vlthgL f ttie to* " Lolice, I of tl>e 12ih te lueuiovy of iMi , I'is I'f"'"*’ liiiir, 'y fppoiotoJ Store - Lving f>oei' |co«ait, E^if-i “ ltd to draw op f e of the sense hf Messrs. Rob- |on. ■ S. Ashe, istni, Kscj.s., thro’ |i), rrportoti the it'ioiis, prefneing iipproprinle re- [Uohert Strange, adopted: „u-nted death of North Carolina •fd son, and the ftalesnian; and iiis elaiins upon Utd liv >'0 ‘'rui, larg- of iit out its. he had private man; ai.o iiaiiners, bv ’ he pd - reharaeler, and t v \ viruii.s, he Imd „r> of theS'iiteMn.in Lend ol the imiivui lul.he expre; ot 1. .,,,,1 mir sense ot ■d.st ngn.shed sii 'i- y therefore '>e i' J hninlde snlnn':*-- junfeinn.d sOiroM, to jof Pr-v.ileio. leil- litli the »hole " tm- wlueh eiiinol r he lT_ollen— Im ,n. a oe'ot i. p '' ' t- lit v\ ;»> • w tU -.'t., the naPon. i-- "tir Itv -ireh.- ot onr fr.e. il- , a, r.,;n -ted to ' >{I> ‘ * ’ •' ' '*’■ , . * n-. 5. ' , r. hear teit iMa-.or he r.iju-sted to l-ioeei on g' to t..e- Til Il't* I {i*m: HIM’, t*' *••'**■ il.eatioii to eaeh one ot J p. Ros.se', Jr., the . parsley, C’nui'n. Seeretaries. I •th Aincr'K-.n PoYew, if S.r IJieK.'ter. g remarks on the i!.-=e of o! liavt enjoyed distintt in early ible, tl is I'v- kelv to appiee ate the Re tween (Mil I III! il • r. tin y lieain to expe- Tliis'is the coimneiiee- nrowinir out ot an ervstalline lens, liegin- toeeedinir toward tiie ;re^= of tills alteration, iperieneed, a.= no ?pee- alile in aiving correct ever, two or three V, and as .soon as the islinet a;.d eoinfortable ,1 liy tiie use of welt nivex tianre. Pnriiig is iiap. vlant tlail the 10 nf* severe strain, I be pain to the general aele If uses siiould be persive pow -r, orlietter Tl.ey should he douhle I ot'the inner and outer isGtol, and in rock liev should be as thin as t ;i eonitnou error in liio l,v winch the di.stauee tut iei.si-s is made pre- Iiii-e In tweeii the centres the following rule is is,.series triangle, tlie Kpml to tiie distane. of ol to be steu (iistinelly; l,ase i.s equal to the ip.i.- wiieii tlie c-yes view- dr on eaeh s'de ot ’he 1 of the base, tiie distance M- or the-.r iranies from iiioe of these points w ll •entres ol Ho- lenses rt- r,on w II generaVy. for fill 11, g'asses oiiwy lot- d', but as '.de m - /w.iibt- l eedeilf- t ' ' ;es. and d w'dl i-e i’ irteal , or tiiree pair ■ a,ti r- , is a very ; .i-nect - o- ri> avoid th- - long «' i-'i-" ' to a .sirncinre to •' t: out injury. iinf ' the ti«c of glas.ses as ,,„r w tl. than wilhont iirj f-ses. as reading a very ,, hand reading ty.i.i s it. diatneter. to he P,V sp-ctade, a"d never >„gtv recommended. The iudnlgedin of using an eye „rasped by the mnseles of lie too strongly condemned. 1 nece.ssary to moderate the pitted to the eye.s by means hi V never slionld be bine, i.ievousthannsefnl Green the test of all is a colorle« transparenev. known by the »t glass,” by which the tn- mitted light can be dimin- ,1 d.-vre^:.—Bestow tift H 0 RT iTiftR jnc ^ ** WJLA-!— - . - - -—— —stsF ..tb electioss. Tl 1 K so li v.i C A !10 H A X fayettevillk, n. c. •Satnr lay,' Angii>t_a2. l Sq- 'Visn r.ii vx, e i>i a- ~7-3-G. C. McCia-wae.x is onr duly aseiit for the collection of all eta in^ due ihis office. TO .tDTEUTlSERS. l>erons desirou? of tlie immediate insertion of tlH*> ftdvertiji'Ts; favors must band them in by 1 III 1»SI>A . otherwise ibe will not ap’i-ar until the sacceedini? week. Our friends will ’ this ill mind—as we intend to make it a niib w-.t-. f, €XCtpti07l» SCRTH tlKOLINl ELECTIOSSi The returns of our State are as yet incom plete but the result is pretty well known and sliows a dcmoeratic gain of 2 members to pon- „ sress. Pr Shnw is elected in tlie firs^ riis- triet by 38 majority over his k. n. competitor Smith. Scales’ majority in the Sixth flistrii;t is over Pnryeark. n. Ciinirnmn’s majority is stated to lie over hOOO. We will insert in I onr next a talile givimr R e Comities with tlie j Congressional and Free Suffrage vote as many jof onr readers may like to reserve a copy tor ; future referei.ee and the returns then will iie - T—, ymre eomplete. The deleifiition to Congress authorizeii . .lemoerats to one know nothing. XSE LiTE ELECTIOSS, H»S. MHES B. CLAT. | f^powing trutliful remarks are taken As the opposition prints liave been very respecting the sweeping , busily engaged in heaping tlieir „f ,i,e .femoeraey in Kentucky Teu- npon this distingnished son of Keiilueky, ""o - North Carolina, Alabnnia and Texas, has been recently elected from that ^ ind national: Congress, we do not ihiim it tiims . p,to elections have been of great impor- dnee testimony in hts beliall froiji a differe M , ^^,,„im.„u„trv.- as they involve, “■■'llim politieaielmr.mter of the next llm^ .d ' ll.-preseutativcs and of several semitors. 3Irs, Vir.mingham’s Case, ra.i,, chain, reeeiitly of tlie fictitious ,;.,1 ,n>.,i-i. tv I as lii-eii reii oved from Bond t.i the Toondis. to await lier trial quarter, by pilblisliing iu to-days paper an tide from the Louisville times wliieli pre.seut.. the disliuguislied K- niuekian iu ii imleh more trotliftil light and ie a mme eletated pOsil.Oa tliiin onr oppo eiit.s would make liin^ out to lie or wonlil iiave llie puiilic believe. Bai this is truiv iu clianicter will, tlieir sayings ami doiii.is'about every one else, who clioose to exercise ti e riglit of differiug from tliem po litically, and wlio are determined to think and act for tlicinseivi-.s THE BAtlaEt'tE .AT AStlLAAD. take the following remarks trom tlie HU BrTH.t’i.AA .AAD THE LATE n F.f T UAS. It must indeed be very grat'fymg to onr rresideut, will) ill Ids oRieial eapaeity. k ows no Yorlh, no Sonlii. no East, no \A est. but knows throiiLdionf ds leiirth nnd tireadlh the Uno-i. tim wiiol. Un'o' a-al nolhimr 'mt 'he Union. peo|,'--’-i r i.sidei.t, tlie late I ■' t o-is t pir til • , rinie i.He.ged airamst lier. Her fajII vocal an Th- resit'I ,oi I St a k- l.,Huiili-! S an r- pr.-seiited as being mneii grieved „,1 u witnessing tiie conveying of M ,-.r n,-e.hi r, friiia liicir home to the Prison. Ifo.ic i.n-l ,.f 11e ill 1 omits wl-.ell have lieen .iiilii.^!.-.‘,i i-.-'i-e I' a g tle.s woman are to he cred it,.., si.i s . rt. inly a most rilluvu.vs soimp. ._rratifving to the ^ y-'- .an, 1.. Uhl, does not appear to lok over the resnit . i,;, |,(.,,..r position in her late dis- a ...,„„fss so eie.ar and r, tl.at is if tin- X. Y. papers are nieiit otliisadministriition. jjew A'ork is be- ,k. a iaimit i-.-e wlin-li lie can- j f,„. „„paralled wickedness and it says to iiim “W ell done tlion , ' c.t.l nf its officers-. We take the following veiimrKs i.o,.. ,,oor Louisville Courier respecting Hie .grand barbe- ... _ -• f AcbbAtnl Kentucky, IjOUiJjvinu A,^vui.v. . v,..j - ^ , cue wliieli was given at Asldand, Keiitueky, on till' 12th by lion. J. R- Clay. A more lovely and beautiful spot for the ..hi , erime. Rut one tiling can be said of its officers: "^lenralonmH^rinmphsM, the south- They ^seemt.ilm^ ^ t'^ 'l "'i-■ in':. -‘i,, a eo^muttily there is a hope of having .d.rc- Walker -rid the manner in wliich the affairs of. £-5pp|,x.lTlftSS OF T'. R X-lMTCBATiC PRESS. K-insas liavc lieen inaiia.ged. 'I'his fault findiiiL'^ „,n .p amused at the dif- „C lih! noi look for from onr own pre.ss j„ which many of our demoeratic l„.,k il '.or it from the opposition who we all (-,,5 pi-ess, have displayed their ex- , . . *:-C -.1 tv tU .iiiVtilillfT thut is ^ - i!..-. kii-iw ua'MU^t 1 (i ■ !t> TilM* r-T.-U \v Cll’l bf I.v-’j-f t>-i earth ii-t-l were P,-. .-i lent of this Union so full ot hatred “A more lovely anil oe..u,,.o. --r- -- -- festivities than the woods of Ashland Conid not l.ave been found under the broad canopy ot heaven, and a more fitting place could no h.ivc been selected where old-line wings and ^ deino- erats could unite in eongratiilatio is at t le tri- umpliaut success of c-oustiti,n„nal P'-"';>1’ am! join lia.ids in pledgi.ig nmted and c.ti e ,-o-operation in secnnng to themselves and th ^ posterity tlie priceless Idessiugs and pnviliges "‘^‘•Tiiere was an immense concourse of gentle men mid ladies in atteiidanee—tlie nmnhei present lieing variously estimated at ^ to ei-Hit thousand—many eminent and d stin . uislleil gentlemen from this and otlier btates r,eim^ of tlie number. There was speaking and danmng and eating enough to saHafy I-'!® Hi,.a,ions and tastes of all hospitality of the proprietor of A.shland wa. the theme of adtniration. His heantiful house and .^rounds were thrown oiien to his visitors, , ■ and Till were m.tde at once to feel tliemsclvex ,.,',-.01 be satisfied' w.tli anytl.ing tliat is > victories, in tiiis and ,,o,ne. 'I'''® 'll;;;;"'B™’th-at would We have doubted whetlier they , of our exclmn.ges come o of the veriest epicure, ■ satisfi -d vith Hie An-ge! CTabnel l,„omiiig camiou, others w ith 1 • ^ aiid'delicioiis imiltoii. and those the dein.H-ratie ,1,,, i.ead of eaeh eoiumii, of Asliimid,’ were served up m a i mid otlu-Vs with bold-faced expre.ssioiis, and ev- u„sarp-assable ,, , Rntin spite of thg low-of admiration. We too have ‘‘Tl'C^speaking was ^ (p. Lexpr,-.ss:,v,s ami innemloes winch many of ,^,,,1 with the Wilmington Jonriial about | have n ^1 e.xceediilgly happy. ,i,e oi.p.isit o press deal out to democratic , ^ ^,„„„o„, and some crowing ‘■'oeks | ^5,^ assemblage bv -n.-a-ui-es, the exp. ra-iiee of the past , j' j bargaiii so as not to be in the rear ol , q Rreckenrulge, the A ice 1 resi.- -oni-brethermiandleuing them 111:: ^“^^s . , A-Urt t»/-»inr and a'hiiinistraHon and the de.noeratic party ,,ave regarded them with deep interest. ^ The ;-esnlls will be hailed with high satisfa. ,iou liy the dei,iocra.-y all over the ronntii TiieseV,-suits -are all, and even more, tlim. could lie expected, for they show a grand pu-n t- opiiii.m eomitig up 011 all sides to sustain th vital principles on which the rtumocracy planted themselves so nnliesitatingly mid nmik y urineiples of civil mid religions hberty, m op- 1 position to the de-grading war on '•"®®’ 1 and of popular sovereignty, in opposition to ti t laeiisni-e of congressional restricluili oil tic slavery question. Let us mialvze tiie results of the recent elections; In all the States that voted know-notldngism had made laige head wav; and tlie political sentiment in some o !Vem, in forLr years, has been strongly For the Carolinian. HTRRAH for BICHHOXB! Richmond Comity has done well. It has .sustained tlie Hon. Warren Winslow nooly- lias snslained tlie 1 emoc-nitic The the vote for Winslow was 308, foi Mears 231. Notwithstanding the Hon. Ucn. \ltVed Dockery aad shouied from that it was c*xpccv».v* - . -- - . - ij,... am' vert**’’’'. , . for Mr Mears. Winsiow /‘j® 1j,,, ofOeo^ia: Bishop Ru"--!-ge. of '-mn- ble majurily ol 71. \7 ho is sot li.itk val . - - , A,-, An Episcopal Convention was holdcn a: Cliattanooga, Tenn., a few days ago, ilic object of whicli was to promote the cstiililishinetit ofa Soulhern U:nversitv. A eommiltec wasscl.-ct-' P,i wlio will report a oliosen location to an adjourned meeting at XasiiviHe. in November . „ext. Tlie choice is said to iie confined .0 Mc- 237. Notwithstanding the Hon n,,,ttmiooga and Knoxville. Toi.n, Dockery eiaiiped ids ‘ yaller haii j - r tinmen comooso the coti!- )uied from every .slump i» the county, i r;i«hon Atki!*s«n\ ot NnrtliCrrolina; was expected oi the k n. party to | ^ p- I of South Carolina; Ihh..u Mears. 'Vinslow obtained the respecta-, Re.of Oe^ia: Bishop Ru"--!gc. of >’0...- ble majority Alt il. \\ ho is mH hatk }t , - ir-l.nn ('obli of Alahanui; (■'(’Vi'i-> Act ler iiands or Mr Meats? 'flie people begin to jua; Kd- 1 ( o,' 1 o,:- ihink the old woggoner is a great demagogue, j ger, -‘U ‘ of fexas; Bisl.o)' Urt-f- but I do not. 'I’liey think that in j' f fj [{ijl,on Otev, of Tctines.sec; Mr Winslow over tlie county, witliout liciii. solicited, tluit lie was looking a UUh iiliead to some ollit-r elec-lions—liial he tliinks liimsell tlie guardian of tiicir votes, but 1 do not. For 1 know tiie old I’ee Dee faniu-r did verily l)e- Itevc it wits expected ot the k. n. [larty to lote lor-Mr -Mc-m-.s—tliat his e.vertioiis were the pi-omiitings of pure patriolism, and that no sueii se-llish motive as trying to keep lliem in the traces to use at another timee cr ciiU-n-il his head. Tlu-y say that he ac-en.se,s the De-ni- ocralie pai'lv of sqnaiidering the |inblie Imio and eoneeid's the laet that -Mr Fillmore aignei. , a bill i'ortlii.s identical purpose—liiut lie says, l-t N’isic is oiiiv a new name for wiiiggeri isuiua: uc\. -'•> x-* 'man of Arkansas: liisliop Otey, onetmes.-,t, Rev. Dr. i’ense, of Tennessee. “ MAUliJbl). In Wilmlngion.at 81. .tmn-s fharoh. on th- -l.h inFt.. V.v .l‘hu M. .1 Ill- . 1.... V .. . _ ■ New Voi'k. to -'leis i-.iir.;i- S>it !> \t \.-.r-il:l1 liege, in Ih-'.'.-n'll'li insl.. C ; i. J. W. Wusigel-ofthis 1..- .MlVERTISffMKXTS. sai6i?s .NNO e'.g! St.-**, that he was i.-onlimiallv making asseriions in j xi,.. aim hea.dit C 1 all his siieeches whieli he could not prove, mi.1 j Dipper, at niy j;'''? .1 ... - .11 l: 5,. lint 1 i 1)!cUM‘ SCllil IH U* I Ji.fUtt. lor this they call him a demagogue, but 1 ^ not. 1 d.o not snppo.se Ben Dockery knows i ; Fillmore was ever guilty ot siieli an act, mid i ills calling tlie k. ti's wliigs—making eiiarges wii cli he eminot .substantiate is not demagog- in ism, ’tis only a way, Oen Dockery has, ol trviiig to gull the people to eateli their vote.s. 'l a”m sorry the vote for .Mr Mears was not larger afier 'the great exertions made by "yal- ler imiid.s.” Richmond is awake, and the ild he demagi'giie may voeiferate ami bellow about a.'r'a'ili'st'the'democratic party Take '>"'®® them for ilU.stratiou of the elmrge of ndd „|,i„io„: Tetiuessee. Nortli-Caroiom, a Ke i ,,,,.kv.—Temiessce went for Harrison, ioi lay lor and Scott; but the '"p® ,J.!, steadily gaining of late years. In the a.,t , gression-al delegation tne democrats ’ Hie members, the know notl.ingsthe Now Tennessee lias a democratic 10 000 majority, n democratic legisiatun a ,|,e democrats liavc gained m men.bers ol Con- .rress This insures a control over tin, s®">' « rialcleetioa. Hus ^'®'® ; ii,e old what is expected of the k. n. party as m.u-l, as democratic. Sundar re. t .p,,is State was he iileases, and it will continue to be awake, whig Mate of North , • • - I increased vote tor the oniy pmly decidedly against the deuioiM 1C) b , | p Constitution, llie and 1848. and .gave ! pub-i South cmi look to tor he a few hundred majority ,.v t ,a^ in O-NE OF THE FEORLE. lie opinion in favor of the j'®'"®®®®®-", '1 — ilemoer-.itic .side. Kentius) is '"s i | «-|ii.s State—a State wliieli, since 18o2, «hen , joitnmls l.ave lieen snrniisiim she gave her vote for Clay, has ','®®'' 1,1®';'® j „,h hb-ting discoveries res- SdemilTbUo HmidolIgr'^'knOW-notl,ingisn,.|p vnurder of Dr. Biirdell are likely to I t is unnec-essm-y to occupy space with stating ; ,„„t. in tlie recent Cnnninglmm faree^ A tlie li"-nres as to its coniplexioii: its maionty | of the Boston Jom- f„r IL.rrison was 2G,000. But let it not be ; ^qve some of tlie.se new diseios- Gn-gotten that William Henry ' ® s i nres, emUionsly. however, preceding them with aiuUermed hinl'lf ‘the onlv'imblie mm, in Ohio j ,Ce dec-laration tliat he does not wish to be nmilLiuiru tlipm T iC I i i i Lmi- t lOir {iCCliracV. JH-S a'.l Dill .Iu:. A' UiV 1 ;k qitl i'u ll’T LiUUf. irttOtl' ]>' . J, , , ri'tn’-- 'Iht.sc who hti\u bon-owci . louse velum them. i t •• " T«»jnuiG.>uro HOW i ' i •’ ' t/-' ArihurVCaus wiih th in fo v. j*,', jvotia Aug. -^2 '■* I HKRiaiv any am on inv utU'>uiit.u> ailV doht* Uille^? ii'UllRcln Auff. 22. ;llll !cte> n.’He*' 1-1 H VM 1: n u : u t -ID ii t .:it witi-.ont them since Iiave been a -wreck of ruin," for the deni- fnn to themselves. But on reflection, think it j ble '’I®''"®®'„„-,;;“,iLv'were to the point, oeratic party has proved itself to. be the omv ; quietly enjoy the feast, and | ®® to the thousands true national parlv-For example what ■'eb-1 onr hretliren on the otlier ®"'® j ^ J-iger'listeners. Rreekinridg-e.Clay.Ander- -,nee had tliisnation in til- Wliig party " I" f', „,ncl. Iiiss, for we know they must 1 -tvillard. Hamm,md lb'esto^ . , d Lindly 1. tii-'t Wli'-H-rtv? Echo answers where ; ^ ,, l.eing obligc-d to navigate | ,„,tt. R„l,inso.i. FoHer, W n-kbffc. and Lin 1 y It is now -a Idle of moiiiderinx rnin.” It only , ,„d tliongli they deserve all made tellu.g speeches, exists as a pliantoni of the imagination. sV too, yet let ns remeiu- thim^ that oac-e was; but to be no more fu'-ev-1 say.s, “Let your moderat.ou er "where too is that party so called Auu-ri-1 ,,1 men ” Therefore let us be c-in wliieh was reputed to have spni.i- from ; them. And onr fnends of the ,he rni.is of the old Whig and D.-moeral c par-, ^|,|,„HRon press ongl.t to cheer np and enjoy .and termed liimself the only pnlibe man iii umo . t.ie iiec-laraiion lm-i uc wlio openly took ground against them. 1 >e | .„h,1 aceountahle lor tlieu acemacy. •■ ■ ■ • Kentuckians see that tlie democracy on the | to lie held too rigid an nefomit for the slave question is wlicre Harrison was in U-0- -H,d] oorreetne.ss of all 1 have to state—not wd- Heiiee the extraordinary speetaele is "®''| ii,|„ l,e lielil to a strict ac-c-uraey, I have seen ot tlie demoeraev being triumphant in " 'i -,„d antliority for saying that p liranencs of State government wliieli the iieopU ^ mystery of Harvey Biirdell i can .ret liold of. Tliink of tlie iiiielligeiiee ol l,u disipatei seven dmiioeriitie membeis of Congress; a demo- darkiie.ss of that niglit ol enn US iM lUK 4^"-* ’ ' , I*' ra It ,00 is passing away a.s a tale that 'U p,,, Helorv too, for we have heeu hghUng to. ‘ 1 . **1. ♦i.n i .. vvluxT’ft we seven iienioci if I. menibei s ot Longi eSs . nmle teiiiiig Slic e..cc j .-ratie House of Representatives; a aeiiioi i.i id.,zo with the lirightne -Tlie weather was line, and every lung pa 'f,on. tlie Stale ol Keii- sed off-as it begmi-most aiispieionsly. It «as I b lati-ct . . m,. S'I'OltM t'Ot! i.KX'l'- The Sier,-. corner of C.llisii'e aia I n-iiV! a • near the Hank eflhc .stm-. "Oh i.i aiM.ve. l-'iM-m; c\y eeenii.i .1 1 ) hILY. "au-:. 2n’‘’' '' The Sut-serihi-r olid- -f . ah . 7 loh ' i ^ ■ s'’>- aUm on- Uoail waeon. .n g-e.l aa.us sold ehcan for cash. Ail l.ersoas will do well to aiMv.'t^s s'uio N' l.umbfir llndg'’. Uol" ^ Aug. 2-2, r,l--2t-i.d oii.s. ptixrs, vA!!.x;sii, .c r IN'SEEH, TU Vl.N'i mid LA.MI’ 01L8; 1^ "white Lead. Ciirome tireen; Ked . •• „ y®'.’""' Prupslna Imhg. I Itra ^^aulle^ •Vertnillion. Lakes. Lniber: Slenun. Vuiietiaii Led. n Uac, ]U‘i\ Sanders. ViuulvUe Lro^u: Cre-.-n anil Ited Smalls. , chrer. «' 'CA Coach, calher. i;ro-*-n.-iai,aii and i.oo.d Aar P^m'midVanusliUrudms; Hlo,uU-,-s. -ami other articles usdl l.c ’Ain Ip For sale hy ' Kquiire. t ol ITMIie w .11 - j 62-1 ni St.alea Senator irom lue wmo.v v.. ^ sed off as it iiegmi—iim.si ........ - , , , - -i^. ^.,.,uvning irimiiph is the elec- ties 11 Ii-M-F Ir> ^M*- n ” * , V»»\> »‘A- ' . told mid will soon “be iitinU.ered with the : ^h1 as our own. mid where we de-ui” Snell seems to be Hie emphatie 1""-; H„ain a glory in a State or Nationiil point ,r„.,.re of the late elec-t.oo,s. Rot notwiti.stmi- Hiare in it as well ns we. 'democrats,’ wlio were working simulder to sl.oulder for Hie welfare mid glory ot their country, which it did Hie patriots in-art good ,;no»-oo , - , , tosec'^ The Asldand barlieeiie will long lie tie , r,u,,,.i,.Himi! FarnioreHimialoe-.il rlXred will, pleasure by those who d'm;t.ei-) ivgainst M. RnH|dm>^_- ^ ^mbeved with pleasure by those who j jS- istirelm-Hon of Clay; and it is sig- pated in it, and Hie good tli.at "’'1' ,,-ifieant of tlie decaying state of itiio"-'’®®'"';^ it cannot fail to be yet made mande.st. g„ tor H.ecans !. ,,..„„n.raev in tlireeofH.e States in w-liich lie 111 rainy mm till,1,11. ju.sfc- • ted by tlie dark and terrible revelations oi that 1,onr of blood: and the mitliorities, 1 mn m- ,H,ere two vears ago, a know nothing was posse.ssion oi some el '-eled bv a majority of 1,600; and at the last developments, winch will sli w c eetion the know-notnmgs earned it by GtO j,,„t ^eere-y ,n siteh great crimes is mane • " pns.silile bv the laws of God. It will be remembered that no account can Im gathered of the mr.nner or idaee in wlneli the OHIO DEF-VlLCATiOS The Washington Union of the IStli make ffnd men in .ids eouat, y dispo^djo umuime^a , ^ have .espe-ting the Ohio party upon whic.t mo-m .^Veller as tiicir candidate I'.r | „,,,iH. was reeently discoveted in uepends t.ieir own s.iie . - Uevernor and Hie Repuldicans have nominated j ,p,.^„,„,., pf that State. As imua the op- Rcpnblicand on wh.cli h.i ^ 1 Edward Stanly formerly trom >«>•''', ,p„,e been trying to tlirow tlie Idaine longer eontinum.ee ^ W e mean the - - o,,,,oaing i andidale. W e won-, . ,|de lint when Hie trntl. is tioiial Dfinoeratie I ^ ^ kler if Hds Rcpnidiemi party iicre spoken at is; , , .,ic„.t tin- matter, tlie guilt hit H->\. H.lRRt-' H.as..-'V. - i'® ' ,, ,, iv whieli voted for — C 1 I'cn-iu-e to tlie table of ret urns, iin. same UeiiH'i---m P ■ . We find on re-leteiKC to me-. . , „ . ,i liicncv hist aoviiiibei. that our wortliy leplestiit.iti-ie, : 1 , h, Mr Sf.iidv a SouHierner not Winslow. .3 re-elected t- Coi.h - . i,. tcci,,,- and .merest also. R,u thlre IS no telling where men will go to 11,0 ,iays when t'ne-y steer eieai ol tile om) for Hie cans,- j jp.”'jj,','r,'iei'l passed ids last nigli't, Irom Hie time ■o'f'ilmnoe’rm-y'in tliree ofllie States in "''icli , j. j ,,ix o',-loek, at -"®- 1 the lU'onle liJive recCMitiy voted. j irojxditan Hotel, till elevc ®* Wc Led nor iro into particulars as to Hie | .po,, ,o enter ids honsc. at 31 j "a snndi It 1 , .••iiic St-itf*; ot' \iahanui aiid t ! (,ii the ni^ht he was nuudered. - * i Uniniiu^ about the l'U-~nK*sS liuroni . it« ? L;''! eLm-mvLt!;U S.ates have made p,,,,,,, lorce been visited, all his old j "^necs of tin:'.st class can Rm!L iXn'siLcp of knowmothingism. The (on,,,, ni.d examined, ail Usual ...o Inn-e with!;, ‘ « 1 “1.. -.4 r.litU ity of 4«51 voles over O. U. .Meals, Esq is tru-e the vote iu the district is not liy third as large as it might have been mu.y lie attributed to tlie i-.iet tlnil t-ai no-Ve-;ular opposition to -Mr W. I >■ cast for Mr >'®"fs ‘'0"® "“'®® : inent iiim Hum with any Imi.e o! hi- -— Tiie opposition saw tliat Hie aUim . be fruitle.s.s, and Hit-refore wi.s, ly liroiic, no regular emididate and Hi s 1-emg 'm tlie demo, rats were somewh.ii e-r-. -- - voting tVeliiiig Piat .Mr " nsl"‘m--i ' m idekiiow.i about the matter, the the side of Hie opposition: "Tne n-reai deficit m :>i the Ohio tren-ary r,...c,,iiv dis.-ov. r. d, catising tlm disgr rcsi-.na'iioa of tin- id.ick re|,nl,liean treasnr, r oi Stale, has created not a lilHe sensation inro only eongre-sioiiiil liisciple >1 t'"-^ /'cven*^'the Alain,ma has lost his election; , ®;_®" ', pow....f,.laid^..he,;eroofSm.JaemloconM itrLhL'bL lohmgfiirm,liable local divis- loL ui Hie demderatie ranks, their regular ca - .lid-iie is ek-eted governor by a handsome n - jl;, ,V The gr,:at result of the late eleeuous ,,,sm-urea,,,i,jori,yofdeu,o.-rats,uH.eHm.s^^^^ iMKiy. v„r sniuc linie^a^ "S^^aiwWy’Tw XL"'.:™ t'hire instructed has averaged nn- c r ,I.'u,.-nts,n go to £ Ll. . mi, wUliiig tu^ive full lust,-ue,inns ia die art any l.ct-ou " ' ® ^ l^latcs win, will rcniit me the sum ol ‘.jj I an. induced from the s>>rress I Imi^c ^ edt.!Lh:LTSidn^eai,.lh;^a^^^ Ref its eimracler. ami I can also re.i-r ... l-ersous in T.n-i,go T I' . I'gliit tniUei’ U‘> thf Dviiifo-rtiiic inii; rulttsSiiig they le.iist tt il he Uttdur SaiuV Mme: has created not a little sensittiou ' j'®® j j IV,™ j;;.;-’-j;. cimgress; and Hiis will „m the entire t'o.mti-y, mm ''®®'’‘!'. 'ontest ^ L- ble tlie.se memliers to rOnlrol legislation. im--e’iv into the ensuing politieal ®'’" ®"® be eleeled in Tennessee, >“'-'■'1.11 Hint Rtnt'e. As was to liave been expee m ^ Te.xas, and democrats will be g "'inotwitlislmidingtl.e repnd,ran party I 1 Lf'ied Iron, tliese .states. Tims the a.seea- ..der i nxelnsive control ol the legislative ,md , dcmoi-racy is now eomplete in all *en-' returned iroiu ihl-nc ouevv..,. . e.ieiic-,c 1 c, uv,, ve-irs -md I danev of tlie democracy is now eomplete in L!- LLrLLLllr Umlr'..mims-l,,ranches .d Hiegmmraig. found and examined, ail the Usual I’f f,!eh-acler. aad I cm, at^ resort seareiied, vet no one saw or lieard of lii.n | ;,„d .,4',.,; Ui this l.usinesss. and "ho " iH LmLeveu o’eloek. till he was seen to | jjllilfJ’IIiL Uily - Lidi.g Irou^^^ hou.se at eleven o’clock at night. le a. , tiie same. H '"'^'"’Lf'with uci-fec eas.-makc he was not Hieii alive; lie lay on Hie floor ® | ,,r UentU-meu can engagi.-md ^ u aniLd and stiffened corpse. He was kdled | , very h-d-™'-;!-;'?:: "" "®"' .. , - X I,:, I. rJiWJU '''‘..-0 into tiiat liouse before lie came trom nisi|.^ ;;;! LecL^GH. Hm inte.itiou to gar- jsu.oa upon hemg once ri.nb TlAll’bKTOyL Lu! iLu; hts ateouqliee and accessory was u. | sf... 37. Vcur.h St.. st.Loms. Mo. waiting in the next room with dagger prepmed | Ang. 22 (or a struggle, if needful. It is ’ j m .vYETTEVILLE MARKET. trbfLnthiesHmLie-nL'mpHie blade i Corn-cted for the XorU,. Carolo.on this (lunuii r- 1 1 rx I deck ilnu. ,,„ion a desperate eff.irt is being made liy Go ulovi.wc ieve received ,,,,.„o,- Chase and liis abolition press t® 'hro" iight: tlie responsibility on Hie domoeracy. * . 1 ..f/.ii 1 » ichitt tfd Luyt iid a (lnuhl. ii/icn a’-iy n‘i r' --u.d for tlu' ■ OU' irffverinnem. - ms im.*, anu ‘‘'-x iif.cnn-i-i Bo-1 ■■ Ib;.-Hds is not idi. TO ! ;L!‘Lr;:LkrLdt despair, ‘ i ro-.v I to be added the tudiealum.s i,„ou,o, of ,hc house were away wue.i ^ BmO« heir|opi„ion.suchasweresceuti t - Rurdell was kdled. The deed ot blood Jiilv 2-2, 18.77 St,.,- wi.icn H.ro.vs some ngm,: respoiisioility on Hm''odium ' n!K!'!L‘ii!‘rof t'lie”Coime'etieiit democracy, mid dative to Hie iiom- j iugeiimty has ®®|;®;L^,foL JiuL h" {sSiLLmm now seen in the eleeUons in Iowa. . I.,,u , J iJiaek ^"'T''‘’''-l|,'|°J'; yj7o,|!r'thVmaireasanerf--ofRresli.,, Hie These with NorHp"lTe s , i.crnia -miU ol his i joo(,„,s,,r of Gilison, and wlio was e eeted .isjshow how Hit "'L ; ' , \ i,.,,) foe moral 1-"" s - »iK'.',L.™n 77. ' if..ilk,, ml i u piiy il. jgr . Xr-RA.” .-o open li-'d men wl'O , V r and Idgli minded ‘ ■ ,i.,-,ieiirs -Ol -t-i — I n ilemoerai; mniagn.," ■••■j - ■. '■ 7" "7i77,-7L i mLrL7:7Ltw'r!i‘7Lpr,Uec7m'rUm ^ .77vv mid tc 1,revent improper uses being P.i iu the,r own ‘■'V'"”""’i ,|.e imldie funds, we tuko- ir^’uu tlm '\0rJh Cafuliua il. CnitLMl Sluics , - A ' • ' 0-r lea u ;■■■ ‘ Voni Uiu ‘ XL. •••-'I re'.luv r ana inji** isier and v\i.iun ' think this may | “'i'li,. lVieinl> ^ K pruPuniarive elect from j native SiaU*, ilt rin- idea that so clever a! atiicn he Wa^ . irrievcd to learn that j on the suojeer, wnm ‘ , ,„uc Mr (Timer lo ’>® jms'I.amc mni'iiiiineiice to loieli-iiglit ot iM.m lor cannot tnun.^m 'mt ‘‘L '7,77iews ol i Dv of elc-ipe the're.sponsibility for tiie laxity ol PC next Congress of Hu-: Union of inesi. Elate.s. 7V iH. ®‘'® ! etvL i’dm ng the financial concerns pitiable. Rut itj Mr Manly, or any 7 ^7 7, , ffL Lve? of which the treasury has '■ nnotlaiistraet t“‘ JLi LeLde dctei! of nearly a inilliou dollars. .X i lusliluiion ol slaveiy. nt t n , i _ ^ It. y-xnRfrrriu'r this letter Dll in anv nmn tins .siac i , . it to he uralheii XLeXiL and light the eiin-eutfauaticnsu, and heresy are daily receiving ';®®®7‘7'7.7;;7 we hesitate not to predict ® -; j election will show Htctr importamt. Hus Buldell was killed. ThI " deed of liUiod aoiie. The clothes are consumed ® ®:® .® i Kpoi r. ffimilv returned. The “smell 0 '®«,!'®® Familv fied to on the trim, in but auoH.er ®F' X ' , ^ ^"1'- F®'® of interesting ineibc.il met, who have I gmi-d , UiiUerriblealfiir. The man of tdood avmg 1- done the deed, takes the e oai ami In,i d I ■ , Bnrdell.s’ii,sent the back why through ® | b,„c, into Bleeker street. Reas 1 3i1 Flax Seed UEMAIIKS. Corn wanted. Lard Molasses Salt SrtiiiTS. Reach Brandy A I,pie “ Whiskey Do. iiurHiein - Tfiii-r.xTiNK. Raw 2 00 spirits >vv( caU ■ rcu 11 icics -i>acon iittd. } iuur ulhithT 20. D N- Rat itjh; Manly, or any the j of which the treasury has hlbeenlr- tldn ,y remarked Hint “we cannot j abstract T'" ^.y^rF^^Juiing to dojibem. depicted of "early 7m iiideeii slavery, we have t.otl.ing to t M been ^ TjjL Jhis letter to onr expect to fi-,d perfection in any mm. tills j believe it to 'j® ^Kis'.' U is tl.e pride and. boast ofthe dem- thc n-ave ” and so -.ve must look with the ®y® i deinonslrabie Heat to Hie neg , bolding 'bm on all financial questions, ofclardy on Mr G-s,.resent position and i ®®y " “ 7 morals is inhn.lely "(. . AC Ii.m for'-e kiions not what he docs ' Uiaii’that wliieli prevails in any free \yv cave often wondered why so many '"-® | 7^7;,7he Union vir n.eii that we have in onr mmds eye who ! nave k ad i.earts ami generous ^nX'reeLdloFHmii^Blativeactionl^rRiFAnierdean Union ®®®Xh Tluienl^rilglld^r as complete. Me had snl'>jeet',whenthedemoeratieparty wasin|j,.na,..titied ’''®‘^'uLlo 7k " and the great i personated Bunk-ll at the '"®®7,7'and7u,re' ■ ■ ,n, Ihe on-!|,or the North ought ®® 'A'’, I tl,.-, amialde, vet erednions and nmi national party of both ^®7'®''7r; ! i ,de Dr Marvin, Hie clergyman who married .sent to less than these figdits. On sn 1,,,^ pnvti.-s; he could easily deceive Hiose "ho ground both wings ot the 1'"® ] L.|,tei,ce is U-iw oiiiv his form. Hie well-known cloak Hie m-rdeni heresies and now the ®V7 ‘:L'm ‘ ' f, hour; and when the qnes-j , we ttniiK my .a..-----a, every day Hie sobel- 7e?ond j lioil Is asked, “Where was Dr. 7'.®''®"';®‘;''®n'‘ l^unm-'mi li'o,:.:.- cry, derived from British ®"®yA"b ®‘ ^ Hall• 1 lyin..-cold in death, and in his own blood 7'Uo-'i" rl'y'yu®yv i.Jl,-,, J. T I-igon- leLial abolitionism i'"l'"®®® !! '77 n .77ll i his Office, floor, Hu- victim of fourteen stubs by XLd'conliuue.ohodmito so nan'ow mid ,„„,acTe,i a linr.y as the know nothing. It will liowev r not be much longer betore^ they w;ll Ibid that they are in “slippery piiHis’ mid an- depending upon a broken reed foi sils.ten a„, e mid support. This is evident in the re cent el.-etioiis by the fast vanishing away ol their nrospeels us a p•^"^ty-^^ R CH.tlffXH C«IA I V. The democrats of lids eminly dc.serve the thanks of the party generally for the gallant manner in which they aeqnitted thennselves in For alHiongli Oen. Dockery i As‘^Ir Mally has chosen to occupy the sta- sympath.esj assigned to him by the Black ^R’X'b'is Ct Ualiliu-nia. he has. of course, cours- to erith-isiu and speeulation. 2, tlierefore, without, as "■®the „v, surmise that something else ® ,1UH- he owes, as a citizen, to l.is adopted Male 'prompted’ him to accept, from U.e B ack Republicans of Ualifoniia, a ‘>"'® ^^ cannot be elected w.H.ont the ItalerafunionL^Mr SlaLly-'s country likewise, and he wouhl’nt feel i.in.sel|- justitied J®*®^' ll= C ulfederaey'‘a'ml Wliy should n7 Mr Stan- r7»,iaa .'i«" fO limns. iLis oci-atie iiarty that on all financial questions, whether national or State, its public men have been the first and foremost in frowning down corrnption of whatever charucter i.c-Hve U-1- i-cttinu out abuses, and prompt to correct thtm (..-ovtding by stringent laws lor the l'"->®®®|.'®® J the people, and requiring at the .nind.- ot pn ) lie agents unt.emling intOgnty and strict ac- erv derived from British ®"''y'r''b o‘ " j' ’ , , ,„,,i p, l,is own bloou. o" i gr.-m rn".---''rv , , i,roil,-,i .1. I-ig"‘- leniial abolitionism ""l>®®®®f [“''‘iLbLut-e. "11 i is tlffic-e, floor, Hu- yicHm of fonrtcon stubs .y j ;,a,;eu-d " i. ‘v',' WILMI.NGTON MARKUr, Ang Virgin l,.r„.-mi,ie M,y.-flew "SiA 1 r,„.-iii SS to sr-.t-mmiieii , ■'-■",. 0' s (tamiigi-d bora at 2" 10 r"- an ki'U.u-sy UK (I itn> I^Tmeriem. Union, as established by tne , ow,,^ lum^^ p , ■ dt-l-I;'’ fathers of the republic. „.ent in on the |iersoi. o the | ,,„j s-affer.-il «.-r:onHv.^--n- ^ ii.c-■—y,,. (lemonstratioiis show a j-I'ssas-in.” But Bnrdell was cold m death '''j-.im liappy rS. tions of the Lposilitm as to the designs of the oci-nided the rooms, ehambei .mil j „.g„ring from Fi,-. or Kpioi..-, demoerm-y are fast 7oI tlLt the ^P^LioId fLr^Lun: Ld^weL'that no j ToMU XlXXmr roisreoii nsion cry or smell ot Imrmng vlo h , Fo r'l'in-lanVe Address ’. ,i.o;r„nti,-eHmtni"-lit. alter they earner p fr^c on ihe recc-qrt of „ rMn.-a ""“7-1 tJd'wL L |ia?t of a well eonsumma-1 s. llunce. tOS Haiti— >-> the .late tdeetien. * - hcc-i.u,j..o stumped it in the County agmn.st the Hon. - iiappeiied Warren Winslow yet the returns show a ma-, ^y,,„,i„j,ton held a meeting '‘’XlL.vSd 7 '^ormnien.ion from Rieh-7. town on the 12th Inst, and pass^ vescu mond County signed “One of the "®771 -P®-^ j'in which came too late for last weeks tssue of the . Hon. J. C. Dobhtn. 1 hey w Carolinian but we clieerfnlly insert tt in the | another column as published m the W „ present mimlier. Our readers will find it mi.journal. another tolumn. | j^rTlicre has been a decided improvement j^Tliere is a mistrke'in Hte advertisement of | this .section in the temperature 77:1 the auntpil meeting ol the F. & A. F R Lo ,1 owing we suppose to the heavy ra the meeting takes place on the 27 instead «'j j.g][ on the 18lb and 19th insL 39 democ-nu-y are fast passing 1,. Unt the dcinonstratitig to an 1"^®] 'fj'^.P^Xerv'on to .lHilo, r,7 ,„-e no, '‘"''‘"r ,,.„.i,orv, bat lo Th.- Elt.iafF KitJnt X «=. •• ,-5th in jtnolht r ccl- to eominm.d the willing approval of hewn down in cold blood m the heart of this in tiie Holla,, ROIl uClOrG IlH.’TTi, HD» n'5* J I _ . , 1 ience the peojile of Ohio will now dispense wit tbc-fiirthel rnie of blm-k has proven it.self to he on a par with the tor rnptLns and peculation of the 'LtHesons Gill.erts of the national Congress The Mate convention which came off a few ^"5® ''j: ’ , .deserve, made the enactment of a P-’'® F' ® s-ifekeeBin-i- and dishiirsement of the pnblu fui "SE dent treasury of the Umon-one of the pl.mks in tlie demoeratie jilatfurm. Supreme Court.—The following young gen tlemen liave been admitted to the practice of fhe law in North Carol na. by the Supreme Court now in session at .Morganlon. County Conrt-Messrs. N. P. W'lrd, Frank lin- II L Fennell, New Hanover; John An 1 ’ 7H-,lilax- H P Harrell, Bertie; Charle- '(v YHknL’ev Pitt; W F Jones. Hender- ,son; A Q Waters, Cleaveland; 0 W Gillespie ;;;“-"„7Vm,meg-nal.le barrier will be cream. “sn^eHo^ Court-Mcsp J lom^^^ich fe7ow7rH..rprocess^foTmaliou nlin- L. F. Chnrchwell, Kuihertord, W A ^g^u^^gig of 1800. Owmi, Mockleabu-raii. entionsly support; sutu o .jll, ' ^ tWp (k*inoc- to fomiuaiul the willinjc approva rgeoitect rMPv Let the irreat uatumul party reco KCt that then- opponents are J (Ipnee >R reviveu. .c'lcn ix-vi be hewn down in cold blood in the heart of Hus Treat citv, at their own firesides, mid me mur derer not only go unhung, but reap a golden barvest.indefimic-eoflaw, ";®>" B>® F°®,7L blood and death. S.u-h 1 understand to be H t at suivery i-»* > xi «-nrk blOOU antl uuaui. ►juv.. will necessitate severer P®>" ®7trio ic "'M'tre of some ofthe developments about teens, ‘your fall.cr’s he’s my knife plied Hie young hopeml, anti nc o „ I in his pocket.” n£)i.LAKia:i: s TESIIMONT. ,..ob uiaskes. living in me Hollmid settlement e .li'e'bovgan. IViBi-oiisin.says: “Aft.-r suflV-ring Icr me ;’„e the misery uttemliag an utter jirostraiK.n " nnm and bodv. I liavc been r.-store,l. by usmg Lmril-i'c nolla.id Bitters, m-iierfect lioabli.-’ The fact of lilts mnedy huirr^Mn .‘^nch hi;rli np mong the Hollanders ill \Viscnns:i., M.cbigan . ,-iy- York.infacl in every Holland settlement 1:1 ili I n.i -. Slates arguea much in its favor. -.r-i- rfry H—for Cbro-iic or Rjrvc-as Fi a.' , - --r j-‘ej-t'Er, !-:;sC;.n!a':c, fr ate-.-on.

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