THE north C AROLlNIAJ«L^AMll|^iltJ^ -i— fliG OT)3»TCr. f MIM. •-TtTip- r i.'; ;il\ iilive about it, cciillv been estubllsliccl in world wild see wliere cotton can the last From the Nac York Daily News. i BACUELOR’S REVERIE. BY J. 'W'. WELCH. Blame me not, I must smoke ray cigar. Take • snuff, old grandames ; and you, old men. From die OTm^otvct. Messrs. E. J. nak Sf Son:—Gestlemek:— It is admitted on all hands now, that the Fay etteville & Coal Fields Rail Road loill be biiUt The contractors are pressing the work on .w'ltli commendable zeal, and the day is not far dis- iuto your cheek, eat your opium, i the ricii treasures of the Deep River vonr long sermons. 1 will enjoy ' ^vill be on their way to the market.s o the 'and listen with elongated pb'z, ; it is all important that wc should have V- muck ipos in alternate Mhcr* j*«” “■« ?®'***'^ fotion! This seem- to be the great question of . ^ waMand. Although the import '‘.^■r'"as"l'b24,00(),000 pounds against 48,000,- iOOS in'lSll, .and ISI,000,000 in ISol, the m- i nease in supply docs not keep pace with the j p„t the quid idcinand, and the consequent advance in prices , pleach '^ s”";. iiiv.;; ....^........... that city to search I yyQ ,n,oke on. Let me see, e.garetta, have science, and the calculations of sc ent .........J ,t'.“L.« ’ ■ should be built to every market within oui ,.eayh_duc regard being had to the shortest tent be substilutcU joi ^ _ ^ jl. ‘ ...i. shortcuimi thy i ipv. To accomplish both these ob Who Strotk the Flrrt Btovr? Bitter are the maledictions heaped upon the (if tlicre is any Vnd vet tlie trouble does seem to be so mncli; „yaii voice that speaks with . vo. ail compost licaps an - ■ n ,o aiiv considerable ex- ..qdeh tluttcrs in the breeze, and t leii nioniit,, THE NOUTli CAliOLI-MAN- FAVEI’TEVILLE, n. C. ^ SatnEllaJuly H, YV-n. ir. wWiiT.'iAX. KOiroa- democracy of Cumberland for making county offices a party question in the coming election. . Griotoiis arc the complaints, deep mouthed land threatening the murmurs f ! from the sages of the culvert. Bn ask thm , the question, AVho struck the Crst blow. They j wont answer it. Who went into dark alleys ' and back stores and up creaking stairs into dim, secret ciiainbers and swore never to ^ , for a democrat fur any odicc civil or municipal. ■! Who forgot that tlie democrats of Cnrabcr- hind, with the power in their hands, had never ;r-r-C U'^ent ri.r C. .M.-(Ji;i:aMKN i tin; u.ilK-ctior. (il'.dl cbuiu- .lav gr omids TO .tOVERTlSERS 'hily^^.iuth.'vizvu , ^ democrat in oniec upon party ^ _aiid forgetting that they owed all they were l-ersons ,l,.siroiH of ill- ^ f aUvertisin- favor... .mot luuid tlmn. m 'b ‘ (.'m , bound tl AFTKllN'ilON. otliorw.^. "w ll' li.-.w.- i-v."'' nailt to 1 Urn snoc.i'O.rillL. «cole. Our in...Hl.a "O' 1’" i.S •tlieui can ijc iiad at llic iAine de c-artage' may be saved. 1)0 '.ii>''V liia'lo, to great*., Ml an ex.-'clleut manure for auliimii a CooKlNU KeTTI.K lOV. bOOKlNU VO cl'..eapest and bo.'e lusti.'.iiiie f. jad for 40 or .'.O hog.sf Vi uiih kcltledo? il. •!. 'f. (Iriiudy Co., Agri.jullural Furnace, largixst g. /od tiling a large ketlie, lurce barrels, .set in brick wora, witli a Siiace around Iiotwceii the kettle and brick piacc a owing to its own pov ,„,i, hoaiw is never drawn upon largely, '“'"‘Vivauce ill price, of other sorts. ■'" la short supply of those other it'*' resort to il ill order to keep up oheaii cloth. Tlicrc does not secin to bt any — , ; Hm.t to the siqiiily of this grade for wl.eiier But this resource does not answer the par-] Cuvard to briglitcr abodes when tunc has laid ,,ose Cotton "lown ill the Ciiitcd States--i bodies in the .silent grate. 1. • .. . '. ). .,!• ...i.a.i, 111), .rrent bulk ol ‘ ,ny spirit ill sorrow’s dark mantle was unless a large ad-j icjsciiing thy probation —growing out ofjjpQy ijm-neth, as eacii moment we live u'o '"t sorts—compels a ! drawing nearer tlie “dark valley and shadow a supply of :^c These bodies are dying slowly i may be, but mortality is dropping ■'F’'! bv one on the iialhway of lifc.^ it eoincs ! by one on the p i Thine ashes, it its sands one like this IlcshY casket, must I'eiiii. i Mott's ; iv.c, would be a 1 lioldiiiu two or 1! \-a. i'lrieast 30 to 40 miles over any route now j trU’clled or in contemplation. That line is to start from Florence, on the AVilmi.igton and Al'Uichcstcr Road, where the Charleston and \orth Eastern Uoad intersects with the Clicraw and run direct to I'ayctteville, thence to li, the wliolc distence not exceeding Mow while our Cliarle.ston friends the succootVuiL this ill miiul—^v exctjilion. iiiteml 10 muke it a rule kUIhwI Road, Uolsborou laO miles all thJ me.buniqde;of whbh the great bulk of coiniio.sed—is of an entirely diffc- from citlier of the others, f rom ■ ■ made I inhaled the bound . weet odor and sympathy found : can the cloth be “'‘‘J*® | And the shadowy vapor which over me lay, the mass of wearers all ^over uic j pass like thy silvery wrcatlilcts away magical power fond memory brings our crop i-s work. ! relit character f r,.ttl,. nfCl, aud only from it, and oxteiidiug iqi to tlie lop ul the sett , Mvliicli suits the mass . •diout two inches, so the llauie as it ascends , p.jgip from rfurat Cotton scut j j,^. p,,g ^ III..., ’ very slowly even at a much lower price. AfUi dreams of fancy again 1 live o er an cxperie.ieo of [^11,^ Tko "liich lie deep in the Silently, aye gently. sheet in contact with the whol answer nearly as well. outskh, ..... jaagii lower price. sumers have 1' out whieh is the best, and the difference in T;c.;^.--B. ft. C. of Bowling crccii, \y .. ,„auifost tliat tlie skill ol tfie a^k^ what will kill tick.s on his liorsos ami cattle. , cannot conceal it. ^ I .,appO30 he meams lice. Bubbiiig with hogs’; ^s the ease .stands,^ tlieretorc, “J"' lard will kill them, or ho can buy Eiigiiiiituui at J pgnds on the Liiitcd Of' her the druggists; a small quantity put on different | of Imr uiqm. U .nearly Gghty per cent. | disgrace my ma mediately kid C"-'e I ' 11„ ti.ia ocean ■ of yore. Cic cigar spirit drawn back the curtain which hides the events of the past, it bids 1110 look on a scene I fain would forget—yet why not gaze theieoii . It luav cause me a few tears, but they will not a.ihood, and they shall not r.p- of the future. I’roud uiauhood uvo seeking coiiuection with the coal field would it not be well for them to look into this matter. Bv ail examiuatiou of tl.c various maps they will see at once, that for a direct communica tion lictwcc.i tlie Korth ami South, there is no line of travel so direct and at the same time so well calculated to meet all the cuds they are so desirous to accomplish. But to satisfy you that I am correct in the stateinciits above made, I would call vour attention to the fol.owmg fi..ures to show tlie distance by the various lines to be built, as well as tliose already in opera- lion from Kingsville on tlie South to llic.iinoiKl oil the Xorth—the points at which the various lilies converge. . From Kingsville to 4V ilmiiigtoii “ Wilmiiigtoii to Weldon " AVcldoii to Richmond Congressional Xoniination. Third Disirirt. IIOX. AVAUUEX 4VIXSLOB . coexTV xovuaa'tiox:'- For flerk of foiiniy Court. Pliileiuoii Taylor. For Clerk of Siiyerior Court. T. .J. Minis. d to the magnaiiimity of dcmocratSr leiusolvcs by an oath and .solemn covc- rcturii.cvil for good, to sting like scr- iiciits the warming bosoms of their benefactors, ' and to give back hatred for friendship, suspi. Icioii foi°eoi.ridciice, ami injury for favors? Mho d’d Ill'll’ AVho wormed themselves into the I confidence of democrats, and ob- i tallied their generous sulfrages for position and i olliec and support, even when they were then I bound l-y impious oaths to vote down and crii^ I the verv frieiiils whom they asked for support. i Vve, who did that? ! The democrats of Cumberland have acted al- ! ready to up lliat Christian precept which teaches , —r.-^ - - - ; Hige ou tlic right cheek turn to ggy It may be all very well for some of our , pi,ey pavc been smitten on democratic cotemporaries to sneer at our dis-1 they know of no text politi- approval of the fierce ultraism of southern j g_,giioi.ts_thcm to submit to a deiiiocralic C-Xtreiiiists, and they may 1 jgjg.);|ng also. their spleen hy dubbing us “weak” and “iiicoii-1 mcfi us in the street every day and rc- ■ ■ ’ ' ' * duickle, “We arc August elections.” in miles. 10-2 “ 83 “ sideratc” and by whispering iiiuieiidocs of man ■ ^ complacent -s.ibscrviciiee Ac to their hearts’ content. Some men affect a bogus going to beat you in the mlepcndeiice when ; ,,y is asked. “Why, to do it. WIT. I. iil: .a.'X — • a them. they can do so safely, but they generally “whip American party. coiistraiii going and we have ours 418 “ 2,3 miles. on them. It is always uiiprolitablc to keep any stock so that they have lice. John Johnson. How I S.vvEo MV ATxes.—In the last week’s number of the “Country aeiitlcmaii,” several remedies for the expulsion of the yellow- bug froni “pumpkin vines,” Ac , are rccomraciided by C. E. Goodrich, Utica, X. Y. One morn ing, a few days ago, I discovered an army of them among my earliest cucumber vines, and to my regret, in one nights time had them com. pletely destroyed, without exception of one solitary stock. About 20 feet from tliis patch I had another of about one week’s later planting upon which the “varmints” had also coiiimcuccd “trying their toctii.” I immediately .w'ciit to work, and witli a board about 14 inches long and S wide, con.striicted “dirt mounds,” (as di rected in the article referred to,) and to my great relief, those hills thus treated still look fine and are doing well. I feel fully ted for the price of one year's subscription for for the knowledge of the above remedy. Try it, those who take the “Country aciitlcman,’i and save your vines; and those who do not take the paper, do the best you can. D. Slial- leuberger. l‘citnsi-iile Fa. n.vcTicE.—This country where a very small decline uiand for labor produces distress and starvation | love, cm hardly be over estimated. A very short sadm crop ill this country, also, by raising prices and checking the demand for cloth, would pioducc serious, bad eU'ects. But supposing neither of of these things to with upon niwitii iia . . 1 the dc-1 and beautiful as fancy ever pictured^ yet one which I now remember sadness. In a mother’s lieart it was buried, in iier affection it was forgotten, a cold hand passed over the blessed vision. An arrow Uun-.- the hope-bird, it fluttered for a wliilo but died at my feet, it slint the door on a luip- piiicss I siiall never know. Tliiiik not that he ; who now with icy heart can press the check o anVMperieiicc i beauty and look into the soul through “ft and irmaiuifacturiiig; sparkling eyes—that- can clasp w ith a thiilhi g miles. remote possibilitie.s, there, is: of our manufactures growing more troublesome | as science, skill . . , reduce the cost of maiinfactnriiig . ^o his breast, never felt what a few hearts have known. and o’er which tears have fallen, sighs been Ijrctitiicd. Think not that a humble cot by the hill-side, with honeysuckle and jessamine creeping ovei , the lattice in suiuiiier time, a gentle form by . the higher | my side, the sweet angel of all, never comes to said, the ri- my vision ! Think yon there never wms waniitli here where the icicles of time now- hang, and drop one by one their drops iqion an altar cold as the marble wliicli Winter kisses ? Act pity me not ; with philosopliy to aid me, I can be iiiile.s every year enable tlieiu to . , i cloth, while they get the raw material cheapo . Formerly, England had three great points in her favor, and one against her cheai) labor, cheap money, and cheap cotton (to a certain extent,) and only the higher cost of medium cotton to contend with, fahe has now oiilv cheap labor, and the difference m her , the ff^or on that is about made up by *'■“ >..-W . ,nv cost of raw material. As belorc sa , valry of cloth made from Surat cotton has Uis appeared—that has to stand oii its own merits —and wc now go into the markets of the world at least on equal terms. tl.c h-\nnv ’ Bv coiltribnling mv mite to add to the Lowell can furnish cloth as cheap, to su) l’‘l. ’ Pl wdiispering words of least, as .Muiieliester can do it so long as •, I tlm car oMlie afflicted: in brnsh- Englaiid lias to look to us only ioi la - 11 J ti.n tcir from the eve of sorrow, in sooth- )f cotton of the quality she 11,,° „,g paireriiis. and lifting the here pilot liich I’roin Kingsville to Columbia “ Coliiinbia to Charlotte “ Charlotte to Greensboro’ “ Greensboro’ to Danville, A . “ Danville to Uichmond From Kingsville to Columbia “ Elorence to Cher.-iw “ Clieraw to Coal Fields “ Coal Fields to Raleigh " Raleigh to Richmond From Kingsville to F'iorence “ Florence to I’aycttevillc “ Fayetteville to Goldsboro’ “ Goldsboro’ to Richmond Xow- from tlio above fignre.s, from kiiigsyil e via Faveltoville and Goldsborongh to Rich mond, it is clear that tlicre is an advantage in distance over all the otlicr lines, of from l.a3 miles by tlie longest route to 39 miles by the slioi' route, as follows ; Distance from Kingsville via Cliarlottc, Greensboro’ A Raleigh to Richmond. 490 miles. From Kiimsvillc via Florence. l'ayctte-_^ villc and Gold.sboro’ to Richmond 3o i A Good roTTixu-BExcii F is a quick and pleasant way of shifting a plant, withont disturbing tender roots, and eiidaii-1 gcriiig a loosely held together ball. I have used it for years, and in some cases it is inval- nable. Place the new pot before yon; crock it, drain it, and bottom it with soil as in the usual way. Xow take the plant in its old fot, and place it fact that every year a larger quantity of cotton will be worked up in this country tor foreign markets, and a less—comparative—quautity he We^do not wonder, therefore, at the excite ment ill Mauchester; it is in case in view of the tacts \Ye have I affection may lavish its the same time it is a case loi \ i , methinks this old hachclor’s heart enjoys remedy, unless a substitute can be loni d tor ca e i ^ cotton. Tlic experiment ot prot uc » * . j ^ cliildrcns’s iove. Since desire is silent cotton in India has proved annuel "X no more in this satisfaction, a peace ,, , , , some hearts feel, whose homes arc cheered by the accents of tender love, and whose house hold music comes wellius up f‘om tiiiy throats, and where the pure lips ot childhood and inno cence call them “father. ^ , I may be wrong, but with those ■object around me on wdiich affection may Dif. ill favor of Fay’villo and Goldsboro’ _ Distnnee from Kingsville via AA il- Biiagton to Richmond From Kingsville via'h lorciicc, iay- cltcville and Goldsboro’ to Rich mond In favor of Fayetteville and Golds boro’ Distance from Kingsville via Florence, Clieraw, Coal Fields and Raleigh to Richmond From Kingsville via Florence, Fay- ettevilie and Goldsboro’ to Rich- y o ( ioo 418 miles. 33t “ miles and there is no other country in which be produced to any exteat that will were otherwise, tor it „ should hold a monopoly so important to therefore we also ^YisU the Man- the.r researches, —Boston Journal. nation all the world, Chester geiilleuicn success lu though w-e have no faith in it. bodily on the bottoming of the new pot; fill i ,aatcrially the aspect of business up the space bet'ween the inner side of the new ■pot and the outer side of fhc old one, using the potted stick or your fingers as the case may jreqiiire. Xow take out the old plant, pot and all, and you will have a beautiful mould or matrix, a little larger or smaller than the ball of your plant, according to the depth in which yon potted the old pot in the new one. X'ow turn out this ball, pop it into Ihc hole, press it down, and the thing is done. If the rim of the old pot is kept a trifle higher tlian the rim of the new, the b.all will generally fit. Tliis part will depend on the operator. I can only des cribe the operation. It can change AVe wish it is not good that any one Ux-iccOMMODATiXG.—The following hmiiorous incident lately happened in one of our western towns :— A teamster drove np to the door of one of Uie principal hotels, and asked for lodging for him self and horse. The landlord could not ac commodate him, every bed in the house being taken up. “AFell,” said the teamster, “I am not at all particular. I ivHl put up ivitli a part of a bed for the night.” “Part of a bed ! replied the liost, “why, my dear sir, there is not a bed in the inn that has not two m it already, and in some three, and four ” “AVell, can’t yon let me sleep in that ’are parlor?” “Xo ; we are going to make up scveiiteen beds there to-night, and they arc all eiin-ai.'ed.’l Weil, there, that’s curious. Can’t you give me a buffalo skin, and let mo lay here in the entry ? I shan’t discommode nobody,” “Xo ; I shan’t have you in the entry. AVe .shall be up all liiglit, and I don’t want any folks clattering and sprawling about the floor where .people are passing all the time.” “AVell, you arc an accommodating fellow, .anyhow, I don’t think,” said the teamster,— “AVoiider if you’ve got a tavern license ! •Tell yon what, mister—you’ve got no beds, no buffalo skins, no nothing. AA'^cII, that aiii,t your fault just now e.vactly ; bat, continued he, looking nt a rack where a multitude of cloaks and shawls were suspended, “what will you take to let me hang on one of them ’ere pegs ?■” The laugh wa.s fairly turned against the host. The comp.nny present interceded, nnd the teani- sf'T iva'' '■11'.'it,dried for the night. ibseace of aiMi. I heard of a clergyman, says Sydney Smith, who went jogging along the road till he came to a turnpike. “AVhat is to pay ?” , , , . “Pay, sir! for what?” asked the turnpike man. , “AVhv for my horse, to be sure.' “Your horse, sir ! what horse? Here is no horse, sir.” ., u ^ “Xo horse? God bless me!” said he sud denly, looking down between his legs, 1 tlioiig'ht I tvas on horseback.’- Lord Dudly was one of the most absent men I think 1 ever met in society. One day he met me ill the street and invited me to meet myself. “Dine with me to-day ; dine with me, and 1 will get Sydney Smith to meet you.’ I admitted to the temptation he held out 1° me, and said 1 was engaged to meet where. Another time, on meeting me. lie put his arm through mine, muttering : “I don’t mind walking with him a little way; I’ll walk with him as far as the end of the Street As wo proceeded together, AA'' passed.” “That is the villiaii!” exclaimed he, ‘ who helped me yesterday to a.-paragus. and gave me no toast.” lie very nearly overset ray gravity once in the pulpit. He was sitting immediately under me, apuarently very attentive, when suddenly he took up his stick, as if lie had been in the House of Commons, and tapping on the ground with it, cried out, iu a low ' ■ ' ' - and hope’s star world, I will treasure the founts ot joy winch Providence has opened to cheer and bless. Jly ci.'ar is out, its fiery .spark is extinguish ed* the smoke wreatlilets have winged their way from sight, and the little dust heap lies at iny feet Such will be the end of this life’s mortality ; but the spirit that now amm.atcs this clay will lift its light iu a cloudless sky, wlicre evening never goeth and where floivers bloom forever ; where the smile of the Great Spirit maketh glad the hearts of the people, and where the “wicked cease from troubling and the weary arc at rest.” iiiond .51 ill” again when circuiiistaiiccs cousiraiii uicu.. . „p ygur man, Tliis way of damidiig AA'alkcr and ffvifying j jp,,, tlirougb!” ‘AVho is your Biichaiiaii iu the same breath is a pretty sped-jg “AATiy, who else but Jesse men of the said iiidcpciidciiec. There >s‘i‘I'f'" -^yarjeii”! is the suriiri.sfd answer. Bets are fcrciicD between manly disapproval and violent i that the untcrrificd wont stand to dciiuiiciatioii. i the rack like the Hindoos will to the public AVc have never a word to say against those | "Well we’ll see. Democrats arc easily of our southern brethren who have seen fit to ; tj.„„qoo2lcd by fair promises and- cuiiiiiiig de- express ail honest sentiment of disapproval | j.i.cs_but when tlic sheepskin is oiiec removed to seme of Gov AValkcr’s expressed dews. H i ^iid the wolf’s tawny hide sticks out, all the is their right and principle to do so, and it is j j„,itation bleating in the world can’t fool them no man's province to rebuke them for it. j again. Xo, no gcntlciiicn, you cant whet your we reiterate our declaration and repeat our | j^,aQ(.i.atie griiidstsnc to cut the opinion that the bitter maledictions which have j jpua ^ho turns the wheel for you! been heaped upon Gov. AA’alkcr by some soiitli-j You have struck the first blow, and you erii politicians, the violent attacks iqwti bis po- j vicioii.sly, with malice aforcthoiiglit; crept lilieal integrity and the ilcuiand of his recall at; struck from behind; struck tlie liaiids of the c.xccutivc, is not only ■ your friends and benefactors; struck with a cions and uncalled for, but is unwise, impol.tic ^ p.^ oath ui your fists and black ingratitude in and presumptuous. Such is our opinion, liow-1 pgarts, and whenever yon crept up on a ever “weak” and “inconsiderate” wc may be. jp, town office you knocked ' i,i„i out of Ills office and the breath out of his CEi.Kiiit.vTiox .vT Gk.vy’s Cheek:—AYc Icaiii 1 p^py gg much gratification as tliough you from a friend who was present that the citizens : doored a giant. And now that wc have of Cumberland residing in the iicigiiboi hood ol : p^^^ aaylight afid the honest Grays Creek celebrated the Fourth with ‘•’Oii-for a regular .siderable eclat. The Grays Creek Iiidcpendcut; pgujocratic knock down. Fair play is a jewel, Company, Capt Devaiie, a spirited and liaiid-never wore it in your political crown, .some corps, was out with full ranks, a goodly , good liauds with the mask and the asscuiblago of “fellow citizens” was on tlic ^.,^^01- in a twiliglit fight—but those weapons ground, and the ladies who are never backward | po in this little scrimmage in the broad when patriotism sounds the call, lent their 1’“^='j j.,y and if the hard knuckles of the dem- seiicc and their sunny smiles to the occasion, j y’comanry dont spoil some of your good The Declaration of’Id was read in a clear [g,j|.g much mistaken, niirl ininrp^'^iVG stvlc K. Ks(|., I * ** * and the MeckletilL-gh declaration by Col. W. | 6-‘'^Thc article wc copy from one of our .kiderman After which Hamilton McMillam, i town cotemporaries, on Kail road matters pro- Esu delivered an oration which we have ; sents an entirely-new proposition to public con- heard spoken of in the highest terms. In the ! ^deration. AA’e submit it to our readers with- course of his address, the speaker took occasion i out special comuiciiL to make a beautiful and touching allusion .to j jout troubTc ourself much about Dr Kan. and we . the Cleriiship of the Superior Court, 111 favor of Favettcville and Golds boro’ I have taken some trouble to c.xamine the above figures and feel satisfied that they- aie correct with the exception ol the distance from Clieraw via the Coal Fields to Raleigh, which I took from the Clieraw Gazette. I put it down at 110 miles ; I must think the distance n-rcater than that, but adopt the most favora ble measurement the friends of that line ask and -we have a clear advantage of 39 miles in favor of the line from Florence via l ayctte- ville to Goldsboro’. , , , ■, line of Road that could pre- cd with graceful thong: was truly- an original production, passed off quite agreeably and we friends many pleasant rccvu-renccs of tlic ous fourth. wish our | lori- 1 „ If there is any — . , Axotuek.—AA’e have again to record a no stroiin-cr claims to the consideration of the ticc of the downfall of a polititieal preacher ‘ -jj^uus of”Charleston, the citizens of Faycttc- in Ohio. At a recent term of the court in to the stockholders of the X. C. and Statue of WauhlugCon. Houdon’s bronze statue of AVashiiigtoii, in tended for the Capitol Square, arrived in Ral eigh last week and is being erected upon the Capitol grounds. It will be a pleasing addi tion to the already beautiful square, as w-ell as a worthy- tribute of Xorth Carolina patriotism to the memory of our great Father. Carroll county, Rev. Joseph Barclay' w'as found "uilty of seduction and breach of a promise of marriage to Elizabeth Sharp, and mulcted in dama'gcs to the value of ^5,000. The Staik County- Democrat says “The defendant was a preacher of the Covenanter or Seceder faith, and w-as one of the leading Fremont Kansas striking preachers of Carroll county, ihe evi dence on the trial showed that for some time he had been paying his addresses to Aliss Sharp, an accompli.slied and liighly respectable young woman of the county, tliat he promised to mar ry her and then with the hellish machinations of a fiend. But sheielded with the livery of Heaven, he set about his work of destruction, and by pravers and great professions of right eousness coupled with his promise of marriage he succeeded in seducing the young girl from the path of virtue, and accomplished her rum and deserted her. but audible whis per: Hear, hear, hear!” Don’t d-e Offishus.—-‘Father,” said a sport ing youtli to his reverend parent, “they say trout will bite now.” “AA'ell, Well,” was the consoling reply, “mind your work, and you’ll be sure they won’t bite youT The following coavcrsatioii betw'eeii two jolly sons of the Green Isle, one day last week, ill front of our office, had a point to it. ‘I s-ay, Jimmy, did you ever sec such a sum mer as this ?’ ‘Faitli and I have.’ ‘Last winter, by jabers.’ N L. Star. Every woman is bom with a mastermind, that is to say, with a mind to Be master, if she civn. That Man Deserves lour Praise. Know you a man w'hosc early life Had little promise but of care; AA’hose prospects in the wide world s strife AYcrc anything but fair; AYho has as yet, step by step, uprose Above the dreams of early days, And smiles upon his youthful w'oes? That man deserves your praise. Know you a man w-hose soul outpours AVikl music to melodious spheres; AV’ho moves mankind’s half-bidden stores Of joyfulness and tears; AVIio sings of what is good and fair, And wishes strife and warlike frays Had ceased to cause mankind despair? That man deserves your praise. Know you a man of wealth and. fame, AVho kindly Icndeth to the poor, Xot seeking to blaze forth his name. At every rich man’s door, AVho daily doeth good by stealth, In many different kindly ways ? That man has lofty moral health— That man deserves your praise. ktlaiitic Road from Goldsborough to Xcwberii and Carolina City, as well as those living along the line of the Road, Lam not able to find that line of road. It will unite with bands of iron Charleston and the Coal Fields, Fayetteville, Goldsboro’ and Carolina City, and at the same Kansas travelling public a hcalthy chcap and expeditious line of travel. I feel a deep interest in the success of this scheme, and wish I could present its claims in such a light as to induce others to take hold and baild the road. It will pass through a sec tion of country abounding in wealth and intel- li-'cnce, and well adapted to the production of cotton and corn, and naval stores of every de scription. I call upon the citizens of Charleston to cx- amine this subject, assured that if they will aid the work they will be met by the citizens along the line with the liberality that should char terize a people interested work. ac- m so important a FLORENCE. The da ■ I .consiuer ii ai an iivccsMirv. Tom ’ I knows what he’s about, and if Tom docs’iit knock “Sam” into a cocked hat wc sliall be jiiightly surprised. The know nothings of course have their man out, and they will try the .same town game on the country democrats that they intend to play in the county court clerkship. John is a fast nag, it is true: we believe lie once spread himself on the AA’ilmiiig- ton course, and the way he trotted into the de mocracy was surprising for a young man ‘AA’liom you’d .scarce expect To speak in public on the stage.’ “Democratic corruption” was the braw lad die’s favorite theme, and he piled up the agony ‘accordin’. “The leaders of the democratic party were .cnrnipC’—such was the burden of his song. Such men as Hon. Lauchlin Dc- tliuiie, and Col. Gillis and Duucaii Shaw, Jas. Byruc, \V J. Kelly, AVm. Cade, Jas. AIcKcth- an, Chas. Aloiiroc, Henry R. King, David Alurphy, Juo. S. Gainey, Arthur Alclvin and many others wc might name, leading and in fluential democrats, were all “corrupt” and um worthy the confidence of indepciidciit freemen. Of course after so sweeping a charge as this, Johiiiiy cannot look to these “corrupt demo-. B@"AA’e have received a Catalogue of A'or- crats” and their friends for support. If he null College, and are glad to find the iiistitu- joes, verily must he look upon the democracy as tioii in a very flourishing condition. It is as | oxcraplars of the text, “Love your eiicmieSj oung enterprise, being only iu the j bless them that curse you, do good BOrAn address from AVm. Row, Ksq., to the d'j^mocraey of Cumberland will be found iu anotlier column. AA’e commend it to our dem ocratic friends tlironghout the county as a man ly, patriotic appeal to their zeal and fidelity. Did an adherence to the sentiments expressed therein characterize the actions of every demo crat, our country could bid defiance to foreign eiietnics and home foes. AA'^c trust thut Alt Bow’s deference to the will and wishes of the party will be appreciated by the democracy of Cumberland and remembered in time to come. do good to them AVe°fiiid'^ students ■ Giat bate you, and pray for them that despitc- . , ■,, ,. • • Y- • I fullv use you and persecute you.” from Georgia, b. Canoliiia, ALssissippi, A irgin-1 i i i ia, Texas, Alabama and AHssouri iu atten- yet but a yc seventh year of operation. AVc recently heard a good strory of two per sons engaged to fight a duel. After the first fire one of the seconds proposed that they should shake hands and make np. The other second said that he saw no necessity for that, for their hands had been shaking ever since they began. The following witty couplet was uttered by an old gentleman, whose daughter, Arabella importuned him for money : “Dear Bell to gain money, sure silence is best. For dumb Bells are fittest to open the chest.” He that lives upon hope will die fasting. Somebody says there is a decided difference between persevereiice and obstinacy. •One is a strong will, and the otiier a strong won’t. Don’t buy an article that you don’t want, because a store-keeper assures you it is dirt cheap. Better put your half dollars out at in terest. dance, the whole number of pupils being 190. The Instiutioii has an able Faculty and is B@“’i'lie court to which was referred the po lice dilCeultics in New York have decided in favor of the Albany Regency, and a precedent most eligibly- situated, near 'i'liomasvillc on the jg t^us set which at otice renders naught all X. C. Railroad. The course of instruction is, chartered corporate rights, and places every the same as embraced in our highest seats of. city- where the law is applied in the Jgrasp of learning, and the College merits the success to , centralized political power. The Xcw Vork which it is evidently attaining. ■ papers, with the c.xceptioii of the few vcual and — ■ I Wi j paid presses under black rcpublicaucontrol, arc The 'U’obi.d’s Ckops.—The crops all through-; bitter in their denunciations of this unjust de- out the United States promise a most abundant • vision. The end is not yet. Xew Y'ork, at no yield this year—and we find in ouj- Xcw Y'ork ; distant day, will be the scene of one of the exchanges notices of the European crops, rep- j fiercest popular commotions that has ever oc- rcseiiting them as of the most flattering char-1 curred in this country, aud a municipal war will acter. The cotton crop in the South seems | undoubtedly result, the citizens against the iu- somewhat backward, aud the sugar planters do | terlopers and their abettors, which will fill the not anticipate a very heavy yield this season; 1 y/orld with its dire record of blood and bnrn- but wheat, rye and corn, both in this and other | i„g. The Albany Regency must back down or countries are exceedingly promising. A decline |it will be beaten down, and the struggle is not in breadstuff’s may bo looked for. j far distant. THE ’riin colcbratioii of oul ■.d off with coiLsiderabil The .-tars and stripcsl bi :-:; gale from the Arl ■1:1.1 liic LaFaycttc Arq r.iiiit, not forgetful of -..It iicr tiny banner, “.-^inail,’ti.s true, 'I'o spread it-, little The wiiKis be motu Till, military were oj ■.',i/.cns and “gci.cralitj parade of the tli;| , -.-ion was formed « oj , ■eded -.0 Far;:)'-':-’.- Hii .ration. -After a ,-] .ni ■ r h. .F... i:-.- Mr Ih. wa.-,'r,'n4 tv E. C. ] .After w.'iieh the mill.-: [\ I'. v'vS'’Ciii nii i.iiiry, witli lhat peri fill' -aiT. 'l h.irnioiiics « i.. of the (' ' !.) i;;,i; iiiid.-dy, “Day-- of dr.'d" we forget — ill leail .iiul tlie E fiaj pid aee.;..ip.iniui"!ii to] drum, the p. i f. . ai.HK- '.iiiiiati'::: liie eoiilr.-'J -•iiid the tenor horn blol first valve key of hi.- iiJ The Hallwi- deii.scl| with a due regard to 'heir balloon -hirts al .■iieaiH -.h.- lea.-' portio AYe were favored, iJ ipromiiieae'e, willi a .-.el '.ivteiied with .■•■- orillj talented yo'aiig 'jieal (i-eea.-ioii wa? worthy owurod lie.' e - :,iO'j.'.atio| without .-l, 1 meiitalisiii, tet.-v. j ■otic, we have ’■ ami never a bett'':' .perieiiee 1 Ai our way to jiav a ■jur young friend, aiiij oommeiul to Ibe L'nil exaiiipl'.' of Mr Eianu ees and tiie iiiovt- lii| found time to read, liowei’s ol 111 i d willq cuiio'.vcd him. I’y laboriotf apitiiei.Lioi he h:.;: [ireparcd liiiil iaw, aii'J ha.- but laf aminalioii with sU.'lq elicited from hi-' p--’ highest reputation i| irv e.-pres.-iioii of .V briglit earecr i| may now affeel to . aiioriit’y will yet ■aq jiroud to take him honored by ".he eoiJ luodest and iinprcj Hid we may treiicli| alUidmi 3- hi a. gliiig m.'Mt iieV; r m ■ d a lit' !."nd li. m.e, iv. eai'l -.i.vV-' - y what the] Tii dll' ■ y"'hh '-il* iiiaiihoud, ami he j f ■•“‘iv the Vi'.-ll voutiilii! aml.’ie.n eiire. Mr Elam ill law am’ uc ;'-y, I.i'egrity, R .vili appreeiat.' the After the ■■•mreil marehed through diiy .\',ii"- bcaiitilul -Ar lull’s ilisjilat tl S .A roi shanid fur tl. "f fJ :lit t| con Shortly aftenvard cliarg'.d, after will were sent up. Tl of I'oekct., after and a iiie ul.eel the ; erform.anec of roekeL, and spleiidiii ru-ili of I number of roekel performances e.lfl rockets and the[ fd the fourtli ofj At the iale o| dows,” X. A., aud among the | sou. Esq,,'of SJ ' liobbauiok” a| at $100,00. her excellent b| last Agrieultur mens which wel celled ill the .S| a “Taiiiiiiund” . h'lpc that his 1^ cattle of Sum cess. 6.€?-“A. M.J to ThomasviU. what office lie several of his 1 know which tj till AA'c have :spceinicn iiuml It is a larg illustrated mo rouised by tU charge of cacS ilia, Xc'.v I’atJ of our fricu'Is I lishmeiit wish \

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