•wf bpcd npon the naking county PTnios election, deep mouthed of disapproval But ask them hrst blow? They fito dark alleys Ikiug stairs into Ire never to vote |ivil or municipal? brats of Cnmber- I hand.s, had never non party grounds Jred all they were lity of democrats^ land solemn covc- Ito sting like scr- I their benefactors, I friendship, suspL : for favors? Who braselves into the Imocrats, and oh- ps for position and , they were then ote down ami ernsb .sked for support? iland have acted al- ecept whieii teaches I right cheek turn to |c been smitten on ■ of no te.vt poiiti- Ithem to submit to a ; everv day and rc- Ichuckle, “'We arc August elections.” I?' is asked. ‘AVhy, |re going to do it. Jan, and we have onrs 111!” ‘Who is your p'lto else but Jesse answer. Bets are Irrified wont stand to J will to the public JDemocrats are easily |es and- cunning dc- i^kin is once removed Slicks out, all the frorld can't fool them L, von cant wlset your I grindstone to cut the the wheel for youl j first biow, and yon |ce aforethought; crept : from behind: struck Ictors; struck with a ; black ingratitude in hr you crept uj' on a ■ n office yon knocked j the breath out oi his ■cation as tiiough you Ll now liiat wo have liglit ahd the honest ■selves for a regular Fair p'ay is a jewel, I vour political crown, litli the raa.'k and the -but tiiose weapons rimmage in the broad i knucklc.s of tnc c.em- boil some of your good ken. opy from one of our ■tail ro-ad matters pro- lopooilioii to pu'ol'.e con- l it to our readers with- |ie ourself muc'u about sperior Court, 'occanso bt all necessary. '■Tom” at, ami if Tom does’nt beked hat we shall be the know nothings of I oat, and they will try the country democrats »y in the county co'urt Ifast nag, it i. true: wo I himself on the ’Wiiining- bv he trotted into the de- • for a young man Icaree e.xpeet Iblic on the stage.’ Ition" was the braw lad- lud ho piled up t'no agony Idcrs of the democratic b'ueh \va.s the burden of as lion. Laucldin Be laud Duncan Shaw, Jas. kvm. Cade, Jas. IMcKet'u- I Henry U. King, David aey, Arthur Melvin and name, leading and iu- rcre all “corrupt” and un- of independent freemen, sweeping a charge as this, 10 these “corrupt demo- buds for support. If ho pok upon the democracy as Jt, “Love yonr cneraies, yon, do good to them lay for them that despitc- tecutc you.’’ hicli was referred the po- ' York have decided in legency, and a precedent Mice renders naught all Iriglits, and places every lapplied in the Jgrasp of Ipowcr. The Yew Tork jptiou of the lew venal and sek republican control, are fciations of this unjust de- 01 yet. Mow York, at no Hue scene of oue of the notions that has ever oc- ly, and a municipal war will Ihe citizens against the in- bettors, which will fill the lecord of blood and Isurn- legeuey must back down or vn, and the struggle i.-; not NOaTM CHROtlNt YEtTEVtLlE, n g THE FOIRTH. The celebration of our national holiday pas sed off with considerable credit to our citizens. The stars and stripes floated proudly in the brisk gale from the Arsenal, the Town Hall and the LaFaycttc Armory, and old Liberty Point, not forgetful of her ancient fame, uung out her tiny banner, “Small, ’tis true, and starclied withal To sjircad its little folds tho’ all The winds be motionless.” T!ic military were out in creditable force, citizens and “generalities” ditto, and after a dress parade of the three companies, the pro cession was formed a programme and pro ceeded to Farmer’s Hail to hear Mr Elam’s oration. After a sliort and appropriate pray er byBobbitt, the Declaration was read by II. C. Lucas, Esq., who prefaced his recitation with a few cloriueiit and imprc.s- sivc roraarks allusive to the past as compared with the present of our country. After which tlie band, an amateur corps of miu.strels descended from Ham of ancient memory, with that perversity of taste and love for sacred harmonics so peculiarly cliaracteris- tic of tlic gams darkie, struck up a camp-rnect- ing melody, “Days of Absence” or “Old Iliin- dred” wo forget which, the basso tuba taking the lead and the E flat sax-horn tooting a ra pid accompaniment to a flourish on the kettle drum, the performance coming to a sudden ter- luinatiou by the contra basso stopping to sneeze, «nd the tenor horn blowing his quid into the first valve key of his instrument. The Hall was densely crowded and the ladies, with a due regard to convenice.cc having left their balloon skirts at home, formed by no incairs the least portion of the assemblage. We were favored, by reason of onr military ipromiueuce, with a scat near the rostrum, and listened with no ordinary gratification to the talented young speaker whoso effort on this occasion was worthy of himself and fully an- j cv.'ercd the expootatioiis of his friends. Ornate without bombast, poetic without flighty senti mentalism, terse, painted, eloquent and patri- ■otic, we have seldom heard so good an address and never a better-one from so young and inex perienced a speaker. IVe do not go out of our way to pay a well mcritc-I complimeut to • our young friend, and wo take .oocasioii to re commend to the .young lUicu oi tire country the oxatiiple of Mr -Eiam. With cramped resour ces and the most limited advantages, ho has found time to read, study end improve those Qaestiou for onr Seighbor* | We wish to propound a question or two to onr neighbors of the Argus, and respectfully solicit a response. Did not the “Araerican” party endorse Mr Fillmore’s condemnation of the Missouri Compromise repeal? Coold slave ry have been established in Kansas tinder the operation of the Missonri compromise ? Did not the abolition of tliat restriction re ive the impediment to making Kansas a slave state? If they respond affirmatively to the first and third, and negatively to the sec ond question, as a regard for truth and history must prompt, what answer can they give to the question we now ask? 'What right has the “American” party to denonnee Gov. Wal ker as an enemy to the South audslateiy? This is a pertinent query, but oue wliich we fear our neighbors will either dodge entirely or explain in Latin to the great edification of tlieir unclassical readers. Quotations from Virgil, and sentiments from Bobbie Burns are all very good in their place, but they wont aiiBwor in this instance. Please respond in the plain, unvarnished vernacular. 0E1TH fflf HR. HARCT. ^ The Hofl. Wra. L. Marcy, died suddenly at Ballstoo Spa, Kew York, on the night of the 3d. He seemed to be in the enjoyment of his usual good health the day previous, but found dead in his room at noon on the fourth The history of the country for the past century has been identified with the life and | no longer ^ a usefulness of tliis great and good man, and his i dec aiation monnuient is in tlie hearts of hi.s country Mr Marcy lia.s held many high and impo stations. Governor of Yew lork. Comptroller of that State, United States Senator, Secretary of War under Mr Polk, Secretary of State jL-lTEST BY TELECH.lPltFROn LOYBOX TO L'VEU. I POOL. The Agent of the Associated Press, U iudoht- eOMMUNICATIONS. To my Democratic Friends of Cumberland. My name .1'f j to Capt. Wickman, the geiitlemauly and oblig- Clcr^Sip!and'asllm^atl Democratic Conven-! ing commaudey of the steamship Yiugara, W HLAXKS. OF ALL KinrB FOR S.VLB AT THIS OFFICE. JOHA D. SIIATw. kUiJis .tTTTOnXEV .tT L.IW, iticluaniid County a ciUKlidalc on niy part .^eonis to be the that I had pledged myself to, abide iho decision : last year. of the Coiiveiitian and support its nominee—i A mayor, who dedared liini.sclf favor ofl I Bes.sarabia. SP.MX.—M.viir.in, June ]k.—'llic Due dc ^ cpn.Mo.v s'i!0>j-s. ii.viixKT'r ciii xrv. .M a iiH'cling of till' I'.oanl ui .Superiiin iiili'iits in li! :i tin' mill liny (if.I Mill' l.-.‘i7; I I’li'.-'.'iii i'l. .MoI.'.iim. M.iliii'w tVililer. .tinimv .1. iiiialed Aiiiliassador ll'oiii CinMin, .\ui.u i’luki'r. Jim. iS. llubra -.Till Inuili-i M.-.Cinnucl;. the fourth, and a of our beloved Union. It is lar more con-: RK.—Coi'iixu-tcKX, June It.—.\t q,I, j'jj!,1 'iiviijiiiiui! !•'. .‘tlnnvi'l.ik. The old and igoiiialtomy nature to cast myself in a brcacii . of Galjnel, it; iimt v,.-lii.'ri.-,-.'l!iiiiin pn-sc.l Uy I'.iu than to make one—I earnestly trust and ’ U'| ^^5 jopijod that the deqiatch which refuses to n,.mil e!' | '•..Iln.^'!l Sciiinil .Synii;rmt„i'..li'i'.iii lur the friends every wlicic wdl'nfM.f,iO llm uretensinns of' the (ireat German J "imly‘J ’ anil»Miy,iKl brightest ornaments. Mr Marcy was o'®’’j its iiq.gi-osts coiisciiuoiitly jeopardized seventy one years of age at the time of his death.! rpio,, too of a party the principles cf which i iiave ever foiidlv clierishcd and on whose .success . tBvei's has been 110m ;i'.Tn.—Several bloody rlots 1 ^ believe' mainly depends tlie pre.scrva-j Sp,,i,i at I’aris. DENM.ARK.—CoiTNU-tcKX, June It.—-It a coiifei'ciiec of the uiciiibers of the Cabinet, it their own i than to malic one—1 earnestly iiu»i, ....t. h'r ■ was decided that the des|)atcli which refuses to n,.iul a EDICITIOXAL COSVEXTIO.X. Wc learn that the Convention was a very large and interesting one, every portion of the State being well and ably represented. Mr Holden's address we have hoard spoken of as a masterly effort, evincing fine taste, sound argument, refined sentiment, and cou- taiiiing many valuable suggestions as to the firactical development of the intellectual re sources of onr people. kVe hope the address will be published. The following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year: Pre.sidciit, Ilcv. Alex. Wilson, of Alamance. 1st Vico President, E. "W. Ogbniii of Guil ford. •2d Professor C. Pliillip.s, of Orange. 3rd B’m. Robinson, of Wayne. 4th IV K. Blake, of Fayetteville. oth Professor W. T. XValters, of XVakc. 7th Professor M. D. Johnston, of Charlotte. Con'cspoiiding Secretary, G. W. Brooks, of Raleigh. Recording Secretary, W. IF Bass, of War ren. . i_i- - 1.1 —4 ^ J6!5y*'Purscr J A.^Dobbin, brother of the ex-Secretary of the Yavy, has sailed from Hong Kong for California, intending to return home and resign. lliors o.x THE Foe took place in Yew York on number of persons were killed. new police got up a few fights _ . . , ,1 , 1,00k and it was finally necessary to Older out., on three regiments of state troops to quell | ji;. q’;iy]oi', tlie Domocr riots, uislied lies got ill honor ed up a German upon the slu'inc of “American” i pi,;yat,i„g those of our own political house-hold j patriotism wounded urdi :iiv friends every wbcic the iiretoiisions of the (*re:it (Ici'iiuin , "nniy ^ 'I V",I* giving a cordial siqipoi't to g,, the question of tlie Duchies, will not ■ l’ai!’l I'iivrMK-'iii''liiK-'acvidin'- Jomocratic nominee, "‘lO I'”® be sent the day 011 which the Council of bJate qj,., .ij.,,'.;,.!,th s.'r.-.-p ■•■livi'fmmiics. Oil miitii.a Gi ll. .t. I>.'yu' ai.pniiitc.l lual i*ii'i'.cictl I" i!ic riiiiiriKim in uiiU 'iiuirmaii .l (’unii-ci l.nuJ- Kc>.Ylv«’'i tlial ! tC CUV: ll; iD Lilicr iiftjiivb'cnvu is iiis'tnicl''il \sit!i .-iu*h u.-'-ir'lnncc ;i~ he c;m > rc-i'“cii\'c l•i^U'icl.7. i'> so tiitrr ov lav .tJIlttll »*£»»->«.• - - jUlCVaOllJ^ V/» VUl V.... j . , , ! several of their own iinrabcr being ! ever remeiiibeving that “sell prc.sci'vatioii is the ; THE VERY Saturday latrc aiitl ciiivcni« nc-* cf tlu* .,‘t' proper, ami la por’,. ai tlu* av'i ot tlioir alt-r.uion ami #^“11011 people of Richaioiid at Rockingham, on day of court week: also at the Mineral on Saturday. 1 Tncs-i T . 4iw.;,i nvomi.lr. nf union and ■ to amoiint to LTo.OOO. Springs ! aeUv'itv ^aiid'thc triimipli will most certainly be | The funds have been at the slight 1111- ! ours 'Let the democriev of the Yorth and of; provemeut of ye.stei'day, but the market shou .x 1 tlie South of the East and of tlui West in our , little teudeucy o -aiiii ' -ood old County. ca.st away their own personal request duiin.g the me I , tike selfish-! nuini rate ot .six per ci powers of mind witli which jiaturc has libeialiy endowed him. By a suvero ocurso oi stiulj, laborious application and nni'emitting e.xcrUoi.s he has prepared himself for the practice of the law, and has but lately pa.cscd the ordeal of e.x- ■aiuinatiou with such credit tc hiuKtelfas to have elicited from his preceptor, .a geiitieiKan of the hiuhest reputation iu tlie profession, no ordin- iti'v expression of approval and graliffcatioii. A bright career is before liiui, aud those wlio may now affect to despise the oljsctii'o young attorney will ret see the day wiicii fucy will lie proud to take him by the hand, aye, and lie lioiiored by tbe compliment. Our ffioiid is as ruodcst and unprctciiuing as ho is talented, and wc may treiicli upon his modesty by tliis allusion to Ills anticipated future but xtiiig- gling and modtarious young imuilioud sliall iievc°r need a lift while w,o liavc an arm to ex tend it, and let carping critics and ill-natuicd snobs say what they will, earnest, a.spiring, de- -tcrmiuc'd youth iril! make liormrc-d and elevated ' manhood, and he i.s no true man who would feitor the vigorous young .spirit or sneer a., youthful ambition be its posse.ssof iicvei' so ob- .scurc. Mr Elam will soon begin tiic practice of law and we offer as bis rtfcrencc.s Abil ity, Integrity, I’i'omptitu.dc will appreciate those references. After the exercises at the Ilall, the military marclied through Hay street and after firing their rc.spcctive salutes were di.sinis.scd for the dav, • At night the citizens repaired f;i,.—A man named Kent was killed in B'ilmington, oil the 4tli, by the premature dis charge of a caiiiioii which he was firing in liou- or of the day. He was terribly mangled, aud died ill a few hours after the accident. He leaves a family iu destitute eircumstaiiccs. Brr.oi.Auv.—The County Court clerk’s office iu BTimiiigtoii was entered last Sunday night aud his papers overhauled, but finding no ey the thief mizzled. ! truth, “Ours arc the plans of fair Yiiic out of si.xty three counties in | p^m-o, ninvai'pcd by Party rage to Pcniisylvahia were represented iu the convention , brothers.” for nominating a know nothing candidate for 1 Governor. All the rest fused with the aboli- ; tioiiists. the ; T.et tbe democraev ot tho -XOi'lii aiiu ui : > j ....... little tendency to aniinalion. Money was 111 I , ,1,, i riM-i. niMsuiiiu I'criiiest during the iiioi'niiig at lliu Bank inini- m- A correspondent at Blockers writes us ^ good old Couu y. ea.st ' mum rate of .^x per cent. In,ter there was a K.,p s.ri,i.ht u„.ll .1,. r,,,. ■llmr.d.j -U.- ^ 'p- ">» .'.in. Iioiv .-.1 1«|-: = * i. .. .wV. .1 1....I. rdC f-.ii- delightful: cent. _ | 8®- Miic out ot si.xty iiirce eunnue.x IM , peace, iiinvarpca uy 1 ai ty la^e pu live like j Xlic Paris lioui'se seems totally iiic.ip.iblo of, . 1 > 1 I revival; neitlief tnc reoiictioii 111 the Itaiik Qi Rc.spcctfiillv, i England’s rate of discount, nor the intimation • ■ W.M, BOB’. : th.^t fiiitber artificial siipiilies of gold are not: . „ ! required for the moment by the the Bank of 1 C.iuniAGE .N. E’. : have sufficed to stop the downward , . j After an absence of twenty five years, 1 was , A .AIodei, AVmowEu.—Tlicrc is a gallant cock ; 110^110^^ ^vlikle i Fuaxce:—The Ei.ectioxs.—The .AIoiiilcuv with short comb and the “game curved spur,’ . p,,, y „ns ti n-: of yesterday tlie a.lvii; poj)ii1:ttiiii H.'' lli'.'V jic.M nD-«’iinti tftc in iMiutulavic.'. , , , . , l{cx:olvca tliat tl.yi rl.Tk of the iMtunl Ik- to j.vociir('aA'«-py’ i*"‘ ■''•It*'"* llNtncT'ill tliisCoiuity IVtun tlir ('liainuaii (hi timii.m the laRiitl a«Ijfuriiul uiUil Mmulay i. Sell? Tviui ■ V. SITAAN. Clci’U P.i.ar'l .S. C. Scliool;^. Julv V. "‘''--I SHERIFF S NOTICE * Will aticivl tiif I'oliouin" I'i.-lricl'. lor ill" pttr. i jii>sc of ctillcclini:: llif Ta.vcH. \ 17.: Tialar (.'vock- ^ vt Flea Hill. (kvrvfvV Frc',‘Kj lllack Uiver, t^u"\Yhini“. Seventy Firt'l. liockliish, Jnlv II. *• 24 ‘jA '• ;u Anj;nst 1 HFt'TOFt McNFILF. Sberifl*. mblisiu'S tin important atUlresa a () oJ) s ,sL ra // tl r ]). i .VpI ged 50 PEK CEKT. BSEOW NEW YOKK COST- M, TIIOAIAS A 15K0., avc just rcpeiv*‘l their.scvoinl ]mrcliaie of .‘=?)inn^ ml Sniiiiiier Gmi'ls. S’otiu'of whicharc moil- Which IS UionT?—The Ijouisville Journal says “the American party was never stronger, purer or more liarmoiiious than at present ; but Uic Richmond Whig says “it would be like dishonesty for any one to contend that there is Eiicli a thing as the American party in c.xis- tcucc.” s,) BI.KtTlON NOTICK.S. 7lf; it SOS riion u.isuix;t«x, Affairs—The Course rius I'sly Cbaniaiousliip. Onr neighbors of the Argus who said never a word with rcfei'ciiec to the Plug Ugly out rage ill Wasliiiigtoii, at this late day copy an article from the Baltimore Clipper eiidcavoiing to fi.x tlic stigma of that foul outrage upon the democratic party, and praising the I lug Lg- lics as a body of nice Aiaoricau young gentle- men. The iirticlc sny.s: 1 V . ,1 J . 1 1 £ a IHl s.«« 1. . . > ’ Ii.v ... ^ ,, in onr neighborhood who lost his beloved ,Gnrolinn. within i from tho Prelect ol the heme to tlie electors. , ,,,,,,p,,HiUmn.-wlnel,U,^ Piirtk’tt just as slie had lain a nest Cliaiiticleer did not, as most unfoat worsdo, smooth his niuqilcd plumes wav run after the pullets, but care sat upon the eggs himself and nursed ins , ..q'orJ ample lacilitics lor the co„|',,iviicc so that tlie pco-! ami latest si.vle.s. t„ call em-l.v ami . , silent grief while be warmed his spouse’s relies ^ traiisportatiei^of in-oduee^^ i l^i deceived by Wise dedar Jons I -I''; -; ^ into life. AVitb all the solicitude of a mateuia , [L place of mv' nr,tivitv)”a,id was , of political optiiions. i Juiv H- PtiT. lietibe leads his chirping brood about, ='"^1; ^-itl, the improvement tluU has! cluek.s and scratches as assiduously for jn that section of tbe State in the j alone as tlio’there were no feathered damsels i of a Century. I found tho little admiriuM'liis .‘ipiirs and no coquettish pullets ' Jirty face lioys that used to shoot marbles wit i eyeing bis glossy plumage and straup behavior ^ um where The Zra! "ill ! with maiden jealousy. A\o betide the iiitiudci . ^-liere I was wont in my youtlifnl days to, upon his chicks’ domain— “AVilli sharp strong beak and pointed spur, uty poiuis wiiicn m uiu-.e u.>j o ^ of the course of Gov. i And dauntless eye he meets the foe, | ^ro°thc^'trib JJ^^'iml'''S;ionti(ic Uvniker.’ Altlioiigli his conduct is not entirely 1 ,^',7,,7,,..o,, ,.o,niiT- .le.siru ilml il.e mnm- of And blood or quick retreat .s the "®“1; 1 Tillfnl f-irmors The old houses ' niiproved of bv tlm Administration, it '.vill firm-, ^viu McNeill, E-i.. !»■ aim,,,meed im a camlnlale for He’s a model widower. May he cow foi- of the , J ml others bu It in ■ Iv sustain bini', believing that lie acted with wis. ^ me „nice of clerk of .be Coun.y Court, I Sjir stI:JJ‘a L Sre" s Jle The little : tiom and justice in ndvisiiig a submmsioi, of tlie j A Xcw Wav to Drlttf a Thlvf. i Ion-chnreli wlncli ill mv dav marked the spot , Coiislitiilion to a vote of tlic peopk and lat. The f'.thcr of Mr AVekster, the great Amer-; the missionary labors hive been torn down , he thug followed a sole line of policy, llie^,,,..,, p. \, ardeii ms a Camlulalc foi Cluk of me laiiicr oi .ui >v c , „ , .,,.c 4 ,',,1 v a ma'rniPsciit edifice i Soiitlicrii attacks are eoiisajercd as iingcncioiis, , tl,c County Court, icau statesman, was a humorous joco.e j emitaiu two° thousand souls i iu view of the fact that lie was sent to Kansas ; UODEK'K McKAK. age. j 1. 7;,], eDrresiioiidiii" elegancies and , by nn ndmiiiislration pledged to the defeiiee , im,I,n-liic o.-ae of tb i k o. As be was once journeying in XIassaebuselts i ‘"WYYY;' Roin'lbc pvoecedsof alewing Society, i of the Soulliern riglits, and opi,o.«c.l to the ' ,!„■ CoMmyCenn „f Cnmncriamt. not far from bis native town, lie stopped '’A® ti,^ ^-ortliv ladies in the surround-' T’opeka Con.-litiition;_ mid in conlonnity "'itli j Jj'"': 1 one night at ail inn in the village of . ,1" ■ : g,,,! j^st but'iiot least, we find in i vvhicli policy Gov. AValker is now elamicd to: 'I'jie frioiids td'Ivtilicl't. (lillntlil GoiCrnor ] Walker. in.xcTOx, July G.—The affairs in Knii.'asj TO TIIK FlMiK.MMX ('UMJSEIIE.XXO CO. I) r \ i .1 !V K \ K , rrspeuirullv aanounevs i iiiinsciras a eamliilai,’l.ir lb,' oiliee nf Clerk of die IIlavlii'® a kiDiwliulRC vl' tin* ilulluh* ■W.'vSHINCTON, July G. l llO 'J* i oV Mic'Ofl'.c". hu tj;ilicrs liilti-'v!!'Ilnil li" will l>c :U)U to have formed tlic subject of Cabinet dclibcratioi), i .‘-ntisiaeiion t-.i all the ii'uod iicoiik* urthe -'since the receipt ot the \tc.^‘Olutions of The j in tlic ('vent ul IJ-s rlcftim). 1 ‘ (looreia and .Mi.ssi.sippi Democratic State Coiir j Wo !irr :nitiinri/,o(l to tliat a jioriion of ihn ^ ^ . . chiifoiii= of 1»oIk*so» county ilc.^irc f-innors The old lioiises aiiiirovcd ot by the ^Vdinini^lration, it v.'ill filin' McNeill, K'H-. he aimtiunced ; down and otliers built in ; ly sustaiii liini, believing that iie acted with vvis., the „llice of clerk ul tbe Cou ^ x Crrizn.x. sc'de The little ' dom and jiistiee in advising a siibmis.sioii of the j _ . . — — scale. Aim 111 C .1 , aLilliori.-'Cil to amioiiiicc “The I’liig Uglics are young Americans who i called him out to discover a tlic cliQi'sits a very line ;iio netiiig. and I'll wnrruiit that' Tlie views of I lie administration carciull}’ t Supeviov oT CuiiiberluVH] C'Uiiity. there is reason to believe soon ' in Angie^L next. beautiful Arsenal grounds to witness Uncle Sara’s disiilay of lire works in honor of the day. A rocket sent up at eight o’clock was the signal for the commciicemciit of the displav. Shortly afterwards a series of rockets were dis charged, after which a number of sky rockets were sent up. Then came a beautiful display of rockets, after which several rockets went up anti a fire vviiccl having failed to whiz correct! v, tlie porforraaiice was changed to a dischaigc of rockets, and a few uiiiuitcs afterwards a sploiiclid rush of rockets lit up the heavens, A number of rockets were then discharged, the performances closing hy the ascent of several rockets and the people went home. Tims end ed the fourth of July 1857. Long may it wave; DEVO.X STOCK. At the sale of Devon Cattle, at “Thu Mea dows,” Y. Y., seventeen head sold for .$2,355, and among the purchasers we find M. J- Fai son, Esq.,'of Sampson county, who bought a “Hobbamok” at $115,00 and a “Kcnnebcck’i at $100,00. Sampson is becoming famous for her excclieiit breeds of stock cattle, and at the last Agricultural fair we noticed some speci mens which we thought could scarcely be ex celled in tlie State. Mr Faison also purcliased a “Taminund” at one hundred dollars, aud we hope that his laudable efforts to improve the cattle of Sampson may bo crowned with suc cess. tlic ban'oom were about tweiit>- choir 'placed among ^*^4' tl, tliit-'i. vjnc 1)1 LiiL,. ^ 11“' ll' ^ b ult’on stand’up for“thch' countrymen in opposition to j company, it appearod bad a ' o®® of thosHhh'’'uymplis’ wlio is want to finger ^ l , 11 i foreign impostors, and for that reason they arc . i,i.s pocket a lew minutes bcfoic. and bo knew , bo officially promiilgiile".! Business men j pvosm'ibed by rueu wlio have obtained power, | the offender must be i„ the room with he,in ■ nodding in , TIic i’rcsident and cacli meiuber of tl,c Cab, bv the assistance of such foreigners aiul others .'Fasten al the doors o t "> «'Y. I chi.rel, in live mimite.s, ' leave It,” .said Mr AA cb.ster, mid lieu ami , . , j,,,] and bring your wife's great urass, - ) -i.. - - ... ^ ' i' n ■ 'P® '''''®P tegret at tlic sad event, ami saying CAirni.mn, July 8Mi 1857. ' tliat tlie pressure of bublie biisiiie.=3 would pre-1 The aimivci'sary ofour national vent him and his associates from atteiidiiig. this village ' annuuiico liiiii us u l unditlul** i'.r lit'' ulVicf nl t-h-vk nl l-;ketiuu to the Wc are aullioi'iscd In aiinoinice candidate for tiic the of like stamp. AVc wont cross swords with our neighbors >'> i'otd, go Kettle. the championship of these bloody rowdies '"‘'Y‘"'Bo7,iface did as conmmiidcd. The groa ^ assassiii.s, but will simply say that they are 1kettle was placed^ in the middle ot tbe ; pklitor; indcpciul'.'Jicc was celebrated lu witli unwonted cnthiisiasiu. Everybody welcome'to all the glory of such a cau.se and to bottom up—as black and sooty as the ,, all the credit of such associations aud party affi latioiis as the Plug Uglies afford. They arc down upon decent foreigners and respectable Catholics, but a Plug Ugly with a patch over his eye, an oath iu his mouth, a bludgeon iu his hand, and a bowie iu his breast is one of those patriotic ami noble Amcrikius who shall o.nd to rule Auicviktiy. WMon man lo nuauiiii^ «u , xi.u x ....v* ...x,.. ......... \r l5-,Lur Jr ms iv oaiulidiitc lor "SnJp^pf'* Jmerai'jliJiKJ'J ofCEHt oftbe'Superior Court ffir jA'xAERIIASSET 'The I’residuiit replied by telegrapli, expressing ! Count} ol CiiuibArl.ind, ','f; riie Friends of I’etcr .AIcKachiii K.-q., an- ^ ■ noiincc him as a candidate for the ufiiee of j clerk of tlic county court of Robeson county. “'Election ill .August next. ■bimiiey back. “You don’t want hot water nor notluiig to . .,,, the b-ikmee of the gCMi* cuiim to sec tiie ; i„ CHUiliorlumlcoiinty un liio iliiii .it .lane Uy 1-4-1 take the bristle off no critter, do you, squircf , j,;. La^G,ou acted as marsluil of the : wu,.! Spi-urm.ui Mr Huvnl ..nml. .o .4,,-= l.h/.u A! AHKi KO. In CunilierUiml county on llio Itnii 1 line till 1857. “Better be the bead of the yeomanry tlian the tail of tliy gentry.” So says good sense, and true gentility echoes the sentiment. Snobs prefer the lattei, oiilj they imagine theniselves at the head of tlie gentry, because maybap some weaker vessels than themselves have lain bold of the tail a few inches lower than they. j^y.'A. AL,” who wishes his paper changed to Tliomasville, will please let us know from what office he wishes it changed. AA’e have several of his name upon our books, and do not know which to trans.er COAfll.IHRER’S .TlALAZt.XE. AVe have received from the publishers a specimen nuiubcr of this very useful peiiodical It is a large, handsomely printed, Jj|fiutifully illustrated monthly and should be liberally pat ronised by the craft. A special editor has charge of each department. Trimming, Paint ing, Y’ew Patents, Ijiterary &c. Should any of our friends in McKcthan’s extensive estab lishment wish to see the work, our copy is at their .service. Free SuBrage. AA'e saw iu a late issue of one of our town cotemporaries an adroit article against free suf frage, puhlisbcd iu a conspicuous place but uii- acc°ompaiiicd by any cditoral coraiiieiits, and evidently iiitciidcd as a feeler. AA c had a mind to respond to some of the objections of the writer at the time, but concluded that per haps it would bo a useless expenditure of time and space. The question of free suffrage has been discussed to death already: tbe people favor the measure, aud wc will only reiterate the caution of the Standard to the democrats to be sure and vote the Approved ticket. Do not let local interests absorb all your attention and be sure to go to tbe ballot box with a free suffrage ticket in your baud. AA^e see that Mr Puryear has d'ccUarcd himself in favor o the measure. Rather a sudden conversion, is’iit it? Tho -AVestern Sentinel pitches into the anti-seven-thonsand dollar speed, oandidate witli a vengeance, charging domagpgueisili Ui>^ on Mr P— because of Ids sudden transition from properly qualifleatiou to free suffrage. Tho know nothings, as a general thing, arc violently opposed to the measure and will vote heavily against it. It therefore behooves tho dcmocrtits to watch and work as well as pray if they wish tho present odious regtrlotion Te moved cmnprt^Mi'e ns lie 4i.!. having fi.l.h'.l liis I ihu ufiial iKi.^itinn hir h.riiig doliglited aildltory. , ,1,,. have hint a diantahlo the ladies neigiil»or ami tlm country an cxcu iwn In Ids ami oiili.i! Pill cifii^pM. ?•’ said the landlord, the preparations looking so , clon'd'ass7libl7d at the Court liou.so ; l''”Y';'.s'Mn4nv. tho 7th J.mo. Mr M'. Molvin u. Mi.-v much like hog-kiHiiig. ; marched in procession to llm Prc.sbytci'ian ,,f ^iieiair.i Sowd;. iNii.. .loouaM '!. “Go to your barn and bnug me the biggest, The ceremonies ojieiiod 'willi violin music ■ " _■ - Cockrell you have got.” 'bv Messrs Bruce, Ale Lean, Tyson, and-AfcDoii- - “ i>iK!> Bcniface went to the barn, U„- ' ’‘>‘k o‘' 1 On id' '.‘h in-t at ins r,..44.>„co on Docu liiver ed with a tremendous great roostci, ®®®‘'‘‘''° The Alcdcnbarg declaration was Moore Cnniit.y, Goorgr Wika.x, in ilw 7-.M .year all the way like mad, . ' bv Sandy Ifarrett iu an impre.ssivo iiinmier, and TluMloe'casea Aar a coii.-bioni ineinlwr The old roD-ster was tlirown under the invcr-,^J^ p,. igi,,, sbaw ted kettle, and tlie lamp blown out. d oracefully aiuU'loquciitly.-after which C. Dowd , .u- “Yow. gentleincn, I don’t suppose he ^ ‘‘Ji'K^q , orator of the day, delivered an able ’'”’1 ('’;-;Y;,;Y;o.Ya7hc.iid. luning,'ol4,'4 hi., own ha.d is in bore ; but if lie i.s, the roo.stci "P'°" ; ,,tertaiiiiii.v addrc.ss “'hieh at, its close was ,) r.,,- i,.o,.o nmi out. In ins Ueatli when the offender touches^ the bottom of ' |g„Qp. ,,,,„i°,nied by kettle with Ids hands. AValk around in a ci - | j'mvhou then arose ami, thanking the ladies cle and the cock will make kuowu the watch | attoiidaiice, requested tiic Inciids stealer. The iimocent need not be atraid, }0ii ^ ciieraw and Coalfields Railroad to as- kiiow.” , ...'Ucrable at the Court lioiisc ami Eiib.stantiate; 'he company then, lo Imraor ^ I'tbcir nrofessioiis of interest in the cnterprize by | out the joke, walked round the kettle iii f’® j heartily. Pursuant to tlie Drs| dark for a few minutes. ■ request, a'gooclly number of the substantial, “All done, gentlemen ? ^ ! citizens’reUred to the Court room witli open “All done, was the cry—“where s your ciou- , y[i' Alex. Kelly was ai.ponited r—we beard no cock-a-doodle-doo . icliairmaii, and the meeting was cntertaiiied loi “lil’ing us a liglit.” isoiiic time by several able speeches. 1 le .u , A light was brouglit as ordered. vaiita-es tliat must nece.ssari!y acme Irom im..' “Yow hold your hands up good foks. ,! conipictioii of this enierprize were duly set, One held his liaiul up after aiiolhor. Ihc} tliovoiighlv disemssed. Pi'elimi,iai'ic.s black, from coming m d,airman aniioiiiiccd to tlm meeting that the hooks were open subseri«^tiea nnd added that he liopC( C.\X El'lbll'.SV liKGl'UKI) Wo iltiid; 111.' I'nlloY/ing lollor I'rniii -a respcclid.lu eiii/."M ur.Mi.isi.'iiipi "'ill' rcuHiv*. ;ili illjuiits Iri/iM • n,-\v"r tin* ((iiCFtlon, ami ry uni>hif^ul minil; ^ (HjKXAin. c. IS.'ja )lr lli.iic*'. I'RltiiD'jrc-Mil.—bear ^>r: 1 take "Tuat rclatiii-a crsuorfi>u>-n»sor jUs.cuml ilwu,,,'invahn.hlo Pills. .My l.roll.oi' J J, bignn. ''■''.‘ilhis'l.Hi.'r liooM alUicloU wilh Ihi.s a'''lid liseiise. die ' wa.s (irM attacUutl w'liie (joiju young, ih‘ wonlu nave \rollio4ist Eniseoral Clini'oli I'nr inany yoars. am! 4io,l j i,,.,, ,.,,mm,is at one allack at Ih-.-sl: Imt as he ill llio lull assnranoo al'.a niossoU iiinni.rtalil.v. It lia.., „i,l,,.|-. thoy sooiiio.l lo iiii;roa>o likiwi.i. iialecil to imait doatli with as inuch 'i],,. timo ho coiumoiici il taking ' advertisiaients. T ray IP seep. FPE-SII I’b.VT DPTCII. KKII TOP. EN'Gbl.^U NOPFOT.K, (;bn>.'K. lU'T.V P.VG.t. Jasl i-o.’oivoil ami tor .-a!o l>y Vp tt> v'iiur I'illr.lio Imd thrm oorv ol'loi, ami .|Milo sonao. .ivAsIraliiigliim h"'ly ami ,„i,;,l. Hi- inimi liaj MiH'orfd .-oriimsl.v: hut now: I am hapiiv 10 say hois enroll ol thos,- lits. Ho li.>» oiiiovo.l iim- hoabh r.ir llio last live iiioiHlis past HlS ,„i",„'H,asi,ls., rol.iril.'il to its o'.'igm-'' s|ir«.'I.tlim-ss \U ihis I lak.- groal ph'iisiiro m ooimimiiioaliii.g. as it ;„av1,!'ih.'nma7s,,l'.li.'.'cling olliors III 11,0 remedy hat'will cm-.: them. '',',‘'7'k:ON. ! No p.-'-on v.hii is s.ll'.-iing from Fits, or .$iiasins, ! ihoiil. lo-h'.l s'-mliag lo Pr llanee^ after this lorn. s vol hisi,K's.i,nahle,m.,l:oim'. His pric. s are as follow-: 0,10 I.OX s;i: two twolyo sZl-sont by 1 * .. .. t. . ..r .. ••■•Ill,11 .V(lurej»s ' .Xelli .8. ibuicc, M cipl of «> viiiiUance. ■ jliiUInioro. -Md Sl KKr-UKl^S with llntjoy. \V.-;iUn.‘--s. Sti . ,1. IIlNSi^Ald'k niuu. ii*-.-!-!''*! ilisfuM-s fif thf nh«ild»T Kidneys.;raTfl, . road lli«-liJv.Tli.-^MDPnt in anotlior coU ndmltf-ld r (.oiHiiiii* l‘»'.-i.amtiL»n ” for LAST WEEH AT COST j 11 Goods at No'.v A urk Co,-i riptieii, and added tiiat ho hoped evt'} ' iiurioatho lu-osont wool; amt Mnmiay tho Fjd'“f j , witl, the slightest .spark of xtate in'ulw / ;,Hf ,,,ooehl to s.'ll at .Umthm tUcontive.b.ock, mia-1 ,neo^ t liim would immodiatclv come forward , „r „ Gvoo stock ol .„„i fi.-TiUios''. t iim I -(.qg,! ,10 sccomP .Silks. Groaa,lines, ha,'ayes, 1“'’ ; Colton ‘show his list. IIIC} IRLIIIU .1,1 pool Holanos. Silk and Wool do. , tation, for there was a general lusli Ui | 'k.-yoiher with ;■, vai'.oty of Staiih-Good.- _ | ne fello'W v.'h.o I , * ‘ •and rihow ■' FAYETTEVILLE MAPvKET. Correrled. weekh for >>>r- Akorlh Carolinian. July 4, 1857. IG L.ai'd If i.y \Yere of course with the soot of the kettle. “All up ?” “All up,” was the response “All black?” "A—11—don’t know i here’s one lello'W „ ,p|,gy hasn’t held up bis bauds.” I solicitation, for there was a general m.s “All, balmy old boy ! Let’s tukc a peep . seareely lu at yonr paws ! I tored—cacli one seeming riesii'ons that liis iminc ’i’licy wore cxanii|ied, and were net o'"®'! si,o„|q i,g,„jed dewn lo posterity upon tiie like tlic rest of the company. ; gxlremo point of tiie “sluko iiolc ot reason and “Y'ou’ll find your wathh concealed about liis um,,’, from his slumbers person-search him 1” in Uic cliimiiev corner and pimlied Imn on to an And so it proved. Tins fcllo'.v, 1'°^ ’’® dcvatcil anil promiueut P®®""''"' ^ nave not aware any more than the rest of the trap tliat ^ appprized of the exact aiiioniit siihsenicd .Tnl.v. ^ i,v dilbgont aim was laid for the discovery of the tliict l-tP® j lo,,,.,, that it was very lilieral.^ Lteiy ° to Gvo lull smisfactitm lo those wIk, may ™ aloof from the kettle, lest, when he touclicd it, ; gp „itli care ' m favor of tlic j g,- u,,.!,. sons ami ward.- tliccro'wing oftbe rooster should prQck'PP'“ffi rqad So mote it be! AVitii many wishes ffir:,j,,g, ,^^,0;,,,^ prov,.,!,,ally healthy: ;®1'‘ Apple r.ramty scarce, and tb:,.f ml entenirizo I.sha soon make g,ird.,vill be paid to the moral conduct cl he j.np.ls. it tl“®‘f- ■ ■ ■ ■- ■ the success of Bto ® ; ® I” gf gg,, ho had ia the village and v.c.mly at 1. .Inly 11. j. .1. Ml H illE. Slii'vivilig I’.t, t!,,-r. E. F. .MOtlllF. .•vit'v. (IS-I-. mily j Sup. Fine I Fine i Cross Guaix. ill The iia.xt .Se?.-i"'i will begin The nmler.-if . the zd MomUiy ini led iiavin.g hiel con.-idciable o.x- [ diligent atteiqion to j ' i Corn Oats I’cas Flax Seed 11 Mobissck 14 Salt 1 SriniTS. 7 00 I’cach jirnndy 1 0 75 .\p]ilo “ 0 50 jAVliiskcy 0 -fs i Do. northern TlKl'iiNTINF.. 1 25 Raw 2 00 : 05 Siiii'its 34 1 25 ,.Sweeds Iron i 00?Hides 1 As thc'handsof all the others were blacken ^ the whiteness of his own showed t'lat He ; edire from tlie l®f$'j’ ud ijuit j dared not touch the okl brass kettle, - | cannot pn '’“ho wariodgcj in proper custody, preparatory ns requested in a clause ^ owing to our Itick ot he could pi>t us ill tho way of gr-jiitiii. to being sent to jail XA’ealth itself is not so much despi.sed—it is! resent rECUMSKH. Tucum.sch’s “respects’ wp did not publish, of “the material.” Bor. Gil IV tbe ffiS.o 'fill is po.'sessor gfit. haps his rrr I ST to Sll per mpulli. j Term- pc'i' Sc.--iou :— ! Frimarv English llranclio.- i Highi r'flo. and .Mathematic.- I .Xncient Language.s ■ i Contingent Expenses 1 CLEMENT DOM'D, A. B.. ! .tniv 1!. 1857. Com we ■.'cpoi't a slight decline. Beach ami ill demand. Tin, market has liecii extremely dull past week. iicst. Ed- 00 .'•0 WILMIYGTOY M A RK ET. July 0, 1857 Virgin TurpciUiiu Vl How '2 sn. liard 1 -111, dO Spirith^ 40. AFupoT 1' Miir T ’-T) mark* 1 firm wilh lip .70 Avai'tl lundciK-v. No 1 Ko-bi ...II 1. r. .5,1 ,,s in fpiality pal. ll 'ibavy smpp'.;. of Cora an! .1' uprf:.',. f'oH.M I'G to

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