..Cf SOUTHERN ULTJEJHAT U RE. We do not purpose entering- into an elaborate dis quisition upon this subject, for two reasons. First, to enumerate all the disadvantages -connected with the development of such literary taste and talent as we possess in the south, and the confinement of their exercise to our-own section, would of itself consume more time and space than we have at command. Second, the assignment of all the causes why a more liberal and generous encouragement is not ex tended to polite literature at home by the Southern people might trench somewhat upon the self pride of some jeople and, as that i a dangerous tres pass, and our design is rather to accomplish some benefit than to injure the cause, we will, confine our tself to a single point of the latter. We have reference merely to periodical litera ture, literary magazines, and newspapers, exclud ing from consideration the higher and more iiupor tnnt branches and elements of the subject. It is a lamentable fact that the support extended to our periodical literature is so meagre, so insuffi cient, and withal so grudgingly bestowed, that the occupation and profession of publisher and editor is a thankless, profitless, and, in many instances, ruinous labor. It is also true, and equally to be lamented, that the Southern country is flooded, lit erally flooded, with Northern publications, the ver iest trash and scum that float iipou the tide of liter ature. They are taken into our houses, conned by our firesides, and while our children's tastes are xitiatctl, tltf-ir woret appetites unratified wad ftxlats i-stimutc of true literature formed iu their minds, our dollars are sent away to jingle in the pockets of those who are at best but negative friends of the south, and in many, very many, instances the bit terest foes to her institutions. And in the mean time our own journals, whoso merits, moral and intellectual, arc as prominent as the evils of the others are glaring, arc left to eke out a miserable existence with the scanty pittance of a grudging and unwilling patronage. Thousands of copies of such printed abomina tions as the New York Ledger are circulated thro' ut the Southern States. There is Bcarccly a vil lage or hamlet which it has not penetrated and drawn therefrom the patronage and encouragement which, we contend, do, and of right ought to, belong to our own pure, wholesome, instructive literature. And that hotch-potch of balderdash, sickly sen timent, puling poetry and pestilent prose, the Sat urday Evening Tost, enjoys, we venture to say, more paying patronage in the Southern states than all our literary periodicals put together. These are but isolated instances. There are, we were going to say, hundreds more of the like ilk, an enumeration of which is not necessary to our pur pose. We do not pretend to account for this. If you say, give us better periodicals and we will pat ronize them, we say patronize and encourage them Jirst and they will thrive, nnd with thrift and a tan gible sense of your appreciation will come improve ment and increased usefulness. But your literarv papers and periodicals are even now, with your stinted patronage and scanty encouragement, bet ter, inestimably better than the miserable libels upon literature to which you give so ungenerous a preference. They are purer in their morals, high er in thefr sentiment, sounder iu their philosophy, and in every literary requisite incomparably supe rior to all those catch-penny ephemera upon which you are literally throwing away your gold. Will you acknowledge that the tinsel and gingerbread ornament which accompany these publications are better suited to yottr literary " appetite than the wholtsome food which your own caterers present to your palate? You are virtually making the ac knowledgement ! If you contend that your home literature is inferior in quality to the imported wares which you prefer, yon grossly and infa mously libel Southern literary journal and even if it be true as you contend, then the shame rests upon yourselves because of your refusal to bestow upon them that patronage and encouragement which render the others superior. Take which horn of the dilemma yon please. Still we do not pretend to account for the preference. We wish to cast no reflections upon the taste and literary penchant of the Southern people. "Let him who thiuketh the cap fitteth wear it, aye and stick a peacock's feather in it if he pleases." But let us look a little on the other side of the picture. May there not be something of a fault on the part of those who ask for this patronage? We will cite a single instance as a veritable illus tration. Sometime since a Southern monthly was estab lished, and sanguine ' opes were and still are en tertained of its succ i s as a Southern literary en terprize. We hailed its advent with no little pride and gratification; for we saw that genius was at the helm, nnd we knew that southern talent could freight the vessel with cargoes of princely value. With sincere pleasure, and we may surely sav it without self laudation with patriotic enthusiasm we wrote to the editor offering him onr columns as an advertising medium, together with our paper, for the privelege of exchanging; assuring him fur thermore that we would take pleasure as a South ern niiui.both editorinlly and otherwise, in enlarging his circulation. We wrote fervidly, heartily, with no more self interest in the matter than we would exercise in subscribing a dollar to the Washington monument. But that was the last of it. We neither received an answer to our note, nor from that day to this have we seen a copy of the magazine- Our ardor in the cause of Southern literature is not at all diminished thereby; nor do we the less sincely wish the enterprize abundant success. But we know that, let us say it parenthetically (there are some fifty or more names not upon his sub scription books which otherwise would have figured there for twelve months at least.) How many others of our cotemporaries were similarly snubbed we can only julge by not having seen any mention made of the magazine in their columns. We can both, perhaps, get along with out each other: but such a spirit is by no means promotive of the advancement and exaltation of our periodical literature. AYo fear that there is too much of it existing, both on the part of magazine and newspaper publishers. What may be the mo tive influence in pursuing such a course we may not say. They know best: but we humbly sug gest that a slight relaxation from that unbending rigidity might in some instances prove at least prof itable. We could not be more lucid on this point without calling names in connection therewith; and that we do not purpose doing. The only strictly literary magazine in the South that has withstood the neglect and indifference of those whose duty it was liberally and generously to sustain and encourage it is the Southern Liter ary Mkssenger: and we seriously doubt whether, with all its high literary excellencies, its acknow ledged superiority, aud the talent which has ever presided over its pages; we say that we doubt whether with all this the Messenger would have re tained its robust vitality in any other city but Rich mond and in any other state but the glorious old commonwealth of Virginia. For many years it has been the standard of Southern literature, and at one time, when the lamented Poe lent the brilliance of his fevered genius to its pages, the Messenger had no literary superior in the United States. Ifc stands now far, far above the thousand and one namby-pamby literary swindles through which the south is annually fleeced of the golden patronage for which her people get no equivalent. And if Southern journalists would but do their duty towards the literary interests of the south, the popular eye would not so often be caught by the staring announcement of the reception of "this splendid No of Godey" or Peterson or Graham or some other humbug, and there would be fewer re commendations of this and that literary catch-penny than now insult both the good sense and patriot ism of our people. Give encouragement to whom you will, and be stow your patronage where you please but do not, do not sacrifice Southern merit to Yankee impu dence, and show so decided a preference for North ern brass when your own bright Southern gold is shining at your doors! The experiment is about to be essayed iu this State. Mr Stedman proposes to establish a strictly literary periodical in Salem, and calls upon all North Carolinians to give him countenance and encouragement in the enterprize. How many Car olinians will give up their trashy yankee papers and extern i friendly hand to thirToHis home joUrMdl. There Is talent enough among your people, liter ary ability sufficient, an abundance of intellectual capital to make "Stcdman's Magazine" a first stamp periodical. But "material aid" is needed and solicited. A tithe of tliat sent annually to the literary leeches north of Mason's and Dixon's lino will establish it permanently. Will you respond to the call? We slial THE STiVJE AND CCnjNTY FAIRS. The Sjatywurricultural IJnjrjillbe held in Ral eigh, commencing on the. 20tlJrtsr. Extensive preparations aregoing on for rendering the occa sion interesting and additionally attractive. There will doubtless be a large attendance and we learn that the quantity of sto k etc entered for exhibition is much greater than it has heretofore been. We acknowledge the kindness of an invitation to the Fair, and will endeavor to be present on the occa sion. Our Cumberland Fair comes offhere on the 4th, 5th and Cth of November, two "weeks after the j State Fair, and we beg our friends in the country ; not to forget it. The citizens of neighboring conn- ! ties are solicited to attend, and are particularly invited to send contributions to the various depart- ' mcnts. The occasion promises to bo a very inter- I esting one; and we see no reason why our county i fairs should not be made the media of a vast deal I of benefit to the mechanic and agricultural portiens of the people, that being the main object of the en- I terprize. If those classes of the community will j but heartily respond to the call, and cooperate with j all others interested in improvement and advance- ; ment, the usefulness of the enterprize will be en- J haneed an hundred fold. j "TOE SITi-TRE ISt'RY In smother place will be found an interesting article relative to the original , proposition for the establishment of a sub treasury. ; The names of "the thirty three" should not be; permitted to go down into oblivion, nor will they, j Apropos of thai" iasti'ntion, tt noticed a s-r;ort time : ago in a few of the rabid old line whig American papers the charge very gravely made that the pre- ; sent state of monetarv affairs is the naurnl result ! t of the sub-treasury system, and that all the panic, i suspensions, insolvencies Sec lately occurring are the legitimate fruits of the sub-treasury. But no body noticed the charge, and they soon dropped it. We were somewhat amned at the inconsistency of one of these "public lights," with whom, howev er, consistency has never been a marked peculiar ity. In one column of his paper was a long and labored article pointing out the commercial causes leading inevitably to a fatal business result such as had just now supervened, nnd counselling the pur suance of such a course in the future as would pre vent a recurrence of the same. In the next column we found a fierce onslaught upon the sub-treasury, attributing all the difficulties in the monetary world to that vigorous nnd healthy successor of the de cayed and dilapidated IT. S. Bank. The editor evidently stultified himself, and certainly convicted himself of a false statement or a grievous mistake in the one case or the other. However, he has so frequently done that in reference to democratic measures that it excited no remark at the time, aud we merely allude to it now becanse it happen ed to suggest itself at this time. Singular Perversity. A severe run having been made time after time upon the Cape Fear river banks, . and the banks having, not exactly suspended, but "broke" every time, we still find the Navigation company leaning upon them. Their liabilities already exceed their assets by more than ahalf million, and yet the com pany lias the perversity to insist that the public confidence in those repeatedly broken institutions should remain unimpaired. We warn the public that they are not worth a dam. - 81.TFVEL SPOCTJSG. The following rally yell of the Washington know nothings wo clip from the "American," the recently established organ of the riug Uglies in Washington city. Such appeals have become stale, nnd the k. n's never notice them these days: AMERICANS Who are not ashamed to bear the name of their country; AMERICANS Who are not afraid to be so called; AMERICANS Who scorn to be slaves; AMERICANS In whose veins still runs the blood and whose hearts are yet animated by the spirit of "seventy six;" AMERICANS Who will not be trampled upon by a corrupt, Ly ranical and despotic administration; AMERICANS Who will not tamely submit to be shot down by mercenary Marines, foreigners in American uni form, at the bidding of a despot are requested to meet at the American Office, on Thursday evening next, at half-past seven o'clock. SUGGESTION. As the town commissioners have fin ished the big ditch and therewith ended their la bors for the year, we propose, as a measure of exercise to fill up the vacuum of their leisure, that they resolve themselves into a committee on con tributions to rig the Junior of the Argus in a new pair of continuations and to provide him with new "understandings." He needs the latter amazingly. OA member of the Sax Horn Band being asked the other day what a slur was, answered, "the o puiion which one performer cxpt&sscs of another." Brown, McNamce & Co., silk mercliantsof New York, well known as among the merchant black republicans, failed last week. We rejoice at no one's misfortunes, but we shall not weep over this. Geo. Bliss & Co., Dry Goods dealers, also failed. SUICIDE.- Thos. II. Hardenburgh, Cashier of the Bank of Cape Foar in Washington, N. initted suicide on the 11th by shootin, through the head. No cause is assigned for the act. His bank books were all right. Dye's Wall Street Broker has described coun terfeits on theBank of Camden (S. C) which are in circulation. The bills are of the ' denomination of $100, and poorly executed. EF"Duncan K. McKae, Esq., will deliver the address before the Agricultural Society at the, ai -preaching Cumberland Fair. sxrsi3B3srsio3srs All the Banks iu New York city and state have suspended. In fact New York state is bankrupt to all intents and purposes. PHILADELPHIA) All the banks in Philadelphia have suspend ed, and nearly all the merchants "dead broke" The Reading, Illinois Central, and N. Y. and Erie rail roads, the largest companies iu the U S., have suspended. Eight cloak-making estab lishments have suspended in New Y"ork city, discharging 1,603 girls from their employ. . . "Virginia bank bills are throwu out by thai brokers, uid uiaujr ot lliem iiavu suspended. Humors of suspensions are prevalent all over the con ii try, North, South, East and West. Bank of Wilmington suspended. State and South-Westeru Rail Road S. C.J banks ditto. LA TER.XM the Wilmington Banks have suspended. Five Charleston banks ditto. More failures reported iu New York, Phila delphia, and some in Boston. Suspensions be coming general all over the country. Bank of Clarendon reported suspended. Not so at this time (Friday morning) Before the close of next week all the batiks will suspend. Finis. LATER STiLL. Saturday Morning. Suspensions on the increase. No necessity for enumerating hav'ent room anyhow for all the "suspend ers." Banks of Clarendon and Cape Fear sus pended. Specie payiueuts repudiated by every body. Business at a dead lock in New York and Piiiiade'phia. So. Carolina papers sneering at our "wild cat Banks"- Charleston banks first to suspend. While other banks are sus pending, why not suspend N. P. Ba ks ot Massachusetts. Carolinian office suspends Bpcci" payments. The Scott Armistice. We find tlie following communication in a Xew York paper. Baltimoke, Sept. 27, 1S57. The per sonal recriminations of Gen. Scott, Pillow, and Hitchcock, have cast an unexpexted ray of light upon the bribery and corruption episodes of the Hystericus armistice before the city of Mexico, but none of these gentle tlemou exposed the true origin of that cost ly concession. Scott and Santa Anna male the bargain, and the United States paid for it, but British policy drew U the profits; j Senator Foot e said at the time, "Let the' British Minister who concocted this disgrace ful armist ice be brought into the foreground, that our people may understand that its main object was to defeat Mr Buchanan's in structions to Commissioner Trist to obtain a national highway to the Pacific." The armistice was dictated by Mr Bank head, the British Minister. His object was to prevent the United States from getting, the right-of-way to the Facific through Te huantepec. This fact was as well understood by many officers of the army in Mexico as by Mr Polk and his Cabinet; but the way it was done is not yet known to the people, and Gen Hitch cock and Gen. Pillow should tell the whole story. There is another interesting fact which has hitherto been sacredly kept from the knowledge of those outsiders who had no share in the armistice spoils. Santa Anna and his clique of British and American friends did receive their million of dollars. How? By a neat little mercantile arrangement which Her Briton Majesty's Consul, Mackintosh, brobably contrived. The disbursements of the army were made iu Mexican coin after the armistice, and drafts on the United States government at five to ten per cent, premium; but, in lieu of ex changing them for Mexican coin at that rate", a discount of from five to ten per cent, was made on them to the Mackintosh and Santa Anna clique, who sold them at from five to to ten per cent, premium. This fifteen to twenty per cent, of special perquisites on the many millions disbursed for the United Sta tes army in Mexico, amounted to a fortune "all around for the British armistice party. Gen. Worth and other officers opposed the armistice as warmly as the British Minister advocated it- Worth knew that the Cabinet having had a specimen of this sort of Mex ican finesse at Monterey had warned Gen. Scott not to consent to any armistice. Gen. Hitchcock may possibly remember one occasion, about the close of the Mexican war, in which Gen. Worth, in speaking of the mysterious sacrifice of American interests, made use of pretty strong language strong enough for any one to remember. In that conversation no one denied that the armistice was the work of the British Minister, Mr Bankhead, or that the object of the delay was to cut out of the proposed treaty with Mexi co a clause granting to the U. States the right of way to the Pacific via Tehuantepec, and to remodel and contract the new boun dary line marked out by Mr Buchanan, which would have given to the United States a post at the head of Gulf of California, and such a boundary line as would secure a short and practicable road to the Pacific, through our territory. If Gen. Hitchcock will enlighten us by giving his opinion on the part played by the British Minister in making the arm istice, and will tell the public who were benefitted by the rich speculations in dis counts and premiums on the United States Treasury paper, we may then proceed with some other interesting incidents of the se cret history of the war with Mexico. If General Hitchcock will not speak, perhaps General Pillow Avill raise another corner of the curtain. Maryland. CANAL ACROSS THE ISTHMUS OF DAEIEX. We find in the Washington State, a letter from Commodore Paulding to the Navy De partment, reporting favorably upon the feasibility - of the Canal. The letter savs 2th of August, the writer or- o ""-i-u i i-i l v uuu started out on a "reeon- noisance" of the Isthmus between Aspinwall and Panama, with reference to the practica lity of constructing an interoceanic canal aiftiss the Isthmus of Darien to this point. 'he route by which the railroad pusses was in every respect the most " desirable for this purpose, and the means by which the character of the country could be best known, asfa,r as its topography and the features es sential to the object in view could be seen. It was, in fact, the direct means for the ac complishment of the purpose. It is supposed that the canal will be united with the waters of the Pacific on either side of the city, and that a channel might be dredged to the depth of thirty feet, to meet the navigable waters for ships of large draught. The bay then expands into an anijile harbor, where the winds are said never to blow with violence, sufficiently compre hijnsive for the commerce of the world, and stir sfcd with Islands, convenient for tne BnK)ee&.tbt tneleonditaon of things ejfct lor, uy me construction oi a canal tlir'o" tne Isthmus. r!ie Isthmus itself seems to present no sef'ous obstacle to science for the construc ted of a canal. The whole extent, from the Athntic to the Pacific, is made up of swamps, hilt, and plains; and the highest point of lani where the railroad passes is no more thai two hundred and eightysix feet above the level of the sea. On the whole route most, if not all the hills through which the cant! would pass would be required for cra barkaents over the plains and swamps; and I cat perceive no insuperable obstacle to piert ng the highest parts, so as conveniently i to imkx! the waters of the Chagres, Obispo j and lip Grande available for the wants of thectnal. Th; truth is, that in a climate less unfa voralle to the white man the question of "fe'asbility" would not be raised. It ieems to be conceded, from experience, that the African race alone persistently labor in this climate. A f iw thousand of frC' Slacks might be obtained from the West India Islands; but this resource would be inadequate, as ttsis experienced by the operations on the Panama road. The want of men to labor would seem to be the great obstacle to the successful ac- compiiynjicavot a work ot so much inasnii- Oiri Atlantic side the canal would enter the Bay of Aspinwall, the chart of which is herewith submitted. In approaching this point, it would pass a few miles from the Chagres, and enter the bay near the river Mindi. Here, it w ill be ! seen, ?s in the Cay of Panama, extensive dredging for a channel to meet the deep wa ter Psouhf lie iiecesfiiu-v. The bav extanda distance of about five miles between two headlands, and is open to the sea. A breakwater would be necessary here. With such a one as would afford the neces sary protection against the ocean swell, the bay of Aspinwall, like the bay of Panama, would afford ar, pie room for the commerce of Europe as well as America; and in contem plating tliese two bays with the eye of a sea man, in reference to the great work in qflesWjJld look as though nature had provided them for the especial convenience of man in his laborious undertaking in the ex- i tension of commerce, and a place where all nations may meet, in their varied pursuits on the great highway of the ocean. In a work like that of a canal through the Isthmus of Darien, it is to be supposed that the requirements of connQrce and naviga tion, iu its most extended application, would alone be considered; and, taking this for a standard, a canal two hundred feet wide and thirty feet deep would seem to be the appro priate dimensions. Accordiuor to Engineer Totten's estimate, the distance from ocean to ocean, along the proposed line of route for the canal is forty live amj: three-fourth miles. The distance from fivje fathoms water in Navy bay to three fathomideep in the Bay of Aspinwall is forty-eirht and thrre-tourth miles. I he river C'lagres has ample supplies of water at all seaslns of the year. It is Calculated that the cost of the canal, including harbor improvements at both ends, will notpxeeed eighty million dollars. DAX(p:u of CniNOLiXE. Has the question ever octbrred to ladies wearing the present amplitude of light drapery, expanded -by crinoline, or sort of hoop, what would hap pen if Uivfiusliii should chance to take lire? None of ready expedients for extinguish ing fire irould be available against such a volume f drapery bo disposed to flames. The dre$ could not be gathered; it is so ar ranged as to render that impossible, and the expedient of lying down and rolling in a hearthrug, which saved the life of many a woman before the introduction of the pres ent fashion, would not avail against the res istance of the stiffened frame of crinoline or steel, spreading the burning surface to the air. Should ladies for fashion sake, expose themselves to so frightful a risk? Escape seems impossible if the dress takes fire. In former times, when hoops were worn, the substance of the dress was seldom of a na ture to ignite. The case is different now, and a spark is enough to set a muslin dress in a blaze. Sloney Panics. The Lynchburg Virginian believes, that money panics are confined exclusively to this country. They result from the over issue of bank paper, and the too genera! extension of r' niu 1 1 i Sometimes a stringency t ti rrfj- markets of the old world but there, is never anything like a panic. The Bank of France issues no bill for less than 100 francs about IS dollars of our money. The Bank of England issues none for less than 5 which is about twenty-live dollars American currency." The circulating medium, therefore, in the ordinary transactions of trade, consists of gold and silver. No such thing is known among them as a run upon the Bank?, or a panic in the money market. E JBFL Oa the 8th inst., by the Rev. James McDaniol, Mr Archd Uuie to Miss Sarah Black, all of Cumberland county. Iu Robeson Co., oa the 8th last, by 'the Rev. Hector McLean, Mr JoV.n C. Watson to Miss Catliarine A. .McNeill, daughter of Mr N. McNeill. . . . ' DIED . ' -' " la Sampson county, on the tith inst., at the residence of the late Wm. Fain, Mr J. G. McUugald. formerlv of Uladeu county. Mr McDngald was a lawyer bj profession aud has served in the Legislature as a rep resentative from Bladiui. A bright prospect opened before him in the beginning of his professional career. Hut bis hopes were soon blasted by the certainty that disease was slowly creeping upon him. His lungs were affected, and gradually he declined until death claimed the victory, aud his spirit returned to II;m who gave it. May be found at his rooms, during his regular Office hours, viz: from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M . . 3 p. M. to 5 P. M. where be will be pleased to receive calls from all who may be iu aeed of his professional services. No inducement will be held out by offering to per form operations for a snvill compensation: a good price will be charged iii all cases. And patients fa voring JJr li. with their conii ience, may reiy npou hi lilmo.-t exertions to perform every operation in as per fect a manner as possible. operations mast be paid for as&oon as com pleted. , 1. S; 'Those who arc now indebted will please ami call 3tThb Great Female Pill. - Dr. J. 5Creger Is UieOeiMHal Ajret-'wh?-ah? nnd retail for Dr. "Wbeatinars" celebrated Female Pills. These Pills arc truly valuable for Ladies, for tley will restore the Monthly Courses where they may -top froin any cause whatever. They never have faih-d in any case where the directions around the box contain ing the Pills have been strictly followed: indeed, there has no ea.-e of failure ever jcoine to our knowledge. Being purely vegetable they are perfectly saffl. Mail ed to order, po-t paid, upon receipt of one dollar by J. P. Crcager. Baltimore city Md. liberal di. coimt to Druggists. 7'2-tf JCf" Why 1 a cor so Hard when Washing? I have a cliemical process, for cleaning cloihes by the use of which the clothes can be washed very clean without boiling, and with very tittle rub bing. Uy this method lunch hard labor can be saved: the wa.-hing is done in half the time, and the clothes are very w hite and clean, and lust much longer, lor they are not worn out by rubbing a by the old way of washing by machines. &c The articles used cost l)iit lit tie. and are easy to obtain. I mail the receipt to order, postage paid, upon receipt of SO cts, three cents postage stamps good as money. Address Dr. J. P. Creager, Baltimore city, Md. 72-tf. id IIoxet the Best of Honey. have a valuable receipt for making Honey, which I will send to any person upon rece.ipt of oO cents. We make and use it in our family at half the cost, and consider it as good as the best article of genuine bee made honey. '-from which it cannot be told." Any persons who will make or sell it can clear from two to three dollars a day, it only requires 4 articles to make it. and they can be had at any store for 50 cents, livery family may have this delighiftil luxury, for any lady can make it in 15 minutes at any time. 3 cents )otage stamps as good asmouey. Address Dr. J. P. Creager. Ualtimore city. Md. 72-tf. IQDr. Ckagek, Baltimoke, 1MI. is the Sole Agent for Dr. Winder's celebrated Matri monial '.Series,'' 3 Hooks. No. I, "A Book for Young Men designed to prepare them lor Female Society;'" No: 2, "Errors in Courtship;" No. 3. -'Reproductive Control." Either of which will be mailed to order, post paid, upon receipt of 2r cents. 72tf (iOOD NEWS FOR LADIES! ANY Lady that will send her address to Mrs Creager Baltimore City. Md.. with 3 cent postage stumps en closed, will receive by return mail information of im portance to her. Woman Know Thvself, and be happv. Oct. 17, " 72-tT P JS .YOIV REC EiriJVU HIS STOCK OF GOODS Suitable for t je Fall and Winter Trade, and invitts those in want, to call aud examine before buying. Store North eat corner of Market Square. Particular attention given to the sale of Produce or the purchase of Goods, lJa ik business, ic. Oct.JM). 71-3t Order No72. flcail Quarters, 33rt Kesri men t No. C'ciroiiiia Militia! r a veiu'viue, wet , isi ioo- The Commissioned and non-Commissioned 0ceis of the 33d Kogiment North Carolina Militia, nro hereby ordered to appear at the Court House at 10 o'clock on Friday, October 30. I 57. armed aud rquiped as the law directs, for drill. Also to parade their respective companies at the same time and place, on Saturday, Oct. 31, lsji.for battalion drill. Bv Order Col. C. E. T.F.F.TK. T. C. Fn'Jer, Adj't. Oct, 3 70-3t RW FA I.L, Wl STRR GOODS. DANIEL CLARK i: now rcceivinsr, di rect from New York, a large and well sel ;cted Stock of READY-MAD IS Cousisting of every variety of Coats, Pants, and Vests, Latrt and most approved Styles. of tbe A general assortment of Shirts. Stocks. Ac., Jtc. Kay- He will attend as usual to Trimming, Cutting and nil business in his line. September Zl: 3m. "LOOii OUT I'OB TUB LOIOMOTIVK. .J. W. LETT Hasi ust received a large and general STOCK OF GOODSauitcd totheFallaad Vi!tcrtrade,cousisting of a cnoice selection ot Staple anil Fancy DRY GOODS, Boots and SAoc. with almost every thing desirable in that line. PRIME FAMILY GROCERIES always to be had AT LETT'S. Goods old at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex changed for country produce. Sept. 26. 18."7. ly-pl NEW STOCK. OF The Subscriber has just received a larfre assort ment of STAPLE 1II FAUCY lBV GOODS, comprising every thing that a Lady -or Gentleman may desire to wear. He most rospeotfully olicit a call from his old friend.s and acquaintance? and all strangers, before they purchase, as he would like to hav? the pleasure of showing them through, and if he canuot suit them all right. rOF Sep 2, 1S"7, 1 m HEW (DBS For the Fall Trade, 1857. The Subscriber is now receiving a large and well selected Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Cutlery, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Provisions, Foreign and Domes tic Liquors. To which we would call the attention of the nublic generally, as ho will sell at Wholesale or Retail. ' C. E. LBKTE. Oct 3, "JO-tt & W1NTKU .1657. ' JL'ST RECEIVED! (Call foon. secure a 'good bargaiu and save money.) Uue of the largest, hand Bomwt and cheapet-t stocks of BOOTS AN I SHOKS, LADIES' GAITEKS, satin and colored; Ladies & gents DANCING SHOES. of a new and beautiful pattern: -VOCTirS and cill LDU EN'S KOOTS. SHOES and GAITEU S; JNDlA-UUHLHi SHOES, aud every article In his line. His stock is choice and carefully se'ected by him self, and buyers will tind it to their interei-t to call before purchasing elsew bei e. M. FAULK. 3AI! who have lost their soles j come for- win d, and Jhey will be r-.neweU for Seventy live eei.ts aud upwards. M. F. "SALK OK THE LOTS Ol CAROLINA CITY. At the terminus of the great Central Railroad of Corth .Carolina on BEAUFORT ll.AUllORi ON THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 18i7. CAROLINA CITY is situated on an elevated plain, ik fet Rbove tide want, immediately, on the wa ters of Ceaatort Harbor. , This location lor a great Lcomistercial city, was selected by men of commercial experience, alter a lull examination of all tlie lands on the HarlMir of iieanfort. iu anticipation of the coa Rtmetiou of the great CentraliiKailrwadiJrom uaict Uar- Dor yjrongJi IJie Xte of Carolina. .coaBCCtuig , with the lines of the . Kail Roads otv Teuu:see, ' - coming east from Memphis on the Miwusyippij aud also.in anticipation of the construction of a ii'.iilVoud from Carolina City through the counties of Onslow, Duplin. .Sampson aud the town of Fayctteville to tha Coal Fields on peep .fiver. The Atlantic and N C 7'ailr3ad from Carolina Cify to Goldsboro, will lie opened by the 1st., January next. The North Carolina .Railroad 13 in operation, to i ho town of Salisbury, from which point the cour struction of the great Western Railroad through the Mountains to the Tennessee line, is steadily progress ing. The Railroad through Fayetteville to-'the coal lieids has for some time occupied the attention of the State, and doubtless will eventually be put in opera tion, that part between Fayctteville and tlie coal Fields being in rapid course of construction. Tim completion of these great Railroaos. will carry the. Agricultural and Mineral products of the State to one of the liuest harbors on the southern roart. uud must, at an curly day build up on its waters a flourishing city. All the agricultural regions of the State-not pene trated by said ..'ail roads, have easy communication withlJeaufort Harbor by Navigable Rivers and Sounds. Of the HarUir at Rcuufort, we believe it isunn-cci H sary now to speak, the depth of its waters, its prox imity to the (rulf stream, the high way of ships, and its capacity for all commercial purposes, arc not only well known to every North Curolinian, Hut have at tracted the attention of the country generally. The Carolina City Co, believe that the advantages of the location, which they have selected, are many. Their land isuhiirh nnd level plain, looking south ward upon the ocean, its wells and f-prings afford the purest waters and the salubrity of the climate is so well known that TJcaufoat is believed to be the most healthy watering place on the southern coast. - At this location, the channel for ships bends 1 near thu shore and runs pare) lei Willi it along the whole front of the' City, making the construction of wharves cheap and easy ; the Harbor and wharves at Carolina City, being a short distance from the conflux of Bojruo Sound Newport river, not immediately in front of tho inlet, are unexposed to the violence of storms, aud yet a ship miy wet sail from the railroad r harf oil Caroli na city and in thirty minutes be at sea. - These are some of the advantages whicli determined the selection of the locBtion of Carolina City, and fo great a coulidence had the company ou the superiority of these advantages, that they subscribed, and paid in $2.i.tU)) to the capital Stock of the Atlantic and N. C. R. R. Company, which was the only subscription made upon the faith'of real estate on the Beaufort Harbor. .Plans of the Zarhor of Jeajifort, .exhibiting tfcs lo cation of the Atlantic and .V. C Railroad and CuroH ua Cify. may Ik; seen at all the principal 7otcls in tho Stxte. TEflTfS OF SlLE. One fourth cash, and the balance in notes with ap proved security, at 15, 12 and 18 months. JKO. II. COOS, Fres't of O C. Co. John H. Rose, Sec. of C. C. Co. Oct. 3. 1S57- 70"-4t EC0ND STOCK! STARR & WILLIAMS ARK now receiving THEIR SECOND STOCK FOIi THIS SEASON, embracing, Dry C.'oods, flat, Boot, hoes, axd Made-up Clothixg, To which they invite the attention of Wholesale buyers generally. K. Starr. J. M. Wu.iiams. Oct. iu. 71-tf FAYETTEVILLE MARKET. Corrected weekly for the North Carolinian. October 17, 1S57. Bacon Coffee Cotton IS ILard 19 a 14 .-Molasses 6 a 10 -.Suit , 1 25 Spirits. 5 25 Teach Urar.dy " " 1 25 5 00 : Apple " ; I 100 4 75 Whiskey 70 4 50 ; Do. northern 45 ,s Tcri-extix'e. 1H 0 Fi.oir Family Sup. Fine Fine Cross Graix. Corn Oats Peas Flax Seed 1 00 ; Yellow 50 .Virgin,. 0 00 'Hard 1 25 Spirits dip, 1 80 2 55 0 0 1 05 0 CO 25 REMARKS. Cotton we again reduce our tijjurcs. . Flour reduct ion of I'.'i et. on all grades since Monday. WILMINGTON MARKET, Oct. 15, 1857. Virgin Turpentine $3, yeJlow dtp 2 15, hard 115. Spirits declined tok" CAN EP1 Ul'SY liE CURED We think tb following letter from a respectable citizen of Mississippi will answer the question, tud remove all doubts from every unbiased n ind; ' GnKXAi)A,'Miss-, June 5, 1S55 Dr. Selh S. Ifance. Baltimore Md. ilenr-Sir: 1 take srreat pleasure in relating a case of spat-ms or fits cured by your invaluable lMllc. My brother J. J. Ligon, has long lieen amicteu Willi tnia awlul fin-ease, lie was lirstattacked while quite young, lie would have one or two spasms at one attack at first; but as he grew older, they seemed to increase Wkcwifet Vp to the time he commenced taking your I'ills.he had them very often and ipiite severe, prostrating him body and mind. His mind had suffered seriously; but now; I am happy to say he is cured of those tits. H has enjoyed hue health for the last five months past. His irtind has also returned to its original sprightliness. All this I take great pleasure in communicating, as it may be the -means of directing others to the remedy bat will cure them. Yours respectfully, c. W. I. LIGON". No person who is suffering from Fits, or Spasms, mould neglect sending to lr Hancc, after thia. for a, supply of his inestimable medicine. His prices are as follows: one box .:!; two 5, twelve $24 sent by mail free on the "receipt of remittance.' Address Seth S. Hance, 108 Laitimore. Md ELMROLI)isCOMPOUXD FL IT) EXTRACT as a remedy for Diseases of the DladdcT. Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness. Ac, hits no equal. Read the advertisement iu another column headed 'Hclin bold's Genuiiie'Freparation. READ THIS! A HOI.I..lX!er."S TF.ST-IMOXT. Jacob Uinskes. living in the Holland settlement of Sheboygan. Wisconsinsays: '-After sr.fi'ering for some time the misery attending an utter prostration of mind and Wody, I have been restored, by using Doccrhavc'e Holland Bitters, to perfect health." . The fact of this remedy being in such high repute mong the Hollanders in Wisconsin, Michigan, .New York, iu fact in every Holland settlement in the t'nited States argues much in its favor. Try it for Chronic or Nervous Debility, or any Scvoup, Uhenmatie, or Xcuralgi affection. FOR THE FALL