i I 'O’S. i^ALS llDE. Itiik ITJCE ICATION. coi't^nKC to pU'’*' siiscrvative.'! IvV (l-rc CburcV..' [{Lil'Cra' ) [AGAXiM- t^Ttry.' fct t};«‘ il-.i-ee crTr-A* - Wliiy. Tory, aiu’ no W atwi-f of ll oir kiul Kfliuion. il:e;? in ilic uorlu Ac scln'l:ir nnd th* Iteliutiit rondcr of Irni't lE.d .‘-alisi'ac- Ivuturo 01 the lay pl.^ri^ly obtained £KTS from the BrP-‘ line to the^e Iltpruit led in the - ■r;i£inal eilitioiif^. .-1 Per nniV- |/ ea>tf C(.'ra?:f.“ ■ ifsticd tri/i ie [rent from tnc aPovp orUirin.c foor or ir.oro • uloTo -niol..-. Ibay : cof Rovii-w. w:R = o opif' of '.ill; toar la r-o o'li. ■Ton'-' tliC'- V or'r. ■ F(-". K. V.io; pari o: il-r 11- tiu B-L-I !; I l->’i ■' o TitKA ChM - a y>u- I J i ilt'tn I t if:€ J.'f t vi }•' ‘ Ol lUE |ai April-' V-aro.^ |( . ’ |llp‘.en. 'i i‘Oyal j Wood aru Sled ►'t ccraplele ^••rk o- i in ouUt Iu :t a I;; lave |tBO Vilrrecst* Ud! lo 1. ul-lt ri'.ia and To • very other Ida i.o't-i aHl dtilarj--. ipock of the Till in.*' love pu’*!-* at;i‘r> s-houid 1. to tlo’ PnMi'f^T?, 1) SCOTT .t CO.. lold-i-lreo*.. New York. [dy e. flLE IMIT.OVEP. i strentrih of aDv oiber* I natural roior* cht broBB tojetblafk. and rapm* to Ihf fikin. and pcroiancnt* Lx/. aii'I !inj(.3t I'Ti: ever bj^’. boinpany ene?d ■oU :—+ c-z. V d :—^ oz. |Act ’-f in the „ in t!;'-C!-thee '■■f $. fvrthc hl;u':t'rn Oiitrict BIKES. F. ; rr-vnieN. C. . y*;. ij :Fidrc?^ l\MI-FEVEU I’lLL.S. Irion of afflicted celehr:'.t! fl Pill, which piatr. nor to lon^. windy ■own n.' iit.-j as a rcniedy lh*'a tuk- :. according to F; i>ox.—llii« Pill unlike pivraL ii r any injurious ‘'tered with nerfect -afe- :.hl. kjhills.' r any (•tber type la* mi5urpu->'-i; and in it i> tar ^'jpvrh.r to bt I’eruvian lark. A trial bd* d lo injure it a favora- ; of even ibi/ most invet- or Patent prescriptions. IBII^LIOVS PILLS, kg at ka.>t as gf^l. if rot Jons catharic PilU of the lorn all poisonous mineral.', :ind are highly r-com- Compdaint. Sick iitad* Co.'riaent-s.'. Indigestion, 1. Liver. I'owcls. and 'Z hy their coDiposition [ the ar.dve case.' as a gen- iH s wben such medicines fcud them to the ailentinn kv I’F. M. S^VYER a CO.. I'dleviile. Illinois, rayelteville, N. C.. arid ly 1 villages in the Southern |WAN=ir2>- town and hamlet in the ■ i.s not air* ioly ••stal *’sLcd Co.. Pill '. .!U. r.l c/.- |t- f M io el; ! .- A r ar.d r*. r.' win •■“ V :• r >. llv f :U i! f F M l.;: y'f . lictoi>- i •h vii;^ lilA.tri. ■ - T 3 T ■ r: . i c(i., J a .Lri;': V. I''-!-, with a Jtj.eled {*.nov. tJumahout. lyl.T.d* ! *.. lii.h'tt: if-to 30 |lijhd ill Ink ;; to wMks. tor .Siih', 'i}‘o rngines lars. and in evt ry instance f rloii. Lercriptive ciicular-. 1 for. ?,2-rf siiYiifts!;!' ” I:Y I'UUCIlASEli. -oli.'hing House ofliuane / hitylr.g u hook for $1. or *»!ited with a prize, worth Isisting of Fine Gold Jewelrv llymail will U- promptly Ijirize.s will accompany the ^11 of the most popular Ixioko d at the u.siJiyjretail prices, lersons wkhing any particu- landil will be forwarded with fui] information, with a ■i h; «^rjt post paid, hv ad* J DCANK RULISOK. 133 Third Street, Phila. THE f *. EKl.O-M OF I'M IO{*'SS IS IVSEPEu.lBLE FliOM THE HIGH TS OF THE PEOPEE. WM. F. WlCiHT.M\-\, Editor. FAYETTEVILLE, N, C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1857. VO LIME XIX—NO. TERMS ♦ UtlSCaiPTION TO THE CAROLIXIAN For a siugle copy, if paid in advance, per annum, S2 01> •• *• at the end of o months, 2 50 “ ‘‘ at the end of h mouths, 3 OO “ “ at the end of the year, 3 50 No subscription will be received for a shorter period than one year unless paid in advance. NVith the view of e.vtending the circuUvtion and en hancing the usefulness of the paper, the proprietor of fers the following rcmarkablv low CLCB LXVARlliBLY LV ADVyiJ\rCE: 5 Copies of the Carolinian, 1 year, $8 00 IQ o G G *• 15 00 Rates of .Idvcrtising: Sixty cents per stpiare of 16 lines, or less, for the first an.l 30' cents for each subsetpient insertion, unless the H'lvortisiment is published for more than two meuths, when it will be charged ^ • For three months, ----- $4 00 For six months, - - - - 6 00 For twelve months. ----- 10 00 All advertisements must have the desired nuraber of in sertions marked on them, orlhcrwiso they will be in, serted till forbid and chiirged accordingly. Special attention is directed to this requisition. WM. F. WIGHTMAS h CO. GROCERIES, HARD- vHirc kc, SfC. The uniVersisncrt nre "o"' men t. of aO)liEK IKS .H HIO W IRE. I'A) ^ - ST LLL. HOLLOW-WAKE. .SHOES, LL.VTHER A SAUHLl- RV, whicli thevwill sell at wholesale at a small ml- vance on cost ior cash, or on usual J'n'e dealers. G. W. W ILLIAMo A CO. July 25, 1857. 60-tf THE undersigned would respectfully inform his old frieuds and customers that he can be found at the Store of C. E. Leete, where he will be glad to .see them. J- U. McUOXALD. Jan. 17, 1857, 33-tf DOCTOIl FRAAK WIH.!AJIS’.S CELEBli.XTRD RYE WHISKEY I The Sub.scriber has made arraagen cuts to keep a i nup)ilv of tlic GennuK* Article, and is the only Agent fjr the sale of the above brand of A No. 1 Rye 111118- kc-v in this place. „.^-,-,T^rT IlOBT MITCIILLL. May 40-tt PROSPECTUS OF THE XORTII CAIIOLIXA PllEiSB YTERIAX liSaAfi SdTXOSS. CLE.nEXT G. WRIGHT, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville,N.C. Office at the corner of Bow and Green streets. Feb'y 3, le56. J. A. SPEAUS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, .attends the CourU of Cumberland, Wake and Johnston. Address, Toomcr, Harnett Co., N. C. Feb. IG. 1856. 85-y DISSOLUTION. DRS. McSW.VIN & McDHFFIE have this day dis solved copartnership by mutual consent. Dr MeSwaiu will attend to settlements and collec tions for the firm- ,.Dc. McDnffie will continue to occupy the former office. U. McSWAIN. WM. C. McDUFFIE. Not. 1, 1856. 22-tf Harnett’ BARTH'IV FULLER, Attoi-iiey at Law, P.AYETTEA’Il.I.E, !». C., May be consulted at the Law Office of Jese G. Shep herd. Esq., on Green Street JuIt 13, 1856. 7-tf ANDREW J. STEDMAN, Attoruey at Liaw. Having removed to PITT.SBORO. N. C.. «;■» resularly the Courts of Chatham, Moore and Harnett Counties. April 14, 1856. tf THE MAGNOLIA RESTAURANT. They say the Magnolia Tree is the handsomest growth south of Ma.son and Dixon's line, and it ia evi dently a fact. It is also said the Magnolia Restaurant en Green Street, between Dr. B. W. Robinson's Medical Establishment, and Mr P. Taylor's Store, and nearly opposite theShcmwell House, is the Finest and best kept ofany other establishment in the South. Persons wishing to’ find cannot Avell miss it; it is the YELLO W BUILDING. ^ The subscriber would take this method of thanking the citizens of this place and the surrounding country, for the unprecedented liberality they have bestowed cn him. and would solicit a coutinnation. He has always on hand the VERY BEST LIQUORS. WINES and CORDIALS, that can be found in the United Stab's, either by the quantity or otherwise.— Also. Cigars, Pickles, Sardines, Cheese, Preserved Fruits. Lemon Syrup, and many other good things, and flatters himself that he has the most polite, obli ging. accomplished and FRAA'JC. vender to attend to his establishment, that can be found either North or South. Temperance drink.s put up at the shortest notice. He would call attention particnlarly to hi: private rooms up stairs, which are large, comfortable, and iu good order. R. JONES. Yellow Building. Green St.. Fayetteville, N. C. Mav 16, 1857. 50-tf JOHN D. SHAW. ITTTORXET .4T I AW. Rockingham. Richmond County North Carolina, win practice ia the Courts of Richmond. -Ausou aud All business entrusted to his care will_ re- July, 11, ly-*** Robeson, ceive strict attention. FOR SALE. 844 Acres ofLand. IvingonCapeFear River—Store, BweUin'L Oat Houses all in first rate order- 1 ne Store ^aV-a fine business stand at the Cross and is not to be excelled by any in North Carolina Any person desiring to purchase can obtain turther narticuFars respecting the property by calling cn cUher of us at milis' Creek on the V, ilmmgton Road 15 miles from Fayetteville For tlie Fall and Winter ED. FRESH TERXrP SEED. FL.Vl’ DUTCH, RED TOP. ENGLISH NORFOLK, l. '.RGE GLOUE, liUTA KAGA. Just received and for sale by S. J. HINSDALE. tf O! Bargain to this Oct.4. l8-tf SARAH WRIGHT. JA.MKS WRIGHT. Five sevenths of the FARMING -VND TURPEN- TIN ■; L VNl) in Harnett county, known as the 1 aiker .icNeUl lands, joining Wm. Harr ngton s land o and within six boVt quality of low grounds lands are beavilv timiiered with pints, miles of the Fay'ettcvillc and Western For particulars apply to y ^ ROPER. J. W. McKAY. 26-tf Sov. 1856 29, A. 31. Campbell, xrCTIOSEER St COMMISSION MERCHANT, East side of Gillespie street. F.vyettevii.le, N. C. October 1, 1855 — u s T R E c E I V soon, Secure a Good and save Money!! ne of tlie Large.st, Handsomest and Clieapest Stocks of 3i3A3Yra4aiia)3 (32.(!>33KI^a for Gentlfmm’s wear, ever hrovght market, and no mistake. ■Also, a Magnificent assortment of Hjoy’.s anil Yontli’.s rjotljin?, Boy’.s Suits and E.xtra Jackets of all colors of Cloth. For Haili oad Hanils.—Ready to furnish Contractors with any quality of Cloth ing, at a very low figure, For Boat Hand*—A large lot of P Jackets and Over Coat.s; also, fancy Flan nel, Over Shirts and Pants—very cheap. A verv exten.sive assortment of CE’ITEEJIES’S Fl'RXISHISC COODS, Fine Linen and Fancy Marseilles Shirts and Colars, Under-garments of heavy Silk and Merino, Socks, Cravats, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, and i Boots and Sliors—from the heavi est AFater-Proof, to the finest Pump and Fair Stitched; Philadelphia made. Hats and Caps, of all description. L.APIE.S’ FRENCH TRAVELLING TRUNK.S.-- Extra large .«?i2es; Bonnet Boxes; Gent.s’ English Sole ^ .. rr. TP M.. y. y, n A /vL-, tv fT ^Tni nk SI marble P a C T O R V, RY GEO. LAUDER, to E. AV. Winkings' Auction olore Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 1.1856. y . - Nearly opposite SELF- SEALIiNG For presarving Fresh js°40*and' $^'25, Qnarts^^and Half-GaUons, at *2 Crockery per dozen, respective!}. For ^ tuxINGHAST. "^Tlso, Fresh Supplies of ’buiNA, GLASS- WsVRE and Table Knives. June 20, 1837. Leather, .Spanish Iron Frame and Packing Trunks; English Sole Leather Valiccs. and others: a new style offravelting Bags (very convenient;j Gentlemens Shawls and Fancy Buggy Blankets; genuine Havana Sen-ars; Umbrellas; AV.alking Canes; India Rubber Ov'er Coats, Leggings and .Sandies; also. Over Shoes for Ladies; amf a great variety of Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. , All which will be sold at wholesale or retail very 1 low for cash or on time to prompt paying customers. Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore ex-tended to me I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. GEORGE BR-ANDf, .South Side Hay Street. Opposite G. MT- Williams & Co. September 26, 1857. G9-tf. The Presbyterian Church in North Carolina has long labored under a serious disadvantage from the want of a journal to advocate her claims and represent her intercst.s. It is esti mated tliat only 1000 Presbyterian Weeklies are taken in tlie bounds of our three Presbyte ries. AVc have 13,000 Commiiuicaiits, and it is .safe to infer tliat there are 30,000 Presby terians in principle in tlie State. Our Synod stands fifth in the Union in point of numbers, and her memhership is greater than that of any Synod South or 'West of Pennsylvania. Our sister States on the North and South, neither of wliich has a membersliip so large as ours, publish tlie Central, and tlic Southern Pres'uyterian, for the benefit of their people. The time has come when the Presbyterian Church in North Carolina should likewise do her duty to her children. It is a conceded and important fact, that hundreds of our members will take a Slate paper who will take no other. The Paper is needed to be the organ of our Synod and Presbyteries— to elevate and en lighten the piety of onr memhership by diffnsing evangelical knowledge—to promote the cause of Education—to develope the talents of our Ministry, and to strengthen the attachment of our people to the soil and sanctuaries of their own State. If our Church in other States, and other Churches in this State, can supply their mem bers witli a religious journal, why may not we? Arc North Carolina Preshyterians inferior in talent, energy and patriotism to tlieir neighbors on the North or South, or to Chri.stians of other denominations at home? With the same or better opportunities of accomplishing this work, shall we leave it undone? In the language of one of our most able and useful Ministers, an adopted son of onr State, “It ought to have been undertaken 20 years ago, but it is not too late to begin to do right.” In tlie last two or three montiis, a fund of about §5000 has been subscribed a.s a perma nent capital. At a meeting of the contributors lield at Greensborougli on the I4tli of May,— Rev. A. Baker, Cliairman,—the Paper was un animously located at Fayetteville, under the •lame -nd title of the NonrH O.tP.oi.i.XA Pkes- BYTF.Bi.tx. Rev. AN'm. N. 'ileoane and Rev. George McNeill were elected Editors: Rev. Messrs George AlcNeiil, M^m. N Mebane, A. Biker and C H. MUlcy, and Messrs. George .McNeill, Sr., John II. Cook and David Mur phy tvere appointed an Executive Committee, to establish the Paper and manage its business affairs. It is our wish and design to make the North Caroli.xa Presbyterian a journal of tlie first class, equal to the best ia the country in typo- graohieai appearance and in adaptation to the wants of onr Churches. Its columns will afford the latest intelligence, botli foreign and domes tic, and special care will he taken to give f'l" and accurate summary of State news. Hie name of the Paper is designed to be an expo nent of its character and contents. Srom con viction, it will advocate the conservative, or thodox. Old School doctrines and order of the Church. Our first appeal is to our own people—to N C Preshyterians. Whilst we rely confidently upon tlieir f.ivor, we trust that the native sons of North Carolina who have found homes m other States, and the ado’pted citizens of onr State who form so important an element in onr Ministry and raember-sliip, will take _a deep interest'in this enterprise, and give it their hearty siqiport. S-2 iier annum in advance, or on dc- Jnly 11. 18.-)7. IT®] The following vnluable real estate, the property of E. C. Hall (lec'tl. is oilorea for sale and consists of the fullowin^ tracts : That tlesiruMo place known as Rome, containing about 2(30 acres with all the improvotncMits. This place will be sold entire or iliviilcd. to ?nil purchasers, it being probably one of the licst business stands the country, and is very desirable to those wishing to enter the mercantile business. No 2. Consists of a Lot and Brick Store (2 tene- menls/in Cambleiori. on Bri.T»;e Street near Claren- dou Bridge. and is a very desirable stand for business. No .3 Is 3 vacant lots iuCampbrllton. known in City plot us Nos 109. 111. 112. and half of lot 113. No 4, Is a dwelling house and lot on llayinount, corner of Flankroad and Adams St. A very desira ble residence for the whole year. No 5. Is a Corn Mill and Steam Engine and Boiler, of 10 or 15 horse power. This is well worth the at tention oftho.se living where water power is notavail- able, and will be sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to J. II. HALL, Assignee. August 1, 1857. 01-tl FIlEiGlIT iW D PASSEXGl^lt IzlXK TAVKICX WILMIXGTOX F.\ VETTIiX II-LS - Sti-amcTMagooHa.U-aTesFajctieTine onMonday an Thurs day moniin'jf*. 15 minutvFnftiT siiD-riM*. Leaves Wilminirtonou Tuesday aod Friday inormTigs. Steamer Fanny'Lutterloh. leaves FaytttvviUf ou 1 uesdfty and Friday inorniugs. 15 uiiuutes.-liter sun-rifi«* [.caves Wilmington Wednesday and Saturday mornings Both carrying Fpeigiit and U.assengers. Steamer Rowan, with full seta of Lighters, runs regularly carry in;; Freijrlit only. The regularity of our Boats on nil stapes of tn the d.'sputeh and promptnessiii delivering goods, known to reiiuire comment. To our patrons we tender our thanks for the very liberal patronage her^'Lt'fore Ue'towed.aod can a.*Mire aUsliipper.sthat no «.irort.*wilH*e spared in future.and feel eonfident tbiit our facilitiesfor despatch are equal ifuol superior to any line on Cape Lear River. W. P KLt.lOrr. .\gent for l.uttevloh S* C o. F.ayetteville. N. C.. Oct.2.5.1S5G • River, at are loo wi Fiivi'lti'iillo Hotel, riiniiiifi'c 1111(1 Fi'Jiii'fs foi Sale. rUOrKRTY' will be fold to any rtvponsihle terms, ifapplieil for between tlie I"'-''*'" . '. j,,,,. loth of December next. H not .'Olii t’} the 1. ^ they will tje sold nt .Vuetion alter the hr-t ii.i} uarv next, iu Lots to .-niit pnrihasi rs. . „:ven .Ynv information wanted will ^■”'’',,,.7 f. ,7,', byapplyinp-to -U 11 ROBLKl^ A ft'- FaTcltoville. September 12. I-.**. ‘‘ Town papt'rs copy if THE ABOVE NAMED NOTICK. 50 Tons Xo 1 Peniviuii Guano. Eor sale Ijy G. W. WILLIAMS A Co. August 29 05-tf B. F. PEAECE & CO., DEALERS IN FOllRICN ,\ND DOMESTIC DIIYGOOD H.VTS, CAPS, BOOTS. AND SHOES, Umbrellas and Ready-made Cluthing, IIAY^ STREET. F.l\ErTEViEEE 3. C. n. r. I’EABcE.j Aug 1st, [J. W. PE-VUCE. JK 61-tf Persons indebted to Jas. C. McF.aehin, as Guardian of the heir.sof John Morrison, doc'd, are hereby re spectfully inibrnied, that s.aid guardian lins in a groat majority of instances endorsed and transferred their note.s to liie undersigned. .Also, tliat our urgent ne cessities. apart from the ri'qi irements of tlK*endorser, compel ns to collce,t as speedily as possible. .All those indebted will therefore oldige us, and theinseh es too. hv paying lip immediately. Me inuot ami will sue tvherc'thc money is not furthcouiing^ YI0RRI.8ON j.' .M, MOKRISCN N. .\. MORRLSON. Laurinbiirgh. N. C.. March 7, 1S57. 40-U P,lints, Oils, Vaniisli, Brushes, for ,4. J. HINSD.VLE. 63-lf Sale by Aug. J5, Wliile Lead and •sale liy , Aug. 15, Linseed Oil, lor S. J. HIN.S1>AI-E. GJ-tf D.VVll) M-IUFFIK, BitICK MASON AM) I’l.ASTF.KI'.H. » NV PLR.SoN desiring work done in the Ii fl'stvle in the above d. parlim nt, ran o euro n sen iccs'bv addressing me at Fnyeileville. N . ( • Hr 1). .\lc!).. will take cnnlOKts any while in n country, within Uni miles ireiii Feyeli. Mlb’. at prompt atlention will tie given to the satne. Sep. 1', l.’JT, ly T’rt the Alllieteil! DR. CHARLES TlldMPSON. of Bladen county N. C.. respectfitlly calls the attention i i.iKiil 1" CXinfress Water, for sale I)y .Yug.^la CJ-tf S. J. IHN.SI)AT.E. W. M. T' u H L I .V IJ T O >, General Commission Merchant. NORTH WATER STREET, Wilmington, N. C., Will give personal attention to the sale or sliiptnenf of all consignments of Naval Stores or other country produce, and any other hnsiuess entrusted to his care, will ho promptly attended to. April 18. 1857. ly .T.“c7 POE. DE.tLER in- staple AND FANCY DRY GOODS IIA-rS, CAPS, BOOTS. SIIOKS, AXU Ready-made Clothing. Particular attcbtion paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. HAY’ STREET, F.AYETTBVILLE, N. C. November 3d. 1156. H i.rsAi y Si 2 THFunderj'igned having: executed a power of At torney to E. F. .Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all settlements for me in my name, and generally to transact all business as I might or could do were 1 per sonally present. June 6, A. A. 31clvcflian Respectfully informs his friends and the public,that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old .Stand, expressly for maiuiliictr.ring (. arriagcs. Thankful for the very liberal patronage lit has roc-iveil for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict aiteiiiion to ljusiucss. witii a desire to give salislaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrai t.s his work to la- made of the liest material and liy expiricnced w orkmen in each hranch of the business. His work will comiiare favorably with any made iu the United States, lor neat ness and durability. , . He is determined to sell and do any work in liis line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere thnt is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, the largest stock of UARRIAGES.BAROUUHES. ROCKAW.VYS, AND BUGGIES, ever oltered in tlii.s place, and a very iat-ge stock ol work nearly finished, which will be sold ven- low for Cash, or on short time to puiietnal custom ers. .-Zie-Hc has on hand more than ONE HU.NDRE.D and FIFTY Vehicles finished and iu cour.se of con- truction. . . , -rr-fr All work made hvhim is warranted 12 months witli fair usage, and should it fail by bad workniansliip 1- material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wlsliing to buy would do well to call and examine fo themselves. ,i .* i Ordersthankfully received and promptly altendiMl to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very rea sonable terms. • Favetteville, Ocll.lS56. .f nil ih tlicled wilii l3aHCPi'*us atfcctions. lo i1m- r. il cures which h.- has cfiVcttMi. and which Inol 1 ■ viouslv irivcn u)» t-y other phy>lciniis in P.laden county as incurable. 'I'hcsc cases cun be c« rtilit«l to by r*- sponsiblc persons living in ihut c»'L..ty. ;nc *>} tl.t in was MrsMalcom McLeod, and another was Mr.h.•>. >! - Kuv, both of which was of long .'tamhug ano ot an a-^gnivatcd chavaetcr. Any per.-on wl^h^lg f- l- cured of that dreadful disease known us (. uncer. .. do well to a]iply to i.>r. Tln'mpson. The .services of Dr. T. wil/.alHibe found highly vs.- fill loall persons alllicted w'ib Ulcers and old M in i long standing. Rheumatisin. Tun oi s. A c. The Dr. can be consullt d o^ the al’ovc named con plfiiiits. V*v cither secina or ud»lre8'-inu luin at ( rai: Creek. M\ion* Co.. N. C.. wh«‘re he int.-nds i-n : • ing a fewWi’cks. 'lliosoin nr d . !i.- ci'y d* well lomake imnifdiute apidieation. us age r« i'b r them more ilillleiilt to cm‘. iHs d.recti* n is V * j Hail P. 1.. liladen Co.. N. 0. Sep 12. 3m-pd e ns ri'fi'i veil llit Pall stock of Good,-*, Con- sisling of .1 rwr.uii V J. J. MOORE. ,33-tf STATE OP 55-tf Miles Costin ^ COm MISS BINGHAM’S SCHOOL. the next School Term will begin on Monday, the 5th of October. Oct 3. 70-Ct James C. Smith. j.ames c. smith Commission Alerchants, ..1 their office to the eecond story of the Have removed their o™*’'- , Telegraph Company t»err^?epar?dTo\rrdIo%lfhu^i^^^^^ ^Tl"elreRtrust#tothem will be punctnally “ww'oa, October 1,1856 T ^a ^w., ’a M May be found at his rooms, during his regular Office from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M “ 3 P. M. to 5 P. JI. where he will be pleased to receive calls from all who maybe in need of his professional setwices. No inducement will be held out by offering to per form operations for a small compensation: a good price will be charged in all cases. And patients fa voring Z)r B. with their confidence, may rely upon his utmost exertions to perform every operation m as per- feet a manner as possible. ^^All operations must be paid for as soon as com pitted, indebted will please call and settle. Oct. >7, 1857- tf hours, viz: ' SoundPtoe tand- 1 vonn Veres round Pine Turpentine ■We offer for ’«*'®„^®5®dtteville. between the We^ L.VND 17 miles from F Morganton Road ?“^e“n’^r“AbarV.-m^ ^umirng through the -y ”'l‘n17”to Mr Charles Sept 26. 68-61 SALE. FOR WinterDtrameASperm.^^^^ Emory, Roller ®'‘“'^^;UdG.ass,peps July 26. 1»5« j"irilALL, Pres.B.^ C.M.Co. S2S fllSwis., J. S. BANKS, COM.MISSION AND PORXVARDINO merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. January 1,1856- ly-pd STATE OP Terms: $2 per . ,, livery of the first number; §2 50 iii six mouths $3 at the end of the year. To elubs of 25 or more, paying in advance and tvlien the Papei is sent to one address, a discount of 10 pet cent, will be allowed. Our Ministers and Elders are earnestly desired to act as Agents, and all others friendly to the cause will plea.se assist in procuring as many subscribers as possi- ble and forward the names, by August 1st, to Attachment, thi.s Office. As soon as 1500 subscribers are obtained, the first number will be issued. If a faithful and vigorous effort is made in the next two months by those Hho take a lively interest in this work, we will without doubt, be able to begin the publication at the end of that time with a paying subscription list of at least 3000. 5®- Address, Editors of the North Carolina Presbyterian, Fayetteville, N. C. Fayetteville, May 20, 1857 NORTH CAROL1N.A---ROBESO V COUNTY. C'owrt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions—August ■ term 1857. Elias Bullock, Hinmint Bullock, Jv.lii, Bullock, vs. Caroline Prevutt, and others and others. Peliiiun for sale of slaves tor Partition. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the (lefenilant Hiniiaut Bullock, resides beyond the lim its of tills State, it is therelore ordered by the Court that publication be made in the North_ Carolinian, ntw.spaper published in the town ol Fayetteville, this State, tor the said defeudent lliimiant Bullock, to be an 1 appear at the next term of tins Court to be bold for tbe County of Robe.sou. at the Court House in Lumberton on the fourth Monday m November next, tlicn and there to plead, answer or demur to the said petitiou. or the same will be taken pro conjesso and heard ra-partr. AVintuss, John M. Hartman, Clerk of onr saKl_„oml at Office, the 4th Monday iu August. .A. D. 18.vi , ami in the Eighty secoad year Lumberton, Oct. Sd, 1S57. 71-Ot north C.VROLINA—-UOBKSON COUNTY. Sessions—st It appearing publication be made six weeks ^“5?^ North Carolinian, a newspaper publishc of Fayetteville, notifying saiddefendai 4 COND STOCK! STiSkRR ^ WILIiIA.!WtS AKE^eceiving THEIR SECOND STOCK FOR THIS SEASON, embracing,— Dry ;oo«ls. Hat.*, Shoes, and Made-up Clothing, T« which they invite the attention of Wholesale buyers generally^ MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA, at AUGUSTA. The Twenty-Sixth course of I.ectures in Hiis Insti tution, will commence onMonday, tne 2d . ovcm) ''*^Emeritus Professor of Anatomy, G. M. Newton, M.D. Anatomy. H F Campbell, M. D. Siirirerv, D. A. Dugas, M. D. ^ ^ ttnt' InstUums and Praetice ofMcdicme Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Medical Jurisiiru- “XtetHe^anrDiseiof Women andinfants. J. A. ^'physiSogy and Pathological Anatomy, H. V. M. '*'chlmistry and Pharmacy. Demonstrator of Anatomy . R Assist-ant Demonstrator oi Anatomy, S. B. S.mm Clinical Lectures will be delivered in the City Hos pital and at the Jackson street Hospital. Fee for whole Course, SlOo, . Matriculation Ticket (to betaken once,) S*> . For further particulars apply L-. orto I. P. Gtt-A\l-N,Heau. 66-tf sy/ Court of Pleas and Qaurter^ Term 1857. Joseph Thompson rs IVilliam Price. Levied on one lot of Bacon, Hogs, O.xen, Corn, and Cattle, to the satisfaction of the Court that Wiliiam Price. defendant in this case, so ahscond.s or conceals himself, that the ordinary process of the Law- cannot be served on him. It is therefore oidercd tha Fceks successively iii ttic ihed in tlie town o. rayetteville, notiiymg sam ue.m.Jant to appear at the next term of this Court to l.e held for the com y of Robeson, at the Court House in Lumberton on ti e Fourth Monday in November next, then plead, answer or demur to the said Attachment, ol the me will be taken pro conjesso and '''-'=‘‘’1 J'; Witness, John M. Hartman Clerk o( onr eanl Lot r •it Office the 4th Monday in -August. A. D. 18o), aim In the Eighty second year Lumberton. Oct.3d, 1857. Pictures! Pictures!! Taken over Be.v.ley & Honston’s Jewelry Store, BY ISa ',3, SifeJ)I)SIA2i'i>l He respectfully invites the Ladies and Gen tlemen of Fayetteville^d^^p^ic^^ne^y^hm which surpass any other in neatness and durability. So come along wllbout Ynd get a picture that will pay. ^ He has reduced the price to SI 50, and upwards Oct. 10. 1857. ^Ltf BEMOV AU. II. GUAIIAMImB removed-fo the Store formerly ne. cupiod bv Dr. Foulkes. ou tbe corner cast of the ay. ettevilleiloteLHay .street, where he is just receiving lii^ PAiiSi AHTW ssqgs O F R E A D Y-M A D E OF THE LATEST STYLES. Consisting iu part ol Over-Coats, Dress, Frock and Business Coats; Pants, Tests, Shirts and Collars, Drawers, Flannel Shirts and Drawers; Suspenders, Crarats, JMerisio and Cotton Hose, vj-c., He also keeps constantly on liund. a fine assortment of BOOTS A -YJO SHOE S and Carpet Bags. All those wishing to purchase cheap and line _ of clothes, would do well to call and examine (.rabain s •Stock, as he is prepared to sell as low as any in this market. Sept. 12 2m. VV^'xrriLLlXGllAST Is now receiving a large and well assorted Stock of China, Glass, nml Earllienware, Looking Glasses, Biittaiiia, aiui Silver Platcti Ware, Fancy Goods, & House Fuenishing Hardware. He invites the attention of Country Merchants to his Stock, and is satisfied that they cannot fliul a better assortment of Goods for their tra le. or cheaper (when delivered at their door?.) ia one House anywhere. Sept. 5, 66-2m .VILVKE A.Vn ri ATKH WAKI:, ASU MIL!TA?:V fiooUS. 1*. llisiuM-t^onal atteiitliGi will be to all ^\ a‘ ehen and Jewelry eiitrualed Ui him lor repaiie. rti-pt.lU * 68-3111 Liiiiik'iioii Advertiseiiu'ut. ^rnyfllE SUHSC:R1REJ: is luiwroieiv- B in”- Ills Stock of IS'*'' B > H .. B W a a 9 S Cb Coiniiri.iing everylliing in the way oi DRY GtJOlt.S, Snell as Mcrinocs, Alpticas, Del.aiiu’s, ( tisli- niere, and Giiigl):iiiis for Ladies’ Di ts- sc.s. ALSO, Galicues, Liiisc}s, 1'i"U- nels, bleaclied and unbicaclied Shirt ings, Drillings, Osnahurgs, Kersey.s, KeiiUicky Jeans, Satlincls, Cassiincre for I’ants, &c., &c., &c. U E i l> V--II .1 » E C I. O T II I Y C of the liost Material and good Workiiiaii.sliili. boots AYD shoes for Jlcii and Boys. Also, a good assortment of Ladie.s’ and Mis- .ses’ Slioe.s; Trimmings for Ladies’ Dresses, Bonnets, Mantillas and Cloaks of the latest Fa.sliioiis. BATS .S \ 1> TAPS of all sorts. Tranks of nil sizes; besides Hardware, Groeeries, and a varietvof other Gooiis, all ol which I will sell low for Cash, or upon shoi;t eredit lo reliable and prompt |iiiyiiig cii.stomer.s. S. \V. ERRANT. Lumberton, N. C., Sept. 26, 1857 2m. Umbrellas, putts $100 Kevvard. My Room was forcibly entered on Sunday night, the i'Jib .Septenil’er. Iiysonn- unknown pei-pon or |ier- sons, who took from my de.sk $362 in Bank Bills and $30 ill Gold and Silver. I will give tlie almve intmed reward for the apprehension ol the thief anil recovery of the monev, or $50 for either. O. r. LUTllUR. Rockingham, Richmond Co., Oct 3, 1837. 70-Uit the Faculty, or to Sept 5th, 1857. J. B. ST.tRR.] Oct. 10. 71-tf [J. M. WlI-UAMS. wa8''rai8ed on for - The almve reward will be P».6 tor tbe apprehension and deliv J fresH suppi.t u ,, Ar,il b aid negro to me. or fo? his confinement in any Jail tn “ ^ 1 Cheese Rntte- Apples ■ ’ R,. E HUDL. State so that I can get him. Oct 3, 1857- Argtii copy. 79-8t M. C. LAMONT. JUST “ fresh supply ot bPlCED NORFOLK and Oranges. Oct 24- 73-tf foot of Hayniouat. A§HF©1® ji. „ IlMSFIiCTOIeti Of ^ZSSBSSi ASS liSHEBSa, 10,000 u>$* TalloYV Vt anted, For which the highest cash price will be paid Oct. 1, 1856. A. M. CA..U Carriage for Sale. 1 Very E'nc Carriage and 1 Second Hand BARROUCH for sale by Sept. 26 :assr»’5r. ISZW AHB CEEA.y GOOSiSI EYliE Is now receiving a large and general supply of J>S1¥ «OOI>.S aVmong Yvbich arc* Fplcndid DRKSS 4iOODS, With every article iu the I) K Y GO O 1) S LI N E . .-Vll of which, lining iiurchased by the package, will he offered by whole.sal'- or relail at a small auvanee for cash or on time to )iiiiieiual cusiunu-rs._ F’avettcvillc. Oct. 3. 1857. 70-tf E. F MOORE. G9-tf Cl T. IlINSDAl.B'S Ague Mixture; also, S . Champions’s Ague Medicine; ” Fever and Angne .-tntidote, Koyind” Tonic .L tare. For sale by J. HAbL-YLL. Aug. 15. ''.t-tl IT' foreign & DOMESTIC. J) ^ ^ leete has on at present a YVilmlngton, S. WILI. ATTEND PKOiaTTLV TO ADI* Business in the above line, entrusted to Ins care jrsr Special attention will be given to Timber free of commissions. Oct. i«, ISM. the Bale of NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS!! Tliey\"aret"coran-sS;!:nd:r^ liaUD, . for the purpose o> carrying on the and Fancy Dry Goods, «eady-mdde Llotlnng Family Groceries, «S;c., yc. Towhich they would respectfully invite the atten- tioii of their friends and the pu )lic ^PRODUCE taken in ^oo _ HAND SELECT Atitas ©la IJAVil) S 'i'AVLOK, Respectfully inforra-s tlie good jico; it f Fayetteville, aim the country g. 'i- rally, tknl lie '• opened a GROCERV STORK at tin- foot oi i,a> - ii'-arlv oiiposite Mr. Geo. McNeill s. where he ii.t* - keeping constantly on hand a well seleeled supply of Gioceries and Country Ui-f!- suitable for family use. He will be happy to see bis old acfinainl-iiieei-' and all others wishing sui.plies iu hi!2 line, Oct. 10, 1857. 3m WATCHES, JEWLLKY, ic. additions am now rcceiviii{ niy Stock to ASSORTMENT OF IjIQiTJ Consisting in part of OLD NASH BRANDY' PURE old Rye YVhiskey Scuppernong'Wine; A iiitage 1855 jfKLSO ... - - Domestic Whiskey N. B. Rum - HOLLAND GIN 73-tf li'.l TCllK S. .tK tTEl.Jt r, Sdver and Plated irare. Musical Instruments, military and Fancy goods. Which makes my Stock good Those vlio are about to make their purchases would do we.l I,;’ ggy Watch Repairing done in tbe best man- L'l- and warranted. Oct. 70-3m M -d A III U •’’'■ST kkoeivld . r f\D Liv a large and fancy assort ment of BOOTS .t SHOES: Ladies'Gaiters, plain and colored ; Ladies’and Gents’ IHXtIYL SHOES kfa new and beautiful pattern, and eve very St vie uf ar- of a and beautiful patlcrri tide in hi? liiH^- . . , , , , ». His stock is choice and carefully sdectod b\ hira- aelf anfl biivers will find it to their iotcrost to call h • oro’parclias'ingekewherc. Corner of GiUcapic auu FracUliu ttreite. ArtU22.IS5:. •I'-lf