Ri THE HORTH CAROLINIAN, F A Y ETT EVILJ-E, N_C 'E_'‘ .s ’lOiiUT. l!)!' ' :viii;r. I'Ut isii- able ■itiiiiiy. aiirii tbiic Ith Sfiiti FOIL SALK A 1’ REDUCED PRICES, ] .•■’oi CASH or oil Sliort Tim«^» f i J A'riagcs, Bai'Oiiclit S'? v V.VV'S BUGGII'jS of every (It-'tcriptioi), .:iv oi Av’iicn are tinislu'd. and the bahir.cO bcinir :ti^h^(l diMiy: amoujr which arc many newJ^aud leontiful stYk’S. and one very fine Carriage. Som** . .• .. * i; i.» -....1 .»U ,.,...1.. in fli.i Vii.wf Tn'.»nni‘r OI Lhcin very lij^ht. and all made in the bi!st manner and of the best materials. My facilltres for doin„ ^ ♦ ...aMrlniK* Oarriafre work are ^rratrr than any eftalishmciit | are liie late>t iiuolation.. -onth and I canallbrd and am determinc-d to sel! work | .d'tho as low as it can t'e built i’ur by any one. Those who are indc’ded io me will ]»lease pay .Idf. UP as niv business requires my oiit-sTandiu.u: to be ' llpcteu. A. A. McKI-TIlAX. Auii'UJ^t 2"». 1S.5G. tf iHarhly iiapoilaut to Itecjiaet's. {Assuoi' Ai. i cliaots aiul H hole- sale titoceiNS. Dr. Fmck/mingt:r'ii Flavorings to Froducc at a Jiomenl's iiutia, eccry desired J^iyiior. The nndersiirned has lately made great iniprove- ,„,.,ils in this branch of biistuess. The !■ lavoniigs ate CENT. AHOVEMAHKET I’KICES. l^ntur in packagesof 5 lib lui lillh. we having a large amount to de-; ,,,111-0 lint the adtlitiun ol Oih-.-1) Ji- Thu following [„ool. and Eiiiiiors. such LmD ’WABKAMfi! WSdtSSLfeSS, ^ ItVieSETlt, .MS iSi^ ^ NEW YOilK L'iTV, Will pny Tor Bounty LanU Warrants of all doiionii- until October Uith, we havln„ i liver at that tiiKc. Send lUeiii alon i ICO 12b SO •P) Tarties pending 01 • 00 04 1 10 WHriaiU> by mail, will bo paid I Uum : key. Appl Port dark St Croix Whis- D R. tv. a M > S K L K Y ’ S (gi\a,ejs3 33ij'U2iia.'ai',y-a Griffix, Ga., 1856. All persons alllicted with Cancer, Tumor.-', Wens, ScroiuTa. Scyld-Iiead, ; Tetter ' Syphilis, Goaorrlnea, Oiorrliuio i Ulcers of all kinds, together with all j other chroaic diseases, can avail “ V*,' Mosely’s services at Grilliii, Ga. Olhee on hth st. | t!®-TERMS: All persons are rcc|Uircd to' pnv their lees in ady-ance, or give their with references. No case will be ~1. SCO'I'T & GO’S. KEPUI.VT of the BRITISH PERIOOICALS A.N’U THE F.\ B a’!!* GVIDI-- GREAT REDUCTION UF THE LATTEU I’LblJLAilON. notes u.idcrtakcn tlie Uraft ; j.Ic .'.gcd . licjin rt, henrt, dead. Th:-: Arrim.voHiM; Fiu uth.—Kverybody i.' makin" 1 iraCons o!'‘jomc kind, lor llie proper ob.^crvance ,‘' 10'' ■ ■ (I i>'!’D'n^ Fourih. .Smui* will iro abroad, and stiiuc will st tv iU horn:-, others will remain riober : some will 'loii military niiifV.rins. while the ‘rrcat majority w ill wt'ar >nch plain clothe.'as arc I ecoinin'; to iespee taid*'and patriotic private citizen.^. iUt'at mass of p>'0]dc will j;‘t their : ihc lirowii Store Clothini; Hall d‘ Rockhill it \N ilson, Nt's. »;u:5 aiulbOa (new style) Chesnnt street, above J .dv 11. fs.W. Of course the garments at tf-dS. same a.- thuugh they were perKiiially prcscul remitted I,T return mail. Aildress WllEEi.Eit i' E\ I-.UETT. llriikers. New Vork City. r. *iV). Ib.Vi. (io-It New A'ork. -ku oui .--i--- Co'rnac. aal'e Holland and English Gin. .lamaca and : " '■ ^r“fvld; ‘clua-ir mid'iblspbu?!^ BrmX ' u.IesI cured or adnnt of relief. Uy ,-or, ail Vadui-ia Wines will he instantly produce,,. , ,,|-ucUee m Cancer ami t a m el oils dff, . It i-,-i,uires no skill, but an addition of a good sp.r.t, | without the n.se ol t-'C knite or camslit, say 51) gallons to each gallon of the i-e.speelive I'j .j„,| lo.-al and cousHIntlonal. causing^ ‘“'l', o -t Comcc Oil green vellow and while, wa.-- lint very little pain, in nio.st eases. All cases Jheocst e 'other importer ch;u-ge.sL,j C’.-l .VCEVi’ arc required to lie nmlei lii\ iniiiicdiate care and snpci Vision .In in one to I-Atraet of Cognac, 1 Ih.l Coniinunication.s striclly private ' ranted genuim-'- ‘ I for the i-espective quality. E.ssenees of every I.iquor. AV bn I ' e for Ill-,' shall ! is,, .'ions lo,ig have p.ls S . V 'iis and Iriu-; To one whos- love halh bmger d.welt, .Alnre ih.-epiN r'.Ke.l, iinn',i keeiilv leil, Ti-.an any iile-lged lo you. l-hn-ii guest up-started at the vvord, \n 1 1-1 i a ,n,;,-.i noon liis sword, L-d, NOriCK. feis- .A[(-!.:uirin Strange will pay the Itigh I's! ,-a'h pri,-e for TTirpentinc until farthi-r notice. 5^-tf ,J. S. BA.VKS, CO.n.Hl.sSIOX ASD FORAA-AUDIAG MERCII-VNT, ir/LMFycf'io.y, jy. c. Jii’iiuirv 1. IV'Pd Dtsiialblt Iiiformatiou lo i vtiy- For some time past 1 have heen engu.ged in ness (kiK'wn on y to myscU ^ mSWrs^S^ prepara- ami priiniptly to go to to" give in the V. a busi- und compRruli>cly tew orherswhmn 1 hive inst'rneted for Snai each) ivhieli has averaged me an inc-mne of Irom tf-.Jlin to so.nud per aiunmi—and having made arrangcincn the Kastern Continent next fall. I am wiliin full instructions in the art to any „ States wha will 1-eniit mu the snlii ol OM. ■’(»bb.U • 1 am induced from the success 1 ha, e heen a, 01 with and tlie aukaowledgnieiits that 1 hare lucuMd fi-oai those whom I have iiistriicted 111 the artuindwho a.” new clearing Iron, 88 to 8.5 per day. « j^l' e ev ry per.son achance to come into pos,s. ssion ble means of maKiag a small '”,1'r,,f Humbug about the business herein alluded to. I. erences'of the best class can bo given as rega ds its character, and I can also refer to persons in bhicii.go and Hetroi; ns wellas in this place, who havew.thiil tion. tic made smooth li ith hot a triHiug e.vpeiise. The price of Flavorings are u.vtromel, modu.vte. and directions in InH sw^tijA >W Chmnist and Importer of Drugs, 1 ssentlal Oils and yietals. Dagnurreotype and Photo.graphicChemicals. No. 143 .Maiden Lane, New-A'ork. April 25, 1857. ti'"- MARRIAdK Gl'IUK, l>y L>Ii. AV3I. V(K*NG. j\I(irrioge Guide— s iry))-).-: The PorkeL .Fsadaiiias, or erenj one. his own Doctor, by \Vm. \oung, M. D. It is wrii leu in plain itinguago tor the general reader a-id is illasti ated w-ith iipwarils of One Huadre,! en- :i nswcied. .Mo.suly, Al. D., Gr llin. Ga. Aberess \V R \V Vull eoUiil s VO l.ie li-ini i--,:i-less .laiiio, high." .rhT i three mo'itle aiadl "WW©glL-3i?ia ' lulm samm‘ H i.s a hiisin.-ss FU. Loi'U paused, as if he would N,e bre-.iihc her niiine in earele.ss mood, Tl'i'.s lighllv to another; Thun lieiit his' noble head a.s though To give that word the reverence due, Ami gentivsaid, "Aly Alother.^^ ftOtfERTISEMENTS. ',00 AGKN'ri ATA^'ED. All voiing imirricd p‘»)pf‘, or those con- tuid Imving the least imped-.meut to married life. slionUl . • a * ,;i.‘Cret' lliul everv one should be acquainted w.tii F VvI^tU•mmlVau\>^-a-(^ and with perfoc ease make ^ j/., p,,„.k lhat‘musl be kept lockcl up. and nu ‘ ^ " ' Several Ladies in ihe houAe. It will be sent to any one ou the ' " ■ uipt of twenty live cents. Aihlre.ss I)! I. W' \l. 1 O L N l.r, FaU Slock, 185T. B. F. PEARCE & CO., A HE now- receiving a large and well selected stock JynSFFap'g in part of : Black and Figured Silks; 1 nglish and F'reneh Alerinoe.s; rialn and Fis’d DcLaiies; French all wool Plaids: Alpacas of all qualities; Black Boinbaahic; English, i^rciieh and American Prints; ■ Chi'iiil'e Shawls, (beautifa! patterns;) LmlT-s’ Cloaks of every de.seription ; Jaeouet Edjrings and InseiTions; Collars and Umlersleeves: Hosiery, Gloves, Belts; Ribbons, Trimmings, &c.; Cloths and Cassimeres; Tweeds, Jeans and Sattinets; AVhite and Colored Flannel.s; Bleached and brown Shirtings; gllleinlale 10-4 Sheeting; Bleached and Drown Drillings; Plaid Linsey.s and Kerseys; yiariboro’ Stripes and PlauD; Brown and Bleaehtd dahlc Clotiis; Toweiliiig.s ol ail kinds; Negro Iflajikets; E.xtra quality Bed Bianket.s; Sji'ral, Brass'and Wlialehone Hoops; " Good a.ssortmeni of Hoop Skirt.s; ' A. Homestead For ; THIRD DIVISION. SolO.OOO icor'.hof Farms and Building Lots la the Gohl Region of.Culpcpei- County, Virginia, to Vieilividud amongst 10,200 suhscrihur.i. on llie / th ol DecT lS,')7 Siibscriptious only t,‘n dotlars down; or $13 one half down, the rest on the dulivury of the Deed. Fverv subscriber will i^et a IjUiIiIiu" Lot or u rium in value from s'lO to .$23,000. Thus-. Farms -.mfL,its are sold so cheap to induce .si-tHemeiits, a . suflicifiit nninber huing reserved, tile increase in the value of which will conipensate tor the apparent low price MOW asked. Upw ards on,330 lots and Uirms lire already .sold, and a company of setHers called -Ille Rappahannock Pioneer AssuciuLoii.'- is now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security w ill he given for the faithful performance of coutract.s anil promises . Nearly 4O.U00 acre.8 of land, in different parts ot Vir'Muia. now at coininand and will be sold to settlors i ' at Iimm 81 up to 8300, per acre._ Unqutstioiiablc ' tiHe-i will ill all Ciise-i be given. 'Wood-cutters, Coop ers. F.u-ni.!r.s. &c.. are wanted; and oUil .Agents to oh- t-.vin suhscrihers. to whom the most liberal iiidiicemeiits will be given. Some Agents write that they are making $2110 per month. For lull particulars, Siihscriptions, .-\,gencies, die., * .-Apply to E. II.AUDKIL ' Port Fovyol, Caroline co., I'a. Sep. 12, 18.77. ■ ly ciuliurked ill this bnsinrtss. mid who V. - ■ , , „ '8 to 81.3 per 'biy to imirried life, slionld rw.i.l tins liook. It .L.-c.oses in wliicli eitlii-r Ladies ii|.,it. everv one should he aeqaaiated w .liu still I or Gentlemen can ea.gage with norl'ec ease make , p- ,i,:,t-a,ast he kept locke.l up. and not L. a very handsome income, -- .,1 parts of Illinois and Missouri i‘\l’ ■ the art. are now cleann.g liom S-) to .. - p , and leqiiii-es hut a tew Mill-| Upon i-i-ceipt of 81 I w ill at ; ^^iva^l'Vo'ih; appbcLt a Cireulm- emdabiing inU ^ iasti-nctionsiii the art. winch will be pel ii cl n iuhL 1 Ain.. It i:*a genteel ImsinoH lines lo coiHincnco it. A T at ' 1 8tood upon bcin 125 Spruce St., aLuvo K(>nrtli. Philuiiclpltiu, I IS. 1857. ly SCIRIIHIS BISEAST C .1 X RE t I I! E !>! 1 1 LET THE.rUDl.lC liEAD. In merev to the attlielcd. and tin- giai lade and high opinion 1 ei.t.-i-taiii of Di-.Moseley, as a argeoa miii IMiVsician. 1 deem it my duty to im-nl dh tin ca.c- or my'wife, hoping at the'same lime that all pi rso.,, s nii- larlv anlicted may be he.iclitt.d hy -t- part ol thisyear. my wife ha.i severa, small ...ini'- to make llu-ir appearance in her hrea.-t ; ihi-y m- t .ni.-o to increase ill size, antiltlie whole laea.-I Lvinn, a 0'..,/ P/,a,-,V,/oo;Vn/' diseased mass, and V. ry paiariil. 1 proear,in. --i Gieul 1 hysioio^ian , ,1^. i;,,,,,... ,,n,l m-twnn.-iamLn,; the earne.-d and fa iiifili atu i.lioli ol tin ino-.l -siLi,. phvsieialis. sPo (-oiit.lined te grow ino ■" an'tii they gave the -ca'-i np a- iiiem -.i-i " aiiipntalioii. I wa.- advised i.y i. a visit r-. \V. 11. .Moseley. ofGr lin. and. a lonishin.g as it may set in .■ cu'i-ed w illiiii One nun,ltd. a no n In-alth:: 1 woelii a.lvisi all v rlr.is and i'-,in,-' roas afp-cl ion-. oi v; oat ilele;.. a- I .im -atism d -ly ■ x] ■ valion. that he is the moM skuL.i Soiuhera SLiL-s. in the ireatniimt - ease—Canrer " 31 ■ M E I.. SCOTT & CO.. NEW VOLK, continue lo pii. lish the lollowiag lead.iig Dritish I er.od.cai.-, ro 1 . , the LONDON tyl aUTERLV iConscrvatue.■ the EDlNLURUll LEA H-.W A'I'ig-) 3 the north liRlTLivL REVliW .In-. Chun the W£.ST.MINSTi.R REVIEW Lil.mui. i;i.,ACKW0OD'S EDlNT.l'Lt.lI .A.At.A7,1NE A or\ Thc-e I’l-riodieal.s ably niaiMi.i He il.n-i gi-i i- ooLlical parties ol Great l.r,lam—Whig. loiy. am. i-ulieal.-lnitpoLlic-.s L orn only -ni Lalur, ol il.i,! eleiracler. As 'rgan.s ot the most prolonmi wi.lir - Moi-iiLly. and Lil g on. th.y stood, lini .tall i 1: li o w I 1 ensil.L- to the sehohu and tin the iineligciii ri ad. I- o' .rrect and siilislae 1 al literatliie ol the qa,'. ji08?-biy ollainu“ on Feiunce. LitcnUiin'. stand, as they ever have of letters, heing illdisia-l prote.s.sional man. while to every class they Liniish a moro un-v record ol ihe eiirri al llirtaighmit the world, than van {roiii unv utlii i Fouvcc. OISI.Y COP KS. ,-ioeq.l of advance MIEETF from Ihe Dri: iibliNliur' ' ivfs aildir.omil n aluu to Li pi ml .1,oil a^ 111^7 can now l;v pluvud in iko liiuiu r;iH, ! • uiioul nssuoii the original cu.. .oUfc. Ti-inis. TI- o* hit.i I .r,d. til 1 .‘H!-;-. ly • 'A\ ill -til'd A ith .•'c'r- iloL'ii.i’ will)• and obsur clan in Ihe : tiiat Imrrii'lc di.':- il. MiT( llLlJa. MITCHKI.L. IVr ann/ 0 5 (m 7 m» 8 on :t ou ir orr 10 00 ntlrancf. i the U'here issued will he n- Daughier ot \V. Biadburv. liomc. Ane once read Kl^WlN No. 37. Foui-th Om Addri TmirLKTON. 3t.. Ft. Lc.uii^. Mo. Line 20. 18. V Iv FURNITURE! FURNilURE!! Fur; TOK Tll-VDK OK I’UIVATC UriC. Fiii'iiiliii'c Maiiiifu'liiiTiT 3,3 RilAAELY, NEW' Vi Htt. j Terms 1 ash. D e I*ri^' O Ij* ^ Heretofore we have mamifiictared and -'"hi exclusively at w hole-ale. We are l'"T^';' f j to offer a well uj^Hortud FtocU at utail. ata .aj ving of from tAventy to thirty per cent, lu the Consnincr. f We have now for sale I ^ Mahogany Chairs, spring seats. \ V I r upholstered in hair cloth. from s-'P A Pl-i'p d> U> ^Oj tJsIiUf J !3 00 to 26 00 00 to 12 00 11 00 tt 1 00 AI-EHICANSAFSTf' , Cu» UF A'EAV \ Ollli- CAFITAXi $500,000. a. Nicholas. I’l-esideiit. Office, 70 AVall St, i A p.n-fect security against all manner of Fraud or j Connlerfeiting on Fap^r—To l*revent Pliotograplis and .Anastatic Counterfeits, Erasures. Trausl'ers or I .-Alterations. ! Having purchased the Patent for the exclusive right 1 to nmnufacUire and sell the New- Chemical paper in I .AmerTa. iiiveiited in Eaglaiul hy Hoary- Glyiiii acele- H- ' X. - r * ... .1,1,1 i liraieil chcitiist and officer in the British army, it Yankee Notions ot every variety, kind,anti that ihe I’aper is recommended by .Mr Kent, .Assayer of Hie U. S. Mint, .Mr Lyman of the New- A ork Clearing House, and .Meade Brothers extensive and skilful photographers; 133 Bro-adway. N-. A". The latter say that lio imitation can be made on a cheek or hank note printed on Hie S'll'ety Paper. Below- is our list of prices: • Bank Cheeks—2.6 ets. per U). qn-.dity; Silk, Leghorn, and Straw Bonnct.s; Moleskin, Cassiinere and Wool Hats; BoCt.s, Shoes, UaiLrelias, &c. —ALSO— A large and fasliioiiablo stock pf SHAvSll ©LILr 111112® All at-v.i ch-.via De-so. d low for C.ASH. or_ on oar usual tira - to paiictna! customers either at AATiolesale cr Re ad .All persons are respectfully invited to give us a call. Ii. F. PE.AROE. J- AV. PEARCE, Jr. Sop. 12 1837 67-if .roods in black walnut or oak at ( FALL HT.K'K FilR 18-57. SliliT Wiilisillis Are now rec-.'Iv ng a very L-rge and well selected siqck cf , FALL AND W'INTKU GOOD?.' To whieli i1h*v i. vite the early afteiitiou of tlieii cuF- tocicrs. and Wholesale buyers generally. Sept, oih 1337. tf kbmovylA 11. GRAIIAAI has removed to the .Store fo morl.v oe' ctipied bv Dr. Koulkes, on the corn'T east of the Fay- eWc'villeHotel.Hay street, where he is just receiving his OF RE A 1) Y-il A D E OF THE LATEST STVIES. Consisting in part of Over-Coats, Press, Frock and Business Coats; Pants, Vests, Shirts and Collars, Drmcers, Flannel Skirts and Drawers-, Su.spenders, Cravats, jMerino and Cotton Hose, t)*c., tl'C. He also keeps constantly on hand, a fine a.ssortment of B O O T S AA'D SHOES, Umbicllas, and Carpet Bags. All tho.se wishing to purchase cheap and tine suits of clothes, would do well to call and examine G raham's ■Stock, as he is prepared to sell as low as any in this market. Sept. 12 2m. Fayetteville Hotel, Furniture anil Fixtures for Sale. THE ABOVE NAMED PROPERTY tvill be sold to any responsible person, uiioii fair terms, if applied for between the present time and the loth of December next. Ifiiotsold by the 15 of Dec., they will l>e sold at Auction after the first day of Jan uary next, in Lots to suit purchasers. Any information wanted will be cheerfully given by applying to J. II. UOBERTS & CO. Fayetteville. September 12. 1857. G7-tf Town papers copy tf ~~NiiW WOODS. OOK & JOIINSI^Nare just receiving a large and well selected Stock of Goods, consisting in part of Hardware, Cudery, (Groceries, rock ery, Kish, BiUter and ('lieese. All of which will be sol I low for Ca.^h, or on the .usual time to punctual customr rs. W e will be glad to have a cal! from all ol our old friends and the pubLc genevallv. as we have a better assortment than we have ever, offered before. Sept. 12. ;7.4t Bank Bills—§18 for 1000 sheets. Bills of Exuha''gc—§25 for 1000 sheets Proiuissorv Notes—40 cts. per lb. >iglit antlTime Drafts—$25 for 1000 sheets Insurance Policies—40 cts. per lb. Railroad Stocks & Bonds—40 cents per lb. Bank and Stale Stocks—40 cts. per lb. Bonds and Mortgages—40 cts. per lb. Wills ainl Deeds—40 cts. per Hk For wrapping Silk.s and other fine articles H is e.x- ccllent. as U prevents moths. 40 cts a lb. For IiHlentures and Agreem'^nts. 41) cents per lb. All State and County Records should always be printed or written on thi? Paper, as the chemicals in serted in lb pulp not only prevent erasure or transfer but make it lasting as time. Fur Southern Climates it is excellent, and much superior to any other: as the moistdess of the climate does not- destroy it,—the properties iu.serted in the pulp being a pr'*vcntutive. In all the southern states Cuba, the West indies and the Central American States no piOfiic records can be kept over 20 years, written on till* ordinary paper, while tlie oils and other^ chemi cals id.'crtcd iii Ihi.s Paper makes it indestructi I le by the ravaifes of time. It is also proof against moths, rats and other vermin, which feast on and destroy all other pa]>er now in use. The Comjiauy have now in operation Mills in Morris Countv, N. J., ofabout300 horse power, and arc able to fill all orders for Paper at the shortest notice. All orders for Paper must be addressed to A.NICH OLAS. President of the Company, No. 70 M'all Street. Orders for this valuable paper received at Ibe Caro- inian Office. July. KS, 56-3m O Mahogany Sofas, spring scats g upholstered iu hair cloth. ‘I from K Mahogany Rocking chairi:. ifl sprinif seats, upholstered ^ in hair-cloth.* from ^.Mahogany easy Chairs, ^ on castors or rockers, up- " bolstered in hair cloth. W Mahogany Tel«*-a-tcte. up- 2 bolstered in hair-Cloth, 15 00 to 3o 00 W Mairou:anv Tete-a-tete Sofas, B upllolsfered iu hair cloth 2o 00 to 4.) tiO IIIAKBLEI \M) M.4HOG.4NY TOPTabbs, j| Jk in great variety of styles, qualities and prices. ^ DURF4U?- Half Marble and M'ood Top. witli^ Mol- williout Glasses, with Wash -stanils to iinitch p II Also, WariL-ohes. Bed.ste-.uls, Sulehoards. HiilU Stands. Book Cases, Lounges, Etegeres, Corner g Stands and Book Shelves. OFFICE FUitNITUnE^Desks, Tables and ri Chairs. jra All the above ^ "the same prices. ; PYRLOR SUITS, in Ro.--e\vood. uphfUstrred U I French Brocatelle, Satin Damask, Satin and ^ I ...i- same in Black AValmit. the frames olL a which are stained in varnishin.a:. iiiaking a licau-a "ttful imitation, and iipeolstered in the same, goods, make a showy appearance ala much low-g tr drice. , * I J In our estahlisliinent can be found a great ^ a-kJ rietv of Fanev Chairs, in Rosewood. Jlahogany J aiid'Blaek Walnut. Turkish Siiiokii.g f W ^elinina Chairs. U-.H1 Chairs. Voltaire Cluuis. J (p Cane Chairs, and also the Celehrated fd g HI’KING BED. p Known as Tucker's I’atent This article we V| W would liarfciilarl.v recommend, it having ''‘-'‘-‘'‘H 9 fully teste 1. and found upon trial >o be the bestg r .?i)rjnir Bottom ever invented. 9 U CONCLUSION, n Parties who are not able to personally select ^tln* ''•oodstliov mav want, can di'pend upon hav- ifing their orders filled with a- much care, and^ ■i their interest studied, as though tney were pre-M A sent; and to such we uLo offer our services torn *tlie selection of any Ilouscliold Goods they may 9 want, and as we ^ should purchase J| f Hands, a saving will thereby be made which thep^. ^customer would have the • cucilt ol. Aug. 1, 1857. Gl-ly the secret INFILIHITIES OF YOU !' S .AND .VJ .A I U If I'l Y. j ! .I„s PitUlislic-iI, Gialis, tlie iiOtli Tlim.s.-ill! ! 1 _ ..V f-KW Wolins os- THK R ITIOX-.U. TllK.vr- I H Kvr. without .Medicine, of.Sin i imitorrhcu or ' “ Weakness. Nocturnal i-lmissious, Gen-' ‘ ital 1111 Nervous Dehility. ImiJOtcucy, and Impedi ments to Marriage oc-ncriHly. # [ nv 1>E LAXKY. M. I). I Till' iinportant fact that, the iiiaiiy alarmins coiir ' nhiinls. orioinatina in tlic iuiprndciice andsoLtndc qt vo'iith. ni.ivlic easily removed without .Medicine, is in this snraU’tract. clearly deiiionstrutcd; and the entirely new and liiolily sncccssfiil treatment, as adopted hy 1 the Author. Lilly c.xplaiiieil hy means ol wliichcvery i one is cnalileil to cure himself perfectly and at the i least possihlecost. thcrehy avoiding all the advertused i mostriims of Hie day. i Sent to anv address, gratis and post free in a sc.ih d \ envelope, hy'rcinitting tpost paid) two po-Mage stamps $-2 25 to 6 00 each. 4 | to Dii. 1). Di-: L.i.xev, i7 Leonard Street. N. 1. (.-ity. Dec. 13. 1836. *28-ly HKL.IIBOLDIS •IIBP.VKATIOS GEXUIN'E of HILHLV COi»€E\TIl.4TED COIIPOESD flub EXTR.4€T Bicat. For Diseases of tlw Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, Obscruct-wns, Secret Diseises. Feniile Coinplaints, and all Disea.ses of Ike Sexual Organs, dcnce in life, and re- ()\i: HULL'.R A VLAR,- Ci»-2u1h1 Dm. «>VPi' iOO.OOO HpD AVfpkiy l U w T vESS S. or ihe F (I It ti E It U 0 -N V 1 C T E U . •lOtlV S. OVE IS THE AVTHlHi. Who has had 10 years experience as a Danker -and FiHilislier and .Vn'thor of a scries of Lectures at Hie Broadway Taliern-aeic win ii for 10 snecessivo nights, over :Pir jil.iimi IN-oiiIegreeted him with Umiiids of .Vjiphinse. wliile he exliilnted Hie iiiaiiiior in iihieh Coiintei-reilers execute their Frauds, and the surest and sliortest means oi'detecting Hiein! The Dank Note Engravers all say that he is the greatest Jud.ge of I’aper Money living. gre.jtp:st inscorj-Hiv of the P R E S E N T U E N T U R V FO R D E TEC T I -N G CiUMEllFEir B.iVK VOTES. Descrihin.g every Genuine Dill in exislciice and ex- hihitiiig at a glance every ouiiterl'eit in Circiihitioii.. Arraii.ged so admirably, that rel'ereiiee is easy and detect'mn instaiilaneoiis. No index to examine ! l-,.r any one oi'iin- four Reviews i-or anv two ol the lour Reviews 1-or .'iii'v Hilee ol Hie lour Reviews For ail four ol the Kevo-ws 1 i or Dlaekwood s Magazine For Dlaekviood and three Reviews I For DLiekwood and the four Reviews J .iyinnil.i to be iiiaiie ill a/I casts : -Mom II eiirriiii in I ; ctii'id at j.ui-. ' CLIBBIVB. A discount oflwenly-live percent from Ihe ahovn prices will he allowed to Cm ns ordering lour or more copies of anv one vir more ol Ihe abov e works, t hus I l-'vmr copies■ol lihiekwood. or of one sent to one-addre.-s lor .8!i: four copies ol the tom i Reviews and Dlaekvvood for $31); and so on. j FOSTILE i In all the principal Cities and Towns: those iwill he deliver,d. FREE OF J'0$1A(.L, ; sunt by mail, the lo miy :'Statc. will be but I Arising from Excess and Impr'. i No w,,rk' M lien part ol the l')iile,l TWENTX -'l-Ol 1! t. EN'l.'-i a xtai for DUickwood and hiit FLUll'l LLN CLNT$ a year for each of the Reviews. ,T. B. The priecin Great Britain of the fin Periodicals above-named isabovt ^'61 pei annnin the F.VUMKK’S wlTI>E- To .^eienlitie and Practical Agrientinre. Dv IK-nry SK'iduiis. F. R. $.. ol EdiiiLnigh. and the late J. P. Norton Prolessor of veii-nlihc Agneiil- lurein Vale College. Nwv Haven. '2 vol. Ivoyal (»etav». 1000 pages, and niinuioiis Wood and ^ U el Enirraviiigs. This is. confessedly, the most compu te vork oi Agriculture ever juifdished. aiul in oioci to Dive -t a ni.d When sent by mail (post-]*nid) to ( alilornia will be 7 U)ilui>. To every etln r Oregf'ti the ]'rie« . ^ , n jiart of the Uiiiou. and to (. mautu ,o i *■« th , This V n k is not the oltl *1 ook of tin I ni n . rL'miillances for any of the above jniV lieat .oils -l-eu tl alvavs be addressed ptisl }-a;d. to tin I'uMis' « rs. LE(»NAIU) A *.. No. 54 (JoUi-rin el. Nev Yink. S c Lost or Mislaid. One Nog;{» boml nguirnf -U T., Wright and Stuart Devaac. made payabie to Owen FetmoL Adm'rs. of Thos. Devaiie. decM,—amount 8145. due I3th Januarv 185.>. Avith a credit of S3d. almiil August, 185(». and one of 2 50 in f)etober. I do hereby notify all persorfs from trading for said Boncl. or the makers from paying it to any peison e.xcept myself. T W DEVANE. Oakiuad, Seo. 12,1S57 67-31 NATIONAL POI-ICE GAZETTK* This Great Journal of Crime and Oiminals is in its Twelfth Year, and Is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the great Trials. Crimiii;! Csuses. and apiiropriate Editorials on the same, to gether wi'ii intorination on Criminal Matters, not to be found iu any other newspaper. Subscription.^. $2 per Annum? $l for Six Months, to be remitted liy Subscribers, (who should write liieir names and tlie town, county and state where tlicy reside, plainly.) To R A SEYMOUR, Editor rtnd Proprietor of the National Police Gazette, New Y'ork City. June 6, 1857 ly Gifts! Gifts!! Gifts!!! A PRIZE TO EVEP.Y PURCHASER, At the Qii.’kcr City Publishing House of Duane Rulison. Philale!phia. By buying a book for $1, or more, yon are at once presented with a prize, worth from 20 cents to $li)0. consisting ofFine Gold JeAvelry Watches. «!cc. All orders by mail will be promptly filled, and the prize or prizes will accompany the books. Our list contains all of the most popular books of tlie day. and will be sold at the usual retail prices, many of them for less. Per.son.s wishing any particu- Inr Imok cun order at once and it will be forwarded Avith a gift. A catalogue giving full information, Avilh a list of books and gilt-s, will be sent post paid, by ad- dres,sing DUANE RULISON. No. 33 S. Third Street, Phila. ^35*Agent3 wanted. WHLSKERANDO XViirraiUetl to force the .Moii.st-.iche ami \Vhi.skers to "■low strong ami luxuriant in o:-:e raoiitli. vv'iiere there was none bul'iro. It will not stain or injure the skin. $1 per bottle. Sent to all parts of the country on re ceipt of price. Receipts for making $5.^ Aug. ,Stb, 1857. Du. S. P. .SHELDON. New York City. SHEPr.lRB’S ;ke.it besefactob THE GUEATEST PEKIHDICAI. KE.HEDY EVER DISCf'VEUED. I,OUI) B.vs, Rkt.vii.ed .Moxthi.y. THE BENEF.aCToR L$ LNF.XLLIDLE for the im mediate removal of Obnruclioiis Irrigularilies. Pro lapsus Uteri (falling of Ihe vvumh) Leuchurrhea or Whiles, and all the diseas es peculiar to females. This remedy has never iu a single case failed in producing the Menses. 1 have received many letter.s of recommeiidation. which all say. "It is the best remedy we have ever used.” Sickness at stomach, headache languor, debility, pains in the head, side and back, loss of appetite, costivencss, Ac., are some of the svmptoms which attend irregular menstratioii. This remedy is certain to remove one and all of these symp toms Be sure and get-the geiinine, which has my signi- tnre on each box. This remedy may be had hy ad dressing J.S. SHEPP.ARD, West Fourth street CUi- ciiiciiiati, and enclosing $1, and the remedy will be sent by return mail. N. B.—Ladies who are pregnant should not use thi.s remedy, as it is sure to bring on miscarriago. though no injury to health would follow. Une box $1. three boxes $2. All lettrrs of inquiry must contain a pos tage stamp to ensure an answer. J. S. .SHEPPARD. Sole Proprietor, Cincinnati. 0. August 1, 1857. 61-ly ^rdkxR-Cos^- 1‘Costar's” Rat, Roach, Ac., E.xtermiiiator Put Up io Soc • 65c . and $1 Boxes. ■Costai-'s'- Bed Bag Exterminator. Put up in 25c.. .30c., 75c.. and $1. Bottles. ‘•Costaros" Electric Powder, for Ants, Insects, Ac. Put up in 25c. and 50c Boxes. Principal Depot, No. 388 Broadway. New York, and side! by Druggists and Dealers everj- where in the i'niti'd States. Canadas, West Indies, and South -America. Full particulars by Mail. Sept. 5, S6-4t Fill! and Winter Dry Goods. Thomas Murdoch. 1857 Edmund N. Duer- MURDOCH & DTJEH, InPORTEIW k JOSBKIW OP FOREIGN* & DOME.STIC DllX NO. 247 BALTIMORE STREET, Have now on hand a complete and attracth*e Stock of Goods in their line, embracing many neAv and de sirable .styles, purchased especially Avith reference to to the Southern and Wentern Trade. Also a large R*ock of heaA’y Dome.stic Goorls. to which they res pectfully solicit an examination hy all prompt time and cash buyers, a-s they are determined to sell A’ery low to punctual si.x months purcha.sers. and to make a liberal discount fo cash in all instances. Baltimore, Aug. 15, IS57. S3‘6t moviuisall Improper Discharges Iroiii tlie Bladder, Ividnei's, or Se xual Organs, Avlmther existing m MALE OR FEMAI.E. From AvhateA er cause they may have originated, and no matter of liow long standing; giving llealMi aud vigor to the frame, aud bloom lo the Pallid Cheek. JOY TO TdlE AFFLICTED !!! It curus Nervous aud Debilitated Sufferers, and re moves all the Symptoms, among Avhieb will be found Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Lossof Memory. Ditticnlty ofBreathing. Gen eral Weakness, Horror of 1/is- ease, Weak Nerves. Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death. Night Sweats. Cold Feet. Wakefulness, Dim ness of Vision. Languor, Universal Las situde of the Muscular System, uac often iiuormous Appetite, Avith Dyspeptic Symptoms Hot Hands. Flushing of the body, Dryne.ss of the Skin, Palled Countenance and Erup tions on the Face, Pain in the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, frequedtly Black Spots Flying before the Eyes. With Temporary Suffusion and Loss of Sight. Want of Atton- I lion, Glcat .Mobility, Rest- I lessness, witli Horror o( .Society I Notiiing is more desirable to such Patients than I Solitude, and nothing they more Dread for Fear of Themselves; no Repose of Manner, no Earnestness, no Speculation, but a Hurried Transition from one question to an other. Those symptoms, if allowed to go on—Avhieh this medicine inv-ariably removes—soon follows Loss of Power, Fatuity and Epileptic Fits—iu one of Avhicli th(; patient may «ixpire. Whe can say that these ex ercises are not* frequently followed by these direful dis.'ases—Insanity aud Consumption? The records of the Insane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths hy Sousiimption. bear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic As^dums the most melancholy exhibition appears. The connti'uance is actually sod den and quite ilestitutc—neitluT .Mirth or Grief ever visits it. Should o sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. ‘•With Avocful measures Avan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled.’* Debility is most terrible! and has brought thou sands upon thousands to untimely graves, thus blast iug the ambition of many noble youths. It cau be cured by the use of this INF.VLLIBLE REMEDY. If you are suffering Avith any of ilie above distressing ailments, the Fluid Extract Bilciin will cure you. Try it aud oe convinced ofits efficiency. Beware olQitack !Vos rutUi and i^nack Doctors, avIio falsely boast of abilities and reference.'!. Citizens know n.ud avoid them, and save Long Suffering, Money, and E.vposure. by sending or calling for a bottle of this Popular and Specific Remedy. It allays all pain arid inflamation, is perfectly plea sant iu its taste aud odor, but immediate iu its action. KxiracI Bitcliii Is ])r‘’pared directly according to the Rule of Pharma cy and Cliemistry. with the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge and care devoted in its combina tion. See Prosessor Dew’ees’Valuable Works on the Practice of Pliysic, and most of the late Standard Works of ?*tedieinc. One hundred Dollars will be paid to anj'^ Physician Avho can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Pa tient: and the testimony of thousands can be produced to prove that it does great good. Cases of from one Aveek to thirteen years’ standing have been effected. The mass of Voluntai*y Tes/irnony in poRsession of the Proprietor, vouching its virtues and curative poAv ers, is iinen.«e. embracing names Avell known to Science and Fame. 100.000 Bottles bare been Sold and not a single instance of a failure has been reported! Pcr.«onally appeared before me. an Alderman of rtie City of Philadelphia, H.T. HELMBOLD, Chemist. Avho beingduly sAvorn does say, that his preparation con tains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, but are purely Vegetable. ^ H. T. HELMBOLD. Sole Manufacturer. . Sworn and subscribed before im* this 23d day of No vember. 1854 W. P. HIBBARD, Aldex’ra'n PRICE: 31 per Bottle, or Six for So, Delivered to any Address, accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates from Prof ssors Of Medical Colleges. Cler gymen and others. Prepured and sold by Ii. t. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist. No 52 South Tenth St., below Chestnut, Assembly Build'ngs. Phila. _^*'Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for fielmbold’s Take no other. Cures Guarantied. June 13,1S57. ly CO VMlIiA: fc> Y V. pagus to hunt lip! But so siinjililied aud arranged. ; (.i|(.nlation tbu publl^hu■r^ bavi* l Ui-olved to le that the Merchant. Banker and Business Man can see ^uee the price to at a glance. Yna Dollars for the tvo \Ai we‘,. Exgush. French and Geum.an. Thus each may n.-ad tlie same in his own native Tongue. Mont-perfret Bank ^ole Liiit puhlishcd. Also, a List of all the Private Bankers in America. A complete summary of the Finance of Europe and America will be pulilished in each edilion. together Avith all the important News of the day. .\lso. a series of tales from an old maiuiscript founj in^the East. It lunushes the most complete history of OLIIENTAL LIFE, describing the most perplexing positions in which the Ladies and Geiilleinen of that cuniilry hav.- Vieen so ofleu found. The.-^e Stories will eoiilinne throughout the whole year, and will prove the most entertaining ev“r olfereil to the pnblie. Fnrn.shed weekly to suhscrilxo’s only, at bl a year. All Letters must be addressi'd to JGHN S. DYE. Brok(*r. Pablisher ami proprietor, 70 Wall Slrt'ct, Xew i'ork. April 25, 1857. U*. BliOSBECTFS OF THE SOUTH :ns litrrarv For the Vear 1856. July to Decemher. TtVBNTY'-TiIIitD VOF.UME. In issuing the Pro-'pectus of the Tav -ntv- Third Vol ume ofthcSOUTHEllN LITERARY MUS.^ENGER commencing Avith tlie July No., the IVvprietoi's rely solely on the encouraging letters and pronii.ses of the friends of the Messmiger to aid ihera in extending its circulation, aud tliey l>cg to as-^ui'* {mbPe that no exertions Avill lx* r .Mnitted on th -^r p‘r* to na ntain the high character or the work and to : .■lit .i/e He* patronage of all who value slerLng i t-1 . r;( For Twenty-O.ie Y'*ars. ti)e M ‘ss'-ng' r * -• i i--. ^ e-'d to reflect faithrully Hr* Sontle r i m'.ni d- all narrow and s *ctlona) A”e'.V'-' .goiIu)- '-'■■'■f. • amon-.^ the mo ithlv per'od cil- ‘»f vnv i:. d ! •;: - of the peculiar IN M'n’UT-'-' LL' TIL 8'GUTIiCRN STA'i L- To this office it will ri" i v'ot**ri. and •.'.■;!! '• j.roiii;*: to repul as.sanlts np«ni th • '-••'Gh. C; lu-r k y i-u!;:.' tindT the a|iee':0us ge.ri. of u : dm or in t!:' 1 e ; : of anti slavery p impdb-ts. At •'iis erin. C J tinrtur- while our enemies ure ■mplo . ing lit'-rature a.s th-dr most potent weapou-- or .ittaek. ih-; Southern p(.0]de wiil -urelv not w'lhhold liieir ‘nedunig -iueal !Voni a \vork Avhose aim it shall be to strik^blews in tht-ir de fence. The -Messenger -vilL as brn’etofe. present ils reud« rs wUk JievicfPS. ^ Historical -in i Bioyrnphi-'-tl l^ketehes, .Yorets, Tiles, Travel':, Ess.ay:, Boons, CritiqKes, and P p'rs on the Amni, .Vary and other Y-itional Subjects. I1.4.K lilSOX’S il A I it SIZK ENL.MKJED, style IMJT.GVEri. Il has double th? qiiaii By and siieng.bol ai ■- ■ !b ft gives a perfect na-ural coic;. ♦ .••olo»*s every s!iado ft’Oia liglri browu toj^‘ i Its use is easy aii:l rap.d. It is perfectly harmless io the Sah; Its elfrrt instantanroiis and petni ii- i. . li is the best, ch and -'i/,*. * « k - M.IDK. .>Ti^Directions lor usi* accoinjia. y » acli i o. -D Price—Ioz. 81 :—- oz. ifl 5ri :—I oz. 5*3 :—s oz. . [Entered acc rd.ng to tlu- Act oi ongr* lU H vear IS.'i.'). iiy W. Harr.>oa lU the t'lerk uhn «. ilie Dislviel court oJ'the U. .‘v for ihe Ea>Uki» i^:* i v ofPeiiU.] For sale by F. 1*01 LKf..''. faA'' .-'x .■ ' ' Manufacturer, Ai'(>LL08 W. il.VlCB 1.' -•• >•. Nv. i South 7th St., J'UU.V'.i.;-.): Feb. 21. 1857. ly ^S\ With a view to ensure a larger circulation of the .MPj.SSENGER. the Proprietor.s thongii they inteml greatly increasing the size of the work, have reduced the price of Supscriprion. vvhich is. now only Three Dollars per. anniim^ In Advance) OR FOUR DOLL.YRS IK NOT PAID BEFORE THE FIRST OF JULY IN ANY YEAR. CLUBS—Remitting us Fifteen Dollars iu one letter. Avill be entitled to Six Copies. The Editorial and Critical department of the Mes senger will continue under the charge of JOHN R. THOJIIPSON, Esq.) And Avill embrace copious notes on current Vileruture and revioAVs of all new American or Foreign works of general iuterest aud value. The Editor's opinions Avill be ahvays fearlessly and honestly avoAved. The Business Department is conducted by the under signed. to whom ail communications of a business na ture mustbe addressed. MACFARLANE. FERGUSSON & CO. Law Building, Fratikliu Street, Richmond. Va. June 1. 1856. VEGEIABLE AGUE oi; A.n'I i-I-LV i.' ;i L-- WEAvould call liie atr :ii.t-i •••■ i - e- .!! ;:•■ with Chills and Fva er> to ‘h.^ v'i'. 1)'.-.ii ■ I '!i. «-• owes its popularity to no piif;i:i: eertilicates—1ml solely to il^ oa' r* no r.ts as a iciii' wliicU never fails to cure avIkii lakeu d,n-( lioiis accompanying bach Ixuv.—Pill unliku mu. y others, contains no mineral, nor .mV injurious and may be a«Inuni.ter .1 AviUi perfect sale- iv at all lime.-*, to Aoniig ur dd. .A,- a pr' Vuntalive against CTiills. or any otlier tyju of F- v._-r, it : - r coinmeiiiU'd as niisiirpas.sed: and in Du aim a: of Fi vers ge«erall\' il is far superior to Quinine, or any pri*j»aratitm of Ib-mviau bark. A trial of if.« ?; rit^ is all that is needed to insure il a favora- hii- pi. it Oil in the estinietion of even tiia mo.-‘ invet -.rati (*pposer of Proprietary or Patent prescriptions. V IIA.U.-ION S AN . 1-BlI.LlOUS Pll.LS. Enjoy the reputation of lieing at least a.s good, if not better, ihan iiuy of the various eatharic Pills of the age. and are enUiely free from all poisonous minerals, or other injurious projierties. atid are biglily recom- nu'nded in Dyspi'psia. Li\*er Uoinidaint. Sick Ilcad- aclu;. Sick Stoniach. Habitual Costia**ncss. Indigestion. A*c.. and diseases of the Stomach. Liver. Bowels, and Blood generally, they beiug ly their composition equally ada])ted to either of the above cases as a gen- ere! catliartk*. good at all times sneh medicines are required. We recommend them lo the attention of all persons. Prei)art*d bv F. M. SWYER & CO.. ' Belleville. Illinois. Sold by S. J. IIinslalo. Fayetteville. N. C.. and by Agents in all the towns aud villages in the Southern and Western Stales. AaWTS WADTTrD- Agents wanted in every toAvu and hamlet in the Soutbern States, where one is not aln aly established. Address F. M.Swyer& Co.. Belleville, Illinois, accompanied with food reference to charaeferand re sponsibility, and your orders avDI be promptly lilk‘U by return mail. F M SM YER A CO.. Proprietors, Belleville, Illinois. June 13. 1857 6m BAGS! BAGS!! AT THE Corn Exchange Bag Manufactory, 125 & 127 Broad Streel, X. V. Noaa' ready for the FALL TRADE Cheap for Cash 50,U00 new 3 Bu. GRAIN BaYGS, 2.5,000 •• 2 “ •* “ 75,000 SECOND HAND 2 and 3 Bu. in PRIME Order. 37,000 SEAMLESS BAGS of all the vai’l'ous kiudn. MILLERS’ FAGS i. i, §. and 1-16 Bbl. Bags, designed e.xpressly for their Tr^e. and manufactured from our Preipinpi Glazed Cloth, (warranted not to sift Flour ) This is a new article and we call the particular alleutiou ofMillers and Floui Dealers. SALT FACTORIES supplied with Bags, all sizes de.'signede.vprcssly for use. _^^A11 orders executed with neafnessand dispatch. B, E. CLARK, Proprietor. Sept. 5, C6-3ra. t.alcigli Pa|>er BLANKS. OF AIX SZBJO FOE Si-LB i.1 ims OFBlCp. RAGS WAX'/ED, To be deliA'ored at the Railroad Statiorsor al my war*liouse in Raleigh, or they will Ihj token from the ditferent .stores in the State. Merchant.>« and others buying rags will please advise mo when fhy have i; quantity on hand, or A\ill send ll’om to their nearest Railroad station, as I can still afibrd to pay the hi;.h- est price in cash on delivery from store or at Railroad statin, either in Uink bills, checks or Nt rthern funds. References—Ca.shiers of oiif Banks in Raleigh, and the principal North Carolina und Virginia Mercliaiits C. W. BENEDICT- N. B. Constantly on htDid paper siUtal le for Cot-, ton Factories and ncAvspaper AvraiqxTs. Cotton \Aaste wanted^ C. W P. Rajeigh, April 4, 18.57. • fni. A. I., A A I • I', PORTABlK steam EVOINE N. K. rorner \.otha7id Ilatnitton sts.. Phitad.. Fa. Portable Sleam Engines. ot> largo wheels. wLm i. tongue fora team tube attached tomove tl*‘':..i ahout.' Tht^sc engines have two cylinders, ni-ak ag Pi to 30 horsepower. Orders are filled in from 3 to weiks. Engines always on hand for sal,’. Thesf? phj-'bie? have been in use seven years, .ptff in every instance have givcngeneral satisfucflon. Descriptive circularw will be sent when appUod for. Jac. JO, 1857. 33-if W.M, F. MimtTMAl si'ii«ii iii i» no \ I N*‘ •‘lib , ij ! I--!! \\ ill tl thati Mijf y*:ir • ab **- pail ^Vitl^ thi* \ i«*\v *'\lf I'ci'- lie* r«‘tuA ci.rn L\*fT In -'vty ;*. u - ill .-.i.-!! «!il ••I lit MI* i- -Til .-.ill- Ui. '-.Il For i!ir- •’ U‘-‘.5Dis, For ••it lui'n’i!-*. Fo, !v.- -Ut uu.i-Ul .ids .-rtG-'m -nt- tjm-tl tuMi- ii» i' K'-; *:i th- ij ! '[ till forb d cj ,H(io.- d : .tr.l to WM. ZtSO-AXil Cj.K^IKvl \ «i Hi l«4 i »:h. •• i! »!"• uoun.-rl VV!,'r .7. Is.'u. .1. A.I VT roilNj '-»4 Wvk • a;; i -Lf* i-t-.n, .V'l lr **«. T*i :a r. llj F-’ J' '.r.. li.iiiTin AUoi'J K \ \ K T r j M.'.v lie i-iia-ulleil ;ll t| hei-i. K-'q.. iin (.rt'i'ii i .Inly H). l--'i*'- am,k !:\| If Ilf H iiWizr.-'n-'i- - • re_ cl-ivli I'l.iirl- A].!-!' i I. I JOIliV 1TTT^ R Uii'I will pr-o-i;- • iu tie* L‘| AlHmd; , -i’. 1* 'tri-'l . F.lll >11 \ i^o! l.fi'Ll D.v-llinj.'' L at a fi i-iu'-" sll nu 1 i- mb ’ • ' .\:,v \\ -r-' -b-ii iul r.lle’r of u» ‘it illi- 1.'* tiiib fr'»jn I’ayoti (». t f. Il FO.; Kiv«* fr*V«*[lThs ot tine L \Ni» in H.trij and bi'i-l- j* I’pji T Litt■ • Riv«T. lf-1 q'l V of bi V .tl 1.1.Ill- 7, ‘ G tiu'l mib*- •'! =h'‘ F v -*’ For p u" • il.G> .ti«| N.iv. y.'. A. .\ l TIO\l*'.KH Ki- ■‘Idl Fa a| t)ctoln*r 1. I”'*.* Nc:i;lv ojq>.>.itC to Fal Oc t. 1. i>^5r.. SELF-SI For pres.irviu? KJ Quart' ami Hall'-H) |..■r dozen, re-iieciil Flore. ^ f Also, I’lesh Sij W ,V1U': il ml Till June 20, l-.*‘, C, .SmitiiI J \ ,HI Ca» !!,xre removed th liuildin;; formerly L where they .ire pro! Commission line. All Irasiness ent attended to. W'ilminoto*. Ocl at .SEI’TEMIII and lin-.irl. r.$essid will and testament initted to I’rolwtq te.1 to tlie .siiliscrlY ii-stiitor are rinnd having claims aii) due time.or thi.' i recovery, sopt. HI. ” M. Ft ment of HOC' Satin and colorcii| of a new and liea tide in hi- i>it«. ]|is siwk is chi^ wlf, and tiuyers t I'.ire pnrelia.siiiC' c| p'ranklin streets. April 22, H'7.

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