7 THE f ti ERLO.M OF Tfl PII13SS IS' lSSfifEil'A1IIK filOM ; TII3 RIGHTS OF TilK PEOte . ' ' ' " i t . : EAYETTEVILLE Cv; XllSBAY, DECEMEER 10, 1857. W tf. F. WIGHTM1N, Editor, J. VOLUME 979. TERMS SU3iCaiPTIOS TO THE tilROLlNIAN For a single copj, if paid iu advance, per annumi $2 00 " " ' at the end of 3 nonths, 2 50 " " " at the end of t mouths, 3 00 ' " 4i at the end of the year, 3 50 Xo subscription will be received foisa shorter period than one year unless paid in advance. With the view of extending the circulation and en . 'lancing the usefulness of the paper, the proprietor of rers the following remarkably .low ;GL.UB A.I TBS, IAT VARIABLY IJV ADVAATCE: 5 copies of the Carolinian, 1 year, s8 00 10 " " " " . 15 00 fi liates of AdTertfein? ; Sixty cents per square of 16 lines, or less, for the first nd 30 cents for each subsequent insertion, unless the Advertisement is published for more than two uiaaths, hea it will be charged , f For three. monthsx- ff-SK months, - - - 6 For twelve months, - - - - - 10 00 Ml advertisements must have the desired number of in sertkms marked on them, ortherwise thy will be in-;e-rted till forbid and charged accordingly. Special attention is directed to this requisition. WM. F. WIGIITMAN & CO. CbE'IEXl" G. WRIGHT. Forney at X.aw, Faj-elttTlllt,S.C. fjfcc at the corner of Bow and Green streets. 1ry 3, 1856. J. A. SPEAKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATTENDS the Courts of Cumberland, Harnett Wake and Johnston. Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., X. C. Feb. IG. 185G. 85-y BART WW FULLER, Attorney at Law, PAVETTEVILLE, X, C ., May be consulted at the Law Office of Jese G. Shop-, herd. Est., on Green Street. July 19, 1856. 7-tf ANDREW J. STEDMAX, Attorney at Law Having removed to PITTSBORO, N. C. will attend regularly the Courts of Chatham, Moore and Harnett Counties. April 14, 1856. tf JOHN D. SHAW. ATTTORSEIT AT UW. Rockingham. Richmond -Couaty North Carolina will practice in the Courts of Richmond, Anson anu Robesoii. All business entrusted to his care will re ceive strict attention. July.ll, JtLEr&i. F )R SALE. Sit Acres of Land, lying on Cape Fear River Store, Dwelling, Out Houses all in lirst rate order. The Store is at a line business stand at the Cross Roads and the and is uot to be excelled by auy in North Carolina. Anv nersoa desiriuar to purchase can obtain further particulars respecting the property by c cither of us at Willis' Creek on the Wikuin calling cn iton Road 15 miles from I avetteville. SARAH WRIGHT. Oct.. 18-tf JAMES WRIGHT. Five sevenths of the FARMING AND TURPEN TINE L AND iu Harnett county, known as the Parker and McNeill lauds, joining Win. Harr ngton's land on Upper Little River. There is some 20') acres cf the best quality of low grounds on the River. The up la:i Is are heavily timbered with pines, and within six miles of the Fayettcvilte and Western Railroad. For particulars apply to O McARTHL'R. J. P. ROPER, J. Wr. McKAT. Nov. 1856 29, 26 tf : i A. I. Campbi'll, j tUCTIOSEER A C03IMISSIOX MERCHANT, East side of Gillespie street, Fayettetille, N. C. October 1. 1855 HARKI.E FACTOR. V. BY GEO. LAUDER. 'early opposite to . E. W. Willkings' Auction Store Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 1. 1856. v Fall Stock, 1857. B. F. PEARCK & CO., RE now receiving a large and well selet!ed stock L Of consisting in part of : Black and Figured Silks; nglish and French Merinoes; Plain and Fig'd DeLanes; French all weol Plaids; Alpacas of all qualities; Black Bombazine; English, French and American Prints; Chenille Shawls, (beautiful patterns;) Ladies' Cloaks of every description; Jaconet Edgings and Insertions; Collars and Undersleeves; Hosiery, Gloves, Belts; Ribbons, Trimmings, &c; Cloths and Cassirneres; Tweeds, Jeans and Sattinets; White and Colored Flannels: Bleached and brown Shirtings; Allendale 10-4 Sheeting; Bleached and Brown Drillings; Plaid Linseys and Kerseys Marlboro' Stripes and Plaids; Brown and Bleached Table Cloths; Towellings of all kinds; Negro Blankets; Extra quality Bed Blankets; Spiral, Brass and Whalebone Hoops; Good assortment of Hoop Skirts; Yankee Notions of every variety, kind, and quality; Silk, Leghorn, and Straw Bonnets; Moleskin, Cassiinere and Wool Uats; Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &c. ALSO A large and fashionable stock of All ot which will be sold low for CASH, or oa our usual time to punctnal customers either at Wholesale or Re. ail. All persons are respectfully invited to give us a call. B. F. PEARCR J- W. PEARCE, Jr. 3p. IS 4837 . C7 tf GROCERIES, HARD- ware 6c, t'C. The undorsicriK d are now receiving a largo assort ment oti;R0:iESiES HIRXWAKE. IKON, STEEL, IIOLLOW-WAliE, SHOES, l.EATIIUR & SADI'LB RV, which they will sell at wholesale at a Kmall ad vance oa cost for cash, or on usual time to prompt dealers. G. W . WILLIAMS &. CO. Jnly 25, 1857. 6(-tf - j A CARD. THE undersigned would respectfully inform his old frieuds and customers that fie can be found atuhe' Store of C. E. Leete. where he will be glad to see them. J. R. McDOXALD. Jan. 17, 1857, - 33-tf t., . .... . j T ff FT" M A G ' 0 1, 1 A REST A UK A NT. They say the Magnolia Tree is the handsomest growth south of Maso'i and Dixon's line, and il is evi dently a faet. It is also said the Magnolia lie.staurant en Green Street, between Dr. 15. W. Robinson's Medical Establishment, and Mr P. Taylor' Store, and nearly opposite the Shcmwell House, is the Finest and best kept of auy other establishment in the South. Persons wishing to find cannot well miss it: it is the VELLOW BUILDING. The subscriber would take this method of thanking the citizens of this place and the surrounding conntry. for the unprecedented liberality tliey have bestowed cn him. and would solicit a continuation. He has always on hand the VERY BEST LIQUORS. WIVES and CORDIALS, that can be found in the United Stat s, either by the quantity or otherwise. Also. Cigars. Pickk's, Sardines. Cheese. Preserved Fruits. Lemon Syrup, and many other good things, and flatters himself that he has the most polite, obli ging, accomplished and FRAJCK. vender to ntt'-ml to his establishment, that can be found either North or South. Temperance drinks put up at the shortest notice. He would call attention particularly to his private rooms upstairs, which are large, comfortable, and in -rood order. j R. JONES. i Yellow Building, Green St.. Favetteville, N. C. May 16. 1S57. 50-tf For the Fall and Winter JUS T R e c i: I v Call soon, Secure a Good Bargain and save JSlontv!! One of the Largest, Handsomest a ml Cheapest Stocks of for -Gentlemen's wear, ever brought to- this Market, and no mistake". Also, a Magnificent assortment of I; Boy's Suits and Extra Jackets of; .II colors of Ready to Cloth. F01 ISailroacl Hands XKuiK - ' - ing, at a very low figure. ror Ij!-it IlaiK?. A larjre lot Jackets and Over Coats; also, fancy Fian Ovcr Shirts and Pants very -heap. Of r nel, j A verv extensive assortment of CESTLEUEX'S 1 1 II IS !i ! li (iOSD$, Fine i.inen and Fancy Marseilles Shirts and Colars, Under-g-arnieiits of heavy Siik and Merino, Socks, Cravats, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, and Boats ami Kiiors from the heavi est Water-Proof, to the finest Pump and Fair Stitched; Philadelphia made. I Sat- ::! Cfips, of all description. LADIES' FRENCH TRAVELLING TRUNKS. Extra large sizes Bonnet Boxes; Gents' English Sole Leather, Spanish Iron Frame and Packing Trunks; English Soie Leather Val.ces, and others: a new style of Travelling Hags (very convenient;) Ge.ntlemen's Shawls and Fancy Buggy Blankets: genuine Havana Segars; Umbrellas; Walking Canes; India Rubber Over Coats. Leggings and Handles: also. Over Shoes for Ladies; and a great variet. of Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. All w hich will be sold at wholesale or retail very low for cash or on time to prompt paying customers. Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to me. I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. GEORGE BRANDT, South Side Hay Street. Opposite G. W. Williams &. Co. September 20, 1857. CO-tf. May be found at his rooms, during his regular Oftlce hours, viz: from 9 A. M. to 1 1'. 51 a P. M. .to 5 P. M. wliere he will be pleased to recei ve calls from all who may be in need of his professional services. No inducement will be held out by offering to per form operations for a sine.ll compensation: a good price will be charged in all cases. And patients fa voring Dr B. with their conli ieuce, may reiy upon his utmost exertions to perform every operation iu as per fect a manner as possible. SAll operations must be paid for as soon as com pleted. , P. S. Those who a're now indebted will please call and settle. Oct. '7, 1857- tf J. S. BAXKS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, WILMING'ION, JST. C. January 1, 1S56. ly-pd iff. 53 i.-ii SELF-SEALING JARS. For preserving Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Pints Quartsand Half Gallons, at $2 40, S3 411, and S5 25, per dozen, respectively. For sale at the Crociery Store. W. N. TILLINGHAS.'. ' Also, Kresh Supplies of CHINA, GLASS WARE and Table Knives. June 20, 1-57. 55-tf James C. Smith. Mile's Costin JAMES. C. SMITH CO., Commission Merciants, Have removed their office tc the second story of the building formerly occupied by the Telegraph Company where they are prepared to attend to all business in the Commission line. All business entrusted to them will be punctually attended to. Wilmington, October 1, 1856 y ' T, C ' avijiagre for Sale. 1 Very Fine Carriage and 1 Second il anu uAiiuuittl for sale by E. F MOORE. Sept. 20 10,000 lbs. Tallow anted, For which the highest cash price will be paid. Oct. 1, 1856. A. 21. CAJIPBEX-L.. '. DOC'i'Ott B"ltA3iK WILLIAMS'S 1 C 15 L K B 11 A r ED 11 Y 15 W HISK E t The Sulwriber has made arraasrei. ents to keep i,niilv nf t.lie Qenuine Article, and is the only Ageui for the sale ol the above brand of A No. 1 Kye Whiti kev in this place. ' EOB T MITCHELL. May 49-tf FMOSFECTUS :- . r or - : THE 3VOHTTI CAROLINA PRESBVTERIAS Tlie,-jPresby terian Cliurcll ill ha.Sj.aitjr labored antler sei'4 I Ci -"A fruity tti! wa,!jtf "-ar-journal advocate chums and represent her interests. It is esti mated tluit only 1000 Presbyterian Weeklies are taken in tlie hounds of our three. Pres!)yte ries. We have 13,000 Communicants, and it is safe to infer that there are 30,000 Presby terians in principle in tiie State. Our Synod stands fifth in the Union in point of numbers, and lier membership is trreuter th.in that of any bynod South or West of . Pennsylvania. Our sister States on the North s and South, neither of which lias u membership so larire as ours publish the Central, and the Southern Presbyterian, for the benefit of their people. The time lias come when the Presbyterian Church in North Carolina . should likewise do her duty to her children, it is a conceded and important fact, that hundreds of our members will take a-btatc paper who will take no other liie 1 upcr is needed to be the organ of our ynocl ami i'resby tones to elevate and en lighten the piety ot our me ii'.ership by diffnsiti"- et angelical Know:e Ige lo j. remote the cause of Education to develope the talents of our -uiniMry, sum to strengthen the attachment of our people to the soil and sanctuaries of the own State. 11 our Ohnrch in other States, and other t.hurches m tins State, can supply their mem bers with a religious journal, why may not we? I Are North Carolina Presbyterians inferior in talent, energy and patriotism'to their neighbors on me 'ortn or outh, or to Christians of other denominations at home? With the same or better opportunities of accomplishing this work, shall we leave it undone? In the language of one of our most able and useful Ministers, an adopted son of our State, "It ought to have been undertaken 20 years ago, but it is not too late to begin to do ri-lit." In the last two or three months, a fund of I about i-j000 has been 'subscribed as a perma nent capital. At aiBetiug of the contributors held at Greeusborosigh on the 14th of May. ivev. a. Ijaicer. VJ iaiver. Lftiairmun. the I'aner w:is nn. I i ( ' ' ri t H t 1 1 f 1 n f T hk Vonrrr , a . HYiEHiAX. Ilev. Win. N. Mebaue and Rev. George McNeill were elected Editors: Rev. Messrs. George McNeill, Win. N Mebane, A. i B.-iker aid C II. Wilev, and Messrs. George McNeill, Sr., Join. II. Cook and David Mur phy were appointed an Executive Com in it tee, to establish the Paper and manage its business affairs. - . j It is our wish and design to make the Nokth Carolina Presbytekiax a journal of the firt class, equal to the best in the country iu typo grai)liica: appearance and in adaptation to the j wants of our Churches. Its columns will afford the latest intelligence, both foreign and domes tic, and special care will be taken to give tfu!l and accurate summary of State news. The name of the Paper is designed to be an expo nent of its character and contents. From con viction, it will advocate the conservative, or thodox, Old School doctrines and order of the Church. i Our first appeal is to our own people to N C. Presbyterians. Whilst we rely confidently upon their favor, we trust that the native sons of -North Carolina who have found homes in . other States, and the adopted citizens of our State who form so important an element in our i Ministry and membership, will take a' deep i interest in this enterprise, and h'itc it their ' hearty support. Tkkms: $2 per annum in advance, or on de livery of the first iiiitnber;$2 50 in six .months S3 at the end of the year. To clubs of 25 or more, paying iu advance and when the Paper is sent to one address, a discount of 10 per cent, will he allowed. Our Ministers and Elders are earnestly desired to act as Agents, and all others friendly to the cause will please assist in procuring as many subscribers as possi ble, and forward the names, by August 1st, to this Office. As soon as 1500 subscribers are obtained, the first number will be issued. If a faithful and vigorous effort is made in the r,fxt two months by those Hho take a lively interest in this work, we will without doubt, be able to begin the publication at the end of that time with a payinj; subscription list of at least 3000. SOT Address, Editors of the North Carolina Presbyterian, Fayetteville, N. C. Fayetteville, May 20, 1857 FOR SALE. Heavy 4-4 Beaver Creek Sheetings. Cotton Yarn, Warp and Filling, Nos. 5 to 10. ALSO. Belt. Picker, Roller a id Lace LEATHERS. Oils and Manufacturer's Findings. Winter strained. Sperm. Lard and Linseed Oils. Shuttlie's Isinglass, French Glue, Emory, Roller Cloth and Glass Steps. J. II. II ALL, Pres. B. C. M July 2G. 1S5? " -tf Co. JUST RECEIVED and fr sale fresh supply of Crackers, Cheese, Butter, Ap- id.-s Chest nuts, ana uranges. i II. E HEIDE., foot of Hayruount. Oet 24. 73-tf TIIE WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE & HUTU ER fOBD BA1LROAI) COMPANV. IT is ordered by the Board of Directors of tuis Com pany, that lor the ensuing year the following mstal , meats be called for, viz: , I Third instalment of TWENTY per cent, to be due I and payable on the first dav of December 18o7. Fourth instalment of TEN per cent to be due and tvjvnhle nn tho first dav of Februai'V 1S58. Fifth instalment of TEN per cent, to be due and pay able ou the nrt day ot May ISob. Sixth instalment of TEN per cent to be due aud pay able on the 2d day of August 1858. This call applicable only to those Cotintics East of I the Pee Dee, and those West of Charlotte. II. W. GUION, Prest. FRESH TURNIP SEED. " FLAT DUTCH, . 11ED TOP, , , KNGLISH NORFOLK, LARGE GLOliE, " ;w RUTA BAG A. Just received and for sale by S. J. IIIXSDALE. July 11. 1857. tf The following vnlnablo Etc. Hall dee'd. is offered for sale and consists of the following tracts : 2? that desirable place known as Rome, containing t"t. b acres -With all the imnrovements. This North CttroliM?ArtS, ' ? s 11 entire or divided, to suit purchasers. t'; uw ui ura nail- uusine) sunas ?n tvovato' IichVottwIuS mercaiitlle basinesa. " t- . ; No 2, Consists f a Lot and Brick Store (2 tene ments j in Cambleton, on Bridge Street near Claren don Uridge. and is a very desirable stand for business. No ,3 Is ; vacant lots in Camphrditnn. known in City KDlotas.Nos 1(19, 111. 112, and haifoflot 113. M No 4. Is a dwellinsr house and lot on Havmnnnt coiner of Plankroad and Adams .St. A very" desira ble Vesideuce for the whole year. N'5, Is a Corn Mill and Steam Engine and Boiler, of 10 V 15 horse power. This is well north the at-' I ''mo or those living where water power is not arail- able, will be sold at a great bargain. j 'iiiis appiy io , J. 11. 11 ALL, Assignee Aug.fct 1. lSo7. i;it: 5U irons .o 1 PcniviEin (iuano. Eor sale hy G. W. WII.LIAMS & Co. - . C5-tf Anlust 29 B.E. PEARCK & CO., j ' DEALERS IN FOR f jIGX AND DOMESTIC DRY GOOD HITS, CAPS, BOOTS, AND SHOES, Umbrellas and Ready-lLtdc Clothing, HAY STREET, FAVETTEVILLE . C. B. r. FEARCK. Aug 1st, j w. rEir.ru. jij 01-tf W. II. T UK LI V a T () S, General Commission Mercliaiif. NORTH WATER STREET, Wil ningion, JV. C, TiU give personal attention to the sale or shmment of til cuusigiimeuts of Naval Stores or other country produce, and any other business entrusted to his care, will be promptly attended to. April 18. 1S57. ly THE undersigned having executed a power of At torney lo E. F. Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all settlements for me in ray name. - and generally to transact all busiuessasl might or could do were I per sonally present. . J. J.MOORE. ,Junc (i, 53-tf M'iiur eiiut , i -,.t Uriim w t j tlfTike" fen own. tint T . t ! . . . . 1 1- Jt tliey Uave lormed a eonartnershin. under Inn n:ime avd style, of I3KDtD3ST $c 111 Ul D, for the purpose of carrying on the mercantile business in the Town of Lumberton. and are now reeeivinsr their FALL $c fVI.YTER STOCK of STAPLE and Kancy l-ry Goods, Head v-m;ule dut!iinr, Family Groceries, &.., iN.c. To which they would respectfully invite the atten tion of their friends ami the public generally. ;!Tjry-pRuDUCE taken in exchange for goods. AXUfS I. BROWN" KVKBETT I.. WARD. Lumberton, Oct. 10. 71-3m H itmlngton, . C, V7I3LcL ATTSI-JB IJST OiYir-TLi'S' TO ALL Business in the above line, entrusted to his care. Special attention will be given to the sale of Timber free of commissions. Oct. 10, 1S57. 71-tf MKDICAL COLLEGIA OF GEOIIGIA, AT AUGUSTA. The Twenty-Sixth course of Lectures in this Insti tution, will commence ou Monday, the 2d November next. Emeritus Professor of Anatomy, G.M. Newton, M.D. Anatomy. H F Campbell, M. D. Surgery, L. A, Dugas, M. D. Institutes aud Practice of Medicine, L. D. Ford. M.D. Materia Mediea. Therapeutics and Medical Jurispru dence, I P Gravin. M. D. Olistetrics aud Diseases of Women and Infants, J. A Eve. M. D. Physiology and Pathological Anatomy. II. V. M MUler. M.D. Chemistry and Pharmacy. Alex. Means. M D. Demonstrator of Anatomy, R Campbell. M. D. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomv, S. B. Simmons. M. D. Clinical Lectures will be delivered in the City Hos pital and at the Jackson street Hospital. Fee for whole Course, $105. Matriculation Ticket (to be taken once,) S5 .For further particulars, apply to anv member of the Faculty, or to I. 1 GRAVINDean. Sept 5th, 1857. (JG-tf - - - C0ND STOCK! STARR Sc WILLIi-lVlB ARE now receiving THEIR SECOND STOCK FOR THIS SEASON, embracing, Dry f.'ootls, Hats, Brots-, Shoes, and Madf.-cp Clothing, - To which they invite the attention of Wholesale buyers generally. J. M. William 71-tf . B. StaiulI Oct. 10. :VV PAI.L& WITRi GOODS. DANIEL CLARK s uow receiving, di rect from New York, a large and well selected Stock of HEAD Y-JifADE Consisting of every variety of Coals, Pants, and Tresis, and nest approved Stylet t the Latest "A general assortment of Shirts. Stocks, ic, &c. lie will attend as usual to Triminiiig, Cutting and all business In his line. September 2G, 3m. BLANKS. or ah iirax BALE AT THIS OFFICE. FOR list; r :ttevili 'ivvr:iBNr ivilmisotu.v pay: Stf amer -Majtriulia leaves fayetipvifl1 on J:ouilay aa Thi. Any niorninfts. 13 niinoten after san-rix.' ' Leaves Wilmington on Tuesday hoi Kridny moroings. StemisiT Kanny Luttcrloh. li-avfs fayetteville on Tuejil nud Kriday mornings. 15 rain-Jtrg alter faa-Hc. Leaves Wilmlnjrfon UVdiici'day and Saturday moruii Both carryii:jr Krpi"ljt and rspen;M. ; .Strtmer Rownn. with fall acts tit Lighter'! vuas rogulai carrying. Freijrht only - J h regularity of our Boats on alt stage of the Jciver. f h d.;spatch a i;d proniiftnt-fsin delirorinf goods arr too w known tQ require coromt-Dt . . . . , . To our patrons we tender our' thanks tot the Tnry 'tiht i patronage heretofora benowed. a id .en astnre airshipjwr Uv no elTr.rt.- w i 11 & Da red in f nf nr nti.l rcl' runiMixit lb, fscitrtiuor d.:ifrtri. axi equa! if.rtaieor 4".y 1wj- Fatette7:He, N. C. ucti:,. i6ij , ltl NOTICE. I'ersons indebted to Jas. C. McEaehin. r.s Gnardit of the heirs of John Morrison, dee'd, are hereby r ' sjiecifully informed, that said guardian lms in a pier majority of instances endorsed and transferred the : notes to the undersigned. Also, that our urgent in eessities. apart from the reqi irements nf the endorse. Compel us to collect as speedily as possible. All tho- imh bted will therefore" oblige us. and themselves toi i by paying up immediately. We must and will su wliere the money is not i'orthcomjnsr. A. 1. MOURTSON. .1.- M. MORRISON N. A. JIOIIRISON. Laurinburgh. N. C. March 7, 1857. 40-tl P tints, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, for S.'J. HINSDALE. C3-tf Sale by Aug. 15, White Lead mid Linseed Oil, . lor" sale by Aug. S. J. ;:;-tf HINSDALE. 15, ( -ongress Watei Aug.I.s. C3-tf for sale hv s. J. HINSDALE. A. A. McKcfliau Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that lie has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for mauulacts.rni Carriages. Thankful lor the very liberal put .-image he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrai.ts his work to be made of the best material and by expt lienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neat ness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms in any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, the largest s t oc k o f C A R R I A G ES , B A R O I J C H E S, ROCKA W AT S , AND BCGGIES. ever oilered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished.' which will be sold very low for Cash, or ou short time to punctual custom ers. f3-llc has on hand more than ONE HUS'DKED AND FIFTY Vehicles finished and in course f con strue tine. ' or material will be r paired tree or ceariie. . . i Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and j examine fo theinyelves. j Orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very rea sonable terms. Fayetteville. Oet 1. 1S5C. ALL Notes and Accounts i!u W. F. E. F. Moore, and also those due Moore A Brother, that are unset tled on the 1st of December, will positively be put iu the hands of an Oflicer for collection. E. F. MOORE, Ad m 'r. 7. -I:n Nov. 12, Ho jid. Pine Zand- V.'e offer for sale 2000 Acres round Pine Turpentine LAND 17 miles from. Fayetteville. between the Wes tern and Centre Plank Roads the Morganton Road ( running through the same. A bargain will be sold in these lauds. For particulars apply to Mr Charles Munroe near the land or to the subscribers. Nov. 12 57-Ct J. &, T. W ADD ILL. :. 3 3 - & DOMESTIC. C. S. LESTE has on HAND at present a SELECT ASSORTMENT OF Consistinir in part of OLD NASH BRANDY PURE old Rye Whiskey Scnppernong Wiue; Vintage 1855 ALSO- ----- Domestic Whiskey ------- N. E. Rum 50 13'ols do , rs-tt' "l.OOli. OCT TilE bilLOMOTIVU.' J. XV. L KTT nas just received a large and general STOCK OF GOODSsuited to theFalland Wintertrade.cousisting of a choice selection of Staple and Fancy DKY fiOOTJS, Boots and Shoes, with almost everything desirable in that line. PRIME FAMILY GROCERIES always to he had AT LETT'S. Goods sold at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex changed for country produce. Sept. 2(i. 1K57. 'y-pd FOIITJ1E FALL & WINTER 1S57. JUST RECEIVED! (Call soon, secure a good bargain and save money.) One of the largest, hand- xen somest and cheajiest stocks of BOOT S A'I) SIfiOJtiS, LADIES GAITERS, satin and colored; Ladies' & gents DANCING SHOES, of a new and beautiful pattern; YOUTH'S aud CHILDREN'S BOOTS. SHOES am GAITERS; INDIA-RUBBER SHOES, and everx article in his line.- His stock is choice and carefully selected by him self, and buyers will find it to their interest to cal before purchasing elsewhere. M. FAULK. figg-Ali who have lost their soles" come for ward, and they will be renewed for Seventy-live cent aud upwards. M. ,F. s. -J. HINSDALE'S A ?ue Mlstorr: also. Champions's Aa-ue Medicine; Sballenberirer'j Fever and Augue Antidote, and Kowand's Tonic Mix ture. For sale by S. J. HINSDALE Aug. t tr f e 1 n 151,1s 5 do 3 do iiyctlcviilc .llotd.. Furiiiiurc and iFixtnits :for Sale, TUB AIJOVE NAMED PROPERTY .1 be sold to auy. responsible., pewen, -upon lair ins, if applied for let ween the pn-sent time and the ihof December aet. -Ifiiotsold by, the 15 of l!( c ' y will be eold at Auction after the tirst day of Jau ry next, in Lots to suit purcha.-ers. . : , vu' information wanted u ill be rli'oi-ri,n upplyinff to r - j. h. K .'UKTS Vfc CO. . ayetteville. September 12, 1857. , Towa papers copy. tf - . ti7-tf liitlCIi- A"SOS 'SETiASiTXEK. i2i PEIiSON desirii:(f work done in tie 71 style in the above tlepr.r(rai:nt, can recti re rvices by addressing me at r ayclteviHe. N.i". Ur ). JicO., will take contracts any where in untry, within loo miles Hem Feyttteville, ompt attention will be given to li;c tame. Sep. 12, 1S67. Jy les my the and To tlie AfdicU il I ! DR. CHARLES T1IOMP50N, of Bladen. criuify . C, respectfully calls the attention of u'Ci those ."f iTittedwith Cnneerous nfrictions, to ll.e r 11:111 kui.lii ; cures which he has effected, and which find been j re j viouslv given up by other physicians in Bliiden counfy ! as inciirable. U h i-e can s can be eeililnu lo ly ii j sponsil.-le persons living in that ic.ur.ly. One ot Hu m vas MrsMaleom .VcLcod, and anollier was J.'r.Jix.. J!c j Kay, both of which v. as of long i-lai ding nnu ol' im i aggravated eharaelir. Ai y jiersoii wishing to be ! cured of that dreadful disease knew n as Cante r will i do well to apply to 1'r. Tli ir.psoif. - ' i Tht-servieesof Dr. T. will also be found highly un--! iul to ! P son.'- afllicteu v. :!h L leers Hi.d eld Soi es of long stamiing. Rlieumatisin.' Tumors. Ac. i The Lr. can be consulted o,, the above r.r.mcd con.: I plainis. by either fceiei; or a.Uli es.-ing him nt ( rain's j Creel;. Aioore Co.. N. C, where he" intends rtmuin i ing a -few weeks. Those in nt d ef his services will i do well toinake immediate application. asge renders : thein more dilUcult lo cure. Ills dii-ec lion is WhUe 1 Hall P. O., Bladen Co.. N. C. Sep 12. 3ni-pd ''' E, GLOVER PLS as received Ii Is a-H Stock of Goods, Fall Con- sisting of WATCHES, JF.WKI.K V SILVER AXI) ri.ATKnV ARK, axo Mii.irAiiy Gooi.-s. V. S. His personal attention will be paid to all AVaL dies and Jewelry entrusted !o him for repairs, sept. 19 CS-yni $100 Reward. II y Room was forcibly entered on Sunday night the Lith September, by some .unknown pc rton or p-er-sons, who took from my desk fo(2 in Bank Bills and $Ho in Gold and Silver. I will tiv. the above named reward for the apprehcns-ioii ol thei,i--r.rra irct-oTc-rj of the moncv. or ii50 for either. JAMES KWJUE - Is now receiving a large and general supply of Among wtich are splendid DRESS BOOBS, With every article in tho DRY GOODS LINE.! All of which, being purchased bv the package, will be ottered by wholesale or retail at n Mr.ai) adE'ice for cash or on time to punctual customers. '. Fayetteville, Oct. 3, 1857. ' 70-tf -' th.Q DAViD S. .TAYJLOIt, Kespectfully h foinis the good lieojile of j nivHuiin;. linn mcAiMiiai v euci it 1 jy , mill 1J e JjUs opened a GROCERY STORE at the foot of llayuiuimt nearly opposite Mr. Geo. McNeill's, where he "intends keeping constantly on hand a well selected, bupply of Groceries and Country Produce suitable for family use. He v. ill be hp py to Fee his old acquaintances and all olhus v, ithiiijj tuppltcs iu his line. Oct. 10, 1S57. Sin WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c T1.. t-, ... ;n .1 .t... ,.. i , , am now receiving- additions lo iv Stock of XVA TV HE S, JE WE LP. Silver and Fluted ware, jtfiisical Instruments, JHililary and Fancy goods. Which makes iny Stock good. Those who are about to make their purchases would do well to call. W. PRIOR. 6" Watch Repairing done in the best man ner and warranted. ' ' Oct. 3. ; 70-Sra 25 Dollars Reward! - If , XT WJL V-i, BUYAT OXEN DINE, a free man of color, wfio Vt'iffi tsld at the Court House, by an order of Court, and purcha&ed by the subscriber. This is to forwarn all persons from harboring sa.d Oxendine as the strict est penalty of the' law will be enforced against them. I will give the above reward lor ins coauuemcnt iu Jail so that I can get him. JOHN T. WRIGHT. No d ubt he will be found lurking iu Robesou coun ty as he has a mother in that county. J. T. W. " Nov. 12, . "o-3t The Apiw.oaohing Forirra. Everybody is mrking preparations of some kind for the proper observance, of the --Glorious Fourth." Some will go abroad, and some will stay at home, others will remain sober ; some will don military uniforms, while the great majority will wear such p'lain clothes us are 1 ecomingto u-spec-tableand patriotic private citizens. Of courte the great mass of these people will get their garments at the Brown Store Clothing Hall of Rockliill & Wilson, Nos. 03 and 005 (new style) Chcsnut street, above Sixth. Jnly 11.IS57. tr"5S- My IIOUSU and LOT. next door lo the residence of John H. Hall Esq., is offered for rent for the ensu ing year. Possession may be had at any t:me. For terms &c, applyto MRS. 11. P. LAI--.. Nov. 19. 7-tf- STATE OP WORTH CAttOI.IA CUMBER LAND COVXTV. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term 1857. It is ordered by his Honor John L. Bailey Judge .residing, that a i-pecial Term of this Court be held on he "first moiiday in February next and continue two ,.,.ks Jurors. Suitors & witnesses in civil suits, aud artees iu Equity are hereby noticed to attend. From the Minutes -JOHN W. B &KEB Clerk. 2c;. 3,