THE HORTH ll.e T!ic Senih asaiu^t lUe Sorih. ...,.hh,^tou States expose Utc Soiitlieni opposit'ti'' tr --n, atal theif "* "'‘•' w'e kao«- the value of the aid which cut to the Democratic party—It r-outh ha, Iiichmoud South, wheu i' es\hat in tl,e last, Va -.v -re ir»m tiie South, and :;’',:h^j:, ;V:.'x„.'ih. 'nm pr.mornou . ''‘•"'.,'t'''ie'''iuilh and but U from the ;::;dJ;eu of timsefetv, hoid^^.- „„ ..ontoMrf „ S;ht, ,e- rau. '"T « frcrui'at metallicl A terrible affair look \ school Teacher Cut to Pieces in Texas. ■I y fftif tnnk nlacc about oigbtiui-eSj A terrible afcii. yenlins ceiuau. Safety, pisssm (uas been shown in some eui^iaK'witi. the N, lie \ ,-iii 'I'iu' oroportiou iVeriVoin all taint, and could nevei far ddferent. 1;;|:; disease-rendering !),n,oerats: o> "'''-'‘"I piercing and fumigaliou o .t I vpplied to Bank Bills, it is highly ^ , 11 r Morton of Ciucinnatti caught the [£'£t::i‘i;;:So^trja^:it:rc:^^ •- [sons. A. letter says: , ,- Howard’s son, -Moore “ndertook to cha ^ ^ about 12 years “'‘J- ^ ° y book. H ilauguage m a you ,, ,. uve blows with Lad%truek theboybutfouiiOiihie [a switch, wheu the - -. qJ* them ;• t£S«''ii" i»"^ "f "" fci,ra!S;iaw ‘If: a hs:™.... It-is tune that the lync j, ceutly taken place >'^ , tribunals of the right names, and t»o '®o' the raa- Istate hy the punishment of the pet who Lve ^1.0 Die laws m^own hands. The ''angiiig o Win ^ ^ Montezuma, was as oul a-m u^^ l>"^^^’:;mit:u:^cleeisiou^f^heJt.t r"^'t'£e"^lir Uit''tu"a regularly or- OUIi MOSAIC „L WORK. •^nV labo;hasjmt bemi m-un.” himself tiic^old eotirt-house, where the pris-l t t • _ 1 *. r... * /^111 rs,r-- and secreting himself beh J - S:tr^.;^d’,ne:SStixfeetinlm.^. High rmcE for 'Pobacco. -^J; j^^^sdav’last.] ,was sold in Lynchburg, ‘, ’ hundred alarly or-|^ror one hundred and mx of Pittsyl- men pro-|lt was grown by Mi ihos. TIIC XOUTU CAUOLIXIAX- FAVETTCVILLK, N. C. SatuiiWiy, Aiisust 8, l8aT. W31. y- wmitt'-n.v-v, eoitor. C McOui mmkx is our duly authorized the collection of all clahns due llus otface. _ ,.d votes conhl be omameu ... y- ;a^,f .lienee, ami we .or tin- opposition in ;!u‘ pir-on ® ' |,„eets the eye oftl M-e' -mTce too, with //-' . ;.,“.t'-..veu lign.-es do iiotsi.ow how lai !,. the s’ren -th of llm Denio.-ratie p.n'ly oopvnd •■.Po'i the t^onlh, an.f that to appreciate it tain. . riubt remember that UieSimthis^mpa. a, llvelv constant in her principles, ^cra ie I'ti! election. l’..ic:iaiian , I®—^th a hrgeiand the ;y had prevH an net as a safeguard to Cmiold man rusued into thejo^us^^^^^^ bmf i« the suburbs of the town.; es us rejoice in the progres»|dirk pocket bp:'„.‘i,bp that he was then near-|ously pt 1 , [ , adhering to the customs lii Sl."l It >l>i‘ ^ M«»r» l.»d. ■'''.'•I ,f''' ,'," r,, .W...?by .>«1»»«' Ivania. ,x , w,....L Os-.. o»y»-r"!,EC-“'* .....s $1 per bushel. s. Paof Seeiio—a lioardiiig house. Lbel. Hare yy i,ave you a pieced to the hiiidloid - “Yvs, si>-, wel of steak there that is ‘n_Diek—“well ^ i .vc mu leu . L,ve a very good steak to dat • D-® | M e l e b-,e jtliat^s I’arc cuouj^u* jvausJ&- I , /inmn- TO AWVEBTISURS ..rtiiii !iniiit.*li«ktc jiiSDrtioii tif tlioir Persons desnw on;-^--';., thcrSI.AV (.‘'"r- , ‘n „ot .ipiK'ur unnl .Virf!-:itNOO.N,otlieini.c tlic '-'tve int'bl ^ a rule u-itiwvt [this in mmd—as wc lai-uu (•eption. — ^ iV.-TUl. l-UESl»r.\T.-lHE SOITH. M^ Ji'veimt few words to say ni refereiiee Js. Consul at Bristol, to makeSiiist struggles he r“ASStSt:t:psa=iS-:i5v5ip? |Cou'pauy,,il from the press. |four i.iehes long bud _to^B e J and|ei;ime ^ = I tiireateued tol T)ecliuc.-Tii i UC puui*xr _ro! F B Ogden, U.^^hiect Notoriety hunters and brawling dema- ■hlgland; died on the ^th| failed as yet, to provoke a senou ^;PaPutedby f Death of a Consul.- ,c party me.e - In' the Presiden-I ® f „„ ,„.auers affecting the bus.uessl,.an twenty od, 1 . ip,t ,he Southern States voted probably the best authorityl^^s lar-e nniiovities. while a change^, It sav-i: . n, ,....1" r.nchanan, for simply carrying out t, ® id ^ ■ of the Cincinnati Convention,. ‘ " ® f be accused of j;): ;^,e WgS S^vrfoVus; and it holds the following '“Tim faWc t?lls us of a fox, who being so uu^ fo -nnato as to lose his tail, empioyo.l his wit , distiu-bing the rest of the reynainl himily to oriuimentui appombi^G- four inches long and to 1;® ,, “,3;-- ondferime. Again ne was ..u.,^ - ,;-,,„.,,teued to’ fesH¥S|tls=fis=s l.r. .oi-A' Fri -r.-iT.':^ - -• ■aiisfered to Bristol. b,p.-;s.t'r.:p ..h one ill Poweshiek.—-Z^^^css 0..... D.di.,.-T.i. ,...,.1.;;;™ Iciir.i Cl.... P.... .1 are, at I.'.., [ling so liigh, for so lOng ■ ’lower, and Ithe decliue. bi''',',tiaUv s^aid, will be much low bds^Ml^'Sm^o.-op everywhere, is imugiiiticeiit. I I !IU Lf5 . , cts «=r'T:£,,fp. 1. ller the patent of Messrs. Glynn A Apmi ra , hope ot ue.i located at Chieago,| >• N?!-lrlSl,r“:l*.rerre.;»P-.r «.« a, ,1,1, ...d ;«■ 1"'.'." ” x'f v«'i. ill*'-denaiionauzeu ^i»c'‘ ’’‘“o » ^ . ‘ uaUonalize themselves as Know NotIiin,.,s, but there was not sufficient virtue in the new name to change the nature and'inberent tendencies'^ the old Federal material. '1 he same cauke Srolitioiiism-tliat corrupted the old M ,g o ^ gauization, broke up its Know S =^--1 1 sor This opposition party, conscious tl at it Tas no reliable allies at the North, that a 1 wlm have hitherto co operated with 11 m that se , tioii have become thoroughly abolitiouized ai lone over to cast in their desperate fortunes ” *.1- T^i.niihlipan nartv. vi for wedded me. a“..j ..''ir'M .‘imnnie Lau &b?..=Tpo«S'”B I The Crops -From all parts of the conulry L'lmve'^fiire aeeouuts o'^'^ :;’'-be"ci:;uc-\‘d -It is stated tluu|Xt,',^,,b Vegetation, "'‘;’‘’btbd‘'wiir thf £„j=s;;.^==..:d^bbori Iplentiful iiiid cheap, appeals at last iliaiid. P:;i;b;:u upon tills Ruestiou The p-i- ilent moves calmly and steadily on, u th J . fed firmness and self-reUaneo, niiniindful of the imise and clamor of obscure poht.eiana and excitement mongers, bending no eai to .1- denons demands of party eonventions. an^ dolikeiiotafewof his predecessors, l.eed ig Le in-esiimpluous dictation of no factions eabah ' tIic Whigs and abolitionists demanded the recall of Soule. Soule was promptly recal.ed. i The entire South, with good J nanded the dismissal of Reeder. M Imn Kec- C "llld no longer be retained without the ,nost palpable violence to southern feeling and C-est hewas dismi.ssed. Geary attemp ed Ithe Reeder game on a more systematic and less violent plan: but tl.c South demanded, very fnvorab . , .lenuallv good. AXever b j" •'V' H'.' 'S."”'" r‘'l“dRsoteruiideV the bed, iu anything thatL known' to he! \Veak-headed and taint-hearted. >“® ^kit;l-uiD-liter-liouses, Sluk?, au'i . I- vtf.tvin Quebec. Tlieiice they euibarkedl3.,,“ive putrid gases dissolve Ivith several hundred other emigrants on a n'isprinkle it about, and 11. a teu^days kt::v"n«'^th::rsie:mirw:rth;d;-fatei|2r:h^ f-f" Moidreahandof the six betrothed maidens, iiirtbund either fiery or watery graves. The Ul manner of fraud or on worldly|vin prove ''^Kansas affairs were then left in such a chaotic Bogus Liter.vRV Dkgkees.—Quite a l)iisincss3j.Q||,iifioi,_ so entaglod, dUeoid.iiit aii ® ll,as been carried on in London ‘D’some « it ' ,.g.^i|y seen^ “b'' " 1 and swindlers, who have notified '■“■"-"'’“^lEoenimaii could so combine ihe conflieting soc a and l,ueii that the degn'ees of b. IJni-lpolitical elements in ihis distracted tcrrito.} as L,.roduee,uietandresto.peaeea.M^r„^y L«riL/«r localities 1.1 Wilmington, as 111 any|_^^ n„t Mr 1 . 1 _ trtv.rtnft [otherplaceTirtiie thirty-one Stat®s. 'I''“® ;;;fii, a late uum-ivL^iir’ ' ■ isarybndthat speedily.-Rtf- o-oue over to eaisi. m - ^ « SS.nrir.*:/;sv. ™. i™-p nicv that has any claim to be considered al ^ prevent photographs and anasta T.,„,;s-a dnns were -one but kind-hearted women| natmnal party. For years its speakers a^l.P^ transfers or alterations.-Ka, fc''Mou real supplied her abuiidamly when ioarnals have been industriously engaged in thel ^ W. / . iat Monlii ‘ ‘ g- gtory. Eventually iffo t o convince the people of the South t’.at|«',^ b AMERicxx S.vFErv-PAPEB C°' '®y ^ rles“on, and in a late num-, thrNUern Democimts are no more reliablel .-gg ggo. shares $10 ®-;;7;3»® CHi-S Wbun® f>>®‘’® siSsslpiiiif* strength ot the Democracy consists 111 its o„r office, and examining specimens. ^^^^^|trajtcd I *® ,pust have been of purpose, its consentaneonsneM of opinion 01 pajp. , nrii.einle. however wide Lilia '' . igth olthe iiemoeraey eo..=.=.o ... .... ."■■••--■at our office, and examining °i7.'-."”".-^„„rarPs' of onruose Us consentaneonsness of opmion.|^, .,^ f pjgrchants, including their sigiiatuies^ rdevotioii to principle, however "b®r "f, 3'“rfectly imitated that the signer :,part its members may be, they seek J'PP|®|i,iniself will be unable to '^'®*'°^® I''® , - hv strikiii"- at the very source of tssll,,„.ai,„er can Railroad bonds with tiiui sFren^th In vain we tell them that the II®"’'igp„pous Bank Notes, and, in short. ®''®'y ‘‘’j ocratie party is the “["‘t ier-‘ o.Mitioiiism and luceudiartsiu in tlie North 1 | i,iiid of paper now in u.e, tan P® J’° P ,1 ;aTn we remind them that every other P® y ''4e/t,y i.uitaled, that 1.0 person, h®^®;® .'ae North is thorouglily unsound. I® '®"' ''® jgau distinguish the original from the copy. proGuce record evidence to show them tliatj®, ^ pfimir duplicated, pi own hereavdd indeed. Jfw MrE D Lane, which struck us Ll now in*in> iia*'.' [this bait, but Mr Dallas has had >'»" ®'’ jquiries touching the Ruekeiisaek Lniieisit). I Two little girls, who rejoired in play-houses, L„d ra-babies became dissatislied when tht) found tlic babies’ faces -so easily ®o;'®^- iio uovhpfl Those were not the kimt 01 'babies surely; and they both knelt down to iretheV while the elder one ffe';o'‘l'y P'’®)’®''-, fver and over again: Lord! 0. Lord! gje me a baby! Lord, please to give me a baby \meat!” -the Boston Times of A Marrying k'TbTRcv!'"sobastiau Streeter, whose Uth birthday occurs this day, which is also the oOth lauiiiversary of his wedding day, asseits that Itlie whole number of marriages f‘®"'"'f,'f.l^iare liim to beaffiliuling. Ihimiii Boston, -his recaH U demanded laaii sixly-ninc! May the Lord foij Ithe misery he has caused. . ieanal to the best, if it be not, ii.aeeu, um vv.j, Di’EiSES IX 4xiiiALS.-Dr Richardson stateslRgst, that has made its appearance 111 L us m , jtbat fe Di^k^lTg; o?‘tuti!;ua;r''The produce to the acre is above the avera^ bt?ti:::rl.i:theuutiSi?ofaR«eruomu/ f one of the lirst plivsicians lu lutiiclad, unsound. In vain "■®i“'''--'i,;;j,',2uish the orinnal from tlie copy. AAoJjpat when the ehulera ''died'bi|iyaerM'^'^*We don’t believe tliat_ tlie_ ®^®‘'®g®j pToiu^eVecord evidence to show them is site from being duplicated pery wfJig,and, monkeys wild an^^ TraveUers|even of the English farming districts is highe wUhouttheaid of the Northern it is written on the paper which thelgreat nurabeis fiomt stagelaor the quality of the gran, equal. ■ ^ LEGEXD.-When reminded of then Tevas would never have been annexed ?’jv,pr.jcan Safety-Paper Manufacturing Com-lfoQnd them dea .1 He says, more-1 The agricultural capacUy of jjcc'nlwant of progress in agneulture and manii ac SiiuECida would not have been admittedlAmer.eau_^bam^y^^^J^^^^^, m '"“''S"®"*;pox wheu|B„tteru parts of North the Spaniards relate a legend that .D am to 'the people This more than difficult task was allotted to Robt. J. Walker, upon whose experience in public affair-s commanding tici and countryNvide patriotism the president lhad and still has, the most confident reliance ‘ liis first efforl to accomplish the very objet If his appointment, namely, to reconcile coii- Iflieling parlies, to soothe irritation, to quiet Ipopular agitation, and, by granting a \cry little, to gain a great dcal-this initiative s.ep towards the acco.npUshmeiit of a result w Inch 1,0 other action would have produced, is vio- lle.itly deiionneed, his motives assailed, his Iputriotism questioned, nay even denied, and Iwhile he is with equal bitterness and rancorous hostility denouiieed and decried by the very ineii witli whom his southern denunciators de- ;,7the i-equisites neeessauy, and|u.e same us in that of t..i".;iLV“iiy •'sssi”- kx ™.“S« ."i "■'".i 0" cy; these perverse mmn w u y againstl soatbern Cannncrcial . : ,|”'uns and elsewhere, were most strikins. Bar-] close their ears and^biid ^heire^y^s^ .M the Southern 1805. cats bega.i to dr them. Their effron^ry x-.?«fK«rn oIHas Ir^ i.«? to be held at Knoxville, Tenn.,jly covprplv and fata sources or mi.u. "uodicslmiss-oncd to.conauct nim. v/u - 7- land there may be, but theie . . theithe iiatriarch hastened to his native earth; bat] which would produce not only coni ^ractslso changed, so strange all seemed to him that [cereals, wheal iiieluded. Iber® exceediii'dy|hc felt at home nowhere till he came to I ortu- ricn. IIILIC til'll , leans and elsewnere, ivui. ..... ^ Jrich There «‘’® "of-ailuviumlh-ere; every thing here is just as I left it.’ outcry almost passes beiiei.| Tbe Meeting m Teim I y iu’june 1805. cats began to droop au^d die,|niarl, and coii _^^ renewal or “i/Tk to their Northern allies,|Cot.yem;,ou is to be held at Knoxville, le.m..j.y _ affected. • 1 .... TU.nvf n*at*o nntil ■’ ’ - , Th7se meu. -ho s^ck to t e. > prtnern thoroughly ab^tionized y butlaot heard of a single movement of any kind l‘^Tth?ru'^o°to-rover''to the Black Republi-lhaviiig beeu made i.. North Carolint fails-^^thesentei. affect to sneer at the sound ness of the Northern Democracy, who have braved everything-political “es soeu. position, and personal danger ®7 “ ^ “le support of the Constitution and tl e ''h®'® ®' ~ ■ Such impudence is reaHy amazin„. [having been made in North Carolina, towards lliaving the State or any portion thereof rep lescnled at Knoxville. , . , i 1 Now East T’eiinessce is a beautiful and ro- Imaiitie'eouiitry, and well worth seeing^ Kno.x ville is a handsome, public spirited and gi-nviug ' The rotite, either by way oftlic \ iiginin •*■ .A .1. nnrl i»pnn>-ia CJdo": X.’r;;i;''sererely and fatally' affected -* Next year cats were again affected, n® «®’'i as rats. Many of the cats died numb and lor- 'pid while others were seized with delinum and, ipukiiig. Even fish and oysters are known at^ Itimes to participate in the same calamity. In 'IHIS flies were found dead in great iiumbeis in the uMheallhy parts of tlie . Iter, in addition to dogs and inon-., . . leryi lost a great part of his flock and alino=t| Ithe wi.Me ceased to give milk. At New Ui- withstanding h.s famous E bill.lsomething over forty miles °f their hoofs dropping off, and calves with standing bis opposition 1° I"® ; ^ himlroads will probably give return ‘“’^ets to the|wi i _ -brttqey” of sheep lit Scot-anon, sail,eu ou. ...... the pardon 7®^ J curlldelc"atc.s, Some will frank them both w‘‘5“-| ®;',!,7nia-0QS to the affection lant Ueseribed.lfeet i.i cireuuiferenct. to the slave stealers 111 this Dis , Nor-lTliere will be a lively time in the mountain cityjla ^ ‘ ,.nr,i„, n nt Grenoble not . swal-lbulky to w'alk togetlr their lips and turn up their at siicfi .xoi jiiieie wn. the immortal titeir lips aim 1 Knehaiiaii. Judge: them Democrats as Douglas, and their 1 have devoted their live; their country! ing less— s^vanian. vill be a lively time in tnen oui.tai.i o .j . iio-ht may be obtained of' the iinmortall o . ^ __ ■„ »np iltia rnimflS! ICl IS aiUnU”UUO .;v/ ‘'..V. , During the cholera at Grenoble ^ ns''jameV''Bncha...ui, Judgelaud a sight may be obla.neu ®‘. r7';7'[3|iow was to be seen; but these bird ...,. Sui\'hyJocrty^fbfit\ 'rbiskei'ffislid “trbe“pSty| »TE LIDPIE PLACR B0SV.» -is as absurd as it is.cnminal. en 1®^ and the people kiiow| gy gotleib iLw to appreciate it. There will, no doubt, !• I ..t. nf rmud rendering them easier of renewal o | for the iNCRE.tsE of fer Hization It is known that no lands suffei|p^^j^^^^^^3,_^^ correspondent o the New, Lss from drouth. They do not bake. lhey|Ym.;. Evening Rost, in answering this iiiquii j, -iie well and do not wasli. The ferliliziiig P‘7|ti,us speaks a timely word for the women. He ^ nviag 111 I Outrageous Assault ox Hoops.—A conpleM to blame for these. Look at the expenses - r , ■ ..,,,1 hiiirslof well-meaning but thoughtless young l-aiesj fashionable dress, brandy, mint the iiffcctioinantMeseribed.lfeet m cirennifeiencu. tlieviwhieh side would preponderate. I • oble not. swal-|btilky to walk together with cone g^Jtkat the fault in extravagant living P®‘''’‘'Ks birds reappci«T;4isep!irated, taking difleieiit s ^ g„terlt.he whole community, both sexes be.iig equally "them was so unfortunate,, howevei, . TO„,.p8to blame Even our funerals here become so a'..eality abounding with juveniles, who J®'®B hardly afford to die. YoU; speedi-iy agape, i irst they stared at the s« women are as care- land at eaev other; then one, more impaaeiita entering into matrimony with the [than the rest, v^ntored a “hoop, hoiip, hurrati . nsunwilliiiir to make them- mow to Bpprct;iiAi.c in. ;ii„ ' Pprliatis al “Chon, you recklenieinper dat «r India ta Croat Brttain.—Enoraioas Ifje pleasant people at Knoxville. mnnis Ihonv I pyed mit the bedlar next Balance of Trade against England* Ibig dinner Several speeches, crowded rooms.|bony,lpye ^ •When fiirares are made to represent facts.lggj pttle sleep the trutl. they reveal sometimes becomes ap-» ■ • Ilow much noble blood has alieadj liddle plackj veek?” ' t, 1 1 ” a nine Sleep. -niid ■ “Notiii>-s, only I gits sheatcd burdy pact. g.i .ppQsjtp sme; imi muuiyme uiuiuucu imss , ™„.n..... w L»tLoippe™U.'d“'"»'“ ’,,p| CBt D.AoJn.Lrte Wlo.luf troni Ml Fo.B'tl.e iVAtO, re-,,,ia„.. .o ; - wrath that seems to haAe posse B throuirh Little Rock. Severa B - kicks no pefore so vurserasa ^kack-Bj.jjg yew York Sun is about the best thing offlLe* y ^ , . . y^jej-stoodB- ennh nn issue that we cannot epneeive how best native troops in British India the 1®' y^Xions will be passed-big bills paid at him a liddle rite yeBter-^gg,, we have read for many a day. , Thrarran™t ofl new TrLt" thel only brother of the Lord Mayor of London l^iann or her V't’S'"'® j,,„,.,,J;|niixed up mit eferydinks, I yints minezelf zit 1 Igjggjy verda/t that ca-ition on t ® P h f 3,14 the flood of the revenue pour-|baiiner ot disiiiiioii to the breeze and call the Sngedthegay and splendid decorations ofisfie has been at that too long-W rl.. P ,kvards. mit his dad tn mine '’®"‘|entirely.^d aside Grom.y was le^dyj^^^^^^ I,osts of the south to the rescue. But believing the princely mansion of that functionary, de-l „ yg of the Horses.—Wel pyidie” mit him?” ^ n. d he wanted a n-ood pre-i It was suggested some time ago by G®®-! g „.g 40 honestly and with the best lights be- i-is'-s^rs..p.- fc:?;”*“”• “T and domestic affliction. In the Bengal Harkarnlter of J u y readers will recollect: ii,iteli him in to cart mit his dail vere liis ''®® igold watch of the sbaipers, in order os 1 1,^ j .^.^hout buyiii.-' it It will be .nccessa-lof James Buchanan, we shall yield to his at ^f M^y 19th we find the details of tlmlname may^^ ,,^^3^3 f» '‘^ught to pe; den I gife him apout ®o “ fo his wife as a d®-^^ pur^ase--en^.e^ Uhe ^090^ negotiations, toLi„igtratioi. ‘‘fctopa^M^xleoahandsomesuinofm..J,,_T -,.i,.fni.eflnieiits arrive fromlthe w puiu UI. UPI.CI, - - r entering into mairiuimiy than the rest, VGutured a “hoop, hodip. huuah ■ as unwilling to make them- -others followed ^'.ek s.nccession; I’®|X3*®y;tehed\y marrving thriftless and dis- Iflirnno-of urchins swelled ui A.wik: lady s wake;*^®*'^'-^ , j , o land at last one of them ran behind, gavel-sipated young men. | Itim erlnolinc a push, and-tffiit it sailing aloft oni , m,Mexico.—A new and at last one 01 tiieui mu -up ueniuu, g, Itlie crinoline a push, and-tffiit it sailing aloft on: Ithe opposite side; bnTfinallythe monifled Miss' I 1 o fi>i'nnfllTr ctorp Rpmnvnd her 1 A New Treaty with Mexico.—A new Treaty with Mexico will, it is believed, soon be palling. negotiated. • , k„ Many ot the restrictions wh eh now exist Pe- tweeii the two countries will be removed. T hci L., 1-* .1. ■vf.. 'Cy^t.dTti-io pffpi'tpfl w •His recall is demanded by a convention of wire-pulliitg seliemers, who, we contend, do not ^rem-eseiit the eonservatisiii, the patriotism, the 'intelli'>euce of the masses of the people. Ihc L-es;deiitis*hreateiied; the administration is Wm-lit to be bullied into measures; Mr Bucli- 'ana:. is vanntingly assured that if he refuses 'accession to the demand “the same gun which !is levelled at Waker will be turned against the 'administration.” What wonder is it that the Ipresident’s resolution to support and sustain Walker with all the prestige of his sanction and all the power at his command is strengthened and rendered doubly i.osilive? ‘ A ml if it is mic that Walker is a-traitor to [the constitiilioiial rights ol the South, an I la he is upheld in that treachery by the presiden what is the course which it behooves the south to pursue? If Mr Biiehanaii is untrue to his oath and to the .south, in the name of southern |ii"-hts, the constitution and the country, where lare w’e to look for a man into whose hands we Imav entrust our honor, oiir privclcges, our [inslitutioiis? In the know nothing ranks. Tliere is not a sensible man in the land who [will not .scout sneh an idea. Among the black Irepublicans? The question carries its anstver with itself. Wliere then shall we go when Mr Biiehanai. fails us? Aye. that is the question. 1 In our opinion, if Mr Buchanan proves untrue to the South, there is not another man living who will be true to us—and should we ever become convinced of tlie fact that such is the lease, our voice, feeble and unavailing tliough it [may be, shall Le raised for the severance or 'every tie which binds us to the confederacy, [and we sliall never again be found an advocate |of a national party or a national president. k.q I . . 1 liP niir rtwn CO THE H«\. JVS. r. '1 - Id A. 'ai.iiiM ■ :1 *■ A citizo I : c inchiiiclioly int' Ibaeij I eirry pan Ot tim co ■ il |'''■.■•ted expressiotis of lOi . 'I have live!'. ev*'keil wli'ri I u;",vs of t’: ■re 1, . reil.rere '1 -. si I in niAnn 'Ag; t u 1 fi" a t F. •‘"'1 ‘revPre !;i .rt fl i-L a , I .'n, !(• . :if Ii'a- w!i ■ ’ •pi.. .i VVill, a: “1 I- I-C I eminti'.i.’s goot:- A- bin '■ ::5 . . ■ - / . ’ . i.iri ■ 'tf I tt fiiDill.«■ i t r- .diiiit, ivl..;..' Msclien:- Hi ,'iuinentlv -i;;- 3^1' '^*The^atest betting was 10 to I Giatl ° ^ ^ fiitecow; he starts lo go, put sosooiilg^j3|__gjgppg4 ont of another do„. " loffet touav Mexico a handsome sum of money,* . ai ,,rof tlmm will the Goodwood Coo, andl,,^ 3^^ ^art pefore him he makes P®®k'v«^^;|havpers have not seen him mnee. ffhan?ffir 1 nnreLffited trade, the ultimatef'*® “ o 1 that you cannot name either of them a»|pardy soon he stumbles pehint, “''t ®‘I® I.i -robbery—The Portsmouth Transeript|benefit of which to the United States, as welllpalnmniators been, and may P7*>^'’'y a'rrivrfromKhe'winner. It is thongl.t that tlian|o„ bis hanches. “''t o®>-^ 'k® J out.lhafinforraation to the effect, that on Tlmrsdaylas to Mexico, cannot be tqo liighly estimated.lano 111 so doiii, least until powerful reinforcements arrive iruu.| Arsenal was, butf barnped mit himzeif. Hen I Odaes nmi u .^gas iniorraauuu^^^^ _ ^ RnsJ ^at n lVM,r ■tnilv rei>resen Great BritL. is not the only ®'^airdWerS ^ -'o'®. I"® nnv n SSi Bast India possessions entail “P®" . o:|p;„gUsU trainers think the American hoiseslg^, good as anypodys hanj, -^Porlfirs bpinl n Her tremsure is poured out almo P . Bbave bnt little chance to win. The race-eoursea^^^^ ■ffively as her best blood n,prelof the Goodwood is worse than any race-eoursel . ,.,.,nt1isoflhisyear(ap to Jnne oO) theic Every man who runs a horse on| Discovery.—Mr Leroy Springs has .•xported from the sing.e port of f "ftbe around thinks lie.willTiFeak down, and it| j. found on iiis land 111 p.'British India, in silver coin, t'm ®'"nsl^®|. oourse. Tak#ho^;' “ ®' ,°igbing 23 pennyweights „n of $21,516,115, while, to n’®®^‘''®'f'^away the little grass that grows, and y®" hndjCebaFril y.^^ ^ j trade in favor of China, the amount of silve J i gjoags and hard chalk.innd "®n„hter of the tenant, Mr Linker. The rliB same Dort dnung the saraearae , inches thick.Stbe dangnter ,—„ our warmest and heartiest support, and the heartier because of his and the spirit of their opposition. Bhas information to the effect, mat on Thursday^ iiast, the mail carrier between Suffolk and ons-. Isex’Court House, was ®.“.f'^®‘‘,^^ritl A Western Lover on a Serenade.-A ggn liinknown to him and Gi® 'n®'’ PoP® • basltlcman who recently put up at a Ipg tavern 111^ lentire contents, taken aw»y- Phnekatuckiwiseonsin, was awakened by a young njan who; ibeen recovered, and taken to the Chuukatuck|*t ^ ^ .serenade thus; inost office, but the whereabouts of Its conten.siComme.meQ a ,g ^ ■r_ ?v* mvctrxnu Of CQVirS6 tiDC P0St> ipOsli OlIlLcj uuu tiuo » » - ■ |is involved in mystery. Of course the Post! loffice Department will investigate the matteF.I tcTMe'xico, cannot be tqo highly estimated.Iaiid in so doing we feel that w-e wiB fa'>ly »n'| UI-/..-.. %rnly rejFresent the wishes and the will ot at 'least that portion of the democratic party of [which the North Carolinian is tlie acknowledged [organ. Sneh is our position until ws are as- Gured that we lean upon a broken reed—and m [hat iiistancc onr course is clear and will be iraue Hi - „„n,aatlie bottom 10 uc ui...-w..— V,. , ■•be dauffhter Of me lewHib a«av ajiu-.'-- a i‘T«e{il” Cnnosity—In the St. Louis De xported from the same POft d®*’'"? the ^n^J^he top soil is only three or f®®J.'"®^®" ^'‘=,^:|apecimel is a fine one, and was broken from al A M y^^ ^ ^ . lui iod to Chinese ports was ggo^lxen Broeck is here, ®tay'ng ®t Lindsay s H I P U, a cultivated field on a slight elevation.|oc ^ city with the following captionii ..gregate of tliese sums exceeds by J20.0M.|^^^ I honv done “^^ScenliarSiotsH-Rocks, Brickbats, Pis' ijOO the amou t expor^^^ ^ IgSGllittle in the way of betting, iexists to a considerable-extent in that n®'®*'1, , Muskets and Murder-Hell empty, and ^"‘ ''''te Sraw" Yours truly. f have vetltols, Mus _ • Ifoctrnne tf> Indies will prove singularly di.sastrons to- the British trearury ■ ruiy, “WlU.T.^« WlMI EV.” Lionb aic LUH.V . A • u ■“Tncendiarism! iiiotsii—i\ucivf», .u, considerable-extent in that n®'o5'i, 1 Muskets and Murder—^Hell empty, and Whood. No farther examinations have yet| Devils here on Sandajimorning! Lbeen-made. T^Vsst DemcertU. * “Oh, Sally Bice, five, caljea ypu twice. And yet ydii lie and snore! I pray you wake. And see your Jake, I And open to him the door or window, IdonH care which, for— It makes but lilUc difference To cither you ue I_ Big pig, little pig. Boot hog. or die!'’ inliesitatingl.y pursued. ^ j^The Big dit* beginning to cave on Hay ISlrcet. If not a cave, tliere is a miglity sink- ling down of ihe superincumbent cartii; a won derful depression; an ewf'il oneVA" - of '•ioil. - li i:n)Or, :: with iljf illii CN'-iML’l. '■ 'III n.i\vli-iL-. tl : .(1 :ii>I*ro -v. D. i-’-p, -; ...•4 ’j I'tS th. Kvp ' '"11 Wi !•« t! >;;■ .-i: i.l'ill-'l -U ihc, ami '.he reiiiemiii'um ami his worth iiev| -ill ill th’-i ■■■ alleet i.iitllal Iri'iutI ••y ;i.:,l (.•on-': t.'llCyl Gfi.-iiri-;, i'U' "e hi ii...;i i. air I ’ll' pr^ 11,nion- 'hr.a h| .jpilaiih I oiiid ily til ill can iie wr tnHii without a mo Stil’.r -llKlII, a ll III' fi - He li'-ei! ivi-.iiof ,.,;;y ;;ir i i- iiiu rn| TIr - rl,, G ti, ail I -r. im ail; lei. 'i h's (u^ Cliiireh '111 TIiui'm] to till city eemch w ith military alid “We ne'er si At a Ti:i>:’.iV, meetingl ra'.iud fur I he pS le-iiiui'iiy of 111* lov.-uiti* ■ir fellir DGP.BIN, who past eiglit half On motion of| P. l uxtoii, E called to the C^ ■v,,,-rr'riry. The ehainiiail ir. ee i i ill;: iiria'•' ' i‘ liely te-’iiyr olir re-le"-‘ll-' the lah lion-. the piirp'otc ofj be deemed .sw occasion, yir Doij'cii! ’ This sad ev(j tlil-^ uoiiimu’.ilt lovr'.l, will alsj experieoieeil :i Jill one liout an If: ) have : posit ions uiida acceptance, a* Country, eiid^ eomilrymcn- the dealli of | have hecu the of ii:-- im'.ivc G-efiiliK--, aiil ■i,e r. Tao, a''

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