,U4)i ! ' l A’' . Ik. n Lb i !0. ' [xX. EOI 1- B- - nur auK autli-T-zoa |eI:im-an.'ihisomc.-. hsERS. pftliate jn«ortjon of tln-ir nb‘*Tn in l>5 Till KSl'A^ I will not appear iiu^a iien.U will pU-u^t* • in^keit a juio vitfiuu Ion « nr.rd.”—The ton n \l metiopolis liare n- .T of llie Pn/f r"- police ri'L^il:'.- Ipatriotic motto, five II lionv of "A • fomui afti r li: rk any l,r...alsai-ki lt>th l.oart.» ly (li-mooratic fitizoio' oi 111’ . xo-Uiti fveii iiy lil« .if Loiii.'Viile «!io IlioU'i ? to lie tuiriii d oi: ■ i-'. i i-nu-tifrei-s ..1 no sort Ilf I'tlani'i’. litation ill conimiltiiiL'' riTiz'Mis. i)ei»nr ns>nro«l |i aii dan^iT of disroi I IV niirlit till' fan.-y I>ry U. .l'!n‘3 wii' i nraiai ainl a iar;.e liidv d tlRTi-rniai. Tan vi.-iaiiyof die liead ir'nir.is Int t!ie lia-k. >n.a!, stormy rii aii” '■'■ til a deeeiit I ufMiI'.l vi-nlurc jlliiif inisitit tie pirkid im op-r til llm .'i-nlinn-nT. lull ivi R i.ird lo iniriii! Ir!,:.! 'Vi- liiai! ill'-' ta j-' ,v. : '• i.i»' ^ ’’oliii' |k ai : lam 'tn '*1 Jit load I'l m.v.d ^ IT - lival ~l.iH '. nov i" y- ,,v, la- -1 it!. Vit' . I,, I, it..:. !; 1 : ■ I a K ■ ■ ' II : fi • ...r .'ll ■ i; .11 !■ t I > ai ;.a • of m '.111 1 > ' 1 ' i, I., know irh’ f I. 1 k anu 11. l: VI r. lo'ii ir-d'- iliioi- tni* “d' vour !’- oji ftiiirn. li Ifrti' "atei'i- a iii.t to know a a ti.i- .'I - i r u' may tn. -.n W. Wnn- to ki oir inf t.iiiii'. we don't lie kin. .O' 1 ■--- t; f I n'- . W 1 W w ooi-nr- . ■ ■•'jr was . tile look was biiriied eo-;. Wilt' r r.iai'k in ord nary I winde dain i on efrl, -Navi- ; !if>: Vioriii :t |r vv ii if. i: llial: IhAs.ti it—no It. In fact wo kn.i'.v of no Iw i l l, JalnO 111 I! 11:1 SI d lit pe sudjei't. He iias ;i‘ist |«leni-e 111 tile aitiinate >aO' I'we have. fankee oentleinen who iitii-e Ira.'I Jitfp lioo’t '.Ill'll out to fti Smitii tk C'l.iliy, we car P',1,k'" w ill'll li ey "et tliro’ liiiaat oii of t.ie wi rki W-o |t to be aOaiewhiU after the •Dam No 1, Wilier flowing' |Nu 2. water tiow inj around 3, cliami- i.i foniicd around [).im No 4, liiiriit. iJ.im No tnir in, oW'in;r to the di ptfi liain. Dam No I'l, peneraiiy (■r (iaini ill iliiiii iiiid order. Lid liimiiic'.s :ii!0,_'etht.r. ■KSKNT—The tiMiutifii! nfred lliiiik tile preoiiiim at the |w'fk, .-n'S tin; Louisville ; jiiii'i !.;:-( d oy ('ill. |•Gril.'S 11.11.', for the sum of for the friends (f Gi v ' War, who inlnid 1 im as a pitruisiied head Ilf tl.C \\; i 1 Ilia; our k. n- li -eud.-s ar - nut I'.ieir oaee wor.'ii jip' u [ Kdw'iitd Stanly? Art ilny will.nj! to .say muel' on ti.c t.ieitly admit the U'liiii of [, altlioiioh Iiie eamiiihite iit i.s, lie has not elia aed a rliip: prineiples'f Or are they is “moral eouraae'' whife r - i' .-our.se? hifiy pairs of im-ned ately for the u.se of f t iie A I'oiis to i'.'; .'.he pre;- SHaaljt. h 6!oir.—W.i had quite a gale in our town and vicini- - i . c . 1 ■ 1.1 \ -n a * newspaper does - toe aatMng^What tv oil Siiturdy night last, llie wind wins very a . • i , j • , ^ "earied.bored.tormented.selfsacrificiiijt.heri)- higli, awoinpauicd by rain, and. Ill some oca i- i.„: i, „r .i -u . . ' . . , . making knight of the qnill and scissors does, ties where the wind had free pl.ay, trees were ,e , ^ • . , V. . \ not recognize the record of Ins own experience b own down, otliers stririped ot tlieir boughs .i r„Ti : , • . . . , ’ , V', 1 graphic paragraphs? Read and fences orertiirned, while some lion.ses 111 t e ti.„ • . . .... P, „ ‘ra ' P"'thing, griping, jewing iiew.spaper viciiiitv of town were parlmllv niiroofed. We , i- . ■ ° ' ^ 1 ".I vi-'i ■ . * .1 1 ... clie.ipeneri., delincpient snhsenbers and printer- see bv tlie VV i niington papers that fliev suffer- —u i ... * , . ‘^^,^,'^:S'vimllers, and remorsefully “call at the cap. ed down tlieir \v:iv. l»oth in tiu* fowiMintl ji ouiT t.i. v .ax i ..i n irr . * ,, 1 r ^ tarns office and settle.” Wehuteduns. What the soniid. from the severest gale exneneneed c „ r sage of the saiietnm does’nt? We never dim, in that vii-iiiitv lor maiiv years. Coi'Siderahle /. ■ . , , , i ” . I - • ("6 ’ tver though dniinod and dune often damage was done to .shipping along the coast, i The storm was very severe at Smitliville. i , , y 1‘‘e result or iny observation enables me to ^^e.^ee n. the Cl.arieston and Savannah pa- state as u fact, lin.t the publishers of newspa pers no report oF the severity of tlie gale at or pers are nmn* poorly rewarded than any ela.-^s rear tliose por's. j of nu n in the United Stales, wlio invest an i equal aiiumnt of labor, capital and thought. Fires in Wi mioj on.---Several Hre;^ and attempts They are expected to do nio;;*e service for less at incendiarism Iiave lately taken ulace in Wil- pay, t(» stand more spoi'ging and ‘Mead-liead- niington. A lime store liou.se of E. J Latter- to puff a.id defend more people without loirs, was destroyed on ■ oiidiiv morn'im also other ehis.s 1 *, 1 11 i w At 1 n-v *. , 4 r.i. i 1 liev crelit Wider ami longer, get oftener a Kii(*lien belongjiiu: to Mr I 1 Ahlerman. The i » i .,«• • '^i ^ 1. 1. .-A mri lu.iii. » ne cheatctl; sutler more pecuniary loss; are oitener guard discovered tlie other night a confl igra-, the viciims of mis[)iaced conlidence, than any lion in embryo on tlie wiiarf, imt succeeded in ^•l*^*** in the community. People pay a extii.giiisliiiig the lire before any da was l’'■hl'l'l•’s bill more reluctaiilly tlian any other. ^ c 1 * I w! 1 i* 1- } It goes harder with them to e.xpend a dollar on done. Supposed to be the work ot an incendi-' ..tit * n ** a valuable newspaper tlian ten on a needless i gewgaw : yei everybody avails himself of the Thr Three Tbon-.".m>.-*^i'oiluroc.e oftiie iliimor- ^he editor’s pen and priiiler’s ink. . . , x* TV 1 1 • . I How iiiaiivprofess onal and political repufa- tal tliree thousand ^>ew’ Lngiand saints who . . . ' ‘ . i ^ i i tions and tori lines have been m.ide and su.s- petitioned Congress on tiie subject of iil.oiiiinn,, |,y ,|„. frie,„l|y, tliongli unrequited pen has been sued bv a yo!nr.r lady of hi.s ct>agre- of tlie editor? How many embryo towns and 1 g.'ition for sedneli'in The Hcv. Mr Brock of. New linn,|,shire is the I’ldlantliroinst. While ! l’l•'>s|->■l•,ty by the press? How mi: , . ... roads, now in sii.-i csstiil oiicrntion, won lhe.se saintly hypocrites weep n„d .s,gh over the ; f'.,„„ae,.ed but ffl e n...sistbi -e of the ‘1 cities have been brought into notice, and puffed i How many rail- j woiihi have - ver that | sins and miseries of slavery, they do not 'hesi- tnoves the woriit;' in short, wliat branch of in-! tate to indict dishonor upon their nela-hbor.A dustry o^ aidiviiy has not been promoted, stini- ' and bring si:amc into tiic Iiou.seliolds of their and ddended liy tlie press? And who has lenderetl it more than a miser- ; ab!c piitaiice for its mighty service."? The l>a- *«Tr. ,1 V . I. . I , ’ za irs of fashion and the haunts of apiietite and ir rlic Arcus can iiriKe good ts assertion tin I Mr Hnidianaii is an alio ilimiisf, wi, wish flocks; d.ssipat.on, are thronged with an eager crowd, Hicdn.lMihuru'imld immird''out''I tl‘«'l^'>'nn.(.di- Dcim c>'(tl * ' there vended are sold at enormous prolils, _ , ■ ' ...... ‘ Ihongli inlrinsicallv worthies-, and paid for u ith ; l.vc.' the—ns.-criioc.’ ol tneArgiP sufficient? p,,,,,.,-, ,i,,y; while the counting, 1 ne /p'L’ hrit ot the clus.sic senior, nnil tnc room of the ncwsp.tper is tlie seat of iewing, • darit of ihc p.ictu'jiiicor ongtit certainty to i e ciicapenin'.r, tr.i 1 •, or-lcrs ainl pennies. It Dcatll. «f Dr» Dick.—Dr. Thomas Dick,“antli1)r of; many 'ulnuble theological and pliilo.sophieal ★ orks, and nearly suffered to starve by Iiis stingy Scotch countrymen, died recently near Bdinborough. . S®-Says the South Siile Democrat moral izing on latter (lay fiiiaiicieriiig: “'Blessed are the Poor.”—There’s little rest now for the men who are submergerl with cer tificates of bank, and railroad stocks. Riches nmke wings and fly. The world is full of speculators in other men’s money, which ha.s lieen eniru.sted to them for safe keeping. Honor with such men i.s far below par. Ma ny a man has laid the flattering unction to his soul t'.iat he should float quietly along down the stream of prosperity, with his ves.sul’s prow proudly cutting the waves of “mereaiitile trans actions,” when “Lo!” he awakes and finds his craft .snagged, his Captain, in whom he placed nnliiiiited confidence, a gamester, and his life and riches a vanity. “Blessed be the Poor.” He who has no de posits in the bank, no certificate of stocks to watch, lest its value may vanish like._vapor, is the only happy man in these perilous times. He wlio owes but few debts, ha.s a business beyond the wliirl of tlie.se financial hurricanes, who pi .ces no' his trust in banks, who is con tent with a little and will not hasten to fly to fortune by speculation, is far richer than lie who is tossed about like Sanclio Panza in a blanket offinaiieial flnctiiatioii. It cannot he denied Imt that poverty is some times uncomfortable—but noi to the man wlio knows the wear and tear of siurit, attendant on those v.diom the world counts rich. TVbat Iu they » ant wi'.li them?—W’e are iuformed that on last Satiirriny night some person or persons stole the Harnett County records from the office of tlie Clerk. The county court is in session in Harnett this week, but the records and other necessary papers being lost we do not kiio.v how the court “progressed.” OUR FASHION ABLE COilRES ’people, spetid tlreir money ut home and help tot P( )N ’ L' foster and encourage their own home industry, ] yj - -IrN/ iAI.i -..a aiit..riiri7e I .el. fl.nni thrr.iv t s.;. ' Agotaras Spri.vos, Sejit. 14, 185’ Time after time have I seiil.vou inv notes A PiiOCLAAI .TIO\. I Dy His ExcfUmcy Thomas Bragg, Gorerr ihc State of A’cr/4 Garoiiv.a. talent and eiiterprize. Let them thrr.w their j soiiihs and shoot tiieir poje.-m)s: so long a.sthey ! come amongM u.s reg’larly every year to feather j \][ (ieaerIl^^LI.',aM'’[^/,';L'a onr np.'its e jiOcket tueit niO)»r\, Soit m>aa (.cT , Supi^lemcutarv Ael to take tlu- svum- oI iIh‘ |hm pic them well, and vvIhmi lirey leave u.-to go home of ihc State, relative lo tiie prnjxt-eil A\»ieinli!jejit •ind time after lime have they failed to‘ appem* ^ ^**‘**^ health and jimsperity, the latter in your colmnn.s. Thi.s siiall be my-lasl—and if ^ most yartimlarly beennse they’ll ia ieg ns more it does not illuminate j'oiir simet in dne ‘Ourse isonthern gold next lime. ‘Do you ti:ke?’’ sj'd of cime, I must bestow my epistolary fnvor.s'wirh a qn:zz:e:)! wink. LVzaciiy, said I. upon sotne more appreiiative biped. Von cer-i Unt, bless my son! -—1 have been inoniii/ing tainly ouglU to know tliat eoiiiinoii people^ tlie'*^***^ theorizing too imirti. Ilave'nl given you ever^Mbiy readers of eorninon newspaper.®, like to pern.se the vaporingsof traveller.®, are fomi of reading the observations of shrewd ob.servers, particularly if the observer be a man of taste, sentiment, capmaty, gentility and fa.siiion It i.s fashionable to go to tlio springs. Healtli, allhongli o.stensibly the primary con.sideration, IS merely the excuse which snobs urge for fol lowing in the train of fasiiionable folly. It is not fashionable to be healthy. Mechanic® and “indigent persons” only are allowed to enjoy good health. True, pet>plc go to tlie springs wit!» health-restoring intent; but tiiey make it a point always to defeat the cml.s of tlieir coming. any thriHing descriptions, nor conver.^alions with intelligent gentlemen from Oldo. .Vi kans:!®, Florida, and other localities, re®p‘ctiiig the last and coming elections, t^c. 1 have given you no dashes of sentiment nor sprinklings of wit—and my letter must certainly be a ilnll one. However there’.® a moral attached to it which I hopn yoiir readers will appreciate. There lias been tlie nsual qnaiilum of foliv and dissipation liere this season. Bail-room goc«*p ami snob-cirele scandal are never inter esting to sen®ible and really genteel ['eojilc and i Avill not inflx-t iipo?i vour renders nnv .1 the .stale platitudes about tills lady’.s gorgeous : the Constilutiou.'- au idcction in ihe sevmil Counties in the on the lif>t 11i*ii>Uity ,ij An>;iD-t Ittst. at which it Vkai*. fubuiillcd lo dh* Aoti-i> to vote for Tni'tiib! ts of the itouM* ot t'onjinons. v\ .edur the second cIau^c of llie Ihird section ot the tir-t urii ch‘ of the amonUed c rui.tinl t.\ ilc p« o p!e of .Vortii Carolina on tin* ro. d Mm .'a\ ot 11 ti'T. in the V' ar ot dm bord. i-.iLhi' “'ii tlJindnd and Thirty-h ive, -hoiihl 1m* ann-'ii'l-d lo ; :.d e" !oliu\s-: •■Kvery trccwli.n inaii ol iho am* of cm’ years, heinj; a n.*iii\** or n:it;iraliZ'‘d eoiy.cn -n ih,‘ Tni'.ed Stall a;il li*> ha.- I'een an iidnihuanf ci tie .'-tale for iwi’lve nionih.'i inmiediali’ly jut.cictl'a,: th'’ day ■d aily eleetion, ami shall have J’-aul ptdd'.- lav- - shull ht* entitled to vole foi a nuailier ol .'"tii ii-- tor tiie distriel in which he resides.*' 'I’hcsf for a ralilication of the "ait! propo:4*d .Ameiiil- imml to vot«“ with a vriiten orprinn*.! liclo't. "Ai’i'ic'- vi:e:’‘ amt llmso again"! ilm rat:licati-»ii thereof to v ol‘* u all a siiniiar lii-kci ■•.Nci .\rnotvtn." •And. when-a". iho result of the voting upon tie ‘lid piupcsed .Kinemhiient. in th*' "cveiai counli''- ol the Slate, has hcen duly certilh’d ami retmae*! ! > me liv till* Sherilf", liiereof: and i hav e carefnllv cun- I'.i in idc a point of honor to liquidate tt grog bill, j I m.'t uf dishonor to repudiate a [trinter’s bill.M Xew CottoD*—The first bale of new cotton was brought to town on Wednesday last from tlie plantation of Co!. Wm. McKay of llolteson, and was .soid to George .VlcXeill, Esq., at fif teen and three-fourths cents. a qii riihun .'tnjjipii «d cv.de ce. As tlie im ig. ualivi-jni u-r wnidd s.iv: •• A hut aeed i." thi re o pTing up Ossa 4n‘evld,‘.,co o.i t’ei. m Of t.“ t mo y to rh " s'nsplc truth Which I've s. t t-vrth ami wh ch ilotli iU-ed t'.jrih ’i* eo.i r.nation tlian niy word*'' Bni-iiaji tn’s inaugural amlie."': los bile an- I’resalent, the coinmuiiicalion of the Connccti- swer to Prof Sil' i tie’s mfiiioria!; his pn>i!iim ent ncunorialists: fnll-cliested, strong-limbed yon are; no matter liow vou may have toilml and labored, strug-! gled, economized, starve]] yoiirsi-lf, piocln-d y«mr ; familv. bnrneti your midnight lamp and pain-j fully accumulated year after year, a sufficiency I to set yourself up in the world as a “someliody” | ! ]de of the State ol .Sort h t *:irolin:!: Ih.tt (Im- mi . pos'-d .\im‘JDlmeiil h;i"’ fet*:; ispiii ,>\i ij :iiii rat dl is now a part id lh'‘ Coi.-t li.t nn oi li.i> ta!“. In tlie l.“>i;niony vh»r. «d‘. ] h. i. itiii.. hand and cau"*- the livtai ."eti »d tin- “ (L. S. N«»; ih t'ai’oli.’ia, m lir li- l-' ;;|C\Mi. }.;• City of liali’i^h. on the Icnili cay -d si-joeirilM-r Is.’iT.and in tfic SL'd year td .Aud-!-i tn i. di ;■ i By tl.'c Covernor: 'lHu.M.A.s I i’.' Ti l.ASK! Cowi’Kii. Jr., sicretaiy. Sept. ly t;7 If iir .\. I j fi^^We eopy tiic following from the Wnsh-j Mngtim Stalos, relative lo Mi* Horatio King,! ! ■ ! tlie«gcntlemen throngii whom was sent, lo the! bidorc tlic country; his public life bn* i.early a half ocutury, iia• , all go to prove that tlie r_;us knows the dirb’reiice between a d'*mo- crat and an Ani'-rian Ib-pnbliean. “’rruth l.e® in a well, :..®.;ys ilte nd j.ro\eit>, ami the Argil" vvi il lias giine dry. \\ c can “pnnod' uotliinc nil. .»t it but ilust and dll-1 and Eoliaii 1 ‘•c*^cs. “.Mr Horatio King reque.^ts ns to state that he Was coinpletrly igi orant of the nature of the communication seat through him to the President. He received it through the mail, nccoinp.inieil by a note from a jicisou to !dm u'lknown, poliii 1}'rcqne.ting him to liave it ilclivered to tlie President Mr King sent it to W ild, cla.ssic I pri'’:dc S'-eretary of .Mr Biiciiauan, with a j note stating tlniL lie v\ as Unaware of the eon- _ , tents of the packet ” Fiir :J Oilciin •-■We s».‘0 l>y the Now (Orleans papers tliat a dcsiniclivc tire m-cannil in tlmt ci Malonv l5ros.. was bunu-il with s. veral tisou- saiid b.lire's of d.ffcrcnt liquors, 'rtital lo."S, SiOO.tRtO. Wheat at Salisbury Depot, X. C.—We ii'y (ill thv 5tli. T!h.' i.iliiilisdk- li-.iiuir'l(in-of'l>-'a''ii fi'ONi till- llint fniin lliu 1st )f| Ani’iist ii|> lo tlic 25, incliisivi', tlicre were 19,-1 914 liiislicls of H'lieat Siiijqjvil from Salislitiry station. liviiorlid SiLcAv. iVi-(AM it nqiarteil a few .lay* : have recfivfd from all mikiiowii a:.'o ii: s.'iav of tile j.aiK I'.s Iliat .1 as. 11, Uoii'.n-j soiti'cc til. follow.iijr slij) with t're request to sou, siia ot the sell.or editor of tiie Gold'horo’■ |iuolish. The sender slates tliat it is elipped Tiiliuae, had roa.iirited siiiv.de last week. ; from the ed tonal columns ol the Memjihis Ap- Biit in tlie last issue ot i he Triliuiie we see jjci/. We insert it as nqiiested; til) mentio.i lua la of toe eireiimstanee, and pre-! I xfokma.ion Wanted.—The Bulletin of this Slime it is a mi.stake. ! ’'''y ” '‘'•’’I’ly distre.-sed lady, Mrs J. j L. C. Brian, writes to a oetitlemau in tins city X«t Tnlr.—Tire Wa'shingt'oii Uiiiun denies tiiat from Leak’s Cilore, Arkan.sa.s, asking iiiforma- I’i'ot. Fr.uK'is aas k.lled ill a dm I «iih one of tioa al.oiit her liiisl.aad. Dr Brian, a d_eiiti.st, 1 - 1 I.’ „ ,'o,. tie 'I'l,„ who Wil- to h.ive left .Memphis on the 25lh of ills lifotoef savans i!i LeuauOl reveiilly. 1 lie i , ; i .May last, lor that point, siiiee when nolhliin •acts are tliese: Ijcen heard of him, further than a letter “0.1 the 11 neli enth of \pril, a! .seven o’rloek I purpurl .ii”' to have iieen written hy one Wil- in the evening, ,M r Fi aneis was sealed at thejijy.,, (Conner, from (i iineo’L indlno, -sayiiijr that door of the House .vni.-.i he oe.-il.ned, ioa:etner ' ]),. jj xy;,., drowned on tlie niRlit ot the 29lh of ivith ins VO iiji'iiiion, .'Ir .Moore Tile hitter yp.y^ with two otlier men, while laiid- was in toe d ri'k and wdh n tlie inni'e, pe.'|i.ir.no i skiff trom h.s (Conner’s) flatlioat, one hiS aim for tne pni'i ose o: shoolinii a nialit-. .,|jove O.iines’ Laiidiiio. Tlie Postmaster Ihril that had on mnny previons ovens,ons : .^j Landiiijz certifies that he does not |rervlied on tiie roof ot tiie I'Uild.n;?, nnd as lie 1 i^.jieve tliat Dr A VV. Brian, or any one else, w as fixino on a cap, the hainmer I, 11, the pnn ] oj. .Iruwned near that place oiitlie 29th went oft', iini wnnnded t ie nnfortnnate -Mi'l,,^ .Mav. .Mrs Brian helieves mat licr husband Francis. Tills is liie aecinii.t oiveii ot the oc-, (y.,,. killed for his money, and calls upon all cnirenee in the devlarations eniliodied in tiie ■ .\la-ons to aid tier in olitainino any iii- preliininary ex.imination eondiieli'd by the i [.^kitiv.; to lier hu'-band, or wlio W’ni G.ivernor in relation lo the event. A eopv o! , j.; Any infornialion addressed to her it IS hereliy traiisniittoii, in order that tne .Min- ! .jt L,.,|k’s iStoi'e, Afkausaf, ister may have a lull ka.jwtedoe ot tlie eireiiiii-. revt.lved. stances.’' s ••Therefore be it Ri'saiv.nl.’’ —Itesobition* are be-; coinin;; as coniiiion as know iiothiinr .k'teats. A, . , , r ■ill liis_/c(.'?) wiio indited the following lines The Southern Route. There is ^ eiiterpri.se wliieh would so cer tainly develop tlie industriiil resources of tlie : _ Sonlliern States, and would tend so indispnia-! Illy to make them tlie leading States of the Globe as the consumination of tiie Great Pa- citie Railroad tlirough their centre. Tlieir natural deposite of that vast tide uf trade and travel wliieh inn.st pass over this great international liigli'.vay, are .siiffieieiit of t'lemselves to fertilize her fields of wealth and scatter the germs olaii nltimate jrreat ness wliieh must consolnlate her power nnd qni. ken into aeliviiy tlie sininliering energies ot her popula tion. But along tlie valleys and through the pla ns, which thi.s great higiiway must traverse, there aiready bloom, in wild and native Inxn- riniiee, ail tliose Jirolifie plants wliieh elollie and feed llie )iop:ilalion of the earth, wlio.*e blooming harvests give wings to commerce and keep in never eeasin,; motion the looms and S|.i,idles ,)f tile old wri'ld. Along this pathway too, tlie b'lldest pioneers of Saxon and Celtic blood have congregated. Its elimite is a perennial temperature, free from tlie excesses of the 'lorth and tlie South. Its grade is the most favorable to t!ie coiistrnctioii of a great higiiway of any known to explorers. Mr Bart lett, the coiiimissioiier who run the lioiindary line lietweeii Mexico and the United States, adds his testimony to tliat of tlie engineers in favor of the eligibility of tiiis great Southern , - , .... • . .1 . . n 1 fared lli. suiil riiurns. in eoiiloi Miiiv u iili tlif iin It Would be quite a Iiivach of fash- Pn'i'pmPi'ts or-that young man s flashy extra va-j ions „f ilie .\i t ..iluresaW. in ilu-iin'-ence of i'h,- ' ionalile etiquette not to declare that some angel j ganee. nr tlie Ininkniptey of tliis or flint weabliy retaiy of .StaU'. 'i'ri.asui.'r and ( i.aijiirolli r of must have stirred the waters a few niinnites; gmit wlioin “I met hero last year” Ac. Aie. . •'^tate. Irmn winch cmpaiisoa it aiqina- tioii o previous to vour imtnhing the naii.seous ilraiiglif, ! They are matters of no interest tn me, and cer-' c*''''' ''j'.' ilHiii-and and a i . , , , live (oti's •'.Annrin cd. na.t iiiin-t. i.ii li,..i,'al.d yon feel so much Itenehited, .so rejnveinitcd, so . tainly ot no conseqitenee to anylnidy else. : hnialii il and . ie|i!y-;v..i \oii * '"Xoi ,\n la,-., tlioronghly renovated by your morning imbi- .Xgpt-iras Springs received llieir name from: NOW. TllKIlliKlltK: I d.. i-in-ihi-aiv I'l hition, after a brisk wafk of severai Imndred | a sbignlar eirenmstanee. A man once uailor'.; timi-and do hercl.y mnkv known to at if., c yards. “Exercise and iiMiieriil water, what i took to walk liere liaekwards from Saratoga, blessings!” lint you must take iiarliciilar pains I and actually aecomptished the feat. But iin-1 to appear aristoeratieiiHy hingnid after all; fortiinatelyyidvaneing backwards too far, l-el complain of your symptoms; talk of tin; niaiiy ; fel! into one of tlie deepest springs and wa.s 1 sea.sons you have spent in tlie almost liopele.ss j drowned. Froviiientialiy Ids liools, wideh were: endeavor to reernit yonr failing healtli at “t!d.s,a new pair, and Ids pant.iloons, containing in | deiightfn] resort.” No matter how robust are “one of tlie po'he's a three dollar liill and a tine your proportions, liow lieai'ty, mnsciilar, .sinewy, “ tooth coniti, were sived and fonvariied to Ids : ' diseo'isoliite faiiiiiy. The springs for a long | time aftenvanls were called 'Saralnga hack-' wards.’ until .some orthograpliic genius proposed ^ Agotaras as expressing the whole in one word. ; An “inlelligeiil aerpiaintance from” Uermont i rehiteil the eireiinistanee to me while we were! —tliesc are all matters of no consideration so j sta.iding ortr/.'/c A// lirink of llie very .spring I ton''- as yon disnlava full purse ainl speak des-iiiito which t'.ie hapless pedestrian turned a back iCensiblin.gnf ilieir nsmil n-.si.riuieat. Tfi v iiKiv po.idhndy al.oiit your liealth. It is decidedlv somerset. ’ 1 special aitemiot. to die largesleek of ^adn. is.'I w,. d* " ' , , , , , , • I ^ , 1 f t,. l...e.. vi'it. .1 1 .L-/. 1.' .... T . .1 .leans, itlenched and i.in. .siiirinigs. Ilel.aois. t Iniiks unfashionalile to I,oast of goou health, and yon , 1 ongtit To li.ne vi.-.tid lake Lgioeg, distant j ,si,.,„l.s. Ctdieoes. Keadv innde Cleilnng. llms. would be yoted a very silly individual as well i from the springs but twenty live or tliirly miles ; ig,„ts. .‘Imes. Kerseys, iilankets. Ac. Ac. wure you toianil reui‘ivinii- its uinu" from a precisely similari A® they will cunliii',* their strictly for C.v.u oi; Allhou^rii vi"ilin;r lH*re for so bi‘y have im hesitation in , , I ......AS,. ... ..S 4. ^ 4» .! that thev can !H*11 average Ullft at Icasi 15 per lent. i aftpr a season at tlie .spnntrs. | many i.s, J luuc luAtr pme to see It is a ffoofi idea too, to lake oecasion once j beautitul sheet oi svater fiavinu: been preveutid : taining losses, expunse of eollociin^.^c. All tiny whilp to to sonie “intelii jent friend” | by preeiseiy similar eiiNminstanees as tltoso | ask is an oxaiiiination of their Stoel^ilim i-mcL's. that althonoil there are a niiiidier of exeelient' wiiieli deterred me Cds .season. But “an ilitel- 'I'll"''fASTA- liltll.. mineral sorbie-s in vour own di.stant state, li.ie j li'ient friend'’ from the l.aekwoods of Nonh and a pleiitv of ■ ('ai'olina liii.s fiivored me with a sketch of the t, f? j; A I* C Aso s ? OK i : S.M-'niftM\S.t liHO. Are now rccei‘*iu;i their recent inirthaM* of J'ALLA.M) UiyTi:R GUORS, Till- ap" rt® “a pf*rson uuu.sed to .society claim havinr fully recovered your “former tone'* l cireum.®t:uice. popnpvv. brnp'no’ mnnntaiu air .... . - , .• | lipantv and lio'fie f?i®hton l^psiile-^, yel that you : nUvav® yearn towjird® Agotaras lieeaiise, hav- ’Uir bpon nernstomed to vi®it there f‘U' so many vpnrs, yon pxnopt to m^et there old familkir f“ipp®, and fppl tlu* warm pfra.®]) "of yearly triend- s'llp’® hand A^p Sncli remark® are roioiila- fpd to prpfitp n ffood imprp®®*on. f lake scfiierv, to^-flhor witli a pao-c or two ol hi.® emotion® on beholdiii”: i!, and as 1 do not think i could this morning’ have written .so fine a de.scriplive poem in prose myself, I will make an extract or two (I could have done it myself vest- rd.iy); Soulh-west Cor. JJio'kct (Square*. tiT-4'l Supt. 10. ALEX. JOHNSON^ enow, ])K,iLKns I\S' SILK AXD STAPLE 1)UV GOODS, ARK now in receipt in lull ^or uuarly so) of their They lead thp hearer nt oneo to the concbi®ton tlmt you area brick, that von are acfually soviehof^y and if yon ran ni-inaireto eX'daim^at 'he proper moment, ‘nh. thorp jrops niv friend, G')V. , T mn®t ®np!ik with him n few minnites; excuse me mv dear ®b'M then the impression is cliuciied, n.® P?iddv wonbl say. It i® trim, I eonfp®®. tliat yon will find few men of ronl t'®ie. polish and edneation in the motplv nc®nmbla2‘e® of visitors to f.isliionaide watorbim* plaeps. and no ladies of hovn Jil( ai*- compllshment moral and int»*llecfnal. But re- menibor. mv dear fellow, tliat. fashion is as btTie dependent npon virtue, intclliirenee and true rrentMitv’, as wealth IS Upon honesty and probity. Tlie few men who vi.sit Ao-otaras, and who.®p nQcnpia+’on and companionship enn be areonn»ed either a sonree of hoaor or Tirofit, are men who Ai.KX. JoHN.sox, Jr. sept. IH. pETLR Crow. 1'hU ulul Winter Stack for ! Thi-ir )in*"'(‘nt Stock is hegcr than usual: and ,, , , , . ; ainoiitfst it will he foainl evi'iy viirictv and style of “Had you out progressed in our company to , „„.ir Lake E'groeg, O'ii sliol't sighted mortal, lieiiei*. Ituvers will ))Iease give il.e r sttn-k a glance ever.-- lorward Iml a single pang of remorse would : if Hn'.v tail to .sell ncverllielcss take pleasure in tliuw- Inive tlirilled tiironghoul the nerviei.s Myslem of| ‘''n j- yiinr moral ptiysapie. Tlie wliole enjoyment j was one of route and exliiliarat'ion. Lawn and j catarai't and grove diversify tlie lake t.'i j the road. We cross the Fall Gleiisat Hudson's i when tlie de.sccnt makes a bold river of 75 or j lUO pre.apices over a ro. ky feet, perhaps witli- i ill tne re.ir of vvli.eli ocelli Ted tiic most Anicri-j f.S-f.t 11: will be tuauktully To Ihc —He wa.s ii shrewd observer of beau- tv. us Weil a.s n clever versifier (particular as can ineideui tlirii.iug, llctioii and we then defile ahm^ Uie pas.s Icadinpr llierefroni to Fori old Wilhwm He try, a.s Aiiiincaii also ia famous liistory. On tiie amval of our lu^ihl we were displayed with the most l)rilliant favor of tlic : Borora Aurealis I have ever wiiiies.sed. Wavt s i of rainbows, beauiifui us liniit cou.slellatio.i® \ from an exhaldtion, Hashed athwart Ihe moun-i tain from diie lake ti*p to anoiher, and were | mu'I ip ied with crysial miig-iufieenec in the mir-1 ror rullccie I be ow. ’I'he.se pi'olden masses of) floatin^r UiKiniaMons pass d in >un].nous mer * .lom e i®t 10 e- 81 find .rum west to west lhrou;»h I v; % route There is only one space, of 100 miles, : eonm mPi-nJv n= Drotect.n-s of some iiivnlid mcm- wliere waler may not be otitaiiied during the |'-er of tlmir mnid'es. n consnniplive snn^ bnger- dry season, and vvater is even here attaiiialile j '"g out bis few siiort dnys m tlie nrlim-nil snn- by digging wells of raoderale depth or bv turn- ] s'dne of rnslnnnal.le dissipation, or a frail, deli- ing the-water from the overflows of the Golora-! cate fragile danglder socking the fountain ot do into artificial taiik.s, Tlie elevation at El ibeaitb and vnnfh. a tender flmvcr wliosc petals Paso isonlv .some .six tlionsand feet above tlie“fl"sii with n moment’s lieetie Idonm in the ball tlie level of the Ocean. Why slionld not t|,e | room, ibc farle and droop and wifimr I'l tlm entire Soutli unite in one deterniiaed eO'ort lo ieleav sn.icbine nnd the niipo'sniu.d air. . ome construct a Road through tliis route, wtiere tlie j men of intetprrence oeeasbim.lty visit tlicse fasti- - . - -- - - I Iii.ipeiy OI IK aicn .iim unisniu. received liis Fall Stock of Goods, Coii- fii.sflng of >V.%TC'MEi*, 4 I 1VKI.lt V SILVER AND PLATED WARlt, AMI MlLlTAltY GoOl'S, P. S. Hi.spersonal attention will be paiil to nil " c.he.s ainl .lowelry eiilnifte.t to liini b r v. pairs. s pt. Ik ’ (ib-Xiii Steele's I’atent Straw-Knife. A FliKiill Sri’P.I.V .last received anil for sale by Sept Ik t;7-.'it ’ P.tl.SK. xo'rii r:. AT SKPTKMDEU Term. I sS'. of Ibc Court of Pleas . and Muaricr Sesshai.s'if Cnniberlaad eouat.v. the la.si a .legree ot trom 2;) to pernap.s 30 arcs, shoot-1 „.;|i ^,,,1 icsiament or.lanies C. Holibia. d.-c'd. was ad- iiig sometimes a.s rapidly us a .star. j m'ttcd to Probate, and tellers testamentary were gran- These brilliant term nations linallv evoliited ; ted to tbe sub.sefiber. Alt pers..ns inilelded ■” dm in a converging zcniit, towards a gorgeo.ts ray , it [iciicils, Ifom whiLM tiic\ lost . . *" . .. St arry transit stream of emigrtition will pour along and popn- j ionalOe watering ' j ^Inrin. fisrueg at niglit. We are now Inippv in late tlie way with her liardv adventurers as ty nnd for nnrposps of observation, '’"f y,, ,,- cn , p'''.he the completion of the seeuons of the Road? ! vm, wilt find mm man of anv eonser|„enee i^ ^ Here is the clear pathway to her nltimate i allv and intelleetnallv. von wM find fifty par-i g'v " “-.‘st on the mon.itan s aiul ti c tstui litre IS tne Liear painway to niiim.ue, ,, a countless host of snobs, male and ' range on the Eqnmo.x Onr quarters is im- femate tbe former predominating and mo.sflv O.ie.iiatcly in rear of the hit lei'--- ouse Eq^ from tbe Nortbeni States, Bat when von dal—>!'« h'd'e'.-'t left ol wliicli LS about loOO tides meet witii a Sonfbeni sindi. lie's eodfisli from ! i''”"'” "'‘"i''' su))remaey. Here sliiiies her success along tlie | vennes a aiready blazed trail of her eiiergic.s. In the wake ofsiicli an enterprise will follow lines ol steiimsliips to her sealioard, direct trade to every part of the world, and an iindisiiiited po litical and commercial superiority. Here is the point of union for loyal Sontlierner.s—not to construct this work liy the Federal Govern ment, hut liy unity, faith and energy. It can be done, and it will he done.—Alemphis Appeal nreninide and resolutions are intro.lnced on ...., , , , ' . . ■ • I I Bsit eriiK.iine must be abolislied and equi occasions, grave or gav scriuiis or Invial. , , , . . I no.'tial sk rts reduced ere tlie poet s counsel I In- fnllcwing cans lli.j climax, “takes tne; • rao oft "’ • " ! can lie taken. By The way, we never saw a Hesolvisc. V.fx Mad.—It lias become mueli ' la.ssie with a pretty foot who wore hallooii too fiuiiiuoit to adopt “proa111bl'_*s am! rusoiii-1 skirts feho’d no’iiiortj put up with suoh fl iiui- tious” on uuvu.sious vvhwh d,) not ri’quirc* llicin. than abouuciMi^ rosy daiuscl would rou*^e Tlie I'ling is indeed run into tlie gron at. But ^ ijuxom coiintrv maiden rob her the iblbaviu;! caps llie climax .‘l au.sunlitv ;ni((, . , , ’ ... ^ ^ ri . " * V i» ,1 . L" ;.i at m.t’s cotton-patch tor purposes som:'tlnn^ ver«'-e.® on irrevurunee. A sabiialh seln*ot at- i /-- ? i taci.ed to a ohurch at Syrm-use, N.*w Vork akin t'b but not near so uselul as, Geu. -!ack- roceiitlv made an exi-tiisioii to !;dt!e 6odu-'. sol’,® defence of New Orleans-—breastworks. Bjv; whde enjoviu*? the sail the foliowin.L’’ pre-| \y^. g^-cond the poet’s coumsel, having an in- am'dle and I’l s*tbuioii.s were miammously a-j dopied: i Whereas, Divine providc-ee, in his wisdom ! and ji' odncs.s, luiving favored the Jsabbath j school of the second Ibipiist clmreh at 8yra-| eu.so, am! the m.iny i-il zeiis areoimanyoig tin-m, witii a ‘ovuly day on flu." i‘X‘-iirs on. reii-i flering l‘ie ocea.®io!i agrueid'le and debirhiful . to all, -iffu'diiig 11® the e.ijoyin nt of a healthy j and refri-ston^r rde ov. r the nine v^aters ot j Lak' O.ttar.o, uithds var ed and ch.inning I ."Cenerv; and, vvln-reas. we have been vonelisa-j l'i‘d a p-'isp'roUv^ r d-, fr'-e from aerulmt and. .dana'ei. bu it riiereior — ! R -11 vud, I'iiat vv.* ill) nbly ai-knowb’d.ee our j indelitediie.ss to tiie Almighty for tlie ' itjoy-j no-iils reeeive-l on r’nr® o eaMon; and that we ! ennm t ourselves to his care, retnndng to i>ur ^ respect-ve homes iij t n* hop * of recoiving siiii- il ir bl.*®sirigs o!" His Diviiu- vv-ll. ; Resoiv.'d, Tnal We iien-’dy return our thanks i to ,to le’s 6ax Horn Bind. j On th - re irn from riodu® !>.iy there was a! iianl sliower, which gave all hands a lliorouglff ®o,.K!ng, and ni.iny vvet-e wreteheil'y .sea-siek; Init th resointioiis were not revi>ked. | DESTurenox ok r:iE Eastf^rx .\I.vIL by Fire, i —The lliroif^h mail of the 8lii iust , !l*u.n F.id-; adelptiia, Wiisldiigton aiul Baltimore, to In-', diamipoH.® ami Jit. Louis, w'a.® destroyed liy | fire iifctvveeit Zanesville and I5elaire, Ohio, ou, Thurstiay idght last. Tin* fire was caused !iy j a spark from the loeo-mxtive.—The few rein-1 Hants Were prinuptly forwarded to their sever-1 ui destiufltious. . '• ’ | is[mtable right to advise in the premises: IF YOIR Ft>0T IS PIIETTY, SHOW IT* If your fv>ot is pi *»tty. show it. No matti'r where o"r when; Let ail fair III know it. The foot t-ik.!.*- Jill the men. The iac*“. so fair and lovely. ay charm the gazer’s vye^ But if thefivot is homely. HeTl quickly pass her by If your pretty show it. Wheu yoO trip along the street; Kor it will catch the eager eyes Of every man you meet; Don't toss your glossy ringlet*, Nor pout your lips 80 sweet. But gently lift your petticoats. And *ho.v your naniLs iiD * feet. • If your foot i* pretty show it. At concert, ball and fair; For th.istnaU pedal index. Tells WHKBK your oh-acks arc. Tbe figure in.y deceiTe me. AH hooped and ptidded o’er; But let luy eye survey the foot. 1 ask to see no more Ify »iir foot is pietty .show it. If you wi-Jb ;*> catch the bejinx. No longer bide tbeteU-tak* charm Beueuthso many clothes A griiceiul foot betray." a form. Orran*»nd fiullless grace; Full, rounded limb- it d-ith reveaU F»>r FAScr's eye to trace. If yonr foot is pretty, show it. Yes show H when you can: ’Twill help your other lovely chatms. To win .‘orne nice young maa The practiced.eye ini.y well distrasC -A nicely FADOKo BBaatr; £ut when it rests upon your foot, Hienvi lit ill' T¥» The XorlhcrD temervative and the Southern Black Republican. .lolin B. M“'etlei' from Oliio, is the conserva tive, and Edward Stanly from North Carolina, till- Bliick Bi'imlilican candidate for Governor of California! Tne f.iriner clislingnislied him self ill his native State a.s a cham|)ioii of the constitniioii agaiinst the designs of the aboli tionists; tlie latter made himself notorious liy Ids iirofessions of zeal fur Southern Rights, and by ids abuse of tiie conservative Demoeracy of tlie North. The one showed his faith liy lii.s acts the other by his word.s. It is no matter of surprise that in lilt land of tlieir a..lo|ilion they ovcn|)y the same reiatioii to eaeli other, and to llie conservative . party of the Union. M’eller is in California what he wm in Ohio, the uneomproniis ng foe to Black Repulilican- isni, and has been selected to lead the conser vative forees to put it down. Stanly is in Cal ifornia what he wa.s in North Carolina, the bit- t r opponent and persecutor of the conserva tive Demoeracy, and has Iteen cliosen as tlie leader of the Black Repuldicaii forces ‘Ito slop its encroaelimeiits on the rights of tlie Nortli,” as one of their resolutionsexpre.sses it. . In one particular, however Stanly is not now what lie was in North Carolina. Then he professed to l>e a lietter Sontliern rights nmn tlian any Democrat, North or South. Now he is an un disguised anti-slavery man of the New Eng land School. He left bis mask in North Car- oliiui, anil he now stands on the shores of tlie Pacific, in “naked itgline.«s,” like the hypocrite described by the author of “Tlie Course d' Time ” Some of the Black Republicans anticipate ini|>orta«t rt'.sults from Mr Stanly’s effeetivi; powiT on tlie stump. Tliey .sem tn think that Weller will tie coiisniiied by tlie “bnriiing of Stanly's wit and sarcasm,” as one of tliein has it. Vain hope! Weller i.s more than a match for Stanly on tlie stump; even if the hitter had an equally good c.iuse to advocate and defend; *iiid us to a black republican tri- iinil)!i in a debate between the two ehanipions upon the present issues involved, the mere suggestion is ridienlou.s in the extreme. So far from gaining popular honors ami overwhelming Ids competitor in this canvass, we strongly in- eline lo llie opinion that Stanly himself will lie consumed, by tlie “Ivuming lava” of the indig nation of the jjonservative citizens of the ?a- • • - • ■ ' the erowr of hi.s hat to tlie sole of his l>oot. A'oit can Inngh at a vankee snid-i; yon can pninr his iirefension. smile aloud at his eotieelt and fi.id amn.sement in his ignorance—tin.t a fnltv dried, well salted snnthcrn eodfisli willi golden gills and sldn-plaster fins, is a dish flie sight of whieh wil) not whet vnnr mirthful ap-j We liad tlie Irostiest trace of a niorning, 'I’iie paradise i; as keen' faint this IS one of Dr Kane’s pure iceliergs amt as fresli as a flir tation with one ol llie Peris (no relation ol .Mass Sally I'erry)’' The aljove extracts must suffiee. I niissed a treat, if the description is true to nainre. Tliat due tiiue.or Ibis aetie;’will In; idead'.d in a liar nt a lecnvfi'v. A.NNKSii C. lll'SKE. hxcculrix. sept. 111. tiS-lit FA YET I'EVl LLK M A B K ET. Corffted weekly for the A'orlh Carolinian, Sciiteinlicr 19, 1857. petite. New York -and ill the meantime I am yours positively And nartienlnrly ifat home he is a !'t is graphic and highly pnetn-al no close ei- hrawlinn-nolitleiaii, the ehampion of a peitv | sf-'ra''"1 m't'H'v s beauties will deny But elione a'lil.s fish among Hie minnows, A-on : must come lo a ('lo.se. 1 criii.iis 1 si,all drop eannni Inngh at him. Hiseoneeit and preten-:.v-m b from old .Manhattan, now sions arn lipnpntli tlio Indicroii®. But snolisaroj poor snliippts for a Intfer wrircr, tlio’ the b«nc , and sinow of liofpl-kpopprs and tlto main dp-j ppiidpnrf* of tliosp wlio livp upon,,, the f*xtrnv:!- j sa OOP of f.a.sldonnlile foHv Let hs leave Hieni. • T took a tour nn in the Western part of onr| old state prior tn mv trip to t'lese renowned! springs—inst in ord'T to give a little (*oi.sis-i tpner'tn the iirahes w’lii-h T liad Iieen previously | lavishing nrioi'i onr own nioiintaii} honUIiv snninipr rf’sort.®, nM.siiPpas® • water, kc Pact is, het'veen yon and me, we Bacon 18 Lard Cofl'i’e 111 a 14 Miilnsscs Colton 11 a 15 Sait Fi.oi It Spirit,s. Family 7 50 I’eacli Brainiy •Slip. Fine 7 00 Apple “ Fine 0 50 Wliiskey Cross 6 00 Do. noftlicrn Gii.vis, Tikpextixe Corn 1 25 Unw 2 45 Oats 50 Spirits I’ea.s 1 25 ^.Svvoeds ron Elax Seetl 1 25^1! ides A quiz. Ha: Ai)\ l•:!tTl,si•;}|l■;Nrs. elsll! i'''H!l 11 A PMALi. LOT of No. 3 M.M.'KEltUL, of iniiieral ' j'”' rc-cei(K;(l aieJ for sale by ' St'pi. ly tj7-o h U]M.TiOr hovp a!) and morp too. , Wp have less pref^'nsion and more r^al merit: fpwnr airs and more hoiiQ worth: more in- telHrrenpe and less eonenit: more hearty rosy bean^T and less ppddinir and ensme.’irs; imrer water; liitrher monntains; deeper entaraets. londer thunder, forkeder li^rlttninir. hrnrer men, handsomer women and more honestly .gotten money than the Yankees f^ar have That’s all so—no denyinir the laet—Init h-t Ine whisper in vour ear, infpr nos sU.h hrirkhnl, wp men of position and wealth must Keep^ up onr repuTa'ions for the latter eliaracter'stif' and while we pan afford to Itrag >n onr own health and pleasure resorts and resonrees. we must be eareful to enjov tiieni as little a.s possi ble. Preeept is mnet' better than example in this instnnee, Xow'. I tnanaire the thing bpan- tifully. I start nut wth n L-reat flourish of trumpets respeetiiiir our ex''f’ih'nt waterinir plaees. our mountnin seenery and our Iiealth- re®fonnar waters, and sound a note or two of Hareasm about the Yankees, tlie frailties ; biva follies of tlieir w'omen, the dishonesty of tlieii ] business men &e., ifee., start on a jrrand tour to; some of our .superior summer resorts, then slil) slip off to Aifotaraa and enjoy myself. Cute trick that, isn’t it Soeafeinor of abusiiryr the YYjukees, do you know w hy they are so quiet under onr fierce castiirati‘»ns? 1 il tell you in the word.s of a shrewd DowiM^aster with whom T was omrersinir yesterday. Says he: f t)(>ver see one of v*^^^** rnntankcrons, alasliin, fire-eatin Ponth’n chaps, rarcin and pitciiin anf ubnsin IheYunkees.whodotdt A®pend more money with and amouT tbe Y aukees every year tlian a hull consrearution of quiet, orJer^y South, u j{6DtlMBeD> wbt> stay at lionia aniong thair s UKMAUKS.—Cmtoa ill n uL iai* . Tuipnitiin*, \’irfriiJ. ii 5U. bellow 1/ip, Ii Sciuj/u. 1 Ou. Spirits, 4(L WJL.MLNHTON' aYIABKET, Sept 17. IboL Vir-i n lurpoiiliue ;54. yulh-w clip, 'i ;iu Sp.riis i2. Connami !»o?.n 1 to 1 -lo. 'ivo ^ufl^ i.niLir sOitl ul ¥•"» to 51 2-’>. as in qual.ly. 'Jar leUlo lu;.. CAN EPiLII’SV BECUKKl) \Vc ihitik lie.* rollowuig letter from respcclahle citizen of .M.ssis'ippi wiJl aiih-wcr tlu- ijiiet-l.ou, uiel .-uinove all doubt® iroin every iiniduMti iiia.d; (iuKN.vn.v. -Mi:?®'. June .t, IJS55 ,, • • ■ Ml Hr. Seth S. HauCc. bull liaorc .M . —jH'sir Jm!*: 1 lnk^ i lie I rain it- Loming’: :: j rafcat pluasure in rclat *ujc a case olVjm®ni® or (U®: cui ed ■ff ^ TF A- T T? vouF uivaUmbb* I’ill®. My l-rbilu r J. •!. Ligon# liIi^Yoii;; bi’L'U aniiclcd with thi.® uaiiil din aso. he One of the UMist b; auiil'ul :unl t:i"ti‘f:iily arranj^'-d i wa.® tir^t;^Uack^•d while |tnle \ oun;;. lit* would have lots ill till* town oT Liimljurton known U" iho --i'opc j .nie or two ."pasms ui one uUack ut j:r®l: hut as he lot.-- 1 wouiil he pl"a®''d t* ."how ihe lot to any one irreudldt.T, ihoy .“uenied to iijcrease likewise. I, p to wisliin.. tonui'chiisi. ilui'ing tIuKveek uf uiir n..xt .Sii-! ihe lime lie cmmuiMiced skiiig viiur IMls.he Iiail tin in neriof Luul't. fne l.■oteson Cuimtv. i very often ninl guite severe, piostraunghim .o.ly hik N. .V. -Mcl.E.^N. j ininil. His mi ml bad suftered seriously; tint now; I Glunclah* N. C. 8upt. 6S-21 LUVDFOI! SALE. A'enr the IF. C. A- Rutherford Rad Rond Also i'car Lourinburgh High School. The .Su'isCriber. (vi!l on liie l.'ith ot (let. next (if nol previon-ly disposed of) e.xpuse to piilil.c sate, his l’'anLntion containing t ul) acres. Said Landis Situ ated in llichmon! Cou.ily m ar the Laurinliurg High ■Selioiil. and distant 1 of a mile from the W. C. A li. Uailroad. JAME.5 MfLALRIN. .Sept. HI, tik-tt. .\rgus and Ot>s.;rver copy till sale. am happy to say he is cured of those tits. He has enjoyed'iiiie hea’lh for the last live moiiihs past. Hit- mind has also returned to its original sprightliiiess. .\11 this I take 'great pleasure in communicating. *s it mav he Ihe meansotdirectnig others to the remedy hat will cure them. Yours respectfully. 4c. W. P. LKJON. .No person who is svilVering from Kits, .ir .Spa.sm.s, ihonUi neglect sending to hr Hance, alter ihis lor a supply of his inestimable medicine. Hi.s flrices are as fiillows: one iiox S:*.; two 5, twelve s:;4-seut by mall free on the receipt of " remittance. AddrecS .Seth S. Hanee. HhS Baltimore. Wd g'Sk'BSi^'BEa y\ Will bel^old, ftn the premises, at Public Auction, on Thursday l.'jth Oct, next ibc foUowinjr pieces of la id: .\cres upon which is good dwelling and out houses. this property is known as the .\nnsrrouir fHacu and is I'i miles from tbe ClafeiKlon bridge and om. mile from the PTank l»»>ad. :11H Acres siiiiafed ou lilack River fhrre mTles a.s- taut from the lirst named tract. It is w-ell tim >eref with ton timlKT'aiid tiirpenthie. , :bOO acres m Harnett county on black River, w ■ is well adapt ‘d to farming purposes. . , The abov-e piUpert will te. ..sold*m liberal .iernts, •which will be made kaowj ou Seyt. 19. 6^ nKLMIioLD'S COMPOUND FH TD KA'IRACT asar.m.cdv for Dis,as,.s of the Bladder. Kidmjs liravol. Hr'onsv. Wcafnnais. Ac., has no .qnal Read tlic advertislnicnt in anotlK-r column beaded Helm- hold's CcKmire Preiiaralnin. READ THIS! A UOLLA.SUKKS Tl-®TIMl)NY. .lacob Kinskes, living in the Holland settiement of Sheboygan, iViseonsin.says; ••.After snffering for some lime the misery attending an otter prostration of mind and body, I have been restored, liy using Ba'crhav. > Holland Bitters, to perfect lieaHh,” The fact of this remedy lieing in sueh liigb r^r.i.ir* mongthe HoHaPdcrsin Wiscon.'in. Mieliipiir'^ A.'.v fork, in fact in every Hollan.'Isetticmeiit in ILc c SJ.ttos argues much in it.-favor. Ttji iw-for Chronic or Nervocc U’aility, cr Rhuofl^Usic, cr N’evjvitlili^ uiiMfiiU39

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