THE N U H T H C A ft 0 LI N I A H \ r Ibc Corrv-^uauiU'nce t!ie CaiiforaU Cunim>tteesL litfmUicnn Stib-CommiUK to Stanl'j. Stauly, acd , affairs to pay much attention to public • r\ rlomonrlQ inter- Lct'cr h;i Ih F AY F TTEVILLEi N. North, iests. Our State clcmanas auues of higher Hr. 1 eharactcr than those ivc owe to party; ! I had hoped, as One of the people in ti c 1 1 1 •■> 1 «•",>; 1 hmnble but honorable walks ol private nlei o San V rane.sco,duly allowed to do my duly in accordance mos .SVaiify—DcarSin Inoiindti- - opinions Your 'JonventioU ha., ,ave been appointed by tno ^'-''-’'8 o„on me to take a more prominent po.,i- puiittee of the Kepublican party to in- . _ ti,c ,],.t,ca of n good , th- ciliwns ot ban h I'ancm- j |,.„g ,,-,t felt at liberty to aeeunc. was in a Svini°of mad me^ and plection, this small party, women, but of passed b.V as th men, but tliC d^pised, proved itself the major: 'North, and it was but ospressu of the majority of the >orlh-in their BillingBirato a,- the South. tv, m t: -bo! I eiincsiia, e upon the politi pproaehiu "■ivin at Mr.sica! involved in :;n p •.rui cot forget the votes you ^ >‘aliant detence id lice lt knew comiTi-ra^Kl'to the State of onr adoption. - are ad'vocating priucipl« «tncUon^ by A\ as a ia.rtim and onr revolutionaiy fatheis. ''ca'® siriviim for the elevation oi Uilior, to secuie its honor and continued respectability ; to .1 * »i.., r»VoI’l'i1* Of rQliiil* '5 1 cuing next, al (picstions election. to'vou Ih.e standard ot the Kepnb- „-tv'to b'ear aloft upon the battle held i the State Convention knew in whom U did IcO.. iit'i- your ,, ituiMV tioUl oi ilfloute. of iatc von had not itceii an actue ,, t;,an.’the opinions yon had avowed Vonner political liie were snb- of ih.e Itepnbliean juiiti, a, „ throughout the nation ill our cuiuiiilatcs unu oE of the truth in their elec i.’xtend p'. yon this invitation, ami beg , .Jp.eution to all, give . ,,lance of the same. AV e aie, veil , , , Iv and do our duty to pttr the tecl- people in and with his sor- our SUtte t"--;;^‘;;°::;,i;ereavement; and m^ountoflwo or three thousand dollrrs, oi even mote than the largest ot H'^bc sunm. We can hardly make any ‘‘^cni.uc p,»f >',« Slcl, ■ 01, ‘o-- Tho o' ■’ iS ThCKook Siii'iiiS llotrUi, Clics,i,,t Eirec, il'ty fc "‘J'i’,'';. o. .i,„t i,. „..o, rowing family ju memory of 'fl,lS“S SYv'ill o'oor o U.Os« o' liud CilUsCCl tuo nniij- was one of of like, can do nothin”; I,' the most intimate soctal and pobt.eal tela- I'rom an acipiaintance of iiiorc Northern secure men the free exercise of religions opinion, and, ariaraswc can, to secure to every mtizon a home, where strong arms, lUmi, cl,ecrfiilness and plenty. f„o; own spas hearts, every man under him iLve been none can entertainments prepared for them by ^ fanatics. .vp-iUhv and liberal ens- about $3,000 Ileiicc u is th. f X-...ij,watering places Owen Itiims fi-cc-1 tonier and patron o a i.o.;,.o,ie' or visits tlieir ' liv insurance; -Air I remains ‘a,’id this season tlironged to oveiilowing limit /Messrs Unssell & ^ perlect ci.aracter, or one n, uno,c ) covered !,y insurance, ‘-‘'h " that is lovely and ennobling ot r.OO to $3.000,-also cotetvd was uaited, all that was victons am 'au- llevan $l,-200, no tnsnrane naltnc^^t . Uanished- . . . wc believe, places his los.s at IS snu,^.. ail "> . . .1 A; 11. bant- ilv ti free- U'ce me hk".i,'c iriuniph ., oii]iress Vour obedient servaius F. M. ll.tmnT, b-lMl'Kl. Sori.K, C'll.tS. A\ .VTllOl'T, J. -AU-M. bll.VKTER. Hr. afraidMo sccmT’theTexiles in rearch ,iom all asylum on the Faeific shore, nithless hand of despotic power e, u no Ion,, them; and by affording the me.,ns of ‘ic enconra.gcmcnt to piiv.ite virtue - and bv sustaining nntarnislicd pnblie i honor,’ make onr.selves J. ' „„,1 our rei>nl,lican institutions the gloiy i-omurv and the hope of mankind. ki\c\v a llO^i e!e- our ,iud de- Mr Kaufinnn, 'vc indeed, Uieir slanderers and till the pocke s ^E,v ,'p^i aVtides, which were lost to the value of for a i,,,- bufiished-- “a”combination ami a form. 1,111 be affected. milbon or so of loose change spent wS^' nteasnre. Tiiose Abolition vagrants AVatrons, aid I' Ti i.t ‘Mt. an,I M.-rhaiii whii are they 5' anraiit as ti illiaril table a .-.j. The ,;c of practical employment ■..ali! AVlieii known to me, IS made an tiie In expert g re e usltcr, while tlie field of ince of the agrienltnrist tr„- pro ’ uriviiige cultivating it, amid expanding .1.(1 fragrant fiowor.s, the carrols of birds inis i*.a>ilion ami ?oliliial 6.111 Fiaucisco, July 13th, K-n- (■ iitlcnmn —1 Imvc had the honor to rc- ceivi-"^ hintation to address the citizens o , ■ ., Vranciscoon Wednesday evening, upon the , i nestion.slinvolved in th.e approaching ; Oil. I will, if no accident proteut.', com ,-i;h vonr rennest- . 'he result 01 the nomination w I o-ave an answer by telcgraiiii, received by tlie makes it ell as d'lc to the Con- i- .i.non that i Slioniii give you a further ex- ,,,g Court ^I'heso opiiiiuns iuivu '^"':i:;:;;;:;;'new catechism, by which to rcgnlatc ^ .'\t> e’1VI‘f" . , -f - ] , rpo= as well as in tlic I.egis.a- E(Iit:ard lie rallies Of ‘tsi-r, and am ctt): tcarlit'i-s uE hi-'i sala- to society. heic ..le j miderstami was not iccciveU ■''■8 *"/■ cliuvcntion before it adionrned ^ Ih.b ir.o .able glut-, on inv part o'- ''’c to ^ .1 I J ,K, ira Pi ns ,it i shonh! give circle of inventive came to California have no new eiiteehism, mv condiu-t. agrieniinnsi, and; ‘Wlieii in Con /.itla- from. Calit'ornia.—Hon- Slanlij Xvmiiuilcil for Gorcranr by l-ic ^ nef iMiam Couri'idwv. | Tlv the arrival of the steamer Cenlial Amei ivaatNew York on Wednesday last, we have ^ i-eceivod Calilorina tiles to Jnl., , 'Plie Ueimblican btale Convention assembled ihc iapuoiic, 0,1, ,,f i,,iv and nomina-! ocean S-teraiiiento on tlie btli 01 ..nij, .mei . trcii foliowii.g ticket, viz: t'or Govmmor,: FdwaUl Stanlv, roruicrly of Aoith C.iio ^ I.ient. Cuv'ernor, D. I- Cheesman; lot ' ' G. I’arsley, Esq., and -Alts-Ao'- loser Ihc were not. intrinsically, of Phe course of this class of I'oUticians lias | p„,umn^ u,c,,^., the English honors, and h, tact indtis'iniportnnity atul elebrntim^ weeks’ P'-tsnre. vpoeidts, are ; belonged to 0. G. EaiMe; Kansiis screeching. E nion imtu io .1^ ,, , is the de.stroying the whole tiadc .miitioians has I buildings themselves wen The course of ‘“S ,1^ ,„„.,.ssUv of! much value, but as it is n tci-more upon them.selves. II , line of railroads ^ , coiiiniuuu-'aUou aic i which, like the uolo cpi.'royari bishop, while declining in cilaec, in fact invites iinpoi..--^ . . blit that sincere, ]mre-hcartei , m ' j olina feeling that ‘J ■any display or ostentation, ‘m honoi piclcrnii^ ; “"yr'whcclcr then reenpilnlated "'yhy '”8' bis successUil adiuiuis' '"okkliikbo,,,Mo,-.,1.1. ."'i •" ireakai’-e, and wc fear, stcal.igc, - ..q nmphaiit Christian dcatn. 1 , rr ,.y othmpartm.^wE^c premises wee no . ^ fir Fowc,, ..mved tlmt the lion linn; for Natlianniel Hen- no insurance. an immense line 01 laiLio..,..' linn 'I'heir inland water ■ ,, ,, 1. iunetm-ded and the produce of an Empire cam brea , produce to the European markets d o , that t m authorities have in- sending it here and paying a double cominiss.oi bnt,^.^.^^ lu^s'^'Sm I'ov its transmission abroad. ^ Fastern Uion, we forbear remark for the lucsent. and his tri- H Ihe ^^tionaUnleUigcneer riir. I.ATK .1. ..“"“fryiv. xoKin rc- tho recoi-a of this meetino: as ciiilu'ucc the Icciin^ appropriate remarks of chairman as well as those made bv Col. A\ '“‘aATu Y .TeffVov moved that the proceedings of Ui" inectin" be published in the city ,iapors, and tlial the North Caroium papers be icqncsl secretary the Southern men. ' ions were - Thongii in common witli ail !.| tlie lani-iniinng 01 gcnlle stream,ets. , ■file scieiitilic farmer, in addition to a con-■ . ^ snrvcv of the works of nature as a source „ever hesitated to say. m put ic .jpecc 1 ernide ; private, tliat Shivcij ",01 I eoirdem'nod tile aUempts of fere with the rights 01 the fcoutl e ^ a‘- evil; 1 never was erence to tiie iinestion ol b ate _ Ucpiiblicaus free to act and vote on Jl"-- , lions - therefore, wo adopt the lollowu.g as tlic , enjoyment, has the light of science to ibii; of denving, what seven Fresi-, organization: a in the way to wcaltii, honor and d:st,nct.on.' with the Father xp,t. we cordially cn lahratory is indispensable as a solver of tlie ^ clown to '''8 '-'"‘j; ,„-u-Fve.soliHion adopted by the .National K . -r.. f «1J.. .Tfrvtrth nnfl V ^ A tlutt. (''ouirVeSS luwl tllC pOU t I \ ,1 1 Iwin \Vf> ri'COirUlZC C Dohbin. we ; ,espect to thc memory 01 .,c,ob ill ai On motion of 111 I'- ,„.„ci,i,,. vhole ‘'phonqison was called npoii ^ i , ' . Mr 'riionipso cntcd in being assigned assembled to i.o of Ml- I'ub to the family of-Air i*'’,''’/!!'-. .JACUH lllOMlfcC.N, Secretary. I’l-es't AVm 1 n Hiu r — , ,, taking the chair, made the ; following remarks: That he felt complimc to preside over this meeting J. Cow.vx T!ip Keal Secret Svmbol. Til the course of dclmte in the mons, on the affairs of India the iincstioii tion vva.' (ire-anized at principics of vegetable growth and d-may , :,;|„,itu-d, that Congress had ■ of voluntary componnds; their hibit tlie extension of bUiv^erj to 1 ,«.o *- nmstaiiees, and tlieir most available forms for . ijut upon ajipealing to Caisai lioin ;c hii-nn modiiic-ations and changes unucis C'l -VV vv V to 1*1 v.' —• tl rv IWClIlOrV Ol X'OU- jtlieni “Iiistitiitious.-': noprojirintc honor to lii^ y^orth Curulinu, Iv di'plouted, while pin- for, :dthou”‘h a na . Vet, where* I’ont into iiondcrons | ],g was a resident ot ano ‘ j, ;p.c-c.i- portion of . he nutrition of crops, Ac. Ac. Rnt as com-, j politicians, to patriotic A\ liigs .1111 i the m-ou!e. 1 was triumphantly vrntivcly a few only are capable ot making i (.rats- : «c investigations for tlicinselves, iidormation ; tained. Deino- to the iH-ople. 1 was trmmpnauily sns- AVlmn I a.ivoca ed the rigd.t of the I" In of California to enter the C inon a& of this kind reaclics the ■renerality of those who ^ PJ’op ^ Uireatcncd with the loss oi ol.tain it, if at all, through tlie medium of the , ^iJg^^.ci.iidc’ncc of my constituents--bnt, against ress, in the forms of book.s and periodical pub-: fm-ious oy,position, I "as sustainci. i.cations. Agrieiiltural newspapers are of cabcnlable value to the farmer:—a treasure 'he shape of the intist valuable information lativc to the various branches of his calling—| j hnow there are accumulation of facts and tigiircs based it)io:i ; „f tluinsamb ,11-, ''Xt-ir amnions outrage perpetrated by ■ *1 ' of the Missouri compromise, as a 7 i i/.‘n I never suoke otherwi..e than '■®'i ill'terms of'the most decided c-omlemMal.on of ■ ' ,i,.,t -K-t I know there are thousands and tens of men in the Sonthern county eondtfinnaiion. ii C:.: sc,cat,fie i-searches and tlm praCical expe-, who .'a Lhcme of politicians rl,-noe of tl:e bi-st informed and -.viscst men of: Southern favo . , , . , . .siicces-siva generations; and yet how tew can be pn-isiions, with the hope ot seeming ailed ujion to , . iik.of's, i.ctt: for Comptroller, Dr. E. C. Gnnn^ 01 A ill-tempered zeal against tun. l?-:^..?^Fn.^^Ia;lSr'T^,;^Cm,vcntioniSonthcrn^^ncighbors^^^^^ .aloptcd’lhe following preamble and rcsolntions ^ tni the very | a "j' { the cily of as a I n ' d of sedition and Abolition slang-whang- Carolina resident a. tr. Thnrsday nmiTFOKM: j June a little more than half her 1 AVashmgton wa» hcl ■ ^ tlicir AAW-Kiiii.vs, the i.ssne on which the Ivcpublica.i ; 1, m ypp.s de-! the . .f the late .1. pa VlmsbJenformedisofauatiaual | ‘ y^p.p year to yw and we ; ,n the memorv ot the 1, ,, steal a nigger. AVc went out to shear and conic endorse the I'”'8 .jj.j, gojwc of the effects of Nortlicin epublicaii; upon Northern ‘ "i; i!:. ihc control of Congress, or repeal such lavvs, iind is " l^^^d s L,t relation.:! merchant on Eish , 5,;, yoath are ^p i therefor. We are therefore ° ‘I’'-' ! c.-ing the young man s stay, ho | fyt that he Inn! teri'crence with slavery in the ..lave ‘-t-; ' , _ w-iited on bv tiie servant ot the house, a | p Carolinians in 'i^nmi = Resolved, That the speedy ■; Griffiths, chiefly .•cma.A- one of tlieir distingnishetUom. Ac “ ^ ul, i Die plainness of her pei^on and Im , ,, „,,,ting ^ —- n I.r. ..nenir, OI. In “these pursy times - Dritisli Com- V 1- DTsraeli raised whether the insurrcc- a sndiicn impuhsivc, local muntniy, or nalioiial revoUition, and acduccd 'lem-c to sliow eombination and conspiracy. tilt: c:rfui;ition of iiiusteiiou:-, 11 year since, atul uUo tu lotus fiovv-c-r.s among the he would nev- the home oi his JiVon is proiierly within | nvo and for little prove,-; forget the 8’,.;;;^,.^ a„u-avcllcd’' fondly s, and ail the people kioU him out of doors. Such is ll^pnb-, childhood a,id h s although he are directly responsible ! j. „ pi,iinnthropy and far-sighted sagacitv. , tiiriied to the ^ ^ wayward son, in extend-over such Ter-;'■8' ■ submit to the rule of j might be a wande . g am! ^ ar. (•Vli.l' ll.> rcforrca to ^ ciikcs in India al-out. ,1^ circlaUm, of (Pcso emblems ;a/these caat^ "|hH1o"0 ^ ;:;u::Ylh!:'u;U ofuclerick Dhn,MrDTsrael. ‘‘■'DV lndhi, nearly D? ■'‘I'O- ’•’•'is took a, v-ilhi'ye and t)rings lihn six paneakes—c/iaFA- ■/,>,- sneh as the natives make of vvhoaUm flour ! 1, c.iv^ “These six iiancakes arc sent to felt, '- '..’i. akc six otiicrs and send tliem s,;“r a v,;«/Ay;.j;?‘;i: ;e;-r-is. K/r ^ie pre JUKI lun C in-ttLx . 1 . L-nfKV \N Ctl, ir Tliom],sou stated Miong,thelate . JlU or to- ■ .p ,i,c contignou.s eountiy beoirsnbjectcd to this iiroccss o! a man from village to village, from headman to separated . lion to police sfalion life.—AN hen j^aiuakes, with no other order than of its af- trod tlie going hcad- , leav- 20th congress, ^;f^;;;cr;;=;sshouldbe maAeandcirema- T,ai distinguished body -lO one . j.; ror ‘ nccentaiile to his as.socia'cs , p, extent and characteyhas u oie ic rolling t-apidly ,j'.’/ If .J, gcceptaple to nis as.syyci..---,. ^ .^.-p^ry in ...x.. from He- j his constituents, more devoted ^ to onr Eastern possessions than which descend.s into, a>'(1 e.xtraets from the ; parties subsoil a portion of its nourishment, and its have large leaves which draw heavily upon the ear-: As the 1,011 and other substances oi tiie atmosphere. ‘ I '8. lake a immediately after removing' pyovije for the wheat from a stiibblc Held, I selected and I pahA'fl- the half ,s admitted by all, many require argument to ; stnte. t' Ostend Circular-■ settlement of >8 thD StHcR j ^|^;“:::;i‘^;/™‘da;rprevie.,sly W emjngadc convince of its great huportance, and informa- ’’'8 AoA j o^^ern-', grant to aetua. sottlcis ot icasoua ! attendance, to help to pack the | .-cabzed ‘ ^ ’ tiontoenable them to accomplish the ’-k:; —, p.^g us intm coilis^^^^ ^ mid this argument and this information can be I ,.,^10 us in the « > ) . : j- Committee and unanonouslv ,^ attendant’s hand, and | j fo,. (he great battle ot brought to bear only through the press. 1 ^ which ; passed:] ; , c u-lilv vveleome to onr' a'S'‘'God bless yon, Kcbecea !’; the vomig ; P ^ : Rut my chief oljeet in taking my pen ad-, ! .hoSXtoi^t a.M indi.strim.s emigrmit. who | man siwang ‘’;«,S'‘;:^'^;):i;h?r'::::;idlv ! dS'fY.) -j! YOU, was to communicate tlie result of an ! j fj.g.,„,ca tor some years pa . conntrv to escape from European ^ ius vv hip, and the .pcr chriek ,..d.,.y .!» -’'“.if-sr'J”: with the poa as a fertilizer. fl«''ii'5? '■81'eiD8d-1 with the Easte.n i>d8r--embitter their feelings against oiii itc ^ ^ passed, ‘t'“‘''i'88' ’•''8 , ; (^said Mr Thompson) he hlled t 1- lo Emperor of Russia vvcieoc, , !v read o its good effects, and judging ’ Swarded as being re-; tions by political persecution on account of thu. ^ > fp, pouso. ^ -y ; ^f ^f the Navy. -ry remarkable ci^m.^iu e gm ^ i/.a-lei-of Slate 1,otic.-.: i„ u.^ kte llrerl S,o„ e„ee, is o |,el|'oOle 'to-; » the mitl.ile of ,l,e road, iier l‘o'‘ If.,,,, pariy, wlio possessed .yolooiof I'oo]god ;cere.iiooy .d...,o,;..d,„, ,o ,.,..0... 'M-.H-, =2" - s^^d's Yj, “S raent accordingly, immediately after removing ■ provide lor keeping I j 'ieoV the United Statc.s, and as such, ‘nei'ds I when she was taken in a state of in-: ,,is virtues, and let us imitate ^f p„t j .,m quite sure ’•‘'8'8J® ^ a- .vrressiiin- these opinions, 1 know 1 shall ! reprobation of every free-men. " „’,adness to the Gelhlehem Hospi.M. example. On so monnifnl an event, vv lien . and we must take .0.1 1 measured a very poor piece of it, the half of! hm" - P ' JE | (,. rieaounced as an abo'i-j llcsolved, 'That as citizens of Cali orni, , ' ‘ ‘ be, censured; piouaoijv Cl ,k„ f,,,--- 1 : , ..tirrn nf Slavery on the this and which I sowed in peas at the rate of one bushel per acre. About this time the drouth set in. tionist. of Slavery on Harrison and although the peas came up in a very short ipecanoe time, they remained almost stationary, (imean ■ cvcr-gloi of course,) that they grew hut little for some | --7^^ president Rnchanan, and and began to grow only with the Fall . „.iot5_ Fillmore and Cass, finally attaining perhaps two thirds the ; .ji,(jiAio„ists, by their opponent ! c-in endure that in the future, as I , deprecate the institution , 1 VP in tl e ,ast Harrison, the Hero of Tip-! pa'mik- coast, and we tliercfore e.xtend to he ]^a\e in tlie p«i- • _ \invif*n* tlip' /\,.rv.»-rvn Of. pnrnt'st desire foi tiieu i •Scott, the conquerer of -Mexico; the | of her hand: ,f-ious Clav. did not escape the bittei-Unccess in the cstablisliing of fiet i P • '{ p, her dying m ™„J Ti"'.?v.'':?';s'' ‘1“.»! T5»:"'r,rf'■ a- s'»-" weeks. rains and the distinguished i aj,. Stanlv, upon being notified of his were all called j „atioii, sent the following letter of acceptance . ^ j,,adition in Redlain. that ^ inro , when parly j py telegraph: How then i ,l,.y .onU 1,.V= «n,l». '.vo~W. jl.iri. tail “US”!)/, .o I SSS' y. i) had the vines upon plat first, impertectly Girn-, c-harity, ed under, breaking at the same time, the ad joining ground, or plat second, which had not been sown in peas. plowing was followed Iiv wlicat harrowed in, and the yield upon a Dortion of each aeeiiratcly, as follows: ' Yield. July 9lh, 185 1. ! sacrilegiously vvreiic-hed Tankin, and A. j her gl^ost inight be seen i llirongh •y , Soon aTter l learned the Imrd’s Prayer ^d over, it will be regrelted; and will lurgivc ‘S y|An, py„iinandmeiits, I was taimht that before its injnstiee is admitted. , , ,pnips to discharge to his eoun- H is well known to all my ‘nend "it v hom . - _ I over conversed on political matte, s. ll . t o e . 1 main purpose of making my residence m this I p. , , imitate . , I,i.v loss, aumoc the Rellileliem, On so nionrnfal an event, imug ...v-s, - - , , ’ where some years after she died. The guinea . ,tr,oke makes such a d8vastation , where the P80P « "re not nsnally he had wiven her—her richest treasure—lici ^ ^,^,^j|j. ,jpq„i,.ements and virtue al Jiouji . jj|jjgp,.ggt and tronblesomc, t a„,pL,i tp ■ ilv vvcallh—she never snft'cred, during hfe. to,^^^ the lilovv, wc arc dumb with sor-, vommumcation un.ess it is • she p-rasped it still iiTore firmly ; pijp Burke, the utter vanity andp Government. Ihis is a secret moments, and at her request, in ’ ' of returning reason—the light- I :,ing"befm-c dcalh-it was buried with I the heartless cupidity of the kecpei opposed to coin 111miiea- hoping, after the is | and will forgive ^ residence m State was to become fixe tVoni political life_ \.nd for this reason 1 have sought no office, desired no place of profit, and several tunes refused to -.‘llovv my name to be consideitd California is a y v„. a- Among the first to ad- 1 vocate her claims to admission ,int(i the U nion, i I shall be the last to say that she has no claims , his heart. He learned at the same lime, in I jj,p,„ because tliey did not find it o»t. from her, I the same State, of the sudden but peaceful:^ What 1 want to show is—tha. tlieie were every night S’idiug : j^jg venerated and aged father, ’f o-' outward and visible signs of confederacy. icre the dreary cells of that uielaiieholly > pg,.p„t and his friend commenced ^]go an indication of con.spiracy among ti e blinding, in feareh of her lover’s gift, their journey to “that undiscovered country I military, which must have been knovvu to ^ inournfnUy asking the glaring maniacs for hei ^q^pre the weary .are at rest and all soirovvs ^_^ji.^„ tiovcrnmeiit ^ a-jth a lost guinea. 88a^e. _ V i stance of the lotus tlow«.^^ ^ If yon cannot prevail, hs I hope yon may, on lan to be vour standard-beaiei -m' adjoining Difference, 1: Plat 1st. Strips 33 rods long, 10 feet. --tl 1 „’,.u j refused to allow my name .x.. v,. . ., i.pUcr man to he vour sianuaiu-ovinc., ...... wide—g acre • al '! pm,„pption with offices, the emoluments of wiic - faith 111 his Plat -2nd. Same length and breadth, ; „p„p,,,||iv made them desirable. 1 hate .,lso, cxpre.sscd opinions, my name is at I on this new .and enlargml ’''8’''‘;8 the honest men and T ' desired to allow party difterenees to he 0 ot , ^ „o,mnation will do their flU “ ‘ whieh led to tneir lonuatio 1 “o ,• „„ p^vm. Yours, Ac., I havt recommended to otlieis - sq'A ALA, ten quarts upon the former, and two hushcR ^ and to ^nmj^i^ers honest and capable, ■'Hiy •> I It is now evident that the principal watering Tt"was~Mr Dupree’s only consolatioii, after ij b. Ilolderby, AVm. J. Cow-jj^^^jg „avc .. -- - her death, than the tfxces.sive homeliness of hci ; appointed Scerctary. , „,p„t It was eirenlatedjrom hand . J ' person and her retiring air and manners, ha ; On inplion of Hon. John H A\ heeler, a and every man who ^ never even suffered him to indulge 111 the /a°“M conimit1e» of throe was aDOointed to dralt res- 1^, nnssod it on. saying nothin,.. trilling hopeless! and life. .-er even suffered him to indulge 111 the i“0“M po,„mit1ee of throe was appointed to dralt res- I passed it on, saying noUiiii,.. Uing freedom with her. She had 'oved : ^^.p^^ggive of the views of this meeting.; jpat every man "ho pa pelesslv, and paid the forfeiture with sensei T^jpgs* Wheeler, JlcCollum and Cooke were i ^,.puuintcd with the plot. ."“8" ‘ appointed. ^\r T1V U- ten, thecanse-s showing a vieUI per acre of seven busliels and longer existing. - Ponvention two bu.shels ; and to some members oi^yo.u Ooa'ea‘;a». and twenty-eight quarts upon the latter parcel, I _ seventy-two bushels and twes I without regard to their political opinioiiB. A car Watering Places Effccls of Fanaticism Deserted—The or in ten acres. AA'e it it 1~ C CU • 1 . came to the last soldier of the regiin^ iSsTRirTlVE F.RE. - Mr AVheeler supported the following resoln-; qj^upppared and took it to the next siRw';; 11 to o’clock this morninn- a fire broke , tioii.s, which were reported by the committee.! xi,e process was gone through in y = .refuse n the - ar^of a block of j L some chaste and touching rem.arks The; ent in Bengal. There was out in a waichouse in t"e 1 unanimously adopted by the , „ot a-station, not an escort, I nr.ic »Nf>t. Split. All t-lltcc v»Ji Au v-u, u,...... . i ^'■cnllenian reminds me that last year the Bengal owned by 0. ] brgtonrh’avx learned; with si.mere 1 regime.- iventurec] in four quarts, and twenty-seven bushels and foiir- v-eii quarts rc.=pec-tiveiy. There appeared to Le as great a ditference tliroiighont the piece, | spoken ‘ill the .sriiall parcels tested. nei.tliemocrat, universally esteemed as promineni rmmuc.c,., . ....” i places of tlic -North have not met with then- man of integrity, and of f f8at expe. le ce, "as , ^ and it may , of as one upon whom the people coum ^ jpp pgagej, unite, -and for whom my siiffnige would Have ; jjpj,pjpfppp Sf.ratoga and Newport have been been cheerfully given. Individually 1 wish this, - - . , , , „ , lividnally 1 -.visli this ; Attraction fpr the fa.shiona- 111 coiieiusion, Me.ssrt;. 3'^ditors, I arn appi (Jone. Caliioruiiv has sniici ct1 ’J * s, t enciet v of every sec tion of the !-■ iiion. Here “ ■ ■■ the rich .. t; 0 fact, that tiie “Patriot .and Flag,” is not; bereiiee to party discipline. Tlie question m.s, — j assemble in crowds, very large majority of lU readere a.c t.lieis of / .p,,p jjp|pp,, of party has greatl) ; ^c ^ ^ 1C soil, and that if you have not a department | ^ '„.essed her people, and almost destroyed her ; especially by our southern ueigh- "or tlieir special benefit, you are never theless prosperity. She will never attain that ' f-'* (jovs, Rnt now all this is changed. r sposed to favor them by the publication, con.' among her sister States to " hieh » m is en | ji,ese places ai’c but half filled, •»" 4“' ‘P-. «) '"j/ii • estimation, be calculated tu advance their ; from the slavery of miiul—from the ■ "T'y respectfully, D. G. N.' ishSm-i^Sp^S^bSeX woHd"^[ Plcasaut Garden, A^.I0th, IS5I. | ,| tor per ece sown ’•■■“‘•Y-est j Of^ed. W wed.tjmp hund'-ed per cent tolr,;,,fU or choice generally strangers to each and too much engrossed by tbcir own The and \ ' nf . over clovui* '.viEl uii-j oi;u il':-. DVOUUCL j birth 1 other, scarcely a Soiitlieru “fashionable” can be found at one of thein, . .. The cause for all this i.s clear enoiigli. Ihe South has been for years reviled and insulted by a certain party of the North and its presses. No terms of reproach were low enough to apply to them—nigger-drivers, slave-breeders, and every epithet that could,be coined was heaped upon the heads of Southern gentlemen and the Southern people generally. While this party rcar’of a block of i by some chaste and touelniig reumrus ^1'“ i re'‘"ffiieh thf U-o-story frame Stores, on Water Street mid-Resolutions were uiian.raonsly adopted by |things took , between I’-'^ss a.M C^esnu^t stree^^s. oc meeting-. | -"r^re hL hs^ycar "" news o’f the death of their friend and fellow , certainly a significant circumstance citizen James C. Dobbin-an event which tru- to say that 1 would show a state of SODW ! India which proved the existence of geuetal ^ -'Rears our hearts in grief i discontent, and, diffienU, as 55’’’’S''*'^8 And causes the whole nation to be contracted i eonspiracy, that I would offer to the liou-e in oTie brow of woe.” facts and cjreuuistanees sufficient to convi^c^ We feel that while we mourn the loss of tliere was no conspirac}. 1 vUinK. /YT.n7 tr. .. h'lnci- of brick T.neere friend the Bipnblic has lost one of its ' said enough to induce the House to pause oc- Ncrth to a block ot biicK meua,^ life | fore tliev form too precipitate amopm.ou upi ■here bLu wc find his superior! As a friend ; tbg causcs of the disasters in India. J f he was faithful and just; as a statesman he was | have said enough to i^^k^Hhe Hoimc at Ra»t pure and patriotic, able and eloquent; as a pol-1 fed that It is not >i.V.say"'S that "e itician firm yet tolerant, and without guile; as | -^vith a mere mutiny ^ a Christian sincere and spotless, Thoise whoj gave India. Imt nartially knew iiiiii in the daily "-alks of; • • . " . , life may have been too near the colossus to ob-l ^ An Irish lawyer in a neighboring county serve the perfect proportions of its matchless | recently address the court as ‘ gentlemen. way cniiied by Messr, J. A II. Samson, and \A alker In a short time the bnildingi n Parslev Esq., .md Mrs Noyes, were con sumed, and the fire crossed o'’®’’ Water Street to some one story frames owned by Mi Pars ley, and occupied by Messrs Bauniai, A Giot- leii J A U. Sampson and by Russell A Rio, ■’ These buildings with tlieir contents were pretty soon in flames and destroyed The fire spread Ncrth to a block buildings owned by Mf farsley, and occupied bv Messrs Alderman & Rij:zell, J. A D- liac & Co , Ivussell ».%. Bro., anc] Captain Owen Burns. « . t-» The store ocenpied by Captain Buvas was completely destvoyed-^that occupied by Bus sell &; Bro., somewhat injured, and Messrs. J.| A; D. McRae & Co., and Alderman & Bi^zeli,; suffered more or less from water, from the ta king out of their goods, etc. . (jn the South, the brick store occupied by Messrs. McDuflie A Co., and J J Rippitt, was eousiderably scortclied, and some loss Irom tumblino- things in and out. The store belongs we believe to E J Lord. Esq. The .wharves are considerably injured,—perhaps to the a- svmmctry- but when in future time tho history stead of “your honors,” Y , lirt ivrtrtrti»rln/1 tllP. Sl^rviccs. Urti* nf thA Ilf ot the nation shall be recorded, the scm-viccs, qualities, and virtues of Jas. C. Dobbin will be acknowledged and appreciated, and raiiS him with the benefactors of his age—a Roniaii worthy of Rome in her purest d-ays. Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with After he had 111- conclu- his ded, a broUier of the bar reminded him of eiTor. He immediately arose and apologized thus: -‘May it please the court, in the haste ot debate, I called your honors gcntlemcu— I nmae ,A,niistake, yer honors.” The gentleman sat ^wn, and wc hope the court " ere zatished. ii.N.YM'.i ( AIK 1./ i.i;, .rill; ■; >>. ;vu. F . -V .1 1- : \x, i .i ■ . . It- -1 ; s ntiin I.:..:; if \ ..,111 h, , ill- ,-( e-i ’ , . ; ■ . -.1 ir piil ly 1 :■ liii-ir J f 1';. ■ ,1 -f , i i li I ifl a I,. ■ : ‘ .- tllir ■■ tli ;i. -I lie. -Ay., It ii) .. 1 V ’ :! “ .rJ 11;!: ' al-, i-alb I yvl ar. fonin; ijJ ti, iiH.rrei-y, •vet, ell (if liiiiv.- . ; th ,1 ■ li liti. i.l pii1-;. \ mi -iich ; ever liti-' hni a !...;ii rl ( -iuniil I Rv re ' :, . “ “ onr ' ;ibl| ilei> will . !h ihe U i.iiis Sla'" in I-, aii| ernt ie Iii;i.i'ii ''0 t’m (‘‘Uj k. n. majaril.v . • II n ,ieiiii,i n in 'i| l ii- I-. - ly v, .in l','r 'li,,- Fr, ■ ifr, L,' voicj bill llie III:, .’y ill be Sta:, 11,-. . * - -ide Teiiiio ■ -, -N ,.11.-11,.,, na in ' >e en -• nma P- a;,;- I ainl .-fliow a ... (lelin cr-.itic ei.l.,. 'in'-: moeruev of .J i . bill tm-y nave .,vere,i:ne till ir way ami nre im-.v iri| wc '• n-r .Nf n- - ir.' lU-avi Uert tVe -• '.ated Thai ha- 1 M'-.!ii| 1 :,-i,-,k-1., ' :r 'if the 6t. A’ork. He ha- , '.ii av| • if defra'iiiitiy E’- c-tabhi^ ill.-, defalcatinn at from j I'he aeeii-’-d himself coal Tiie NVilmingtoJ I 1. ;i vt l:i;id t.oiliiiy lias iiliveriptiou of J,.‘i0,dlij ( lln; Road, piqi ;■ = vi • pi-opdteu| (Mil in'- (V n ' d down ! erfi'i-d b® > etl. The ".i/ott'i| that till,' .Me- n of I vol-jii a —, ' n of j R.,. il. T; . ' i-vJ : ■eojilc on 1

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