The World for Sale The world for salel han? out your sign; Call every traveller here to me; Who'll buy this brave estate of mine, And set me from earth's bondage free! 'Tis going I yes, I mean to flinp ; The bauble from tuy soul away; I'il sell it whatso'er it bring; The World at Auctiou here to-day! It is a glorious thing to see; Ah, it has cheated me so sore! It is not what it seems to be; For sale! It shall be mine no more; Come, turn it o'er, and view it well ; I would have you purchase dear; 'Tis going going! I mast sell! Who bids! Who'll buy this splendid Tear! Here, 3 wealth in glittering heaps of gold, Who bids? But let me tell you fair, A baser lot was never sold: Who'll buy the heavy heaps of care! . And'here, spread oit in broad domain, A goodly landscape all may trace; Hall, cottage, tree, field, hill and plain; Who'll buy himself a Burial Place! II cre's Love, the dreamy, petent spell That beauty flings around the heart! I know its power, alas too well! 'Tis going! Dove and I must part! Must part! What can I more with Love! All over the enchanter's reign! Who'll buy this plu.neless, dying dove, An hour of Bliss an age of Pain? And friendship rare. at gem on earth, ( Who e'er hath found the jewel his?) Frail, fickle, false and littie worth. Who bids for friendship as it is! 'Tis srohig troing! Hear the call; Once, twice and thrice 'tis very low! 'Ewas once my hope, my stay, my all, But now the broken staff must go. Ambition, Fashion, Show and Pride I part from all forever now; Grief, in an overwhelming tids, Has taught my haughty heart to bowl Poor heart! distracted, ah, so long, And still its aching throb to hear; How broken, that was once so strong; How heavy, once so free from care! No more for mo life's fitful dream, Bright visions vanishing away ! My barque requires a deeper stream; My sinking soul a suer stay. My death, steen sheriff! all bereft, I weep, yet humbly kiss the rod; My Faith, my Bible, and my God! The Homs3 of the Departed. If yon bright stars which gem the night Be each a blisssful dwelling sphere. Where kindred spirits re-unite. Whom death lifts torn asunder here H w sweet it were at once to die, And leave this sinful orb afar, Mix soul with soul to cleave the sky, And soar away from star to star! But oh! how dark, how drear, how lone, TTT 1 .1 . 1 1. 1 . t. - a. .11 1 , . .. uiuu swiii xne urignueKL worm oi onss, If, wandering through each radiant zone, We failed to find the loved of this! If there no more the ties should twine, Which "death's cold hand alone can. sever Ah! then those stars in modkery shine, More hateful as they shine forever! DOMESTIC LiaVORS. 400 Bbls Rectified Whiskey 109 Moss-Spring do 100 ' Philadelphia D. R Whiskey '' 4i do Brandy -5 " do Gin 2: ' rreMolasvs Rum together with a lare stockor French Brandies, Wines. Cord'mls e. Ac. For sale by K. L. LUNSFOUD. Kectiiier and Wholesale denier in Foreign and Do mestic Liquor. 33 & an Old St. Petersburg Va Dec 21, Kl-3t 5 MUSIC TEACHER WANTED. A Lady to teach Mmic o the Piano and Guitar in the Fayetteville Female , High School. Applications may be made to Wm k. Blake Principal, until Janu ary 2 2d I8j8. Dec 21, gl-U DEJCTAL 34 OTIC E. DWCBFN'BOW would respect fully inform this I Ur ; , . .. .1 . , i. , - , . . coiniiiuuity iuih iiiicmiB iru ue aoseni trora the 4th of-faimary to the 11th. T khc desirin;: his rrofession. al services will find hira in his Office before and after the above dates. As Dr B. has been located in this plac five years he now presumes the community is fully satisfied as to hi3 professional skill, and that thre is no further ne cessity for the 0I4 credit system; therefore, in future ClB TERMS WI!4. BE STRICTLT CASH. Those indebted will please call and settle before the 3d of January. December 24, Sl-tf Throe Negroes for Sale. The subscribers offer for sale three likely negroes consisting of one man aged 3 years, one girl 14 rears) and another 12 years. They arc all very healthy. For particulars apply to ALLKN" ARXETT or Dec. 21, 81-2t JSO W. POWELL. NOTICE. WE will olTer for sal If, 00 acres of valuable Tnr jientine and Tiraer Lan , lying on each side of the Marganton Road twenty two miles from Fayetteville and from three to fou r milen from the Centre Plank Road, and about five from Little River. There is twenty-five or thirty acres of cleared land on it and Comfortable Houses, any person wishing to see the Land, can do So by callins; on us. five : miles above there we will take pleasure in showinir it to them and any perwi wishing to purchase Will do well to call on us soon. Terms made eaav. J. D. A J. L. McPIIERSON. Dec. 24. 81-3t nCTE'U BlTTTKRJI Bl'TTER!!! 19 n fl nLRS MOUNTAIN and OOSIIEN BUTTER J 1 1 . U 1 ) For sale low for CASH by Dec. 24. Rl-1 P- A. WILEY. Observer copy. Congress Water, for sale bv Aug. IS 3-tf S. J. HINSDALE, White Lead and Linseed Oil, for J. HINSDALE. DOBBfjY HOUSE! POWKUS A CO., Propiietois. The Proprietors of this Establishment an nounce to the publie, that owing to the con stantly in creasing patronage extended to them, they have been induced to enlarge the iiccominodiitioii by the addition of an extensive Mining Room on the lower floor, and suitu of 'lltooms. on the second floor; thus enabling them to: accommodate all who may favor them with a call. And they pledge, themselves to an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in. attendance. The eligible location of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the comfort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. The Western and Southern Stages arrive at and depart from this House. Carriazes in attendance on arrival arid departure t Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengeif Horses and Carriages furnished at any notice fi carrying travellers to any p'art of the adjacent country J. W. POWKItS. Vfc CO. Fayetteville, May 12, 1S50. 98-tf. The Subscriber lias on hand anil for sale. Coffer, Surrttrs, Tea , Molfsses,Syri p, Salt, Iron . Steel, Sails, Horse Shoes t iXails , -Axes,; Hoes, Shovels' Stades, Forks, Trace chains, Block Smith Tools, lirowi soap, Catdies, Canilies, Sole Leather, Xegro Shoes, Hats, Blankets ' Kerseys, Saddles, JVhipe, Collars, Glass Putty, Cotton Bagging, Manilla Hope, White Lead, Common and fine Cigars, df TJacco, Powder, and Shot, and Vinegar, and many articles not enumerated: all in want can be .supplied as cheap as can be bought in this market. G. W. 1. GOLDSTUNv Oct. 31, 71-tf That valuable Country Resideuc it Farm belonging to Mrs Kliza Hybart is now o:f.tred for rent. There are on the premises a com n lio'is Dwelling House, Smoke House, Kitchen. Negro Houses. Corn Crib in stable, all in good repair. The Farm has about 7" Acres cleared and surrounded by good fences. This Situation is very convenient to Fayetteville being oulv 3 miles from the Market House. A Town Residence belonging to Miss E Hybart is also offered for Rent. For particulars apply at this Office. November 2(5 Fayetteville Hotel, Funiitnre and Fixturesfor Sale. THE ABOVE X A MED PKOPERTY will be sold to auy responsible person, upon fair terms, if applied for between the present time and the 15th of December next. If not sold by the l.r of Dec they will lje sold at Auction after the first day of Jai. uary next, in Lots to suit purchasers. Any information wanted will be cheerfully given by applying to J. H. ROBERTS A, CO. Fayetteville. September 12, 1 857. (7-tf ONCE MORE TO THE BREACH! Rockingham Academy. DANIEL W. J01IXS0X, Principal. JOHN M. JOIIXSOX, Assistant. ROCKIXGHAM, N. C. THE Exerc":-es of this School will be resunietlon Monday, January 1 I th, L58. While-the Teachers return their thanks for the very liberal patronage which had been extended to thcm their nnexpeot ed success during the past session eiifibles them to sav that hereafter the school will be selected. -Thev sue for scholars no longi-r. None need c ome none shall continue who do not wish, who -arc- noj determined to become first rate scliollars. We again call attention to the fact that there-. is a flour ishing Female School in the village, thus aflording the rare opportunity of sending sons and daughter to the same place." The. well known health of Rock ingham makes it unnecessary to sav anything upon that subject. Hoard in private families, or at. the Hotels, from 8 to SIO per month. Tuition per session of twenty weeks, for primary English. 810.00 Intermediate, 1.2.00 Latin, Greek, French, and highar Mathe matics, 17. .10 Dec. 17, 90-It CARTH i NSI'irU I'B. The next Session will commence on the second Monday in January. The location of the School is unusually henlthy, in the midst of a moral and intelligent community. The course of instruction, it is hoped, is sufficient ly ample, and thorough; embracing all the studies preparatory to the University ami-.other Colleges in the State, -and also such other branches as those not expecting to take a classical course may prefer. V hilst a Ingli .degree of mental culture is our chief aim, the moral and physical development of the Students shall not he neglected. TERMS: Klementiiry Knglisli, sS 00 Higher .English and Arithmetic, I'J 50 Languages ami higher Mathematics, 17 51) Contingencies per Scholar, 50 Students will be charged front time of entering to the end of the Session. No deduction made for absence except from sickness or other unavoidable cause. Board, including lights, find, washing, &e., can be had in the best families in the village and vicin ity at from 7 to per month. CLEMENT DOWl), A. 15. Principal. Dec. 17. V jt ALUM SALT. '100 1JHELS Rock Alum Sallt. For ale b w Uyl'y P. TAYLOR. Nov. 19 lOt ADVERTISEMENTS. GOOD XKWS Ton LADIES! ANY Lady that will send her address to MrsCreasr-'V Haltimore City, ld., with :Scent postage stamps Z closed, will receive by return-mail information of im portance to her. Woman Know Thyself, and be happv. Oct-17, " 72-tf 53" ' ' H E (i RE A T Fe.MAL" I L L Dr. J. P. Creager is the (Jenei al Agent, wholesale and retail for Dr. When tings" celebrated Female Pills. These Pills are truly valuable for Ladies, for they will restore the Monthly Courses where they may stop from any cause whatever. They never have failed ii. any case where the directions around the box contain ing the Pills have been strictly followed: indeed, there has no case of failure ever : come to our knowledge. Being purely vegetable thev are perfectly 8.1 fe. Mail ed to order;, post paid, upon receipt of one dollar by J; P. Creager. Hal timorc city M d. ;4A liberal dis count to Druggists. 72-tf f3d" Wnv : I Anon so Hard when Vashing?-I have' a chemical process, for cleaning clothes by the use of which the clothes can be washed very clean without boiling, and with very little rub bing. Ey this method much hard labor can be saved: the washing is done in half the time, and the clothes are very white and clean, and last much longer, for they are not worn out by rubbing as by the old wav If washing by machines. Ac. The articles used cost but little, and are easy to obtain. I mail the receipt to order, postage paid, upon receint of 50 ets ( cents postage stamps good as money. Address Dr T DR. R. 31 OSELE Y'S 3.1 4? .3 21 22rjrJo;4I&3r)?tt Qrittis, Qa., 18oG. All persons afflicted with Cancer, Tumors, Wens, Scrofula, Scald-Head. Tetter.: Syphilis. Gonorrhoea, Otorrhcco L leers of all kinds. toretUer.with all other chronic diseases, : can avail themselves of Or. Mosely:s services at Grifliii. Ga. Office on 8th st. 3?"'.' E U M S : AM persons are required to pay their Ives In adviinve, or give their notes Avith:refureiu-eSi:.-.:-.;-0''Case wiil 1Je undertaken unless it can be cured or admit of relief. Mv mode in Cancer and Cancerous affec tions, is without the use of the knife or caustic, and is lotli local and constitutional, causing ut very littje pnin, in most cases. All cases of C.I .V(,7ii iiru required to be under mv immediate cure jand supervision from one to six weeks, Communications strictly private aiul promptly answered. Addres's W. R Musely, M. D , Gr'ffiii, Oa. S C 1 It II II I S BRE AST C aT BE CURED!' LET THE PUBLIC READ In mercy to tlx; afflicted, and the gratitud and high opinion I e.t.-rtainot l)r Moseley. as a S,iTgeon ami 1 -liysiciaii l deen. it my duty to mention the case of " , ," 1 same t i me that all persons simi larly afflicted .nay be benelitted by it. In the foro part o t tins year, my wife hud several small lumps to make their appearance In her breast ; they continued to . ..crease n. size until the whole breast became a diseased mass, sin.l v, ,y painful. I procured the best, med cal a:d ni t he city of Rome, and notwf thstandii.g the earnest ami fa-tM,. attention of the most skilful phv.K-.ans.shee.intue.l to grow worse .'and worse .mm! tlu-y gave the. -case up as iueura).;-,. ajtj advised amp., at:.,,,. 1 advised ..y many $ myfVb,.,,,s. to visit r. V . R. Moselev -of (irifliu. Ga., which I did it may seem, he had h r entirely cured within .one- month! and she is now in - -ooil ' health!.! would advise all who are afflicted with Scir-rhus- and Cancerous alfections. to visit the Doctor with out -delay, as I am satislied by experience" and obser vation, that lie is the mo:t skilful physician in the Southern States, in the treatment of that horrible dis ease Cancer WM. II. MITCHELL M. E' -.MITCHELL.- Daughter of J. W. Bradbury, Rome. June 20. 1K"7. ly FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! FOlt TIIK T1!A1K -OK I'KIVATH ISK. F ii mil u n Ma n 11 f i cl u rers, v fl B iW!il Y, IS' LW V ' 1 K. I T ms ash. O e Price O ly 1 Hereti)fore we have maim factui-ed and sold exclusively at wholesale. We are now prepared pared jjL to the 4 to oiler a well assorted fj vii.ig of from twenty to tock at retail, at thirty per cent, to p9 to .sinner. 1 , We have now for sale Mahogany Chairs, spring seats, na !i)ho!.-tered in hair clolh. H from $2 Mahogany Sofas, spring seats, 13 upholstered in hair cloth. 2" to G 00 each, -i a from Mahogatn- Rocking chairs, spring seats, upholstered in hair-cloth, from .Mahogany easy Chairs, 13 00 to 2G 00 5 00 to 12 00 a on castors or rocker, up- bolstered in hair cloth.. Mahogany Tete-a-tete, up- It 00 t 1 00 noisiereii in i.air-oiotn. 15 00 to 35 00 " Ma'joany Tetea-lete Sofas. upholstered in hair cloth 25 00 to 15 00 ' 0 Ai(Ul,!v A. II UAIIOGAXY Tt)l Tables, pi In great variety of styles, qualities and prices. H I'.UREAU. Half Marble and Wood Ton. withh Kflr without trlasses, with W , sh -stands to match. tt Also. Wardrobes. Bedsteads, Sideboards. Hall .Stands. Book Cases. Counu;es, Etegeres, Corner' Stands and l!ook Shelves. & OFFICE EURNITritl-Defrks, Tables and M Chairs'. All the above goods in black walnut r oak at tii'- same prices. M PARLOR SL ITS, in Rosewood, upholstered R;n French Brocatelle, Satin Damask, Satin and , Fln-h. ,.: 1 The same in Black Walnut, the frames of I jgj which are stained in varnishing, making a beau- . inn iitiiiiaiiou. and : upeoisterea in the same ; sooils. make a showj- appeai iince at a much low-, j"J cr- di iee. itV 111 our establishme nt can be found a great va- ne.ty of Fancy thairs. in Rosewood. Mahogany J aim jiiaciv w ainut. 1 nrKisii .Smoking Ci.airs. Kc- clming Chairs, Hall Chairs. Voltaire Chairs. Jg Cane Chairs, and also the Celebrated E3 SI'RINC-; BED. is.nown as 1 uc Kr s j- ten t J ins article we jn would particularly recommend, it having been H fully teste 1, and found upon trial to be the best fl r Spring Bottom ever invented. W CONCLUSION. fl Parties who are not able to personally select ithc "roods thev may want, can denond 111101. hnv-U- ilM 7 u,.r V , . ' uijt uibii uiiicis 111. iiii a- iiiucii care, anu fl 51; tneir inrerest. siiuiieo. as tnougn xney were pre Aseiil; and to such we also offer eur services for 3 the selection of any Household Goods they may 9 want, and as we should purchase from First si f Hands, a saving will thereby be made which the L-J customer would have the ? enefl't of. PB Aug. I, 1857. 61-ly SHEPPARB'S CCKE.IT BENEFACTOR THE GBKATKST PKRIODICAb REMEDV EVIiR I)l!C()VEUED. 1 .000 bxs, Rktaii-kd Monthly. THE BENEFACTOR IS INFALLIBLE lor the im mediate removal of Obstructions lrrigularities, I'ro lapsus Uteri (falling of the womb) Leuchorrhea or Whiti.-s. and all the diseas es peculiar to females. This remedy has never in a single case failed in producing the Menses. 1 have received many letters of recommendation, which all say. '-It is the best remedy we have ever used.'' Sickness at stomach, headache languor. ebility. painsiu the head, side and back, loss of appetite, costi veness. Ac, are some of the y-nptoins which attend irregular menstration. This remedy is certain to remove one and all of these symp tom Hit sure and get the genuine, which ha my signi ! ure 011 each box. Tliis reniedv may be had by art ir. ssir.c. J. S. SIIEri'ARD, West f ourth etR'et Cin oiiicinati. ami enclosing SI , and the remedy will be sent iy l'etnin mail. N'r K. Ladies who are pregnant should not use this 'ii' dy. as it is sure lo br;ng on miscarrige. though 10 injury to health would follow. One box SI, three oes S2. All letters of inquiry must contain a pos tage stamp to ensure an answer. J. S. SHEPPARD. Sole Proprietor. Cincinnati. O. August 1. 18.i7. fj 1-ly "CO AG K NTS WA TED. A. Homestead For $10! THIRD DIVISION. 3310,000 vorlAof Farvis and Building Lois , , K,AagK"of Culpeper County, Virginia to bedivfffl amongst li.2o subscriber" on thi k r Dec".-. . S. u . Subscriptions only ten Ulul 1 af or , ,5 one ha-f down, the rest onVev'e" E ery subscriber wil i jret a Buildino- Eot op v ranging in value from SlOto S25.0UO Th. 1? and Lots are sold so cheap to induce sett 'entsa sufficient number reserved, the inereas Mn the value of which will compensate for th. n . price now asked Upwas of otV.TZ already sold, and a company of settlers call-,1 rZ.l Rappahannock Pioneer Association." is now r" m and will soon commence a settlement. Amnle slVnS will be given for the faithful performance of Wraets and promises UM',tls Nearly 45.000 acres of N.nd. in different parts of Virginia, now at command and will be sold to sPttWc, at from SI up to S300. per acre UnquetZnJ,l titles trill in ail case be given. Wood-cutters, Coon pra Pirmprs. Ae.. are wanted: a.n.1 rinn a , ; . . . 'WHWi to OD- tain subscribers. to whom the mostliberal inducements will be given. Some Agents write that they are making $200 per month. For full particulars. Subscriptions, Agencies Ac, Apply to E. BAUDER. Port Royal, Caroline co.t Va Sep. 12 1857. , ly , . . iTV Honey the Best -of Hafts?.' 4 l b i?e a valubl ipt for tnaking Honey, which I w 11 seuU to auy prsou upa rectiyt of 5t ceats. ! W make and us u m our latniiy at half the cost, ami consider it aa good as the best article of genuine bee inude honey, Iruin which it cannot be told," Any persons who will make or sell it can clear from two to three dollars a day, it only requires 4 articles to make it, and they can be had at any store for 50 cents. Every family may have this delightful luxury, for auy lady can make it iu IS minutes at any time. 3 cents postage stamps as good as mouey. Address Dr. J. P. Creager. baltimore city, Aid. "72-tf. CCDr. Cr ager, Baltimore, IMd is the Sole Agent for Dr. Winder's celebrated Matri monial Series," 3 Books, No. I, A Book for Young Men designed to prepare them lor Female Society;" No; 2, '-Errors in Courtship;" No. 3, -'Reproductive Control." Either of which will be mailed to order, post paid, upon receipt of 25 cents. 72tf Desirable Information to fclvery boily. For some time past I haye been engaged in a busi ness (known oniy to myself and comparatively few others whom I have instructed for $100 each) which has averaged me an income of from $3,900 to $5, WOO per aim u in and having made arrangements to go to the Eastern Continent next fall, I am willing to give full instructions in the art to any person in the U. fetalis who will remit nie the sum or ONE DOLLAR. I arn induced from the success I have been favored with, and the acknowledgments that I have received from those whom I have instructed iu the art. and who are new clearing from SS to $ 15 per day, to give every person a chance to come into possession of this valua ble means of making a small fortune; There is no Humbug about the business herein alluded to. Ref erences of the best class can be given as regards its character, and I can also refer to persons in Chicago and Detroit as well as in this place, who have within three months emburkrd in thit buninesss. and who wiil testify that they are making from $8 to 15 per day at the same. It is a business in which either Ladies or Gentlemen can engage, and with perfec ease make a very haudsomtf income. Several Ladies in various parts of Illinois arkA KTVsouri. whoin J have instructed in the art. are now Clearing from S5 to $12 per day. It is a genteel business and requires but a few shil lings to commence it. Upon receipt of $1 I will at once forward to the applicant a circular containing full instructions in the art. which will be perfectly under stood upon being once read. Address EDWIN TEMPLETON, No. 37, Fourth St., St. Louis, Mo. Aug. 22 Cm MARRIAGE GUIDE, 1- Dli. WM. YdVKG. Marriage Guide Young' s Great Physiological Work: The Pocket JEscidapius, or tvery one his own Doctor, by IVm. Young, M. D. It is writ ten in plain language for the general reader and is illusti ated with upwards of One Hundred en gravings. Al' young married people, or those con templating marriage, aud having the least impedimeut to married life, 'should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with; still it is a book that must be kept locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty five ceuts. Address DR. WM. YOUNG, 125 Spruce St., above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa. April 18, 1857. ly IIttL.iIBOL.'S GENUINE PREPARATION of HIGHLY COXCEXTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT Bl'CHII. For Disease of th- Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Diopsy, IVeakness, Obstructions, - Secret Diseases, Female Complaints, and all Diseases of the Sexual Organs, Arising from Excess and Imprudence in life, and re moving all Improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE. From whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter of how long standing; giving Health and vigor to the frame, and bloom to the Pallid Cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED !!! It cures Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and re moves all the Symptoms, among which will be found Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power. Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Gen eral Weakness, Horror of Dis ease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death. Night Sweats. Cold Feet. Wakefulness, Dim ness of Vision. Languor, Universal Las situde of the Muscular System, antf often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptoms Hot Hands. Flushing of the body, Dryness of the Skin, Palled Countenance and Erup tions on the Face, Pain in the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, frequedtly Black Spots Flying before the Eyes. With Temporary SutTnsion and Loss of Sight. Want of Atten tion, Gleat Molality, Rest lessness, with Horror of Society. Nothing is more desirable to such Patients than Solitude, and nothing they more Dread for Fear of Themselves; no Repose of Manner, no Earnestness, no Speculation, but a Hurried Transition from one question to an other. Tlicn cvinr,f:rTTli if : 1 tw I'll to rn ,1-1, 1 .1 K 4 1. ; L1 medicine invariably removes soon follows Loss of Jr,ivrf Itltnitv il ml Kniltlt.m Vita in t.rl, the patient may expire. Whe can say that these ex ercises are not frequently followed by these direful diseases Insanity and Consumption? The records of the Insane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Sonsumption. bear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance is actually, sod den and quite destitute neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it. Should o sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. "With woeful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled.'" Debility is most terrible! and has brought thou sands upon thousands to untimely graves, thus blast ing the ambition of many noble youths. It can be cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If you are suffering with any of the abjve distressing ailments, the Fluid Extract Buclin will cure you. Try it and be convinced of its efficiency. Beware of Qnack osruni. and Quack Doctors, who falsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens know aud avoid them, and save Long Suffering, Money, and Exposure, by sending or calling for a bottle of this Popular and Specific Remedy. It allays all pain and inflamation, is perfectly plea sant in its taste and odor, but immediate in its action. ricl5bolil,!s Kxf ract Biiclm Is prepared directly according to the Rule of Pharma cy and Chemistry, with the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge and care devoted in its combina tion. See Prosessor Dewees' Valuable Works on the Practice of Physic, and most of the late Standard Works of Medieine. One hundred Dollars will be paid to any Physician who caa prove that the Medicine ever injured a Pa tient; and the testimony of thousands can be produced to prove that it does great good. Cases of from one week to thirteen years' standing have been effected. The mass of Voluntary Tesimony in possession of the Proprietor, vouching its virtues and curative pow ers, is imense. embracing names well known to Science and Fame. 100,000 Bottles have been Sold and not a sloglc instance of a failure has been reported! Personally appeared before me. an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, n.T. II ELMBOLD. Chemist, who being duly sworn does say, that his preparation con tains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, but are purely v egetaoie. II. T. HELMBOLD. Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me this 23d day of No vember. ibo4 . w. f. HlliBAKU. Alderm'n PRICE: SI per Bottle, or Six for 5, Delivered to any Address, accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates from Professors of Medieal College. Cler gymen and others. Prepured and sold by II. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist. No 52 Sonth Tenth St., below Chestnut, Assembly Buildings. Phila. ,-vP?r-Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's Take no other. - , Cures'Gaarantied. JVUC 19, 18W. - - , ly - s - ' : BY virtue of two JDeeds of l!ratexeurto me by James Prjee, fotpurpowa therein specihd, I will wit to theliighert !Kriii SktuTyilhe th of Jan'y. n n i rthV vlab , place known as LUMBER V I D G E, iu Robeson county, containing 400 acres of Land ' . . . - Thure a comfortable Dwelling Hoaae and all nec essary out houses, with about 75 Acres of cleared Land under good fence and in a high state of cultivation. It is as healthy as any plaee ii the county, with two We iSI?f 5ood wl", od a first rate GRIST MILL and COTTON GIN all new and in good credit. Also, a large com modi oils Store House, well arranged and in a good business stand. Also, at the same time and place I will ell 2 head of Horses, one Wagou, one Buggy and Harness. 400 bushels CORN. 700 lbs. Fodder and Hay, 30 Head Hogs, 7 Head of Cattle, household and kitchen furni ture, and Blacksmiths tool's. Terms made Vnowu at Sale. - DANIEL McNATT.Trus. Dec. 10, 79-5t A. I. AiailAliB.iti.l, " PORTABLE STEAM EXGIAK Bt'lLDER, S. E. corner I5tk and Hamilton f.. Fhilad.,Pa. Portable Steam Engines, on larga wheels, with a tongue for a team to be attached to move thin, about. These engines have two cylinders, niakir.g 10 to 30 horsepower. Orders are tilled in from 3 to J weeks. Engines always on hand for sale. These engines have been in use seven 3-car.s and in every instance have gi vengeneral satisfaction. Descriptive circulars will be sent when applied for. Jan. 10. 18.17 Gifts! Gilts!! (iifU!!! A PRIZE TO EVERY PURCHASER, At the Quaker City Publishing House of Duane Rulison. Philadelphia. By buying a book for $1. or more, you are at once presented with a prize, worth 1 irom 25 cents to Sl(0. consisting of'Fine Gold Jewelry Watches. fcc. All orders by mail will be promptly 1 titled, and the prize or prizes will accompany the books. Our list contains all of the most popular books of the day. and will be sold at the usual retail prices, many of them for less. Persons wishing any particu lar book can order it once and it will be forwarded witu a gift. A catalogue giving full information,, with a list of books and gifts, will be sent post paid br ad dressing DUANE RULISON. No. 33 S. Third Street. Phila. 39Agents wanted. HARRISON'S COLUMBIAN II A 1 I DY E. SIZE ENLARGED, STYLE IMPROVED. It has double the quantity and strength of any other. It gives a perfect natural color, t colors every shade from light brown to Jet black. Its use Is easy and rapid It Is perfectly harmless to the Skin Its effect is Instantaneous and permanent. It Is the beat, quickest, cheapest, and sajest dye evei MADE. "Directions for.use accompany each box.-ffeK Price loz. $1 : 2 oz. $1 50 : 4 oz. $3 ; 8 oz. $5 Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1855, by A. W. Harrison in the Clerk's Office of the District court of the U. S. for the Eastern District of Penn. For sale by JAS. F. FOULKES. Fayetteville N. C Manufacturer, APOLLOS W. HARRISON, No. 10 South 7th St., PHH.ADEi.rniA. Feb. 21, 1857. ly 0N.E DOLLAR A YEAR, Circulation, over 100,000 Copies Weekly ! 25 W TXESSEsi or the FORGER CONVICTED. JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR. Who has had 10 years experience as a Banker and Publisher and Author of a series of Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle when for 10 successive nights, over 50.000 People" greeted hi m with Rounds of Applause, while he exhibited the manner in which Counterfeiters execute their Frauds, and the surest and shortest means of detecting them! The Bank Note Engravers all say that he is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE PRESENT CENTURY FOR DETECTING COlfTERFEIT BANK NOTES. Describing every Genuine Bill in existence and ex hibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation !! Arranged so admirably, that reference is easy and detection instantaneous. No index to examine ! No pages to hunt up ! But so simplified and arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and Business Man can sec at a glance. Exolish, Frkxcu axd German. Thus each may read the same in his own native Tongue. Most perfect Bank Note List published. Also, a List of all the Private Bankers in America. A complete summary of the Finance of Europe and America will be published in each edition. together with all the important News of the day. Also, e serie8 of tales from an old manuscript found inhe East. It lurnisbes the most complete history of ORIENTAL LIFE, describing the most perplexing positions in which the Ladies .and Gentlemen of that country have been so often fouud. These Stories will continue throughout the whole year, and will prove the most entertaining ever offered to the public: g Furnished weekly to subscribers only, at $1 a year. All .Letters must ue auaressed to JOHN S. DYE. Broker, Publisher and proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New Vork. April 25, 1857. ly. PROSPCETUS OF THE SOUTIIKKN LITERARY MESSENGER For the Year 1856. July to December. TWBSTY-THIKD VOLIME. In issuing the Prospectus of the Twenty-Third Vol ume of the SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER, commencing with the July No., the Proprietors rely solely on the encouraging letters and promises of the r.:n.i rtha tlusamnr to aid them in extendi nr its IIICIIU? V .'" v - - - - Q circulation, and they beg to assure the public that no the high character of the work, and to challenge the patronage of all who value sterling literary merit. For Twenty-One Years, the Messenger has endeavored to reflect faithfully the Southern mind, while disdaining all narrow and sectional views, and has been alone among the monthly periodicals of America, in defence of the PECULIAR INSTITUTIONS OF THE SOUTHERN STATES. To this office it will be devoted, and will be prompt tO repel aSSUUHO UHfU OVU,u, ii , wicj wmv under the specious garb of fiction, or in the direct form of anti-Iavery pamphlets. At this critical juncture, while our enemies are employing literature as their most potent weapons of attack, the Southern people will surely not withhold their encouragement from a work whose aim it shall be to strike blows in their de- The Messenger will, as heretofe, present its readers with Reviews, Historical and Biographical Sketches, Novels, Tales, Travels, Essays, Poems, Critiques, and Papers on the Army, Nary and other National Subjects. With a view to ensure a larger circulation of the MESSENGER, the Proprietors though they intend MC,a:3C'.v' r.rtho nrk hnve reducea ercatly increasing iuc - . ', SI price of Sapscription, which is now only Three Dollars per. annum, In Advaaee, OR FOUR DOLLARS IF NOT PAID BEFORE THE . . FIRST OF JULY IN ANY YEAR. ! CLUBS Remitting us Fifteen Dollar la one letter will oe entitled to Six Copies. The i Editorial and Critical department of the Mes senger will continue under the charge of JOHN R. THOMPSON, Kl- And will embrace copious notes on enrrent "tnre and reviews of all new AmerieM or. Foreign works , of general interest and -value. The Editor's opinions will be always fearlessly and honestly avowed. - The Business Department is conducted by the unaer signed, to whom all communicatfons of business na ture mustbe addressed. ' . - ,MACFARLANE. FERGUSSON & CO. . . JLaw Building, Franklin Street, Richmond. Va. L. SC0T& COST" REPRIIST OF THE BRITISH PERIODICALS AND THE PABMKR'S GUIDE. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE l'TLICF OF THE LATTER PTJLL1CAT1QM. i- u.; , r V'-' ftJiW 1 OKK. continue to rvh Lsh the lollowmg leading Eritith Periodical!, vd- THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservat.t,.) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVILW (Free CltrcrO THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Lilti.l.) ELACKWOCD S EDlNirVciI KAGAZLNt (ltiy. These Periodicals ablv r.pre-ent U ,. .i pol.Ucal parties of Greo-t LrVan 'fc Kauical, but politio Jtrn 1,1 u . s' Jf,- "inl character. As Oruai . o tl e U uU'11' f,t on Science. Litiatnre. a , ? . , 5' T'l "'V stand, as thev e er hv.. 1 ' , h. ih-: of letters, u SVot ".U ";'f '""""""i iuie to Hie intc ii-, ti .. i . every class they furnish a mre eo rU r i , ol lory record of the enrn , f Ii. ' , r"'"1 ;,n"- throughout the rld, than ea, be pos ib? Yi from any other source. pusMblj obtained EiBLT COPIES. ibT!if,M Cf Jpt rADVAN'CE SHEETS from the Brit- ...,rjr eun now le p.acf d in the hm U i subscribers about as soon as the origin.! St.'Z ' For any one of tl. fMr Review. For anv - "":s Tcr ann. $3 00 C toil 7 0 6 00 3 00 9 00 10 00 '"c luur nrTlrns I Z !nVhree,L ,,,e ,our Kevies p or nil fmit. nf ik. ti. . - -- .uc reviews t or Blackwood's Magazine ,; " u,,a "ree Keviews " vw B,,u ne "our Keviews Money current Ik theSta 'ufiV T V'? ceived at par. were issued u;l be rt advance . CLIBBWC. A diRPnnnt nf prices will be Mrt&clZ101 abovt copies of any one or more r ),Tn ,our r more t our copies of Blackwood ' r wo, ks. Thua sent to one addre ,nr ,,e Miew, will be Reviews and BlackwoodVoVoUnd'o on. fOUr P0ST1CE sent by ma I, the Postal ... 1 Utel AGE. W hen uvie numcd is about $31 per annum. TMK PABMKI1.S GVIOK. ,v, FK Dollars for the two Voliimrfi" ef- "Smtt, B'oZ! CtUk alJavsbe aSr T'he ?btVt PuWiC.-on "iioul.l always be addressed post-paid, lo-lbe-Publisher ' LEONARD SCOTT A (().,' No. 54 Gold-street. New York. NATIOSAL POLICE GAZK11L- This Clrpat. .Innriiol o:... ., -, , ...... -.,. ....... wiimt; uuii u-rimiliais-is in its J,!),t w1"' and -'8 W,dv,y Circulated throughout the T 1Jtco"ta, a" ... great Trial.. Vriini.n l Case, and appropriate Ediu.riaK on the san.t. t- -f'- ',0rTt':n0'lC,iniil,al A'atterb, not to be found iu any other newspaper. Subscriptions. 2 per Annum: SI for Six iri thbe ,Cm!ttr1, hy should rhr:sfarenpUinly:d the "ntl To R A SEYMOUR. Lditor md Proprietor of the National Police (Juz. tte. June 6, 1847 jy ' New Vork ( it.r- Iiilialafiori in 'f;nii,,,tioli. BRONCHITIS. LARYNGITIS, and o.lur ed by the Inhalation of MrdK-Ltid -V,.rH a, ,i j. ders, by absorption and conMitnt.oi.r.i uoin.i t- a, practis.d at the tuyxtant Altu ral Iititu. V v x ork City. ' " The ur.preccdcr-t.d MiLces. 1, cl 1 :i- atti'f,3 Ui -me.hod or titatlLf: uisM,!-ts (.i tLt- I ti.s ano Ihroat has judnccii -us to 1 irt,r. (llt UIlJ coum. ai,(. oufteivt ol tl t com.i...... 0j iU p.e. n, onur to hl lliU lfrto the Kliowlnli c nt mk-I, i . . 1 . 1 undir or pr.dnpond to Mich t.t.eciici.-. 1 110 dawn ot a brighter day has at-length ainvtd lor the ton sumptive; the doctrine ol Uie uicurabiliiy of eoiiMimn Uon having at length passed aw ay.. M i hae mdubi table proofs in our possession that Consi.n ption in all its stages can be cured! in ilu lirst. ly lubticulai ab sorption; in ihe scond, by the ircusloi maiioiis of the tubercule into chalky and calcareous' concretions in the third by cicatrices, or scars. Those viddid to the opinions of the nasi tr.av- .,.ri . . r -- j . . . .... no i t-lVH now, consumption is incurable, such are b( hind the tft.e : V ; ' . uiijKueiii. viz: that the medicines inhaled in the form ol apor or Powder di rectly into the Lungs, must be much more efl ctive than that taken into the Stomach, where the disease does not exist, The advantage of Inhalation in Con sumption and Throat diseases is. that medicine in the form of Vapor is applied directly to the Lungs, where the diseise exists; the stomach is thus left free to aid in restoring health, by administerii g to it a healthy litegiving food. There is no case so hopeless that lii haidtion will not reaab! The means, too. are brought within the reach of all. the manner of administering the Vapors being so simple that the invalid is never required to leave home, where the hand of friendship and affection tends so much to aid the physician'i efforts. ' The Inhalation method is soothing, safe and ready and consists in the administration of med.cine in such, manner, that they are conveyed into the Lungs in the form of vapor and produce their action at the teat of the disease. Its practical success is destined te re volutionize the opinions oi the medical world and establish the entire curability of Consumption. I earnestly appeal to the common sense of all afflic ted with Lung diseases, to embrace at once the advanX tage of Inhalation, and no longer apply medicine to the unoffending stomach. I claim for Inhalation a place amongst the priceless gilts that nature and art hath given ns. that "our day may lie long in the land," and as the only ark of safety for the consump tive; a method not only rational, but simple and effi cacious. Such of the nrnfpuBmn ik.i k... . Inhalation have found it efficacious in the highest de crree. arresting the nrnirrpRa nf ho i;cono , p . r - -o ...yn.i.arv anu WOTK- in? wonders in minv nnanomto .il..,o ? s signal triumph of our art over this fell destroyer of nur sneezes. Notk. PhvsicianR wish inir In molo tlin, .1,.. quainted with our practice, are informed that, our time beinir vafuablp. wp fon nnU . dients used, to such letters as contain the fee. The fee in all cases nf Pnlmnnorv or. :n v. $10. on receipt of w hich the necessary medicines and Annlieants will stat.p o-w tv.-.;j ' : i ' r --rr- - -- - - -6VI iniiraui t-lljgie, HOW long afleeted, if any hereditary disease xists in the famitv 5. n1 4Tia BrmnlAntf. AHA..n tr . . , ---- --- jh'""-!' pcucrany. iei ine name, town and State be plainly written. Postage, for re turn answer must be enlncuwi i r,ti,. .i. tered will be at our risk. All letters must be address ed to- WALLACE MERTOtTTV l n S, M. Institute, New York City. Nov. 12, 75-6m 3 WHISKEBANDO. TTiirTintwl tn fnrrp thi Unniluolio on.l Tri.:,.i , .. . . ..wi m iiinitt-m HP grow strong and luxuriant in one month, where there ..afiAiii He fpre Tt will sfatn . i- . , - nauuui -- v uijtii r i ii f ps n hi. 1 ner bottle. Sent to all parts of the country nn re ceipt of price. Receipts for making $5. UK. s. r. SJn KLDON. .Aug. 8ti, 1867, York City

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