- , .t- roc ri - - -t 11 1 j a w- ri : nr- 1 , : m - n j- i i n-i-i- fi r- ra -u u . -iu i -i i IS I.VSBPB! K;F;o RIGHTS ..OF Til t2''PEOP LB. Til R f i EELOM OF TH l".Il.'KSS i VOLUiWE X1XK0. 978. WxM. F. WIG HTM . N, Editor, j. . TERMS SUUSCreiPTIOX TO THE CAROLINIAN For a single eopy, if paid in advance, per annum, S"2 OU at the end of 3 months, 2 5 ' " " at the end of ii months, 3 00 ' " at the end of the year, 3 50 No subscription will be received for a shorter period than one year unless paid in advance. With the view of ext.-n ling the circulation and en hancing the usefulness of the paper, the proprietor of ! ers the fuHowin-j; remarkably low y r ITU R I TE S. i.VFA Rl.lBLV M" AD 'SAJVCE: ; copies of the Carolinian, 1 year, S8 15 00 00 10 " Rates of Advertising: irpnts Der souare of 16 lines, or less, for the first unless the ..t tor each siibseiuent insertion a.lvertisjin ;nt is published for more thaa two mentha, when it will lie chargi-a - ; For tbfee months, ' ' For six months, - -.- r $4 oo 6 t)0 ' Urn twel . e naonths, - it 00 - strtioos markflSi yt SB: a, ojptt WM. F. WIGHT MAN & CO. CLEMEST G. WRIGHT. Attorney at Iaw, Payct teville, J . C. O.'Hce at the corner of Bow and Green streets. Feb'y 3. IS s5G. .1. A. SPEAKS. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATTENDS the Courts of Cumberland, Ilaructt A'ake and Johnston. Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C. Feb. llj. 1S5G. S5-y , BART IP IV FULL Ell, Attorney at Law, PAYKTf EVILLE N, C., May be consulted at the Law Office of Jese G. Shep herd. Esr(., on Green Street. July 1S5G. 7-tf ANDREW J. STEDMAX, Attorney t tiuiv. Ilavin- removed to PITTSBOllO- N. C. will attend regularly the Courts of Chatham, Moore aud Harnett Counties. April 14, 1S56. tf JOHil D. SHAW.. ATTTORXEY IT LAW. Rockingham. Richmond County North Carolina, will practice in the Courts of Richmond, Anson and Robeson. All business entrusted to his care will re ceive strict attention. July, 11, ly-oS F HI SALE. g 1 1 Acres of Land, lying on Cape Fear River Store Dwelling. Out Houses all in first rate order The tt.,i c is It a tine business stand" at the Cross Roads and the an4 is not to be excelled by any m North Carohna Any person desiring to purchase can obtain further ..3.Y. .h nronrtv bv calling ca particu.ars - r r Vilminstoa Road e i t h(l ot U at UliCi wiv-v-i v... - 15 miles from Fayetteviile SARAH WRIGHT. JAM liS WRIGHT. Oct.4. lS-tf .51). io FARMING AND TERPEN rive sevtiiiLu - , !.,.i.., r . vn :.. Ti.,,., tt cniintv. known as the Paiker d Vsm lau-iC' oiniug Wm.' Harr ngton's land on . ThPro is soma 200 acres cf the besto.i UUv of low grounds on the Kiver. inc up an lsqare hl.aily timbered with pines, and wthtn six miles of U,e Fayetteviile aud Western Rai road. i.' ...f;,...l..i-j nnn V to u ..iv.t. . . w ... 1'-' vw rl J. J. P. W. ROPER, McKAY. Nov. 185G 29, 2G tf A. 31. Campbell, AUCTIONEER &. COMMISSION MERCHANT. East side of Gillespie street, Favettevii.i.e, N. 0. October 1, 18oo M ,Y It li I. E FACTOR V, BY GEO. LAUDER. Nearly opposite to E. X. WUlKtngs- xvuciioii Favetteville, NT. C. ' Store O 1. 1. ispG. y Fall tock, 1! 5T. B. F.'PEARCB & C().? n .-. now receiving a large and well selected stock t r a B K m & consisting in X'art of : Black and Figured Silks; . iisUsh aud French Merinoesj Plain uliuI Fig'd DeLianes; French all wo Ptid8; . "Alpacas of all qoalties; Black Bombazine; English, French and A merican Prints; Chenille Shawls, (beautiful patterns;) Ladies' Cloaks of every description; Jaconet Edgings and Insertions; Collars and TJndersleeves; Hosiery, Cloves, Belts; Ribbons, Trimmings, &c; Cloths and Cassimeres; Tweeds, Jeans and Sattinets; White and Colored Flannels: Bleached and brown Shirtings; Allendale 10-4 Sheeting; Bleached and Brown Drillings; Plaid Liuseys and Kerseys; Marlboro' Stripes and Plaids; Brown and Bleached Table Cloths: Towellings of all kinds; Negro Blankets; Extra quality Bed Blankets; Spiral, Brass and Whalebone Hoops; Good assortment of Hoop Skirts; Yankee Notions of every variety, kind, and quality; Silk, Leghorn, and Straw Bonnets; Moleskin, Cassimere and Wool Hats; Boots. Shoes, Umbrellas, &c. ALSO A large and fashionable stock of All ot which will be sold low for CASH, or on our usual time to punctnal customers either at Wholesale or Re. ail. All persons are respectfully invited to cive us a call. U. X . f Ci.-l tt,Vy Ei. U . IT- XMAlluu, .1. GROCERIES, HARD- ware kc, Syc. The rn.lersi-n.-d ar now receiving : a large 'assort ment, of J.KOfiEUIES -HaBWARE. IRON, STtKL,, HOIXOW-WAUE, SHOES. UEATI1B.11 & i RY, which tlic-v will sell at wholesale at a small ad vance on cost ibr cash, or on usual tune to prompt dealers. G. VV. WILLIAMS & CO. July 25, 1S57. CO-tf A 'CAE THE undersigned would" respectfully inform his old friends and customers that he can be found at the Store of O. E. Leete, where he will be glad to see th(.m. j. n. Mcdonald. Jan. 17, 1S57, 33-tf ' T)R s' siaHrK :M6?V fflETh this OttJ 4li VdSwatit wtVV aMeud to wstilemc A t ana scouec- tions for the Urm. i Dr. McDulie will continue to occupy the former office II. McSWATN. WM. C. McDUFFIE. Nor. 1, 1858. 22-tf THE M0IJA RESTAURANT. They yny the Magnolia Tree is the handsomest growth south of Mason and Dixon's line, and it is evi dently a fact. It is also said the Magnolia Restaurant en Green Street, between Dr. 15. XV. Robinson's Medic.).! Establishment, and Mr P. Taylor's Store, and m arly opposite the Sheniwell House, is the Finest antl bcst kept of any other establishment in the South. IVrsons wishiugto find cannot well miss it: it is the YELLOW BUILIHNG. The subscriber would take this method of thanking the citizens of this place and the surrounding country, for the unprecedented liberality they have bestowed cn him. and would solicit a continuation. He has alwavs on hand the VERY I! EST LIQUORS, WIVES and CORDIALS, that can be found in the Fnited Stat s, either by the ' quantity or otherwise. Also. Cigars. Pickles, Sardines, Cheese, Pres'Tved Fruits, Lemon Syrup, and many other good things, and 11 itters himself that lie has the most polite, obli ging, accomplished and FJRAJ'h', vender to attend to his establishment, that can be found either North or South. Temperance drinks put up at the shortest notice. He would call attention particularly to his ltrivate rooms upstairs, which are large, comfortable, and in good order. R. JONES, Yellow Pii!lding, Green St.. Fayetteviile, X. C. May 16,1857. " 50-tf For the Fall and Winter j.isa ... . JUS T R E G E IVED. .Call soon, Secure a Good Bargain and save .JUonfAj!! ne of the Largest, Handsomest and Clie.ipest Stocks of for Gentlemen's tre-ir, ever brought to this -ftDrXW, -tutff -no ttfifttrfre: 1 Also, a Mugniuceiit assortment of T??y's and Youtli's lotlisnsr, Boy's Suits and Extra Jackets of ul! colors of ClJth. For linilroatl Elnnt's. Ready to furnisli Contriictors witli any quality of Cloth ing, at a very low figure, Tor Bo it ISansls A large . lot of P .Tnc-kcts anrl Over Coats; also, fancy Fian- nel. Over Shirts and Pants very -he A very extensive assortment of fiEJTLEHIE'S'S FIRSIS.HIXC GOODS, Fine Linen and Fancy Marseilles Shirts aud Colars. Under-2-armetits of heavy Silk and Merino, Socks, Cravats, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, and Boots atld Siloes from the heavi est Water-Proof, to the finest Pump and Fair Stitclied; Philadelphia made. 'jNr ' Hat- aiifl Cops, of all description. LADIES' FRENCH TRAVELLING TRUNKS. Extra large sizes. Bonnet Boxes; Gents" English Sola Leather, Spanish Iron Frame and Packing Trunk; English Sole Leather Valiccs, and others: a new style of Travelling liags (very convenient;) Gentlemen Shawls and Fancy Bngirv Blankets; genuine Havana Havana Segars; Umbrellas; Walking Canes; India Rubber Over Coats. Leggings and Saudles: also. Over Shoes for Ladies; and a great vaiiet of Fancy Goods too I numerous to mention. All which will be sold at wholesale or retail very low for cash or on time to prompt paying customers. Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to me I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. GEORGE BRAND T, South Side Hav Street, Opposite G. W. Williams & Co September 2G, lbo ti!)tf. May be found at his rooms, during his regular Ollice ,x: from 9 A. M. to 1 1 . M .. 1. XI K T 1 i -w A X . il. ' J where be will be pleased to receive cans iioiu ai. may e in nucil ot hss prol'essional services. JVb hidi.cenient will be held out by "offering to" per form operations for a small compensation: a good price will be charged in all cases. And patients fa voring Dv B. with thejr confidence, may rely upon his utmost exertions to perform every operatiou in as per fect a manner as possible. SAli. operations must be paid for as soon as com pleted. P. S. Those who are now indebted will please call and settle. Oct. 7, 1857- tf f J. S. BAXKS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, WILMING'tON, N, C. January 1, 1850. ly-yid - - . - ii . c -11 SELF-SEALING JARS. For preserving Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Pints Quarts and Half-Gallons, at 32 40, S3 40, and S.j 25, per dozen, respectively. For sale at the Croc'icry Store. W . iN. 1 1 1 jLiirs til 1 AST. Also, Fresh Supplies of CHINA, GLASS WARE aud lable Knives. June 20, 1-57. 55-tf James C. Smith. JIii.es-Costin JAMES C. SMITH & CO., Commission Merchants, Have removed their office to the second story of the building formerly occupied by the Telegraph Company wnere tney are prepared to attend to alt business in the f!fiinmkiiinn lino iiit . - a 4-.1 ... - aii ousmess einrasicu 10 mem win ucpuactnallT attended to. nnnmR t'ltASK WIltUMS'S OBLKBlt ATEDRYE WH1SKE j The Subscriber has made arrange . cnU . to keep supply of the Genuine Article, and i the omy for the sale of the above brand of A No. 1 Hy- ifcr key in this place. K0B,. MITClIEU- - May 49-tf r.. THE NORTH CAI The Presbyteria has long labored uiuJ from the want of claims and represent mated thatotdj 10Q0 PiS ar tik'ken in" -h&bbnnQikW rA-Vf feV 1 3,000 t, is safe to infer that thery terians iu principje in J stands fifth in tlio and li'er menibcriS any Synod Onr sisK neitiier ours, j Preso Th ! i come when Church in North Carolina her duty to her children. It is important tact, that hundreds-oi "V , will take a State paper who will take no other. . The Paper is needed to be the organ of our Synod and Presbyteries to elevate and en lighten the piety of our me nbership by diffHsiiig evangelical knowledge to promote the cause of Education to develope the talents of our Ministry, and to strengthen the attachment of our, people to the soil aud sanctuaries of their own State. - If our Church in other Statesand other Churches in this State, can supply their mem bers with a religious journal, why may not we? -Are North Carolina Presbyterians inferior in talent, energy and patriotism to their neighbors on the orth or South, or to Christians of other denominations at home? With the same or better opportunities of accomplishing this work, shall we leave it, undone? In the language of one of our most able and useful Ministers, an adopted son of our State, "It ought to have b?en undertaken 20 years ago, but it is uot too late to begin to do right." In the last' two or three months, a fund of about $5000 has been subscribed as a perma nent capital. At a meeting of the contributors held at Greensborough on the 14th of May, Rev. A. Baker, Chairman, the Paper was un: animously located at Fayetteviile, under the name and title of the Noam Carolina Phes bvterian , Rey.Wm. N'31ebane . 1. lies., Gecyrire McNeill were elected Editors: Hey. Messrs. George McNeill, Wm. N Mebune, A. 15 iker and C II. Wiley, and Messrs. George McNeill, Sr., John II. Cook aud David Mur phy were appointed an Executive Committee, to establish tiie Paper and manage its business affairs. It is our wish and design to make the North ! Carolina' Presbyterian a journal of the first class, .equal to the best in the country in typo graphical appearance and in adaptation to the wants of our Churches. Its columns will afford the latest intelligence, both foreign and domes tic, and special -care will be taken to give a full and accurate summary of State, news. The name of the Paper is "designed to be -an expo nent of its character aud contents. -.From con viction, it wtil advocate the conservative, or thodox, Old School doctrines and order of the Church. ' Our first appeal is to onr own people to N C. Presbyterians. Whilst we rely confidently upon their favor, we trust that the native sons of North Carolina who have fpund homes, in other States, and the adopted citizens of our State who form so important"au element in our Ministry and membership, will take a .deep interest in this enterprise, aud gire it their hearty support. Terms: $2 per annum in advnnce, or on de livery of the first number; $2 50 in six months $3 at the end of the year. To clubs of 25 or more, payinir in advance and whep is sent to one auuress, a uiscoi cent, will be allowed Elders nri 111 "SLie. and all assist in Lie, and for this Office obtained, the fi faithful and vigoroui" two months by those "bt in this work, we will wit beirin the-publication aJ with a paying subsejrfjr PiffiW" Address 1 . 'jm Presbyterian, Fayettevi! tANAW a Negro boy name- black, about t fevt h v- j. i. ...l,.... h sneaks or nis irouii icciu laughs, weighs about 175 pounds, ana was raised on Drowning Creek. . The above reward will.be paid for "5"PSse the aDDrehension aha ueuyi j. said negro to me, or for his confinement ia any Jan State so that I cau get him. .,,-,vrrr - 6 M. C: L.A3IONT. Oct 3, 1807- 79-8t '. Argus copy. FOR SALE neavy 4-4 Beaver Creek Sheetings-. . . . . . ... , run: X' ..j tfl 111. Cotton Tarn, Warp and Filling, A, -" ALSO, - Belt, Picker, Roller and LaeeJLEATHEUS Winter strained. Sperm. Lard and Linseed , ouuiibiic intugiaw, i'iohvu ..... , - - Cloth aad Glass Steps. .r IT. II ALL. Pres. IE C ,M.-Co. : July'26. 185S s-t.f . -w-rr. T?T1TTTl nnd for fresh supply of Crackers, Cheese, liuttei, ii it t 4 ..... .irl lira li(ifi rleB vueoi uuio, auu w.-r llPin t, 'R. E llH.iUr. 4. a jo 3 'j V MWvu . - wn 5 tio V J 5 do . . . - r i c - -'KSn TUB, i'OU 'a "7 lor bitntnoAA. ot 1 :. ? 'w ton HaymoHiit. Xijrcry de.sira-( I. T U tt i. I S ii TO C;c-rn.l Coxkiiui.sii Slcx-c-Iiaiit. JNUUlil WATER STREET, I - IV'd niiioon V C! - HiRvf p sonal attention to the sale or shipment of 5l . oBi;,,f v...-,ii t;t. ... ,.,1,.... .. .(.jino 1 ...... .j.i.o u.ui:i iitill ti any oilier business entrusted to his care. .I.. ...... ii.. piMijiiiv ati-euueu lu. lsioii. ly DEALER IX STlj-L7AND FANCY' DRY GOODS JJA'l CAPS, BOOTS. SHOKS, A X 13 Jfxi u y-i'la de Clvth i ng. Parlfyur. attet iion paid to Eadies' Dress Goo Is and Trimmings. ST'ET. EAYETTEVIl.LE N. C. I-3.1. If tf t -'VKCP'a'a T!iHtt.i .rsigneil having exectit-'i! : power of At-toni'-v to K 1 .Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all s ;:leni! ts.'')r me i;i !fiy ,i.i!ii!-, a. el geiif rally to trai:-ict all asmessas l talent or con:a oo were i per- soua'H' pre- at. Jane . i 53-tf J. J..MUOKE. 'Pictures! Pictures!! Tatm over Beaslcy & Ilon.ton's Jewelry Store, " BY lie respectfully invites the Ladies and-Gen-tlmen of l-'iiv 'tteville, and the public generally, to his a.?a E2BS-mTasr a Jaszr 9 v.uiih surpass any other in neatness and durabiiity. come along w ithout delay, Ami a picture that will pay. .73- He has reduced the price to SI 50, and upwards Oct. ID. 1S.-.7. 71-tf XEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS! ! , nrVIEnnt'erslKncd beg leave to make known, that M. th"' lav0 I'enned a copai'tiiershjp, under the name a"d"le 5ii(DUiN tyauD, for the purpose of carrying on the mercantile business In n, iW.i of Lulnherton, and are uow receiving thJir TlL ScAVIJX-TKR STOCK f STAPLE and Fancy" Dry Goods, Jiead y-niade Cloth'"?. "Family Groceries, &e., &v.. ... ntnbf rRiectfullv invite the atten- ion S heir friend public g.-nerally. en' lMlal.! bvc.w.u, rhfSlolotrv 01-."? Mille.M.br thfnlstry 'd p. 1 Alex. Jleans, 31 D. It Campbell, 51. U. Asistant "i VI AU! p J -u.uui5uiHOl Ul anil""1; , .j. Clipical Lectures will be delivered in the City IIos--p,tal lid at the Jackson street Hospital. - MatrW., Vl ?le Course, $10f. JUau-K.ulat,on T-lckpt tn betaken onceJ S5 v Or I'll . 1 A .. 4rt mamKpP of rtCFC.,l. Paivicuiai!., P'.' 'J " Sel,ta,lS57. "'ViU'ln V. GRAv INj Deau. G6-tf " 'j C0ND STOCK! STASta .fit ui v;?.0:T Reiving THEIli SECOND STOCK FOR nro t ..... .t. eg.'-.f fKsrSrrrii i i igicarp. but the Thone wijfnrAC I :ty S.;in V" - Fjtj:t?it 4 .! PisK.Ki.r?IW..M.i:... .11 us 1 am detoriuinVltkj v'iV)l Ult. ' 'f M V W : . . F ... .. . MT-t nil WH' w . . . . m . . - fr.:M.. M- i -.j. .i r .it.t 4.11. I - 9 rSinf 7 FSJ. niNSD ALE. . dny mormlu rye Vf tl... ne- I Xcon V W j$.March 7, ci? I LIAMS irn. r1"" V rf a TfrirBTSv-V 5-tf PiiuS. m r I - - 1 & - - -- M ."dealers in . FGirUtf AND DOMESTIC DRY GOOD While Lead and Linseed Oil, foi : CTS, CAPS,' BOOTS, AND SHOES. ' . 1 15 6f:tfJ' SLE' 'lT?nhreias and Read ti-Ma rla CAnLhinrr . If HAY STREET, Congress Water, I . ' " FlVETTEViLLE 5. C. Aug. Ii 63-tf tKACa . ' "' J. V,-. rEAIICP- JK Ai bt. : - 61-tf I Wil ait m pro.. e. will! r AAtii llnDiinnr flange lor goous. Jf I Oilbx riJky A v - ' A7 Vt: "LOOK OUT 103 S 1 Lamen and Infants, J. A. V fcal Anatomy, II. V. 31 -bUN, embracing, 1 ilats, n,ots shoes, i and Made-cp Clothing, To Y"'ch they invite the attention of Wholesale , n Cr buyers generally. J-lio k 7i.M: WILUAMS m .. it . i-. i n :i viuiiiiu riiiioi xji iiriiriiii'i - ti decliiied to meet BritislT bvet. v ith ; i ai-hes were both wl, nfiisioti. . lo-sion n-ty nff rfurs. runs Tjpgularly Hail taes of the Icirer. and nx'ui delivering goods, axr ton well :iiIt tentln our thanks for the very UUr1 iputowed.od can aitfnire alinhinpt-r that i eir?d in future. and ftl confident thr.t onv- spAtcl are eqml if not snprrior tf any line on HiveT. . . V . r . KLLIO I T. Agent lor Kuiterlon it I. ( Oct. 25. 1856 21- tf - PorBno3e'&Err1 ot the heirs otJohu ) sped fully iufjrmed, 1 PMnoljT3e'ftEir31l Jas. C'.-fcEhii, f.9 Guardian . oi l jjo ii . uc o. ai t: iiciuuj i that said guardian lns in n great majority of instances endorsed and transferred their notes- to the undersigned. Also, that our urgent ne cessities, apart from the reqi irements of the endorser. ipel us to collect as speedily as possible, j-v 1 1 those bted will therefore oblige us, and themselves too. iving .up immediately.' We must and will sue I'tSJoacy is not forthcoming. A A. D. MtlRKlSON. J. M. MORRISON' I...- N. A. MORRISON'. 1857. 40-tf Varnish, Brushes, for S.J. HINSDALE. ca-tr for sale bv S. J. HINSDALE. A. A. 33cKctIiin Itespeetfully iul'orms his friends and the public, that lie has built up lary;e substantial JJrick liuildings at his Old Stand, expressly for uiauulacttring Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received tor the last 1 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same, lie warrants his f be made of the best material aud by experienced wSfllinen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with aay made in the United States, forueat uess and durability-.- r He is determined to sell and do any work in his line oa as pood terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well clone. He now has on fraud, finished, the largest stock of CAKE I AGES, BAROUCHES. HOCKAWAYS, AND LUOOIES. ever oflered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual custom ers. .Re-lie has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIETV Vehfcles finished and iu course of con struction. SAll work niiide byhim is warranted 12 months with fair usajre, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be r paired free of charge jrf'-.r.jnv It-ear 1 Vi win we r' ji.viicvi 1 1 v . .ji ..... . , . f- X k3E5VL-A wcii to can and Mer inoessS Ipiitivs, lJ.ctla.mosr atilt inkr!;,' waived and m-omiUlv attended to. : mere, and Ginghams fir Ladies' Dres s . t r u&.'?'' exam i ue i'o 111' Ordevst'ianivfully rrceivod and promptly attended to IJ. paii ir.g executed at short notice ana ou very rea !o:iab!e terms. Favetteville. Octl.lSSt. r. ALL Notes and Accounts du W. F. & E. F. Moore, nnd also those due Moore t Brother, that are unset- . . . , . . - 1 . 1 ...III ;-a)u 1 nnt in ' lieu on tne isi, 01 December, ni rusni.tij the hands of an Officer for collection. . - E. F. MOORE, Adnvr. Nov. 12. 7i-Iui .' HU n dPie Land' i U'e offe for saleOOO Acres round Pine Turpentine ! LAND 17 miles from Fayetteviile. between the Wes- tern and Centre Ptank lioads the 3Iorgantou Road running through the same. A bargain will be sold in these lauds. For particulars apply to Mr Charles Mnnroe near the land or to the subscribers. j Nov. 12 t 57-lit J . & X. W'dUUtLli. - FOEEIGN & DOMESTIC. . C. E. LEETE lias cn ' AfjW-ii HAXD at present a ill 1 1 ' jjf-i LUsCU ' 'iSMWm- .SELECT .'-....,,.,,--,-, ( -y A SSn'IJTM KT OF 3LIQXJOHS, onsistmg in part of L,D NASH BRANDY RE old Kye Whiskey nong Wine; Vintage 1S55 SO Domestic Whiskey - - - X. E. Rum HOLLAND GIN 3-tf. THE LOLOMOTIVli.' J. W. LETT J received a large and general STOCK OF ited to theFaliaud Wintei trade, consisting of a choice selection of K-.iiic j- DRY GOODS) luiost everything desirable in SERIES always to he had ITT'S. 'prices forCjSILor ex- ly-pd FOR THE FALL & WINTER 1857. JUST RECEIVED! (Call soon, secure a good bargain und save money.) One of the largest, hand somest and cheapest stocks of BOOTS AAD SHOES, LADIES GAITERS, satin and colored; Ladies' & gents DANCING SHOES, of a new and beautiful pattern; ; YOUTH'S and CHILDREN'S BOOTS. SHOES and GAITERS; INDIA-RUBBER SHOES, and sver article-in his line. His stock is choice and carefully selected by him self, and buyers will find it to their interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. ' M.FAULK. B2F-AI1 who have lost their soles come for ward, and they will he renewed for Seventy-live cent: and upwards. M. F. Sj. HI N'SAIE'S Ague Mixture; also. . Champioas's Ague Medicine; Shallenberger .'ever and Augue Antidote, and Rowand's Tonic Mix ture. For sale by S- J- HINSDALE. 1 Aug. 18. 3-tf i nTinr " PROPERTY, shout erf o.i, nros iair af'S it time and the 15th of Decenu by the. 15' of Dee they wilf be so Id at Auction aft the i ots to suit niircliuseis. Cr-t day of Jai., iiary next, in Lots to suit purchasers. Auy information wanted will bo cheerfully Riv by applving to J. H. ROliERTS & CO. FayetteVille. September 12, 1SS7," 07-tf Town papers copy tf - DAVID McDI'FFlE, BR!' k N ASD PUSTEKEll. ANY .PERSON desiring work done in the 1 cs style in the above department., ran secure my services l.y addrefsib g me at Fay ettcvHlc. S . C ' . . r D. McD., will Utke coutne'ta P"X .. '! re 5 .""0 J"t)Vomipt attention vT5T TJtivcK todie f a&P- g--..i To file Afflicted! DR. CIIAELES THOMPSON, of Blarltn comity N. C. rcspeetfullv calls the attention of fill I'Lose i-f fiicted wilh Cancel ems ai:'cctions, to the n ii-sn'k::!)!!.-cures wh'ch lie has effected, and which led bun- pic viously given up by other physicians, in I!':..i!eicoiii;ry as incurable. Ulicse cases can l.e cert 'tit d to 1 y it sponsible persons living in that cennty. Oi.e of tin m was MrsMalcom ISicl.eod. and another v. as Mr.Jru. ?( Kay, both of which was of long ftniid'n.a; t.i;d ;J jmi aggravated cliarr.cter. Any person wbhi&g to 1 cured of that dreadful disease know.il as Cancer, do well to apply lo Dr. Thempi-on. The services of Dr. T. will, also be found hithly use ful to all persons afflicted w'th Ulcers nnd old jjwts of long standing. Rheumatism. Tumors. iXc. The Dr. can be cou-sultcd n the above named Cfn3 idaints. by either su ing or ioldressing him t Cniin's Creek. Moore Co., N. C, " 'ere he in1i:ils riniuin ing a few weeks. Those in nr d of his nrvitcs will do well toniake iinniediaie apjd'catit'n. ns ge r i b is them more difllcult to cure. His dil cction is W hite Hall I O., D lad en Co., N. C. Sep 12. m-id . as received h's Full Stock of Goods, Con sisting of v a -i c s l ks, j r. w n, w v SILVER AND l'LATED WEE, AM MILITARY COOPS, P. S. His personal attention will be paid to all Wat chts and Jewelry entrusted to him for ni airs, sept. 10 " C6-Jia Lmnbci'toii Advci'tistiHciif. 1 I1E SUBSCRIBER is now rot-civ-, inir his Stock r.f iSg" JSLM j3bl wz'fitpir- Comirising everything ia the wcy .oi Dl.V OIjUDS, Such as ses. ALSO, Calicoes, Linsc3 s, r Ian nels, llca('htd and uiiblcuclicd Miirt ings, Drillings, Osnabuigs, Kersevs, Kei ituckj Jeans, Sattinets. Ctifcsi ir: crc for Pains, &c.,"&c.f- &c. READ Y--M IDE CLOTDHC of the bctt Material and good Woikmausliip. BOOTS IS D SHOES for Men and Toys. Also, a good assortment cf Ladies' ai d Mis ses' Shoes: Trimmings for Ladies' Dresses, ! Bonnets. Mantillas aud Cloaks of the latest Fashions. HITS . ASD CAPS of all foi ts. Trunks of all sizes ; besides Hardware, Groeerus, and a variety of other Goods, all of which I will sell low for Cash, or upon short credit to reliable ni.olnI)t navi.' customers a"a l',0,nl- Pm0 cmioii.i i . " -1 JumOerton, C., fccpi. 20, ltiii 2iu. 100 Reward. My Room was forcibly entered on Siinduy night the 13th September, by come eukniAMi j tifon cr per sons, who took from my desk $:t:2 in liank Lills at;l $30 in Gold and Silver. I will give the above mimed reward for the apprehension of the thief and l ecovuy of the money, or ioO for either. JO. P. LUTHER. Rockingham, Richmond Co., Oct 3. Jb57. lU-H-t r.t id now receiving large and general si. ply of Among wlich are splendid DRESS liOOBS, With every article iu the D Ii Y GOODS L I N K . All of which, being purchased by the package, will be otl'ered by wholesale or retail tit tiiuiil advance for cash or on time to punctual cuttoint ip, Fayetteviile. Oct. 3, lfc57. 70-tf DA V il) S. TAlLUlt, . Respectfully informs the good poojde of Fayetteviile. and the country generally, that he has opened a GKUC tK 1 htUlil'.iil me 11:0101 jiaymouni nearly opposite Mr. Geo. McNeill's, where he ii.in.ds keeping constantly on nana a wen seiecitu suj pij w tiioceries and Country Prodi.ce suitable for family use. lie will be 1 :if y 10 tee ins old acquaintances and all others w is-hn-g tuipi.es in hisliae. Oct. 10, 1857. -m M. -ss j --r nm now receiving auditions to C.....L- nl" Msh. jVatchks, jkwklry, Silver and Rlalcd ware, Mvsical Instruments, Military and Eavcy goods Which makes my Stock good - Those w ho are uloul to make their purchases would do wed to cull jl-Watcli Kepairing done in the Lest man ner and warranted. 70-3m Oct. 3. - - Tiwoo lb. Tallow anted, For which the highest cash Carriage for Sale . 1 Very Fine Carriage and 1 Second Hand RAUROUCU Sox ssihs Xfr the- E. GLOV v 4: 07-tf vmininglroB) October 1 XSK I r.4i 04 -r foot of Hwmonns, Oct 24. T3-f

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