feTZTv |h P.TI tmTir^nalU' ; winch ^ssiii and jiglij'h Jurispm- Btion and many The LotVoiitcmp»rary |s als-n on hainl. AND ^^rnoi- |i> before* n^** with , oripnaU cclcc- The nifdical i‘ro- lllv patronize thir* \v because of its alion of its pn'- |Ti anel p]nl'>s«>]*h} fiithern chmare. editors and con- Rnce and instnic- |f. Anirnsta. Geo. r this ireonth h;is \ cratidcation wr he eelitor arraipis •rnssrir* in our eem^tnone-el t**' [rendered a hasty JlilH'rHl’'v of the Khor. Hic piot. it sliouVt Jp.ti'.'U a- a rt-asou k wc ri-iii'Ct having l.f an in’h'-ir verdict. p(Je will litt-ut' for nultitudo «'f "gotHl mos of articifs upon ^uth. c(‘Tnmoncinir scries promises Ij; additii'U to th.e fditew's Table- is well lilt is evieiently con- bste. refineinont niid in Ki*limond. foutliem genius will lives, nor Southern ■t capable* and con- lnjre*r* aiul *Kii>se ll ItUe coretial frieiid- lo at all siinulaTe*el. brs in a liii:h anel on- Ln-, us well as the Lern men to e*iu’our- litcrarv pe riodicals as Ilia throiifrh whie-h are kntedU-e'tual rost-urces \ to ns that tiu rc is enough ainoii^ the* th between the r. al kiudcsonie. sedid br and tawdry tinsel ■ibr which tlte S.-nth Ij. if it were only more the public by the pterafiire would s«-on jce'uld place it. nnd I* excindeei soh-ly anel ^(•sr is inaiiiler-tt el in 1 if they w..uld. irive Lular taste by iiivv.-t- |and impe'rtanee the We tru't that i>e^ and wishes of it« : if it.- liri rary merits Jefiliar charclCteri^tI(•s, Ld eh-siirned to ^ve hie opinions. bM*Triiies |tl mind ni the Soiit'n Id and apprteiated.it pierprlze. Mnit fn-e ot post;;"-'* Iveiiit-nily n*nch any vaniin^to **IIu>s* U s k an oucU«.-tire of iiim* 1 fruw a rorrespond- •fng pn-rry v. r-* - on who v/:;- .-mid.Illy AVhe oiir ct- or’irinal or not wc ►i ciionid! to j.rint an-; wiri. ii. f*;w nniin- ...d ;..-i;ea:h, tu of :!th. S ... Milil dear Uttb* Will. Ilaiincth ts fc ne rn, 1“ w.-re born: leart> had w.— fatal aei e»ii that day, jhad b-^me Idm away. . where h(: .-h pt. tears we wept: to atteiiel the dead llhat was .^ai'i; fray to the tomb. |hc' shroud of itsn:lo«jni. ? heavy anel chill IoiiHl‘Vv-1. lost Will. .J. K. Me-r IE:—The committee on Pine Arts ^cTierruUy- at teen fit to im ntioin in • ms awarded to other I^ortruit in Oil,” painr- 171 a fi'iTL'fn (ill wi.ieh ime/aniiiL' conceab-d) i pre-Jiiinia for tloit sh^J indinpaiiit—and if the- «ot iieb bt-d to us for • ocea-ion to be very inju-ti • and palpable re a ce-nt for tlu' paltry ha%'o two dollar.-!* wo -hut the J'rinciple of ^be l*v the* wj.y. that we painte'd (according a stoh'ii or oti.erwis.- -.-eu it j*i;ic*- the fair— Ks (•!» if }»rior To that urally fi-e l iny-fihed as inu.st eirlu r have the uman nature caniict n. I indebt«*d te.» Hon. A.^a ■•'li^e^.-iojial fllol'e- with If Il..wura’s report ou tcrity. , To the memories of Tooiner, Henry., Eccles, Strange, Huske, Hybart, Robinson and Dobbin, he paid a brilliant and n^st eloqfuent trib ute, and impressively urged uponT the young men the force and beauties of their exampleS^*^ Agriculture, its moral, physical and intelTectnal charms; its importance as the smew of nations, the The Cumberland Fair. ' W e are greatly gratified to state that the fourth annual fair of the Cumberland Agricultural society tv as a complete success, notwithstanding the un- propitious omens which had somewhat discouraged the executive committee for sometime previous to the fair. The company present was numerous, the exercises of the occasion varied and attractive, the articles on exhibition highly creditable to the con tributors, and the receipts to the society sufficiently abundant to testify that the interest in the a.ssocia- tion by the people of the county is most decidedly on the increase. We were much pleased to see so numerous an attendance on the part of our friends from every section of the count\', as well as from | others dependent Oil it. the neighboring towrns and contigimu.s countie Terditucy and TTarnlag. • ' A Kentucky merchant for some days at the Astor, says the Nefr York Daily News, was accosted by one of the most “gentle manly appearing men” to be seen aboutthe marble halls and pictured parlors-of lhat tip- to^heuse, who professed‘■his acquaintance and also jrive him the names ofbnsiness men stay and support of the world; its independence and j . its certainty us compared with all other professions, | firms in Kentucky. TilOUgll he had was graphicallv and beautifnllv treated. Few j the papers and shonld have been on better illustrati'ons have we heard than the follow-1 guard against any ‘new hatched, unttedged . 1 comrade, this was such “a nice young man' ! that he strolled forth with him ou Sunday As it is independent of all otliers, so are | Atlantic Garden. Here his , , i companion and his confederate, who oppor. yer leans for his support upon the client he : ^ took fro §10 in money.—“Have you a kinte about; c-jp,. uiv.-r. AIARRIKD. On ^nrsday evening 5th inst., on ITaymoant. by Rev. A. Gilchrist. MrTbos C. Fuller, to Miss €aro- Wliitehead, daughter of the late Williamson Whitehead. " ‘ DIRD In Lower Fayetteville on the SOth ult.,. Mrs Sarah Ann Jane, wife of Jonathan Jessup in the oJd year of her age. In this town, on the 5th inst.. Mr Joshua McDaniel. At the residence of Miss Calhrine Mc.-\rthur, in this' County, on the 1st last, .Mrs Sarah .McArthur in the 81 year of her age. tewn papers please copy. ^ . Hound. Hine lisnd ALT. Notes and Accounts due M'. F. & E.. F. .Voore, and al.so tbo.se due ^leore A; Brotlier, jhat ai-e unsi?t- tlcd on the 1st of December, will positively Ik- |uit in the hands of an AdmT. Nov. 12. . Wo otfer for w»'l>o ’*2u00 .\crep rnnnfi I** ne Tnrpcnt ucr ? LAND 17 miles from Vnyottwillo. h ixcuu Uie Wes- terii and Cfutre n»nk Sottds—the Uoa : rujunag tlwougU the same, A l.ar;min «id W' « ld in thesclands. For pait.iculars appl.v to Mr Cn.u.e., Muiiroe near the laud or tothe siib.-irit,ors Nov. 12 o7-U d. i T. M.iI'UlI.t.. VALUABl-R PLANTATIO.V FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sale his Plantation OXFORD FSMALrE ! COFDEGE. Tlio Fourteen Hi Se-sston will eomiiienee on the First ; Monday in January 1858. The teachers eniployetl aie , of tlie first order of ability. ’ The course of instruction ; is unusually thorough and extensive. | EXrE.\SE$. I FOR THE FALL A WIMLL Im *. .iF.-^T UEt'KIVElt! » (Call soon, secure a trood l.ar;;aUi and :;ive itienty.l ^ Due of the lar.sest. haiid- rr soniest and idi*-eia*sl stw'ks «OOTS A>D ( - - .. .. . „„..clv appeared, and by tl “safe” operation ! RoViesoii county imniedialely on the road from Fay- ,u,d we only regret that our friends from the conn-! serves, the physician «« the call of Ins^ pa- : p-,, 8150, and j pl!if f^ Pliil-adelphus P. 0. -75-^t. latter rain;’ and trusting implicitly that while the earth resnaiueth seed time and i ■ the same estahlishmeii? a splemlid Saddle Avith fllo and martingale.'^, both of which articles receive Avell dL-.-erved premiums. In the minorai depart- i , ment Ave tound au extremely rich specimen oi ‘ 'V* ^ ^ b , Ceppe.* ore from the Watson mine in Chatham, exhibited hy Mr O. W, Gee. It was by far tlie richest specimen of ore on exhibition, but was un accountably overlooked by the mineral committee in the award of premiums. Mr Gee also had a number of excellent vegetable specimens frc»Qi his garden, Egg and Pepper plants lVc. Floral Hall possessed an unusual array of fancy and useful contributions, principally from the ladies, embroideries, liousehold fabrics, baby- clothes, pet—(sometimes known as bachelors’ aver sions) fancy needle-wA»rk A»f all descriptions, druAv- iiigj;, paintings in oil and AA*ater colors, artificial fruit and flowers, &C c^c. A basket of artificial fruit made hy Miss Hannah try did not contribute to the stock and produce de-i §10 in money.—“Have you a knife nbout j c-jp,. Uiv.r. There are lOtti ACRES, of partments aslibcrallv and creditablvasthevmight!^®^'^ mechanic on the ! Certainlv, Kentuckv is never Avithout; wloch 2il0 an; m a ?ooa state of cultivation, ana in have aoiie with a littlo mure effort. ' ' j g«'>d will of his employer; while men of art, article!”—“Let me have it, and by G—d , ^ " In looking through the Farmers’ and Meehan-' literature Creatures 01 ' If that damned scoundrel be about these! Those wishing to Imy will do well to give me a call ie's Department we were struck with tliu superior ^ breath of man—partake the common dcstl- , I’ll have our watches or his life!” | 1 au, determiaed to sell, a„d wUl make tlie terms iluality of some of our agricultural produce and the nji '''’“le politician, embarked in the Ke^tuel,,- ,vaited the return of his friend ten i. . u: i . .A. . finish and elegance of manv of the speeimeus of ! minute.s, and then concluded he had been home Iiuinufiieture. It is' scareelv necessary to ! out in all weathers, shitting Ills sail to catch So,„cwhat ashamed of his verdancy speak of thee.xcenei.ee of McKethau’s specimens every popular breeze, is nevertheless often did not tell of his lo.ss at the Astor, but in the vehicle line. Thev are always of the best; stranded—not lu.frequontly shoaled—some- ; attached to the house fiai,h and most .-uhstaiitial workmanship. We foundered and many times loi'iled ; sailed noticed a fine set of Harness from Overhv’s estah- *o, in a dead calm, without wind to waft him j j,, (.pg uloriiing on the search. -hmeut. maimfaeturedhvMr,lohi,Vaughn-from ‘■osof OASor wave to rock him to repose-a i Kentucky thought he saw his man, hri-1 Micawber, ever waiting lor “some- j Uevov said he must be able to swear to j-ed , thing to turn up,”—somebody to tuni out; ^5,^ he could arrest. “However,” 1 that he may turn in. The agriculturist, liv-1 Devoy, “took him full in the face, may- serene, re-I i,e he’ll Ifihow you.” ; mote from the strife of men, asking only of j pp^ j^j^p and sure enough the nice young , the bounty of heaven for the‘former and the ! e^xclaimiug, “Ah! how arc you? That fellow did ns out of our watches nicely, eh?” “Well, he did, Tmt harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, didn’t coiiie back with my knife! Couldn’t day and night, shall not cease; in all the toil p;,|j p|jy scoundrel? Xow hark’ee, Sir, and labor of the field, in preparing his | p p„ prosecute you or expose my ground, in sowing his seed, in rearing hi.s j greenness, "but 1 must and plant h siistuined by that dependence on .^^.jpp pj-rve my watch and money.” “Arc yon God which is independence of man.” friend to this gentleman?” said sharper, In concluiling this part of his niMres.s, he refer red to the agrieulturiil beauties abd excellencies of the varioii.s eomitries of Europe which lie had ! visited, in the course of which he sketched tliis beautiful picture: “Italv, though the sun of her prospteritv j^.,,,^.1,. ...iln.ibles .ind von , , , ‘ ,• ■ man savs he wants lus xaliiaDles, ana 3011 ! has long since set, and she mav be seen only 1, ,, , 1 .1 pf Kelly seemed to attract general atteutioi, and elicit pp,^ p^ ppigp^p p^^ . p ^p p, p^.-dy j J""" ;,„,ccnte or compda'in, I am done still, with her yiiie clad hills and her groves ? ^ j pp^.^ p^di , , 1 .1 T 1 r r**^" i a winding wav to some “drinkory” in I’earl the rroiibadonrs, and the Lake of Geneva, | ^ around celc- addressing otlieer Devoy? “Well, yes, sir, I am a sort of a friend,” said Devoy, exhi biting a shield official. “Oh! hell, that’s enough—111 give v'Oii §100 to let me give “Xo sir; but as this geiitlc- s valuables, and ; let us have them. Nov. 12, 6,500 Acres Land for ^ale. THE .'suhserihiT desiring to more to the IVcst oTers to sell the follmvir.g tracts of valnahle land. I Tract containing i.iliS acres in Harnett County 1C miles North of Fayetteville. There is on this tract, t'.ro large and comfortablcdwellihg houses, with all necessary out houses, togetiior with a good mill running two saws and grist; with about. .100 acres cleared, and in a high state of cultivation, the remain. dcr i.s excellent farming and turpentine land. , Also another tract containing 4000 acres of tiirpen-1 tor sale, tine land, about 1110 acres of ivhich is cleared.—There isou this tract one goo'.l dwelliu.g with all necessary out houses and a good grist and saw mill. The above lands ivill be sold at public sale. on Tlinrsday the 3d day of December in tracts to suit purcliasers., I will also sell ou tlie sameday all my Corn. Fodder Hav and .Stoek of all kinds. S head of mules A lior.ses. Hla'cksmitli and Coopers' tools, farming iiten.sils. 1 Timlier and 2 road waggons. 1 cart and a lot of llar- (.i j Tuition in Elementary Branches “ “ College Classes “ “ Mibsie “ “ Drawing “ “ Fainting “ “ Eiiiliroidery Board and Washing pier iiiontli No extra charge will be made For particulars apply to J. 11. .\IILL.S Oxford N. C. Oct. 31, 1 2t .A, €ABBo SliOKS, LA1>H> GAlTEUS^ SMiiii iiUAl colorifi; Luilses jrvnta dancing SHOKri. of a tu'Av antHfonutiful patlGHK cji'mi*:; »>. i 20 , YOUTH'S and I Hll.DilKNV-^ ' 10 ' ti.M'fFIt.'^: INIHA-KFlliiFlt SllOl'.tr. and iWi.' w7A iirtide ill bis lin»’. , . i ii. „ ", His slock is choice and earefnlly sclecit d lo h.m- •* 'self, and buyei> will and it t« ihcir interest to call 10 1 bdore purciiasiiijf elseubcie. M. rAl * • I fi^All who huve lost their soles come lor- i ward. a;idth.'.v will be renewed for Scvcuty-tlve lants and upwards. ' Nf’!? aiciis Foi- llie Fsill TrsnU-, IS.»4. The Siihscrilier is no'A' receiving a large and ■lOllN tVOllD presents his compliments to the Ua'i dies and Geutlemcu of Fayetteville, and respeatfully | well selected Stoek of informs them that he proposes to open a D VN'CING rs i rs • TI . ,.,l.. .. i-e. .1 i,,l ■SCHOOL, if sufflcieilt eucouragenienl. lie given. ] ”1'}' (jrOOtlS, Vi rOCCI'll'!., ll.lUl"Arc .llltl J. Vv. can be found at the Fayetteville liulel, where I p ShoPS, Hats IIIhI terms will he made known. 1 ' ; ’ . . ... . 1 i\, Oct. 31. "i-2t. ; C;i|)s, Fi'ovisioiis, borpigii .iiul UouKfe- ' i tic Ijitpuoi's. The Subscriber has on luind UIrI To whieli wo would call tlie atteation uf tlie 1 pnhiie generally, as he will sell at \\ liolesaic '•.i,Tta,Holif.iscs,Syr7ip,Sah,[ioii,' or IleXail. F. E. LELIL. Cojcry'^itgtn^i, ^ Sind, Saits, Horse Shoes i\' A«i/s, A-res, Hoes, Shoreds, S]>aks, Furhs, Tracc- chains, lilach SiHilh Toots, ISroirii soap, Caialtes, Fajattrs, Sotc Jyather, Negro Shn/s, Hals, litantats tSj' Kerseys, Saddles, }Vhips, . „ Collars, (rlass Fully, Colton Bagging, Haiidla Jtope, JChile Tend, Common and fine Cigars, iV Tohaero, Fuirder, and Shot, and J inegar, and many articles not enumerated: all in want can j Get 3, 1 -‘LOOK 70-4t 7)i;r I'Dit TiiF. i.ouoMorn 1;.’ lies a luxuriant toiJ fertile tm'ritoi'v, wliere | ^p^ ^^pp lie picturesqne bavovan lightens Ins toil by Kentueky, e IS minstrel song. D«gW and Scotland ,p.ijp „p-pjevov as a deceiver. uiucli admiration from tlu* counoisour.s in such mat' ters. Tin.' fruit AA*a:? eonstmeted of ro^iii, f?o iiat- nralivt delicately and beautifully colored asactual- 1a'to haA'c deceiA'ed many pertfon^, Avho haagiiicd the lemon?, oranges, peaches, grapes aud pluius to be genuine fruit. _ The draAvings and paintings by iliss Ella Fierce ; gardens of beauty. Tho scicMice of ag- ijaA'c CA'iileuce of considerable artistic taste j j-icuHlirc is tlioro carried to its highest per- i feclion, aiidtho earth yields of her abundance and grows richer as she yields. Although the subdivision of lauded ])roperty in I ranee is so great that there is scarce a motive to improvement, yet the whole land blossoms Lind the talent. The paintings A»n glass by Misses Mc- IntA-re. and McPherson Averc excellent, as AA ere tlie craA'ons and water colors of the ilisses Monroe, aud also the ‘AVinter Scene” of Miss Sandford. The pastils and oil paintings of W. J. MyroAcr attracted much notice. Prof. Ilahr's painting.*? Avere much admired. In the dA*partinent of Household fabrics avo no- Ti^*ed a number of beautiful quilts, home-made car peting, blanketing, homespun ice &e,, all of Avhich reflected much credit upon the taste, skill and in dustry of the ladies. One splendid quilt, made hy Miss Flora McNeill, Avas purchased by Mr H. M. Crime of New York, for himself ujxm the purehii.se. Pl'JtLK' AlEE'flND OF M.lXl'I'.VU'TUKERS. At a large meeting of the maiiutactui'ers of Lv'uehbiirg', liolil at the II ashingtoii House, by apipoiiitmeiit II. Langhormy ami .1. F. I’ayiie, Esq., appointed Secretary The chairiiuiii having stated the object of tho meeting, the iollowiiig resolutions wore unanimoush' adojited. 1. Resolved, That we cordially approve the proposition rocentU' submitted from Danville, to hold a Convention of the to- i bacco mamiiacturers of the State in the city T will take pleasure in sliowiiiR tlie above properly to any person wishing lo purchase. H. S. McNElLL. Nov. 12. Twenty-five Dollars Re'ward! THE Subscriber will pay a rcwar.l of Twenty-five Dollars for Ihe recovery of ilie DOCKET ROOiv lost at the Ciimberlanil County Fair (iroiind. logcllier , • i- i- ! witli the Notes contained in it. The papers were due j supplied a.schi;ap ascau be uougia in I to me as guardian of tlie children of tlie late William i T .-'mith.With the exception of one.pidgmcnt due to Dct. .31, me in my own right. I will pay this reward for. the notes, delivered in me at my residence in Harnett county, or to Mr .lolin I). Williams in Fayetteville. .-Vll persons by wliom these notes were made are warn ed not to pay them' to any one hut ni.vsflf. The ; amount of the papers is about six tliousand dollar.s. | The pocket hook or w rapper is made of lmcksk?!i, I bound about the edges with green tape. j JAME.S r. HODGES. ! Nov. 12. T.-)-tf .1. AV. I.KTT i Has just received a large and general STOtKOl : GOODSsiiUed to theFalland Wintevtrade.coiisif ting I of a eiioicc seleetion of Slnlil. mill Piinvy BUY 4;OOi;S. Bnols anil SAwes. with almost evi rylhiiig desiral le in that line. .• , , , ritlME FAMILY GROCERIES alwny.-to he luol AT LETT’S. Goods sold at the lowest prices for CA.‘-'Ii. or ex- ehanged foreonnlry produce. Sept. 2li. IS.'w. ly-pd vniv. G. W. 1. GOLDSTON. 74-tf ROBESON Cv>YNrv Sr’BSClPTTON TO THE RAIL ROAD STATE OF NORTH C A KOLIN.V—H.VRNI'.'i'T COrNTV. Court of Pleas and (Inarter Sessions—S,pl. '^ term 1857. Petiticn for Fartilion of Slaves. j Jesse Burt, Tlioinas Bennett, I vs. j IVilbs Burt J. Braneli and wife N'aucy 1 FreUeriek Bqrt, and gladdens with scientitic cnltivatioii. Between the port of Havre and the ctqiital of luxury and taste and fashion, Xormandv', with its vigorous vegetation, its noble breed of horses, its fine old chateaus engroved in ancient forests, its blue horizon nnd its crys tal streams, presents the a.spcct ot an cultural paradise. Standing once on the top •JD, and he felicitated []jq Not being upon the ^ lieiiig denied palpaU.le | jjj. aid Conveuticni either in person or by delc- the premium list speaks for them. ! tliedral of Cologne rising to the clouds, and . qq,.,)- tlie interest of the to- Mrs. lYm. Bow had on exhibition a beautiful the intoxicated Rhine, the pride ot the ' maniifacturers of North Carolina be- speeimen of the genus lepns. a Maltese Hare, a -faderland,” like a jovial Lacchus, iq^^tical with our own, they are hereby verv rare animal in this country. It was, with through vineyards oj the mellotv g, ape, 1 attend said Convention to t:ike great care and difficulty, raised by Mrs B—, and ; counted more than twenty villages in viett, ^ deliberations. attracted considerable attention. lYe were pre-j (.,„bowcrod in fields of wheat. It was au-jl'^ i!o.s„lved Thatadeleo-ationoftwelve sented with a specimen of the paper manufactured tumn, and the golden gram reflected back appointed bv the Chair- at David Murphy’s factory from the heretofore the sun’s bnght rays and spread a halo over Convention'. I Uiidcr tlie last re.solutioii the followino- i o-entlemcn were apjniinted : r Je.sse Hare, J. F. Fayne, T.C.S. Fergu- 1). II ■ Burton, J. 0 .'ler, A. D- Head Mondiiy Tnesdav At Oapt. iVisliart's MuMer Ground Friday Nov. Lflli *• R(‘i;ans ** • “ Satnnl-.iy l-!!h •• ivilkliison's Mills ‘* 8;t. PanU •• Rnd Rprinss __ K.E.TROY. Nov. 1'2. 7.)-3t Oetlicailou"of Phoesiix Lodge Vo. S Rosl Pelefo’.-silitm of St. Jolsu's Day, “tasting committee,’’ and access to the sweetmeats, condiments &c, we are against the horizon, not prepared for any specialities on those subjects: j setting sun, the tall old spire of the Ca liealioii be made in the North Caroliman a news|.aper publislioa la llie Town of Fayetteville for six sueces-; Dttli - sive weeks. Notifying Ihe said iefoudaats to be and | _ _ ITlb appear at the ne.xt'Ternr-of the. Court of Pleas and, Wednesday ISili ] Quarter Se.ssions to be held fur the County of Harnett ■ Tlinrsda.v " iOth at the Court House la Tuomer. on the Second Mon.lay | in December next then and there to answer plead or demur the said petition or the same will be beard Ex r.uiTK and Jiiigemuxt I'uo Coxkkssio, be rendered against tliein. .. .. . ' Witness lienjamin F. Siiaw, Clerk .0 onr said (.oiirt , at Gmee in Tofiiner 2nd Monday in .Seiitenilx'v A. D. 1857 and in the 82d rear of American Independence, , B. F. SHAW, Clk. j 31, I I'RATT’.S AMEiiP'.VN IN'Dl' Monlbly History of Commerce. I’R.VTT’S .AMERII'.AN INDF TI1\ A Monihly History of Mam. ..etni-i ■ PRATT’.S .\MKi:I('AN lNl t'.'‘7R ' A Monihly Hisloty of I-'iine.,-.-, ri;.\TT*.4 IVie's'ieY. .V Moatlilv 1'' ti'i -.-of In.iu-tr'al V-r ni'is p ATT’.' .■•.me::i(.a.n ini isiiows liow lo Mann fa -U’..- PR.V'T’.n .AMERICAN 1 .'t .. Show-h.-v. to pi-eparc Good-i" ' '•! P11ATT’S'AM!'.R'' AN Shows'how to d't‘-c' PR.VTT’S AMERICA.. IN: . . 1 Shows how to deteet Coimnev. 'a'. V'l -. ds, PRATT’S AMEP.I: AN INil :i.. , Shows how to deteet Alanufaetn: In-; l-'i ao.l PRATT’S AMERICAN lNpf-">'!'A'. .Shows bow to t-est the Purity or Vaho .0 . PRATT’S A.MERIC.VN INlir.'T'iV. Sboivshuw to Examine and Pr.reba.-'- i'ty 1 - PRATT’S .AMERl'J.vN L'.Dir.STUV, Shows bow Good.s are Ailiiltenited.. PRATT’S AMERICAN IN'DLIsfR 1, Shows bow to test the T’nrity of .i-,.c.-i-:i; I’RATT'R AMKRIf'AN INDfS'iRV. Shows bow to test tlie Ptirit.v -. i.--;noi-s Oct vvrapT .we were riseless pulp of the Chinese sugar canc after the the blliil. 1 could hear many juice has been expressed. It makes an execlleiit ; -.fTa-fews toll the knoll of parting day,” f.iiig paper, smooth. HeiiMt- and stroi'4r. mid and .sce» . , , .;!snrod bv Mr Yink that its manufacture ^ ''The lowing herds wind .slowly o iw the on. "would be both praffiicablc nnd profitable. But we It wa.s as lovely a lanuscape as a I t ,oration of interesting might tvor.ship or a Claude might a.spire to tliem all, paint; and tlie outburst of iny heart was, and we must close our list. 1 that the day might eonie when I OnThnrsdav there were six military-companies tain to sufficient respoctabi 1 \ xallant escort for fanner, and that I might hve to behold in\ own cc.untry, by skill and ciiliivation, son, woulfl iHrvcT finish tlic cnuinei specimens should we attempt to describe in attendance, forming quite a gti tiie voting ladies ( '‘girls,” sa>'s S('me1)ody, -K-lio fnrgi-ts that young America flonrislies as min-h in crinoline as in trow.sers) of tlie Higli .School, who marched in proec.s.siou »o the Fair grounds to bear Air McRae’s address. The fine appcarmlCe of the VI siring com}>ames was qu'te an additiow to the pk-u.siiig features of the occasion, and 'we hope to see them at each succcedini and oniamonted and beaat-lful exhibit the seenerv like adorned nicturesque thi.s.” He urged the cstabli.shmmit of AgriculSund de- partroeiits in onr Universities, Ciilleges and Schools: the -improvenu-ut and extension of the eommrm fair the jileased and I seh.sj system; tlar proper regulation of slave prop- gratifving guests of the So.omtv, 'The Hax Bora i erty; a radii-al cbmige in the laws relating to ffie Sand'would doubtless have pkyed very well bad ; free ne,gro population, and spiko wUb mned. force thev performed; but a eombir.atioii of shrinking and i«-nuieiK-y rc-sjHTtmg the cmUs wlneli this c ass mode-iv (in a ;ior,v) with other rareuudrxmmmnda-I of the population inffiet upon the people ot the Me virt'ues on die part of some of the c-orp.s pre- | State. He brought mto review vented the prodigies of melody which otherwise I ces which-surround ns; the mineral weald winch ioht have enchanted the trees and stones in the j lies unused Iwmeatb onr feet, aud sixiko with mue 1 1 severity of the narrow, injurious and suieid.il line under dm com-1 of policy adopted by the‘'modem Soloii.s’’ in our solved to “isolate and blot out the only established inland market-town on a navagahle stream that North Carolina possesse-s in her borders.” He deplored the State’s deficiency IV. K. Holcumbe, IV. 1). Jlillcr, J. .II. II ai'- wick, Sninut-l IlcCnrcklc, 8. Halsey, ami C. F’onl, Jr. On motion, tho Chairman was atklcn to tho dologatioii. On motion, tho ojifcor.s of tho Lviieliburg, Richuiond, IVtei'sbui’g, D.iuvillo, Farmiiilo, Clarko.sville, Liberty aud North Carolina p:i- . pel's are roquostod to pnlilbsh those procood- ino-.s. -II. LAN'GliOiiNE, Chairman. "j. F. Fay.n'E, Secretary. Deinocrti he -I ‘oni n't I ions. an Oration will be delivered by ISrotlier M'ra. K. Blake, to wliicli the public is respectfully invited. Si.ster Lodges arc hereby cordially invited lo join us on the occa.sioii. •TAMES McDaniel. ) lY.lVHlTEHEAD, Cem. II. C. LUCAS. ) Nov. 12. 7.-)-2t ~ f(ihaliitioii in rcn»s?i)ii|,tio». B RONCnn’IS. I.ARYNGITIS, and other Di.s- eases of the Chest and Throat, successfully treat- icd by Hie Iniralation of Medicated Vapors and Fow- i dors liv absorption and constitutional treatinoiit. 1 jp^u i pi-aetis'ed at the Stuyvosaiit Medical Institute. New ; ; Voi'K ’lly . ! The nnpri'o-edonted saeees^ ivliu-h Fus alU’iidotl llil in -lho.! of treating di.si-ascs of tho Lungs and Throat p;j.'amilies pavina oac'dollar'will lie entitled has induced us to depart Irqra our usual “‘’“'■’■j'-: (o the same privileges.’ i and onrsL-lves of the eohimn.s ot the press, in oiitei to i;-vecu'ive Coiiiiiiittee is liappv to announce that bring- if to the knowledge of .such as niay oe lahon.ig , .i,,,,,,.,] ;uW,-'e.*s will he delivered bv T. .1. Morisey utider or pr-di.siiosed to such alb-ctious. The „„ (Vediic.-dar of Hie Fair. "" i ■ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 3-3t I’RATT'.S AMEI'ICAN INDl'STBY. , S'.iows the Address and Husiiinss of 25 OOd rirais. The Robeson County Fair ! ! ! t rUATT S AMHIUCAX jnim .^try. The RoHason County Agricultiiral .Society will hold | .Shows where to piircha.se or sell Gmids. its third annual Fair at Red Springs, on i I’ttlTT’S .UTIERif.4\ l\DISTltf, TUESD.UT .AND WEDNE.Sl'.AY. I Is the Mereh-..nt's and Mamifaclnrer's Instructor, the 17th and l.Sth of Nov. next. The Society is de- PR.tTT’S .DHIRU'.H D'm STRV. terrnined to make tliis exhildtion altr-.iciive and profit-. Guide and Detector foi- tlie !’eo]il'-. able. TVe. therefore.call upon_ Farmers. Meclianies. I pa,XT’S ‘.HEIIH'.W IMtl'STIlV. Artists and Hie friends of A.gneiHturc g-ein^rally to ^ securL-d bv sending One Ibdiar come forwaru with specimens ol tlieir various pio- ..m rroprietors, ducts, and compete for premimns. And to the L.vi.ms Cm- ' “ ^ who are ever ready to give a helping hand, in every 1 Inbulelphia. I u. ■mod cause, we say. we expect vou to furnish Floral TERM.S: 31.. 1) per annum: Cl 7 lu Kills .V, Saiisom Strufi, ,00 ill U'h Si^tFr Cnuiitii’F are re>pFctfiilly invited lo All tHO'i'ons I’urnishinir siiituldc iiilormnlion for ■' ; coniH forward and compete with us for preiniiiins.^ prultV American indnshy. will he paid nl llie laU- of • . ! Tkums of AD.MrrrANGK. liidividuuls payin.ij Fiflv mill pc ' cBulswiU Ik; entitled to all the privileges of the Fair ,),.p ;5^ of a brighter day bsis at hmglh arrived ^ for _the Con-.j snniptive: thcNdoctrine of the incurability of coiisump-1 tioii having at length pa-'^sed away. ^ M'c have indubi- j (aide proofs in onr pus-^c.'Nsion that Consumption in all j pci* word for the saim* b-t I pr in- FAVVTt'l'UVlLl.R M AB K Ul'. Cerrei'lcd iceehhj f or the dSorth (. nrotinian. Novvlnhvr 12, 1S5T LAID FOR SALE ay : Round Fine, and sufiicient to make sev(?u ini riciuity. OnFriilavthe Don Qaixotes. mandofasLcondmlitionoftheVoritaWe knight of legislature who st^em large a dres: concourse to tlie fair 1 parade and marriage He spoke of tlic ; Fair 5n Paris, at which were represented >alanianca, drew' ffTouiids to witness ceremony a la burlesque. At roll call much sur- prise was manifested that so many of our grave , i„ energy aud self-apprcciatiou Ld revereud seniors of the commimity should he, TVorld’ „ midrerercua..e | Asia, South America, slfrica, all of Luropo. The'Do'Hs**rfTOirks prior to the -performauee of j isle-s of the ocean, and most of the Ln f 1 eeremonv were distinguished for all the ' and where he said he had “the mortifie the Lute.,ess whieh characterized | tobaeco, excelling that of all other coin.tries ... val- V. eight, ihgni ^ , of North Curoiiua growth and maiiutacUire, nited State: ation to see its sta‘»’h*s cun be enredi in the first, by inbcrcnbii* ab- sorption; in ilie second. Iiy the trcnsfoi-iimtions of the tiiU-erciHe into clmlky and calcai-cou.s^_ concroHons. lilt; ti-di’d by cicatrices, or the ojii.nions ofth.’ past m. . coiisnnipt.'nn is incm-alile. such arc lieluml ' ■« “-f;, „rbns. To-t-l this ercal trutii must be apparent, \iz.tliat tne mediciuos ini.aied in the form of vapor or Powder di rc-cHv into Hie I.nu.gs. must lie much more (h-aiFthat taken into l.'ie Slomacli. wliere the does not exist. The advantage of Ini.alaHon in U'.m ramiiHon and Throat discvisos is, that medicmc in the oll'ers for sale. THIUTREETi ail nglit The said Land is w-it!iin one and a half mile." of Cape Fear Kirer on the West side, and about tif- efl-eetive'! ‘‘■'en mi.les above -Elizabetlit.iwu. Persons w isliing to : 1- embark in the Turpentine business h-ad better apply (,orii .1 soon, as I am determined to olfer them a bargain. Oats Bacon Uolfoe I 1 .k Cotton 'J Fi.oun Fumily Slip. Fine Fine . Oro.xs Gf-vix. I’avmeuts w-ill be madeaccommodatiiij chaser. .IGIIN U’. the pur- BAKER. ■ Fcas ; Flax Seed IS Lnrd H* a 14 .Mo!;i.s.scs .511 a !>;; Salt I 25 Sniins. 0 H(i Fcaeli Brandy 1 2.‘> .7 7.’) Apple “ IHd :> .50 Wliiskoy 70 o 25 Do. norUit-fii 4 5 ’ ' TufI'Kxtim:. 7.7 a 80 (Yellow dip, 1 fO 50 Tirgin, 1 00 n 0 80 ,11 aril I 00 0 bO 1 '2.7 Spirits - ii'J rbu-oot" otniiotroller; rripije, treasurer;Grccne, ■ Hie Vaimrs being so simple Hiat the surreyoi- gencLl-; LumiiUin, judge of the supreme | ;;X:,ii:ltLn“LdLso\auc" to “aid Tlie Inhalation method is sootliing. sale and_ ra and consists in the administratitm of mcdicme in s senator; Watkins, seeretary of State, | in the tmich ofall, the maiiner of t sur court. admiiHstering iuvalid is nover and of frieiiiishiii aid Ihe physician's The official -majority for Brown for governed- is 10,772. and rvadv me WAY'Y OEPARTMEKT, 1 -\VaMliiugIoii, Sell. 31. 1K57. 1 C’E.VLED PROPO.S.ALS. undor.sed -Proposals I'oi O iiuUJing Marine Barracks at Pensacola. T lori- da " will be received at Ibis dc-parlmc-nt until the lilli '■ the UK.ii A KKS.—Bacon iv;uHcd. Cotton wu ' ndv;inee onr figiics. . Fioiir C iistcady. iWIL MINGTON M-VRKKT, Nov. lo, 1S57 ! Tnrpeiitinc, yellow 2 .50; hard 1 50. Spirits 38. No. 1 rosin $2 to $3. liiA: ADVEUTISEMEiNTS. and were most pertinent, : ue, Ipass oil cxhihitioii under the Yirgmna stamp, . e, ident of anv kind nor a trouhlesome I whUe “.Souti. Carolina bore off the palm for rice; >„t au accident barred the plea-sant- i and the imitovtai.t staple of naval stores presented no feature in the cxhihitioii.” Is it .surpn.-m: his laiissmit ancestor, jiraotieal ajid poetical .occurrence of any ness of the occasion May the Society enjoy many such anniversaries. MR. McKAE’.S ADDRESS. YYe greatlv regret that Mr McRae declined to permit the publication of his entire address. It ks certainly a most happy effort, abounding with information, mseful suggestions, and fine sentiments, couched withal in language free from affeetation and pedantry, yet choice, terse and most feheitous. He re-retted that the character of his profession wa.s such as had precluded the acqui.sittou ot much , practical infoniiatlon hi the miimtne Ids farmer friends could not thorefoto | idm such cuuti^*l „f the soil as otlmr speakers better ver.>^ m tlie experiences and observations of country hfe could AVith much pathos and eloquence he alluded to the gixid aud eminent men of the community w o had passed away, leaving tlie fragranee of their reputatioms and the “luminous track of their nob e ..-auqvles” P-T the a'liuirutieii and imitation of pos- asked, that as our state takes so little interests m making her-self known, she should he so unfairly appreeiated outside of her limits? Ho reviewed the iU'hievements of American skill, taleut and ingenu ity in all tho departments of uselul and ornamental science and art, and, basing his hopes of our future upon a correct appreciation of .Southern mstitutious by the world, predicted for America, glory, pros- p'erity aud permanent peace inthe daysof the years of many generations yet unborn. This is but a hasty aud imperfect resitme of Mr of agriculture;! McRae’s admirable address, and we repeat our re well as express that of the Agricultural gociety, that he has dechned to permit its publica tion. Prepared as it was between times, during the pressure of professional duties, unrevised and une- lahorated, he was unwilling to submit it to public criticism through the press. But its appixieiatmn bv the large and intelligent auditory was as liearty as it was well deserved, and certainly added to his reputation as a public speaker and a man of very 5upcri(-'r talents. The f«)lloxt Die ttve l!ie Coinitiif- ti'*’ toes appointed to award l’roinium.s at the Third Anim al Fair of Hie Robeson County AgrieultunH society m Lhekl at Red Springs, on the 17th and IbthmsE Agvivulturo—Win G McNciU, (Rijr Maish,) Aich d iionpuLit^DLtel’B'Su.ith, J..O C McMillan^ ^^IIoi-sesAnles. Ac.—Daniel McNeill, Win. C .McNeill “iNelll, Dugald M. Cur- “ltoJlteyL‘N:m'l!uie. Jno. M'alker. Jno Caiupbell Salt I’rovisions, Dairy. Ae.-Col B B Smith; Uaiuel McCalUim. Hector McNeill (Boar Swamp.) Food. Condiments Ac.—Daniel .S Moi-nson. Di D McArthur, Mrs D C McNeill, Mrs Hugh Broun, ..Ir= ^{oLanics.'—Col A McMillan, Duncan McKay, Jao FarniUig Utensils.—A JIcEachcrn, Jr, Alc.x, lu- cetl. Tristram Bethea. day of November. 18.57, at 3 o'clock, p. m.. Tor the- EBILIBSV BE CURL!.* »i into Hie I iini’-s p, i construction of the Marine Barracks authoi-ized to be. p-e ruHowiiig 1-ltvr froiii a r-spei-labto maiiiior, that tiiey are conveyed into tlic L i . aeeoi-diiig to the 1’'“;'“ I will ansiM-r the qiiralioii. uiij Hie form of vapor and pro,luce t.ieir ! and specilieations prepared l.y Hie d.i-eenon o the ^ L doubts from -v,-i-v uni,lose.! miml: of the disease. Its practical success is i.ostii.cil to i, . copies ol which may he seen at Ihe , romuto g,„-v;i.. Miss- .Im,- Is.-.r. voliiiionize the opinions oi the medical wotkl gj t|,e commamlaiils of the navy yards at 1 oris-1 Ballimoi-,- M.i.-ln-ar .''n ; 1 lake establish the entire .:m-alnli.yolC™sumptmi..^^^^^.__,^ hfl™-New ^ mk. BhHadel-1 ^ S. Ilai,^. I earnestly { i ted tage to the i a place iaml,’- ami as the only ark i the riiht to rej.'Ct or accept any of H.e pro- ; j.';,,'.,:severe, iira.-uabog ' Hi.at ii-'ivo ailopted : posals'.lereiii invited, when it deems tho interest ol tne ui-s miml had siiliereil svi-i.msl.--- the hie-'hest dc-i United .States reqiiii-ea it. . ; am liappy lo say Im is eiir,-,l of Hun- l:“. " rth,. amount of work ilniic and the - ,.|iiove,l fine heallh f,ir the last fiv,- nil,- ) he s as to tlto tillage Plea-sure Carriages. Wagons, Carts A McEach- ei-n Sr. Daniel McMillan, Malcom Burcell. Saddlery—T N Bond. W W Jones, h n.smcohtthl Filhric.e.—Simon F McNeill. Gol. N. -V- live; a metliO'l not only ratiowa cacitms. Such ot the prolession iQlialatlou iuivc found it eflicacions in 1 1 L* time being valuable, ive can only rq»l\ • dients used, to.^uch letters as contain the toe, The fee in all ca.ses of Buliuonary ‘’"ections will ho billhjj" McNeill. Household Faliric.".—Simon. JlcEean. Mrs Stisaiiimh B McLean, Mr.s ft m L, MoNe H (Bin- Marsli.) .Mrs Alc.x. Burcell . Vaintiiiga. Needle Work, A'c,-.Tno P PmHli. Ca.vm Black MissJIary Ann MeNeill. Miss Ma Miss Kate Newel! McLean, Miss Mary J Granam J McNeill. D A \ persons from harhori.m M McLean. Miss -Mary Amt Smith, Miss M-ary E i ui , i ceil. Miss Effie MoEachern. Discretionary Bremiums. u t. i^^The^aiiovc Cominitteo.s are n-qiiestcil to meet »lli. on receipt of wTi'icii'the necessary medicines nnd instnimeiits will be forwarded. . , ■ , , Aiiplic.Mits will .state age. se.x, married or .single, how long affected, if aiiv hereditary disease exists m familv. and the symptoms generally. Imt the naint, town'aml State be plainly wriUcii. 1 e****^" , JN turn answer iiiu.st heoiielosed. Letters. i terod will be at our risk. Allkttus 11.11 0,1 to WAT.LACE MERTOUN. M. D- .s. M. Institute, New York City. Nov. I'2. 7:7-(lra of non-fnllfilment of the contract: iii-orkk-d H.-il 00 1 Mioniii 11 ; s.-mUng'lo br Hn ade for ail amount less than five thou-, supply ot ms biesliniabk. i: 25 Dollars Howard! LN.V7Y.AY from the Subscriber on the 3ril VT (JXENDIN’B, a free man of color, wli ’iso'biattko’uonrtlloiise. byan onler ot Court. , i pnrehas,-,! bv Hie subsci-ibcr. This is ^ toiw.ir ' l,„rboi-iii2 sai.l OxciKliive as the s sand dollars 1 fidhuvs: bvkX r tlrO or s-uniAt tjiiJLi wii.se-. -It 1 . !».s a lor «. •.-*- * of live thousand dollars, that the bii.il,;r will, w-.-eu , _ p... reiinired. if his proposal be accepted, enter into a con- ^ a„iv,.rtisene-'.il in .imUbi-r cvn g- , tract and bond with proper and suliic.e.il aecnnly bn poia'sGciuiiim Ib-pnraHvii. it." faithlul performance. ^ ; .. . Riddors aro invited to examine the plans and spc»i- PF^l) TUI"” fications at the oiiices herein before imnUioned. j .v noi-raramBs Ti;srn,. est. penalty of the law v r 4 Faker ■ I will giro Hie almro rewar, .i-oy.U.ipt .Aba j that I can get liim. The proposals must be sealed and adilrc-sscd to this; 1;.i>„ii.,,..t -,*,i , dcpai-liiient. anil plainly endorsed “BroposiHs for, Jaeuli Ki-isUs, 1. nig ,n i,i. L, Han I .. building Marine Barracks at Beusaeula. Fls>rila.” ' Sheboygan, ft'isconsin.says: ".Aft, r i-iii1crii,g b - ; The bidder only whose olfer may be- aoccptcxl will linw; th.e iMisery aitendin? an uUl:* pro; tra5 ;i*u ' i . ; ml be notiQcd. and the contract forwardcnl as soon there- bou\N 1 have been restored, by using i'o f 11 r \ • am all ^ after as practicable, which he will lm required to exe- ' . .. trim within ten day." after it.» receipt lit tin; Itost offK'e “ ' , , . . , , - , Inct-iCntey 11 4 i i , p^ct of this remedy'lotin.g in sm-h high r, ] i; will be enforced against iheiii. .named by him. ai-d for his coiHineineiH JOHN T. WRIGHT. ■ All Hie above work is to be coinpletediii all respects inong the Hollanders in ftiscmisin, .ii .c-ngan, N, w ‘ -according to the plans anil sp-jcificalions w-ithin tw elve York, in fact la every HollaniGettk in-...:; iht Uifi'.c !Ltf^iHHHion^;;:.ay,..taiHha IH o'e^^A M. Not, 12, Win. J. STUART. Sec y, .70-11 ty No doubt he will be found lurking in Robeson conn asbeh-asainoth,;rinthatcountj.^.^ , N' r*) " ' • O'dI months from and after the date of the contract. LSAAC TOUCEY. . i- Nov. B2, Secretary of the Nutt* Oct 3. -tit-rf. j State.* ai-gnvs niiieh in iis. favor. 1 Trv it—fop Chronic, or N'ervons I'l liiliiy. 1 NeiV'jVts, PHae'giualic,.oi'N'c'arn!(;i»alf>-’!;'g, vr r.gy