Flf & CO’S. OF THE [RIODICALS THE I’S CriDE, Ion in the pkice Ik publication. |\V YORK. coQliuuc to pub- Periodicals, vis: 1 IeRIA’ (Conservative.) I - riKW ("Wbig.) 3 RIATEW (Free Cburcb.) 4 JEVIE1V (Lilwral.) _ 5 JURGII MAGAZINE (Tory.) represent tbe three great Britain—Whig, Tory, and pDis only one feature of their r the most profound writers boralify. and Religion, they ttoo*l. unrivaled in the world |ible to the scholar and the tbe inteligent reader of [more correct and satisfac* mt literature of the day, an can be possibly obtaiacd COPIES. [iCE SHEETS from tbe Brit- Itlonal value to these Reprints liv be placed in the hands of i as the original editions. ERHS. I Reviews J Reviews lir Reviews ews line le Review? Ifour Reviews Per ann. $3 00 5 00 7 00 S 00 .3 00 9 00 10 00 in all caf€s xn adraxice. Vatt irhtTt issued will be re- Ifive percent from the above iCubs ordering four or more • of the above works. Thus t>d, er of one Review , will be SO: four copies of the four i for 5130; and so on- ISTifiE ■ties and Town.s: these work? |EE of postage. When • to aiiv part oi the United |ENT^-^OUK LEMS a rear FCURIEEN CENTS a year Great Briioin of the fire isahiut $31 annum. GLIDE. I Practical Agriculture. ii. S-. ol Etiiiibutgh. and lofessor of •‘^cienlific Agricul- New Haven. 2 vol» Royal td numerous Wood and Steel Ithe most complete work of pfil. and in ordtr to give it a |b{ishers have resolved to re- ttie two Tolumest! Ipost-paid) to Ualilornhi and dollars. To every other |o Canada (post-paid U dollar.'. • old “L’otjk of the Farm.** \ the above publications should It-paid. to the Publishers. INAKX) SCUTT A CO., i o4 Gold-Street. New York. i COI.I*3II5IA3? I DYE. STYLE IMPROVED. ajid slrrogth of any other, ret Brttaral rolor. pm r^t brown to Jet blaeK. I'V and rapid, prsfes^ to the tikla. neons and permaoeat. mtape^t, and safest dye ever J.IVE. ; accompany each hov.-iv? $1 50 ;—4 oz. $.3 :—: oz. $3 J the Act of Congress, in the Jriaoii iu the Clerk's Office oj |U. S. for the Eastern District jrOUI.KES. Favotteville N. C. pS W. HAllRISON, No. liJ rfiiL.vDKLriirA. Ij ITI-BILLIOLS FILLS. |attentioQ of person? afflicted Vj this celebrated Pill, which ho puffing, nor to long! windy no its own merits as a remedy ■re when taken according to ■g each box.—This Pill unlike mo mineral, nor any injurious ladminist-rred with perfect sale- p ar old. pinst Chill?, or any other tvpe ^del as unsurpassed: and* ia Rnerally it is tar superior to |lion of Peruvian bark. A trial I is needed to insure it a favora- uetion of even tha tDo?t invet- btury or Patent prescriptions. Vri-BILHOVS PILL.S. |f being at least a? good, if not I various catharic Pills of the ^e from all jjoisonous minerals, ^riies. and are higblv recora- iLivcr Complaint. \Sick Head- hbitual Cosi.a' Ties?. Indigesiicn, I Stomach. Liter. Bowel.«». and l>ejng by their composition ler of the above cases a.*- a gen- all times when such m^-dtcineB immend them to the attention Bed bv F. M. >WYER i CO., nellevilie. lUinols. |le. Fayrtieville. N. C.. and by 15 and village.^ in the Souibern rS WANTED- kery town and hamlet in the 'i one is not already eslaVjlisbed. yer & Co.. l>‘‘Ueville. lllinoig, d reference to cliaracter and re- ■orders will U‘ proniptlv filled bv \ F M SWYEK A'cO.. ' [roprietors. Belleville, Jiliuois. (Int Paper .'i.iJIs. |S' WAXIED, Ra Iroail .Stat.'ozs or at niv lor they will be teken from the htLte. .V»ichants and others eauvL«eEDe whin tluy have « ■ill .Send them to their nean-st Still aftbrd to pay the high- livery from stole or at Railroad ills, cheeks or Northern funds. I? of our Hanks in Raleigh, and 'oliuaand Virginia Merchant?. - C. W. BENEDICT- In hand pajs r .'Uilable for Cot- feap'T wrapj>ers. Cotton wa.nc C. W B. Cm. k'llAUB II LT, IaM E.\CI.\E Uril.DER, prf Humiltnn KtK.. Philaii., Pa. . on lar-;.-/ wheel?, with a ? attached to aiove them about. |e cylinder”, rraiinir 10 to 30 lare filled in from 3 to o week?, ■nd for sale. The&c engines a year., and in every inatance Ufactirm. Descriptive circularr p'1 kT. Bfil Iv Devoted to i^'ews. Political and Business matter, Agriculture, and Family- Heading. " .^UBLICATIOX OFFICE, ] liVOEI'EXDEXCE IS THE SOUL OF DE3IOCKACY! iDOXALDSOX STI!I:ET. WM. F. WIGHTM.tN, Editor. I FAYETTEYILLE, I. C., SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1857. ] volfaii: XIX—no. o-'n. OF TERMS SITBSCniPTION TO THE CAROLIXIAX For a single copy, if paid in advance, per annum, S2 00 “ at the LMid of 3 months, 2 oO “ « “ at the end of 0 months, 3 00 at the end of the year, 3.50 No subscription will be received for a shorter period than one year unless paid in advance. With the view of extending the circulation and en hancing the usefulness of the paper, the proprietor of fers the following remarkably low’ CLUB LXUARIABLY LV ADV.^lJSrCE: 5 copies of the Carolinian, 1 year, $8 00 10 “ 15 00 Rates of Advertfeiug: Sixtv cents per srjuare of 10 lines, or less, for the fir.st and 30" cents for each snbsequeut insertion, unless the advertisement is published for more than two menths. when it will be charged For three months. ----- $4 00 For six months. - - - - 6 00 For tw'clve months. ----- 10 00 All advertisements must have the desired number of in. j sertions marked on them, ortherwise they will be in. j sorted till forbid and charged accordingly. Special j aitentton is directed to this requiaition. i NEGROES WANTED. The nudersigued will pay the highest ca.sh pi*ice for YOUNG NEGROES, ii.s at Laurinburgh, prompt attention. Letters addressed to (dther of Kichinoud coiinty, will have PliOSPECTUS .OF THE NORTH CAROL.XNA PRESBYTERIAN* J). C. McINTYRE. DANIEL .M, McLAURIN. Laurinburgh. JanV 3, 1857. 3l*tf ADAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES,xfine and common TOBACCO: and almost anything in the Grocery line. Cheap as the cheapest! G W. I. GOLDSTON. Fob-v 7. 1857. 3G-lf n THE undersigned would respectfully inform bis old friends ainl cusiorners that he can be found at the Store of C. E. Leete, where he will be glml to see them. J. R. McDONALD. Jan. 17, 1857, 33-tf WM. F. WIGHTMAN & CO. H©Trieis. CLE3IENT G.. AV'RIGHT, Aftorncy at T4aw, Fayetteville,N.C. Office at the-corner of Bow and Green streets. Feb'y 3, 1856. J. A. SPKAHS, ATTORNEY’ AT LAW, ATTENDS the Courts of Cumberland, Ilarnctt- Wakc and Johnston. Address, Toonior. Harnett Co., N. C. Feb. 16. 1856. . S5-v BART IP W FULLER, Attorney ut Lav,, F A YE T TE VI l, I. 15 , A, C May be consulted at the Law OSice of Jese G. Shep herd. Esq., on Green Street. ■July 19. 1856. T-tf ' AXDREW ,J. STED.MAX, .tltoruey at l.a-,v* Having removed to PITTSBORO.N. C.. will attend regularly the Courts of Chatham, Moore and ilaruott Counties. April 14, IS5C. tf SPRINR TRADE, 1857. B. F. PE.VSiU'F. Is no’.v receiving a beautiful and well selected stock of ; SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, f Comprising a general assortment ofall the latest .styles ' ol Ladies’ Dress Goods, Lace and Silk Mantles, Em- j broitleries of ever\’ descrijitiou, Crape Shawls, Bonnets ' Rilibons. Gloves. Bell.s. Hosiery, ttc. j —alsoa ! White and colored Linen Drilling, j English and French Drap d'Eta, j Bleached and brown Shirtings and Sheetings, : Irish Linens, Linen Table Cloths, I Toweling? and Napkins. j Leghorn. Panama. Basslmcrc and Moleskin Hats, Umbrellas and Parasols. 1 Boots, Shoes and Ready-Made Clothing, j All of which will be sold low for cash, or on the j usual time to puuctuol customers. All persons (and ' particularly the Ladies) are re.^^pectfully requested to give me a call before making their selection.-*. B. F. PEARCE. Fayetteville, (Hay St.,) March 14. ]857. 41-tf Si TO THE PUBLIC. The niidcr.”igncd was appointed by the hi.?t County Court to take the Tax Li.”t for the Town, and will proceed to do so at hi.? Store, the ia.”t twenty working days in Julv. as provided bv law. 'G. ML I. GOLD.STOX. July t, 18.57. 957 tlA. Tiie Presbyterian Church in Xorth Carolina has long labored under a serious disadvantage from file want of a journal to advocate her claims and represent her interests. It is esti mated that only 1000 Presbyterian Weeklies are taken in the bounds of onr three Presbyte ries. We have 13,000 Communicants, and it is safe to infer that there are 30,000 Presby terians in principle in the State. Onr Synod stands fifth in the Union in point of numbers, and her membership is greater tlian that of any Synod South or West of Pennsylvania. Our sister States on the Xorth and South, neither of which has a membership so large as onrs, publish the Central, and the Southern Presbyterian, for the benefit, of their people. Ihe time has come when the Presbyterian Church in X'orth Carolina should likewise do her duty to her children. It is a conceded and important fact, that hundreds of our members will take a State paper who will take no other. The Paper is needed to be the organ of our Synod and Presbyteries— to elevate and en lighten tbe piety of onr membership by diffusing evangelical knowledge—to promote tlic cause of Education—to develope the talents of our Ministry, and to strengthen the attachment of onr people to the soil and sanctuaries of their own State. If onr Church in other States, and other Churches iu this State, can supply their raeni- Ijers witli a religions journal, why may not we? Are Xorth Carolina Presbyterians inferior iu talent, energy and patriotism to tlieir neighbors on the Nortli or South, or to Christians of other denominations at liome? Witli the same or l)otter opportunities of accomplishing NORTH CAROLINIAN payettp:ville, j\'. c, IS IT .A lillOST, OK IS IT SOT I ” BY IXVISini.E GEKEJJ, ESQ. As the watchmen tread steadily along their allotted beats, when the city is hushed in the deathly stillness of mid-night, they witness scenes and encounter events, of the most thrill ing as well as amusing character. Last night was damp and chilly. Heavy clouds Aiung over tlie city, siiuttiug out altogether the sil vered glittering watchers of the heavens, and a stiff uncomfortable breeze, from tlie nortli- west, swept the streets. Xo wonder that two watchmen of the Xinth Ward, rubbed their hands with glee, as they heard the chime of St. Paul jingle quarter of 3 o’clock, the time for them to retire from their beats to the dismiss ing roll-call. Xo wonder that they boldly faced the fierce winds, and made their big feet pat tlie side-walks most merrily^. Xo wonder they rejoiced in the cIo.se of their night’s work, and anticipated naught but a comfortable bed and a more comfortable slumber. On they tread, little dreaming of danger jnd trouble. Pa.ssing through a lighted street, they liad just turned into A iiie, when one of the watch men happening to raise his eyes, started back with affriglit and e.xclaimed— “Holy Mnddcr ! vat’s dat ?” “AVhat?’ asked his companion, .startled also at this sudden move. “See liim,” replied tlic other casting his long this work, shall we leave it undone? In tlie j ■" *ko direction ol the ojipositc side of language of one of onr most able and useful : the street. Ministers, an adopted son of onr State, “It ought to have been undertaken 20 years ago, blit it is not too late to begin to do right.” In tlie last two or throe month.s, a fund of about $5000 has been subscribed as a perma nent capital. At a meeting of tlic contributors hold at Greensborough on the lltli of May,-— Rev. A. Baker, Chairman,—t!ie Paper was nii- . , , . . _ , aiiimously located at Fayetteville, under the Mlaybe he s a thief. Lets get iTTTORTEY AT L.HT. Rockingham. Richmond County Xorth Carolina, will practice in the Courts of Richmond, Anson and i Rolieson. Ail liusincas entrusted to hi.s care \vill_ re- ' ceive strict attention. July, 11. ]y-5S PGR SALE. STATE OF NORTH'CAROLINA Korpisox County Court ofPlea.s and Quarter Sessions Maj term 1857. Joseph Thoinp.sou Admr. Charity Blount Adnix. of William Blount dec'd Original AUachment,— Levied on* two Slaves ‘Edmond and Fannv. Vp. William Price. It appearing- to the sati.^faetion of the Court that the defendant is not a resident of thus State, it is or dered hy the Court that publication be made in the North (.’arolinian, aNew.spapcr published in the Town of Fayetteville, for the space of six weeks uotifiing the said William Price to appear at the next tnrm of the Court of Ploa« and Quarter Session? to bo held ror 844 "Acres of Land, lying on Cape Fear River—Store, Dwelling, Out Houses all in first rate order. The Store i? at a fine business staml at the Cross Roads and the ami is not to be excelled by any in North Carolina. ^ r, -vt • t \nv person desiring to purchase can obtain further { the County of Robeson at the Court House in Liim- rticiilars respecting the proportv by calling cn : berton on the fourth :\Ionday in Augmst next, and - . . there to plead or replevy or final Judgment will be given against him and the property levied on be condemned to satisfy the plaintiffs demand and Costs. Witness Shadrach Howell. Clerk of our said Court at office in Lumberton the fourth Monday in May A. D.1857. SHADRACH HOWELL Clm-k. By B. FREEMAN I). C. Julv 4. 1857. 58-()t par . „ .... cither of ii.? at Willis’ Creek on tlie Wilmington Road 15 miles from Fayetteville. SARAH WRIGHT. Oct. 4. 13-tf JAMES WRIGHT. Five sevenths of the F.ARMIXG AXD TURREX- TIXE L.YXD in Harnett county, known as the Parker and .McX'eiil lanAs, joining W’m. Harrington’s land on Upper Little River. There is some eOi) acre.s cf the hest quality of low grounds on the River. The up lands are heavily timbered with pine.s. and within si.x miles of the Fayetteville and Western Railroad. For particulars applv to D .McARTHUR. J. P. ROPER, J. W. McKAY. Kov. 1856 29, 26-tf A, 31. Campbell, AVCTIOXEER & COMMISi«ION MERCHANT East side of Gillespie street, Fayettetili.e, N. C. October 1. 1855 New Goods. The undersigned have received into .Store their re cent imrehasu of GOODS. eml)racing a large and general Stock of RRORERIES AYR HARRHAKE, AVTiicIi they will sell on their usual accommodating terms. G. W. WILLIAMS & GO. .March M, 1857. 41-tf name and title of the Xorth C.iroli.v.i. Pres- RYTERi.vx. Rev. Wm. X. Mebaiie and Rev. George MeXeill W'ere elected Editors: Rev. Messrs. George MeXeill, V/m. X. Mebane, A. Raker and C. H. Wiley, and Me.ssrs. George MeXeill, Sr., John H. Cook and David Mur phy were appointed an E.xecntive Committee, to establish the Paper and manage its business affair.?. It is our wish and design to make tlie Xorth C.tROLi.vA Presbyterian a journal of the first class, equal to the best in tbe country in typo- granhicai appearance and in adaptation to the wants of onr Churches. Its columns will all’ord the latest intelligence, both foreign and domes- ! tic, and special care will he taken to give a fall \ and accurate summary of State news, xno name of the Paper is designed to be an expo nent of its chaj^cter and contents. From con viction, it will advocate tbe conservative, or- i tliodox. Old School doctrines and order of the Cluircli. Onr first appeal is to onr own people—to X C. Pre.sbyterians. Whilst wo rely confidently upon their favor, wo trust that tlie native sons of Xorth .Carolina wlio have found homes in other States, and tlie adopted citizens of onr State who form so important an element in our Nliidstry and membership, will take a deep interest in- this enterprise, and give it their hearty support. Terms: $2 per annum in advance, or on dc- “Gracious whispered the comrade, "what are it ? are it a ghost or arc it not ?“ “Mine Got iu Hiimnel, it bes ajgliost !” was tlio reply of the other terrified guardian of the night. "Sec him shmnp.” “So lie docs—tlien it arc no ghost .Gho.sts DOBBLY HOUSE! POWERS & TROY. Proprietors. al A n 3 1. E F .V O T O R YX BY GEO. LAUDER. Koai’lv oppositB to K. Mf. 5ViUkings Auction Store Oct. 1, 1850. Fuycttovillf, N. C. y SECOND SPRING STOCK. STARR AND WILLIAMS Have non' in Store their SECOND STOCK of Sca- ,«onablo Goons, which they will offer to the W'holesale Trade very low for Cash, or on the usual time to prompt paying buyers. J. B. STARR. J. M. AVII.LIAM.S. May 2, laW. 4S-tf SELF-SEALIjXG The Proprietors of this Establishment an nounce to the pu'olic. that owing to the con stantly increasing patronage e.xtencled to them, they have been induced to enlarge the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on the lower floor, and suite of Room? on the second fioor: thus enabling them to accomnrodato all wlio may favor them with a call. -And they pledge themselves to -an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in attendance. i The eli.gibli- location of the Establishment, with the I experience of Tlie Proprietors in providing for the I comfort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. I The Western and Southern Stages arrive at and depart ! from this House. I Carriage.? in attendance on arrival and departure of I Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. ^ Carriages furnished at any notice for arter liim anyliow.” This proposition was very !ie.sitatingly agreed to by tiie Tontonie, but a.? lio could not well rcfn.se to follow his comrade, he nodded as.sent, and moved cantionsly on. The sight wliieh had at first .so terrified them, was a tail figure clothed in a long garb of white, which moved slowly and apparently, in a circle upon the op posite sidewalk. As tlio watchmen approach' ed the really gliost-Iike figure, they became more as.sured in’the opinion that it nas really' a human being, and one who had not yet enter ed the valley and shadow of death. Still, how- cvoi-, iludr approach was cautious, and they were many feet from it, when one dcTuandcd in tlic tone of aulliority : “AVho and wliat arc ye ! Speak, for wo are watchmen.’’ The figure ccinsed to move, and turning hi.s head in tlie direction of the watchman, simply replied— “Trunk by tain.” “Ila! ha! he! he!” shouted the other watch man, “he lie’s nofin' but a trunken mans. Ha! lia! he! he! he lie’s no gliost, Let’s pitcli in to him.” Xo sooner said than done. The courageous livery of the first number; $2 50 in six months $3 at the end of the year. To clubs of 25 or | Charlies approiiclied manfully, and seized tlie more, jiaying in advance and wlieii the Paper ■ spectre bj' tlie collar—the sliirt collar, for lie issent to one address, a discount of 10 P*^r i imd no other JARS. For presarving Fresh Fruits and Vegetable.?. Pints Quarts and Hall-Gallons, nt S2 40, Si> -10, and So 25, Tier dozen, re.“pectively. For sale at the Crockery •^tore. W. N. TILLINGHAST. Also, Fresh Supiilies of CIIIXA, GLASS WARE and Table Knives. June 20, 1S57. 55-tf carryin" travellers to any part of the adjacent country. S. W.POJVERS. AV. C. TROA;.' Fayetteville, May 12,1856. 98-tf SPRIJVG STOCK, 1857. Valuable Eanrt for Sale. The sahscriher offers for salehisentire lands, incin ding about eight hundred acres, lying fifteen miles ^ above Fayetteville and five miles from the -mouth of i lower little river. The land is level and healthy and well adapted to farming; there is about one hundred and fifty acres cleared and under a fine state of culti vation. I will sell it all together or in small tracks to suit purchasers. For further jiartictlars apply to the subscriber on the premises. ALEXANDER WALKER. 19. I-tf Miles Costi.n e. s.YiiTu & CO., i:. F. MOORE. Wholesale firotcr and Commission Dlcrcliant. Has just received in Store. 215 Barrels Whiskey and Brandy, 35 ’• and hhds. of Sugar ass’td- 75 Sacks Rio Coflee, 200 “ Salt. 50 boxes Soda Biscuit. Candies. Soaps. Candles, Snii(r, Cigars, Ac. Ac. All of wliich will be sold on liberal terms. March 14, 1857. 41-tf J-VMES C. Smith, JAMES Commis.non Merchanis, Have removed, their office to the second story of the t building formerly occupied by the Telegraph Company where they are prepared to attend to all business in the | Commission line. j All business entrusted to them -will bepnnctunlly attended to. Wilmington, October 1, 1856 y 1 S.VTIO-VAI. POLICE GAZETTE" This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is in its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the great Trials. Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the same, to gether-ivilh information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in any other new'.spaper. AST;,. Subscriptions, S2 per Annum: SI for Six Months, to he remitted 'by Subscribers, (who should write tlieir names and the town, county and state where “ I they reside, plainly.) To R A SEYilOLTl, Editor ond Projirietor of the National Police Gazette, New A'ork City. June 6. 1857 ly cent, will be allowed. Onr Ministers and Elders are earne.stly desired to act as Agents, and all others friendly to the cause will please assist in procuring as many subscribers as possi ble, and forward the names, by August \st, to tills Office. As soon as 1500 subscribers are obtained, the first number tvill be issued. If a faithful and vigorous effort is made in the next two months by those Hho take a lively interest in this work, wo will without doubt, be able to begin the publication at the end of that time with a paying subscription list of at least 3000. Address, Editors of tbe North Carolina Presbyterian, Fayetteville, X. 0. Fayettaville, May 20, 1851. NEW GOODS. “Vat you doin’ licro?’’ was the demand. “Trunk, by tain,” was tiio reply. “AYliat did you take off your clotiics for !” “Trunk, by tarn,’’ tvas tlie response again made. “Where do you live !” “Trunk by tam.” “You’sgot to go mit u.? to the A atcli House." “Trunk by tam.” By tills time tlie whole mystery was explain ed. lie who had been taken for a ghost was a young German named Carlo.? Delkrecli. Ho ! had been libatiiig during the night, and became I so fuddled that be kne«' iiotivliat lie was doing, j He had really supposed himself at liomc, J4.j\Ii'iS KYLE j and had stripped off his clotliing and intended I.? now receiving Ills Spring and Snmmci- supply of, to lie down on a cellar door, wliieh to liim DRY GOODS, HATS, BOOTS & SHOES, I looked very much like a bed. The watchmen Bolting CLOTHS, Ac., all of wliicli, being piircliascd , condneted him, in his undrc.?3 state, to the Lre- by the case, will be ofl'erod by Wholesole or Retail nt mon .street locked np, where they allowed him LOW PRICES. ^ to sleep until 9 o’clock this morning, when March 28. 43-tf ushered iiim, witli his swelled liead, before tlie Police Court. Judge Pruden repreraanded Carlos for getting so drnnk he could not tell his bed from a cellar door, and for scaring two watchmen so badly by letting liis under gai- ments loose to the winds, at siicli an early hour of the morning. Carlos was sent up two days under the liquor law. DON’T ALL COME AT OSCE: J. W. LETT Has just received a large and general STOCK OF GOODS suited to the Fall and IViutcr trade, consisting of a choice selection of Staple .tiKl Paiiey DllY' GOODS. Bools and Shoes, with almost everything desirable in that line. PRIME FAMILA' GROCERIES alwavs to be had AT LETT’S. Goods sold at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex changed for country produce. I Sept. 14, 1856. ' ly-pd I TAiYe NOTIC r ’ ; THE SnbFcriber at June Term 1857. of ilie ' Court of Pleas and (,inarter Ses?ions I'or tbe County of Cumberland, qualified as Administrator upon Ibo ' Estate of Willie F. Moore, hereby notitie.? per.«ons hav ing claims against the said Estate to pre.sent the same properly authenticated within the time prescribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in the bar of their recovery. Debtors to the said Rstatc will please make payment immediately. E. F. MOOBE. June C, 53-fl “Digb'y, will you have some of tlii.s butter ?” “Thank von iiianii, I can t take any tb'iig strong. I belong to the Temperance Society. “One of a thousand,” a iie’v novel by Jarnc.?, is about to appear. Only tliink, says tue ciucl Pmicli, nine hundred and ninety nine are to follow ! "Il.'ive you ever broke a horse f’ enqniicd ; hor.se jockey. “Xo, not zaciy,” replied Cinioii, “but i,ve broke three or four wagons.” The report that the dog star had the hydro phobia, needs confirmation. I From the Georgia Qonstitvtinnalist \ *;oT. H'alher. I Messrs. Editors : After a most careful c.x- lamiiiatioH of Governnr AA’alkcr's inaugural, one tiling has .struck me as remarkably strange with regard to the impression it has made upon my own mind ; and that is, that I find niysclf for the first time in the whole course of iiiv life opposing (wiiat would now be called) tlie southern side of tliis question. From the days of .South Carolina nnllificatioii. I have invariably found mj'sclf attaclied to tlie southern riglits party, whenever that question lias been .sprung, and my feelings lead me that way now ; but justice, and riglit, liotli sav now “Be sure yon are rigiit, tlicu go ahead,” is an old but noble motto. Acting upon tliis prin ciple, ivc must prove Governor, AValkcr wrong, before u'e condemn him. Let us look for a moment at the present condition of Kansas. AVe find two powerful parlies arrayed against eacli other almost at the point of the bayonet. The one contending that tlie Topeka Constitu tion is the only true and constitutional way by which Congre.ss can possibly admit Kansas into tiie Union as a State : tlie other contend ing for admission upon terms iaid down by a pro-slavery Legislature, each acting entirely in dependent of the other, and both claiming a majority of voter.s in the State. Xow, no one, I presume, will contend that it would be right in Governor Vi’alker to take sides with either of these parties. AVell, what does he do ? Ho merely urges upon tlio citi zens of Kansas tlie spirit of tlie Democratic doctrine as laid down in tlic Cincinnati plat form—he insists tliat every man siiall conic up to tiie polls and cast his vote, and let the ma jority decide vi lictlier Kansas sliall be a free or a slave State. Xoiv, is not tliis right ; i.s it not just ; is it not (in ail candor) the true in terpretation of the Kansas bill? It is most certainly riglit: and it follows a.? a coiiseiinence, that on tliis point Governor Walker lias done iiotliiiig' Mrotig. And wliat, pray; ivould lie gained if Kansas could bo brought into the tiie Union as a slave State, liaving a majority of its people opposed to the in.stitiition of slave ry ? It would only be tlic means of promoting dissensions and strife, until the institution was abolislied. The only censurable feature in tliis address, (hat presents itself to my mind, is that part of it ill wliicli ho argues, that tlie location of slavery must ultimately be determined by tlie isothermal line—and this i.s merely tlic c.\- pressioii of Ids opinion—and mo.st free born Americans would argue, that every freeman has the right to tlie free expression of ids opin ion on any subjeci, -whother involving the (jiie.s- tion of slavery or not. As to tlie rcasoiiablo- iicss of tills opinion of Governor AValker, it is 110 more tiiaii a reiteration of an opinion ex pressed by one of onr aiilest representative;; during the last session of Coiigres.? ; in this opinion I fully concurred with our representa tive at tlie time, and do now, most sincerely, with Governor \Yalker. Governor AA’aHier has ahvnys been consider ed an able and iiidepondeiit advocate of south ern rights, and the liigh iiositions he lias filled, ! would have compelled him to have exposed Ids colors, had they been otherwise. The appoint- ineiit of Governor Y'alker, by NIr Rnchanaii, 111 one of tlie strongest evidences lie could liave given of Ids oil’ll personal attachments ; and 1 believe to-day, tliat President Biiehanan is as true to tlic true interests of the South, as trutli itself, and my opinion is, tliat tlio Democratic party, backed, as it is, by Mr Bueliaiiaii and a most unexcc]-)tioiiable Caliiiict, is tlie true southern rig'its party. I Democrats I beg of yon, as brotlicrs figliting ! ill a eonimon cause, and liaving the same ends ■ to acconqiiisli, to be calm during tliis storm, ^ anti form vour opinions witli coolness and de liberation, and do not in any case permit your selves to be drawn in the wake of interested or tricky politician,?, but take counsel from one of vour number, whe lias alivays ivorkcd as a pri- ' vate in the ranks, and let your country’s true interests be your aim ; and ’vliilst battling for the right, let cacli remember that, “He lives in fame, that died in virtue’s cause.” Sot'Tiii’.RN Right.?. Jewel of a wife—One ivho, whatever may be tliejoiirncy, copies the sagacious elepiiant, and travels ivith a single trunk. A late writer says that the only day an American devotes to “relaxation, ’ is tlic day ivhen ho takes mcdicino. IToimes says finely of the bigot, that hi. mind i.s like tlic pupil of tlie eye—the more lia'lit you pour upon it, tlie more it coiil.racts. Geologically speaking, the rock upon which the hard drinker .siilits, is (jnartz—says Hood. • The centre of gravity is tlioiight by a late modern ])liiiosophcr to bo the middle of a Qua ker congregation. A city item’.? man in Utopia calls his irnuget of local news “Citv’-brick-bnts and pebbles pick ed up ill the streets.” A baclielor left a boarding-house in nliicli were a number of old maids, on account of the “miserable fair” set before him at the tabic. lIlKISTEMAt; OF I PKlAfESS. Tlic coroinoiiy of eliristoiiiiig of the infant Prince.?.?, fiflli daiigliler of (liieeii Victoria and Prince AIbcrl, took place in tlio Cliapd witliiii lliickingliam Palace, on Tuesday, the liltli iilt. The Englisli paper.? euntaiii lull acooiiiu? of tlic affair; “Tlic coiiimiiiiioii table was covered v,i;li crimson velvet, bordered nitli deep gold lace, and edged wiili bullion fringe. Ia front of flio tabic, imniedintcly liciow the steps By wliicli it \va.? approiiclied, '.va,? [ilaccd the lieaiitiliil telling font of silver gilt, elevated on a lliited circular pedestal of wliite and gold. Tlio font eoiitaiiied water liroiiglit from llic river .Iordan, and presented to tlic Ijiiecn spe cially for the occasion. All the vi.'itor.? ap peared ill full dre.ss uniform. The Ambn.s.sad.or of Franco and the foreign Ministers ail wore the insignia of dilforent orders of kiiiglii!ioou. Lords Laiisdowiic, Clarendon, and Palmers ton each wore the ‘Garter,’ together with the gold and enamelled collar of that order. T’lic procession of tlio .sponsors entered the chapel live minutes before one o’clock. “Tha queen wore a white and silver moire antique dre.ss, trimmed M'ith a deep fioniicc of lloniton lace, white tulle, and branches of sil ver lloners. The top of the corsage was fring ed all round with diamonds. Her Majesty wore a diamond circlet, diamond car-rings, and diamond necklace. The (jiiceii also wore the riband of tlic order of tlic Garter from wliich was suspended a very miigiiificent ‘George,' composed of brilliants. Prince Albert was in tlie uniform of a field marslial, and wore collars of tlie Garter, the Golden Fleece and ofa Prus sian Order of knighthood. The Prince of Wa les, Prince Alfred, and Prince Arthur a]ipear- ed ill the lliglibii:d dress. “The Lord Cliamiierlaiii, accompanied by the groom of tlie State to Prince Albert, coii- diicfod the infant jiriiiccss into the cliapel, her Royal Highness being carried by the head iiiir.se. 'The Infant Princess wore a rolic of lloniton lace over white satin. 'I'he Arc!il)i.sli- 0]i of Caiitcrbiii'v proceeded witli the biiptis- iiial service, and when he came to name her Royal Higlinc.ss, Lady Caroline Rarriiigtoii presented tiie Princess at the font, and the Ibiciicss of Kent niiiiicd her Beatrice Mary Yictoria Feodore. “The Archbishop of Canterlinry having pro nounced the blessing, tlic .solemnity fvas con- eUidcd at twenty-three mimites past one o’clock. Kissing.—Onr readers shall liavc tlie benefit of a good story tliat we lately beard. Travel ing into town about dusk, Mr K. bad occasion to call lit tbe niaiisioii of an esteemed friend who bad, among otlier worldly po.?scssioiiK, two or tlirce line daiigliters. lie had .scarcely kiiockod at the door, ivlicii it was opened by one of llie.se blooming maidens, who quick a.s thought, threw licr arm,? around his neck, and bedorc he liad time to say, “Oh, don’t!” pressed her warm delicate lips to his and gave him a.s sweet a kiss as ever swain deserved. In uUcr astonishment, the ivorthy gentleman was en deavoring to stamiiicr out .soiiictliiiig, when the damsel exclaimed, “Oh mercy, merer! Mr K. is this yon? 1 thought certainly it was my bro ther Henry.’’ “Pshaw!” said the geiiliemaii to himself, “you don’t think any .such thing’’ Rut taking lier hand lie said in a forgiving tone, “there i.s no harm done; doiit give younself any uneasi ness, though yon ought to be a little more careful.’’ After this gentle reproof lie was iislicrcd in to the parlor by tlic maiden, ivlio as she came to the liglit, could not conceal tlie deep Mush that glowed upon her cheek, ivliilc the boquet that was piuded upon her liosom shook like a flower garden in an cnrtiiqnakc. And when he rose to depart, it fell upon her to wait upon liim to the door; and it may be added that they held discourse together for several raimitcs—on wliat .sulijcet it is not for u? to .say. As the warm hearted youth jiloddcd home ward he argued 'vith himself in this wise; “Miss J. knew it was I wlio knocked at the door, or liow did s!;e recognize me before I spoke? And is it probable that her brother would knock before entering? She must be dcsiicratcly ill psliaw! AVhy if she loves a brother at that rate, how must she love a hus band? for 1 never felt sncli a kiss in iny life.” Three wee^s after the accident above des cribed, Mr K. was married to Afiss J. Xow don’t ask us if Mrs K. ever confessetl ■’mt licr kissing \va.? not a mistake, for posi- ll'.'cly wc shan’t tell. Alystcrv is useful only for the purpo.se of concealing ignorance. AViiv is a liangman’s trade like a vegetable ? Reeause it is an art-o’-cho!ee. ' Never despi.se trifles. Tlic want of a pin has sometimes cau.sed one agonies of shame. “Esteem is tlic mother of love, but tlic moth er is often younger than the daughter.” Why is the Polka like bitter beer ? Because there arc so mauy bops iu it.

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