’'"I the north CAROLINIAN^ f AY ET T EjILLjiJiijL I.4UMKKS’ DEPAUTMKNT -rrzr r — i TKMSIIMi OF CIBLS—EXDS OF EBICAXIOS. T«om the Kew York Journal ot Commcioc.j ^ e,.ficial traihing of girls, iu the pres- me sew Territory of Arixona. I ^ v at Knoxville. Soathern Convention To the People of Slavcholding Slates: j ■pELiov/ Citizens—A session of the Southern Oonvention will be held at Knoxville, lennessce j the second Monday, the tenth day of August | that i K . . i ent day has formed the subject ,„ie toyo^r:ts^iiSX« s ti:'!;™ £w?^att^ . latest of these was at Savannah. Thcie few months since, delegations froin ten or : ■ r»“‘ character j ,.i,anred the kindly greetings ... ' (Jevelopment of the mind, R»„«ly for the Chinch Bns. ; - je^rn that the residents ot Arizona wi AW iitishcd recently a note from the lion.! before Congress nt the next sepion . .V TCI llnft ^ THE XOIlTii C.VliOLI-'IvVX^. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.^_ Saftirtiay, July IS, VVIGIIT-H.VS, EOirOK, VV.II. authorized extremists. We do not class among the lal- I ter those'of our southern brethren who have merely censured Gov. AValkcr for transcending ; what they conceived to bo the bounds of hi.s position by the expression of his personal opui- ■ ions. It can"very plainly be perceived to w horn i \yO have reference by the terms extremist and ' nltraist. The nationality of the democratic ]iarty, the peace of the country atid the stability of the union are threatened and endangered by noi.sy ■ and brawling politicians. AVill the people scc- ' ond them, is the (picstion. and friendly Tffrii'l'MMKV OUl’ ‘ ' i uf all claims iluv this oflic^ presented, will be fnand an excellent i , i • . now destroying the corn. Mr Rencher has ad-; m t,,en to the p.. dressed us another note on the subject, la which . that the J"’: he says he has found the remedy entirely sue-j be erected into a separate ivrr ^^^^y ccssful, but that some of his neighbors complain ■ „nder the name of ?" per by Con- that it kills their corn. So it does his corn, eople of that large district says Mr H., if applied in too large a i r^ on 2 eq^ footing with those of Ho says, “take a feather from the wing of » , ^ren-on and Washington Territones A m chicken or goose, clip off a small piece of the | Q I’orchase extends from the Kio little end, dip the feathery part in oil, and rimjto tl>e ^p'ienTfty and sixty in it down between the boot and the stalk of i an area of about thirty wHitn viu n.. __ .— thirds as i’rcle on the danger that throat- and interests that encourage tn their own unregulated growth. i gr as in family c; Se consequenee is that, in spite of cxte.isive , gp ^pq the hope: ■ ■ to imp,Utob;21,lio“. of rt» Sooib. iU ^-23-0. C. agent for llie colleelion i TO .VDVEKTiSEKS. _ ■ bavcTbeen practicing impo.silions on the citizens .b of the immediate insertion of thmr : rj.^,.horo, to the extent'Of several thousand Pci’FOiiP (losirou.^ t®”A conqiany of strolling German traders VC been pi lir^l^RkDAYofTarboro, J x:i i.v* c iailvertising favors must haml thenwu ^'^t^^^^^^ dollars, by selling them lino broadcloths, A:c, The opportunities lasted, field of em- the neglected for the ah-; life and two lower blade.s, wipe off tLe o‘* reniauung on , j^^^p^ppj'sqnarc miles; or say, two the feather on the outside of the stalk near the ground. The oil kills the bugs it touches, and the balance disappear.” Mr Ret. or adds; ‘T have just returned from my cornfield, which bordered on my wheat field for two hundred yards, and where the chinch bug appeared in great force. Their ravages were arrested by the application of the oil, and the corn looks as well at this time as if there never had large as the State ol Xew Aork. M e ate as ] sured, upon the competent “"‘'’“"‘y- impression which has in somf ® ! throughout the country, that this great tern tory is mostly a desert, is entirely erroneous The great emigration to California in e early rfars of the gold excitement, traversed the whole length of the ‘ Warcha.se without difficnltv From the Rio Grande to iueson, been ijf^un'^lred and fifty miles, the country .s un- :„r„, ..tor. ..?=■' rAsrw*. "f lb. school and marriage are -o sorbing pursuits of fashion and many arnong young women tn onr soc'ety. sess true '-.tavary c«lt.vat,on wi . the jUnm mpnt of nature lliat it piouuEt-, taste or elevation of maiiuGr, sentiments and mindY How many among those who Icain most, become imbued with appreciation and purposes a bug upon it. However unsuccessful the centre may be in the application of fish oil, I consider | rj,p,.p;tory arc the Valleys of Tueso^ Colobozos myk'lf indebted to it for the safety of my corn- ‘ - ~ ^ -..-i or, field. I write this from fear that some persons may be discouraged by an improper application of the oil.”—Ral. Standard. XftkuSOOY otberwi^Mlioy will “rredueed priced and tl,rowing in lots of mi- the ?iicceoainir ^ rule u-tthout . aj-tides as induccinents to all of wliicii were of small real value.—M i/- this in mind- exv t ption. Wben to «aUicr Cro|»s. This is an important topic. To cut grass when it is ripe, and grain when ready to shell out, is from economy.—Careful observations and e.xperiments, as well as chemistry, teach us that all grass and grain crops, to be consum ed as food for man or beast, should be cut down before maturity. Many of the roots, also, are better for premature gathering. I’otatoes may well be ripened in the ground; and were it con venient to make the separation, we should say let grain, designed only for seed, remain upon -the native stalk, in the field, until nearly ready to fall off. As we have said, experiments care fully made have proved conclusively that wheat, for example, if cut six to twelve days before lull maturity, yields not only a greater bulk and weight, but more and better fiour Smita C^urSan Pedr^and they will, sustain a population of tens of thousands. The ban Pedro Y'alley alone was reported by Lieutenant Parke of the United States Topographical En gineers to be capable of.sustaining a population gmeers, to The valley of the Gila reater portion of the of several thousands. River, which forms the g: i Northern boundary of the Purchase, is suscep tible of enitivation thronghont its enure extent. The Fimas Indians, a large and semi c.v liz- ed tribe, raise magnificent wheat and corn, in the Valley of the G da The cotton is woven into blankets by >>»' d. and the fabric is most Skilful, and ?Yen beantiful Tl e portion of the Territory stigmatized icretofoie as a desert, contains, we are confidently assur ed almost fabulous mineral wealth in silver and copper; and, at what appeared to be a most ^ 1 1. Ixno Kixan found in Kve of'thcTrt ?““uo\v many kn'ow 1^°"' without stammering and bungling? know even the names of onr standard antho^b The empty pride and show and gbttei dissipation of fashionable social life can : conpensate, either to the woman or to i,.u=c within the sphere of her inflnence, for the want of that intellectual and spiritual training, "'“c alone can dignify and exalt hen' character and make her maturity blessed’ Vitliout this train ing, she will be found unguarded when time and circumstances apply the test. The uncontro - ed impulses that work so much misery, the m- adetinacy of the intellect to simple duties in lito may be ascribed to defective traiiimg in youth rather than to any inherent feebleness of nature. Even great stupidity is not commonly a natural gift. An early habit ot intellectual application of the mind to worthy and dignihed pursuits, will, in almost all cases, enable the F . ..x. ..11 .iiwirv.xi 1 Inc With a con- ednc“;tion and literary policy, the various and important ramifications of its indiistry its po.i- tical rh’-hts and iiecessitic.s, or such of them at least as"rise higher than the cunning and olteii deceptive platforms of parties and politicians Upon several most important matters .select committees were appointed to meet in I ic recess of the Convention, to collect information and prepare reports, to be hereafter commuted and considered. , Looking primarily to the advancement a security of the South, the aims of the Conven tion are altogether consistent with and promo- tivo of the peace and welfare of the Lsion shall it continnofor ns and ours, as all Goicri- ment worth preserving must—a shield and not a sword—and shall its obligations bo preserved and obeyed—obligations without which it would i not and could not have been formed, and willi-1 out’which and their faithful performance by al : same time tv of the parties to the great compact, it - cannot, or capacity- and moie Ije, and onglit not to be maintained. ^ ^Lvery i cotemporarics Cons I'cssioual Vominat Ion • Third putrid. HON. ‘WARREN tVINSLOV . ^cotxrv KOMIXATIOS^ . For Clerk of County Court. Pliilemou Tayloi'. For Clerk of Sniicrlor Court. 'I'. J. Alims. A friend hands ns the following ‘Till of .sale” made out by one of these gentry in a late ‘trans-. action’ with a citizen of Robeson. He pro posed to the purchaser to buy six and a half j yards of broadcloth at seven dollars per yard 'and get the following articles “thrown in,’ to ,\vit; G Calico dresses, 2 Muslin Do, 1 DoLaine ,Roljc, 2Vest patterns, 2 silk Handkerchiefs, i 1 Tabic cover, 1 Dozen spoons. Duttons and thread in proportion. The buyer swallowed the bait, bought a piece of shabby broad cloth for forty five dollars, took the “'boot” and chuckled over his tinde, while the pedler vam- unfavorable point, water has been found in wells. X few almost all cases, individual to meet all difficulties scions power to cvcrcome them. For the proper training of girls, simplicity ot living is important, and absence of ostentatious display and extravagant c.xpenditure thing ultra, especially in dress, slioiil inred while youth nuiv be surrounded with solt-! North, cniii'-’ and refilling iiitlnonees. Licence or rude-! of Tennessee, ■’should never be tolerated : they arc utter- „,ceting will take place , strnetive to self respect. The love ^ uis- 5 he convenient amUklig i foyto leads to shallow and vulgar protensiono, ,> l ain regions of the toOutli, KlSSiS AVI) W.ILRI.B. ■With a raodcstreliance upon our own judge- ^ incut and capability to form opinions upon mat-, „ profit of over sixty per cent in liis ters ot party policy and principle—and at the pocket, Doth parties satisfied with the “bar- itli all tluG deference tc the gain.” Sharp transaction that. enlarged experience of * maintamed. Every 1 joj„o(.,.atic colemporarics with whom we. g^-Ccn.‘Walker passed tiiroirgh Augusta, other'purpose is of trilling importance in com-, ,vith regard to Kansas narison with the high moral and social objects ; respectfully, decline the bit f‘corrcS!''enlarge\T'S^°^^^^^ : whiel. is sought to be put in onr month, and views of our rights and obligaDons, and to unite ; jjcg leave, in all propriety an,l nohteness, o Aug Geo., on the 7th Inst, and, making a stay of a few hoiir.s, addressed the pcoole, who had made decided : which is sought to be put in onr moutn, aiiu 1 ^ ,jpQ,| jp,,, „(, iqs hotel. and politeness, to , assembled and us together by’the most samed bonds, to main- ; that wo recognize no authority on the tain tlicm inviolate for ourselves and onr pos-1 of any party leader or organ to mnzzle a terity. .„„i,:„n. itliernl free and fr A very largo the e.x-Nicaraguaii Dresident dcfciidcJ himself from the chaigc of fillilmsterisni, and made quite an impre.s.sion frank expression of our opinion ttpf“ ‘ „p,-,11 those who heard him. ly other subject. AYe find it necessary : ,pp^. editor of the Coiistitiitioiial.st eiiiii; ness ly destr play ‘ “It is difficult, ill looking upon General M alk- cr to realize that he is the veritable Gen. w’alkcr who has ocenpied so much ol the al- lietwccn the tentioii of the world since ISoo and extorted ihe admiration even ol cneiiiios by the icmaik- than if allowed to stand until‘dead ripe.’ AVe have frequently published the direct trials which! we become possessed of the r , ■ . J .!,• r . 1 'll nf Sonora. This fact is Lave estabiisaed this fact, and lU not take space to repeat them here. Let us look a little into the reasons for such a result. It will not be disputed that a pound of gum, or sugar, or starch, is better food than the same amount of wood or woody fibre. Much the largest oreat abundance by sinking . artesian wells in the western part of Arizona will forever redeem that country from the uame of desert. . A late valuable work on Mexico gives, in its appendix, statistics taken from the archives of the Govenment at the City of Mexico, dating back to the days of the Spanish \ iceroys, which prove that iu acquiring tlie Gadsden Purchase we become possessed of the ricliest portion of Sonora. This fact is confirmed by the testimony of residents Mexicans, as well as by the tradition of the country. * .« . ...t /M-VAItAi , xiie citizens of Knoxville arc making liberal ; ^ Kvory i-jPAnnrations for tlie reception of tlie ■x-oiuen-, tins or jyh} , /• i /t . i. should beab-l tiou. It is a point readily accessible from the ourself thus plainly and uneqiu - , the personnel oi the Oencral: South, East, or West, by the railroads, because of the shadow of a comin.ir event aS ™ whmi'u wiU : which is beginning to darken the political heav. moun- j ens, and to explore the | ^ battle is soon to bo foiiglit and swVbc“-uardcd“againiras ‘a pestiferous ! I'roautics of an almost virgin country. : politicians and tlie people, and tlie conservatism nassion “■ i Delegates to tlic Savannali Convontioi. arc , q -..tant day lie : If the be.st ends of education arc kept in view i without further appointment, united to Jvito. ; -the acquisition offmers of ei'ties Hrom the fanaticism of the North, tlie nltraism that ‘the sys-1 towns, tlirougli all tlie slaveholding btates reckless abolitioni.Mii, tji.iniiical ottlio Union, are earnestly requested to | jj.jow uotliingisni and a distracted and divided additional appointments of delegates. ii:„„ ' democracy AYliether or not tins conscrvatisin , The aid of the press f i ,YiU against the odds wliieh will be XotES.-Thc Riclimond|"‘nroiraiidstrami;okt°conlpauics,etl’ in^ to bear in opi.osition no man can pre- iii'-- tlie usual facilities of travel to tlic de.cgates. 1 Already tlie State ol Georgia ., thus ccives duty and is loyal to it, a self-remuieiatioii—it will be seen ... tern pursued in many fashionable institutions is worse tliaii useless; it is baneful and pet 111- cions. I the favorable auspices porportion of the nonnshineut of wheat or corn ; j,, copper mining, already ‘ millions of dollars is invested, and the ore The silver mines lately opened at Arivoca, SoDori, Santa Rita, and Barbarsomeri, iiumber- inr‘ over one hundred distinct veins of rich oi'c, are only an earnest of wliat will be seen under ! till. Givorable auspices of a Territorial Gov about Cot-XTEIIFEIT DaXK aio National American learns tlmt comitcifcit Jilu notes on tlic Farmers’ Dank liave made tlieir appearaiico in tliat city, and tliat in some in stances, parties wl.o ongbt to know them liavc been deceived, and received thein as piimno. The signature of the President, AV Ill. H Mac- ...... I farland, is said to be admirably executed, llic ern-! Casiiier’s i.s ratlicr poor imitation of the gennine two i Counterfeit $10’s on the Dank of Cape !■ eat T?v order of tlie Convention: ' ,1. D. D. DeBow, of Louisiana. AY. G. Swan, of Tennessee. .1, CociiRAN, of Alabama. AYm. Doulware, of A’irgiiiia. Mitciiei.t. Kino, of Bonlh Carolina. able taleiit.s, wiiieli he has exhibited in bis ro mantic career. In face and figure be is utterly insignificant and unmarked. I here is no le- markalile dignity 01 impressiveness 111 his ad- dre.ss no remarkable intelligence in liis lace no emotion in his countenance at any tune, and He IS simply a sliort eyc.s, and a It is difficult to realize tliat fiiis small man is the Gcncr-ai AValker wlio lias borne .CO prominent a part 111 tlie im]K)i‘Uiut events which have oeeuirtu lu liO siiceulation in liis cye.^ i liglit man, with light liai", frn}' pUieiility which cannot be rnfllcd. I represented in convention by bolli imrties lias witliin llie last two years; - taken a step that must be retraced, if tlic ad- organized expeditions—inangnrated i ..d„ictration sustains Gov. AAhilker, or tlic tin- govcrninents-created and maintained armies— iistain Geor- fed them to victory, and controlled turbulent Tlie demo- and lawless men by ids dogmatic and impcnous will. or other grata, is derived from the starcli it con tains. More tlian three-fourths of the entire bulk of wheat flour, for example, is really pure starch. The same may be said of corn meal. But all grains contain more or less of woody fibre, in the shell. ■VYsod, sugar, starch and gum, are composed of precisely the same elements, and these nearly in the same proportion. The difference in form and properties is chiefly iu the arrange ment of the elements. Yet wood is nearly in- digestiblei and of course fails, in part to yield nourishment, while sugar, starch, and gum, are ea^y digested, and almost their entire elements furnish nutriment. Examine grain in the milk, and it will be found to consist almost totally of starch, gam and sugar, the abundance of sugar giving it a sweetish taste Let this grain ripen, and the starch, gum and sugar, are hardened, and in part changed to woody fibre, that is, husk or bran. But ent the grain while scarcely out of the milk state, and yon stop the natural change into woody matter, and thus secure a larger proportion of the desired starch, sugar gtzm. It is well known that the earliest flour made from first-cut grain possesses a peculiar sweetness. Corn picked wliile still soft, and dried, retains its sweetness. The .aly point to be looked to is, not to cut grain before it at tains its full development of material. This point has been found to be just at the period when it commences hardening. No grain should be allowed to stand a day after it becomes so solid as to require a gentle pressure to crush the kernel between the thumb and fingcr-i'ails. This rule applies to wheat, oats, corn and in deed to all cereal crops. Gathered at this time, which is usually eight to ten d.ays, before perfect ripening, there will not only be more and better nutriment, but the yield of grain, and especially of flour, will be from five to ten per cent, greater, and often more, than if the cutting had been deferred ten to twelve days. The decidedly superior value of straw cat, * green, is another important item to be taken into account. Tlie increasingly high price of hay, and the advance in the demand and value of stock, render it important to give more at tention to preservation of straw. ‘Wheat or oat straw, and corn stalks, ifteft standing until fully matured, are little better, and little else than so much wood; but .stop the ripening pro. cess as soon as is practicable remove the grain and yon secure straw and stalks wortli one- fourth to one-half their weight of liay, as the . latter is ordinarily cured.—Would it not be better to run the risk of getting a few pounds less of grain'by too early gathering, if thereby yon secure a greatly snperior quality of feed in the straw. The reasons for cutting grain early apply with equal force to all crops gathered for for- nve. Taste a stalk of grass just as it is losing its flower and you will,find it sweet, succulent and tender. X few days afterward, it is more like a dry piece of wood. But cut it tlown at the former period, dry it in small masses to prevent heating and fermentation, and it will retain mneh of its sweetiies.s, and contain a large propartipn of xiig-ir, starch and gnni. of! (N. C.) are as plenty as blackberries in .August. the Arizona mine has been pronounced, in Lon- sold in tliat market. The don, the richest ever Gila River mines and the Gadsoman mines are proving themselves equally opulent. The late decison of the Postmaster General, in favor of the mail route via El Paso utid Fort Y'uma, invests this Arizona question -.--0 f Lightning.—Sabbath bc- storv; jgg” AYe always like to tell a good even if it is at our own cxpreiise. Coming from East Haddam, on Tiicsday, with a friend, whose worst fault is in ids intense we arrived at an old liousc by CiiCRCH Struck by fore last a violent thunder storm passed ovei j y>,.,,uijlicaiiisoi, . . , , ,1 New Jersey -A-t Jamesburg, near amboy, the ; j.oatisiac, not half as liigli as t.ic well-sweep Sabbath school of the Presbyterian Chnreh j by it. Out jumped onr compan was holding its meeting in fte afternoon, when , get a drink from the “moss-covereu ^ with re-! the fluid struck the bnildiiig. It ent ered the , bucket” wbieli dangled at the end of the pole. • tbrnncrli! roof makiuo- Only a small liolc, and descended i p|.(,sgutly a gray-liaircd old man came out Irora : are newed importance. This and \rill i bv the chandelier to the centre of the cluirch, L,,^boiisov.-itLtho p.-ofi'erofa bliini.)s t-o^'iq’- the entire extent of the new lernto y, | ? , . j ,1 Ouite a large nuo.to, “' Ljcr which was politely refused. protection form the ,,3'Jcii as ctmetren, were prostrated by pa.. rows on his face thou, r»d their clothes burnt, "i et no fatal results '• ^ require — Indians, who for a century past liave beM of the fairest, and. disputed sway over one to its natnral resources, one ot portions of our continent. it, am the 'wealthiest I followed, although some hoars and even days, i followed before perfect restoration took place. ! Put the remarkable feature of it remains to be „ i told, and this is given by a clergyman "‘ho re- Triblte of Respf.ct to the I.ate Rev. Dr. I fj.ojij one present. It is stated that University of North Carolina residing in and near Fayetteville was held on Tuesday, July 14, 4857, ‘VV. J. Anderson, Esq., presiding, and Mr Geo. H Haigh acting as Secretary. The Chairman having announced the melan choly intelligence on account of which they had been called together. Messrs W B ‘Wright, John Winslow, W A Hnskc, W H Haigh, J C Huske, R P Buxton, P M Hale, B H Sanford, and B Fuller, re- “ J 1 presenting different classes, were appointed a Committee to prepare resolutions suitalile to the occasion. Rev Jos C Huske, Chairman, reported the following. Whereas, Almiglity God, by a painful and most melancholy act of his Providence, has brought to a sudden and sad end the life of onr former respected preceptor and friend, the Rev Dr Elisha Mitchell, Professor in the Universi ty of N C.; Therefore, Resolved, That we have received intelligence of this mournful event with feelings of pain and niiroingied sadness. Resolved, That as in his life we have been made debtors to him by his faithful instructions and by his unwearied devotion to onr best in terests, so now in death we cherish his memory iu our hearts. Resolved, That tlie Rev Dr Elisha Mitchell, by his great and varied learning, by his inde- fatible zeal in the pursuit of knowledge, by his spirit of invincible perseverance in whatever he deemed to be right, by his devotion to the du ties of his profession, whetlier as a teacher of science or as a teaclier of the religion of the gospel, by his devotion to the interests of his pupils, to the interests of the University of which he was so distingnished a Professor, and by his devotion to the interests of the State at large, and in a word, by a long, honorable, and useful life of incorruptible integrity and fidelity to duty, has made himself to be an ornament and an ftxample to his profession and to his fellow men in general. Resolved, That in view of the eminent ser vices which he has rendered the State, directly, by the prompt and faithful discharge of par- ticnlar duties assigned him, and less directly, bat not less effectively by his devotion to the cause ot education, the deceased has entitled himself to a public testimonial of respect to his memory; and we hereby pledge ourselves to assist in any measure tending to that end. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased, with an expression of onr sincerest sympathy and condo lence; and also, that a copy be sent to his breth ren of the Faculty, and to each of the Literary Societies at Chapel Hill, with the request that they be filed in their archives. 'These resolutions were nnanimously adopted. W. J. ANDERSON, Ch’m’n. Geo. Haigd, Sec’y. Noticing the ids eye was uudimmed and his step as clastic as ever, our cunositv prompted us to inquire hi.s age, ‘T am ■nindy-six," lie replied, “and last fall I climbed my apple trees and sliook tlieui “AA’as you iu tlie Revolntionary next inquired. “O, yes,” said lie, miiin ion is gone, and tlic Soiilli must gill if slie takes the initi-ative step, eratic convention demanded in imperious tones the recall of AValkcr from llie giibeniatorial ! chair of Kansas. The “American” Convention ; a few days afterwards pa.ssed a resolution de- notiiicing Gov AYalker, and ill the meeting of; wliich lion. B. II. Hill, the know nothing can didate for Go’vcrnor, was eliairmaii, the lollow- iiig resolution was unanimously pa.-'.scd'. 0. Tliat slionld tlic Constitutional Conycn- and soon to asscinljlo in Kaii- ExNiniLO Nihil est—Onr classic neigh bor of tlie Argus must certainly be reduc ed to great straits for editorial material. A\ e prcccive tliat among bis varied accomplishments lie includes tliat of rhyme critic. A'erily so wonderful a genius is liiding his light under a bushel of typograplnml stuff and editorial non sense. He is a mighty Nimrod, if his antobi- MiTCHm-m—A meeting of the graduates of the ; Vbo wore brass hoops in j and ^as taken prisoner in one and potion, tlie American party of Troup " " " ’■ —1 11— ""'i dresses were nninjured, iai i/tc/iooyi l/'C'a-; (-oiilincd on board a prison sliip, in New York, ! consider that one of the contin gi * ‘ tints selves were melted. Tlie electric fluid was diffused and perhaps lives saved, by this species of conditdor. novel pri declared. I’ve talked witli “Do strik- A Heroic AA^oman.—One of the most imr incidents in the fearful tragedy near Quebec was the conduct of Mrs Bloomfield, wliosc lius- btiud is in the employment of the Cxiund liuak Companv at Toronto, in saving two children. She lielii to a rope with one hand, keeping the head of one child above the water with llie otlicr, and holding tlie other up by fastening , confined until peace was Goii. AYasliingtou many a lime” vote,” we asked, as a thought of the pleasure it would afford ns to see and converse witli a man who had voted for every Democratic Bres- ideiit, from AYasliington down to Buchanaib glanced Ihrongli O'jr mind ? “AA'cll, Dll bet it he did’iit vote for James Buchanan ” tion now elected, mm buuu lvj u.-iotJUMiv. , , . i i sas, adopt a Constilution, TfcpuWrca-M /«'■»«,'ogtaphy be true ; a Elangwhangmg j c t. g- toicrating slavery, and without rcrerriiig it ger,a3raatiyaborcdji!ryciinattcst;apcdaii- back to a vote of all the “srcsirAii/ tic kiiiglit of tlie quill, as his mystified and tlien in the Territory, slionld present it to Con- readers will testify ; a stump-ranter „ gress for admission into the Union as a State as nsnal. and inider pretence of that refusal to lefei tlie ,, ,. -n ATiu-y” we Constitution, back tea vote of all the “mm’aiGBrowiilow, as many a blushing auditory will was ill j Congress should reject the appli- admit; and, last though not least, newspaper- county rhyme critic. AYith such a multiplicity of call ings, it is really no surprisingrmattcr that he encies 111 the fourth resolution of the “Georgia Platform” her teeth-ill its dress. So heavy was the load | as good'a hat as Beebe or Genin that lier teeth gave way an I were lost, yet she j said we, not at all frigliteiied. ‘ At last a boat came 1 our friend turiiiiig around, at the same time still retained her hold. toward her, and men were her to be taken on board. She could not scream but a man seeing her situation bronglit a boat to her, telling them she needed help most. screaming all around ! toward tlic old man. “Now who did you yo« !/,«.- transpired ; and tl.ongh it has been, and is 'should be smatterer, pedant and literary snob, yet our doctrine, our feeling, and our hope, tn ; with a dash of tlie political cliarlatan and no political action and principles, to know “No | small infusion of Mnnchau.seni6rn in his compo- North, no South, no East, no AA cst,” Dir'n- The fact that nothing wonderful has ders mav learn wc know our firesides, and it • ,1 , • .,1 » tiiomalfcc of foes, or the folly of tlionghtless, 1 over appeared tn the columns of_ the A gns Of the treachery of pretended friends, will force proves the declaration of our neighbor that we shall ! “truth is more wonderful than fiction.” The moil to the ; j^emocrats of Cumberland have this advantage Union without the South. t of their knowuotliing friends, that if the former The resolutions passed by tlie Mississippi dc- i,ave a paper without an editor, the latter have mocratic convention are equally imperious and ^ brace of editors without a paper. AA'e owe threatening, and we find these positions taken apology to our readers for desceudlug to this he does, ..- ,, - exclaimed our friend witli provoking confidence. | jijg necessity of tlie dread alternative, “AA’eli I’ll bet he did,” we retorted, with equal prefer the South without the Uiiioi emphasis. “AYhal’ll you bet,” said our friend, -• • ■ - -’ " “ evidently not intending to back down ? ‘'Just " ’ ■ * can make,” Done,” said vote for,” we both ex claimed, simultaneously ! “Well, you see I’ve always been a democrat,” said he “I’ve voted Then her strength gave way at the prospect of j for AVasliiiigtoii, Jeflerson, Madison, Monroe, elief and safety, and she came near drowmng [jackson, Polk, and Bresklent Bierce, and have never seen any reason to change my principles —last fall I voted for Fremont !” “AA’liat’s your measure,” said we to our friend as we struck the horses a furious blow, and started for Middletown, profoundly impressed with the trntli of the old saying—“once a man, and twice a child.”—Slidcllesex ( Conn.) Aigns. before she could be lifted into the boift. Slie is a slight, delicate woman in appearance, and one wonders how she was able to endure so much. The children were not her own. One of them aged eigliteen months, is named Jaeiiic as Mrs Bloomfield heard it called on board by its parents, who were from Glasgow. Its pa rents were lost. ISfi Clay on Distribution. Wc have seen (says the Nashville Union) no argument against distribution more foicible or embraced in fewer words than the following, taken from a .speech of Air Clay’s delivered June 11, 1832. It states a fact that cannot fail to lay hold upon the public mind. Bead it: Alaking this inquiry, the first question which presents itself is, whether it is expedient to pre serve the existing duties in order to accumulate a surplus in the treasury for tlie purpose of sub sequent distribution among the several States. I think not. If tlie collection for the purpose of such a surplus is to be made from pockets of one portion of the people to be ultimately re turned to the same pockets, tlie process wonld be attended with the certain loss from the charges for collection and with the loss also oj interest while the money is performing tlie nec essary circuit, and it would therefore be unwise. If it is to be collected from one portion of the people and given to another it would be unjust. If it is to be give#to the Slates in thdr corpor ate cxipacitv, to be used by them vn their public ex penditure, I' know of no principle in the constitu tion which authorizes the federal government to become sucli a collector for the States, nor of ^ anv principle of safety which admits j jjgggujg public, dismissed of'the United States becoming such redpients^^^^^ of gratuity froDi the general goverument. THE AFCIST ElECTIOAS. The AA'ashington Union says: “Tlie accounts public and private from North Carolina are ol a character to justify the most sanguine expec tations in regard to tlic result of the August elections. If the delegation i-n the next Con gress is not entirely democratic, it will not be for want of exertions on the part of a democ racy that appear to be annimated with the conviction that an overwhelming victory is to be the result of their ptriotic labors,” ’The JXorlh Carolinian, one of the most spir ited of our exchanges, endorses these views of the Union. Know Nothingism has been ra pidly tumbling to pieces in the South, since tlie Presidential election, and it is only in Ala- ryland that it is at all likely to maintain itself. As long as the Plug Uglies and Rip Raps con trol the polls of Baltimore, ilaryland is bound to be oppo.sed to the Democracy, but in North Carolina, Kentucky and Tennessee, we shall be disappointed if our victories are not overwhelm ing ones.—Xliddlcsex (Conneticut) Argus. by these two States applauded and endorsed | contest, but in figlitiug a chimney-sweep one by two thirds of tlie Southern democratic press.; oiust use cinders, Now let us present the approaching issue in as brief terms as the character and impoitanccj Arrival Extkaordixary.—Tlie fast sailing of the subject will permit: Every democratic | clipper Batteau, Capt. Stephen McNeill, from paper iiorlli of Mason’s and Dixon’s line sus-! the upper Cape Fear, reached the remote vicin- taius Gov AYalker. The NewA’ork News, Mir-j ity of this place on Friday evening the lOth ror, the Beiinsylvanian, tlie lAIichigau Free i iust with freight and passengers on the hnrri- Bress, the Middlesex (Conn.) Argus, and a ! cane deck—President and chief engineer of the score ot otlier leading democratic journals who j Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Co,, w-ith stood with us hand and heart in defence of the 1 their carpet bags Ac. The passage was made south and the national democracy. There is; iu good paddling lime, the captain having only not a democratic statesmen north of tliat line | landed his passengers and baggage at Jones A young miss having accepted the offer of a youth to gallant her home, afterwards fearing that jokes might be cracked at her expense if him when about half way, enjoining his secrecy. Don’t be afraid,” said he, “of my saying any- A mastiff is said to be a top-dog when he is| thing about it, for I feel as much ashamed of it drinking. Of course he is. ' as yon do.” who does not sustain the administration iu the appointment and retention of AYalker iu his office. Does not the position assumed by the states of Georgia and Mississippi, and endorsed by the democrats in the south, at once and effectually destroy and ignore the nationality of the demo cratic party ? And} with the destruction of that nationality at once ceases the stability of the union. In the event that the President fully sustains Gov. AValkcr, what will these gasconading po liticians do ? If they withdraw from the sup port of the administration, wliore will they go ? who and what will they support ? What do they propose, if tlie President refuses to yield to their demand ? Is all this thunder ot in dignation merely a vox et preterea nihil! Or is it the step initiative of a Southern confeder acy, that political shadow which escapes just as we are about to grasp it. If it is the lat ter, why not let the people know it at once that they may prepare for the denouement. The issue is plainly this : The Administra tion, the northern democracy and the conser vatism of the masses, vs. Southern ultraists and and avoided that dangerous Scylla and Char- ybdis by placing his craft upon the shoulders of the crew and conveying it around the alist meiits. On arriving at Cross Creek Lock, not being provided with the new submarine armor, the gallant captain came to anchor, made fast to a grape vine, landed his passengers and walked them a mile or two to their destination, A salute of thirteen dam guns was fired by the Campbellton Light Artillery in honor of tlieir safe passage though the dangers that circum vent those who “go down to the sea in ships,” and a meeting of the citizens of AVilmiugton was called to congratulate the hardy adven ture’s upon their successful exploration. CIPTIRED. Eisbury Johnson, for whose arrest Gov Bragg offered a reward of three hundred dol lars, was pursued and captured in Carter coun ty, Tcnn., last week, by Henry E. Lane, of Henderson county, where Jolinsonstauds charg ed with rape, and was brought back and lodg ed in jail at Hendersonville. BSf“Corn is selling at Greensboro for $l,0o’ I per bushel, and flour for S3,121 ['cr hundred. ’ \ ‘ - ; ■ OF THE moH I .i.iiialion of tl , ;;"llt illftitll ,;i\ l.ist, and the ■,i:;... . l.d w”’: •hi ‘ . ing days. Tl i.; -. , ;i TiiCiday il a.i'm l.i- ■ acql Tim dAlfU A ■ an = ..i'iol . ; 1.. vlicir pa'i- i.-a; V - ; -’ac '.veil for | Hn ) w:l Ai: II . Y. I.: -.C, u .ri' til. ■ ';o !0(! tliat pi” cut a| ;rc of liol ii.-irc. 7 tailed It : .-lilitl td at: fl G r. a ful i-n'ivt oil till On T:nu=>laJ lluhi’s music ' treat to the pi^ tia e.-neraiiy Prof Ha •ri the p-rfii ' voar, for r i.pr.rison, al our Irilntc of j ccllcnt parag ’The young tad cal valo;', and world to lic dancing 0:1 it AA'e noticcq t!: - style of : li'.’.ics, and iatroduciiig More body is At of the | r.j^.'v ‘Monastery me