& CO’ I OF THE IIODICALS r THE js GriDE. I)X IN THE I’KICE 1; rrin.icATioN. YOKK. coiiiinue to pub IBvitbb roriodiciil:^- |l - V KKl.Y (Conservativo.) ■iCT' I BEA'IEW (Free Cluircli.) J 4 |EV1EW (LiU'ral.) :RGII magazine (ToryO ropresent the three great J Britain—M'big. Tory, and ■ms only one tVamre of ihelr I the most profound writers lorallty. and Religion, tbey ttocd. unrivaled in the world lible to the scholar and the Bo the inteligent reader of Inu're correct and sati.«fac- £cnt literature of the day. |iiu can Ik? possibly obtained COP:F.S. _ CE FlIEETS from the Brit- lUional value to these Reprint:* ►w be placed in the bands of ■n as the original editions. rERns. r Keviews |r Reviews ur Reviews lews Kine \c Revi' ws : Ib-v lews a!/ rasfs Per ann. $3 00 o 00 7 00 S 00 :? 00 0 00 10 00 I atiranct'. hale trht re i.utd ici/l bt re- ].rB8n4;. j-fre per cent from the above |o Ci.i Bs enUring four or iiu-re Lre of the above works. Thus fixl. r.r of one Review, will be : four C(-p^^-' I fur and so on. j>STi«E lilies ajid Towr.s: these works pEE OF I’f'STAGE. 'When . to anv jiart of the United JE.N'TY-FfirK CENTS a year It Ft.URTEEN CENTS a year |r Biiloinof ihi jive ncil isaU^.: >C1 y:?' Gunmn. llMEU’S OVIDE. I rraeticul It. K. oI Edinburgh, and |rofe«sor '-f ^i ientitic Agrioul- - New Haven. 2 vol> Royal Ind nucierous Wood and ir^ieel iiK'st complete work of l-hH. an:! in 'TiI'T t** give it a idlrLvr- i:avt- ii.'Olvtd to re- |i>r the two Velnmcsll pr.::t-p:r:d > tu California and ■ du-inrs. To every other Ito Canada ,j.'.vi-paki 0 dollar.^, be old -Book of the Farm.** bf the above publications should [•sl-paid. to the Tubli-hers. lONARU j^COTT vt C».. |o. of GoU-str-M. Now- Vi.rk. In s COLt MIil.VN II R DYE. |:-:p, stvi.?: liirp.ovEP. |itHy and 'trensiti of Tny other, naltiral rolor. |:: OHS light browa to jet black, i ca^y and r::]>id. F harmless to the 'ikin. QiaEtoib and permnmnt. [ Meo//-:-.si ■■‘afest nYc ivcr '.-UjK. Ilo’l*'A'-;t ‘f Ci'Hiress. in the T.ir:;*ur. in ih-j Clerk's Office of |ihe E. .S. for the E.isiem Dislriet rnrr.KH,-. FavnievIUc N. c. |L05 7V. HARRfSf ►N, No. i ) vnn^KLfy.Lru.A. :e op. ami-fevep tills. attention of J-s hj this celebrated Bill, which > BO pufling. r.or to long, windy to it'own mirit' as a roineciv enro when taken accordina’ to lug each box.—Thi.s Pill unlike |s no mineral, nor any injuru^'js adminl'tored with |kTivct .'afe- ung ar old. hgaln'* CMll.-. or uny other tvpc Bended as un.'urJ)a^a'd: and' in Igeiieraliy it is tar .superior to ' liatk n of I’-Tuviaa l.-ark. A uhtl lat is needed to insure h a favora- jtimetion vf even tho luo.s-t invet- iietary f-r Patent pre.scriptioiii:. |AXri-BILElor.S PILI.S. I of being at T ;i--t as gool. if not variou.s eathark; Bills of the r free from all poisonous rninerals- [jpertie?. and are highly recom- Eiver C'-mplaint. .Sick Head- llaidtuai Costiaeitess. Indigestion, Stomach. Liver. Bowels, and ley toeing by their composition ilher of the above ca.ses as a gen- pt all linH h when .such medicines coniin* iiti them to the atiention l'urcl b'V 'F. 'SI. SWVER A: CO.. Ib-lleviile. Illinois, dale. Fay^TteviUe. N. C., and by fc-RS and villages in the Southern ffXS WANTiD. J every town and hamlet in th** ■re one is not already establhshed. Iwyer & Co.. Bplleville. lilinois, r**ferc‘nce to character and re- Ir orders will be promptly tilled'ny ■ r.M.^;v‘jERi'’ro.. oprictur.y. Bclieville. Illinois, fni Paper 31iIJs. lo irjA-7i:u, |he Railroad Stations or at niy , or they will be taken from the Sratf?. Merchants and others • advise me when they have u liil send them to their neare.^t lean still atf^rd to i>ay the high- llivery from store or at Railroad bills, checks or Northern fund.', rs of our Banks in Kakdgh, and {roUnaanU VirLdnia Mj^rchante C. M'. BENEDiCT- bn hand paj/er suitable for Cot- ppaper \vrupper». Coiion waste C. W B. Ora. ten AUR A L ET, CAM E.NOINE BL'ILDER, ntf Ilnmilton .v/#., PhUad.. Pa. gine.s: on largo wheels, with a i attached to move them about, lo cylirider.®. making 10 to .SO fare filled in from J} lo o weeks, nd for sale. The.-e engines f year'*, and in f*very instance '“tbetinn. descriptive eirculara lU-ird for. M 1 Ti Devoted to Aews, Political and Business matter, ilgriciilture, and Family Reading. PUBLICATION OFFICE.] INDEPENDEXCE IS THE SOUL OF DEMOCRACY! [DONALDSON STP.EET. WM. F. WIGHTMAN, Editor. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. SATURDAY. AUGUST 1, 1857. -! VOIA Hi: XIX—No. 001. C.VROI.ISIAS 00 TERMS OP sritSCRIPTIOX TO THE For a single copy, if paid in advance, per annum. .. = at the end ot o months, I oo . ,U the end of C months, .! 00 .. . .. at the end of the year. d oO No subscription will be received for a shorter pcj-iod than one year unless paid in “‘^vance. 5 copies of the Garobnian, t juir, 5b 10 •• Rates of .fdverttetag: Viivtv cents per square of 10 linos, or less, for Rie Brst when it will '« cliarged ^ For three months, ™ For six months. - - - ' For twelve months, - - - - - to on Ml advertis.-ments.nnst have the . ..sired number of m. ^ertions .narked on them, ortherw.se they w.il he ut. serted till forbid and charged accnrdmslr. Si,cc,ai attention ii ru-eeted lo thii requisition. WM. F. WIGHTMAN k CO. GROCERIES, HARD- icare k^c, ^-c. Tlie undersigned are now receiving a large as,sort- ment ofllROGERSES, H.tKUWARE, IllON, STEEL, HOLLOW-WARE. SHOES, LEATHER A; SADDLE RY, wiiich they will sell at wholesale at a small ad vance on cost for cash, or on usual time to prompt tlealers. O. W. WILLI.YMS & CO. July 25, 1857. tit)-tl nANTFORSALE^ The subscriber oilers for sale upwards ol 1000 acres, the ‘greater part of which is swamp laud and from the indications supposed to be ricli. i" rom a survey made bv uii Engineer the main ditch for draining can be cut at a cost not e.xceeding $200. Any person wish ing to purcha.so the whoP^ or part of said lands can examine thenv on application lo either ot the subsen- ber Said lands are in a compact body and situated from 10 to P2 miles south of Fayetteville aud about 8 frotn the Cpc Fear Hi'er..^^^^ jf^MiLLAN. JAMES CASHWELL. July 25, 1857. CO-ot A CARD. CJ>E3IKST G. WHIGIIT, Vtloviicy at Fa> ettevilli , N.C. Office ut the corner of Dow and Green streets. Fel)*v o, IS.3O. .1. A. SPEAKS. ATTORNEY' AT LAAV, ATTE-YDS the Courts of Ciimberlund, ILifnett- Wake an l Johnston. Ad-lress, Toomer. Harnett Go., Y. C. Feh. 10, 1850. THE undcr.signcd would respectfully inform his old friends and customers that lie can be ionnd at the •Store of C. E. Lccte, where lie will be glatl to see J. U. McDiJ-NALD. Jan. 17, 1857, 33-tf 4000 Hcres of Land for Sale. All the Land belonging to the Estate of John Mori- son, dec’d. is now for sale. Said land is lying in the Counties of Montgomery and Ilichinond; aud any per son wishing to purchase any of said Land, can have an opportunity any time within three months by calling on the subscriber at Capt. Jo.seph Hineses, Richmond County. A part of said Land is lying'on or near the line of the Si C. & Coal Fields R. R. The subscriber will tuKe pleasure in showing said lands to any pcr.son wishing inforniation respecting them. D. B. RAINWATERS. July 4. iSoT. 3m ~lL>rSSOl7L^T(7x. '|>1IE COFARTNERSllIP of JONES & PASS wa“ JS this day dissolved by mutual cou.scnt. -All per sons ii.dcbteil to us arc earnestly re.iuested to make immeiliatc payment, as the business must be closed. Either party lias the right to use the name of Um con cern in liquidation. T . & E. 1'. JONES. J. C. PASS. July I, 1857 h0-3t. ' {FOR SALE. fcJTEEL'S PATENT CUTTING KKIFE. An iir- tide much more lighly approved, by all who have tried them, tl.an any other now in use. -Apply to B. RO^>L. n6-0t NORTH OAROLiNLIN I'AYETTEVILLE. A'. G, July 18 BJRTirfV Attorney F A Y E T T E V I FULLER, at Lav,-, .LE, A". C., Mav be cons..lted at the Law Office of Jese G. Shep herd. Esq., on Green Street. Jiilv ill. 1856. 7-tf ANDREIV .1. STED.MAN, Atioriicy at L.a3V. . f.T i>TTT^BORO. N. C.. will attend regularly thrCoarts of Ciiatluim, Moore and Harnett Counties. April 11, IboO. .. SPRING TRADE, 1857. B. F. PFAKt'F Is ilO’.v receiving a beautiful and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Comnrising a general assortment ofall the latest sty los oi Ladies''Di-e'ss Goods, Lace and Silk MantUes, Ein- hroidorics of evci-y description,Crape Shawls, Bonnet., Ribbons. Gloves. Belts, Hosiery, ckc., —ALSO— White and colored Linen Drilling, Engli.di and French Drap d'Eta, Bleached and brown Shirtings aud Sheetings, Irish Linen.=, Linen Tabic Cloths, Towudings and Napkins, • tt *- T..eghorii, ikvuama, Bas.siiiiere and Moleskin Hats, Umbrellas and Parasols, Boot.s. Shoes and Ready-Made Clothing. All of which will be sold low for cash, or on the usual time to punctuol customers. All persons (and p; OOCTOit Fit.VNiC WII.I.IAMS’S CELEBRA'l'ED RYFi WHISKEX" The Subscriber has made arraageneats to keep a supply of the Genuine .\rticle, - nd is the only Agent for the sale of the above brand of A No. 1 Rye \\ his- key in this place. koB'T MITCHELL. May Bbtf FiiO^lM^iCTU ^ OF THE XOIITH t'.VItOljINA PRESB YTEHl.VN PiyXB O.X .n.UHH)TH STEA.1ISH1P M;RE.4T EASTERS.’ ^ Several incorrect statements liaving appear ed in reference to the Great Eastern (now lying like a red whale in Mr Scott Russel’s yard at Milwall and so frightening people that they cut acro.s.s the river and take refuge by scores in the house of Messrs. Heart and Quar- termaine, who administer white bait and iced puncii with all Immnne promptitude,) Mr Puncli has been recpiested to pntdisli the follow, ing information touching the arrangements on board the vessel: Captain Harrison, the captain who has been selected in contravention of all rules observed in the public service, the proprietors of the sliip h ive engaged lum for the vulgar reason tliat lie was notoriously tlic best captain on the best lino of steamers in tlie world, will merely attend to the comparatively unimportant duty of taking care of tiie vessel. But, as tiiere are to be six luindred first class passengers, other captains will bo appointed to administer to tlic domestic wants of tlie floating colony. Tlicre will be a distances affi.\ed. Incivility or overcliarge will subject tlie ofl'oiidcr to tiic cat, lint the flogging will be conducted in a back yard of tlio vessel where the loudest fellow may brawl without being heard by the public. Bath chairs and perambulators will also be in wailing, aud om iiibuses will convey tlie humbler passengers to various parts of the vessel. I’reviously to the A iiu; MllKV A.VI» A BIG MAA. A corresiioiKleiit of a Cairo paper gets olf’ the following geiniiiio specimen of big talking. It beats Davy Crocket : John Waterbnry, a brakesman on Tom Fay'.-. . train, is an original geuins and a remarkabli. man. 11 is weight is livo hundred and eiglity, rawboned, with a dangerous .'peed in the .-trill". show of the elcctric-liglit, every evening, a Ui'oad .shonldered, stlong j.iw od, nith a fi.^t ih... grand display of fireworks and a'balloon will‘'ms half horse power. AVhoii they whisiR ascend once a week with letters for any .|nai- ^'own breaks, he brings up tlie tram .so [•. ; that it often hreaks the e.mpliiig ehaiiis. he cats, it takes enrngh for six men, am. . drinks whisky out of a (pinrt ciiii, then knock,, j tlie Landlord through a board fence or inshlo I of a house, if he wants any pay. He is unde;' a live hundred dollar liond not to strike a ni:i'’. ter to which the wind may be* blowing. Fur- ^ tiler particulars will be published Ironi time to time until the launch. Tilt- Blessings «! Maler. I Many of our most talented lecturers on tem-j the habit r at Sandoval for fear of injuring tlie building perance, in tncir orations, are in more frequently of portraying the horrors of. ,i- i ■ • druiik'eimess and the sin and danger of indulg-, they being slightly bniU. His liaii is a.sto iise ill strong drink, than of picturing to ouras hay, and stands up like the quills ol a fro;- The rrosbyterian Clinrch in North Carolina has long labored under a serious disadvantage from the want of a journal to advocate her claims and represent her interc.sts. It is esti mated that only 1000 Presbyterian Weeklies are taken in the bounds of our three Preshyte- ries. AVe have 13,000 Communicants, ami it is safe to infer that there are 30,000 Prosby- Our Svnod to l tenans m pnnciple m the state. Our Synod '-•ivc me a call before making their selectioiH*. ^ | staiRls fifth in the Union in point ot numuci», ” B* 1”. _FLARCL. j Bel* nieiiibership is greater than that ot JOHX D. SHAW. VrTTORNEY AT LAAV. Rockin'dnim. Richmond Count.v North Carolina. will practice in tlmConrU of Richmond. An.mii and - * VU business entrusted to his care wiU ie July, 11? ly-oo Kol>esuu. ceive stric iUteaiioii. FOR SALE. Fayetteville, (llay St.,j March 11. 1857. Jl-tf ^HBRHE’F^^ OTIOE I Will atteml the following Districts, /or the pur I po.se of collecting the 'laxci Cedar Creek. minds the blessings of pure and sparkling wa ter. Although this may be the most cfi’cctive metliod of reclaiming depraved man from the error of his ways, we do not tniuk it the most a"^reoabIc side ol llie picture to look upon. Ls iUiot truly refreshing during this iiot aud sul- trv weather, to drink in such sentiments as are Lock's Creek, Flea ilill, Carver\s Creek, Black River, (^aoAvhithc. Seventy Firjft, Rockfi.':!!, Jrilv tl. Julv 21 “* 22 2.3 24 - 25 30 31 August 1 HECTOR MoNElLL. Sheriff. 5S-t.-Vl 8tl Acres of Land, lying on Cape Fear River—Store, DweUin-^ Out Houses all in tirst rate order The Store is at -a line business stand at the Cross Loads and tile and is not to be e.xcelled by any m North Carolina \nv person desiring to paroliase can ol.dain tiiithei narticnlar.s respecting the property by_ calling cn either of ns at irillis' Creek on the \A ilnungton Road 15 miles from Fayetteville. ^ WRIGHT. Oct 1 IS-tf J-AMES AVUIGHT. Five sevenths of the FARMING AND TERPEN- tine L VND in Harnett county, known a> the L aiku and McNYill lands, joining Win. U-.rrr.ngton s land on t-ppe^Jttle River.-^ There is some 200 acres c tb b-.t quality of low grounds on the Ruer. Hit up Unds^ire heavily timbered with pme^J. and v,-ithiu &i\ iutaorthe Faykteville and AVestern R-'™?'• Forpartienlarsapiilyto J. W. McKAY. ST.VTE OP NOUTII CAUOliINA UoBK.sox County Court of rieas and t^uarter Sessions May term 1857. Jo.seph Thompson Admr. Charity Blount Adm.x. of William Blount dec'd Original Attachment,—Levied on two Slaves Edmond and Fanny. Vs. William Price. It appearing to the satisfaction of tlic Court that the defemlant is not a resident of this State. R.'” or dered bv the Court that publication be inade m the North Carolinian, a Newspaper published in the Town of Favetteville. for the space of si^x weeks iiotifimg the any Synod South or West^ of Doiinsylvnnia bur sister States on the North and South, neither of which has a membership so I^arge as ours, publish the Central, and the Sontliein I’rcs'oyterian, for the benefit of their peojde. The time has come when the Presbyterian Church ill North Carolina should likewise do her duty to her children, it is a conceded and important fact, that hundreds of our members will take a State paper wlio will take no other. The Paper is needed to bo the organ of our Synod and Presbyteries—to elevate and en- li"'hten the piety "of our raeraiierslii]) by dift'using i evangelical knowled.ge—to promote the cause j of Education—to develope the talents of our ! Ministry, and to strengthen the attachment of I our people to the soil and sanctuaries of their own State. If our Church in other States, and other I Churches in this State, can supply their mem- ber^with a religious journal, why may not we. Are North Carolina Presbyterians inferior in talent, energy and patriotism to their neighbors on the North or South, or to Christians of other denominations at home? With the me or better opportunities of accomplishing is work, shall we leave it undone'? In the and useful State, “It same th Nov. 1356 23, 2G-tf A. 31. C'ami>bt*il, VUCTIOXEER &■ C03I.VIISSI0N JIERCHANT, East .side of Gillespie street, F.VVETTEVILLE, N. C. October 1. 1855 said\Villiaiu Trice to appear at the ne-xt ter Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions to be jieicl j language ot oue of Our most able the Coiuitv of Kobcsuii at the Court House R"™: i yjjiiisters, an adopted son of our bertoii oil the fourth Monday in Augmst next ai u ^ undertaken 20 years ago, IJ^^lk^^ivonUti^him a^nl H/^rope^^^ on i but it is mit too late to begin to do right.” be condemned "to satisfy the plaintitls diinand aud ; I„ the last two or three month.s, a tanU 01 Costs. , ., ' about $5000 has been subscribed as a porina- Witne.ss .Shadr.ach Howell. Clerk of our «od g.^pjtal. At a meeting of the contributors ! held at Greensborough on the 14th of May, dining capSain, with great carving powers, and a miraculous flow of after-dinner oratory; and there will bo a flirtation captain, who.se business it will be to render the brief voyage still briefer to the ladies. The former has been a I’l'en- mason, who has eaten his way into all the hon ors of the craft, and who will hold lodges in the maintop, where the proximity of the fire from the chimneys will be highly coiivcniont for heating the grid-irons. The latter has been still more carefully sclcctcel and is a gentleman whom his wife is about to divorce under the new law, for tlie incompatibility of his red hair with her notions of elegance, and who, under the same law, will bo incapable of marrwiiig again. He will therefore'have been a family man, which makes him respectable, while at the same time his attentions can mean nothing. The spiritual welfare of ten thousand inhab itants of the vessel will be duly cared for. A very handsome church is being built on the after-deck, and four chapels, fur .Methodists, Baptists and Independents, are being erected forward A pretty rectory house and garden will be |i!aecd near the wheel, but it is thought well that the voluntary system should provide for the dissenting teachers, Ihongli in case of seasifkness during the services the sea-bcadles are ordered to attend everywhere with basins, without regard to distinction of religions faith or bringing up. Births and marriages will be amply provided for, the directors ot tne Great Eastern undertaking to be godfalliers to any addition made to the population during the voyage, (a silversmith goes out expressly to engrave the mugs,) and herccannclks may be had gratis, on application to the boatswain- The captain will act as father to any young (or other) lady who may succeed, by dint of moon light and Lord Byron, in persuading a gentle man to pay her expenses lor tiie rest of hei lile and a large vouiig oflicer is now growiii. fo'ntained in the following Extract? It is ta- .11 A 11 B L E FACTO II A', by geo. LAUDER. Nearly ciiposite to E. 1' • M Hikings Yuction Store O’jt. 1. 1856. I-ayetteville, N. C. y sECoyo sFRiyo stock. STARR rND~¥lLLIAMS Have now in Store their SECOND STOCK of Sea- tollable Goo*?. which they will offer to the Mholesa.e Trade very low for Cash, or on the usual time to ^Tb.'s-IaRIl'"''" j- M. AV1LLIAJI3. ’ M-Iy 2,*1857. 48-tf Life. 5 iM:ETriLllH SELF-SEALI3fG JARS. For pre.sirvlng Fresh Fruits and Vegetable.s. Tints .jrtfand HalFGallons, iH 52 40. 8340-^50^ per dozen, respectively. lor Also, Fresh Supplies of CHINA, GLxVSb- ■\VARK aud Table Knives. June 20, 1S57. ut ofticc ill Lumbertou the fourth Moiulay la a. D. 1857. sii .,ukaCH HOWELL Clerk. ! Kev. A. Baker, Chah-maii,—the Paper was un Ky 11. FUEE.M.VN D. C. , j,.,j,„Qqsly located at Fayetteville, under the July 4. 1857. 5S-6t I tjtig of the North C-vROLlva Pkf.s- UVTERI.VX. Rev. Will. N. Mebane and Rev. Geor've NIcNeill were elected Editors: Rev Messrs. George McNeill, Wm. N. Mebiuie, A. Baker and C. H. Wiley, and Messrs. George periods, an McNeill, Sr., John II. Cook and David Mur phy were appointed an Executive Committee to establish the Paper and manage its business afl'airs. , , X- It is our wish and design to make the North C.tRoi.i-x.i. Presbyterian a journal of the first class, equal to the best in the country in typo- ■rraoliicai appearance and in adaptation to the wai'its of our Chnrclies. Its columns will afford the latest intelligence, both foreign and ddnies- tic, and special care will be taken to give a full and accurate summary of State news. Ihe ! name of the Paper is designed to be on expo- ft-omthisHouse. , I pent of its character and contents. Prom con- C; Stei DORBIX IIOUSEJ POWERS & TROY, PioinietoTS. The Tropvietors of this Establishment an nounce to the public, that owing to U'C stantly increasing patronage extended to u^^Mtiiem. they have been induced to enlarge the ■vccomraodation by the addition ofiui e.vtensive acio.nmuu j Jjuij suite ot Rooms on the Uiiim WD)) a th"; pJ^lge thmnseu-es to an increased e.xertion to give satisfaction ‘‘’.Spacious'SUvbles attached and careful Ostlers in "‘The eibdhle location of the E.stahlishmcnt. with the • ^ F iin» 1‘ronrictors lu pvoYului^ loi tlic- comfort’ortheir patrons, they hopd will secure to them "S'^slmmmidS^S^Stagcsarriveatanddepart ken from the miiurks ot the cclcbratcri leiu- ^ perance Iccliirer Gough, iiinde al the late le.sti- cholera, iiioiiial iit the Philadelphia Academy of Music, on the “Blessings ot A\ ater: ’ ‘•'iVati-r! olq bright, beanlifni water for me! AVater! Heaven-gifted, earlli ble.ssing, flower- loving water! It wa.s the drink of Adam in the pnriiy of his Eden home; it mirrored baek the beautv of Eve in her nnliliishiiig toilet; it wakens lo lile again the crushed and lading flower; it eooLs, oh! how graletnlly, the [lareh- ed tongue of tlie feverish invalid; it falls down to us in pleasant showers trom its home with the glittering stars; it descends to us in feath ery storms of snow; it smiles in glittering dew- drops at the glad birth of morning; it elnster.s in great tear drops al night over the graves ol llio°se we love; its name is wreathed in strange iiri'dit orders by the sunset cloud; its name is brciitlied by the dying soldier, tor away on the torrid lie'd of battle; it paints old forts and turrets from a gorgeous easel upon your \\ intei window; it clings upon the branches ot trees in the frost-work ol delicate beauty; it dwells in the icicle; it lives in llio iHouiitain glacier; it forms the va|iory ground-work upon which God paints the rainbow; it gushes in imarly streniiis Iroiii the genlic hill side; it make; "lad the suiKiy vales; it muriiuirs cheerful songs in the ear ol the hniiible cottager; it an swers hack the smiles of imppy diildren; it kisses the pure cheek of the water-lily; it wan ders iike a vein of nioUeii silver away, awny to the ijistniit sen. Oh! briglit, 'ueautit^ul, health' insjiiriiig, lieart-gladdeniiig water h.icry \s lieie around us dwellelh tliy meek presence, twin aiv-el sister of all that' is good and precious ' here; in the wild forest, on the grassy plain I slnniberiiig in tlie bosom of the lonely nionn- lain, suiting with viewless wings tliroiigh the Imiiiid floating over us in eurtniiis ut more than renal splendor; home of the healing an gel wlimi his wings bend to the woes of this fal len world.’” “Oil water for me, bright water for me!” And wine lor tlie treiiuilo...i debaueliec!” fill iiorciipinc.’ Ittake.stwo table cloths to wipchisiio.se, and he generally feeds himself with a .scoop shovel and dung fork. AVhen he exerts liiinsclt hi a trip, he usually accumulates fourteen pounds and six ounces of lamp oil ami dirt ; and is not allowed to wash himself in any stream smaller than the AYaba.sh lor tear o. Once when old Jenks‘cused’him he turneit and wlii[)ped nineteen Irishmen out of revenge. Ik- has lo ride with his baek to the car and le: his toes .stick out over the platform, it being too narrow for the length of his feet. Ho great toe looks like a sea Inrtle's head, and hi.-, nose like a vonng robin held by ihe head with the big end down, brilliant and piled like a ripe strawberry ; his eyes have a twinkle of a good humor and a great fascination for the fair. Thu skin of his face lays in fold, like the skin ol a rhinocoros ; his teeth look like cogs in a mio wheel ; he has lo have his hat made lo order, and when he looses it, he wears a water bneket with the bail under his chin, lie will travel thissmumcr but can be seen for a few dajs at Sandoval, free of charge. He thinks he dca.l heads’ his living, lint the company secretly pays .Mr Ncrritt a dollar a meal. I’ncCry Sobered Bouc. ]’m thinking of the time,. Kate, when sitting b',' thy side, and shelling beam', I gazed o;i lliec, and felt a wondrous pride. In silence leaned we o’er the pan, and neither spoke a word, but the rattling of the beans, Kate was all the sound we heard. Tliy auburn cnrl.s hung down, Kate, and kissed thy lily cheek ; thy°a7.nre eyes half filled with tears, bespoke a spirit meek’ To be so charmed as I was then, had ne’er before occurred, when the rattling o' the beans, Kate, was all the sound 1 hear; . I thonglil it was not wrong, Kate, so leanin;, o’er the dish, as you snatched up a lot of bean I snatched a iieclared kiss. And a sudd, n shower made my cye.s blind, and I neither sa\. or stirred, but the rattling of the beans, Kate, IS THE lAUABlTEK it has long been known that the moon re volves on its a.\i.s in the same time in which it revolves round the earth, and that it consc- qiieiilv always present.s nearly the same side towanis the earth, while the oilier side is never lobe. No bodies of water nor kers and a brogue in order to act as a Lrolher, and demand inteiitioms, on application from any mamma. Cottages for the honeymoon are | „„ u,c „,oon by tlm aid of beiii- lilted up, larboard side, by Messrs JacK-1 pouerrid telescope, nor is the u\}[y.i- soii aud Grahauj, and will liave pi’i\ate tele-. direction ol stars ciooc to its edge changed ..-raohs to the kitchen, iiiglilingales, and Bell’s . py refraction, as would be the case ilaii atmos- 1 j enveloped the moon, lienee it luis been - ■ • W’hcwell, the re))iiled author of a was all the sound I heard. • .1 1 * ' inferred bv hcv\ ell, tne AVeathcr permitting races will take place at | work entitled “Of Plurality of AVorlds,” d the Great Eastern Derby . ||^m[i,iy,;|,i,(;re or water, and, will be a feature in the voyage.—Once round . (.omseqneiitiy, no iiiliaijitanls. third of a mile, the heats 1 the vessel being a third ol a i will be easily arranged.—A moveable^ Gia . y.-die iiiooii’.s motion, eontimied "ari-ia-os in attcnJance on arrival and departure oi: advodate tlie comsorvative, or- ['im Roak 1,“ed‘at"ny‘’nTS^^ Old School doctrines and order ot the ,r?es ' 5: „|-t,hc;idiacentcountryil Church. , , -- Ed" ' ' -- -■ 1856. 98-H Fayetteville. May 12, 55-tf Valuable Lanrt for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his entire lands, iiicln din.r aiiont eight hundred acres, lying fifteen iiiiles above Fayetteville and five miles from tlie month ot lower little river. The land is level and healthy and well adapted to farming; th6ru is about one hundred ind fifty acres cleared and under a fine state of cnlti- -•■vtion I will sell it all together or in small tracks to ■mit purchasers. For further partictlars apply to the ;^tecriber on the prem.sc^^^^^^ WALKER. 19. ‘-R' ■ J.-?^s erS^TH. Costin JAMES c. SMITH CO„ Com/iiis.iio'H jS'IeTcfiMils, Hare removea tjieir offici^o the second story of the building formerly occupied by the Telegraph Company Yvhere they are prepared to attend to all business iii the Commission line. , All business entrusted to them will be punctually attended to. lyilmingtoB. October 1,1850 y SPRING STOCK, 185/. B. MOORE. AVhoIcsalc Grocer and Commission Jlerthanf. Has jnst received in Store. Ol.) Darrels AVliiskey and Brandy, "if, - and hhds. of Sugar as.s td- 75 Sacks Rio Ootfee, 201) •* Salt. 50 boxes Soda biscuit. _ Caudi.'s Soaps, Candles, Smifi. Cigais, YC. . AU of whic-h will be V dd on libera terms. JIarch 14, xXtIOXAI. police G-VZETTE- Chuioii. .y. Oiu-first appeal is to our own people—to xN C Pre,sbyterians. Whilst wc rely confiileiitly upon their favor, wc trust That the native sons of North Carolina who have found homes in other States, and the adopted citizens of our State who form so important an element in our ^Ministry and membership, will take a deep^ interest in this enterprise, and give it then hearty support. , Terms: $2 per annum in advancc,_or on de livery of the first number; $2 50 in six inontiis $3 at the end of the year. To clubs of xo oi^ more, paying in advance and when the 1 i is sent to one address, a discount of 10 pci icent. will be allowed. Onr .Ministerd anti I Elders are earnestly desired to act as Agents, ! and all others friendly to the cause will jilease Stand is beiiPJ ton. cominodn on c „ _ ed with awning and ordered to cruise at some distance, in order to insure privacy. Tne Betting Act not applying to the high seas, an office where the odds will be giien will be under the snpcrintendeiicc oi the imrser. Other anuiscmeiits will be provided, an Ameri can alley and a skittle groniid bciii Trouih.e .vmono TiiK J[ETHonisT.s.—There r- a terrible dillicnlty among the Methodists f. the AVesley Chaiiel, at Indianapolis. An ii - novation, to some of tlie members ot Uio cliuu:; intolerable, has been decreed by those who ex ercise the ‘‘little brief authority” ol ihechurcl,. The innovation is nothing less nwlul and wretch ed than the promiscuous seating of the congrv- "•ition Timt is, the ladies and gentlemen a: e not to lie anv longer constrained to separate in the house of'God, but aie to be perniiUed to take seals proiiiiseiiou.sly. To a large niim iir of the old folk.s, this is Uie most horrible ol lior- rur-' The result is a division ol the chnrc;.- Poiir of the members piibli.shed in the Indian. •ilKilis Journal a card, explaining the iiialur li the imblie. TI.ey set lorlh that the mode ol seiiaratin-- tiie se.xes in the church is the go. w old Htvle---llinl they have found in it no i.ra. ‘ •' regard * ‘ moon, therefore, is a vast, _ . ranee or mounUiiii, seventy-lour miles hign ; and any fluid, wlietlier air or water, would flow downwards from the nearer to the lartiier side of moon, where, for aught we know, intcl.igeiit living beings may exist. Tlie nearrer side ol rUc moon cun.iot.be inhabited, at least by beings situated to whose existence air and water are essential, on the poop, and a s,,arc boiler being fitted up ns is the ease with all terres Hal a aim. s. as a ciino into whicli boiling water will not. The late celebrated maU.enmteun^-^ be turned without such notice a.s may be prac-; p.-oposed as a. means of set In. « R" “ ’ A theatre is ill cour.se of erection, and whether tlic moon is iidia.MtCu, that a nii„e author will be keiit in ,„onuiiieiit should be erected on the steppes ot slate any'Siberia, as a signal to the inhabitants ol the ' ■ ' ' a snot endeared y ticable. an English dramatic the hold, with a safety-lamp, to Iraus expanded 1 e'luulg^'y all legal ...cans and must g- el..,ewhere. They asked that the sULemen.,, which follow iniglil be spread upon the diurc.. records. Refu.sed llicir boon, they rush into print a.s follows : 'To Her Jumrs JliH, I'rcarhcr iii dtargr^ TI eshy Choiiei Indianiqiolis : The iiiidersigiied, members of the Metliodi.-t Episcopal Church, connected with the .socicl,. at Wesley Chapel, Indianapolis, are unable to conform lo the innovation recently introduce', into the mode of worship in lliat house-, and i. ■ gard it as a departure from usages long cstai.- lished, under which we haic not only enjoyo Tills Grea* Jeurnal of Crime and Criminals is in Us ; pi-ocuring as many subscribers as possi- TJelfih Year, and is widely circulated throng forward the names, by Angud LvI, to country. .It contains all^Hiejreat^Ttmls. ^Cnm subscribers a.e Lounuy. K,iitftrinls on the same, to-' mis v^iulc. xlo -.. j .1,0 1)C found in any otlier ncwspaiiei. Tsai, Subs. Months, to bo — ..., writetheirn-amesandthctowu.couutyandstatennete.m^.s UL„iii Gi.v t ^ Innsf. JiOOU. any oti.er neivspa,)".. _ . „. , faithful and vigorous effort is made ill scriptions. $2 per Annum; ol for »-x months by those Hho take a lively inttresl 80 l^em.Ucd by kubscribers, i nthW work we will without doubt, be able to vamesandthctowujcounty aiiastatewheic a tliu Vi* +Le of that tune .0., ,1“ “rSpi,; iiS.(«’»»», ^ Addi“es.s, Editors of the North Carolina Presbyterian, P’ayetteville, N. C. June 6,18:57 ly Payettoville, May 20, 1851 To R A SEYMOUR. Editor nnd Proprietor ot the National Police Gazette. New Y'orl: City. ly vacant cveiiing.s with being converted, on mod-p.q .success inasmacu a= ;";,orcndea"rcd t.; ns '.y^ many pleasing recu - -’•ate terms by anv pa.ssengcr who may be ; moon, il there aie ain, 'ui o lections; hut we hold that the entire freedo. . t . iiYss'iomrv and wish for practice i spie, could never see a monument on the cm ill , seats in onr churenes can only’ be pi - going out as a j be uninteresting to add. that it to ^ separation of the sexe - ■ ; dealing with 1.^ >’oen discovered, within a few years, by- charge for leading the ea..didate.s for the means of long coutinned, hourly observations with the barometer, tliat the moon exert.s an appreciable influence on the pressure of the at- and also by means ot long contiiine their also being arranged great Eastern Club'had better send in ^ names. Trade, moustaches, political opiiiioii?^ whistlimr, a short pipe, the habit of asking questions. Pusyism or a pug nose w.l! excludes. Cabstands will be place at the most conven ient parts, of the ship, and tables of fare and mospliere ; -j - . ,, magnetic observations, that it excits an in cnee on tlie declinatiou of the nia.gnetic neti —Boston Courier, served hy aiilicring to a separation ■mil that inconveniences and diseoniforls wliat is called promiscuous scaling, instead .1 nermitting it to serve as a compromise betwe. ■„ a separation of the sexc.s, and the c.xclusivenc--: of pew.s, will necessarily and speedily lead u> the latter. AVe, therefore ask that our IctU ' be made out as soon as con’.enieni. [Signed by sixty-two pcr'ons male.! ma'e ana

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