orK. GOODS. S KYLE ring and Summer supply of TS. BOOTS & SHOES, all of which, being purchased red by 'Wholesole or Retail at 4.>tf IsPiZZ-Vf? STOCK. WiLLf AMS IONS STOCK of Sea,^ >1 otfer to the iR'holesala ■ on the usual time to 3. M. MTILLIAMS. ■tS-tf [RMITIES of a ie 2ith ThoTOhoa! c the Rational Tee-Vt. ine. ofSpermatorrhM or icturnal Emissions, Gen- mpoteucy, and Iwpcdi- :T; he many alarming com- mrudf‘ace and solitude ox d without Medicines,ism aiitrated; and the entirely reatiiient. as bv means of which If nerfectlv and voiding all the advertised and post free in a scaled 2S-iy Devoted to iliews, Political and Business matter, Agriculture, and Family leading. PUBLICATION OFFICE,] INUEPENDE.VCE IS* THE SOUL OF OEnOCRACY! [BOXLDSOX STBKET. WM. Y. WIGHTM.\N, Editor. [ FAYETTEVILLE. N. C., SATURDAY, JUNE LI, 18.57. ' voLnir. \ix—xo. o,: i. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO THE CAROUISI.AN For a single copy, if paid in advance, per annum, $2 00 it u i» at the cud of o months, 2 50 3 00 8 50 » 11 at the end of *> months, M ii ib jjt the end of the year, No subscription will be received for a shorter period than one year unless paid in advance. With the view of e.vtending the cirenlation and en hancing the naefalness of the paper, the proprietor of fers the following remarkably low CLUn R.1TES. I.XVARIABLY hV -iDVAjXCE: 5 copies of the Carolinian, 1 year, $8 00 10 15 00 Bates of Idvcrtlslngt *nd 30* cents for each subsccpient insertion, unless the «.dvertis*ment is published for more thau two msnths, when it will he charged ». For three months, ----- $4 00 For six nieiith.s, - - - - 6 00 For twelve months. ----- 10 00 All advertisements must have the desired number of in- sert-ons marked on them, ortherwise they will be in serted till forbid and charged accordingly. Special attention is directed to this requisition. WM. F. WIGHT.M.4N & CO. Proposals for l.lve Oak. N.VVV DEPjVRTBIENT, ) Bnreau of Con«tra€tiou« { May 2. 18-17. Sealed proposals for delivering 50,000 cubic feet of promiscuous live oak in each of llic naxy-yards at ard upon one of the printed schedules, or in stric. nmformitv tlieiewilh. or they will not be considered All articles must be of the best quality, conformable to .ainple, size, to be delivered in good order, and in such suitable ve.*isels and pivekages. a.s the case may be, at thl expense and risk of the contractor, and in all respects subject to tfe inspection, measurement, count, weight. &c.. of the yasd where received, and to Charleston. Massachusetts; Brooklyn, New Yorkj Phlla- i the entire satisfaction ofthe commandant thereof. delphia. and at Gosport, Virguiia. will be received at this bureau until the 15th June, 18.57. The proposals must be, endorsed ••Proposals for Bidders are referred to the yards for sample-*, and a particular description of the articles; and, all other things being equal, preference wdll be given to articles Live /ak/* that they maybe distinguished from other of Amurican manufacture, business letter.s. 'lhe offers may be for one or all the i Every olfer, as required by the law of 10th August, yards, but must be for the whole quantity atany yard, j 1840, must be accompanied by a written n’uarantee. and. as required by law. mus^be accompanied by a | the form of which is herewith given, suitable guarantee, the form of which is herewith ‘ Si.xty cents per square of *^Sureties in the full estimated amount will be required to sign the contract, and. as additional and collateral security. 15 per cent will bv withheld on the amount of each delivery until the contract is completed. In all the deliveries of the timber there must be a due proportion ofthe most difficult and crooked pieces, otherwise there will be withheld such further amount, in addition to the 5 per cent, as may be judged e.v- pedient to secure the public interest until such difficult portions be delivered. The remaining 85 per cent, or other proportion of each bill, when approved in tripli cate by the commandant of the yard, will be paidby such navy agent as the contractor may name within thirty days after its presentation to him. it will be stipulated in the contract that if default guarantee, he CI^B-tlEXT G. WllIGHT, Attorney at Law, PayettevlIle,N*C. Office at the corner of Bow and Green streets. FeVy 3. I55ti. Those only whose oifcrs may be accepted will notified, and the contract will be forwarded us soon thereafter a.s practicable, which they will be required execute wdthin ten days after .its receipt at the post office or navy agenev numed hy them. Sureties in the full amount will be required to sip the contract, and their responsibility certified to by a J United States district attorney, collector, or navy* ! agent. As additional security, twenty per centum will will be withheld from the amount of the bills until the contract shall have boon completed; and eighty per centum of each lull, approved in triplicate by the respective yards, will be paid by the navy-agemt within thirty days after its presentation to him. It is stipulated iu the contract that, if default be made by the parties of the lir^t part in delivering all or any of the articles mentioned in any class bid tor in i this contract, of the quality and at the time and places be made by thv parties of the first part in delivering. , all or any of the timber named of the quality and at j abov»' provided, then, and in that case, the contractor the time and place provided, then and iu that case the 1 and his .sureties will forfeit and pay to the U, States contractor and his sureties w ill forfeit and pay to the I a sum of money not e.xceeiling twice the amount of United States a sura of money not e.xceeding twice the j such class, which may be recov. red from time to lime, total amount therein agreed upon as the price to be j according to the act of Congress in that case provided J. A. SPEAKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATTENDS the Courts of Cumberland, Harnett! Wake and Johnston. Addres.s, Toomor, Harnett Co., N. C. Feb. IG. 1856. 8*'>-y paid iu case of the Victual delivery thereof, which may be recovered from time to time, acc(»rding to llie act of Congress in that case provided, approved March 3, 1843. The 50.000 cubic feet to be delivered in each yard will be iu the lollowing proportions—say 8-Oou cubic, feet of keelstms; and pieces suitable for lower steins, j classes lo be delivered one-fourth part on or before terd.post knees, fore d*adwood aprons, all siding l8 j the 1st September next, one-fourth part on or before ja d 20 inches, and hooks siding 14 and IG inches. 1h ’se pieces to be in number in the propurt'.A»ns i whicli they enter into the con.struction ol a ship-of-war Jane, 1858. unle.ss earlier required conformin; approved March 3. 1843. Classes Nos. 1. 2, 4, G, 7 to be delivered one-fourth part on or before the 15th .May. one-f«urth part by the •20th July, one-fourth part by the 20th September, and the remainder by the 1st December. 1858. Cla.sses H and R. the whole hy the 15 Mav, 1858. The remaining rock logs. No 10. Whito pine. No 11. .\sb. cypre.««. .vh-te oak boards. No 12, Black walnut, cherry, am! :nahotiany~ No 14. White ash oars, and hickory bar.- and butts.* No IG. Black spruce. No 18. Ligmimvita: .\*o2l.Iron. No,22 spikes and nails. No *23. l,cad. zinc and tin. No 24. Hardware. No27. I’aints. oils. iVc. No 28, Fla.x canvas. No 29. Cotton canva.^i. No 30, Flax and cotton twine. No 31, Glass. No ,12. l>eatber. No 33. Hose. No 31, Brushes. No .k) Bunting and dry goods. No 37. Pilch, tar. rosin.^ No 38. Tallow, soap, oil. No 39, Ship chandlery. No 40, Staf onary. May 30, 1857. 52-4t BJ B Tir W FULL ER, Attorney at Law, P-VYETTEVILLE, N, Hay be consulted at the Law Office of Jese G. Shep herd. Esq., on Green Street. July 111. 18.70. -tf axdrew j. sted.max. . will attend ubstuntially iu shape, ledgth. audeharae .ter with those heretofore received with srames of Cor responding siding, the moulds ot which can be eccn at any of the yardy named. 32.000 cubic feet of the siding of 13 and 15 inches, in about equal quantities of each, and 5,nu9 cubic feet of a siding 12 inches; all these pieces being in length from 13 to 17 feet, Having a natural and tair curve ot from 13 to 30 inches or more in that length; and two- thirds the number of the pieces to have from the mean to the maximum crook; ' Iso. .5.000 cubic ieet siding 13 and 151oches,ia length from 17 to 20 feet. All to be sided straight ai.d fair; the 15-iiich 5imlH*r the 1st fteccraber next, one-foui th part on or bi^Fon- i I the 1st .April, and the remainder on or before the 30th 'June, 1858. unle.ss earlier required with a notice of twelve day.s, comprising at. each delivery a due pro portion of each article. Class lO and all following, if additional quantities of any of the articles named tlierein are demanded; they are to be furniehed on like terras and conditions previous to the expiration of th J fiscitl year, upon receiving a notice of fifteen days from the bureau, the commandant of the yard, or navy-agent. Forvi of Offer. . I. , of . ill the State of . hereby agr**e u> furni.^h and d*diver. in the rcspec'ivi q^vY-yarJs, all the articles nam'-d in the classes luTe- Common Schools. Ofiee of Literary Board) Raleigli, May 9. 1857. j The Ppesident and DirectDr.ii of the Literavy Fund, having made distrilmtion of the income thereof, for the first .si.i monthn of tfie year 1851, among the' several Counties of the State for the ii.se of Common S.’liools, direct the lol- lowinir talnilar st.iteinent to lie |iiiVilislied, sliovriiig the amount set irpart for each County. These amounts ivill be paid at the T’rcasnry Department of the State, on complianec with the'provisions of law by the parties entitled to receive the same. The Comities of Jackson. Madison. YXidkin, Polk and Harnett will receive their respectiva portions out (if the arnonuts di.strilmtcd to tlie Coatities out of which they were formed The County of Wd.son will receive 27 J per cent, of tlie nnioiiiit allotted to EiLi-ccoiube; 12| per cent, of that of Nash; 10 1-9 perreeat. of that of VVavue; and aii amoiim of Jolimstoii to be agreed upon by their Clminiiaii. TilO’S P.RAGG, . Pres’t e.\' officio ol Literary Board. ; PtL.tSEl CowpF.R, Scc’y. 4 im regularly the (Jourts Counties. April 11.1S56. _ iiTito ’ann**.xed. agreeably to tlie provisions of th' and under showing a face ofnot less than thrce-bnirths : sch -dule therefor, and in confonnlt with the adver the sidiu*'*. to be cut from trees grown within 3o miles tisenient of the Cun au of Con.struction. &.C.. of lli tf Having removed to ri fTSBOllO. N. C.. ,, i tho ofehatham, . oore ant arne j satisfactory evidence will be re-| 23d of May. 18-57. Should my oiier be accepten. qnired by ihc*commandant ot the yard, to be ilelivi red \ request to be addressed at , or to in the respective yards at the risk and e.xpense of the i for signature and certificate, conlraclor. subject to the usual inspection, to the entire approval ofthe bureau; and oae-haif to be delivered on or before the 1st day of August. 1858. and the re mainder on Ol before the 1st day of July, 1859. PilR SALE. 844 .\cres of Lauil. Ivins on G»ps Fear Riv»—Store, D-wellin-s, Out Houses oil in Krst rote orJer. The Store is at a liae business sf.-aml at tlie Cross. Roads and the and is nst to be e ccelled by any in .N'orth Carolina. .Any person desiring to pnrcha.se can obtain further particular.s resp .■cling the property by calling cn c thcr of ns at Willis’ Creek oa the Wilmington Road 15 miles from Fayetteville. Oct. 4. iS-tf JAMES WIUGIIT. P. Elliott, C O M 31 I S S I OX M ER c H A X T , FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. A«-eDtf»rLatterloh Sc Co.-p Steamboat Lino ■Will attFn.l promptly to all businwes entrusted to hipcaro. Oct.21.1S58. Fire sevenths of the FARMING AND TCRFEN- TINE L.AND in Harnett coaiity, known as the Parker ami McNeiil lands, joining Wm. Harr ngton's land on Upper Little River. There is some 200 acres cf the best quality of low grounds on the River. The up lands are heavily timbered with pines, and within six miles ofthe Fayetteville and Western Railroad. For particulars apply to D Mc.4KTHUR. J. 1 . KUrLti, J. \V. McKAY. 26-lf I. Form of -Offer. . of the State • hereby fee to furn.sh and deliver ot the United States navy vurd at . hfly thousand cubic feet of live oak timlH-T. in CO iforniity wiih the adveitipeinent of (Date.) Signature: 1 he schedule which the bidder encloses must b. pasted to his otfer, and each of them signed by him Opposite each article in the schedule tlie price mu:-' be set, the amount likewise written in words. , Form of Gcarantf.e. of . in ill- The nnpcrsigiicd, State of and - of- , in th the Bureau of ConsUuction ofthe date of May 2, 1857, viz; 8,000 cubic feet, suitable for principle pieces, sided JHiiid 20 inches, at pea loot. 32,000 cubic feet curved timber, sided 13 inelies, length 13 to 17 feet, at per Coot. 5,000 cubic feet timber, siding 1.3 and Jo inches, length 17 to 10 feet, at per foot. Total value. Should my offer be accepted. I request to be addres sed at . and the* contract forwarded to the navv agent at or to me at . Stall' of leregoing bid , hereby guaranty that in case th for anv of the classi? [Date.] For signature and certificate. AB. Form of Gaartnilee. The undersigned, .of . , , i State of Harr ngton s land on j foregoing bid be accepted . In the , hereby guaranty that, in case the will, within ten Nov. 185G 29, FROSPECTUS OF THE SOUTIIEKX EITERAUY MESSENGER For the Year 1856. July to December. TVVEXTY*TII1RD VOIjltME* la i's.suin'^ the Prospectus ofthe Twenty-Third Vol- nme of the‘southern LITERARY MESSENGER, commencing with the July No., the Proprietor.s rely solely on the encouraging letters and promises of the friends of the Messenger to aid them in extending iU circulation, and they beg to as.«ure the public tliat no exertions will be remitted on their part to maintain the high character ofthe work, and to challenge the patronaf^c ©f all who value sterling literary merit. For TwtTntv-One 5'ears, the Messenger has endeavored to reflect faithfully the Southern mind, while disdaining all narrow and sectional views, and has been alone among the monthlv periodicals of America, in defence the l^ECULIAR INSTITUTIONS OF THE SOUTHERN STATES. To this office it will be devoted, and will be prompt to repel assaults upon the South, whether they come under the specious garb of fiction, or in the direct form jOf anti-slavery pamphlets. At this critical juncture, whijle our enemies ase employing literature a.s their pjost weapons of att'Ack. the Sontliern people will sur^y not withhold their encouragement trora a ■work whose aim it shall be to strike blows in their de fence. The .Messenger will, as heretofore, present its readers tcit/i Reviews, Historical and Biographical ^ketclus. Novels, 'Pales, Travels, Essays, Poems, Critiques, and Papers on the Anny, Navy and other National Subjects. day. aft»;r the receipt of the contract at the post office named, or uavy agency designated, e.xecule the con tract for the same, with good aud sufficient sureties: in ca.se said shall fall to enter into contract as aforesaid, we guaranty to make giod the difftTence between the offer of the said . and that which may be accepted. U I). (Date.) ^ F. Witue.s.s: C H. I hereby certify that the above named C D, and E F. are known to me as men ot property, and able to make good their guarantee. (Date.) (To be signed by the United States district judge. United States district attorney, collector, or navy agent, and no other.) May JG, 1857 50-5t wm ADAMANTINE unci TALLOW CANDLES; fine and common TOBACCO; and almo?t anytljing iu the Grocery line. Cheap as tlie cheapest! G W. I. GOLDSTON. Foh’y 7. 1857. Profp.ssor for sale by Aug. 30, 185G. Wood’s Hair Restorative, S. J. HINSDALE. I(),000 Ills. Tallow V anted, For which the highe.st cash price wilt he paid. Oct. 1. 1S51>. A. M. CAMl’BELL A THE anderslgned would respectfully inform hi? old friends anil cn.storners tliat he can he found ot the .Store cfC. E. Leetc, where he will Ive "but *" t’*’® them. ■!• K- .McDONALU. Jan. 17, 1857. 33-H PROPOSALS FOR XATAL SUPPLIES N-4VY DKPARTMKNT. Bureau of Construction, Equipment, A. Rapairs. May 23. 1857. ' IFith a view to ensure a larger eirculation of the MESSE.NGER. Hie Proprietors though they intend greatly increasing the size of the work, have reduced the price of Sapscription. wliich is now only Three Dollars OR FOUR DOl FIRST CLUB .?—Re.mittini The FrtitnriaLind'critical department of the Mea-j The materials and articles enihraced in the clashes eeag"r t1u"«e under the cLrge of named ar.; particularly described in printed sch..dnleB^ T- any of wh eh Will be fiinii?hed to sneh a?' ae-sre.»o JOHN R. TH^-MPSOX, Esq., > And will embrace copiouf* notes on current literature^ anl reviews of all new .\raerioan or Foreign works ot general interest a^vl value. The Editor's opinions will be always fearlesdy and banestly avowed. Th- Business Dipartm-mt is conducted by the U grgned, to whom all comniunioations of a business na.- ibcrein named be accepted, that he or they will with-, ten days after the receipt of the contract at the po^ office nam«*d. or navy-agent designated, e.xecute tin and 15 contract for the s-ame. with good and sufficient, sun * ties: and in case said sh 11 fail to entei into contract as aforesrid. we guaranty to maKe goo the dittcrenee between the otfer of the said and that which may be accepted. ( A B ■ Sigu'aturc of two guarantors. ^ q j) Date. \V itdess. ■ 1 her. ljy certify that the above named are known to me as men of croperty, and able to inak. good their guarantee. Date. Signature. To be signed by tlie United States dis rict Judge, United States district attorney, collector, or navy agent, and no others. The following are the classes required at the re spective yaids. KITTERV. MAINE. Class No 1. IVhite eak lop. No 6. Telloiv-pine plank stock log.?. No. 10. White pine. No. II. .\.sh. cvpre.'vs. white oak boards. No. l.J. 1-ociist. No 18. Lignumvitie. No. 21. Iron. No 22. Spikes and aails. No 23. Lead, zinc, and tin. No 25. Hardware. No. 43. Hose CHARLE.STOWN, MASS.4CHUSETTS. Glass N> 1. White oak logs. No. 3. Whithoak pro' m.iscnoHS timber. No. 4. White oak pieces and rud ■ lerstocks. Noll. Vellow pine plank stock logs. No. 7. Yellotv pine beams. No. 8. hellow pine mast and spar timlier. No 10. Whito pine. No 11. Ash, cy- jiress. a liite-oak boards. No 12. Black walnut, cherry. No 1:1. Locust. No 14. Whit'i ash oar.s and hiekory b.ars and lintts. No 15. IVhite oak staves and heading. No IB. Black spruce. No 18. Ingiinmvitcc. No 21. Icon. Ne 22. Spikes and nails. No 23. Lead. zinc, and tin. No. 25. Hardware. No 27. I’aints. oil.“. Ac. No28. Flax canvass. No 21). Cotton canvas. No 30. Flax and cotton twine. No. 31. Glass. No 32. Lta- thcr. No33.Ho.se. No 34. Brushe.s. No IM. Bunting an drv goods. No 37. Fitch, tar, rosin. No 38. Tallow", soap, oil. No 311. Ship chandlery. No 40. Stationary. No. 41. Firc-wO'd. BROOKLYN, NEIV YORK. Class No. 1. White oak logs. No. 3. Wliite oak pro- misciis timber. No 0. Yellow pine plank stock logs. No 7. Yellow p'ue beams: No 8. Yellow pine mast aud spar timber. Noll). White pine. No II. .4sh. cypress, wliite-oak lioards. No 12 Black walnut, cher- rv, mahogany. No. 13. Locust. No 14. White ash .oars and hickory bars and Imtts. No i.5. White oak staves and heading. No Hi. Black spruce. No 18. Ligiminvi a;. No 2l. Iron. No 22, .Sp ke.s and na ls. No 23, I.ead, zinc, and tin. No 21. Fig iroii.^ No 2.7. Hardware. No 27. Fainis. oiis. &c. -No 28. Flax can vass. No 21). Gotlon canvas. .No 3). Flax and cotton, twine. No 31. Glass. .No 32, Leather. No .33. 4Io?e. ; No 31, Brushes. No :15 Biiiiting.and dry goods. No 37. Fitch, tar. rosin. .No 3h. Tallow, soap. oil. No | :i!).-^hip chandlery. No 4J. Stationary. No 41 Fire- wood. I PHILADELPHIA ! Clai=s No 2, White oak plank. Xo G, Aellow^ p:ne \ plank stock logs. No 7. Yellow pine beams. No i i ,White pine. No 11. Ash, cvpre,s.s, white oak iioards. No 12. Black walnut, cherry, mahogany. No 13. Lo cust. No 14, While asii oars and hick'iry lia s and butts. .No I-'. Lignamivta'. .No 2i. Iron. No 22. Qouailics. A lamnncc .\lexander ■A mum •V.slie IJeaufort ill rile Bladen ilruiiswick ilniieoiiibe ilnrke Oal>arrii.s Galdwell Oaniden Jarleret ■ hi.swcll ,’atnwlia .'liathnm ^.diefokee ‘'’hifwan leveland .'(ihunlius ,’rnveti ■ Jiinilierland ..'nrrituck Davidson i)nyie .liijilin i'Mgecmube l'’.)rs)’tli() c'raiiklin .lllSlOll Gnte-s , Grnnvqlle Greene Guillord itniiiax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hyde Iredell Jackson Jolinstoii Jones Lenoir Lincoln .Madison McDowell .Macon .Martin .Meeklenbiirg .Montgvniei'y Moore Xnsli New Hanover Nortlinmiitoii Onslow Orange Uasqiiotank Pcrqnimnus I’er.soii Pitt Polk Randolph Ricliiiioiid Robeson Koekingliam, Rowan Rutherford S.iinpson Stanly Slokes Snriy 'I’ynell U nion Wake Wjiren Washington Watauga Wayne "ilkes Wilson Yadkin Yaiiev I’cd tore mnatbe addres.sed. M.VCFASLANB. FERGUS.nON & CO. Law Baildicg, FraukJiii EiqUaioQd, Va. Jqqe 1, oifer. on ‘application to the fommandants of ihe re spective yards, or to the navy-agent nearest thereto, and those of all the yards upon application to this bureau. This division into classes licing for the con venience of dealer.s in each, sucii portions will be fur nished are actually required for bids. The com mandant and navy agent of each station will have a copy of the schedules of the other yards, for examina- a ion only, from which it may he judged whether it wjlLbe dcs rable to make application for them. Oilers must Iw mado lor tbe Wliole of a cloeo at aay Sliip chandlery. WASHINGTON, D. C. Class No 10. White pine. No 11. Ash, cypress. No l‘2, Black walnut. No 21, Iron. No 22. Spikes, nads. No 23. Ia;-ad,' zinc, tki. No 24, Pig iron. No - >■ H.ardwarc. No 27, Paints, oils. Ac. No 31 Glass No 37. I’ilcb. tar, rosin. No 28, Tallsw, soap._ oil- No 31), Ship cliandlery. No 43. Tank and gallev iron. No 44. Chaia iron. No 45. Ingot copper. AO ah. Sand, straw, Ac. No 47. Miseeilancons. GOSPDRT. VIRGINIA. Claaa No 1, M'ltifci Oat No 6. V(4ow pine plank Pop. 10,166 5,003 10,756 a. rt'i'd 11,716 9,973 8,024 5,9.) 1 12,338 6,919 8,67 4 5,836 5,174 6,208 12.161 8,234 16,055 6,703 b. ixl 9,697 5,308 1-2,329 17.723 6,2.)7 14,123 6.998 21,111 13.770 10,627 9,510 7,-228 6,878 17,303 5,320 18,480 13,007 6,907 6,883 6,656 6,585 13,062 11,861 3,935 6,182 6,924 5,741 6,1 69 6,961 11.724 6.163 8,552 9,034 14,236 10,731 7,040 14,957 7,708 6,030 8,825 10,745 15,176 7,936 11.080 12.363 12 320 12.388 12,311 6,-148 8,490 17,643 4,452 9,258 21,123 ]0.:d66 4.780 3,348 11,478 .11,642 8,068 ^is. Sha re. i $1-219 92 i Olio 30 ! 1290 72 1024 08 1405 92 1196 70 96-2 88 714 1-2 14b0 50 ! ^oO 28 1 1040 88 j 700 32 1 620 88 i 744 96 1 1459 32 988 08 1 1926 60 ! 804 30 i 630 24 i 1 od 64 cdt) 96 I4T9 48 21-26 70 750 84 1094 70 839 76 1333 3-2 1652 40 f275 24 1141 -20 867 30 825 30 2076 36 038 52 2217 60 1560 84 828 84 825 90 708 72 ! 790 20 1567 44 1423 32 472 20 741 84 830 88 688 92 740 28 835 ;->2 1406 88 (Of) 56 i 1026 26 1084 08 1708 32 1287 72 844 80 1794 84 924 96 723 60 10..9 00 12o9 40 1821 12 952 33 13-29 60 1483 50 ]479 48 ! 1486 .50 { 1477 3-2 761 70 i 101 e 80 1 2117 10 ! 5rU 24 1 1110 96 j 2534 70 j 1243 92 1 573 60 401 71) 1377 30 1 oOT 04 963 10 >90,425 04 ST.4TE iOP N. r\IlO!.IX,\.—Cl JlUE!!I..tAI» scot K r\. Notice is iiereliy’ given. Unit at Mai'cli Term Ise, onr Court of Fleas and ijiiarl)*!' ii.-''u.is. llie -S.i ;■ returned tile I'uilowing L-jfid aiul Town Lots, and ob tained an order to sell Ilie same lor llie la.xes din* thereon tor the year lti55. viz: T.vx. Hi acres of laud on Fay. A Western Flank Road. listed iiy John BnaUl*!-. (17 20*2 acres o:i X’iiiey ilolloio. listed liy Walt w •Iordan. - M :)5() .acre.? oa Big Kocktisli. listed liy Janies Wil kinson. h 12 59 acres on I’oppy Greek, listed liy J:imes d'ii- k’nsoii ibr Jolin Wilson, i 21 2; U acres t.o Galllwn-y listed liy llail A Joii'. -. 1 :'*2 lot) :icre-s .MeUae and Buie land, listed by ^a- than King. ion aere.s on Wiiite Oak. li.sled liy dltlo 24b5 acres on Carver's Creek, listed i-y Jones A llarlK'e. for l.s.54 and Ik.'io. 5 acres listed y'I'hos Mcllowt li. 5 lots in Fayelieviiie. on -M-a.xwell sireet listed for Jo.seph 8eawe!i. 1 lot Fayelieviiie. North side of Rowan strict. listed by Ciiarles Moolagui'. I lot Nortli .side Hay sireel. late_ the property of Patrick .Moolagite. ililO acres listed liy ilob't F. Murpliy. his residence, for lS;f.. .8'i2.ji,s5i anil .S.'.5. , 500 acres listed hyditio. lot iszl and tr.>i>. ^ 90 82' 299 acres listed iiy tliilo. Jems Gedtiy, j 2lti acres listed iiy ditt . .Mill tiuet. J 11)00 acres Ernst iuc Cape F’ear River, listed by Neiil and Co'io .McFutyeo 37 here? of land on Gi'a s Ci’ei k. listed iiy .4. Jessup lor Eslate ofJaoies iloiliiigswui'iii. liO ticres 00 Iteep t.'reek. l.sUd Iiy .4oios Jessup for Heirs ol .ianies llollingsworth, 4 8 acres i:s(ea iiy Joo. C. \1 riglit. 202 .icres llst-d I’y' .Margaret Wriglit, .5.1 acres R.-ted liy I’h.lip J. Wriglit : 55 I acre.*. L.'ted by .Mary W igiit, 4 i 383 acres ria-st side Cape Fear River, listed by Roli't Vooog. 7 i 100 acres list.d Iiy Tbos. Hainey, 1 I By order of the Court. JOHN McLAURIN. Clerk. June 1). 2t 15 p5 5 06 .Noirni ('\i(!)Li,\i.\.\. Slant! frnia Indrt: or Uir n.stiTioui 'riie foliowiiti; WHS t'lM IIS :IM Hclilill f:ir{ hv a .bailor ulio Mjiriuhly allinmil iie k ‘“\\ ii whovvi T clsu liu was. la‘ iHrtaiii'y int’": lia\^- i-iM !i a Siiilff ol uvaiii': A \\ (' \\vv{‘ L>!i Ijo -ni a .^■^lavv sliij) tuinn-l in iMr coast "f AlVi'-n. I lia*l mv aiir-aiv a'nniit ll>- ljiis;n«‘s a:ui 1 liu.’ivve niHurs ha.j (no \Vi‘ hail |)assi'.l lUi* v'^irHits of (J .l»Fai'ar. wurc* iyai^ itff i».>: l»ary, O'lc cIi":i’ i-wni:..-' w!k*ii il caiHo lijy farii M lak‘ (]ji* lichii. siiip wa.N ]jui*aliiK‘l, ati.I at'onau wa.- as silent us Mk* l-.y ultur ihi* (I-'Iiilk’. >\ aU* nionoluiiy nf water, vuiIlhI only By tlifc ^^ianviii.Lis o( tac nmoa oa (iic cr".'l of ll'c wav* ,-, .made me think the nid fal'Ii s of XenliCrt: w * re ‘ true, and that Atn|*iiitrile and her Faida wi-re I .‘■'por;iiig' oa tlse siirlace of tlie oeuaii, with dia mond.-' in then* hair Tliese I'.im ies were I'nllow- V2 1 •htiAic rixiurcs ^ £ T I’ljr.sl^ i-3«l, buiu ' d‘v*irO'.is of chaajfing hi.'^ LusI iiess. o-lcvs his D. ag .'^Loi'ti Cos' Nule. It occup.es om aost Icsirabl * siliLitioas iu Iowa lor /he Lusl- A.iy p. r.oi! fK‘sIroa.s*f going Into Ihc hu.-iness can get ii ltar!;ain. JAMi'.SF, KOl'LKE^- .luno G, 5J-tr or This Ba lk has d -ol tretl a ilival -nd of -ti ] r*r cent, oni of lhe proliis (jl liik' !a-t Si-V nioailis. payaUe ol the Ihili lul'-ri-si at the rate ofG pi r cent ju-r anm.in Wil> lit allowed on sutis.TipliiHj.s to Stock nnide alL r the loll iiirl. till lliC! next nivklead. S. JKWETi'. Ua-^li'r. June fi. lin ^ ATlO^AI.. POLIC E O.-VZliT'l E- Tlilf? (ireat .lournal of Crime and (,'1 iniiiials i.> in ith Twid'lh Year, ami is widely circulated ihroiighmU lit. It eO).mins all the great Trials. LritniLa. Ca.'vs. and appropiiaie Editorials on the sniiie. to gclher Wi'li inlormat.on on Cnni.ual .Matters, not to he found in any other newspaper. .SubscriptioiLs, 62 per .\nmnn; $1 for Six Motiuis. to he reautL-d hy Subscribers, (wiio .should wr.te their names a.id the town, county and state where toev re.-ide. piaiulv.) To R A SEYMOUR. Editor r/nd i’roprietor of tho National Uolice Gazette. New Yoik City. June C. IS.'jT ]y .OilSDllic SfFVlctS. A Masonic funeral sermon will he delivered by the Uev. 1*. J. Caraway, at ihi- Kegaa Church in Rohe.oii county, on the lliod sSahhat!i in Jnm*. over the remains ofthe late Col. Nell! liegan. AI-mh«'rs of 8t. Alban's Eodi venient. are requested lo attend, and ilu* citizens gen erally. JOS. BKEECE. Ser'y. .May dO It Obse* ver copy. T.AKl''. iXO'l H ie ~ THE Subscriber having, at June Term Iti.'iT, f*f the Court of i'iease and Quarter SessioiLS Idr tin* Conniy of Cumiierland. qualili.'d as .-'idininistrator Ujiou the E-tate of Willie F. .Moore, hereby notifies |H.'rsons hav ing claims against (he said Es(ate to preKont the same properly authent.culefl within ilu* tinn.* pre.^-cribed l>y law, otherwise this uollce will be pleaded in the bur of their r.-*covei-y. t btors to the said Estate will please mak" paymoiit diately. E. E. MOOiiE. June G, od-if j etl Iiy llie thougliis of my wife, my citlldren, niul I mv home: nnd all were wihEv eiioiuii iunil'leil I - ■ . . J 1 togellier ill ;i weiieious state «-‘l sluinlu r. Su 1- ■^■^jiletily I luard atn»v'e my head a louil, deep, ter- 1 ribie voice eall out, ‘\Sland frimi Under.” I J ^;l}irted lo my led—it wjis a eu>!'»miiry *^ig:n:il when anyiinng: was llirown t'ro.u the sliimds— iiieeluii.ieally 1 sung out the nsud juswi r: Ij.*t gu! but nuiiiiiijr came. 1 hoiked np tn lhe siiruii.is—there was notidog there. I .searched tile deck, and found icmt I was iiloiie! 1 tried .0 ill Ilk It was a dream; linl. that sound, so deep, so .stern, so dreadful wasni ining in my ear like llie Imrsling of a i-anmni. In tiie morning [ tv.Id the crew wual J hud lieard. 'I'liey nnj^lied at me; and were all day lull of ilieir jokes aliout “l>reai;iing 'roiu.” Dne iellow LiHioiig: thcin was mo>t unmercitiil in his railiery. He was a swarlliv, mulignaiil looking Sps urd, wlio carried murder .n iiis eye and curses on li.s tongue; a daring ami lordly man, \\lio oas edot cibnie as it gave Ii.m jrre-eiijiueiux* imong: li.s fellows. He laiiglieil I'mgesl and lo-desl at my .story. “A iinL-^t umciviI glm.-'t, i o .•, * suid lie; “wiieu sueh ehiips come Ui me, I'd make 'em snow themselves; Fil io»l he salis- .ied wilhuul see.ng und fecl.iig as well as liear- 'I’lie sailors all joined witii him; ami I, ashamed of my alarm, was glad to Im Piient. 'I'Ik next night ],>tck Burton toi»k lhe In liij. Diik Imd nerves like an o.\, and sliicws l.ke a v\Inde; it was liitle lie feaied on earili or Imnealh it. d'he eioek struck one. Dtek was leaning Ids head on lUc helm, as he said, ihiiikiiig nothing ol me or my J'tory, when ihal awful voice again called u: Irom lhe shrouds, “Stand from iinoirl” U ck darted forwanl like an Indian airow, vvineh Uiey say goes tlirongji and tlirongh a Imllalo, and wings on its way as if it had not icfl tlealii in the rear. Il was an instant or more hel’ore lie found presence el mind lt> call out, “L' l gol” Again nothing v\as seen — nolh- Ing lieard. Ten loglits in .vueeession, at tmi- tdcloek, the same uniuilurid sound i iing ihrongli the air, making our stoutest sailors ijuail a.s d a Imllet .'iiiot liad gone through Ihefr hniins. A! last we grew jnile wncii it wa.s spoken of, iiit)i- .'fui iifiiii;!. ;»iriiiie:> i»i rjl. .AlDilll s ■* * ‘ , ......... I . ■ . .aiulall oih.r iiivihrcn tvhn n.hkv it c„n- O'M tla* tvt.rsl ol usi.ytfl « fiil It) .vlf,']) » .1 Miyiiijf 001'pniytTS. her inysfll, I won.u hate but 11 cliiiiitt'tl lo llifoiir iiii biy lilt- lo liave pot t)tt'that Vf.ssul. Blit ihfi't: tvu w 11',*, in the vabt solinitle ol tiie ot'eaii. aiol ili..s ii,viMl)'e bt-i-iijv was with loi No one pot a bold I'oce n|ioii Hie matter litil Atitonio, the 8paiiiai(l. He luiipiieti at our IVars, and drlii d .Satau hiiiised ti) lerr.ty him. However, wlit-ii il fame his liirii at the helm he refiiveil to po seteral tiiiifv, limit r the preteiiue of diiiuss, he was e.Xcii.'ed IV'im a tliiiy which all oil board dreaded. But at List tlie eaplaiii ordered Aut'ii.io to receive a romid doxeii of lashe.s every ni.elil iiiiHl he shmih: eoii- seiil to pti'form Ids 'hare ofthe uiiweleome of- lice. Fill- a while this w;r Itoriie palieiill.t ; l.itt ill loii.tzlh he faded oat, '“'ly a.s well d.e as uiitrtlier. Givj me over ly Hie rrid 1^. NOTICE. TIIE uinlersigiietl having oxociiteil a ptovi r nf .\C i ong wny t(>rnev lo E. F. .Mtmre. he is thereby authorized to mak'- I > all sutllameals lor 11’" i:. my na IK*, amt ?:um-r;>lly lo ; ni.dil \litoIilo kujil wateli on the deck. Jam- ti, .o3-tr i alarm liad stretclittl our iiurve.v iip.m Hie rat k. j one u’elofU Hie voiee eadeo, "Maud fiom I under!” "Let (lol” .vcreauiud the Spaii.ard. . I Tlii' was answered liv 11 siii'iek of luiijtlilir, The Subscriber iiaviuR. at June Term. L'=j7 of the | ' j ]i deemed as il H.e lit i.f..s Court of ainl tjiuarler i*iis ior C umberlafitl,‘^nu MJtn la , ,■ i • . i .4 ,t- 1 oimty. lakuii out l.eiiers of .•Viiuiiai.slratiou on the i unsweftd each ottii r Irom pole lo pole, aiitl t he Kstalc of Dr Briijatniii Robiu'ou, hereby gives notice ' i,as.v was howled iu hell. I hen came u sudden to all persons havius aeemint.s or ilemauds a;;ainst | , y,, the deck, as if our mast aud .'purs liise.-late lo prcseal lliem duly autlier.ticaletl "'do" r„i ,.ii We allru'littl to H.e spot, aud Ih'j time prei-fribed Iiy law. or this uolice will bejhadlaiiv ■ ,,i„,i,,ie .-nr .e T i.e pleaded iu the liar of lim.r recovery. there was i. fold, sliH, Figai l.o to.,.so 1 't. Those iud.'bted lo the estate must make immediate i S|iauiaid said it was till own lioiii l.ie sin onus, payraijiit. BE.VJ. R. 11U8KE, .Yiiu r. ! he iookeU on it lie yrouad h.s leetli ^ |,ke H III timnn. I’ER.SON.tl i.idebu'd t„ lire iate liim of B. .V ]!. « .; -i ,.,;eta;iiu (1 he, "I st.ililicd him Rohmsim mu-t m ake iiaviii 'al or tir;-,' .vdl l.ad tlie;i“ i I , f ( id a ’ii li dr uk li.s Note.? lui.laucmatsiu Si t b ’f.i" uexi i rm of die . •.viHim an Imu. s'.nM.t Lui.a, di..U Ui.lih li.s t oiiniy Goan. .4. seiiiMii"!,: of Ur.' iiaitaeisliip ac- liiuoil lor lu' rk asl. CHUut!' ip= ii*'l-’'l*vn!-'ahly ni*ecf>>a!y to omu.ie ihi .\'[- ijimis:rat«)r to liiNcliarg*.* hi.- oJie . E. K. IIUS::E. AtCy. JunoG. 5:>-: t DK IG.ei'lON OF THE .NEW BUILDI.Vf for is ;ood a;;.i.isl ..t llie i Oiis.er. Iu ftaifui ■ whispers ■*(: asUt" ’'Viial .si.im.ii lie dime w.th I the iiiidy. F u .lly we a r ed dirt the lerr.b.e I sisrut '"“■''t ''f ■■fU’U'eo I'om MS. a..U Indili u ill I,'e depths ot t.1C .sea. F u of li.v aHt-mjiltd re s 753.542 6S5“ Ralci'Mi Ro^i.ster, Wilinin.uton Journal anti Uomuiei'c'ial, Kavetleville aroliuiaii. Demo- eratif I’ioiieef, Gol’Isboronirh i J i i i, -Newberu D.iion, WLirreutoii News, Salisbury Baiiuer, Western Seutiuel, Ch.irlotte Democrat and sVsho'ville News, will publish three limc.s weekly and forward to this office. Rato adopted by Board for advertising'—$13,00 May 80, laST 62-3t I'or Fbto.iix I.iidtre .No s. .V. \ .-M.. (>,i Wvd.ies lay 2 Ui) i-,i.e it' 1 0 human .■‘trtli,atii W; .? of no av.id la.'iT. Iicina Uie Aimivrrsary of .sti John the Baptist 1 ,..,,11 i,at .Vilas. Tliere Th,. Graft w.ll imsrmble al the Lodye 0.1 di.tt day at ! we lul.rht G Wot I .DC "rb 5 o clock a u).. whore the du’il.calory ui'i'iniDiiirspucu- it lay, siiD, r.;ild, lieavy, ...ui . ^ ^ ,lav to Ur: m'.lrr a.rl the o'.-e.iskiu. wiil take place. 1 jf ^ i,ad forinetl lairl ol ihr ves.se . 1 lie .. |iair After which a procfssio.i will Ire formed to proceed . , . turious, "L'.'t u'e l 'l him, .said l.e, ‘1 to a place, (hereaiter to Iv d, .sigaatud.) to hear an , ‘ ' '' • ., .,’,„i ,.aii do it a”‘on. I'd leueh rddre.-s dy Bro James Banks, at 1, ticlock a. m. The ; 'H"-' ' J- | j i)ii!»r.o are r'-spectiutlv iiivitt=*{l i.» h'.-ai* thd* : him '.vjial it ... * i This being liaishud the p.-oce.ss.ou will rutuni to tlie ! Hie boiv ro 1 id I'le w.iisi amt all-mpt d Lodge. \v e e\ie:ul n cordinl invitation to our F'rster Lodi .d all Drothtn-sin good the services oa ibut day. ! to raiNL* and h- av.lv lhe i nr. se ■ad it-^el! up; Pf' niVlcss eye. u-.ct:ctl, iis and all Brolhersin good stuiuliug, lo a.iite w.tii us iui .siretelietl out a..d clasped its vicl .iti 1 I•m■■ill JAMES McD.-VNlEL, \v. whitehead, II. G. I.UC.t.S. Com. of ArrangumuiP- June C. 18-'» l2-:w NO I 1C. 111^1 el-.'Se death p-rappie, auii lolling over the siii'es of the sliip, tlieV t. ttereo all lus'aiil over tiie water—li-C", w'ltli a pillage.'l■'y sa..k tu- ■ .rethei'. Aga-ii Hii.t l.iUgli—Ha 7''ihi, s. rii,- i ji,,r 1,11,oh—wim heard 0.1 tin' w.mi'. The ?ai:- iois boww'd llifir iP'a.is, airi pui up th: ir h.iidk hereby in-i to shut out I he appall Ug S ’Uutl 1 look Hu. Tho.se iadebtert to .Iame.s Mcl’hersoii. are heree, .. 1.,,, 1, . .. > -R- » ms ira.ii dtately 'vill ; hcliu timu once iULr, ui*i L* ucnl. hp„rd 111 thu si.roues tuot. ihuttuti.iiji stKiod, oi m.d thai oil who do not pay up a.:,; thuir aotos ai-ui acoouats iu the hajids_ot_au offic Juao C4 fe-'Jli, O. w. L GOLDdlON. Traswet j