-r ■ 'K.' CO’S. If the liOOlCALS GiriDK. IN THE I’RICE K'HI.ICATION. >'Or.K. continue toinili- tiUbh i'eriodicalSr ' ■' |l,V (.Conservative. j\V (AVhig.) IeVIEW (Free CUafeli.. riEW (Lil)eral.) |tGH Magazine (iiry, kpresent the t!jreo ui'ut Britain—'Vhi«;. Tory. ti.l\ i i.c tViUurc i}:^ -I e Tn*u>t pii'U'ijnd Hllll lit 1 t!,( y • i. unrivaled m ihc v. i.d : to lie si-holar a:ul Tec the iutfUirent reader cerrt-Cl and truttsluc- f-.t Ulfvature ol the ( vUL Ve i ly ohu.; .u [cOPEjl. ^l^Ki'■TS fr- 'U ihE i'rii vital^a:u^ t* rhfM'li'y. • tr ) hv p’.aO’d ■.! ‘he *>- Lr the vria-ial •.‘Uth>’> I\-r a-'..:. litvivVvF • ’’ I/, tt/7 ra-Hs in nd’-nuet. left ichtrt: i:>iUid icUi If rf‘ iBcnc. the !!>• Itivc pt-r Cviit fr* ni tl ^ ♦ ij hs vru* riiii: {'cur cr ih' ! |e oJ :iie uhovf uork.'. Thu-- . Vi* of t-r.e Keview. will he f**ur copies ot the It'tir I for and >o oii. STAfiE ktie? and Tc'.vr.r: i.’ivso Wi'; -- Ie E O V F tS T A {; E. h e |e 10 aiiT pari id ti e h ii.t- *’ FENTV-Vul'U CENT a yr^i- thl'IlTEKN CKNi^ a }iar _ Or.- f hn -^In of fj:-: .;:r^ hai isahiii^ ^ol jfr onnojf- A Fracilcal Agricnhnr-. |y. K. ^ oi Hdil.l UI £h. I'.U'l *•! -citntit’e Au. eU.- >\t\ llaviii. - Vi'.> h-yaf ?rid uum-rcU'F cod ai-‘.i l the c-’inplAe • ! j.-htd. ai:d iit vnh-r to t n, lublirhvr.' ‘.are rcsoUid lo le- ■or the iwo Vt ltmr'II I (po-'i'i-aid t ii> -in. .* 7 dolhirs. To I y.rv . r I tl* Caiijui:- TiCV. '1 » (.• ’..a; -. = . old "J k of ilit I'aiH •" rirtiif* aht*' (• piC- iioai ■‘•ii::' ^L^■uld ^.«;l-pa;*l. ti> iln crs. |(‘>*Ani> .-C'C'TT iV C'.. lo. 5-4 Gohi-:irt.et. N- w Ti i i k. Ln-S |IU i>YF. aTv:.E b:iif atid 'ircntril. uu} uAi.r. rrffcJ r t'iira! ro-or. lirou i t::: o';.:h- • can* an-1 s-pUIi : liarmU' to the daiwoii^ ttno pfruRiicK;. . rhetfp. ■', ^ ' M.iin:. aet • h pu:.> i. • ! : ■/.. >1 • :—i 07.. lb - Act of Cona.'- ;!;• fllarri'*»!i in the ClvrkN ‘ the ••; ■ L*. >- I'urthe Kii.'*- . .t I.'.- .c. :-'urL:-vES. Fayort-rilt- X. C >S U ilAllRi>nX. No. i lEEm: ami-hcve:; rn,. .-.. att':it:oa of ptr*-:> u.'dict''i Irs to celeWnttd I’ill. v.Livh |o uo pHfticg, iior to l**Uir. windy |jy to ilsowQ merit' a.' u :' r»i' d;. cure when taken accoroiric to each box.—Thi' i'ili uiiiike h.-! ijo nilntral. in-r a:.y i.,;urious |lx.‘ad;-dii;'f'.i'ed with perfi .'Ufe- r ar oid. lay.in.'t Chill.', i-r a:./ odi r tyjtp aiertded a' uu.'iurp.t"* tl: and in [ gener.dlj it I' ;..r o p , !.ir to uratit- T'-r!i 'arA'-.;'.;. Atrial bat is •.i:rd*d Toiiis-; -- it f. iavoru- ktinjtt ■ ii t'W : tl. invet prietary vr J'atonr j n scilption.'. ! A ATI-UiM.Ior.'S PIl.L!*!. ii of !>* iwg’ at Jea-t a.* ”otKl. if n^t rarioti-' carharic Tili.' of the r irop from ail jad.‘-onou.« juin'-ni!'. bp rt‘* >. and ure highly recoiii- Lh.-T Complaint. .Sick lieud- ^labitnal (.'o.^iiat-n' S'. Iiifligestion. r Stomach. Li\cr. Rowel?, and beinjr by tbeir coii'po.Mtivn titlier of the above cases n.' a g'-n- a!l times when .siu-fa inedieikes Icommend tbeiii to the attention lared bv F. .Tf. .-WA'KK k CO., Ibdievine, Jllinoi?. dale. Fayettevllb-. X. C.. and by jn.'and viilaL'-in the Southern tTS WAJffTXP Jevery town and hamlet in tb& Ire one not aln ady e.-rtablishea p.yer & Co.. ReileviHe. liiinoia, lod reference la character and re Ir order? will be yirouiptlv filled bj- f F .M .^WVEU A'CO.. iProprietors. L’dlcTiile, Illinois. t;m Paper t.V ^VAy'JEJJ, [the Ruilroail Statior? or at my h. or ihev will be taken from tlio State' JlerckaiitB and others E.ve advipe me when they liave n laill send them to their neiire.vt |I can Ptill atford to j ay Ih.e lelivery from sifire or at Railroad fbill... checks or Nertliem fund^. lers of our jiank. in Kaleijrh- and taroltna and Virtrinia Merchants C. IV. uenedict- on hand T't.jM'r suiiaf le for Cot. iw.'Oaper wrajm'-rs. Cotton aastc ' C. IV B. bkoT. ‘’111. iuClI A UIJ AL LT, rKAM EVGI.VE BllEDERj iand Huir.iltitn ../a.. Philad-. Pu- ^njrines. on larjro whecds. with a . be attached temove them at.oiii. '■tvo cylinder.', iraklne KMo ... Ers are lilb d in li m t! to v.' .ks. hand ter sate. 11 ;e »i (.■ ■ es ^'ven vea' .. amt ii; ei>iy ii stft.co JsutiFfaction. Bc'crijftive circolata gpplicU ftir. {'■ man. Devoted to x\ews, Political and Business matter, a4griculture, and Family Readino. fUBLICATION OFFICE,] IJVliEPEXDKXCE IS THE SOUL. OF DEMOCRACY! WM. F. WIGHTMAN, Editor. I FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SATURDAY, SEPTE.MBEE 19, 18-57. [DOXALDSOX STi:EET. jVOLl.MK XIX—XO. ‘KJS. Ft T Ell MS SC3SGR.IPTIOX TO THE CAROHSIAN or a Single copy, if paid in advance, per annum, S2 OO ‘‘ ** at the end of o moniii?, 2 ob ‘ ** at the end of i> inonth.^, 3 00 at the end of the year, 3 50 No subscription aviU be received for a shorter period than one year unles.s paid in ailvance. With the view of extending tlie circulation and en- glancing the u-iefulncss of tlie paper, the proprietor of fers the following remarkaldv low CLUB lUTES. LVUARLiBLV LV .iDf'\iJ\-CE: 5 copies of the Carolinian. 1 vear, $8 DO 10 15 00 Rates of Advertising: .^i.xty cents per .>Hjiiare of 10 Hues, or less, for the first And :b» ceat.s for each sul>se(juent Insertion, unless the advertis-ment is published for more than two meiiths, Avheu it will be charged For three mouths. ----- $4 00 For six months. - - - - oo For twelve month.s. - - - _ - 10 00 All advertisements must have the desired numlpT of in- sertbuis marked on them, ortherwise they will ])e in. 'Crtod till forbid and charged accordingly. Special aitention /• directed to this requisition. WM. F. WKHITMAN & CO. GROCERIES, HARD- ?c«rc ii'c, t^-c. The undersigned are new receiving a large a.ssort- ment ofCROliERIES -HIRDHARE. IKON, STEEL. hollow-wake, shoes. LEATHEK & SADllLE- K\, which they will sell at wholesale at a smalt ad- vance on cost for cash, or on usual time to prompt ‘‘‘■“lir.s. G. W. WILLIAMS* CO. July 25, 1857. 60-tf for THE underidgned would respectfully inform his old friends and cu.sto.iiers tliat he can be found at the 8tore of C. E. Leete, where he will be glad to see J. R. McDonald. Jan. 17, 1857, 33-tf srsirxois. Ct*RME.VT G, WKIGHT, Afforneyait L.aAV, FiiyeilevlHe,X'.C. O lice at the corner of Bow and Green streets. Feb'y 3. l&5(i. -I. A. SPiOARS, ATTO R .V K Y' AT L A AV, .^.T 5 the C.nirU of Cumberland, flariiett. • ake an I .fohnston. V lire-':. PuJ U-T. Uur utt- Co., X. C. i'eb. lit. IS.’)!!. 8.>.y fi / > r» riv \tl iftioy K \ V v: r I’ E i b - co.i'iiltijd at till* lea - tC'ij.. ) 1 (»r*‘i'ii .Stfio-t. Iv 10. {Sob. ru!.Li':i{. iit Va'v, DOliBLY HOUSE! POWERS Jfc TROY, Piopiietois. The Proprietors of this Establishment an nounce to the public, that owing to the con stantly increasing patronage extended to them, they have been induced to enlarge the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on the lower floor, and suite of Rooms on the second floors thus enabling them to accommodate all who may favor them ^vith a call. And thev pledge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacdous Stables attached and careful Ostlers in attendance. The eligible location of the Establishment, w’ith the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the cotnfort of their patrons, they hope w ill secure to them a in)eral share of the travel. The W'estern and'Southern Stages arrive at and depart from this House. Garriage.s in attendance on arrival and departure of Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. ] Horses and Carriages furnished at any notice for carrying tra\*ellers to anv part of the adjacent country. J. U'. POWERS. * W. C. TROY. Fayetteville. May 12. 185o. l)S-tf 4000 acres of Land Sale. AH the Laud belonging to the Estate of John Mori- son, dec*d. is now for sale. Said land is lying in the Counties of .Montgomery and Richmond; and any per son wishing to purchase any of said Land, can have an opportunity any time within three months by calling on the subscriber at Capt. Joseph Hines's, Richmond County. A part of said Land is lying on or near the line of the S* C. tt Goa! Fields R. R. The subscriber will taKG pleasure in showing said lands to any person wishing information re.specting them. D. B. RAINWATERS. Julv 4. 1857. 3m DOCTOR FRANK WILLIAMS’.S CELEBRATED RYE WHISKEY The Subscriber ha.s made arrange Lents to keep a supply of the Genuine Aidicle. and is the only Agent for the sale of the above brand of A No. 1 Rye AVhis- key in this place. ROB'T MITCHELL. May 4}>-tf PROSPECTUS OF THE SORTH CAROI.INA PRESBYTERIAN x\i:w GHODS . • . N . V. L.rice of .I‘>e ti iui- A.\Dill*:A' J. A.N, TiT.Sd Cliathaai. . v\ ill att"ail i id iiaruelt O. •F -t .IlilbRViY If IT l.iW. North CaioUua, oii'i. A.isoii a«id ii'caro will ro ll. {y-5i5 J\-M KYLE I. now rocoiving his .‘.pi-ing and Summer supply of DRY GOODS, IJ.VrS, BOOTS & SHOES. Bolting CLOTHS. Ac., all of which, being purchased by the ease, will be oflered by IVholesole or Retail vt Low PRICES. March 28. 4:i-tf nissoLU riov. nils. McSM'AIX J' ^fcDl'FFIE have this day dis 'olved copartnership by mutiuil consent. Dr \IcSwai:i will attond to settleinL*nts and collec tions for the firm. Dr. UcDnlie will contihue to occupy the former office. H. McSM'ATN. "WM. C. McDTJFFIE. Nov. I, 22-tf H 11 8 ILE. ! Fear k3P *■« ‘iT I-111. iyiug on Cap ! Four R’vor—Store. '.14- Mi 4 » i;i .ir-t rate ord*!*. TheStore i' »i i i i * o.i'i.j •'-'a 1 I at .he Cro' Roads and tlje ail s )• • .ce.l *.1 by a ly in .Vortit Carolina. ^ IV ») *.■•) i Io-iriii4 to piirclju'e can obtain further o u tic il.ir- r.*'p‘cti.ig tiie [o-opjrty liy calling cn : r’lu- of !' It WiNis* Cr * ‘k o.i the lYlhuington Road i'» arle- from FaverievUle. SARAH M'RICHT. Oct.4. iS-tf JAML-S WRKOIT. rive sov-Nith of the FARMING AX'D TCRPEX- t'l Ni-J L.V..X1) in ll iruett couiity. known as the Parkt’i* ! 11 I,‘Ne:ll la id'. Joiniiig Win. Harr iigton's land on I'pp !r C'tlle R'ver. Tiiere is .'Ome 2‘)d acres cf the i'-'t (itlity of low grf»i;ids on thd River. The up la i L .ir * ii ‘a.'ily tim ) ■ :.*d with pine.s, and within six mile-i >fth ‘ F.iyett-'ville anil We.-^tern Railroad. For pu’tloulars applv to I> .Mc.VUTHUR. J. P. ROl’HR. J. W. McIvAV. • Xov. 20, 2C tf • A. >1. Cuuipbt II, WCTIOXEER C0M3IISS10X MERCHANT. East side of Gillespie street, Y'avettkville. N. C. October 1, l.s,>.3 j fOTOlilYPE, SJELinOTYPi: & AMBROTYPI ROOMS. OvKii Bhasly a ITou.stox’s Jexvi luy Stork. POSI7'IVES VVIA'LWOA' GLASS 4- OA* 31e:T^ VIAOTYPE OR KIIEKT ino.v PL.ATK. . “So come along witliout delay. .\nd get a picture that will pay.*- Pictures taken in clear or cloudy weather. .11 .V R « D E F .V C; T O It Y, BV GEO. L.XUDER. ^j.xrlv opposite to E. M". ’Willkings’ Auction Slor Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 1. 185fi. ' V ©LASS AIB lASTUlB SELF-SEALIX'G JARS. For pres.vrving Fresh Fruits imd \ cgotables. Pints ..pKvrts -j-nil ILilf-Gallons, at S2 41). S:i 40. and^ S.5 25. ner tlozeii. respectively. For sale at the Croc.vory W. N. Tn.LINf:H,V.ST. .VIso, Fre.sh Supplies of CIliXA, GL.-VSS- WAllK and Table Knives. June 20, 1-57. 55*tl ValiiAblc Luiul for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his entire land.s, inclu .i:ngal»*>ut eight linndred acres, lying liDeen miles ibove Fayetteville and fire miles from the mouth ot ower little river. The laml is level and liealthy and ■vV‘'ll adapted to tarniing: there Is about one hundred iiid fifty acres cleared and under a fine state of culti . ation. I will sell it all tiigether or in small tracks to •MJit purcha'«er.s. For further partictlars ajiply to the ^u’o.scriber on the premises. alp:x.vnder walker. [ft. .7-t.f P. S. May H;. 50-tf FOR. SALE. ^ TWO TIIOUi^ANl) ACREi=; OF LAND, nine miles from Fayetteville, lying directly on the Southern I’lank Rnad. and on each side of Big Rockfish. • One of the best Turpentine sections in the county, wdih convenient impmvements for a family residence; witli a small corn mill on a nex*er failing .stream, and a first rati; situation for a Turpentine Distillery and Store. A. A. McKETIIAN Feb'v n. 185fi. tf Miles OosTi>-’ JL CO., •J.uiKs C. Smith. JV.VIHS C. SjllTH Com'itiiaion Merdirmis, j il'.ii M removed their office to the-.ccond story of the I imildiog form Tly occupied by the Telegraph Company where th-ty are prepared to attcod to all Ini.siness in tlie tjoinmissbni liim. .V!l l.nsiiicssentri’.'toil to them will bc punctnally att-eidi’d to. iVil-naigton, (ictolwr 1, 18511 y TIIK M.IGXOLIA nESTAUIlAM. Tliey say the Magnolia Tree is the handsomest growth south of Ma.son and Di.voir.s line, and it is evi dently a fact. It i.“ also said the .Magnolia Restaurant en Green Street, betwopp Dr, B, W. RobinsoiFs Medical Establishment, and Mr P. T»y'lof'» Store, and nearly opposite the Shemwell House, is the ptpost and best kept ofany other ostabicshnieiit ip the Sonth, I’or.«ons wishing to' tind oannot well miss ip; it is the YELLOW BLILDI.VG. The subscriber would take ibis method of thanking the citizcn.s of this place and the surrounding country, for the Uiiprcccdcnted liberality they have bestowed on Irm.anil would .solicit a continuation. He has always on hand the VEKV BE.ST LIQUORS. WI.VES and CtJRDI.-VLS. that can be found in the United Stat s, either by the quantity or otherwi.se.— .Vlso. Cigars. Pickles, Sardines, Cheese. Preserved Fruits. Lemon Syrup, and many other good things, an I flatters himself that he has the most polite, obli ging. accomplislied ami FH.l.YA'. vender to attend to ills establishment, that can be found either North or South. Temperance drinks put up at the sliortest notice. He would call atlentioii particularly to his private rooms upstairs, which are large, comfortable, and in good order. R. JONES, Yeilow Building, Green St,. Foyettevdlle, N. C. May Hi, 18.77. 50-tf D. W. C. BEXCOV/, D. D. S., Ctraclnate of llie Baltimore College of DE.\TAL StRCEKV. Office boars from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M “ . 3 P. M. to 5 P. JI. DR. BE-N’BOW may be found at his suit of Rootns near the Market, where all who are in need of the services of a Dentist are respectfully invited to call. Ail operations performed upon the latest and most approved plans. To those iii need of Artiiicial Teeth, lie •vould simply say that he is behind in no improve ment. He in.serts from one to an entire set upon tine Golil or I’latina plate, which he guarantees to be cciiiallv as serviceable as the natural organs. He ', (from first of October to the first of July.) Oct. 25. 1 Soli. 21-tf The Presbyterian Clinrcli in Xortli Carolina lia.s lonw labored under a serious disadvantage from the want of a journal to advocate her claini.s and represent her intere.sts. It is esti mated that only 1000 Presbyterian Weeklies are taken in the bounds of onr three Presbyte ries. We have 13,000 Conimiiiiicants, and it is safe to infer that tiiere are 30,000 Presby terians in principle in tlie State. Our Synod stands fiftli in the Union in point of number.?, and her membersliip is greater than tliat of any Synod Soutli or West of Pennsylvania. Our sister States on the North and South, neither of wdiich has a membership so large as ours |inblish the Central, and the SoiUlierii Prcsiiyterian, for the benefit of their people. The time has come when the Presbyterian Church in X'ortii Carolina should likewise do her duty to her children. It is a conceded and important fact, that hniidred.s of our members will take a State paper who will lake no other. The Paper is needed to be the organ of our Synod and Presbyteries— to elevate and en lighten the piety of our membersliip.by diffusing evangelical knowledge—to promote the cause of Edneation—to develope the talents of onr Miiii.stry, and to strengthen the attaehmeiif of onr people to the soil and sanctuaries of their OW41 State. If onr Chnrcli in other States, and othei' Churches in this State, can supply their mem bers with a religious journal, wdiy may not we? Are North Carulina Presbyterians iiil'erior ie tall lit, energy and patriotism to tlieir neiglibor.- on the orth or Soutli, or to Cliri.stians ot other denominations at home? With tin same or better oiiportnnities of accomplishing this work, shall we leave it undone? In tlie language of one of oiir most able and usefu Ministers, an adopted son of onr State, “ll ought to liaye been undertaken 20 years ago, but it is not too late to begin to do right.” In tlie last two or three months, a fund of about $5000 has been subscribed as a jierma- neiit capital. At a meeting of tlie contributor.- Iield at Greeinsborougli on the 14th of May,— Rev. A. Baker, Cliairman,—the Paper was un animously located at Fayetteville, under the name and title of the North C.vboli.va Pres byterian. Rev. Wm. N. Mehiine and Rev. George McNeill were elected Editors: Rev. Messrs. George -YIcNeill, Wm. N Mebane, A. Baker and C. H. Wiley, and Messrs. George McNeill, Sr., Jolin H. Cook and David Mur phy were appointed an E.veeiitive Committee, to establish the Paper and manage its business affairs. It is.pur wish and design to make the North Carolina Presbyterian a journal of tlic first class, ecjiiai to the best in the country in typo- graohicai appearance and in adaptation to the wants of onr Churches. Its columns will afford the latest intelligence, both foreign and domes tic, and special care will he taken to give a fall and aooiirute summary of State news. The name of the Paper is designed to be an expo nent of its character and contents. From con viction, it will advocate the conservative, or thodox, Old School doctrines and order of tlie Church. Onr first appeal is to onr own people—to N. C. Presbyterians. Whilst we rely cqnfideiitly upon their favor, we trust that the native sons of North Carolina who have found homes, in other States, and t!ie adopted citizens of our State who form so important an element in our Ministry and membership, will take a deep interest in this enterprise, and give it their hearty siijiport. Terms: $2 per annum in advance, or on de livery of the first number; $2 50 in six months $3 at tlie end of tlie year. To clubs of 25 or more, paying in advance and when the Paper is sent to one address, a discount of 10 per cent, will be allowed. Oiir Ministers and Elders are earnestly desired to act as Agents, and all others friendly to the canse will please assist in procuring as many subscribers as possi- FRES/I TURmP SEED. flat DUTCH, RED TOP, ENGLISH NORFOLK, Large globe, KUTA BAGA. Ju.st received and for .sale by , , S. J. HINSDALE. July 11, 1857. tf ^ F@IE1aIL31o r estate, the property of ^* Dffored lor sale and cousists ol the lollowmg tracts: That desirable place known as Rome, eontaiiiiii" about 2(10 acres with all tlie improvements. This place will be sold entire or divided, to .suit purcha,sers It being probably one of the best businc.s.s stands in’ the country, and is very desirable to those wishing to enter the mercantile business. No 2, Consists of a Lot and Brick Store (2 tene- nicntsj in Cambleton, on Bridge Street near Claren don Bridge. and is a very desirable stand for business. No ,3 Is 3 vacant lotsinCanipbrllton. known in City piotasNos 109, III. 112. and lialfoflot 11.3. No 4, Is a dwelling house and lot on Haymonnt corner of Plankroad and Adams St. A very desira- l)le residence for the whole year. No 5, Is a Corn .Mill and'stcam Engineand Boiler ot 10 or lo horse power. This is well worth the at tention ol tlio.se living wliere water power is notavail- LUid will be .sold at a groat bargain. abl For terms apply to August 1, 1857. J. II. HALL, Assignee. receiving consisting liis FALL AND of almost everv MORE NEW ROODS. ^H^IIE Subscrilter ■L WINTER STOC thing ill the way of O HOC E RIES, H.IRDW.IJIE .1.XD IlOLLOW-W.iRE ■ —ALSO — Boots and Shoe.s, Satldlerv, Fish kc Any of wliicli he will sell cheap for' Cash, barte’r for 1 rodnee or on short time. Store recentlv occupied by Iroy * .Marsh, near the Dobbin House. ' G. IV, I. GOLDSTON. 2U-tf FREIGHT AND P.VSSEXGER I.IVF HV- TWEEN WIMIIXGTOX & FAYETTEVILLE, Stfamer Majrnolin.U-avt's Fayetjcville on .Monday and Thiirf- day morning?. To minutf? after rtun-ri.-*'. Leaves \Vj!min-tor. on Tnc.^day and Fi idav Tnoriiim:?. Steamer tanny Lutterloh. leavt-K KayeJte'vUle on Tuesday and f-Dday murninjvs.lo minutes alter pun-ritse I.eaves Wilmin-ton Wednesday and Saturday moruinss Both c.arryiuir Freight and Pa.'^.'sengers. Steamer Ilnwnn. with full sets of Lighters. run.s regul;»rly carrying Freight only The regularity of our Boats on all .«tage.«: of the Hlver. and the dtisputeh and promptness in delivering goods are too well known to require eommetit 'Poour patrons we tender onr thanks for the very liberal patronage heretofore be.stowed. and can assure aU.>4hipperllial noeffort.swillbespared in future.and feel conlideiit that our facilities for despatch are equal if uot superior in any line on Cape Fear River. w.P KLLIOTT. Agent for Lutterlohii Co. Fayetteville. N. C.. Oct.25.1S5C 21-tf 31?" Mi NOTICE. Per.sons indebted to Jas. C. .McEachin, as Guardian ol the bells ol John Morri.son. dec d. ar(‘ bereliy re- .spectfnlly informed, that said guardian has in a great majority of instances endorsed and transferred their notes to the undersigned. Also, tliat our urgent ne cessities, ajiart from the reqi irenients of tlie endorser, compel ns to collect as speedily as possildo. .\11 those indebted will therefore oblige us. and themselves too. by paying u)i imiuediatcdy. We must and will sue ivliere the money is not forthcoming. -V. D. MORRI.SON. J. M. MORRISCN N. A. MORRISON. March 7. 18,)7. . 40-(f H. A; K, ,1. IaIlIaV .\RE now ruceivinp; o;--r of iln* l.ARGi:.T .\XD .MOST JiEsiR.VBLE SToTKS OF ('.ooD.-; iin-y have ever liiul the pleuMire ofofferin” to th-.ir eu^t.' uicr?, embraciii«r a variclics uf Stnplo ;tinl l-'aiuv Dry Dootls, lI.kTS, BONNET.S, U.\lBUKI.LAS, lieady-.VIade I lotliii g, Ac. —.tL.SO- 2.j() Casfs HohIs atul SIihos. well assorted; all of which arc olluretl at rea.'tHi t’ 1 prices lor ca>h or ro-'d paper. I ho atienlioii of . in country luerchants. am! wholesale buyers j:encra;!v. i- iuvituti to this stock. Fayetteville. Sept. 5, 1S.'>7. bo-fit IDvMOX .XL. E. K. MOORE has removed to the Store recentlv occupied by William Taylor. doors Ea.'t of H. l'.. .Myrover k Co., where he w»uld be plea.scd to see h;' old customers ami all others who uish to Luy tietid.-i Cheap. The Notes and Accouiit.sdne \V. F. k E. I'. Moore and Moore k Bro., cun found as above. ^c'pL 5. till-1 in DON’T ALL lO.nE AT ONCeI Oct. IS. 5U Tons X^o 1 Peruvitin flnaiio. Eor sale by G. W. WIl LIAMS & Co. August 29 0.5-tf aXiSlMEtMIOI^S & CO’S BI RECl, STAGE LINE FRO.M F.AYETTEVILLE TO SALEM. IVe have just placed more stock on this route, and can cheerfully recommend it to the traveling piildic IS heing the best stockeii. fast,-st and che.tpest lim rorn Fayetteville. The best Coaches and fastest hor- "■S. ms.st of which .".re ewtirely new- All we ask now s to please give ns a trial, the line is far superior to chat it ever ha.s been. We thijik it will recommend isell. l’a.ssengers west will save .S!,41) and those for -alem will find it .82.40 (cheaper tiian any other route Leaves Fayetteville Monday. Wedne.«day and Fri- lay at 12J I'. M. Leaves lUgii Point Tnesilav. Thiirs- my and .Satunbvy at 11 A. M., immediately "after the : rams arrive from both North and .South. No delen- iHiu at any point. Tickets at the Fayetteville Hotel. E. T. tt J. \V . CLE\I.Mi)N.S. Contractors. Ang.%>9, (l:)-(lt-pd ]3. F. Liiuriuburgli. X' P tints, Sale by -Vug. 15, Oil Varnish, Hrnslies, Jin- S. J. HINSDALE. FOJt S AI.B. The StilHcrlbcr de.sirins: to emigrate to ilip \Ve?t. offer? for sale his entire L.VXDS, including about six hundred acre.s. generally known as Chalk liOvel. lying in the upper end of Harnett county. 3 miles East of Cape Fear River, and on the road leading from Fuy- elteville to Chapel Hill. Store. Dwelling, Out-llou.ses, all in lir.'it rate order. Tho Store is at a fine business stand, and is not to be excelled by any country store in tlie Stale. There are also upon the premises an excellent well of water within l.» or 20 of the House, a fine young or chard of Fruit Trees, a Tan Yard in perfect order, which peys well when in operation. Also, a Blacksmite Sliop with Tools. iVe. Any person wishing To purchase such a )dace would do well to call end examine it for ihemselvk.s. 1 am determined to sell, and will make terms east’ for the purchaser. A. II. DEWAR. N. B The place is one of the healtliiest in the .Southern country, August. G3-(f PE.IBCE & CO., DEALERS IN i'ORP.IG.V A.VD DO.MESTIC DRV GOOD HATS, GAPS, BOOTS. AND SHOES, Umbrellas and Ready-Made Clolhing, HAY STREET, F-IYETTEVILIX Y. €. ot PK.\KCE.] tjfu.nglst. [•f. W. PKAUCF JU fil-tf Oolialtisoli Acadeiiiy- Tin; next Session of this In.stitutioii will begin on Mondav the 2lst of .September, inider Ihejoint cliarge of Mr Thoma.s J. Robinson, and Mr George A. Cairns. The Academy Iniilding i pleasantly situated on Hay Mount. u:id iu its location combines the advantages of ample room for the oat door exercises of the Stu- leiits. and freedom from all causes of hindcrance in the lilligent pursuit of tludr studic.s. ft is the ilesire of the Instrticlers to make this a .school of rank, aiul they call upon Parents and tfuaidians to aid thejii, b}- their patronage-, in the ae- coi::|dishmenl of this pni’pose, believing that there rs in Fayetteville and its vicinity a sufficient number of Boys to support such an Instituticn. TERMS OF TUITION. For Primary .Students, per ses.'ion, (20 weeks.) $12 5(1 ,\dvanc‘-‘d English “ “ IS no “ Classical •* 25 (to ‘‘ Contingencies “ •• 5o One half of ruiilon fees to be paid in advance. .Semi-.\nnual reports of the .scholar.^hip of each Boy will b(! .sent to the Parent or (Diardian. Aug. lotli fi3-7t VV. H. "IV .'ll-; AM) 4:ti; bf.XT. 1 :)(! for .’ulo rr.;sii from t!:-.: kiln., ’.’"I- '■ ii.,ia‘..l Pbt.A'-r, bt’l' PlaWrring Hair, I G .i.icki.Tol anil ilvrrino, i^ Livrrnool Salt, ” .Alijio .Salt; 2 bushnl Sacks. J. W. POWER13. ; «9-tf Lie, aiifl forwai'd the )ian)es, by Ailgilst Isl, to He spc'nils nine months of each year in this place. | this Office. As soon as 1500 siil)scribers afe ’ obtained, the first nninber will be issued. If a faithful a)id vigorous effort is made in the next two months by those Hho take a lively interest in this work, we will without doubt, be able to beirin the publication at the end of that time with a payin.? stil)scription list of at least 3000. Address, Editors of the North Carolina Presbyterian, Fayetteville, N. C. Fayettaville. May 20, 1857 VV. N. TILLINGHAST Is now receiving a large uinl well a.s?orted Slock of Ula.'S, tiifl Earlliei;ware, Loukivig- Glas.ses, Brilfaiiia, and Silver Pialci! Ware, Fancy Goeds, &. House Fiiriiishini; Hard yy arc. M. P.-UIhKK; AS JUST RECEIVED , - urge and fancy assort- Hc invites the attention of Country Merchants to his ' of BOOTS & SHOES; Ladies' Gaiters, Stock, and is satisfied that they cannot find a better g.^tin and colored ; Ladie.*?’and Gents’DA!VCI5ift SHOES ; a.ssoiTmciit of Gooils for ilieir tra le. or cheaper (when ^ beautiful pattern, and every style of ar- deiivered at their doors,) in one House anywhere. ; Sep*. 5, fiG-2m 10,000 ll». TalloYV TV anted, For which the highest cash price will be paid. Oct. 1, 1850. A. }I. CAMPBELL . ticle in his line. I His stock is choice and carefully selected by him self, and buyers will find it to their interest to call be fore purebasiug elsewhere. Corner of Gillespie and i Franklin strec’s. ' April 22,18.57. 47-tf T IJ !{ I. I \ G T O X, General Coiiiniissioii itlcrchaiif, NORTH WATER STREET, Ji7l/!n?i^/on, ]V. C., Will give personal attention to the sale or .shipment of ail consignments of Naval Stores or other country produce, and any oMier bn^ine.ss entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. ' a^pril 18 1857. iv a* ADAMANTINE and TALI.OW CANDLES; fine and common TOD.\CCO; and almost anything in the Grocery line. Cheap as the cheapest! G W. I. GOLDSTON. Fob'y 7, 1857. 3fi-tf TAKJ^ XOTICE. THE Subscriber having, at June Term 1857. of the Court of Pleas, and QaarLer Se.ssions for the County of Cumberland, qualified as .\dmini.strator upon the Estate of Willie F. .Moore, hereby notifies persons hav ing claims against the said E.state to present the .same Wliite Lc.'kI jiikI -ale by Aug. 15, aiiiHfes: Aug. 15 \V ;t t e r, tiJ-tf Oil, (or .v;. J. HINSDALE. (;.3-lf (or sale l)v S. J. HINSDALE. A. -4. AJcIveShaii Re.spectfully informs his friends and the public.that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at liis Old Stand, expressly for manulucturing Carriages. Thankful fur the very liberal patronage he has receiveil for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to t busine.ss, with a desire to give sali.sfactjon. to inm-it a ODiitinuance of the same, lie warrants his work to be made of the best material and Ity exiierienced workmen ! in each branch of the business. His work will comjmre ■ favorably with any made in tlie United States, for neat- I iie.ss and duraldlity. . . . ^ He is determined to sell and do any work in liis Hue on as good terms as any work ilone elsi^wlivre that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, the largest stock ofCARlUAGES.BAROUCHES. ROCKAWAVS. AND BUUrtHES. ever ollevod in tliis place, and a very ~ 1 large stock of work nearly finished, whicdi will be sold ........V I 4 1 -.1 • I •' .. I vorv low for Cash. or on short time to punctual cu>1 tun- propel ly authenticated Within the time prescribed by ; - than ONE HUNDRED laa.otbcnvtso this notice will be pleaded in tbe liar ! n.,;.,,,,,,! and struction. •?jO^All work J. -t received a W. LKTT Hasia t received a large and general STtiCK O! GOODS suited to the Fall ami M'f n ter trade, con.si.^linj. ol’ a choice .selection of Aiil Fancy DUY OOOHS, /?/«/.« and Shoes, with almost cveryLhiiig desira) Ic in tha! line. PRIME FAMILY OROCERIK.S always to be liad AT LETT’S. Goods .sold at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex cliangod for ctuintrv produce. Sopt. U. lK.-ifi. ' ly-pd For Sale Low. 470 Bags I’eruvian'G nano, 15 BIjI.s. New Orleans Molassl;*, 170 Bolts Cotloii Bugging 2J llis. (ler j’l'il, 25 Half and f|iiarter liLls No 1, Mackerel, 25 Barrels iirime Fork, 2 11 lids. Bacon (Shoulders) 100 Bales Hay, 10 Coils Bale Rope. - Sacks Liverpool Salt to arrive. T. S. LUTTERLOII. Sept 12 .3t 13“ Tlie tintlersitriietl wislies (o piircliase 2500 hlil.s. No. I. Rosin, 4000 ■' “ 2. k 3 Do T. ,S. LUTTERLOII. Sept. 12. 3t DAVID iMcDIt'KIE, RlilCIt .YIASOJi AM) IM/ASTIillKH. A NV PERSON desiring work done in the best l\ style in the alMive dipartment, can secure niy services by addressing me at Fayefteville. N. C. Mr D. McD., will take contracts any where in the country, within 1(M» miles from Fayetteville, and prompt atfention will be given to the same. 8ep. 12, 1867. Jy pleaded of their recovery. Debtors to the .saidEstate will please make payment immediately. E. F. MOORE. Jnne 6, .53-tf course of con- .1. C. POE. IlK.VI.EIt I.N STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS HAT.S, CAPS, COOTS. SIIOKS, A>D Ready-Made Clothing. Particular attention paid lo Ladies^ Dress Goods and Trimmings. HAY STREET. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. November Sd. H56. tf de byhim is warrantud 12 months with fair u.sago. and should it fail by Uad workmanship or material will be repaired free ofcliarge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call juid examine fo themselves. Ordersth.iiikfully received and promptly attended to. \ R) pairing executed at short notice and on very rea sonable terms, Favettcville, Oct 1 185fi. NOTICE. Tliere will be a celebration of the anniversary r»' the Richmond Temperance and Lilterary Soch'ty hel.»' at Richmond .Academy near .Montpelier, on the la-' Saturda}* of Septem!*er. All peivons friendly to stir eause.'j, are resj^ectfully invited lo attend; as eloquent speeche.s are e.\}>ected on tliat occasion. Sept 12 fi7-2t Ml'.DICAL COLI.ECIb OF GEORGLV, AT AUGUSTA. The TwentySixlh course of Lectures in this Inc - tulitni, will cenimence on Monday, the 2d NovenilH t next. Emeritus Professor of Anatomy, G. M. Newton. M.I- Anatomy. 11 V Cam]ibell. M. D. Surgery. L. A. Dugas. M. D. Instiuiies and Practice of Medicine. L. D. Ford.M.lL Materia Medica. Therapmitics and Medical Jurispi;: deuce. 1 P Giaviu. M. D. Uii'tYdrics and Diseases of M'oincn and Infants. J. A. Eve.M. J). I’hvsiology and Pathological Anatomy. II. V. M. MdleV.M. D. (.'hemistry and Pharmacy. Ale.v. Means. M D.* Jieinonstralor if Anatomy. R Campbell. M. D. Assistant Demonslrutor of Analomv, S.B. Simiron-'- M.I), (.Rinical Lectures will be delivered in tbe City IIe- pilal and at the Jackson street Hospital. Fee fir whole Course. SUtf). Matriculatii'n Ticket (to betaken once.) $5 For furlloT purtictilars. apply to any memb( r of the Faculty, or to I. 1*. GRAVIN’, Dean. Sept .Otb, 1857. fifi-tf P.TAYLOll 1I.\S removed to the Stor Moore »!t Brollo r.\\hen- he wil friends ami customer.'^. Se))t 12 fi7.3t. recently occnpii d b\' be pleased lo see hi.-' THE uiider.signed having executed a power of At torney to E. F. Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all st'ttlements for me in my name, and generally to transact all busines.-sasl might or could do were I per sonally present. J. J. .MOORE. June G, 53-tf FOR SALE. Heavy 4-4 Beaver Creek Sheetings. Cotton Yiirn, Warp and Filling, Nos. 5 to 10. AL.SO, Belt, Picker, Roller and Luce LEATHERS. Oils and .Manufacturer’.sFiuding.s. Wint(?r strained. Sperm. Hard and Linseed Oils, .Shuttlie's Isinggta'S. i‘'rencu Glui, Eiuor'f, Rolic Cloth and (Hass Steps. J. a. HALL. Pres. B. C. M.Co. July 2(5, l85tt I'-tf S J. lHXaI).\EE"S Ague ^lixtiir*; also. • Chaiupioiis’s Ague Medicine; Shallenberger’s Fever and Augue Antidote, and Rowimd’s Tonic .Mi.x- ture. For sale by S- J- HINSDALE. Aug. 15. 63-tf I .ADD & Bl/T’TEU. EXTR.V GOSHEN' BUTTER; " LEAF L.VRD, in quantities to suit. For sijls ijy E. E. MOORE. Sept. 5. CG-tin isroceries! Csroceries! I AM now receiving my Stock ol C»ROCLIULS, con sisting in part as follows: 75 Sacks Coflee assorted; 2.' Bi»ls ami CuS(;s Sugar, do 50 Boxes hindy, as.«orted 85 Bids. Whiskey and Brandy; 75 Boxes .Manufactured Tol ucco.^ 5( •• Lemon .uid BiaCuU; 2-1 cases Cbampagne Cider; 20.000 (--igars, assoi led. some very line; 40 boxes No. 1 Bar Soap; 30 •• Tran.spareat ilo; 1.') Pearl Starch: 20 half bids. -Eiigle .Mills” Scotch Snuff, 100,000 Percussion Caps, assorted; oOO Ib.s, Potash, in tin cans; 201) Sacks Salt: 50 Bags Shot, assoited: 28 boxes Adamantine Candles; 25 “ Yeast l^owdersl Anl a great many other Goods, all of wh.cli n ill be .■sold low at Wholesale for CAbli, oi prompt paying custoiiicrs. "oG-lui Sept. 5, 'to the .Yfllh-trtt! DR. CHARLES TIKIMRSON. of Bladen eouiity I N. C.. rc.«pei;tfnlly calls liie aMfiitiou of all tlitise ui- } flicted wiili Cancerous affections, to Hu* runaikald'; cures wh eii he has elh-ctt;*!. amt whlcli had been pie- vioiislv given up by other jdiysicians in Bladen conniy as incurable. These cases can he certified to by re sponsible persons living in that county. Oue of Mm m was .Mrs Malcom McLeod, and aiioiher wa- Mr Jm* Xr- Kav. both of w hich was of long standing ;W)d of im aggravat'd character. Any person wishing to )'• cured of that dn-adfiil dise ase know n as Cancer. wMl do well to apply to Dr. Tliompson. The services of Dr. T. will also be found highly t -o- fiil to all persons afflicted with Ulcer.? ami old .Sores o* long Htanding, Uheumatisni. Tumors. Ac. The Dr. can be consulted on the almve naincd^ plaint.s. bv either .seeing or addressing him at behiin- Incrhorneb... .Mnore Co., N. C.. whore he intends reniam- ins a few weeks. Tho.se .n need of his services will do well tomnkc i.n.nediate nppl.eation. as use rem era them more ddllenit lo cure. _ His direcUou is W hits Hail I‘. »., Ubidon Co., N. C. Sep 12. Jin-Jid ^ Pure Liquors, &c., CASKS BIASS LONDON FOKTER, (Pints and Quarts,) diicct from Import- ers and Warranted Genuine. Al.'O, (iolden Sliciiy.H'ort. Madeira and Claret IViiies. French Brandy. Holland Gin. aua Scbcid:.ui. Eciiuapps. For Hale by J VS. N. SMITH, Druggist. Sep. 12. 10 ii-i!

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