A M & CO’S. OF THE [RIODICALS THE I’S €.1 IDE. los 'IN THE TRICE lu PITBLICATIO". Isv YORK, continue to pub- I liritisli rtrioUicab. vis; IeULY' (Con5crvati%e.'t 1 - [ fEW (.Whig.) REVIEW (Free Church.; I -t REVIEW (Lil.ier.'.!.> IeRGII ilAGAZlNE (Tory.1 represent the three great Uritaia—Whig. Tory, and luiscnly oin feature of their I the n’.'ost profonml aril're lloraiity. and Religion, they letood. unrivaled in the world Isildc to the eeholar and the 1 to the inteligent reader of la more correct and satislac- trent lilevature ol the day. [ijan can l e possibly obtained ly cOPiRt. ty'CE SHEET? from the Brit £it:onal value to these Reprints lew he placed in the hands of Wn as the original ciiiiious. iTEa’Is. I Per ann. br Reviews td dd Jr Reviews o t'd tor Review- .dO Irtrf Kc^iv\v? • le four UeMcN'j- ,c,/e in all ca>e/ rn w.lrance. I Siatf ich^rt tr;;/ he 'e- I tLlBBLVt- iity-hve per cent It'n: ti.e as-ove tltoCnns e.r.liri::,. ur .u na-re Imore ot the at ove vy.-rk.s. .Tans Iwood. or ol oi.e Review . wih be If.r ?t': font' eop '.- -u tee lour lood for edd: and so or.. POST.UiE II Cities and Towns: li- fe w,.vVe -IREK UE Ftt.-sTAiiE. When Ttv'etoanv part ot the I uited ITWENTI-Vori: CKMs- a year I but Ft CRIEEN c i.M? a year ■t'W 5. L;.,i Gr.l-_ i Cf f’-f Ihi.-s-s/ i.s o'i ' ?--’i x' ■ '' s.VttMKK's CiVilil'. t and I radical Agrica.ta:- . . F. R. ?.. ol Edintn:.:!'. .v.o !ua ProteSsurof s'cieui.fie Agi-oo; leae. M'vv Haven, a vi.> loys; Ee's. and nnnwrons W cod rnci .s.eei lllv. thi ir.o't comp.- le w. ra o Inblishtd. and in eCi:-i io e:'c t ;. i.-.-puUi-h.-rs have lesoivin 1:' re ts for the two V. Irntes;: pail (posT-jiaid ■ to Cahl-.rni v iill be 7 lio'hrs. iO every other iaiid to Can:t-l.i r-o-t-paid t e« ]k.is loitheoM-i.-.-k i r the lain: pay of th above pu’- i'ea' - ns -lo v.;. post.] aui. to l!:e I t:I Its- » rs. [ LtONARH rCtiTT A ■ No. d4 Gold-sire-.'. Ne.v Y - i k. ksON S t-0!.VMBl-VV U I li !>'' tEP, STYLE IMPF-OYEr-. laactiir and slrrnc'.h of a::v otferr la perfect italtirai color. ^de from light hi so n to jet hlatk. be is easy and rapid .- pttly bai-fliiess to the Sltln. .'.antaneoas and permanent. l,e-‘. r.iea/n-.-.f. and snteit DYE ever MADE. ■for Use' accompany each box. —2 oz. I OH ‘—-i oz. i- ting to the Act of Congress, in the [w.'Harrison in the CTerSt's Oaice of , of the C. S. forth'.- Eastern I'lsiriet L.st. F. FOTEKF-.?. Favettev-iV,,- N. C. pitl.Lft? W. HARRI-S'iN. No. 1 ' 7ih .Sc.. i’a:j-APET.rHr\- ly [ague ok A>T1-FKVER riEL.-^. In ihv r.ti'in nf f r-amictva to’^bi> ciioh rfiiy lo no puf!i:i_'.’.*'r to Uoiu. ivindy 'Olelv to U-' own morit' a r^m* *ly to cure ’.'..■■n takoii aocordin;: jo Br-einviDiT ^acii ’"ov.—Thi' RiH iiiiRi- liaio' no loin-rul. nor any injurious auT tnlnunij^tor-'d with pE-rloct .sal-;- %i‘ vouD;^ ar Old. live au'aift't Cbill?. or any other type torumeii'.i'.-d •in'iirpa.'.'^'cl: and in Fferi ffE'nvr.iiiv it i.' :ar 'uper’cr to Ireparation oi P-.rnvIaa bark. A trial |ii that i.T :..>--Ud to in.'ure li a favora- r'n:- t'-'U '^'^’'.0 th.T ino>t invt t- |i*r'pr'':ur> f-r Patent prescription?. AA i i-BIl.I-IOUsj Pll.Ia'*. :ition «|^ >"Ai.:z at lea?t a.= cood. if not I of eb'f varioH.: catharic Pill? of the (liieiv -c from all poi?oQou? mineral?. ' prup* rti‘''. and aie hiiriily recom- ^•p.-ia. Liv»-r CornoUiint. Sick H»-ad- Pa'.-b. llal'ittia] Cu?tia‘-nes?. Indij;e?iion. • of tiT: .'rt- mach, Liver. aim Iv. tb»'V by their cor«po.'iti'n K to ♦ill)'':- oi the above* ca•-‘‘^ a? a Jfon- ijifMMl at all tlaics ah^n -ueb nmdicin* ? 1 V,'e r* ‘ • T..!;.. !.d tli» ni to the att^ntiou Pit pared >-v F. M. .'•WYER & 0.. l»».*llev:ii“. Illino;?.^ . Hiii.-duj'’. f'ayctteville. N. C.. ai.f’ by • towiR- -and viJIa'TE*** in the Southern State.'. ^ge^jxe; WAZtfTrB- ;d In every town and hamlet in the . where »>iie i.' not air' a}y e5iabli>hed. . .M. ver .t Co.. Ik-lleville. lilinoU. liih r»'Lr‘-n( e to'cbaracler and re- Id vour ordc^^ ivill be promptly filled by I ' F .M .SWYEK A C(‘.. Proprietor'. IJelleville. Illinois;, t'iii lei^h Paper |iMr;.s iVAX^JEn. ■red at the Raiimad Statioi? or at my Palei;£h. or thev -.vill be taken It in the Stal-. Merchants and otuer^ Bii pb :.:-e advi.se me when they ' Ind. orwill Fend them to their near-'- tn. a.s I can still afford to '’I'l fh on delivery from store or at T“‘' tank bills, eheck.s „r Xorthern fttn";- , i-Cashierti ot our Bank? in ’nis torlh Carolina and Virjriniu ^ C. W. l-'.t- ;tantlT on band payKT suitable End newspaper wrappers. Cotton - r ^ ^ b. ^ril 4. fni. „ AHCIIA>IJJ » I S/*'. Lk STK.VM ENGI3iK Bt Xr I5thand Hamiiton itla.. ^^ ■team Enj^ines, on larga wheelSr ^ ^eam to be attached tomovn -q 5 have two cylinders, makinjr v* , Order? are filled in from 3 to • "C ^ kys on hand for sale. These j uFe seven y^uirs. and in every tn. ‘ fiieral Fatisfactioa. UcJcriptivc ]wbtn applied for. br. J O Devoted to Aews, Political and Business matter, Agriculture, and Family Reading. lEBLICATION OFFICE.] INDEPENDEKCK IS THE SOUL OF i5Es>10CRAC1 ! fPONAI.n^ON SlTvKKT \V.M. F. WIGHTM wX, Editor. FAYETTEVILLE, I. C., SATUEMY", SEPTEMBEE 5, 1857. U OLTME XIX—Xfl. PGC. T E R -M S K SriS'sCniPTIOA to the For a sin GROCERIES, HARD- I ware X'c, ^'C. C.iIlOI.lXl-YN le copv, if pnid in advance, per annr.in. S2 Oh ■ •• at the end of o tnoiulis, s .ih a ti ii at the end of b months, 3 00 .4 u «4 at the end ol the year, 3 oO No sabscription will be received for a shorter period than one vrar u.d^sspoul in advance. With the view of ext -nding the circalatioa and en hancing the nsof-ilnes.s of the p-.vpcr. the proprietor o.- fers the following remarkat.ly low jntnvnp VLCB R.iTEf!. I.VEAPA iBIA l.V ADI.lACh. of the Carolinian. 1 year, c-c hO — "r'TTTKii;!. ‘rsijjned would re-'pe^ully inforTn Ins old ; 4000 acres of Land for Sale. o copies t in •• The rndorsigned are now receiving a large assort- . -r „„,j iicionc-ing to the Estate of .lohn Ytori- ment of t.KORERlES .IHRnW.lRE. IRON, STEER,- dec'd. is now for sale. Said land is lying in the HtlLLtl W-WARE, SHOES, LEA! HER & SATH-’LE-, of .Montgomery and Ricliniond: and any ]>er- R Y. which they will sell at wholesale at a small ad- . Yvishiii^- to purchase any of said Laud, can have an vauce on cost for cash, or on usual time_ to prompt | auy time within three months by. calling ' on the subscriber at Capt. Joseph Hiiics dealers. July 25, 1857 G. fO-tf \V WILLIAMS & CU. Rtchnioud tllT k um. TAKE AO'IICE. R.afcs of .Y'JvcrCssing: Vivtv cents per sr,„are of Hi lines. or!cs.s, for the lirst i.,d :in'c-'nts for each snitsepnent insertion, unless tin !-lveri:s'm -nt is published for more tliau two msatos, j vlion it will be chnrged ^ i on ! For three ino.iths. ---.-- i For twelve months. - - - - _ - H) •>'> . ■HI a-lvertisemonls must have the -lesw'-il number ot in-, ;..,-t:ons-narked on them, orlh-rwise they will lie in.: -erte.l t 11 forb d and charged nc-orlingly. ■'-p-eit.i ■ atlentwii h dire,-ted la this n-r‘l'ltion. j IVieiuls and customers that he can lie found at the s^tori* of C them. Jan. IT. is: E. Leete. where ;-tf he will be glad to see j. R. McDonald. WM. F. WIGRTM.VX & CD. DO BELY ITOUSE! pinvr.ns vX: ■^fuoy. Pi-opi-ietJM?. a The Proprietors of this Establishment an- ^ noiiiice to the piiolic. that owing to the con- iC^siantlv increasing patronage e.xtendt-d to .1.^4 them, thev have been induced to enlarge the County. A part of said Land is tying on or near tin- line of the ?. C. vfc Coal Fields U. R. The suliscri.ier will tane pleasure in siniw-iii.g said lands to any person wishing iiitbrmatioii respectii.g July 4. 1857, 3m THE SnbFcriber having, at Juno Term 18.">7, of the 1 Court of Rloa? and Qi'.arter SossionF for the County j of Cumborlaud. fjualtfied as a\dnii»iFlrator upon the j E.'-tato of Willie F. Moore, hereby iiotiiieF perFons bar- - PRElfiliT A •«!> big claim.'a-ainFt the said Estate to present the same iv properly authenticated within the time prescribed by law. otherwise this notice will be pleaded in the bar of their recovery. Uebtors to the saidEstate will plea.se make payment immediately. June (i, DOCTOR FRAMi AVILLIABIS’.S ('RLhIBII V I'iU) UVK WlilSKEX The Subscriber has made arrange enls to keep n supidv of the Genuine Article, and is the only Agent for the sale ot the above brand of A No. 1 Lye Win? key in this idace. mITCHEII-- May CL.H TK I 3 -At L.t I ” lit t;u> vO n;r • iifin T, ,{evilU-A*C. .;\d i Ireen .-^trevts 66f 5« * —, . iiccoinmodatioa by the addirion of an extensive Dining boom on the lovv'*r lloor. and suite of Room' on the lloor: rhu' e:ia3.1iner them to nceommodat.e. all : -.bomiiy ‘TV“'' Ih-ni with a call. And they pledge | tie-m'>*l ves to a.i Inc' -a.-e l c.xortio i to give satisfaction | lo th'*!r piitrons. ous --^tableF attach 40-tr OF C .\ R 01.1S A P R E S B Y' T E RI .Y >' SPRIXG STOCK, 1857. B. r. ^uORE. Wholesale flrorcr and Commission Merchant* lias.just received in Store. 21.') Barrels Whiskey and Brandy. •• and hhds. of Sugar ass'td- 75 Sacks Rio Codec, 20i) *• Salt. .M) bo^s Soda Biscuit. Candies. Noaps. Candles. Snuff. Ci.gars. I'i'C. All of which will be sold on liberal terms. March 14. 1857. 41-tt PA^SEXCJKR I..TA’E BF- i TWEEN WlbSIINGTON &» F A YET TEVll-KK. ! Stt'RnYer MapiYoHa.t«aves KayctXfivillf* on MonJiiy anti Tliur.-i- day tuoniincs. 15 minnli-s HfttT suu-riso. L«*aY'i»{s WUmington on Tuesday and I'riday Tnorninp^. SteanHT Fanny Lutti-rloh. leaves Kayetti-Yille ••u Tuesday aud Fridav mornings. 15 minutps alter suu-riso I.eaves jliinuct*'*** Wednesday uud Saturday niorniups Both ciirrj-iUi: l->i-iglit ami Pa.=..i-iigvrs Stoaim-r r.o»-aii. with full sots of Lightcra. ruiia ri-gularly carryinir Kri-icht only r .. o- i ■■ Tlo.rVsialarityofourEoaUo„a t alasca of ttu- Rivor.ai,, j, M-irtcd US the dispatch and proinRtne.ssiH deljveriup goedta are UlC fjUtMlon .univu, as T^ou^br™; w'e'untaw our thaiika for tlio- r.-ry lih.-r.at j I’.atld^ l.oforo tho firO patronupc heretofore he-stoxved.a.id can assure uUshipiM>rsth;.l , . , , 1,0 efforts win W spared in future, .and feel conhdeul that our j st U .061 I dUO UICII facilities for despatch nre equal Jl not supenor to any Ini' Cape Fear River. Ac. NORTH j '>p:VC ■ ntfetubme 1 and careful Ostbrsiu I lU' io.e.it’on of tip* Establi-Jimcnt. with the ■ the l’ropr'‘*tors in providing for tho >\v i)',\t'.'0’i. fli'-'v hope will secure to them *■ the travel. -d Soilh -rn Stag.--* arrive at and depart ATT J »;i!‘t.s ol bum ATniNDS t: Ilk ‘ a.11 .r,.;>:iston. ■ ir Too.u.t. ILv.- rdt Co.. Feb. Ib. lS5f*. L.VW, rland. Harnett , pvi).-r ton-' yi • CO’M birt '*f 1 h-* I a l-bvr:i‘ shaiN 1 Th'* Wi'sl -T.i ' from this House. . , , , . x t^iirnages in att'^ndance on arr val and departure ot • Sf'-am I’oat'. tor t)»e accommo.lation of passenger?, i aad t^arrlagi's turulshed at any notice lor N. C. ; oarrving tra ! * J. W. ; Fav.'tt s to any part of the adjac»Tit country. . r iWERS. * W. C. TROY, ilo, May 12. IS.Y'b O^-tf Ni'W (i'lODS I.:l-.v ()ini.-l‘ III F.. klllp- Thc I’resbyteriiiii C'.utfch in Xortli Ciirolnm iia.s long laUoriid iiiiili'f a seriijiis disiulvaiitage i'l-oiti till- vvaiit of a j-iiu’iiiii lo advocate Iter L-laim-- and ivpiv.-tent lief iiitcfe.-tls- H'-s esti- iiialed tiiat only 1000 Pi-esliytefian Weeklioit are taken in tlie bniinds of onr tlifee Presbyte- i-ies. We Imve 13,000 Coiiiniiinu-ants, and it is safe to infer tliat tiierc; are 30,000 Presby- teriaas in princiiile in tiie State. Oar Synod stand?, fiftli in tlie Union in point of iiiiinberB, and her menibei-sliip is greater titan timt ot any Synod Sontli or West of Pennsyiraina. Out-sister States on the Nortli and Soutli, r.eitlier of vvliieli has a inember.sliip so l^arge as oars, ptiliii.s-t tiie Central, and tlie Soiitiiciii Presbyterian, for tlie benefit of tlioir people. , Tlie time lias eoiiie wlien tiic Presbyterian Clinrcli ill Xortli Carolina slioiild likewise do AHAMANTINE ami TAId.OW CANDLES: tint: anil common TDii.AGCO; aiitl almost an.vtliing in the Iirocci-v line. Clieap as the clieaiiesl! - G IV. I. GOLDSTON. Fob'v 7. 18.57. 3l!-tf K.l.I.IOTT. A^cnt for I.uitcrlob i Co. F.-ycttovillc. N. C..Oet.25.1856 21-tt .NORTH ('.lU0!.liM.\N. /-i VICTT/-: riLLK. A\ c, f.tmkilfg and l.enping* It was a uitlcrly cold winter's evening, ni.d our little party ne?tlcd clo.'cr and elo'i'r around the blazing fire. No one toll ii’^ditietl lor r-pn* ■ iug; we all doclnrod we wore by far too co/y for that: ana nil seeim'd too happy to talk. > r felt too mnuh real joy at heart to langii. >o wc rubbed oi.r and gave a pretty little ^Vliat ?lia!i wc do? "— i A lui.xcd party of old and youiig. (d'bfch scxc.?, j ninst necessariiv lie ratiier varied in and i iueliaation.s, and ours proved Ft) exrep'.b!n: .'o .1 STORE FOR RENT. | ^:j| tilUC Inni cUlpSCd ll'at WC uU Thf* store, corner of OilHspie and Franklin Street? ol , near the Bankof the State, witli or wHhout jlie room? j agreed in one thing, to .^iibiiiit uili .m.\i .ai pla - o the p-afriarch of onr cirede, wlio had hitherto iiliove. Foniii-ilv oceapicil by the Sons of Teiiiper- aiice. Apply io .lOSEPll AREV. .Aug. 22. fit-St-pil FJiES/1 TURA'ir SEED. FL.AT DUTCH, RED TOl’. ENGLLSII NORFOLK, 1.ARG1-: Gl.ORE, RUTA 15AGA. Just received and for sale by Julv 11. LS57. tf ?. J. HINSDALE. it is II conceded and 7-tf ;.'U':',W .1. sTKI'.M-VN, lion*.-:-- a: • j „w,-i to I'lTTSiUHHN. C.. will attend ! 1 mrt? oi Chatham, .vlo'-re and liauv.U , tf O. Is now i-oei-iCng bis Spring iinJ Summer supply DRV GOODS, If.-VTS, HOOTS & SHOES, ; pp,. j,,tv to her cliiidi-en. Poldii" cloths. Ac., all of which, being purcbascd - iinpoi-tiuit fact, tl.ut Itai.dred? of our ^ ‘ ^ , , lY * -1 t i will take a btate paiiei* who Will take no othei. ,,, ,i„ ease, wi'l be oirere.l by It holesole or Retail r.t, 43.,f I Svilod and Prcshyterie.s—to elevate and en- i li-'>hten the pietv of otinncinliersliip by diftnBin.g i evnuigclical knowledge -to jiromote the cause I of Education—to dcvelope tiie talents of onr j .Ylinistry, and to siroiigtiien tlie attaclimeut oi ! onr people to tiie soil and sanctuaries of tiieir own Slate. FAY1!T®BX?I2.ZiE ?mkli HISH SOHOOL. kept aloof from tlie discussion. Mr Simp.son smiled at onr appeal, -and bent j Ids dear old silvered Iiead to listen to onr sn.g- , „ , i ge-fons as, one liT one, llicv were tirged eii l„,r name', a.s ray clerk charged ilie j him by their :;rdcat proposers. At last it was OPDS ANO The Lady who bouglit 2 I’itc-hcrs. 2 I'.invls and will two of please ?en«l in fOods to auothar person. Those who have hurrowed B.iskets of please return them. Tomatoes are now plenty. Fill t‘ dozen Ai-lhurN Cans Willi them Au'-''. 22 T'T I'fvsonti indelited to Ja?. C. .McPmohln. a^ Ouardian of tin* heirsof John Morrison, dec’d. are hereby ro- .'pectfully infvwmed. that said guardian has in a gre:p maiority of instance? endorsed and notes to the undersigned. transferred their Also, that our urgent ne lessi'iies, apart from' ihe reqi irenu-iits of Hie j , „ beLr-.iii- mniiiel ns to eolleet as speedily as possible. All those nef,... . agreed tliat a game of proverbs slioiild be played witli this improvement, tliat ilic jirovcrlis slioiild fiirnisli ns matter for ii.scfn! and entertaining laik nillier than for idle fptestions. Accordingly, proveriis and names w-erc written on slip.? of card, and tlie great dcliglit, and in some ease.?, relief; ‘T.ook before you le.nji,” came fortii witii XIr Biniiison's (itime. Xevt-r .slntli J fur- get tlie venerable old geiith-maii, as, raising his Iiead and collecting his tlionglits for a mimitc, IJitV I’ll ICES March 28. ■I 'n-Tverr-t-;-- ---in ? s - J lAl ill -PAX>«,P- Jj uL-' -Jauj 02Jll.-^ I OwJli,- if \ OKIV. AJ i I'll. rr«a ;► .•’riio I'l *'0' !>ri:t-v ■ i.i thj Courts of .;.v. ,V.l .a-.n -v-Ca-u^t aiivation. • 'tr. V AT IA'.V. I itv North Carolina. IFc-hmond. Ansou aud il to Ij'-'Cure wiU re- 'julv. IL Lv-58 I . J-,ii 1 .H.l.\Ll-’A At-l-riilXG CO. OESEAV OilPITai- ©530,000. A. Nicholas. Rresident. Onicc. 70 Mall St. F all manner of Fram To I’revcnt Rliotographs S'}ssion. new studies com- A in-i-f--ct seciii-itv again.st all manner of I-rami or- If onr C: * ‘ . . * . _ T.v ‘ * Cuuulerfe'Unig on l’ap‘-r anil Aiiiislatic Counterfeits, Erasm--.-3 .Vltoratioiis. R s\hik stiver : I T. .i.YrLxiLlyl'i^ai M>‘ > i. il *-i'‘'.ili i-i h'A r.tt ■> I'in .-.s'?:.a I I Si n exc*r. *1 ■» ,l -s'riug HI pur jiia-e onr !i.st of prices; Tr-uisfers orlClinrclies in this State, can supply their moiii- i ber.s wilii a reiigioiis joanial, wliy may not we. ll-iviu-’- purcliasciI the Patent for Ihe exclusive right | X'ofth Carolina Pi-esbyterians iiifenor in i to m‘..;iu!aeiure ;’.ml sell the -New Chemical P«P''‘'talent ciiergv and patriotism to their neigliltors ; Am-i-ica. invented in Eiiglatid by Henry Glynn ace.e--;^ South, or to Chn.stmns ol Hm^i^wSr— : Other denotninations at homc^ With the ' Mi-K-u:AsN,iyer ■oftlieU. S. Mint, Mr Lyman | lietter opportunities of accomi.hsh i,- AiVfV nirtl rilv!*' r “'P‘Ot-i.i ' 3 a c timr->r as at -VHbs t r.- l-.-j fru-u l-ayettjvill •-.lore. 1 !»y Store i of the New OiA Fi*)'-? Rdiuls and the 1 exTuusiv , . . * ' • N- I, i^.irotria I \' Y The latter sav that no imitation ca i * " ■ ‘ tain further - mi a 'chi.-,-k or l-aiik tiote printed on the S-itety Paper property _ k o-i lae 5 : ar.:' i: SAT »L-t. 4. iS-tf AH WRIGHT. FS WRIGHT. kClfiiring llou.'c. and Meade Brothers ;.Rall wo leave it unaone? In the and skilful i.li.m.-'raphers. ITi of mil' most able and useful iMinistm-s. an adopted son of onr Suite, -1. jonglit to have been undertaken 20 years ago, j but it is n-jt too l.ate to begin to do riglit. j III the Ia,st two or three montlis, a iuiid oi i about §5000 lia.s been suliscrilied as a penn-.i- i nent capital. At a meeting of tlie coiHribiitoiv iVouTloail r i5,,,ip uiiecks—25 cts. per 'b. 1 Hunk Hills—$18 for 1000 sheets. H ils cif K.xeliai'ge—S2;> for 1000 slieets. Pi-omissory Notes—-10 cts. i>cr lb. •Rl'EN- .;.^V ' - v \ .) in il ir t -;t i- 11 bill-, juinl.ig LiMl-it.v-r. The :,'i.‘;iVh-.irav ti.n.-;r.;l v th pbm?. and w.thin six 1 7 Y,. t' «-'*tt ‘'dil-' a 11 Wv-'teru jladroa i. i-l:*-. 11. . a*-ti .. - Xfi’VR rUlR. For p appk^ to ^ J. W. McKAV. J I V M u i.-iov/ !_• -- - -irnA 1 ♦ .. 8igiit and 'rime Draft?—:?25 tor 1000 slicels. , Oreensborongh on tlie 14rii Insiiruiice Policies—40 cts. per 11). i Rev. A. Baker, Cimirman,—the Pu of tin F.yHMING and Tl ^ > \ ity. k i«*’A-a a? mo l ariv'. . vV'.ii. H.irr u.gtou’s laud oa Z')') acre? cf the gro'i 11 N« = v. i',a -’r. 2'j tl A. >1. Cas»»l>l> ii, II CTIONEER & COJI.AII8SION XIERClI-'-M East side of Gillespie street, F.vrET-rnvn.i.E, N. C. tictober I. 18-)-> VI A R B I' P- t"- C T O IS. V . r.Y" GE'I. LAU!)ER. 14th of -May,— ,, ! Rev A. Baker, i;nairman,— i..ie Paper was tin- i Railroad Stocks &■ Boiid.s-40 cents per | ,^„i„,o,.sly located at Payeltcviile, under tiu Hank and State Stocks—40 cts. per lb. , „f t,|,e Nuani C.uwlixa I RLs- j p.onds and Mortgages—40 ct.s. per lb. ! „vTErjAN-. Rev. Wm. N. .Mebaiie and Hov. I Wills and Heeds—40 cts. per Ib. Reor-re McNeill were elected Editors: Kev. ! For wrapping Silks and othei fine articles it is j ^1^,5,,.,;. George McNeill. Win. N Mcbaiie, A. 1 pollent. as it preventsmoths. dOctsuH). ;* ,,,,i p it WiU'V and Messrs. (xeor-.e i ah Sclm'"ud ornmfsto«m aU^ays’be j S:^eiil, Sr., John H. Cook and Ilavid Mur- I .ritalX notti; p^-tir^ :no;:S:^?=tfH:eYhn||‘‘‘^r;;o„rwish and dcsigt. to make tlmNoa™ G ,.,vf a.v.;tPAv it.—the propm*ties inserted in ‘•w , ^ P(;i.'rytprias a luurnal the 7V.H. K. HL.AKL, A. .M.. Fi it.cip.I. JvME.slI. Col.-rox, A. 1).. Pi-ottasor of .Matheiimties and Ancient Languages. Fit.ixi; J. H.viin, Puof. Fi-eiieh ami Music. Mis.s Lii.i.m McD.vxici., I Assistant Music Teachers. Mrs Ki I ^ L. Bl.vkk. \ Mi-s'Emu.ik CuL'i'UN-. Assistant in LR-erary department. Miss Liz-/,it: ILiTciiEi.L. Drawing and I’aiiiting. Mrs il van vav-t- E. Hoiixi-;. I’repatory department. Mrs S.i:'ii A. Lektk, Governess. Tlie F-all -Session of this Iiistitutiim will coiiiiiu-nce on the Fvst Moialay in Ccl-oiier. and coiitiiiiii- tweilty we-l-'s. il is ht.gaiy impm-t-.iiit that all Siii-Ieiit> semild lie pre-ent'at 'the ofetiing of th cia.-ses are Lien organized and 1 The amnl*) arrangements and facilities of the Iiisti 1 tution atffird to young ladies an opportunity to cum iirrli in other States-, and other pk-te a Ihorongt. practical, as well an accompMird nun 11. o-i.ci .3 , * ;.,iucatioii. In the goveriimoiitof theScliool. sa.utaiv disciniiiie ami duo restraint will be constantly ciiforc- -J ii-eai care will be taken to prevent tlm torniation of'improp-r habits; to develope the ,iii.-igment; to encoui-age industry and punctuality; and to cnltn.itc on ail oc'ciisioiis propriety of deiiortinoiit. Hie iioard- Iti" Department will continue iiiidei- the direction 0, llrs .Sarah A Leete, a lady of experience ami eminent iitiiess tVir the position. Her teiidei-iiess:tnd solicitmle for the coiiifui-t of the young ladies, amt her aatchliil regard for the feelings of all. have gamed her iimver- *‘‘Vl-;ilM.S. FOR SESSION OF 20 WEEKS. Board, iiicludhi”- washiiij^, Fghlr:. fuol, rooms. Tuition ill Rrimary Dopartmenf, ^ H'! •• in Academical “ $]2.>0andl-> hO inCoUc-iate Latin. French. Music, Painting. Drawing. Ac., at tho usual prices. For further particulars apply to . WiLIj. K. BLAKL. Principal. orK. J.IdLLV, Pres't of Board. August- 1. 1637. too. ill sue compel ns 10 eolleet as spoe ^ 1 indebted will then-fore ol-lige 11s. and tlicmseh liv paying tip immediately. We iniist and when-'the money i.s m.t foitlieiuiniig.^ yiopp.jgi M. MORKI.sCN A. MOURLSON. ,'.7. 4(MI My dour young friends, it is strange that i I’l-ovidcnce has given me lids little duty to i night. Truly in my lifetime I have seen tnntiy j a k-ap ami some few looks. The pk-tisnres ot a- i green memory almost repay the other dis-aiUan- i tages of age, and make one bless God for being ! one of his slieaves near harvest time. Let us to meet at the Coili-t Home in Siimineieillc. on Mon-! jmo ,l,e Mlbjccl a little”—mentally, 1 Sllp- dav. the Util day of SepU-mtier next, tor the ti-aimac Lauriiibnrgh. N. C.. March 7. 1 TO THE .JUSTICES OE HARNETT Tlr; .Iiistices of Harnett county are liereby noHd'-d CO lioY of county Imsinoss. G. W. PEGUAM. Clerk. Aul^ 1-L pii.Tis, Uil.s, X'iiniisli, Ilni.slies. for , S.-l. HINSDALE. A’J OJ-tf I po,?e, for onr expoxiior took off Ids F|iet'ta('k-s; ‘‘it seems to divide tiiankind into lliree elasso.s— those wlio-coiitinnaliy look and never k-ap; those who leap and never look; and the few who look well and often before they leap. “He «ho leaps before he looks often invol- nntai-ily looks buck after, and then, just intimo to be too bite, see? his own folly and (eels POit SAt.K. The Su'i.sei-ibei-desiring lo emigrate to the Mcft. „m-rs for sale his entire l.AND?. i..clmln,g^ a The rash ami im-onsi.k-rate, if they Its uundred acres, genL-i-ally known as ill the upper ciul of Hm-iiett county, o mike L-*- > CiuicFe!u- River, amt mi the road leading ti om I-aj- ottliville to Chapel Hill. -Store, Dwelling. Out-lloiises. all in lii-st rate order. ._ , The SIdi-e is at a line business .stand, uml is not te lie e-'-ec-lU-d bv aiiv eoiiiitry store 111 the- Mate. 1 m 1 are also upon' Uie'preiiiisi-s an excellent well within 15 nr 211 steps ol the House a chird of Fruit Trees, a Tan Ytii'd tii iic-ikct oiitu, which peys well when in operation. Also, a Rhu-k.-niiU Sliup 'vUh Tool?, Ac. Anv person xvisiriu-!: to purehii^e such 1 ' . do YvuU to call eu'l examine ii tor tliemKhli-. 1 deturmined lo sell, ami will make N. B The place is one of the iiealthiest in the Southern country. August, -i. G.Mf Postaklsoii gicadciiiy* liavc anv feeling.? at all, are always liabitnal, ai d, what i.s worse, n.sek-fi.s penitents. '1 lie I>® is i-u.st; they have taken an irrevocable step, and that without thonglit. It is a sad siglit to see a man grieving without hope for an event wldcli a momentary gkance beforeliaiid might liavc obviated. “Equally bad is the part of those who are for ever looking but never leaping. Going to perform some IremcndonF feat, thinking on tome unheard of exploit, they spend life like John- .soii’s famou.s cliaractcr, ‘fearing lo go lorward least he should go wrong.’ Alas for the ins-ta- i bihtv and iiiijeeisioii of liuinaii iialtiie! Leap- doe? not destrov it,—the properties inserted I’kksbvteiu.vN a j|-n^ the lir.st pulp being a preventative. ki all the soiitnern . alo , . connlry in typo- (he we^t appearanee aud in adaptatk.n to the on the mdinarv paper ivhik the oils and other cliemi-: of onr Clinrelies. Its eoluinn? w I cal?in \his Paper makes It inaostrnct.il Ic Bj , Jutc.st both rorei.liu and domes The foUowiiiir valimtilo real oslato. the property of : C. Hull th'c’a. is olfcrua tor sale and consists ot llic '"xtaMkHSlk place knovyn as | dm mmses oriiinderaucc in Instilntion will begin on ' injr in this life my fl'ieiids, is rpiite as litecssaiy er. iind'jr Ih'* joint ebarn'C •PI vi itiviMiv •« und Mr Gourj-e A. Cairns, ■nm'Aemkmy bniiding i pkasantly silm'ted on lUy Mount, and in ils location combim.-s the ml'.i.it.tg- Tho next Session of this u Mnmlav the 21st of Septemtier. under (lie joint cb. . looking; we must of Mr Tlioiiias J. Robinson, uml Mr t.ooi-ge -A. Can ns. ildiiijr i pleasantly situated on llav Mount, and in ils loc-Itioii combim-s the u-lyuii ft;r the out door exercises Ol the out Act in the living prcpt-nl; Heart within, and God o'er head.’ Healh will at length Btirprise these do-nolli , , -i-ii with all tho iniprovenicnts. This i dt-nts. and fi-eedoiii Iroiii an cumw-s o. , laaiii i iii f, i oHee'vfu be s„Ul entire or divided, to suit purchasers, j (he dilligeiit pui-sv.it i-l their . j iiigs, and then they will .see how l-'-V i.,. m-.i,„ tnisiness stands in I It is the desire P^mdl and j existence ol mere looking is. They have i the world's lumber, useless to thtni.selves, a ofl u Stnmbliiig-bl. ck in otlicr people’s way ” dbehm-probablvom-bflhe best Irasiness stands in! H is the des (hi-conn rv and'is vow desirable to those wishing to sriinol of ranle. lilt, uimiiiij . y*,,.,v,1iciTYt: t.n nid eurlv opposite to E. A- 'Vdlkityp? tayettevulc, -N- D- Out. 1. 185o. Auction Slovt mi iiAi-i time. It i.s also proof agivmst nioiiis.. special care w;ll be taken to give a Inli , - vermin, which toast on and destroy all . A,,,,,,,,, State news. The 1 '"‘Tta’comuuny have ii^mv in operation Mills in Morris | the Paper is designed to be an cxpo- i C(-iincl N 'i ofalioiit JilO horse power, and are able , ,.l,„|-uc,ol- and c-oiiteiits. .!• torn ton ! to'till all orders for Paper at 'heshortest nntiee. , ,„,vo,.ale the conservative, or- w-oloaiifNmV?. Wan St^el. j tiiodox, Old School doctrines and order of the SELF-SEALING JARS. and Vogetaldes. Pims ; 41). s;> 40. and S:' For sale at Hie Ol' aV p;,.;ideiit of the Company. No. 70 WaH Street. | t lodox, Oi-(ii-r.s for f-is valuable paper re'xeived at the C,.io-j Cliurch. iniaii Office. „ • i Our first appeal is to ottr own people--to A •Inly. 1.?, .. 10 Pn-sbyterions. Whil.st we rely confideiilly For pros.wving Fresh Fruits and vogetam,^- -- poRSALE i upon their lav,ir, we trust that the native sons Y-?, .rRKS O .' L-YND nine milesi of North Carolina who have ioniid home.s tir por.lozeu, re.-pcctivelv. ‘ tH.LLNGILAST j 'r«'‘F"l?l.'rue IviY- dVrec Souther,, i other Siutes, and the adopted Clt;z-ns of onr - • - ii-om '-fl'ir, .tie'of Rig Rocklish. One ; «,,o f,,.-.,, .so important an element ,n oar enter the n'iere.inlile business. No 2, Consists of a Imt and Brick Store (2 tene ments; in Carabielon. on Bridge -Street near Claien- dim Hrid'-c. and is -a very desiruble .-'tami for -nsn e-x. No 'I Is '» vuciiiit lots illCanipbelllon. known in Citj „b‘,t af Nos im>. 111. 112. ami half of lot lie. Not Is a dwelling house and lot on Hiiyinonnl, eoi'-m-i- of Plauki-oad ami Adams St. A very dcsira- idc rcsUlcncc fur the whole ycai. . , -j, ., No 5. I? a Coni Mill and Steam Ln-ineand Boilei, of 1(1 or 15 horse power. This is well woHh the- n- teiitioii of tlinsi- living wliere walev power is not a, aii- able, and will lie sold at a great bargain. For terms appjy to J. H. H.A . j, . - August L 1857. (iumdians to aid them, by'their putroiiage. hi the ac- i eor-plishmentof this purpose, be.teviiig tlmt Hu it h? i-' ivetl'-ville and its vicinity a sunicicnt number worthless an been and EO ill Fuvctl'-ville and Us viciim.* » - i - ,, Bi-ysto BLiDDort such uii Iiistiliiticn. j “lJut the third set, Mr fcimpsonf don t be TERMS OF TUITION. ^ dismal, please.” For rrlimtry Stmlents, per session, (20 weeks,) A- j)J , certainly docs brighten r'Y the iiietu’re, whiclt makes me regret the deeper that there are not more of them. Tlie man Store. ,. Also, Fresh snpplms Ot YV.YRE and Table Knives. Juno 20. l-'>* • CHINA, GLASS-, will 55-t f It V uUa »5»U‘ Lasitl f‘H- SaiP. Th ; subscriber mlbri, ^r sak^Ecn;^ bmds, hmla^ 'E'lS ii..-:.i„il.;s from the mouth ol and !,’^•Hl[^!S^TM'rp'■uttlle sections in the emi"'!'- W;"'■ aiid niemb.-rsliii> :;,nv::uien.imp;.,v..m.-,.ts ^ , interest: in this enterprise, and ,, ..uaU eon, mill ”'V;.":::(’;,[;R;;i‘in;:.;.;'':;iul'store., | hear.y support. A. --V. McKElHAN i pgr annum in advance, or on rale sitimtion 1 leep their do- AO TILE. .Vdviincod Englisli " Classical “ ContiniTcndie? “ i.-ownn ,iri»,c„,d,, -„.I, .b.™ will lie .sent to the I’arent or Guaidian Aug. 15th b"-''' ConiHioii Sfiioo! Teachers CoHIll V. HI llanicU I all, cotiscicncionsly before he leap.?, will pro- ' r,er've himscU flora mimi.-rons trouble?, and will : afford a valuable example to the world around : him.—1 do not refer lo a more worldly-wise great n.i'VG.Ai-xs itIAY RB OllTAI.VF.Di I west and Those desinius of empl«ynienta?^ Conmtim^^™^ „f weighing his f^YxiimUiatk'n at^Siiiiiim-i-vilie. on Tii.-sdi«y a'“k Cnim-c actions by the only standard of rig it That man Feb'y !). IS.'ifi. tf hniulr -d iibov; Fayetteville a j I lower liltle river, lac inm w U a-Uiptcd to }annm.:i: acTF iniIc? iriiiu tke I is level and healthy , re i.- almiit oac liuudrcd j tatcofeiiUi ; T.;;. M'.ilAGLn Ti„.v s-vv the Magnolia Tree is Hi . tf, - 1 i'll, of -ias').! and Dixoii s lim- T„1 n,(y Il is also said the_W.;gi,o..a_Resta,,rai,^ | will ::^';’:wcta«;- Ihwt-Hi’w particHu.-sapply to tho 1 e„ tin itubscriber uu the preiiv.M;?. AI ; ,ir;7of tlm fwst,‘ oflT I a„d tor nmiiu.uCUiring purpo k*. AH :l. *• »».W •« a I, VI•/'■ut 'Yl nl jo! r,..\ilin I till t IA’** “■*' The "jKEirilUNldYD ACREs'oF | ’’fe-iUng H,mns,-h-cs'l"r Lxaminotion will ; God’s will revcnled L.ANY'irMoorFeouiity lyhtg 0,1 both ^ >>«P 1 ^vsons^^^ furnish 1 tim influct"-'” fi^'' b’OO'l > «’• •nu-acu-r, Ac. WII.L.'.M."mcNKII.L A. I). McLEAN. j ,;p(,,|d a happy Aug. 15. Glide Exmiiining Com.: ^ hufore S .taue Hixtun i |,;,„_wheii preparing earnestly and prayoffiiny River within :i miles ot the his Mills thereon, kiioivii as p .ij. p,,,,,, th.- another small tract in the eoi.utj ‘f toi-k of’Tick Creek -”l hiuiL hill Ol- the old I'm iiuee, know.i ->■ t v - -if'is id it is evi-.jssent lo oue address, a discount of 10 \. , ,. ! imnt. will be allowed. Onr Mmistt-rs ana 1, Street. Iwt,-.veeu Dr. li. tV. llohiiisoii's Medical earnestlv de.sired to act as Agent-?, ■ , ,.n,i Ml-1>. Taylor's Store, and m-ai Iv , ,, „ i-..;,.„,iiv in the i-iinse will please JXANDE-R WALKER. J ' - Id. .: C. S-VI I Tit. .1A .'I KS dung t-i li.id c. s;MIth As YIn.KS CosTi.x'i CO., ''^n!Ynb2.rilier -wonlil take this m-Hiod of ' oi,'tah,^d *^ilie first number will 1 “7tizcns of this place aiid,the Sl^fuWl vigorous effort is tm i two months hv tlio.se Hho lake "LIQUORS. ,,.ork, we vvil] witliont d( „,nd in the ^ - publication at tlie end of that tmm 1 wdH. a oaving subscription list of at le-a^ 3000 MercA'nif.s, «h4- Rave r.;.noved their o-liee to fudnh.g.br;m.r!yocci.ptjAbv.h-; w'-en- Hi y ar-.- orep.ued to -Ht- -I Co-nmissioii line- h,i- All bud.less entrusted to ttn. ;itte'i’h’d to. ^ ic-tK '•VilTi'A'i^OU. ^Ctohnr 1. 1®' '‘on*! i fT;,.,I,lislinic.it. mid Mr 1'- tayior •'-m-;;-; .7^1".',U others friendly to tlie eiinse will I oiiposiie Ol” the .SonTl,. ^■c,■s,ms ;s.si.st in procuring as many subscribers as possi- ! k-pt o''^.lu mis? it: it is the YELLOW , p. a,,,) forward the names, by ylw,«!,.v l-vf. to ' " ■ ■ • As soon as 1500 snbscnncrs ate 1 be issued. H a tm,ic;rPbvf-Hhv Hiey'TaVe'^besTowfd , faithful and vigorous effort ts made i>t the next '■ '’'’'rf^mi, - Pc t a co-i'tiiin-.vHon. , two months by tho.se Hho lake a ive y m e eA ue-"; -rv' on lian-l the VERY BESTLIQUOny p, j,,;, work, we will without doubt, be able to ■1 .',-1 CORDIALS, that can lie found - **-‘- I th 1 tor tb' 11 or tnc oiu im oay'-t both lor farnnnjr Tim UiiMl ill Moo.-'* IS very n ’;;;i .;;.eriptio.is .1 ibr ofinireLin- inuucc-tt&ai.v. To «uH the accoimnoda- ,.va,.,i„e tor thenm l^ - J t,.,w( by ot purchasers I v .H -sui t ilm above piopoitj • crIp tn»rether an* unuucc-ssary. as an {mi^- will I'.Naiuiiie for iheinsolvt*?. tion If ilio above propertv or nriblic sale, together Ocf-otier. it wiU then be oUe v 1 jjp with a good deal nf ”0’''/ P'7io j'oke. Terms made the premises, for there is no J known at Sale. y JOHNSON. G2-(it-pd wlio ponders f his doings, ^ :„,d invoke.? his Maker’s blessing upon them, 1 a iianiiv life; and whe;i called to take s Y;i^^‘m::^ Vg?:;;YS.;sinu«Aii:'- and Augue Antidote. ;vndl^wm,d^Tm^M- c3-tr Aug 8 18 7. j ging. ran 'be- found either Nortli o.-! 1 his e-sCabli.-linieu!, J at the si Fe-ve-l- tui-e. For sale liy Aiig. 15. ~^ \Vliite Lead and Linseed Oil, ior s. J. IIIN.SDALE. G3-tf sale by Aug. 15, l)V r.UIE ANO CEME-AT. tii-t ri-eelveil and for sain _ ■Ml Casks Lime, fresh from the Kiln, 1:1) l*a!'i--ls Cement M) -- Gale-ned Plaster, '.Ub Bushels Plastering Hair. 7.-> Bartels Mackerel and Hcrriiig, JUO Sacks Livernool Salt, ,00 “ Alum Salt: 2 biisliel iitacks. J. W. POWERS. 1856. 69-1 f Fayettaville CIS e'si-aiiii.--iie-v—„p at tnc shortest i , TY t IT I 1/ HAS JUST RECEIVED South. M ' ihntumi particnlarly lo Ids 1 M. F A b lj K. a large and fancy assort ladiu good order. jj , joNES, ^ j "'ew and beautiful pattern, and every style ot ar- Y'ellow Building, Gvean St Foyetteville, N. C, | tide in M? Vmm carefully selected by hta 1 Ji- -Ind buyers will Hud it to their interest'.o^ll rtlltefl, ;'fove purchasing elsewhere. Cotnei o. G-Jt-l- vopaid. EraiikUn streds. aI'jI.'CAmVbELL * :>6t IO ooo Ts4nov For wldehf^a highest cash Price wiH he pau^ Oof, L and MORE ISEW OOODS.^ Tw^N'^irSTSlK of almost every hardware AMD HOLLOW-WARE —ALSO— , , 'Boots and Sltoe? barter for Any of which ‘'''store recently occupied by Produce or on “hot' ' o'®' nnuse. Troy A Mafsh, near the Dohhi''^y ^ GOLDSTON. Oot.t8._ _ 50 Tons No 1 Peruvian Giiaiio. Eor sale by G. W. V.(TLm,iNJS diCd. ;Axj‘g'DVt'2‘^ (;oDwress\Vater, Aug. 15 NOTICE. The Copartnership of SiirUs & Adams, and It. A Aitan/i cm, is this day dissolved by June 2(1, Iboi. w'm.'b. SURLES. Juiie2 3m FOR SALE. Heavy 4-4 Beaver Creek Slicetings. Cotton Yarn, W-arp aud Filling, No.'. 5 to IO- Belt. Picker, Holler and Lace LE YTHLRS. Oils and Mau'.ifacturer’sFiDdiiigs. .. “‘.f 7?riv Ju'fy 26, lii* for tho great thange that is ever impending guided by God’s Spirit, he camiot but experi ence a safe and happy transiuon into the exter. I nal world. i “Our proverb recommends a medium cour.se i between rashness and over caution. It pictures 1 iieitlier tho charaeter of the f a chasm, and desperately fling-? '"'f^ ^ 1 down if nor yet him who swings his body to ' r ’ (lie brink tvho ponders and intends, fails, and he finds him.self not nn tneh nearer hi, destination than he was at sunr.Lc; bat ’A pictures the man wl.o looks ihoaglRfully, meas les distance and force, and leap,s with a bravtx Iioart and steady eye. “Remember, my friends, the leaping; bu„ above all things never for get the looking.” “Papa, have guns got. legs?” “No.” “How- dp they kiek, tbeu? “'Wilb ibkir brcuthvs, SSUi’