I A ti .11 k li , K l 15 TM V. ST Fatt-nfaj Swine. The propensity to nrqnire Tut in many ani mals, seems to have been implanted by nature as a means of protecting them against certain vicissitudes to which they might he exposed. The first herbage of tlie season works off the impurities of the Mood, and cleanses the svstein tiom Unhealthy humors tennrattng the consti-i . llltinn flnrl nil tl,n rniintinni! t,a lrAv o r A ' ... . . i fci, HlllLtlUill ' I LUU , (1111 enabling the animal to accumulate a store of strength to carry it forward in its destined course The bear, and other hybernating ani mals, acquire an nmouuf of fat by the close of autumn, which enables them to live through the long winter without the trouble of seeking food or eating it. True, it " is rather a low de gree of life an oblivions sleep but is adapt- .v, cm iiiinoe iiH-i eini.-M.i-.M nnii in.-. i !-j joyment The deer also lays up a supply of fat against winter smaller in amount, to be sure, than that of the bear, but sufficient with the food it can ordinarily procure, to carry on the econoniy.of the system till the return of spring It is so with the huffj!o.,or bison.; and our do mestic cattle show, t hat they were originally endowed with a similar-propensity, which do mestication has not obliterated In regard to the hog, if circumstances are favorable, he is inclined to lay up such a sup ply of fat during autumn a would render it ii'inecessary for him to inuu-ru much cM-rciM or exposure during inclement weather. With plenty of lard oil to keep his lamp burning, he would prefer dozing in a bed of leaves in the forest while the ground is covered with snow, rather than to grub daily for a li-ing. He fattens most rapidly in such a state of the at mosphere as is most congenial to his comfort neither too hot nor too cold; hence the months of September ami October are best for making pork. The more agreeable the weather, the less is the amount of food required to supply the waste of life. Against fattening hogs early in the season, it may be objected that Indian corn, the crop, chiefly depended on for the purpose, is not matured. Taking everything into consider,! tion, it may heqlytter to begin to feed corn be fore it is ripe or even at a stage of considera ble greenness. After the plant has blossomed it possesses a considerable decree of sweetness hoirs will chew it, swallow the juice, and leave nothing but the dry fibrous matter, which they eject from their months when no more sweet ness can be extracted. They thrive on this fod der, and will continue to eat it till the nutri ment is concentrated in the ear, and then will eat the c 'b and grain together fill the cob gets hard and dry. Farmers who have practised this mode of feeding, consider it more ndvanta-j ,-jreons than to leave the whole crop to ripen, j tin less they "nave a supply of old com to teed witli. F.ven in the latter ease, it is questiona ble whether hogs will not do better on corn somewhat green than they would on hard corn, UTiiironnd. True it is not necessary that corn should be fed nnground, but. much is fed in this condition, no doubt at a loss. In many parts of the country swine are fed considerably on articles which are not readilv marketable as imperfect fruits, vegetables, &(. Where such articles are used, cooking them is generally economical. A mixture of squashes (either summer or winter squashes) pumpkins the nearer ripe the better potatoes beets, and apples, boiled or steamed, and a fourth or an eighth of their bulk of meal stirred in while the mass is hot, forms a dish on which hogs will fatten fast. If skimmed milk or whey can be had, the cooked food may be put with it into a suitable tub or vat, and a slight degree of fermentation allowed to take place "before the whole is out. The animals will eat it with avidity, and probably derive more bene fit from it than if it had not been fermented. Articles which are of a perishable nature, shoi.Id be used first in fattening swine, in order to pre vent waste and turn all the products of the farm to the best account. Another quite importaut advantage of early feeding is the less trouble in regard to cooking the food and keeping it in proper condition to feed out. The cooking may be done out of doors, if convenience of feeding would be pro moted by it, and there is no expense or trouble to guard the food against freezing. Yrffi-tabie Cellars. It is difficult to "'understand on what principle eo many market gardeners endeavor to carry on their business without the necessary conveni ence of a vegetable cellar. Without this even in the summer, they must of necessity be very much at the mercy of trucksters, who too lazy to cultivate for them sellves, manage to pick up a smart living on the industry of others. With the keenest jndg rueit, it will frequently happen that a gardener gets a large quantity of produce together, with the expectation of a quick sale, and finds to liia mortification that every body else had, like him, brought a great load, and the consequence is, that he mtist sell at any price, or spoil his goods- for want of storage for a night or two. I lit the fall again, he must sell out, there is no help for him, and that at 25 per cent be. low actual prices, and fifty, and often 100 be low winter prices. His produce once disposed of, then he has nothing to do for four or six months, hut squan der what he toiled so hard for, and all for the want of an occupation which the selling of his own produce, would give him supposing he had a cellar- to store it in .dnring winter. For a market gardener, we, consider a good warm cellar ns'ne'cessary a part of his conveni ences as a horse and wagon.. -- - -' The Hmbng of Loyalty. While England's Indian empire is in revolt. and a war is pending with China,- the late com mander of the forces id the Crimea, ir VV d liam Codrington, has been assigned to the com mand ot the Prince of Wales, who is making u tonr in the Rhenish provinces. - The Lo'idon Times is severe upon the Ap pointment, thnsconclnding its editorial remarks: "We must frankly confess that this appears rather a 'drop' for ucn. Codrington the tiril we mean, from the command of the Crimean army to the command of We say it with all j deference, but still it is the fact a bov sixteen ! or, to speak in the iangu i the laiuruage of the 'Court i Circular,' 'to attendance upon his Royal High ness, the Prince of Wales' in his tour up the Rhine. When the late Archbishop of Canter bury was raised from the position of a private clergyman to that of Bishop of London, an old ii . i. j ,.i. .. i . i: .1... f .. . i 1 .,. :..r.... ki,... dered and hesitated, talked about theological reading and clerical accomplishments, scholar ship, &e. At last, by accident, he hit upon the fact that the late Prelate was a tutor to the Mar- jquis of Abercori.'s son, and had always got on with the Marquis very well. I he out feer was immediately satisfied. "Oh, if he managed Abercoru, he cnuld manage any body, or any diocess." Here is a rise from the management of one to the management of many. Sir Wil- jjam (joljringion reverses the process, lit-rises trom the government of many to that ot one, lie has prepared himself by leading the Cri mean army to direct the young Prince of Wa les. The conduct of the Russian war fits him A to conduct a Rhenish tour i.r-, iu il irix.io K,.t ; cnm wav np '. ..v.. .....v. ----- ..... other in arms with us China resisting, India j ...i.tiiiviii.r (Jmu-nk .IviixF nt pvopv mist A ... son by one, Barnard and Lawrence by another ... u . . j . , -j, , - . f- j important commands are empty, and want filling, and the commander of the Crimean army is "going to Konigswinter to be in attendance on the Prince of Wales." Has Gen. Codring ton, having gained Knropeau. no ambition for In. i.aa i. o. .' of i.s lie niieli a courtier that the successful direction of the Prince of Wales' Rhine tour has a greater attraction in his eyes than the suppression of an enormous Indian mutiry? A Rich Puff. A manufacturer and vender of quack-medicines recently wrote to a friend of his, living out West for "a good strong," recommendation of his (the manufacturer's) "JJalsam." In a few days he received the following, which we call pretty "strong." Dear Sir: The land composing my farm has hitherto been so poor that a Scotchman could not get his living off it, and so stony that we had to'sliee our potatoes and plant them edgeways, but hearing of your balsam, I put some on the corner of a ten acre lot surrounded by a rail fence, and in the mornjng I found the rocks had edtirely disappeared, a neat sloue j wall euci circled the field, and the rails were split i into even mi wood and piled up symmetrically in my back yard 1 nut hail an ounce into the middle ot a ' huckleberry swamp, and in 2 days it was cleared off, planted with corn and pumpkins, and a row of peach trees in full blossom through the middle. As an evidence of its tremendous power, I would say that it drew a striking likeness of my oldest daughter, drew my eldest son out of a mill-pond, drew a blister all over his stomach drew a load of potatoes four miles to market, and eventually drew a prize of ninety-seven dollars in the lottery. The TOlto-wlnjr tirtrevtK letter has been re-1 ceived by the Secretary of the Navy, from Capt. Hudson of the Niagara, and we hasteu to lay it before our readers: U. S. Frigate Niagara, Plymouth, Aug. 27, 1851. ) Sir: 1 have the honor to report this ship as yet anchored off the dock yard at this port. 1 returned from London yesterday, having been requested to meet the Board of Directors of the Atlantic ' Telegraph company, with the other, commanding officers of the vessels em ployed in this service, Tor the purpose of cousnl tanion as to whether it was practicable and safe to lay out the cable in October next. It was the united opinion of nautical men present that it might be laid, but attended with risk and hazard at that advanced season of the yea r. The Board have not yet decided whether to get more cable made and attempt it, or dispose of what remains to other companies, who are now in treaty for, and anxious to get it, to establish a 'telegraphic line direct to India, at such an important moment in the history of 1 the country. The company seem determined to consummate their undertaking, i. ud have called upon three of the best practical machinists and engineers of Loudon to have a thorough exami nation, and to report upon the machinery now on board the Niagara. This will take place on Tuesday next. Should they defer laying down the cable until the middle of July next, which is proba bly the best time to commend- the work, they will have abundant time to make three thou sand miles of telegraphic cable by the 1st of May. We hod on board the two ships, two thou sand five hundred and twenty-etght statute miles of cable; three hundred mid thirty-five were lost when the breaks parted the cable. I am satisfied that it will require three thousand miles of cable to insure success iu another at tempt. If the company should not lay out or other wise dispose of their cable this season, I hope you will furuish me with special instructions for my future action with this ship. The officers and men are in good health. I am, respect fully, your obedient servent. Wm. L. Hudson, Captain. Hon. I. Toucey, Secretary of the Navy. The Tennessee Eleelton. The Memphis News an American paper, thus announces the result of the elections in Tennessee: We have met the enemy, and we are theirs All is gone, save honor, and some of our party lost even that. The Democracy have whipped us, and whinned us terrihlv W am unable to tell who they have not elected, as u neurci irom. up as follows: The result may be summed Americans. I NONE. J Democrats. ALL. A teacher of one of the Snndav Sehic lecturing a class of little girls on the influence was ot pious insirnction in the formation of youth fnl character. "Ah, Miss Caroline," said he to one of the without your good father and nions mntu.w ' " f - j JX wW UU 111 IIHVP haan I T ',.,. o: t , ... - j.jwm.-, on , uiisnereu, aiiss Caroline "J shouldfcaycjjecij an orphan." - ' - ' - - f THE WORTH C A BOJUNfA Views of the English Press in Reference Va the Affairs of India. ; "Destroy Delbil" "Raze it to the grortndl" "Leave not a stone standing!" Delhi is a grand and venerable city, but swetp it away If t has a population within its walls of 150,000 indi viduals, not one of whom is understood tohave taken arms against us slaughter thenir Del- hi has many thousands ol lnnuit-nv c who lie helpless upon the u-sonis u. "-yo ; mothers burn them a;.! Delhi has a multi-i tude of old men and old women, m ...rr .-. , children ; it has its hopitals ot sick it has its complement of insane, ot ding, nna of dead unroof the .vaJIs that lio.a mem, plunder the homes inht hey one.., po. up their streets, ravislCpeir virgins leave not .. i t-. i.h ,..,.1 let the lifeless bodies " , . .n. he weltcr.ng in pools ot iu : . - ; hour cannot he long reionuu , unspeakable horror shall be matched by en- geance as feat ful and as stern. r:- , - . . , , ' , , . . . "Not wish will have been conceived oy Maxim by a Man of the World. I-ind en father or husband in his moment of unujtable j joyment for the body, and the mind will find aonv which the vengeance of his country me i enjoyment for itself.. will "not amply realize " -Blood tofe .-Wood . j wrath for wrath! horror msnfferahle tor if nor , extreme! and death to a thousand for the death that everv unit has sustained? Shch are the horrid and uneartldyj&ell which proceed from the lips. of a genttmau w UO Mlh UIMIJliltl I III illl truuui inire i . ,) , ... . v .i and who gets his insane ravings printed ijvthat i who sits unmolested in an editorial arnfciiair, newspaper which tlie late ir kj onneu i iieu i the "bloody limes" Ihis ardent Uise ;ot the Fouqnier Taii.ville creed docs not ifMd'sf name, lie does not advertise for recruitsjh fie has not as tar as we can ienrii,touereg -g-Jli . ,.. ..? j.. tl. ,.. tAvi h 7i 1 ... 1 .1 il 01 t o exeeii te t ha t ex te rm i na 1 1 ng in ission wine 11 1 :- . . . , . . , - . he has proposed. SSo: he simpiy yn s to n. j office, mills lu his Shoe.. DtltS Oil 'U!S Slippers, ; - 1 i j . ...if-.- sits down in his chair and writes. 7 -r -1 ,-,w-.i. i sani i ne owner. A Ludicrous Incident. ah jneident took ,. , , . T . , ... . . , ., - ,., , , ., i "No, Sir," replied the equestrian, "I call it place at the Junction Hotel this afternoon upon f 1 i. i .i . - i t i- i : a pre-a ruble" the arriva! or the train from Indiunapo! A j 1 gen; u n ..in and lady, inspired with a sudden re-j A gentleman regretting the loss of his first cognition, were observed to run frantically into j i the presence of his sn ond wife, was told each other's arms, and tlie fun ot it was . tliat that no one had more reason to wish his lor after a hearty embrace they discovered that both j iner spouse alive than she had. 'had the advantage.' They were strangers, j Au Irish advertisemont reutls: -Missing from but the ady mistaking h.m lor her dear cousin Kn.an, Jane Q'Fogarty. she had in her arms pmr, e' had embraced him .while he, ' I two ail( a GVrnsey cowall black, halt defined recollection of havmg seen her be- . w;t. torto;Re com,,s heiid fore went in lemons and got squeezed. I heir ; ,)(ir ejM iiud ,a r a down ,u,r back mutual eiiibarrassii.ent upon the discovery ot . wlVIi nillt3 uvvfuiiv the mistake can be imagined.) Tbe Greatest Steam Invention yet. The Raton Rouge Gazette, under the above heading, has the followin: - i ill o. .'mi III . M .inn mi. iii ni.umu , ... ' , .iii i an engine which can be constructed, boiler ana ,, .- V. ..i rr.... ; ' .... ,; i..., 'Win S. A.artiu, of this city, has invented ill i, 101 uuuui qJV, The niachn e is o simple that we might with propriety say it is mereiy ' . .in iKi-niu- i.ii.i. t L- i i; .r in. no nuiri. i-iioiii The : steam udiuitted inTo the centre ol a drum or evruider. in which the shaft works: from this ower ,s B).,,ed directly without further frit- ; tjou The oilier day we saw the perbteted model of the engine pumping water about 20 feet and throwing it into a reservoir at the brewery. This is the apparatus wanted for getting in a cheap manner -me or two horse power to drive small machinery. Mr St. Mar tin has made application for letters patent, and when he gets them, we think he. has a fair prospect ahead to realize something from' the result of his genius. A Sweet Potatoe Pone. Stir together, till very light and white,1three quarters ol a pound of fresh butter, and three j quarters of a bound of novvdered white- suv.ur. j. adding two table spoonfuls of ginger? - I . P ' 7. I?.'... .v!...l. ; noniKl ano n iiHwiitrtiwitiHOi'S. 15eat eight eggs, very light, and stir them gradually, into the butter and suve-f, in turn, with the grated! sweet potatoe. Dissolve a teaspoonful of sal- j eratus or soda, in a will of sour miik, and stir j it in at the last, beating the whole very hard, j Butter the inside of a tin pan. Put in the mixture, and bake it four hours, or more. It should be eaten fresh. j We hope some one of the many excellent house-keepers iu this vicinity will give the above receipt a fair trial i fair trial. Try it, good matrons, we you will be pleased with your expert - imagi meut. A Long Term. A convict was discharged from Sing Sing prison on the 5th inst, who had spent thirty years iu the State prison. lie was sent to the old city prison in 1823, for the term of fourteen years. He was one ot the chain-gang sent to Sing Sing m 1828, to build that prison. At the expiration of his term he was out about three years men sent onca ior ten jeais. n was out only three months; was drunk all the time; was then taken up and sent for S'X years ; that time expired on the fifth. He has been a good convict ; has been punched only once du ring the entire thirty years; he is now in good health; is fifty-six years old. and is a 'superior mason and stone cutter, He intends to devote the balance of his life to himself. Syracuse Journal. Important from Sou'h Anirriea. Washington, Sept. 14. Advices received here, represent that the British Minister at Lima had been murdered by six Peruvians. The Costa Rican government has decreed Walker's expedition piratical. The Hon. Edward Stanly has been nomina ted for Governor of California, by the Settlers' Convention. The Difference. A German replied as follows to the revilings of a Nati ve.:2: )t u-i ti "That gentleman taunts me with . uotdhtaving been horn here as he has. Let tne tell the gentleman that my only excuse is, that I am an American from choice, while he is one from necessity. If there is any difference between ns it is that I came into this country with my trowsers on, while the geutleman came into it naked." : - Rail Road Poeiry. The Hillsdale Standard has the following: A "dead head"-on the Central Road sent his expired pass to the Superintendent, Rice, with the following on its back; Bless my stars, . No more on the cars As a dead head I'll ride on a rail, Unless Mr Rice Should take my advice, And send me a pass by tlie mail. To which Mr Rice responded: The conductor will pass The bundle of gas, From July to the middle of Lent, ,i: Like any dead head, Without paying "a-red," Let him ride to his heart's content. . mcide at Niagara Falls. -A man who reg I islered- his nnme na W T Allan fm... Kpot t,'. i , " - I 5i!,S'a'"3. thtew himself from Table Rock, Fri- N P AVI T TE V ll LE; N. 0, ITE M I AN A. Ax acquaintance of ours, one of those precious clever fellows who always find every thing but after they have been told it, says that the very names of the f Atlantic Telegraph Squadron presumed failure. The Cydnps hinted that the Directors wefe half blind," the Agamemvoit that they had estimated by Troy "weight instead id taking care avoir due Poise, and the Niag.ita that there would be a Great Fall. He is au ;diot. A worthy friend of ours, but who is imbued with very strong prejudices against the Irisdt, says that the failure of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable may be entirely attributed to the fact ot its having started from Ireland. lie alludes to the well known habit of improvidence among the Irhdi, and asks the Directors, hoW, with me i if the system of '. our that is etieraily : t..,,!.,,.,) thev cver couia exntet to 0ne of the daily papers says; "On Sunday Travis, the notorious pistol shoote'i iv r and spoi ling man, eloped iroui Saratoga wim a daughter of a gentleman of that place, whose age is reported about fifteen." If the gentleman s age was only about fiftn n .li-ii- i i . how tery votithtul his runaway daughter must be J " j r The saving of a White Mountain stage-driver ! to ;l Xew Yorker sit ti;ig with him, "I s'pose if j went deown to York I should geawk reauml jcsl as yau fj feil VJ, ,e,e js not bad. - ; :, ... . , An old geutleiimn wishing to be at ease i.... i i. i. i.i l., ....... . ' . - . i . rim i . . ' ... . trt lie tnii.r hi to sim i e Two nr three lr:ti . - ..:,.,! .;,h t.t t;.,i iq ne liuimu to amoie. i wo or mree trials V . t" " 1'-I success. "Zounds, Sir, do you call this an amble?" - -i .. sqni From the foregoing de cription, which is the cow, and which is Jane O'Fogarty? A showman has been exhibiting a new prodi- i gy under the name of "the woman who never j moved since living in this cit-. The card drew ., . immensely, until it was a , , - . . . , . . resided here but three iiinonneeu that she mon t hs A gentleman replied to a female vagrant who accosted him. that he never rave to ber- gars in the street. "If I knew where yer honor lived," quickly responded the woman, i "I'd be after calling at your house, and then I ; shouldn't interfere with y ,our arrangements. ttr i . o vv ny is twice ten Use twice eleven: liecanse j twice ten is twenty, and twice eleven is tweii-y-lo o. There are two kinds of family jars; into one you put your sweet meats, and into the other you put your foot. There came a mouse to the Custom-house, And on his back he carried a louse. "What duty on lice?" the mouse cried thrice. "Tlie louse's hide!" tiiey all replied. And by the decision did the mouse abide. And they, skinned the louse to pay tlie duty, 3 t "Surely," said they, "official toils Must be recompensed with occasional spoils " A fashionable countess asking a young noble man which he thought the prettiest dowers, roses or tulip. , he replied, with great gallantry. "Y'our ladyship's two lips before ail tiie roses in tlie world " Two persons contending very sharply on mailers regarding a late election, got to rather high words, when one of them said, "You nev 1 1 er catch a becoming out of mv mouth." The j olhcr ,. llvd ! u out Ju fu8t 'You iiiuv well say that, for they ist that nobodv can catch 'em." "If you don't give me a penny," said a young hopeful to his mamma, T Know a boy that's got the measles, and I'll go and catch ihein; so I will!" A farmer who told a friend of his, who had come lioui town lor a lew clays' shooting, that he ouce had an excel Icul gun that went off im- mediately upon a thief coining into the house, ; although not charged 'Wonderful gim, indeed, said the sports- ,.,. ,linv llie deuce did it happen? Must nave ueen an u.sh gun.' . ; "N'oi at ali," saiu the farmer; "the thief and it vent ; 'jf together, and before 1 had tunc to charge him wi.'.hit." One of the hex writes, ratlier spicily, "that though a few Awcrieuii ladies live in idleness, the majority as yet work theiuseives into early graves giving the men an opportunity to tiy two or three iu the course ol their own rous lives." vigo- "Pa! is it when these newspaper folks are j iroinsr to tell a side-snbttiii.r storv thnt thevnv! 'joking aside?'" TD t7 L ft J w J -'7 I Which, my dear young lady do you think the merriest place in the world?" lhat immediately above the atmosphere that surrounds the earth, I should think: be am told that there all bodies lose their grjaviiy." During a trial, the other day, a constable, testifying with regard to a lady, said, "I know nothing of her but what I hear the neighbors say; and, in my opinion, what women say of one another is not worthy of belief." The proprietor of a forge, not remarkable for correctness of language, but who, by honeei industry. Had real. zed a comtoriable indepen deuce, being called upon at si fcocial meetim for a toast, ga e "Success to forgery." " ' ... I' A Western -gent, at the St. Nicholas, the other day, having taken possession of his room locked it up to go out into the city, and leav ing the key at the bar told the clerk with great simplicity "not to wait dinuer for him." A Toledo paper reports a speech made by a getitleina'n r.f that city who just been elected to an important office in a military company. The recipient of honors, being called out for a speech mounted the rostrum and said; "My brave men: them who voted for me I respect them who din't, I disgust." - Samuel Hall Esq. Tbe Savannah Republican learns from good authority that the Hon. Samuel Hall, one of the Buchanan Electors of Georgia, has openly denounced Buchanan and Walker.' and says that he intent-Is to support B. n. Hilf for Governor. Mr Hall has published a card stating that the whole story is false. " ril.I: OltT.j CAIIOLI.MAX FA Y K T T K V I L L K , N. C. atir l iy, Scntember2G. (SrT. TS5 C. C. McCacMURx is our duly authorized tijre'Jt for the collection of all cla ms iluc this o3ice. TO A!VERTiSr.It. Persons desirous of the immediate insertion of their Advertising favors must hand t'u in in hy THURSDAY AFrrc!ls )'.)", otherwisi! the-- will not appear until the succeeding veek. Our friend will please hear this in mind as we intend to maji it a rule tritioti exception. SHIPWRECK OF THE f E1TRSL ATI! lilf i. We publish io-iliiy some of the details of this most deplorable shipwreck and loss of life du ring the late storm off the Atlantic coast. The daily papers for the past week have been full of details respecting the calamity and we condense the billowing particulars fr m 'he great mass of description and detail before i us. The chief engineer has published a lot g statement in defence of himself, rendered ne cessary by the very severe remarks respecting his conduct which have appeared in many of the papers " We have not room for hiscard,but we confess that had he remained on board with the captain and other brave otm-crsof the ship, at least till mure of the male passengers had been conveyed to the rescuing vessels, we might look with more allowance upon his desertion. Thy gaiiaut IleriKioii remained on board and went down with his ship but we see it stated in some of our papers that there are strong hopes entertained of his resent?, as several lights were observed moving about the scene of the wreck by the rescued passengers who last left. It is not improbable that a great many more passengers were saved by other vessels which have not yet reached port. Among those said to be certainly lost are Mr Charles Taylor of Washington N. C, and puiser John V. Dob bin of this plaee, brother of the late Secretary of the Navy. We condense the following par ticulars, containing the latest intelligence and all the points of interest; LCSS OF S1TA3IIR CO.TRAL fiFEUFO. ARRIVAL OK THE RESCUED PASSKXGERS AT NORFOLK. Norfolk, Sept. IS The barque Eioise, with fifty, of tne passengers of the steamer Central Anurca, arrived here ihis morning. She foundered at sea on SnMir 'ay. and fifty of the passengers -were rescind by the Kloise, including twenty-six females The officers are all supposed to be lot,. except Frazicr. Tlie chief engineer. Ashby look the boat ami d-serted. There was $2,000,000 in spe cie on board, all of which is lot. Officers all lost except second mate. The Kmpire City will sail at ten this morning for New York, with the survivors. Savanxah, Sept. 18 P. M. The following particulars iu regard to lite wreck of the Cen tral America we have obtained Irom tne i sf nfi'i's now liere. j. ryrnrcmrirr-nj .it; JTCTiry IT. ' CldhJi. We left Havana Sept 8th, having had de lightful weather and a calm sea from the time of leaving Aspinwall. In the afternoon of the day of sailing from Ilnvana a fresh breeze sprung up, and 04 Wednesd .y morning it com menced blowing very strong. Tlie gale continued all day and at night it was still increasing and raining in torrents. On Thursday the wind blew a complete hur ricane and the sea ran very high. Through Friday thestorm raged with unabatiug fury, and at 11 o'clock A. M., it was first known among tlie passengers that the steamer had sprung a leak and was making wafer fast. A line was formed and all tne men went to work haiiit g from her cnuin.i room, the lilts having been already extinguished by the water. After some hard work we gained on the wa ter so much as to be able to get up steam a gain, but held it so but for a few minutes, when the water again rose on us and the cii- ! g'n,'s topped then loreverl Jaiimg was stm eoiitinuefl in till pans oi ine snip, anu M'j.i up until she finally went down During Friday night the water gained grad ually, hut all being in good i-pir.ts we worked to the hi st of our ability, b.i;iiJi that when morning came we might possibly speak some vessel and thus be saved. The fa t,i 1 Saturday came at last, but brought nothing but increased fury. Still we worked on. About 2 o'clock p. m. the storm lulled a little, and the clouds broke away, when hope was renewed, and all again oikud bke giants At 4 o'clock p. m. we espied a sail, and fired gnus, our flag being at half mast. To our joy we 'ere seen, and soon (he brig Marine, ol Boston, hove down upon us. We then cons.d- ered oiir safetv certain. She came near and S,,e laid by about a mile distant, and we Wlt,, lhe ai(1 on, thrce hoatsa tliat hilU l)een saved friM thJe , of tl,e stondaced ..n tIl ........ .., ..,.:I,f.... ;.. o..rt,. .... i.M.r.i j ,iin, IsllW Ol lf As evening approached, we discovered anoth er sail, which responded to our signals anil came near us. Capt. Herudou told them our condition and asked if they would lay by aud send a boat as we had none left. He promis ed to do so, but it was the last we saw of her except at a distance, which grew greater and greater every moment. At 7 o'clock we saw no probability of keep ing float much longer, although we felt that ." ... .-. i we could do so untr morning an wouia oe 'j saved. In a short tsme a heavy sea for the first time broke over her ui per deck, and all I hope faded fat away from desponding hearts. Life preservers were supplied to all, and as we sent up two more rockets to attract the at tention of any sail that might still he'near us, a tremendous sea swept over-us, and in a mo ment more the steamer went down I I think some 400 or 450 souls were launched npon the ocean at the nieley of the waves. The sti rm by this time bad entirely subsid ed, and we all kept near together and went as the wav. s took ns. There was nothing or very little said except that each one cheered his fel low comrade on, and courage was t: r.S kept up for two or three hours, and I think for that space of time none had drowned, but tho.-e who could not swim became exhausted, and one by one gradually passed to eternity.'' The hope that boats would be sent to os from the two vessels we had spoken soon Hed us, and our trust was alone in providence, and wjiftfr' better triXst tcould yoir-or I ask for? I saw my poor comrades fast sinking mound tne, and at 1 o'clock that night I was nearly alone upon the ocean, some two hundred miles from laud. I however still heard shouts from all that could do so that were not far from me, but I could not see them Within an hour from this time I saw a ves sel 1 judged aliout one mile Irom me i:.king fresh courage I struck out for the vessel and reaclud it when nearly exhausted, but I was daawn on board by ro es as soon i.s perceived. The vessel proved to be a Norwegian balk ifi-'.m Balize, Honduras, bound (r Fiiluiouth, Kdgland. 1 toned on board of lit r Mnn two or three of my comrades, and at 9g o clock next morning we had 4S noble fellows on board and these av all 1 know of having been saved. We stayed about the place until we thought that all alive had been rescued, and then set Sail. We found the bark short of provisions and the crew living on gruel. We had some tea and coffee to refresh ouiselves with, and at coon on Sunday spoke the Aimr.cnu b.iik Saxony, bound for Savannah, who Mippiicd us with provisions aid took five of us on board. Our names are 15. II Ridley, of Maine; .In hez Howes, of San' Fra im;co ; Samuel W. Leek of Maim-; Adolph Fmh rick, ol S:iit Francisco, and Henry II. fluids, of New Yoik. 'he Not wrg'an barque set sail for Char!es- ton No.if'o'k we presume with the bal nice of the fort'-'itne passsehgers. 1 heir names itis fortuimfely, I cannot give. The few recollect ed are, Capta n l I'lger, of Btltimore; Mr Fra zicr, the second officer 11. F. Hmwii, of Snera meiiio; l!i!!y I rch, of San Franc. Sco min strels; A J.Kasto -, of San Franc. sco; Flet cher of Auguxta, - e. There is a lad saved, some seven years of 4 age, whose mother was with tlie other ladies placed on Hoard the brig. 1. S Tin-re were three passengers that got into the boats that saved the women and chil dren which are known to me. The r names are: Mr Priest of Long Island; Thos Payne Sanfortl. of Connecticut, and Jones. 7 MR MAXIXe's NARRATIVE. Mr Oliver P Manluc gives the following nar rative: The .torm commenced shortly after e left Havana, and continued with meat violence, creasing net il Friday. On Fr.di.y a! r. e-n all hands were culled up to bail the v. v, !, which continnetl to ship wa er. Ali wtm v work with buckets, barrels, bai contir.ucd all IViday ntghi about -2, p. tn , oeii the ' in sight. All the l.r.t.ts :: E ini'qm.' .Warm-', in! c:i:idren v. , i tlie chief ci on her abiiut I), p. ill-, a lcf: with t i in. In b.uuch.i.g t.l.t: boats, two tit l tie h wefe stve, and the ot her t-U'ee ere doj.ati 1; ed with the wt iineu m-d ce:i'!r u --tt Minser. The Marine was to ab-it u :r .! . If, am! liv the t.meth : boats r.-i.-hed her it . im evidei t ili.it that t 1 must go Ywi, i e- Inn. tin V ii-ot bii. k. .Miiliy Seized npo.i innis 1 .. i i r ; l . i lot spars, chars, ami tiie-preservei wn.ic oiu- i-rs rushed below to m i tire their tiensiire. I bv eonfusii.n :il this lime became very great, but all acted w th coolness all endeavoring to make a last i ff -i t for their own sad ty The verse gave three birches. oine passengers jum ping off at each lurch. Those who went with the first and second lurch had swam off some distance, but the great mass remained On dec k until she went down, which was about a min ute or two afterwards. 1 h id provided myself with a life preserver ami a piece of ?pnr. deti rmiiied to go down pas-i vvMth t t;e vessel and the grrat. mass of fh p.is I sen ire IS. all of whom .-totiil nboin. Invieing themselves and securing the most valuable ar ticles to buoy t lit m up. She finally went clown, stern foremost. I was standing near the smoke stack at the time, and we were ali dragged under the water with t he sinking ship. - The general supposition is that we were drawn under at least twenty feel; when we arose to the surface we ere nearly stifled. The rap dity with which I was drawn tore the spar from my hands and the life pre server Irom my body; ami when I reached the surface, my clothing wasalmost stlipp-d off me. I however met a friend who had two life preservers, atirl he gave me one, and we seized on pieces of the wreck, which helped to .sustain us. -On reaching the surface there were at least 400 passengers struggling about'; most of t hem having lost their life preservers; others were seizing on piece of the wreck which ca:i.e up with ns. The captain hail cut away the upper works of the vessel, so that whc-i the hull sunk they would float off; but they were dragged down aed came up in fragments, ai d doithihss many were kill, d, stunned and drowmd by being struck by pieces of the wrick, whilst to others tiny were the ultimate means of safetv. Oee.is'onal flashes of bglitnii.g showed in each other a sea of struggling forms. Ail sttove to encourage their friends with hopes which were scarce felt by themselves. t firt we were altogether iu a mass, but s,.oit the waves separated n, and at each su.-cessivo flash of lightning we discovered that we w re being scat' ered over a wide area, and soon we foui'd ourselves sjiparent ly alone on the bouu d!es ocean The rest of the account does not differ from that already received from Savannah. He con cludes by saying that "By- about ten odoek I was picked up by the Ellen, and had the satisfaction of finding several others on board." The Empire City sailed frr.n' Norfolk yes terday at 11 o'clock, with ninety of t e rescued passengers. Several other statements have.be n furnish ed, but it is believed that the above eontiin all the most inteiestiug particulars THEORY UF THE LOSS. From the statement of Mr Chili's, we learn tliat the gale of the Olli, increased on the lOih 1 1 1 Ii and 12th, till the latter (Saturday) after noon, when it blew a perfe- t hurricane. Tlie steamer, at tin- time, was approaching the co. dines of the j.uf stream, off t'ape Hattcrns where the current of the stream mee.s the waters ofthe broad Atlantic. The i. m rii ni was from the North and North West. The course of the gulf stream is from th- southwsird. Even in the pbn ld waters of a bay, durii g a blow, the "tide r j pie" is a rough and danger ous spot for small limits which freely navigate the rest of its Miiface. It appears t have been in the immediate vicinity of this monstrous ocean "tide ri pie." a spot rarely free from great commotion of the water, that the Central America went down. Upon tlie Saturday night when the appaling disaster occurred, the gale hail continued Irom the northward for four days, blowing wii.'i a violence rarely if ever equalled; even ;n lhat stormy spot. " The sur face of the ocean was lashed into a sheet of foam which those oflicers and seamen, who passed through the gale in safety upon other vessels, descr.bed as unknown in thecxperiei.ee of their lives. The ci-oss-chnppmg of the sea by opposing currents, the fury of the wind, and ! the force of the breakers wiikb came aboard