OAViD S. TAYLOR, Respectfully informs the good people of Fayetteville. and ilie country generally, that he lias opened a GROCERY STORE at the foot of Haymonnt nearly opposite Mr. Geo. McNeill's, where he intends keeping constantly on baud a well selected supply of Groceries and Country Produce suitable for familv use. Tie will be happy to see his old acquaintances and all others wishing bupplies i his Hue. Oct. 10, 1857. 3m NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS!!. THE undersigned beg leave to make known, that they hare formed a copartnership, under the uaine and style, or for the purpose of carrying on the mercantile business in the Town of Lumberton, and are now receiving their PALL Sf tVJVTER STOCK of STAPLE and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Family Groceries, &c, &c. To which they would respectfully invite the atten tion of their friends aud the public generally. -PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods. AXOV.S D. BROWN. EVERETT L. WARD. Lumlterton, Oct. 10. 71-3m N. C. 311 L.IT1 A! RXNDXLLSVILLE, N.-C. nibe Commissioned and non-Commissioned mtti ODlcrs. of the 43d Regiment. X. C. Mi . - vn we xna Uct., - armed eqniped as tbe law dirct for drill. - JLc. a l . . aiso, on Jtnaay, Vet. the Z3W., the respect ive Companies of said Regiment are ordered to appear armed and equiped", at their usual place or parade: McLean's Cross Roads, (upper lvouesonj . . D. BETHUNE, Lt. Cok Cob. Oct. 10, 1887. H-2t GOODS! GOODS!! The SUBSCIRBEU is now receiving his fall .mock ot UOods, embracing a. good stock of Groceries $ Hardicurd. ALSO Negro Shoes, Hal, and Kerseys. To which he calls the attention of all perchaser. frtib tupply of Keck Candy Tobacco on band. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. Oct. 10 1857. 71-tf Mrs. A. A. Brooksknks IS NOW RECEIVING her Fall Stock of Millincrv Goods. She invites her customers to call and examine her Stock. Oct. 10. 1857 71-3t Oliserv'r copy. Pictures! Pictures!! TktB over Beaslcy St. Houlni Jtwrlrj Starr, BY He respectfully invites the Ladies and Gen- . tlemen of Fayetteville, and the public generally, to his J. S. BANKS, COMMISSION AMD FORW1RDIS8 MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. January 1, 185C. ly-pd .,llti.ai;i,.1nfonuaaon to EveKy-HligWy important to Rectifiers. r- , ttnttnv, ?V1nVlniia nrtrl AVfinlp. ALEX. JOHNSON & CROW. DEALERS JJV (SII.IC AND STAPLE DRV OOODS, ARE now in receipt in full (or nearly bo) oi tneir '..11 n.l ur;ni. Ctnofc fnr 1RS7. ti..;. r.r..Mt stnoir Sa luriTpr than usual: anu amontrst it will be found every variety ana siyie w. irnrMln c&lleu for in tneir traile- Buvers will please eive their stock a glance over. if they rait to sell nevertiK.jess lase piraturc ing it. AI.EX. JOHNSON, JR. inm sept. 19, 6B-tt The Approaohimi Fourth. Everybody is making preparations of some kind for the proper ooscrvnuv .if the "ainrious Fourth." Some will io abroad, and some will stay at home, others will remain sober ; some will don military uniforms, while the great majority ;u oiinr mifh nlain clothes as are I ecomineto respec .Mm.l nntrintlc nrivate citizens. UI course wic rrtt t m ASK of these people will get their garments a tlie Krown Ntore lioinm" nail ui lUKtnui a. uw va ;irt onii 605 fnew stvlel Chesnut street, above Sixth. July 11,1857. 1U. W. R mn'H and which surpass any other in neatness and durability So come along without delay. And get'a picture that will pay. 7' He has reduced the price to $1 50, and upwards, Oct. 10. 1857 . 71-tf Pall Stock, 1857. i B. F. PEARCE & CO., 8K now rw-lvlim a larre and well selected consist! n if in part of : Black and figured Silks; KnglisU aud French Merinoes; Plain and Fig'd DeLianes; French all waol Plaids; Alpacas of all qualities; Black Bombazine; English, French and American Prints; Chenille Shawls, (beautiful patterns;) Ijadics' Cloaks of every description; Jaconet Edgings and Insertions; Collars and Undersleeves; Hosiery, Gloves, Belts; Ribbons, Trimmings, &c; Cloths and Cassiraeres; Tweeds, Jeans and Sattinets; White and Colored Flannels: Bleached and brown Shirtings; Allendale 10-4 Sheeting; Bleached and Brown Drillings; Plaid Linseys and Kerseys; Marlboro' Stripes and Plaids; Brown and Bleachtd Table Cloths; Towellings of all kinds; Negro Blankets; Extra quality Bed Blankets; Spiral, Brass and Whalebone Hoops; Good assortment of Hoop Skirts; Yankee Notions of every variety, kind, and quality; Silk, Leghorn, and Straw Bonnets; Moleskin, Cassimere and Wool Hats; Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &c. ALSO A large and fashionable stock of ... . a , H For some time past I nave oeen cug.u - , ness (known only to myseir and comparatively lew others whom I have instructed for $100 each) which has averaged me an income oi irora m, per annum and having made arrangements to go to the Hastern uonuneiii ut j full instructions in the art to any per et.ta who will remit me the sum T i -n. ;niiiMi frnm the imcce!s i dm with, and the acknowledgments that I have received from those whom I have instructed in the art, and who are new clearing from $8 to ioperuay, to give every person a chance to come into possession oi tnis vaauv ble means of making a small fortune. There illao Humbug about the business nerem alluded to. Ref erences of the best class can be given as regards its character, and I can also refer to persons in Chicago and Detroit as well as in this place, who have within three months embarked in this businesss, and who will testify that they are making from S8 to $13 per day ai me same, u a uumoct" u wun.-u euner LaSies or Gentlemen can engage, ana wun pertect ease make a very uanasome income, ocvcm, uauies in various parts or Illinois anu .Missouri, wnom i nave instruu&d in the art, are now clearing irom io i2 per day It is a genteel business and requires but a few shil linits to commence it. Upon receipt of $l I ,ni at Dncc forward to the applicant a circular containing fnll instrnctions in the art, which will be perfectly under stood upon being once reao. Address EDWIN TEMPLETW No. 37, Fourth St., St. Louis, Mo. Aug. 22 6m sale Grocers. Dr. Feiuhlvoangcr's Flavorings to Product at a Moment's notice, every desired Liquor. - The undersigned has lately made great improve ments in this branch of business. The Flavorings are in packages of 5. 10, and 40 Gallons, and re prool, ana uiquors, sucn as vyugnuc, eiiuer uara vi nale. Holland and English Gin, Jamaca and St Croix Kiim, nionoiiirauia, uouruwu, iricu ana ocoicu n uib- hev. Apple, .Peach, Cherry and Raspberry Brandy J . i tir- .,, , - . . 1 i i Pert ana raaaena n toes win w iiisi.niii.iy pruuuvcu It requires no skill, but an addition of a good spirit, say 50 gallons io each gallon or the respeetive Flavor not. The best Cognac Oil, greea yellow and white, war ranted genuine, as low as any other importer charges for the respective qnaniy. - Essences of every Liquor. Extract of Cognac, 1 lb. nf wJiich oroduces 200 gallons of Cognac. Raw Whiskey may uy ir r s age ana noay prepara tion, be made smootn wun oat a inning expense. The price of Flavorings are extremely moderate and directions in lun.snppuf-a uy DR. LEWIS FEUCHTWANRER. ntiemist and Importer of Drugs, Essential Oils and Metals, Daguerreotype anamotograpniccnemicais. No. 143 mamcD baae, new lorn. April 25, 1857. 6m. EIIRNITI1RF! FURNITURE!! i FOR TUE TRAnK OR rRIVATE t"SE. Fnrnitnre MaHttractnms, 35 BOWERY, NEW. YORK. Termi Casta. One Price Only Heretofore we have manufactured and sQU(-J exclusively at wholesale. We are now prepare Jt to offer a well assorted stock at retail, at a-r, vinff of frnm t w p n t v- t r thirtv Tk. r in Iftfi ! Consumer. xvA i e i Mil j umvu uuw lur iaie Mahogany Chairs, spring seats, mm upholtered in hair cloth, m from - $2 25 to 6 00 e fj Mahogany Sofas, spring seats, wm .upuoisicreu m hair cloth, i i m I r 3 r NEW FIRM. T. & J. M. Ellis would inform their have associated themselves together on Person street, one door above Breece. Esq. Where they bare a g-ner-al assortment of PRO CSO.VS, Tobacco. Cigars and L'HUots and Winps, -c. Which they will sell low for c&h or exchange for count rv produce. Oct. 10 1857. at-p.l mm jo mwiEY, irxoPucTOR or TZXZDSB AU3 SfVlSBES. WihBlngtM, N. ., WILL ATTEND PROfflPTLY TO Business in the above line, entrusted to his care. JtS Special attention will be given to the sale Timber free of commissions. Oct. 10,1 g&7. , 71-tf All ot which will be sold low for CASH, or on onr usual time to punctnal customers either at Wholesale r lv ftii. All oerrsons are resDectfullv invited to friends give us a can. B. . PK.VKUK. J. W. rfcAKtt, Jr. Sop. 12 1S57 67-tf ol WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. additions to am now receiving my Sstock of W.l TCHKS, JE WELR V, Silcer and Plated ware, Musical Instruments, Military a nd Fancy goods Which makes my Stock good. Those who are about to make their purchases would do well to call . W. PRIOR. gy Watch Repairing done in the best man ner and warranted. Oct. 3. 70-3m $2B EEWABBI KAN'AWAY from the Sulcribcr, a Negro boy named BILLY, very black, about 6 fevt high, rather spare made. alxut 25 years of age, shows his front teeth whn he speaks or laughs, weighs aIout 175 pounds, aud was raised on Drowuing Creek. The above reward will be paid for the apprehension and delivery of the Mid negro to me, or for his confinement in any Jail in State so that I can get him. M. C. LAMOXT. Oct 3, 1857- 79-8t Argus copy. from 13 00 to 26 00 Mahogany Rocking chairs, spring seats, upholstered in hair-cloth, from i 00 to 12 00 Mahogany easy Chairs, on castors or rockers, up holstered in hair cloth, 1 1 00 tc IS 00 Mahogany Tete-a-tete, up holstered in hair-Cloth, 15 00 to 33 WU agogany Tete-a-tete Sofas, upholstered in hair cloth 25 JIOSELEY'S Griffix, Gi., 1856.. AH persons afflicted with Cancer, Tumors, Wens, Scrofula, Scald-Head, Tetter. Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Otorrhceo Ulcers of all kinds, together with all other chronic diseases, can avail themselves of lr. Mosely's services at Griffin, Ga. Ollice on 8th- st. JBTERMS: All persons are required to pay their fees in advance, or cive their notes with references. Ao case will be undertaken unless it can be cured or admit of relief. My mode of practice in Cancer and Cancerous affec tions, is without the use of the knife or caustic, ana is uotri local ana constitutional, causing Dut very nttie pain, in most cases. All cases of CANCER are required to be under tnv immediate care and supervision from one to six weeks. Communications strictly private and promptly answered. Address vvi K. Moselj, M. D., Griffin, Ga. r. 00 to 45 00 MRlll.r.4ll MtmiRANV TOPTib.' Jk In great variety of styles, qualities and priegfe. M BUREAUS. Half Marble and Wood Ton. With hi Mor without Glasses, with Wsh -stands to maicb.U 4 Also, W'ardrobcsJifdsteads,. Sideboards. Hallt Stands, Book Casenunges, Ltegcres, Comer Kjk Stands and Book Shelves. UM fi OFFICE FURNITURE Desks, Tables and Chairs. ml All the alxive goods in black walnut or oak at H the same prices. I SUITS, in Kosewooa, upholstered rocatellc, Satin Damask, Satin and M PARLOR tt in French Br Plush. 4cr 1, it, the frames ofJv MARRIAGE GUIDE, lay dr. wm. yoraa. Marriage Guide Young's Great . Physiological HVirZ-r The. Pocket JEsculavius. or every one his own Doctor, by Wm. Young, M. P- x. It fs written to plain langrtage for the general reader and is illtuti atod with upwarda ot One Hundred, en gravings. All young married people, or those con templating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with; still it is a book that must be kept locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty five cents. Address DR. WM. YOUNG, 125 Spruce St., above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa. April 18, 1857. ly THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY. Jaat Pablltbcd, Gratia, the SOth Thcasand I A FEW WORPS OS THE RATIOXAI. TBEAT- Ikent, without Medicine, of Spermatorrhea or Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Gen ital an Nervous Debility. Impotency, and Impedi ments to Marriage generally. BT B. DK I.ANET, M. D. The important fact that the many alarming com' plaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily removed without Medicine, is in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised mostrums oi tne aay. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to DR. i. ue L.AXET, i L.eonard Street, jN. I. Uity. Dec. 13. 185G. 28-ly L. SCOTT & CO'S. - REPRINT OP THE,, DMTISI1 PERIODICALS AND TE - ' FARMER'S !KUI1E. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PBJCfc. OF THE LETTER PUBLICATION. -L snoPT CO.. NEW TORK, continue to pul- lish th fllowsaglcadrng British Penodh?, TnE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative.) 2 THE EDINBUBOD: REVIEW (Whig-) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Churcb.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE; (Tory.) These Periodicals ably represent the three great politictA parties or Ureat uritain nig, iory. ana Radical, brit politics forms only one feature of their character. As Organs of the most profound writer on Science, Literature, Morality, and Religion. Ihcv stand, as they ever nave siooo. unnvaiTO in ine -norm of letters, being indispensible to the scholar and the wofessional man, while to the inteligent reader of every Class tney lurnisn a more turrvui auu cunriac tory record of the current literature of the day, throughout the world, than can be possibly obtained from any other source. , EARLY COPIES. SCItEIICS BREAST CIS BE CUBED!! LET THE PUBLIC READJ In mercy to the afflicted, and the eratitude and hicrb opinion 1 eutertain of Dr Moseley, as a Surgeon anfl i ujfBiviau, i ueeui ii, my amy io mention ine case oi ray wife, hoping at the same time that all persons si mi larly afflicted may be benefitted by it. In the for part 5f this year, my wife had several small lumps to make their appearance in her breast ; they continued io increase in size, nntil the whole breast becfime diseased mass, and very painful. I procured thse best medical aid in the city of Rome, and notwithstanding the earnest and faithful attention of the most skilful 1 inasmneh aa they can now be jtfaced in physicians, she continued to grow worse and worse until tney gave the case np as incurable, ana aaviscd amputation. I was advised by many of my friends, to visit Dr. W. R. Moseley, of Griffin, Ga., whieb I did, and, Astonishing as it may seem, be had her entirely cared within one month! and she in bow in good health!! I would advise all who are afflicted with Scir- rhus and Cancerous affections, to visit the Doctor with out delay, as I am satisfied by experience and nbser vatiou, that he is the mo ft skilful physician in the Southern States, in the treatment of that horrible dis easeCancer WM. H. MITCHELL. M. rJ MIlUliKLL., The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS fim the Brit ish publishers gives additional value to these Reprints inasmneh aa they can now be Vlaced in the hands vf 1 aubacrlbers about as soon as the original editions TERm. Per ' DaughterTirj. W. Bradbury, Rome. June 20, 1837tynicfltarjiy 9 ONE -DOIsLAR A-YJJAR, CirculatlolfVfei- 1 OO.OoCTcopics Weekly!, '25 'Witnesses, or the F 0 RG"ER CONVICTED. DYE IS THE AUTHOR. as a Banker and ahnV For any one of the four Review $3 fll) For any two of the fbur Reviews 3 Of? t or any three or the tour lieviews 7 (to For all four of the Review 8 ( For Blackwood's Magazine S 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews n Off For Blackwood and the four Reviews 10 (itf Payments to be made in all caret m atlranrtr Money current tn the State where issued will be re ceived at par. CLVBBIXC. A discount of twenty -five per cent from the above" prices will be allowed toCi.riiK ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $!; four copies of the Jour Reviews and Blackwood for $30; and so on. I POSTAGE DOBBTJST HOUSE! POWERS fc: CO., Proprieton. The Pr(Jprietor8 of this Establishment an nouncc to the public, that owing to the con stantly increasing patronage extended to them, they have been induced to enlarsre the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on the lower floor, ami suite of Rooms on the seeond floor: thus enabling them to accommodate all who mav favor them with a call. And they pledi themselves to an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their natrons. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in attendance. The eligible location of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the comfort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a liberal share of tbe travel. The Western and Southern Stages arrive at and depart from this House. Carriages in attendance on arrival and departure of Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horcs and Carriages furnished at any notice for carryin" travellers to any part of the adjacent country. Fayetteville, May 12, 1856. 98-tf- The same in Black Walnut which are stained in varnishing, tiful imitation, and upeolstert goods, make a showy appearance at a mul f Jcr driee.' ri In our establishment can be found a gre iety of Fancy Chairs, in Rosewood. 31aDogiiy and Black Walnut, Turkish Smoking Chair, e .Jclininir Chairs. Hall Chairs. Voltaire Chairs, M Cane Chairs, and also the Celebrated n SPRIXfJ RED. 72 Known aa-Tucker's Patent This articl we 'Ti n-..t,l mrt'iriilfirl v reeommend. it havineibcen H r..l t... ..,A ..,.1 rrkiin.l ,,nnn (rial tn lx tbe liCSt luiljr n r-n . , 1"" . ' U CONCLUSION. ' Ll n Parties who are not able to personally -iBI . i. - 1 1, . u-.nt in ilnend niwui hmv-AJ inr 'xfi- in, j in,. ...... - - -1 i inr their orders filled with as much care, -ndt-j J their interest studied, as though tney were pre-H IUI M M airs. n m mnt: ana to sucn we ai?o omit i m ivw H the selection of any Household Goods they1 may ADVERTISEMENTS. Proposals for Erecting: 3Inrlne Barraclcs at l'ensacola, Fla. MAW DEPARTMENT, ) WaikiBirton, Sep. 21,1957. OEAJfyplfOrPtJAJLS. endorsed "Proposals for pibuilding Marine Barcaoks at Pensacola, Flori da." will be received a tliis-department until the 6th day of November, 18.7, at 3 o'clock, p. m.. for the construction of the Marine Barracks authorized to be erected at l'ensacola. Florida, according to tbe plans and specifications prepared by the direction of the Navy Department, copies of which may be seen at the offices of the commandants of the navy yards at Ports mouth, New Hampshire, Boston. New York. Philadel phia, No.rfolk, and l'ensacola, and at the Navy Depart- tn111- . . . The proposals must be for furnishing all the materi - ls and completing the work in a manner satisfactory tn the oeraon who may le appointed by the Navy De partment to superintend the same; and the department reserves the right to reject or accept any of the pro posals herein invited, when it deems the interest of the Uuited States requires it. Ninety per cent of the amount of work done and the materials delivered will be paid from time to time, as the work progreses, upon estimates made and certified to by the superintendent on the part of the U. States, and ten per cent retained until the completion of the coutract and acceptance of the work by the said super intoleut and departnent, and be forfeited in the event of nnn-filltilraent of the contract; provided that no bill fchall be made for an amount less than five thou sand dollars. Each proposal must be accompanied by a written guarant e, signed by two responsible persons, (certified to be so by a nary agent, post master, district judge. or soma otner omcer ot tne Lnited Mates,) in the sum of five thousand dollars, that the bidder will, when required, if his proposal be accepted, enter into a con tract and bond with proper and sufticlent security for its faithful performance. Bidders are inviteu to examine the plans and speci- ttcattons at tne omces nerem before mentioned. The proposals must lie sealed and addressed to this. department, aud plainly endorsed "Proposals for building Marine Barracks at Pensacola, Florida." The bidder only whose olfr may be accepted will , be notified, and the contract forwarded as soon there i after as practicable, whieh he will be required to exe ' cute within ten days after its receipt at the post office named by him. All the above work is to be completed in all respect? according to the plans anil specifications within t welve months from and after the date of the coutract. ISAAC TOUCFV, Secretary of the Navy Oct 3. Gt-sw. r want, and as we should purcnase irom rin llnn.ls a sarin? will thereby be made which the customer would have tbe fccncfft of. si Aug. 1, 1857. 61-ly AMERICA!! SAFSTT-PAPEH MANUKAACTl'RIAG CO. OP SEW YORK. CA?XTAI $500,000. A. Nicholas, President. Office, 70 Wall St, A nerfect security ucainst all manner of Fraud or Counterfeiting on Paper To Prevent Photographs and " Anastatic Counterfeits, Erasures, Transfers or Alterations. Having purchased the Patent for the exclusive right to manufacture and sell the New Chemical paper in America, invented in England by Henry Ulynn a cele brated chemist and omcer in the British army, it is hardly necessary to say that the Paper is recommended by Mr Kent. Assaver of the U. S- Mint, Mr Lyman of the New York Clearing House, and Meade Brothers extensive and skilful photographers, 133 Broadway, N. Y. The latter say that no imitation em be made on a check or bank note printed on the Safety Paper. Below is our list of prices; Bank Checks 2a cts. per lb. -Bank Bills $18 for 1000 sheets. Bills of Exchange $25 for 1000 sheets. Promissory Notes 40 cts. per lb. Sight and Time Drafts $25 for 1000 sheets Insurance Policies 40 cts. per lb. Railroad Stocks & Bonds 40 cents per lb. Bank and State Stocks 40 cts. per lb. Bonds and Mortgages 40 cts. per lb. Wills and Deeds 40 cts. per lb. For wrapping Silks and other fine articles It is ex cellent, as it prevents moths. 40 cts a lb. For Indentures and Agreements. 4W cents per io. All State and County Records should always be printed or written on this Paper, as the chemicals in serted in the pulp not only prevent erasure or transfer but make it lasting as time. For Southern Climates it is excellent, and much superior to any other; as the moistdess of the climate does not destroy it, the properties inserted in the pulp being a preventative. In all the southern states Cuba, the West Indies and the Central American States no public records can be kept over 20 years, written on the ordinary paper, while the oils and other chemi cals idserted in this Paper makes it indestructible by the ravages of time. 'It is also proof against moths, rats and other vermin, which feast on and destroy all other paper now in use. The Company have now in operation Mills !n Morris Connlv. N. J.. of about 300 horse power, and are able to fill all orders for Paper at the shortest notice. All orders for Paper must be addressed to A.NICH OLAS. President of the Company, o. 70 Wall btrcet, Orders for this valuable paper received at the caro- inian Office. July, 18, 5G-3m SHEPPARD'S GREAT BEVElJftJt THE GREATEST PEHIODIt kfelHEDV EVER DISCOVERED. 1,000 bxs," Retailer Monthly. THE BENEFACTOR IS INFALLIBLE for the im mediate removal of Obstructions lrrigularities, Pro lapsus Uteri (falling of the womb) Leuchorrhe or Whites, and all the diseas es peculiar to females. This remedy has never in a single case failed in producing the Mense. I have received many letters of recommendation, wSich all say. '-It is the best remedy wt have ever used." Sickness at stomach, headache languor, debility, pains in the head, side and back, loss of appetite, costiveness, ic are some of the symptoms which attend irregular menstration. This remedy is certain to remove one and all of these symp toms Be sure and get the genuine, which has my signi ture on each box. This remedy may be hail by ad dressing J.S. SHEPPARD. West Fourth street Cin cincinati, and enclosing 1, and the remedy will be sent by return mail. N. B. Ladies who are pregnant should nol56 this remedy, as it is sure to bring on miscarriage, though no injury to health would follow. One box Jl, three boxes $2. All lettrrs of inquiry must contain a pos tage stamp to ensure an answer. J. S. SnEPPARD. Sole Proprietor, Cincinnati. O. August 1, 1857. l-ly NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE' This Great Journal of Crime and Criminal? is m its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throujhout the couutry. It contains all the great Trials. Mnrinal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the suae, to gether wifh information on Criminal Matters n0 be found ia any other newspaper. - it-" : : n inkMA'A1, Sfic Months, to be remitted hy Subscribers. .te write their names and the town, county they reside, plainly,) should where June 6, 18S7 To R A SEYMOUl. Editor and Proprietor of the National Police Gazette, New Yoik City. iy 500 AGENTS WANTED. $10! A Homestead For THIRD DIVISION. $310,000 worthof Farms and Buildin" HEUlBOLD8 OENIINE PREPARATION or HIGHLY CONCENTRATED tOirOIJI . FLUID EXTRACT BCCHC. For Diseases of the Bladder, Kiilneys, Gravel, Dropsy, "Weakness, Obscructio-ns, Secret Diseases, Female Complaints, and all Diseases of the Sexual Organs, Arising rrom fcxeess and Imprudence in life, and re moving all Improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kidneys, or iScxual organs, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE. From whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter ot Dow long sianaing; giving Health and Tfgor to tbe frame, and bloom to the Pallid Cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED !1! It cures Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and re moves all the Symptoms, among which will be found Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, (gen eral Weakness, Horror of Dis ease, Weak Nerves, Trembling. Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet. Wakeiulness, Dim ness of Vision. Languor, Universal Las situde of the Muscnlar System, and often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptoms Hot Hands, Flushing of the body, Dryness of tbe Skin, Palled Countenance and Erup tions on the Face, Pain in the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, frequedtly Black Spots Flying before the Eyes, With Temporary Suffusion aud Loss of Sight. Want of Atten tion, Gleat Mobility, Rest lessness, with Horror of Society. Nothing is more desirable to such Patients than Solitude, and nothing they more Dread for Fear of Themselves; no Repose of Manner, no Earnestness, no Speculation, but a Hurried Transition from one question to an other. These symptoms, if allowed to go on which this medicine invariably removes soon follows Loss of Power, Fatuity and Epileptic Fits in one of which the patient may expire. SVhe can say that these ex ercises are not frequently followed by these direful diseases Insanity and Consumption? The records of the Insane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Sonsnmption. bear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sod den and quite destitute neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it. Should o sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. "With woeful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled.' Debility is most terrible! and has brought thou sands npon thousands to untimely graves, thus blast ing the ambition of many noble youths. It can be cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY, If you are suffering with any of the above distressing ailments, the Fluid Extract Buchn will cure von. Trv It and he convinced nf Its efficiency. Beware tfOwtk IfCStrfUS. nm taaek SmIwi, who ralsely boast' of aDinties ana reiereuces. citizens Know and avoid them, and save Long Suffering, Money, and Emosnre. by sending or calling for a bottle of this Popular and Specific Kemeay. It allays all pain and inflamation. is perfectly plea- mm 1 a . J I . . - saat in its taste ana oaor, out immediate in Its action. IlelnibolcTs Extract Bnclin Is prepared directly according to the Rule of Pbarma cy and Chemistry, with the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge and care devoted in its combina tion. See Prosessor De wees' Valuable Works on tbe Practice of Physic, and most of the late Standard Works of Medieine. JOHN S Who has had 10 years experience Publisher and Author of a series of Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle when for 10 successive nights, over jZ- 50,000 People"TtJ greeted him with Rounds of Applause, while be exhibited tbe manner in which Counterfeiters execute their Frauds, and tbe surest and shortest means of detecting theml The Bauk Note Engravers all say that he is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE PRESENT CENTURY FOR DETECTING COUNTERFEIT BASK. ROTES. Describing every Genuine Bill in existence and ex hibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation !! Arranged so admirably, that reierence is easy and detection instantaneous. No index to examine ! No pages to hunt np ! But so simplified and arranged tnat the Merchant, Banker and Business Man can see at a glance. English, French and German. Thus each may read the same in his own native Tongue. Most perfrct Bank Note List published. Also, a List of all the Private Bankers in America. A complete summary of the Finance of Europe and America will be published in each edition, together with all the important'Ncwsof the day. Also, a series of tales from an old manuscript found in: the East. It 1 uruisbes the most complete history of ORIENTAL LIFE, describing the most perplexing positions in whieh the Ladiesand Gentlemen of that country have rcn nti. -Amsac scones will contfntie throughout the whole year, and will prove the most entertaining ever offered to the public. S,, r iirmsnen weekly to subscribers only, at $1 a year. All Letters must be addressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker. Publisher and proprietor, 70 Wall Street, JNew lork. April 25, 1857. ly. Lots WHISKERAKD0. Warranted to force the Moustache and Whiskers to grow strong and luxuriant in one month, where there was none before. It will not stain or injure the skin. $1 per bottle. Sent to ail parts of the country on re ceipt of price. Receipts for making $;. Dit. S. P. SHELDON. Aug. 8th, 1857, New York City In the Gold Region of Cnlpeper County, Virginia to be divided amongst 10,200 subscribers, on the 7th of Dec'r, 1857 Subscriptions only ten dollars down; or $15 one half down, the rest on the delivery of the Deed. Every subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm ranging in value from $10 to $25,000, Thosa Farms and Lots are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficien t number being reserved, the increc.se in the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Upwards of 1,350 lots arot farms are already sold, and a company of settlers culled "The Rappahannock Pioneer Association," is new forming and will soon commence a settlement. Amnl security will be eiven for the faithful performance nf nmitracts and promises. CgPefTT Nearly 45,000 acres of land. inTnTrercrpartoT Virginia, now at command and will be sold to settlers at from SI np to $MW, per acre. Unquestionable titles trill in all eases be given. Wood-cutters, Coop ers. Farmers, &c.. are wanted; and 500 Agents to ob tain subscribers, to whom the most liberal inducements will be gives. Some Agents write thsthcy are mtikinir S'200 ner month. single For full particulars. Subscriptions,! Agencies, I jjiuklingB, Phila. ic. One hnndre Dollars will be paid to any Physician who can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Pa tient; and tbe testimony of thousands can be produced to prove tnai u does great good, uases of from one week to thirteen years7 standing have been effected. . The mass of Voluntary Tesimony in possession of the Proprietor, vouching its virtues and curative pow ers, is lmense, embracing names well known to Scienee and Fame. 100,090 Settles have keea gM and not a instance of a failure has been reported! Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, H.T. U ELMBOLD, Chemist, who being duly sworn does say, that his preparation con tains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, but are purely Vegetable. H. T. nELMBOLI. Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed liefore me this 23d day of No vember, 1854 W. P. HIBBARD, Alderm'n PRICE: $1 per Bottle, or Six for $3, Delivered to any Address, accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Cler gymen and others. Prcpured and sold by H. T. II ELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist. No 52 South Tenth St., below Chestnut, Assembly PROSPCETUS OF THE SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER For the Year 1856. July to December. TWENTY-THIRD VOLUME. In issuing the Prospectus of the Twenty-Third Vol ume of the SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER, commencing with the July No., the Proprietors rely solely on the encouraging letters and promises of the friends of the Messenger to aid them in extending its circulation, and they beg to assure the pnblic that no exertions will be remitted on their part to maintain tbe high character of the work, and to challenge the patronage of all who value sterling literary merit. For Twenty-One Years, the Messenger has endeavored to reflect faithfully the Southern mind, while disdaining all narrow and sectional views, and has been alone among the monthly periodicals of America, in defence of the PECULIAR INSTITUTIONS OF THE SOUTHERN ST ATES. To this office it will be devoted, and will be prompt to repel assaults upon the South, whether they come under the specious garb of fiction, or in the direct form of anti-slavery pamphlets. At this critical juncture, while our enemies are employing literature as their most potent weapons of attack, the Southern people win surety not wunnoia tneir encouragement trom a work whose aim it shall be to strike blows in their de fence . The Messenger will, as heretofe, present its readers with Reviews, Historical and Biosraphical Sketches, Novels, Tales, Travels, Essays,' Poems, Critiques, and Papers on the Army, Navy and other National Subjects. With a view to ensure a larger circulation of the MESSENGER, the Proprietors though they intend greatly increasing the size of the work, have reduced the price of Subscription, which, is now only Three VwBart per. a nuns, la Advance, OR FOUR DOLLARS IF NOT PAID BEFORE THE FIRST OF JULY IN ANY YEAR. C7Z.lTHfl RemitMnsr as Fifteen TtnUrm In letter, will be entitled to Six Copies. Tbe Editorial and critical department of the Mes senger will continue nnder the charge of JOHN R. THOMPSON, Esq., And will embrace copious notes on current literature and reviews of all new American or Foreign works of general interest and value. The Editor's opinions will be always fearlessly and honestly avowed. The Business Department is conducted by the under signed, to wnom an communications ot a business na ture mustbe addressed, MACFARLANE. FERGUSSON & CO. Law Building, Franklin Street, Richmond, Va. Jane 1, 1856. In all the principal Cities and Towns; these works will be delivered, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by mail, the PoMage to any part of the United States will, be but TWbM'Y-l'UUK CENTS a yar for Blackwood and but FOURTEEN CENTS a yeai for each of the Reviews. N. B. The price in Great Britain of the jive Periodicals above-named is about $31 per annum. THE FARMER'S GUIDE. To Scientific and Practical Agriculture. By Henry Stephens. F. R. S., ot Edinburgh, and the late J. P. Norton Professor of .cientific Agricul ture in Yale College. New Haven. 2 vol Roval Octavo. 1000 pages, and numerous Wood and Steel Engravings. This is, confessedly, the most complete work of Agriculture ever published, and in order to give it a wider circulation the publishers have rcsolvid to re duce the price to Five Dollars for the two VolnBaet!! When sent by mail (post-paid) tp California and , Oregon the price will be 7 dollars. To every, other part of the Union, and to Canada (post-paid C dollars. This work is not the old "Book of the Fai n." Remittances for any of tbe above publications t-honld always be addressed post-paid, to tbe Publishers, " LEONARD SCOTT & CO. No. 54 Gtfld-stree',. New York.' HARRISON'S COLUMBIAN HAIR DYE. SIZE ENLARGED, STYLE IMPKOVEP. It has 4mUc tbe quantify and sfrrnfa of aay otter. It gives a perfect nateral color. , , i . t colon every shade from light Frown to Jet Mack. , Its use k easy andTapid. It b perfectly harmless ito the Skin. 1 its effect is instantaneous and permanent. It Is tbe bent, quickest, ckeatest, and sajeet PTE rrrr MADE. . - Eff"Directions for use accompany each box." $i ; 8 oz. $5 i rnce ioz. i : z oz. t ou : i oz. I Lntered according to the Act of Con er ess. in the year 1855, by A. W. Harrison in the Clerk's Office of the Uistrict court or the U. S. for the Euvtern District ofPenu. ! For sale by JAS. F. FOULKES. Favotteville N. C. Manufacturer, APOLLOS W. HARRISON, No. 10 South 7th St., ran dei.'fu ia. Feb. 21, 1857. Jy VEGETABLE AGUE OR ANTI-FEVER PILLS. WE would call the attention of persons afflicted with Chills and Fevers to this celebrated Pill, which owes its popularity to no puffing, nor to long, windy certificates but solely to its own merits as a remedy which never fails to cure when taken according to directions accompanying each box. This Pill unlike many others, contains no mineral, nor any injurious ingredient, and may be administered with perfect safe ty at all times, to young ar old. As a preventative against Chills, or any other tvne of Fever, it is recommended as unsurpassed: and in treatment of Fevers generally it is far superior to Quinine, or any preparation of Peruvian bark. A trial of its merits is all that is needed to insure it a favora ble position in the cstimetion of even tba moi-t invet erate opposer of Proprietary or Patent prescriptions. CHAMPION'S ANTI.BILLIOVS PILLS. Enjoy the reputation of being at least asVood, if not better, than any of tbe various catharic Pills of the age, and are entirely free from all poisonous minerals, or other injurious properties, and are highly recom mended in Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick Head ache, Sick Stomach, Habitual Costiaimess, Indigestion, Ac., and diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, and Blood generally, tbey being by tbeir composition equally adapted to either of the above cases as a gen eral cathartic, good at all times when such medicines are required. We recommend them to the attention of alt persons. Prepared by F. M. SWYER A CO., Belleville. ILlinnia Sold by S. 3. Hinadale, Fayetteville, N. C. and by Agents in all tbe towns and villages in the Southern and Western States. Apply to Port Royal E. BALDER. Caroline co., Ya. 35Bcwarc of Counterfeits. Ask for nelmbold's BAGS! DAGS!! AT THE Corn Exchange Bag Mannfactory, US ft. 127 Broad Street, S. Y. Now ready for the FALL TRADE Cheap for Cash 50,000 new 3 Bu. GRAIN BAGS, 25,000 " 2 " " " 75.000 SECOND HAND 2 and 3 Bn. in PRIME Order. 37,000 SEAMLESS BAGS of all the various kinds. MILLERS' BAGS i, i, i. and 1-16 Bbl. Bags, designed expressly for their Trade, and manufactured from our Premium Glazed Cloth, (warranted not to sift Flour.) This is a new article and we call the particular attention of Millers and r lour Dealers. SALT FACTORIES supplied with Bags, all sizes, designed expressly for use. yaSTAXi orders executed with neatness and dispatch. B. E. CLARK, Proprietor. Sept. 5, 66-3ra. BLANKS. of axz; xixrro TOR SiLE AT THIS Ol FICE. aOBNTB WANTID- Agents wanted in every town and hamlet in the Southern States, where one is not already established. Address F. M. Swyer &. Co., Belleville, Illinois, accompanied with good reference to character and re sponsibility, and your orders will be promptly filled by return mail. F M SWYER & CO., Proprietors, Belleville, Illinois. June 13, 1857 6m A. L.. ARCHAMBAULT, " PORTABLE STEAM ENGINE BUILDER, S. E. corner loth and Hamilton its., Philad., Pa. Portable Steam Engines, on larga wheels, with a tongue for a team to be attached to move them about. These engines have two cylinders, making 10 to 30 horse power. Orders are filled in from 3 to 5 weeks. Engines always on hand for sale. These engines have been in use seven years, and in every instance have givengeneral satisfaction. Descriptive circulars will be sent when applied for. Jan. 10. 1857. 32-tf Gifts! Gifts!! Gifts!!! A PRIZE TO EVERY PURCHASER, At the Quaker City Publishing House ofDuano Rulison, Philadelphia. By buying a book for $1, or more, you are at once presented with a prize, worth from 25 cents to S 100. consisting of Fine Gold Jewelry Watches, Jtc, All orders by mail will be promptly filled, and the prize or prizes will accompany the books. Our list contains all of the most popular hooks of the day. and will be sold at the usual retail prices, many of them for less. Persona.wi4iing any particu lar book can order at once and It will be forwarded with a gift. A catalogue giving full information, with a list of books and gifts, will bo sent post paid, by nd. dressing DUANE RULISON. No. 33 S. Third. Street, Phila. "Agents wanted. Take no other. Cures Guarantied. June 13, 1857. ly Sep. 12, 1807.