i m i .j, ' ' ' 1 ' -i 1 1 f" " of tie 1 1 L -rxr i i ?ea rr cat PostmasterPueral Brown's Report is v?r voluminous Mr. Ciown' state that since 7 entered unuu the administration nt' th ...JA r ment. he has ventured on no new tt.eonW- ...'ai3ter stt'il''H'r (which, whik attempted any innovations on a well tr.ed oace, with -rr,--- pleasure, bv t::e jauiTvii ci ir.uldii,"-. IPPL CirsOI F 51 11 RES 3s Jofi ,w ",ry flS to the b the t7 l aP i a.rmers often induced Ster trSnl 0piTM and their practice conon 1 nT "10;les Wl,ich have been re commended or tned by their neighbor. J'T amoilS Practical farmers is a er broad-one, since there is such a diversi ty of soil and of crops as well as of the na- Z-n 1,!e'mamire tr h applied. still there are general principles, applica ble to ad lands in Ml latitudes and longi tudes. Tnese nrtn,.;nl .... e have, acquired their knowledge in the open ne.ds, and actually reaped what they them- . ys nad sown. S icIi fanners often hearken to new theo ries on the strength of the recommendation others. S,'ir.ot.?ms tliev are irainp--o THE SJ3CTAXOii QP THE TREASURY. AND OP THE INTERIOR Report of the Secretary of the Trea sury, Mr. Ccbb. m' BP "fJoTof place, for reference i.k.v . ?. ; .. . . . i i ,. , - - " " c' "!i,tut spent mis last nsca year, i lOT, was 11,444 be nr an increase of ai i1,0 , , . i ii i n - V?uf 30, 1851. $70,822,722 1 in ju't one-half of the former enoL fiT V "V J 44the Civil i,.t, $27,534,922 1 the last fiscal vear. 1.725 ..ffi.U hr Y,J. 5 ..the luatnes... Ahe loilowuig extract, ,Tior IJeDt., 5.358,274. tablW.ed: and 7u4 diseonti .,.! I!,, -n journal, ot, tlie ith iecem- Wlli A'lve a correct- idea of how the mat- rmed: "1 " i llllFll ,v: Wown at'Je ireat Easteri;) was .-afei'v and teui. He calls partieular atteiition to .tlie-. firBufS4 48 fssiiig at the latest dates; and iirro"lllPliy'jilff"l!fchi , ic'Ji to lS47rTfc vsaiimgoi' the Adatkhe"TeTitUn" Idibe quietly 'reposing her vast weight number established in ten war ..... t a i T - 1 tahbfthed; and 7U4 di.seontis.ued, beiiij- mervase of 1,021. 1 he number of Postm isf tri' i - ' ' J ' ' ' -, r w , wi . n liitk $27,534,922 5.358.274 . - ' 'Vr J)ejartineiit, ly.2fil,774 Department, 12.726,856 rfS ''V I)cit 5,943,886- -$70,822 722 ; 4,767 were to fill vacancies oc-Hs'ioned fey" rfti "0il theSththe worlc of the launching 1W budfiet of expenditHre, for the current , nations. The total number of Post offices' m tl i?-LeviathaH wasiVesitmed." and continued icl;ear, to end June 30, 1858, is made. United States at this time is 27.148, of . whichL&to one o'clock on Mandav, the :th, when Ut Quarter 2' 714 74'9C3'08 j f.68. arc "1 thV de..niiated Preside., tjaoUlie vessel "as within four indies .. ; , quarter, so.i 14.o the Un unibeiits hciiuf sii bn..t t.i a .k Wi, r , f JS quarters. 51,24 V.530-$74,963,058 ! the President and b 'the; Off aUually nsing ; 1 MbaUnce in the treasury ut the bivminir i June last. 7.888 mail r.t i. ..n., t?"t L. . . lof tie fear, July 1, was. 417.710.1 14 ! with -rrt, i,,k r 919 no, ii .Aae launch was resiuned at two o'clock, liertnue to 30th .S'ept.. 20.923 xl9 1 wiiiflli 9-2 iiSO miU urU 1,.. r,u' .,.1 1 s a .V ii ; J9" the Thursday after. Oa the power beinsr 1 ao.ftO.OUO j Hteamtoats, and 49.329 y coach -L ; annual transportation of 1 T''tM, $75,386,933 miles, costimr J6 622 046 the! y.-, ; ; .-v-: ! t lie 1 -''-"--v;'H." j--S.aj vas! - ,:n'EI?;i 1 Qen. Crss's 'ZiSitter t- tv. Vv er. oi Uen. Cass to It. J. Walker, Governor ot JVan sa, who a short time tince tendered his resigna" tiin to fh4 Government. Mr Ca replies on bebal NORTH CAROLI.MA .i-AirBTTBVILLB, N C i c in',-,- ; I. i S TIIURSJAi", Titerly man- He gives Mr Walker to un that ther Prc oJent Cannot allow a ubord IfOeer who may feel constrained to refuse 1 i iSCe to hii in; ti uc tions, to dictate a line of l4 fo him to pursue." Tlfe Prt lt nt Las acti t p -'naigitified,-hjg't-inhided and honorable Exiive'; ought to have dune, lie has shown that Je5 : too wt 11 es- . .'-ta-L.lislied in high-toned prii1cipl s- ,uTt.f bin s If ' ' to t' l-lled and hauled aU ut us ' ?5 BhIc"K i ub- H an. wnul l do on the ime-hund, . -i tieian.s siiid the tin lines of th ou the other. WuILct l.ad no ' eMgnnig i mli- - M.?J.UT4 4-:.v is our llv aiitSinrisrixi aiteiit for th cuU,-ct!ou cf !l ela in duo tins office. with the iuestion, whether Kuusui or slave State. His doty Wan to ADVERTISERS. Persons deairou of the im a- ices of tarmers who fai, wuld leave $426,875. provided th rPvp. ' Prtatio was relative '' irj iL . i . . , i iTiiii.1 uwiroii" o ine im nwiiato mTtinn of their toretire and let Mimo .nm. The uuk W"ieu, wie suip moveu ttirectly, and passed advertisi,,- favors , t l.,.d th. m in by WEIXBs-., , Z. 1 J !rw:se tli y will not appear until . ? ' ' ur Irionds will ik-as- .,r hut has gained no credit for his ai J . oe fot over estimated, nor the expenditure ,c"lc",,,am' uve underrated: to orovide airaitiKt wl.i. l. o....t,-..- i ooat. twenty-two cents a Jt - . . . " " i . i r. .. -ii .. -i ceia-ec and to lrnanl th nnhli.. nrHi ,u mim mur uiin, mu nails was 74 909 09C t nrst oii in eleven minutes. At'"-1 w "''' "r .:x2ri;ir. sln had mm-P-l nlrwl, (7-) j he succeeding eek. . .n in.i ,i uuiiir i-- - ...w.vi ..nu-v. uici -rf lutriica : i , a hi .. ' ...1 OS! ly as follows: By rair-1 t the bow,.and 174 at the stern. In nnrJwtni. mis per mile; by steaiif ease, she' moved twelve inches at once, and, - , "- t . . vo, n cu iiiv. iivro c4U : " a i j dmioUVtiatiou kj1 to interfere H s to be a free the instruc- not do this. i' 3 in liis place kll-pr ImK rtirol V'i anient tf the iutend , n ake it a rub unthout President; The enemies of the Ai .Utrption are j tions of the Presi. eut, and if he ei endeavoring to make political ca l out of it. will continue to lie published as a" "ii 1 1 I rr - .miuiura Ul Ills llt'l. I IIPV Tlimlkn Ih 11 .1. S . J. i . " , f 1 c riwil milt.. i, u. i ,1 t, r,rt.T g.Vv"i iuu jjoviatnun uaa oeeu usua,. 1 ne caitorial department i. at brescn in r .... ' -s beer- I4yk. for authority to employ 'tea- Tt- ffi "-rLJ&een feet further no to 4:80. V. M.. charge of the s Wil, ' ?. W-Ikor. will fct luric ia the gre ,f pldivion. nrr itnj.c . nnr ti. stonmi h j ... on nnnnoA icnuiii ui Mf uiiiihihi rniircu ia iii,.fa..,.p i nucu uiwraiK j --- o , ... i. n.o r... .. . 7 " vri v, WUU', WU. ' r . ., .... ...... ia mi y. T1-i!l!El,.,.0J Another move. The Leviathan had so retirres losors bv a chansre of gvfm i 51' 7 29 The S Sir: t' ; -v , ,v !,.cclh r.fth mninrhon.. V.-f31.f00.000 for the retiiaitiiiiir nine months T . V , " , . .. . Iwteiof $231,000,000 in oiltiablp mr..h,.. I' i(t !isiirr as 10 iimrp thm.; .. . a.. . . .... i i nitp tir-tn vnm Tlte'-JMioms Revenue for the first mmrtr . Jl4 ,,t8 . , " " it KTC rni. , . , Secretary calculates on on-j coacnesare going mor and f . 'pi.rt. i t-i i I .ii ... i a. ii ill rii i ii'H i i iiuonii nrnmn ifxr eni k-w . ki I'liw inmlM.P f ...oil :. f aKi. ,c f0 :!,. f..i i . .."."n' il .Oilier arrantutttu.te are made. wLen U.. 1 ' " " w" . " ' - ..v. .,...VV ilTEiJlIfc. 1 - 1 U.IJ.J T 1JA Ut ill', iTTSlTl. ' . . . I " IUUII1 J :e 1CM 'i es or,- pitfs ont t.f lU'dSMiPje. ... - M..,uu..Mfj meyear,ine lengtii attempt, aturda', is 48 feet 7 inches for- of coaeh routes has been redueed 1,124 miles, ward, and 49 feet 7 inches aft. She has and the annual transnorrnt in, 9i aai i - . "- oiit. nas . . r - . - Still. UiPtptnro vino r-Nr f..,. , nu.i, icci 111UI e to WM. BOW. riimtA twtlia Ak .w.A rH i All bean pcles. or to hurry them in tk- r.L.J. u ... J: x l,,u"' ; 'P 1 , A, . r .i r " lu" ,c' inuicaie.i ne looks tor 'n uxTiacuuuiniiuuimc oitne.it a 31 than $174,000,000, owinir to the re cent levulsion. The T,anH ... I i, , A". t-i. im iiT-nua i n.w prr-tty gei ei aliy agreed among rtren iet of the year he sets down at $6,006 practical farmers" thai manures of all kinds O tfhich $2,356,090 was realized the' firs :ay be buried too cep in the furrow aoS! . i ioi u. in tunular torm in the leport, with! " me alternoon's tide, on Friday, plat dpo;) with a deep p.'mp-Ii as to entirely des- ff Iu ubl,c Uebt was reduced on the 1st of ! f " "r e aoaitionai expenses thereby; aDout tour teet ot water under her keel, and 4" Our subseribers are hereby informed that ,e cost of the Utah routes was inereased $17.- hC' TA , I',''-.tion of this p-.p, r w. h.reaf.er be Was . lkT TII4-L I l.,K . .1.11 - I - J ,lll.ll I'l l it- fl" til I III) I l 11 11 . . . I . w o., ..,..uce u, Huuiuonai pay, with- i: . i ... - J V -.on Saturday inst,-s.d of Thnrs.b.v w ..t- Sir: On V ' out incriPi .... ......... . . : as; U II 1 L Is tllono it. finite int Uin ' . . .' "l ... L"c ouib weiween Dan - - , -" "o"- this chan-e at the renm-st ..r ..r eomu.iinh-.t i.ov , unne and San l'edro. The externumi nf "" uws oi proDaDinty tliat she will aeeom. ... 1 " I " l : '"j road service, (amounting to 2.458.648 miles Plish this distance in a very short time. I ''"S' e K,,-,'r oh,.v lered the dav of res-ignation as (j niu.iii 10 inuisday, as an experiment, i ,JJhiU " 18 for a i 029.060 2'he Department has since , '"cur,ed ,IUu'" to $249,458 dnrin pe of inakii.g it couvenieht .......i.i 'ii run ii ior a j troy thoir efiicacv for a number of .season Fv. "IV:'" . . M uv panmcni nas since " V "... me w ngnienea tne ways ofabout 1, C00 tons of P"i'''o" oi our sni ser.i.t-rs living at a distam-e I not very satisfactorily explained-for ,t i8 frhe 4p"trnent has rollected anew the Rail- ,enth Creates, and of 823,034 miles in the ?f' T f Pr" -1 ''" '-J I'-l K-"T-I requt j provod that manures never work down to ! wr C pRal and Debt of the country These ! a",,Ui,, transportation, while the cost is increas- 11 1 c seems now the least reason to to publish on the former di.y ( .Smurdnv), it I anjr "-rent depth, else the sub-soil won'd be a&nnt ii 6 ed $120,044. In New York, railroad trans- douU but that, by Tuesday or Wednesday Leing our desire to be accommodating 'AurJl valuablo nfti-r m.inv vearsof deeDmannrin XTnotal m a cm ! portatiou has increased 29S.32S : nfxt, the launch will be entirely coninlotod " .. . r" - - , , i - r .7 f j i .tdii im i - v " iiiic, i . . i - - - m vseii i pii i i prorii Oiie irreat point with farmers should be to prevent lots of their barn manures bv checking great fermentation. Strong man ures heaped up, soon ferment and burn un less much extra matter is mixed iu the pile. Some heaps heat so much as to turn white They are " tire-fan ired" as the old erardnri-B Rnm-lftiia (U.fan, r --u -r. r . j o - . wvwbviuj ui uic Auiciigr. used to express it, and thev are almost worth-1 1 m , ,,i v 5ecr taVy Thompson's report opens with an ... , ,,r . . . J ucen ! exlMbit of the operations of the Land Bureau. oral,! $908 679,325 he ,nual Income is reported at $48 406 - 488. nferest on the Debt, $25,093,203. permitted. We incline to think that more f the essence of our manures is wasted by this fermentation this heating process than in all other modes of waste. It is certain that excellent crops of corn are grown where the manure from the barn- i i i j . i yaruwas ourieu no ueeper man a common A BistoiCftl sketch is given of the methods by whfeh tie public domain was originally aiquir ed.pnd thtp follows a schedule of the organiza tion, of ttejfurveying system. The whole sur facief taMic domain is stated at 1.540.000 000 acres, tf vhich 57,442,870 acres have never becnoffi red for sale, and 80,000.000 acres were ' i , nil i 417,243 664 steamboat service has decreased 161,664 miles, j ' liie wiiole world is interested in the sue-j uuu eoaeu service nas laiien off 43,384 miles. oi tins gigantic task ; and every detail but with an increase cost in the latter amount, towards its completion is of commanding ing to $12 642. The reeeipts of the Depart- interest. The experiment is one in which llfr7'?'9' "J " the maritime ia tions might have been i-h, -i: J. viX" u" : .,"rerr join ; tor the common welfare f. - i "uni ir-.t;- nue and expenditure, the deficit is stated at $3,453,718 40 The increase of expenses this year is 5 per cent, in the amount of annual transportation, ami 9 7-10 per cent iu cost. Ilie estimates for 1858 are as follows: Ex -. . .... . iuo.i oiiire ior ever Aitno jiiii, rtt it speaks I volumes iu Mr Buchanan's, favor: ' . ' ' Letter of Arrentnnel . " a t: j.., DepARrMKvr o.; tatk: ington, DecembeK S, 1857. ednesday last I ft ived your of the 15th hist., eringyour Governor of Kausf jh This res- ai-eompanied by a Ion Ji eument on me an urs ot that Territory geueqv to which . II . . - . ' you ar wen aware, it would be Ira .roper for me department to reply. If every government who feels himself ec refuse obedience to the instruction dent should pursue this unnsualS thus place ou the files of the apf par'ment a criticism on the policj ministration, no person knows betf it iit . . ot an will be benetited should it succeed. England has, however, undertaken the dem onstration entirely from her own pocket, and she should be correspondingly respected for in tins view, we cannot ip n dnni;.... A fTTrn ro Pan - n V e do not approve of the course pursued by the ! st "' to what consequences this mi iiiemoc rsoi .oiigress m voting to pay tlumseves j department must either cause cha uinemoiithsinadvai.ee, for.-ervues whkh ihrv "Uiti.-nts a.rief t!. P.MU.. J ( . vifl-ii ffl'cer of the ,i rained to lo1 the Presi- Kjrse, and Hfl riate de- r the.ad- ? han your- lead. The Tt and ar- y oc iiicu it i,(l aueuuy xenuerec. mere are two bad among the public archives of the e2i try with paymasters, to-wit: one who pavs in nilvnur-.- ' . . 3 ,ii .i , , pays m au nut e, ol coll, ml,et,oii or rep v, or t aau-.t SDend and ilie other. uli.i.L.i i ,. nil T'. ,.i.. o , - v rfr"1' openu IV oaiu s . ., . W.i,.!, nn.rl.t I,. Iu. A.Ml. .... as respects the members, is that of. ,vW ... it' w -l,,e advame. Noon, ,v, l,l t,i H'rvicet 111 controversies w&J subordi- penditures, $12,053,247; Uevenue. $10,584.- that such a mighty evidence of hei mao liat 074; leaving the sum of $1 469, 1 73 to be up- nimity, enterprise, and wealth, has beenlnis- ate&'Z? uefn,jr the WMii:,rlTJ-r- &hox coining year, Ilie mail contracts with the New York recommended. and . I - " bUUiillllll , . . ' ( . . . , . II.. a . . . . i I . I " f , . l.r;-obl b,,rV if -h., .rA A, wcl lo ev.irv at private sale on the 30th -u u emeu ones oi Kieanisloi.s, have - V r A&V T I III I 111! : M '." . l...m. . . . . i A. . I jni,f,1M Tin. fton , ; epenu?rast. The number of acres thus far cu tu"llllucu Ior anoiner year, and the adop- , .,7 J fe4"""1; sold; is . 63,862,404 acres; leaving undisposed ' UI peiuiaueni contract with these lines is nothino- me l'anama Kailroad t'o.i,- p'lSItHUl them in ... .... .. . - .. . i- i .. m L ceivh.g iht ir ,.re,.M,ti. i, at the end of , ach W" ",Mjr ,!SHll-'Ve Ml , Presi- liV.nth. Tliis w, ul i be p Hec ly corn et, trnri co- ,k,,t'S lthv7- Whilst fluty, therefe forbids v meat to the 2 ublic tei vi:nt, who is us mu: h wcr- ""' e,lter u,, controversy wltli you on iy .i l is hire as ai y other lal.orer, Uut ti t j lan v.triotis topics embraced by yoi a -guiuen t r lri.-i ui ;i,'..na,.; r. : . . it I l 1. 1 i... - -M.J i ' all others, Eno-lishmen sliould desire to Kos her proudly bear, iu the great harbors of at Fuit au.ii.tcu hy t'i gic.i.- ui wiu- uni im- ls. pfoper that I should make a reimirk upon surface. and,,, dry summers, and with only a mode- of, i.08U.$7,536 acres. Last year 22.889 451 rt( rate dressing ot manure. acres of iD&Iic lauds were surveyed and report-' mn7 receives an annual compensation of $ 1 00.- ," "V """"r oit we hud that all kinds of manure spread!'; 5.30 0 acres were sold forcash; 7 381,- ouu tor m' transportation, the tout met to i ,, - , .7 s 1 nere ls October and November, m grass land or jOlofwen lcated with military warrants, and continue till October, 1859. The temporary numbers; saui lirj O Moore ;'!a: ct of March . coiuraci. wuuv iv. uarrison, tor mail tra:.S ' a magm nuru. "i oL-ioocr anu jsovemuer, mi grass meadow land, work well and increase the crop abundantly, though exposed through the winter to all kinds of weather. The truth seems to be that not much of the essence of barn manures is lost by evap oration when they are spread out where no fermentation takes place. Still if we would secure all the essence of barn manures, we must mix them with fresh earth immediately, in the yard or in the field with a light furrow or a harrow. When this is done no effluvium, or ammonia, is per ceived to pass awav. tne world and that name is England. The names G'tnt Easier a and L-nalhau. moan We think, therefore, that those? who named this new monster of the Thames luck in old and "three"' I""-"1' say 11. i' hum ol it. fraught with liumy evil. And we IhiiiL. ' a single point. ft V f f u Opp sit .a Consistency. Some of ihc whig and know-nothing jln-els are ou 111 i Ii ir niYccnvo on tin m u COWS IJfD BITTFJt. In a late number, your correspondent, B. asks for a detailed statement as to the feed ing of cows, and making butter in autumn , gather any the l&ai road crranta under the -t weret,ll,000 acres. The sum received on Pftanon oeiween rsew Orleans and V , ra i'u5. expires June dUth ,808 1 he contract on !..... 1 . 1 ....J1...1 t iiiiuc mc iiiiii. ot- caici hi 1 1 one year i:'JT postages on 111 il transported by the Collins ' line during the year, were $2 1 0.363 03 , pre vious year $461,575. The aaiMin o' letter postages upon m.iiis exi-I.angcd our n j t !n- ve.u with Gr-at Hritain was $74 194; o wLi-h $574,194, w-re collected 01 the Uait.-d .S's'::Tes. An elaborate tabular statement is furnish, d. ..e . i. . 1 oi 1 nc iiiimot-r iciiers ami pawns, couvoy cashtihRere $4,225,908, a falling off of $5,32i;li5with a corresponding falling off m the loeatijuof lands with warrants of more than 1 20 per eftt. There are 83 organized Land D.stricts--bjut none for New Mexico or Utah. A commssibn for the settlement of Spanish and Mexi-aa claims in New Mexico is recom mended; s 'geological survey of the same Terri tory Is ah frged. No change is suggested in the laws f nraicable to the workimr of the De partment. Mn reirard to Imliun afniirs the Ri- I between the United States and Gr.-at Ur tain port U explicit. The Indian tribes within our i '"st ,our years showing excess of limitg'no aft mber 325,000 souls. The Indian ! Pr,t,sl' postage collected in this i-.nu.try, of liureau is otttinir forth efforts to induce thi, year; a . esuu msaavania-fes t savages t. ;tke up with fixed habitations without tittch little can be done towards l ! arte.,- Spirit , f the. KANSAS NEWS. Ihroiigh the St. Louis .& ers we received trom Lecompton, Kansas, liie telegraph has the ienciii- ' r ; 1 I 1,,, i.i-.., 1. 1 . ..-.. c. w i"-- i 10 i-a. ii iiiciiio. r, uu-t tnis to be .1.1. .- 1 . . . . . . f?i and d t" last mgat news up to the l'Jtb instant announced tne adjournment ol ture, but the dav of adjournment mentioned : it 1 1 tn. its action probably may 1 is not adjourned 0:1 the ard winter. Now, if IS o ot the mode we hav can thinir Of Value to himself fr.irr. mv anfomnf ' .! . . . e 1110. e ivr. h, 1,. .: w"'. ".vr !';!'u.....u....uuiiU , t .eu plttcuBiiig lot ijudividualsofithe tribes, without the power of the department. The balance is every yen largel7 against us. 7'ne cnne lies iu the" fa. t amelioratiir kheir condition. A nlan. reeon - i that nearly two thirds of the trans-Atlanta- niended by be Secretary, suggests the gather- m!,',s have been conveyed by the Cuuard line ing of the wtlians on smaller reservations and I thft British Government thereby receiving in denser ssettlenients, the reservation to belneur,y foar-fifths nf the postage. Negotiation 111 o furms and distributed anioug the i Ior a rad.cal change are pending e sumuietl un n.- Iollows : Ine repeat ot the law by which 1 he constitutional convention at Lecompton was created; the enactmei t. of a military law, which was voted by Acting Governor Stanton and passed over his veto ; provision for the submission of the Lecompton consti- tubiuu to u vote tu tne people on the 4th of that th. v art id "I 1 . , " oaiiuur, 100&, upprovea by Stanton, a Jaw ymbal." Why do y u Von s ate that the President hasiWinired his jpoli. yin regard to Kansas. Ainjj hy this ' al legal itn ? Simply because thje cliT-iition of Kansas Jiav.inrr in tlie exercise of t kl 1 'gliC' Lc- e i.euiocrat v. :.,i.ri,..r 1.. il...... .i....:.i...j .1-. .i ...P .. .., , ill-Hi t ,-t.,l,-. . , , , i r""f ' ,uiLi.i. 11 ai llll-VJ JN UIU HOI 0 J I"" ' mil in. I J r. ,,, ,. ,..iiiii, ... kKZ ..i.. - . ,.,.ri,IUiMI , ftl " JCUjl IV, il'hoiih llte'y hai:Milimilled the aRulporiant g. i ons qu si ion ..f slavery. ! U iliriit. . ..ed to 1 out ids, il.,- Union and )li el was don.- j roiu nent in the minds of ke peoi.!,- t (.rough, ut cv, ,-y State, he h: d i.ot faff ted ,he subm.ssion of this mouii nto i uiilliiv. IT 1 . PP'-i u.idei t.n circiviidances. it wf i.s hn- j. rattv, iluty, and this m strut fjpormity win. previous I'is.ruct ons, to ake c:ire that a t': 111 we Jicar 11. it a No '-;';.. ,k f he v. .'e pa .1 to i. .em f.:- i.nin in n h e in a,l a .ee.- it : perfect ri.iieu! u.-for ihcm to try a;id mal e d e em .era i par.y id ik- responsible f r thi: , 'when t!;eii -1 wn 01 .11 voied for it also. Hir so it i.- widi " """"." i'l-., i.i. mutter now 11 u.v imu voted tor the advance pa mint. word ulfere-.i sicrah.i-t. ti- m. . til - - ---- n .'jcra v arc . hai ir al 1 wroiijr I i-ov sir n:H:i.-;iI;v i , rf, ;f v i - , 2 I'll iy look at what their Kii or.; say, or ra:her what they try to make the people Ulievc. The people ot !hi countrA-, I owever. wiih if" never do s on. st. on. i H If. mere some sixteen years, I shall be repaid for mv 4 1.1.. .11- 1 ' ii on un- in ouerino- it wiie or iraisifr, wun central tarms to- the in struction f the children, and a supply of iin- I 111 -I l . ..lOl i win oegm with the care of cows about ; plemchts f Agriculture for all. The tribes calving time. For several days before this ! which have advanced iu civilization, and whose period, 1 feed i uta bagas or turnips, if I j prospects i j-egratfying are those in the Sou have them; if not, a little corn meal will an- ! tnern nPe,tndency the Chocta.vs, Chick- swer, to keen the r,m- ; t , 0om!SRWS-. vnert sees and ureeks. with the condition sho xv , ,i.i l. a iv ' ls wesf of Arkansas. The establishment " - -n . ( i 1 1 e The subject of the adoption of a plan of mo- to punish election frauds, also approved. The constitution will be submitted to tl j people in three forms: Fir i with slavery ; second, const F. 1- .... .1 r... I.) I... Ill .1 , roMiuiti in- i.t- in mi liiiu iirf, f . ii. c- . . i - ...... ..... III 1 in-,... 1 . 1 ' i t on. and thus irivi- i,e.n- n, i.1.m TT..&4, 1I...1 are not -to bo I . .. . - " "L"l ruMed in this way, Messrs Et i ors. They see I ' " '" s"'-v U er iiht ineielnicausc yur a umptions are ail holl-,w and hyj.d itica! ' ' ,U 1 "e s,1'"-S.on the conit t utiou and tinkl i ff " ,:" -v 1 pe-jUe, Ills r -pons. l,.itV would :ot condtinn v ur own i ,-" " I,u' XT a vest character. Jl men al o? Why di i ct .he l ullic eye to tli l. never ic un irst, constitution erv : second, constitution without. . - ney-oroers, nrawn uy postmasters, is urged slavery ; third, against the constitution. upon the attention of Congress, with an all,,- Xhe d fixed for votethe 4th w j'l "v. vuine, r uii"ll'lll III wise or imprudent acts o; sii! we that party, when it is as changeable as the wind . j eutcrtahitd or express, d the opinion tl t the irt ioii of Sub-Post Officers in New Vork, Rostou and , same as uiat uesignaced in the,r casket- Philadelphia is also announced, with an inti- u.ine lecompton constitution lor Holding! t.. inocruts wh-tn yi ur ouvenl ton were l;o.ind lo submit ant sideof the h .ue are guly of the swune tilings? But ' of the co.st.tnlion lo the people cxW t the .ye need not wonder at the unreasonubh uess of ; q(.st j,,,, of slil rt.rVf , ,. ,,,s at ot()fir portions of the t oust it ut ion would be i valid without such a subui ssioii. , Had he entertained such an' opiniorj, this-. that blow: Cousieteii; v is a jewel not to b. found ' ealvmg, i g,ve warm sloo for drink for the a..a 1 , J:.... l , i l - 1 ; LVI.MUCIIUCU vv iichi uispnies among hist t. tree i.tivs; tins is made by scalding' a i l Wash-mtoo and Oregon the on grass. i Distr5et Co for this Superintendent- little coid strop.- Uthle tirtjkh Q till llfairAli f Iim a r .. t ilL uian, inter that 1 let ner nave mam beiigeieu. It is recommended A ... 1 . . . .-iei io drink; 1 don t give much : expenses ot delegation ...: toi ls:, , 1 X WlOw t )V -Tiki- IVkl tYiAlthe Federal atoital be Tiaid bv the fJovernmenr . . i. vj , . v. - ; i . I 'Vtil s".v( li; ia that case I milk all I I m order tha.' qiey may have an opportunity to ' I 1 .... A Z .1.1. f - l let the calf suck after- ,,e - I"" 81" rust IU,,,as "ve "' "'- weather, I stable the cows ! Tt' T ocks to the amount of $1,- 'Stcfthe dav: I let them i ' -I The Bureittiof Pensions returns a satisfac tory report. , lip to June, 1857, a total of :l 91 J C9A ....A 1 A i , i t . . . . . -.1 ination t e.it the Postmaster riMifr;il had loo.eii a otate election, when a arovernor. lieuten- rc??- v ...i-t;,.i. .,t ti. i.... ,.r m woum n ive oeeu m niiiiositiou to the nun .-rous .Sellilmv. I j-... c - - ' - - - . in oi i ,ii v oi , - - : Ollllllio- j, i. l.l . ,.l i... ,:... i i: i- . nut. r.-i, ..iC!i.i.. Mi. P . J .1 , I.:.. I. i .. i I i t of a! leuiict- me v.iiy uenvery-iree 10 j - ihwij oi olulc, .siutuior oi laud county held a meeting at Shelby ou the" "men uae occur rt o since me itioj r--rx:K-rv ":x" , u,r11 rrr aie s?r' u.ten ot the I5I1 illst.t Slt w!,c!l ,,,.,lt,.s wirc w.illleU '1 constitution by u.eiia4r..t: the people. " " ' " . i-"":! . ..l S" memoer or Congress w,ll . 1(!Yt n, .,,- s,-- f. - ,,.. States. The question of slavery was lk 1H 1 1 on 1 1 e.- oitii un: fimic tosi 01 uriivcrv Mia 11 in CllimPn ho I of ft, t- wi 1 1 K w, ,1 l,,r 4-1, v t - . ; 8 re" I 1,.1.,1 .. f ,..lDCnose. . ... be held by the . ..... - I absorbing tpiestion. and you were Rent to Kan' pk'thras- X;nsas mi t to Mi P . - t , ' Vil! !-1' tuun, and they have free ae agenis to nave cnarge oi tnrougn mans is earn estly commended. Iu regard to delays and failures on the rreat mail-route from New Or leans to New Vork, the report is very full. This line s composed of sixteen links, each under a separate contract. The causes of uelay are re ported upon consisting of railroad disasters, broken bridges, ice and snow, &c, and as a Ji-'v'!' tt: an siv wen id here sa rui-l- roots . . J. . . i on eon !.3 i i j m nAr ti... ..I .. ..e ...:.i. ee!:s!( ov (Him ,a lmt hi ii rr o i ,o x utunoucv. a nil ia lire oonatioiis oii,r,"cuJt ,,,c l,ral,lK " fniiaii wun ine eet corn meal and hay but J j ta-d, had be ti aid to Revolutionary soldiers loritla Kailroad Company is recommended. , -,. ior ineirwiio,w inuring me past year 41.453, " j p'j, n.s.vuu ... iai-h, n-rc o nohpvpr in ' . ... A . . . . . . ., . , , that I am a firm believer in torial authority. The militia law repeals all the law on the or of the Territory is a member of the h warrant" for hdbntv laud have been issued, rr- i mes. the contractorthe mails to be .-on vey.d i " , ' , -ufi-,u-ni,a. A,,isjt ltlf I I'llflin llin . 4-l- ....,. il. .. a . ' mtv vuuuu.i, me uuias uiiuer uiu tern- ; .... '. , i, i,..i.t e .... ... .1 r rr.. ;. j . ... ..v i.'-i'iiii ii ine v. on v eii 1 ion ill I"".' " iiitijin-n 01 llic JVailSUS' oaiisnury, we down here have no manner of , ka Act. With the question whether J I Tl (III Wt- Willi III l!K II II :llitr lT HQ I I as- - rf - - ... I Tit - OAi-mr. r.i,K..,,i K 4. . J . i 1 & 1 1 . . . bouic omyi-ci umuuiure enacted. j Doard , sire to avail ourselves ot the t.j.poi tunity of of officers is created, consisting of one major ' meeting our Western brethren :t btile mnrer general, eight brigadier generals, one adju- ' 'heir own homes, lint we must protest against tant, one inspector, one quartermaster, one' ,m,e ,u,,"e''- 'l is 'he dead of winter, commissary and one smwnn o-onor-nl nil ' Ahout t!ie worst time iu the year. There is ho 1 O un elected by the legislature. The Ce ".it a cows; it fori judiciously, 1 to Mn,ft, ' ft oSo ,fin BH.PS ' ,.1;,. ! from New Orleans to New Vork by sea. is li ve lDo.ard has tlle wuoIe superintendence of the '-tiote as well, aud the cost will ! (adi The nmjber of warrants issned under all ' days an arrangement which the Postmaster inuitia, and a majority of its members can the General thinks will obviate not only the delays . can n out 111 any emergency, and act- inde CO'-:- , them, milkn aestruveu. Mn 11 -d the nuulitv of the butter the Bounty ;Llnd acts of Comrress from t.h General thinl v -o in leedint roots to milch Revolutionary fVVar to the present time is' that attend land carrinire, hut will tend also to . pendent ot the commander m-chiet. The 1 l o" "'it 11 alter the uieetinj of the conni v Courts ' 1 1 .' ' I'M". tn,... 1 1. Tt! 41 1 "AlleJ" CJLf tmnr ' 11.? . f J C I 1 I PUVail f" tiki necessity for such haste' No Convention eotihl lie lit Id so soon. A few deit-irates from :i few ------- niutii s iiiigJii jrnther, but no btmn fide Couvi-ii- ion. 1-rom tins section no deleiratcs can well be appointed Indole- the holding of the county Courts in the spring. It would be impossible to get a full and fairlv appointed rei.resciil a- :eal should be fed with be fed directly after u!eu ot the roots is then ,W y,JVNU 1Vlars nire depends on this than li. is aware of: the t;,,, , , i 1,. i.i. i , , Wl" siiouia oe equal ly onideu; the udder ,,! .i wl,1d u ....j : ."" ii airvy, ,"ui"u isiieu with a. i AOU Wft rit, w .w. x r,cr allow any on to rro in me hands. We 547. 250--recaiine 60.704.942 acres of land. ! prevent robberies aud losses of the mails, as i veto of Gov. Stanton offers several ol:ee- Fraiids npon Jii Pensions Office are numerous, ! we,! as effect the preservation of mail matter tions, the principal one bein- that the law and exteuioi!f the statutory limit of iwod-n the damage it now frequently incurs. lhe ; was in direct conflict with the organic act of Lane was cho- Tjiuon. years is recoucaanded to remedy this evtl. The j cou.pany reierred to oner to pertoru, a daily ;tho territorial trovernment. Iiepott states j in detail, the condition ot the j service aunng me year ior 00,2 jo. a n ex-1 g ma:or ."..i Wtt. mtat iin, raiuiii h 1 1,0.. ..,..ot tension tir tins irreat otiinern route iumv tie wiped dry milk without first washin milk fa, ami permit no talking while at tl.a "tt;.t!nr!tobe Put into thej .10 o iv 4u 11HM8H M iut- tcais; it 1 public baitditijs at the Capital, and then consi ders the enbje. t f District Attorney's fees, con cluding this iranch with a recommendation of an increase of tin? attorney's salaries on a equf table basis. "u wagon-road works have been eommeuctd Oi die routes from Fort Kearnev . 1 to HoneyLakstu California, from El Paso to ."' iFort YnlBa, ai. tlie mouth of Gila, and from nejthe Platti. -.Rircl to the running Water. T tension of this great Southern route may be made to include the conveyance of the Cal.for nia mails, by way ofCedar Key, Aspinwall, Grey town, or Huasacuatfo. The report enters info particulars of mail service on the Missis: ippi muigtoii THE TKEASUKY NOTES. The Secretary of the Ti ers jry has decided that the denomination of tht notes, recent- ind iu regard to the settlement of the j ly authorized by -Congress, shall be $100, ..... p,ii-n ..L.im .,rif ei,,,.,.....;.,, .....i ,1..... xnn .... .1 &i urm n , , , , kjou 1 v inioi M.a.ii. i...i jirniii" , urn . tfffjjjf tinu i (uuu. vontracts n.ive oeen in iM l iu .ry and .March, and travel. ng would not be hilly opened until April. In any apparent ihffi- ultit s ar sing ont of the efforts al division ly a few persons, there is no cause for precipitancy, but or, the contrary every motive for coolness and deliberation. The longer the campaign is deferred, the lon ger, lime will the opposition have to develope t he total want of coin sion among its members ui.der wiisitcvrr fl iir they may attempt to rally, especially if that flag be one raised bya disof gamz.ng iin niber ot the Democratic party. We .... . . was 10 oe a iree or stave otate you wer inteifere. Voii were to secure to the tif Kansas a free and fair election to dctfik this question for themselves, 'i he Presideiill ras, therefore, happy to learn from your (nag, tch to this department of the 15th of Junf ' ast, that in all your speeches you h.d refrainiflffom exil-e"ssiirg any opinion as to whether mid sas should be a slave or a free State. ill 1 am instructed to inform you that yX$ re signation of Governor of Kansas has bejfi ac cepted. - & -I am sir, your obedient servatlG, LEWIS C. II oh. Rob't. J. Walker, Washiiigton,t j V3T We are indebted to our Senators, Dal Reid and Asa Biggs, for sundry document ceived by us a few days since. un rmrMonn lEnni.l.l. i i : i DractK-e. We strain tl.r.,.a. ; Jiew" MJ Vwumiioii i.u.ii.js i-oucu- ;trainer, and put about live Wt, inl WirC ded 'XTo 'i?8 a,'1 V"1 have .1 1 .. , 1 c4uarts in a pan; turned ovjtotht Department. these pans are tin, and they are kept bright The Patent i)Qce reports that from Jan. 1, - 1 . A. lit. I MlllllOKi, t . 9 S -hUllt M - JM. I I W . UIIIIIII.UI IIIIIU i ir 1 u jiassis ton consideration ot the proposals tor 1 made with liawdon, Hatch & Co. of New ! Wi "' s,'t;," d the imgoiity. ..but hope the Uverland iahtoruia mail. Ilie Ynrt foe .,.., 1... . r i i. . i n,i" '""t action niay not he ii-ecipitale. ca rrying W full ai Iciidaiice.- M il Journal. tftnillraO,m l to R.tlt. SO. 1 (&T ,.f ,i. el ,1 . -i- - . y j oi iut- room w nere uie iiiiik is kept should ' nt wer,.re,i be from o'i to Co tleg. Fahrenheit; thert ' 2,066 patettts ei should be no cooking done where milk is ! t,ons wre iJ1 Jtep thre York, foe emo-rtivitifv thi, nlafuo f.. 1,a ,,,in contract lor this service Ims been awarded to 1 r iw, f.,. ...7 ,n.. ,i - , . , . , : ulv want a 1 ii r c i i i .i, i . ot the two smaller denominations, and with i .Iohn Hut terhehl and others. uh. eiir:irt. t, . . "M" 1 convey the mail to and from &an Francsc... f 0PPng- Carpenter, o: Co., of Pniladelphia, lae abo-e expro.es pretty much cur own senti each trip to occupy twenty-five days, the start- toT the otuer denomination. They are to mlt.- re.ec;ing the time ot holding the Convtn inir nomts to be St. Louts and Memphis u execuieu in tne Dest styles ot American it we wish to l.ave a g nt rel and fair retire-i ed, b20 ca vents Were filled ; 1 hence by way of Little Rock Arkansas, to the art. It is expected that these notes will .-be .-?-ei.itutin -of the-democrac . tlm.ug' out the Sta:e, issued, and 2,287 applica-! I'O Grande, and by way of El Paso ami Fort ready for issue in about two weeks. - j in tliat important assemblage, Apiil or May will! The receipts tif this bureau 1 lutna to an rrancisco, me eon , rata m run , n ashnigttm Union. I,ry 0tir thanks are due, and we herehj der them to our friend, W. J. Yates, Esi the Charlotte Democrat for the complimt notice he has taken of us ui our present ida- tion. We are also under obligations t ,e Raleigh Standard, Wilmington Journal, 4 d other of our exchanges for similar flatt 1 g i.oticcs.. -- t; there should not be left more than 1 for threertwl of the year have been $16,- , for six years from Sept .16 1858, at the yearly . e milkino-s stand at ono rhn a tl expetltfifi $163,942; excess of expeu- compensation of $600,000.. The advantages e walkings ..tand at one time, as the jdituf $2X2. )f the e-,penditureS $27,939 "f this El Paso route over the Albuquerque ure im onets hitter. Should dk in!im not L ' JT tr'"" .7 . , n,;. be the rig it tiaie for that purpose. We think May I ' "r Representative, Hon. Warren w II he early enoug i. As to the i la e of meetinrr. slow, has kindl v sent us a copy of the "P; A YOUTHFUL. MuKDERER SEXrEXCED. l- i---iot mater'al to us, sotLa it isihe most con- Offii e Report on Agriculture for 1856 " cream gets bitter. Should the cream not rise last enough about a gill of sour milk to each, pan, when strained, will help it. The . cream-should be stirred every day, and the oldest should not .be. oyer a. week. CuufiNHfO. When churned, the cream should be of the temperature of sixty-two degrees" Saixrdry Evening tost, jtha Department. were made fc ?. ter the exatninati tary censure te cessity of mak n-t I mi ... . . a -.ftengnt or apj censured, and a ft t s , ..r set forth t considerable leiiirth. The tbst a me J osnua n.aton, ,r., a boy 11 years of aire u-:i.l.uruiemguaiW1g(. ,ue (Wfu- .i vaMiioie iiocuuieni ana contains a liiv ta icrui lcu r 0 1 flfi na La - - - z C i 'it , - - m ft n of tlieir eases The Secre- hy t'e route selected, from Memphis to San has been sentenced to the New Ha npshire e ot time ' P,uCe wuI "y B ert a" ealt,M' amount of useful it formation. Il has fifty pi k. practice, and urges the ue- Francisco, is 2.103 miles. This is regarded as State Prison f.-.r mv -VP-.a t h, hri ot Wl,n ur "akn ff a w,.-e rclecaou ol a cea..i.ate tor ' MMe of w ''jrj'vrrll'flrf1-"--' JhJ V the bureau self-sustaining. , the pioneer route for the first great Railroad , , . M , j,r,itru,,uur,.utm . i . . 1 tea HrL.t VfuUtlmt p,aL--lyTCtT'",', '" 1 J " - " " i GSZT . luh- ii ..iuj; wiist?rTrii tnov i.Y nr-w,. . v nrJlil-Ju abtlior-. WauiMIbcatioti irm uii John tt. Uarllett on; aged 1, iu Ssandwliich, N. H. last J alv. I b letUu re be t me en. ug given to them to show YoJiig Luton, was indicted for murder by tu, ir lri, lt F to ri l,c,lt au ' tt.eirtir.-t worsts. izea tteoraetice is earnestly uWed. I the subject ol Uverland Ma is, emhoo ,n ti., - . . - . . . -1 1 . : . . r j 1 .. . ... The renort cone udes with stromr indorsement report, in iuuirauon oi jir. ir...n. nwv.v.. , , ... . . . l.etU t; ii. ri 1 ml., I : lo, , a . tv ; t V0f' thm utifnV-ortho AtrricuIturaT Division of 2'hissul iect ends the re, on, and foiius a .""F giamajury, out was allowed to plead . " . r "'7, . .Of .th. Otllityot thO.ncoltura.10 ..J.., !;-. . iUl.,,. . . - , W g' a.t,4he.xnva4ree aud witwwiuiwaAea-, o There w, - t I'l.py .n'.'.iiwfi, 'V: " ittY. 1 Congress adje-urned on the 23d inst. It will meet agaiu on the 4th of January. was a -fall of snow iu. this place on Chyist-

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