rv^ •■>r> 6''0 ^'T -' •*■ «• t ■&, ■• c cK-' »»*>J Lv o SLi X9 ^ Gj - ■‘-fef ( i Adventure in Arkansas—A Night •with a Panther. , I. te ..l.«. .; 1862, M,. E„,.,: ' versed a £?reat part of the \\ cetern 1 erm^ ■ ry, I found myself in the pleasant, ‘ ' ^{ f fe- 0A iy4' Trees and their Uses. fully situated, and healthy Tillage of Fay- vttA mc, in the North-western part of Ar kansas. Here, in consequence of the large ‘ ([uantity of game with which the neighbor- aomSv Isrf For the Carolinian. 013I3S -A-3Sri3> EISTIDS- A coteinpoTarT,- talking of the rich men of New York-, says': “Wm. B. Astor enjoys an in come of $3,000 a.day.” He may have it, bnt it is e-xtreinely doubtful whether he enjoys it; c'csl une autre chose, as the French say. It is a settled thing in Europe that ^^rava-! merous, more so State Agiicultnral Society. The regular annual meeting of the State Agricultural Society of North Carolina took place in the Commons Hall, on Tuesday evening last, Hon. Thomas Ruffin, Presi dent, in the chair. The attendance was nu- than usual at this early nominatioli. H. Esql^ added the name of Jno. Spelman. baUot ensued, which resulted m the election of Mr. Cooke by ten va&wrxp- i Treasurer, Mr. I F. Hutchms was tlien elected by acelaniation-a very ffaUering compliment. The meeting then adjourned. Thursday, Oct. 22. Iionr. '1 he travelled, had become v The value of tlie forest tree i.s Itoginniug to enjoy the pleasure of my favorite t.j be appreciated not only in a pliysical but t^,„l„^emellt—hunting, economical point of view, ami each iu‘w trea- . j-pon one of my hunting excursions I had ti=e serving to show the iiece.s.sity wiiicli ''x- gitiguljifly unsuccessful—not having a ists f,-r lu-eserving and cultivating frees, is during the whole day, and, as might be to be v.'olcomod as a contribution tc t;: ■ ic. An article on thus sub;, li,.,id abounded, I determined to devote of M'tdncsihiy iho 4th of Noveiii- few week to reevuiting my strength, which, i “Farmers Hall," or one of the cluirch- owiiig to the laiiorious manner in which 1 had i jpg ope,, ai,- on the Fair Grounds. erv much exhausted, All arraii m'.u'ii w iioic-some trutn bearing suppossed, felt in a not very joyous mood; i farmer for upon all previous occasions 1 had met | V ith irrea' U'bio ill Inch paused me I . . -.i on the cment of this kind will afford an op portunity to numbers to hear the address who otlicrwi.se will be prevented. And besides it will give us an Evening entertainment, w Inch i.s very iniieli wanted on occasions of the kind. th- Permit me through the columns of your pa per, to suggest to the Executive Committee of ... the’Cumberland Agricnltural Fair so to ar-1 ^-ery extreme of vulgarity. i stage of tlm session. Esq., of Hall-i range that the annual address be delivered be- j On motion of jl-H- .”.^.,,!"abs:" fore tlie society, and the | lights of a ship which only illuinine the i.ath the present Fair were called "|,is%al'n.rTiit the Fair’gronnris an ha.s traversed. _ ll ^nd substitutes for the absentees 01-He has since gatii Ambition often puts men upon ‘^"''1?| ,wd. ! ered the kdlowiug parlieulars of the l.roit meanest offices; so climbing is performed III the I ^ jejeo-ation bearing a congratulatop ; , i ,i,p l,st reur' .. I ,„e (aanvill. "“U ^ I,, V.l' K I'.,*; Nature makes US poor only when we as received, invited to seats in the p , ^ Hi,,1011, Weldon N Eilwarcls, Kich'd necessaries; but custom gives the name of pover- presented with the usual comphm ■ .lului S. Danev, T„nl C. Cameron, ty to the want of superfluities. !memberships. A delegation from t ie H.'dones, Win. A. Eauni, and Wilson The Friendship which is founded on a 'ovc ! gjjgiety was also roeer. e a ; „ well as the most;| j. P. J^ouc.-. American iloviow is rnIcuUued to dissetiii- l^^oal stmeess. This ill hick catted me | J better enabled to e.joy it j Sophiid^^is bhe^ «-””’«^^ci.rtaan-d j Imh a^ hour an 1 j J'";;: /ji ' ' i the light. ! interesting Hall will comfortably seat a very | of vii tne is the happiest as and those who desire an iiitellec-j pcmaiient. to remniii in the forest much longer than 1 ] confusion of the Fair might ineinbers I'v v'ulantingnmny acres wit'i yonag- m es. juinil, in consequence of my want of .iftcr speaking of trees a.s an oruamenr, and j.^^j.cess, I slowly retraced my steps. Soon clas.sical memorii's which tliey i ,ij;entle of night was spread upon ged manv MTve to perpetuate, ii.s too ‘Tuggeti yew whore Grav lie.s buried—to ‘hMiltoii s tve !nulb,'.'i-r_' reviewer i b ic aniuscinenls. the forest, and I, as yet, perceived no signs participate with of the opening. I hastened my steps, think-. and the -‘Avon willows"—thq p,each the clearing ere it oeak-s of trees ns produetivo I'l'op-too dark for me to travel. Faster i-i IV as follows:— It can be demonsirateil tnat t'l ^ ...... ^ mV tdoihes were torn by thelinisli, and my how- ihich i may be of future service to the society. Let us by all nieaits have evening .scs.sions at and sweethearts can go and or vary the exi roises with liks'of the C^ociety to Jiio. L Brkl- f„r Ids aide and iiitere.sting address, acoi.y lor l»b.ii atioii; U- which onr wive.s Y ‘ iii.-st use i :uid faster I walked, until 1 found myself goiiio- at a brisk trot, although at every step For the Carnlhnian. THE E\B OX’T. Saoked! sacked! sacked! sacked! sacked! Itv the girl I loved as my life Bv the girl I wished for a wife— And the smile of a fiend. Lights tlio face of my friend. As I huskily wliisper, “sacked!” emg Statement of his ^^rmnee wiA ; Esq _ pmna ano,., ...... , Men often mistake notoriety for fame, and ! respect to the ''f . much ! vi'dii.g'tlVt, in Gie '•''■‘''‘',,“V’'‘’!;;'.‘'’'!'V,,ense di ”;;e^ rne:;he;!;rSnv::;S:: their mastiV’s trade withhold them for the Pre-nL , Sii.ltli of Haliiu.v. Aojou.ncu Wheii we desire or solicit anything^ onr | R. H. Simtb^^ minds rnn wliolly on the good sides or (-.lenm- ,valuable m o canacitjes of the! Bank of Greensboro'. Stances of it; wiien it i.s obtained our minds run chinch bug, etc., and the Cepac y ,, Tne Jiam.. , . f onlv on tlie had ones. ’ !”took^lvirt in ! The holders of the bills of the "j. Th, .IHv.. « S.».l ■ H. K. Ba..S..v.. M-. "I-” “ P'"' i .».« 6. ..-™ ih c“-l' v Oil there s not in the wide woild a liappier ThaVto sit nemr the .stove-pipe and tickle your: up the P^esident^ entered into the |was recently levied on the «ih>, r! ."?^lTeK«=.,rVreaneinits—beation!,. „f il.e concern and the I Taste the sweets of her lips in the moments of ! que^ion of the ^My i 0. tlie woe to lie sacked—sacked! ^yllilc she laughs .at the lieart she broke— And the boobies fling tboir joke— And all the bcanx and belles. Pass with an nir that tell, Tliev know vou’re the ebap Sukv sackad! X. Y. Z.- jjlce, ' to' the feed of stock, tnat being ’'And twi.s’t the cat’s tail wlien slic jumps on yonr umiiner in which he had tested it. . ' suit of his experience was quiw satistactoiy. knee. The man wiio is proud of ids money has rurelj aiiytliinfi; belter to be proud of. iro into this interesting matter. , „,aliogony bureau; one wriling de.-k; The debate was prolonged by -'Messrs. bowl and pitclu-r; one Tenable, Jones, Burgwyii, and others. i „„e mal.ogonr wasl.stand; two coi:oi. von li.aek? . i .\.bout 10 o’clock the meeting adjourned asses; two sheels; one basket; one touu- ■ Sliouid yonr clerk “make a sale” to a party i ^.^j^^yrrow night. , terpaiie; two pillows: one lot ol ae.ourl book. wliom von consider not resimiisible, would you; - I ^,1^. pioiize lamp; one backet. one p Question's foe Business Men. T lien you • “strike a balance,” ha.s balance a right tostrike .... Ini-gcr part of the cleared land of X .'v. r.-iglais'l. would be to plant forest trees considerably lacerated. Soon, how- u :.‘n it. ^ There is, except in the rich gar- : j enable to distinguish the trees, de.is close iii'ound the cities, no laiul so jiro-. rather reluctantly came to the conclusion lita'ole. no land which pays so good an hi-• j- j.,j,ye jq take up my quarters tiu'est on its cost, as wood land. ^ In some uio-ht wliere 1 was. ^ j thus employed, trying to i accommo- i hriek, as acres of forest is independently rich. 1 ne j distress. I suddenly stopped fn'.st must pay taxes on wliat does not pay J endeavored to peer into the darkness for for its culture; while the second can cut an explanation. Again I heard the sound, enough to meet the annual interest, yet have ; apparently at not so great a dis- nioro at the end thair at the beginuitig. j jjjc first. I stood then We once heard an eccentric genius niaiii-^ iVcrc it a human being, it tain that his wood land, about tifty acres in j p,e „iv duty to render any assistance j cJl, through ho had bo'Ugbt it, and paid for . ^ Aiv power, and At; men it a good round sum, some thirty years years ; .meditations, I perceived , our best =otemporanes. ^ fi,.a,.cial bsfoI'C, had iu reality never cost him a cent: |underbrush, a short distance j “Me are in merchants ders.” said Lord in-ongimm upon -me ^ . . .‘For,’ said he ‘I have cut off wood enotigh to “ two objects close together, rcsem- pre8surc.--Baiiks aiebrtakii , i^msnend-’'”'d "f’"’" "b'' ‘ Aue noccssit, . * Vjiav kot onlv the original outlay; butto,..cet;;;""^ij3,lll ^f fire. ! foiling, ami old estaimsheafi^ . legal yet that was not very tongl. instead f ^ted an appl~^ n^thcwordi of the money atcompomui m-1 p ..ow divined the cause of the noise^mg on eveo'sme. ,, street!f°ti ^'iiLo ‘ ter'est, and to cover all the charges, and now j proceeded from a wild am- j and husbands come home from ..„„r referring to bonks,” tunds of the bcate I have more wood than T found there at the , animal was watching nn beginning.” It wa.s a rational logit enough.t;,-e-like orbs! I hastily raised ra.y The re-: in.fist of valuable ;: Oi e iron sale; three pneter dollars; l,pi‘^‘ talic basis of ilie bank) one lot nn- But, as before stated, we cannot at bills; two blank books; one i.inc A "Word to American Ladies. sav, “that (sail) be I,lowed?” Is the ir lire dogs; one interest la- - - -,, -.in. z src'irc i n,. 8..;...,»«■ s zr,;:!"a:,.- .o.;.! One bears .an immense dea rnuuicm iV.iid, and sug- inadc to the Legis- ; He alluded to the me with! and broadway with perplexed brows and ^ . ,,ue-,i.v.-o,..o. uy rifle, i doubtful faces, and eye onr housekeeping ITe areVmnfideiit that, at the present prices 1‘^'^^^{‘^^(^.‘J'p^tmrtheVbiect was some distance! and shopping bills with of timber and fuel, the profits of wood land j jj^ing able to draw a sight | proving giance. Economize s too-ui-New England farmers are ut feast j j for no sooner had ^ j is tfie'vafohvvord ot the houi. three times as great as the profits of the i jppp.p pp.p frio-ger than with two or three “ And it is our place, . » Tl.p,.,. land which they cultivate with so much labor., jp „-ag before me. 1 now discovered i the example of reform in this mat . The experiineut of planting locusts on Long ; close proximitv, that it was a pan- j is no country in the oi t ^ -.vIipvp licr Island has proved that lands, before coiisid- | much dreaded and savage ani- . respect is accorded to Avoinen, an f'"’''' iiial. which old hunters, even well equipped, j social piosdiou js so exalted, as 1 eCed valueless, may become the most p cions p-ossession of their owners, Thousands : ^ tournaments of acres now lying waste mignt, with very; Huie to reload my rifle, and | red-cross knights and olden tournamen ^ small outlay, iic made to yield very gi'oai'.vaited for die fatal .spring; but to my sur-; there is no such beautiful example oie^ . returns. The length of time that mu.st pass ; pjii.thor crouched down about | as we have recciitly oeheUi lu tne s..u - i before the pn-ofit of the artificial foi'bsts c.an feet from me, .and gazed into my; wreck of the Ceutr;il Amcnr.i. n a co i be tested, undoubtedly deters many irom . ,.j„i,i.cr not suited to lessen my ex-; try where woman is neld in suoli an estima planting t'lc-m. Very few men nice to make Steadily I watched it, expecting j tion as this, ought she to shrmic irom any an iuve3t.n.jnt of which the returns begin to . moment to lie torn in pieces by the i sacrifice necessary to maintain the standard, come oiilv afier twenty or thirty years. But ^ fpj.,gioyg animal, although I was determined “ But the reckless extravagance and cmpi- evei-v man knows that whatever raises the i defend my life to the last extremity, j ty frivolity of the modern fine lady consti- valuo of his land is as sure profit as Fuat j ..g.poad my rifle, but Unte the surest mode of losing this high na- which actually puts cash into his pocket, i moment I commenced to move, the pan-. tioiial po.sition. Look at the fashioname There seems to be less promi.se in an acre of I jf ..bout to spring upon me. yl I woman of 1857! She wears a silk robe vonng locusts than in an acre of thriving determined, therefore, to keep myself in j which cost a hundred dollars; her ‘love ot a rm-nipis; bat in twenty years the value of all ^ ..g-idiness for the attack, for I perceived from ! foil hat’ was cheap at fifty, and she sports a ;ers, even well equipped,; social piosiiion is so - I drew my hunting knife | States. In all the records of the day » ot The G:ir..iT M.acf. in Knoland.—«/ 2>,.i,„.c..s_li wasaimom.ccd by Iclcgrapb yes- 1- aid. lie alluueii lo im-- Nt-wmarket races in Eng- ' of Mrtrvland, wliich liJid Cesartwiteh stiikt-s. wurili $20,000, decided beernberailv aided by the city of Baltin,ore, : style by tbe Aineneau and to the e-xample set by the Lcgislatiu-e p.,.;.,rcss over iliiny competitors of South Carolina, wliich on being asked for , ..y bets had been made aguinsl her pie lei s ?Aoot iSred it too small,"and voted, life day ol contest. The well Known boise “Tliere’.s no use of yonr exclaimed the Court, angrily, “J have the pint.” neSffi;R'’t"'.-i''^rthc; "re |3000, considered it too sman, a... iimproper,y ol Mr. Ten Broeelb not. and having ears they hear noT ^ | SoOOa ^ S fr^m 1";'^:^ ^^ge.il^r Ire tJ^self “ In a country papei, the niarriag a.. . ‘ p i posed a voluntary subscription. He uiged o pi,.,|isli papers have the tollowing acco Cooper to Mi-s Stave, isannminccd. Uieiesult , po-eu authorized the .SeCfo I m L „.:il nrobatilv be boons and bane s. ; ^pypiars, ,f her , ^roppeed to a beautiful start. stood'alone. This was immediately tollowcd i,is j-ufors to the Iront, with - i Oueeii Bess, Cei'va, M. Doblei- and the Flush season- account will probaldy be boops •V man attempted to .seize a favorable oppor- tnnitv a few days since, but bis hold slipped and lie fell to tlie ground considerably injured. A popular writer-speaking of the proposed ocea transmitlc Lac. H- . . By stratagem I soon obtained What force would labor for in va in. I boasted. “Don’t be proud,” said she; ’Tis nothing wonderful; for see— Yonr valor is not .so very killing; but 1 was willing! the aiiiual turnips will not begin to reach; that should 1; set of Hoiiitons at seventy-five.—She car- bv seven other gentlemen from the same . Qp^g,, comity. [Aluch applause.] ; Jilt following nearly m The Bresideut urged that voluntary exer- ; q'r„.u, Fngbt. L,mil-,.tor, /;gzag. M ailock. t.lic order named: Odd Zigzag, IVar!t*ck, in me niiiiUlc ul liie You kissed me—true- fort now would have the cfiect of conyiuciug^ Fright, Zigzag, Warlock, and the Leo'islature tliatthe Society was disposed ; forming the next lot. to and might induce them to as-| linslies ilie pnee began to leil, ana sist it. Yiro-inia, he said, had now a perma- ^Varloek, Flush colt and Foodie dropped back. the val-ae of the trees. The longer the | ^Yoidd be upon me in an i yfog a small fortune round her wrists ««« planter is willing to wait, the greater w ill be ; foj.^ant. There we were, in the midst of a ^ ling at lior tbroat and gleaming on ner nn- his ratio of gain. j jip„se forest, eveing each other with a bitter j gprs in the shape of crosses, rings, and brace- “It is recoimiicnded that oil every ! pnmity. ' '! lei®- She buys all the foolish trinkets and of respectable size there should be a season 1 j j^ppj fo suspense for a long extravagant trifle.s wliich happen to cafon lica; for the annual planting of trees. Unlike ; p^^pj, ^^fopte seemed an hour, until, pye in the shop windows, and caps the cli- otlier crops, they enrich rather than impove- ; . ptbpr, probably becoming hungry, ^ max by going into hysterics tvhen her Hus- risk the soil. Moreover, trees preserve the , gfo^.jy advanced toward me. IVhen within ; Land hints at retrenchment? Is this the snow (the poor man’s manure,)and, by break- ' ing the wind, secure a more even covering of'siiow to the ground. The sudden alter nations of freshets and drought arc also „prevented. “The French Government, which has done more than any other in the cultivation of j jjjypaajp new strength and 1 determined for neiit ; benefitted Mr Spikes, n showman, will pay handsomely , for tbe following living curiosities; A,.say, -o who Ims become opulent by imbibing bad linnor | j,j(.foa and mean ... tl.« corner groceries and singing Ron.g.s late , I ^ o’ night. A man who puts np a stove without in tulging in profniiity. A stump orator who ; , can make a ’speech without allnding to the | voluntary ^’■F'^f'’’PFon.s, bv herself on the tar .side R. H. Smith, Esq., of Halifax, "0"^*^J’™'i zTgzag, Warlock and Emulator than bv j * hird; fer other means of raising money tnan »j !sii,,wi'ng iirfr.mt of tiie nick. One of the ino.st s; and suggested Ce.saicwitch finishes ever seen then en siled. Frioress, half way np the corUs, seemed life „i,n,,r c.i,,ntiiir in alone, tiie tiny jockeys I Is it not a little singular that the letters ; that spell debt, are the initials of the sentence about .six feet of me, it again stopped, and ; Lean ideal of women? y ,,ii,.d the other, “my mother always told me to prepared for the spring. I retained my | “Our streets, ball-rooms, and places ot keep out of bad company.- couiposture manfully, for although 1 had been! p,foiic resort are crowded with these walking much excited on the first appearance of the ; advertisements; general emulation seems to ^ animal, the length of time that had interven- prevail as to which shall sport the most ex-^.p,,,. Every Body Twice,” and the letter-; ed, and the hopelessness of my cas,e had pensive silks and richest jewelry, and even „hich spell credit are the imtia.s ^ , irivenme new strength and Idetermined that the more sensible and prudent, who have not tei.ee, “Call Rcgular.y Everj Day-l rests, rather favors this theory, and en- ^ would be bravely defending ■ moral courage to declare independence, arc j s, lawyer once jecringly asked a Qmik r if ae courages the separation of kinds, where hirg?: mv life. | drawn into the vortex of extravagance. Nay, Aonld tel! the difference b. 1 wren ni.sc- and ..ke returns are e.xpected. In the department "Suddeiily the panther gave a long spring, ypyy churches have become nothing w sc. "O yes ” said hn Q of Landes it has chiefly replanted pines; on the slopes of the Pyrenees tne box is the fa vorite varietv; while in Brittany and Nor mandy the linden abounds. In Scotland the larch has been most extensively cultivated. yes. said *hn Qn-Aer. ■ F 's!'- ThTs“l hadautVeipated, and planted myself more than show-rooms for the last new bou- n grear as firmly as possible, holding my knife in jjgj; t,ije latest moire-antique of the fash- most cm i v such a manner that the animal would jump fonable worshippers. upon it. The shock knocked me down; but | .. -^Ye firmly believe that many of the fail- I^kiievv that I had buried my knife in the . jjj j.jjg mercantile world are entirely ow- aai more than ten thousand acres, with j jj^tmaPs body, for the warm blood that fell tj,e recklessness of woman, and the more than fourteen millions of trees, were j y^p^,, me, convinced me of the fact. I had ^ amount of misery, suicide, and distress, for planted in less than a century, by the single j panther, however; for, before : gjjg is thus indirectly called upon to au- family of Athol. This example has been . j could regain my feet, it was upon me, and 1 gwer, is perfeetb' incalculable. A man will copied in other parts of Europe, and one is | j my knife immediately upon the | g^anye almost any degree of embarrassment often surprised to find, in secluded pUaces, j attack, 1 was almost powerless, hav-;jjgfoyg jyg wai consent that his wife shall de- likc the region of the Tegeru see, in South-1 nothing to defend myself with, but what; yyy jjcyspif an accustomed luxury, or be ex- ern Bavaria, beautiful artificial torests of! j^foi^re had bequeathed to me. It again yj^gga to the ridicule or censure of her par- larches. lu Greece, the upon me,aud we . 1 duty, la "fiinnute”';:"to o^r'herefoUo^ary fore-' one means that three gentlomou who wore f illers” ! now members might make their sons nte |,g nPont eummfr iii alone, tne tiny joek ' " ,, . -.i- ,i,„n„,.re;niombres However, ho could not allow ,,)• Ei Hakim and Qnren lb ss made a deterni- “Why don’t yon take a scat \\i nil . . . !T-riHfov to be behind and down went his , i|,f,i sel-10, and the JudjiC unable to si |iarato asked one cciitlema.iof.ai,oilier at the cmii t-; Haluax to be bemnit, an ; „,e f.r-l th-ce, prononn.cd a dead heat with ,11.1 i;k. Iki, ...ode ofg to,..;, n;■ 1:;'l;;l could not last. A few liberal mcmbeis could , .,t Warlo. k, who "as >ixtli, and >ii,rt - not support the entire Society. He weiio lor ^ mn/i'fKg members do their duty, " 0'‘“ , ,j„. |,,.xi lui i at sim. _ i-b in L the i xiieii.c tax them whether they came to the laii or , j iil'id np. vrere Si Giles, IVdo Honey, jlQp no public-S|.'trited 11 an would 11,use to J’limlle, h .-In rn.:.n, Blaik ioininy and the pav his annual s'libicrii tion. lie "as lot Pun-i er. ( lit r..C:. bortbi);, ai.d for raising the j ] edding Heat.—Mr. R. Ten B oeek’.- Prior- ic Se, or mere if neees-; ess. l-y .^•vel■eien, (I n d in Amii iea,) 4 years, ! C-l 9ibs., (Fordhaii ) 1: Capt. Sill th’s El Ha- BAdgo., i,.d oo,„o.c..i the ,„nA,,,. 3 scription and was going thiough with it., 4 .ip.ii.Kt El Hakim; 2 lo I Mr. Raynor’s proposition was unequal as | lAi,and 3 to 1 againsi Queen Bess, bearing as heavily upon the poor man "ith- .pi^^ “heat” was run nfier the host face, in a out means as upon the rich. A tax of fi'e ,vviii„i,t, which rendered it itnpos.si- or ten dollars was light or heavy in proper-(li.s'.injruisli the eiders of the riders at a tion to a man’s means to bear it. If gen-1 (pstanee. El Hakim was first off, but alter po- tlemeii, like Mr. Raviier, were unwilling to ! ing about fifty yard.s. Prioress, overpowering contribute whv let them refrain from doing'Fordliam, rushed to the front and carried on , - I so He would"not compel anv man to pay. j ’“C running lo the Diteh gap, where she was ! h; was willing, and let onlv those who were; lulled back, and lay about three leugnh.s .1, tuc SO follow him. povr.-n]' ■diiriiuia oubecrij^civli l;. To keep liol like Wi.se.” IVhy do old maids wear mittens? off the chaps. Don't crow before you are out of the woods, is pi.titcly rendered: Po not jubilate prior to emerging from the lorest. A wife full of truth, innoeeiice and love, ,is the Tae writer says: “If the rate of disap pearance goes on for the next halt century as it has for the last, the child is now living who will see the soil of New England every-- whore as bare as the soil of Attica, and its noble rivers shrunken’in summer, like Ache- loas and Cepliis.sus, to shallow brooks.” TZhat: Illni of Mimtre shall we use on our Gardens? Mach depends upon what kind of soil the garden is compo.sed of. If it is stiff clay we wo'dld manure in the fall, with sand and wood ashes, and in the winter, we would dig in a good coating of stable manure, or guano. hus- the prettiest tloive^ that a mail can wear next j concluded thiTt the knife must have entered IS 01 no use uu bo, ujj io r-— —o--- - - j claspintr your jeweled hands together, and *• * • W/ilrv The difference between perscveriiiice and ob stinacy; One is a strong will, the other a strciig won’t. A gentleman being asked ‘TIow many dog days there were in a year,” received for answer that it was impossible to number them, as “every dog has his day.” In Siberia the greatest luxuries are raw cats a vital part. I held firmly, knowing that Lemdaning voiir incapacity to act. Help to should I relax my efforts, death would be | fogtifote a reform in the dress question, and the inevitable result. Every moment, I felt jmsEand will have some substantial tiic .strength of the panther diiiiinisli, until final- py^of □£ your sympathy and affection. Lay ly it ceased its hold altogether. I knew now that ., ygiyet, and brocades—deny dead, in consequence of the J . - rear. Queen Bess going on with the lead, c'ose- 1 , 1 Iv attended by El Hakim. Oncoming down H. C. Jones, E,sq., ot Rowan, tnonght ^le Bushes Hill, Prioress hung to the left, and a shout was raised of “The Aniericaii’s bcaicn! but Fordhaiii Tonsed the mare with his whip, and before reaching the foot of the hill she her that going back to the high rates was a step in the wrong direction, llie receipts of all kinds to the Fair had increased in proportion the rates of subscription had been re-j bore her colors in advance, aiiik ^quilting her honght that a further reduc-; oiiponents half way np the cbrd.s,, w en cleverly prompted by experience and \ by a length a :. But he went in for county i QneenBess by a subscriptions. He had done so in the sub-i'””^ 1"^°*”"-: , ., r. ,vdo suDscmpimus. x- ,, n„ 1: the American colors, and -Mr. Teg Brocck wits scnptioiis to the stock of the Noith Caroli-, congratulated upon the first victory juries, which, alllio’ not .severe, were minieroii.s. 1 found that my breast had been torn consid- erubiy on the first attack. I bound up my injuries with my handkerchief, as well as eir- cmustances would permit, and then, being much exhausted, lay down ucar my now defaiict Ga-auo may bo used to an advantage in the | enemy to rest. garden if it is applied eai-ly, and there is 1 1 lay t'.iere upon the earth for sijme time. than when arrayed in a simple calico or (vinfham dress, and a straw bonnet worth seventy-five cents. M hat if the Mrs Poti- phars of your acquaintance pass by yon with averted eyes! haven’t you the moral cour- ao-e to value their frie'ndship at its proper , wmrth? ATe respect the woman who, in these hard times, dare appear in public dressed tion would be prompted by experience and; by a length and a half; Eljllikini beating served up in bear’s oil; while in Japan a stew- geuse. But he went in for county i by a head only for ceoii p acc. j ^ ed crocodile, flanked with monkey’s feet, is the He had done so in the sub- i b>"d and prolonged cheer o- height ofepicurcaiiisin. A clergyman asked of his scripture pupils whether the leopard could change his spots?” “To be sure,” replied Billy, “when he’s got d of one spot he goes to aiiolhcr.’’ TlHien Closefist lost his only son. He raved not like a ninny, But meekly sighed, -‘God’s will be done! It might have been a guinea.” “AVliat is the best attitude for self-defence?” asked a pupil of a well known pugilist. Keep a civil tongue in yonr head,” was the reply. •jiiything in the soil for it tJ assimilate with. I and must have slept; for when I | expensive raiment. In light sandv lands, it should have vcreta-! ber, the first gray streaks of nmrning were b!e matter bi some form, muck fronT the! Sbinb'gfo break through the tall trees I now swamps, surface mould from the wood.s, or I something 0 rhe kind to mix with it. The I gazed upon it, I shuddered great advantage oi guano over other nianur- ^ * ■ * ’ . - . - es is, that it immediately becomes soluble in water, and all food of plants |musk -lie in so lution befoi-c it can bo taken np.—AVhatevor rann-ji-es are applied t( Lc 'z’cil turnW uiiticc. tbe gurdc-a, tihyoid pal , . at what woOld have been the resnlt, bad I not been so fortunate as to disable it on the first attack. I now skinned the animal, hastily returned to the village, when, on nieasnrenient, it proved to be-lca feet and a half from tip to Up. Oh, for the good old times when one ‘best silk dress’ was the stand-by for years! All that we need is some fair leader of the beamnonde to take the helm and steer a ship with calico sails! The present tmie is an ex- ceUent opportunity for the experiment, and we are quite sure that-the wise and senaible of the world will gladly wdeome tbe event ci ft I’efwa-' 1 -TTiJi ^ X i‘x ! '^i*rmly conjrrai»'ioviu u|.»vii na railroad. He had been bantered into a ; achieved by him in England pledge by Guilford in that work, and had ! ^ *- pledged'Rowaii, and she had never been I Made,.ike SMiTU-STi^.iNr. Drseto- found wanting. Ihe iargest sum contribu- ; M.vuf.line tMiTiil again l.rreight ted by one county ^^a3 that ot $400, by ■ tollowing paragrapli Edgecombe. He now pledged Rowan to; from the Belfast Mercury. that amount, and she would raise it, or he “■ ' ■ ' would. Dr. Holt entered his own name and those of his two sons as life members. Others also followed. “The public may be prepared to liear an as tounding disclosure in a few days, in connec tion with the case of Miss Maiieliiie Suiitli. \Ve have been informed, by a most reliable au thority, that o le of the servants in the liousc at Blythewood square, in March last, had died So perfect were the Egyptians in the mann- faclure of perfumes that some of tlieir ancient ointment, prc.scrved in an alabaster vase in the imiseum at Alnwick, still retains a very power ful odor, though it must be between 2000 and 3000 years old. An obituary notice consoles the friends of the deceased-, .by the reflection that “though she may not retiirii to them, they may, shortly, go to her ” This is a coiisqlatioii not geijerally appretiated by tbe Ufe-kwing people ofovr day. About fifteen to twenty subscriptions of; i-ailier suddenly; and that on her ilealli-bcd fiftv w^ere received in all. ' | seized with remorse, she made a confession of On motion of Mr. Smith, of Halifax, the! the important fact, that arsenic was mixed with election of officers was now proceeded with, the coffee given to I’Angelier on the •light of The President was urged to accept a re- election, and finally consented, and was re elected by acclamation. All the A'^ice Presidents were also elected by acclamation. ^ The election. ,of Secretary was next pro-,40 igy fnrlher particulars before CQOiio*! wiUt. Tlio isoumb^t, W« l^'sbortly” his last visit to Miss Smith. On the trial it failed to be proved tliat I’Aiigelicr was at tlie bouse of his betrotlied on the night in question at all, although the servant, who has now made this disclo.sure, was examined for the culion at the trial. I' e trust to be ena etj our reuxerj shortly.’ *] r north c.^ FAYETTEA '•ill iii-.!a} , t.ctl WM. 1.’. .VI ill I ('. (’. M,'( af;:-’!!! for iIk- . i.li: Id tnvL. lVr«on« of Jhc ij ftovort!!*!:!” favors liatj AI' rhfJ.VOaV. othtTwisi* _ the saceceilinjr w«fk. Our_ thiF ifi niiuil—as we lutcixll rrrsptioti. The! Th«‘ oroasitin of our Fti most int4*n'stii}£^. TlJ 'natter. 'PI,.- «‘mUri!nttiJ ■vf are ji-B-un-tl '.vijl ]•; ;ih| ••• r-ti im* i”i,- t«-n.!iM;r l’ 1 • ''tiL, ,• to- iiii'.'tirti ••• H. .;i aD’.ofooD-iM'l.i.-f mJ Ti- 1 !>v it lim- ■-•'ips i.f, tfi^ AV.- 1d.|m‘ to frioHijs. fr.*m couiitl • to all. Av.‘ hoji.i ti. • • from fuir fi‘ ...u-j or uuv ot the ''’••uartmoiifi rresiivlj UiHi nu-t ill t'lmrlotte ou l ‘■•uty iiijiii.BitiT*; hi'ing: |i| l’'uviOt‘vini- I’l -”'. 't-rv.l all tlie Pn-H.A tfi'if.s. ‘Ijom-ii Motii'i-irior. )l Martin Mofjnc.-n. t ii .1,;'! husiue.'S, r. '.-l ■..iix ]ilJ .•^npport t.f tin- ’-Nortli (‘.1 • ‘■jPore/l ami earru \vlth| lirv. r. T. r»M ksniff. St 1 . r.f the Ainerieaii Bi| iar:re simiiriRf mi I'noa^ a.Kill ai:;T a-'otiial h;i|>Dy -fi- 11 ill til, Aa'iIIi KfV. (ml. Ml Ni llJ IS. \V. Full. r. K-ij.. , ?o sUfi’4 i-ti .^Ir .Mfltane, I IthC- taient-' Avill he ;i valj tofial of tliat J'» ^i-nni the suhscriptij ’iierea.‘‘e. The next .'’'a i heme wii M'“4nestlay i»| NoveinlK‘r, Ir.V. TiiL o. —We s>eo in Mune of tlJ ]»apers, xunn*r(»us ami i the course pursnetl to tile NeAv ttrh-ans iVUa B-i.t .-I," :i' ih- lo Whether or not the meiits from such > ‘urq pay. ‘-The coinj.liim the venlit t of a jury/’j wlicii w e fiml a know ii^ iiijr alntui one of the down a> u fixed tact tli^ ••>!iav‘ 1," or Wo coinc I denP'r-v.- y -'f tli- 'om|| editor's .ID-. -‘(I • -iib| the ev;:’ iiot I :Ii ])• Ita jIoavu in th* iJ l)» lia wu.seAer “a. st.*d have never si in a coj.J ]»orlcd ISuclijiiian «Hih| evils, ahtdiiioni-m •»rn| were m-t at all surj-ri-^ 4 ..me ill f.»r a ^i»ofiIy when the Walkt-r-Kaii dr -i ih’’ fire- er'.er an-: ioi;:: ' repj When .le.f ca t’ai’ou: tu-.-oim . w- fi e ■ :ii-j >eol ; a • Mr i'a ' ri- tir a’.ip'; In'Wlhjg: •• ' = -TlieS •IDTcd. flHP k. iJ. 1 i >4 i:a as "'liiDueli Je^ the “stony In-art*''! soulh." lie “Ojiprer pri-eiii sits Ui HI the] free D-in an ' wiel .s til i ;m .1 tit; OIL fair fonuo ' - T!d '^( ■T'-inr'-j Sc- '.I . •. '‘islnn-ts H' a-Ut-rlis* lUeiit, as to \ on Tuesday and W.- Xi\t-'i-h'-r and .Mr 1 I'r.. ’, : tin AVedm-s'iiiJ 1^” Ihiuch fcUT r* tlj so aj*t to have their i reci ive it vast amount oi i-v ment N. (.’• Miiil**^ parad4‘s t*‘-day. 11 h‘‘n«>r of tlie new cw 'J oe regiiiieiit willl where the ijsnaJ inaif with h there Avill l>c i do eoucUt'-i-'U ufi "'T '"i^Thc eliV'Ct ej I fell in Kuroj'e. J h| ties and sT'M-ks in l'-| exporters from 11 heavily hy their iiii tations wliich are sJ IhjiJors (iHUiiul Jersev cider,) ci^aif ;tnd n ekless extrav| other p*op\e At a ineeiid tin tatc Hank of j in-Mlay. 21st iust..| specie payinei^. 8T\TE F.l a list of prt miumsl Next Week we ’ bowover, the

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