Syr WV -N? Mi ft tht. hthe British GerVme,;; Vhat ae treaty which they i f ,,h!,St "or m "later has been instructed to!cdged. T" .L ..- .fii etr....t.i r it.; i .... ir. .u :.t. ni.iwit ti,. . - ..jwpnpy a neutral position in reference to tne in lu metwiLiuiu. ii ib tat; uuoy ui Hie trov- " lui-uaKc im irn iicui iii iiic i i "ioioi i-uuree is to abrogate Kru'Tf'.JIa ;,. i,-:it: - i -j- n ,,l Kv-all mon, within Jt"- v,.r t. rightful possesion of -II that PTt ion of Central treaty by mutual couse,.t. ..d J l!!'!!.1 host! tu7 atJ Canton. h? J . V .-' : , .'. - f ' . ; .m..r...,. ri.i,.i. ,., ;.- - ,,.-.. n,i ..:. i - - - praie wim ine British and French mini aid in alleviating the sintering ot the people -V , i .i V . - 1- ""V -i'-jr - ic , - ,ne promptly, all diffi-i feters in all neacefnl me-isuresto secure lv ...... i?. .. r xi.. i.A. idt te of the treaty; in fact that the treat v s a, m Centra America wnnia u .. . ... Pfacnl. meawtres to secure iy oeuineu u Wt-rp.uu oi uxe virtaal recognition on the part of the United hly ere this have been adjured t sat f !? ' P" k ,0 J and to provide against a recurrence of the at(.a nr fh r..ri,r r n-.-...1. I t;.. nfK...i ... ".J . to tIie SdlIc-icomn.erce which the nations of the world have i -x tt e , . , . ... -- --' uiub uiiiMiii eimer as " i.ii iaiiii:. i lie time urn same calamity. L nfortuuatelv. in either - ' r . . l""e PP' , f " , - , " . ji iui, m tne exiensive coast ot : in meaning ol the Clayton and Rnl- aspect of the case, it can do but little. Central America, sweeping round from the swer treaty would have been devoted to this lha:3 to the independent treasury, the llio Hondo to the port and harbor ot San Jo!in praise w. rthy purpose, and the task would have government has not suspended payment, as' 'je Nicaragua, together with the adjacent Bay .bee" the more easily accomplished becanse ihe it i"'"pt".-u to uu uv uie lauure oi me i -p " vumpHraii veiy small portnm "'wrwioiwe two countries in Central Ameri-lof the powers they represent DciuK.3 in loo i li win continue to discliarge I" m oiraoom ana uupe Uon-jia laeniieai, Uemg confined to -securing salelpnYe cannot fail to feel a deep interest in tta Habnitioa fr. ihn rwola a:i lnraS. t rflllPiTS Over nil tUa sv ww khv I" UII1V 1X4 tXU. (111U OU'fl . . . . 1 1 .O 9 Ipnnrrlin. yv 4 1. T x .1 .imiuniK i iiicii uonstiiciir.n t.ii Idoes no more than simply proh bit them .., from nevertheless not refiise to contribute hiffhj ver. its .disbursements in coin will pass in to circulation, and materially assist in rea toring a sound currency. From its credit, snouia we De compelled to make a temporary loan, it can be effected on advan tageous terms. This, however, shall, if possible, be avoided; but, if not, then the amount shall bt ble sum. I have, therefore, determined that whilst no useful government works already in pro gress shall be suspended, new works, not already commenced, will be postponed, if this can be done without injury to the coun try. Those necessary for its defence shall proceed as though there had been no crisis in our monetary affairs iiut tile federal ov-eminent, cannot, do much to provide against the recurrence of ex-njng evils. hveil if insurmountable. cr.n tons ne permittea 10 wnnnoia. rrom assur-1 ances received, I entertnin no donht that the three ministers will act in harmonious concert to obtain similar commercial treaties for each all jEtranms overall the routes across the Isthmns.f that concerns the welfare of the independent treaty w mist entertaining- these sentiments, I shsll .republics on onr own continent, as well as ofl antfthe empire of Brazil. x.enainptneir possessions m Central America reasonable adjustment of the Central AmericauSLOiir difficnlties wi:h New Granada, which at 1 uicprem limits. it is not ter, much - questions which is not practically iiiconsistentTshort time since bore so threateninjr an aspect. to ansert, that it in the United States the treaty 3wth the American interpretation of the treaty fare it js to be hoped had been considered susceptible of such a con-'Overtures for this purpose have been recetitlyJment lVa -manner jos friendlysparties. in a lair tram oi senie- jnst and honorable to both pnuunuii, it never would Have heen nesrotiated made iy the British jroverument in niuier 1 lie authority of the Prfei'flnt m tvAni.i flsinrit whir-u T .-xir:;.. iiv i-.;...... . mu-.r-i 1 ninrlimr limited to the lowest po3si-l1.nave.ece'vef, tt,e approbation of the Senate Jwhether tliis renewed effort will result in sticfthat of Panama is the Teat highway between a..v, u u,cihi wiivu-iion 111 me united States 3 ! pivparea to express an ooitiioti.Vthe Atlantic and Pacific over which a larsre Wiis, that heii our government consented toA irief period will determine. -"portion of the commerce of the world U violate its traditional and time honor.! nnlicv 1 More tlmn forrv vears asro. on tlipHrl f3irr-1i MAtUxM.A ti TT..it0 Stntps ar mnre aim lO Stipulate With ft forpitrn o-avrrnino,,! IOJO. (vOlltrrPSS l;tsscn ill! rtct fifpMfinrr tr . 1 1 : J vl nf In nra. liw.w bv tlift rifv it-i t i.n t n,roiMnir i r a - - - n"v limn i.i fi 7 7. f- ' - to aiiaiirt My III! tTt'I It'll IIIUII UIIV 'i"n n en i iuui u y vwi-iiuivii vi v uvi j vhi i never to oecunv or aenmrp tprrltarv in tin limit. mis to sidinit (lifir vjssfl h.iUti with- t L,;f-d : r j ;tr oil tho-i n fnu IQtlif liVl.i-narir nput-;nno -tli tor. 1 - ...v.j I I V 3 .... . mi LIIUII i JN' I V f 1 1 1 I If I rtrff'lllllll 21 III I 'II II T V Ci " - I, U - vvaaw A. U 1 J IJ. V IVUU. ' HIV : . i i - i . i tii:7. . Central American-portion of our own continent. fSnational iiroilm t ions the norts of the TT tliic letliinns Tt. is finr 7rifirial lexrisiature had iiMssed law w the CfiiisiHiri t iV.t 4Vk A :c ... . i . . Mstxtu titi..i. t!.. l-.. r,. ..r..... . . ... . t . i i . i ... r i i . .i .i.? " " ... ivi nuts narnuce wjis ma i j im- ..juit- nini- iiu uur own ves-rlufv, tlieretore, to taKe care inar iney sii'iuior tne eieciion i ueieaies on Great Britain should, in this respect at least, neisels Irvided they woul 1 reciprocate to usnot be interrupted eitner bv invasions from our Iday of June to a convention to meet" placed in the same position, with ourselves. Isimdar advantages. This act congrmed the Sown conntrv or bv wars between th indenend-f first Moiidav of September, for the DurDOse of Whilst we have no right to doubt the sin-SIvci!"'u'ity " the productions of the resiKctiveSent States "of Centra! America Under onrlfrHmimr a. constitution orenaratorv toadmis- centy of the British ffovemment in their coii-5,onMn uions who miht enter into the nro-?treatv with New Granada of the 12th Pecem-Ssion int.. the Union. This law was iu the mainith IT?,; . Stt hi.onn on th construction 1 J its Spll crex-jjyn oHyygtional liank; tlns.wouiu iur-nish-no adequate preventive" secu The liistorv of the'last Bank of the rfiWcTStates atjunuantiv proves trie irum ui tins acitiuu."j" i, a bank could not, if it would, regulate .druction of the treatv it is at the same time! my deliberate conviction that thi n 9ioositiouAoth to its l-itH i mam i o irtier iurrt:eiiiitiisvriiii were instituted between the two, jrovernments Fnr I he nnrnnsp if irsuill of removillir thCSC .... ...... , , j,irr!ih(ri.ii;i.iil difficulties; and a treaty having this laudable!., ' , r i tio.Tsfxr the the issues and credits of fourteen hundred State banks in such a manner as to prevent the ruinous expansions and contractions in our currency which afflicted the country throughout the existence of the late bank, or secure us against future suspensions. In 1 S2." an etlbrt was made bv the Bank of - i England to curtail the issues of the country banks under the most favorable circumstan ces. The paper currency had been expan ded to a ruinous extent, and the bank put forth .all its power to contract it in order to reduce trices and restore the eqnilibri- - - - 1 x urn of foreign exchanges. It accordingly commenced a system of curtailment of its loans arid issues, in the vain hope that the jointstock and private banks of the kingdom would be compelled to follow its example. It found, however, that as it contracted they expanded and at the end of the process, to employ the language of a very high official .authority "whatever reduction of the paper circulation was effected by the Bank of England (in 182o) was more than made up by the issues of the country banks." Iiut a Bank of the United States would not if it could, restrain the issues and loans ot the State banks, because its duty as a regulator of the currency must often be in direct conflict with the immediate interest of its stockholders. restrain and control another their interests 17th of October, 1856, and was submitted ly the President to the Senate on the fillowin 10th of December. Whether this treaty, ei ther in its original or amended form, would have accomplished the object intended without ivin Inrth to new and embarrassing compli cations between the two srovernments, may per-i haps be well questioned. Certain it is, howev er, it wns rendered much less objectionable iy t lie I'lilTerent amendments made to it bv the Sei.ate. The treaty, as amended, was rati6ed by nie on the 27th of March. 1851, and was transitu' ted to London for ratification by the British jrov erument. That srovernment expressed its wil lingness to concur in all the amendments made by the Senate with the single exception or I ii-a lanse relatinsr to Ruatan and the other islanilsl in the Bay of Honduras. The article iu the, original treatv as submitted to the Senate, af ter reeitinsr that these islands and their inhabi tants "having been by a convention bearing Idate th 2Tth day of Anurnst, 1856, between! her Britanic Majesty and the republic ot Hon duras, constituted and declared a free territory under the sovereignty of the said republic of; Honduras," stipulated that "the two contract.-; ;nr parties do hereby mutually engage to re-j cognise and respect in all future time the inde- dependence and right of the said free territory; us a part of the republic of Honduras7 Upon an examination of this convention le- rween Great Britain and Honduras of the 27th of Angnst. 1856. it was found that, whilst df lo.seu arrangement with Uie U nitca States ler. 1 84fi we are bonnrl to "nnrantv I lie act of .May 24. 18:28. r. moved t his re-trnlitv of the Isthmus UfCiion, anl Hu rei.y off. r l sinilfaT'T Brrt,ich the Pfliii)nifi rnilrnn .'ijiii iptj.ty il 1 1 I'll t rrrm i x. M , . lO nie oi ijrin oi men- caiois. vi -, Jew (iranada has and. nossesses over thi &t;A thtse priucipies. our coiMiti-rcial ' treaties - and iTerritorv " Tliis oblir.atioti is founded nnon nts have bet!, founded, except w xtu'enn;va!ec.ts crranted bv the treatv to the sov iet us li':e tliat tliis e.( cut i-'. lemmont and the peonle of the United States mav nt tontr exst. U nder these circumstances. I recommend tc t)iir relations v;ii Russia remain, iis the(v the nen-sfair and just; and it is to be regretted that all - - . 2 ..... . mm of IVniama, thromrh the qnaliued electors had uot registered them-IIov the msijCongress, requiring that the const i- in passes, as wen as seives an" '"u unuer us provisions. - lltution oT"M innesota'"shoud be subject to' A MBhe t9&e the electioirfor ISTrol ex ten delegates an whose avowed ooject it was if need be to down the lawful government by force, and establish a government of their own under the 5so called AopeKa cou&utution. ihe Persons1 fcCoinrrpss the passage of an act authorizing the attached to this revolutionarv organization' I. prcdeces-Biami and navMi forces ot the united Mates to3 The act ot the territorial legislature had -gear i' nave cvt been, on the iint tr en.:iy too'mg.rrestdeiiT, in case ot necessity, to employ the abstained Irora taking any part iu the election. a I fe preset:! hmiifi'iir, as well as n;s ors, have never tailed, when the nccasnui in f'ni'.nl tit ; ii - (i i f.; t tiikiia ff-iAxtd tt i ! I trt finr iinji-n iixl try, and their friend hip has always been r ion for the security of any other route across convention : aud in the excited hiiriily appreciated by t e government and peo-Jthe isthmus in which we may acauire an inter- afeelnig tlirouUout Kansas an apprehension pie of the United States. jest ,v.v treaty. aextensively prevailed that a design existed to v th t ranee, onr ancient relations of friend-1 With the independent republics on this con- jforce upon theia a constitution in relation to ship still continue to exist. The trench gov-stinent it is both otir duly and onr interest toisiavery against their will. In this emergency Bat the Water Witch was not prop-ltrue to the resolution adopted on a celebrated erly speaking, a vessel-of-war. She was a small x occasion recognising "the right of the people of steamer engaged in a scientific enterprise lo-gall the Territories including Kansas and Ne- tended for the advantage of commercial siaiessbraska acting through tne legally and fairly 'o-eneralTir. Under these circumstances,! am3expressed will of a majority of actual residents, and wnenever tne number oi ineir lnhat Hants jnstifies it, to form a constitution, with or with out slavery, and be admitted into the Union upon terms of perfect equality with the other States." f The convention to frame a const itution br Kansas met on the 1st Monday of September last. Ti-ey were called together by virtue, of the territorial legislature, whose lawful exist ence had been recognised by Congress in d:fft i ent forms and by different enactments A laree did lot i i - 0 iri tutrn iDiitrn Ulltl IU vote at the election for delegates; but an op portunity to,.4o this having lieen fairly afford- eti. ineir reiuai to avail ijreniseivfs ot their right cotilA in no manner a Q.Xct h legality of. the cfHyTTtion. This CjOStion prnceeded to frame a con stitution TorKansiis, ami finally adiourtVd on the 7th day of No-vember. But Jittle ifTBlciflfy occurred in the convention, exrft onthe sul ect of slavery. Tlutrjilrl!iat flie gene . . . -m mi i mwrn m mm provisions of ourftntr State coust it uti are so similar-aaand, I mav add, srt excellent - that the differeTHfcaJietween tlratu is not essen tial. Under the earlier practice of the irovtm:- irient, rio constitution framed by the convention of a Territory preparatory to ititndniission into snuiuiiteu to constrained to consider the attack upon her us unjustifiable, and as calling for satisfaction from thi? Parae-ua van eoverunient. o . , t Citizens of the United States, aiso, who nr.nx .t.ihlii:ii0H in biKiiies in Pariiruav. have had their nronertv seized and taken from them , JT . . . . , .1 and have otherwise been treated oy me aumor 'ties in an insuItHisr and arbitrary manner, which requires redress. A demand lor these purpose win ne maai . , . :i: . Tl;.. ...ll ui a nrm Dm couciuaiory sini. mu in . 1 1 I I ,t ilta h.vuitntlVn .- - .i ... , - llie more pruua'iijr iib lautcu n xjavu....,lr0)rlln n, lIjt, (;u:7.ens oi IMHisns snail ne auuiunijr iu uc umci utc.ii.aiu i"cin111K properto rejster their i ames event of a relusal. lins is accoru.ugiy recom mended. It is unnecessary to state iu detail the ah. r ming condition of the Territory of Kansas at the time ot my inauguration. lite opposing Spartie then stood in hosti e array against eacii other, and any accident mirht have. rchrhted A i Mh - F x1t ft t I . 1 n H . . - t . 1 . . x- III.' . f ftilC Liiatti ii nai, UiSiui, at lino i;i 111 cal twomeiit, Kansas was Icit without a gover fTrhT the. pepple. I trust, however, tlflatgample set the of the future y into effect this guarantee of neutrality jjoniitted to provide to submitting to the people protection. 1 also recommend similar leg-Jthe constitution which might be. framed by the of public state iu several recent instances which lenltivate the most friendly relations spirit of country. uotwith claring the Bnv Island to be a "free territory. xi.. J..: ... r .1.. .,i. i;.. If. . If we expect one agent to ,,,, riLrhts interests - ... .i i.ill r wn,pn irs ofvereie-n-v over mem cuuiu must, at least in some degree, be antago-asParceiv i, 8aid to ex,-st. It divided them wistic. But the directors of a Bank ot ihefllYom tlie remainder of Honduras, and crave to United States would feel the same interest ami the same inclination with the directors of the State brinks to expand the currency, to accom modate their favorites and friends with loans, and to declare large dividens. Such has been our experience with regard to the last bank. Alter all, we must mainly rely upon the pa triotism and wisdom of the States for the pre vention and redress of the evil. If they will! lifford us a real specie basis for our paper cir culation by increasing the denomination of bank notes, first, to twenty, and afterwards to hlty dollars; if they will require that the banks yhallStieren .1 .- 1 I. ... I X. I X. Jl 11 -fH their inhabitants a separate government of their own, with legislative, executive, and judicial! officers, elected by themselves. It deprived the irovernrnent of Honduras of the taxing power in every form, and exempted the peop of the islands from the performance of military duty except for their own exclusive defence, It also prohibited that republic from erecting for tifications for their protection thus leav-! ing them open to invasion from any quarter; and finally, it provided "that slavery shall nt it any time hereafter be permitted to exists at all times keep on hand at least one dollar o gold and silver for every three dollars of their circulation and depositrs; and if they will pro vide bv a telf-executmg enactment, which noth ing can .arrest, that the moment they suspend they shall go into liquidation, I believe that huch provisions, with a weekly publication by each bank of a statement of its condition, would go Jar to secure ns against future suspensions of ?pccie payments. Congress, iu my opinion, possesses the power to pass a uniform bankrupt law applicable to all banking institutions throughout the United States, ami I strongly recommend its exercise 3 This would make it the irreversible organic lawll ol each bank s existence, that a suspension of Hpecie payments shall rroducc its civil death. The instinct of ielf-preservation would then compel it to perform its duties in such a man ner as to escape the penalty and preserve its life. The existence of banks and circulation of bnk paper are s identified with the habits of people, that they cannot at this day be sudden ly abolished without much immediate injury to the. country. If we could confine them to their appropriate sphere and prevent them from ad ministering to the spirit of wild and reckless, speculation by extravagant loans and issues,' they might be continued with advantage to the public. But this I say, after long and much reflection: if experience shall prove it to he imposihle to enjoy the facilities which well regulated hanks might afford,' w-thout at the same time suffering the calamities which the excesses of the banks have hitherto inflicted upon the country it would then be far the lesser evil to deprive them altogether of the power to issue a paper curren cy and confine them to the functions of banks of deposit and discount. Our relations with foreign governments are on the whole, in a satisfactory condition. The diplomatic difficulties which existed be tween the government of the United States and that of Great Britain at the adjournment ofj the last Congress have been happi'y terminated by the appointment of a British minister to this country who has been cordially received. Whilst it is g-eatly the interest, as I am convinced it is the sincere desire, of the govern ments and people ol the two countries to be on terma of intimate friendship with each other, it is aj been our misfortune most aKvays to have had some irritating, if not dangerions outstau tiug question with Great Britain. Since the origin of the government we have Ireeu employed in negotiating treaties with that power, and afterwards in discussing their true intentand meaning. In this respect, the con vention of April 19, 1850. commonly called the rbtvton and Bulwer Treaty, has been the most unfortunate of all; because the two governments Had Honduras ratified this convention, she would have ratified the establishment of a State substantially independent within her own bin- its. and a fetate at all times snbiect to British influence and control. Moreover, had theUr.i ted States ratified the treaty with Great Brit I f I I... am m its orirmai form, we suouiu nave ueen bound "to recognize ad respect in all futtm time" those stipulations to the prejudice of Honduras. JJemg in direct opposition to trie spirit and meaning of the Clayton and Bulwer treaty as understood in the unuea states, int: Senate rejected the entire clause, and substitut- 1 , I rf-fr ( ll A fMT I ft Ifl ITS KT.Pllll 11 SliniHH rPl'ULTIIILIUII ui me - - - - - - I m ereign right of Honduras to these islands in the following lantruaire : 1 he two contracting parties do hereby mutually engage to recognize and respect the island of Kuatun, lionaco, U Ida,; Barbaretta, Haleua, and Morat, situate in thel Bay of Honduras, and off the coast of the re- public of Honduras, as under the sovereignty and as a part of the said republic of Honduras." Great Britain rejected this amendment, as signing as the only reason., that the ratifications of the convention of the 27th August, 1856. between her and Honduras, had not been ex changed, owing to the hesitation of that govern ment. " Had this been done, it is stated that her Majesty's Government would have had little difficulty in agreeing to the modification proposed by the Senate, which then would have iiad in effect the same signification as the origi nal wording. Whether this would have leeu the effect ; whether the mere circumstance ol the exchange of the ratification of the British onvention with Honduras prior in point of time to the ratification of our treaty with Great Britain would. " in effect, " have had " the aame signification as the original wording, " and thus have nullified the amendment of the Sen-! ate, may well be doubted, it is, peruaps, lor- tunate that the question has never arisen. The British government, immediately after rejecting the treaty as amended, proposed to enter into a new treaty with the L nited States, similar in all respects to the treaty which they had just refused to ratify, if the United btatesj would consent to add to the Senate's clear and unqualified recognition of the sovereignty of Honduras over the Bay Islands the following 1... 1 . 1 . - x. WJ I. . . ........ 1 conuuionai stipulation : iiencei mm so soon as the Republic of Honduras shall have oncluded and ratified a treaty with lireat lin- tain, by which Ureat Britain snail nave ceded, land the Republic of Honduras shall have ac cepted, the said Islands, subject to the provi-1 sionsand conditions contained in such treaty. ' This proposition was, of course rejected. Af ter the Senate had refused to recognize the Bri tish convention with Honduras of the 27th Amrust. 1856. with full knowledge ot its con tents, it was impossible for me, necessarily i g UUruilb Ui tUC UlUtieiUiia JkiiA Lwnuiuviio, I eminent nav eed not be enumerated, evinced a ood will and kindness towards our which I heartily reciprocate. It is, standing, much to be regretted that two mi-' Hons whose productions are of such a character as to invite the most extensive exchanges and freest commercial intercourse, should continue tti enforce ancient and obsolete "estrictioiis of trade asrainst each other. Our coiuinerciu! treatv with France, is in this respect an ex ception from our treaties with all other coin- Imercial nations. It jealously leuve.- discrimi nating duties both on tonnage and on articles. the growth, produce, or manufacture of the one country, when arriving in vessels belonging to the other. With all the European governments, except that of Spain our relations are as peaceful as we could desire. I regret to say that no prp irres whatever has been made since the ad- jSjournment of Cougress, towards the settlement if any of the numerous claims of onr citizens gainst the Spanish government. Besides. t-heSf: mtrage committed on our flag by the Spanish war-frigate Firrolana.on the high seas, off the oast tt Cuba in March, 18."5, by firing into the American mail steamer El Dorado and de- aining and st arching her, remains unacknowl edged and unredressed. The general tone a.nd temper of the Spanish government towards that of the United States are much to be regretted Uur present envoy extraordinary and minister plenipoteuliarj' to Madrid has asked to be re called i,and it is my purpose to send, out a new minister to Spain, with special instructions on all questions pending between the two govern ments, and with a determination to have them -peecnsy ano anncaoiy anjnsied, it this be pos sible. In the meantime, whenever our minister urges the just claims of citizens on the notice of the Spanish government, he is met with the oojection that Congress has never made the We can never fell indifferent to their fate, and must always reioice in their, prosperity. Unfortn nately, both for them and for us, onr example and advice have lost much of their influence in Iconsequeuce of the lawless expeditions wnicn have been fitted out against some ot them with in the limits of our country. Nothimr is better i al'and ratification of the people ?d "-"ohip be tojrowed on vention ot Kansas would act in aecFdaOT witIf ytnis example touncieu as it is, on correct princi ples; nnu nence mjr nisi ructions to Uov. Walk er, in favor of submitting the constitution to the people, were expressed in general and un qualified terms. In the Kansas .Nebraskr. act, however thU requirement, as applicable to the whole con stitution, had not been inserted, and the con vention were not bound by its terms to submit, any other portion of the instrument to- an elec tion, except that which relates to the "domeJt. ic institution" of slavery. This will he rendered fit became uiy duty, as it was my uiiquestioiiablejcear by a simple reference to its lan.ruaire hfi vino- in view the nuiou of all irood citi-M.-.. i. :i i . . . . . o . - , , " "uo nvu iu M-piBinii'Muvery into any Territorv- ...... ;.. cmiiiiirt. m Mi Ipn itorial lnws tn pvnrpssa o..x. x 1 , .. . - J J 'cua " oun . : i iw oiute, nor 10 exciuue it there rom. lmt tr. (calculated to retard onr steady material pro-Jany Territory or State, nor to exclude it there-Ilbetweeil master and slave and a few others rress. or imnair our character as a nation, than the toleration of such enterprizes in violation of the law of nations. ' It is one of the first and highest duties of any independent State, in its relations with the members of the sreat family of nations, to restrain its people from acts of hostile agsres- their citizens or subjects. Ihe most eminent writers on public law do not hesi tate to denounce such hostile acts as and murder, Weak Am an opinion on the true construction of the pro-ieave the people thereof perfectly free'tb form visions concerning slavery coiuaiuea in tne or-yalld regulate their domestic institutions in their game act of Congress oi the : 30tu May, 18o4 own wav According to the plain construction uougress ucwuicu t. v.. tne-sentence, the words "dmnoct;. meaning oi una "-c101"" -""'i ""tious ' arc limited to the familv 'l l.o from, but to leave tne people tnereoi perfectly free to form and regulate their domestic in stitutions iu their own way." Under it Kansas, when admitted as a State," was to "be received into the Uuiou. with or without slavery, as their i nnst itution may prescribe at the time of; iheir admission." Did Vnrress mean by this language that the delegate elected to frame a constitution robbery is!. onld decide this Question of slavery, or did athev intend by leaving it to the people that the Veak and feeble States like those of Central jpeople of Kansas themselves should decide this erica, mav not feel themselves able to assert Inuestioii bv a direct vote? On this subject I and vindicate their Hfrhts. The case would be l..!,fVR 1 had never entertained a serious doubt ar different if expeditions were set on font land therefore in my instructions tj toveruoi within our own territories to make private war 1 Walker of the 28th March last, 1 merely said against a powerful nation. If such expedition jthat when "a constitution shall be submitted tol were fitted out from abroad against any portion the people of the Territory, they must be pro of our own country, to burn down onr cities, ftected iu the exercise of tneir right ot voting murder and plunder our people, and usurp our jfur or airamst that instrument, and the fair ex- rovernment, we shall call any power on earth fpression, of the popular will must not be inter- to the strictest account for not Dreven.tinir-Jrmited bv fraud or violence. such enormities 3 In expressing this opinion it was far from my r. ver since me aaminisr rat-on or lietierai a;, .,, interfere with the decision of th. " "line Ibiwti s- vt. - w ' " ,1 " Ipeople of Kansas, either for or against slavery. ST ai T.'1..,.,.. tl,; I K.itrx. l vi'ii vs carefnllv nbslaiiie.1 on foot a military expedition within the mitsj1ltrn8ted' Wlth lhe Uuty of taking "care that oi tne uiieu oiaies, 10 proceed rrom tnence ,0.0 uu ftll,hf..llv evecntd. mv onlv des- airamst a nation or btate whom we areire was lhat the .,eo.,ie of Kansas should furn at peace. 1 he present neutrality act of April j... . nPuul! .wM.n, renn.reH bv til(. I20th, 1818, is but little more than a collection ':.. tvhx.ti.Mr fr .r.rai..t ch.verv .UI EOIIIV .. ..w..-. . , " . iwa ..-1 .. ii ui cii-ixtxttlt tlixxir i ill -.i irp intn ttir. J..... : J X. t .1.1-1 , J'" -"- UlOlllll-l O.X.V..,.. V..V... . -uen, , to empioy me laim ana Tj,,ioii. In emerging from the condition of j anavai forces a nn tne m.iitm -tor the purpose?,. ;..i .,o"0 ;, ti1Mt rtf c.,v.u: appropriation recommended by President PolkSof preventing the carryimr on of any such ex-s it WttaUeir duty. iu ,y opinion, to make ... ins annua, message o, member ,147, "topea.i on or enterprise trom the territories aud$kow tnt,ir wilf by t,,; vltes 0f the majority, ... . .... ;........ x. ...x ...x ti.t, ,.t .-,j-.. ..... ... .... um. me ,-,- . , direct question whether this important institn- reiation ll re uomesiic lnsiuinions," and are entirely dis tinct from institutions of a political character Wm ' . .t 1 iesiues, mere was no question then before the people of Kansas or the country, except that which relates to the "domestic institution" of slavery. The convention, after an angry and excited (debate, finally determined; by a majority of only two, to submit the question of slavery to the people, though at the last forty three of the - f. tl , x-tr i nity aeiegaies present amxeu their signatures to the constitution. A large majority of the convention were in favor of establishing slavery in Kansas. They accordingly inserted an article in the constitu tion tor this purpose similar in form to those which had been adopted by other ten it m ini conventions. In the schedule, however, pro viding for the transition from a territorial State government, the question has been itr i . t jt Washington, acts or uongress have been in ..,.i f v-.,njll! either for or ae-amst slav. e x - . - i i.i . .. ji'i v'i'iv. - - o loice 10 puiiisu severely me crime ot setting , t..;s i have X. -....J f A 1 V.. .J x.". . . .. . inmsiati case. j similar recommenoaiionio uctaiu any vessel in port wnen there is rea- was made by my immediate dredece-sor in his2s011 to believe that she is about to take part iu message ot December, 1853; and entirely con-Ssuch lawless enterprises. currinjr with both in the opinion that this in-1 When it was first rendered probable that an - . . . a ... . - - demttify is justly due under the treaty withlattempt would be made. To get up another Spain of the 27th of October, 1795, I earnestly lunlawful expedition against Nicaragua the recomfnen such an appropriation to the favor-SSecretary of State issued instructions to the able consideration of Congress. jSmarshals and district attorneys, which were A treaty of friendship and commerce wasSdirectcd by the Secretaries of War and the concluded at Constantinople on the 12th De-fXavy to the appropriate armv and navy offi cers, requirniir them to be violent, and to use their best exertions in carrying into effect the provisions ol the act of 1818. Notwithstand ing these precautions, the expedition has es caped from our shores. Such enterprises can do no possible good to the country, but have i I ready inflicted much injury both on its inter wvMr at w n . ... - sdomestic institution should or should not con-i tinue to exist. Indeed, this was the ouiy pjs- sible mode in which their will could be authen-i ticaliy ascertained. The election of delegates to a convention! to n fair ly and explicity referred to the people wheth-. er 'hey will have a constitution "with or w ith out slavery." It declares that, before the You-" stitution adopted by tie convent ion 'si a 1 be sent to Congress for admission into ti i Union as a State" an election shall lc h-hi i decide this question, at which all thu ui male inhabitants ol the lerntoiy a!; tl age of twenty one are entitled to vote. Ti . are to vote bv ballot; and "ihe ballet c. st .: said election shall be ciuh-rsed Vn. st , ; ui i -i with slavery,' and 'const it utun with i.o sav- ry. " It there ne a inajoriiy in uivt-i -i uh.- "constituiKiii with siavciy, ll en it is lo be transmitted to Congress by hc president f tl e convention in its original form. II, on the con trary, there shall be a majority in lavor of the "constitution with no slavery," "then the arti cle providing for slavery shall be stricken from the construction by the president or mis con vention;" and it is expressly declared that "no slavery shall exist in the Stale of Kansas, ex- ember. 1856, between the United States and I'cisia, the ratifications of which were ex- chamred at Constantinople on the 13th June, 1857. and the tieaty was proclaimed by the President on the 18th August 1857. I his treat v. it is believed, will prove oeueuciai 10 American commerce. 1 he JHiah has manifested in earnest disposition to cultivate friendly. re b.tions with our country, and has expressed i strong wish that we should be represented at relit ran bv a minister plenipotentiary: and I ... .........l tt...t .... .... ... im . i... ,,-x..i.i r..i.-'v1 ettiiu iiiein i iuui nil aewiui'iiuuini .rt txx.xiiv i.xi this purpose Recent occurrences in China have been tin-Jibe seizure and closmtr of the transit route avotahle to a revision of the treaty with thatathe San Juan between the two oceans lUM MTltl. .7,..,!. I..' Tl... . ests and its character. They have prevented! peaceful emigration trom the United States to the states of Central America which could not fail to prove highly beneficial to all the parties! jtjwiit-i-i iiei.. aii pecuniary point, oi view alone aour citizens have sustained heavy losses fromi by mpirc of the 3d Juiy. 1844. with he security and extension of our The 24th article of this treaty stipulated. 4Yr aj revision ot it, in case experience should prove ihis to be requisite: "in which case the: twos zovernmeiits will, at the expiration of twelve veiirs trom the date of said convention, treati unicably concerning the same, by means of suitable persons appointed to conduct such ne- otiations." 1 hese twelve years expired on, the 3d July; but long before that period it wasJ -ascertained that important changes in thejl ireatv were necessary; and several fruitless at-sl tempts were made by the commissioner of the b nited btales to effect ciianes. Anoti;crS effort was about to be made for the same pnr-9 pose Dy our commissioner, in conjunction with, ihe ministers of gland and trance, but this was suspended by the occurrence of hostilities .n the Canton river between Great Britian aHd the Chinese Empire. The hostilities have ne L-essarily interrupted the trade of all nations with Canton, which is now in a state of bloek- ide, and have occasioned a serious loss of life and property. Meanwhile the . insurrection within the empire agaiust the existing imperial dynasty still continues, and it is difficult" to an ticipate what will be the result. Under these circumstances, 1 have deemed it advisable to appoint a distinguished citizen of Pennsylvania envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to proceed to China,- and to ava'd himself of any opportunities which may a view loa commerce, an giving bail. tor his appearance in the insufficient sum of two thousand dollars. I commend the whole subject to the serious ittention of Conrres believinsr that our dutv l . . ' J ano our interest, as well as our national char acter requires that we should adopt, such meas ..--.r. ...:ti I ..or i . . uit-o u. iu w euecmai in restraining our citi zens trom committing such out races T .... . i regret to inform you that the Tresideut of rarajruay has retused to ratify the treatv h. IWPPti tho Phlturt fitaloo ..J ll.. o. . .. ... V.....U u.iro nnu iuui, otaie, as amenaeo oy the tsenate, the signature of which was mentioned in the message of my predeces sor tn Pnmrrpea at. th. .i. x : . . - r J. . us session in ueeemoer isod. The reasons assigned for this r dusal will appear in the correspondence here with submitted. It beincr desirable tn rl oi . 5 V.. v - i a. hi me ntuess Oil jime river lja tr ata and its trrbnto.;-.0 e : .-.ut.u xsj IUI IIUVI- ration by 'steam, the Ur,ited States steamer V ater itch was sent thither for that purpose in 1S03. I his enterprise was successfully car- wi. uutii reoruary, io&, when, whilst in the peaceful prosecution of her voyage up the rarunn wittm . steamer was ured upou by a Paraguayan fort. The fire was rotnLt. ht yas the Water Witch was of small force, and not ... o.s.,t:u iur ouensive operations, she retired from the conflict. The pretext upon which the attack was made was a decree of the Pres. must necessarily take place in seperate dis-lcept that the right of property in slaves i.ow tricts. From this cause it may readily happen, as has often been the case, that a majority of the people of a State or Territory are on one side of the question, whilst a majority of the treoresentat i ves trom the several districts into which it is divided may be upon the other side. This arises from the fact that in some districts delegates may be elected by small inajorites, whilst iu others those of d'.fiereut sentiments may receive majorities sufficiently great not only to overcome the votes given for the for mer, but to leave a large majority ot the whole people in direct opposition to a majority of the delegates. Besides, our history proves that inuuences may be Drought to bear on tne rep resentative sufficiently powerful to induce him to disregard the will ot his constituents. The truth is, that no other authentic and satisfac-l tory mode exists of ascertaining the will of a majority of the people of any State or Teritory i..a rt;i.ilvfiimoslt and contradictory con-llwhich might be contained in a future conven-loffer to effect changes in the . ' .. in, fi.o. nnr? mnot im iinn .i n tilt inn bet wnen the same narties. to sanction them 3f-.i vnrable to American commerce U mm vuv u uwawuuvHHw ' - - - ' W' J - . . . -w - - L f..,..t;ntiR noon its first and most .s,.Ix Whilst in the United States, we Le-Hin advance Keved that this treaty would place both pow- uj uie 151.1puia1.10n existitar .treaty He left thel TTniteH States for the olace of- his deat.inMnr. The fact is that when "two nations like Great lin Jiify last, in the war, steamer -Minnesota. Die lesilxr lift tin a-.c..t ..t v..... fM...... ' J:., . .Jou an important and exciting question like Sihat of slavery ih Kansas, except by leaving it tu a direct vote. How wise, then, was it for ti t. '. uourress to pass over an subordinate and in termediate agencies, and proceed directly to the source ot all legitimate power under our ustitutions! "low vain would anv other principle prove iu practice 1 This may be illustrated by thd lease of Kansas. Should she be admitted into the Union, with a constitution either maintain ling or abolishing slavery, against the sentiment of the people, this could have no other effect than to continue and to exasperate tne exist ing agitatio t during the brief period required to make the constitution conform to the irre sistable will of the majority. The friends and supporters of the Nebraska and Kansas act, when struggling on a recent occasion to sustain its wise provisions before the great tribunal of the American people, uev- er differed about its true meaninjr on this sub ject. Everywhere throughout the Union they (publicly pledged their faith and their honor, liat they would cheerfully submit tne question llof slavery to the decision of the bona Jide peo pie of Kansas, without any restriction or qaiin- catiou whatever. All were cordially uuitea upon the great doctrine of popular sovereignty, WHICH is mt: nai uimgiuic ui uui tree niaiuu- tions. 11 a u it men ueen insinuated trom any dent of Paraguay of October 1854, Frohibitingiith the requisitions of the organic law for the foreign Vessels of voar frnm natrirattinr the! . . x- :.. .1 i. t.l . . " ' rt c fimemoers 01 a kuiucuhuh, t.iiereaiier 10 oe 1 mat otaie. AS raracuay, nowevr, . ,.twrl to w;t ,h0 Id the Question of Urv was the owner .of bat one hank of the fiver offfponx ti,e oeoole. and to substitute their own ers upon an exact equality that neither will ever "occi Britain and the United :wo nations like Ureat 1" juiy ia, m me war. sxeamer Minnesota.Uthat name, the other belonging to Corrientes. a"Hifo7that of a legally States, mutually de-.Specal ministers ic i China have also bee. , atate of the Argentine Confederation;: eTai the or- held under ascertained maj in ttwx TWritnrv shsill in 110 manner be inter fered with;" and in that event it is made his duty to have the constitution thus raiuieu i" . . t "I ' 1 transmitted to the Congress or tne uinieu States for the admission of the States into the Union. At this election every citizen will have an opportunity of expressing his opinion oy tn vote "whether Kansas shall be reccneu n.n the Union with or without slavery," and thus this exciting Question may be peactiuiiy set tled in the very mode required by iranip lnw The election will Fegitimate authority, and if any portion of the inhabitants shall refuse to vote, a ia.i uj.p tunity to do so having been presented, tins will be their own voluntary act, and they alone will be responsible for the consequences. Whether Kansas shall be a iree 01 a n..v State must eventually, under some auinoiuj, be decided bv an election; and the question can never be more clearly or distinctly preseuicu the people than it is at the present moment. Sliould this opportunity be rejected, she may be involved for years in domestic u.BlW.u, possibly in civil war, betore hue make up the issue now so fortunately tendered, aud again reach the point she has already at tained. . , . Kansas has for some years occupied too much of the public attention. It is high tune this should be directed to far more important- objects. When once admitted inio um t -. whether with or without slavery, mc beyond her own limits will speedily pass aj, and she will then for the first time be .elt, a she ought to have been long since, to maib" her own affairs in her own way. n tntinn on the snbiect o' slavery, or on any oilier subject, be displeasing to a majority of the peo ple no human power can prevent them trom Changing it within a brief period. Under these Icireumstaiices. it may wen oe quesiioneu wai ter the peace and quiet of the whole country are. I - . .. ? . x .1 U t rw 1 1 not Of greater importance man nic mric porary triumph of either of the political parties in Kansas. Should the constitution without slavery be adonted by the votes of the majority, the rights of property in slaves now in the Territory are reserved. lue numoeroi mese is very bih:i, but if it were greater the provision would be Jeaually just and reasonable. These slaves were brought into tne lermory uuuci tuc whom tion of the United States, and are now the j-fcf h Air mQctprs The point has at . or lesunjo or ercrci? any dominion OTfrlnxa nto'ming the mot friendly relatrons withand France. decree would be obeyed cannot be acknowl uoritvll; 5.1. u AoAA hv the hitrhest tri- al T IIX V .. , . . . . . I. T I , J . - KlRHUI-il .. .. , . . . . .v. wx . 1 rr i i .. i- 1 111 ii'i in bxiuii. - v..- w a . . a. irinL-i i . w i in. u. a 1 1 . . ri aaA Br a.. . f- -i .1 . 1. 1 n 1 1 ; ,, ft-.;r i U . - j r ....-. mw u r nn ntorl it the frovernmentR of drt-at Rrit,;.. '.. . .. " .oi n -! -v..-...-vm.. ,...--..-- lo-.ywuj. nf tha pniintrv ana n- Tu "- r....x, u,:,,;!!. .,,. wrjsiruu-, ...,..u , a .x.,., rigni 01 us gOTernment to exnect-tDa sucu a i;,1Et,,tlv rejected. Everywhere thev reThainwlI"""-' V ..i..xiftr-v of Bo-7er--itrn. . . . iujmm..- a 0 .rxix-i mar wiien u lumiimhj vm

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