.y- r & co\s. l’ OF THE :R!0DiCALS THE c;un)K. tON INTIiK rKICK .K ia'liLlCATU*N. . yuKK. i:'*ntir.HO j I’.rLtl:-!! r-.rU’ditaN. 1 I'KKLY ikw REVIEW 4 kEVIEW vLi’f...’ r^pn-onr !]:•,• _ Lrualij—W ! '], • •. II • t i;!y ' ■• . • .. • . : • ihc n 'oi I'T' '• t ;;,i V.; iuliiy. -ai;«l 1.’ ' . . •. u:jri\a'.' >I ;i il v " i,Ie to the ?oi i’iar aott :o the intei'c'Hr v. |\ RUTv- eorrt ••: ?.:.*! -M. |i:-ni Uteivt'i:--’ -^r li.-- ^anh. p COP ES. |>vE SHEE:i> :V. ■ |!t.c.l»ul ' alut 1‘ :i.f [w he pi;.;> |;i a-; lliL ■' a. kta^is. Prit- rear in all whtrt i' »-.o perc^ ^ ^ ■ o Cu ps ’ : . • . : lire tu the a- ■ rlv-. 1 od. ri "i.t h'- '• a " vv "• - ?;»: 1. ui •' •' •■ • i« ur ti for -s;:!': . ‘ - josr.UiE Jiiles ai:d T“V.;-: • ••-.•- :ee uf I •, ire u» ur.v }.;.rt .4 ^ENTY-VnCR CKMS ^ ’.-ar I' FlUUTEEN ( F'n'Ia vt ar ■ (iro-f ' /' tin led istlliUt IfCl /£•/• UHi-.h ■>. ?'*1KU*> UVIDK. , Fraetical Acrieahii:*- . |h. R. >*.. (it l-.ti.i.i'H:‘j:’. a- 'i frete-'-'r -ee a:"... N,'.. 11a-, - a Luia. 'V... ; , : . ; lor \ Irn:*' \\ i COI.lAUJIA.N ll DTK. |;n. s'v: :m; a rs»y anti strrn'jth i t aisy other* rfett canira! color. f-022 HziP broxto to jcl UlacK- I ea.y anU rapid. I tiarmle^s to ibe skin, itaneo'is and perniancatt I and i>Yi: tr- ■ V.iljE. •..'COTHpany ^ .v.h Jtt) Thf Act ot’ iu liarrison iu tlv v '.- ; a’- ijiH-.- . :‘ ■ U. >. for’:.;' K-.i'i-.i-!! L‘i>:r; *. . Forr.KE-. F.: [^05 W. HAHRr V:.. PHTLAL'-:;!.'- : . No. AmvxoN^s^ 'E OR A.>'iM‘EVEU MLi.s, -a' f.-TM,:..- a::; . - To »h:s ,-i.-l,r;r*d Fill. V../. •, • lie purMuj. r to v.;,..;y _ • to it.'o'.vu TU'-rits a? a rtnndv ■ cure when luktn uecordtf.jr to each box.—Th!.« Fill unlike •no min-iai. li'T any injurious - adniiui'tervd with perfect sale- j.g ar » !.]- leuiU'i Cli:li.. »-r any other type * aded a-^ uu^urpa'S-^-d; and in _ -uerally it is lar .'Uperior to kution (»f Peruvian lark A trial ! is ueetled to in'Ui'e il a la*, -.i i- lnjeti(>n oteten th,. nU'-r fietar. t.r Patent pri i\i I-BILLIOl s ril-l s. ofleinjr at e-t i- ]. ;• ; • • var ous Ci .. ' i;:; a li ertie^j. and I.jver (.*■.. ■abitiiiil b’o-' I H- U'-rF I diee-'tiJ'ij. d.. L’’• r. el.-, ir.-d - ^ by Ti.--r (:(.!i p(oit;.;n Jlier of tb‘ al i.\•; ca-e, a n'en- 1 all tinie'-^ ^^heu .-ucl; n.- *r‘-:i.‘ S ijiiK-nd llit-m To the att*.tit:o:i ^ed bv F. .M. >\VVKR A i n.. Fenevilk-. IlFiy.is, y. Fay-' fteville. N. C., aal fy Is and villages in the Southeiu :S WANTED- ^very town and hamlet in the • one i* not air- ady estab);Vhed. Iyer & Co.. P‘ ll“ville. Illinois, reterence to « : aracter and re- Iorders will le ; -innllv lilledby F M .'TV; iEK &(:)., proprietors. P-'!-,viile. Jilinoi.s. I'api j- -iiiiis. |.V WA.X'Ulij, fhe Pa'lEoad ^taiiois or at Jny .or the; wiji b*- Tak»-n the Suite. M' l'cfiaiits and lie r,-^ J yiC-i i:.‘ V 11-n fi.--y luxe n kill send liu Hi to ihe.r .M ar' -E jean St:!'aford t- tP- {;i;.h fltv. ly fjoTH -ff.r** or at FniWoad pills, cle ek.' (.r Nortf-ern rund-. '•;o Ranks in .i:.d |roiiiiaanf{ Viririnru M'Klut.'- C_ \V. F-ENEJ/iCT- Uj laid };opor >u u- lor Cot- ^puper y.i-Hl vias.to \V B. u;i! A MB % I i/r, pAM K'.fiJA'K utl IJa/iir'fon ■if'-., Etniad.. Pa. eirie'. on larga wheels, -with a • atuuhed to move them about, lo cyl.'nder". making 10 to Zd lar*' filled in from 3 to week*. Ind for sale. These pngines F* v'-ar-. and in every instance •C'ci. I>e-cFlpt:vu ca'cular« Iu.'. Devoted to i^ews, Political and Business matter, Agriculture, and Family Heading. FUBLICATIOX OFFICE,] IXOEPEXDEXCE IS THE SOUL OF DEMOCIlACYr i'HXAl.PSOX STUEKT WM. F. WiGHTMtN. Editor. » FATETTEVILLE, N. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1857. T i: R M S i siascRipriox to the carolimax j For a single copv. if paid in advance, per annum, $2 00 | -• * •* at the end of o months, 2 50 i “ “ at the end of 0 months, 3 00 i ‘t “ at the (Mid of the year, 3 50 j No subscription will be received for a shorter period 41ian one vear unless paid in advance. With llie view of ext-nding the circulation and en- lianciag the usefulu iss of the paper, the proprietor ot hers the following remarkably low CLUB Ji.iTES. J VrARIABLV LV ADTA.XC E: o copies of the Carolinian, 1 year, SS 00 20 •• •• •* ■' lo 00 Rates of Advertising: sixty cents per srpiare of 1(1 lines, or less, for the first and 30 cent.s for each subsequent insertion, unless the advertisement is published for more tiuiii two mftnth.s. when it will be charged For three months, ----- S4 00 For six months. ... - 0 00 For twelve months. ----- 10 00 All advertisement^ must have the desired nnmbrT of in sertions marked on them, ortherwise they will be in. -erteil till forbhl and charged accordingly. Special aitentwn is directed toAhis requisition. WM. F. WIGHTMAX & CO. GROCERIES, HARD- ware fre, ^-c. The undersigned are now receiving a large assort ment ofRRORERiES HARDWARE, IRON. STEEL, HOLLOW-WARE. SHOES, LEATHER & SADOLE- RA'. which they will sell at wholesale at a small ad vance on cost fur cash, or on usual time to prompt dealers. ' G. W. WILLIAMS & CU. Julv 25. 1S.>7. Oo-tf A CARD. THE undersigned would rc.^pcctfully inform his old friends and cu.«Totnors that ho can be found at the Store of C. E. Leete. where he will be glad to see them. J. R. McDonald. Jan. 17. 1S:»7, 33-tf 4000 acres of Land for Sale. All the Land belonging to the Estate of John Mori- son, dec'd. Is now for sale. Said land is lying in the ; Counties of Montgomery* and Richmond; and any per son wishing to pnrcbu.so any* of said Land, can have an opportunity any time within three months by calling on the subscriber at Capt. Joseph Hines’.*’. llichmotH* Ooiinty*. -A part of said Laud is lying on or near the line of the S. 0. A Coal Fields R. R. The sul>scriber will taae pleasure in showing said lands to any person wishing information re.*;p^tlug them. I). B. RAINW.ATER3. Julv 4. 1857. 3m CIjF.AIKVT a. WltlGllT, Vttorni yat ’..aw, Fayer(evillo, C. iVfiCo at the corn, r of Bciw and Green streets, r eb'v 3. L'Vl J. A. S5» SOARS, ATTORNEY AT LAAV, .VTTEN'DS the Courts of Cumberland, Harnett: Wake and Johnston. A'l [re=s. TtK>;n 'v. Harnett Co.. N. C. Fel). IG. ISod. t'Vi-y DOBBLY HOUSE! SHOWERS & TUOY. Proprietors. a The Proprietors of tliis Establishment an nounce to the public, that owing to the con stantly increasing patronage extended to them, they have been induced to enlarge the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on tlie lower floor, and suite of Room.s on the second floor: thus enabling them to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. And they pledge tliemsdVes to an increased exertion to give satislaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in attendance. DOCTOR FRAMi WILLIAMS’S C F. Li-:B R \ r ED R Y K WRISKE Y The Sub.scriber has made arrange i-ents to keep a supply of the Genuine Article, and is the only Agent for the sale of the above brand of A No. 1 Rye Whis key in this place. . ROB'T MITCHELL. May 4fl-tf FUOSFECTU,^ OF THE XOIiTH CAROI.ISA PRESBVTERIAN The Presbyterian Cliiirch in North Caroiina lias iong iaijored under a serious disadvantage Tlie olip:il)le location of the Establishment, with the ! f,.oi„ the want of a journal to advocate lier experience of !!ie ri-nprietors in providing for'he I (-laims and represent her interests. It fs esti- I I mated that only 1000 PiTsbyterian Weeklies j The Western and SonthernStage.sarrive atand depart I are taken in the bountis or our three J lesbylc- ' from this Mouse. ivies. We have 13,000 Communicants, and it j Gari-iaaes in attendance on arrival and departure of i jg g^j-g jq j]|^t [|,p,.g ^rg 30,000 Presbv- ■.=ttoam lioafcs. for the accommodation of passengers. | 'stands fiftli in tlie Union in point of numbers, and her mcmbersliip is ^rreater tlian that of i'.ta.v iit'rd. Esip .till?' 1!> B.lRTinV FULLER, .\ttoiiicy at (.a*v, F A Y E T r E V t Ij Tj E , X , f' •. le cons.jUed at the ’.aw Otlicc of Jese G. on Greeu Street. is.-,d. T-tf for the Horses and Garritvges furnished at any carrviiio- travellers to anv part of the udiaecnt country. ‘ .r W. FAWERS. ‘ W. C. TROY. Fa.vetteville. ^!ay l'>. 18.'Oi. t'S-tf NEW GOODS KYLE ANDREW J. STEDMsVN, ,A Homey ut • Having r-r,novcd to PITT.SPJOKO. N. C.. will attend regularly the Court; Couiuiu-s. April 14. i8.3(>. t Chatham. Moore and Llaructl .JOHN O. SII.4W. .irTTOUXEJ .»T LAW Uockin^rhani. Richmond Coaaty North will practi'. e in the Courts of Richmond, Anson and ilobesoa. All imHness enirnsted to his care will re- -..■ive strict attention. Inly, 11. ly-eS P)R 8AhE. St4 .Acres of band. Ivins on Gape Fear River—More, D'.v.'lliii'' lint llousj.s all iu lirst rate onler. The Store is at a tine ttnsines.s stand at Ih.t Cross Roads and the and i.s not to be excelled by any in North GarohiUi. Any p'f.son desirin? to purchase can obtain Inrth .-r particiilar.s rc.spectins the property liy eallin.2 cn epher of ns at Wiilis' Cr.tek on the Wilmington Road id miles from Fayetteville. (det, t. • iS-tf J.VME.S WltlCitT. .my Synod Soutli or West of Pennsylvania.. Onr sister States on the North and South, r.eitlier of tvhieh hits a membership so large as ours, pnblisli tlie Central, and the Southern i\T \ FVT F Presbyterian, for the benefit of tlieir people. • ’U Iv I Li Ci (jmelias come when tlie PresbyteVian Ship-: ts now receiving his Spring and Summer supply^ of | North Carolina .should likewise do i DRY GOODS, HATS, ROOTS & SIIOI'.S, j i,g.. jntv to her children, it is a conceded and important fact, that liundrcds of our meralfers tvill take a State paper wTio will take no other. The Paper is needed to be tlie organ of our Synod ami Presliytcries—to elevate and en- ligliten the piety of onr memliership by ditl'iising evangelical knowTed.ge—to promote tlie cause of Ediicalion—to develope tlie talents of onr Ministry, and to .strengthen the attachment of onr people to tlie .soil and sanctuaries of their own State. If our Chiircli iu otlier States, and other and Anastatic CountoDeits, Erasures. Transfers or Cluirclies in this State, can supply their meuH Alterations. with a religious journal, wliy may not we.' Maving purchased the Patent for the exclusive right North Carolina Prcsbvterians inferior in A.™Ml^“wd1i'EugJ!uiinw rf;^ . "“e'-KY and patriotisin'to tlmir neighbors bi-alcd cliemist and ofiicer in tlio British army, it is j on tlie .'^ortll or South, or to Ciiristians ol hardlv iicccssarv to say that the Paper is recommended i otlier denominations at home? With tlie bv Mr Kent. Assaver of the U. S. Mint, Mr Eyman | of accomp!i:-«hing of the New York Clearing House, and .Meade Brothers 1 .. . , t„ *i., extensive and skilful i>hotograpliers. 133 Broadway, N. Y. The latter say that no imitation can V>e made un 0. check or bank note printed on ihe Safety Paper. TAKE NOTICE. Y’HE Sub.'Criber having, at June Term 1857, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter .Se.ssions for the County of Cumberland, qualified as Adiniuistrator upon the Estate of Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies persons hav ing claims against the said Estate to present the same properly authenticated within the time prescribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in the bar of their recovery. Debtors to the saldEstate will please make payment immediately. E. F. MOORE. June (>, r)3-lf » SPKIiVG STOCK, 1857. E. lb moOBE. Wholesale Brorer and I'onimission Merebant* Has ju.'it received in Store. 215 Barrels Whiskey and Brandy. ,3.) •• and hlids. of Sugar ass'td' 75 Sacks Rio Coffee. 200 •' Salt. 50 boxes Soda Biscuit. Candies. Soaps. Candles, Snuff. Cigars. Ac. aYc. All of which will bo sold on liberal terms. March 14. 1S57. 4l-tf ' voi.rMi' xiy ;UU * is 3 , F’REIfiHT ,\M5 P ASSKXGKR LIXE « TXVEKX WILMIXGTOX Si, F A VKTTi; V IL l.l StpaiHcr M.'ijttiDlia.ltavo? Kayetipriile on MgiuIhv .nnd Tl.ur^■ d'.y niorninps. J.) miiuiffi! aflcr l.pavi-a Wilminelttn on Tuosdjiy and Fvidrtv niorniu j- StcaiU'T Fanny Lulttrloh. U-avpiJ (■ ay»*n'’Y ill*- on iHp-.lpy and Friday inoniinjs. 15 ininuti s Mllt-r Fun-ri--.'. I.eaTtfP Wilnnn;:t.''n W(*dn‘-''d;!r imd Sa'nrdny uu iuh..-; Both cnrryius Froifihl n.n'. I'.assony rs SteaTT.vr Hownn. A\ itb full sets of L’:.;ht»‘rs. run.® rr;rula. '.A carryinfir FridL'htonly I 'lo repularitj'ofour Bo.Tts on Jill stii;ies of the Iliver. and the d.’.spatch and i>roniptii«*.«;s iu'k-livcriny goods, an* too avi-U knovrn lo roqnire comment. To our patrons wo tender our thanks for tin* reiy libera! patronage heretofore bestowed, and c-an a.-sure all shippe-r-: tlia t no efforts will be spared in fnt ure, and f“el confident that onr facilities for nespatoL are e;ual il'not snj'erior to any line 4n Cape Fear River. av, P. FLI.ICI T. Agent for Liitleiloh Sc Co. F.-.yetterillc. N. C.. Oct.25.1S.'d> 21-lf STORE FOR RENT. 1 Tin- Store, corner of GilHspie and FrauJlin Street j : no;ir the Bunk of the State, with or without (ho rooms i above. Formorly occupied by the Sons of TGiniier- I ancD. -^ppiy m Joseph arl^ . i Aug. 22. GI-3t-pd \[r ADAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES: fin and common TOBAtX’O: and almost anything in th Grocery line. Cheap a.s the cheapest! G W. I. GOLDSTON. Fob'v 7. 1857. • 3G-tf I FRESH TURNTP SEED. FLAT DUTCH. RED TOP. ENGLISH NORFOLK, LARGE GLOBE, Rl'TA BAGA. Ju.st received and for .•’ale by 'TST’« j The Subscriber oflers for sale, one Timber W-agon. I also, oiiD Road wagon, in g'lod repair, which will lie i sohl cheap for cash. .\11 persons wanting bargains j will do well to ad(lre.«s D. A.CONOL"^ . Lumber Bridge. Robeson Co. N. C. j Ang. 22, (l4-2t-pd Mi! l.ovtgaoiBS sliirC hY • Tiie fir'l one I ni« i w • r ir,' sing the mil r::i .1* o:u-e s;iI:'!;g-i w.v •'> ' He hati 'lA-.i, wh'ijqi-’i- bi a 1;-'.' ;\ ;is j'lSt out u ! I'V. ti g “ • Y ' ' I>:!f. Upon ! Ills j '.ii.:, i ;; ‘ "Why, Sut, wiiai's wroiuy i;-'-* “Ilmip's wroD’^-, (iiirn n.y -k!:: ' i ' ric:ui. Ivilcolf.in a.l' 1" ‘ nil’ take a hfru, w'lii’;' 1 iak‘ i that everlasliiij {i t'k of h'> ;if la- , ' i yerscir on lliat ar i'lg. tin' I'li ■ liiiuit'smost le-yont t-'ninj" 1 . Uhe darmlest fool ontou Liaw. | ' m ) for lie acted lio.^s, 1 liaint ti.im'liai y^'! I in some trap llial cmhlenl.keeh a ■ jdrownrl myself sum day. .';i e el 1 B ■ slop a family disuersiiioa 1“ iiiakr u- of themselves. "How, is it. Sat, have von i>e‘u ‘ “I'l cards, or drinking, wliioh is it : ' “Nura one, tiial eaii’i he di>i in tins.- but 5eoin’ it's yort, George, Til tv.li na ni .swar I'ur shamed—siek- rrv. mad. 1 am .rf fc n-« You know I Ijoard-s witii Hill Carr, ot Id-' Cx S-ff S® ealiin on the mountain, an’ pays ha* sieh es I I The Lady whn bought 2 Pitchers. 2 P>(n\is and a | jriti; when I hev money, an’ wlieu 1 hcvii t enx . I Dipper, at my Store, early on the i.5th of June, will 1 takes ■*me-thinl ov it (»ulen me iu eu^- j pi,-in-n 1=011.1 in lior name, as n.y cl.M'k t',arg,nl the ; ,.,1;,.^ ouL Julv U. 1857. tf S. J. HINSDALE. Bolting CLOTHS, itc., all of which, being purchased by the case, will be offered by M’bolesole or Retail ut Lt^W PRICES. March 28. 43-tf ^IbSBIGAII SAyETY-R^H” .UAYUFA ACrriilXG CO. OF'XEYV YORK. CAPIXAl ®5O0,OC©. * A. Nicholas. President. ORico, 0 Mall St, j A perfect security against all manner of Fraud or Candina. i {Nmnterfoiting on I’ap'-r—To Prevent Photographs Five sevoiith„ of the F ARMING AND TURFFN- TINF LAN!) i.i Harnett county, known as the ['arker and McNeill laii.t-. ' liiiiipa Wra. Man- iigton’s land on L'pper Little Itiver.' There is .some 2d,) acres ct the test rpiaiitv of low ixr.uin ls on the ian ts -.f heavilv tiiri'r.-rod with pines, mih's .d'th,! FaveMeviU,; and Westeru Railroad For particulars apply to D ^Mc.ARTHLR. J.’w.’ McKAA'. River. The up and within six Nov. i8.>(> 2r*. 2)-ir A. >1. C.amubf'll, VC'CTION'KER &■ COAtAtlSttlOX AIKRCtlANT. Plast side of Gillespie street, F.'.TKTrKVILIA’., N. C. Octoherl. I'd-j :,I A R H L E FACTORY', BA' GEO. r.AlTDER. .-.alv opposite to E. tV. Wilitings' Auction Slor Faycxtcville, N. C. Oct. 1. I85fi. SECOND SI’KJXG STOCK. S T A P. R and williams Have now in Store their SECOND STOCK of Sea- r-onable Goods, which they will otter to the WhOlesa-e Bcloa* is our list of prices: Blink Cheeks—2.5 cts. per U). Bank Bills—$J8 for 1000 sheets. Bills of Exeiiaowo—$25 for 1000 slicots Promissory Notes—40 cts. per II). Siwfit aiifl’Time Drafts—$25 for 1000 sheets. Insurance Policies—40 cts. per 11). llailroatl Stocks & BonUs—40 cents per lb. Bank and State Stocks—40 ct.s. per lb. Bonds anti Mortiraires—40 cts. per lb. tVills and Deeds—40 cts,per Hi. For wrappiii,; Silks and other line articles it is ex cellent, as it nreventsmoths. 4U ctsalli. For Iiidentiire.s and Airieements. 41) cents per Ih. .All .Statu and County Records should always he printed or written on this Paper, as the chemicals in serted in the pulp not only prevent erasure or transfer hut make it lasting as time. For Southern Climates it is excellent, and much superior to any Other: a.s tlie muisidess ot tlic climate i does not destroy it.—the properties inserted in the i pull) being a preventative. In all the southern states ! Cuba. the'West Indies and the Central American States no public records can be kept over ,20 years, written I on the ordinary ])aper. wiiile the oils and other cliemi- I cals idserted in thisl’aper makes it indestrnctil.lc hy ' the ravages ot time. It is also proof against moths. I rats and other vermin, which feast on and destroy all i other paper now in use: . _ ! The Company have now in operation Mills in Morns Coiitilv. N. .1.. ofaboiitS 10 horse power, and are able ! to nil all orders for Paper at the shortest notice. I .ill or,lets for I’aper must be addfes.sed to .A.NICII- i OL.A.S. I’resident of the Company. No. 70 W'all Street. Orders tor this valuable paper received at the Caro- iniaii Utllce. .luly. 18, 5t)-3m SALE. Trade very low for Cash, prompt paying )iuyer.s. B. STARR. May 2. 1857. or on the usual time to .J. M. WILLIAMS. 48-tf SLASS lAJll. SELF-SEALIXG .JARS. | For pres.„-ving Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. _PintR , Oukns and Halt.Galln.is, at $2 40, s:. 40. aii,l -o,, ?f;„. rj “'•..s.rs-.vsru Frcsl. Supplies of CHINA, GLASS-^ WARE and Table Knives. 5o-tt i FOR i TWO TIIOU.S.AND ACRES OF LAND, nine miles j from Fayetteville, lying directly on the Southern , Plank lioiid. and on. each side Of.IJig. Rbcklish. One ! of the best Turpentine sectioris in the coiiiity. with i convenient improvements for a family residence; witli ' a small corn mill on a never failing stream, and a first I tills xvork, sliall we leave it undone? In tlie language ot one of onr most able and usefni Ministers, an adopted son of onr State, "li oiiwlit to have been undertaken 20 years ago, but it ismtt too late to begin to do rigid.” In the last two or tliroe montiis, a fund o’ about $5000 lias been suijscrihed as a perma nent capital. At a meeting of tlio eontribiiton lield at Greeiisborongh on tlie 14th of May,— Rev. A. Baker, Cliainnan,—the Paper was iin- anioionsly located at Fayetteville, under the name and title of the North Carolina Pres byterian. Rev. Wni. N. Mehane and Rev. George McNeill were elected Editors: Rev Mcs.srs, George McNeill, IVm. N Alebaiie, A. Baker and C ^1. Wiley, and Messrs. Geoive McNeill, Sr., John H. Cook and David .Mnr |)iiy were appointed an Executive Committee, to establish tlie Paper and manage its busiiies.s affairs. It is our wisli and design to make tlie North Carolina Presbyterian a journal of tlie first class, eqiiai to the best in tiie country ifi ty|io- "■faniiica; appearance and in adaptation to tlic wants of our Cluirclies. Its colninns will afford tlic latest intcliigciice, bolli foreign and domes tic, and .special care will lie taken to give a fnil and accurate saiiimary of State news. Tlie name of the Paper is designed" to be an expo nent of its cliaracter and contents. .From con viction, it will advocate tlie con.sei'vativc, or- thodo.x. Old School doctrines and order of tlie Church. Onr first appeal i.s to onr own people—to N C. I’resbytcrians. Wliilst wc rely confidently upon tlieir favor, we trust that the fiatite sons F A S'B T T B V 11. X. B FCMALE HIGH SCHOOL W .M. K. UL.4KE, A. M., PrincipaI. James IL Coltok. A. B., Professor of Mathematic.^ ami Ancient Languages. Fkaxz j. Hahu. Prof. French ami Mu.sic. Muss Lilias McD.xsikl, ( A.ssistant Music Teachers. Mr.s. Ej.i.a L. Buake. \ Mrs E.mieie Colton. Assistant in Literary deparlment. Miss Lizzie ILvtciiell. Drawing and Painting. Mrs Maiularet E. Horne, Prepatory deiiartmcnt. * Mrs Sarah A. Leete, Governess. The Fall Session of this In.-^titution will commence on the Frst Monday in Octolier. and continue twenty eeks. It is highly important that all .Students seould be present at the opening of the Session, as cUusses arc tlien organizeil and new studies com menced. The ample arrangements and fricilHies of the Insti- rution afford to young ladies an oi>portunity to com plete a thorough, practical. a.s W'cll an accomplished education. In the government of the School, salutary Uscipiine and due restraint will Le .con.slantly enforc ed. Great care will be taken to prevent the formation i)f improper habits; to develope the judgment; to encourage indilstfy and punctuality; and to cultivate n\ all occasions propriety of (lepm iment. The Board ing Department will continue under the direction of Mrs Sarah A Leete. a lady of experience and eminent fitness for the position. Her temlcrness and .solicitude ibr the comfort of the young ladies, aiml her watchful regard for the feelings of all. have gained her univer sal favor. TFRMS. FOR SESSION OF 20 WEEKS. Board, iucluding washing, lights, fuel, rooms. Ac., " $70 00 fuition in Primary Dcpartmenl, lo UO •• in Academical ‘‘ SI2 50 and 15 00 *• in Colieglate ‘* 15 (10 Latin, French. .Music,- Painting. Drawing, Ac., nt the* usnal prices. For further particulars apply to WILL. K. BL--\KE. Frincipal, or E. J. LILLY, Pres't of Board. August 1, K^37. fil-ot IF'tO)!®, iS=.^ILaIEo The following vahiablc real estato. tlie jiropcrty of E. C. Hall iluc')!. is otfereil for siilu anil co'iisisis of the following tracts : Thai ilusirable plaeo known as Romo, containing about 2(10 acres with all the iinpfovcmeiits. This place will be sold untiru or iliviiled. lo suit purchasers, it being probitbl.v one of the best business stands in the country, and' is very desirable to those wishing to enter the mercantile bilsines.s,- No 2, Consists of a Lot and Brick .Store (2 tenc mentsj’in Cambleton, on Bridge Street near Claren don Bridge, and is a very desirable stand for business. No ,S Is 3 vacant lots in Caiiiptellton. known in City- plot as Nos 109. 111. 114, and half of lot 11». No 4. Is a dwelling nouse and lot on Haymoiint. corner of Fi-inkroad and Adams St. .A very dcsira- ble residence for the whole year. No 5, is ii Corn Mill and Steam Engine and Boiler, of lO or 1.5 horse power. This is well w-ortli the at tention of those living where water power is not avail able, and will be .sold at a great bargain. For terras apply to J. H. HALL. .Assignee. August 1. 1057. tore, early on the i.5lh of .luiie. will send in her name, as my cler i goods io anothar iierson. ! Those who have borrowed Baskets of mine will j please return them. I Tomatoes are now ])lenty. Fill a dozen or twai of ' Vrtluirw Cans with lliem for w inter use. i M'. N. TH.LINGHA.NT. i Aug. 22 3t stuU, nil’ intrnst is She's the I totlier Iwo-tliirtls vvilli the baltliii I the iiitrnst with Iot tongue, an’ tlie i niore’ii the jiriiiciii'l—heap tr.ore. I cussedest’oinnii 1 ever sccil. eny how, lor her 'jaw, lireeiliii' ami pride. She lan scold n j ter onto a l)illl’.s face rile on the eitrl in two I niiiiits. She oiitbrecds ev'ry thing on the inter I a;i’ palterits after every liisiinn she hears tell on, liom bns.sils to brid es. Gh' site s oiin^ ov 'em, an’ sometimes siie-’.s two or three. ^ ^ ’ SCO, I’d got .Slim home made cotton Irin k to notes to the undersigned. Aim. that our urgent no. | a shut oiiten, and eoaxed Belts to make cessities, avmrt Irom the re-n irenienis of fne eiidor.ver. | j, j,,,) abon, .he liino it war dun, here eoiiics .a compel nsto eollecl as speedily as possibbL _AU tl.os.' j johii.son. along, an’ axed for lireaklus, I wi.sli it had pi/tetied iiiin, durn his hied, an’ NOTIOR. Persons indebted to Jas. C. McEaehin. as Gnardiaii ' of Ihu heir.s of .John Morrison. dec‘l. are hereliy re-| spcctfully ini'.irnied, that said guardian lias in a great j raaiority’of iiislauees endorsed and transferred their ; ye ; All thosi inde'hted will therelore .dilige us. and themselves too. liv paving up immeiliatidy. M e must and will she w'lmre the” money is, not forthcoming. A. D. MORRI.’tON. ,1. M, MORRISCN N. A. MOKUl.-JON. Laurinhurgh. N. C.. Ylarcti 7. IK.hT. iJtt-tl TO TIIE JUSTICK.S OF II.IBNETT CO The .fustiees of Harnett coanly are hereby notified to meet at the Court House in .'Siininiereillc. on Moii- dav. tlie 14th day of September ncxl._ for tlic^ tran.sac- tio'ii ol'connty business. G. M . PEt .lLV.M. Clerk. Aug. 15. fi3-2t F iiiYt.s, Oils, Sale by Aug'. 15. 'ariiisii, Brtislies, Cor S.-l. Hl.NSDALE. f::bif VOll SAI.K. The Subscriber desiring to emigrate to ;■ hi: the ntiro L.VND.S, including about six genm-ally known as Chalk Level, lying :l of Harnett cimnty. !! niib.s Kit.-;! of fvoTn Fay- iftcrs for sal' humlrtMl acr in the uiipei Cape Fear River, and on the ro"id hading cltcviHe toChilpel Hill. Stm-e. Dwcliing. Out-Houscs, ulMn first r.tlc order. Tin- Store is at a lino bnsines.s stand, and is not to be excelled by any country stare in tiie State. Then; are also upon the premises an excellent well ot water w'itiiiii 1.5 or 2(1 steps ol lliu ilonsu. a lino voiiiig ^or chard of Fruit Trues. a Tan Yard in purfuut Order, which pey.s well w hen in operation. Also, a Blacksmite tdiup with Tools. Ac. lo imrchasc such h place would ..... . , , I I wonder it didn't for she cooks awinl mixciis i when she trys. I’m pizeoi proof, myself, fliold- I ill!; tip his liusk and |ieepino ihroHoh it,) ur I el i ben (led long ‘go. ‘‘W ell. while he wiir a eatin’ she spied out that Ills .s'ljtit was stiff an’ m;ty s.ic!;; so .she never re.sted till .she warm'd it onteii him that a preparation ov llonr did it, an’ she .got a litw pertieitlar.s about the proeeedin’.s to, onteii him by’omans art—1 donl know how she did it, perhaps hedoes.—After he ielt, she .sot in an’ biied a big pot ov paste, nigh onto a peek ov it nnd .soused in niy shut an’ let it soak aw hile; then she tuck it an’ iron'd it out flat and dry, an’ sot it np on its aidge agin the cabin in the siin. Thar it stood, ns stiff ns a dry ho-s hide, an’it ratlieil like a sheet ov iron, it did. Il w’lir pasted togelher all over. W hen 1 enm to dinner, jinthin’ would do but I must put it on. —Well, Betts an’ me got the thing op'm after stint hard work, she, pnllii;’ at one ov the talks an’ me at tiilher, an' I go( into it iJiirn tlie everiastin’ new-fangled siint, I say. 1 Ielt like I’d crawled inter an old bee gnm, an’ hit full ov ]) siinls; blit it wur like Lawyer Johnson'.'-, an' I stud it like a man, an’ went to work to Intilel Betts a asli liopper; 1 worked powei fni hard an’ swet iike a iios.s, an’ wiieii tlie shut got w.t it ' (piit its linrtiii,’ After 1 gotdnii, 1 tiiek aliont fingers ov red liead. an’ erawied inio iiic ded. r an A. McKETHAN Feb’y 9. 1856. ^TllE MAGNOLIA UESTAURAM’. is the handsomest 19- They say the Magnolia ’Tree growth south of Mason and Dixou’.s line, and it is evi deiitly a faet. It is alsosaid the Magnolia Restaurant i en Green Street, between Dr. B. IV. Robinson’s Medical I Establishment, and Mr P. Taylor'.s Store, and nearly ! opposite the Shemwell House, is the Finest and be.st I kept of any other cstahlishment in the .South. _ Persons i wishin" to' find caiiuot well miss it: it is the YELLO W i building. . . The subscriber would take this method of thanking the citizens of this place and the surrounding country, for the unprecedented liberality they have bestowed en him. and would solicit a continuation. He has always on hand the VERY BEST LIQUORS, WINES and CURDI.ALS, that can be found in the I will sell it all together or in small tracks to United States, either by the quantity or ollmvwise.— ' • ■ ■ -3 Y.iso. Cigars, Pickles, Sardines, Cheese, Preserved I Fruits. Lemon Syrup, and many other gO()d things, I and Hatters him.self that he has the most polite, obb- i vvin-. accomplished and FBMA'-K, vender to attend to . . ikis Establishment, that can be fonnd either North or Mitfs Costin ' South- Temperance drinks put up at the shortest xVliLES OObTIN attention particularly to his private rooms upstairs, wliicli are large, comtortable, and in good order. R. JONES, Y’ellow Biiibling. Green St,. Foyetteville, N. G. May IG, 1857. 50-tf June 20, 1''57. V^uhiable Lmul for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale bis entire lands, incln din"- about eight hundred acrus. lying fifteen miles above Favettevillc and five uiiles from the mouth ol lower little river. The land is level and healthy and well adapted to farming; there is about one hundred and fifty acres cleared and under a fiiie^ state of ciilti- ' ■” U it all together or in'small tracks to suit purchasers. For further partictlars apply to the miliscriitor on the premises. ALEXANDER WALKER. 7-tf James C. Smith. JAMES C. SMITH 4: €0.» CoMinissifyii ]\'Ierc/tftnlSj Hare removed their office to the second story of the building formerly occupied by the Telegraph Company where they are prepared to attend to all business in the Commission line. ^ v All business entrusted to them will be punctually i attended to. dVilmingtOH, October 1. 185G y I I move tverc ttny ankles, wri-.t.s aii.l knees—CTiilii’t j even iiinvc my lieil, an’ skas'-ly wink iny eves—■ 61-ti WANTED 10,000 lbs. TalloYV ' antwl, For which the highest cash price will 1)C paid. Oct. 1, 18.56. A. M. CAMPBELL oi’ North Carolina wlio liave found iiomes tn other States, and tlie adopted citizens of our State who form so imp!:'rtaiit an element in onr Ministry and inembership, 'tt’ill take a deep interest in this enterprise, and give it tlieir hearty support. Terms: $2 per annum in advandc, Or on de livery of tlic first number; $2 50 iu six months $3 at tiie end of the year. To cliiiis of 2-5 or more, paying in advance and wlien tlie Rapor is sent to one address, a discount of 10 per cent, will be alloweil. Onf Ministers and Elders are earnestly desired to act as Agents, and all others friendly to tlie cause will please assist in procuring as many ble, and forward the names, _ tliis Office. As .soon as 1500 subscribers are obtained, the first nnmber will lie issued. If a faithful and vigorous effort is made in tiie no.xt two months by those Hiio take a lively interest in this work, we will without doubt, he ahlt; to begin tiie publication at tlie end of tliat time w'ith a paying anliscrijuion list of at least 3000. S@“ Address, Editors of the Nortli Carolina Presbyterian, Fayetteville, N. C. • Fayettaville, May 20, 1851 uTfl l Y B.YS JD.ST RECEIVED . r rt U li IS. a large and fancy assort ment of BOOTS & SHOES; Ladies’Gaiters. ! Satin and colored ; Ladie..’ and Gents’ OASCIN* SHOES of a now and beautiful pattern, and every style of ar ticle in his line. , , , i. His stock is choice and carefully selected hy him self, anil buyers will find it to their interest to call he- forc purchasing elsewhere. Corner of Gille.spie and Franklin streets. Anril 2-2,1857. 47-tf ,4 Situation as lSOOKKKl-'.»*r.U in a wholesale Grocery. Hrv-Goods or Commission House, liy a gen tleman of ex'pericnce and undoulited Capacity. Ad dress Box 79. Fayetteville. N. C. Aug Sill, .Yiiy person wisliin do wfll to call end exmniae it lor Ihemselviis. i am , , ^ nmSmsef ‘a" H.'l)kwlR."' i ‘ “Welirwhcn i waked tip I tlu.l I was N.'B The place is one of the healthiest in the j or imd the eliolcry, for till tlic yints 1 could Soluhei-a couulry. August: 4. G3-tf j thecusseii shut wnr pasted fuFt onto me alt aver ,4 V. OH”"’'R* pint ov tlic tails to the pnit ov tlie OlSJIUSUll .a V, tit*!-HD T j over my years. Iis.a to me Tlie next Sc.ssion of tliis Instilution will liegin on i g,; (.lost i S a poor COW dns to her hid-oi March. Monday the 21st of Septemlier, iimler the .joint cliarge , [ ,iii'sirain'd till I got it .sorter broke of Mr Thomas J. Roliiiison inid Mr Goorge A. Camm-; an’ll.en I dim tlie danidest ^;^.^:a"ffi::s;o.fmSn:^t;i;endfiiwJsjh isimfii- of ample room for Hto cut door exercises ol the ^tll-1 my In-iclics off air tore lii.'e lioni m\ linie dents, and freedom from all causes of hiiideraiiee m , „imut two incites ov tlio tail ali round, in much the dilligent pursait of their studies. „ i pain an’trilinlal ion. Oil 1 hilt it did hurt. Tlicn It is the desire of.he b.struCUrs to maaC th.s^a 1 U ftchoot of rank, and tlic\ call upon Guarilianstoaid ilieni. by their palronage. m the ac- cocpliFhineiit of this purpose, believing tlnit there I.'.. «iwl Y-;/'inirv J Fayetteville and its vicinity a sufficient numl)er of Bovs to support sue)* au Inslituticn. rURMS OF TUITION. NOTICE. GKBAT BARG.%I>S MAY BF. OBTAINED 'fhe Silhsefiher has just arrived from the west and j (j;L,nilU011 ScIlODl is determined to sell THREE HI NLRED .ACRES OI ^ , L AND in Moore county lying on hoih sides ol Deep River within 3 miles of the western plank road With his Mills thereon, known as Johnson b .Mills. Also another small tract in the counly ot Chatham, m the fork of Tick Creek and Oppo.ssum Creek near the ore hill or the old fin imce: known as the tugUnid land. The land in Moor- is very valuabie, imtli lor farnnug and for mamifactnring purposes. But all descripUoas At .1” :i» ■ -s s,ii 'ir'.a s leg.s down thru llie hole, and nailed the fore tail ov iny shut to tin: aidge ov Uie Hour lieforn an’ tlie liind tail 1 nailed lo tlie piank wlnit I sot on. 1 onliiittoncd tlic cO iar an’ llie ri.=t- , tern’s raised my liands way uj) almv my bed. For Primary Stndents, per session. (2U weeks,) . . ■ t j„mpt thru to tlie e Advanced bnglisli •' >2 n uiassi'-ai gfonnil floor,” “ Coatin'-encies “ ” •’>1! Here Silt ruminated sadly. One half”ofcuiiioii foes to lie paid in advance.^ )-(jco, jje, I’m a dnnidcf fool titan cvi r dad ’ H-a.s, lioss, tio’nct.s and all. I’il diownd myself ' sum ov tliese days, see ef I don’t,'’ ~ ''Well, go on,'tfnt,—did tlie sliirt come ofl'?'’ TeiicllPl’s in lltirncltl “ -t.-Ii-i-n k it- -did. Ihear ! a noise soitcr like tarin’a sliingitd nilf off ov v..()lllH \. c„i ' lionse all at oust, an’ felt like inv guts an’ nt Shinmervilie, on Tuesday and ; jrcred tn my feet, an’ tuck it look it]) at tl.C Semi-.Vmnial reports of tiie scholarship of each Boy , will be seat to the Parent or Guardian. Aug. 15th (fi’-7t for Examination Weilneislav. the 15lli ami 16 Sop. next. sliut. If the aliovc property is not sold by the 29th of October, it will then be oti'ered at pulibc sale, together with a good deal of other pi'operty . Hide up ami see the premises, for there is no joke. Terms made known at Sale. JOHNSON. Aug 8 1857. 62-Ot-pd MORE NEW HOODS. T^'^K^STSci: c:S «ft!imo;t.;vm'y E ntEs, HiROWARE -EXn HOLLOW-WARE —ALSO— Boots and Slides, Saddlery, Fisti &c., •Any of which he will sell cheap for Cash, barter for ib Odtice or on short time. Store recently occupied by Tmv* Marsh, near the Dobbin House. iroy s, .naibo, ^ ^ GOLDSTO.N. Oot. IS. ' . The'nails had all hilt their holt, an’ Persons'presenting themselves for Exammotion wiU ,; liangin’ arms down iii.sido onf, an’ JXr'le'-' dTn’lLicW^^^^^ ■ i Sliff as ever. It looked like a map of Mexico j list ater one of tlic '.vorst b!^ttIe^ a paleli of i iny bide about tbe size of n dolhu au a lialf ^ 63 tC nv-YmirunrTtjninji.r.. . •.„ s will. m. McNeill A. D. McLEAN Examining Com: .1. HINSD.AI.E'S Ague viixtiin; also. Ctiampions's .Ague Medicine; .Shallenhefger’fi Feverand Aiigue Antidote; and Rowand’s Tonic .Mi.x- ture. For safe by 8; 4. HINSDALE. Ang. 15. C.'i-tf Wliite Lead ilHcl Linseed Oil, sale by for Aug. S. .1. HINSDALE. 63-tf OoDgress Water, for sale by 63-tf S. J. HIN.SDALE. Aug. 15 NOTIGE. The Copartnership of Surles A Adams.^^am Adams & Co., IS thi.'^aj dis-Olt ^ j ..^UAMS. June 2d, 1857. w’M. B. SURLES. bill liere; a biincli of my Imr about t he Size of a bird’s nest there; then sum more skin; tlien sum paste; tlien a little more bar; tlnn a neap ov skill'then more hat ; then skih; an’ so on •ill over’ tlnit durn'd, new farigled, everlasting, ‘infernal emss ov a shut. It wur a pk-tur to l„ok at—an’ .=0 wur I The hide, liar, an’ paste wur eqeally divided atween me an’ hit — 1 Wonder what Bett.s, diirn iier, liiot wlicn she i cum liorae an’ foun’ me missiii. Sped she. ! thinks I crawled into the thie’et an’ died ov my wounds. It must have shared lier good, for I tell Tcn it lookt like the skin of some wild beas't torn off alive, or .a hag wliat had kerried a load ov fresh beef from a .shooting ti::’.icli. "Now, George, cf ever ( kctcii that Lawyer Jolinson out. I’ll .shoot iiint, an' tf e^tr an ’Oman talks about Bat’ii!')’ a th'd foi aem iurit my everl'iding p'.-A'jrt* iiloa £^,,0- ^..7.

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