'S ;i^LS IE I’RICE Itios- jintinue to pul>- lioUicalSj v's: Iservativc.) L) IFree Cburc^O liberal.) 5AZTNE ^Tory.) I the three great t'hig. Tory, and • leature of their profonud writers J KeligioH- they faUd in the world ] scholar and the iligent reader of fect and satisfac- kture ot the day, fpossihlT obtained from the Brit- be to these Reprints iin the hands of s'lual ediviuns* F»r aun. $i*> 00 5 UO 7 Ot? 8 00 3 00 0 00 Aiev.-s 10 00 K fo.-fs •« advance. li-i* u^ned will re~ [cent from tbe above (ordvriiii: four or more C above -aorki. Thus t one Review, will be ir copies of the lour i}‘j and so ou. id Towns: these works If postage. f'hen liv part of the f- nited i-VoVK CENTS a year IlllEEN CENTS a year Britain of jive |«6tuf $oli;cr annnvi. l»s GVIDK. ical Agriculture. ot Edinburgh, and ,r of ScientiSc Apncul- , Uaven. 2 voU Royal merous Wood and steel ^nst comp’-et'^ "a and in oriUr to g>'e it a .arshave re-olved to re- re Tidumts'-'- A to California and r*. To every other i . po>t*paid 6 dollars. M k of the Farm. ’ rcpuHieationsshou.d o the 1'ublisb‘TS. FCOTT * CO.. J-street. New T ork. I COI.VMBIA-N 1)Y K. L.E IMPKOVEt). i streagih of any other. Atnral color, ht brown to jet hUt». od rapid. ^ to the Skin, and permanent. ,aud safest I'VE erer npaiiv eachbov.^X^_ I ;_4 0Z. S3 » OZ. *a ct of Congress, in the_ iu the Clerk s Olbce of . tor the Eastern District rOCl.KES, Fasettfville N. C. bs W. UAKKISON, No. Iu Iv -BILLIULS Pll.l.s. tenlion of persons afflicted th;: celebrated RiU, whiuh pilSiag, nor to long, windv ils owa m r.ts as a remedy ■ when taken aceordiug to each box.-This Fill uniike mineral, nor any luyurions Itninisiered with perfe-ct sale- ar old. nst Chills, or any other type led as uusurpa'.sed; aod in .erally it is far superior to ion of Peruvian bitrk. A trial s needed to insure it a favora- L-liou of eve.T thD most invei- !ary or I’atent prescriptions, i 11-BlI.I.lOCS PICCS. l«ing at lea-t as goo.1. if not varions calbaric Pills of the >e from all poijioiious mineraife. nies. and are highly r«om- I iver Complaint. Sick Head bitual Costiaeness. Indigestion. Stomach. Liver. Rowels, and l^iii» by their composition er of thc'a'iove cases as a gen- all linie? when such imdiciQesi .mmend them to the attention %. M SWYER & CO.. Belleville. Illinois. lie Favettevilie. N. C.. and b>- ■ and -auages in the Nonthern ANTrD- )wn and hamlet in lha not already established, Co.. Belleville. Illinois, mee to character and res will lie promptly tilled by F M St\ YER & CO., ors. Belleville, Illinois, dm )pr Mills* T WAX TED, Railroad wiatiogs or at in^y ' they .'ill ■"« from the .Merchants and ^others iviii mo when Hiey i Bend them to n still afford to pay ‘^ eerv from store or at K»‘iroaa Is checks or N' rtbern funds, t t* ID and r TaLtVirginia Merchants. Imaand \1W V a r.=,r.fT suitable for CoG iha.Td l P Cotton waste ,aper a rappers- ^ ^ J. *'“• CII AMU \L'I>T. ,>1 EVG«.\K BfILD*5R, ad Hamilton -ts.. Philad., Pf- on largo wheels. w»h » o attached to move themfibouC o cylinders, making arefiBed w and for sale. These eiic n years, and in every isfaetioa. DetcripUYSC-sUlWS 4- Devoted to Aews, Political and Business matter, Agriculture, and Family fie riding. lUULICsYTIOX OFFICE,] lx\OKI»EADK.\CK IS THE SOUL OF JOEMOCUACYJ [DOXALDsiON STIIEET. WM. F. WKiUTsM .N, Editor. FAYETTEVILLE, I. C., SATURDAY, JULY 4. 18.)7. I VOLr.Mi: XIX—XO. 9-37. I .dD'IISJIWT.lATOR’.k S.EI.B. j [ Will .sell at public sale, on Tuesday the 6th July [ at the resilience of the late \Y. F. .Moore, all of th- ^1. FAULKTi!! T E R M S OK kUIiSCllIPTIDS r » niE C vnl,! VI.VV For a single copy, if paid in a Ivance. per a mum. 32 00 , Ho is-hold and Kitchen Furniture. Also. 1 line Car- ** ** at-the end ot ,5 monriis, 2 on i 1 B;iroiiche. 1 Buggy, and I Wan’oii. tVill also “ “ “ at the end ot n inmths, 3 00 . i,:,.,. oi,t fur the balance oC the year 2 Negro Men and : tide in his line. “ ss the euil oi the y.-ar. 3 oil [ i ptuy. a„j [>,.„[ out the House. His stock is choice and c.arefiilW >o suf>f*cription w*ill be recer.*u>l for si .vaorter pcnoil > rt> m , .... , . . x than 0;ie year ti.iless paiil in advance. JU.ST RKCEiVi:; iirge and fancy assori, •ii'Mit of B () ) T S & S H () E S ; readies' Gaif* r.- Satin and colored ; Ladics^iiid Gents* SHOi of a new and beautiful pattern, and every style ofui With the view of. evt n t!K* circulation and en hancing »he nti(ilness of the pa|>er> tlic proprietor of fers the following rernarkaidv low CLCTH niTE'. ( Vr IRIiHLV I.V ADV.I.VCF:: 5 copies of the Caroliaiaii. 1 years, SS »>o 10 •* “ . ** 15 00 Rates of .idvertisin?: cents p t •jqii ire of l(i fines, or loss, fcf? the first •lad 30 ceats for each u*»^efpient in-ertioi, nnl •.«» the idvcrcis'm‘Ht is published for more than two mis.itks, when It will )»e charged For thr**€ mo iths, - ... - $4 f>€ For MX months. - . . . 6 00 1 For fw dve mo iths. - - - - - 1f> 00 All advertis'*m •uKsinu^t have fhe de-iip'd numb t of in sert’o IS marked on th‘m. orfh'*r\vi«:o th»‘y will >>e in dune *20 E. F MOORE, AdminUt’r. 5ot8 Labor Wanted IVc are paying Fifteen Dollars and Board per month (with pnynieiits monthly) for hands on the Rail Road, or T: cents per day—monthly hands preferred. .\pplT *■' Mr Garrcll, on the work 18 mile* West of Fayette'- dected by h'm eelf. and buyers will find it to their interest to call i.e- fore purchasing el.sewhere. Corner of G.llespic and Franklin streets. April 22, IS.i7. 47-tf l-»aosFF;i OF SOUTli CARO Inl A PRESI5VTKRIAN. ville, or to June 3t T. WAOHILL. ■lert *1 r 11 ft>rb 1 -.iti I ch vr.X'-d accor li jgly. attention U direeted to this WM. F. WFCIIT.vnV & CO. 'ppciai \ NEGROES WANTED. . The ua.iersiga«‘d will pay the highest cash price for \nl.*Xvir XEtriiOES. Lcttei» addressed to’’ither of IT? at Laurinburgh, Kichmo..d couutT. will have prompt uUeutiou. D. C. MeINTVRE. D.VXIEL M. .McLAURIK. Laurinburgh. .Tan'y 3, iS57. 3i.tf ; Sometime in January or February !a.«t, I gave a note to Jesse fnmnu fur Three Hundred and Seventy Dollars! This Is to give notice to all persons not to trade for said Note iiiasiiiMch as I do not infend evfr to pay the same having never received an thing iu cousideratiou therefor. ROBERT TXMON*. Leesville, Robeson Co.. N. C., June 6, 1857. 5J-Ct craT2 lavr g. .vaigu'i\ .•VTtTfiicy at tjiw, Fityci le vllK‘, >*• C. O hce at ilie ccra-i* of Bow and tJroea streets. Feb’y 3. 183t>. J. A. • ATr')IlV AT T t:i‘ j Take and loh.istoa. A I ire-w. Too n .'r. ilaraett Co.. NT. C. Feb. lt>. iS-7t). S P i-I \ !{ -2. V .YT I..V1V, .) irCs o.‘' Jn n iir'a.i 1. Hiiruett- IlaiikfsiolUT K siil lice for Sale. The Subscriber, desirous of changing his business a.s well as his locat.on. oifers his handsome atnl ct mmodi- •. i ous Residence lor sale To tlio.sp aequaiiited With this ! ; place it i.s not necessary to parficular.ze,—he would ; I much prefer to .sell ‘he place to some gentleman iion- I resident, that the Town may have the bene.it of an ’ increase ufpopulat.on and wealth. The Dwelling and i out-houses are in a p rfect state of repair: having been thoroughly and neatly fitted up within the last three , months. To a jam ly of tlie low country it would be a very pleasatit residence In .’siininier Terms accouimodat.ug. THOS. J JOHNSON. \y. fi, T u u M V a To Geuernl Commission lifetcliaut* NORTH WATER STREET, Wilmington, N C., Will give personal attention to tbe sale or shipment of all consignments of Naval .Stores or other country pro'luce. and any other hnsiucss entrusted to his care, will he promptly attended to. April 18 i8.)7. ly The PresLyferiun Church iti North CnroUua IS long labored nij.ler a serious lii.sadvantagc volt) ilic want of a journal to mivocate her lainis and rei»r*.‘s.*'it her iiiteve.sts. It is p.sti- 'ualfd tliat oidy 1000 Pr'-shyterian Weeklies • re taken in the hounds of onr three Preshyte- Ties. We have 13,000 Ooiiirniinicniils, iitifi i4 is .'.alc to inlcr lliat tluTn are 30,000 J’reshy- tcriaiis in princiiile in the Statn. Onr Synoil stainls iiflli in tlie Union in point of nninln.r.«. and !n-r rni'inlmrsliip i.s grnatrr than that of any Synod South or West of Penn.svlvania NORTH CAROLIMAX R O .M A N C P O P C Pv i .M P. WILL-FOUGIN’G BX' A I’lIVSICI.* S' — SU.S!'U.'IOU3 PEATS OF IMS rATIENTS. In that biilek cllapier in the criminal history of n lividvc month, in which appear Williuin I’al-: inef, forger and prisoner: .John S.idieir, nion- .stron.s swindler and suicide: M'illiaiii Dove, ri'ligiou.s inijio.stcr and murderer; with directory of eriminal liaid;crs. convicted and nnconvicted; railway rolihcr.s aad forgers; fraiidnlcnt Onr sister Stales oil the Xortn and South, chants, iniirderera detected and lianged, or a liir i'iV \tf ADicy FULLf^^ Ht La’.v, K k y 3 r r s V 11, , , >•. r Mi\-. becow.iltol at the Law Oince of Je.s;e G. Shep- ber i Oil Gre-’i) .Street. I ATTE^riON • I Is called to the fact, that then- are .M.\NY who OWE m.‘. and some of them seem to tlmik it uimccessary to pay their Njjtes or Accounts : To those aud all others I beg h'ave to say that pay-*!ay has arrived—or ought to have ere this.- Flease call. [ THC. j. JOHNSON. I Inn- 20. 55.3t • NATI0N2\I* POIatTE G.IZETTE* This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is in it.' TwoLth li ear. auil is widely eiienhitcfl dironghout tin country. It eo.ifains all the great Trials, irlniiiii l Cases, and appntpriale Edjt(»ria!s on the same, to gether wCh inlormation on Crim iial Matters, not to be found III au3' other newspaper. i.*Su Sub.scriptimis. S2 per .Anuum; SI for Si.v .Moiiihs. to be remitted hy Sul»serii>ei*8. (who should j write their names and the town, county and state wher ‘ they reside, piaialy,) To R A SEYMOUR, Editor anl Proprietor of the National Police (tazettc. New York City. [ June C, 1857 ly l.ily !h. l^-'iii. 7-tf A.SUiiFW .J, aT’UU.ft.V.X, A-tavJtej at Having r.*moved to PI f T-SBOitxL N. C.. will attend •C4'ilarlv the Courts ol k.;iiathain, Moore and Harnett Cou .ities. April 11. ISoij. tf ii N i ii Tj. t .\crcs of La v! lying onC.ipe Fe.ir River—Stor**. Dw-.dliiiir. ->..11 H ui':‘.sall i:) .ir-t rnte ord t. Tii • Sttue is at t ti le ba.d.i-‘s.s .M.i.id at the Cro's Roads and the anl is not to n.; exedh .1 i‘y a ly in .N’orth Carolina. A.iv per.so.i desiring to purcha-^e can obtain further particulars resp‘cting the property by calling cn c chn-ofusat -.Villis*' Cre.^U oa t.ie Tilm:.Jgtoa Road 15 mile.- from rayettevillc. SARAH WRIGHT. Oct. 4. iS-tf JAMES WRIGHT. J ue .Vnuual Lomm- uci nienl ex. rciS. s ol this Insiitu- I tiou Will embrace the 14lh. I'dh. and Inth o July ne.xt. Th' public examiuiit.on w.ll take place on the lUh and !-■». The Anniiul 8ermoii will be delivered on Thursday evening the 1 ItU. in the Episcopal Church l»y , Rev.-Jos. C. Huske. and the Literary Addre.s by ' Barth. Kill er. Esq., in the Baptist Church, on Wed* I nesday evening the l.ith. Ou Thurstlay the Mitli. a Coiicert will bt- given at th‘ Insiilution at 3^ o'clock, I p. m. To all which the patron-i ol the School and the piibliC are respi c’lolly suvitid. DU UHLS' no UHL! eOWJMlS cV TII DY. s The Proprietors of this E.stiibli.«hment an nounce to the public, that osving to tht* con -tantly increasing patronage e.xtended tf r.htuii. they have been induced to enlarge th accommo lation by the addition ofai) e.vtoiisive Dinin Room on the lower Hoor. and sniti,* of Rooms on tli second ftoor; thus eualilinsr them to accommodate i\- whi> may favor them with a call. .V.id they pietl. themselves to an inc» eased e.xertion to givesatisf.ictio to their p.itrons, .Spacious .Stables attached and careful Ostlers I. atten'lancc. The eligible location of the Establi'-hm'^nt. with lli cxpcrifuce of tluj Proprietors in providing for t Ou Mondttv the imh of July, the .Vnnual Meetiagnf comfort of their patrons, they hop,* will secure to tlr a liberal share of the travfl. The Western and oouthern .Stages arrive at and depni from this House. ' Carriages in attendance on arrival and departure i *! Steam Boats, for the acco nmodafioi^of passenger Horses and Carr-ages fiirni-hed at any notice L carrvino- traveller.s to a iv part of the adjacent conntr' , ‘ J. W. POWERS.' W. C. TROY.' Fayetteville. May 12. ISofi. 9S-tf the Boar-l of Trustees will be held at 4 o'clock, p. n at the institution. WM. E. PELL, Principal. June 20, 55 3t .■M ©IT /A\ Elliott, C O :'l M I -S J» l 0.\* M E .V c £1 A A' T , I-AVfcTTcIVILLt:. N. C. ff»r Luit«*rl'h i • o.'s Stpunihf'-it Mr** Vk’i’.l .itten I |ir-i.nt»t y to all bu^iurMs F-ntrUf-lul tt-. 'll. tSit* Cl-tf ^ Sj Five sevenths of th j F.Ud d [ sG .V.Vi> TURPLN- TI.N'E LA.n'H iu Harnett coa iiy. k lo.vn a-the Park-T a.id dc.N.'.n la.ids. joining A'm. H.irr agtoa's land oii Upper Littl.; jLver. Vh to is 7*0!iii .:on acres cf the b:*>t q lal.ty ot low gro i;i Is on tae R.ver. The up lauds .ii-• nea. ily ti-n >ere I w.tli p..i*s. a.i ! within si.x miles of the Fayetteville a.id Western Ra iroa-l. For oarticalars apply to D .Mc.Vii I’HL R. J. 1’. ROPER, J. W. -McIyAV. Nov. 13.56 29, 20 tf >1. t’UHlpbfll, At'CTIONEKl* .fc COM.Mf'iSIO’S .>1KT1■IS.\^T. East side of Gille.-pic street, F.aVETTHVii.i.E. N. C. October 1. i85n I Hoving a few years age. umlcr the influence of de- I dining health, purchu-s. d the well k.iown Jack on i Spr.ngs. aud ,iOw nut lu.-eding them lor mysylf, and 1 tindiug a g»*iieral desire through the country that these Springs siuui d be oceupied and made a\ail:ihle to the i pui»l c as a bummer watering place, 1 have resolved to vSell tlunn. j : These ' ■ - - -- -- i C. Tin; i are well known —the pievailmg mineral is Iron, with Magnesia and .Sn .phiir also present. There ib a fall of A. CHAiT Thf J'urnitiii-C \ Fixtii.io of t. P.4 YETTEVII.I.B IlO'i'Bl, FOR SALE. The Subscriber having fully determined to sell ih Springs are on Jackson Creek, Moofe Co., N; above named property, nowolfer it to any euterprisin virt.’.e and mvrdlcal properties of the water man upon liberal terms. This Hotel enjoysa large custom from the adjoinin counties, and frorii the travelling pnolic, with a pro water pa-ssing by the Spring, by which machinery pect of future ii!crea.«e. What it has done and is no conic l»e driven, so as tt elevate water into bathing- doing, can be seen by any one wishing to purchase, e. vais. or even cOtivey water to the dwelling house. referring to our liooks. Tbe situation of the Buil' Every naiiirAl facility is jireseut to make this a place ing is such a.s will command the greater part of tii of novel, interest, with small investment. Iu connec- custom coming to, and passing through Ibis place, tion with the .Spring is a boly 243 acres of Land, part For the amoa.it of capital invested, there is no bus of which i.s under improvcinen t. ness that a person could engage iu that would pay a .^£ A U B Ij E P A C T O a. Y, BY GP;0. LAUDER. • early opposite to E. W. W.lik.ngs* Auction Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 1. V TTi-- property having once been filled up for a wator- ' ing place, all* tfie necessary houses are ttircady there, 1 and in tolerable goo«l order. The Cherrw & Coal ! FieM- Railroad will pas.s as near tbe springs as the prepri«dor wonbl wjsli. Ftmid inquiries made of me last summer, I .suppose; that more than three rmmlE'd persons would have gone to these Springs during that scu.son if the house ! had been open. I It is tliought unneces.-ary to give further details as ' to tlii.= property. The Jackson Springs are too well know i to will inform W rra it^'d t'tles will be given, and Mich time on pay ments as may suit the convenience of a respon.sible purchaser. Address, A. I). C.\MPBEi..L, BcnnelUville, S. Cl June 13. f)4-4t 18.56. J. H ROBERTS & CO. 1.7- FA YVETTE VILLE HOTEL. The Suhseribers having this day leased this Hotel for a term of years, will oe pleased to .see their friends and the traveling publicatthisIIou.se. At tlic same time we joenr. I ne jacKsoii ju;is me too wcji , , , . , . .. r..c,ii're it. Tlio..e tliinki is of purclia-sing hope tbev will be paticiU and Bear with our imp.-rtiT- n themselves ahoiit the ) ro a rty. “0''^ «= shall have put the House in such repair XV .1XTED. -men. boy. and K’rl.s. The | A few likely servants.- hiirhest price will be paid by calLnp npon J. 11. UOBERTS. Feb. U. 37-tf SECOXD yPHTXa STOCK. i An.IMANTlNE and T.YLLilW C.VNDLES; fine aatl eotnnioa TOiJ.ACCO; and almost anything iu the Grocery line. Cheap as the clieapest! 1 G W. I. GOLDSTON. Fob'y 7. 1857. 3(i-tf as we nesire. J. H. Boberts. .March 1, 1850 J. II. ROBEIITS & CO. Fi N. Robkkts. 3.5-tf iieitlier tif wliieli has it nteHiher.slii|> so iarirn as ours pnlilish the Cetitfiil, ntnl the Soiitherii l*resiit..t(‘riiln, for ihe lieiielit of tlieii* people. 1 he finie has eoiiie when the I’reslivterian Olinreh in Xorth (Carolina .slioiihi I ki'wisu do her ditty to her childreii. t is a eoneeded aod niportaiit laet, that liii i.dreds of onr inenihers w II take a State paper who will take no other. Thu I’aper is needed lo he the orean of onr ■Synoil ami I’resiiyleries— to elevate and eii- ttiid eliaiiged and iiiideteeled; witli Inirglars idghwayinen out of number—we have more dark page. It is that whieh eontaiii.s tile story of Dr Dionysiits Wiefohyclii, the res ult of whose trial iu the high court ofjtidieiarv at Edinburg is given under the htud "Seot- laml” sioiis are some tilers made «hii'Ii would nj'pa! society were the phvsieian not true 'o the trust reposed in hint. .Many a family Cireamstain C is told to liim liy patients seeking eminsti and comfort in matters out of his profession. Hut I it is a croH ii of digidty whieh tile meilieal f: c-- tilty wear to liieir iinspeakultle honi r that they do not abuse tli - eonlidcnec re)'osi d iu tiiein. I I’ossesaed of pleasing manners ami ii pereep- tive power whieh pem-tnited riniekly into any peciiliarily of the persons whom lie met, Wielo- hyelu began biisine.ss :i.s a Inmio.opatliist in Edinhiirgh in 1813. His professional neeipt? from .Inly in that year to August !s:u were d-OI IGs. T iie}'gradually inerea.seti tiilh his , reputation till he wa.s aide to keep his earriage ami they amounted to il 1.33 Is. That I In the town of Galashiels prcvioii.s to Ylar- oghteu theinety ofonrnteu,.ersl,ipl,vd.iru.si,,gjti,,,„^, IS.uS, lived a familv named Darlin- evaugchcai knowledge—to i.nnimtt* tlie cniise . . ^ , * i.onn^, ■If Edneaiion—to devehipe i!,e talents of our ’I" ‘'’S'"* ■''"‘i two Ministi-y, ami to .mrcngtiimi the nltaciinienr of jSOii’ our iiuotilc to the .sod iind .sanctuaries of their I owji 6t:ite, j If oui* Cij'irch in otlier States, nml other! i'hurehesinfi stbate. eaiisu ply their m-m-'Tliey were per.soiis who had .ers With a reiigioiis jour.nil. wliv may not we? ; '>■ eommon school education, rind pos- Aiv Xorth Carolina I’lvsliyterians inferior in | sg'si'd an ordinary iiraouiit of intelligence, talent, energy mid patriotism to their neighliors j Thomas Wdng able to tell a good story when Ciiinstians. of i ,|ie humor. Isnliella was the eonver.sat'Oti- is. Itial was the piofessioiial incoiue of twelve nionlii.s in 18oo and ISdb. Atno.ig the patients wliom ho was etilled to visit wheti he had aeqtiired .soti.e popularitv, was the mother of the Darlitig.- at Uortohello. She died soo t after, hut the doctor diil not lose the conlidetiee of the survivors. He doubt* les.s easily aeeoiinled for the inotlier’s death by s tiame was rhomas, aged j old age. He .seems to have woti the good at that time ahout filty; atid tlie datigliters j opinioti of tlieiii all, if not hy ijoerying the iiiedi- were Margaret, aged si.xty, and Isaliella, some , eal profession, liy denotineing its large iloses, ;alisl, who talked with visitors and transaeted on the ortli or South, or to other ilenominations at home? With the same or itetter opportunities of aeeoniplishing this work, sliall We leave it undone? In tlie :lieitig more retiring, eoti- I inginige ol one of our most able and useful fined herself to tlie management of the house. \!itiisters, ati adopted son of onr State, “It night to have heeii nndertaken 20 Years ago. They possessed properly whieh yielded JL’UO ]ier aiiiiiiin, of which, after deduction of siindrv cliarges, X'9(! a year wag p.gid to them in (|uai- mt it is not too late to begin to do rigtit.” In the Inst two or three nionllis. a fund nont $.o0it0 iias lieen siiliserilied as a perma-1 terly sums hy their agent, Mr William llutlier- • eiit capital. At a meeting ivf the .-onl ribntors ; ford, writer in Galashiels. ■Id at 0''eensbor.nigh on the I4'h of .May,— lev. .V Hiker, t.’liairman.—the Piper was nn-, lononslv locateil at F .y.-tteville, under the |•'->. property amounted to £3000; ■ame and title of Ilir Xonni C.vuom.s-.i. PiiUfl-1 and in iS.n2 lo .£4200. It was ehieflv On taking their agenct, about sevcatece inoiiev bane and Her. ] loaneil on herilaljle .seeiiritics. In Guhtsliiels VTKRI.VN'. Rev. Will X. .M F'orge .McXeill \v I’e eleeti-d IM tors- Rev i i e, i v -i- r . • i . , ,, M , ■ j :il.so lived the families of two married .sister.s, I‘Ssfs George .MeNeill. \\ in. .\ .\i.-!i.ine, A. , , . , ikerandU H W ley, and .Messrs, Geor e I i.-.Xeill, t^r., .John H. Conk aild David .Mar-1 •'vmi •riniblesame to their uncle Tlioinns and V Were appointed an Eveeiitive Committeej i (he two aunts in the niutter of money. Other 1 esiabii.sn t.ie I aper and niamfgc its busine.ss | ;||j|io-s aiinnved these aged people. Tiiev weifc tilt's. I .. . 'ii.ssatished with tile rate ot interest received It is our wish and design to make tile Xoniir tRoniN.u I’RR.siirrftKi.i.v a .joiinial of the (n-st i the.r m mey; the railway pa.ssed too m; j iss, eipiai to tin; liest in tile eoiintrv in typo- ■ tiie.r house; and in the winter tlie ehihlrtii n ants of our Chiil'elie.s. Its eolii nils will affmal : le latest iiiteiligeiiee, liolh foreigu and domes-i ■ and special care will be taken to give a full ■ id aeeurate summary of State new.s. The i H more. dislike to that place increased. Until in tlie au- tuiiiii of 1.S.32 they inteiide.l to leave and see Tiicy took a, horse three milei. uiueofthe Pap'r is designed to tic an expo-jfroin E liii'mrg, Xo, I, Riselield place, F orto- belio, .Mr Rutherford eontiniiing to be agent I for their property. And now for the hero of int of its ciniracler and contents. From coin ction. it will advocate the conservative, or- lodo.x, Old School doctriiits and order of tlie o :r history, fcoiiietimv in tlie year 1S39, a Onr first appeal is to our own people—to X’ Pole, calling liimself Dionysiii.s Wiclobyciii, ?. Presbyterians. Wiiilst we rel}’ eonlidentiy and professing to lie a rloetor of medicine, ar- pon tiieir f.ivor, we trust that the native sons ■I' Xorth Carolina who have found homes in ■ther State.Sj and the adopted citizens of onr 'Tate who form so iin|iortant an element in our dinisfi'V ami metlibel'sliip, will take a deep merest iu this euter|)i'ise, and .give it their leartv support. Tuu'i.s: S2 per annum in adviinee, or on de rived at llaivick. He wa.s understood to liave patriotically risen witli his oji|ire.s,sed cotintry- men in insUrreeiion against their Uiissian eoii- and 1 romisiHg them health and long ide liy hig iniperceptililc quantities, he did so lor a eer- taiiily hy declaring irrcconeilable hostility to lawyeis. In particular, he directed their* di.s- triist against their agent, .Mr Rutherford. He repre.seiitetl how much better it would be if they liad each a private pcr.'oti like hiimself] instead of a lawyer, to ir.aiiago for them. In this they ai qn csced. Rut did he introduce any other private person? He induced them to transfer their property from the agent at Galashiels to one in Edinliurgh. Rut the nllimate purpose of the doctor, as now seen, was to transfer it to himself. 'I'honias was the head of those in whose name the most, if not all of the money, was invested. A letter was written at tlie doctors dictation liy Isahella, and signed by riiom is, orjleriiig a ir.iusfer of the property, wliieh done, Thomas died very quickly. Mafgaret was not. givei to eonver.sntiott; ail the husiiie.ss affairs Were Isiliella’s. To have destined their property hy will for the fiiliire ■ i.se of niunysilis Wielohyi ki, Margaret must have made a tcstainelit to that elTeet. It wag ea.sier to piirstiade one sister than two. Mar-' garel dieii; hut the nephews and nieces at Galashiels set tip a elaiiii to her share of the estate, siie litivitig died iiltestnti’, and the opin ion of tlie comieil pronouiced them entitled. .\t this crisis Ihe doctor dictatid, anil Isuhell* wrote, a will, whieh pur]iorted lo lieqiiealh the deceased’s sliare lo her, and 'Ahieli was signed liy Isabella in Margaret’s name. And tliis document Vv'ii lobyeki at once uttered as ;enu- iiie, knowing it to be forged. Tl e fencing between him and the laa vers, his efricmti ry, duplicity, cuniiing, and uccoiiqilished acting, wc need not dwell upon in this summary. So livery of the (ii'sf uumliei-; $2 :j0 in si.x iiMiitiis S3 at the eitil of the year. To eliilis ot o.'i or more, p-iving in ailvttnce and when the I’ap' r is sent to one aihlress, ;i discount of 10 •cnt. will be allowed. Onr .Ministers and Ehlers are earnestly desired to act as .Ngent.s, iind all others friemlly to tlie miiise will please is.sistin proeiiring as many siiliscribers as possi- le, and forwai'i! the names, hv .^ifan^l Is*, to qiK'i'ors. At Hawick, Mr AValter IVilson, a manii‘acfiir,''r and jtisliee of Ihe peace, has ac* tpiT'd the iiiniiahle .girl rojititation of a friend o( the IViendIc.sts. A hrother of Wielohyeki was alfeadv knewn to .Mr Walter Wilson, and that gentl I" ’’ info lii.s house, foriiied a hi,gh opiiiioii of him, f.ir as events had yet occurred, it was just possible that the generosity of tins friend— many etniiie • p ■ so s of ihi.s quality ln:> b n gciieroits; Will. I’aliner was a very kindgei.tle- iiiati to the ]ioor when his gifts could he seen of min atonee received the scmid Inother ! "'as just po.ssible that the do.tor .'toop- d to do a w rung ill the inane cf .Margaret’s forged will for the s; ke of Ins esti eiiied Irieiid ila. If so, it was iinieed a Iteroic act of intl'odneed him to other people in good eomii tioii, who also thonglit well of Iiim, and has| eoatinued to hold that good opinion t|„.oi,gl,. i'’cnevoienCe to peril I im.self in body and soul the face of amt.satioii ton'pvtem y of one who was not l^tit Jlvast*** is-i ) ) Gift liis whole career, in I this Office. As soon as loOO' sttbsrrilier.s are evidence of gniit, up to the hour 'oefore 1 I"’'"’' 1'"' '' 1 _ I a * 1 . t . 1 . . I I) I... -...,..1 TP.. * I T .. .1 . a . .3 . .. .3 r ... t . 1 I . . _ _ a . .. _ .. a ? _ STARR AND WILLIAMS, Have now in Store their .SECOND .sTta.K of .Sea sonable Gooi.s. which they will olivr to the t\ holesale Tra.ie very low for Cash, or on the usual tone to prompt paying Iniyers. . J. ti. cTAlilt. J. M. IVILLIAMS. .May 2, lt--W- i A CARD. THE iiniler?i;?iicil would rRspoctfally Inform lii5 old ; fVii'uds and cn.'^tuincrs that bo can be* tound at the ; StoruofU. E. Luute. v.iurc ho will be i,Had to see j James C. Smith. Miles Costi.x C. SJIITH St CO., Commission Merchants^ Have removed their ollice to the second story of tli building formerly occupied by the Telegraph (Joinpaiiy ^Tlle^e they arc prepared to attend to all business in the Commission line; All business entrusted to them will be punctually attended to. WilrainKton, October 1, 1856 * y New Goods. obtained, tile first tnmiber Will ln5 i.ssncd. If a I'aitbful and viaoroiis efV'irt i.s made in the ni-.xt two inOMtlis bv llio.se Ilbo take a lively interiasl in this woi'kj wc will without donid, be able to hcgiii the ptiblicalinn at the -nd of that ^time f';,vorahle npiniou of man with a pavbiL;' subsurip'ion lisl of at lea.o oOOll. JE®- Adiires.s, Editors of the Xortli Carolina Pri'Sliyleriiin, Fayetteville, X. C. F-iyetiavillc, .May 20, iHot conviction, and for aught we kiioWj may hold, that .good opinion still. Df. Wielobyehi war, siicces.Tul ’n ticqtiiring people. He re-1 mained six luonth.s in Hawic, Went el.sewliel'e, i i.i. . i , „ , , , I eoneericd this generous tlnetor. we are not informed wliere, and in !84d maile . • , . . , , i re.sted and put on trial by u lurv, and hi.s aopearauoe iii Fj-linhurgii as a inedieal vs. th. m. Jan. J. B. .McDonald. 17, lS.5i 33-tf SELF-SEALI-YG JAHS. For pres.>rving Fresh Fruits amt Vegetaldes. Pints Quarts ami Hall'-Gallmis. at 52 41). 53 JU. and 5.‘> 2-'. oer dozen, resirectivelv. For sale at ttie Croc .eery Store. ' W. N. TII.LINGIIA.ST. .Also, Fresh Supplies of rillXA, GL.VSS- W.VRB and Table Kidves. Juae 20, 1'57. .5.5-tf - ' ^ ' I V^siUl «l>lt‘ Laml f-d- Salt*. j The snltscribcr offers for sale his entire lands, incin ding about eight hundred acres, lying fifteen m.les aljove Fayettevdle and live miles triiin the mouth of lower litfle river. The lanil is level and healthy and w.-ll alapbtd to farming; there is atioiil one humlred aad tilty acres cleared and under a tine slate of culli AATiJSa sPIliN’i; TUIDB, 18.)7. »t. F. F E I liF t i I ts n.jw receiving a ticautiful and well selected stock of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, j Comprising a gen-eral as.sortmentofaIl the latest styles ol Ladies' DreXs tJoo-ds, Lace-.oid Silk .Mantles, Ein- bro.deries ofeeery d.;scriptiou. Crape Shawls. Bonnets Riltbons. Gloves, Belts, Hosiery, Ac. —ALSO— White .and colorc'l Linen Drilling, Kn-dish amt Freiicli Drap d'Eta. Bleached aad brown Sliirtiugs and Sheetings, [risli Lmens. Linen Taiilc Cloths, Towclings.and Napktns. , , ,. ti » Leghorn. Pa laina. Bassiinere and Moleskin Hats. D’mitrellas and t’arasois. Boot.s. -.iiiies anil Rea-Iy-.Made Clothing. All of which will tic sold low for c:ish. or on the I The undersigned have received into .Store their re cent purchase of GOODS, cmlifaein.g a large ami general Stock of ORONEIitES .4\l) M.41l;iW4RE, Which tiiey wiSI icti on their usual aceormuodating terms. O. W, WILLIAMS & CO. , March 14,1857. 4l-tf NEW ^ODS. J\M SPRIXG STOCK, 1857. E. F. £?aOOBF. Wbelcsale irocer and Commissioa nirchanL Ha' just received iu Store. 215 Barrels Whiskey and Braudy, 35 •• and hhds. of Sugar ass'td* 75 Sacks liioCofiec, 200 •* Salt. 50 boxes Soda Biscuit. Candic's. Soajw. Caudles, Snuff. Cigar?. A'C. «S:c. All of which will be aold ou liberal terms. March 14. 1857. 4I-tr vaiioa. I will sell it all to.getlK-i or in sm-all tracks^^^^^ usmd time'to'piui'ctnoVcustomer.s. All persons (and sad piircbivsers. h or Inrlher partic.l.irs apply to the pin ticiilurly the Ladies) arc re.spectfully requested to '^'41 EX VNDER W VLKER give me a call before making their selections.^ | '7-tf subscrilTCr on the premises. 19. give me a call before making their selections. I ' B. F. PEARCE. ' Fayetteville, (Hay St.,) March 14. 1857. 41-tf i^OTI E. ORDEU .VO. I Head Quarter.s 33 Regimonf ^ Xorth Cnroliiia .M.alitia. ) Fayetteville. June 2.7th I8.')7. The following Coinpa.iies having failed to elect offl- cers are hereby ordered under the command of thc^fol- BAUK or tsri'.aciJiGiioXi- i T'lis Bank has decLirc 1 a livideiid of 4j ] er cent. .. p , -p , out of the profits of the hast Six months, payable on THE undersigned having e.xecnted a power of skt- lowing Laptams. Flea Hill L P‘ .? in the ISth Inst. ton.ey to E. F. M.mre, he is thereby authorized to make Bulla, of Locks Cr'‘ck; Sevent. F,i^t company ^ Intere.st at the rate of 6 per cent per annum wilt lie all settlements tor n>e in my name, and generally to Capt. W PSmith Qumibiffle. Th , allowed ou .sabscriptious to slock made alter the loth transact all businessas I might or could do were I per- pects obey the oisler of raid Laptams. till the next dividend. S. JEWE'l'T, Ca.sh’r. sonally preseut. J.J. MOORE. _ Ry of’wf Lol. L. L- LhiL i n. iast. I J ap-c S, ■Juua i»-4f iMfie 27, iJlB/.' «.> T. a fURLBR, prui'titioner. His sy.stcm of treating disease was that known as lioina'Opatliv, wliidi :id- ilfe.sses it.self to the iiiiml of tlio patient as well Y L K ! body. Ill giving med'ciiie it allows only Is now receiving his Spring and .dunmier supply of 'one iuiiiiitesimal parts of drugs, and as neccs- DRY GOOD.Sj HATS, ROOTS trliOE.'^, smy lo efficacy to llic ordinary do.sc3 of the Bolting GLOTilS, Ac., all ot which, being purchased faculty arc monstrous iitquality not imined.a- by the case, will bo offered by Wholesole or Retail ct ^ tclj fatal, only because of their quantity, but L'lW prices. ’in the end murdi'rous to tiiose who swallow March 28. 4.3-tf : (|ieni. The practice of houiajpatliv requiring I the |iiitieiit should have im[ilicit faith iu the 1 praetitioner, and n proportionate .skepticism in .1. . {jb I r nir'd'l Other doctors, it is indi.spen.silile to success "SfiSsStotLFXml’wiu^i^o-^tffig that the homleopathist should have a keen per- of a choice selection ol I cciitioii of human nature, be fascinatiiig in man- S£*\'7lc siJtfl H'atxc ^ f L ^ C wO O O ?♦..* ^ a«(/NAoe.v. with almok en rytliing tletiirable ia ne-p, cnufi'li'j? uiia LOinmuiiicat.ve to tliose of that line. i i other ueoplc’s secrets, generous and liberal to PRIME FAMILY GROCERIES alway.s lobe had "'"vi )c i . , AT LETT’S. ; tlio.se who are pleased with the .appearance of G00.I.S soliFat the lowest iirices lorC-VSIl. or ‘-■-'t ! ]y jimj -eady changed for country produce. i. , , r • v .1 1 .Sept. 14. 18.56. ly-P’' "'til' words of commiscratfjn for those who are . T, I troubled aliont their peenniury affairs, and TAKl’. VO I H K. ! He dictated :ind Isabella wrote a tes ament «liich she bequeathed, at I er death, all the ! I r;i|iei ty absulittcly to h in—“lo no one ehsc,”^ were Ihe ■words he dictated. Rut the lawyers, ou behair of the heir iit-law, suspected and dis-' He was ar-' Isabella is not dead. ®!^See the article iu another column ad dressed to .Mayors of cities el al, respecting t’le Mount \'crnoii .Association. OO.V»i' AL.L COWE AT ONCEI ms by such Xor is the study , I dignant at mention of wrong suffered THE Sub--Crib.w ifSving. at .Iniie Term I8'>L of the 1 ' iU-psed Court of Pleas a,id Q- wter .■s'css.ous lor the Couii y . -is b- lieve they arc ill i.seU. of Cuiiiherla 11. qualili'd as .\ l.ami-str.itor upon Ihe | ,,f (i,g character and di.sposition of a patient re- ;^taonSitth!“:ahlEl^UrS^ To acquire and properly autheut'eatod wRhm the tme prescrdied by ; |.gt;iiii the confidence of the patient is the study law oUierwisc this notice will be pleaded lu the bar And in attaining at tlifir recovery. , v r * uebtorj* ta the said Will p.ftapo niako payment possession of thtit cot»fid‘*nc'e matjy & strange MOORE. boepiojl, VAtofvAF I ight and u half point Is of corn arc required to grow one pound of pork. So say agricultu ral authorities; The ‘'.Moiitilaiii Hot'l,” a well known Ilo'e! seven mil's South ot Hendersonville, X C., owned hy .Mr Terty, was desiroved by fire » few nights ago. Very little of the furniture was saved. A Bear Killed.—Mr Solomon Hall, o? Hnilsvillc, Duplin coiiniv. killed a large Rear a day or two since, within two mile.s ol ttic village. Rruin, being iiiird up for [iroveiider,- unwiselv, W'cnt loo near the drellings of hi? foes and jiaid the peunlty of his rash"e.s3. Attention TiNNEns.— We think thnt any yonng man of steady hiitiils wishing to establish a tin factory would do well to settle in Clinton. Wc are imii h in need of a workman in tliat line, and eitiletis would take pleasnie in, pat ronizing one who Would show himself intent on giving satisfaction to his patrons.—Inch^e.uJent. The Democratic majority, on joint ballot, in the approaching 'Virgiiilu Li^isluinre wdl t’l

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