From ‘>>0 O''-'™"’ Cir'U\W VNI) G(IAL:'11-.L1)s. R.VILI^OA . To the \:oM.usuon.r. ofU^ Cnerav= and Coa.- fidds Rail Road Genti.emf.n: Having >'een the north recently etnploy- of l-nown ‘’o tluit eonsiderable siivepylng will be ^ .■V Ml,>11- the liin-, after tbe lenn,nn„ bas agaiu>, —,„'..„.akin. 0l these sev- Alexaiiiier been ikcnled upon. In , j eral surveys, 1 hope as has 1 intend surveying your Koa i j been tne ease on some ot \ oni Ko. A table of the Counties with the ahist Free Suffrage. Approved 1540 A'ot Appr’d. j 22! Anson Alamance . M n,M.liininarv survey ot a oeen me ea„c better spent by a Alanuim ,.d by you to make a pubmin ' " s'"'' Uailroad ronte_ from the Coaihec^^ CaH Uailroad Company Im Cut Uiver to CheraA, letter, requesting j veys, jnilieions.v j. - f miles, will iJeatifor llu,gq ami tn answer to }0 > ^ ' .n^ht ehan.ges in a , 1 at a less cost, I - > rvitlfarLKOi'inforination as P^^f J'b j J'',''ense "of°'urv,.ys e‘' o!'“tlie IJeatifort cost, isrnuswick Itiineoinbe IJuike Caliai'i'Us wiihnnt having iully de- (jiiUlwell mu-the means liave eouniry; cost of construction 5,^, (g furnish you Oatawba to make a thoiongh s ) ^ h,,o„ t"o - errata. Thus much ! t'amdeii with amountsw lltoni pi 1 . xlhl itcd quite a con- ,'r‘enrc f irni''-r t’'*'• 10 (OiUl 5i ;in ^vl Carthage to Chalmer. of the other resources ..leer, which is abont2 ;tU was > River Valiev. month of McLcnnon s 1 ^ favora-1 No section eon.strnction .elect,Ml on account ■ ^ 1 passing "i;!;; I UoUinibus Cumberland the Slate, possesses craven ^ ilowau Curritncb Davie of a :ain, 11 ii v,in (• vine tlic lichl at mg s tiiat u l i e !i the ic'.vt night c, i tile ‘wenty-lon ;it the i.oci the uniiocl. rcM yearsag late in t'lc s,-a,'Oc, a s;:: for picitli'S. Ihc sod w'illi a Warm s,,uth, rn ’f’''‘''rpS'"^ i'e obiaim-d by crosM ig i Railroi.R “'i,.,,!;'m,d';andy. a,„T ’"’"SeM;'mace, and ! :;::a:;Umi: O,, this pan ouhc ^ nortli bank oS the rue , tor culverts and i.J the lirst {t-.iU-combe i„ very ho. wcatlmr. „„ tl. no,in c lid tairly sec lim corn crow at I have im asurcd some nd souc- tliat were not, eiarcd their growth du- im.u-s. The result was e the growth River to no stone j pavidson in-nrcil, ptaplin pydgecoii whi.-li eau lie so «'ruc.ed as eonstruc.ed as to be rcpho cR pvanhUt' 424 (iy2 319 390 310 lus2 483 750 593 tsio 791 1047 53-2 210 034 471 7 82 b04 749 1173 738 Carthage, a line was the nn-plwhu-h can the imsiness of; sections, whmh ron e m ^ -pp,, wph siono, piim i-s almn- ; p„iv,„d till. J - ni-eferrcd route, tht* road I r .■* Irom market, is as uii l^pi^tou ,.,.a line as rcprcs,;n o g I c 1 yu-U-n-Klant, and being bn 1. u,,,,,, Deep | p.-anviHe Kn,-1 Yq-eck. the fiocsl bnddmg s ..I .-uinnu-r I pianie,, foiio\Y.> up , a roa,l can oe "ooi, ^.m-vi-s 3-2 feet to tin-mile, iiv maK. - • .,|,„„,„is to-an ,m,ec ... encumbers .’be lon^sl ami a't'.'mmtb or was dry, sandy loam :„,,,„iiag grmlc agumsl the co. , at the s.mth. n, ternrnns, ■^ 1^, j, ■•i.spect. I dctcimuu, ^ ^veni ecan tic Vg,,,,,,. will be very ligbl j j„,,„ston ir: 0. «i c-o-e gM-" "Cl ""''I -t' -.g-y, ; ;r;,v,,ii.", "ill '-Mg' ,r.'.h 1,1,0" iiiiy 'C"e'M.""r".":..'.'l7.'of tlofi Of l>io«i'i'iif. '''f'''.''; Slone ; Halifax McLcimoms less cx.enb This ^ ,H,vwood ■ -d and dressed, and is not ^ Hmidcrson mirability l.y granite Hertford sufficient quantities 1 it thi ol greni ecan A'-'' tiie frost; ire in the neigiiborliood, , of the line, earih;! with the cxeeinion rented in the ordinary way, were clrieil uii and ^ on m-connt “J to make a - 60 much for facts. Now how aie , yet the ni it ; , , Tairge mas.scs of gi av- . „ 1 mO tei't m length. sVt ,v-cl-'th,- swamp ticing low and - Dtmwniog Ticck, m, 1 . ;iwi,ic, win;-i-'-f'"j,f';;;;v:cinitvof\vh,tcs atom-i between a 't“""'",: '„„i,„r„-ations of quick sand if so, limber more sniim,..- which is abundant in lb" swamus Nm"-'"'-’;”.'":';";., „ liooiii.-th SWJtUlpS these results to be aeeouuted bu. j ^ We have see., ll^at tne sod .requenily btirrtu wh:;':.^':::. ;i::u:'s::d:tom:;ifsnp,-riorqmditD „ a soars- n-.U itio.n 1 a very ..f the i ey,iress osphere eonlains va,io.- ' noeessa,^" ean J- j 'iS'o beg yonr elemem-y, in ed ill the night or any iq) the valley of j i„.|vf a,-eona» of so harried a .sm'i- .If". ■» "i”" 'S.?. i '"''''“"'““t ” „f. .11 idcss that the driest atm. which is nsnally dcposite ^n. G. McPUFFIE. it into At the close of a hot day calm and sky is clear, vegetation soon irthe west ^veral miles its temperature to the ,i,e deck toi_ ';i.. nl li.e valley of the b"*;",',f .t mp; east of Car- The Uably H.c eleelioi. to possess: Fr.un a imbit a ioid half ■ ^ ^ „ che- ^li.t.ngmsi.ed sm. of s!-;;;’;: lion* James B* Clay* Tl.c election returns presented b. another snffleent heat to reduce dew point. The naked earth does not .. " ;, j. (g run an ai)' nne yo i ,,oa.Mess of the .listing.., =".■ -"- v ^ • ti » about a inkm ‘O tut V oo ilef uud 1*; J.vuu- -i v^ui-md Dislnct, ot Kcii , vaifor m t\m r a the sou h, -J *u„ i npoole ot the 2V>lilaua 1 i- . tion when the liare ground is dry ,-ooled enough to condense the vapor irtiele. isi-nt the veiilucky, Riu • 1^ its Vapor uDtil it n* ii IS 4.»!i.leiised into dew'-.«, •'« M aeon Mailtson Martin McDowell yi,.,-lenbnrg M.mre Montgomery Nash Noithampton, >‘ew Haio'ver Onslow Orange Pasquotank i’erqnimaiis, Pi-rson Pitt Randolph Robeson Uoekingbam lli,-limond Rowan Rntlu-rford Sanqison . bearing we find to " j making the ; people >" Hm United Sf-.Ues. Stanly if the ground ,s west-d,stance L.gPmg fo j m the Ri^'vict^co..s^«;;;;| 730 819 3154 701 0u9 boO 300 412 0o7 oo8 180 io'i 537 340 5b0 oil 594 070 509 840 758 484 •273 3-il 491 331 644 1203 375 609 647 GSl N C _ _ (a„n da wV.hoot a Paper. 1 What do without a l.aper? no, 1 I’ve tried it to my sorrow. So to subscribe to one Fit go, Xoi- wail until to-morrow. .. imii"- ihcmsclves. Should lovers trow n ot hm Oi- other foolish caiier. I’ll never get to hear of it- I do not take the pa!>cr, lie alwavs has the news, .Vnd having news to talk about. He never gets the ■•blues.. While others yawii iu ennui. His mind is like a vapor; The cause is iflaiu to half an eye He always lakes llie iiai’er. j While neighbor Sirout hears all the news ' And knows each curreiil i.rice, ; Ami always minds his P’s and s, j Rv taking good m^yiee. 1 1 ca'nnol tell the price of calves. Of iionltry, coftVe, taiie or. Any kind of merehandiEe, ;i Recunse 1 take no paper, s'. Though 1 have studies which require ^1 Much time and mental labor, I Yet I can spare a little time .2\ As well as Slroul, my neighboi. 6 Though time he pree.Oiis, 1 i‘‘" m>e • b A longer midnight taper; ■':! And thus take time to rea.t the... ws- rroni the WilmingUn Journal. «r ilie 12th suitable of At a niuetin^ ' WilmiiiMlon, held per.suanl -t i Court House, lust., for the I'tirposc f'.-yi'iiie uieniory 'expression ‘o t heir resl eU ^ i“-7,7“;":::;siNv. mil. CM. jj. Vann having been cx- ■ 'I'll,, .dijeet of the meeluig of the meeimgr of M.-ssrs, Rob- The Conimitte , 'hou. W. S. .Ashe,_ erl U'.V.'’"""; ij i> K D'ckinsoii, F-sqs.. thro N.N. Ni.xoii ami 1. K- H,e tl,eir Chairman, b ,.^,,.,|„tions, ;'el't'"'."",pr'';-;w' ieebng „,,,„-,;priate re- tntmt .statesman ; and tVliereas, by the .,1„. Hon. -lames C ' lias lost a noble and an i Union a pure au cU'Uis upon 1 whereas also, indel’cnoc ,,,« firm, ,',f liis many allies, he had and Tl.eielore, FU take the W.VSlf.XO C'AI.lCl'f.S. of wasliing dresses of preserve llie colors, is |,etei,t antiioriiy; •‘ I'l,.- dr ._TI,e lollowinj irinleii mnslio, methoil Si) as to i„s as a imld e man Ifaill,inland hotiOralde dtj - i laborious ami ddhcnlt l'“ ,.,vo„. man; Icndear.-d bimS'b i.y -.lie iicr- p,V,,is gentle and w,nn, ,gman.n.^.^_. ^ ^ ^ 'feet imr.ty et hi- virtne.s, he had ■ l,is many amial'lt .m . ^ ,;i;,t,-sn,an L„„veried the aroent ,in- indivnl- int,. the d,-v..ted personal 1 ;do^ ol iual; ami w hereas, ol.r sense of -^>'•■’■‘"",1';:::: hm-ti'S^igmshcl s,rv,- : Ids loss ts.lneabkt -t ^ .imr.-lore be CCS, iiii'l to oni o n miiltb* snbiii'.^ ::.v£:;aso.r..w to vnU i 1 . Ici * sain Imt -sirn'c'c l-eeon.inendfd l.y a com- pi , ,ive oispensation i,„^ that we, in ..enilion ing Ml,111- Simp , . .. ,j^,. I’re- among ■siaml mil I a ns siilh- ^ ,| ,ow in a Res v.onsly to pulling '‘ o,.,’.ss, mor- , /’‘il' eol.l wai. r, .nto wnieh „ Uom: wrin-aiiig. It, m a, and v»! am niish siqiply cold \ l.c ill I S> H* ‘‘ Ullil C 182 ;,otiq and hang a to ^’eveni ' onl'b so i, out as ->1"';^ ' ’ s;,,m.ld ,„cre lie was 1 “^^:;;yl:d:;;iml^;:.r^.l.xalath. .dm. m pwed 105 the water.” ’ 825 , of I’r witli the wtiiel. ver lie tor «Inili- ll- It n. t !■ '. small lias Ul — a 1 '' rmee it again ui w.aer ami .salt. 1 hen wring >. Itn ' e ii'i i lutn* ■■ J. ninikcii rests i’l i , 1- n ifti'ii lio I. i.;- tib* CHUUTV. i Ni.rlit kissi-d the young rose, and 'soltlt-to sleei-. Stars ^bone ami , di-op's la.Mg ni’Oit Its hos-m am. wa sweet slumber. in- n,- 1 Moi nb.u: came with as dank . they w-hisl.en-,1 to the yoim t ros L.iglalv ll swung z,s iino ml it a Wilke t-i amt t'"" Uoy---'‘‘.n;wGine::'oi'imihiband yontidn. tin, ardent son-go.l, .'u-hes a cooler soil, where Cheraw this report, "’^1“’'1 Ids hlmri.t’life, and .smictilied as : the mde, and 80 feet l'‘e V,.;r agnenitnral readers have prouao.c , ^sves to ‘‘j;;, .;’..^ir mountainous npi-eai- fnat fresh ploughed ground ,s covered J ^,oo^dne is oft.-n wiihm a few .lew-, and sometime, Ircst, when the .ivaight Ime- 'o mn- n-t-onnd is dry , Qu tl.e return survey, he counT , KieeteO, too, such as have ^ thill i Imve sneee,-ded in accounting tor , ^ erosS j of efforts ^ mi-n of any party ,n . -1-' ,ee of m..i.=tnre in a soil frequently cheraw was presented them- j never in miy political cou-TTf y , J., » « 3,f'dS,fiS.Tl. i;'". Klee'ed, too, let who called of the nnge.ierous np > >» t » ^ themselves the “•lemls ^ ^.pile they '^".“'nmihbolh-zeal to throttle the son! -ms : of efforts made, ami mean. Stokes Surry p-rel ; i.ion ke Warren AAtayne Washington atanga tv i Ikes Y'adkin i fro in all tin linnoeenee. Itn-n i sw.-epinir from the ,,a:',i • > y ,. 1.,a..l\ ; .-,f„l xp:-, ^s'" ;il,i:,‘‘'. ll, "Olviil, 1 liat „r,l a .-'•pY ol .Mayor of F.,\eii'\ t,, i>,- fai'-iishi . II, wa" ■ n ill the'ii, " •■'■ tin- nadm., to onr .-ireU- ot onr li-ii-nd- ..fle r.qmst.d to Ol," 'O n S In- \ i . ri s- U'. w fit' 1 amole 'be young ^ the ,a,pe.> ■ east am. , . . , ravs, and It laintea. 816 1458 493 821 966 0,1 mot ion of lb A. - rose with ns s.-oivo-.m ,),.|in-' mC'-'ing "“s adjourn,-d. I),.serted ami heart broken . d op . ^ h ^bl ' I the dust in ‘ts loveliness and ile. | • ^ A'aXN, I S5!!-,r::v!"';h:ri:si::SiSbr^ » Naxn, McRae ' «. bark and sweeping lull tli.-old mill, i cottage fannin 1 curls of I on ,1„. Ma-.or be r.q.este.t O pi m e,Mill gs to tlie- illc anil also, to l aii'e tlnm ,i f.„- pu.d.eation to each one of J D, Rosso', -If., the G, parsley, Chui'n. Secretaries. tl our tnwil. ol iti^ruoieut uiniospiier! I JV.U Vi>UYilt(*ett, 'Vitil } >U that soi! frequently stirred and of Carthage, will he oui og- 'Hm^raetion, “^p,-ourslaver, : the maximum grade need , ' povided a few spre-ad m not ovtt ‘ , .,h, 1, despair, on u trogen is an important element ... t ; J^,p,oth curves-and grades over i fectaess with wldeh Mr Uay Mt rensonatde to infer that it i. oomh|^ -- danger h.ei^ia^t^ sta^p w-ba vapor, and with it conveyed to the rooD ,.,1 heavy or plants to minister to their r. .es.s,'.'. . , J r".,....nw crosses tlie dividn.,, Idke fav .pi, P.'W SoU hy W tn cur, even iu . niff -enee in the depth to which light showers R.ver anu me a n. • •** ' -• -■ .3 _ ♦l».i ft ers, and the youuji^ siuiied in f?!* Important froai IHati. , , ^ „ews from the ) Mormons are not only H will be seen that tlie - unoffending 7"; '',s;''i7K» '"i"'i“.. »”"s >”'■ " ,ark and sweei|ing ,rnin>-the old mill, ' , ,, .,,.,1 ic in the Nonh American Kivtw, ;,„1,,1." n.", "':™i «.t,l ^ .i- ?' iiR'-’id.'s;';"':,,:™™- for she soon pereeiveft . ^ change in sight. i.'is r-mranee had been left upon : sighte.lness, growing ! ” ‘1 I,v the grateful rose, and the kind j • ; , ;,fiVetini. of the . ryslalline lens S'd,.™, -m tl..Mm.rb the trees. „ I .-ciitre. Dni mg j ' - , , ,homhavn;S>:^tfo; the Atlantic States. coach arrived in our city from Carson tils eueniiL:> & tlivoinrh 'Tced ot varableeff-etsmay be produced -'i Little River, at oue ^ "l oU Pv 11,e light showers that f-T'-M ^^tighest poi-'s, as is also ^th,^ c,^ ^‘Vhen he ^as offered one of the be^^ ^^ il,e dryest weather. The H,e rblgef'ding , . : L chn\\f»rs tllO PoO DcO- f UUU ^ ^ ilppth 10 n nil u ‘ ivMci «. y a,. tUp east or west, soils frnq-tently ‘di^-ed, and 1,,. the hue m^i q-,^ Rest ' f tl,.. fi-iU-ral "-.iventineiit. were the mug- iu the gift of tl , ppird? Let the voice , rbe words ol these batpc ^ n h ’» .A- ,1... vpomanrv ‘m tuc , penetrate iu sons irnqneou. V , : much more favorable. those left hard and Uaketl. is very - 1 b;-, ,,, crossing this ;jmtr allow me to exhort my biother 1 Htenee “ v^. w, the hoe and the evil i Hr„wning "south 29 ,leg. their corn, PMatoes. ; Ued Creek, thence a tue tuttn - most favor- ■ be-;andl7,nt.nwest.wmbo^«f-^^ oad leading from Fayetteville eii in their wheat fields, 111 head , . ,, .. straight '■me^_'° In coni*lnsi‘>n, f irme-rs to keep the pi livator pretty busy ' root crops, and even tn me,. - ','ne iniuri-' aide ground, tor a lieving it will do more, to cunterad the nqu, t , - ous effects of our severe other means which they can employ. i‘"''"Tnf Falling Creek, near WtXE.-The Columbus bun . projg ot i all. g . equal to the blaekbeiiv Y.,,.d& lower down than of the gallant tmmmtnryc.. --.^-ot the ,,,,^,1 ci»uniL‘iai i •••;“ . ji roau leauiuf? iium droughts, than “"y ,kingham, at the head north ;i!,enee sonlh 28 .eg. we» near' the month of against which ::-.;itsof ofhisff.eslmve mmi^d around him till the in pieces, The Union says Candall’s pioneer at one o elotk tins „.,,ter the mails and persons, eig.t 'ff wbo^^.^ ,,y,, large leaving bait LaKe { , on a charge 1,0,ly of Mormo.RS, eYcn for a of horse stealii g. ' ' , a.rainst them, they Mormon t;;" of one Mesiek, fSr "i'S- they reached Goose mi eta, one hundred miles, Iron. ade a charge on them. iajr throngh the tices Tims charity like the ‘ ■"z , g ,..q-,.^,«i,cs granee from tl.e tlrooping th.we.s it .the-He This istlieconimein out ot an lens, begin- toward the During the progr.->s ot mis alteration, ,u„cl, incuivenienee is experict.eet , as no sp.-c- meUs s,'em to be Mcrvie. able in giving cor.ect granee iiom me , oerformanee of "s. . ■ Happilv, liowever, two “ffi cTf', which steals on the bearl like ,|,ffi..„lty, and as so *1, o 1*- ""1Tijr,.7 or three soon as the (inifortable v,s.onis ato.,.a-;.btained by the use of well convex hgttre. Dnrn-g •ich perfume ""T -t 'I'lie balislmry Watchman j s,.|(.,.,(m1 -lassi-s ol - jE-MTm.iKENs!- lhc ^ ' f , H salt!. pis transit on stale it is imp,.riant ‘bat c XorU. Caroli.'a, and it is .id h,’;',, '' "qll'.'/.aa.crial oi spectacle lenses ^bould be -5 - iRi-s; together.” r.,.. \lr fiilnier tlie orom r radii ol the inner and on ^ and hurled back on Mark’s Creek : -200 yards lower uowo m.... my HooRIcm fl’"-"'- , ,0 Cd-raw, at least ,‘=.:.“;o^,';:oUlt east ,ses, aoo c.e,, ..dson who ; H„e is to cros.s WRockingham do so, should manufaeture lit the road leading ff ^ „hat is ealletl h for their own .gs.e every year, as gpoal^'and following up kb«,';“!,'5. Rlacebekp.y says; 'there is no wine wine when properly made, either tn for medicinal purposes, and every person can conveniently ciioug I ts have been A gallant Kcnt.n ky bear l,i, shield “;'''J^^’;.^,;q":^7-tongne of falsehoo.l , ‘ T word btft has nt.erly failed to l;;:?jir:dsi:earthstoneortd.nlsh^mnam^ Jas R Clay comes f.ulh_ m-m over when the and killed Mormons m six of their animals. would leave. One half the Pd'"'"'"”’ „ ,g,fl will do so. ^ « shame to poke fut. at Mr G^'>ner ^ eo.,vex; 'he l-'per-tn d in that sortof a way, asiXvri 14 to'l.' "They shonh! be astbinas ^!X!:::Xr:^ tllm. Utft .y a,lu- ;;:.>.i..u„le. Toeorree. ntu ai;d speaking irnnieally. XUrc.r is Xe-*;;; i IXXnX of hmses, by w ,he dista.i^ Sion to the matter of vot.i.,, ^ , p,,tween llm of the lens,-s is nia.k pre Xdest ent of all-it is like '::?^n ! dselv equal ,o ,he .listanec . , ,,ot CO.-..; fd eveiTbod Gilmer j^ tL pl.pds ol the eyes, the following rum there IS voting to '.e d''d . j 3 U4twCH*n tJifCCHiris is hint i-aiivass ever in cd 1)V the sons aiie in Kenim ky, s of tlie men his latlier taught. ' ’ I i vvUt'Tt* ilis Di’t'dtft'cssor wuut iu fo.-ee to P'’0'X.’res timl if 'he Saints will stand pgpted majority. Rl-Igham del tans m. president ot py Pin, and the ^^bureh, he wdM.e n the United States tn ^ Thedestroy- Williams the lawyer has tl d. in^ uujT^'ls wert* k.rown if he escaped them .onldsti-aek. and it was „lcs of which are equal to the • ' en distinct l\ ; invaluable iu sickness as a tonic, and -‘Ol'dig ; \l(“.„..HXrry, I”'^^X-uld'^lb is a better remedy fer bowel diseases. d ' edge >> C'j'gq-r.Xn Road abod one unle b.-low therefore, give the receipt for making it a d ,.aw and Dail « U upon the subject; _ J sing near Oak Grove Chu.-eh, ai.d “Measm-e your berries and ba-a'se “■em ; t "‘u'Xtl'.rmodh orrhompsou’s Creek every gallon ad,ling one quart ot joi mg wa . | pee ^ ^^1 the Cheraw and Let irxture stand iw-enty-fonr honr.s, ^ PI occasionally; then sfain off the liquor mto | X^der either of the above ^““XrC iSv- cask. to gallon addh.g two pounds of suga.,; „„ .^p e K'Xg w.U be neeessa-1 than madness, bhe j"'®';- ^“.^l.dTpe'iiel.rls cork it tight and let it stand till the o ^wiX ' -’'X- .Xhe^tSMecisio,. can be fidemce, and P-ve'^';;!,,!: K..ow‘ Noth.ngism October, a...! you will have wine ready tor use ^y o.i thal iXt of the Hue from Oarthage without further straining or boiling, that wdl . Is , ,.. ason to Xl.eX^ they never smacked under ,b.®®f ,Pat a uarallel line can oe J equal or sup,- avowed j ,^,..,„,.p j^p^, S ealleU cd by tlie sons o, m. '"T,.VwPo h-ave and are becoming ot alley oi and l)V a people who best murder of all , , p, ,„iiilic assem'dages; i :w-es'tern and who. also, know luyi.I t ’V', wX m. dielv made in a nn'etin, Pc Che- Mr Clay enter.-d e ^, an ,.ffet w^, lu „ ^.,11 we rather like Mr Gilmer, anil ''■® I each pupil fron. the pohit t.—v—XX iXim Yii‘11 or RUDurior to U• nijriu *i , r-» i . mi i,r i Im* 1 tui* ui c Open and avowed j M H„tfin or Seal ts, ‘ Xd ' ''Xl'" "olTle h-i ses or their lran,.-s Iron, sHl-Si'Siii Sii",''" ’ .letleiisi".. of t'" iiuii""'","'' , i;« t,.*.. ; i"",. . ' .,,,1 less F.,!Ui.t '1'" :;,rr"; “i!. He did accept a nomination and romnieiiee, .. -o Ilia l■llI•^nles denounced as little less a can .is. -ppj. event has justified hiscon- Pv one of the (aithful, ">'““X';., tradei-s at Rox Elder neat ' Rorenzo Snow .rred the .lispleasure of E-dt^r Dote ile Ity who had iiienrred the disple if they did not leave Py June 1 • out ot it ■ lot mail in the State or Pats Kneoantrr with a Horne’s Ses(. . - • ,1 o„e hnntlred wagons had leftj . {-,,1 ,„.si on a bush; an 1 axi bo..nd for the States, all of | M; Dans wl^ k.^ - W’1 ^ ! qiiired.” ,, 1 The long si-ahteii ptrson " An 1 was a mowin of a moi-nin, jist a while twelve ;.eais, r qti ? “’’I’®’' .he mash roinins the wood, an 1 see, or w.-rk lom ' V '' 1 *”‘'”’vanees other'peeiaeie. wil . aiiees, and ,l w.ll " o ; since, on Iml as ! i.cedeii f- 1 Salt Lake, Pclonged to \1X'®. t,,;„iv arising, m New dissensions Rrigham w'l.o, an he tonld me, ^ I lord’s neest; an 1 went up a„d peep t IS, hum jeets at greater liista make lips smack as similiar iiifinence before ” Trimuiso Gr-vpe VixEs.-For many years we have raised grapes by the bushel from a vine and our trimming is done ...the following Tiie first week iu -July we commence the .sct-oiid !,-«f or bud, of the Have a sharp knife fa little at a Ir,..,, "» "J-e s«MO. 'j7b“,g 1)6",. Haer lo'V"- ""k!,: "Sir. S -»"«»>"« •« " oecaBioiiS, fearlessly defended ■ , : ailvantage to have two or tlin-e p-"V ‘ ' hit* of -i ent foe:ii rtisTutUM S. It 'S » "f j "I ,1.6,6 '."."t- itl." Iiusli".. .1.6 0»ld bir.1 .,"...6 "I.t; .i" 1 q., i, -I.l"-"" " ' ev ,-all it, on sn.spic. I , ,pe fainilv 1 . . 7 v..., 1 ov « tiiid. out cum' . , . . i„rv. and ,j,y which means they Vr'-veX ; It all fitting Mr Clav fi-om the ree Xus made upon h.m since •kieses and even infamous us we vine, manner. and out i)ack to (jvfsuiii season’s ^ri»wtli. and trim a portion every day time) nati! the whole vine has been gone oter Autumn, winter and spring priming are avoid ed; but we have lai-ge, nice, smooth grapes in ibnndanoo. Apple .Telly.—Cut small and Pad from Cartilage down RX'tmnhlg^S-'1-t fall, lllllUlilr?' ** . V»p ,,.6,,.,, „ ,6.46, .i:'"i' 't'j;; "7 "S ssrircr 1,1. C,,id,,,g «, ll.» l»'- , 11- nredh-ted for him a brill.a -I ..... We advocated the advent ot Kentnev, and that at the 'iss last fall, we brilliant career at no dis- tes. Several who heretofore I""'® j ^ tpousand, ten -thousand-ocl.. a milltof ov , ■ of the high prices are ! . i,...,fia -.m tliev fiew into me e>cs, attemplliio Xc-r 60'.nires, for“there ean be no dv)ui)t, unaiiied, will liis nonunatiou, uud taut day. f” '' "“ '~e,„eiit doubled his sueeess '"’ouTpToph®®^ is Tnlfillpd; our siueerest pray- ^ „„ Hie part i itM-ires of onr hearts are Gratified, anU e . ers iroudest ambition of Mr Clay ts r.Z\v ff.s election to Congress from the gallatit district his father represented so long ""cetnX'the enemies of Uds young Clay lay from leaving l;”;:.'i';irr6r-6d6,.d.i.. ■■■r.iss^i.u.i.a’—-.:7r,o''",r6 ,.u„" I.y W;ik“ e,6 of the anointed. the big green heads, an they llew into lasse- 'O' , wit'iimt lo see some QriXCE A8'0 ( Cina! weight of tart apples and quinces. r-,^aie quinces in a preserving kettle,^ with .-H-'er to cover them, and boil till soft-, ana the ,;t,.s Slid keep water t-i cover them, and ina at or 1> I rXVwin er by a very eminent Engineer ,,loredlastwmte y J and reported f.i'O ht'bcTr’ived Xm striking that the distance to Carthage, t I! t!:e W-Iioie IS «Pbi.' i'l'" a j'-i’y j“" nearly a pulp i j and .strain without pros- j Put the .rrade diminished. iide Ibminisneu. . ko determined upon Until the extrenm point be de er P the exact U>cBlion of the a.r im EiV;:. ™ J “ S'lSX h ocarMotrtsv.lie. Tr„„M.,eer star of h.s hat. no^^ ^ so. -^fatheFs great name, and is des- worthy of h s fa ^ Cou- t.ncd to tna' ' coming future will yet carve press; and D'® ,i position seldom reach- ed‘by "tlmbest intellects of this free anu favor- ;4 IpX-—Jammi true rn'e is to i-o*menci- the use of g au into me hair, and into me mouth, ';® J;"’;;’;; soon as we can see X ’^eadine a v.ry and they bit me till Shure.y 1 though 1 was F'”’'’P' '’"'’ I"n 7“‘/_,,p,p dead jisl, an 1 sereamed, an I run—och - t ..xaminlng maps, a ban I run? but they stuck to '>'®’X, X 'das two and a half In-h.s in diameter, ’o 'C ' XXm S^md^r;;::' l^ow-rl Xed m co.q..nctlon wit. spectacle, a-n n.wj-r P oi the anointcu. Xed into a* ditch iiv about two teet ov water, ,^.;H,pnt them, is strongly , m„ -ve '''"'Rri'.dvim'preanhcs open rebellion to all at- ^ I now. me lionies. I’ll cum tbe bt .H.-eU-e.-quentlyindnlgedinon"""'-’' - so the nan of the Government to estab- ^,,,g j,,, the lives ..v s mh P ' is grasped by the musclo o- ’ ” smilpeens a little howleywathermoiilu Ireland, gas « oe . str.mgly cond.-noied. to the eyes by nieai'- '“'^"I'elidia l‘is s">6y "la. " '’"'P !7,Vid"nre klre ,1")'' '"'''"1 '’'r" Xp^lootliMdlu 'X'XSZgo^isdisoi- die“nt wtvXs! ‘7 .d®XfXof riright W™™ of Hrem. 'loP^l-JIsXXXcaUed an “Earthly or have a protector. Hell.” hild it there till I niost kilt inesclf, and intirely Whenever it is found neces kilt every raothea’s son ov the hum birds—bad ^ „fiipPt admitted An Irishman who had been “ mere shadow by severe illness, was ask J physician what he thought of a future state^ "Ah', doctor,” was his answer, “it makes n difference-yez ain’t left enough of me for the Qevil to naturalize co how, “Say, Pomp, yon nigger, where yon get dat ^ glass of imperfect tPe in- w liat’” “Wliy, aide sliop, ob course.” ' mime of “neutral tint glas., J oimh'- “VVhat isde price of sucli an article at dat?” tensity of the transmitted light can ' “I don’t know, nigger—1 don’t know, dt '"“P-jj^tjed to any desired degree.—' kt^€T Wiwn’i fitfr-r p I'M!'- r.wirnr.viLU L«>. ktfgll « .1. e'. \ I i'll''ll . : . . ■ i ,e-lil 1,1 I MK Ittliti’iVt r',11 liiF.I 1- , : ' ■■ Y.-r_J ■ 6 , . . "I,., : . - ..fii,- ,.k !,’i ireni -111-,si in. -xi-tr a i' ' iii.iig ■■!i::l - Win i-f i'*'> tliJ fiiii u i.It’ll 1 !m’ niiiib ’‘T I!it‘ "III M D 1,1" i' passiiu am! w ill ■■ i"ii lieail." S,„-li - -ea i^ii;. - .'i ii.e late liiiil in I, i.i- '■‘■ii 'l , ,.-v ni'",' ■■ '""It iii| ! . 1 ir.vii saj R, |il|l,l,,- .: i.i "It whij e .aliniian,-,- ti'tiiiii D' ill,-‘' 'C 1 tilt, wtij W, "II ri-lerei 1,1 ii; ti.ii,- kn| "111- '-'-"r' iv r, p Win.-iow. ii- re-elect. i;y „t 4 8., 1 vi.t,-:d> is irn- tie '‘‘'c 1" 1., ;r,l as i.ifgi- as may ' e altribatiil 1.. , "■.■_i„lar ii|ipo--ili east I-If Mr Mi-ai's meiit ill,a 'ban wit Tm- ..pp"’ ’ t lie b iiitle: P, ami Ihi no n-aiilar i-amlnla! tl„. ,ie„.,„ rai wei- Vi.ting te. 111'.' ' "It t, d ' ' v- ml a ib nl V ee, f r, li . 11 .11.1 :> • ...Me,,;- ll" l"nl \.,i'li'. C.iriii na li i:,"te.i States ,,is !.. . a ,r- tafiij ,.:;|„et t" '.■■■"1 1'^ ll„- er.-e.” ami' of (•■.ar ly ,e.. Ml '•{ _ ■ ii .in fori \V. ofiel , 1, v r ,e, I' lha mn k '1 lim slnm.U ,-.'iit'-i'm| ■ Miirai-te'l a p-l "1 Imwev r 1.1 M II liml that t| ,iii' ih-iiendii.e ;,I1. e ;iml -n;,p^ cei.t eh-i-li tln-ir prospee The di-mocl thanks ol the inanoer in w hS the late ek-etil stumped it in] Warren Wins joi'ity of 71 fd We receive moiid C"UM which came Carolinian bS present niiiiill another coluiT jK^Tlierc is j the auniial nij the mceling 33 lusL