& co/s OF 11JE [BiCDiGALS THE 4.1 |0>- IN HIK TRICE l.U 1 I I I it AliON. |\\ M l.K. continue to pub i iriwl.caW. ms: i Iti.LY vConstrvati^e.) I lHV ^>\big.) 3 KLViLW ^F^et‘ Cliureb.) 4 ftKViEW (Liberal.) 5 L'GII .magazine (Torj.) Ftproenf the tbret grrat I r.iHic^—bi". 'loiy. and ■iM j.U ii,t Jtauji't. »'t tl'v.r I the niO>t proJoui.d \M iu rs l..ial:iv. :,i;d ,i„.v Itooil. linn all il 111 Ii.,. lil.i.- Hi the K-lioIar ami tli? 1(1 tha iiiti-IHinr riailir of Irutire comet and >atis/ac- ni !;t*iaiuic «►; ifn> (’av. ^ij can U- pos^Ibiv oLtaiued cor rs. E MIELTS from the Ilrii- i.i't.nl' alut to 1,‘t j.lints ! Lv phu tii in ihf bands of I the original tditions. LESS Mfview* KiT.e^ « • Kevjews ns |ne p Eerier ? Eoar i\’c\ iew 5 Ter ann. id 00 5 OU 7 « H» 8 00 3 00 9 00 10 00 €z// in adtaiice. |tf/f Vi'htrt i>»Uid XL'iil Ot rc- cinc. p»re«ni frem the above - i.i i s oi(i« ling.tour oi u.cre • o; il;t* a! O'e vioiks. ILus li. pr of oi.e i*t vit w . be It : kur c» p Cs of tLe lour Btfr ^3t>: anu to ou. IritiE |.« s ai;d Tiwns: rbe.«e vorks |.E Ob J t -IAGE. When 54. anr part ol the 1 biteti '' i »- t t. b ii C ENl E a VC nr K. LEitEN CENT Jr-a year ^I'rcot Bri(/'iv of the Jive I'laltut jolj c/ umtTivi. CiVILlr: |raciical .^grienltnrc. i.. S'.. Ol Lu.iiluigh. and It.v'or of -c ent.l.e Agrieul- |N. " La'eii. 1 ' ok i.4\ai 1 Luuiti OU' V. t cd anu Metl nuist cfii:p!ctc ■Rirk ct Id. and ii. r»t*ito gkc ta |l.rber.- Li.Te ItrC.'ld to !€- fb* tvo i* h D r* 11 M l-iiii! H. l aiik.ri.ia rniij nodars. To oJ! or Jia:.a‘a p« >t j a d » c iili-rs. loid {.t k c: rL-» I isni lh« ah.-'* jin'r'cat f n? •].« uld ] f :i:d. to tL. 1 nl r »* ri*. ■ i> .'•i.i n 4^; ( V-.. r>i {.olu-.-m 11. Nt V . :k. itiA.v i. Y K. I STYLE IMPROVED. I aoJ sk . nu ii o: any i» ij: r. fcn arki .cloi. I Ejii brov n la jet black. Ir ao.l rapid. Ixaicsi lo the SLIi!. Ipou* and pnci u'^n'. boc-v/. Hud ijYo fV'r kUE. Icc4>n jti»; each ho'. |i :—i jz. ;— ' o.'.. Ac: Id >, tor l:: sl4 rw ii.'Jr Fuyi X. r 'V. ii.\ ::ii> x. X 1, I i'll i..vi>LLnii\. iy MilI..'.Iill .s iii.i.s. *• . ^■r>on' |»h s ceH-!.{ t-* I'.ii. .. h Ipinliu.:. i.4.r to hum", w. ni r.t- ui ii r- ff; .' s Hh4U lak«r, ac.-..rd:!::r t“i Tie.-ll l»oX.— t h'i> IMI . -i. Iniin. la!. .'H.r a:;v ir.iiir ■ lin:a:'I- .--.-1 vi::!i I'erfc: pr olii. Jha,.', or any oth.'r *«l tri'iirpd'r-ed: a.j'.' \:l iraiiy it tar ;'-.r !’■ : i;vii,.i I.i.i-;;' .V til i: a i.i, " • -.i II lii.i zm -I > .,r JU ..i.-. I i«BiPlf.j,.*;. ■g ai h :i-l it,- yi.t-;. i • : j oil- . af'.ar.f j ;ii- . ' th.,. I troiii all po.-o;!.»n 'i n}»Tai-. and are r- ■.-•i- f.> r Lojaphi ii.'Hd- |n iJ u'-n-—. /n. ;.. .-lion, poiiach. f.i'cr. i-.id ' :5g I y lie .r c. rnjio-ii.f n ol ti»*’111 n\»• cu^‘a- n neri- It.no'., -licll n.- 'i't Ii' tieiol lb-, m u» ih‘- ait'.ijiion I bv Y. M w*Yi:u *v f (i JkUei ile ix ..t.x, I Fay. ti-i.Ue. > i .. y. ci f, bu ill ihe SoutOere ’VTAKTriy- tow.; i.i.r- in the ►o .:or air a.iy 4sU4bit L.d. [A- «... Efih vdl*. in.uu'-. I l'T4 la 4* to ct.'iiraco r ynfl r.-- |er.' M !l he J imj j.riv MIm. hv I F .M SWi Eii A* O.. ' ctor.-. L4-‘Ie';iiJe. Jiiinoi* r;m ^'C3M■r Wlx |ir.i.v7r/>, oad .Sfatif) «rr af niy llipy Hill f.e lakon irom the Ite. .Meii-haiii.'- and |viW'm»‘ "h'fi ih'v l a'*' -c *'nd Jl*m to th*' r n «f f-ii! t*‘ f yy -h. hiyh- fi>lii .-toe ( T '.n j a Ire.ad bh*tk.-i.r X. rlhen. fuToi-. |t4iir/h-nk- ill I’ale.gh. and i and V.rjrinbt M* icl anis. C. W . } KNEl H T- Dfj* r f-nitaM* .ot ( ot- * "rapjrfTs. t'fttf i; Ha-t C. W IJ. hni. .AYl fS t / r p f;i>K BI iLr>i rc, tf-i.. Phiio.i.. Pa. .on lar-rwhe*? . ;'i‘h a ^cbed to move {|. m jihonr. ;:ders. n-iik nj. in t*. 30 led in 3 t«. h* ♦ ks pi.r sale. Thoe '‘nuinejv ■'. and in every ii ¥ aiice. '*n. ilescriptivfc (xrouiy^-j .V'' V Devoted to J^’ews, Political and Business matter, Agriculture, and Family Heading. PUBLICATION OFFICE, ] IHTDEPENDENCE IS THE SOUL OF DEMOCRACY! [OONALDsON STKEET, WM. F. WIGHTM.\N, Editor. FAYETTEYILLE, I. C., SATURDAY, JULY 11. [857. ^ VOLlAir XIX—NO. OH!). TERMS oF SUBSCRIPTION TO THE CAUOI,lNIAN For a single copy, if paid in advance, per annum, S2 0^^ “ “ “ at the end of 3 months, 2 od “ “ “ at the end of t> months, 3 00 ** “ *• at the end of the year, 3 50 Xo subscription will be received for a shorter period than one year unless paid in advance. With the view of e.vtending the circulation and en hancing the usefulness of the paper, the proprietor of fers the following remarkably low CLUB JUTES, LWJiRUBLY I.Y ADVAJVCE: 5 copies of the Carolinian, 1 year, $8 00 10 “ “ “ “ 15 00 Rates of idvertisiBg: Sixty-cents per square of 16 lines, or less, for the first and 30 cents for each suliscipieiit insertion, unless the advertisement is published for more thau two months, when It will be charged For three months, ----- $4 00 For six months, . - - 6 00 For twelve months, ----- 10 00 All advertisements must have the desired number of in. sertions marked on them, ortherwisc they will be in, serted till forb'.d i\iid charged accordingly. Special attention is directed to this requhition. Labor Wanted. W'o arc paying Fifteen Dollars and Board per month (with payments monthly) for hands on the Kail Road, or 75 cents per day,—raontlily hands preferred. Apply to Mr Carrcll, on the work Id miles West of Fayette ville, or to T. W’ADDILL. June 20 3t WM. F. WIGHTMA.X & CO. HOTXGUS. CLE-TIENT G, XV'UIGIIT, Attorueyat Law, FayetteviHe,N.C. OOice at the corner of Bow and Green streets. FebT J- 1656. ,1. A. SPEAR.S, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATTEXD.S the Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, Wake and Johnston. Ad-iress, Toomer, Haraett Co., X. C. I'eb. 16. 1856. 8o-t BdRTinV FULLER, Attorney tit Law, P.l Y E T r E VI I. I. E , C., Mav be consalted at the Law Office of Jesc G. ^hep- tf bent, Esrp, on Green Street. Julv 19. 1856. ANDREW J. STED.MAN, Aiiorney at ijaw. Having removed to FITTSBORO, N. C.. will attend regularly the Courts of Chatham, Moore and Harnett Comities. April 14, 1856. tf NEGROES WANTED. The undersigned will pay the highest cash price for VOHXG NEGKOES. Letters addressed to either of us at LaurlnburgL, lllcbmond county, will have prompt atteution. D. c. McIntyre. DANIEL M, McLACRIN. Laurinburgh. Jan’y 3, 1857. 3l-tf §AILIlc Hoving a few years age. under the influence of de clining health, purcha.scd the well known Jackson Springs, and now not needing them for mysylf, and j finding a general desire through the country that the.se ! Springs should be occupied and made available to the j public as a Summer watering place, I have resolved to sell them. These Springs are on Jackson Creek, Moore Co., N. C. The virtue aud medical properties of the water are well known.—the prevailiug mineral is Iron, with Magnesia and Sulphur also present. There Isa tall of water passing by the Spring, by which machinery could be driven, so us tc elevate water into l»athing- vals. or even convey water to the dwelling bouse. Every natural facility is pre.sent to make this a place of novel, interest, with small inve.stment. In connec tion with the Spring is a body 213 acres of Land, jiart of which is under improvemen t. This property having once been fitted up for a water ing place, all the necessary houses are already there, and in tolerable good order. The Chorrw & Coal Field.s Railroad will pass as near the Springs as the proprietor would wLsb, From inquiries made of me last suramerj I suppose that more than three hundred person.? Would have gone to these Springs during that season if the house had been open. It is thought unnecessary to give further details as to this property. The Jackson Springs are too well known to require it. Those thinking of purchasing will inform themselves about the property. Warranted titles will be given, and such time on pay ments as may suit the convenience of a re.Sfionsible purchaser. Address, A. I). CAMPBELL, Bennettsville, S. C. June 13. 54-4t FOR SALE. SI t .\cre. of [.and, lyiiip: on Cai«! I’ear Kiver—Store, Da-elling, Oat Houses all ia tirst rate orilor. The Store is at a tiae business stauil at the Cross Roads and the and is not to be e-tcelled by any in North Carolina. .\ay person desiring to purchase can obtain fartlier particulars respecting the property by culling cn cither of us at Willis' Creek on the Wilmington Road 15 miles from Fayetteville. S.VR.YII WRIGTIT. Oct. 1. 18-tf J.IMES WRIGHT. AV. P. Elliott, C O M 31 I S S I ON 31 Ell C II ANT, F.WETTeVILLE, N. C. for Lutterloh & ( o.*;* Stoambont Line V.'itl atten.l promptly to all bu.-jiuvss entrusted to liiscare. Get. ei. ISid. 2I*tf M l? i fl I V RECEIVET • r fl U Ii u. a large and fancy assort ment of BOOTS & SHOES; Ladies* Gaiters. Satin and colored ; Ladies’ and Gents’ I>A%C1!K> SHOES of a new and beautiful pattern, and every style of ar ticle ill bis line. His stock is choice and carefully selected by him self, and buyers will find it to their interest to call be fore purchasing elsewhere. Corner of Gillespie iind Franklin street.^. April 22.1857. 47*tf Sometime in .January or February last, 1 gave a note to Jesse Inrnon for Three Hundred and Seventy Dollars! Thin ig to give notice to all persons not to trade for said Note inasmnch as I do not intend ever to pay the same having never received anything in conalderatiou therefor. ROBERT INMON. Lccsvillc, Robeson Co.. N. C., June 6, 1857. 53-6t w. H. T U !J L I V G T O N, General Commission 3Ici'cliaut« NORTH WATER STREET, Wilminglon, N. C., Will give personal attention to the sale or shipment of all consignments of Naval Stores or otlier country produce, and any other bnsiiicss entrusted to his care, will be promptly attended to. April 18. 1857. Jy ADAM.ANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES; fine and common TOBACCO; and almost anything in the Grocery line. Cheap as the cheapest! ' G W. I. GOLDSTON. Fob*y 7, 1857. 36-tf NATIONAL POLICE G.4ZETTE' This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is in its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the great Trials. Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the same, to gether with iulormation on Criminal Matters, not to be found in any other newspaper. Subscriptioii-s. §2 per Annum: $1 for Six Month.s, to be remitted by Subscribers, (who should write their names aud the town, county and state where they reside, plainly,) To R A SEYMOUR. Editor and Proprietor of the National Police Gazette. New Y’ork City. June 6, 1857 Iv A CARD. Five sevculhn of the F.YRMI.N'G .VXD TDRPEX- TIXE L.VXD in Harnett county, kuonii as the Parker and McXeill lands, joining Wni. Harr ngton's land on Upper Little River. There is some 201) acres cf the licst finality ofloiv grounils on the River. The up lands are heavily timbered with pines, and within six railesofthe Fayetteville and Western Railroad. For particnlar.s apply to D ^.McARTHUR. J. P. liOl'ER. J. W. McK.W. Xov. 18oC 29, 2G-tr A. .'1. UaJtipbell, AfCTIOX'EER &• COJIMI.SSIOX -MEJICHAXT, East side of Gillespie street, Fatkttkvn-LV, X. C. October 1. 185-’ .VI A It B I, E FAC T O It Y', BY GEO. L.VUDER. Xeariy opposite to E. W. Winkings' .Vuction Store Fayetteville. X. 0. Oct. 1. T WAXTEV. A few likely sevvants.—men, boys and girls highest price will be paid I>y calling upon The j7 h! ROBERTS. Feb. IT. 37-tf SECOND SPUING STOCK. STARR AND WILLIAMS Have now in Store tlieir SECOXD STOCK of .Sea- aonalilc Gooos. wliieh they will offer to tlie Wliolesale Trade very low for Cash, or on the usual time to prompt paying buyers. j. iriiivi: J. B. STARR. J- -'C dtlLLLVMs- .May 2, LSoT. . T8-tf SELF-SEALIXG JARS. For presnrviug Fre.'h Fruits and Vegelables. ^Piiit.s -Quarts and Half-Gallons, at 52 11). Sii 10. and .55 25, Tier dozen, respectively. For sale at the Croc.icry Store. W. X. Tll.LIXGHA.ST. Also, Fresh SiippHes of CHINA, GL.-VSS- ■SVABE and Table Knives. .June 20, 15.57. 55-tf Valuable Laixl for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale ids entire lands, ineln ding about eight hundred acrt;.s, lying lifteen miles above Fayetteville and five miles from the mouth of lower little river. Tlic land is level and healthy and well adapted to farming; there is aliout one hmidred aud fifty acres cleared aud under a fine state of culti vation I will sell it all together or in small tracks to .suit pnrcliasers. For further partictlnrs apply to the BubscrilK.-.- on the P--‘-'“‘^2lEXAXDER WsVLKER. lo. f-‘f «OTI«'E. THE underr-iigned having executed a power of jVt- torney to E. F. Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all settlements for me in my name, and generally to transact all business ivs I mii^ht or coubl do were I per- soiuUly present. J. J.MOORE. June 6, 53-tf THE niulersigued would respectfully inform his old friends and customers that he can be found at the Store of G. E. Lcete, where he will be glad to see them. J. R. MCDONALD. Jan. 17, 1857, 33-tf TpRINU- trade, 18-57. S . F . F E A R C F Is now receiving a beautiful and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Comprising a general assortment of all the latest styles ol Lsulies’ Dress Goods, Lace and Silk .Mantles, Em broideries of every description, Crape Shawls, Bonnet.'* Ribbons. Gloves. Belts, Hosiery, *!tc. —ALSO— White and colored Linen Drilling, English and French Drap d'Eta, Bleached and brown .Shirtings and Sheetings, Irish Linens. Linen Table Cloths, Towelings and Napkins. Leghorn. Panama. Bassiinere and Moleskin Hats. Umlirelhis and Parasols. Boots. Shoes and Ready-.Made Clothing. All of which will be sohi "low for cash, or on the usual time to pnnetuol customers. All persons (and particularly the Ladies) arc respectfully requested to give me a call before making their .selections. B. P. PEARCE. Fayetteville, (llay St,,) March 14. 1857. 4l-tf TO THE PUBLIC. The uniler.'ignod was appointid by the last County Court lo take the Ta.\ List for the Town, and will proeecd to do so at his .Store, the last twenty wor- ing days ia Julv. as provided hv law. G. W. L GOLDSTOX. Suly -1, ia57. 957 tlA. AntiBCh Aca«lcni.v. RoKK.SOX CofNTY, X. C The Fall session of thi-s Institution will commence on Wednesslay July the IJIh nndcr the supervision ofWni.J. Stewart, who, the committee are sati.sfied will spare no pains to advance the interests, moral and intcllcctnat. of the pupils, under his charge. Board can he had in the ncighliorhood on anv reasonable terms. D.YXIEL B.'SMITH. } J.\.ME.S A. SMITH, j July 1, 57-2t Kobeson Institute. Tlie e.xercises of this School will do resumed on Monday the lith of July ne.vt. Rates of tuition as heretofore, viz: S(I, S12, sI5, and S18 per .session, according to advancement. Board with the Principal at tlie Steward's Hall at S9 per month, exclusive of washing and lights. .V deiinction in Board will be made as soon as tlie present high prices of provisions will ju.slifv. Board strictly in advance. M. CURRIE. Principal. ,St. Panl's, July 4. 2t STATE OP SORTII C.YUOI.lSI.\ Robesox County Court of Plea.s and Quarter Sessioa.s May term 1857. Joseph Thompson Admr. Charity Blount Admx. of William Blount dec'd Original Attachmimt,—Levied on two Slaves Edmond and Fanny. , V.s. William Price. It appearing to the satisfiiction of the Court that the (lel'eiidanris not a i-esident of this State, it is or dered by the Court that pnlilication he made in the Xorth Carolinian, a Xewspaper published in the Tow-n of Fayetteville, for the space of six w eeks notiliiug the said William I’rice to appear at the next term ot Hic Court of Pleas and Qu-artcr Sessions to be held for the County of Robeson at the Court House in Lnitt- herton on the fourth Monday in Augmst next, and tlien and there to plead or replevy or final Judgment will lie given against him and the property levied on be condemned to satisfy the plaintiffs demand and Costs. IVitne.ss .Shadrach Howell, Clerk of our said Court 1 at office in Lumberton the fourth Monday in May I A. D. 1857. SHADRACH HOWELL Clerk. By B. FREEMAN D. C. July 4, 1857. 58-Ct DOBELY HOUSE! POyVERS & TROY, Piopiictors. The Proprietors of this Establishmcuit an nounce to the public, that owing to the con stantly increasing patronage e.xtended to them, they have been induced to enlarge the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on the lower floor, and suit« of Rooms on the second floor; thus enabling them to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. And they jilodge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attached aud careful Ost!cr.s in attendance. The eligible location of the F^stablishmcnt, with the experience cf the Proprietors in providing for the comfort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. The We.stern and Southern Stages arrive at and depart from this House. Carriages in attendance on arrival aud dejiarturo of Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horses aud Carriages furnished at any notice for carrying travellers to anv part of the adjacent country. J W. powers/ W. C. TROY." F'ayettevillc, May 12,1856. DS-tf The Fui-uitme &. Fixtures of tlu FAYETTBY'11.1.B HOTEL FOR SALE. The Subscriber having fully determined to sell the above named property, now oll'er it to any enterprising in;tn upon lilieral terms. This Hotel enjoys a large custom from the adjoining counties, and from the travelliiig public, with a pros pect of future increase. What it has done and is now doing, can be .seen by any one wishing to purchase, l)\ referring to our liooks. The .situation of the Build ing is such .vs will command the greater part of the custom comiugto, ami passing through this place. For the amount of capital invested, there is no busi ness that a person could engage in that would pay as J. II ROBERTS it CO. Sept. 11, 185G. 1-5- PBOSPEUTUf^ OF THE XORTH C.AUOLINA PRESBY-'TEUI.VN. The Presbyterian Chnrcli in North Carolirm has long labored under a serious disadvantage from the want of a journal to advocate her claims and represent her interests. It is esti mated that only 1000 Presbyterian Weeklies are taken in the lioniids of our three Presbyte ries. We have 13,000 Oonimnnimiiits, and it is safe to infer tliat there are 30,000 Pi'esby- terians in principle in tlie State. Our Synod stands fiftli in the Union in point of minil)ers, and lier menihersliip is greater than that of any Synod South or West of Pennsylvania. Our sister States on the North and Sontli, neither of wliich has a nienibei'ship so large a.s ours, publish the Central, and the Southern Presbyterian, for the benefit of tlieir peojile. llie time lias com'o when the Pre.^bytorian Chnrcli in North Carolina .should likewise do her duty to her cliildrcn. It is a conceded and NORTH CAROLINIAN ^ j-ayettkvillj:. .v. c. »:scoti;ry of .t lo\« uisr ( nii.o. An Edinburgh paper states tli.at an umtsual crowd was recently eoliected at tlie foot of Warriston Close, in tliat city, atiractcd l;y the wild behaviour of a respeclable middle-aged geullemaii, who was gazing wiiii inter portrait di.sjplaycd in the window of Oilcs's Photograpliic Galiery. iin.1 who e.xelaimcd, with a strong accent whicii bespoke him "ayout the Tay “Giiid gracious ! do my ocn de- A II.mil C.tsK.—Poor people have a i’.anl time ill this little norld of oiir.';. Even in mat ters of religion tliere is a vast diti'ercnce Iie- tween Lazarus am! Dives, a.-i tlio following an ecdote, sent ns by a friend, will illustrate; “Old Hilly G , iiad attended a gn.;,-. re vival, and in eon;uion witli many others, iio wa.s ‘coiiveitcd,' and tiajilized. Not nninv , on a Weeks afterwards, one of his ncighliors met liiiii reeling home from court ground with a consid erable liriek in liis Imt. ■Jlello, uncle Jiiily,’ said the friend, 'I ihotiglit you had joiued the cliuidi.' ‘8o 1 did,’ answered uncle Hilly, making eeivc me? It maun be lier —.so like lier mitlicr ! bar could tint, come frae ? Its jist lier—my ■ de.sperale effort lo stand slill. '.so 1 did, Jccuu.s ain dochtcr 1 \\ hat ai'o ye it’ .glouriu’ al ' and would a bin a good Ibiptist if iiit-v Inula'l \A liars tbe man lhals selliii my ain llesh and treated me so everlasting mean ai the iviile:'. blood ? an’ in a Cliristian kiiitra, tae ! ’ The Dnln't yon never hear about it deemes'f shouts of tlie crowd, aud the loud declamations i ‘Never did.’ im])ort!int fact, that liutidreils of our members stiangci, biouglit a vonng man lo ihe ; ‘Then, I'il tell you ‘boat ii; sec "heu will take a State paper who will take no other, jdoor to ascertain the cause of such an unusual | wc come to tlie baptizing place, 'l;ai uas mu Tbe Paiier is needed to be the organ of onr dnstiirbanee, and imagining tlic gentleman was i and old Jonks, tlie rich old Scuirc, war to In; ‘■■'o-'^i'-'ated, lie Called out Mr Giles to ciucll Uib,pod at tlie same time. Wdl, the minister ligliteu the piety of our membership by diff'iisiiig evangelical knowledge—to jiromote the cause of Education—to dovelope the talents of our Ministry, and to strengthen the attachment of onr peoiile to the soil and sanctuaries of their own State. If our Clinreh in other States, and other Churciies in this State, can sii|iply their mem bers with a religions journal, why may not we'f Are North Carolina Presbyterians inferior in talent, energy and patrioti.sm to their neighbors on the .North or South, or lo Christians of otlier denominations at home? With tlie same or better opportunities of accomplishing ! dipped the tlirealciied riot. AVhen tliat gentleman ap- tuck tlic Sijnirc fust, but I didn't mind that peared, some boys called out, “That’s the man that sells your dochtcr.” 'riio stranger rushed upon him, declaring that picture he should much as I Ihuiight ’iwuuld be jest as good when I cum;.so lie led him in, aii.l afu-r dippin’ liiin under, lie rai.sed him up ‘iniley’ kierftil and have, tlioiigh it .should cost him ten pounds, wiped his face and led him out. Then come Alarmed at the impetuosity of the man, he wa.s invited in, when, after a little time had elapse;^ lie burst into a flood of tears. “Dear, dear sir—this is strange ! AVliar did you get you picture? Oh, tak it out o’ the window ! Gic into my ain hand ! I’ll gie ony money this work, shall we leave it undone? In the j for’t.” .After examining it niimitcly, he asked language of one of onr most able and useful i in a subdued lone how it eamo into their pos- .a.session, and was informed tliat a young lady sat for it a feiv days previon.sly, and, not call- my turn, and instead of lifting me out like he did the iSquire, he give me one slosh, and left me crawling about on the bolloiu like a d—d mud turtle! ought to liave been undertaken 20 years ago but it is not too late to be,gin to do right.” In the last two or three months, a iniid of about $.5000 ha.s been subscribed as a perma nent capital. At a meeting of tbe coiitrilnitors held at Greensborough on the 14th of May,— Rev. A. Uuker, Chairman,—the Paper was nn- animously located at Fayetteville, under the name and title of the Noitni C.vaou.s'.v Pres- BYTEKi.i.v. Rev. Will. N. Mebane and Rev. George .AIcNeill were elected Editors; Rev. Messrs. George NL.-Neill, AYni. N Slebane, A. Baker and C. IT. Wiley, and Mes.srs. George MeNeill, Sr., John II, Cook and David Mur phy were appointed an Executive Cominittce, to e.stablish the Paper and manage its business iffairs. It is our wisli and design to make the North C.vr.oi.i.N'A Presuyteriax a journal of the first class, eqiiai to the best in the country in typo- granhica; appearance aud in adaptation to the wants of our Churches. Its columns will afford the latest intelligence, both foreign and domes tic, and. special cure will be taken to give a full and aecni'ate summary of State news. The name of tlie I’apev is designed to bo an expo nent of its character and contents. From con viction, it will advocate tlie conservative, or thodox, Old School doctrines and order of the Church. Onr first appeal is to onr own people—to N C. Presbyterians. Whilst we rely confidently upon their favor, we trust that the native sons of North Carolina who have found homes in FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL. The Subscribers having this day leased this Hotel for a term of years, will he pleased to sec their friends aud the traveliog ipuhlicattliisHou.se. At the same time we hope they will bo patient and hear witli our imperfcc- tipn.s until we shall have put the House in such repair as wc desire. J. n. ROBERTS & CO. J. II. Robert.', F. N. Roberts. March 1, ISofi 3.5-tf James C. Smith. Miles Costin JAMES C. SMITH & to#* Commission Altrchanls, Have removed their office to the second story of the building formerly occupied by the Telegraph Comiiany where they are prepared to attend to all bu.sine.s.s in the Commission line. AH business entrusted to them will be piinctimlly attended to. Wilmington, October 1, 1856 y New Ooods. The undersigned h.Tvc received into .Store their re- ceut purchase of GOOD.S, embracing a large and general Stock of (IROliERICS AJI» H,4lll»»ARE, Which they will sell on their usual accommodating terms. G. W, WILLIAMS * CO. March 14,1857. 41-tf SPKIJVG STOCK, 1857. E. MOORE. Wholesale Crocer and Conimissiou Merchant, Has just received in Store. 215 Barrel.. Whiskey and Brandy, 35 •• and hlids. of Sugar ass’td- 75 Sacks Rio Coffee, 200 “ .Salt. 50 boxes Soda Biscuit. Candies. Soaps, Caudles, Snuff. Cigars, &c. Ac. All of wliich will he sold on liberal tenns. March 14, 1857. 4i-tf iiig autording to promise, lie put it in the win dow as a .specimen. “It lias been .so ordained, then, an’ I may see her yet : you’ll be tlie means of restoring lier to me. Six years ago I left Montro.se, after my wife’s death, to go to America, leaving Nelly with her grandmoth er. On my return, I learned my puir mitlier was dead, and Nelly had left home to seek ser vice in the Lotliiaiis. Fruille.ss endeavors to discover her retreat have siiiee been made ; but noo Provklence maun liae directed me here, for tills i.s jist her verra .sel’. An’ will ye no sell’t?’’ Being informed that poriraits could only be given to the originals, the face of the stranger became pale as ashes, until hope wlii.spered, “Neily micht ca' hersel’ yet, and glad him wi’ a sweet word as wee! as her ain look which Was verified by the identical Nelly stepping in for her picture, apologising for not being jiiine. tnal to lier appointment ; and great was her surprise when she li.siened to the tale of the strange gentleman who took away her ]iorl:-ait. But greater .still was Nelly's joy and liappiness when she learned the strange gentleinan Was in an adjoining inn, anxious to beliold lier, when she, full of anxiety, rushed to tlie appointed I place, and, in a few minute.', was locked in a AViieue i.s the Oueiiit?—.Many of onr ex changes, since the loss of Kansas to the South are making tliis imiiiiry. Tiiey remind us of :i fellow whipped in a light—admits the whipping not willing to acknowledge tlic true cause, in liis own folly, but clmrges everybody with fold play. So'they arc ebarging Mr Buebanan the Cinciniiiiti Convention, Gov. Walker, and Secretary Stanton, and the National Democ racy, &c. We have never bad any faitli in 'Valkcr, but Kansas was lost to the Soutli before lie ever saw it. We may charge it upon ibis one and that one, but our own folly has lost her to ns. A few weeks could not liave ulTectcd .such a change. If Kansas was jiro-siavery before Walker's advent, it would be so now. 'I'lie South, by her “masterly inactivity,” deserves tlic credit. She vapored, ga.sconaded, made a rattling, fus.sing disjilay—ending in notldiig. Gentlemen, your exemscs will not do. Kansa.s was lost to the South because the Soutli was not true to herself. otiicr States, and the adopted eitizen.s ot our ^ State who form so imjiortant an element in our | father s fond embrace. Ministry and member.shiji, will take a deep ; ' ■■■ interest in this enterprise, and give it their \ Sxitf “DiitIno”.— Of all the deleslablo, ob- hearty siqiport. ' noxious, oU'eiisive, unnecessary and filthv inii- Terms; $-2 per annum ii. ad;mnec,_or on de-; is goUty of inlierit- hvery of tlic first number; $2 oO in six mniitlis ; . , -i , $3 at the end of the year. 'I'o clubs of 2.0 or | "'S faden, depraved, corrupt and wicked | more, paying in adva'ncc and wlieii the Paper I man, that of snuff “dipping” staiid.s pre-cmi-1 ntimestit .Morality. The Boston Evening Gazette, in comment ing upon the freedom witli whieli tlic mo.st dis gusting iiortions of the testimony in the Dal ton Divorce case is discussed in private circle.', says. A wliolc commnnil v 1ms become dcmoralizcti. and ladies who would, six months sii ee, have bluslied at the mention of the crime alluded to in the seventh coninmiidnieni, now talk of the jirobabilily of Mrs Dalton’s guilt with a free dom truly dejilorable. Gentlemen of relineil sensibililies condeuiii ros|ieetal)lc newsjiaper.s for giving a full report of tlie trial, and eagerly buy ihe.'C journals, and in some scelnded .spot peruse tlie details with avidity. A few days since a friend of ours entered a family, ami while conversing witli the “head of Ihe liouse,’’ stated that it was proved that Nelly rode out with different gentlemen at different times. “No,” exclaimed one of the danghlers, “thus far it is only sliown tliat she rode out once.” What are we eomiiig to? \\ ouldii’i it be How the second edition of of an angel, ! fy,. j„.,,,n.i,t.rs wlio deem it tlieir duly to isseiit, to one address, a discount of 10 per . cent^ will be allowed. ^ Gur MinibLCis ; the yw.? w7//Y( of heaven’s best workniaiiship, ! politics, lo poy ii little nttciitiuii lo in- Lldeis are ^lip-ice ' diamond of soncr, the fjoin ; eulcatin;; k-.'-sons oi morality.^ Loston sadly and all others friendly to the cause will ple.i.'o , ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ^ ■ | old Sta- how prim . -J ..J i„. J..,SOC ll t ^ , oi)taiiied, tlje Iirst nnmi)er will be nssnea. assist in procuring as'many subscribers as possi-; of prose and tlie crowning glory of hnmanily, ! '“’f „ ,, lile, am! forward tlie names, liy Is/, lo : can conccniratc a tea or tablc-.'poonful of ^ ,,0 matter ho this Office. As soon as 1500 siibseribcis fiir ; pulverized poi.soii tliat woidd kill a hog, ie.'-1 j,(,iv^.||(,,] people may be .11 jiolite obtained, tbe first number will be Lssiu’d. ” ” I ,1.^,,. a do"- and prove certain death to every | j,, il,eir closet.', and by twos and tlirees, tliey failbful and vigorous nmmal o.xccpt a tobacco worm, is to ns'are fond of getting all tbe evidence in ra.scs of two months by those Hl.o tauc a inci} interest j ^ n ^ i u i •• i ! divorce or ndnltcrv—as yon know yonrsedf, Mr in this work, we wil! without doubt, be abie to ^ totally at variance wiasad philosophy, reason, j th/.-n-er deinaiid there was NliW ROODS. ' of an angel of beauty, witli a beavenly smile, a i otlmr.s 'Beautiful morality they would : rosy cheek, tlie eye of a gaz.elle, .standing erect ' pv^m-ip ^vilh their vvliisky-skins and tlieir ‘hoop- ' in all her majesty, dazzling’ in iier robes of silks > de-doo-den-tloos,” He is a foi’lunate minister I Ijj jj][ her majesty, dazzling* in iier robes ot silks * ^l^..(lQo-den-tioos.' He JS a loiiunaic miniSver T \ itr 'X k VIi R i fifij diamonds, her form reflected in a costly | who makes three tlion.sand dollars and a noto- J 3 111 ' IA I L D ! , - 1 , rietv through the committal ot a sin, vvliiclv k now receiving his Spring and Snran.er supply of; mirror, with a Cn,m,UciMn stick nicely cramped , DRY GOODS H VTS BOO’rS & SHOES, : between lier wliite fingers, witli tlie end in .1 ^ - — Bolliim Cl OTHs’ Ac all of which, being purchased | boX of sung, and regularly applying it to tier : xhere is a gentleman in Union N. IL, who bvtheUsc wiime otl'credbvyvholosole or Retail vt ; shining, rosy lips and mellow to,igue! Give p,;;; ,,e one bumlred and one years old on the row I’RICFS " I tomelluiig toj jgveiith of July. His name is Ralph Farnlian:, " March 28. ” 43-tf | drink. | ^ strong effort was made to induce him to uo.v.T ALL COME AT OSCE.' I Under the iieadiiig of a “happy thought,’| Be present at the Bunker Hill celebration in ’ j tbe Sierra Citizen says “the rumored death «'| j’oeton, he having taken part in the battle J. \v. LETT ! Dr. Kane, wlreli came by tlic last steamer, | going on account of the dis- Hasi list received a large and general .STOCK OI- ! proves too true. Tlie adveiitiirons navigator; GOODS suited to the Fall and Winter tvade. consisting |,.,s (.inbarked upon his la.'t voyag of a choice selection ot ir.hn I'.nvhtln^'^ Staple and Fancy OllV GOODS, ^ found hu Jo/lJl J i anhUU. ORDER NO. 1 ricad Quarters 33 Regiment \ North Carolina Malitia. )_ Fayetteville, June 25tU 185i. The following Companies having failed to elect ofli- oers are hereby ordered under the oomniand ot the tol- lowing Cajitains. Flea Hill Company to Cnpt. 1 J Bulla, of Locks Creek. Seventy Fii-st eompauv to Capt. W P Smitli. Quewhiffle, They will in all res pects obi'v the order of said Captains. Tiv order Col. C. E. LEETE. June 27,' 1867 , 56-3t T. C. FULLER, Adjutant Bools aVPshoes, with almost every thing desirable In that line. , i PRIME FyUMILY groceries .ihvuys to he liud AT LETT’S. Goods sold at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex chaiiired for country produce. Sept. 14. 1856. He declined going Ih has ; tance; and when his son—a lad of fifty or sixty years—proposed to accompuny' him, replied ‘ il -U-V-Ai 1 ri 1 I Ire went, ho did’nt want to be bothered wit!i , of the Methodtst chnich, ITp he don’t ''io ! the care of any children! Jie says nc aon o 'I'AKR NO’l'IGE. the .SuKscriber having, at June Term 18;>i, of the Court of Fleas and (>.-.arter Sessions lor the Ccunty of Cumberland, .(ualified as Adnimi.'trator upon the E.state of Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies persons hav ing claims against the said Estate to present the same prSporly authenticated within tlie time prescribed by taw. otherwise tliis notice will be pleaded in tlie bar of thoir recovery. , Debtors to the said E.«tatc will please raakc^payraent immediately. Juno 6, Jg--3“rur30n , ^ ^ wa.s traveling: in the back scttlcmcmtrs of Mis-- souri, aud sFopped at a cabin, where an old j'.-emember of ever being sick ; lady received him very kindly. After sotting ],„(] a fever or something, eighty jirovisions before bim, slic began to question ■> liim : “Stranger, where mout yon be from?” ■ ' ‘ “Madam, I reside in Shelby county, Kentneky.” but “believes In; or niiict E. F. MOORE. 5'J-tf GkX. CoXClIA AXU THE SlAVE 'I’llADE.—Ti; • “Wall, stranger, hope no offense, but what u.,va„a papers received by the last arrival cf tsaFYiif Trntn liO u WfVV Ilt^ llurO V” “MadUlU, . , , . i y tlic IsabeU copy the Madrid correspondence «■. mout yon be a doin’ way up here “Madam, 1 am searebiiig for the Tost slieep of the trilic of Israel.” “John Joliii!” shonted the old lady, “come right here this minute ; here,.' a stranger all the way from Shelby county, Ken tucky, a hunting stock, and I’ll j»st bet ni\ life timt tangle-haired old black ram, tlmt s bin iu our lot all last week’s one of his n . the London time.', stating that Gen. C'oiicii had made $800,000 by tlie slave trade. 'I'lie discredit tlie statement, and give, as thr opinion, that the correspondenee origiimled . letters from Havaua.

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