' f-- '1:fkrhr WiVIK&' :" ' A m - r A 'm ifOTTMTILLKHUJlSDAY, DCCEMBKE17. 1857.: 5 VOLUME XIX- -K 0.980.- , - ; TERMS ;? ... ' v .S iiC tipnos ro the cauousias For a staple copy, if paid idvance.r annum, S2 OJ. . - u - at the ei'jl.ot j moatns, z " 5 -.. at the'l'i 'it mouths, 3 - ' A,' i at the en.tiifVth year, 3 - So ab8Crif; wilt be received f. Sorter period than oue year pulcss paid in ad v . . f - - with th ;vi r fvt nlius fe.itir'J.ilatiOtt a ad en- Vsjilug tb a-wfulatwCT ths -papCTs proprietor of- -TrtPthe t'oi'.twuisr remarkaWy low ' VlUR Ri Kive$'r LVT.1R1 1BLY IJV ADVAJVCE: rt1? '"4fv?i.?iaiia CayJ'nian, I year, 8 00 . 10 " 15 00 . . j'..- ' 4 ; ' ..Bates of AO wising i. ; . ... - . ?iTtir itfniJoer. BniiirB of or less, for the fiZr4 v:v -.i;:ia'l -0 ooats for,each wu-funt inscrtidn . r -7-. 1 mr " j . '. 1 iif?? " vff''t .i Eor itx inohths. - . - - - t 00 All ad CLEHEXT . W11IOIIT. Atlonirynt nw, .FayeMe-vIllf, X.C. OtHee at the corner of How and Green streets. Feb'y 3. 1850. .1. . SIM-: A It. A.TTU11XEV AT LAW, V T T I N f) - the Jo irt- of Ctuaberlaud, Harnett "ak-; and fohnston. V 1 Ire-is, Too n:r. Harnett Co.. N. C. Keb. IG. IS5I. 85-y n nrr r 'V full e ii. P V R T r K V I !j 5; , V, . - Iav be consulted at the Law Oflice of Jese G. Jhcp- herd. Esij., on Green Street. July lit. 150. 7-tf AN I) It K W J. STEDAIAN, iioriiey . i.uw. .Having removed to PIT TSI5( Ii ), .V. C will attend eiihulv the Courts of Chatham, Moore and Harnett Counties. April 11, 1850. tf JO'tlX O. SHAW. ATTTOItM-Y AT LAW. Rockingham, liiehm ,id County North Carolina, will practice in the Courts of Richmond, Anson and Robeson. All ou-iiiie.ss entrusted to his care will re ceive strict attention. July, li; 1.V-5.S F it SALE. Sti Veres of Lai 1. 1 vi u l' on Cape Fear River Store, Dwelling, )ut llous -sali in .irst rate order. The Store j is at a due U.isi.iess sta id at the Cross Iliads an 1 fi " ! .and U not Lo oe eoeil'd by a. is in North .iroUin-.. j - Vav ii.tw;i desiring to parchae can obtain further i particulars resp.-ctin the property by calling cn ri tli-r of as at Villis' t'reel, tne Yiimintoa Road 15 miles from Favetteville. SARAH WRIGHT Oct. 4. lS-tf JAMES WRIGHT. Five sevenths of the r V ii a I . r .i iuih r-- AND TURFEN- t'I"E E VN"i iu H w-.i 'It co i ity. k.io.va as the 1 arKer j 1 U laid, ioi.tia,' Vai. H.vrr a.toa's laud oa j Uppfr Littl: .tiver.' There .s oitt t id.i acres cf the j est jiil ty oflo.v roiils ,t l f.u River. The up j U.ils ii" i i. .ly ti n er.: I w tU pa's, and within six mlesortht FiyotteviHw aa-l .V jslera ica iroa i. , ,,-T.i.M iI.l.-s amdv to 1 Mc.VRI'HUR J. J. P. ROPE'i. V. MolvAV. Nov. 1S5( 20, 2 tf . A. M. Ua.iiph -II, ArCTlONBER & COMMISSIOS UEHCHAAT. East side of Gillespiu street, Faykttkviu.e, N. C. October 1. 1S55 ?I A It IS T. IZ PACT O 11 V, HY (JEM. LAUDER, ."early opposite to E. V. Willkintrs" Auction Stor FayettevilK N. C. Oct. 1. 185G. v Fall ?tock, B. F. PERCE & CO., YIK now receivina a large and well seb-cted stock eousistine; in pari of: Pluck and Figured Silks; ngiish and French Merinoes; Plain and Fig'tl DeLanes; French all wool Plaids; Alpacas of all qualities; Black Hombnzine; English, French and American Prints; Chenille Shawls, (beautiful patterns;) Ijadi.es' Cloaks of every description; Jaconet Edgings and Insertions; Collars and Undersleeves; Hosiery, Gloves, Pelts; Ribbons, Trimmings, &c; Cloths and t 'assimeres ; Tweeds, Jeans and Sattinets; Wnite and Colored Flannels: Hleuehed and brown Shirtings; Allendale 10-4 Sheeting; Uleaehed and IJrmvn Drillings; Plaid Liuseys and Kerseys; Marlboro' Stripes and Plaids; Brown and Bleach d Table Cloths; Towellings of all kinds; Negro Blankets; Extra quality Bed Blankets; Spiral, Brass and Whalebone Hoops; Good assortment of Hoop Skirts; Yankee Notions of every variety, kind, and quality; Silk, Leghorn, and Straw Bonnets; Moleskin, Cassimere and Wool Hats; Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, ifcc. ALSO A lare and fashionable stock of All ot which -.vill be sold low for CASH, or on our usual time to punctnal customers either at Wholesale or Re-ail. All persous are respectfully invited to give us a call. B. F. PEARCE. Hop. 12 189? J. W. PEARCE, Jr. lOteJL-. J ''iZ. kept;ot an.f otner establ inhrant iWMe utU . J ; :,,.cl li.-r men, ! .ersir o is -niti-r t'.-,n tltit of ! of nr t !,r, ', .' This V, nrti, , i. . Mgb prices, and, up ti',. timl-aj tlT-fex Elpe a ii , pnn l7ivr any Svi-jii South or West of S.. i:isy! v.i niu. i tention of thos i.vin-x wh"re wver power is not aval- onei pen.ut, oiuv inaniuaetnring, ntmen' -.rsyyvxi.. it alnio.nX GROCERIES, lv The rnderrisn.-d are now r-ceivinj? Ur&oltr WJ-lvlv10p the GenaivetMem!)1 Ajc-nt ment of .ROCI.KtLS ,HltWiaE :lWt'fj &'tV:W for the aloi -tht-abaviPA'-Ac&-JVh II:)lJ.OVV-Ain:,IlULs, I.CVTlItli:SAlLK-'it,,yilltuis pj. 'Zks II V, which they will -ell nl wholet. af rmiW ad- ; r -. .JfVX JIITCIIn. . vance on cot tor cash, or on" unaVt'ink fcpronrptv' 'MaV - V--" 4911 v dealers - . W -WII-LIAKS CO. ' - f " 't ' - ?S .. July 25. 1857. , 6)-tf . - f i i ' - WVfcd MTT .,'5 . THE undersigned wonld rvspect.fitlly inform hi? old , -.,CjL":''da-aiid 'cittonwM .s'tuat ht can Ie .fonid -at the ; rC. E. l.eete, wmrre I;vWvill la;lad to oee .Jan. 1718.77, - ,-33-tl-, V r . .:Ti:-1ttG0I.U .RESTlJHAiJTv- They y; the Maaoiift Tree if the haudsoaiest for the iuiprecedeutel liberality they have bestowed cn him. and would solicit a continuation. He lias always o:, hand the VKI1V HET LIQUORS. WIVES and CORDIALS that can be found in the United Stat s, either by the quantity or otherwise. Alo Ciirar. PiokLts. Sanlines. Cheese. 1'reserved Fruits. Lemon Syrup, and many other good things. a.l flatters hiaiself that he lias the most pollt". ol.li-a::-,fr. acconidishcd and FR1JVK. vender to attend to liis establishment, that can lie found either North or S'lnth. Temperance drinks put up at the shortest notice. He would call attention particularly to 1ms private rooms upstair.-, wli ch are lar.ire. comfortable, and in i-o''d order. H. .TONES. Yellow Tiivldinjr, Oroen St.. Favetteville. N. C. Mav Hi. 157. 50-tf For the Fall and Winter .1 i: s v n k i i: i v i: d. V soo t, Secure a Good Ha i tra'in and nave JWomy!! m ol i o I.ai'otst 1 i uilsiiiiies: ;iii:l ( 'lu';tiKst Mucks if t for (ietiUf))ins icenr. ever brought to this Jlurkef, and no ?ifn,e. Also, a Magnificent assortment of !?'i.Vs ;i:m! VojiUiV Uitllln'JC, Hoy's Siiits and Extra Jackets ofal! colors of Cloth. i For !ail(0'id 2":is?ds Heady to ftiniih Co. .tractors with any quality uf CiuL'i ing, at a very low figure, ?''! 12 i t !3aiJi- A large l.t of P Jackets and Over Coats; also, fancy Flan nel, Over Shirts aofl Pants- rrv v ! ;n . A very extensive assortment of ; c t l i: a i: - s s l u s ei i s a a o o s , Fine i licit and Fancy Marseilles Shirts and Co hi is, U tubr-ua rr.ie t.s of heavy Silk and Cloves, Ha ldkerchiefs, Merino. Socks, t'rava Snspei,.lers, and I5!5')ts ai;l S!;,'e. from the heavi est W.iter-Proof, to the finest Pu-up and Fair tti tcbcil ; i'iula.t.dplua made. . -f all h'scr: ption. LAIMES' FRENCH TiiAVKf .LINtJ TRFNE-'. Ex Ira lare s;zc Ho.i.i-i Ho-; -s: (J.-ais' E i-li-h Sole Leather, Span:sh Iron Fraia,! and Facking TruiiKs; i Enijl.sh --oic Leather al ci s. and olle-i s: a new si vie if I ravelling Ua.ifs , verv eo.i venient: 1 Gentb-iuru's Shawls and Fsoiev Hn-trv blankets: ifeauine Havana Sejrars; Finbr lla; Walkin-f l.'aaes; Ind.'a b'ubber weri.-oais. iemiis auif rtn.lle.-: also. Over .iioes for Ladies; ami a s'l'cal vaiiet d' Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. All which will oe sold at wfiolesfcle or retail very low for cash or on t'me to piompt p-ivin-j: customers. Grateful for the I beral patro.ia.ue le retofore extended to me. I resp.-ct fully solicit a coiitiniianee of th ; same. GEORGE BRANK I , South Side Hav Street. Oppos:fe (J. W Williams Co. September 2i. 1857. (,!) tf. i. . , v" , , 1. n. 1 at ti. li 1 i! d .... ul j; J; . -;, .w .. .May be found at his rooms, during his regular Office hours vix: from i) A.M. to 1 1'. 11 ! 1X7 " " 1'. M. ro 5 V. M. where he will be pleased to reeeivecalls from all who j may be in need of his professional services. No inducement will be held out by offering to per j form operations for a small compensation: a good j price will be charged in all cases. And patients fa i voring I)v J. with their conti .enci , may reiy upon Lis ' utmost exertions to perform every operation iu as ptr j feet a manner as possible. I ?e'?Ai,i. operations must be paid for assoon e. com- pietcd. r. S. Those who t.re now indebted will please call and settle. Oct. 7, IS57- tf J. S. IJ VKS, COMMISSION AX11 FORWA11DIKG MERCHANT, JVILMnVG'l ON, N. C. January 1, ls5t. ly-pd SELF-SEALING JARS. For preserving Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Pints Quarts and Half-' billons, at 2 4t). Sil 40, and 5 25, per dozen, respectively. For sale at the Croe'iery Store. " W. N. TI EL1XOH AST. Also, Fresh Supplies of CHINA, GLASS WARE and Table Knives. June 20, l"57. 55-tf Iamks C. Smith. Mii.es. Costin 1V.IES c. SMITH &. CO., v"i Commission jMerchanls, Have removed their ofice tc the second storv of th building formerly occupied ly tiie Telegraph Company where they are prepared to attend to all business in thf Commission line. All business entrusted to them ivill be punctually attended to. Wilmington, October 1 , I85fi y -a riin gre r- Sale. 1 V-rv. Fine Carriage nnti 1 Second laud HARROCCH " for sale by E. F AIOOREC - Sept. 2ii 0,OI0 Il-. Tall"w iiil'i. For which the highest cash price will be paid. . Oct. 1, 1SSG. A. M. CAMPIiELL. THE SOUTH CAfeOt.IJJA,s PIlESByTEKJAJ - Tlte IVcusbytenan Uiiiirci - ff:()m waht of a j,,arHr Tlte Prciibyterian Clnirch nn ; North' CaroJIiui serious !isaavairt!ie nn I to ad vot'trt ' er fiTatftirt';.it oniylOOO Pr-slteriiWefrklifs "jnf'takeli in tle t'onn'l of-oni tKriwPrtyte- i:ch ner oi v:iu-h has a meiiiiit'i'siup so Hrjr i ours ,M!!isti the Cenfral, and t!ie Southern j i resnyicnaii, ior me ociu-ni oi their people. T he 1 itne ii;is come when the Presbyterian Church in North Carolina should likewise do her duty to Iter children. t is u conceded and ini porfntil tact, that hundreds of our mem hers wdl take a State paper who will take no other. The Paper is needed to he the orjisti of our Synod :md Presbyteries to elevate and en lighten the piet" of our membership by dilfusinfr ev:i mrtlieul kmnv! le to promote the cause of Kdueation to davelop-e the talents of our Alinistry, and to strengthen the attachment of Dili leopie to the sod and sanctuaries of their own State ! If our Church in other States, and other j (hurches in tiiis State, can sli : ply their inein j hers with a religious journal, why may not we? S Are North Carolina Presbyterians inferior in talent, energy and patriotism to their neighbors , on the orth or South, or to Christians of other denominations nt hone? With the same r better opportunities of accojiiplishiriir tms work, shall we leave it undone? In the lunji-uaue of one of our most able and useful Ministers, an adopted son of our State, "!t ought to have been undertaken 20 years ago, but it is not too late to begin to do rigltt." i In the last two or three months, a' fund of about 50(10 has been subscribed as a ncrnii- neut capital. At a inretinir of the contributors iw.i.1 .,, Oi-cus! Lev. A. Baker. Chuirmn u. the Puner was un riiinously located at Fayei leviile, under the name and tit, of the North Ca:ioliv Purs bytf ri .v N. IUv Win. N. Mebuue a.nl l!pv. Geoi'ii-e !cNeil! were elected Editors; Rev. Messrs. ih-nnif .V.-NeilL. Win. -N ALiUiiue, A. iJ.iker and : II. Wiley, and '.Messrs. G-ore McNeill, Sr., John II. Cook and David .Mur phy were appointed an Executive Committee, to establish the Paper and manage its business affairs. It is our wis!) and des'e-ti to make the North Carolina Prksbyterian a journal of the tirsi class, equal to the best in the country in typo granhic.i. appearance and in adap-tation to the wa ins of our Churches. Its columns w ill afford the latest intelligence, bol h foreign and domes tic, and special care will lie taken to give h full and accurate summary of Slate news. The name of 1 he Paper is designed to be an expo nent of its character and contents. From con viction, it wdl advocate the conservative, or- thodox Old School doctrines and order of the Church. Our first appeal is to our own people to N C. Presbyterians. Whilst we rely confidently upon their I'.ivor, we tryst that the native sons of North Carolina who have found homes in other States, and the adopted citizens of our State who form so important an element in our Ministry and membership, will take a deep iiiierest in this enterprise, and rive it their hearty support. i Terms: $2 per annum iu advance, or on de ! livery of the first number: $2 50 in six months $3 at the end of the year To clubs of 25 or more, paying in advance and w hen i tlte Paper is sent to one address, a discount , of 10 per cent, will be allowed. Our Ministers and Elders are earnestly desired to act as Agents, and all others friendly to the cause will please assist in procuring as many subscribers as possi ble, and forward tiie names, by August 1st, to mis vince. as soon as loUO subsci ibers are j obtaiKed, the first number wdl be issued. If a ! taithful aiil vigorous eltort is made iu the next two months by those II ho take a lively interest iu this work, we will without doubt, be able to begin the publication at the end of that time with a paying subscription list of at least 3000. ESS" Address, Editors of tin.- North Carolina Presbyterian, Favetteville, N . C. Fayetteville, Mi'v- 20, 1S5T FOR SALE. Heavy 4-4 Beaver Creek Sheetings. Cottou Vara, Warp ad Filling, Nos. 5 to 10. ALSO. Belt, Picker, Roller and Lace LEATHERS. Oils and Manufacturer's Findings. Winter strSuiijd. Sperm. Lard and Linseed Oils. Shuttlie's fsiiglass, French Glue, Emory, Roller Cioth and Glass Steps. J. H. II ALL. Pres. B. C. M.Co. July 2fi. lS5f -lt JUST RECEIVEOanuloTlale fresh supply of trat io i; Cl:t-rst-, Butler, Ap ples, Chest nuts, and Oranges. R E HEIDE. Oct 24. 73-tf foot of Hayuiouni TU1 VlbSliXGlOV, CHAKbOTSE HCrili'ltiOlU) KAtl.KOAl) (iOMPANV. IT is ordered by the Board ot Directors of t is Com pany, that lor li.e ensuing year the JoIIowiug instal ments be called tor. viz: Third instalne ii of TWENTY per cent, to be due and payable on ti.e iirst da of Decemler 18-7. Fourth instabnet ot Tfc.N jer cent lo be due and payable on the tirst day ot I? ebruary 1S5S. if'tb instalment of TEN per cent, to be dae and pay- abb on thetir t day ot May l"8. Sixth instalment oi TEN per cent to be dae and pay able on me ill uay of August im.b. . . This call applicable only to those Counties East oi the Pee Dee, and those West of Charlotte. 11. W. GUlON, Prest. Oct. 31, 74-im thotl of thanking Onr sister States on the Nortn and Soutli, ' FRESH T URN TP StiEIf, I ; FLAT DUTCH, KED TOP, EXQLISIl NORFOLK, r LAUUE GLOUE, BUT A HAG A, Just received and for sale Ly S. J. I1IXSDAL July 11. 1857. tf The following valuably real estate, the property of E 'C. Hall dec"d. is oil'ered for sale and cousists ot" the following tracts : ; -" ' That desjralde place known as Rome.-"contair.las about-2fd, acn-s with all the improvements. This place will be sold ent.re or divided, to suit purchasers, it Iwinar probably one of the b -st business stands in the country, and is very desirable to those tsimiy: to r . , J ;(2;V"e enter the mercantile business. No 2. Consists wfaiLot and Brick Store lnents) in Pnmblelon. on Undue Street iiear ClHrcil .... . . i :.. . ........ .i i...:ii.. -So ,3 U A vacant lots in Campb-iUn. known in City 50 Tons Vo 1 Peruvi in Kor sale )y G. W. Wi: Li .VMS & Co G5-tf August 29 B. F. PEAltCK & CO.." HEALERS IX. F0Ri:i(JT A.VD DJMHSUC DIIVG OD II ATS, CAPS, BOOTS. AND SHOES. Umbrellas and Ready-31 ide Clothing, II A Y STREET, FAYGTTEYiLLE Y. C. Ii. K. I'EAHCE. An 1st. j. w. 1-KARc;- ji: . '1"tf V UK hi -V ii V O X, (cueral CommUsion JIri t tiant. NORTH WATER STREET, Wil ningf-on , N C, u 111 sive personal attennon ro me saie or smpment 01 i!,rc;r:;o!h will be promptly attended to. " , April IS 1S57. 'y - rai T II E undersigned havinjr executed a power of At torney to E. F. .Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all settlements for me ia my name, and generally to transact all business as I might or could do were I per sonally present. J.J.. MOORE. Jane ti, 53-tf ; . ! NEW FI!SM AND NEW GiiODS 1 ! f EM ! IE undersigned beg leave to make known, that I StL tliey have lorined a copartaership. under the name and style, of BR CD ill N iliailD, fo- iIm Mtw 't tttvrrv-i-5! tyn Tfr-nereiT ;ti b tei. 7 -r in the Town oi T.umbeito.i. and are now rfce'' their FALLS WLXTblR STOCK' of STAFi.E and laiicy Drv G mils, italv-m tde lotblii, I'amilv i'occrij's, ycc. tv c. To which they would respectfully invite the atleu tloii of their friends ami the public g"t!erally. JTsfM'UuDUCK taken in exchange for goods. ax tars n. urowx kvkrett l.waki). LumbertOii, Oct. 10. 71-3m : ; X2ff&J22&Q 48. Oi 1 IViini n?ton, . C, i 0 ATjT. ; "7IXIi ATTEND PuOIr JE-T iiusiness 111 tlie above line, entrusteo to nis care. K?y Soccial attention will be given to the sale Timber free of coiuiuis.-ious. Oct. It), 1S7. 71-tf pie against tne evils ot an excessive ami irre- 'iy hutau iraction to oue dollar in live MICDM'AL COL LEG I'. OF GEUUUIA, leemable paper currency. They are not to their circulation aid deposits in 1857 it AT AUGUSTA responsible for the existing anomaly that a is not equal to one dollar in seven and a half The Twenty-Sixth course of Lectures in this 1 nsti-1 government endowed with the sovereign at- of their circulation and deposit, tution, will commence on .Monday, the 2d November tribute of coining money and regulating the r rom all tiiis statement it is easy to ac- i"1- j value thereof should have no i)ower to pre- count for our financial history for ti e 1-ist Emeritus Professor of Anafoniy. G.M. Newton, .M.D. I , ,i i - - 4i 4. r i, ',,.-t,- ,-..,,., 1 1- l . 1 1 , . Anatomy. H K Caiupi.. 11. M. D. veilt others Irom driving this com out ot the ioit yeais. It lias been ahrstory of extra Surgery" L. A. Dugas. .M. I). j country and filling up the channels, of circu- vagant expansions iu the businecs ,,f institutes ana l ractice 01 .iieuicine, i.. iy. r-oru. .M.i) ; ateria Mcdica, I herapeutics and Medical Jurisoru- Materia Alcilica, 1 nerapc dence. I P Ciavin. AL I). Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Infants, J. A Eve. I . IJ. Physiology and Patholog-ical Anatomy. H. V. M AH Her. AI. 1. Chemistry and Pharmacy. Alex. Means. AI D. Demonstrator ot Anatomy. R Campbell. Al. I Assistant Demonstrator of Anatoiiiy.s.b. Simmons. M. D. 'wants ot internal trade and foreign exchan- izmg stock gambling. When tlie crisis j piSSltheJac HoS-, this be either greatly above or rives, as arrive it must, the banks can ex Fee for whole Course. 6105. i greatly below the proper standard, the tend no relief to the people. In a vain strv.o Matrieuiat.ien ticket (to be taken once.) 35 1 marketable value of everv man's property is gle to redeem their liabilities in soicde Eor further particulars, apply to any member of - , ... ,i- .:. i. .. i a. ..'. ' tl,,- ,.,, n,..i . . ; i , tie Facuitv. or to I. P. (illAV IN Dean Sent 5th. 1837. Gti-tf ;: COM) STvM K! STAHR 8c WILLI&JSSS ARE now receiving THEIR SECOND STOCK FOR THIS SEASON, embracing, Dry i.'oods, Siats, Ii tt, Shoes, Axn Madk-i'p Clothing, : To which they invite the attention of Wholesale buyers generally. J. D. Stahk.1 fj. AI. Wiliiams. Oct. iO. 71-tf W FA i.L v. WI NTKu f;i)ODs. DAM:EL CLARK is now receivinr, di rect from New York a larjre and well selected Stock of BEAD Y-MA 1) E Consisting of every variety of Coats, Pants, and VvsfSt of the Latest and most approved Styles. A general assortment of Shirts. Stocks &c.. Sc. e- tie win attend as usual to Tri v.uttinr and all business in his li,le. September 2fi, Mm. FOR S1LE AT TniS OFFICE. " AFeUmc-CUlzens of the Senate and' x " -1 - lions? hfRrjrtTciifattres? In oT)etlience to tlie command of the conr cJstitution, it has now become ray duty 't. give to Congress iniormation t ot tne statt of the Union, and recommend to their con sideration such measures"- as I judge to be "necessary and expedient." . But first, and above all, our thanks are due toAlinighty,.God for the numerous bene fits which He has bestowed upon this people; and our united praVers ous-ht to assend to lliiii tliat He would . continue, to ;W3 oar. '. grtiut republic in time tor comer.a?iaites' - - 'blessed it time pWjSiftfiC tkeiildjoi&iietti pBfiV of the last: Conarre3io8rsCB3titueiit have enjoyed an unusf!rifflegtf?-of --lieUltl I lie :rnov a,,M. lyeclianicai occupations Have, largely 'den and-nninediatelyriin to" . a dauo-erous M, partaken of the. general , pr asperity.. We ' amount should Ifti made upon 'it, tlK-.s.Vme ; have possessed all the elements of material proportion would certainly be inxaUicient nn- U i:i. wealth in rich abundance, and yet, notwith- der our banking- system. l!ach of 'our four ; standino-all these advantaojes, our country, teen hundred banks has but a limited dr inks monetary interests, is at the; present moment in a deplorable condition. In the midst of unsurpassed plenty in all the pro- ductions of ao-riculture, and in all the ele- monts of national wealth, we find our maim- factures suspended, our public works retar- ded, our private enterprises of different kinds abandoned and thousands of useful laborers thrown out of employment and reduced to want. The revenue of the - government which is chiefiv derived from duties? ' on im- jiorts from abroad '"has been greatly reduced whilst the appropriations limde by Congress 'at its last sossioiufor the current fiscal year ire very large in amount. Under these circumstances, a loan inay be required beiore the close. 01 your present session, out to be oniv a sunlit misiortune wh" pared tli the stferinf and clis- tress prevailing among the people.. ; ith j this the government cannot tail deeply to a iijpciiauz.1-, Luougii il may uo Hiiuuia l.il; : power to extend relief. ' It is our duty to inquire what has produc- ; ed such unfortunate results, and whether their recurrence can be . prevented? In all ft inner revulsions the blame might hae been fairly attributed to a variety of co-oper- ating causes; but not so upon the present occasion. It is aparent that our existing Uiisfortnnes have proceeded solely from our extravagant find vicious system of paper currer.cv ami bank v?iit.c, erci.tig tUe.peo- ,.t., r 1 -.t;i;rr-'-rr-rrr,,.f'-' Wi,; pn.- 1.0 vi mi ruii.iiitiit) 1:110 y.ui.uiioy 01 slocks, iiiese revulsions must continue jio recur at successive intervals so long as the tiuiount of the paper- currency and bank loans and discounts of the country shall be Jett to tne uiscretion or tourteen nunareu I irresponsible bankimr institutions, v nicli , I""1" i,i, 01 liivu "uiii .iii ivu- sun un- iiiiuest 01 int-ii mucaiiuuicb i.ima The framers of the constitution,' when they o-ave to Cong-ress the power "to com money and regulate iae vaiue, tiiereoi, aim pro- hibited the States from coining monev, emit- 1 1 i il .1 1-73 1 . ting Dills ot credit, or maKing anytning Dtit ool amomiL to one dollar lor-every six dol gold and silver coin a tender in payment of lars and thirty three cents of their cajiital. I debts, supposed thov had rotected the peo- In the year LS48 the specie was oounl with- 11". T 1 , 1 1 i Jation with paper which does not represent i i -i o-nhl i r sil ver ii :. .fji... t .:..i. a i , ,.a . .: t ii is one ui uie iiiguu&u huu iiiosi lespunsi- ble duties of government to. insure, to the i people a sound circulating medium, the j amount of which ought to be adapted with ! il , '11 'I IT "11 ii ' tne utmost possible wisdom and sKUi to tne . incieaoeo (inimiiuwii'ii in uieame piopoi- increased or amnnisiied in tne same ? proper- i tion, ami injustice to individuals as .'.veil as i tion, ami ninisticc to individuals as .'.veil as incalculable evus to tne community, are tne uisuess, w uen tneir assistance-is most necd conscqtience. . , . . i eil, they and their debtors together sink into Unfortunately, under the construction of rnslvericy the federal constitution, which has now pre- tlds paper system of extravagant ex- vailed too long to be changed, this impor- r,an3Ion- raising the nominal price of every taut and delicate duty has been dissevered article far beyond its real value, when coni from the coinino- power, and virtually trans- , paved with the cost of similar articles in coun- -ii-it i . . t i - -i ferred to more than fourteen hundred State banks, act i no- indeijendent.lv of each nfhor. and regulating their paper issues almost ex ' iT 1 J , t 1 . .1 - . clusiveh by a regard to the present interest of their stockholders. Exercising the sov ereign power of providing a paper currency instead of coin, for the country, the first duty which these banks owe to the public, is to keep in their vaults a sufficient amount of gold and silver the convertibility of their notes into coin at all times and tinder all circumstances. Xo bank ought ever to be chartered without such restrictions on its business as to secure this result. sA.ll other restrictions are comparatively vain. This is the only true touchstone, the only', efficient regulator of a paper currency; the only one which can guard the public against' over is sues and bank suspensions. As a collateral and eventual security it is . doubtless . wise, and in all cases, ought to be required, that banks shall hold an amount of United States or State securities equal to their ; notes in circulation and pledged for their redemption. This, however, furnishes no adequate secu rity against over issues. On the ."contrary, fcma'beperverel o inikste ffce $r?exiw Tndeed. if is impossible by. this meara to 'oh vert all the. debtV of, -the ..United State , 4 -inct 'd&ate '.goveniaiema--iutv vaw uks, vjtVoufe reference jfco. the specie1, required to : ; Redeem -tKein C Howeyer'viiluable these se- y "unties jav be ia the;nselve3 thef cnijnot . be 'converted' intooldl and j silver, -at - the ; moment orpressure?Jas our experience teacK es, in' 8ufficienV-tiine io pre'Yeut.b'aut snsf.en- -" sions and the' lepreciatierif bank notes. ;W vjatie,'ateriortiolfW4c the dways :vi i. hand old .ajd silver 'e'qiial to "jbri'i'-third 6f its.'coiu' binSrl-AilatioVi and fejosites. Ifthwp re than sufficient to sect; jh itsA7trculatin' vbisi We" ih-ufc " ,;. '"...S?. cnmferelice for its circulation, and in the course of a very few' days the depositors and note-holders mio-ht demand from such a bank a sufficient amount in specie to compel it to suspend, even although it had coin in its vaults equal to one-third of its iinmcdiate liabilities. And yet I am not awari, witi: the exception of the banks of Louisiana, that any State bank throughout the Union has been required by its charter to keep (his or anv other nronorlion of 0-1,1 d f ud .;!v compared with the amount of its combined circulation and deposit's. Wh::t Jias l,c.-n the consequence In a recent repot made j by the Treasury department on the condi- tion of the banks throughout the ditl'erent States, according to returns dated nearest to January, is.), the a'-oVe"ati- -iuk trt cf : actual specie in their valU is 5S,4 Ibb, ! ot their circulation 2r. 1,778, 8l,L and of their depoftites $2o0,o71,oo2. Thus it ap- pi-ars iitau tuese oailKs m t.he ao o-i-(...-af o have considerably less than one dollar in seven of gold and silver cfmmaied with their circulation and deposits Jt was paipn 1)1. therefore, that the very first prosure must drive them to suspension,, and deprive the people of a convertible ciiii encv vilb -aV its disastrous consequences. It istru'.v wonder ful that they should have so 'on;:- -o :tinued to preserve th$ir cret it, wkei -u r.rd for the payment of one-seventh of their innne- diatc Jmtilities would nave driven th. 1 .. ' 1 , - . , ": i:isonenc. yViui. itiia lo t l:e co . !i i i luou of tho banks, nocwitJistandiiig that four hundred millions of gold from C.-ilifoniia have ilowen in upon us within the last ei'u'it vears and the tide still continues to fiow in.h.o.'l 'j , b lias been tlie extravao-aiice of b-ml- credits that th hnnts mm- b..! ..n, v.v.. Kjiinn.c hkjm Hum a consutera h v ess lunvuiit oi fcpecu-, eiiner in proiiort'on to meir capital or xj) liieir i-ircul-itboi ...w! .1 uiscovery of gold in California. While in tne year lb4b their specie in lM-cmm-thm to bon .oii.if.. I ....i.. .1 .pitai ivus ..more than equal to one dollar for four and a half, in 1S57 it 4- J. J. 111 the country, followed bv ruinous e.-nt-.-e' , u " "1,,w',fl ",1IU"1 ions. At successive intervals tho best been and most, ontoem-i i-.n- ....... i. and most -...... . j. iiicji nave tempted to their rum by -xccssiv- bank loans of mere paper credit, exciting them to extravagant importations of foreign .(;ods. n,.,,..!.;. .1 1 1 ' 'umSiruu,uiuii., ami rinnnus and demoral- ui e coaipeiieti to contract their iv imuini iu contract Itieir loans a!it tlic-ir issues ; and at last, in the hour ami tucir issues ; and at last, in flu- bom- ,f , J . i. i t .. I tn0iS wnosc circulation is wisely regulated, ! which has prevented us from coiri ctii r in , - ., ....tKl..... i our markets with fore ign manufacturers, has reduced extravagant importations, and h;;s counteracted the effect of tho large inciden tal protection afforded to our domestic ni?ii:u factures by the present revenue tari.'i. Hut for this the branches of our manufiu-ture:" omposed of raw materials, theoroduetion of our own country such as cotton, iron and woolen fabrics would not only have acquir ed almost exclusive possession of the home market, but would have created for them selves a foreign market throughout tho world. , Deplorable, howev er, as may be our pres ent financial condition, we may yet indulge in bright hopes for the future. No ether nation has ever existed which -ould have en dnrcduch violent expansions and contradic tions of paper credits without lasting injury; vet the buovancy of youth, the energies of our population, and the spirit which r.ever quails before difficulties, w ill enable us soon to recover from our present financial em barrassments, end rat y even tce.fi sk r ns by 'fronVtlie '.tmXis: departiiiont, vr bf SfiktantlUvray'8l't',tee!Van - rr i