- - IHf - - )i Devoted to; Jews, Political and Business patter, Agriculture, and Family Meadiiig. . -V?. K- .' J" .71- f UBLICATION OFFICE, IM)EPES DKSCE IS TIIK SOUL OF DEMOCRACY! DON A LDSON STK E ET WM. F. WIGHTMAN, Editor. J FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SATttjlDAY, OCTOBER 3, 4857. VOLUME XIX NC. - - TERMS .. v V suascniPTiON to the cIrolisiai For a sisgte copy, if paid in advance, per annum, $2 00 , ' - at the end of 3 months Z S . ' at the end of 6 months, 3 99 " " at the end of the year, 3 50 No subscription will be received for a shorter period than o;ie year uuless paid in advance. With the view of extending the circulation am en hancing the usefalaess of the paper, the proprietor; f- CC7J JUTS ItfVAniiBLY IJ AVVAJrCE; & copies of the Carolinian 1 year $ 00 -1 . 15 00 Rate r idTertfcinsr: Sittr cents p?r square of 16 lines, or less, for t'- ftrrt and SVe for eah .ub.ent -.- advertis m -nt is published for more than two aionths, Then it will be charged For three months, 00 For six months, - - - -For'welve mouths, - - - - - lu"u ,. AU advcrtiHom-int must have the desired ?r f -,erf:o,w marked oa them, ortherwlse they will be n crtel till forb d ail charged accordingly. Special attention i directed to this requisition. WM. F. WIGHTMAN & CO. CLKHEST . WIHOIIT. Allornrfat li.v, F'ytevllle, N.C. Oiice at the corner of Bow and Green streets. Feb'y S. 165fi. J. A. Si ExUS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, .VTTKN't) the CoarU of Cumberland, Harnett, Wake and Johnston. Ad Ires, Tooiner, Harnett Co., N C. Feb. IK. 185&. S5-y BARTiriV FULLER, Attorney at Law, . PAYBTTEVILIiEi 3f C, May be consulted at tlie Law OGice of Jc?e G. nctd, Esq., on Green Street. July 19, 18.it. 7-tf Shcp- AN'IHIEW J. STEDMAX, Attorney t rr ...: tn PITTSBOKO. N. C. will attend regularly the Courts of Chatham, Moore and Harnett Counties April U. 1850. tf JOHN D. SHAW. TTTRLY AT L1W. Uichmoiid County North Carolina, will practice in the Courts of Richmond. Anson anu Rob.;soa. AH bminess entrusted to his care will re- ceive strict attention July, iu ly-ao F )R SALE. Sit Acres of Land, lytng onOape r ear ivivev Dwelliu-', Out Houses all in first rate order. The Store is at a li.m business staad at the Cross Roads and the .. i : ....f ... i... .H...1 a.iv in North Carolina. ' Vny pjrsoa desirinjt to purchase can obtain furtttcr I.,-.. .,.!ri , th.. nronortv bv calltni? Cn c thr of us At Vilis' Creek ou the Wilmington Load 13 miles from Fayetteville. WRI(JHT Oct.4. 1 S-tf JAMES WR1UI1U Viv, sevenths of the FARMING AND TURPEN TINE LAND in Harnett county, Known s vuc . an,l McNeill la id. joining wm. uarr ngiou Uppar Little River. There is some 200 acres cf the I .est quality of low grouals on the River. The up ia I, r . h-Lvilv timbered with pines, and within six milM of t.h Favetteville a;ld Western Railroad For particulars apply tj I) McARTIIU R. J. P. ROPER, J. W. McKAV. Nov. lS'.C 29, 26 tf A. M. Campbell, Al'CTIOSKEH A. COMMISSION MERCHANT, East side of Gillespl; street, F WKTTKVII.t.E, N. C. " October 1. IS55 M A R B U K FACTORY. BY GEO. LAUDER, vv .rk- nnnoslte to E. W. Winkings' Auction Store Fayetteville. v N. C. Oct. 1. 1856. SELF-SEALING JARS. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Pints For pre.irving .l.i iiir fiAllons. at 2 40. SH 40. and $5 dcea, respectively. For SST Also, Fresh Supplies of CHINA, GLASS WAKE and Table Knives. June 21), l7. Jame 0. Smith. JAMBS Miles Costin SMITH i CO., Commission Mercftants, Have removed their office to the second story of the building formerly occupied by the Telegraph Company where they are prepared to attend to all business in the Commission line. .... n All budness entrusted to them will be punctually attended to. Wilmington, October 1. 1856 y LIMB AID CKMENT. Just received and for sale 250 Cask -1 Lime, fresh from the kiln, 100. Barrels Cement , 50 Calcined Plaster, 300 Bushels Plastering Hair, 75 Barrels Mackerel and Herring, S0O- Sacks Liverpool Salt, 200 " Alum Salt: 2 bushel Sa-eks. J. W. POWERS. Oct. -J7.18.-.6. 69-tf NOTICE. .f CRPTEMBER Term, 18$7. of the Courtof Pleas f Cumberland county, the last ...V i.wt,;mint of James C. Dobbin, dee'd, was ad Will H . 1 1 ...... n , l,,..t.i m..nlvi.tT i'.i..i iTr.m ted to the Hlcrilier. All persons intie.uea w me tea iu a, mni-niir rTflvmiBt. Those ttect to All r;erollS indebted to the hli claims again his Estate must present them m H e. time, or this notice will be pieaaea in a bar ot a GROCERIES, AttD ware Vc, cir Tfco ndririori are nnw receiviniT a larjro assort ment ofCftAfiERlES HIRUWiKE. I HON, STEEL, r HOLLOW-WAUE. SHOES. M5ATHEK 4 SADjiLE- Hiov will HelL&l whoiesale ata email ad- vance on eoet fof casDj r J,8B1 Cime' to prompt dealers. 25, 1857. 60-tf tf . WM.LIAMS CO. THE undeTsigoed would respectfully inform hi old friends aid customera that he can be fottnd at the Store of C. E. Leete, where he will be glad to see them. J. R. Mcdonald. Jan. 17, 1857, 33-tf : DOUBLY HOUSE f POWERS &. TROY, Proprietors. The Proprietors of this Establishment an nounce to the public, that owing to the con stantly increasing patronage extended, to them, thev have been induced to enlarge the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on the lower floor, and suits ot liooms on the second floor; thus enabling them to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. And they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. ' Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in attendance. The eligible location of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the comfort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. The.Western and Southern Stages arrive at and depart from this House. Carriases in attendance on arrival aud departure ot Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horses and Carriages furnished at any notice for carrying travellers to any part of the adjacent country. J. W. POWERS. W. C. TROY. Favetteville, May 12, 185(1. 98-tf NEW GOODS. JAMES KYLE Is now receiving his Spring and Summer supply of DRY GOODS, HATS, BOOTS & SHOES, Bolting CLOTHS, &c, all of which, being purchased by the case, will be offered by Wholesoie or Retail vt LOW PRICES March 28. ES. 43-tf DISSOLUTION. DRS. McSWAIN McDUFFIE have this day dis solved copartnership by mutual consent. Dr McSwain will attend to settlements and collec tions for the firm. Dr. McDuffie will continue to occupy the former ofnoe. H. McSWAIN. WM. C. McDUFFIE. Nov. 1. 1856. 22-tf FEKOUSOX'S C0L0RTYPC, MELIISOTYrE & MimtOTYPE ROOMS. Over Beasi.t Sl Houston's Jewelry Stork. POSITIVES TAKEN ON GLASS $- ON MELAISOTVPE OR SHEET IRON PLATE. 'So come along without delay. And get a picture that will pay." P. S. Pictures taken in clear or cloudy weather. May 16, 50-tf FOR SALE. . TWO THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND, nine mile? from Fayetteville," lying directly on the Southern Plank Road, and on each side of Big RockHsh. One of the best Turpentine sections in the county, with convenient improvements for a family residence: with a small corn mill on a never failing streum, and a first rate situation for a Turpentine Distillery and Store. A. A. McKETHAN Feb'y 9. 1856. tf THE MAGXUMA RESTAURANT. They say the Magnolia Tree is the handsomest growth south of Mason and Dixonrs line, and it is evi dently a fact. It is also said the Magnolia Restaurant en Green Street, between Dr. B. W. Robinson's Medical Establishment, and Mr P. Taylor s Stores anu nearly opposite the Shemwell House, is the Finest and best kept of any other establishment in the South. Persons wishing to" find cannot well miss it: it is the YELLOW BUILDING. The subscriber would take this method of thanking the citizens of this place and the surrounding eomitrj-, lor the unprecedented liberality thev have bestowed cn him, and would solicit a continuation. He has always on hand the VERY BEST LIQUORS. WINES and CORDIAUS, that can be found in the United Stat s, either by the quantity or otherwise. Also. Cigars. Pickles, Sardines, Cheese, Preserved Fruits, Lenton Syrup, and many other good things, and flatters himself that he has the most polite, obli ging, accomplished and FRrfJS'IC, vender to attend to his establishment, that can be found either North or South. Temperance drinks put up at the shortest notice. He would call attention particularly to his private rooms upstairs, which are large, comfortable, and in good order. R. JONES, Yellow Building, Green St.. Foj ettcville,- N. C. May 16. 1857. fiO-tf D. TV, C BEXBOW., D. P. S., (iradnmt of the Raltitriore College ot VESTAL SURGERY. Office hours from 9 A.M. to 1 P. M i P. M. to 5 P.M. DR., BENBOW may be found at his suit of Rooms near the Market, where all who are in need of the services of a Dentist are respectfully invited to call. All operations performed upon the latest and most approved plans. To those iu need of Artificial Teeth, & saxes. ... he would simply say mat ne is oeuiuu n. m nuFioc- ( and aM others Inendly to the cause will ideas ment. He inserts from one to an entire set upon line ; -t rocur5no. Clj. Gold or Platina mate, which he guarantees tow 11 .. : V.I n a Ua nnlnral AVfT&nm equally as sco iccnuic ... . r- j He spends nine months of eaefc year in this place, (from first of October to tae nrsi ox juiy. j Oct. 25, 1856. 2-f W. N. TIIXINGHAST Is now receiving a large and well assorted Stock of China. Glass, -Old Karl lien ware, L.aoking Glasses, Brittania, and Silver Plalc7 Ware, Fancy Goods, Ac House Furnishing Hardware. He invites the attention of Country Merchants to his ! Stock, and in satisfied that they cannot nna a oetter - I u.rimonl nf flnnilii Crar their tra. le. or rhrnner (when .1 .. 1 t.....,l . Iliui. Ojm In U OilfiA' fl!l VU-faitPA Spn' ' 5 SfrimM . r 10,000 lbs. Tallow anted, For which the highest cash price will be paid. 4000 acres of Land for Sale. ;-. All the Land belonging to the Estate of John Mori- j son, dec a. is now iur ;. . oiu laiiu is ijruijj 111 wrc Counties of Montgomery ami Richmond; and any per son wishing to purchase any of said Land, eaa have an opportaaity any time within three months by calling on the subscriber at Capt. Joseph Hiues's. Richmond County. A"part of said Land is lying o.i or near the line of the S. C. & Coal Fields R. "it. The subscriber trill taite pleasure in showing paid lnds to any peraoa !!.: . - a. ...!--i-.L . .- rt - - - D. B. RAIN WATERS: Jury 4. 1 857. 3ia . DOCTOR FRANK WILLIAMS'S CRLKBR'ATRD RYR Willi K3Y The Subscriber has made arraagei ents to keep a supply of the Genuine Article, and is the only Agent for the sale of the above brand of A No. 1 Rye Whis key in this place. RGB'T MITCHELL. May 49-tf PROSPECTUS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA PRESBVTERIAN The Presbyterian Church in North Carolina has lonjr labored under a serious disadvantage from the want of a journal to advocate her claims and represent her interests. It is esti mated that only 1000 IVcsbytefijni Weeklies are taken in the bounds of our three Presbyte ries. We have 13,000 Communicants, and it is safe to infer that there are. 30,000 Presby terians iu principle iu the State. Our Synod stands fifth in the Union in point of numbers, and her membership is irreater than that of any Synod South or West of Pennsylvania. Our sister States on the North and South, tieither of which has a membership so larjce as ours, publish the Central, and the Southern Presbyterian, for the benefit of their people. The time has come when the Presbyterian Church in North Carolina should l.kewise d her duty to her children. It is a conceded anil important fact, that hundreds of our member. will take a State paper who will take no other The Paper is -needed to be the oran of o-u Synod and Presbyteries to elevate and en lighten the piety of our membership by d.ff isiu evangelical knowledge to promote the caus of Education to develops the talents of oir Ministry, and to strengthen the attachment o our people to the soil and sanctuaries of then own State. - - If our Church iu other States, and othe; Churches in this State, can supply their mem bers with a religious journal, wiiy may not we: Are North Carolina Presbyterians inferior ii talent,, energy and patriotism to their neighbor, on the North or South, or to Christians other denominations at home? With th' same or better opportunities of accomplishin. this work, shall we leave it undone? In tin language of one of our most able and nsefu Ministers, an adopted son of our State, "I ought to have been undertaken 20 years ag but it is not too late to begin to do right." In the last two or three months, a fund o about $5000 has been subscribed as a perma nent capital. At a meeting of the contributor held at Greensborough on the 14h of May, Rev. A. Baker, Chairman, the Paper was mi animously located at Fayetteville, under tin name and title of the North Caroli.va Pres bYTERiAN. Rev. Wm. N. Mebaue and Bev. George McNeill were elected Editors: Bev Messrs. George McNeill. Wm. N Muhane, A Baker and C H. Wiley, and Messrs. Geori McNeill, Sr., John II. Cook and David Mur phy were appointed an Executive Committee, to establish the Paper and manage its business affairs. It is our wish and design to make the North CaroLIna Prksbytf.rian a journal of the first class, coital to the best in the country in fo graoh'ca: appearance and in adaptation to tin wants of our Churches. Its columns will afford the latest intelligence, both foreign and domes tic, and special care will be taken to give a full aud accurate summary of State news. The name of the Paper is designed to be stil expo nent of its character aud contents. From con viction, it will advocate the conservative, or thodox, Old School doctrines and order of the Church. Our first appeal is to onr own people to N. C; Presbyterians. Whilst we rely confidentlv upon their favor, wc trust that the native sous of North Carolina who have found homes in other States, and the adopted-citizens of our State who form so important an element iu our Ministry and membership, will take a deep interest in this enterprise, and give it their hearty support. Terms: $2 per annum in advance, or on de livery of the first number; $2 50 in six months I $3 at the end of the year. Tochrhsof 25 or ? i more, paying in advance and when the Paper is sent to one address, a discount of 10 per cent, wil! be- allowed. Oar Ministers and El'ders are earnestly desired to net n A .rents. ,, , ,o - j " w.. ble, ana lorwartt tite names, br August 1st. to this Office. As soon a 150ft sidispilMrs are obtained, the first number will be issned. If faithful and vigorous effort is made in the next two months by those Hho take a lively interest in this work, we will without doubt, be able to I . L . 11!.. . begin the puirlication at the end of that tinte with a payimr snbscrintion list f ,.t b.st 3000. - Address, Editors of the North Carolina Presbyterian, Fayetteville. N. C. Fayettaville, May 20, 185V MP 1 IT I U IIAS JUST RECEIVED P ;1 t Ii IV. a large and f; ncy assort ment of BOOTS & SHOES; Ladies' Gaiters. Satin and colored ; Ladies' and Gents' DJIIC1IC SW of a new and beautiful nattern. and cverv stvle of ar- i- tide in his line. ' - His stock is choice and cnrefnlly selected by b;n self, and buyers will Hnd it to their interest fo call be fore purchasing elsewhere. Corner of Gillespie and Franklin streets.- AyrU22,ls67, i?-f, ' - m:JiA.; Files ii turnip '-' "Iat dOtcii,, " SEgD. TOP. 4 V ENGLISH NORFOLK, , LARGE GLOVE. RUT A BAG A. f received and lor sale by k S.J. HINSDALE. 11. 1857. tf i 7 u if . jr4ria r;al estate, tuepropertv Vf 4 .'W'seid -ftfft!e and cabsta of the rat.;"-."- ' . ' -V rat lowing i hiit aesir.mie p'ac 'aP tr'irhU'T, 13 Pnmti .ivill'ritii. about 26 acres with all th iTnurovements. This plac: wid b.- s !.l cir-j or dividjd. to suit purchasers. it Demg pro mtiiy one ot the bst business stands in the country, an l is very desirable lo those wishing to enter the mercantile business. No 2, Co asts nf a Lot and Br'ck Stt rj (2 tene m'jtif.8J Camile(o:i, on Rridg Street near Claren don Bridge. a;id is a very desirable stand for business. No ,3 Is :$ - c i it lots i'n Campb.- Ilton. kaow.i in City plot as No 0 . 1 : 1. 112. an.! half of lot 1 3 No 4. U a d .dling house and lot o'i Havmonnt. corjer of Pia.ikroad and AAA ms St.. A vrv I-s:r:i- ble residence for the whole frwip. No . I a Cora Mill and Steam Eng'nemut BoTler. of I J or 15 horse power. This is well -. orth the at tea"o i of t'ioe living where wa er power is not avail able, and w II 1 sold at a great bargain. tar terms ajjply to J. H. HALL. Assignee. August I. 157. ni-t. MORE N E V (JODI)S. I1IIB Subscriber is receiving his FALL AND itflVTl'l! UTlWU- .... - tti.wm oviv, uousisiiug- 01 almost eveivi biitii 111 liiu ay 01 OCR SUES. HARDWARE .1J"D HOLLOH-lV-UiE -ALSO Boots and Shoes, Saddlerv, Fish &c, Any of which he will sell cheap for Cash, barter for Produce or oa short time. Store recentlv occupied by Troy & Marsh, near the Dobbin House. (i.W. I. GOLDSTON. Oct. 18. 20-tf 5!) Tuns o 1 Penivi.iu (iiui :io. Eor sale hy G. V. Wll LI A MS & Co August 29 (.-tf STXG2 LINE FROM FAYETTEVILLE TO SALEM. We have jut placed more stock on this route, and :a 1 cheerf.illv recommend it to the tra velirifr mi lil 1. is ueingt.ie o.-st stocked, fastest and cheapest lin ro:u puyetteviue. 1 he best Coaches and fastest, hor es.jn..)s.t of which are e..tirelv new All we ask ll0w to pljts ive us a trial, the line is far superior t vliat it ever has ben. We Uiink it w.ll recommend rself. Passengers wed will save Si;4 and those for ialein will find it S 'A.t cheaper than anv other route. Leaves Fayetteville Monday. Wednesday And Fri lay at k P. M. Leaves Hig'i Point Tuesday. Thnl !ay and Saturday at II A. M.. inrnediately after the . rains arrive from loth North and South. No deten ioa at any point. Ticket at the Fayetteville Hotel E. T. & J. W.CL'i IM.)N.S. COatmctors. Aug. 29, Co-(t-pd B. F. PBABCB & CO.. DEALERS IN ouiar.v and jjMKsnc dhygcod II ATS, CAPS, BOOTS. AND SHOES. Umbrellas and Re.arly-M ide CUlAiHg, , II A Y STKEET, FAErTT.l.LE .T. . lytu.nglst. J 1.1. r. PE4BCP IR l-tf V II. t u 1. 1 v v. to v Cbsneral roirtmbiott Meieiiantk NORTH WAT Eli STKEET, Wilmington, N C.t Vill givr. p-rsoial attention lo the sale of sh pm. nl of ... t.M.fi.,,i,ci.. ui iiavui .iores or other Cnuntrj' ro nico. a:ia any oilier b istness entrusted -vill lie prompt! v attended to. April ITS 1&-.7. ly to his care, AD M ANTf NE and TALLOW rVht.F5:- f5ri.. -d WMHn.i l U CJO; ami almost n:v thing ia the grocery line. Cheap us the cheapest! G W. I. GOLDSTON; Fob'y 7; I817. 3;I-tf T.AKK O l i( L THESubriber having, at June Term IS")", of the Court of Pl.-as and y arter Ses-ions for the Count y of Cuinlierlaad; qualuied as A-i.niuistr.itor npoa the! Estate of Willie F. Mdore, hereby notifies perMins hav- i ing claims against the said Estate to present the same j properly authenticated within the time prescribed by I law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in the bar i of their recovery. j UebtoTs to the said Estate will please make p iynient immea;ateiy. k. K. .MbUllE. June . -. , 5:?-tf OK. STAPLE AND F A N C Y D f i Y GOODS iMTSj cips Hoots, shoes, a.d Ready-Made Clothing. Particular attei-lion paid to Ladies' Dress GooJs and TrimmiiiffSj II AT STREET. FAVETTEVILLE, N. C. November Cd. 156. tf ftOTIl-'E. THE uadersigned having executed a power of At torney to E. F. Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all 8ettlenent3 for me in my name, and generally to transact all business as I migbt or could do were I per sonally present. J. J. MOOliK. Jane 6, 53-tf s 4T. IIIXlLE,!S Agi3 lix?u- ; also. Champ'oas's Ague Medicine; Shallenlierger's Fever a id Aaue Xntidote. and KoManl ion re mix-tui-e. For sale by S. J. HINSDALE. Aug. 15. a-tr FOR. SALE. II 4W 4- Beaver Creek Sheetings. Cottoa Yarn, Warp and Filliftg, Nos 5 o 10. ALSO', Belt. Picker, Boiler and Lace LEATHERS. Oils and Manufacturer's Findings. Winter strained. Sperm. Lard and Linseed Oils. Shuttlie's Isinglass, Freacb Glue, E:nory, Roller Cloth aad Glass Steps, ' J. H. HALL, rres. B. C. XI. Co.- July 1$, ia& l'llEIGII .'. n PtSKKCEIt I.Iltt: ttE- (TWKES .VI'IISGrJS Si, pvyettevilui. .SteAim r MriV)lb. l,-TrF t'syrtieville on Monday and Th 1 rn d y moTuines. 5 inlniite after nun-iin-. "-. LfTf Wilm npti.n on 'l at-dy and Friday wiorninfr " StaraT Kanny Lutltrloli. ravi-a Kyett-ille on - I'wrdij and Friday awrninir-. 13 ininatt attr Fun-ria . I ravi-R VV ilniinjrnh , niamlu) and Satbrdny morning. I Both c trryiu(t Kwiiwht ant Psi.nje-r. , ,:.-.y SHttOT Rowans with fUltati of Lighter, runa rvgolart; carrTFinit FrKiyht only , r r i . rtalv-tt.t Anr -M3t .In... .1 lb. llain mm A i tbr .1.-Tatcb aii4 prontpinfsi'ili dnvcrix-jr pood ir'fo wPtt kntiwii tt 1 n?ii r poiinhfiif ' . tr s . - - To our natriiDR we trti.Jr oltr thnhk for t!i Try liberal pitrnpc h. r.-iofor. bestow, d a id imr all shtM n that no effort-' wll ! pred in future. aud frt-l roiiCdi 11 1 .that oot facil lies f.r tcspMtt.b arc equal il not FUerinr tn mtv line on Cape Kear Riv. r V. P KLUOI T. Agent for I.utti rlch tC Co. FyetteiriHe. N. C Oct. 25.1800 21-tt N0TICH. IVrgons indebted to Jas. C. McEaehin. as Gnardiai. of the heirs of John Morrison. dec"d. are herel.y re spectfully informed, that .'aid guardian hi's in a great majority of instances endorsed and triinslVrrrd their notes to the undersigned. Abo. thht our iirjieiit ne cessities, apart from the reqi irum i;ts of the en-'r3rer. compel as to collect as speedi'y as possible. All those indebted will therefore oblige us. -and then selves too. by pay big up immediately. We .must and will sue where the money is not fort!. coming. A. D -MORRISON. J. M. MORKISCN N. A. MORRISON. Lftiirinburfth. N. C March 7. 1857. 40-tl IJ lints, Oils, Varnisli, IJruslies, for Sale bv Auir". S. J. HINSDALE. 5-tf 15, F.U SA K. The Subscriber desiring to emigrate to the West, offers for sale his entire LANDS, including about six hundred acres, generally known as Chalk Level, lying iu the upper end of Harnett county, 3 miles East of Cape Fear River, and on the ro'-id b ading fn in Fay etteville to Chapel Hill. Store. DweLing. Out-llouses, all in first r.-.te order. The Store is at a line business stand, and is not to he, excelled by any country stere in the State. There are also upon the preni'se an excellent well bf water within l." or 20 step.s of the Hoiisi', a line yomig or charl of Fruit Trees, a Tan Yard in perfect order, wh'ch peys well when in operation. Abo, a lilacksinite Shop with Tools. Ac. Any person Wishing to purchase Mich a plUttb wbhld lo well to call end examine it for tliemselvhs. I ofn Ict'-rin'ntMi to sell, and will make terms easv lr the purchase.. A. II. DEWAR N. U The place is btie of the healthiest iii Southern count r.V. Atisttst. . " e3-tf the 1 White Lead. ami sale bv Aui. 15, : Liiisreil Oil, lor S. J. HINSDALE. 3-tf t 'o ijresji WaltT, Aiig.""l.j 6.1-tf for salt bv . J. HINSDALE; A. A. Ale Ilia ti liespectfully iafurin-r his ffieutts and the public, that he :ias ouilt up large Old Sta.iU. exiir suustant.al urick Jiiiiitlings at ins ?sslv for luaiiutaeturiiig LarriageBi riiankiiil lor the very liberal patronage he has rtceivtd Tor the last 21 years; he hopes liy strict attention to tnisiiiess. with a, desire tt give satisfaction, to merit a , coatini'Uuce of th-.- same; lie warrants his work to be ; niade of the iiest material and by experienced Workmen j in each branch of the business, "itis work will compare ; favorably with any made in the United States, foriuat-j ness and durability; I H'j is determined to sell and do any work in his line J on as good terms as a.iy w ork done elsewhere that is sis well done. He now has O.i hand. I'm. shed; the largest stock of CAUKI AGES. UAIiOUCHES; HOCK A WA VS. AND liUGGIES. ever ottered in this place, and a very , large stock of work nearly finished; w hich will be sold very low for Cash, or oa short time to punctual en tnm- tf"-f5IIe has on hand more than ONE HUNI.RED AND FIFTY Vehicles ti.iished and in course of con- j struction. ,"fWll work mside byhini is warranted 12 months j with fair usage, and should it fail by oau woi Kmansnip or material w ill be repaired free of charge. P r-ous wishing to buy w ould do well to call and examine fo tlieme s. Ordei s thaiikfully r;ceived and pronijjlly .IttenQed to. U.-pairtng executed at short notice aud on very rea sonable terms. Favetteville. Oct i lSSfi. 4 C SKS HI ASS LONDON PORTEIt JBLy (pmts and QuarlSj) direct from Import . it- ....1 il... . ii Tri.. ers il l 1 Marrami" .icm...'.. Also. Golden hh. rry Wines. French Brandy. Port. Modeiflt and Claret Hidiaa l Gin. and Scheidam Soh;iapp3. For sale Ly J VS; N SMITH. Druggi ti7 I in Sep; 12; EW CjJOODS. (lOOK & JOHNSON art: just .receiving a large and , Will selected Stock of Go-xls. co.isistiug in part of li.irtlw.irt. Cutlery, lir.n's ries. ( fusk mv. ris!i. BiiUer an! :iifOe. Ail of wh'c'4 will be sol I low for Cash, Or on the I usual tim paac lual customers J tv.- ;,1 K. ,rbnt lo Have a can ironi an oi our ton ! assortment than we have ever oaered before.- fi-'euds a.i-1 t"e piun c generally, as we have a better j S-pt. 12; 7 4t REMOVAL. H. GRAHAM has removed lo the Store fo merl.v oc. c lo'ed bv Dr. Fonlkes, on the corner east of the Fay eit v ilie"ilote,,'I ly street, where he is just receiving his VAX AH II WIHK 23TOS ' O F It E A D Y-M A D E OF THE LITEST STILES. Consisting in part of Orei-Cots, Dres, 1'ntk and IJusiness Coats; Pants, Vets, Shirts and Coiirs, )rnwer$f Flannel htrts aiid Drawer- Sutpenders, Crura Is, Mtrinn and Colim Hose, $':.. 4c. II a -o keeps coasta-itly oa lraad.- a lirie 'ssorffiefit of h O 3 T H AJYD SHOES, Umbrellas, u.l Carp t Bags. AH those wishing to nt chase chenp and fine suits of clothes, would do . 11 to call and examine Graham's StocV, as he is prepared to tefl as low as any ih thtn market. Sept.- 12 - 2m . . vkwi f;sh u - A SXIALL LOT of No. X MACKEREL, of snperior quality, just received and for 6ae by 7- rtl. & tW. J. tIi.lV ARE now receiving o: ' bf the LARGEST AND MOST DESIRABLE STOCKS OK- GODS I hey have evr had the pleasure "of o.Tering to their euMc mere, embracing a great varieties of ' ' Staple-a ml lsintV Drv. ootls, " II ATSBOX XETSi jj VI lilt ELL AS iUaJi;.la Jc t l. thirg, Ac. T'"ri I well wen ansorieu,-an 01 a men ai e 0Rretj at renonaMc f-tt IClS for cah Or iri"d tliUM-r.. '"A lie uttent Oil nt" ni;f j coiiiitrv merthaatss aiid w ho!eiIe boveis Iieniia.Iy. is I .:,,',, ,1 . ... " 0 invited to this stock. Fayetteville, Sept. 5, !S57" (.C-tt Fayetteville IMcl, Fnniiiiiro anrf Flifiires for Sale. TIIK AIIOVK NAMKir- PHOPICUTY will be sold to any resjio.isible 'person. ii on fair terms, if applied fur between the present tin e ami tl'e l.'itlof Deceml.cf nexti Ifnotsold by the IA of Inc., they will he sold at Auction after thVtif.-t day of Jan uary next, in Lots to suit pun has is. Any information wanted Will - l.e chterfiillv givtn by applying to J. II. ROBERTS .V CO. Fayetteville. SepteinliCr 12, IS37. . C7-tf Towd papers copy tf da v n PSMaWn?; lutK K iiaon axi) ii,AS'i r:r.iii:. A NY PERSON desiring V i k rione in li e I rst st vie in the ii! o d( sit iii.t l.t . Mill MCure my services Lj ddrssn meal 1 : .u I li il . . .t iij.' n;e Mr D. McD , will lake co.itraeis any wh re in the eoiuitrj-. within lco milrs Inin 1-jvi tit ville, and prompt attention will be givtn to the s me. Sep. U', lr.',7. jy AT 11 E D U C E I) P II ICESi For CASH or u Sliwrl 'l'iiiie, 2.' C!r. itc., II a ni itclti s9 KO JXAWAYS .t DL'GGIES of tvery desert t.on , Many ol whicii are riaishod. an I the balance beii g' tintshed daily; among which are tnany thw a d bmntifut styles, and one virij fine Catrmgr. Soi 0 Ol them very light, and all iaade in the best n;aini r 4iiul of the best materials. My faeilitn s for doing Carriage work rtre greater than anv eslalishiuent i south and I can aiford and am deieimme.l to u, V. wink of the btfit quality as low as H can be built for l y any one. pi3 i nose who arc indented to me w ill p'ease pay Upas ty business requires my btit-sf ai.ding di Ids lo lie coiieeteti. A. A. A.cKLTI I AN; August 2.r, 18.)6 tf M liDlCAL CWLLKfJ i : OP GilUiiCIA, AT AUGUST A. ine J W'eatyiMXth course of Lectures in (his Insli- tutimi; wii ccintnei.be ini Monday, the :d Novt hil.i r next Emeritus Professor of Aiiafoniy. G;M. New ton, .V I). Anatomy. II r Ctiriipi-ell. M. I. Surgery, b. A. l ityas. M. D. Institutes and Practce of Mi d:cine. L. ). IVrd.M.D. Materia Sit il:ea. I herajii lit cs ai.d Mt(l:nl Jt.r denctVl P Giain. M. . fJIU- Obstetrics and Disi as s of Wc mi n ar.d Infants' J A Eve. M. D. Physiology aud Pathclog'cnl Anhb.trv. H. V. M Mdler M. D. ' Chemistry and Phnrhincy. Alex. Mi nr.s. y, J). Deinoiistnirdr tf At.iitoit' V. li Cs mpl ell. M . Assistiiiit D inonstrattir of Analcnu . F.L. S.n irors V. li " -- rcal Lectures will be delin ri d in the Cily lios pit: I and at the Jac kson sin t i Lpitul; Fee lor whole OOl se. !().. Matriculation 1 icln t (lo betaken or.be.) 95 For further part .chlars. i pp! to :n v m n l i r of the Faculty, or to t. P. GRAVIN. Ltan. Sept .rlli. 1.S57. i; If To h,- .imirlMl! HP; CHARLES THOMPSON, of 1. laden conn'v N. C. respecllUlly trails the altention of nil thine i" flicted with Cancerous at'nctions. to the 1 1 n ai 1 nl le cures w h eh he has effected, and Which l-ad I i n j ie viously given iip ! y otln r 1 1 j c ans n. Lladcn m i ly as incurable. '1 hie iasi t t an be eeit t.d lo ly ic spons.lde p rsons iving in that icunty. Oi e ol "il.i tn was .MrsMaleom Vcl.i't-d. aiidano hi i was Mr.li o S.e- j Kay. Loth of wloch t;ns of loi.g Haidii.fi aid tf an jaggraiabil cliaracli r. Ai y jmisou vitlnig to le I cured of that dreadful dbmsc ki:t wii as 1 ai.ci r, will 1 do well to apply to )r. 1 ln.u jifon. j The services id lr T. will tu o Le f ui C h'tl.ly i re fill lo all h rsn. cm eiol w iU L'ln is :m d i.bi fc'ci es t f long standing. hhcbinutiMn. 1 1 i; is. 'v. ' The Dr. can Le constilti d on llie al ove i r trrd ci mj plaints, by either sieing ir adiliessii-g li'm nt F h t;: i merhorners. Moore Co;. N. t'.. win re lie iiit i.i.'f i n aii - ing a f -iv Weeks-. 1 hose in u.-idof lii miv (is Will ! do well 10 in ike immediate aj;pl calion. as age rei th rs ! them nuire d'fllfult lo cure. His dinctitin is l hite Hall P. O:. lilatifen o.. N. C; Sep 12. Urn pd K I : MOV A I.. E. F. MOORE has rf moved in the Strre rrcenliy occnp:ed by Will'nm T;:y !or. ., Ibif i s East "of II. L. X yrover &Cn.. w here he w ould be jdt aserl to ne his old customers-and all others who whh lo I t:y Gtciis Cheap. The Nofef and Accounts due V. F. v. E. F. Moore and Mnpsc & Bro., can e found as s.l.oe. Sept. 5. :-lm i.An& iu;f i i:h. EXTRA G ISHEN BUTTER; LrJAF LAUD, iu q iaatities to Fiiit; For ?iile bv E. F. XJOOlIE. pti 5. C-lm CJroceHirs! Groceries! I AM now receiving my Stock of GROCERIES, con sisting in part as follows: 75 Sacks Coffee assor fed; li. Bids and Cases Sugar, do 50 Bdxes 'audy. assorttd RS Bids. Whiskey and Brandy; 7S Boxes Xlauufacturcd lo'rtco.' i: " 1eiao i and .'o a Bif tnit; 24 ca-es Champagn" C dii'; 20.0T: Cigars, assorted, some very fine; - 4' boxes No. I Tar Soap; m " TransparY nt do; l-i " Pearl Starch: 211 half bbls. -Eagle Mills'' Scotch S a2 lOO.OmS I'rcuss on Caps, assorted ():i His. Poash. in tin cans; 2 (K) Sacks Salt; ft Bags Shot, assorb d: 2H boxes Adamabtine andlcBf 25 Xeat Powders! : ? ..."rr5ood-..rh'eii wiii sotd loc at Wbolesslr Aii't a greai- j r.SIi n Cm" VJ wiioiesnic- -- ' . . prompt oayiofc' customers.-. E. . .1IOUJUM ' t A r Recovery. HUSKE, Executrix.