THK I mOM OF TH I IHRil A1itK P Ol THS 111 CUT OP TUB PEOI'LR. .. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C F. iVIGIITM ,- Suitor, t I1UESDAY, iNOVEMBKR 26, 1857. 1 VOLUJMLvXIX XO. 077. T K R :.i 6 1 v. j . c I : .v "ro i iit; 'AKSii-ISl' For i ' S.niile conv. if 14!, ill inftHvflri.-tMllTiillliinl, -' " - at ihe end ot uwatiis, - Jtf - ' at the end of ', ni.'iiths, 3 0U " - at the end or the year, a .i0 No -u'jscription will bj recived for a shorter period ta.u ini! year tuile paid iu advance. Vita rbrt view of extending trie circulation and en--:aeiag !? a-efulness of this paper, the proprietor of ers the folio wng remarkably low CLUB K.trK., IJSTAR1ABLY I ' '.ADl"AJ'C E: 5 copies of the Carolinian, 1 year, 3 1)0 19 " " 13 00 ! Rilci f advertising t ivty ceats per square of 16 lines, or less, for the first id 3l cents for eacJi subsequent insertion, unless the lvert! -m-iit is published for more than two tnaaths, vhea it will be charged For Are nto.iths, - - - - - $400 For six months, - - - 6 00 For twelve mouths, ----- 10-00 .ll ativertis-meatsinuathave the desired number of in- -ertiotis marked o them, ortherwise they will be in. rted till forbid and charged accorlingly. Special iitetion it directed to this reqniilion. WM. F.-WIGflTMA? k CO. etniKVT a. nrmoHTi v . KaTeMevlllr.N.C. '- : .. -,f .Sow a-'d "reen street- Harnett j . rr iTi r:v at I . A V, 1 "rlait. ! r i-ct .0. 85-v FULLf v v 5 r r 3 ' 1 . v . r ., .-.tltcd at the Law Orfice of Jt-se G. Shep oti Green Street. ilv 1 . 7-tf iDtlEVV J. STBDMAX, . tteracr at uuvt.l to i'lTTSCORO. X. C. will attend tU )Ui-t oi ;iathau), Moore and Harnett "iuties. April 11. 185ti. tf JOilx D. SHAW. ITTTORVtY AT LiW. Rooki:i;ham. Richmond County North Carolina, vill practice in the Go.irt of Richmond, Ansoa and -I :son. All bTtiiness entrusted to bis care will re stive strict -attention. July, 11. ly-5'S st l AcrJ" of Laa.l, lyia ouOape Fear River :it Ifotmes all ia tint ritsc.Jer. Th Store, Store at 1 j isl.ii;-- Sian.l at thj Cross Roails and the 1 ui r: -xce d aay in North Carolina .r' - to itjrenase. can obtain further crt-p.-rty by calling u j.i 1;. - " 1 n' uto-i -i t..d .1 :i"4 i: - tiT. j - ' v;" 'vi-. G tutv, k 10 v 1 : -i . it ri ii t: 1 m. tln- .1 ;toa i, ou :i r is some -vl'l or- cf tne .i.t.i It on the River The up c -v.t!i pines, and' within six i,- a i i Vedtein Railroad. . . 1." f. LlO ppiy j- tO U .J1CA1.IIIUH. J. P. ROPER. J. iV. McSAY. s tf V. .1. -impbtll, . -cxroNKisr. . com mission mkrchakt, riast side of Gillespie street, FWBTTKVILLE, N. C. letooer 1. iSj ; tllBLE K A C T O K V. BY GEO. LAUDER. early opposite to E. W. Willkings7 Auction Store ! Fayetteville, N. C. T O-t. I. 1856. Fall Stock, 1857. B. F. PinRCE & CO., A RE now receiving a large and well selected stock sf consisting in part of : Bla. k a-id Fi'ur-.'d SMks; 1 r. j . ,ui r -e:ii-n inr - "" rf le.i-i .f ii ipi'ilfei'; 11k liuip-'liinc ; cCiisii, French and American Prints; '.Jiieiulie A'is', ('c.:ct m patterns;) Ijitd'HS1 (l!il-lk.s llf (;VlTV lleerillt iiili ' r , Jacouet Iwiig!is and Insert ions; CoWars itnd Cidersietves; tlosieiy. Gloves, Beits; Ribbons, Trimmings, &c; Cloths and Cassiraeres; Tweeds, Jeans and Sattinets; White and Colored Flannels: Bleached and brown Shirtings; Allendale 10-4 Sheeting; Bleached and Brown Drillings; Plaid Linseys and Kerseys; Marlboro' Stripes and Plaids; Brown and Bleachtd Table Cloths; Towellings of all kinds; Negro Blankets; Extra quality Bed Blankets; Spiral, Brass and Whalebone Hoops; Good assortment of Hoop Skirts; Yankee Notions of every variety, kind, and quality; Silk, Leghorn, and Straw Bonnets; Moleskin, Cassi mere and Wool Hats Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &c. ALSO A large and fashionable stock of as ASY-saABa sot ins AH ot which will 1m-. ik.1,1 jow f. a. , rKAHuB. J. W. PEARCE, Jr. Sop. 12 1897 87-tf GROCERIES, HARD- ic are be, $-c. The undersigned are now receiving a large assort meut of CIM&EKIES .HIEDWlRE. IRON, STEEL, HOLLOW-WAKE. -SHOES, LEATHER & SADDLE RY, which they will sell at wholesale at a small ad vance on eost for cash, or on usual time to prompt dealers. G. W. WILLIAMS i UO. July 25, 1857. - 60-tf A CARD. T IT t 1 .1 t r. 1 1 : . : i , friends and customers that he can be found at the j Store of C. E. Leete, where he will be glad to see ! tuem. j. r. McDonald, f Jan. 17, 1857, 33tf j Ulll.J iu.i. , DRS. MSWAIN "A McDUFFlE have this day dls solved copartnership far mutual consent. Dr McSwain will attend to settlements and collec tions for the firm. Dr. McDuiBe will continue to occupy the former office. H. McSWAIN. WM. C. McDUFFIE. Nov. I, 1856. 22-tf THE MAGNOLIA RESTAURANT . Thev say the Magnolia Tree is the nanasomest srowtn soma ot .Mason ana uisoa s line, and it is evi dently a fat. It is alosaid (lie Magnolia Restaurant en Green Street, between Dr. . W. Robinson's Medical Establishment, and Mr P. Taylor's Store, and nearly opposite the Shemwell House, is the Finrs! and best k-pt of any oth -r eslahlishment in tiw mtii. Persons wJvhin.rto find i.-a:i;i.t wi-U miss it: it is the YELLOW ruiU-i.CG. The suborilter' would take t Ti method of thanking lh eil'.zciis f tin place and the surrounding country. fo-tV; u?i)!-eelented IpH-ralitv tie-y have bestowed cn h:.nn. .tnd would soKcit a cn':tiiniation. it.i bn al v-tv- 011 haul rhe VERY BE.5T LIQUORS. WlVPIS iid CORDIAL" . that can 1? found in the ITniited Stat s. "'tti'T by the quantity or otherwise Also. C:.rars. Tickles; Sardines. Cheese. Pros rved I Kruif. lfmnn yrup. nnd many other pood i m , hi",T' moV p.,Ite- FRAJ A . vender to attend to and nntters himself that 1 cine- aceomplished and FR. nif? ciamuuiriu. mt vhh ue Toiina eitncr iHorth or South. Temperance drinks put up at the shortest notice, lie noul.u call attention particularly to bis private rooms tip stairs, which are large, comfortable, and in jood order. R. JONES. Yellow.Ruilding, Green St.. Fayetteville, N. C - . . It- 1 3 - r rt if May 16, 1857. 50-tf For the Fall and Winter JUST R E b E I V E I . Cat, soon, Secure a Good Ba 1 r gain and save Jfmuu't . Qne of the Largest, Handsomest And Cheapest Stocks of Market, and no mistake. Also, a Magnificent assortment of. Bay's and Yontli' C'!??tli?rrc, Boy's Suits and Extra Jackets of all colors of Vrs nil-oad lFn1. Reay to furiMs foi.trsrtors wUh any q!i;i?iy of CS-otli-in:r. 0 .1 v. ry !r fisjure. '? 3;tf i i .u is ' A i--4ri lot o: P .I:u li"ts :ir. Over Co;u; also, !:' y Fian- e Uvf-r Murrs iin! Pinitt- very riu-ap. A iri-rt crteisive-asortmeiit of !-F. tTLEAES'9 Fl tllSHIU t",i,;(j(. am special care will be taken to give a fuli F-ne men ami Fa. icy Marseilles bhtrts and : Colors, L nder-srarments of heavy an'' Merino, Soi ks, Cravats, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, and - ntl Slme from the heavi-! est Water-Proof to the finest Painu and Fair . Sttched; Piiiladeiphin made. IIat and of all description. LADIES' FRENCH TRAVELLING TRUNKS j Extra large sizes- Bonnet Boxes: treats fc,ngnti me Segars; Umbrellas; Walking Canes; India Unboer Over Coats, Leggings and Sandles: also. Over Shoes for Ladies; and a great variety of Fancy Goods too numerous to' mention. All which will be soli at wholesale or retail very low for cash or on time to piompt paying customers. Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to me, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. GEORGE BRANDT, South Side Hay Street. Opposite G. W. Williams & Co. September 26, 1857. 69 tf. May be found at his rooms, during his regular Office hours, vis: from9 A.M. to 1 r. M P'U? WTll OB n.eased To receive calls from sil I who! mav be in need ot It professional services. No inducement will be held out bv ottVriiur to ner- fortn operations for a small compensation: a good price will be Charged in all cases. And patients fa voring r B:'iUi their coali lenpe, may reiy upon his utmost exertions to perform every operation iu as per fect a manucr as possible. ' j5Ai.l operations must be paid for as soon a si com pleted. P. S. Those who are now indebted will please call and settle. Oct. '7, 1857- tf J. S. BA.YK.S, ; COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. January 1, 185C. ly-pd SELF-SEALI1VG JARS. For presorving Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Pints Quarts and Half-Gallons, at 2 40, $3 40, and 5 25, per dozen, respectively. For sale at the Crociery Store. W. N. TILLING HAST. Also, Fresh Supplies of CHINA, GLASS WARE aud Table Knives. June 20, J.57. 55-tf James C. Smith-., , Miles Costiji J.MEC. SMITH Sc. CO., Commission Merchants, Have removed their office t ' the second story of the building formerly occupied by tf.e Telegraph Companv where they are prepared to attend to all business in the Commission line. . All business entrusted to them will be punctually attended to. ' i.eatner,.-pan:su iron rramc nu 1 acwiig " u,,,vr' ! other States and the adopted citizens 01 English Sole Leather Valices. and others: a new style j " . . ' - i;,lf .. ,- fTran:n-. r,s rvrv r.onvenient: Gentlemen', i State who form so important an element 111 sk.ui..n.i ir.n R,..nv Ri.nk-iii .remiMie Havana i Ministry and membersh'D. will take a DOCTOR FRAHK WILLIAMI CELKBRATKD RYK WHiSteJ The Subscriber baa made arrange, ents toUt? supply or the Genuine Article, and is the onhlAttat for the sale of the above brand of A No. 1 Ry ( Key in m is place. . , ROB'T MITCni May 48-tf PROSPECTUS1 a tor j h s arTi ja. kif OF CAROLINA THK NORTH PBES i Tlie Presbyterian Church in North Ct bos lonir labored under a serious disadra.'Js-H'v x It : from the want of a journal to adrpcat, fie tasti'e We claims and represent her interests. It is. mati that only 1000 Preshvteriaii Wee ; are taken in the bonnds of onr three Presl. nes. V e hare 13.000 Communicants anrilU is safe to infer that there are 30,000 Pre . ' . T terians in principle in tlie State. Our SyilJ stanas nrtli in the Union 111 point of iiiifi.TTi 1 10 uo;iLn (,(i;iit hlinu i JJ SjCOd ftonth or of Peii:i!jlvai,. Our sister at:ita nr. rl.o V..r.. neither ot which has a inefniiersl-iu so larire ! ours puoiisti the ;:(itral. and the SoiithfTn Presbyterian, for the benefit of their psopk Ihe time has come when the Presbyteriai Church in North Carolina should likewise. her duty to her children. It is n conceded au intiortant fact, that hu'idredii of our member w;il take a State paper who will take no otht.-l The Paper is needed to be the orirari of ti Synod and Presbyteries to elevate and etl lighten the piety of our n e nership by diffHssi evangelical knowle.ljre lo promote the czfk of Education to develope the talents of kir Ministry, and to streiicrthen the attachment i,r PeH to tle soil and sanctuaries of trfrl State. 7l i I If our Church in other States, and ot'r Churclies in this State, can supply their rusiV l-ers with a religious journal, why may not wc? Are North Carolina Presbyterians inferior In laieni, eneriry and patriotism to their neirhho,-9 on ine -orth or South, or to Christians, of other denominations at home? With ihe : same or better opportunities of accomulishiiitr I tl '- 1 tit . mis worit, snail we leave it undone? In the language of one of our most able and ustTfJ Ministers, an adopted son of onr State, "It ought to have been undertaken 20 vears' cgr., but it is not too late to begin to do right." In the last two or three months,, a fund -i about tTlOOO h3 hocn cn!s,e;i.ul -ju n vi - . - j . j jci iua nent capital. At a rueetingfof the coutribneor.i p, jl..uu miii!i vma of the North Caroliva Puj?1 ' bytehias. Rev. Wm N. Mb'taite , Georee McNeill were elected Editors: Kev. I Messrs. George McNeill. Win. N Mebune, A IJtker and C H. Wiley, and Messrs. G-ore Mi Xvill, Sr., John II. Cook an i . David- Mrtr phy were appointed ar Executive Committee, to establish the Paper and manage its busiuess affairs. I It is oar wish'and d;-3:!rn to make the North Carolina Presbyterian a iournal of the nrfct ciass. equal to the best in the country in type ; granhica. appearance and in adaptation to the i wants of our Ohurches. Its columns will attort; ' the latest intelligence, both foreign and domes an(j accnrate summary of State news. 1 ne j nanie of the Paper is designed to be an expo- 4 nent of its character and contents, r rnm con ----- - viction, it will advocate the conservative, f v' thodox. Old School doctrines and order of the Church. Our first appeal is to our own people to N C. Presbyterians. Whilst we rely confidently upon their favor, we trust that tha native sons r,f nrth i;rolina who have found homes in our leep interest in this enterprise and give it their hearty support. Terms: $2 per annum in advance, or on de livery of the first number; $2 50 in six months $3 at the end of the year. To clubs of 25 or more, paying in advance and when the Paper ise'jnt to oiie address, a discount of 10 per o t will h allowed. Onr Ministers and Elders are earnestly desired to act as Agents, and all others friendly to the cause will please assist in procuring as many subscribers as possi ble, and forward the names, by August 1st, to this Office. As soon as 1500 subscribers ure obtained, the first number will he issued. If a cu'in m inuiic in me next two months by those Hho take a lively interest 111 irr.s wont, we win without doubt, be able to begin the publication at the end of that timn with a paying subscription list of at least 3000. 1 ey Address, Editors of the North Carolina Presbyterian, Fayetteville. N. C. ' Fayetteville, May 20, 1857 2S-3RIEWi3LlRIDi RANAWAY from the Subscriber, a Negro boy named BILLY, very black, about b feet high, rather spare made, about 25 years of age, shows his front teeth whan he speaks or laughs, weighs about 175 pounds, and was raised on Drowning Creek. The above reward will be paid for the apprehension and delivery of the said negro to me, or for bis confinement in any Jail in State so that I can get him. ' M. C. LAMONT. Oct 3, 1857 - 79-t Argus copy. FOR SiALE. Heavy 4-4 Beaver Creek Sheetings. Cotton Yarn, Warp and Filling, Nos. 5 to 10. ALSO, Belt, Picker, Roller a id Lace LEATHERS. Oils and Manufacturer's Findings. Winter strained. Sper.n. Lard and Linseed Oils. Shuttlio's Iainglasa, French Glue, Emory, Roller Cloth and Glass Steps. J. H. HALL. Pres. B. C. M. Co. July 26. 185". a-tf JUST RECEIVED nd for sale" fresh supply of Crackers, Cheese, Better, ,p pies. Cheat oats, and Oranges. ' B. E HEIDE. FRESH TURNIP SEED. FLAT DUTCH. RED TOP. ENGLISH NORFOLK, LARGE GLOUE, RUT A DAG A, Just received aud for sale by S.J. HINSDALE. July 11, 1857. tf ! The ! j R C. I followi - That followi :ur valuable rami SMtate. the nrnnprU rtf Hall dee'd. ia offered for sale and consists of the owinir tracts : ' That desirable niace knnwa a Rnmi cantiim'niF i -" . "crvn wan an me improverneniB. i ncs lu.... ., .. . . . ftT v,u '7 to wil pmcIim a?,. country, and is w desirable to thos wishing to I m'eius iu Cambleton. on Bridire Street near OFarL. don Bridge, and is a very desirable stand for bustiessaw ''"' No ,3 li 3 vacant lots inCamDhr.llton. known in Citv f plot asNo 10!. 111. half of lot 1 , 3. No 4, Is a dwelliag house and lot on Haymount. corner of Plankroad and Adams St. Avery desira ble residence for tha whole year. No 5, Is a Corn Mill and'Steatn Engine and Boiler, of 10 or 15 horse power. This is well worth the at- J UntTon of those living wh:r waer powor ifl notava;. I a:'le- n'1 be srret hareain For tieins ap-jly to J. H. HALL. Asiga August 1. Is57. 5U T.ns Xo I ;Vr'"viin tiuiriii. Eor sale by G. V. Wl! LIAMS & Co. Aar-n-t 29 60-tf B. . PEARCi: & C0.V DEALERS IN -FOREIGN' AXD D-.l IKS1IC D 'IV GOOD HATS, CAPS, ROOTS. AND SHOES. Umbrellas and Ksady-M.tde iUolhing, HAY STREET, Fll'CTTEVIIXC K. C. B. V. PKARCK.1 f W. TEiRCP JX - Ang 1st. f,i-tf II. T U It 1 1 I . G TO X. Uaarral Ceaanlaaiom Dforchaiil. NORTH WATER STREET, '.Wilmington, IV C, Will arive personal attention to the sale or shipment of .ill consignment? of Naval Stores or other country prduce. and any other business entrusted to his care, will be promptlv attended to. a April 18. 1857. 'y .r. c. pok. X DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY" DRY -HATS, CAPS, BOOTS. SHOKS. GOODS ASD xeuHif-Maae touting. i 1 . 1 .r . 1 artittljLefejpajaa -T. FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. 56. tf OTI E. THE tn1ersiir;ied bavins exeeat"d a Dower of At torney to E. F. Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all settlements tor me in my name, and generally to transact all business as I might or could do were I per tonally present. J.J.MOORE. June 6, 53-tf Pictures!. Pictures!! Taken over Baaley 4b lloantoa'i Jewelry Staref 2 a., 'jr s)J:xA J.3 lie respectfully invites the Ladies and Gen llbHEen f Fayetteville, and the public generally, to hi v - m.JJMC MM mmmm' m. w JESS 9 which surpass any other in neatness and durability So come along without delay. And get a picture that will pay. S He has reduced the price to $1 50. and upwards Oct. 10. 1857. 7l-tf NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS!! 'W HE undersigned beg leave to make known, tbat XJL. they have formed a copartnership, under the name SI ?tyl, of BttDt the purpose of ca he Town of Lnn carrying on the mercantile business umberton. and are now receiving FALL. Sc WUTKfi STOCK' of STAPLE id. Fancy Dry Gmds, Keady-made othinj?, Family Groceries, &c, &c. 9 Which they would respectfully -invite the atten- tlt of their friends and the public generally. ."PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods. Jars n. brown everett l. ward. -Vwberton. Oct. 10. 71-3m ItnDCn ADS &U22DSH. WIBSIM) He T.X. JkWmCD reOMmtT TO .nt the above liue, entrusted to his care. Jl.ecial attention will e given to the sale of "-v. Timber free of commissions. Oet, 18$7. 71-tf RDICAL C0LLEGK OF GE0KGIA, : I :.: AT AUiJUSTA. rta Twanty-Sixth course of Lectures in this Instl- Jict will commence oaMoudav, the 2d November t. - ("me 'itus Professor of Anatomy, G. M. Newton, M.D. Anatomy. II F Campbell. M. D. purgery, L. A, Dugas, M. D. Bnstitutesand Practice oi Medicine, i. u. rord.M.U. iteria Medica, Therapeutics aud Medical Jurispru- nce, j V Gravin. M. I). Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Infants, J. A. e. M.D. Physiology aad Pathological Anatomy, H. V. M. iller.U. D. Chenvsrry and Pharmacy. Alex. Means, M D. Liemoostrator or Anatomy, ti campoeii. m. i. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. 5. is. aimmoos. d. ; . Clinical Lectures will be delivered in the City Hoa- Btal and at the Jackson street Hospital. ee ror whole Course, 105. Matriculation Ticket (to be taken once,) $5 , For further particulars, apply to any member of e Faculty, or to " I. P. GRAVIN, Dean., I Scpvfttb, t857.- 66-tf I ARK novreceivingTHEIR SECOND STOCK FOR THIS SEASON, embracing, Dry GoojN, r flat, Bfot, Shoes, ! D " M ADK-UP ClOTHIKO, T which (hey invite the attention of Wholesale J.B. STAaa.J (J. M. WIUI4JCB. KRB1BIIT 4 D PA8ER6EIt LINE RE TWKKN VIZ.a(I9IGTON . P1VKTTEV1LLE Steamer Mjrnolin lcst'TtTillr oa Moaday an Tbnr- dajr mornjagii. l& minQtep after ?un-rij l.rmw0 Wilmittftou ob 1'ocidny and Friday mornins" SlnmrrVmuj LattrrMi. lrv Knvettevillc on Taridxj and Friday aaraiags I iainiitr alter tro-rlse. LaavM WUminstoa-VVrduiwday ao4 aiatarday morniBg Both earrytaieFKFigbt and Fwm; . Stcaaar Rowa. with full at of Ligatrrs. runs rgalarl; carry iu(t Freieht mly ThBrtwnlarity f nor Boiiicn all- mtAgrr at the Ilivpr. and tb dpatch and prouptoewia aeirvcrmg good are too well known W require eoaatr Tooor aatra we tender our thcJt. for the rery liberal patronage heretofore beetowrd.a .ia annre allahippere that no effort will bef pared In future. i:d eel eonfident that oar facilttiee for deenatrb are equal if not superior to any line on .-ae r.ear Biver, W. r. .KLLIulT. Ageat for l.attrrtr-i. k 'o. NOTICE. Persons indebted to Jas. C. MeEaehin. as Guardian of tilt' Leirsof John Morrison, dee'd. are lien ty re spectfully infVnraed, that said guardian Lbs in a great majority of instances endorsed and truasferred their notes to the unitersifjTK-d. Also, that our urgent ne cfss't'rs. apart from the r;qt irements oi ihe endorser, co'npe' us to collect as speedily as possible. Ai! tliose in.!i.': ted will tli.-rcfore oblipe us, and themseivi-s too. by payinR up immediately. We must and will sue where the money is not forthcoming. A. 1). MORRISON. J. M. MORRISON N. A. MORRISON. Laurinburgb. N. C. March 7, 1857. 40-tf Points, t ils, Varnish, Brushes, Sa'e by Aug. S.J. HINSDALE. 63-tf 15, White Lead and L nseed Oil, lor sale by Aug. 15, S. J 63-tf HINSDALE. Joiijiress Water, fr sttle bv Aug. 15 6j-tf S. J. HINSDALE. A. A. McKeflmn Kespectfujly Informs bis friends aud the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing Carriage. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 yearshe hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire tw give satislaetf n, to merit a ' continuance of the same. He warrai is .lis work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of tne business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neat ness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in bis line j on. as good terms as any work done elsewhere that isas j well done. He now has on hand, tiuistied. the largest stoek of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, ROCKA WAYS. AND BUGGIES, ever ottered in this place, and a vtry large stock ot wors nearly nn.sheu. woiaU wii! be sold very iow for Cash, or on short time to punt Vial cu-ton faJJMUjJiasd mQjro thntfOSt. I1T"N r'.r All work mud nvhim is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail bv bad workmanshio or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine 10 themselves. Ordersthankfully received and promptly attended to. Ropairing executed at short notice and on very rea- sonaMe terms Fayetteville. Oct 1 1S56. A LL Notes and Accounts du W. F. & E. F. Moore, and also those due Moore &. Brother, that are unset tled on the 1st of December, will positively be pat in the hands of an Officer for collection. E. F. MOORE, Admr. Nov. 12. 7j-Im Hu od Pine Land- We offer for sale 2005 Acres round Pine Tnrueniine LAND 17 miles from Fayetteville. between .the We-1 tern and Centre Plank Roads tbe Morgauton Road ! S uVdsV paSarf Chiles Munroe near the land or totbe subscriliers. . j Nov. 12 57-6t J. fc TVVADDILL. FOREIGN & DOMESTIC. C. E. XaSETS has on HAND at present a SELECT ASSORTMENT OF Ji,ia"crois, Consisting in part of OLD NASH BRANDY PURE old Rye Whiskey Seuppernong Wine; Vintage 1855 50 Bpls Domestic Whiskey 5 do ------- N. E. Rum 5 do - - HOLLAND GIN 73-tf , "look, our v-t rEt.otuMorIVl:., .1. V. LETT Has just received a large and general STOCK OF GOODSsuited to theFalland Winter trade, consisting of a choice selection of Staple and Panel- DHY OODS. Boot and Shoes, with almost everything desirable in that line. PRIME FAMILY GROCERIES always to be had IT LETT'S. Goods sold at tbe lowest prices for CASH. or. ex changed for country produce. Sept. 26. 1 7. ly-pd FOR THE FALL & WINTER 1857. JUST RECEIVED! i (Call soon, secure a good j bargain and save money.) One of the largest, hand somest and cheapest storks of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES' GAITERS, jsatiu and colored; Ladles' gents DANCING SHOES, of a new and beautiful pattern'; " YOUTH'S aud CHILDREN'S BOOTS. SHOES and GAITERS; INDIA-RUBBER SHOES, and ever article in his "line. His stock is choice and carefully selected by him self, aud buyers will find it to their interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. '.- M- FAULK. ttiT'AII who have lost their soles come for ward, and the j will be renewed for Seventy-five cents aud upwards". . M. F. S- J. HIWSDAI.E Agn Mixture; also. . Champions'a Ague Medicine; gfaallenberger's Fever and Angoe Antidote, and Rowaad's Tonle Mix 5 Bo!s -5 di 3 do Fiiyetlcvillc Hotel Furniture and Fhturrs for Sale. THE ABOVK SA.MEH I'KOrKUTV will he sold to 'any responsible ptr.-t.n, ((jiou i'tii term?, il applied for riet ween Ui'- pve-vnt time sud 15tb of Deceml er next. It not -l.l by lit; ifi 1 lire . they will be eold at Auction alter the lirtt day of J ait unry next, in Lots to suit pun-bust 1.. Any iiifonnalion Uttiitet' uil! e cheerfnllv clviti byapplvingto J. II. I.'ODEUTS A UL Fayettevillt. September l, iei. ti7-tt" s Town papers eayy tf DAVID McIiVK'KUCt brick mao: -Ayr' kti..!'rf-i.Er tvrt-ir... l.v,s., . lit . t ?u t jii) til tint ?! . ej il -,t':e I f e 1 1 : j 1 1 t 11 e. . I ',' take uo!iiri;ete any b re i:l ). i. lr. : .mi: l" i tteville, und II t: fcivi 1: to ihi -. i:.e. .' it et'y le in 1 he j j Wl-'. H I - i s'-. -s ! i- jSi -it . v;;' ! ecu:; try, wh.u i ' 1 . 1: .or. If.T ep. To til A Slit I- G ! DR. CHARLV;S TUOMl'tON. t I laden t riiniy X. C. respectfully calls tht uttentloi) ol all ifcote 3: flicted wiih Canct-roiVs a!u . t ions. 10 the i i ii cures wl) ch he has efJVcted. ai,d wh.'tli 1 ad 1 ti n Itc viously given up l y other 1 bysie aii.- in liinren ouiily as Incurable. These eas s tui; be ceitiliid lo'ly le spousible persons living 111 that totit ty, t of if u. was MrsMalcoin Mcl.eod. and anotln 1 via? Mr.h. Mc Kay, both of which was ot long ftt.d:n: aid of cn aggravated character. Aiy person wish tig to 1 r cureti of tbat dreadful disease kr.,w n as Culct, will do well to apply 10 Dr. 1 1, u.pson. The services of Dr. T. will also be four.d hiy b)y 1 r-;.-ful to all persons nfB'cttd w!lh Ulcers aiui eld 'eres of long standing. Rheumatism. Tnrroi s. Sc. The Dr. can be consulted n the al.ove named c. ni plaints. by eitler seeing or aildressii:j h'm at ( rain's Creek, Moore Co.. X. C, where he intends r:n.uin ing a few weeks. Those in need of hl fcvvir is. v.iil do well tomake immediate applieat ion. ps a:e v t-derj ti em more difficult to cine. libs dir.ction is J bite H ill P. Gu Rladen Co.. X. C. Sep 12.. 3m-pd E. GLOVER El as received In1? t ml .Mock 01 uoods, Ci!i- sistinf of V iTC'IIF., JUKKLRY SILVER AMI I'l.ATEl) WaR!-., ami military Guons. P. S. nispersonal attention will be paid to ail Wa" ehes and Jewelry enirutti d to hi in for rtj'o.'rs. sept. 19' .Ct-3ia Lmiibcrton Adveiliiiicnt. UE- svusc-Linj- 1 ;! ".is Sltw-k r Jfl: '' Comprising everythiug in lb- aay 01 DK1 GOODS, urb as Alpacas, Dcl.aines, C'ali ; ; Mei'illOCS ! : 1 1 1 : .. ,i. .. .. . i i ! "-" ",r l-aillf 1U'S- Ses. A1S(), t'alifoes, J.ilist s, llan- iiels, hle u'.heu and tiiihlcariioi t hirt- IllffS, Drillings. Osiiahurics, Kei v'i, Kentucky Jeans, Satiincts, Cus&iinerts for Pants, &t oic, 8cv. RE1D V-n IDE C L O T II I t of the best Material and good Workmanship. BOOTS ASD SHOES for .M.n Also, a good assortment of Luilies' ses' Shoes; Triiiiiuiugs for Lutiies' Bonnets, Mantillas and Cionks of t ind Boys. 11. d Mis Dresses, ie lattEt Fashions;. HITS ASD C APS of all sort. Trunks of all sizes; besides Hardware, G rocerii s. anil it variety of oilier Goods, all of which 1 will sell C P -'' -edit to rcliublo aim prompt paying customers. - S. W. ERRANT. Ajuiaoerion, ss . &ept. Jo, 1N0 1 rm. $100 Reward. My Roem wu,.s forci.bly entered on .Sunday night the 13tu September, by some unknown peri-on er per sons, who took from my desk :?:;e2 in I'e.nk ISills ami ao in Gold and Silver. I will jfivt the aboie numi'd reward for Use apprehension oi Ihe tLiei" lunl recovery of the money . or for either. O. P. I.UTII7R. Rockingham. Riebmoud Co., Oc: 3. if-'.; 7. 7u-ltt Is now receiving a large and eneial supply of lKY OiiOliS. Among which are splendid DRESS (iOOIlS, With every article in ihe D RY GOOD S 1. I N E . . All of which, being purchased by tlie package, will be offered bv wholesale or retail at a small. udvuticu for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fayetteville. Oct. 3, lc57. 7 0-tf UAVil) S. TAYLOB, Respectfully informs the good pcoj le of Fayetteville. and the country generally . tlnit l e 1 iif, opened J GROCERY STORE at the feet ol I la inoni t nearly opposite Mr. Geo. McNeill's, wl ete he inti I (Is keeping constantly on hand a well seleeti d t-upj lj of Groceries and Country - Produce -uitaLIe for family use. He will lelirjpy o se his old aeqnaintanccs and all others wishing stif plici; iu hisline. Oct. 10, 1857. 3m WATCH1F.S, J! A I 1 St. W am now reeeiviiitr nrld'tiors to Vrr WATt: !I K S . JL.1VKLIIY, Silcer avd 1 If. led irtire, , Musical iHstrum'tits, Military and p'tmcr. pnt-'s. Which makes my S'ork good . b. i.r i.Uit to make their piirehasls would iio wc.l to ftil. V... 1LKR. (9-Wntch Repairh g done in ti e -t n:at uer aud warranted. Oct. 3. 70-Cni Canlnge for half. 1 Very Fine Carriage ant! 1 Src-rr.d Hand BARROL CII 1U1 CBV J J Sept. 26 69-tf lO.OOO lbs. Tallow nn led, fr 1 rw re'tiv- 71 "TS I'F "3 CTS? att iah tbe highott eab prioe u i ture. or aU try tt. J. niWAaai

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